Andre Ethier’s big photo moment

Earlier this week, we had a meeting to talk about what we might be able to do to generate awareness of the $1 Dodger Dog Day at the Stadium on May 30. Shameless plug, I know. But as we discussed who might be the right people to get involved, Andre Ethier came to mind because of his love of food and his endorsement deal with Farmer John.

So, yesterday when Andre got to the park, we broke out a giant BBQ in the player’s parking lot, slapped a Father’s Day apron on Andre (another shamless plug for the 6/19 game) and let him grill up the baseball world’s most famous hot dog.

Little did we know that at the same time we were taking photos of this fun moment that Andre was making headlines for another photo that made the rounds on in the Internet but this one’s better anyway, so take a look. It’s Matt Guerrier eating his first Dodger Dog (Javy Guerra was also one who got his rookie initiation to the Dodger delicacy) and the photos are even better because it’s a getaway day, so the guys were all in their suits as they grubbed.

There should be a TV spot coming out of this event and for those interested, you can buy tickets to the $1 Dodger dog day you can buy tickets here and for those interested in Father’s Day (which includes catch on the field with your dad after the game), visit here.


  1. trublu4ever

    Thanks for the new thread, Josh. I really don’t care to hear about Andre’s gesture….I don’t blame him and mlb shoud continue their investigation into McCourt and not waste their time on a trivial matter. Everybody has done what he did at one time or another and right now, with all the problems with the team and it’s owner…I feel like giving the finger to Frank!

  2. ThinkingBlue

    JOSH….This is just funny….flipping hot dogs….flipping photographers off. I still love Andre! He looks good on both pictures…LOL This picture…Frank Hot Dogs and I just wished the “OTHER” picture was directed towards FRANK McCourt…LET’S GO DODGERS!

  3. scottinarcadia

    Gee, I wonder what’s with all the ticket and concession promotions lately? What a nice owner. I think I’ve changed my mind and I’m going to support McCourt after all, I mean $1 Dodger Dogs should do it right? June 1 is coming fast McBroke.


    Hurry up MLB & IRS!!

  4. GoAndreGoAndre

    I think Andre did what I often wish I could do to people that are rude…… Andre showed that guy the same respect that he showed him. Now he has to apologize…. but not the guy taking his picture over and over again.

  5. Julian Pacheco

    Mr Ethier my wife loves u she says ur her boyfriend I say yeah baby his a good player just keep up the good work

  6. Scuds

    Dodger fans are disgusted by this constant effort to take the emphasis off of winning baseball games. It is a cancer that wasn’t here 20-30 years ago, and it must be destroyed by the fans themselves. The ownership and management must be purged.

  7. JhallWally

    Here are the latest DodgerErics’ attendance stats:

    Game 25′s attendance (2010): 36,533
    Today’s attendance courtesy of emma and Jaime Jarrin: 34,242
    Greater than last year = 5 / Less than last year = 19
    8th straight game of negative attendance
    2010 attendance (25 games) – 1,087,235 (43,489 average)
    2011 attendance (25 games) – 909,010 (36,360 average) #9 in MLB
    Drop of 178,225 total
    Average drop of 7129
    Extrapolated for 81 games – 577,449
    Projected 2011 final attendance – 2,945,192
    2010′s final attendance – 3,562,318 (#3 in MLB)
    Next game’s (26) attendance in 2010 – 35,355
    By dodgereric on May 19, 2011 9:43 pm – Reply

  8. enchantedTheBeav

    Hey Josh, maybe we can spin this into a new slogan for Andre to get people to come to the park:
    Andre – Finger Flickin’ Good™

  9. enchantedTheBeav

    How about:
    Andre – The Quicker Flipper-offer®
    Andre – Betcha Can’t Eat This One©
    Andre – Raise Your Finger if You’re Sure™
    Andre – A Little Finger Will Do Ya©
    Andre – Have it MY Way®
    Just some thoughts to go with $1 Dog Days.

  10. JhallWally

    Hey Beav, thought I’d get the collaberative song together,

    Dang it, I’ve got this started to the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, but I’m stuck after the first stanza:
    The legend lives on from Pacoima on south
    Of the big ass we call Ned Colletti
    The team it is said does its best playing dead
    And the cloud from this bomb is mushroomy
    Signed a ton of vet’ran whores, ninety-five million or more
    But the Dodgers roster still’s empty
    The rest of the blue is for us to eschew
    When the break in November comes early

    The club was the pride of baseballs National side,
    Coming here from a borough in Brooklyn,
    As baseball teams go, it was better than most, with lineup and skipper well seasoned,
    Concluding some terms with a corrupt Boston firm,
    We now knew the glass was half empty,
    And later with fright when they hired a management gang,
    Could it be a G’nat reject who’d be dealing.

    The Times and news wires sold a tattle-tale round
    Bout chauffeurs Jamie was dating
    And Franky he blew, cuz he’d married a shrew
    T’was the bitch of Old Boston asquealin’
    Divorce came fast and the team still came last
    And Frank’s pocketbooks were soon emptied
    When ’11 came half the team came up lame
    And the rest I’m not able to mention

    When dealing time came old Colletti came out a sayin’,
    Fella’s your too young to play ya,
    A stupid GM, for PVLs he caved in sayin’,
    Fella’s ya should’ve been older,
    To the waiver wire then, he had PVLs coming in,
    Throws away young players our peril,
    And later that year, with PVL injuries we feared,
    Came the mess that is now McCourts Dodgers.

    Does anyone know where the money all goes
    Frank borrowed thirty but payroll’s just twenty
    The researchers say he shant make it through May
    He needs sev’ral more millions to fund her.
    Would they split the team up if the owner capsized?
    Franky’s boat leaks and is taking on water
    Now all that remains is a bunch of lost games
    Let’s get rid of those scum Boston squatters

    Bud Selig rules, and Soberoff spins,
    Jamie now lives in 6 mansions,
    Old Neddy steamrolls all the young players dreams,
    With the old vets that just ain’t producing,
    In triple A below, all the players well know,
    They’ll wait to see where Neddy sends ‘em,
    And the pennant dreams go as ITDers well know,
    With the ignorant Ned deals of November.

    With some rusty old clowns that Colletti lets play
    In what once was considered a heaven
    The death knell chimes for the [now] twenty-three times
    That its been since won a world series
    The legend lives on from Pacoima on south
    Of the big ass we call Ned Colletti
    The team it is said does its best playing dead
    And the cloud from this bomb is mushroomy!

  11. GM Ned Colletti

    One dollar Dodger dogs, is this about the hot dogs the food or the players that I’ve signed? Anyway keep up the good work boss, we’ll figure out a way for you to make payroll. I’ve got it, how about 6 dollar seats in honor of the 6 wasted spots in the lineup every night?

  12. Nellyjune

    enchanted – you are too funny sir!!!!
    As my take on the Andre gesture, I wasn’t even aware of it until much later in the day, and even then, I was just reading headlines. The fact that it happened during batting practice makes no sense why this is even an issue. Yea fine! He flipped somebody off for taking his picture for 15 minutes straight. I am with Andre – 15 minutes straight of taking his picture by one person is a little excessive IMO (during batting practice even) and this is coming from an Ethieraholic who has taken and printed out many pictures of Andre, but I honestly don’t know the reasoning behind taking so many pictures at one time (at batting practice no less). He’s human, and let’s face it, doesn’t the team seem just a little irritated in general about everything? I really think our owner issue is really starting to take it’s toll on the team………….which is a good and bad thing.

    • ThinkingBlue

      LOL I went paparazzi on him when I had him infront of me…LOL Well it was field picture day! And if he would of given me the finger I would of been “OMG he looked at me” with a big smile!
      I’m sure the photographer must of said something to provoke him!

  13. JhallWally

    Holy Shit: Just when you think it can’t get much worse!!!

    1. Gwynn, CF
    2. Carroll, SS
    3. Ethier, RF
    4. Kemp, DH
    5. Uribe, 2B
    6. Loney, 1B
    7. Navarro, C
    8. Gibbons, LF
    9. Mitchell, 3B

  14. Emma

    That was a one time. Sorry I intruded. I always listen to the game at the stadium. Listen to Vin for the first three innings since that is all he does and then I switch to the game in Spanish. I am usually keeping score and tweeting every once in a while but tweeting got too slow so I switched to the ITD blog. I always log in the attendance in my scorebook and who won from the three boys of Jaime Jarrin, Pepe Yniguez and Fernando Valenzuela.
    Thank you Josh for the new thread. Now that the Dodgers won’t allow the season tix holders from the pavilion come in to watch bp from the field level, I will miss playing games with little Deuce and talking with his family and friends. I wonder what triggered the change.

  15. ThinkingBlue

    JOSH….For the $1 Hot Dog day you guys can turn them into a Combo Meal for $5…a hot dog, soda, fries and include a toy for the kids (Andre Ethier’s finger puppet)!

  16. messagebear

    New thought for Selig.
    When Frank can’t make payroll, don’t have MLB ante up unless Frank signs an agreement to put the Dodgers up for sale. Jamie sounds like she would be on board with that requirement.
    Just what happens if Frank then can’t pay the players?
    I guess they all get free agency, and who does he put on the field then? So, it sounds to me like Frank is really between a rock and a hard place. How many $1.00 Dodger Dog events can he put together as a diversion?
    Frank is sinking fast, and Ned is holding onto his ankles.
    I don’t know what Rawitch is holding onto.
    Give them all another finger, Andre!

  17. lbirken

    Wow, a Gordon Lightfoot tune. Can a Joan Baez tune be far behind?

    I have not seen the “finger” photo of Andre and don’t care if I ever see it. I am sure a lot worse stuff happens when the general public is not around. I don’t know what Andre was thinking when he did it but I will say this. Andre is struggling right now and you can see the frustration. One would think a ballplayer learns to ignore the distractions on the field as he prepares for a game and my guess is Andre is as good at this as any other player, most of the time. I am not making excuses for him; he knows what he did and he will accept the responsibility for it. I hope Andre can put this incident behind him and get back to hitting the baseball with authority and drive in some runs.

    • lbirken

      Frank, great advice from someone who obviously knows exactly what it is like to face a 95 mph fastball with the game on the line. Oh wait, I am sorry, I forgot all you know is the pressure of deciding which designer suit to wear to court.

      • Frank McCourt

        My friend (and you are my friend), have you ever had to sit still for 2 hours while getting a $1000 haircut? Man, that’s pressure.

      • Frank McCourt

        One time, I remember I had to figure out the tip for a $5250 dinner tab. The service was just ok, so I thought the usual 1/2 percent was too much. Jamie was sitting there, her boney little hands drumming on the table…….. THAT was pressure.

    • lbirken

      No, with the amount of hair I have all it takes is about 10 minutes! But I did sit through a 3 hour plus game at your stadium the other night. Does that count for anything?

  18. Frank McCourt

    Did you pay for your ticket? Did you bring the family? Did you eat dinner there? Did you buy a pennant, a cap, a shirt-thingy, you know, the top of the uniform that has “Dodgers” written on it and the players number A JERSEY! THAT’S IT!. Boy, those are real money-makers. They only cost us $27.75 to have one made and we get $250 for ’em! HAHA!!! Oops, was that out loud?

    • lbirken

      I did pay for my ticket and parking but you can stop salivating because I did not buy anything else.

  19. vl4eccjr

    WOW! A new thread!
    I’m not expecting much tonight. Both teams with the same win – loss records. Big difference is Chi-town is on the way up, while the Dodgers are in a downward spiral.
    Face it. They have always stunk in interleague play. :{

  20. Nellyjune

    Jhall!!! Your avatar makes me think of the movie “The Birdcage” where the future in-laws are looking at the bowls saying “Are those two men? It looks like they are playing ‘Leap Frog'” – LOL!!!

      • JhallWally

        LOL!! Yep, its too long for my taste also Trumom. But, that’s when the contenders get desperate enough to trade for a piece of shit like Lilly!!!

      • enchantedTheBeav

        I don’t think you can trade somone you signed as an FA in the offseason through June the first year of the contract. The question then is, who wants Lilly for 2.5 years at $25 million? Answer – no one unless you throw in Sands, Gordon or Lee.

  21. enchantedTheBeav

    Has there ever been a more boring team to watch than these losers? Once they score in any given inning, that’s it.

  22. trublu4ever

    We can’t blame this game on Lilly. They sid Casto came in for Uribe as a defensive replacement and that’s why he was batting. I guess I wasn’t paying attention….this is sooo boring!

      • JhallWally

        I’m tired of DoDo!!! He’s just as bad or worse than JoJo!! Both are freaking clowns!!!

      • enchantedTheBeav

        We’re what? 2 months into the season, Miles has been starting for maybe 3 weeks and he’s tired?
        In all my days following these guys, including the year they lost 99, I’ve never seen a worse team than this one.
        I haven’t read it yet, but now there’s a story on the homepage that Ned’s “hesitant” to make a trade. Good God, why bother? You haven’t got anything to trade and even if you upgrade one position, you still have 5 more that aren’t worth a shit.

    • JhallWally

      You’re right Trumom!! Lilly did alright. Damn shame you’ve got to pitch a shutout to have any chance of winning with this sad bunch.

  23. Nellyjune

    Maybe the players have decided to help our cause because as long as they are playing like this, Eric will get his dropped attendance, which will hopefully lead to Frank being gone for good.

  24. JhallWally

    Isn’t the world supposed to end tomorrow!!!? God, please at least let us suffering Dodger fans go out a winner!!!

  25. nedsajerk

    Dang I knew a new thread was coming with all my messages that I wrote on that other one. I hope at least Wally seen those and I hate wasting message on that other thread when a new thread is posted.

  26. nedsajerk

    I guess the new strategy is to stay away and we get a win but gosh it look like Uribe got hurt dang we just can’t stay healthy. lol what do I see Castro and Loney driving in runs? Dang Ozzie I have the White Sox closer ouch that’s going to hurt.

    • Nellyjune

      Uribe did get hurt.
      My theory is until Dodger Stadium rids itself of Frank McCourt, it will not be a happy place for the players, and I am thinking they will have an easier time on the road than at home.

      • JhallWally

        It could be a happier place with finger puppets!!! LOL!!! And $5 value meals!!!

      • Nellyjune

        With all that is happening there, and add the sad attendance (a good thing I know) has got to make it a very hard thing to watch happen. If Frank continues this delusional state that makes him think the fans want him to be the Dodgers owner, then hopefully the players are going to find their fans attending visiting ballparks to support them as players.

  27. giveusourteamback

    Steve Lyons discussing Uribe’s injury: “As you know, Juan is a little bit of a heavier guy so (the injury) could linger on for a while.”

  28. nedsajerk

    Wow Loney is -7.5. What’s VORP? To bad you can click these but it doesn’t show you what is stand for?

  29. trublu4ever

    Do you ever wonder if the guys read this blog? Especially when they are on the road? If so, they are probably laughing their asses off too 🙂 Well, maybe not! I just hope if you guys are reading this….we do love our boys in blue but, sometimes you frustrate the hell out of us.

  30. nedsajerk

    Sat, May 21 – 2:10 pm EDT
    J. Garland(ex White Sox) vs. M. Buehrle

    Sun, May 22 – 2:10 pm EDT
    H. Kuroda vs. E. Jackson(ex Dodgers)

    I like these matchup.

  31. trublu4ever

    Rockies lost to Brewers 7 – 6 in 14 innings. Giants and A’s are 1 – 1 going to bottom of 8th. The only good thing about watching the Giants game is I don’t have to listen to Krud & Krap….A’s announcers are much better and easier on the ears.

  32. GiveUsBackOurTeam

    The first person to decode my gravatar and post it here wins a pair of tickets to the 2011 World Series at Dodger Stadium.
    (which means all you really get is an attaboy or attagirl)

  33. enchantedTheBeav

    You got your wish Tru. Don’t even have to change the lyrics much. Hank Ballard & The Midnighters, Finger Poppin’ Time:

    Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now
    It’s finger pup-puppet time
    Finger puppet puppet time
    It feels so good
    Whew! The things you pantomime
    Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now
    Hey Wally, come o’er here and see
    Hey, hey, hey Nelly
    Come o’er here with me
    We’re gonna shake it until it breaks
    Don’t let Tru see
    Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now
    It’s finger pup-puppet time
    Finger puppet puppet time
    It feels so good
    The things you pantomime
    Here comes Nelly, here comes Tru
    Here come Wally and Beaver too
    It’s finger pup-puppet time
    It feels so good
    The things you pantomime
    [Instrumental Interlude]
    (Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now)
    Here comes Nelly, here comes Tru
    Here come Wally and Beaver too
    It’s finger pup puppet time
    It feels so good
    The things you pantomime
    Hey now, hey now, hey now, hey now
    It’s finger pup-puppet time
    Finger puppet puppet time
    It feels so good
    The things you pantomime
    ©NedCo Broken Records 2011

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I know what a 2D code is, but I haven’t got a scanner/reader to know what it says!
      On the otherhand, Wally and I use the much easier to read visual code. Doesn’t convey as much information, but it says all that needs to be said!

    • JhallWally

      Hey Trumom, thats what my Gravatar says too. In a funny sort of way. Thats Bud sticking it to Frank to get our team back!!!

    • JhallWally

      Hi’Ya Dad!!! We missed you tonight. Trumom and Beav were out of control. LOL!!! Nice win, eh. Wouldn’t it be nice to just win on the road. Keep the fans away from Dodger Stadium until McBroke is gone and we get to cheer some wins along the way.

  34. dodgereric

    Yeah jhall! I been readin’! Ya’ll were steppin’ out big time! LOL!! A win every now and then is fun, but even wins on the road will send some over to the box office! STAY AWAY UNTIL THE OWNER IS GONZO!!!!
    Thanks GUBOT! Just me and my RedLaser app! Nice new tag, by the way!

  35. GiveUsBackOurTeam

    Tru has inspired me to write this one…

    Frank wonders who else he can ream
    Tru-mommy says when you gonna sell the team?
    Tru-mommy dear we’re not the fortunate ones
    And we just want the deal done
    Oh we just want the deal done
    Frank’s phone rings in the middle of the night
    Bud yells “What you’ve done with this team ain’t right.”
    Bud Selig dear you know you’re still number one
    But we just want the deal done
    Oh we just want the deal…-
    That’s all we really want
    Some fun
    When the working day is done
    We just want the deal done
    Oh we just want the deal done
    Frank took our team and gave it fatigue
    And hid it away from the rest of the league
    We want to come watch this team in the sun
    Oh we just want the deal done
    Oh we just want the deal done
    That’s all we really want
    Some fun
    When the working day is done
    We just want the deal done
    Oh we just want the deal done,
    We want to have fun,
    We want McCourt gone!

  36. nedsajerk

    Kemp moved from 3rd to 2nd. Carroll was like 45th and now he went all the way up to 8th. How in the hell do they figure our this stats?

  37. swood

    I’m just counting the days until Frank Ned and even donny dumbo are gone. I can hardly watch this team with hor-ribe miles and loney in the lineup every day

    • nedsajerk

      So sad Miles got his average to a respectable numbers and still you don’t want him in the lineup.

  38. messagebear

    Payroll day is approaching. Can’t imagine where Frank is going to raise the money. I’m assuming that most of his reported attendance stems from seasons tickets, and we all know that all of that income has long been spent and borrowed against. I don’t think Frank can clear enough dollars from the game day ticket purchases to make payroll at any time. How’s Jamie getting hers? (it’s money I’m talking about here, guys)
    The world may not end today, but Payroll Day is coming, Frank.

  39. nedsajerk

    Look at that the White Sox had 2 hits with 2 outs with the bases loaded and that plating 4 runs alone.

  40. nedsajerk

    Bring back Schlichting or Monasterios or Weaver. You suck Cormier go back to TB and give us our Wade back.

  41. nedsajerk

    Gary Carter diagnosed with brain tumors
    1 hr 3 mins ago

    NEW YORK – Hall of Fame catcher Gary Carter says doctors discovered four “very small” brain tumors after he had an MRI on Friday in Florida. Carter says in a release issued by the New York Mets and baseball’s Hall of Fame that he will be examined again on Thursday at Duke Medical Center. He also asked for privacy Saturday as his family learns more about his medical condition.

    The 11-time All-Star hit .262 with 324 homers and 1,225 RBIs in 19 seasons in the majors. He played his last game with the Montreal Expos in 1992 and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2003.

  42. JhallWally

    Just another steaming pile today!!! Congrats Jerry Sands!! The only Dodger highlight of the day!!!

  43. JhallWally

    Alright Trumom!!! I thought about using it myself yesterday, but I was afraid Nelly would get mad at me. I think it would be funny as hell if everyone on here used it.

  44. Nellyjune

    This was on trueblueLA’s twitter……
    All speculation at this point, as nothing is yet official, but Rubby De La Rosa was pulled after 2 innings and was not hurt
    TweetDeck • 5/21/11 4:06 PM
    I am thinking the mystery DL is going to show up once again.

    • JhallWally

      I saw that Nelly. I sure hope they don’t screw this kid up trying to save this lost season.

    • nedsajerk

      Ned is on the phone for Bautista and his 2 more HR’s given him a totally of 18. Bautista for De La Rosa+Tolleson+Sands. At least the minor league DL is ok.

      • JhallWally

        You’re scaring me Shad!!!! Bautista is playing way over his head right now, much like Ethier in April. He will cool off and settle back to his career numbers. Much better than what we are currently getting from the dung heap guys Ned has in left. But not worth giving up what it will take to get him in my opinion..

      • JhallWally

        Besides, I am happy with the way Sands continues to develop as our left fielder. We need a major league 1B more than another outfielder right now.

      • nedsajerk

        lol sorry but you know the way Ned operate and trade guys like Santana for Blake, Lambo/McDonald for Dotel and Dewitt + Wallach/Smit(2 pitching prospects) for Lilly/Theriot how can you not hope he won’t do this again? Dewitt should still be our 2nd basemen now and we wouldn’t have deal with Castro/Miles much longer.

      • nedsajerk

        I said the same thing last year but how long can he keep this up and I was hoping he would not keep this pace up next season but I’m wrong.

  45. trublu4ever

    Just one player won’t make us better. We need at least five or six which won’t happen. So, we will have to suffer with what Neddy has given us. Perhaps if things continue the way they are right now, Dodgereric & Bear will get their wish……a severe drop in attendance. By then, hopefully, Frank & his entire regime will be gone and we can rebuild our franchise to what it once was.

    • JhallWally

      I agree Trumom. Besides, Bautista is set to make 14M per year in 2012-2015. I can’t see MLB allowing Frank to add much more payroll when they are going to be on the hook for it when he can’t come up with payroll anyway.

  46. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ your pile of shit is beginning to look like chocolate ice-cream to me…must be getting hungry 🙂

    • JhallWally

      Hey Beav. Yep, rough day at the old ballyard. It’s because of the injuries you know. Has nothing to do with the fact that the team actually sucks thanks to Frank and Furter.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        No need to worry, Ned will manage to trade away every other young ballplayer that we have that’s worth a crap for some worthless PVLs before he and Frank are gone.

  47. nedsajerk

    I was watching the Cubs and Red Sox and Zambrano caught a popup but of course you rarely seen them make the play.

  48. Nellyjune

    As for today’s game specifically, the Dodgers were up against Mark Buerle, who is one of the elite pitchers in the league. So even if we had a team that could normally hit the ball, this would be one game I would expect there to be somewhat of a pitcher’s dual. We shouldn’t have to win every game by scoring 8 or more runs. I understand we haven’t been hitting the ball, (and I’m not giving them an excuse), but at some point our pitching staff needs to start shoving it (as my son calls it) and get their job done.

    • trublu4ever

      You’re right, Nellyjune. The Giants have scored 3 runs or less many times (including today) and still win the games.

    • JhallWally

      Not to worry ladies. If you’ve listened to Dodger Talk, Blow and Hummer are quite sure this team is not that bad and when Blake and Furcal get back we’ll do alot better. And hey, Frank isn’t worried. He says this is a very, very good team and playoff contender and these are the type of players he would have even if money was not an issue. Gee, I feel better already!!!
      Excuse me, I need to Vomit!!!!

  49. Nellyjune

    Oh Please!!!! With the exception of Matt, Andre, Kersh, Billz, Sands, Carroll, and a few good games from our other SPs, we wouldn’t have even won the games we did win without them. As for the others, they haven’t done anything consistently enough to warrant the recognition of being good unless you consider being on the DL a good play. Furcal and Blake may add some fresh air to the stale play, but unless they can pitch, they will only help one side of the equation.

  50. Pingback: FINGER PUPPET TIME « DodgerLyrics
  51. Pingback: We just want the deal done « DodgerLyrics

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