An underrated park and team?

For those who have been to PNC Park, you know that it’s one of the most impressive settings in all of baseball. A great stadium, right on the river with a gorgeous view of the downtown skyline. If you’re one of those fans who likes road tripping, I’d definitely recommend a trip.

On top of their nice park, they also have a team that’s starting to show signs of turning around their misfortunes on the field. They’re at 17-17, their best start since 2002 and according to @dejan_kovacevic, the Pirates beat writer, if they beat the Dodgers tonight, it would be the first time that they will have a winning record this late in the season since 2004.

Here’s hoping they don’t accomplish that feat and that the Dodgers can get on a roll here in Pittsburgh before returning home this weekend against the D-backs, Brewers and Giants.


  1. scottinarcadia

    Those are some great tidbits, but what kind of owner do the Pirates have? Does he siphon funds off for himself by charging the team rent for playing in their own stadium? Curious minds want to know!

  2. enchantedTheBeav

    Is there any way of finding out how many runners have been on base when Loney’s been up?

  3. messagebear

    When’s the last time the Dodgers were lower in the Won/ Lost record than the Pirates this late into the season?
    Says something about the job Ned is doing.
    SELL THE TEAM, you asshole owner!
    Go JUMP OFF THE PIER someplace, Vice-Chairman!
    GET HIT BY A BUS, Ned!

    • Nellyjune

      He just took on a new streak. He has reached safely in 33 consecutive games. I believe Joey Votto was at 32 or 33 as well, but his was broke yesterday. So, Andre is either tied with Joey or has passed him up. It’s not as big of a deal the the hit streak, but it’s a streak nonetheless 🙂

    • selltheteam

      Frank is on a streak of his own. He couldn’t make payroll in April without borrowing money. He certainly won’t be able to make payroll this month without borrowing money. He’s getting divorced, losing his team, etc.
      I’ve never seen such a big loser in all my life. Put a capital “L” on his forehead!

  4. JhallWally

    Well Beav, in answer to your earlier question. So far in May, Loney has left 10 runners on and has no rbi’s. That doesn’t count the 2 lob today and no rbi. So, for May he is O rbi and 12 lob.

  5. enchantedTheBeav

    Hey Frank – new idea for a sponsor – Depends®. Everyone knows the front office is full of shit.

  6. JhallWally

    Hey Beav, here are some numbers on Loney not counting this game. So far this season, Loney has:
    12 rbi
    72 lob


    • enchantedTheBeav

      Thanks Wally!! I’m surprised its that high a percentage. Of course one of the RBI’s was due to Dre’s slide.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      Actually, I think you deduct and RBI for a homer since you’re driving yourself in, so now were down to 15.28%.

  7. enchantedTheBeav

    Well, game over. I was really hoping Kuo would rehabilitate his stats so they might be able to trade him, but I guess not.

  8. Nellyjune

    …..and who made the decision that Kuo was ready to come back? Geez!!! Billz pitched a great game!

      • Nellyjune

        We didn’t exactly hit the ball tonight either, but that trapped fly ball out was the momentum changer.

  9. enchantedTheBeav

    Hope you’re proud Ned. Fine, fine team you’ve built. Maybe next year you can lure Anderson and Sweeney out of retirement.

    • JhallWally

      Yep Trumom, he’s probably going to end up on the DL!! And Kemp is rapidly coming back to earth. He hasn’t done squat in over a week.

  10. JhallWally

    Well, 1 for 11 with RISP and 10 LOB!!!! At least it was a team effort!!! Kemp is really struggling and if he and Andre don’t have monster games, we’re hosed!!!!

  11. kpookiemon

    Garbage in…garbage out.
    The postmortem on the Lakers highlighted a lack of athleticism. So……………………….just who are the “athletes” on the Dodgers…you know, speed, agility, quickness? I think I can come up with four, maybe five, so here goes:
    Am I missing anybody? See any infielders in there? Hell of a GM, there, piecing this crew together.

    • Nellyjune

      Unbelievable that he thinks any of us want him to have any part of this storied franchise anymore. What an arrogant asshole!!!

    • JhallWally

      I still don’t see or think it is right that he can rely on revenue from 2014 and beyond(Fox deal). I would hope it would be judged on what it is right now.

  12. JhallWally

    Anyway, I got some numbers thru tonights game for you Beav!!!

    Loney 12 rbi/72 lob 16.6%
    Ethier 19 rbi/48 lob 39.5%
    Kemp 21 rbi/73 lob 28.7%
    Uribe 16 rbi/61 lob 26.2%
    Barajas 13 rbi/53 lob 24.5%

    I thought I should check to see what the other guys were doing before I threw Loney under the bus. No surprise however, Loney has stunk!!! Ethier is kicking ass!!!

  13. JhallWally

    I will probably run some numbers on the rbi leaders to see what their numbers are like when I get time. I imagine that a week ago, Kemps number was closer to Andres’ as he hasn’t don squat for the last week and a half!!!

  14. enchantedTheBeav

    Thanks Wally!!
    Honestly, I thought Uribe would be about the same.
    Sorry to hear you’re on the DL D4. Sounds like you need some JD!!
    Hey Nells, saw Old Brooklyn on the Times blog while I was over there ripping Ned a new a**hole.
    Think I’ve won a convert or two over there that used to blame it all on Frank. You know, we’re 12th in payroll, yet 22nd in the standings. The fact we’re 12th in payroll is Frank. The fact that we’re another 10 spots below that is Ned. How can that man still have a job? I don’t think I’d even have him selling peanuts.

    • JhallWally

      No problem Beav!!! Good point on Frank and Furter!! All of Franks problems are actually benefitting Neddy. The fact that he is an inept sychophant piece of shit is flying under the Frank cloud cover.
      Thought I’d give you some numbers the Mathterbate with!!!

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Thanks Wally. I like to practice safe sets (of numbers) until I get in that good algorithm. Then you might not see me for hours.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        The last three I left a post. The last one though on tonight’s game is where I was ripping on Ned.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Might not be up there yet though – sometimes they take awhile – everything’s moderated.

      • JhallWally

        Label Dude, eh!!! Could have used a period and a couple of spaces after MoneyBall Stuff however. I guess you were excited. LOL!!! Just busting your balls my brother.

  15. JhallWally

    Just saw the replay of the bad call. He trapped it. It is obvious on the replay. I can’t believe the fucking ump wouldn’t ask for another opinion.

    • JhallWally

      LMAO!!! Well, if it looks like a turd, and smells like a turd…. Its probably a Neddy deal!!

  16. GM Ned Colletti

    Sweeny and Anderson, hmm, I wonder? Josh, are you as worried as I am about getting paid this month? Mrs Colletti will be mighty upset at me if I don’t get paid. Then again, as long as the bosses have side by side mansions in Holmby hills, I guess it’s acceptable, We could always change our name to the Pirates of Los Angeles. I don’t know why the fans are upset, we scored a run last night?

  17. nedsajerk

    Someone posted this on the Dodgers board.

    Don’t know if this team will see a .500 record again but they do have a good shot at stranding 500+ runners on base before the all-star break. Already lead all of MLB with 272 stranded in 36 games

    • JhallWally

      Hey Shad. I had to go back thru the box scores and tally it up by hand. I could not find a statistics website that had that info.

  18. kpookiemon

    With apologies to the Monkees

    Oh, I could lie, cheat and sting
    a proud franchise that once was king.
    Fabled Dodger Blue was my play thing.
    But the fans, now they rise,
    as does Selig, to my surprise.
    The writing’s on the wall, but I still cling

    Jig’s up, creepy Jamie,
    oh what could have been.
    Wish we’d had the brains and savvy
    to loot LA clean.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      That’s freakin’ awesome Wally – thanks!!
      And people wonder why this team sucks. All they have to do is take a look at that last column. Sad think is, I would’ve figured that Kemp and Dre would have been significantly higher than Loney. What’s really sad is Carroll.

      • JhallWally

        No problem Beav!! A couple of percentage points are very significant in this stat. I was also surprised at Carrolls output, but, he is not considered an rbi producer. If you look around at the other teams and rbi leaders in MLB, Andre and Matt stack up very well.

  19. JhallWally

    This is Beavs comment at the LA Times:

    That this team is awful shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Mr. Ned I don’t believe in Sabermetrics and that Moneyball Stuff. Colletti assembled a team of stiffs, spent $51 million on Lilly and Uribe – LILLY & URIBE, another $12 on a middle reliever, a mil on Navarro, a mil on Thames, $3 on Barajas and ZERO on an impact bat to give any chance to an already incredibly weak hitting line-up. Then to not forsee the inevitable breakdown of Furcal and Blake, either physically or in skill level was naive or stupid (I choose the latter) and the rest, well, there’s no explaining that. Now whether Frank pays these guys in cash, IOUs or wampum, the fact is Ned spent $100 million on this mess. They’re 12th in payroll and 22nd in record (and fading.) Frank’s responsible for the 12th in payroll, but Ned’s the one reponsible for slipping the other 10 places. Never in my life have I seen a GM in any sport as inept.


  20. selltheteam

    losing lineup
    Carroll SS
    Miles 2B
    Ethier RF
    Kemp CF
    Uribe 3B
    Loney 1B
    Barajas C
    Sands LF
    Lilly P

    • nedsajerk

      Oh man Sands batting 8th and why not used him batting 2nd like Loney did that one game? Looking at those ugly Loney lob’s numbers maybe is the reason he should bat 2nd?

      • JhallWally

        In my opinion, Loney should be on the bench, if not all the time, at least against lefties. I liked the idea of batting him second in the order.

      • nedsajerk

        I always wanted Blake to play 1st bases for Loney when a lefties pitch but since he’s on the DL won’t happen anytime soon.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I find this hard to believe, but sadly being true, it does explain why no one seems to know how to play baseball when they get to the bigs. If you don’t know where you’ve been, you sure as hell can’t know where you’re going nor how to get there.

  21. Dodger4life

    Good Afternoon All…
    I’m feelin better today, send me in coach!
    Time to get back on track boy’s!
    It sure would be nice to put a complete game together, hits, runs, no errors, quality start, a solid showing from the pen, etc…
    Have a wonderful evening everyone and enjoy the game!

    • JhallWally

      Yep Shad, it took me awhile to go back over all the box scores. But now it will be easy to keep up with it game by game. Ethier is by far our most productive hitter. Bad part is, none of them is doing very well so far in May.

  22. messagebear

    I am glad to see that we’ve now achieved the place in divisonal standings warranted by Ned’s incompetence.
    Hopefully it means many EMPTY SEATS in the house on our upcoming home stand.

  23. JhallWally

    Here are the RBI/LOB numbers corrected for HRs:

    Loney 1 rbi/72 lob 15.3%
    Ethier 15 rbi/48 lob 31.25%
    Kemp 15 rbi/73 lob 20.5%
    Uribe 13 rbi/61 lob 21.3%
    Barajas 7 rbi/53 lob 13.2%

    HRs and power obviously make a big difference in a hitters production when it comes to RBIs.

  24. nedsajerk

    I wonder what would’ve happen if we won the WS last year and could Torre managed the AS game or not since he retired?

  25. trublu4ever

    My wish for tonight would be,
    to score several runs before inning three.
    I clean, errorless game on the field,
    and, no runs for the bullpen to yield.
    Come on Matt and Dre,
    please make this a very good day.

  26. nedsajerk

    Home 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 11.2 16 11 9 3 3 3 6.94 1.63 .327
    Away 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 34.2 24 8 6 1 8 18 1.56 0.92 .190

    lol weird split for Correia and he pitch better on the road.

  27. nedsajerk

    lol blah at the announces on ch 9 are talking about the last time Carroll and Miles hit a HR’s.

  28. nedsajerk

    Gosh damn where are the double steal? We got the best in Lopez and still we don’t double steal.

    • JhallWally

      You can’t spell rally with Uribe, Loney, and Barajas. Beside the fact that they can’t hit, there is only one “L” in all their names!! LOL!!!

  29. boblee

    Loney needs to go back to the minors and practice how to hit the ball out of the infield. He’s terrible. We heed some guys that want to play and win.

    • nedsajerk

      Loney does have a hitting streak and hitting better than Kemp. Kemp is slumping big team in the same number of games than Loney hitting streak.

    • JhallWally

      Hi’Ya BobLee. Good to see you. Wish it were under more happy circumstances. Loney really is abysmal. It’s hard to believe he is still around. Right now he is working on becoming the worst 1st baseman in the last 60 years. If he continues at his current pace, he’s a shoo in!!! Geez!!!

  30. boblee

    How are you nellyjune? Nice here in St louie area. We need some wins. Tired of this team and the way they are playing.

  31. GM Ned Colletti

    Dodgers announce $30 dollar seats for 30 hours in honor of boss needing money to keep MLB from taking his team. Also I’ve heard of a new promotion. $1 seats for one day in honor of the one run this team can score most days.

    • JhallWally

      Well they’re gonna have to practically give the seats away to draw fans to watch this pathetic bunch.

  32. kpookiemon

    Thinking it’s about time for Sands to head back to AAA for a bit of regrouping. Not sure he’s even swung at a strike in a while now. Everything he offers at is garbage. Not that the Dodgers have anything better for left field.

  33. nedsajerk

    11,373 (29.6% full) – % is based on regular season capacity

    Holy crap that was last night game.

    • JhallWally

      Yep, I remember that. It was the defensive web gem of the year and it came on the first day of the season if I recall correctly.

  34. nedsajerk

    Wow Bynum only gotten a 5 games suspension and fined for taking off his jersey. I’d expect more then 5 games.

      • Nellyjune

        Thanks Jhall!!! I think Michael can out pitch Cormier. He needs to be gone.

      • Nellyjune

        Thanks Jhall!!! I will!!! If he gets that far, he doesn’t want to play for the Dodgers – lol!!!! I tell ya one thing. A few more weeks, I won’t ever have to wear the colors orange and black anymore. The college he is going to is light blue and black – Thank God!!!

      • JhallWally

        Well, right now, if I were a pitcher, I wouldn’t want to play for the Dodgers either.

  35. JhallWally

    Geez, Hawksworth goes down with a groin/hammy injury. Who in the hell do we have to bring up?
    Good eye Jerry!!!

  36. enchantedTheBeav

    Resop should be taken out and shot. All you gotta do is throw it over the plate and these guys get themselves out.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Carroll’s OBI was 4.9% coming in, including 0% from 2B and a whopping 20% from 3B. Now how can a guy batting .320 have less the a 5% overall OBI? Leave it to a Dodger to find a way.

      • JhallWally

        Well, Carrolls role is to get on base and score runs. He’s getting alot of hits, however, it seems its not with runners on. It is a sad state of affairs when we have to worry about Carroll driving in runs.

  37. enchantedTheBeav

    What do you want to bet that if and when Brox comes off the DL, Ned sends Jansen back down and keeps Cormier?

    • nedsajerk

      Oh come on enchanted that’s simple another phanton DL. I think Miles or Carroll is probably next.

  38. nedsajerk

    I ask this at 2:57 pm and see no one didn’t answer this.

    I wonder what would’ve happen if we won the WS last year and could Torre managed the AS game or not since he retired?

  39. JhallWally

    Up to date rbi/lob numbers, less HRs:

    Ethier 16/52 30.8%
    Kemp 18/74 24.3%
    Uribe 14/61 22.9%
    Loney 11/72 15.3%
    Barajas 7/58 12.0%

  40. enchantedTheBeav

    Pittsburgh’s pitching stafff ought to be ashamed giving up double digit runs to this motley crew.
    You would think that just by sheer luck something of Loney’s would’ve found the gap or went down the corner for a double. No XBH since April 6th I believe. Just goes to show that there’s absolutely nothing behind his hits. There’s an awful lot of them dunkers and seeing eye I’d imagine.
    Has any one of the young core ever reached his potential? I’d have to say a loud resounding NO, and for that, I blame the coaching staff(s). I think had they come up with any other team, most if not all of these guys would be stars by now, maybe premier players.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Now, stick it in a bag and light it on fire and put it on Ned’s doorstep.
        Not that he needs any help stepping in it. He seems to do that with great regularity all on his own.

      • JhallWally

        LOL!!! Yep, he definately doesn’t need any help stepping in Schidt. Phew!!!

      • JhallWally

        Hey Beav, I posted a comment on the LA Times site about Jamie looking old and couldn’t afford her Botox or plastic surgery since Franks Dodger ATM is frozen. They didn’t allow it. What a bunch of goobers!!!

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Yeah, I’ve had a thing or two censored as well. One was about taking responsibility for ones own actions (re the two thugs that beat up the Giants fan) because some candyass that posted was trying to blame their upbringing and society, and saying that government should do something. But being a hugely liberal paper, they didn’t post mine in rebuttal.
        Another was something about Donnie’s beard ticking Ned’s ass, but for some reason they didn’t print that one either.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        I have to agree though, it was a less than flattering photo of Jamie.

  41. nedsajerk

    Dodgers RISP: 6-16 (R Barajas 0-2, M Kemp 1-2, A Ethier 1-3, J Carroll 0-1, J Sands 1-2, A Miles 1-2, J Loney 1-1, J Uribe 1-1, J Gibbons 0-1, R Mitchell 0-1)

  42. kpookiemon

    Dropping in…but little to say. Maybe if MLB would just pull the plug on our zombie-in-limbo owner we could get back to feeling optimistic…about anything. As Barney Fife used to say, “We have to nip it! Nip it in the bud!”

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I hear ya Kahli. Don’t be a stranger though. Come shoot the Schidt with us. We’re bound to hit another topic of interest. 🙂 Heck, I bet we’ll hit on another topic before Loney hits on a double.

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