Lima Time

One year ago today, we came into the office to learn of the passing of Jose Lima, one of the most interesting people you could ever encounter. He was taken way too soon and will always be remembered by baseball fans around the world.

Please continue to keep his family in your thoughts and for those interested in reading the blog post from that day, you can do so here.

Photo by Associated Press


  1. kpookiemon

    New thread. Wow, I’m shocked. Funny, the good news on nabbing one of the thugs lasted less than 24 hours. Maybe it was the picture of Frank…

  2. sarah

    My husband and I were at that playoff game where he pitched the entire game. He was so excited!! It was wonderful to watch. Our thoughts are with his family.

  3. Dodger Dad

    Jose was such an awesome guy! I got to meet him at a LB Armada game. He stole the whole show and he didn’t even play in the game! After singing the National Anthem he greeted all of my kids on my youth team and posed for pictures and visited with every one of them! I will never forget Lima Time!

  4. messagebear

    Another diversionary feel good story. Josh can sure find them. In the meantime, how’s Frank doing with putting together the payroll? Can you possibly put together some timely information that actually means something?

  5. nedsajerk

    Wow last year this was about the same month but the 25th instead of the 22nd that Furcal came off the DL. That game Furcal was 0/4 with 2 k’s and 2 errors vs the Cubs.

    • nedsajerk

      Maybe Furcal got another June/July run on him before he get hurt in August. June .362 .408 .585 .993 July .293 .386 .525 .911

  6. messagebear

    Where’s Jamie living now?
    Which of the McCourt mansions are unoccupied?
    When’s the last time Jamie received a support payment from Frank and how much? From which account did that support money come from?
    Since Jamie has at least some kind of ownership interest, discerning fans need to know the answers to some of these questions.
    Let’s get to the real Dodger business here, and let Lima rest in peace.

  7. selltheteam

    Great questions, Bear! Here are some more questions:
    Why do the Dodgers have such a lengthy DL (Blake, Broxton, Giminez, Hawksworth, Kuo, Padilla, Thames, Uribe)?
    Why are there so many marginal players (Cormier, Troncoso, Navarro, Castro, Miles, Mitchell, Gibbons) on the 25-man roster that should not be anywhere near a major league team?
    Why are the Dodgers wondering how in the world are they going to beat the cellar-dwelling Astros?
    Why are top level talents like Kemp, Ethier, and Kershaw wondering who will give them their next paycheck?

    • enchantedTheBeav

      For answers to these and other questions, please tune in next week. Same [no]bat time, same [no]bat station.

  8. messagebear

    Great stuff, STT. You’re obviously concentrating on the makeup of the team and possibly the guy responsible for it.
    When it comes to the guy responsible, I’d like to explore some of the finer points of Ned’s contract. Are there certain circumstances under which Ned can be terminated that are not related to his performance for putting a team on the field. I ask, because undoubtedly he can put out all the crap on the field that he wants, but it doesn’t matter when it comes to a contract extension, namely his own.
    However, what if Ned gets caught and convicted for DUI?
    What if he’s forced to acknowledge fathering a child with his housekeeper?
    What if he’s seen visiting Jamie at one of the mansions?
    What if he stayed overnight at Frank’s hotel residence – (oh well, even Ned couldn’t be that hard up).

  9. OldBrooklynFan

    Hi Everybody
    Yes, Jose Lima, may he rest in peace. We’ll never forget him and “Lima Time”.
    The Dodgers playing another struggling team like themselves tonight.
    I think it’s going to be another exciting series.
    Let’s hope we can score some runs. Enough to get a few wins.

  10. selltheteam

    Hi OldBrooklynFan – Nice to see you here.
    Tonight’s lineup:
    Furcal ss
    Miles 2b
    Loney 1b
    Kemp cf
    Gibbons rf
    Sands lf
    Navarro c
    Mitchell 3b
    Kershaw p

  11. selltheteam

    Don’t worry. Gibbons, Navarro, and Mitchell are all great at “turning over” the lineup. Isn’t that what Donnie likes?

  12. selltheteam

    What’s the problem? Look at the great stats of the starting lineup. Besides, when we need a little extra punch, we’ve got the all-stars on the bench: Castro, Gwynn, and Carroll – for when we really need that RBI!!
    Furcal .161/.212/.194/.406
    Miles .286/.302/.325/.628
    Loney .240/.283/.292/.575
    Kemp .316/.399/.537/.936
    Sands .241/.330/.391/.721
    Navarro .115/.207/.231/.438
    Mitchell .091/.231/.227/.458
    Kershaw .211/.250/.211/.461

      • selltheteam

        “Stunning” was my sarcastic comment. “Stunned” is what I’ve been feeling all year. Except for when I think about the fact that more losses lead to fewer fans at DS leads to Frank’s hasty exit!

      • trublu4ever

        I know you were…I just thought it was funny. As Jhall says: “We are pathetically funny”! We could also be Pathetically Stunning 🙂

      • selltheteam

        Other than Kemp and Sands, we might as well just fill out our lineup card as follows:
        Juan Pierre ss
        Juan Pierre 2b
        Juan Pierre 1b
        Juan Pierre cf
        Juan Pierre rf
        Juan Pierre lf
        Juan Pierre c
        Juan Pierre 3b
        Kershaw p
        That’s how depressing our lineup is tonight! 😦

    • JhallWally

      Just a day off so far. Haven’t read or heard anything about his status. They will probably give it a couple of days to see how he is doing. They can always DL him retroactively if it is worse than expected.

  13. kpookiemon

    I have ZERO emotional investment in this team right now…and that saddens me the most. Sure, I watch the games, but I channel surf more than I ever did, and when an opposing right fielder makes a game-saving, ninth-inning catch, I just frown a bit and move on. So that’s Frank’s legacy…turning a die-hard fanatic into a casual observer. And I’ve been to two games in two years–both ITD tours. Good grief, Frank, LEAVE ALREADY!!!!

  14. lbirken

    Kahli, I am still a big Dodger fan and will watch and listen pretty much no matter what but I do understand what you are feeling. Even without all the injuries everything had to fall into place for this current Dodger team to be successfull with no margin for error. My wife has been heard to say, “So this is what Cub fans like all the time?” Baseball is the game of optomisim; for most of the season there is another at bat, another game, another chance. This current Dodger team seems to have the cards stacked against it with so many marginal players on the roster and so little in the minor leagues ready to make a positive impact. Clearly ownership has to take responsibility for this situation. Yes, injuries do happen and they can ruin a season. The fact remains that even with no injuries this team had enough holes to cause concern. I am not upset with the players; I believe each player is doing what he can. But clearly Dodger fans deserve better.

    • kpookiemon

      lbirken, I watch and listen to every game as well…but I can’t get crazy like I normally love to do. The roster is too marginal, the outlook too paralyzed, and any chance for optimism (as you call it, and it’s a great observation) hopelessly buried under Frank’s near-criminal neglect and Ned’s utter incompetence as a GM.

  15. messagebear

    Is it true that the IRS considers Frank and Jamie “too big to fail”? How else can one explain pulling $108 million out of your business for personal use and have no tax consequences? I know that the tax code is too complicated for someone like me to understand. Can someone from the IRS please explain to me how this is possible. Sounds to me like it’s “fraud too big pursue”, NO?

  16. JhallWally

    Another runner left at 3rd with less than 2 out!!! Damn Mitchell!!! With this dung heap lineup, you gotta get that run in.

  17. nedsajerk

    Go figure 1st and 2nd with no out and 1st and 3rd with 1 out. Like we haven’t seen this all year.

  18. trublu4ever

    Astros announcers: “Dodgers are having trouble with men in scoring position.” Gal on Facebook: “Hell, I’m doing a better job with men in scoring position than the Dodgers!” LMAO!!!!!

  19. vl4eccjr

    Good evening all.
    Well, looks like Navarro’s average has plunged below the U.S. Army Ranger in the field ass wipe (The three finger 111).

  20. vl4eccjr

    Piss poor tag attempt by Miles. He should have got him on the over slide when he came off the bag. 😦

  21. vl4eccjr

    Attendance looks pretty thin there tonight.
    Understandable with the home team sucking hind tit in their division facing a team headed for the same fate.
    Nice catch Sands!

  22. lbirken

    Who would have thought when Jamie Carroll was signed that he would be the most dependable player for most of last season and much of the current one? We keep being told he is not an everyday player but he has been one so far. He deserves a day off!

  23. JhallWally

    Well, here we go again. Pulling Kersh for a pinch hitter. He’s only thrown 84 pitches. C’mon Andre!!!

  24. sparkleplenty_1

    Wow, Andre came through. The way Psycho and Collins were describing him, it sounded like the second coming of Kirk Gibson.

  25. vl4eccjr

    WOW! OMG!
    Andre delivers off the bench! Had my doubts after seeing his first two swings there. . .

  26. nedsajerk

    Even thought McDougal career k/bb ratio suck he still our best reliever. I really hate that Kershaw was pulled with that low PC but at least it work out for us and it just mean Kershaw would be totally fresh next start but with this bullpen minus Broxton I still don’t trust them but I still fell confident and Donny don’t used Cormier and this guy still need to be DFA and he could easy clear waiver or go to the Pirates.

    • vl4eccjr

      Yep. I got used to seeing him in left field.
      Their old first baseman Berkman sure is paying big dividends in St. Louis these days.

  27. sparkleplenty_1

    That would have been a sweet win, but it’s even more sweet for the Astros. Well, I’m off to watch Dancing With The Stars.

  28. enchantedTheBeav

    What the hell. Isn’t like this team is going anywhere this year. I’d just a soon they lose a ton of games so that Ned doesn’t trade away what’s left of the farm at the trade deadline. Even with a new owner its going to take years for this team to amount to anything. Ned’s incompetence has seen to that.

  29. OldBrooklynFan

    WOW, Baseball’s like playing cards when the closer’s in there looking for a save. Jansen just turned over the wrong card.
    And no matter how far you’re from 1st Place you still want to win.

  30. kpookiemon

    Not that ANY of this makes any difference, but IF this was a pennant race, I’d question Joe Jr. leaving Jansen in so long when he obviously was clueless in the strike zone. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  31. nedsajerk

    We are just freaking curse from that flyball DP that Pence had to doubled off Furcal at 1st, to that horrible defense by Gibbons that should’ve been caught, Navarro having the green light on a 3-0 count missing a 3 runs HR’s, Hall over slide at 2nd bases when Miles should’ve had gotten him out and I’m not shock about this lost at all. I swear some of those pitches by Jansen he was squeeze and Welke was squeezing both pitchers tonight.

    • nedsajerk

      Oh yeah Wallace making a lines drive catch to prevent Navarro of extra bases and Sands probably could’ve score on that play.

  32. nedsajerk

    Oh yeah and are impressive 17-1 after the 8th innings lucky for those Kcal announces they didn’t have to jinx it.

  33. nedsajerk

    I guess Kershaw should’ve had stay in the 1st place. Maybe we should’ve had scored those 2 runs in the 7th.

  34. enchantedTheBeav

    After games like these, I’m reminded of the words of a great man – a wise man – a caring man… words gifted with wisdom and so so true, perhaps now moreso than at any time:
    This is a very, very good team.”
    My eyes tear up everytime I think of that line (though it could be the results of yet another adage that this team gives me pause to recall – “its not so much the smell as it is the burning in the eyes” followed by, “Someone light a match.”)
    I’m truely moved also by knowing that having money would not change this team one bit. That gets me right here. Oh, I know you can’t see me right now, but I’m pointing to a part of my body (you know which part if you feel as I do.)
    And no matter what happens the day before, remember the score is always 0-0 the next day… at least until we take the field.

  35. nedsajerk

    This is sad that our best shot is to hope are starting to pitch a CG or at least go 8th so we have plenty of relievers to burn in the 9th lol. I think I mention this last month and is it a crime to start a RP’s to pitch 2 innings and let the starters pitch the next 5 to 6 innings and that seem like a win situation if the RP’s can actually do that lol.

  36. selltheteam

    Dodgers are now on a pace to finish the year with a 69-93 record. Too bad that the Padres lost tonight. We are still 1 1/2 games out of last place. Once we get to last place, the empty seats at Dodger Stadium will proliferate.

  37. nedsajerk

    I wonder if it possible to get a top 5 draft pick next season or would that pick be another waste.

    • nedsajerk

      1B James Loney – .255 wOBA, +1.6 UZR, -0.4 WAR

      Top alternatives: Russ Mitchell, Jerry Sands, John Lindsay

      I’m still not sure why the Dodgers thought that their first base situation was alright going into this season. Loney has done nothing but accumulate solid RBI numbers over the past few seasons, and at 26-years-old it’s silly to believe that he’s finally going to take some major strides after nearly 2500 plate appearances in the majors. He is what he is, and that’s a first baseman without the power or on-base skills to deserve significant playing time. I think that it’s time for the Dodgers to bench Loney, shift Sands to first base, and use some combination of Jay Gibbons, Tony Gwynn Jr. and Jamie Hoffmann in left field.

      I really didn’t think that was a possible except for Lindsey. I bet if Mitch Jones was still in our organization that would’ve been another option.

      • JhallWally

        LOL! Thanks for the link Shad!! Hell, we’ve known it for at least a month now. Looks like everybody in baseball knows it except DonDo the clown and Ned the village idiot.

  38. nedsajerk

    NOTES: Dodgers 1B James Loney extended his hitting streak to a season-high nine games. … Jose Lima, Jr., the son of former Astros and Dodgers pitcher Jose Lima, threw out the ceremonial first pitch to mark the one-year anniversary of his father’s death. Lima, who won 21 games for the Astros in 1999 and spent 13 years in the majors, was 37.

  39. enchantedTheBeav

    Just don’t get your hopes up too high if/when we get a new owner . We might see a little boost like we did when Selig first took over, but the truth of the matter is, this team/franchise is SO broken thanks to Ned’s total inadequacies and Frank’s excesses, that it’s going to take several seasons to build back to anything.

  40. kpookiemon

    Ladies and Gentlemen, announcing the FINAL FOUR for worst record in MLB: Twins, Astros, Padres, Dodgers. Very, very good teams, indeed.

    • Nellyjune

      …and to think I get to go see two of those clubs this summer in Minnesota 🙂 Thank goodness the trip is not all about baseball. Mall of America and the other sites and sounds of Minnesota awaits us as well.

      • kpookiemon

        Nelly, Twins are probably better than their record. Dodgers are probably worse. Knowing that injuries happen, Ned’s “back-up” PVL crew is AAA at best and Frank’s complete neglect of the farm is reason enough to tar, feather, and light the match.

      • Nellyjune

        I agree!! The Twins have had their share of injuries too, and I think once their MVP is back behind the plate and the Mauer/Morneau duo can get back into a groove, they will be just fine. I have been watching them just so I know the lineup well enough when I go, and they are definitely a more fun team to watch right now, win or lose.

      • kpookiemon

        Nelly…June 10 is my date with nirvana…what about you? After we banish Frank, I will banish ALL teenagers from my life for 2 1/2 months…

      • Nellyjune

        I have 7 days (wakeups we like to call them here)… Friday!!! I spent 15 minutes in the Student Body Office at my son’s school last Thursday (paying for gradutation stuff) thinking “How do you do this day in and day out?”, but then I know people think the same when I say I work with 6/7 year olds all day. I love my current class, but it’s always nice to have the break and start all over again August.

  41. messagebear

    Yep, once we lose Andre and Matt, there will be a continuing draught of 5 years at least before we’re really back in contention even with the best new owners available.
    Thinking of prospects, does anyone know why Lee all of a sudden has dropped out of sight at Great Lakes or anywhere else. Has his arm already been messed up?

    • selltheteam

      Bear – I read that they shut him down because he was racking up too many innings. Don’t know the truth behind it though. It looks like he is now on the roster of the Ogden Raptors.

  42. GM Ned Colletti

    Remember I picked between 60 and 70 wins and I built this team. Besides it doesn’t matter if they win or not, it only matters that boss is able to make enough money to be able to maintain his extremely reasonable life style, that and to be able to pay off Mrs boss and give money to the little bosses.

  43. kpookiemon

    Ned, I understand your loyalty to the boss. I mean, really…who on God’s green Earth would have hired you to run ANY major league ball club, let alone an iconic one, but that shrewd gentleman we’ve come to love and cherish here in L.A.? And even in the face of “temporary” financial strain over the years, to have come up with the likes of Mark Hendrickson, Jae Seo, Danys Baez, Toby Hall, Julio Lugo, Elmer Dessens, Scott Proctor, Mark Sweeney, Chad Moeller, just to name a few of the real keepers (and that’s not even counting your incredible collection of free agents), well enough said, good buddy. Genius doesn’t even come close.

  44. trublu4ever

    Just heard the Bryan Stow family is going to sue the Dodgers. Isn’t that wonderful news for you mccourt! Just get the hell out of L.A…..thr sooner, the better!

  45. messagebear

    Yeah, take the fucker to the cleaners!
    Can’t wait for the next thread when Rawitch will have Frank’s statement to the fans about the unjustified lawsuit.
    Break the bank.
    Leave town, you worthless bastard.

  46. messagebear

    Another thing, whatever happened to that SOBoroff guy. As dismal as the makeup of the team was at the beginning of the season, has anybody figured what our record is since that guy was brought on board? Talk about a jinx! Clearly the worst staff addition since Ned Colletti.

  47. koufax1963

    The ownership can’t bolster 25 man roster, especially the bullpen, can’t bolster security, Its easy to see why there are melt downs. It was much more pleasant to have a cutie in straw hat ask a fan to please consider your behavior, compliance was almost always met. Owenership thinks having more Black and blue in the stadium will help, thats the same logic they use for the bullpen, bring more AAA kids up, so they get blown away and lose their confidence.
    Soon the fans should sue the ownership for not protecting a viable franchise. Geez, 3 years of Uribe and Lilly, while DRE goes to the Yankees and Matt goes anywhere that colletti isn’t. How long is NED going to stay, his points as a GM are going down, no team would want him. Bring schmitt, jones and dotel and get nothing because they did nothing, sells off santana, Dewitt, jackson, who would certainly be on the 25 man roster now if sanity prevailed. Yes Idiots are in control of the Dodgers. The juan pierre fiasco seems sensible in retrospect, in fact he may be a better LF choice than anything else we put out there.SELL the GD TEAM

  48. Nellyjune

    while DRE goes to the Yankees
    By koufax1963 on May 24, 2011 12:44 pm – Reply
    I agree with you on everything except……. Dre’s going to the Red Sox – LOL!!!

  49. enchantedTheBeav

    Got this from an ESPN article:
    It was that double steal — Bill Hall, who had singled earlier in the inning, was on the front end of it — that galled manager Don Mattingly especially after pitching coach Rick Honeycutt had emphasized the importance of preventing it to rookie reliever Kenley Jansen during a mound visit following that two-out walk to Angel Sanchez.
    “If he did [check the runners], he didn’t check them enough,” Mattingly said. “We just have to pay better attention to that and not let them have that base. … We talked about that when Rick went out, that you have to watch [Sanchez]. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”
    So what I’m seeing is that maybe some guys have tuned out Bunnynutts just like they did Old Joe.
    At this point if and when they get a new owner, if I were them I’d have to seriously re-examine every single player and coach in the organization above AA and think long and hard about getting rid of every single one of them and starting over with a totally clean slate. No telling how far the disease has spread.

  50. selltheteam

    Dodgers expected to bring up De La Rosa
    Club hopes top pitching prospect can help beleaguered bullpen
    Check out the last two paragraphs:
    “The move of De La Rosa to the bullpen is reminiscent of 1993, when the Dodgers took a 21-year-old right-handed rookie from the Dominican Republic who had been a starter and put him in the bullpen.
    Pedro Martinez went 10-5 with a 2.61 ERA in 65 games as a long reliever, pitching 107 innings that year as a springboard to what will ultimately be a Hall of Fame career, albeit one spent elsewhere after his trade to Montreal for Delino DeShields months later.”
    I’m guessing that if we don’t jettison Frank and Ned soon (as in next week), Rubby De La Rosa will also likely be traded away for the likes of DeShields.
    SELL THE TEAM!!!!!

  51. Nellyjune

    We are so, so , soooo screwed. Unbelieveable how bad it has gotten in such a short period of time.

    • JhallWally

      Hi’Ya Nelly!! It really hasn’t been a short time. We all saw this coming 5-6 years ago if you recall. We all knew Ned was a nincompoop from the beginning. Think Schidt, Phew, and the Curacao Cow!!! I hate to see them screw with Rubby now as this team is hopeless and it makes no sense to mess with him chasing a fix for a lost cause.

      • Nellyjune

        You are right Jhall!!! I was just kind of referring to the fact that since Bud finally called Frank under the carpet, the tail spin has been phenomenal, which I guess in the grand scheme of things……… it should be to our benefit to finally get rid of this guy and many others I hope.

      • JhallWally

        Yep, since finding out about the McCrooks’ financial raping of the franchise, the downward spiral has definately gone quickly.

  52. messagebear

    To me it’s unconscionable to take a promising starting pitcher as De LaRosa seems to be and to try and make him over into a relief guy. If he can really perform at the major league level, why not trade Garland, or Kuroda, or Lilly and get someone capable for the bullpen. None of those three can be expected to be with us and be effective for much more than the year, and really good starters are hard to find, as we know. So, stop messing around with De LaRosa.

    • JhallWally

      I have to agree Bear. Don’t mess with Rubby now. Trade Garland, Lilly, and/or Kuroda in July and bring him up to start. Realistically we should be selling in late June and July. However, letting Ned be in charge of any dealing is a huge mistake. We will just get hosed again.

  53. JhallWally

    Well, only 7 days till payroll is due. I’m thinking we should be hearing about McBroke filing for bankruptcy any day now.

  54. selltheteam

    Today’s Losing LIneup
    Furcal SS
    Carroll 2B
    Loney 1B
    Kemp CF
    Sands RF
    Navarro C
    Gibbons LF
    Miles 3B
    Billingsley P

  55. koufax1963

    The desperation of the ownership is becoming apparent. “oh if I win the WS (perhaps division) then the fans won’t hate on me, the selig moderators will get out of my office and I can complete that cable deal and get jaime off my arse”
    No wonder Ned must make immediate changes, let ruin de la rosa now for the short term gain, oh what gain? Nelly OK Dre to Bosox, he might even prefer AZ, but there is no player that is thrilled to be Dodger, years ago we could attract the best, and the dodgers picked the best.

  56. lbirken

    I agree that calling up De La Rosa, while understandable, is a sign of desperation. While short term it might work for a few games, all we have to do is look at Edwin Jackson, John Ely and James McDonald as examples of pitchers who had a lot of promise but just were not ready. I would argue that Kershaw was rushed (and I think management at the time would agree) but fortunately, Clayton has managed to stick around and has a bright future ahead of him. Can De La Rosa do the job? The real question is will he even make much of a difference?

  57. messagebear

    As far as the lineup goes:
    I can appreciate Carroll, because he seems like he’s playing all out with the unexpected chance he’s getting; good for him.
    I like to see Matt getting the kind of productivity we’ve been waiting for; build up your credentials so you can really make some money someplace else.
    I think that Sands is exciting to watch and might very well be one of our future Dodgers.
    I hope Bills has a good season and fulfills his promise.
    Everybody else – who cares.

  58. selltheteam

    There is a silver lining to the call-up of Rubby De La Rosa: Lance Cormier has finally been DFA’d.

  59. enchantedTheBeav

    You know who you can add to the list of screw-ups is Lindblom. 2-3 springs ago the kid was lights out. Spent his whole life as a reliever, then they got the bright idea of making him a starter. Haven’t heard from him since.

    • trublu4ever

      That’s why, except for Lopes, our entire coaching staff blows! Isn’t it a reality when our former pitchers go to other teams and do a pretty good job?

  60. grizzy

    I haven’t posted in a while, but what else can be said? The quicker McCourt is out of town, the better. It can’t happen fast enough. And only God knows how this bunch wound up in Dodger uniforms. We can only hope we can get some people back and put together a few wins before this goes down the dumper. Like other down years, all you can do is hang on and wait/hope for better times. But I do not recall anything stinking this badly in the last 53 years.

  61. boblee

    Another night like last nights blown ballgame and I’ll find another nite time hobby. Sick of this team not doing anything. Three good things with this team. 1. Kemp’s power 2.Kemp’s fielding and 3.Kemps ability to steal bases and drive in runs.

  62. selltheteam

    For entertainment during the game, it’s also fun to play: “Which Bozo in the bullpen is going to blow the game open tonight?”

  63. grizzy

    Thanx, tru. I agree about De La Rosa. He should stay at AA for a while. We need someone, but where will they come from? We’re already rushing the Sands kid. No good choices.

  64. kpookiemon

    MENTALLY WEAK. Chad needs a nickname to turn him around. Bulldog? Oh, that’s right, it’s been used.

  65. Nellyjune

    OMG!!! It is so good to see you Grizzy!!!!
    Wow!!! How about that? The Dodgers won tonight!! My phone let me know Mr. Sands hit a grand slam. That was awesome to read when it happened.
    In case something bad happens to me in the next two weeks, just make sure you blame the fact that I currently have my nails with orange and black on them. I did it in support of my son and his team who are still alive in the section playoffs. The seniors are missing their Grad Night at Disneyland to continue their quest for a section title. So, the least I could do is try to overlook the fact they wear gnat colors and wear them for the games until their season is over.

  66. northstateblues

    Angelinos, take up arms.
    The Vogue Theatre at 66775 Hollywood Blvd has besmirched the good name of Vin Scully.

    They’ve taped a old, worn out red carpet over his star, you can only see his name and less than half the star. Roberto over at Vin Scully is my Homeboy has the scoop here:

    And the phone number, if you’re curious: (323) 466-1900.
    CRY HAVOC!!!! And let loose the dogs of war…

  67. kpookiemon

    northstates, how dare you enter the current blog! Blasphemy! Anyway, had never seen that. Pretty schlocky. Low Rent. Save Vinny, indeed. I love this season in a sick sort of way. The battle cry used to be “play the kids.” Well, here we are again. De La Rosa, Guerra, Sands.

    • northstateblues

      Heheh, I remember that, Kpookie. We might have less to lose now than when those battle cries first graced this blog.

      I also share the morbid curiosity with this year’s team. Visions run through my head of the owner in “Major League” saying “I don’t just want them to lose, I want them to finish dead last“. We’re getting there, and I’m still rooting for the team on the field. I just have a running pool in my head: “How might they blow it tonight?”.

  68. ThinkingBlue

    Hello all…Just wanted to wish all a safe and fun Memorial Weekend. I want to thank all who have given their lives for this country.
    I love my Dodgers and I will always root for my boys in blue……but the truth I hoping that the fact that we are in last place (or heading there) is because the players are boycotting the fact that the team continues to be under the ownership of Frank…..I’m kinda understanding the Cuban in this country. They love Cuba but they wish NOT to be there while under Castro’s control.
    Let’s go Dodgers!

  69. grizzy

    I’ve been wondering why anyone would ever pitch to Kemp, but then again, why not? Those other duds are not going to do anything. Kemp isn’t going to be hitting any five run homers. If I were an opposing pitcher, I’d take the challenge and go after him with my best stuff and figure my team could out score one guy.

  70. kpookiemon

    Josh, this really is getting kind of old. One thread per week? You’re losing your bloggers. Just one more thing with the Dodgers that seems to be “broken.” If you’re too busy, find someone who isn’t. Thank you.

  71. enchantedTheBeav

    Hey guys – you can always find us by looking over at the recent posts. Since we’re not getting any new threads, we’re using some back from 2006 that only had a couple of posts on them.

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