Tagged: anniversary

Lima Time

One year ago today, we came into the office to learn of the passing of Jose Lima, one of the most interesting people you could ever encounter. He was taken way too soon and will always be remembered by baseball fans around the world.

Please continue to keep his family in your thoughts and for those interested in reading the blog post from that day, you can do so here.

Photo by Associated Press

Monday morning memory

There are a lot of moments in Dodger history that stand out for people, apart from what takes place when the ball is thrown. Today marks the 35th anniversary of such a moment.

When two fans tried to set fire to the American flag at Dodger Stadium, a Cubs outfielder swooped in and stopped them from doing so. No one could know at the time that the following year, he would become a Dodger outfielder, play eight seasons for the team which included three NL pennants, several key moments for the 1981 World Championship team and then become a broadcaster for the team for nearly two decades.

Rick Monday – a true patriot and a Dodger hero in so many ways. Happy Anniversary, Mo. You’ve represented the Dodger organization with class for more than a quarter century and did so even before you got here. Your efforts are lauded and appreciated by all of us inside the organization and millions of fans around the country.