Remember 1988?

It was that year that we lost Game 1 of the NLCS at home to the heavily favored Mets, only to win it in seven games and head on to the Fall Classic. We’ve got to have the same mentality going into today’s game, as the only thing we’ve lost, really, is home field advantage.

Please remember to come early to help traffic flow (and carpool if you can). And if you’re coming, come with your outside voices!! This place was rockin’ last night and it will be again today, I’m sure.

Things have been rather busy, so I haven’t had a chance to read the comments in the last few days but will soon. Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Kemp, CF

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Loney, 1B

Blake, 3B

Belliard, 2B

Martin, C

Padilla, P



  1. dodgereric

    At the risk of drawing attention to the troll, I’d like to ask my fellow Dodger fans to grant this poor person a little pity instead of reacting with scorn and anger. For one thing, as many have said, that’s exactly what he wants (and apparently needs) to fuel some horribly pathetic hole in his life.

    Imagine what his existence must be like, to be sitting at home with nothing to look forward to but for the Phils to outscore the Dodgers so that he can come onto our site and gloat over someone else’s accomplishments that aren’t even his own.

    Imagine how empty his life is that he gets enjoyment out of irritating and demeaning other people.

    Imagine what it must be like to have to get satisfaction from being so malicious and hateful to people who have done you no wrong and you don’t even know. It’s truly pathetic. What drives a person to be like this? Jealousy? Lack of self esteem? An abusive parent?

    Sure, we all know that it’s just a game. Sure, we all know that we have absolutely no control over wins or losses. The bills keep coming in the mailbox, laughter comes over a stupid joke, and the sun rises again to greet another day regardless of the scores in the sports world. We get a sense of fulfillment when our favorite team does well and we die a little when they lose, but all he seems to get enjoyment of is watching his flies squirm as he pulls the wings off. What a tragic existence. And to think he’s reproduced and raised a child that had to grow up with only this as a role model. At least that’s what he claims. Personally, I have a hard time conceiving the notion of anyone past the age of 11 who would take pleasure in doing what he does. I burned up some ants with a magnifying lens once, but I was only 7 or 8.

    No, we need to show some compassion for such a person. After all, there but for the Grace of God go you or I.

  2. selltheteam

    That was one excellent game last night, except for the final outcome. The Dodgers continue their never say die attitude that has been with them all year long. It was great to see James Loney go yard at DS after having done it only once during the regular season. Then, despite the three-run shot given up by the Brim Reaper, the offense came right back with two runs in the bottom of the eighth. This year’s Dodgers can never be counted out of a game, and that makes me want to watch every single AB, because you never know what’s going to happen.
    Last night’s game makes me think this series is going seven games. May the best team win and may it be Blue.

  3. Dodger4life

    Point taken………….. Good Sir……………..
    Lets take this game and then take the series Boy’s………We need to keep checking off goals. We all knew it was going to be a battle, so keep on battling and win the war.

  4. phan52

    Thank you for your empathy eric, but that was a little creepy. Glad you wasted 5 minutes of your time to project your sad view of life onto an anonymous poster.

    …blue, indeed…LOL!!

  5. Dodger4life

    Here Here and good morning to you Peru and everyone else………….
    Let’s Go Dodgers, Let’s Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. phan52

    I read today that if they average the number of people who were in the stands at DS throughout the entire game that it would be at about 65% capacity. Arrive late, leave early. Sad. Why bother going?

  7. Dodger4life

    Ooooooh! Ooooooh! Mr Kotter, Mr. Kotter… can I answer that one. PLease……………………………
    Even if we fight obstacles, on our journey to the park.
    LONG LIVE DODGER STADIUM AND OUR BELOVED BOY’S IN BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. phan52

    edit…the best place in the world to see parts of great baseball.
    For some reason, innings 1,2, 8, 9 are anathema at DS. Part time, casual fans.

  9. scott_in_arcadia

    enchanted, I plan on checking it out, but so far only driven by. Looks nice. As long as I can get cheese bread and salad I’ll be happy.

  10. enchantedbeaver

    My daughter went while she was out there a couple months ago and said it wasn’t quite the same taste as before, but then that could be due to the fact nothing has 35-40 years of grease accumulation on it : )

    I hear its on Rosemead now and there’s a Kohl’s where it was before.

  11. nellyjune

    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!


    I second that!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!

  12. nellyjune

    Ward Dear………………….. 🙂 You are one of the best!!!

    I just thought of this……………………………Michael moved his hat from the piano……………………………not that I am being superstitious or anything.

  13. dodgereric

    e, you wrote a song? Dag, I missed it. I’ll go get it onto our site!

    Junie, you must have some old and tattered gnat hat lying around there somewhere. Dig it out, toss it in the gutter and walk around on it for a while. Then stick it back on that piano.

  14. nellyjune

    I will use my hubby’s -thanks for the tip. However, with Merced High being the same colors, it’s confusing at times which hats are which.

  15. dodgereric

    “She?s had her diamonds
    She?s had her minks
    She?s going for it all (cuz)
    Frank stinks.”

    LMAO!!! There are parts of your songs that just scream “enchantedsunset”!!!! Bravo!! That makes 546 songs for us and (hold on to your hat) 148 for you!! Amazing!

  16. enchantedbeaver

    Here’s a tip – cheeseburger, chile on the side (or it gets too sloppy.) Looks like they have a full bar now too.

    That’s a rather frightening stat E.

  17. nellyjune

    I can’t believe you missed an Enchanted song – LOL!!!! 🙂

    …….and D4, you know I was just kidding 🙂

  18. enchantedbeaver

    BTW Scott – thanks for the link!!! Definitely much more impressive, but looks like it lost a lot of its “charm.” I just didn’t have time to go there when I cruised through town a few weeks ago.

  19. nellyjune

    It’s been 22 minutes ahead for a week or so now………….soon to be 23 minutes. It’s been increasing ever so slowly, but increasing none the less.

  20. dodgereric

    Yeah, I know. I had issues hooking up to the ‘net last night. I was supposed to be meeting 6 fiends on my fantasy football site to have a supplemental draft and it took more than an hour. By that time it was ‘hit the phones’ time to get them all back. Then I had a bunch of Scout stuff to do, so I never got to ITD last night.

    Hey e and/or scott, is that “Galley” place associated with the Northwoods Inn or has it replaced it? I never ate at the one in Rosemead but I sure spent a lot of time and money at the one in Covina. Best salads, bread and baked potatos I’ve had yet! Man, I feel a road trip coming on in the near future!! LOL!!

  21. enchantedbeaver

    Northwoods and the Boat are associated, or at least they were at one time. Northwoods should still be there on Rosemead with the Boat next to it.

  22. colliethec

    E — Very well spent 5 minutes!!!
    In my book, when possible life is meant to be positive & bring others up. Encourage others & make life enjoyable for all.
    I think that’s what you do & did.
    Unfortunately not everybody in this world is that way.

  23. oldbrooklynfan

    HI ITD
    I had a great time with TBW, last night, watching and analyzing our team together, with many of the customers and workers chiming in with us.
    It was a lot of fun even though we lost.
    Well let’s see what we can do with Pedro today and hope Padilla can prove that last week was no dream.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  24. dodgereric

    Thanks collie! I like you too! And Junie and e and jhall and D4 and tru and north and scott and crash and kahli and bear and shad and peru and amy and sara and lbirken and rose and emma and koufax and seesky and sparkle and 32 and ………….. all the rest, here on ITD-isle!!!!! 🙂

  25. selltheteam

    Eric – I really, really appreciate ODawg’s defensive skills, and he is no slouch at the plate. But I doubt Torre will sit Belliard as long as he is hot, and right now Jelly Belly has a seven game hitting streak and hit safely in eleven of his last twelve games.

  26. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – I heard through our teenage grapevine that your computer had a touch of a virus. I was having major issues last night staying connected, and so my half of the teenage grapevine said that maybe your virus made my computer sick – LOL!!!!!

    Hey enchanted!!!!! It’s great seeing you too!!!

  27. northstateblues

    An interesting quote I came upon last night while reading, thought it might apply:

    “Don’t try to fight fire with fire… Irrational people love it when you argue with them; since they know they’re ‘right’ anyway, they don’t have to listen to you” – Richard Pini

    Now for baseball…

  28. shad80

    Heck I hate when a guy that has 3 sb’s all year long and a catcher that doesn’t have alot of speed steal 2nd bases.

  29. vl4ecc

    Good afternoon all!
    Looks like Padilla has a short memory today, not letting that Howard dinger get him down. That’s a good thing.

  30. colliethec

    Vl4 — I agree with the pop ups. I just got in & turned the game on but was keeping track on my phone & kept seeing “popped up”.
    Are they swinging for the fences or what. It also seems as if they aren’t working Pedro.

  31. selltheteam

    Vicente gets so fired up after the solo shot he strikes out two!! Let’s get that run back and more, Blue!!

  32. colliethec

    I got good news last night.
    If there is a game #7 I’ll bee there in R19. My friend who I’m staying with & going to a U2 concert at the Rose Bowl has 6 tix for all of us to go.
    I was a little hesitant to go but when she told me her hubby got the tix I was pumped!!
    Our plane lands at LAX from Vegas at 2:15 & we’ll be going straight to the stadium.
    Woo Hoo!!!
    Go Blue!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!

  33. oldbrooklynfan

    This is one of the best pitching duels we’ve seen in a long time.
    Just hoping for Pedro to make a mistake, preferably with someone on base.


    Recently seen: egg on the faces of 31 MLB GM’s who thought Pedro couldn’t pitch. We need to make something happen quick. LET’S GO BLUE!!!!!

  35. nellyjune

    Oh…………………….my……………………..goodness!!!!!! A moment I am sure Andre has been waiting for.

  36. nellyjune

    ANDRE – Not the GS I was hoping for, but a clutch walk none the less. It’s being Everyday Dre, patient and waiting for his pitch. I will take that any day. FABULOUS AT-BAT ANDRE EVERETT ETHIER!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!

    Manny – It’s your turn 🙂

    well…………….nevermind 😦

    submission error hell once again :((((

    Herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre’s Johnny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What does Johnny say????
    Phu Q y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s evened up guys and gals!!!!

  37. colliethec

    Back to Philly on Sunday.
    Nice to fight through to get the W last night that they weren’t able to get last night. They continue to fight & it’s fun to watch!

  38. nellyjune

    …………and now I time warped ahead of everyone. JOSH!!!!!!!!! – This is sooooo very frustrating, especially now, when we really, really want to cheer them on. I know it’s not your fault, and I know you can’t do anything about it, but still……………………….. :)))) YEAH DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. vl4ecc

    Andre showing good patience & discipline at the plate there.
    Cheap way to get the lead, but we’ll take it……..

  40. nellyjune

    Crash – I think I did too. I was actually tempted to turn off the tv. I haven’t seen any of his dramatic at-bats this post season, so I think I was holding my breath because I was hoping I didn’t jinx him by watching. It was a big at-bat……………..not as dramatic as a Grand Slam would have been, but it was huge to get that run in no matter how he did it.


    Another round from the victory flask for ITD!!!!!!!!!! Double shots for Everyday Dre, Vincent P, and Johnny B!!!!!!!!!!!


    A great momentum changer today. It would have been tough going to Philly down 0-2. Pack your cold weather gear, boys. It’s a bit nippy on the East Coast.


    I see we’re experiencing the wacky, warped ITD time/space continuum…..Now, from the oven to the icebox. Pack your cold weather gear, D’s. It’s going to be chilly in Philly.

  44. perumike

    Congrats to VP, Big Jon, Dre and the rest of our boys. I think we really need Game 3 to shift the momentum back to us, and to make the 3 games in Philly a bit easier. Let’s do it!

  45. kpookiemon

    These teams are so close, but the Phils appear to have more of the yips, both defensively and in relief. On to Philly!!!!!!!!!!

  46. perumike

    Well all, gotta run study, but will have an excellent evening due to today’s results. Have a great Dodger evening!

  47. jhallwally

    Hello gang!! Just got home from work!!! Wow, what a gutsy performance by our team today!!! Nice comeback and clutch win. Really a must win situation. Way to go team!!! Let’s Rock the Phillies world in Philadelphia Sunday!!!

  48. nellyjune

    I am glad you came home from work to a win. School ended just in time so I saw the most important part………………..the 8th and 9th inning. I don’t think I breathed once through Andre’s at-bat, and I don’t think I breathed much better during Brox’s 9th inning.


    I know what you mean, shad. If he keeps pitching well, Padilla’s going to be in a much higher income bracket come next season.

  50. shad80

    Laz Diaz screwed Hunter on that bunt and Arod messed up Mathis and ran a stop sign. Yep I guess the really trying hard for a Dodgers/Yankees WS.

  51. shad80

    Wow Angels defense is falling apart and Hunter even made an error after Lackey made one. The Yankees playing the song that Dodgers do when we hit homeruns.

  52. jhallwally

    Hey Nell’, I think their server has a clock problem!!! They’ve almost certainly outgrown their system and need to make some major upgrades/changes!!!!

  53. Dodger4life

    jhall give me 6 lottery # for tonight…………..You’ll get front row tickets to a Dodger Stadium luxury box….drinks and food included upon me winning…………

  54. jhallwally

    I’d like this to happen in Vegas when I’m gambling!!! LOL!!! Nelly throws eight at the craps table and makes her point, and I know it 15 minutes ahead of time. Wow!!!!

  55. nellyjune

    Well, we are now 23 minutes ahead of real time. Told ya it would happen sooner or later enchantedsunset, if you are out there somewhere 🙂

    LOL!!!!! funny jhall!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))

    So, who are your Buckeyes playing tomorrow?

    7:52 PM, pst.

  56. nellyjune

    I have no idea. I don’t really follow them like the rest of my family. I watch it when it is on, but that’s about the extent of my involvement. I am sure D4 knows though. His Boise St. Broncos barely beat Tulsa the other night. That game I did see.

  57. jhallwally

    Who do you root for in College Football Nell’? The Boise State-Tulsa game was very fun to watch. Boise State is fun to watch and I love their field!!!!

  58. nellyjune

    Any team who is considered the underdog or not as good as the BCS committee thinks.

    I knew D4 would know 🙂

  59. shad80

    hahaha to funny Giradi and the 1st base ump cinversation. Giradi calling this new guy we just called him up from triple A lol

  60. Dodger4life

    USC is at Notre Dame also Jhall…………..Boise State is a very college oriented town/city…..It is a lot of fun to follow them. I have been had the pleasure of playing golf with a few of them and would run into many of them around town….It gives you a unique feel to the team. Winning helps a lot also…

  61. jhallwally

    Too cool D4!!! Same with Columbus, its a college town. Very fun to be a part of!!! Not quite as quaint as Idaho unfortunately!!!

  62. Dodger4life

    Take out been also……..I am getting faster with my typing skills can you tell…LOL!!!!!!!! I am up to several mistakes per minute 🙂

  63. Dodger4life

    I think so too…hard to see them losing to a team ranked out of the top 20 after losing to oregon already. Carroll will have them prepared.

  64. nellyjune

    Boy, Boise State kind of sounds like Ohio State, and the community it encompasses, doesn’t it?

    jhall – it would be an honor 🙂

    If you think about it, Andre is/was an underdog or a player people thought wasn’t as good as what he appeared to be, but still has a lot to learn and will always to what he can to improve himself. My favorite driver, Denny Hamlin………………..same thing. And maybe that is why I am in the profession I am in because the favorite part of my job is seeing the underdog in the class finally have his/her day to shine. I had one of those moments today, and like we say over and over again on here………………………that is life real people, and the Dodgers is just our toy store, as Dodgereric so cleverly puts it. That being said………………………….I really love this toy store, even if it means putting up with the broken toys at times. :)))

  65. jhallwally

    Yep D4, USC rolls unless they turn the ball over 2 or 3 times. Carroll team is too well coached for that to happen!!!

  66. jhallwally

    Possibly D4!! I think the Bucks need to run the table and beat Penn State there, Iowa at home, and Michigan on the road to pass Boise State if they don’t lose.

  67. Dodger4life

    Texas has a tough conference do they not, several tough games on the schedule….I do want Oklahoma though…Break’um Horns

  68. nellyjune

    I am guessing we fit that description pretty well Jhall, and I would have to say Enchanted in the Box would be the leader of the misfits. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! He must love it when we talk about him when he is not around, or is he around?

  69. jhallwally

    Beav/Enchanted is always present!!! LOL!!! He works in strange and mystical ways!!!! That one is strong with the Force!!!!

  70. jhallwally

    If Texas doesn’t lose, they will definately play for a National Title. And well deserved. They do have a tough way to go D4!! The winner of the Florida-Alabama game gets the other slot!!!

  71. Dodger4life

    with getoutofhere as his special assistant to the GM he will be even stronger…………………imagine all the insight those two could bring forth….

  72. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!!!!! No doubts about that Jhall. It is definitely some type of force with him to have that kind of imagination. Around here, we seem to all have a vivid imagination, but enchanted takes it to the next level and then some. I am certainly glad he is on our side of the fence 🙂

  73. Dodger4life

    I miss him at times……I have to admit….he is funny, that line from Frank sucks that Eric posted today had me LMAO!!!!

  74. jhallwally

    Good thing we have Yoda/Eric to keep him on the good side of the force. D4, I can’t imagine those two together in the same room. However, I want to be the fly on the wall to see it!!!

  75. nellyjune

    Let me re-phrase that. So, if Eric is Yoda, then you are…………………………Obiwon? He was very wise as well.

  76. Dodger4life

    I’m guessing I should be calling Dr.Stienberg to see if I can hitch a ride to the unemployment office now…….

  77. Dodger4life

    Oh well he was busy……..I am sure if I blend in a week or two……I can bum a ride with some one else……..

  78. nellyjune

    ………….and how did we go from misfit toys to Star Wars? …………and who are we calling strange? LOL!!!!!!!

  79. nellyjune

    Well, that is too sweet Jhall – thanks. There are not too many females to choose from in Star Wars, are there? Kind of a male-dominated movie if you ask me – (jk) LOL!!!!!! I know, I know……………..that’s why you men like them so much.

  80. nellyjune

    Come to think of it…………………….there weren’t too many females to choose from in Leave it to Beaver ethier.

  81. nellyjune

    Join the club Wally!!!!! Pretty soon you will be a veteran. Dodgereric/Ward Dear became a veteran of time warps and submission errors last week or so.

  82. nellyjune

    It is kind of funny Jhall………………..the characters you/we came up with for Star Wars, somewhat match the characters from Leave it to Beaver. Beav/Luke Skywalker – young and inquisitive……………….Yoda/Ward Dear – wise and fatherly………………………..Wally/Obiwon – wise and kind of an advisor to Beav/Luke. However, Princess Leia and June Darlin’ ……….maybe not so much, but I can see myself being a cross between the two………..motherly at times, but certainly wanting to do things my own way as well.

  83. jhallwally

    Well, we just have to trust the Force right now. Must keep the faith and not go to the Dark Side. Darth Phan thrives on negative feelings and our comments directed at him. Do not acknowledge him under any circumstances. He gets more powerful with any input. Excelsior True Believers!!!!

  84. nellyjune

    Submission Error hell once again :((

    That is true on both counts Jhall……………………..Leia/June Darlin’ and Ward Dear. Men/boys – can’t live with them and you can’t live without them – LOL!!!!!!! …………and in the case for ITD – same goes for the Dodgers :))

  85. jhallwally

    LOL Nelly!!! Don’t kid yourself, June and Leia under everthing, ruled the roost!!! Dad probably just had to get it out there. Do not engage for any reason. No response to his posts drives him crazy!!!! He really is a non entity!!!!

  86. nellyjune

    Good Night Jhall/Wally!!!! Thanks for the conversation. Sweet Dodger Dreams and have a fabulous Saturday. Take Care and the best of luck to your Buckeyes!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. dodgereric

    “Don’t try to fight fire with fire… Irrational people love it when you argue with them; since they know they’re ‘right’ anyway, they don’t have to listen to you” – Richard Pini

    By northstateblues on October 16, 2009 1:49 PM

    Wise. Wiser than I to be sure. Keeping my mouth shut has never been one of my strong points. And, in keeping with the Star Wars theme, I’d like to paraphrase another wise man.

    “Who’s the more foolish: The fool, or the fool who argues with him?”

    Yoda, huh? When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmm?

    Oh yeah, baseball.

    I’m not as happy as I’m relieved. We’re even again. We’ve each given a game away, and now it’s the best 3 of 5. We don’t have home field advantage anymore, but I’ve always thought it’s a little overrated.

    I think Padilla is now our #1 starter. I hope Torre starts him in Game 5 on Tuesday. I think we can take this thing if SOMEONE WILL GET THE BIG HIT. I haven’t seen one yet, and we’ve had plenty of opportunities with the right guys up. The Phils are a damned good club, but their pen makes them beatable.

    REVENGE!!! Now we’re cooking!

  88. bluecrewgirl

    Today’s game was too close for comfort. I was at work, but I did sneak a few checks on my Blackberry. I just read an article about the game that said that Andre was the last one in the locker room after the game and said he normally winds down quickly after a game, but couldn’t after this one. He said he was shaking inside from the emotion and his hands were shaking. There’s definitely a different vibe on the team in the playoffs vs. last season. Not to say they didn’t want it last year, but there’s an intensity and desire there this year that just seems different. I like it. That’s what it takes to win a World Series.

  89. kpookiemon

    I know this will sound like heresy…and the Dodgers may even steal a World Series in 2009…but I say this team is a year or two away from becoming a real powerhouse…Martin and Kemp bombed in the clutch today…Kershaw melted a bit…Ethier looks like he’s ready for prime time…all these guys are getting GREAT post-season innings. When they save enough, look out.

  90. nellyjune

    Bluecrewgirl – I did not read that, and I read alot. Can you imagine what they must have been going through today during Andre’s at-bat. Just me, the fan, was barely breathing, as Crash stated earlier. I can’t even fathom what he was going through. I thought of your Grand Slam scenario……………..just in a series too early. He will get his shot at it, I am sure. I was so proud of his patience during that at-bat because it would have been so much easier to the pull the trigger and swing at that last pitch…………probably resulting in a K or a pop up. What an at-bat it was.

    Ward Dear – I know……………..I know…………….., but I guess we couldn’t resist. You are very deserving of the role………….minus the green, wrinkly look, of course 🙂 I am still not sure how we got from misfit toys to Star Wars, but then again this is ITD, where strange things happen all the time.

    Kahli – Very well said.

  91. northstateblues

    Eric, those words were wise, but they weren’t mine. And they weren’t a commentary on your post, just a bit of food for thought. Just something I came across in reading a graphic novel. I read it and laughed, as I was also seeing the goings on here, and also engaged last night. Non-maliciously, but still engaged. Hoping to see an equally acknowleged-yet-humbled response in kind, seeing as how I doubt anyone in either city had any fingernails left to chew after Game 1. But, as we all know, that might be asking for too much.

    There’s a danger in showing too much swagger when you’re not the one swinging the bat. AND there is a temperance between the extremes of being humble and meek, and being drunk with false bravado.

    I do know this is a Sports forum, not an Aristotelian lecture hall. Yet, I also realize how lucky we are to have a community here on ITD that hasn’t gone to rabble the way many internet sports blogs and forums have, where the extent of conversation is usually “yor teem sux and your dumb, poopyhed” “no, your dumb cuz you don’t agree”. Take a look at the comment section of Sports Illustrated’s online articles to see what I’m talking about. Better yet… don’t.

    Much like some of the greatest works of television and cinema come from a time when the writers had to worm their way against the dreaded “Standards and Practices”, when you HAD to be a good screenwriter/producer/director because there were only so many studios and three television channels, and only the best, interesting and entertaining shows survived, I feel this blog is better for having the rules in place, and people clever enough to find the ways to work their way around them. (I guess a parallel can be drawn to how pitching has gone down the tubes because there’s 30 teams instead of 16, and almost half of today’s bullpens would’ve never made the bigs.)

    It’s just sad in those rare cases when someone has to come in and excrete all over the place, just for the “sport” in it. Though I would’ve done the same, when I was a teenager. Hell, if ANYONE on the other school’s football team heard what I was screaming at them, and put a face to the yell, I wouldn’t be here today.

    But then something happened. I grew up. Just about everyone does.

    For those who haven’t, maybe we should remember the “Prime Directive”, and the wisdom in that.

  92. shad80

    with getoutofhere as his special assistant to the GM he will be even stronger…………………imagine all the insight those two could bring forth….

    By Dodger4life on October 16, 2009 9:32 PM

    hahahahaa and don’t forget the stats guy also lol.

  93. shad80

    You’re gotta be kidding me.

    Career vs. PHI 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6.0 7 7 7 2 3 3 10.50 1.67 .292
    Away (this year) 13 12 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 75.0 61 33 30 6 32 45 3.60 1.24 .232

    Yeah that’s right 7 runs 6 hits in 6th innings. If they would had won I doubt that poseter would be complaining and to think he had 5 1/2 yrs pitches for them back.

  94. shad80

    He was originally drafted by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 25th round of the 1994 Major League Baseball Draft, but didn’t sign. He was then drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies in the second round of the 1997 Major League Baseball Draft.

    Oh wow I didn’t know Wolf used to be drafted by us in the 25th round lucky for him he now a Dodgers.

  95. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ I may be the only one, but I’m glad the Yankees won yesterday. WE, THE DODGERS, ARE THE ONLY TEAM FROM L.A. So, if Los Angeles is represented in the World Series….it MUST BE THE DODGERS!!!!!


    Can we keep this Padilla guy?
    I’m putting this on here deliberately so he can make a liar out of me, but a lot of the time it looks as though we’ll have to win in spite of Manny.


    According to the pundits Torre and Manuel should now be even as well – Torre supposedly left Kershaw in too long, and Manuel didn’t leave Pedro in long enough.

    I think the next game may be key to the final outcome. We need to get to Lee in order to turn the series in our favor.

  98. nellyjune

    Good Morning, Messagebear and Tru!!!!

    Shad – your jobs have been added to the list.

    However, while I was looking for an updated version of that list, I came across this gem in my files at home. Remember this day in the life and times of ITD? It was during the hotstove season, soon after the ITD jobs were formed, and our EnchantedGM decided to figure out how to make some money so he devised a drink menu. I am guessing most of these drinks would remain the same, or do you think some need changing due to change in performance or lack of performance,and I am assuming some need to be completely taken off the list seeing how they are ethier no longer on the team?

    Just recapping our EnchantedGM’s productive day……

    Cue Pacabel in the background (softly.)

    In these trying times, many of today?s Dodgers are finding it harder to cope with lack of playing time due to diminished skills. Through no fault of their own, there is now an abundance of outfielders that bring much more to the table than these two [un]loveable mascots – Trigger and Cow. What could be more American than farm animals? That?s why we?ve created the TAKE MY JUANPY and TAKE MY ANDRUW PLEASE! telethon. It?s not just Jerry Lewis crying… We?re all crying at the thought of these two. When Sally Struth, I mean Andruw Jones showed up to camp overweight, it was a cry for help (trust me, we all cried.) And look at poor innocent Juan Pierre with his little crooked hat and noodlearm. He really got the business. That?s why we need your help to get them out of Los Angeles and back on the field where they can be of real help to the team – by playing on someone else?s. So give generously and give often. Contributions are not tax deductible, but it will bring you, and especially us, much joy if you pass it on to 25 people you know.

    Thank You.

    © 2008 The NedCo Take My Juanpy/Andruw Please Foundation.?

    By enchantedsunset on November 9, 2008 7:38 AM

    Here is a list of the drinks for our current Dodger Organization and some other noteables: All invented by our ITD GM – EnchantedSunset
    The Frank Going For Broke: 99% Muddled Cider and 1% Loganberry.
    The JoJo: Your choice of 9 of 25 ingredients, but it takes you 6 months to figure out the right combination.
    The Colletti Confetti – Just a bunch of old run of the mill ingredients that you spend big bucks on trying to put together
    The Jason Schmidt – Old eye of gnat with a Muddled Cider chaser. (Don’t stir too hard or you’ll develop a sore shoulder.)
    The ManRam – Red Bull with a dash of Sangria, taken with a grain of Scott Boras salt. Goes down easy at first, but may come back to haunt you later.
    The Green Girdle – Creme de menth and a few nuts with high expectations. (Can be tough to hold in and control.)
    The Larry Bowa – Old Grandad and red chile peppers. Agitate and serve hot.
    The Broxton – Johnny Walker straight up.
    The Joe Torre – Jack Daniels. Sip leaning up against the bar rail.
    The Andruwish Princess – Curacao & Milk.
    The Derek Lowe – too many highballs and you get hammered.
    The Nomar – The finest Tequila served over cracked ice in a crystal vase.
    The Big Juan – Near beer served with a dash of bitters.
    The DY – A smooth little drink that mostly gets ignored on the menu.
    The Jeff Kent – Old Fashioned served with salt and sours in a trash can by a waiter with an untucked shirt.
    The Martin – Start out slammin’ beers, but by the end of the night you’re too tired to finish.
    The Dre – Kahluha with some cream and a little stardust……..smooth and dreamy!
    The Ned Donkey-Yoti – Curacao, Creme de Schmidt, plus a plethora other lesser ingredients. Too many of these has you proving that you’re an ***.
    The Mark Sweeney – Bourbon with a little sage and a rusty nail. Drink as many as you want because when you fall off the stool, you still won’t hit the floor.
    The Matt Kemp – Good old homemade bathtub gin. Big kick, but may cause you to run irratically now and then.
    The Kershaw – Southern Comfort and Habaneros. Served by your rocking chair. (I.D. required.)
    The Gary Maddux – Crevosier mixed with Dom Perignon. May have to fight the urge to pee on someone’s leg.
    The Loney – Sloe Gin with coffee grounds. Order two at a time and make it a doubleplay
    The Parking Lot Attendent – Blue Curacao on the rocks. Cost – $15.
    The Bud Selig – Old sour mash and rainwater. Takes three days to finish one.
    The And-roid – Georgia peach schnapps and a creme or clear chaser. Be wary of de-tox from these as you believe you hear boos coming from every direction
    The Vin Scully – Aged Johnny Walker Red. Savor to the last drop.

  99. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue………………..
    Those were fun Nelly and Enchanted. They remind me of the goofy card packs I enjoyed as a kid. Like any good drink master I am sure Enchanted can always add to the list of party favorites.
    I realize that in game 3 we will be up against Mr. Lee, and he is a tough opponet. I do want to go on record this morning in saying that Hiroki Kuroda is no slouch. I have always had the upmost faith and belief in him, as a pitcher for us in crucial situations. I trust in the boy’s backing him up in the field of play as well, it will be a little chilly by anybody’s baseball standards on Sunday and good solid defense will be paramount. Stay loose keep the fingers warm and focus on the task at hand gentlemen. I see no reason as to why game 3 can not be won by this ball club. Execution of our game plan will prevail.
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a great day everyone…..:-)

  100. nellyjune

    Shad – you are officially on the list.

    The jobs with the * are me just thinking of our other ITD writers and what they might be good at. If you have other ideas on what suits you best, then feel free to pass that information along to Enchanted or me since I am his Office Assistant. If you are an ITD writer, and we missed you somehow,and you would like to be added to our list, please feel free to think of a job that suits you. For anyone newly reading this blog, during the 2008-2009 Hot Stove season, we were being our creative selves and thinking if the ITD writers could work for the Dodgers, who and what would they want to do. Some positions were appointed and some positions were taken, along with some jobs that were obviously made up because it seemed like a fun job to have at a major league level. So, all this is in fun, and it was just a way for us to pass the time away back then.

    GM – enchanted
    Manager – Dodgereric
    Trainer – jhall
    Bench Coach – sara ( and Erica Durance)
    Head Bat Girl – cpompe/CP
    Head of Security – Scott (assts – Jessica, Angelina and Halle)
    Aesthetics Coordinator – kpookimon/Kahli
    ITD Merchandizer – trublu
    ITD Activities Director/Spanish Translator – dodgersrule
    Royal Usher/ITD Video Choreographer – Dodger4life
    Groundskeeper – Diggie/Sparkleplenty
    Team Artist – northstateblues
    Chief Garbage Removal Engineer (unruly Fans) – dcollins
    Team Psychologist – Obi (appointed)
    ITD On-Site Event Reporter – Emma/crzblue
    Team Mom/CEO ETHIERAHOLICS/ITD Historian/EnchantedGM’s Office Assistant – dnelly/June Darlin’
    Team nurse – xoxrussell
    massage therapist – bluecrewgirl
    Community/Media Relations – Jeanette
    Director, Hospitality and Ambassador Program – Amy
    Scorekeeper and Assistant Trainer – Biddyboo ?
    Director of Concessions – Max Power (appointed)
    Team Photographer – acardona
    *Special Assistant to EnchantedGM/Stats~Attendance Statistician – Shad
    *3rd Base Coach/Motivational Speaker – Messagebear
    *1st Base Coach – Ramslover
    *Pitching Coach – Knouffbrock
    *Team Chaplin – Dodge16
    *East Coast Correspondents/Brooklyn Dodgers Historians – Oldbrooklynfan and Truebluewill
    *MidWest Correspondent – Boblee
    *South/Southwest Correspondent – jj/vlcc
    *Celebrations Coordinator – Seesky
    *EnchantedGM Advisor for Clubhouse Relations – Perumike

  101. nellyjune

    Messagebear – you sure may!!! I didn’t know how to phrase that aspect of your job, but that sounds good to me – LOL!!!!!

    Jhall – LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Dodgereric transformed from Ward Dear/Dad…………… Yoda………………… the Spotted Elephant. Oh………..he will love that!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Why do I feel a “AHEM!!!!” from him coming on. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  102. jhallwally

    Outstanding list Nelly!!! If we are misfit toys; We have an Enchanted in the box, I’m the square wheeled caboose, you are the Dolly for Suzanne, and Dad, you’re the spotted elephant.

  103. nellyjune

    Let’s do the time warp again!!!!!

    bluecrewgirl – thanks for the article.

    tru – I got the paper, and the title of the article reads “Andre the Giant” – Noooooooooooo…Andre is not a Giant. He is a Dodger 🙂 However, it’s very cool he is in our local paper. Dodgers don’t appear in our papers around here too often.

  104. jhallwally

    Yep Nelly!! We laid an egg!! Definately, “Not Ready For Prime Time”. Good part is, at least it saves us from going to a BCS bowl game and getting embarrassed. Bucks are a year away. Hopefully, this will wake them up. We need Bear and some a** kicking about now!!! LOL!!!

  105. nellyjune

    Bluecrewgirl – I just read it,and Wow!!!! What an article. One of the best written about the emotion of that game and what was going through his head before, during and after that at-bat, and obviously taking it into the clubhouse as well.

  106. nellyjune

    Jhall ~ That was tru who made the comment about the Buckeyes. I am not even watching football yet so it was news to me before now. Sorry to read that 😦

  107. jhallwally

    Hey Trumom!! Sorry, I’m a little out of sorts. Just watched one of the most pathetic performances by my Buckeyes in years!! It was UNACCEPTABLE!!©

  108. bluecrewgirl

    I know what you mean, Jhall. It’s tough to take when your tam loses and doesn’t play well. I am bummed that I totally forgot that USC and Notre Dame were playing today and I have plans to go see the new Vince Vaughn movie with a friend. I didn’t go to USC, but I’ve been a fan since I was a kid and my alma mater, Cal State Fullerton, doesn’t have a football team anymore. I also like Texas since I went to UT my first year of college before we moved back to California. Nelly, it was a great article, one of the best I’ve read in a while. Hope everyone has a great day ):

  109. Dodger4life

    Shake it off…… jhall…………..we need your spirit in good shape for the Dodger game…..It is dissappointing though I am sure.

  110. jhallwally

    It’s all good Nelly and D4!!! Thanks!! We’ve got some growin’ to do!!! I’m looking forward to tomorrow and our Dodgers!!!

  111. nellyjune

    Bluecrewgirl – Have fun at the movie!!!!! We are going to see “Where the Wild Things Are” later this afternoon by recommendation from Dodgereric’s half of our teenage grapevine. Thanks again for the article. You are right…………… is one of the best.

  112. nellyjune

    I know Jhall, but it’s hard to see your favorite team’s lose, no matter how good or bad their season is going. So, you are a young team right now?

  113. bluecrewgirl

    They looked good on that first drive , trublu. I’ll get to listen to a bit more on the radio on the way to the movie.

  114. jhallwally

    Yep Nelly, very young!! Alot like the Dodgers 2 years ago. Again, we’ve got some growin’/learning to do!!! We’ll be fine!!! GO Bucks and GO Dodgers!!!!

  115. nellyjune

    Well, then you have a lot to look forward to if they are young Jhall. It is fun to watch them grow and learn…………….growing pains, just like our Dodger Young guns went (and are going) through. Just like you said, you will be fine.

  116. jhallwally

    Most of the time, it is not the end result, but the journey that is the most fun. Enjoy every moment my friends. Time is fleeting. That is why I like blogging with you all. Thanks!!!!

  117. nellyjune

    Well, Jhall – Once Enchanted gets settled back in the mountains of California, we will have to figure out a way to get you out here for a visit.

  118. jhallwally

    I’m looking forward to it!!!! I’d love to get you all here in Ohio for a Dodger game in Cincinnati!!! I’m living on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, WKRP!! Dad will appreciate that!!

  119. jhallwally

    If you like roller coasters, we’ve got some of the best here!!! Cedar Point and Kings Island!!! It’s a gas!!!

  120. nellyjune

    new thread 🙂

    Oh yea!!! Those two parks are always featured when they do the countdowns of the best rollercoasters in the country Jhall.

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