Answers to your blogging questions…

So I’ve spoken to the good folks at and basically, here’s what they’ve told me about the delay you’re experiencing sometimes when you post.

MLBlogs comments weren’t built to be real-time chat vehicles or discussion threads. They exist so that you guys can leave us a comment about what we post. The good thing about this blog is that we have so many followers traditionally, but the downside of that is that you are all trying to comment and it’s putting a drain on the load – which won’t be solved by adding servers.

When 10 people try to send 10 comments in all within 10 seconds, MovableType tries to republish the same page 100 times. With you guys, it’s many multiples of 10. So there is not a solution that is going to improve the ability to have a comment show up immediately; at times (like this) it will be problematic.

I know it’s not the answer you all were seeking, but hopefully you can live with the delays from time to time and still find this to be a useful place to talk Dodger baseball.

Speaking of which, here’s tonight’s lineup in the desert

Furcal, SS

Kemp, CF

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Loney, 1B

Belliard, 3B

Hudson, 2B

Martin, C

Billingsley, P


  1. trublu4ever

    I don’t buy the reasoning for the blog delays…..we used to post close to a 1000 blogs with no problems.
    Love tonight’s lineup……………….GO GET THEM DODGERS!!!!!

  2. nellyjune

    So, Josh ~ what you are saying is that some of us talk too much – LOL!!! No, it probably isn’t the answer we were looking for, but thanks for finding out for us.

    As for the previous thread………. messagebear – I saw your post this morning and wholeheartedly agree with you. If anybody led the team yesterday, it was Belliard, hands down, with obviously the pitching staff doing their job as well. How can you be the leader of the game if you only played two innings and a half innings? ………..and Rose, you are right too………..the media needs to stop treating the Dodgers like it’s Manny’s team. I don’t see Manny’s name on the front of the jersey.

  3. nellyjune

    You know Josh, trublu is right. We even broke a record with 1200 or 1500 posts I believe (I am not sure which). Dodgereric knows the answer to that I am sure because I believe the two of us, and others, were involved in that record-breaking night. Also, it answers the question about the submission error problem, but not the 15 minute time warp some of us are experiencing on top of the submission error problem. The time warp gives us the sense that we are reading each others minds, which in some cases is true at times, but it is still annoying at times as well. However, I rather be stuck with a time warp than submission error problems. Submission Error prevents me from posting at all until I catch up to the time warp. I think both problems are connected.

  4. selltheteam

    Timestamp 4:11 pm – When you comment, MoveableType moves the time ahead by 15 minutes. Maybe it should be renamed as “MoveableTime”.

  5. crzblue2

    But since then a lot of new blogs have been added plus programs to help maintain them and probably other necessary data. As time goes by more data is being added. Many times here at work we have to remind users to clean up their data, emails, programs, etc because the servers just keep running out of space and it takes a toll on response time.

  6. selltheteam

    Timestamp 4:12 pm – Now if I could just get it to work in the stock market – jump ahead by 15 (no, 16) minutes and know what the stock price will be 15 minutes from now. But then, I would be called “Goldman Sachs”.

  7. Dodger4life

    I have gotten submission errors at night …..late at night when me and Ned were up for day’s waiting for Raffy to sign….remember those days Ned???


    OMG, Nelly, now you’ve done it – given our promotional minded management another Manny idea. If they come out wearing “Mannywood” on their jerseys on Manny’s next bobblehead night, it’ll all be your doing.

    Great one, crash – “Goldman Sachs”!

  9. crzblue2

    I just got note that Lincecum has been scratched with back inflamation.
    So back in March I was #26 in the fan blog ranking. I saw not too many Dodger players have worn #26 but I found HOF Heini Manush from the Brooklyn days and I dedicated it to him. For July I am again #26 and I was wondering “who wears #26?” well, Doug Mientkiewicz (I’ve gotten good at writting his LN) wears it. But a friend that has season tickets at the stadium told me pitching coach from 1969 to 1980 Red Adams wore it so I dedicated it to both.
    I was very impressed that Don Sutton gave him so much credit during his HOF speech to Red Adams He said “he would not be standing there if it was not for him” Also Tommy John gave Red Adams a lot credit. Red Adams was born in Parlier, Ca. I never even knew where that was before. He is 87, soon to be 88. I wonder where he is now. I love all the baseball history lessons doing a little research. Mind you before I had never heard of Heini Manush and the other day I heard Vin Scully refer to him.
    Doug, well, he just seems like a nice guy and Yankee fans and Red Sox fans say the same thing. I love how emotional he got with his first hit back from the DL. Yep Dougie, Minor Setback for a Major Comeback! Welcome back!!

  10. crzblue2

    So I have a friend that has season tickets in the Top Deck. He has had them since 1981 officially. Technically he has had them since 1967 but he started going to Dodger Stadium since 1963. He has some wonderful stories that he shares with us like the time that they had skiing by the right field foul pole. He said the temp was in the 30’s then in December. He has seen Sandy Koufax, Don Drysdale, Maury, etc. etc.
    Anyway, he lost his job since the beginning of the season, then he had to give up his car. He has not being coming because he lives in Chino Hills. Another season ticket holder gives him a ride on the weekend but during the week she works in Long Beach. He said if he does not find a job soon he will be forced to leave California and move with his brother to N.C. I was talking to him Sunday because my friend LTD23 was supposed to bring me dinner and I was saying “I am starving” to which he replied “I know what you mean Emma, I have dropped 3 sizes in pants”. I feel so bad for him. I know that with the unemployment so high, there are a lot of people in this situation on the verge of losing it all.

  11. perumike

    So guys, I have not been out to a game at the stadium yet this season (I know, sad but true). So, any recommendations on when to go? I will probably do top deck or pavilion. The thing that kills me the most is the stinking $15 parking!!!

  12. crzblue2

    Thanks Perumike. I have to give my friend LuvtheDodgers23 credit since I did not know who wore #26 when I noticed while at the stadium I had made the list. I turn to her and said “Who wore or wears #26? She said ‘What about Dougie?” Duh! I had forgotten. Thanks LTD23! Also thanks to Alex who I wrote about in my prior post. He is the one that said Pitching Coach Red Adams wore #26

  13. perumike

    Emma, sorry to hear about your friend. I think we all know people who have similar problems. It is really tough out there.

  14. crzblue2

    Come early for BP and park outside. What day are you going to be there? There is parking outside from all the gates on Academy, on Stadium Way by the main gate. On the weekend you can park on Elysian Park also. If you early for BP with tickets from Top Deck, RS, Loge, you can enter by the field level and watch BP or go to the Kids’ corral. Take a look at the pic I took of Kik Gibson in my blog as he was signing autographs there. See the hands there of people waiting for Gibby to sign their baseballs? that is the kids corral area. Kids do take priority over adults.

  15. crzblue2

    I also have a free ticket but it can only be used Mon to Thurs. I have given away the others I had but from my season tickets there are coupons for $10 off $32 (up to 4) Res, $25 off of $55 (up to 4) field level they can only be used Mon to Thurs. Note that the day game with the Manny BBH is sold out and cannot be used anyway for promotional days.

  16. crzblue2

    Well I got to go now! i came to work late so I can wrap it up now.
    For anyone that is close to the stadium Friday 9/11 there is a Blood Drive at the stadium from 3 to 9. They might have all the times filled out but maybe you can check
    you can get commemorative Dodger item, coupon for food and enter into a drawing for $1500 gift card and be honored as Blood Donor of the Game. 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or go to and enter the sponsor code: ladodgers.
    I should have been in Marketing!

    Hasta La Vista


    Can’t stick around too long; just got back today from a weekend in Phoenix to attend a wedding. Of course we stayed an extra day and attended Monday’s game at Chase. It was a great experience and I recommend attendign a game there is you ever get the opportunity. It was a bit strange as the roof was closed and it is a big building. There is lots of room on the concourses (at least on the level where our seat were located) and the sight lines were good. The video board is huge and bright with lots of stats and player information. And yes, D’Backs fans leave early too. We were treated well wearing our Dodger gear and fortunately had a lot to cheer about.

    But the best part of the trip was getting a chance to meet Vin Scully. We stayed at the same hotel the team stays at in Phoenix and we did see a group of players return from the game. We were asked by hotel personnel not to approach the players and we respected that although we did say hello to Russell Martin as we was leaving the hotel. We also saw Joe Torre and congratulated him for the day’s victory. Later when we left the hotel for dinner we saw Vinny waking back the hotel and we had a chance to say a quick hello. He was a gentleman, very cordial and dressed in a natty sport coat and tie. I got to shake his hand which is something I always wanted to do. We did not want to impose on his time so I wished him a good evening and that was that. Pretty mundane for him but quite exciting for me.

  18. oldbrooklynfan

    Good Evening Everyone,
    Miss the game yesterday, I was invited to a barbecue.
    It was great to read that Loney is in double digits in HRs (about time) .
    82 wins, like truebluewill says assures they’ll be ABOVE .500.
    The offense has to really move it, we need to win with the Rockies on the war path.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    One thing I left out of my opening remarks was that I’m hoping BILZ brings his good right arm with him.
    He’s been pretty inconsistent lately.
    GO BILZ!!!

  20. colliethec

    Nice… 3 DP’s in 4 innings. This team has real problems with runners on.
    It sure would be nice to have an ace type pitcher on this team.
    It’s looking like we’ll still be in 1st tonight but just by 2 1/2 games.

  21. oldbrooklynfan

    Vin says the Dodgers will keep track of the Rockies and Giants scores although it impossible not to, I wish they wouldn’t.

  22. colliethec

    There we go!
    Torre HAS to start getting aggressive and pushing the envelope and get some runs around.
    Russ now HAS to hit it to the right side & not pull it to the SS or 3rd.

  23. colliethec

    D4 & Joe — With Russ batting like that we will not win anything. They have to learn how to play the game! I’m sorry but I’m really getting frustrated with how poorly they are playing. They don’t seem to be professional players.
    All you have to do is look at what the D-Backs did in the 1st. After getting runners to 2nd & 3rd with no body out they had 2 fly balls to RF to move the runners up, over & in.
    We would of grounded to 3rd, popped to the infield or K’d.
    Sorry but those are the facts. Russ grounds to short with a runner @ 2nd & 1 out.
    Manny with a runner @ 2nd & 1 out pops to short RF.
    Loney with a runner @ 1st grounds it up the middle into a DP.
    Ferk with a 3-1 count after the pitcher was walked swings at a pitch and grounds into a DP up the middle.
    I play slowpitch softball and when there is a runner on 1st and less than 2 outs we always pinch the middle looking for a ball up the middle that we can turn 2 on. The exception to this is unless it’s the last inning and the lead or tying run is on 3rd. & we are weekenders.
    It’s fundafrickenmentals.
    I’m always a positive guy but the last month am getting fed up with watching bad baseball. If they weren’t capable of playing better I’d be fine with it.
    But they are.

  24. colliethec

    Buckner has over a 14 ERA at home.
    Yes where he is pitching tonight.
    The Blue have 1 run in 6 & 2/3rds. Nice!!!
    My expectations for this season are falling with each DIDP.
    4 in 6 innings.
    1 dang run against a guy with a 14 ERA.

  25. truebluewill

    Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Another DP! After Furcal walks, you think Kemp might take the first pitch.

    colli ~ Great post, couldn’t agree with you more.

  26. kpookiemon

    I wonder how many DPs the Dodgers will hit into before Torre calls a hit-and-run. The emperor’s new clothes are string to look a bit threadbare these days.

  27. colliethec

    Gives up a 2 out double to the #8 hitter on a bad team.
    Then leaves a fastball up to the pitcher.
    In the 1st inning he hung a 0-2 pitch at the belt.
    I could go on but I would just be wasting my time.
    I’m sorry if I’m negative.
    But I haven’t seen a reason to be positive!


    I understand that we are struggling to score runs, but is their another option for Russel Marting. I am sick to my stomach, everytime he comes to the plate. He is an automatic out. He has no pop on his bat. You can’t even say that he is hitting the ball hard at people, because he is not. He has really lost his touch this season. And his defense has really gotten sloppy, wild pitches, and covering home plate.

  29. colliethec

    So that is what Loney needs to do when he has a runner on 1st.
    Enough of that weak**s crap up the middle when a runner is on 1st.
    Sweet!!! 5 DP’s in 7 innings! What a professional team!!!
    Get me a freakin drink!

  30. colliethec

    Joe — Never mind this game. What about this season. I’ve been a Torre supporter in certain times but enough is enough.
    As Khali called it they need to start to try to generate some runs and quite waiting for the 3 run HR. Most of ours are without runners on base.
    If I was an opposing team I’d just walk our leadoff runner each inning and balk him to 2nd.
    We’d be shut out most games.

  31. 32and53fan

    OBF, we are one away from the record from 1974 for DPs.

    I don’t know why this team is sucking so bad right now. I guess they hit yesterday but I was not watching. All the games that I have seen lately they have struggled to score.
    This is not the way a championship team plays.

  32. colliethec

    Carcyn — Yes there is an option for Martin.
    For Torre to sit his butt down the next time he tries to pull the ball and doesn’t move the runner over.
    When he gets back to the dugout, tell him he doesn’t need to put on his gear or pick up his glove and enjoy WATCHING the rest of the game.
    Tell him it’s tough love but he needs to learn he isn’t Albert P. and play the game the right way.


    Is it just me or does any one else here thinks that Manny did not want to swing his bat. He wanted to walk…

  34. perumike

    THIS is Dodger baseball! May not hit tons out of the park, but stringing together hits to score runs! Keep it up boys!!!

  35. colliethec

    Before tonight, Buckner was 0-5 in his 5 starts at Chase field.
    With an 11.91 ERA.
    The opposition was hitting .365 in those 5 starts.
    Time to do the math…
    Let’s see 11.9 + 5 carry the 2, – 20 = THIS TEAM CAN’T HIT WATER IF THEY WERE IN THE TITANIC.
    Yes I’m yelling…

  36. shad80

    09/03 @LAD L 2-4 6.0 8 4 4 1 1 4 12 8 26 91 L(2-6) — 8.29
    06/26 LAA L 3-12 1.2 7 8 8 1 1 0 7 5 13 48 L(2-5) — 8.63
    06/20 @SEA L 3-7 6.0 9 4 4 1 2 7 9 10 28 100 L(2-4) — 7.15
    06/14 HOU L 3-8 5.0 5 6 6 2 3 5 6 8 22 84 L(2-3) — 7.36
    06/09 SF L 4-9 5.2 13 8 8 2 0 5 13 10 28 93 L(2-2) — 6.75
    06/01 @LAD W 3-2 6.0 4 0 0 0 2 5 10 6 23 92 W(2-1) — 5.24
    05/27 SD L 5-8 5.0 7 5 5 1 1 5 7 8 21 95 L(1-1) — 7.16
    05/22 @OAK W 2-1 7.1 5 1 1 1 2 3 9 14 28 94 W(1-0) — 6.35
    04/11 LAD L 2-11 0.2 4 5 5 0 2 1 2 3 8 38 — — 15.75
    04/08 COL L 2-9 2.0 3 2 2 2 1 0 4 4 10 32 — — 5.40

    even worst last win was against us

  37. kpookiemon

    Take it all back–Joe IS a daring son of a gun. Finally sends a runner……with two out and a full count???!?!?!

  38. truebluewill

    LETS GO DODGERS!!!!! Great come back guys. I was so depressed by all those DPs I was going to go to sleep. I’m glad I stayed up!


    Manny did not swing at any pitch thrown to him. I had a feeling he did not want to swing and ruin the rally.

  40. shad80

    Come on Broxton let’s extended that streak. I still can’t get over the Aug 15 game in Arizona when you gave up 2 homeruns.

  41. trublu4ever


  42. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!! I have been following the game, just haven’t posted. I was doing my NFL draft, and I didn’t want my computer to have connection issues while in the middle of my draft. It’s good to have two wins in a row. I am watching the gnats game, and they are currently losing 4-3, but it’s only the top of the 8th.

  43. Dodger4life

    :o)……Its all good gang…We are just real passonite when it comes to the Dodgers!!!!
    Way to grind one out tonight gentlemen…..Fantastic Win
    We owe Haren a Big L….No Time like the present….
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!
    Good Night and God Bless Everyone….Glug, glug, glug….as I pass the Victory flask :o)

  44. koufax1963

    REJOICE! What a game! The flask has been passed! I am just enjoying the moment. What roller coaster of emotion on tonight’s blog, just reading it all. GO Dodgers!

  45. 32and53fan

    While I am happy about the win, I am not happy that it took until the 8th inning to get some hits and a little luck.
    What happened to all the first inning rallies that we started the season with? Even with the win and the fact that the Dodgers are still barely in first, it feels like the team of the last couple of years struggling with men on base.

  46. nellyjune

    I am just reading the thread since my post this afternoon.

    messagebear – I………AM…………….SO…………….SORRY, I wrote that!!!!

    lbirken – that must have been some amazing handshake. That is just fantastic!!!!!!

  47. crzblue2

    haha, I left work and driving home we started to lose so I was frustrated that I went shopping instead of heading home. I come out and I hear JMac is winning the game. Love reading the blog when we win. Two in a row!!! pass the victory flask. ahhhh refreshing!
    Four of us last year stayed in the team hotel and my friend Erik and I got to talk to Vinny who was so nice. We were in ahhhh that Fernando was just sitting down in the lobby looking at us. Like you we respected the hotel rules and only talked to him but just to hear him say our names was great.
    The group of guys that they were showing with the “Beat AZ” sign in the suite are part of my friends in the Top Deck. They had the suite tonight and yesterday the pool area. I took pictures of them on TV but I am sure that someone taped the game for them.
    Let the good times roll!
    Go Dodgers go!!


    32and52 fan, I hear what you are saying but I think this is a big win because they had to come from behind after being frustrated by all the double plays and the Rockies had already won their game.

    Nelly, it was a big thrill to meet Vinny and just shake his hand. I would have loved to tell him how much I have enjoyed listening to him all these years and to thank him for being there but I did not want to impose on his time.

  49. bluecrewgirl

    Great come from behind victory. Their big win streak at the end of last year started against AZ, so hopefully this win will start the same. Nelly, Andre’s taking baby steps to getting his stroke against lefties back. I think it seems to work better for him to be less aggressive against left handers than he is against right handers.

  50. crzblue2

    /Wifey get the rope! I’m fit to be tied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By colliethec on September 8, 2009 8:48 PM /

    I knew I forgot to say something about this. When I read that I thought you and wifey were about to have fun 😉

  51. nellyjune

    lbirken – I am sure Vin appreciates it too 🙂

    bluecrewgirl – he is doing so good right now, not like he wasn’t before, but it’s good to see his left swing against lefty pitchers come to life again. Maybe Dodgereric’s “he better start working on it” speech, along with stats perhaps pushed him along a bit (jk). It does seem ironic at times, that a player seems to come out of his quirks as we start to mention them.

  52. bluecrewgirl

    Yes, he did show him. He just needed to be reminded he can hit lefties. I’m sure at least part of the struggle is mental and then they start pressing. He’s definitely looking more relaxed in recent at bats against lefties.

  53. nellyjune

    Just six more, and Andre has got his 100th RBI. Wouldn’t it be just grand to get that 100th RBI against Brad Penny on Sunday…………..not that I wouldn’t love to see him get there before then.

  54. bluecrewgirl

    I hope they crush Penny and yes, it would be sweet to get the 100th rbi against him, even sweeter if he were to get his first career grand slam against Penny.

  55. nellyjune

    Emma – that would be awesome too!!!! Nothing like 55,000 fans knowing when it happens too.
    As for the SF games, I would love to, but I probably won’t. There is always an outside chance to go to Saturday or Sunday’s game, but the timing just isn’t right right now for many reasons. However, I figure this can be money saved for perhaps going to a playoff game, or even the World Series. The last I knew, I do believe Collie is going.

  56. crzblue2

    My friend Luvthedodgers23 and I were planning on going but we no longer are. We’ll just get ready for playoffs also which reminds me tomorrow is the deadline to pay for the playoffs. Better do it now before I go to bed.
    Oh I was going to mention that in the last homestand they had ran out of the Women’s size of Andre’s white shirts but they still had Manny and more of Hudson. Those are the only three that they produced. My friend LTD23 was looking to buy Andre but there were none anywhere in the stadium.

  57. bluecrewgirl

    Emma, it would be great for it to happen at Dodger Stadium so he can share the moment with all the fans. He only needs one more double to tie for the National League lead and Matt is right up there in quite a few categories too. They’ve both had great seasons. Nelly, I lost my keys the other day and I have to have a locksmith out open my mail slot. I am hoping the Dodger Magazine with Andre and Matt on the cover will be in there.

  58. nellyjune

    That’s great about his doubles too :), and you are right, in almost every category for the Dodgers, either Matt or Andre is at the top, and then in turn, they are representing the Dodgers in the NL very well too.

  59. 32and53fan

    I’m glad you got to shake Vin Scully’s hand. He is a legend that I have been listening to since 1958. I can’t imagine the Dodgers without him but that is something that we will all have to face some day.
    I guess Vin is different if you run into him at the stadium or on the road. I hear that he is very thoughtful and friendly to those he meets in the right situation. The only two times that I saw him in public he showed a different side of himself. The first time was at the ceremony where the Dodgers got their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on June 20, 2008. All the big names were there, McCourt, Lasorda, Torre, Newcombe, Scully, Jaime Jarrin, former players like Maury Wills, Ron Cey, Jerry Reuss, Manny Mota and Eric Karros. Current Dodgers Blake Dewitt and Andre Ethier were also there. After he spoke, Vinny immediately left the area and did not mingle with the VIPs like most of the other invited Dodgers and with the unwashed masses like Ron Cey, Frank McCourt and a few others who were happy to say hello, sign autographs and pose for pictures.
    In Scully’s defense, it was a hot day and he said his fair complexion could not handle the June midday sun.
    Later that year, on November 21, I saw Vinny get honored by the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters at Sportman’s Lodge in Studio City. After his very entertaining speech, Vin waited on the dais for the event to end, then rushed off the stage.
    A small group of attendees, not even the general public, cornered him as he was trying to get out of Dodge and asked him to sign some autographs. My mother wanted me to take a picture with him but I took one look at his face and there was no way I would impose on him. Like you, I would have liked to say hello and thank him for all the wonderful hours of pleasure that he has provided to Dodger fans of all ages. Instead, I watched him squirm as he reluctantly signed a few autographs with a frustrated and angry countenance. He said his wife hurt her leg and he wanted to rush home to be with her. I am sure the face he showed to my mother’s camera ( ) was different than the one you saw walking back to the team hotel.

  60. crzblue2

    Happy 09/09/09 ITDers!
    Today is Sandy Koufax 44th anniversary of his perfect game on 09/09/65. My post is about that day with the transcript and broadcast of the 9th inning so if you have a chance read it at
    sorry to hear about your expierences. Yeah, Vin was nice to us at Vero Beach and also in Arizona last year. I was stepping off a plane the day of the Dodgers star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I still headed that way but the ceremony had already concluded so I took pictures of the event. I did get interviewed by channel 9. I had just missed my friends from Ohio that were there but I noticed they came out in the Dodger magazine so I sent them a copy.

  61. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue……….
    lbirken… thanks for sharing that story, as I read it I was picturing myself doing the same. I truly enjoyed it.
    Koufax is always nice to reminisce about Emma, I’ll try to get over there sometime today.
    Bear and Nelly……. Absolutely…under NO circumstances can they change the uniforms!!!!!!!
    My Dodgerthought for the day is……HAMMER HAREN….
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. in 2009!!!!!
    Enjoy the game everyone :o)

  62. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    I realized the other day that I can’t stay away from ITD for too long. My hiatus before was TOO LONG!!! I watched as much of Monday’s game as I could; you know, in between mad rushes inside to cook and outside to cook! But it was good to see our Boys in Blue win! Sorry that these “responses” are a bit late, but I say, better late than never!

    D4 – I’d LOVE to join you and everyone for the Victory Flask!!! I am doing all that I can to keep my spirits in High Gear!!!

    Nelly – Thx for asking about my hospital volunteering. It’s going just fine. It’s definitely a different atmosphere than I’m used to, but it’s going just fine.

    Emma – I mentioned this to Trumom the other day, but it’s nice to be missed. I truly missed you and everyone else here on ITD. Okay, everyone minus a certain pest (who shall remain nameless) that loves to pester us from time to time…

    Collie – Love that word: Fundafrickamentals!!!

    D4 – That victory flask after last night’s game must have been refreshing!!! I was so sick and tired of all the DPs, but our Boys in Blue showed a little moxie and gutted out a win last night. I am hoping that last night’s game gives our boys the swift-kick-in-the-pants that they need to win 10 games in a row! We DEFINITELY need a long winning streak right now!!!

    BCG/Nelly – I’m thrilled that Andre is showing that he CAN hit lefties. That part of his game has been largely silent throughout the season, but he does look more relaxed against lefties.

    Emma – I went to your site to reminisce about Koufax. Nice, very nice indeed!

    And speaking of my volunteer job, I’ve gotta start getting ready. I’ll catch up with y’all later. But until then…


  63. crzblue2

    Thanks Cpompe!
    I shoudl have said this instead
    read it, hear it and re-live it! Sandy Koufax 9th inning of his perfect game on Septermber 9, 1965. I get misty when I hear Vin’s broadcast of that 9th inning. Can you imagine that we almost had a double no-no that night.

  64. crzblue2

    I just got this from VIPtickets

    FREE Dodger dog at Sep. 14 game! Buy tickets starting at ONLY $0.99 right now when you call 800.328.4253. While supplies last.
    less than a minute ago from web

  65. thinkingblue

    CPO…I hear you. I can’t stay away from ITD long either. I don’t get internet on my phone or I don’t have a laptop so it is hard to visit as often as I use to. I’m lost most of the time. I’m glad to hear that you are doing fine!
    NELLY – It sucks how Ethier does not get a bobblehead or a section named after him. But hey thanks to ITD he has true fans ETHIERAHOLICS that respect him and see everything he has done for the DODGERS! (please refresh my mind on who came up with the ETHIERAHOLICS name)….LOL
    EMMA – $0.99 tickets…WOW. So what section is that? All tickets today should of been $0.99….LOL!
    IBERKEN…I keep reading about a story you told, but I can’t find it…help!
    D4….always full of energy…GO DODGERS!

  66. thinkingblue

    IBERKEN…found it! Great story. Hey a great memory from Arizona. I would of been kicked out of the hotel…there is no way I could stay AWAY from the Dodgers…LOL!

  67. kpookiemon

    Boy, I sure do feel a whole lot better about Torre and his staff after reading this from the L.A. Times:
    “To his (new pitcher John Garland) surprise, none of his new teammates asked him how the Diamondbacks planned to pitch them. ‘That was the first thing I thought when I walked into the clubhouse, that guys would come over and ask me how they would pitch to them,’ he said.”

    Incredible. Earth to Joe………

  68. nellyjune

    Rose – Dodgereric deserves the credit for originally coming up with the name, Ethieraholic, and I stole it from him – LOL!!! Actually, he allowed me to take term and run with it.

    Kahli – pretty incredible, indeed.


    Hi Josh,

    I’m not sure where the proper forum on this site is to bring up this question, so I’ll bring it up here…

    What prompted the organization to start including “God Bless America” as part of each home game this year in the 7th inning? And is it here to stay, at least as long as the McCourts own the team?

    I am as patriotic as the next guy, but as Jon Weisman pointed out on his Dodger Thoughts earlier this year, it seems excessive to have two patriotic songs each game — the Star-Spangled Banner, and now this. I also subscribe to his belief that “God Bless America” seems best-suited to special occasions – like 4th of July, or that Military Appreciation Game last Friday that I attended.

    Your feedback is appreciated. I’ve never read any press release or an official statement by the Dodgers about why this decision was made, since most teams outside of NY don’t do this.


  70. Dodger4life

    Paul I am knocking yours or Jon’s sentiments toward the playing of God Bless America during home games this season….Although being a proud American and alway’s wanting to remember events such as D-day… even if it was before my time and 9 / 11 and those fallen hero’s and victims. I have no problem with the playing of both everyday… let alone every home game, even if it seems a bit over the top. What our men and women in uniform from all the branches of the armed forces to the branches of civic duty do each and everyday is over the top as well. I can live with this small tribute, it is such a small part of the day but such a big way to show our respects, and to be sure that we alway’s keep these brave men and women in the hearts and minds of us and our children. Just my opinion though. I do respect your opinion as well though.
    Thank You to all the people who give their all for this great country, it’s beliefs and its children.
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!

  71. trublu4ever

    I think God Bless America is sung because of 9/11…..I believe all the ball parks do it in honor of the heroes and lost lives of that tragic day. I love that they do it. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!

  72. kpookiemon

    OK, I’ll play. trublu, you’re correct, it was started after 9/11 and has continued ever since. I don’t have a problem with the tribute as much as the song. Woody Guthrie penned “This Land is Your Land” as a protest to “God Bless America.” Not sure what his beef was and I don’t want to get political here. Maybe they could rotate. Hey, how about “U.S. Blues” by the Grateful Dead?????!!!!!!!!! My favorite line: “Summertime, done come and gone, my oh my.” Reminds me of Leekfink’s fantastic blog entry to end the 2007 season!


    Not to be branded as unpatriotic either but I also am not a big fan of singing God Bless America during the seventh inning. By the way, this song was not sung at Chase (and they only did one chorus of Take Me Out to the Ballgame). I have no real objections to the song itself but just feel that is not the time to sing it. If desired, sing it at the beginning of the game before the National Anthem.


    Khali, I also found it a bit unbelievable that no Dodger hitter questioned Garland. As I recall from a broadcast when Garland came over to the Dodgers, he was interested to see what the Dodgers had on him! At least he was thinking. Is this one of those codes of the game that players just don’t aks? This reminds me of a pre game radio interview with Larry Bowa a couple weeks ago where he lamented that some players show up at the ballpark not knowing who the opposing pitcher is that night and have to ask.

  75. kpookiemon

    lbirkin, the ONLY thing that makes sense ti me is some players simply don’t WANT to know what pitch is coming: see ball, hit ball. Too much information can lead to guessing, etc. I’ve always felt you play defense from the neck up and offense from the neck down…as in, DON’T THINK…just react to the pitch. Personally, I’d want all the information possible!

  76. Dodger4life

    Khali I have never heard that song before.. ( I know hard to believe. ) I just watched the video on you tube though…I must say they all lookede to be in good spirits…I am off to work…Have fun everyone.


    Kahli, I agree with you but you would think a hitter would be curious to see what another team thinks about him. Of course, Garland may one day have to face these Dodger hitters again so who knows how much he would tell them.

  78. Dodger4life

    One more tiny little thing and then I’m really off to work …….
    I miss dodgerEric and Enchanted/Brownpaperbag/JustplainDisgusted/…..Everythingisbeautiful??? and Jhall ……call it Late Night Leave it to Beaver withdrawls if you must……..But……….

  79. shad80

    Breaking Pitch

    Brad Penny threw his curveball for a strike 63 percent of the time and got opposing hitters to chase it 44 percent of the time, which has been a trend during his two starts with the Giants.
    Penny’s Curveball w/Giants w/Red Sox
    Opp. BA .000 .386
    Strike Pct. 68.4 55.7
    Chase Pct. 38.1 19.2

    That’s amazing now we need to kick his butt.

  80. truebluewill

    Shad ~ That’s really good news about the Giants. The Dodgers can certainly finish the Giants division hopes this weekend and do damage to their wild card chances as well.

  81. crzblue2

    My beef on the God Bless America signing it every day is that we’ve had some bad singing and people trying to change the words or forgetting some of the words. some from American idol and who knows where else. Some are seeing it as an audition making it extra long. I felt bad for one person that got booed. Other times we just shake our head from the bad performances. I get embarrased by the ones that forget the words.
    If you are not going to do a good job searching for quality people to sing it everyday, it should be reserved for many special occasions like Opening Day, the Milirary week, 9/11, 4th of July, Memorial, etc, etc. I really liked the military singing it and opera singers and people from the Philharmonic.

  82. Leona Ugg Boots

    I’m certain he’ll go to see the film, because he’s bought a ticket.This is only the first half.The road divides here.I had to sit up all night writing the report.He knows English better than I.There is a bridge over the river.There is a bridge over the river.I’m home.Be quiet!The book you ask for is sold out.

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