Point taken…

Thanks for continuing to point out the issues we’re having with posting. I know patience is a lot to ask, but MLB.com is working on getting this fixed and I’m hopeful that will happen soon. I do realize that it makes it harder to interact with your fellow fans when there is a delay in posting comments.

Today’s day game in Colorado is a big one…the difference between leaving town four games up and two games up is certainly important.

Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Kemp, CF

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Hudson, 2B

Ausmus, C

Padilla, P (first-ever Nicaraguan to play for the Dodgers)



  1. crzblue2

    Thanks Josh! First Nicaraguan! That is the closest to my native Honduras! Al Ataque Vicente! Let’s Go Dodgers! I wonder if I could manage my radio with headphones and my Pilates class at the same time at noon.

  2. shad80

    Hard to believe after all the international players that we have played that this is the first Nicaraguan players to played for us.

  3. truebluewill

    Just got home, missed Kemp’s HR. Good to see we jumped out on top. Let’s go Dodgers! This would be a very big game to win.

  4. colliethec

    Thanks Josh! I hope I wasn’t to harsh. I don’t think I was (I did say please!). I just wanted to make sure that it was known that this still isn’t working.
    So onto the game.
    Brad K’s w/0 out and runners on 1st & 2nd. Padilla bunts them over and then Ferk gets retired.
    Brad needs to move those runners over some how.
    They really need to get some productive ab’s in these situations.
    Since they will score more if they take advantage of these opportunities it will help all the pitchers.
    They HAVE to stop wasting these opportunities!
    As I type Loney doubles to lead off the inning. Let’s see what happens…
    Go Blue!!!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!

  5. colliethec

    Leadoff double by Loney…
    Hudson POPS to 2nd… NOT PRODUCTIVE!!! If He got the runner over then the fly ball by Brad would of given them the lead.
    Brad pops out as well but not deep enough to move the runner to 3rd… NOT PRODUCTIVE!!!
    That brings up the pitcher…
    Wasted opportunities… Is that on Torre??? No – the players need to stop wasting opportunities.
    Plain & simple.

  6. colliethec

    Also many were all over Torre for not using The Brim Reaper in the loss Monday.
    Well he wasn’t available due to a tight ab muscle. He had an MRI and told Torre he wasn’t able to take the ball.
    Sometimes the Manager/Coaches have information we don’t have.

  7. vl4ecc

    Not much of a debut for Padilla in a Dodger uniform……..
    If he keeps this up, he may wind up on a slow boat back to Nicaragua.

  8. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi everybody
    Got in a little late and missed Kemp’s HR but I did witness the Rox tie the game up last inning.
    Well here’s hoping we can win this rubber game.
    One thing, we can’t lose 1st place today.
    GO BLUE***

  9. selltheteam

    Time warp is acting up. Sometimes I’m posting in the present, other times I’m posting 12 minutes into the future.

  10. truebluewill

    oldbrooklynfan ~ I’m hoping soon they’ll hit the 100 RBI level.

    Top of the lineup now, let’s get something going.

  11. koufax1963

    I think we should get weaver warmed up, unless padilla can gain control. De la rosa is getting in the groove, we need to get to there “tired” BP

  12. oldbrooklynfan

    Ethier should try not to take striking out 3 times in a row to hard.
    He’s bound to have days like this against leftys.

  13. enchantedbeaver

    Hard to believe this pathetic bunch are the same guys that led the league in runs scored the first couple months of the season.

    Someone’s got to tell Loney that you actually have to swing the bat to drive in runs (though I have to admit that pitch was outside.)

  14. lbirken@aol.com

    Every Day Dre sure is not making much of a case he can hit lefthanders. The pitchers have made adjustments on him because when he first started playing on a regular basis he did not seem to have problems hitting lefties. Hopefully he can make some adjustments on his own.

    Looks like another day at the office with regard to leaving runners in scoring position. Hard to figure why the Dodgers have so much trouble pushing runs across the plate.

  15. truebluewill

    You said shad. He’s a career .260 hitter against LHP. i don’t remember him being this bad last year.

    Bad AB by Loney. The ump has been calling those pitches strikes. Loney got to protect the plate. Another wasted opportunity.

  16. lbirken@aol.com

    Shad, same question I have been asking. Where is the bases clearing double? Where is the key hit with runners on base? The hits come but at the wrong time.

  17. enchantedbeaver

    Loretta is absolutely worthless as a PH. Tell me there’s not someone better at Albuquerque. Of course Ned in his infinite wisdom released our best pinch hitter months ago and he now plays in Pittsburgh.

  18. enchantedbeaver

    Agreed Scott.

    Crash – I think my left you-know-what could do a better job than Loretta. Jeez, I’d even rather see JP up there.

  19. colliethec

    It continues…
    Runner on 2nd 1 out. Loretta flys out and doesn’t move up the runner.
    Do I need to continue this? I know it is easier said than done. I know I’m overweight and only play slowpitch softball & am sitting on my butt, but they are professional. They just really seem to really be lacking when they are in those situations. I get the feeling that they feel they can score whenever so it’s no big deal when they don’t. A little bit like how the Lakers sometimes play. They coast through a good part of the game because they know they are that good.
    Maybe we should go back through the games this year and type up each wasted opportunity & the final score & see what could of been.
    Then send it to the coaching staff.
    However that being said, I’m sure they are all aware of it.

  20. shad80

    Yep and Loney owned lhp and De La Rosa at .636 in his career and that’s translate to 6/11 coming into this game.

  21. scott_in_arcadia

    Ok, Torre, you genius, who’s going to pitch the next 4 freaking innings when Sherrill and Brox both pitched last night? Padilla was actually doing fine, 5 IP, 80 pitches…Why didn’t Hudson swing away and have Padilla sacrafice? Stupid Torre.

  22. shad80

    Tracy could had walk Furcal and Kemp to face the Ethier the chance of him getting a hitting is was 1/10 against De La Rosa is not good.

  23. shad80

    Tracy could had walk Furcal and Kemp to face Ethier the chance of him getting a hitting is was 1/10 against De La Rosa is not good.

  24. enchantedbeaver

    Scott – depending on Loretta and Furcal to do anything is like trying to draw to an inside straight… this time they got lucky and got the card.

  25. shad80

    I think Torre seen Padilla alot and now he could explode anytime pass the 5th innings and do you really trust him? He probably could go one more inning but you know he want to play for the lead.

  26. koufax1963

    Oh Come on dela rosa over 100 pitches, 4th time around for the D-boys, and can they not be patient. The 7th was our time to knock this game, now we shall see if our BP can outperform the rocks

  27. scott_in_arcadia

    How is giving up outs and counting on Loretta and Furcal playing for the lead? We got lucky to get one and 3-2 isn’t going to cut it at Coors.

  28. koufax1963

    I like torre’s move there, and the results worked.
    The 8th will be their big guns. Now we have to score some runs.

  29. truebluewill

    Looks like Torre wants Sherrill to get one out here and then pitch the eight. It’s risky, but this is the way we got to win games, when we don’t score a lot of runs.

  30. shad80

    Well guess not but the Rockies should put him in the rotation.

    Last game vs. LAD 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 1.00 .250
    Career vs. LAD 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 11.1 10 4 4 1 1 9 3.18 0.97 .233
    Home (this year) 13 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 11.2 9 1 1 0 7 11 0.77 1.37 .214
    Grass (this year) 23 2 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 26.1 20 7 7 4 11 24 2.39 1.18 .211

  31. shad80

    I was scary when Ethier got on it was obvisiouly they were going to ibb Manny to get Broxton. lol Ethier why you took the bat out of Manny hand.

  32. oldbrooklynfan

    Funny, I was a little worried that Broxton would get a hit and spend too much time on the base path. (duh)

  33. shad80

    Urgh I have to blame Ethier for this. He took the bat out of Manny hand and when does a double switch back fire on the manager.

  34. trublu4ever


  35. truebluewill

    Can you believe this, Tracy is bringing in a right hander to face Broxton. Broxton has 1 hit in his professional life as a minor leaguer.

    Here we go. If Broxton is a big time closer he has to close out this win.

  36. perumike

    Woo hoo! Nice job VP, Brox and the rest of the staff. Nice hitting Matty! Glad we came out on top in a one run game! Now up 4 on the Rox going into Cincy!

  37. koufax1963

    YahOOOOOOO! Celebrate! Broxtonized! Now the Giants can lose too! I think Torre managed this one good. Furcal comes through. Kemp got it on. I Guess I can work now? Nah

  38. lbirken@aol.com

    That was interesting and I was thinking the same thing when they walked Manny to get to Broxton’s spot: Did Joe outsmart himself? Still don’t like asking Brox to get a 4 out save but somehow he got the job done. And I agree that although I did not see the game it did seem as if both managers treated it as a playoff game. I suspect the mood on this blog will improve from two days ago. And I know “woulda couldas” don’t mean anything but the Dodgers came pretty darn close to sweeping this series.

  39. truebluewill

    Alright that was a great win. Raffy almost blew it there trying to tag out the runner going to second. Should have went for the sure out at first. Great pitching by Broxton to strike out Smith. For all the negative flak the Dodgers get you have to give them a lot credit. They took 2 out 3 from the Giants in SF and 2 out 3 from the Rockies in Colo. with the pressure on. That was very impressive.

  40. shad80

    He did but still would been nice if Sherrill would had gotten that last out in the 8th as seeing that Broxton got up to bat in the 9th and I really didn’t have a problem with Padilla getting yanked early but he‘s a 6 innings pitcher with Texas this year..

  41. ramslover

    Great win by the Boys in Blue!!! It was a great series. A little recap…

    #16 should be in the running for the MVP..He has been very impressive..Check that he is the MVP of the NL!!!!

    Randy Wolf with any run support this year and he would have 13-15 wins already. He took alot of heat on ITD and he did not deserve it. He has been our most consistent starter all year. Way to go Wolf…

    Padilla, I did not see the game, but he seemed to have pitched well in a big game. I assume Joe did not want to push him. The BP again was impressive. Kuo if he could just stay healthy, he is incredible. Sherrill and Troncoso were good and the Big Man did his job.

    Way to go boys, now lets open up this lead!!!

  42. enchantedbeaver

    Nice to see the boys sack up a little this series. They’re still not doing anything with men on base though and its not just a couple guys – it’s the whole team. Credit the pitching for keeping them in the games. Nice job by Padilla today. I really didn’t expect too much from a Ranger reject, but he did OK.

    Furcal’s got to be taken out of the leadoff spot. Let Kemp have a go for the rest of the year. The rare times Ferk gets on he can’t steal anymore, so bat him 7th or 8th where he can’t hurt anything. Catching in general is just a black hole. They’ll need to get someone next year that can throw and call a good game. If they can also hit .250 with a few knocks, even better, but they definitely need to upgrade from Martin-Ausmus.

  43. Dodger4life

    Randy Wolf has been leading by example…..He was talking to himself coming out of thye game the other night…..He did a fine job and was wanting more 🙂
    Great Series Boy’s!!!! Congrat’s to Padilla on his first win as a Dodger.
    Keep On Keep’n On Boy’s!!!
    Lets make the Rockies a mere reflection come Oct….
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  44. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Out here in Utah we get Fox Rocky Mtn, so I got to watch the last three games. The Rocks announcers do a good job of beating the drums for the home team and their energy was pretty high,especially after the first game. By the end of the game this afternoon, they had pretty much been brought back to earth and gave credit to the Dodgers,and started looking forward to San Francisco.
    It was Jim Tracey in an articulate post game interview that spelled it out for the Dodgers, Rocks, and Giants: There are 34 games left with many possibilities left to go. Many things can and probably will happen. All three of these teams are playing for the post season and will keep fighting towards that end. The Dodgers showed up for this series, but the Rocks are not going anywhere, nor the Giants either for that matter. I still think it is going to be a fight to the finish. You’d be foolish to count on otherwise.
    I always thought, and still do, think Tracey was a class act and good manager, and got pretty PO’d when he was allowed to leave. Fired off an email to the Dodgers wondering how long we would have to put up with De Podesta. Thankfully he was soon gone but Tracey was in Pittsburgh.

  45. shad80

    If Torre was going to double switch he should’ve moved Loney putting Blake at 1st base so he could’ve hit instead of Broxton spot coming up behind him lucky that one didn’t backfire on us.

  46. shad80

    Let’s me try that again. If Torre were going to double switch he should’ve removed Loney and put Blake at 1st bases so he could’ve hit instead of Broxton spot coming up behind him but lucky that one move didn’t backfire on us. He has removed Loney before and put Blake at 1st with Martin only time at 3rd or heck you can even had Martin at 3rd.

  47. shad80

    Wow you seen weird thing with a position player pitch 1 innings but not 3 Nick Green did that was the Red Sox.

  48. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!! I got to watch some of the game during my lunch time. So, I got to see Matt’s bomb. It was great to see the win.

  49. Dodger4life

    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!

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