What a day!

We truly hope you enjoyed the inaugural Inside the Dodgers Tour…it’ll be hard to top this one next year but we’re going to try. As I’m sure many of you have seen, MLB.com did a huge story on the afternoon, with photos, video, and an article that will help Joe Pierre remember this day forever. It is my true hope that others will see this and create their own online communities around their team, as this has become a really great place for fans to congregate.

More than anything, I want to thank you all for coming together to suggest this idea, thinking to ask Frank McCourt to bring Mr. Pierre out, and then taking such good care of Mr. Pierre while he was here. It was cool to see everyone rally around him, take him to lunch, and really make this an unforgettable weekend for a lifelong fan.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to stop by the seats last night, as I was in Lake Elsinore, but it sounds like those of you who made it got the chance to see Frank when he stopped by the seats. He was really excited to meet you all, as I’m sure you could tell.

A special thanks to Dustin for coordinating the tour, Kris for helping set up the tickets, and all the people in our office who helped make Joe Pierre’s weekend a memorable one. He’s off to the airport in a couple hours for just his second flight since the early 60s…we’ll look forward to hearing of his safe return to the east coast.


  1. enchantedbeaver

    I want to thank you Josh, and Frank again for not only taking a great suggestion and making the tour happen, but especially bringing oldbrooklyn out to the stadium. I know I give you grief on here, but that was a first class act that not very many organizations would even consider.

  2. sparkleplenty_1

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Josh, Mr. McCourt and the Dodger organization for making all this happen. It was such a special time, and one I know none of us will ever forget. There was such a sense of history, it was amazing!! And last but not least, it was wonderful being able to meet so many of our “blogmates” yesterday. I LOVE THIS TEAM!!

  3. boblee4014

    A big thanks to the Dodger organization for making Joe Pierre’s day. What a class organization. I was disappointed that I was not able to attend but maybe some day in the future. I’m just elated that I can watch my beloved dodgers every day playing the national game.Lets have a big win today.


  4. scott_in_arcadia

    Well done, Josh! I wish I could have made it, but it’s great to see Joe Pierre have a great time along with a lot of the ITD gang.


  5. nellyjune

    Josh – Thanks again for everything you and the Dodger Organization did to make this event happen. I did forget to thank Kris with the ticket sales, I talked to him a few times myself, and he was wonderful as well. It was incredible, and like I said, what can top this year’s, is having ALL of the ITD bloggers there. There were some ITDers that were truly missed, but understandable why they couldn’t be here. Let’s just hope the timing works out to their advantage next time.

  6. nellyjune

    Okay – one more thing before I head out and eventually home. I read the mlb.com article and watched the video, and they were both priceless and heartfelt. This will be a day Joe Pierre will definitely never forget!!! Thanks again Josh, Frank and all who were involved in getting this to ITD event to happen.

    Debbie ~

  7. porklinks

    I haven’t commented here in a long, long time (life is just too hectic these days), but I wanted to add into what I am sure is a chorus of cheer for Joe Pierre. The article and video, along with remembering Joe’s comments here, made my eyes water. Kudos to Josh and Frank McCourt for coming through to give Joe Pierre an experience of a lifetime.
    I’m glad the rest of you had a great time also.
    – the poster formerly known as westernmost_in_flavor, oldfogeyla, etc.

  8. dodgerbuddy

    It is nice to see that the McCourts are keeping O’Malley’s vision alive with regard to the fans. The Dodger team was created for the fans and it is nice to see the Dodgers continuing that legacy. GO DODGER BLUE

  9. shad80

    Damn Brewers can’t believe you didn’t scored and not to many teams could’ve had runners on 2nd and 3rd with 1 out and the other team up by 3 with a grounded to 3rd and that person throw home to get that out.

  10. enchantedbeaver

    I see Pierre did such a great job leading off last night that he’s in his usual outmaking position again today against a southpaw. I’d have started Mitch. Why is it Pierre never needs a day off? They could’ve let Kemp lead off since Joe’s giving Ferk the day off. Hate to break the news to you Joe, but Pierre isn’t what makes this team go (except down the toilet) – hasn’t for three years and I guarantee he won’t the next two either.

  11. sparkleplenty_1

    Awesome to see you, OldFogey – I was thinking about you yesterday. I understand how life goes, but please drop by to say hi from time to time. You are missed here!

  12. 32and53fan

    Last night at the game, I was sitting with oldbrooklynfan when Frank McCourt stopped by for a visit. Frank was very friendly, asking Joe how he was enjoying the visit and chatting about places in Brooklyn. I told Frank that a group of the ITD bloggers took Joe down to Phillipe’s for lunch. Frank asked Joe if there was anything that he needed and of course with Joe being so overwhelmed by everything that had happened so far said he needed nothing. I don’t know why I did not think of it at the time, but now I wish I would have told Frank that it would really top off the day if he could arrange to let Joe meet Vin Scully between innings. That would have really been great.

  13. messagebear@msn.com

    Martin obviously can’t throw to the right side of second base. I call him at least partly responsible for the first two runs. He’s contributing to the team so much, I don’t understand why Torre can’t give Ellis a chance to show what he can do – as long as he’s up here anyway.

  14. enchantedbeaver

    I see we’re playing somemore great baseball again today. Playing with all the fire and intensity lately of their manager.

  15. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Many, many thanks to you and your boss for making it happen for the old guy and the bloggers.
    Don’t know about the rest of you, but the starting pitching is making me uneasy.

  16. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Just like Josh said, “What a Day!!!” Yesterday was SOOO fun!!! It was great to meet my fellow ITDers (although, there were so many of us, no, I didn’t get to meet everyone). Oh well. But also like Josh said above, he called yesterday, “…the inaugural Inside the Dodgers Tour…” So, this won’t be our only one!!! Thank you Josh!!! Thank you Dustin!!!

    And last, but certainly not least, thank you Frank for bringing Joe Pierre out here!!! Frank, I know you get grief for a lot of stuff, but I personally have always thought that you are really sincere about doing things “for the good of the average Dodger fan.” I’ve always believed that, and this weekend just confirmed that for me. Thank you very much!

    Yesterday was so much fun! I read the article on Joe, saw the video, and looked at the picture gallery on us!!! They are great!!! I’m hoping that those that couldn’t make it here yesterday will be able to plan for the next one!!!

  17. vl4ecc

    As well as Lopez has hit the Dodgers in this series, I bet he wishes he could play them every day………..

  18. aeversw

    God Bless america should be done by Nancy Bea and Nancy bea only. I find it funny how the Dodgers all of a sudden started doing it after Obama got elected…

  19. lbirken@aol.com

    Josh, let me add my thanks for the ITD tour yesterday. It was great getting to meet everyone and share a little bit of our passion for the Dodgers. Sitting in Vinny’s chair was a big highlight for many of us and not sure why seeing Nancy Bea’s organ is such a thrill but it was. However, watching Joe Pierre was even more fun and meeting and speaking with him made the day that much more special. Thanks for making it happen.

    Sorry I could not join all of you for the game. My daughter, who is weeks away from delivering her first child, wanted to attend the game but did not want to sit in the reserved level due to the steepness of the steps so we got some loge level seats. Too bad the game was not too exciting although I must say it was a treat to see Ichiro and Griffey, two likely future Hall of Famers.

  20. hosaysito


    I wanted to thank you and echo all of the praise for this organization. What Mr McCourt did for Joe is something the O’Malley family would have done back in the day. Good to see that our Dodgers are in good hands.

  21. lbirken@aol.com

    I know the Dodgers can’t win them all but at least you would hope they would be in the game. The hitting woes continue. Yes, the opposing pitching has been good but in order to win a championship the Dodgers will have to beat the opposition’s best somewhere along the way. Tomorrow is another day so let’s hope for the start of another Dodger winning streak. Don’t let this lead slip away.

  22. aeversw

    hopefully tomorrow our best player won’t be hitting 7th…wait he won’t! he’ll be hitting 8th 😦

  23. kpookiemon

    Well…allow me to thank Josh as well, and I enjoyed talking for more than a few micro seconds with both Les and Bob. But please don’t ever allow us into the bowels of Dodger Stadium again! The Dodgers are winless since we trampled on the sacred, hallowed grounds, including Vinny’s booth and the rich people’s lounge. The gods are angry!!!!! It’s weird, but I feel somewhat naked here, unlike messagebear, enchanted , and jhall who’ve succeeded in keeping their clandestine selves shrouded in mystery.

    As far as the pennant race, there’s a pretty hot team coming to town who think they’ve turned the corner. If the Dodgers know what the jugular vein is, I would hope they’d apply massive pressure to the Rockies’ and let them know their fantasy is just that–simply a fantasy.

    And one last thing. Phan, whatever hole you’re peeking out of today, your by Romero is now accosting paying fans. So please don’t EVER set foot in this blog space again preaching your weak-a** moral crap.

  24. sparkleplenty_1

    Kahli, I never thought we would be responsible for the team hitting woes. How awful of us! What kind of penance should we pay to make things right?

  25. 32and53fan

    For penance, those of us who spoke to oldbrooklyn fan during the tour or game need to have Fred Wilpon fly us to New York for the upcoming series in July. Six hours before game time, while Joe stands at the center of the mound, arms outstretched, face toward the heavens, the rest of us will link hands and dance in a circle around the mound while shouting “OOH!”* to plea for the spirits of Gil Hodges and Roger Craig** to reverse the current hitting malaise.

    *That is the special word that oldbrooklynfan told me is used to jumpstart the offense during rallies as in “Let’s go Dodgers… OOH!!!”

    **The former Dodgers plucked from our lineup in the expansion draft to go to the New York Mets for the 1962 inaugural season.

  26. kpookiemon

    For me, the answer to undoing this horrid hex that we, the ITD crew, has placed on the Dodgers lies in the combined imaginative genius of enchanted, messagebear and jhall, who, on the surface, seem to be expunged of any guilt whatsoever…………………….unless this current hex lies in their non-appearance, the height of all irony. Who’s to say???????

  27. crzblue2

    Carol!! Ohhh! Thank you my friend! Had a great birthday! It started with mass in my dad’s honor who passed away 4 years ago tomorrow then breakfast get together with the family then pick up friends to go to VIPtickets.com in L.A. to board a vip bus that took us to the stadium. That’s the way to go to the stadium! It was a hot day at the stadium but still had fun. Afterwards it was out for birthday dinner with family.
    wish you would have mentioned it. At least we could have gone back to the club level and see Vin exit. I do that every once in a while. If you are fortunate, you are in the same elevator with him.
    Love the name blogermates!
    Nice to read you again .
    Let us know when the baby arrives
    Wish you would have made it.

  28. northstateblues

    Josh, thank you for yesterday. It was awesome to see all the inner workings of Dodger Stadium, and having you and Dustin showing us around. I would’ve never thought I’d ever see some of the things we saw in person. And Major Kudos to Mr. McCourt for making sure Joe Pierre got to enjoy the stadium.

    And it was definitely great to see the ITDers. Those who were there found that I’m a lot quieter in person than on this blog, heheheh. Plus I had very little sleep the night before, due to the nervousness of knowing the experience that would be before us, as well as all the Red Bull I had in my system from driving down to SoCal. It was great meeting everyone I did, and was sorry that I didn’t meet everyone on the tour, but we were all just soaking it all in, I didn’t want to bug anyone, heheheh.

    Glad to see it’s going to happen next year, don’t know if I’ll make that one, but I DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone reading or commenting on this blog who couldn’t make this one.

    As for the curse, heheheheh…. I hope it’s not our fault. It even thrwarted the streak of my lucky Brooklyn Dodgers hat (which had previously seen 3 straight games where the Dodgers pitcher took a potential No-No into at least the 5th inning). I chalk it up to a hot Seattle team coming into our house knowing it wasn’t going to get any easier for them, with Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park as their next immediate destinations… and Felix Hernandez being the real deal (for now), with their pitching staff being the hottest in baseball at the moment (at least that’s what the talk-radio hype said, I don’t know, I don’t have much use for t-bA.L.l). They’re all within 3 games in the AL West, and they were hungry. Wrong team at the wrong time, and now all the t-bA.L.lers get to go back to their own damn league, where they belong.

    Just in case we did curse it, though, I’ll ask for penance from the Big Dodger in the Sky. Does this mean I have to forsake Jobu like Cerrano?

  29. northstateblues

    Emma, I DID hear you, heheheh. I remember that quote while stuck in the awful I-10 east post-game traffic, didn’t realize it was you that said that.

  30. crzblue2

    So did anyone hear me on Dodger Talk on Friday night? I was going to ask a question but it got answered before they got to me (who did Milton replaced?) anyway, so instead I gave thanks to Mr. McCourt and Josh for bringing Joe Pierre and I said the reason why Ethier hit 3 homeruns was because he was drinking Torre’s Bigelow green tea.

  31. gomartin55

    josh, i want to echo the comments made by everyone else.. thank you SO much for the tour, the game, and most importantly for joe pierre!! i was fortunate enough to sit in front of joe pierre at the game and just listening to him.. this will be one of his fondest memories forever.. just thinking of how you, frank, and the organization made his dream come true is an unbelievable feeling! 🙂

    it was great meeting everyone! i definitely didn’t get to meet everyone.. but it seemed like we all had a wonderful time.. which is good..

    as for this weekend, i was living at the stadium.. i was at all three games and the tour.. but i can never really get enough of dodgers stadium.. it was a rough series.. and losing back to back series’ is NOT fun.. but all i can say to that is.. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE END OF INTERLEAGUE!

    oh and happy birthday emma!

  32. gomartin55

    oh oops, i guess i was signed in as the wrong name.. mix up with my fantasy league.. this is saralovesrussell btw..

  33. mccheap

    Saturday was like a dream come true, i was there too. Although i don’t post too often im always reading. I just read the article that was written about Joe Pierre..almost brought tears too my eyes…great stuff. By the way i came out in one of the picz..lol i am next too Mientkiewicz looking at my signed baseball…fantastic experience..GO DODGERS

  34. 32and53fan

    I missed hearing you on Friday Emma but as I was approaching my off ramp on the way home last night, I heard cpompe1 on the radio with Ken and Josh welcoming “Carol from Ventura” to the show.

  35. northstateblues

    Grizzly, I teared up a little reading the article as well. It’s beyond awesome that he got to experience this.

    There’s quite a few people who read here but don’t comment who were at the tour, I sat by a couple who were in that boat. You don’t have to comment to be an ITDer, Josh’s posts are a sounding board from the Dodgers front office to us, and the comment section is the feedback. And they get it in spades, heheheh.

    Would love to hear more from the readers in here. we might not all agree (For example, say “Juan Pierre” and see how many different opinions pop up, heheh), but I’d like to think that we all have a lot more in common than differences as Dodgers fans. Like Cass Elliott once sang (and how “LOST” season 2 opened), “You’ve got to make your own kind of music, sing your own different song, make your own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along…”

    now I feel like I should be swaying, heheh

  36. crzblue2

    Oh shoot! I missed hearing Carol. Normally I listen to Dodger Talk on my way home but I got a call from a friend at the stadium that has season tickets. He is like an adopted kid to me. Well, I waited with him until he was sober. By that time he looked at his watch and said “is midnight, happy birthday.”
    when I saw the name and you said you sat infront of Joe, I knew it was you.
    I was reading the article and could not stop the tears.

  37. sparkleplenty_1

    Loved Rhett Bollinger’s ITD Tour/Joe Pierre article/pix on MLB, but was wondering if anyone saved or knows where I can find the article that appeared on Dodgers.com. I wanted to send both to my brother, another Dodger fan living in Northern CA.

  38. dodge1612

    that story made me cry… joe pierre your an inspiration to us young dodger fans… awesome stuff… wish I could have gone…

  39. nellyjune

    Good Late Evening ITD readers and writers!!!

    sparkleplenty – if you go to the LA Dodgers news section and click on “News Homepage” at the bottom, the article appears on that list.

    dodge1612 – We wish you could have too 🙂

    grizzly – you may not post on here often,but you are remembered. You always have some great things to say.

  40. 32and53fan

    I thought there was only one article that appeared both on Dodgers.com and MLB.com. If there is another one, I would like to see it.
    Here is the link to the billboard marketing campaign interview on Dodgers Live. This is what I was referring to when I told Frank McCourt to consider you as a super fan to be on a billboard for phase four.


    Hopefully, some other ITD’rs will second the nomination. 🙂
    Some of my pictures from the tour and game can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/39908481@N03/
    One of them is a closeup shot of Joe and Frank McCourt.

  41. dodgereric

    OK, it’s my turn.

    I’ve been trying to write this all day, but life gets in the way, doesn’t it? However, I can’t let the day go by without finishing it.

    First and foremost, it was a wonderful experience meeting all of you yesterday! Kahli, lbirken, 32and53, sara, amy, northstate, cp, emma, cat, sparkle, peru, Lord-forgive-me-for-forgetting-anyone-else. Putting faces to the names is nice! It would have been a lot more surreal if nelly and tru and I had not already broken the ice last January!

    kahli, oh please, NOT AN ITD TOUR CURSE! LOL!!!!

    Second, a huge ‘THANK YOU’ goes out to Josh and Dustin and all the Dodger staff who made yesterday work so well. You didn’t have to do it, but you did. After all, who are we? Number-wise, we ITDers aren’t very significant, so if perumike’s suggestion wasn’t acted on, who would have noticed? Us of course, but I really don’t think any of us expected it to actually happen. Josh, it’s amazing to me that you and the Dodgers put up with a lot of what we say here as it is, let alone providing such a wonderful experience. Everywhere we went, I kept imagining the history there: Jim Murray in the press box straining to see the game with his one good eye. Vin Scully and Jerry Doggett sharing a laugh between innings with a Farmer John commercial playing on the radio. Walter Alston watching from the bench as Maury Wills steals second. Kirk Gibson hitting off the batting tee behind the dugout and telling the batboy to tell Tommy he’s ready. Mike Piazza walking down the steps after crushing another home run. Matt Kemp loading up a towel with shaving cream. As I said yesterday, it was one of the great days of my life.

    Next, although I ran with it and seem to be getting all the credit, an acknowledgement of thanks to scott_in_arcadia is due. After all, he was the one who sparked the thought in my head. I just thought of a way to spend more of McCourt’s money. Not to mention so many of you all here who chimed in immediately with your support – most notably Mr Enchantedsunset, who continually brought up the subject again and again.

    Joe Pierre, it was an honor to meet you. I have not been able to remain a fan of the Rams. To see your emotions in that video while on the mound was very moving and it gave me a lump in my throat. I hope you got a sense of how happy we all are that you got to realize this dream. I didn’t get a chance to ask you how you liked that dip at Phillipe’s.

    I wonder if I can go back to rooting for the Rams?

    I’ve downloaded photos onto Photobucket and I’ll include the link as soon as I’ve completed the captioning.

    Lastly, of all of us here, I will humbly say that I don’t think anyone has been a bigger critic of Frank McCourt. Equal perhaps, but not bigger. From the first moment I read of his interest in buying the Dodgers without any money (I’m still trying to figure that one out) to somehow getting the purchase approved by MLB to taking the names off the uniforms to hiring a Giant to be the GM and a Yankee to be the manager, etc, etc, etc, I’ve been slamming him at every opportunity. Not just here, but with numerous letters to the LA Times. However, the way he’s rewarded one of the most loyal fans around is really quite impressive. That’s the way things should be done. I am very much a creature of habit and not one to easily change my mind. I’ve been examining my reasons for disliking you and believe that the basic one is that you’re just not Peter O’Malley. I heard you talk about maintaining Dodger history and then do just about everything you could do to either change it or destroy it. But if I’m going to be honest with myself, I have to admit that although you’ve changed Dodger Stadium, it’s still a beautiful place to watch a game. And it’s still called “Dodger Stadium”, not DogFoodPark. Although you haven’t made all the personnel moves I would have, some were out of your control (they are FREE agents) and you have made some good ones. You put the names back on the uniforms. You may not be O’Malley, but you are a damned sight better than Murdock and the Fox group. What you did to get Joe to LA and the tour and to see a couple of games was decent, generous, honorable and very respectful. You have earned my respect and I for one will cease slamming you around, at least for a while.

    Good night and may God Bless you, one and all!


  42. shad80

    The List of 104 has been revealed?

    1.Nomar Garciaparra (Ouch oh no)
    2.Manny Ramirez (Blah and still shock)
    3.Johnny Damon
    4.Trot Nixon
    5. David Ortiz (I had a bad feeling that he might be on that list)
    6. Shea Hillenbrand (Sigh Ex Giants, Dodgers and Angels)
    7. Derek Lowe (Wow really)
    8. Pedro Martinez (Wow really)
    9.Brian Roberts (I wasn’t surprise one bit)
    10.Jay Gibbons
    11.Melvin Mora
    12.Jerry Hairston
    13.Jason Giambi (No surprise here)
    14.Alfonso Soriano
    15.Raul Mondesi (Oh no not him)
    16. Aaron Boone
    17.Andy Pettitte
    18.Jose Contreras
    19.Roger Clemens ( I still can’t believe it)
    20.Carlos Delgado
    21.Vernon Wells
    22.Frank Catalanotto
    23.Kenny Rogers
    24.Magglio Ordonez
    25.Sandy Alomar
    26.Bartolo Colon
    27.Brent Abernathy
    28. Jose Lima (Ouch not him)
    29.Milton Bradley (Oh really not this headcase)
    30.Casey Blake (This is awful if he’s on it since we traded him for MeLoan/Santana)
    31.Danys Baez
    32.Craig Monroe
    33.Dmitri Young
    34.Alex Sanchez
    35.Eric Chavez
    36.Miguel Tejada
    37.Eric Byrnes
    38.Jose Guillen
    39.Keith Foulke
    40.Ricardo Rincon
    41.Bret Boone
    42.Mike Cameron
    43.Randy Winn (hahahahaha that would be funny)
    44.Ryan Franklin
    45.Freddy Garcia
    46.Rafael Soriano
    47.Scott Spiezio
    48.Troy Glaus
    49.Francisco Rodriguez (Oh my god really)
    50.Ben Weber
    51.Alex Rodriguez (Not a surprise here)
    52.Juan Gonzalez
    53.Rafael Palmeiro
    54.Carl Everett
    55.Javy Lopez
    56.Gary Sheffield (Not a surprise here)
    57.Mike Hampton
    58.Ivan Rodriguez (Poor Pudge)
    59.Derrek Lee
    60.Bobby Abreu (Wow I would never had guess)
    61.Terry Adams
    62.Fernando Tatis (I knew this guy had 1 30+ homeruns season and hit 2 grand slam off of Park something was up)
    63.Livan Hernandez
    64.Hector Almonte
    65.Tony Armas
    66.Dan Smith
    67.Roberto Alomar
    68.Cliff Floyd
    69.Roger Cedeno
    70.Jeromy Burnitz
    71.Moises Alou
    72.Sammy Sosa
    73.Corey Patterson
    74.Carlos Zambrano (Wow)
    75.Mark Prior (Wow)
    76.Kerry Wood (Wow)
    77.Matt Clement
    78.Antonio Alfonseca
    79.Juan Cruz
    80.Aramis Ramirez (Wow)
    81.Craig Wilson
    82.Kris Benson
    83.Richie Sexson
    84.Geoff Jenkins
    85.Valerio de los Santos
    86.Benito Santiago
    87.Rich Aurilia (hahahaha)
    88.Barry Bonds (hahahaha)
    89.Andres Galarraga
    90.Jason Schmidt (Damn Ned)
    91.Felix Rodriguez
    92.Jason Christiansen
    93.Matt Herges
    94.Paul Lo Duca No surprise
    95.Shawn Green (Oh geez I actually like him over Drew please hope it not him)
    96.Jeromy Burnitz (This guy is so good he was listed twice and a former Dodgers to)
    97.Adrian Beltre (Say it ain’t so)
    98.Eric Gagne (I still can’t believe it but still I’ll take him back since we did take Mota back)
    99.Guillermo Mota (Still hurt because of him)
    100.Luis Gonzalez (I knew something wasn’t right with him)
    101.Todd Helton (Oh man this would hurt big time)
    102.Ryan Klesko
    103.Gary Matthews (We already knew about him)
    104.Oliver Perez

  43. shad80

    Even though this is a Dodgers blog but congratulation on being the 2nd closers to get 500 saves Rivera and poor KRod ibb Jeter to load the bases and walk Rivera for his 1st rbi’s in his career. At least Manual was smart ibb Jeter to get to Rivera and Girardi knew he wasn’t going to PH for his closer when the team was up by 2 runs and Rivera in with 2 outs. I don’t know what Krod was thinking about?

  44. trublu4ever

    I am finally home and coming down over the euphoria I felt after the wonderful Josh and Dustin did in making our ITD Tour a reality. Thank you to all of you who were there for making it an amazing day that I won’t forget for a long time. And, Joe Pierre, it was an honor and priviledge to meet you and I am thrilled that Dodger Stadium was all you had hoped it would be. If this is really going to be an ITD Day at the Ravine every year, I think it would be fantastic and every year more and more people would be able to attend.
    And, finally, thank you Frank McCourt and the Dodger staff for making Joe Pierre’s dream come true. Not only that, but you made my Grandson’s day by saying hello to him and signing his baseball. He was beaming from ear to ear the rest of the night.

  45. shad80

    Their been a lot of 1st hitter the past 2 days with Burnett/Bruney/Robertson and now Gaudin/Bell last night in Texas and how can you 1 hit the Rangers at home is amazing.

  46. shad80

    Jones numbers by the Month.

    April .344/.523/.781/1.304
    May .245/.339/.434/.773
    June .178/.224/.467/.691
    Total .244/.353 .527/.879

    Look like Jones is back to normal but he’s need to go even lower to beat last year average.


  47. amyw27


    Thank you so much for putting this together. It was such a memorable day for us, and especially for Joe Pierre. It was an honor to meet him and I got to sit next to him at the game! Mr. McCourt and the Dodger organization made me proud to be a Dodger fan. The club is a real class act.
    Thank you for being our on-line leader Josh. You are awesome.

  48. messagebear@msn.com

    Kahli brings up an interesting point – can the ITD Tour bring on a curse to the Dodger season. Well, we’ve lost two games in a row before. The key might be tonight’s game and this series with the hot Rockies. If we lose tonight and lose this series, we definitely need to examine the possibility that a curse was created.

    How can this happen? You only need to look at the changed tone of expressions in this revered ITD forum to get the overflowing, effusive appreciation of management and feel the shift of opinion towards the ownership and management of the Dodger franchise. It looks to me from afar that there’s been an insiduous spin and redirection of ITD opinions from a clear and critical point of view to embracing what a wonderful group of owner/managers there are at work at Dodger Stadium. Oh, how temptation can subvert the objective mind! Now I have to admit that Frank seized the golden opportunity and brought out our Joe Pierre to showcase his benevolence and show everybody a good time. And that was great. Of course, Joe Pierre has never said an unkind word about Frank, or Ned, or probably anybody else in his life. Had it been me,
    I probably would have succumbed to the charm as well and held back on my natural instincts to kick Frank in the shins (actually I would have aimed a bit higher). I probably still would have suggested that he fire Colletti and consider enchanted in his place. Next time, let’s see if he’ll bring out Boblee or Jhall. I think it’s a good thing that enchanted, jhall and I stayed away in order to preserve our critical edge, although I’m sorry that we missed all your companionship and good times. But, someone had to do it.
    Now, what will it take to reverse the curse?
    A little exorcism might be in order, and I wouldn’t let this get beyond us losing another two series before we do something.
    First of all, do a little meditation –
    think back on Loaiza, on Schmidt; remember Tomko and Andruw; think of giving away DY; try to remember all the PVL’s, and never forget Sweeney.
    And above all – remember that JP is still with us and will continue to be with us, because he’s Ned’s best acquisition.
    Then a bit of intonation might help –
    we want to see some postings again,
    Fire Joe,
    Fire the guy who hired Joe,
    Fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe.
    Sell the team, Frank.
    Ned is full of Schidt
    Once we all get back in the spirit for which this forum was intended, the team will carry us back the rest of the way – even with Manny on board.

  49. trublu4ever

    Messagebear ~ you may be on to something! lol We did give Frank a lot of accolades. However, things can change in an instant, as you well know.

  50. thinkingblue

    The tour was wonderful and I was delighted in meeting the whole ITD Bunch (BLOGMATES). I was very nervous at first. I had no idea had to approach an ITD member (not so good at talking). I felt like I was meeting a bunch of celebrities, where I freeze when they are in front of me…LOL!. But finally I approached NELLY (like in the BLOG, she was the first one to talk to me). I met her family. Then of course I met TRU (the lovely & sweet TRU), ERIC (which he promised to layoff Frank). Then I met CAT, EMMA, CAROL (next time we will get the name tags), DODGER4LIFE (GOOOOOOO DODGERS), 32 and53FAN (great idea to wear a name tag), JEANETTE, and SARA & AMY (the young ones). I did hear that SPARKLE was there and I saw PERUMIKE but didn’t get to meet him (MIKE thanks again for the idea of the tour….GOOOO MIKE). And for those that were there and I didn’t get to meet, but there will be a next time…LOL!
    JOE PIERRE was amazing. I am soooo glad that they were able to bring him to the tour. I watched the video on the Dodgers website and it was just wonderful seeing how grateful Joe was and how emotional he got when he was on the mount.
    JOSH ****** thanks for everything. I didn’t get a chance to talk to you and thanks you in person. But thanks for everything. The tour was great (THANKS DUSTIN), thanks for taking us to places no general tour will take us. Having gifts for the kids was very thoughtful. Thanks for the wonderful Dodger Experience JOE PIERRE had. And specially I am very thankful for my RUSSELL MARTIN autograph ball. YUP that is me wearing my Dodger blue dolly shirt! I just heard MARTINISTA and my hand went up….THANKS JOSH!
    I was very excited in getting the ball autograph by Martin GOOOO MARTIN. My husband kept calling me BRAT all day (he knows Martin is one of my faves) . My family really enjoyed the experienced at Dodgers Stadium and they were sad that we couldn’t stay for the game. But we had prior engagements. So I didn’t get to meet Frank. NEXT TIME!

  51. thinkingblue

    NSBLUE I had no idea you were there….It would of been a pleasure to the meet a DODGER ARTIST!

  52. scott_in_arcadia

    Thx dodgereric, it was cool to see the video, pics and read the story. Great to see the MLB story!

    Joe Pierre, glad you got a chance to see Dodger Stadium and a couple games after all these years. Have a safe flight back to Brooklyn.

    Kahli, I see your point about nakedness; that occurred to me as well, but, I’ll have to lose my anonymity next time!

    Emma, thx, I hope to be there next time!

  53. Dodger4life

    Good morning everyone I just lost my post into the wild blue yonder…..I am running low on power so I will try agin later. Basically it was a thank you to all involved. I had a tremendous time and am so glad I had the chance to be a small part of it.
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  54. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    I was reading the comments after I left yesterday. Yeah, Brian/Emma I was on Dodger Talk Saturday night. The funny thing was that I was holding for over 20 minutes when they put me on. But the other thing was that when they finally got to me, I was already home, not in the car when I first called. And once I’m home, I do not get any reception of 790. So, all I heard was what they said on the phone. I asked my question, “How did Casey Blake get an RBI on the run that scored after Ichiro’s error?” Then one of them (I still don’t know what name goes with what voice) said, “No, he didn’t get an RBI.” I said, “it was on the scoreboard that Casey was credited with an RBI.” Then they said, “That was a mistake…” and then “click.” They hung up on me.

    NSB – I should’ve gone over to you and said hi. I didn’t meet you during the tour (as I didn’t get to meet many on the tour; there was so many of us) but shortly after Frank came to see Joe during the game, I went over and sat by Emma and she told me that you were here. I didn’t think that you were here, but she showed where you were sitting during the game. I’m sorry I didn’t, but I felt the need to pay some attention to my husband. He was a good sport about coming with me to the tour (remember, he’s not really a Dodger fan). But you are right, we might not all agree, and there are many instances that come to mind where we don’t, but I’m sure that we have a lot more in common than differences.

  55. enchantedbeaver

    I think you need not worry, the only “curse” on the Dodgers is that JP is still leading off, Martin not only has a wussybat, but a wussyarm to go with it, and JoJos too stubborn to try a different line-up that might actually allow the good hitters to get an extra AB a night.

  56. dodgereric

    ROSE! I KNEW I FORGOT SOMEONE! It was great to meet you and your handsome family too!!

    Shad, I’m not saying that list is fake, but it’s really interesting how the order of names is constructed. If you go onto baseball-reference by team and scroll down the roster for that team in 2003, those names are in the ALMOST EXACT order as on your list. And the teams are in order by league first, then division:

    American League East

    Boston Red Sox
    1.Nomar Garciaparra (Ouch oh no)
    2.Manny Ramirez (Blah and still shock)
    3.Johnny Damon
    4.Trot Nixon
    5. David Ortiz (I had a bad feeling that he might be on that list)
    6. Shea Hillenbrand (Sigh Ex Giants, Dodgers and Angels)
    7. Derek Lowe (Wow really)
    8. Pedro Martinez (Wow really)

    Baltimore Orioles
    9.Brian Roberts (I wasn’t surprise one bit)
    10.Jay Gibbons
    11.Melvin Mora
    12.Jerry Hairston

    NY Yankees
    13.Jason Giambi (No surprise here)
    14.Alfonso Soriano
    15.Raul Mondesi (Oh no not him)
    16. Aaron Boone
    17.Andy Pettitte
    18.Jose Contreras
    19.Roger Clemens ( I still can’t believe it)

    Toronto Blue Jays
    20.Carlos Delgado
    21.Vernon Wells
    22.Frank Catalanotto

    American League Central

    Minnesota Twins
    23.Kenny Rogers

    Chicago White Sox
    24.Magglio Ordonez
    25.Sandy Alomar
    26.Bartolo Colon

    Kansas City Royals
    27.Brent Abernathy
    28. Jose Lima (Ouch not him)

    Cleveland Indians
    29.Milton Bradley (Oh really not this headcase)
    30.Casey Blake (This is awful if he’s on it since we traded him for MeLoan/Santana)
    31.Danys Baez

    Detroit Tigers
    32.Craig Monroe
    33.Dmitri Young
    34.Alex Sanchez

    American League West

    Oakland As
    35.Eric Chavez
    36.Miguel Tejada
    37.Eric Byrnes
    38.Jose Guillen
    39.Keith Foulke
    40.Ricardo Rincon

    Seattle Mariners
    41.Bret Boone
    42.Mike Cameron
    43.Randy Winn (hahahahaha that would be funny)
    44.Ryan Franklin
    45.Freddy Garcia
    46.Rafael Soriano

    Anaheim Angels
    47.Scott Spiezio
    48.Troy Glaus
    49.Francisco Rodriguez (Oh my god really)
    50.Ben Weber

    Texas Rangers
    51.Alex Rodriguez (Not a surprise here)
    52.Juan Gonzalez
    53.Rafael Palmeiro
    54.Carl Everett

    National League East

    Atlanta Braves
    55.Javy Lopez
    56.Gary Sheffield (Not a surprise here)
    57.Mike Hampton

    Florida Marlins
    58.Ivan Rodriguez (Poor Pudge)
    59.Derrek Lee

    Philadelphia Phillies
    60.Bobby Abreu (Wow I would never had guess)
    61.Terry Adams

    Montreal Expos
    62.Fernando Tatis (I knew this guy had 1 30+ homeruns season and hit 2 grand slam off of Park something was up)
    63.Livan Hernandez
    64.Hector Almonte
    65.Tony Armas
    66.Dan Smith

    New York Mets
    67.Roberto Alomar
    68.Cliff Floyd
    69.Roger Cedeno
    70.Jeromy Burnitz

    National League Central

    Chicago Cubs
    71.Moises Alou
    72.Sammy Sosa
    73.Corey Patterson
    74.Carlos Zambrano (Wow)
    75.Mark Prior (Wow)
    76.Kerry Wood (Wow)
    77.Matt Clement
    78.Antonio Alfonseca
    79.Juan Cruz
    80.Aramis Ramirez (Wow)

    Pittsburgh Pirates
    81.Craig Wilson
    82.Kris Benson

    Milwaukee Brewers
    83.Richie Sexson
    84.Geoff Jenkins
    85.Valerio de los Santos

    National League West

    San Francisco Giants
    86.Benito Santiago
    87.Rich Aurilia (hahahaha)
    88.Barry Bonds (hahahaha)
    89.Andres Galarraga
    90.Jason Schmidt (Damn Ned)
    91.Felix Rodriguez
    92.Jason Christiansen
    93.Matt Herges

    Los Angeles Dodgers
    94.Paul Lo Duca No surprise
    95.Shawn Green (Oh geez I actually like him over Drew please hope it not him)
    96.Jeromy Burnitz (This guy is so good he was listed twice and a former Dodgers to)
    97.Adrian Beltre (Say it ain’t so)
    98.Eric Gagne (I still can’t believe it but still I’ll take him back since we did take Mota back)
    99.Guillermo Mota (Still hurt because of him)

    Arizona Diamondbacks
    100.Luis Gonzalez (I knew something wasn’t right with him)

    Colorado Rockies
    101.Todd Helton (Oh man this would hurt big time)

    San Diego Padres
    102.Ryan Klesko
    103.Gary Matthews (We already knew about him)
    104.Oliver Perez

    Again, not saying it’s fake, but if someone wanted to compile a list of players both famous and relatively unknown, this would be a way to do it. Plus, it would explain why Jeremy Burnitz is on there twice.

    I have noticed that on baseball-reference they list the “starting 8” first (catcher, 1st, 2nd, etc) then the rest of the position players, then the starting pitching, then the relievers. And with few exceptions, that’s just the way they are ordered here.

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