Tagged: ITD tour

What a day!

We truly hope you enjoyed the inaugural Inside the Dodgers Tour…it’ll be hard to top this one next year but we’re going to try. As I’m sure many of you have seen, MLB.com did a huge story on the afternoon, with photos, video, and an article that will help Joe Pierre remember this day forever. It is my true hope that others will see this and create their own online communities around their team, as this has become a really great place for fans to congregate.

More than anything, I want to thank you all for coming together to suggest this idea, thinking to ask Frank McCourt to bring Mr. Pierre out, and then taking such good care of Mr. Pierre while he was here. It was cool to see everyone rally around him, take him to lunch, and really make this an unforgettable weekend for a lifelong fan.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to stop by the seats last night, as I was in Lake Elsinore, but it sounds like those of you who made it got the chance to see Frank when he stopped by the seats. He was really excited to meet you all, as I’m sure you could tell.

A special thanks to Dustin for coordinating the tour, Kris for helping set up the tickets, and all the people in our office who helped make Joe Pierre’s weekend a memorable one. He’s off to the airport in a couple hours for just his second flight since the early 60s…we’ll look forward to hearing of his safe return to the east coast.

Inside the Dodgers Tour

The long-awaited tour is coming up at the end of the month (June 27)…and at your request, we’ll also arrange for a group section of tickets for those who want to go to the game that night, too.

Plus, we have some great news to share. I spoke with Frank McCourt about your idea of bringing out OldBrooklynFan and he immediately agreed that we have to do it. So, OldBrooklynFan, please email us at notes@ladodgers.com and we’ll work out the details. The Dodger organization is thrilled to have you out here!

For the rest of you, here’s what you need to do:

If you’re interested in the group tour at 11:30, please email Dustin at dustinp@ladodgers.com and he’ll take credit card info, etc. to get you set up.

If you want to attend the game that night against the Mariners, please contact Kris at krisz@ladodgers.com or 323.224.1308.

Hope you can all make it out…


ITD Tour

So here’s the question…

First off, please let me know if you’d be interested in going on a tour of Dodger Stadium with the group from this forum and second, please let me know if you have a preference of weekend vs. weekday, etc. Just post it in the comments section and we’ll gather data from there.

We’re trying to sort out details to get you all a discount and a very cool experience…

UPDATE: Today’s lineup…

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Ethier, RF

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B

Stults, P