ITD Tour

So here’s the question…

First off, please let me know if you’d be interested in going on a tour of Dodger Stadium with the group from this forum and second, please let me know if you have a preference of weekend vs. weekday, etc. Just post it in the comments section and we’ll gather data from there.

We’re trying to sort out details to get you all a discount and a very cool experience…

UPDATE: Today’s lineup…

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Ethier, RF

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B

Stults, P


  1. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks Josh!! I think I can speak for the group and say that most if not all are interested. As for weekdays vs. weekends, that’ll require a consensus.

  2. ladodgerbluefan

    Hello All,

    I’m not as active of a participant as others are on the blog but I follow it and have commented in the past. As a full time college student it’s a little tough to spend too much time writing comments and responding so I follow what you guys are saying instead. With that said, can I still be part of the tour or is it just for those that contribute on a daily basis? I vote for weekend.


  3. colliethec

    Josh – Thanks for being open to this even though we can be a little testy here!
    As for me I work retail so my business is open every day.
    So weekends or weekdays don’t matter.
    What does matter is that I have some advance warning as my schedule at work is already made for May and almost finished for June.
    The best time for me would be the 1st half of June (1-18).
    Preferable June 1-11.
    It would be awesome for this to happen if you could pull it off.
    I live in Norcal and would make the trip down if work allows it.
    I’m sure others would come out as well.
    Go Blue!!
    Bring the Ring in 2009!!!
    Sweep the Giants!!!!


    hey josh,
    thanks for staying on top of this and trying to make it happen.. we REALLY appreciate it! i am definitely interested in being a part of this tour.. you can see what the consensus among others is about the dates.. i’m probably more flexible than most 🙂

  5. trublu4ever

    I’ve been looking forward to this ever since you first mentioned it, Josh. I’ll go any day any time!

  6. thinkingblue

    JOSH…..thanks for ITD a very enjoyable and for always thinking about us here. FINALLY the tour is near! WEEKEND works best for me.
    This is going to be fun, and finally get to meet all of you ITD–ers…..yeah! I just wish that we can all make it!

  7. scott_in_arcadia

    Thanks Josh.
    I’m interested and I’ll go along with the group consensus.
    Love these lineups, almost unbelievable after the last few seasons!

  8. enchantedbeaver

    Interesting tidbits…

    The Dodgers are second in the league with a team OBP of .371
    The Gnats are dead last in OBP with a TEAM effort of .288 (for thouse of you who follow my diatribes, that’s even worse than JP.) They’re also last in the league in walks at 16, thus contributing to that dismal OBP.

    Let’s hope Stults keeps that trend going.

  9. perumike

    Hi Josh! Wow, I can’t believe this is going to happen after I made a simple comment saying that would be a fun event! Thank you for running with this!!

    I would prefer Saturday, however would make arrangements during the week if that is the consensus. I can’t do Sunday – that’s church and family day.

  10. miguel55

    Hi Josh,

    I’d love to and the weekend would be best. Its Miguel Salcido from,, and Look forward to possibly meeting you at the Bluetopia event this Saturday night.


    not that the lineup has changed.. and we all knew it would stay the same.. but it’s still good to see it written down and official


    thanks rose! amy and I are going.. and i know dnelly and eric are doing today too.. i will tell russ and dre! haha 🙂

  13. edog07

    Hey everyone. Sorry I have not posted this season so far. I just got back from vacation. First opening day I missed in over 10 years. I kept tabs on the team when I could but missed watching games. I am supposed to go tomorrow night, can’t wait its like my own mini opening day.

    As for the tour, I too would be interested and weekends would be best but I would try to make either.

    Go Dodgers!!!

  14. thinkingblue

    NELLY is down from up NORTH……that is great….Hey I am sure that NELLY & ERIC want to witness in PERSON the butt kicking of the GIANTS…lol…tell AMY I say hi…I haven’t seen her thru here in awhile. I’ll be going to the Casey Blake bobble head game…it will be my first game this season…I can’t wait….Hope to see you during OUR TOUR!


    Josh, thanks so much for trying to put an ITD tour together. From the few comments so far it will be hard to find a date and time that will be convenient for everyone. A weekend probably would be better for most people but for those of us who live in the greater L.A. area we could probably make it on a weekday just as easy. I suggest picking a couple dates maybe later in the season we could vote on that would allow time to make arrangements to attend. We have a lot of folks that live out of the area who might be able to attend with sufficient advance notice.


    rose, i’m sure dnelly wants to see the giants go down in a big way.. her giant family is with her for the game.. she needs the bragging rights to continue!! haha.. i will definitely tell amy you said hi.. and i hope to see you during the tour too!


    good idea lbirken.. a vote on specific dates would probably work quite well


    you’re quite right.. i’m sure she’s had bragging rights for a while now..

  19. thinkingblue

    Well I vote for one of the days that Ethier has the CARNE ASADA event….since a lot of us are ETHIERAHOLICS..we take an early tour…watch the game….then eat!…..LOL


    Hope those of you going to the game tonight find it a bit warmer than last night and the Dodgers find some more hits in those bats with runners in scoring position. I don’t think I have ever seen a player drive in a run in his first at bat with a walk and end the game the same way! Kershaw was great. I think Joe did the right thing by pulling him after seven innings. The Dodger bullpen has been pretty good most of the time and hopefully the bats will come alive soon to take some of the pressure off the pitching. I also think we were all wrong when we said Manny didn’t need much Spring Training but I am sure he will get in the groove soon.

  21. crzblue2

    Woohoo!! Is finally going to happen! Thank you so much Josh!!
    I am open for any day so I’ll go with the concensus!!
    I got an invitation to go see the Bluetopia movie! Tim said there is a glimpse of me toward the end. I don’t want to see me, I want to see my boys in Blue! They have been shown some highlights at the stadium.

  22. amyw27

    Josh- Thanks again for putting this tour together. We all appreciate it very much. Please sign me up. Weekend would work great 🙂
    Hello to everyone else. It’s been long. Hope all is well.
    Go Dodgers!!

  23. bluecrewgirl

    Josh, I would definitely be interested in the ITD tour and weekends work best for me.

    Amy, long time no see. I hope you are doing well ):

  24. amyw27

    hey girls. I know. I stopped blogging a while ago. I do miss you all. I think because of’s replaced ITD cause I can talk to you all in faster time.

  25. amyw27

    Ok, going home to get ready for the game. I really hope to see Nelly and Eric. We need to take an ITD photo 🙂
    have a Dodgeristic night!

  26. cpompe1

    Hey Josh!
    I’d like to say thx to both Josh for following thru on this idea and to perumiike for first giving the idea of a tour!!! Thx guys!!!

    As far as me, I would prefer the weekend. I am working now, but again, it’s with the US Census Bureau, so it’s temporary in nature. Depending on when you want to plan the tour for, I may be working then, I may not be. But by and large, yes, weekends would be great. And I love lbirken’s idea of giving us a few dates so we can vote on them! But for the benefit of those that don’t live in So Cal, yes, we would all need plenty of lead time!

    Oh, I’m so excited for this! This’ll be great!!!


  27. quicss

    Hey Josh, I had read in the past that the stadium was only fire coded for 56,000 people and I noticed that the opening day attendance was 57,099. What new did the Dodgers do to up the attendance and where did they get the extra seats?
    Stadium would be awesome too.

  28. quicss

    Hey Josh, I had read in the past that the stadium was only fire coded for 56,000 people and I noticed that the opening day attendance was 57,099. What new did the Dodgers do to up the attendance and where did they get the extra seats?
    Stadium tour would be awesome too.

  29. thinkingblue

    AMY – I sure you are gone right getting ready for a great Dodger Game. I’m glad to hear from you…FB is addicting…hey I have an account…I’ll look for you.
    Emma you are in just about all the Dodger Events…You deserve more than a glimpse….It should be great.
    QUICSS….my guess is the Code change

  30. oldbrooklynfan

    It looks like Torre can’t make up his mind on the cleanup hitter.
    What an exciting game last night.
    Kershaw was outstanding with his 13 strikeouts.
    Coming from behind after blowing the lead was both nerve wracking (wouldn’t want to lose on Jackie’s night) and exciting.
    Big Jon did his job and the coolness of James Loney was all we needed.
    Tonight the Giants bring in that lefty with my mother’s maiden name, since he’s from Cal., I don’t believe I’m related.
    I think we’re having a nice old fashion rivalry here.
    Have a good time on the ITD tour guys and girls, it would be too much for me since I’m a continent away and haven’t made plans.

  31. perumike

    Glad to see everyone is excited about the tour. I don’t what I’m more excited about, the tour or meeting all of you!!! Let’s go get the Giants tonight folks!

  32. Dodger4life

    Good evening everyone, It would be just Awesome to get a win tonight. Keep the good times rolling along!!!


    Good evening, all. It’s been awhile due to being busy and, last night, I couldn’t get on here at all. So, being here tonight is already a plus….If, according to Russell, Kersh did’nt have his best stuff last night, he’ll be truly scary when he does…. Since it looks like we won’t have Kuroda for awhile yet, we’ll especially need Stutz and McDonald to step up….SWEEP, SWEEP!!!!! GO BLUE!!!!!!

  34. boblee4014

    All I can say is you guys living in the LA area are lucky. Everyone getting together for a tour of Dodger stadium would be one of the highlites of my life. All I can say is I’m a little jealous.
    Lets sweep tonight.

  35. sparkleplenty_1

    Josh, count me in. Weekend is best. However, I need a little special handling – I’m just a little handicapped and use a wheelchair for long-distance walking. If it’s going to be a problem, well, I’ll be there in spirit.

  36. Dodger4life


  37. oldbrooklynfan

    KEMP really wack that one and Lewis couldn’t reach it.
    %Then Casey comes thru again wow this something.

  38. colliethec

    So far Monkeywhiskers has been much better than Sweeney!
    I like his toughness & grittyness. It adds to this team.

  39. colliethec

    Hopefully we won’t loose Monkeywhiskers for awhile. If we do, we might of traded DY a day or so too early.

  40. trublu4ever

    I hope Monkeywhiskers isn’t hurt bad enough to be put on the DL. We don’t need a dislocated shoulder.

  41. boblee4014

    This game may be a costly win. Monkeywicz knows better than to slide like that. I hope we go 18-0 against the Gnats this year.

  42. trublu4ever

    On the radio they were saying that XPaul is hitting over 500 and could be called up if Monkeywhiskers’ injury is really bad.

  43. bluecrewgirl

    Another home run for Andre would be nice right now and it would be great for Nelly to see at the game.

  44. kpookiemon

    Well, as far as a tour goes, I’m a sunshine baseball guy…Saturday or Sunday afternoon would show the stadium at its finest! I’ve been hanging around that place since it opened…and a nut-case since 1969. So I look forward to seeing the “forbidden” zones!!!!

    As for the Dodgers, who’s that guy impersonating All-Star catcher Russell Martin?

  45. koufax1963

    Josh: Thanks! Weekend Is best, allow for travel.
    Manny Observation: He pounds the Plate 3X before getting in stance, Last year it was two pounds and whack went the ball.
    Great Sweep! Love it. and remeber all those gnats common taters before the season started are all really in the dirt now. Go Dodgers!

  46. enchantedbeaver

    All hail the 2009 Dodgers led by Batman Orlando Hudson! 10 straight games at the start of the season hitting safely for Matt “The Hitman” Kemp. Super pinch hits by new BENCH BEASTS Doug Meintkiewicz and Mark Loretta. Another gritty performance by fill-in starter Eric Stults, and a GF for newcomer Will “The Omen” Ohman. SWEET SWEEP OF THE DREADED GIANTS, NOW ONTO ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP IN 2009!!!!

    (I do much better as the anti-ndeschenes.)

  47. obi_wen

    Way to sweep those Gnats! Bad break for Mank, looking at the replay I don’t think he was trying to slide headfirst, it seems like he lost his footing heading into 2nd and landed awkwardly on his shoulder. Okay Ned, we don’t have DY anymore, so make amends by bringing up the red hot Xavier Paul while Mank goes on the DL to mend. And before Joe Torre say anything, he needs to remember that Juan Pierre is NOT the answer. As for Manny, I wouldn’t worry about the slow start, he’ll be fine.

  48. obi_wen

    [I can’t believe John Madden is retiring ]

    Guess he couldn’t go on without his beloved Brett Favre. 🙂

  49. kpookiemon

    Toronto, Seattle, Florida, St. Louis, the Dodgers………………………and the Padres–the only teams in baseball with a .700 average or better.

  50. dodgerduder

    Hey there, longtime reader here,

    I love the idea of an ITD tour! It would definitely work better for me on a weekend, during the day. I hope this happens!
    OH, and I havent heard anything yet, but I was wondering if the God Bless America was going to stick throughout the season? I Love the idea of it!!!!!
    God bless the dodgers and the USA!

  51. nellyjune

    Josh – This is just a fabulous idea and thank you. Once June 4 comes and goes, it won’t matter what day of the week for me. However, by the looks of it, weekends seem to be the days of choice. I, too, like lbirken’s idea of a few dates to choose from. That way we can choose a day that works best, especially with those who need to travel more than the So-Cal area (in particular….those out of state).

    Also, I know I am not alone in this, but I think we need to find a way to get joepierre out here even if it means some of the rest of us paying a little extra in order for that to happen. He is a big part of ITD, and with his storied life as a Dodger fan, I (and many of my fellow ITDers) would like nothing better to see him out here in Los Angeles.

    As for the game, what can I say other than it was awesome!!!! I must say for the most part my son maintained composure while gnat fans were being taunted. He did a little of his own taunting, but it was mild compared to what he’s capable of. My husband is pretty quiet for the most part, and he’s usually not the one I have issues with during games. I even sat next to Michael and didn’t even have a thought of throwing him over the loge deck balcony. We even agreed on a few things. We both hate the beach balls, the ball that Andre was hit with shouldn’t have hurt too much because it was ball that was pitched by Zito, and both of us have no idea why Rich Aurilia is still on their team.

    I must say, it was an absolute pleasure to sit at a game in Dodger Stadium next to our very own Dodgereric and his wonderful wife, Chris. If spending time with him and Chris is any indication of how fun an ITD tour would be, it will be a blast!!!!

    heartruss – it was great seeing you even if we didn’t get to talk.

    Amy and Sara – sorry it didn’t work out to be able to see the two of you. Being on different levels makes it hard to catch up. However, this is even a better reason to have the tour…….we won’t have to worry about being on different levels. We will all be in the same spot.

  52. thinkingblue

    NELLY – SARA told me that you will be at yesterdays game. That most of been something special to see the Dodgers sweep the Giants….Lucky you…SO YOUR BRAGGING RIGHTS PERMIT HAS BEEN EXTENDED…LOL! Man our boys in blue were just getting hit in last nights game, but hey they didn’t cry and we still kick butt. It sucks that you, Eric and girls couldn’t meet up…but like you say…there is the tour. I can’t wait to find out more on the tour. Well just about all the 24,000 or more people for Facebook has also been invited…I just hope that the ITD people can be in the same group.

  53. dodgereric

    Even though I’m on double-secret probation, I’m risking a couple of minutes exposure on my coffee break to chime in on the ITD Tour: ANYTIME!! Weekends would be better, but I’ll take vacation time to participate for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this. And joepierre must be flown out at Frank’s expense – just think of the press coverage!

    Enchanted, you’re doing just fine (for a beginner) at ndescenes’ old job. Just one suggestion – more capital letters, i.e., “All Hail the 2009 Dodgers Led by Batman Orlando Hudson! 10 Straight Games at the Start of the Season Hitting Safely for Matt “The Hitman” Kemp. Super Pinch Hits by New BENCH BEASTS Doug Meintkiewicz and Mark Loretta. Another Gritty Performance by Fill-in Starter Eric Stults, and a GF for Newcomer Will “The Omen” Ohman.”

    And I truly enjoyed watching the game with Junie, even though she brought those stinky-old Gnat fans with her. 🙂 But seriously, all praise to Michael for having the guts to stand up for his team in the nest of the enemy. I have nothing but respect for him. It sure was fun jousting with him the whole game.

    One more thing – as my wife remarked during the game – I remember when Dodger fans used to be polite. I understand that when fans of the other team get demonstrative it calls for a response in kind, but when they’re just getting up from their seat to go to the concession stand they don’t deserve to be booed by the crowd, let alone the “Giants suck” chant. I was embarrassed.

    Just my two cents. Coffee break is now over – back to work. Thanks again Josh for following through on the Tour. I never would have believed it.

  54. thinkingblue

    ERIC – I’M WITH YA! DODGER FANS SHOULD BE MORE RESPECTFUL. Haaahaaa this reminds of one time we went to a Dodgers game vs. the Gnats….I was one of the people screaming booo to a Giants fan…BUT it was close too 8 of us all Dodger fans but 1. Yup it was his birthday and he was the reason why we decided to go and he is a big Giants fan. Now that time each time he would go to the restroom or to buy a beer we would boo him but then we would add at the end ‘BUT WE STILL LOVE HIM – IT’S HIS BIRTHDAY’. People around us were thinking the samething you did (ERIC), how rude, but once we added the ending…they would start laughing. That was a fun game. And oh yeah, I guess cause it was his birthday, the Gnats won that game…boooo!

  55. heartruss

    Hello ITD
    I haven’t posted much since I’ve been busy going to all these games. I’m in heaven. So far 3 games, another one today and then two this weekend. It’s been wonderful. I was so happy to see Nellyjune last night although it was from a distance.
    One of my friends told me I was on tv briefly probably when Raffy hit that homerun. Reminds of that Gabe Kapler incident last year.
    I hope to see everyone on the ItD tour. It should be fun. Nellyjune, her mom TruBlu, her sis and daughter went on a mini tour during the Under the Lights event and that was awesome.. A regular tour of the stadium should be even better. I’m like Dcollins, I need a lot of notice. I will be back east the first two weeks of June so that is totally out but another day probably could work out.
    The Dodgers have been fantastic. The offense is super. The pitching has been more than anyone expected. How about that baby Clay and Randy?? Brox is power. I can’t wait until tonight.

  56. oldbrooklynfan

    Just when I got to spell Mientkiewicz, without looking it up,
    Bingo he’s gone.
    Welcome back Blake Dewitt.

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