Vin will be back in '09

Not only did last night deliver a resounding shutout victory to pull the team to within have a game of first place, but the incredible news is out…Vin Scully will be behind the mic for his 60th season of Dodger baseball.

Anyone who has been fortunate enough to even hear an inning of his work over the years knows that we are truly blessed with every game that he does. Just yesterday, as I stopped in the booth to check in with him on a couple of things, I happened to be there when he taped the “open,” which is what you see at the top of the telecast each night.

Amazingly, without any notes in front of him and no teleprompter, he just rattles off some of the most incredible prose, mixed in with statistics and stories that I can’t understand how he remembers. It’s really something else.

In any event, in case you missed it, I wanted to make sure you knew the great news and hopefully we’ll see many of you at the park today. If not, tune into FOX for the big duel for first place in the NL West…we’ve been this close many times before, but haven’t been atop the division since April 4. If there were ever a time to be playing great baseball, this is certainly it.

P.S. No lineup again today. 



  1. tradejuanpypaperbag

    dnelly, June Darlin’, Junie, Miss Debbie, Mom, Mrs. Nelson, Nelle, Nells, Nelly, Nellygirl ~ ETHIERAHOLICS AND LOVING IT!!!!
    Thanks Josh for giving us the news about Vin ~ Dodgereric had posted the article late last not on ITD, but thanks for letting the rest of this board know 🙂


    While I don’t consider myself a knucklehead or a moron I am pleasantly surprised by Ethier’s power and hope this is not a fluke. He has done what a younger player has to do: force the team to play him. He has taken advantage of the opportunities given him and it doesn’t matter if he is “benefiting” by hitting in front of Manny. Whoever hits in front or behind Manny still has to produce. By the way, does anyone think Andre would be a better leadoff hitter than Kemp or Martin? Just asking as at the moment I don’t think I would change anything.


    Great news to hear Vinny will be back at least another season. This man has been a gift to his listeners and Mrs. Scully deserves our gratitude for sharing him with us all these years.

  4. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ Matt was struggling a little bit hitting leadoff so, I think he is happy where he is….Russell is a good contact hitter and for the most part can work the count to his favor so, I think it’s okay the way the lineup is right now…..we are winning and I wouldn’t change anything. of course, I’m not the manager lol

  5. imthedude

    Why do we care what “some guy” on TV says?

    hahaha…Kent’s just mad that nobody will even care that he doesn’t come back next year.

    Great to hear Vin will be back!

  6. northstateblues

    Josh, that’s great news!! Like I commented yesterday, since I can’t get Dodgers on the radio before sundown here in NorCal, I’m happy to pay my $14.95 to Gameday Audio to have the chance to listen to Vin Scully every game he does, even muting the TV to listen to Vin’s 45-60 second delayed commentary on the game.

    Walter O’Malley definitely knew what he was doing when he made sure Vin was on board with the westward move 50 years ago. For a man that so little people know (in the personal sense), there’s millions of people that feel like this man is their neighbor, visiting for a few hours every night to give us his educated view on the way things were, are, and should be. We are all blessed to have the oppurtunity.

  7. tradejuanpypaperbag

    lbirken ~ I would leave Andre right where he is. Somebody mentioned last night that they think he should bat clean up, but I don’t think that is right for him ethier (either). Even before Manny batted third, the 2-hole was a good spot for Andre. He is a good, patient batter that is needed if the leadoff hitter gets on base. Andre has always been good at working the count and getting runners over, whether because the runner stole the base, he walked or Andre put the ball in play, whether it was an out or not. I think he has played that 2-hole spot great all year, and I think with Manny now batting 3rd, we are seeing the power I figured Andre always had, but was struggling because of lack of playing time.

  8. trublu4ever

    nsblues ~ I agree with you wholeheartedly about Vin. I only wish more of his counterparts had the same class as he does. I’m seriously considering getting the audio next year so I too can listen to Vin’s mellow sound.


    Trublue, I agree, I did not think Kemp was the ideal lead off hitter either. I just have a problem with having a catcher as the leadoff hitter. But, as I said, I would not change anything now even if I was the manager.

  10. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Andre batting in the 2-hole this year:
    314 PAs
    54 R
    84 H
    22 2B
    4 3B
    13 HR
    33 RBI
    Ave : .297
    OBP: .361
    OPS: .902
    BABIP: .320

  11. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ I know most catchers don’t lead-off but, Russell can steal a base if he has the chance….has pretty good speed for a catcher.


    Andre Ethier has a higher slugging percentage (in 2008) than Vladimir Guerrero, Aramis Ramirez, Ryan Howard, Jason Giambi, and Carlos Beltran. His OPS of .843 is currently good for 26th in baseball – that is to say, there’s more than one team that doesn’t even have one outfielder as good as Andre Ethier. …

  13. tradejuanpypaperbag

    This came from Jon Weisman over at DT – just awesome!
    Let’s have some fun …

    Ethier is closing in on 1,500 plate appearances in his major-league career. Here are his numbers:

    1,463 plate appearances
    .356 on-base percentage
    .480 slugging percentage
    112 adjusted OPS

    From Mike Scioscia’s Tragic Illness:

    I don’t know if this can be overstated, so I’m going to say it again. Andre Ethier has a higher slugging percentage (in 2008) than Vladimir Guerrero, Aramis Ramirez, Ryan Howard, Jason Giambi, and Carlos Beltran. His OPS of .843 is currently good for 26th in baseball – that is to say, there’s more than one team that doesn’t even have one outfielder as good as Andre Ethier. …


    its just baffling he would for 63 games start this…..

    .259 /.292 /.293 /.585

    over this..

    .292 /.355 /.511 /.865

    and then wonder why we have an inconsistent offense.


    And Andre is hitting well of course, but our GM should have made the manager play the right guy for petes sake.

    top number is now, bottom is Dre’s career. Not all that different dumbshits.

    .292 .355 .511 .865
    .294 .356 .480 .837

  16. amyw27

    Josh- thank you for the info. Did you get to speak to ‘our’ common friend O.D? He told me he’d tell you my ITD blog story 🙂
    good morning. Great win last night. I was lucky to go to the game last minuet last night and it didn’t disappoint. Mr. Ethier truly is our star on the team and we are all so proud of him. I was sitting by 3rd base- I saw the whole thing, but won’t comment on his ‘almost’ triple. We all know what happened. Sad..but 5 for 5 with all those RBI, he is amazing!
    I look forward to seeing Mr. Billz pull off a wonderful pitching performance today and cement us in first place will the DBacks in 2nd where they belong.
    Hope everyone is well 🙂

  17. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar – it’s just a shame, and like you said, if this all comes down to one game, it could be one game out of many where Andre should have played over JP.

  18. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey Amy ~ Even though Andre didn’t hit for cycle, he did make history. He is one of 5 Dodgers to go 5 for 5 with 5 or more RBIs. He is in great company with Shawn Green, Mike Marshall, Dusty Baker and Steve Garvey. I would say that was pretty darn Ethieriffic if you ask me.

  19. amyw27

    Dnelly- i was there last night, and I was thinking how proud and happy you were sitting up in NorCal whatching Mr. Ethier and his historic performance. 🙂 It was great.
    I look forward to today’s game. I might meet up with Emma. but you never know what might happen!


    Right now I think we have the best lineups playing compared to the entire season – that means no Nomar, no Kent, no Pierre, and no Andruw. I think our lineup is better than what AZ can put on the field, and that would even include their starting pitchers. Unless we have some big letdown, or unless Torre finds a way to screw things up, we should win the division title. It’s too bad if that saves Ned’s job, because this success is in spite of him, and we cannot trust him to make any off-season moves. Hopefully Frank realizes what a failure Ned has been, even if he decides to continue with him as GM. Unless I’m mistaken, I bet that Andruw and Schmidt are making more take home pay this year than what Frank will derive in profit from the Dodger franchise, and that should really piss him off royally. If Ned stays, I would want to approve any deal of his for the foreseeable future, so the question has to arise what good is having him as GM. Just because we win the division isn’t going to change my mind about what a complete Schidt Ned is.


    Martin’s speed and baserunning ability are great for a catcher but my issue with having him batting lead off has to do more with the fatigue factor than anything else. Of course we want our hitters on base but I would rather have Martin driving runners in than having to set the table. If the Dodgers had a typical effective lead off hitter Martin would not be leading off. Since they do not, I agree that Martin may be the best choice at the present time.


    Basically it’s what we said going into the year signing Jones was only good if it meant Dre and Kemp played daily.

  23. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Amy – what was the standing ovation like? That was emotional for me, and I was at home. All his hard work since spring training finally paying off. It must have been something. All of us on the board were wishing we were there.


    Folks, if it comes down to one game it could have been any one of the recent 8 game losing streak when the current group (including Kent) could not drive in any key runs. Let’s hope we don’t have to agonize over this.


    They need to get Martin out of leadoff I agree. Mainly because he is stinking up the joint in leadoff.

    .208 /.321 /.250 /.571 in 6 games.

    Why not just move Kemp back there?
    .289 /.346 /.491 /.837 in 40 games

  26. amyw27

    Dnel- it was fabulous. After the play and the out to end the inning. In unison we were all on our feet and we were cheering so hard. No one even thought to sit down. We all felt it, he is an amazing play ercontributing to this team. They showed him on the screen- looking unpleased with himself, and we cheered some more. Everyone single person in the stadium was proud.

  27. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Vin always does a nice job of descibing things, but sometimes you still wish you were there – thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  28. oldbrooklynfan

    Vin Scully is truly, “the Voice of the Dodgers”, I’m sure nobody else has a better one than us. Not only in sound but in longevity as well.
    It’s hard to believe that I remember when he first started. I remember Red & Connie calling him “The Young Redhead”, since Barber was his elder.
    For many years with the Dodgers in L.A., I would only hear him occasionally and I remember when I found out he was doing the play by play nationwide of the World Series on the radio, I would turn off the sound on my TV and listen to him.
    When I first got my computer and MLB.TV it was great, the fact that he was still around.
    He is the link to the past and a bridge to the future for all of us Dodger fans everywhere.
    GO VIN,,,,,,,,GO DODGERS!!!!


    I remember the days when many fans brought radios into the Colisuem and Dodger Stadium just to hear Vinny. You could hear his voice all over the stadium. And when the Dodgers were in a close pennant race late in the season there was nobody any better at calling two games at once and that was long before the communication tools we have now.

  30. amyw27

    ok. I’m off to the game. Everyone enjoy the national broadcast!
    Let’s Go Dodgers! Let’ Go Billz!!!
    Take care everyone. Let’s win big today!

  31. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Today’s lineup … isn’t done yet
    By Tony Jackson on September 6, 2008 11:47 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | ShareThis
    They’re waiting to see whether Casey Blake can throw across the diamond. You will recall he was hit by a pitch on the right biceps last night. He is batting fifth. If he can’t go Nomar will play 3B and bat fifth.
    Via tony jackson – this is why there is no lineup yet anywhere. I have looked and this is all I got so far.

  32. aeversw

    I am gonna be so pissed off if Nomar plays and bats 5th! That’s just an easy out in the middle of the lineup against the guys who has been the best pitcher in the league for 3 years now. We’re screwed.


    Well, I’m not happy. Today’s game is blacked out on MLB.TV and the Phillies/Mets game is shown here. Guess there’s always game day play by play.

    Go Dodgers.. A win puts us in first place. I dare Them to pitch to Manny.

  34. oldbrooklynfan

    It’s rainning in N.Y. and I understand mostly on the east coast.
    A good day to listen to the game, from L.A.
    Not the Mets & the Phillies, which I believe is rained out.
    Day & night double header scheduled for tomorrow.
    When was the last time, if ever, that happened at Dodger Stadium, where it hardly rains?


    I don’t remember the last official rain out at Dodger Stadium but I do recall attending a game last year in the rain. It was not pretty. I also have been at a couple other games delayed by rain that eventually were called off. There haven’t been very many.


    And I was trying to figure out who Kemo was! Randy Johnson out for tomorrow? Wasn’t that game originally supposed to be Maddux and Johnson? Would that have been the two oldest opposing pitchers in history?

  37. vl4ecc

    Good afternoon all!
    I’m glad the Mets-Phillies game got rained out. It’s so rare I get to see two in a row on the tube.
    Vin Scully is a treasure. Through all the good, and bad times over the years, he’s brought me so much joy, and makes me feel priviledged to be a Dodger fan!
    As for all the analagies on who should bat where in the lineup, at this point & time I’m just for whatever works. If it aint broke, don’t fix it. JUST WIN BABY!

  38. aeversw

    It’s gonna come down to the bullpen today. Thankfully we have a great one too bad we don’t have a manager that knows how to use it properly.

  39. bluecrewgirl

    I love Bills, but that is his second start in a row where he was in a situation to bunt and was unable to get one down. He needs to work on that skill.

  40. northstateblues

    Did you see the look on Manny’s face? Like he was punching in his time card!!! Damn!

    Loney was close, too. And the DBags look like they’ve learned to respect Ethier.

  41. vl4ecc

    I sure hope they sign him this off season. Just having him in the lineup makes every one around him that much better.

  42. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ do you think they are pitching around Dre? It certainly looks like it, which like you said, he has earned respect for what he can do..

  43. bluecrewgirl

    Even though Andre’s my fave, I’m glad Manny got the home run because he’s been getting walked intentionally a lot lately and it wouldn’t be good if he got frustrated at not getting at bats. Not, that I don’t want Andre to continue hammering it, I do. I just want Manny to get his chances too to keep everyone happy.

  44. oldbrooklynfan

    A lot of discipline was shown in the 6th inning by the offense. Just what we were looking for early in the year.
    We’re maturing.

  45. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues – I bet Andre knows all about the sun out there in right field. He’s probably sooo glad that wasn’t him.
    The 3 walks isn’t as exciting, but boy, the plate discipline he is showing is just phenomenal right now, even if they are slightly pitching around him – I’m sure that’s a good feeling for Andre as well.
    I am glad Manny is getting to bat today – it makes him happy too.

  46. vl4ecc

    They’re talking about how big Dunn is @ 6’8″. he is a big corn fed boy. Maybe some sorghum was thrown in with it. Any one remember how big Frank Howard, and Boog Powell used to swing those big bats like toothpicks?


    I remember Frank Howard. I think he was the first to hit a home run in the lodge level at Dodger Stadium. I had the opportunity to meet him at Dodger fantasy camp a few years back.

  48. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ No, I haven’t, and I tried to check this morning, but it’s not recognizing my ID and password so I e-mailed a request for my that information. They said it could take up to 4 weeks, so I am not stressing much yet. I am going to put it into a shadow box with his rookie cards, signed ball, etc.


    It sure is nice when it is the other guys hitting into rally killing, inning ending double plays.

    The way Berroa is playing I am not so sure I would make a change even if Furcal really is ready to play, which I have my doubts about anyway. I might try to find some innings for him late in a game but frankly with things going as they are why make any changes?


    Vl4, you got that right. He is a big one. When I mentioned a line drive he hit off the center field fence at Yankee Stadium in the ’63 World Series he gave me a little grin and acted a bit surprised anyone would remember that.


    Is amazing the dback is #1 in team ERA on the road just another misleading stats there and we still #1 in home ERA..

  52. aeversw

    Come on Joe the game is out of hand. Give Russell a couple of innings off. Also, this team is obviously better without Jeff Kent in the lineup and in the locker room.

  53. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Josh ~ have fun eating ice cream!!!!!!
    DODGERS ARE IN 1ST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wow Billingsley is so good for his age. He better be with us for at least the next 10 years. I hope the dodgers (honestly, not trying to be negative) start spending their money on their own guys, buy out some arbitration years, lock up Dre after this year…Start showing the younger players, that older players like Kemp, Martin, Loney will be rewarded and will build something solid long term. Frank talks and talks and talks way to much for me, I think he is a phony. But, here is his opportuinty to do exactly what he says he wants to do 500 times in every interview; restore dodger tradition. It’s sitting there on a platter for you dude, take it.

  55. tradejuanpypaperbag

    PierreEW – they still are the Dodgers – nothing is easy, even blowouts – lol!!
    Hey jhall – snuck in there at the end. Scary football game today for your Buckeyes, but I’m glad they pulled it out.

  56. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar – totally agree with you – Frank really needs to lock up Martin and Ethier (I believe they are both up first, being Super Twos). Is Bills there too?

  57. oldbrooklynfan

    I’ve seen games that went from a laugher to a loss.
    I was also hoping for a shutout which might’ve added to the Snakes woes.

  58. jhallwally

    LOL!! Merci Nelle’ mon amie. I think the Buckeyes were looking ahead to the USC game. At least I hope that is what happened. HaHa.

  59. tradejuanpypaperbag

    PierreEW – I wanted the shutout too. It would have been sweet.
    jhall – you are welcome, and yes, I think you are right, too much thinking ahead to USC, but they got through it, and I’m sure next week will be a great game. So, are you a Browns fan, too?

  60. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar – I really hope they do. That would at least show some intent on the direction management is going with this team for the future.


    I would be surprised if the Dodgers did anything long term with any of the young players. Until a player is eligible for arbitration and/or free agency the team has that player locked up. Honestly, if you were a player agent would you adivse your client to sign a long term deal waiving his arbitration or free agency rights a few years before becoming eligible? Right now these younger players are playing for that first big contract. We have all seen what happens to some players after they sign that contract. Anyone remember Beltre? And would you really give any player a 10 year deal?


    Torre did the right thing to bring in Broxton, though it was exactly what he did not want to do. This game was to important to let get away. You did not want to let the d-backs back into it, and have lightning strike. We’ve all seen that in the past and know it’s possible. You can imagine the effect on the clubhouse if this one had gone south.

  63. jhallwally

    Not really Nelly. I love college football and just casually follow the NFL. I hope the Browns and Bengals do well but don’t really watch or care.


    I wasn’t saying Torre did the wrong thing to bring in Brox, but I was saying it was too bad he felt he had to bring him into this type of game.

  65. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall ~ LOL!! Isn’t it funny how we have thought that since day one, and the Dodgers have 20 games left and management is just now figuring that out. Kind of makes you wonder how much sweating we would really be going through right now if those 4 were not part of the equation to begin with.

  66. perumike

    Hi everyone, just back from the stadium. A few notes: First, the stadium was just electric, and it was great to see the patience at the plate and the way Chad was DEALING! Second, I took a bunch of pics, especially of our favorites, so if you guys want any of a specific player, or have a place where I can post them, let me know. Third, I saw Rosenthal after the game interviewing Dre and he is a VERY small man. 🙂 I hope you all enjoyed the game as much as I did.

    Ah, one last note: It appears my piano did work some magic on Webb. 🙂

  67. acardona16

    I just got home from the game and WOW!!!! what a fantastic game!!!! I’m an ETHIERAHOLIC AND PROUD OF IT!!!! yesterdays game was just AMAZING!!!! I SO WISH i could’ve been here chatting with you guys through yesterdays game!!! man Andre just blows me away!!! EVERYONE did an amazing job these past two games and let me tell you!! I am LOVIN OUR BOYS IN BLUE!!!

    Acardona= Dodger fan, Ethieraholic AND PROUD OF IT!!!

  68. acardona16

    when Ethier hit the fly ball to left field by the foul poll, the ball landed about 4 or 5 rows RIGHT behind me!! so maybe i was on TV… lol but yeah i had great seats! i went early and ALMOST got a chance to stand on the field but right when i was gunna be next in line they stopped letting people on the field and James Loney stopped and was talking/ signing stuff! I was so bummed!!

  69. tradejuanpypaperbag

    perumike/Piano Man ~ We are soooo glad you didn’t forget your piano. It really did look like one fell on him today. If he wasn’t playing the Dodgers, I might have felt sorry for him. I really rather see him get the CY Young over Linsecum. I like Linsecum, but as long as he is wearing black and orange, he is still a gnat.
    acardona ~ glad to hear you had fun!! Yes, all Andre fans are still in awe over what he has accomplished in this past few weeks. Even being walked 3 times today is still fantastic – not as exciting, but he is gaining some well deserved respect from the baseball world right now.

  70. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jhall ~ I know -Even if the Dodgers manage to pull this off, they still have some major issues with JP, Andruw, Schmidt and their contracts just to name a few.

  71. perumike

    Hey dnelly, I took a bunch of pics of your boy A.E.E. Hey, aren’t those perfect grades, as well as the initials of your boy Dre?! If you want the pics let me know where I can send them.

  72. acardona16

    absolutely Dnelly! he is just doing an Ethieriffic job and I am very proud of how well he is doing! even though he did get walked 3 times today it still shows a lot of talent cause he has a good eye!! It was great to be a part of when we took the lead! I wore my Ethier shirt and held my head high! haha! it was HOT but a lot of fun! I still haven’t seen yesterdays game (I wasn’t home all day) but I have it all recorded on my TV and I had my friend text me play-by-plays the whole game so i know what happened i just haven’t seen it yet… lol


    Good evening, ITD. It’s very true that our management has saddled us with underachieving, overpaid, deadwood but they have no choice but to deal with it and fix it. If Frank is unhappy with his financial numbers, He need look no further than the bad deals made by his GM. If they plead poverty, the product on the field will suffer and revenues will only get worse. Signing Manny is vital. He improves the product on the field and he’s a huge draw. He’s one of the few players that people will come to the park to see. However, the biggest effect of the bad management decisions is that there is less money that could be used to sign some of these young players to long term deals. I’ve always admired what the Indians did in the 90’s when they signed their key young players to long-term deals. It kept them competitive through that decade.

  74. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Perumike ~ yes, Andre has had pretty much next to perfect grades lately Awesome, Excellent, Excellent – lol!! As far as pictures, if you want to send them through e-mail you can – – Thanks!! Like I need more photos of Andre – LOL!!!

  75. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Acardona – yesterday’s game will not dissappoint – it is just phenomenal, not only Andre, but Lowe too – just fabulous!!

  76. trublu4ever

    By the way, Piano Man, I tried to find you in the crowd but there were only a few shots in your direction and it was so quick I couldn’t really see much. I did see the piano fall on Webb, though, and that was worth millions. Thanks!

  77. perumike

    Hey Tru and Dnelly, do you want the large version, which is about 1MB per pic, or the compressed version? What I can do is send the compressed version for you to look at, and if you want to make prints of any of them you can e-mail me the names of the pics and I’ll send you the full version so they print better. Let me know.

    And I’m glad you enjoyed my piano work! 🙂

  78. northstateblues

    Nice to hear the Rox lost! Now that we’re in first, I hope we dont’ get too comfortable. SD and SF would love that.

  79. trublu4ever

    nsblues ~ I don’t think you have to worry about us being too complacent. Joe Torre has the knack for making us quite uncomfortable. lol

  80. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues – I went to the grocery store after the game, still with my Ethier jersey and my Billingsly shirt on underneath, and the cashier asked me if I was a Dodger fan. I said – just a little. I felt like saying like Bill Engval would say “Where’s your sign?” The cashier was wearing a Yankee tie, and so he asked me if he could have their manager back, and I said by all means, take him. However, I did tell him about a few issues I was having with Joe, and I did tell him Joe was doing much better as of late. Then, the person bagging my groceries said “Oh no, not the Dodgers”, and I said “you must be a Giants fan”, and of course he was. So, I told him “just so you know – those oh no Dodgers are now in first place” When are Giants fans going to get a clue their team sucks.

  81. trublu4ever

    nsblues ~ After we lost eight games in a row, who would have thought we’d be in first place !!! …..quite amazing, isn’t it?

  82. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues – it was supposed to read “Here’s your sign” not “where’s your sign” – sorry 🙂

  83. trublu4ever

    Way to go dnelly!! I know what you mean about being all decked out in your Dodger blue and the idiots always ask if you’re a Dodger fan…..they do it to me too!

  84. northstateblues

    Heheheh Nelly, I’m afriaid of telling my girlfriend’s Conneticut-born Yankee Fan mom that we might be better suited trading managers, she still has a pic of Joe in her room with his rings. I still think she’s a bit irked that when I told her “Have fun with Kevin Brown” after the trade, I knew what I was talking about, heh.

  85. northstateblues

    TruBlue, yeah, It’s a bit of a shock, but not entirely surprising. If any team could do it, it’d be our Bums, who, as mentioned on the FOX broadcast, won a game without a hit, and got shutout with 13 hits.

  86. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ No kidding!!!! I know it’s not all said and done, but, all this crap we’ve given Torre, and he is still managing (or not managing really) to have a team that is better than the one he left. I know if we win the west, it will be in spite of him, not because of him, but who, other than the true fans, are going to see it that way. He will be a hero, along with Ned and Frank for getting Manny.


    “We got hammered two days in a row here and have lost the last four to them, so we need to respond tomorrow,” said Diamondbacks manager Bob Melvin, whose team has dropped nine of 12. “There’s no doubt. We’ll see what we’re made of tomorrow. We’ve been in first place for quite a while. Now it’s our turn to respond tomorrow and take it back.”

    A win for us will break their backs.

  88. trublu4ever

    It has been said before but I really believe the guys are playing so much better without the old timers in the lineup. Manny has them relaxed and having a good time. They are being really patient at the plate, waiting for the right pitch to hit and then smacking the ball hard.

  89. trublu4ever

    dnelly ~ They guys on Fox think Joe is the best thing that has happened to us. Funny, they weren’t saying that a week and a half ago, when we in the midst of our losing streak!

  90. tradejuanpypaperbag

    If Kershaw comes ready to deal, we shouldn’t have any problems. Scherzer is 0-2, and he is just coming off the DL, and other than an occasional showing out of the bullpen, this will be his first start after coming off the DL. The Dodgers need to use their patience and drive up the pitch count early to tire him out. If Kershaw is on tomorrow, there is no reason we shouldn’t be bringing out the brooms.


    I really doubt that a win by us tomorrow will break the D-backs back. That’s only a game and a half lead with 19 left to play. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, unless either one of the two teams totally tanks, we’ll go down to the last week of the season before this is decided.

  92. kpookiemon

    The Dodgers must play 13 of their last 19 on the road…and unless they change their road warrior mentality, this winning streak and first place is just a tease. Let’s face it, the Dodgers have been crappy on the road.

  93. tradejuanpypaperbag

    My fantasy baseball season has been over for a while. However, at the beginning of the season, Andre was only owned by 25-30% of teams. I have seen him make a gradual climb all year, and now he is owned by 94.5% of teams. I know it’s only fantasy, but it also means people other than Dodger Fans are taking notice as well.


    The battle of the pitchers that were drafted in the same 2006 draft as Lincecum and Longoria were. Kershaw was picked 7th, Scherzer 11th and Lincecum 10th interested. Come on whatever you are Ndeschenes?



    Scherzer’s appearance is unique in that he was born with two differently-colored (heterochromic) eyes, his right one being blue and left one brown

    How is that possible?


    Good morning sl7180. What a great day for sports. My Dodgers play today at 3:10 St Louis time and the Cowboys are on tv here at 3:00. I will be taping both games as my Sister’s in the hospital so will watch them later when I get home.
    We finally have the team on the field that’s getting the job done. We just need to play on the road as we do ar home.
    Go Dodgers, Go Cowboys.


    GM Bob

    Sorry I missed you posted when I was just asking about you changing your mine and coming back since we’re on a hot winning streak. Too bad I missed you posted when I went back to bed. I thought you were still online around the 3rd innings and I posted to you but you was gone.


    sl7180 I was watching the game on my big screen downstairs and the computer is upstairs so I never got back to the computer.
    Great game. I was really disgusted with the team during the losing streak and am not just a fan when they are winning. Have been a fan since before 1950 so have been there thru the good times and the bad. Just that I thought this team would be a winner early on and just now getting to that stage.
    We need a sweep today and then never look back and start winning on the road against the Rockies and Giants and of course the Pirates. That series will propel us if we could sweep.


    Will catch everyones comments later. Have to do some painting this morning and then go to the hospital to see my Sister. May not get to Dodger and Cowboys games till late this evening.
    Our lineup is doing great. A few hits from Loney and Russell and this team is unstoppable.

  100. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ Just wanted to stop by and wish our guys the best today LET’S GO FOR THE SWEEP: GO DODGER BLUE !!!!

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