Dining with 'Dre

Andre has posted his first restaurant review over at Dining with ‘Dre so be sure to check it out. There should be links off the home page of dodgers.com, too.

Meanwhile, for a truly inspirational story, take a look at this young man in Kentucky. The video is well worth watching.

And here’s a good read on Cory Wade, who also has ties to Kentucky (Kentucky Wesleyan is where he went to school). Cory hasn’t received much ink this year but has been incredibly conistent out of the ‘pen.

Lineups will be posted here later in the day.


Pierre, LF

Ethier, RF

Kent, 2B

Martin, C

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

DeWitt, 3B

Berroa, SS

Kershaw, P


  1. back_2_OC@yahoo.com

    Hi Josh,

    Have the Dodgers considered acupunture treatments for Rafael Furcal? Lower back pain is a classic problem that acupuncture has been known to successfully treat. I don’t know how pro sports feels about alternative treatments, but here in LA, we can access some great Chinese herbalists/acupuncturists. I did a quick Google search and came up with 2 acupuncture centers on the Westside that seem legit. Several members of my family over the years have received Chinese medicine/acupuncture treatments for a number of ailments, and we’re very pleased with the results.

  2. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    this is required reading for everyone from somene who is not afraid to tell the truth. He has no agenda like the press does and Ned does not have him on a leash like others.


    In no way, shape or form are the mistakes made by Dodger players in their first, second or third seasons remotely as significant as the mistakes made by the Dodger general manager in his first, second and third seasons: Ned Colletti.

  3. junkyardjamie

    eric – a repost in case you end up here first.
    LMAO!!! ERIC – I really want to ask him if he got his birthday stuff and Flat Stanley back in April, but I don’t want to get kicked off for being a stalker – lol!! I was at a game the day after his birthday and I had a Flat Stanley for him to sign if given the chance, and dumb Juan Pierre was playing in left field instead because Joe decided to bench Matt. So the following Monday, I sent a letter with all the pictures I sent you (to show it wasn’t just an Andre thing, but a baseball thing), and I included the poster we made for him. I also sent him the Flat Stanley, and I never got a response. I am assuming it’s the PR department and not Andre. You are too funny – eric!!! Maybe Josh can find out what happened to Flat Stanley – hmmm!
    By dnelson@mcsd.k12.ca.us on June 10, 2008 11:56 AM

  4. junkyardjamie

    jungar – what a fabulous article!!!! I do like reading Jon’s articles. I read on DT, but I don’t post. I see you on there quite a bit. Hopefully that will make some people stop and think.

  5. jhallwally

    Great article by Jon. I usually check out his commentary but don’t read the posts. We all knew Colletti is the main problem with the team. Hopefully he will soon be gone.

  6. crzblue2

    I am catching up….
    On 7/28/05 I took my then 4 year old niece to the stadium. I remember the date as it was her mom’s birthday and it was a weekday game. We were sitting in the field level by the 3rd base side. I had just finished buying her a chocolate malt and I was looking at her. Next thing I noticed is a ball that hit me on my leg below the knee on the inside part of it. My first instinct is where is the ball. It was by my feet dancing around. I picked it up, showed it off and gave it to my niece who started jumping showing it off. Only then, I started rubbing my leg. It hurt like h*ll. I got the biggest bruise I have ever gotten that lasted for a couple of weeks. No-one came to see if I was OK as I had initially acted like it was OK. I got ice from where they keep the plastic bottles of drinks cold. I limped as I left the stadium but I kept showing off my bruise to everyone at the birthday party, the next day at the stadium and also at work. My brother said that I should’ve being ashamed that I was not paying attention and that I should have caught the ball. Heck I was just glad it was me that got hit instead of my niece.
    So.. no I have never caught one just been hit by one. I had players throw me a ball like D.Lowe after throwing in the bullpen in between starts. I along other fans were watching him. After he finished he threw the ball to me but I could not catch it but I ran after it and told anyone that would hear that he had thrown it to me. Another time I yelled his name in San Francisco as he came out of the dugout, he turned and threw the ball and I chased it and got it. I’ve gotten two other balls during BP but only because I chased the balls.

  7. leekfink

    Glad that Jungar posted the comment from DodgerThoughts. Very good stuff there.
    And thanks for compliments! Except for when joeyp turns up, I enjoy everyone’s comments. And while I would never argue with Jungar’s statistics, I am a little worried about him referring to Pierre as a full Jedi Knight (I realize that it’s in contrast to Kemp as a padawad, but he’s more like a Clone Trooper).

  8. junkyardjamie

    LOL!! Good afternoon, enchanted, and Yes, Kershaw looks like a 13 year old. When Kershaw has his baseball hat on, I told jhall he looks just like my son only taller and he is 14. They pitch very similar too, meaning they are both lefties and they both have nasty curve balls.

  9. junkyardjamie

    Ha Ha fliegel – very funny!! LMAO!! I am very aware of that person in left field – even did a song about him this morning.
    Maybe he needs to be referred to as Flat Pierre (FP for short). lol!!!

  10. junkyardjamie

    fliegel – still laughing – that is way too funny!! That image will be stuck in my head for quite a while. There’s got to be a song in there somewhere – lol!!!!

  11. junkyardjamie

    OMG!! I am picturing Flat Stanley as JP – not good!! However, Flat Stanley always has a happy face, and JP doesn’t even crack a smile, that I have seen anyway.
    Definition for those of you who have children not of school age: Flat Stanley is a character made from paper that is sent and seen all over the world. He is used as a tool to teach geography to young children. He has made his way to some very famous places and has visited many famous people. He has been to Dodger Stadium(also very famous) many times in the last couple of years.

  12. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Lee I hear ya man, but he is PVL who makes things happen. Plus I didn’t knight him, if he was a jedi he would try force pull his lightsaber to him and it wouldn’t go far enough. Or he would try to use his saber to destroy a sith and pop it up to lf

  13. scurtis1999

    Kershaw vs Maddux tonight. These could be the shortest and quickest games in history with these 2 offenses. Hopefully the big blue can generate some offense in this series off Maddux, Banks and Wolf.

  14. enchantedbeaver

    Kinda like my comparison yesterday of Pierre to Jack Albertson’s character in Poseidon – helpless to do anything for the team, and depends on others to support him and help him along, yet inexplicably, he survives.

    Guess you could say the same thing of Ned.

  15. dodgereric

    Star Wars, huh? Here we go………..

    Juan Jawa

    or, considering his lack of popularity,

    Jar-Jar Pierre, no. Juan Binks, no. maybe just Jar-Juan

  16. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!! You know JP will probably have a great game today since we have given him so much crap today. Then again, it doesn’t matter if he has a crappy game, he will still be in the lineup tomorrow – surviving once again!!

  17. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!! – laughing so hard, I’m crying. Between Star Wars, Jack Albertson and Flat Stanley, JP can be the subject for any age group – scary, but very, very funny 🙂

  18. dodgrdad14

    I am thinking of the older version, he just needs to be painted purple, and I bet they could find a batting helmet that fits him.

  19. crzblue2

    Can’t wait to get home to watch the matchup tonight. I will be in S.D. for the Thrusday afternoon game. My friend Lore and I will head there early. I bought the tickets from the Dodger Booster club. Still got to ask for the day of though…. sick day or vacation day or ….For Kershaws’s last game, both D.Lowe and Penny were in the bullpen watching him warmup.
    Friday 6/13 I am going to see the Vin Scully and John Wooden at the Nokia center. I noticed there are still tickets. This is a great Father’s day present.
    Saturday 6/14 I will be volunteering for the Freeway Series Blood drive. there are several locations like Angel Stadidum, Glendale American Red Cross, Long Beach Donor center, Laguna Hills Donor Center, Pasadena Donor Center (where I will be) and Pomona Donor Center.
    You get two tickets to a game, a t-shirt and a chance to win Baseball merchandise. Info here http://www.dodgersboosterclub.com/news/blooddrive.htm
    Sunday I leave early for a business trip to N.H.

  20. junkyardjamie

    How about the old umpalumpa with the dancing ability of the new one lol!!!!? I think the yellow outfit will go good with his purple face – lmao!!! You can tell we have exhausted all other topics when we are finding ways to fit JP into movie characters, and there is still 4+ hours until game time. 🙂

  21. dodgrdad14

    At least it is more constructive than just bashing him for his stats!! LOL Which is also easy to do.

  22. dodgrdad14

    Boblee, everytime Maddux pitches it looks like he is going to get shelled, yet he last his 5-6 innings giving up a 1-3 runs. He is not human I tell you.

  23. junkyardjamie

    So true, jnv – so very true!!
    eric – are you going to the game tonight? I think that is what you said yesterday. How far are you away from SD? – not far I would imagine. You mentioned being near Fallbrook before I think. My brother got married in Fallbrook, and his wife’s family lives in Oceanside.

  24. junkyardjamie

    We are going to the Padres/Braves series in July, and we are hoping for a Maddux/Glavine game – wouldn’t that be something? Two of the best at the craft of pitching.

  25. dodgrdad14

    Enchanted there are a lot of pitchers I want tutoring Kersh and Honeycutt is not one of them. And I really do not want Conte treating him for ANYTHING!!

  26. enchantedbeaver

    By all indications peru, you’ve hit that nail on the head.

    The rest of Ned’s PVLs are all part of the bar scene.

  27. scurtis1999

    What is the over/under on total HR’s by the Dodgers during this series?

    I will set the bar at 3!

    I say UNDER!


  28. dodgereric

    LMAO, E!!!

    dnel, no. I’m going tomorrow night. I’m fortunate that the tickets are for tomorrow, I have Scout commitments tonight and Thursday my son needs to go to a meeting regarding his Eagle project, so it’s falling just right. Although I sure would like to see the starters for tonight.

    Temecula is about 60 miles north of SD. I think DogFoodPark is probably 70. Fallbrook is only 10 miles south. Our kids went to elementary school there. Your brother didn’t get married in a Catholic church, did he?

  29. enchantedbeaver

    Kent’s been swinging a better bat, I say he get’s one… Well that about sums it up.

    Does anyone think Pierre will ever hit a HR in a Dodger uniform?

  30. dodge1612

    I think when ned makes a trade we should call is a nedbuster not a blockbuster… what do you guys think?

  31. messagebear@msn.com

    I’m trying to complete the task of determining all of the regular bloggers’ home town and state, so that all those interested will have an idea where each of us is from, plus dnelson is also making a map with pins for each of our locations. I don’t have that information for the monikers listed below, so if you are so inclined, please note your city and state the next time that you post on our blog. Thank you so much. I’ve taken the list of names from yesterday’s list of so-called “core members” published by MLK and have taken the liberty of adding a few regular posters that were not on that list (JoeyP is not among them). Thanks a lot.


  32. dodgereric

    But most of the inside the parkers that I’ve seen reach the outfield wall and bounce around a little. I don’t think he’s hit one that hard yet.

  33. jhallwally

    Great stuff guys. Keeping me laughing even though I feel like crying when I think that we are stuck with Phew and Jabba. LMAO!!

  34. lbirken@aol.com

    For Pierre to hit an inside the park home run the ball will have to take a lucky bounce or the fielder will have to fall down. There is so much room for him down the right field line and in right center field but he rarely pulls the ball.

  35. junkyardjamie

    I just went from school to home, and the image of JP in all these scenarios is just hilarious.
    messagebear – thanks for keeping track – I think I have most of the ones from yesterday – I already knew where jnv was from.
    eric – no, they got married at a place that is primarily just for wedding and special events – I forgot the name. They live in LaQuinta now.

  36. lbirken@aol.com

    All right, I will say what you are all thinking: the one legged kid from Kentucky throws better than Gary Bennett.

  37. junkyardjamie

    Ethier hit one out last time – at the time, it was only the 2nd one hit. Yes, I do know all that information – thank you very much!! LOL!!

  38. dodgrdad14

    Good thing its hot out!! 🙂 It’s supposed to be 99 this week!! I could use a lot of lemonade.

  39. crzblue2

    So true that Cory Wade has done a great job coming out of the bullpen. i saw him hauling all those drinks in that cooler. Actually I heard the bang first where he dropped the whole thing. Jonathan was doing it before him. Jonathan was hauling that for a long time. Guess is being a while since we had a rookie in the bullpen.

  40. junkyardjamie


    LOL! NICE POST! Like the name too (jk)
    martinloneykemp will do just fine 🙂

  41. enchantedbeaver

    Why are we even messing with Bennett taking him to SD with the team? Ardoin is a better defensive catcher than Bennett could ever dream of being, and offensively they’re equals. Is Neddy afraid another one of “his boys” going belly up? (which is better than Andruw who went belly out.)

  42. kpookiemon

    I, kpookie, late of kahliforni, reside behind the invisible yet maddeningly omnipresent “Orange Curtain” in the newly painted and freshly scrubbed city of Aliso Viejo, CA. Yes, we do our very best down here to be clean, cordial, and most importantly, well thought of. As John Lennon said when speaking so graciously of us, “living is easy with eyes closed.” Amen, brother.

  43. messagebear@msn.com

    I want to assign two of our young guys to hit HR’s tonight, and those assignments go to LONEY and DEWITT. Anybody else is certainly allowed to go long as well. I know this is a tough task for Petco Park, but we have at least 6 guys in the lineup that can reach over the wall.

  44. carcyn@sbcglobal.net

    I was just thinking today, that we have Andrew Jones on the team, but yet i am not excited about that thought. It’s like Andrew who? What a pick up that was.
    Has any one else notice that pitchers have found a weakness on Matt Kemp; he can’t lay off the high inside pitch. Get’s him everytime.

  45. lbirken@aol.com

    Carcyn, most of us were o.k. with the pickup of A. Jones because we are so hungry for a power hitter. There were those who did not like the Jones signing because it created another logjam in the outfield but honestly, at this point most of us would be satisified if Jones were hitting his weight.

  46. bigkace@yahoo.com

    I currently reside in La Habra, CA.
    Cross me off the list. That’s a great idea by the way, I can’t wait to see the map!
    Is there a lineup posted yet?

  47. dodgrdad14

    exactly enchanted, I like how Ethier is put on the bench usually the day after he hits a home run, multi hit game and rbi’s but Freak`n slappy and his lame A#@ arm get in the game every day….. Go figure. My wife keeps telling me that Torre secretly holds a grudge against the Dodgers and is doing all this on purpose. I am starting to believe her!! LOL

  48. dodge1612

    I think angel berroa looks like he is abuot 50 not 30… rookie of the year in what 73 not 2003… and for messagebear I live in santa cruz, california now… just moved from merced. ca

  49. junkyardjamie

    lol! jnv – I’m with your wife – the thought has crossed my mind many times as I am sure the same goes for Coletti and his ties to the gnats. Yankees and Giants – what worse enemies could you have?

  50. enchantedbeaver

    I believe Torre thinks that magically the PVLs are going to turn it on. As for JP, that’s the only rational explanation I can come up with. Beats me how a supposed HOF manager can keep seeing him play day after day leading off, and still put him out there every day in the same spot.

  51. junkyardjamie

    dodge – merced? this is such a small world. I think I have said that before, but two have to people on this site living in this particular city and being Dodger fans is really strange. Santa Cruz – well that’s a big upgrade!!! lol!

  52. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – JP really needs a piano (ASAP), try to order one up this series so we can see Delwynn without having to sit Ethier to do it. UUUGGGHHH!!!

  53. cpompe1

    Good afternoon boys and girls. jungar, that was a great article. Sorry for the late comment on your post this morning but I didn’t get connected to the Internet until now.

    It’s about time for Clayton to get his first win tonight!

    Go Clayton!
    Go Dodgers!

  54. dodgrdad14

    dnel, I will let her know you are with her. She keeps asking me if I told you guys her theory yet!! LOL
    Dodge, I agree with you, when I saw him for the first time this past weekend I thought to myself, “when was this guy the ROY winner” – He must be from the Domincan or somewhere a birth certificate is not standard issue.

  55. cpompe1

    oh, and dnel…
    I agree that JP needs to sit so the DY can play. But will that happen, I’m afraid not…

  56. lbirken@aol.com

    The reference to the piano reminds me of something that was said to a friend of mine who was on the baseball team in high school. My friend could hit but was so slow on the basepaths that his coach yelled at him while running out a hit, “I know you are carrying a piano but do you have to stop and play it?”

  57. junkyardjamie

    cpompe1 – nice post on Dre’s blog – I had problem the first time with the posting – everybody else could see what I posted but me, and then I tried another post using similar words and they both ended on there like a half hour later – it was very strange. I didn’t have any problem today, however. He definitely seems knowledgeable in his kitchen lingo. He sounds like a pro and funny too 🙂

  58. dodgrdad14

    To funny lbirken,
    My coaches used to tell me that I was the only guy then knew who could turn a triple into a double and a double into a single!! LOL

  59. cpompe1

    dnel… This was weird when I was trying to post onto Dre’s blog. As long as those that are reading the comments don’t mind if the same or similar comment appears more than once, oh well… 🙂 How awesome would that be to actually see him in a restaurant! I know I would just die for that chance! 🙂 That’s why in my first comment “An Appetizer” I suggested that he and his teammates come to Ventura to try my favorite restaurant!

  60. enchantedbeaver

    How come JPs the only PVL we’ve had in the last 2 years that hasn’t visited the DL at least once? I tell ya, the guy’s not human.

    Could be a Pod. Hits like one.

  61. junkyardjamie

    cpompe – How fun would that be!!! I would imagine people will start looking out for him – probably good and bad on his part. The restaurants certainly won’t mind one bit. Then again, unless you know who he is (like us) and he just walks in with his jeans and a t-shirt on, he would look like just another cute guy.

  62. kpookiemon

    A long, long time ago…when the 2008 Dodgers won 8 in a row, and 10 out 11…a man named Kemp batted 3rd and did well. During those eleven games he raised his average from .284 to .330 and struck out only nine times, playing every game. Granted, his numbers fell as the team fell. But it tells me a couple things. As Kemp goes the Dodgers go. Kemp should bat 3rd.

  63. junkyardjamie

    You might be on to something enchanted. According to sources today, there are many things Pierre could be other than human from an umpalumpa to a creature from Star Wars to a paper doll – hmmm!!

  64. junkyardjamie

    BTW fliegel – still laughing over the Flat Stanley remark – too close of a comparison I guess.

  65. dodger 32

    I wonder if we’ll see any upgrade with Berroa over Hu? I doubt it. I feel if Ned got him , his career is definitely over. Druw said he’d like to finish his career as a Dodger, well it looks like he might get his wish, because I can’t imagine anyone other than Ned being interested in him. In fairness to Ned though, I thought his signing was worth the risk just to keep JP out of center , and hopefully the line up. It just hasn’t worked out that way, and for that Torre and Ned get the blame. DY should start until he proves he can’t.

  66. aeversw

    I’m in Bakersfield, California. So I am just about an an hour and 45 minutes away from Dodger Stadium.

  67. dodger 32

    dnelson@mcsd. It is funny , the only thing funnier is Pierre’s arm and bat in the outfield of a team that says it’s trying to win.. It also is very sad.

  68. scurtis1999

    He still feels good, but Dr. Watkins examined him over the weekend and determined that he won’t be ready to play in actual games for at least another two weeks. After that, or whenever he IS ready, he would need a rehab of a week or so. That means best-case scenario is he is activated the week before the All-Star break — and so far, there is nothing about this whole matter that would suggest the best-case scenario is the most likely one. … Nomar Garciaparra, meanwhile, is expected to start a rehab assignment possibly by the end of this week, and he is expected to play exclusively SS on that assignment — which means he’ll probably be the Dodgers’ everyday SS, the position where he became a star in the late 1990s, when he returns. Torre said Nomar won’t need the full 20 days.

  69. lbirken@aol.com

    You never know what can be learned reading this blog. Before today I did not know what a Flat Stanley was but I do now!

  70. lbirken@aol.com

    I am a Nomar fan and am sorry he has been hurt so much. With Furcal out maybe Nomar can make a contribution to this team but no way should anyone derail Blake DeWitt. I want to see how far DeWitt can go even if he struggles at some point.

  71. dodger 32

    Nomar was avery good player in his day, the key word is was. As long as he’s on this team, and they’re paying him, they might as well play him at short if Raffy’s out and lets see if he can help before he gets injured again.

  72. junkyardjamie

    LOL! ibirken – And you thought this site was all about baseball. However our class’ Flat Stanley’s love baseball and they have seen many ball parks this year. However, there is a Flat Stanley that is MIA – it was last seen in an envelope heading to Dodger Stadium and hopefully on to Andre Ethier. fleigel believes he has taken over Pierre’s body and is now playing left field. However, the paper doll could probably play better at times so maybe he is with Andruw out at one of Andre’s restaurants that he is planning to review. 🙂

  73. enchantedbeaver

    So let’s say Furcal’s out the rest of the year. What do you think he’s worth is on the FA market? Assuming it’s not much, do you take a chance on him with a short term contract like they did Andruw? FA SS are pretty thin in 2009. Alternatives are Hu, DeJesus and Berroa.

  74. jhallwally

    LMAO gang. You all have kept me in stitches all day. I also did not know what a Flat Stanley was. Live and learn. What a fountain of knowledge this blog is. LOL!!

  75. jhallwally

    If Ferk is out most of the year, he will probably take a one year deal to reestablish his value. That way if he has a healthy and productive 2009 he would still be young enough to get a long term big money deal. Under those conditions I would take a chance but only for one year.

  76. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Bear-I was born in Canoga Park, grew up in Thousand Oaks and I currently Live in San Juan Capistrano.

    Go Blue.

  77. enchantedbeaver

    I have to say that if we’re depending on JP, Kent and Nomore for anything, this team is going nowhere. I cringe at the thought of a Nomar/Kent DP combo. Nomar was a Moai at third – can you imagine how many hits are going to go through now? And our SS has to go out and play shallow left field so the speedy one can manage a throw. Nomar hasn’t got the arm for that like Ferk or Hu.

    Good Grief.

  78. junkyardjamie

    jhall – Flat Stanley even exists in Cleveland – He is a very popular character, and he shows up everywhere if you know what you are looking for. I will send a picture of him at Dodger Stadium so when you see a group of people trying to take a picture with a paper doll, you will say “That’s what Nelly was talking about” lol!

  79. rodmky@optusnet.com.au

    Just got in – it’s lunch time in Australia and I noticed that the lineup still includes JP the wonder boy. Someday Joe has got to try something different as this lineup is not doing the job. No doubt he will but I seriously doubt that it will include benching JP. That man must have some hold over Dodger management.

  80. junkyardjamie

    Flat Stanley is not fat!!!! LMAO!!!! He probably is more like Pierre if you really want to know – very floppy!! lol!!

  81. rodmky@optusnet.com.au

    Just a bit on “Flat Stanley -Down Under”. Last year a class asked me through a friend of ours in the States if I would do a Flat Stanley in Australia. It was a load of fun as we took photo’s of the little fellow doing all the Aussie things I could think of. I hope it made that class in North Carolina happy because we had a heck of a time doing the class exercise.

  82. oldbrooklynfan

    Another night in SD against the Pards.
    Forget the fact that they swept the Mets.
    Just score some runs and support the kid.

  83. junkyardjamie

    Thank you rodmky – it really is a fun project!!!!! If the teacher in NC is like me, it was a big hit. Mine haven’t been to Australia, but we had one go to Spain via a foreign exchange student we hosted last summer, and last year my sister-in-law took one to Poland.

  84. boblee14@yahoo.com

    I’ve seen enough of Berroa to wish Nomar a speedy return and play SS. He won’t make any more errors and he definitely has a better bat.

  85. ucscslug

    the san diego padre play announcers have to be the most annoying in the majors… not true… forgot about the angels

  86. oldbrooklynfan

    The Dodgers were too much the usual in that 3rd inning, too much first ball hitting.
    They have to take some pitches.

  87. junkyardjamie

    Keep making contact boys – it will happen. Good hits, we just need to find the holes, and except for Kershaw, no strikeouts yet.

  88. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Some of you get to hear Vin’s voice. Those of us outside of California are stuck with the Pud’s announcers who, like most of the announcers in the NL West,are simply horrible. May have to employ the mute if they get too obnoxious …. Great article on Dodger Thoughts. I haven’t checked him out much but will do so more often…. I hope we don’t regret only getting 1 in the first. If you don’t get him early….Kersh looks good so far: not a lot of deep counts. GO BLUE!!

  89. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Seeing Maddux pitch and knowing how well Wolf’s been doing just makes me sick when you realize the money that we wasted on Loaiza could have been spent on either one of these two. Chalk another one up for the Nedster.

  90. junkyardjamie

    In my house right now – Dodgers are on in one room, Giants/Rox are on in the other room and the A’s/Yankees are on the radio. Giants losing:) Yankees winning 😦

  91. scurtis1999

    I can’t wait until a line drive takes Maddux’s hat off. Luckiest damn team I have ever seen. He is getting ripped!

  92. junkyardjamie

    no Lakers – sorry!! used to be when I was a kid (lived in an all LA household Dodgers, Rams, Lakers), but I went to school in Sacramento when the Kings were just getting started, and I went to games often so needless to say, I’m a Kings fan. I’m no longer Rams fan either – Redskins and Chargers

  93. boblee14@yahoo.com

    dnelson, tell me you’re not a Redskins fan. My arch enemy. I was a Rams fan when they were in LA until the Cowboys came into the league. Have been a Cowboys fan ever since, even though the Rams now in St Louis

  94. rodmky@optusnet.com.au

    Does anyone else get the feeling that in the Battle of the worst offences … we’re losing.

  95. junkyardjamie

    Cowboys!! oh no!!! I love that division, though – it’s one of the toughest around every year. I tend to cheer on any body who makes it out of that division in the playoffs. I have been a skins fan since I was 12 – Theisman, Riggins, Monk to name a few won me over.

  96. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Over the years, Maddux has continually helped himself by hitting and fielding his position well. I hope Kersh is watching.

  97. junkyardjamie

    Nice at bat Andre – that’s the Andre we know – come on Jeff!! PVL – pathetic veteran loser

  98. junkyardjamie

    Didn’t Jeff make a young players mistake – swinging at first pitch? Not that I’m complaining, mind you 🙂

  99. rodmky@optusnet.com.au

    Wouldn’t JP give up his soul for an arm like Hairston? AND as for Proctor .. he’s Joe’s boy … but this season he’s been throwing BP. Let’s hope he’s not tonight.

  100. oldbrooklynfan

    Dodgers hit Maddox pretty well but hit into a lot of bad luck.
    Hope the luck changes against pen.

  101. boblee14@yahoo.com

    Well, it’s almost 11:00 in St louie. Had Hernia surgery on Monday. Think I’ll say good nite. Need to get some runs so I can get up in the AM and see where we won.

  102. rodmky@optusnet.com.au

    I’m an Aussie and have been a Dodger fan for over 40 years and I’m shocked and sorry about our performances this year. If Grady was still the manager we’d be tearing strips off him for bringing in Proctor with the game on the line but Joe .. I guess he just walks on water.

  103. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    This game has officially entered “The Twillight Zone”. Submitted for your approval.

  104. junkyardjamie

    jhall – michael (my son) is pitching tomorrow with the big boys. He’s pitching two innings with the varsity squad – yikes!!

  105. kpookiemon

    I told myseld there’s NO WAY Kent swings first pitch again. Maybe one of the “kids” ought to pull veteran Kent aside and “explain” how the game is played.

  106. oldbrooklynfan

    Kent has always been my hero since he’s been a Dodger but I’m getting tired all the first ball swinging.
    I know he’s always been that way but…..

  107. kpookiemon

    And the best part is, if the D’s can hold the lead, a deserving guy like Proctor can pick up the W…..!??!?!?!

  108. messagebear@msn.com

    If Torre has one thing right, it’s that he now has the right cleanup guy. Martin is not only GOOD, he is CLUTCH.

  109. kpookiemon

    Maybe this will sound like blasphemy, but I think I despise the Padres more than the Gnats. At least the Gnats have history and great stars through the decades. The Pods are like this fungal itch that just annoys you to rage. But don’t get me wrong. I’ll NEVER forgive Bonds his pirouette.

  110. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I am so glad that Kemp and Martin took those at bats seriously. Maybe Kent should do the same.

  111. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Ned says he wasn’t a CF which is why he signed 80 mill worth of players currently not playing CF

    PVL= Proven Veteran Leadership

  112. jhallwally

    It is “Proven Veteran Leader” as originally stated by Ned the dimwit. It has turned out to be Pathetic Veteran Loser for us.

  113. junkyardjamie

    jungar – you are making too much sense, you realize that – Ned doesn’t listen to common sense

  114. oldbrooklynfan

    I hate to say this but I’m scared of Broxton.
    I’m hoping for a good outingbut I’m not confident.

  115. junkyardjamie

    PierreEW – you are supposed to be the confident one – don’t give up just yet – see inning over 🙂

  116. jhallwally

    I’d take you as GM Nelly. I think you would be great dealing with agents. Especially Borass. I’d love to watch you deal with that arrogant bas’tard. LOL!!

  117. jhallwally

    Borass: My client can provide you with more power and veteran leadership. He had a down year last year but it was a fluke.
    Nelly: He’s old, fat, and not cute. Pound sand!!

  118. kpookiemon

    Borass: My client can provide you with more power and veteran leadership. He had a down year last year but it was a fluke.
    Ned: Only if it will complicate my roster and roadblock real talent.

  119. junkyardjamie

    jhall – LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
    PierreEW – I am glad you are feeling better, but here we go again – stay calm!! Everything will be alright – have faith!!

  120. junkyardjamie

    you know PierreEW – you are supposed to be the positive one – I have done nothing but talk crap about Juan Pierre all day – literally since 6 this morning when I did the song – lol!!
    My daughter loves me for it too – not!!!!

  121. jhallwally

    Frank: Nell’, I think we need more PVL and since Princess left maybe and outfielder. How about Juan Pierre.
    Nelly: Frank, Frank, Frank. Stick to parking you beanhead.

  122. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Struck me funny as I was updating my fantasy teams:

    from roto wire

    Recommendation: LaRoche will see time at first base and third base against tough left-handers and he’ll also likely spell Jeff Kent at second. That sounds like around three starts a week with eventually, some attractive position eligibility. Too bad LaRoche can’t fill in for Brad Penny.

  123. junkyardjamie

    jhall – I’m laughing so hard – I can’t even pay attention to the game LMAO!!!!!!!!
    see PierreEW – he did just fine once again. Way to go Brox!!

  124. atomikkid@yahoo.com

    Kemp vs Pierre (before Tuesdays game)

    —obp—w/risp–sb%–bb/so—1st pitch swinging

    rate of rbi success
    —runners on base–rbi–success%

    fielding-range factor
    K(for right field)-1.90
    J(for left field)-1.84

    K(for center field)-2.23
    J(center field last year)-2.28

    not saying that i don’t love kemp, one of my favorites, but i hardly ever hear complaing about kemp, but ALWAYS about pierre.

  125. junkyardjamie

    Everyday Dre – That’s my boy!!! fantastic – now jeffy needs to bring him home!! okay – I will take the base hit – come on russell!!

  126. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    thats because Pierre sucks and Kemp dosen’t. Plus ierre makes 4 million more dollars than Kemp and that pisses us off and finally, the GM ever blames (well not yet, so far this year he has blamed SP and now the kids, so watch your back relievers and PVL’s)

    Pierre last 668ab
    .293 .331 .353 .685

    Kemp last 665abs
    205 hits
    33 doubles
    8 triples
    100 rbi
    27 sb

  127. junkyardjamie

    jungar – thank you for pointing that out, and I would also like to mention his weak-a**ed arm too

  128. jhallwally

    Pierre’s Mama: Miss Nelly, why don’t you make Joe play my sweet Juanpy.
    Nelly: Mrs Pierre, are you suggesting I put and inferior product on the field when I have better players available?
    Pierre’s Mama: Uh, Yeh.
    Nelly: Pound Sand!!!

  129. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    D Young is a better hitter than JP and we need offense.

    I guess with both Kent and Pierre I feel like the odds of both of them having a good night are slim due to Kents age and JP ability.

  130. kpookiemon

    “San Diego Padres pitcher Jake Peavy will come off the disabled list and face the Los Angeles Dodgers on Thursday.”

  131. junkyardjamie


  132. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Great win. So yeah I rip on Ned alot, but thank god he didnt bite on that deal to get Piggy Miggy and Dontrell. Besides giving up half our roster we also would have had to sign Piggy to that long term deal and Dontrell is pitching in single A right now. I am sure Piggy will start hitting but he can’t field and has already been moved to 1b/dh

    Piggy is hitting

    27 runs
    8 hr
    36 rbi
    .270 /.347 /.443 /.791


    24 runs
    5 hr
    29 rbi 20
    .293 /.366 /.436 /.803

  133. selltheteam

    Nice point, Jungar. I don’t think anybody would have picked DeWitt to have nearly equal the slugging pct of Piggy.
    Don’t anybody look now, but we’ve just won three of the past four. Plus, we have Billz and Kuroda going next. Those two have been on fire. We just need to continue the run support.

  134. jhallwally

    Alright Nelly. I love jumbalaya. Been to Memphis twice. Just passing thru. Driving from Ohio to San Antonio. Stayed the night and don’t you know, the only thing I did there besides sleep and eat was go to a batting cage. It was fun.

  135. perumike

    Can you guys imagine if we had an outfield of Jabba, Phew, and some other PVL? I much prefer The Bison, Everyday Dre and DY.

  136. porklinks

    jungar – plus Piggy Miggy got moved from 3B to 1B because he can’t play 3B anymore.

    Miss Debbie (can I call you that?) – I was just in Memphis three weeks ago. Nice town, and I did have a nice jambalaya one night.

  137. porklinks

    Russell Martin twice tonight scored from second base on balls that didn’t leave the infield. The first one was an amazing and heads-up play.
    Dear Ned Colletti,
    Please sign Russell Martin to an extension buying out his arbitration years and a couple FA years immediately. Pay whatever it takes; don’t be chintzy!
    Thank you,
    (the poster formerly known as old_fogey_la)

  138. porklinks

    I meant to mention that the first Martin-scoring-from-second play was reminiscent of Kirk Gibson. Russell Martin is a stud.

  139. junkyardjamie

    jungar – not a problem. I lived in Memphis for three years, and I have to say, they are the nicest people I have ever been around. I worked at a Children’s Museum there, and I was in charge of large groups and artists, so any time an artist came to town, I became a tour guide – I got to see Graceland at least 6 times in the time I worked there, not to mention Beale Street and the Peabody Hotel. It was a great city to live in and they are one of the best when it comes to BBQ – Andre would love it there 🙂
    jhall – batting cages?lol! You have to do Graceland – the man (Elvis) was amazing!!

  140. porklinks

    You folks have been cracking me up with all the songs and wisecracks over the off day and today. See, all those good spirits led to a win tonight, a nice appearance (generally) by Kershaw, Broxton blowing gas past the Padre “hitters”, and some good luck (after some bad luck – Kemp’s liner at Maddux was SMOKED) to boot. Let’s hope this is one-third of the way to a sweep.
    Reports are the LaRoche is starting tomorrow against old friend Randy Wolf, the lefty. Didn’t say in place of whom, but I will guess DeWitt, who is struggling more than Loney at the moment.

  141. porklinks

    Mrs. Nelson – I had me some great BBQ there too. We did see Graceland, Beale St., the Nat’l Civil Rights Museum, the Rock and Soul Museum, and the Ornamental Metal Museum (!). Too bad we were only there two nights.

  142. junkyardjamie

    Rendevous or Corky’s for BBQ (unless you are there at the end of May, then it’s Memphis in May an annual BBQ cooking contest), and yes, I have been to the National Civil Rights Museum too – very cool and obviously very historic

  143. junkyardjamie

    LMAO jhall !!!!!!!!!! We really might be going to h*ll after today’s shinanigans – with umpaloompas, the cast from Star Wars, Jack Albertson, and we can’t forget Flat Stanley all going with us. However, this has got to be on top of the list as one of the more creative days, and I don’t believe we had one song after the morning music time with John Cougar Mellancamp and the Juan Pierre song. 🙂

  144. jhallwally

    Just a little witty banter to lighten the mood. Works for me. Very fun day, especially capping it off with a win.

  145. ndeschenes@securenet.net

    Fantastic Complete Team 7 to 2 Victory By Our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers Over The San Diego Padres! Again, Mighty Super Hero Performance By Our Great Catcher Russel Martin, with His Clutch 3 Hits, 2 Runs scored and Three RBI’S. Way to go, Russel! Super Hero Juan Pierre does it again with His 2 Hits and 2 Runs Scored!Just Super, Juan!Super Heroes, Clayton Kershaw,Scott Proctor,Joe Beimel,Jonathan Broxton, And Corey Wade were Simply Absolutely Incredible!What Performances on the Mound!The Amazing,Tower Of Power, James Loney, Who always carries a heavy Bat, was great with His 2 For 2 at the plate and 3 walks! What a Performance! Our Super Hero Manager, Joe Torre Knows Exactly All The Right Buttons To Push! Joe, I think you know all the players would go through a Brick Wall For You!Good to see Jonathan Broxton get a Plate Appearance! Jonathan, you are Great! And Of Course, Our Very Own, The Indestructable, Invincible, Man Of Steel, Superman Himself , Jeff Kent, Who all of us are in Unison For Jeff To Get His World Series Ring, Which He Will, was Super with His Run Scored And Base Hit, But more Importantly Having His Hall Of Fame Presence in the Line Up makes Everybody Better! All of Our Los Angeles Dodgers were all Super Heroes! Baseball Magnificence Has Returned To Our Los Angeles Dodgers Leading Us All The Way To Our Seventh World Series Championship!

  146. junkyardjamie

    lol!! so true – it will be interesting what tomorrow will bring. Anything that ends in a Dodger win is worth it!!

  147. ndeschenes@securenet.net

    To add to that, Super Amazing Matt Kemp’s Three RBI’S Were Absoultely Integral In Getting The Win And Helping His Teammates! Matt, You are a phenomenal Baseball Player!

  148. junkyardjamie

    Thank you ndeschenes – it is always good to hear from you because we know the boys in blue did good by you. 🙂

  149. junkyardjamie

    Well, if you are going to add players – you forgot Andre who did a great job in his plate discipline and had a fabulous double, plus he had a great catch in the outfield – just looking out for him too 🙂 (jk) I appreciate all the great things you say about any of our beloved Dodgers

  150. lny4loney

    Great game tonight!!! Wonderful pitching by Kershaw!! Martin continues to tear it up! Matt Kemp shows the Padres and the league that you don’t want to piss him off by intentionally walking the guy in front of him. Kemp also shows his terrific speed! What a beautiful slide into home plate Martin made!
    The Padres catchers are a joke.
    One gripe, one I was worried about. It appears, according to the L.A. Times, that LaRoche will be taking time away from Loney and DeWitt. He’ll play for one of them against lefthanded pitchers. Here are Loney and DeWitt’s lifetime stats against lefties:
    Loney: 181 ABs, .298 AVG, .351 OBP, 4 HRs, 33 RBIs
    DeWitt: 46 ABs, .348 AVG, .455 OBP, 2 HRs, 7 RBIs
    Does anybody here see any reason why either of these guys should sit against lefties? One step forward and two steps back.
    I’m not opposed to getting Andy into the lineup. I WANT to get Andy into the lineup. I’m not even opposed to him occasionally starting at first or third.
    Torre said he doesn’t envision LaRoche playing second anytime soon. Since Torre has also declined to play the hard-hitting Delwyn Young at second, is it his plan to continue to start Luis Maza at second when Kent doesn’t play? Wouldn’t it be about 800 times more intelligent to put Andy at second on those days?
    I am also a little baffled as to why Andy should be limited to starting against lefties. Although it’s hard to find much data on the subject, what little I could find indicates that Andy hits righties just fine.
    I’m happy about tonight’s game. But the powers-that-be have again found a way to decrease my Dodger joy a little.

  151. gagne85

    Lets face it, Furcal is probably done for the year, or at least until September. The organization is stroking the fans by saying he’ll be back one day and then the next and the next……..it’s all lies. They don’t want the fans to be upset with guys like Berroa and Hu and Maza playing SS so they’re leading us to believe they are only a short term fix. The only fix going on is the PR department.

  152. boblee14@yahoo.com

    Well, it was nice to get up this morning and find out we had a come from behind win and a great win it was. Watched the highlights on MLB.TV
    Some great plays, Martins slide and safe at home, Kemps infield hit, leading the team in RBI”S where I’m sure he will be by the end of the year. Loney’s ability to get on base.
    Let’s make it 4 of the last 5 tonight. Like to see Laroche come back with a bang. Give Dewitt a needed day off
    Way to start a road trip.

  153. enchantedbeaver

    I just hit a brick wall last night and turned in, and I wake up this morning to find a win. Nice way to start the day.

    I’m not particularly worried who the black hole at SS gobbles up next, though Nomore will cetrainly be an adventure before he goes down again in a week or two.

    What I’m concerned about is who sits when the Curacao Cow© comes back. My guess is it’ll be every 4 or 5 day Dre. If Druw stinks it up again (and the probabilities of that I’d say are quite high), then Ned ought to pull a page out of the Detroit handbook and send his kiester down to 1A.

    I think Andy sees more playing time at third than he does first, but Ned also ought to pull a page from Cashman’s book and deal PVL Kent so Torre can’t use him. Its rediculous to me that all playing time has to come out of the kids time and not the ones that are truely not living up to their end of the bargain – the vets. Mark Torre down as a pileapoopa in my book for his antiquated thinking and favoring worthless vets, heretofore known as batting guano.

  154. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, enchanted!
    It was a great game last night, and yes, you are probably right on all counts up above. I, myself, am not sure what to think about our SS situation. I’m not sure, for now, if Nomar won’t be an improvement, but like you said, it will be interesting and I’m sure a topic of ours for the weeks to come. Ned and Joe really make it easy for us, don’t they?
    If it’s not Pierre, I am sure someone else will become the target, (in some cases literally – lol).
    Good morning to you too, boblee (Dodgers and Cowboys fan).

  155. boblee14@yahoo.com

    Good morning dnelson. I would love to see Nomar have a good return and if he plays **** and is average, i would accept that if his bat is better than Furcal’s replacements have been so far.
    I really have this feeling that last nite’s game was a start for good things to come. Everyone contributed and we played with some fire. Martin makes this ream go.

    Will catch you guys later at game time.

  156. enchantedbeaver

    Morning dnel. Ned, JoJo, and the dancing PVLs certainly make things easy. Probably be a pretty dull blog without them.

    One thing I don’t think the asterisks mean is that we have a 4-star SS in Nomar. Haven’t exactly seen what the upgrade is in Berroa (soon to be called Oh Noa I’m sure) over Hu.

  157. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning Beloved Dodger Fans – it’s morning music time! For this morning’s music, I went back into the 80’s music I listened during most of my highschool and college days. This song is a little positive and negative, mostly pointing out our not so faithful media that has been giving it to our young players lately. However, Jon Weisman’s article from yesterday (thank you jungar) will hopefully start a new trend. We can always hope!!
    Those of you who may not know the song itself – the story is still there – I was a huge Duran Duran fan back in college (they were the boy band of that time, but much much better than the boy bands of today)
    Dodger Boys (Wild Boys – Duran Duran)
    Dodger Boys are calling
    And their coming on with fire
    In June there’s no surrender for
    Young Dodgers on the rise
    Our boys going for the glory
    Fearless and so hungered
    On the road they will not fail
    Because there’s Martin on the good side
    And Loney is destined to win
    Media tries to break them
    Looks like they’ll try again
    Andre never loses it
    Delwynn never chose this way
    Matthew always scrutinized
    Juan Pierre always shines
    You got writers who are welcome
    Some stories all in vain
    And Ned’s telephone keeps ringin while
    He’s causing all this pain
    Our boys wonder where is all the glory
    Where is all their angels
    Since the leadership has failed
    And media war with arrows over
    Secrets they could tell
    Media tries to shame them
    Looks like they’ll try again
    Andre never loses it
    Delwynn never chose this way
    Matthew always scrutinized
    Juan Pierre always shines
    Awesome game last night – let’s hope that fire is in them this whole road trip – Our boys are going to be great!!!

  158. northstateblues

    For the map project, I’m from Barstow, CA and live in Marysville, CA.

    Felt good to get the win against Maddux last night. I’m not happy to hear that we got Peavy on Thursday, but I doubt it’d matter if the Pad’s bats look the same as they did last night. As a long-time Padre hater, (my relatives are split between Dodgers, Angels and Padre fans, so we’d catch a lot of LA-SD games at Dodger Stadium… almost started a brawl in row JJ in the Reserves as a 6 year old one game, just by chanting back at my Padre-fan family members, which caught on through the section like wildfire) it feels odd to see them in this kind of shape, but I’ll take any wins we can get out of this.

    Too bad the D-Train is A-League bound, I was hoping to see him pitch against us in Motown.

  159. ramslover

    Great win last night…flipping back between the Lakers and the Dodgers and both had a happy ending.

    Now where is the article today about how well the kids did. Martin he has really flat lined! 2 big hits and great baserunning to score from 2nd base on a groundball up the middle to SS…what a great slide. He is the heart and soul.

    Loney on base 5 times…Kemp with his speed helped us score 3 runs…kept us out of a DP….Ethier on base 3 times….

    Dewitt with great defense…Broxton with great relief…I will not mention the Proctologist…Wade with a 1.37 era…Kershaw with a good not great outing, but he battled and hopefully he will conquer his command issues.

    DY with a double off the bench…yes he was lucky but that is baseball. It was frustrating to see the Dodgers crush the ball and come up empty so many times, but they have been battling and hopefully they are learning how to win.

    Did the vets even show up?

    Dnel great song and good morning. Any update on your son or does he pitch tonight?

  160. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, Dodgerboy,
    That game last night was great! They interviewed Russell after the game last night, and they asked him about his slide. He gave credit to Andre because that is how he does it – Russells always giving other guys the credit (another reason he deserves the “C”). Yes, my son (Michael) is pitching today on the varsity team (he is going to be an incoming sophomore and is only 14). Since it’s summer ball, he will only pitch two innings, but it’s kind of exciting for him to pitching against the big boys so-to-speak. Thanks for asking 🙂

  161. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Lets face it, Furcal is probably done for the year, or at least until September. The organization is stroking the fans by saying he’ll be back one day and then the next and the next……..it’s all lies. They don’t want the fans to be upset with guys like Berroa and Hu and Maza playing SS so they’re leading us to believe they are only a short term fix. The only fix going on is the PR department.
    By kpy85@aol.com on June 11, 2008 12:45 AM

    exactly. just like Schmidt might be throwing soon.

  162. bigkace@yahoo.com

    I’m looking forward to seeing what La Roche does tonight now that he’s been called up to the big club. Hopefully he’ll take off and never look back. He’s been an unhappy camper in Las Vegas. He’s finally healthy now. Good luck, I’m rooting for you.

  163. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I don’t think the lies stop there either my friend. it’s a lie to play Juan Pierre over Ethier. It’s a lie to keep hitting a .250/.288/.407 with an OPS (.707) that is below, loney, kemp, dewitt, martin etc hitter in clean up because he is a veteran. No the reason is Jeff Kent will go ape **** if he is batting 7th. Oh I know someone will point out that with RISP he is better even though this year with risp his line is: .234 /.315 /.344 .659 vs say Kemp who is at: .313 /.403 /.469 /.871

  164. messagebear@msn.com

    Exactly. That’s why our GM is a PR expert, and that’s what Frank likes heading up his organization. When it comes to money wasted, Ned’s biggest snow job is on Frank – so, keep shelling it out; there’s a lot more PVL’s out there.

  165. bigkace@yahoo.com

    So who gets the day off in celebration of Andy LaRoche’s return, James or Blake? Also, since Randy Wolf is going tonight, will Andre sit in favor of DY? God forbid Pierre sits.

  166. junkyardjamie

    It’s pretty much become a fact that Pierre will be in every game now that Furcal is out indefinitely. I doubt the fact that Andre’s double off a lefty will warrant any credibility, and yes, I am predicting that he will sit – which again happens to him anytime he has a better than normal game – I guess getting on base three times isn’t enough, especially when you are competing with JP.

  167. enchantedbeaver

    Rosenthal is a 4th rate hack who gets his information off the restroom walls along with phone numbers. Seeing his words in print should be enough for him to see that what he’s spewing is pure nonsense, “Kemp is a future star…” Does he even read what he writes? Kemp also happens to be leading the team in RBIs.

    Rosenthal is a putz along the magnitude of Plaschke.

  168. junkyardjamie

    I 2nd that Enchanted – and yes, jhall, that article is unnerving, not because of how we all view things, but how the general public sees it, and how they seem to listen to what the media (good and bad ones) have to say.

  169. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    i wasn’t really around a computer yesterday so i didn’t comment, but needless to say, RUSSELL WAS AMAZING~!!

    i think the person who should feel the most grateful of russell’s clutch 2-out single is jeff kent. could he have really taken any worse of an at bat?? it’s bases-loaded, 1 out, there’s no where to put kent, and he swings at the first pitch!! earlier in the game, he also had a clutch-worthy situation where he had 1st and 3rd with 2 outs, and he swung at the first pitch and fouled out on a pop-up to the first baseman.. i mean really.. would it kill him to see a few pitches??

    this again, is where i see the disparity between young and old. joe torre preaches working counts, and taking good at bats, and kent and pierre are among the worst.. russell is usually very good, and so is andre. and blake and james too more often than not. matt could learn some more, but yesterday he had a very good at bat when he had the infield single. so i ask, does joe even care when kent does stupid things like that? i doubt it.. he just keeps telling him how important he is and to keep doing what he’s doing.. BLEH

  170. kssssss

    Something to worry about…go read Ken Rosenthal’s commentary today at foxsports.com……says Dodgers may look at trading Kemp( can you believe) if they get the power bat they need….If this happens I no longer will watch this team at all…As it is I don’t watch as much as I used to….!!!!

  171. enchantedbeaver

    I’m not sure even Ned is stupid enough to trade Kemp for Holliday. (1) There’s nothing but upside to Kemp for the next 6-7 years, (2) the Dodgers aren’t going anywhere this year anyway, and (3) I think White would kill Ned if he tried to trade Kemp away. Rosenthal is a A#1 Dodger hater and can’t have an original thought unless someone gives him one.

    All of these out of town putz’ (putzi?) toe the veteran line because they don’t bother or don’t want to do the research on who’s doing what and why. Even a cursory look at the D’s stat sheet would tell you the vets are way underperforming and that’s putting pressure on a group of kids that don’t even average 25 years old. Can you imagine what Kemp will be doing when he’s 26?

    As they say, ignorance is bliss, which evidently is a vocational requirement for most all sportswriters. I on the otherhand try to invoke it on a regular basis so as to never read any of these guys and have them P me off.

  172. junkyardjamie

    sara – thanks for reminding us how “wonderful” our supposedly veteran leadership is helping out this team -lol!!
    We had too much fun with them yesterday and last night.
    Hey – what do you think about the clean-shaven look – nice!! huh?

  173. junkyardjamie

    Our outfielders’ stats to date
    Runs: Ethier (29), Kemp (29), Pierre (27)
    Hits: Kemp (67), Ethier (59), Pierrre (57)
    2B: Ethier (14), Kemp (14), Pierre (8)
    3B: Kemp (2), Ethier (0), Pierre (0)
    HR: Ethier (5), Kemp(5), Pierre (0)
    RBI: Kemp (38), Ethier (22), Pierre (18)
    TB: Kemp (100), Ethier (88), Pierre (65)
    BB: Ethier (20), Pierre (17), Kemp (16)
    SO: Kemp (63), Ethier (30), Pierre (10)
    SB: Pierre (24), Kemp (11), Ethier (2)
    OBP: Ethier (.362), Pierre(.348), Kemp (.346)
    SLG: Kemp (.446), Ethier (.440), Pierre (.323)
    AVE: Kemp (.299), Ethier (.295), Pierre (.284)
    SF: Ethier (5), Kemp (2), Pierre (0)
    SH: Pierre (3), Ethier (1), Kemp (1)
    GDP: Kemp (5), Pierre (3), Ethier (1)
    NP (# of pitches);
    Ethier (945), Kemp (915), Pierre (868)
    XBH: Kemp (21), Ethier (19), Pierre (8)
    OPS: Ethier (.802), Kemp (.792), Pierre (.672)
    Just justifying why Ethier might be sitting tonight. With the exception of stolen bases and a third fewer K’s than Ethier, statistically, Pierre still sucks!!!!!

  174. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    dnelson, that was the first thing i meant to say, and i forgot to include it in my post!!

    russell looked better than ever clean-shaven and since he had such a good game, the hope is that the clean look lasts for a while! haha =)

  175. selltheteam

    The most intriguing name from Rosenthal’s article was Matt Holiday. Then I looked closer, and found what many of you maybe already knew. Two-thirds of his career HRs have come at Coors Field. So a normal year for him at Dodger stadium would be more like 15-18 HRs. Plus, he has never played CF. Therefore, even a straight-up trade Kemp for Holiday would through Pierre back into CF, dooming us to many, many extra bases taken by opposing teams. And what do we get out of it? Maybe 18 HRs per year, which Kemp is already achieving and will likely surpass in 2-3 years. So my vote on this idiot’s idea of a trade is a definite no.

  176. junkyardjamie

    Crash- That was pretty amazing about Holliday, and right now, he’s on DL, plus from what I’ve seen, he’s got quite a temper too. Keep Matt, find a way to trade Pierre (yeah, right!)
    sara – he did look very good last night, and I think you are right, he will be sporting that look until his next dry spell, which by the looks of it, won’t be for a while ~ debbie

  177. enchantedbeaver

    Can you imagine Kemp playing regularly at Coors? I tell ya, I could live with it if they traded DeWitt, LaRoche or Ethier as long as they got some real talent in return, but I’m done with the D’s if they’d trade Kemp, Marty or Loney. That might make me turn into JoeyP.

  178. dodgrdad14

    I am with you enchanted, I will go as far as to say if they trade any of the wonder kids I will revolt!!!! 🙂

    Debbie, good luck to your son tonight, I am sure he will be a little nervous pitching to the “older” kids. And stop talking about how good RM55 looks clean shaven!!! LOL

  179. selltheteam

    Sometimes I forget just how young some of our guys are. At the end of last season and into the playoffs, Matt Holliday was pretty hot. Then I look at his stats for the 2004 season, when he was 24. He played most of the year and had 14 HRs. When Matt Kemp was 24, . . . . wait, he hasn’t seen his 24th birthday yet! Kemp could become a monster!

  180. kpookiemon

    enchanted, I wouldn’t be so quick to say bye bye to DeWitt…I think he’s the real deal. If Loney doesn’t get hosed at the plate last night, it’s another notch on the rbi belt for DeWitt in a clutch situation.

  181. boblee14@yahoo.com

    I know we want to win but at what price? If the below is so true why would we trade a future superstar for a 30 year old superstar mentioned in the article. Kemp is 23 years old. With the right batting coach, he could be a superstar within a couple of years.
    The biggest mistake would be to trade Kemp now. He’s so close to breaking out.
    Kemp, batting .299-.346-.446 at age 23, possesses the tools to become a major star. A rival executive describes him as an “awfully, awfully intriguing talent,” one who only figures to get better. Questions persist about Kemp’s makeup and ability to make adjustments, but those are not unusual criticisms of a young player.
    Management would be absolutely nuts to trade Kemp now. I tell you one thing, I’ll quit being a Dodger fan after 55 years if they trade him off. This will be a given.

  182. enchantedbeaver

    EXACTLY Crash. If we’re going to point the finger (or give one) to anybody, it should be Ned and his PVLs.

    The only position we’ll need to fill for 2009 is 2B, provided we either resign Ferk to a 1-year incentive laden contract and/or Hu or DeJesus steps up so that SS isn’t an issue. I think DeWitt or LaRoche could be more than adequate at 2nd though, so no real need to make a panic move. There’ll also be one spot in the rotation that needs replacing (maybe 2 if Penny doesn’t come around), which I still feel the D’s will go out and get Ben Sheets (a Lasorda favorite.) So basically with the exception of maybe a starter, Ned doesn’t have to do anything but sit on his hands this next offseason and we’ll be fine. If we resign Saito, flop roles with Brox.

    One of the worst things that could happen this year is if Nomore plays somewhat adequate SS the rest of the year so that Ned decides its a good thing to resign him again.

    The only other thing Ned needs to do is try and get something at the trade deadline for Kent, Lowe and Pierre. Just a few meager things and Ned could consider his year a success after such a dreadful start.

  183. enchantedbeaver

    kahli – don’t want them to trade DeWitt, just wouldn’t freak if they did as long as they got something beneficial in return. If they’d trade him or LaRoche or Ethier and came back with the usual crap Ned’s famous for, then I would freak.

  184. juniorvarsity

    this is rediculous. you cant just jump ship now NED. stick with the kids, just have some patience. its the DODGER WAY to build from within!!! why do you think we only have ONE playoff win the past 20 YEARS!! cuz we just signed big name free agents and traded player like paul konerko and pedro martinez. if you trade kemp then you should get ******* fired!!! go home and masterbate you giant

  185. cpompe1

    Hello boys and girls…
    That Rosenthal article was a complete joke. There is NO WAY you trade Kemp. Even if you do and it helps for the rest of 2008, what are you trading away? I and I know most if not all of you reading this post will not want to see Kemp getting freaking better anywhere else but with the Dodgers! Russell is as untouchable as he shows what kind of make-up and character he really has. Heck, don’t trade any of our core kids. Dre, Bison, Marty, DeWitt (I’m sure we have tagged a nickname for Blake in this blog; I just can’t think of it), “My Loney has a first name” (I still love that song; it cracks me up! Thx MLK/Leefink).

    I really do hope that the Dodgers to give Andy Laroche the kind of chance he deserves. For me, the jury is still out; good, bad or indifferent. I just haven’t seen enough of him to REALLY evaluate him. Although I’m not really hopeful that they’re going to do that because they’ve had DY all year and all we use him for is PHing; that is a disgrace to do that to a kid and a kid who we KNOW can hit!

  186. dodgereric

    I know it’s about hockey, but let me show you a few excerpts from a story today of the LA Kings firing their coach:

    “Unlike the Lakers, the Kings don’t know much about winning titles. They had that runner-up finish in 1993 and, um, well, they’ll always have 1993.”

    “(Kings’ GM) Lombardi made the right move to fire him. He probably should never have hired Crawford, who had unlimited skill at his disposal in Colorado with Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg and Co. and couldn’t get some solid Vancouver Canucks teams past the second round of the playoffs.”

    “Lombardi, unable to lure top-notch free agents to a team that had no hope of making the playoffs in the powerful Western Conference, brought in a succession of mediocre free agents whose poor attitude and poorer performances threatened to trample the kids’ enthusiasm and optimism.”

    “He came away convinced that staying with youth was the only way to make headway, and that if kids are going to remain the focal point of this still-painful process, Crawford could not effectively be part of it.”

    Parallels exist here, don’t they? One of the Kings’ problems is that they have always ABANDONED THEIR PLANS. They’ll go with a youth movement and get impatient, sell off the youth only to start it all over again when the “George Allen” method didn’t work. For those of you who don’t know who George Allen was, he was a football coach of the Rams back in the late ’60s/early 70’s who would trade his draft choices to acquire veterans. He had some good clubs – some VERY good clubs – but never won the big one. He could turn a bad team into a contender, but that’s all they ever did – contend.

  187. cpompe1

    Hey all…
    Blake just won NL Rookie of the Month for the month of May!!!!!!!! Yeah Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  188. crzblue2

    I just posted my first post to Dr. Dre.
    Congratulations to DeWitt for taking the NL Rookie of the month honors!

  189. dodgrdad14

    Joey_rock, you are right it is the Dodger way to build from within. That is why Ned is such a bad GM (He is a giant and a cub) and we know how those teams operate.
    Logan or Ng in 09!!

  190. dodgereric

    Have you seen the Times’ article on yesterday’s game? Joe Torre is speaking about The Captain®: “There’s a lot of things he helps us with,” Torre said. “He can catch. He can hit. His baserunning is a little unusual. Catchers don’t usually have that ability. He’s pretty darn important for us, no question.”

    “In fact, tonight’s game has decided something for me. I’ve decided to hit Russell leadoff 4-5 games a week. I’ve had it with that noodle-armed left fielder and DY has earned a shot out there. DY will lead off the games that Russell doesn’t. My wife has me addicted to one of those blog things, Inside the Dodgers. Boy, there are a few people who write there that I’m thinking of tracking down and hiring. Some are a little scary, but ……..”

    Oh, sorry. I guess I went to the Bahamas for a while. The actual Torre quote is just the first paragraph. Reality sucks sometimes……….

  191. enchantedbeaver

    Question: If the D’s contend to the end this year but don’t make the playoffs, is Ned gone?

  192. junkyardjamie

    Nice one eric!!! LOL!!! How was your last with your son? Not much happened here – more fun with Pierre as I am sure you have already read.

  193. junkyardjamie

    jnv – Us girls can’t help it – it’s just the way we are wired – lol!!! Believe me, even my 1st graders thought Andre, Russell, Matt and James were cute (Blake too) – lol!!

  194. scurtis1999

    HA some dude on espn news earlier said the Dodgers need to find a new leadoff hitter because JP at best is the 4th OF on the squad. He mentioned Martin and Ethier. Gave some numbers between Raffy and JP leading off, but I forgot them.

  195. crzblue2

    We need to start or continue voting for Russell Martin. i know I slacked off this year. Last year I had taken two boxes of ballots (besides the ones I did online). One of those times, Debi Little saw me (I had met her and seen her several times at WIN events) coming in with a box full of ballots. She helped me take them upstairs. Next game I saw her she asked me for my address. I thought it was to let me know about a WIN event. She mailed me a hand made Dodger bag with a note saying “Thank you for voting for Russell Martin” That was so sweet of her. She was very friendly at the stadium. I used to run into her all the time. I even sat with her a couple of times. Too bad I did not get to say goodbye to her.
    Vote for Russell!

  196. dodgereric

    Last night went just fine, nellie. That one was easy, we were “bridging” some Cub Scouts over to the Boy Scouts. It’s kind of like a graduation. Tonight I trot on down to DogFoodPark. Tomorrow is a big one for my son. We’re going to get approval from our homeowner’s association for his Eagle project.

    When I got back last night I watched the Laker game on tape. When that was done I started watching SportsCenter hoping to see some Dodger highlights. I already knew that they won. It’s amazing. I watched for a good hour before I saw the Ds. There must have been a dozen Laker/Celt stories mixed in with baseball highlights. I saw several games more than once before they graciously showed the cute little west coast game.

  197. junkyardjamie

    I commented on Andre’s blog about all the things you are involved in – I am involved in similar things here. You are to be commended for your work in the community.
    eric – Have a great time at the game tonight. It looked like there were quite a few Dodger fans there last night. I also wish your son the best tomorrow night as well.

  198. dodgereric

    Thanks nellie. As long as they win……..

    His project should be a slam dunk. His best friend’s father was killed in Iraq a few years back and they dedicated a park in our neighborhood to him. My son wants to erect a flagpole there and dedicate it to all the military.

  199. junkyardjamie

    emma – have you clicked on the link “blog with the pros today” ? go to home page and instead of clicking on dre’s link, click on “blog with the pros today” – nice picture of Andre – 🙂 sorry boys, more girl stuff

  200. magicofthesoul13@aol.com

    i dont know if you guys heard of this or not but ned is looking to trde some of the youngsers. well there rumors.

  201. leekfink

    kpookiemon–You’re right–Kemp should hit 3rd.
    attomikkid–the reason no one blames Kemp is because, overall, his numbers are already better than Pierre’s, but moreover, this is Pierre’s peak (or possibly, he has past that, and none of his best playing was in LA). Kemp, on the other hand, is just beginning, and has alot more upside. So even if their numbers look similar now, Kemp is likely to go up, and Pierre likely to go down. And that’s puitting aside the $8.5 million difference in their annual salary.
    Dnelson–thanks for the article from Ken Rosenthal suggesting that Kemp be traded. Since it comes from Ken Rosenthal, I now know this will never happen. Remember, this is the same guy blaming Kemp for losing on Saturday, about 7 minutes before he hit a 3-run HR to put the game in the refrigerator, and the guy who was certain we were going to trade James Loney last season. Rosenthal has zero credibility. Always believe the opposite of what he says.
    Even reading his arguments, it’s so absurdly backwards anyway. Here is the fundamental problem–if the Dodgers are going to be “buyers” at the trade deadline, then they need to be playing better than they are, so taht we are in contention in the division. If we are playing better and leading the west, it will almost certainly be because Kemp (and other players) are stepping up and leading the team–so why trade them? In fact, it would be stupid to do that. The only rade at the deadline that is likely to make sense is for a shortstop if Furcal is still out, and for various reasons, that’s unlikely.
    If, however, we are failing, and become “sellers” at the trade deadline, you would simply not deal for guys who are much closer to arbitration/fere agency, as any of the guys that Rosenthal suggests. If we are sellers, the trade candidates would be like Kent or Lowe (both free agents at the year’s end with big contracts, not underpaid kids years from being able to negotiate a big contract).
    You may not like Ned Colletti, but the only person on the face of the planet that stupid is Ken Rosnthal.
    Jungar–Perhaps you are the Jedi, because you were obviously right about Furcal being out for longer than we anticipated. This is not good. I don’t know how I feel about the idea of Nomar going back to SS–but at least he’s not bumping DeWitt.
    Also, MartinLoneyKemp is right that it’s nonsense to not start LaRoche at 2B. If you are that concerned about defense at 2B, then Jeff Kent would start a lot less often and Chin-Lung Hu would have remained the starting shortstop over Angel Berroa, and you never would have bothered working Andy LaRoche out at second base in Las Vegas. And Juan Pierre would not be playing at all. it’s just utter nonsense. (And don’t forget–Andy LaRoche was drafted as a shortstop, so it’s not like he can’t play the middle infield a little). Starting Maza instead of LaRoche at 2B when Kent has a day off is just plain stupid. Grady Little would never make that stupid of a move. (Davey Johnson and Jim Tracy, who I consider the two worst managers in Los Angeles history–and probably post-1938 Dodgers histroy–might have made that move). So, come Thursday we will truly know whether Joe Torre is deserving of his presumed HOF credentials, or is just a moron with a line-up card.
    Redondo Beach, California

  202. scurtis1999

    Kemp = Mondesi

    I wouldnt mind seeing him go if we got a great deal out of it.

    Untradeable = Russell Martin, Broxton, CBill and Mr Kershaw

  203. rintinjim310@yahoo.com

    I know La Roche has a lot of fans on this board, but he is really unproven in the majors. He had good numbers in the minors, but he failed to impress when given his chance last year. He swung at a lot of bad pitches and his stats were well below average. Remember, Hu was minor league player of the year and his offense was a joke even after getting a chance to play every day on an extended basis.
    I was in Hawaii last week and met some of Andy’s friends and they say he is the greatest guy in the world. I wish Andy all the best, but we have to be realistic. De WItt has proven himself and shouldn’t sit against lefties. The last thing we need to do is shake Blake’s confidence.

  204. perumike

    Messagebear — I’m born and raised in Los Angeles, but have lived for two years in Tujunga, CA (just northeast of LA).

  205. dodgrdad14

    I know you girls are wired that way, everytime Martin comes to the plate or is shown on T.V. my wife says to my 8 year old daughter “look whos on T.V.” and my daughter say’s “ohhhh he’s purty!!” I just shake my head!! LOL
    Eric, Your son is working towards being an Eagle Scout??? Man that is impressive, it takes A LOT of work and not many do it….. Good luck to him on his endeavor!!

  206. junkyardjamie

    jnv – see told ya!!!!!!! lol!!!!!!!
    messagebear – how are you doing with all the list? I think I have gotten most that have come thru – 🙂

  207. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    wow you guys are crazy some of you. 93 abs last year with an OBP of .365 but you know he cant hit. you already know. he is done. he cant prove himself. trade him.

    .226 .365 .312 .677

    A-rod first two hunderead at bats over two years

    .204 .241 .204 .445
    .232 .264 .408 .672

    DeWitt in June:

    .226 .314 .258 .572

    Kemp is our power bat or he will be. trade him and I am done with this team. I mean that.

  208. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I guess what I am saying on LaRoache is that since May 15, about 93 ABs this is Dewitt.. .253/.319/.668 are you ready to give up on him? No. And either am I. There is room on this years team for both and next years team for sure.

  209. junkyardjamie

    jungar – you are so right. If Joe/Ned would play the best, they would both be playing tonight along with DY for JP, but we know that won’t happen. Also, wouldn’t it be classic (and pathetic) if Torre decides to sit DeWitt tonight after being named Rookie of the Week. Andy could easily play SS, if not 2nd. Then again, maybe James will sit, which is also very wrong. This should make for an interesting lineup – how it all shakes out.

  210. junkyardjamie

    See you all later – going to highschool game. I should be back in time for game time.
    Eric – have a blast!!! Hopefully the best will be playing for you 🙂

  211. cpompe1

    I know you’re gone but as you and I both know, Dre is nice to look at in RF (sometimes LF) and I’m not just talking about his playing abilities! sorry boys, more girl stuff… 🙂

  212. crzblue2

    Oh Wow! That is a great pic of Andrew! The first time I saw Andrew in person, I told a friend “Oh wow! He is cuter in person!”. ok, ok, guys, sorry for the bunny moment.

  213. dodgereric

    Yeah jnv, he’s close. One more merit badge (he’s completed 90% of it) and his project to go. He stalled out for a while for a variety of reasons, but once I established the requirement of getting this done before I’d let him get his driver’s license, it’s been b***s to the walls. (astricks are mine) Funny how that worked out, huh?

  214. dodgrdad14

    To Funny Eric,
    It’s good to see a parent making sure thier kids finish what they start. Being a manager in little league I get tired of parents not showing up for a practice or a game saying their son didn’t feel like playing that day!!!!
    What is going on, No wonder kids are getting lazy.
    Keep up the good work Eric and let us know when your son completes his goal.

  215. messagebear@msn.com

    I’ve got the list of cities for most of our bloggers and will publish what I have for everybody tomorrow. In the meantime, I’m still missing the following, so, if you’re on the list and see this, please give us your city and state information:

  216. crzblue2

    Yes! Yes! I meant Andre. How could I make that mistake! The other one is Andruw. Wish we could edit our posts. thanks!

  217. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Personally my vote, not that I am gay or anything would go to Joe Beimel but what do I know.


  218. dodgereric

    No problem doing that Jim, I’ll probably take out an ad! 🙂

    I asked him 4 years ago what his goals were in scouting and he said “to make Eagle”. I told him that if that’s what he wants, I wouldn’t let him quit. Not that he has, but there’s been some gentle nudging. I’ve always told my kids that they have to finish the things they start, that once you quit something it’s hard to quit quitting. (There must be a simpler way of saying that.)

    I know what you mean about “kids today”. We’ve hired and fired a boatload of some of the laziest people I’ve ever seen in the last few years. I’m guessing that it starts at home.

    There’s nothing easy about being a good parent.

  219. porklinks

    According to Jon Weisman at Dodger Thoughts:
    Tonight’s lineup:
    Pierre, LF
    Young, RF
    Kent, 2B
    Martin, C
    Kemp, CF
    LaRoche, 1B
    DeWitt, 3B
    Berroa, SS
    Billingsley, P
    I know DeWitt won an award and everything, but I think he needs the day off more than Loney, whose bat is waking up with an active hitting streak.

  220. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Pierre, LF
    Young, RF
    Kent, 2B
    Martin, C
    Kemp, CF
    LaRoche, 1B
    DeWitt, 3B
    Berroa, SS
    Billingsley, P

    Nice to see Young starting to get some time. Torre knows he is a better hitter than Pierre but what can you do.

  221. porklinks

    BTW, Ken Rosenthal is not a baseball analyst, he is a baseball gossip columnist, nothing more.
    -the poster formerly known as old_fogey_la

  222. cpompe1

    Yeah, I hear you on that one. Nothing like posting a comment and then realizing an unintentional mistake… 🙂

  223. porklinks

    scurtis – obviously Ethier is resting against yet another left-hander.
    JP career v. Wolf: 34 PAs, .419 .455 .516 .971
    JP in his career hits LHP and RHP very close to the same, lower “slugging” against LHP with all 12 of his HR against RHP.
    Only four Dodgers have ever faced Wolf. Two are Penny and Park. The other is Jeff Kent who has 24 PA of .211 .375 .316 .691

  224. dodgereric

    You know, I’ve never been one to willingly beat my head against a wall when there is absolutely NO HOPE WHATSOEVER of something changing, but……….


    I wish I felt better……..

  225. dodgereric

    Maury Wills stole 104 bases in 1962.
    He batted 2nd in 3 games in 1963.
    He batted 2nd in 8 games in 1964.

    You could look it up.

    Time to go to the game. 🙂

    Go Dodgers.
    Go Dodgers!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!

  226. dodgrdad14

    Nope don’t feel better either Eric.
    In the words of Jhall…..UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!

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