Classic Baseball – Josh Rawitch

For those who haven’t been following the World Baseball Classic news, the Dodgers have eight players expected to participate in the 16-team tournament and this really has a chance to be a great baseball showcase.

Saenz_ledeeMost recently, Olmedo Saenz (in the photo with Ricky Ledee) announced he was going to play, even though he had originally decided not to. The decision was based on the fact that his home country had given him such support during the recent loss of his mother and he wanted to be able to give something back.

For all of us Dodger fans, baseball is never far from our minds, but once the last out of the World Series has been recorded, the idea of games being played doesn’t come back to our thoughts until early March. For so many Latin players, they return home to their native countries, where they get the chance to play with and in front of so many of their childhood friends. If you’ve never had the chance to witness baseball in Venezuela, Mexico, Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic, you should definitely plan a trip. The passion is almost unparalleled.

This year, we’re expecting that Odalis Perez (Dominican Republic), Saenz (Panama), Jose Cruz Jr. and Ricky Ledee (Puerto Rico), Hee-Seop Choi and Jae Seo (Korea), Hong-Chih Kuo (Taiwan) and Oscar Robles (Mexico) will all represent their countries. In fact, Seo and Choi leave tomorrow morning at 5:30 a.m. for a flight to Fukuoka, Japan, where they’ll start practicing with the rest of the Korean team. Tommy Lasorda is currently in Puerto Rico as the Ambassador to the WBC and we might even have some broadcasters getting involved (be on the lookout for news on that front in the next couple days).

This truly has the chance to expand the game of baseball in ways never imagined years ago. In fact, this Inside the Dodgers blog could very well be read in all of the different countries where baseball is played, so feel free to share your thoughts on the WBC here and with all your friends around the globe.



    I’m very excited about the World Baseball Cup, but as a fan of the Dodgers and Major League Baseball, I’m concerned about the fact that it is taking place during Spring Training (at least this time). It seems that some players could hurt their chances making MLB teams if they are in the WBC instead of Florida or Arizona.

    Hopefully a player’s decision to appear in the WBC won’t hurt their chances of making an MLB club if they’re on the bubble, as representing your country in sport is an awesome oppurtunity, as I’m sure Tommy Lasorda would say having represented the USA to Baseball Gold in 2000.

    Aside from that concern, I’ll be eagerly awaiting the start of the WBC and the Dodgers’ season. Thanks for all the hard work with the blog.


    What a waste of time. Who cares? This is spring training. These players belong working with their team to get ready for the championship season. I wouldn’t buy a ticket to attend any of these games.


    It may be interesting,but what happens if someone gets injured? It will hurt his Major league ball club.I’m sure the major league clubs aren’t thrilled about it, but have no choice and have to give in to Bud Selig. At the very least this WBC should be played after the season is over.

  4. JhallWally

    Well, that was quite a win last night with an unlikely pair of heroes. Loney and Navarro. Go figure. Hope they can keep it up.

  5. JhallWally

    Here are the lastest DodgerEric attendance figures:
    Not that he would care a tinker’s damn, and not that his chances to hang on have improved much, but if he manages to stick, I will switch to the Angels.
    Game 25′s attendance (2010): 35,355
    Today’s attendance courtesy of : 34,407
    Greater than last year = 5 / Less than last year = 20
    9th straight game of negative attendance
    2010 attendance (26 games) – 1,122,590 (43,177 average)
    2011 attendance (26 games) – 943,417 (36,285 average) #9 in MLB
    Drop of 179,173 total
    Average drop of 6891
    Extrapolated for 81 games – 558,193
    Projected 2011 final attendance – 2,939,107
    2010′s final attendance – 3,562,318 (#3 in MLB)
    Next game’s (27) attendance in 2010 – 35,333
    By dodgereric on May 27, 2011 11:53 pm – Reply

  6. Frank McCourt

    I did that. I took the tablecloth from my little dinette set. Looks like the wind’s almost blown it off. Why do it? “VinScullythis, VicScullythat. VinVinVin.” That’s all I ever hear. “Vin is all that’s left to the Dodger legacy.” “I love Vin, but I hate that miserable skinflint bastard McCourt!” “I’ll never go to another game while that asshole owns the Dodgers, but at least I can still listen to Vin!”
    What’s so great about that guy anyway? He’d never be able to piss off millions of fans. He wouldn’t have the guts to drive a team down into the gutter right in front of everyone’s eyes. He’d never be able to sink attendance the way I have. He’d never spend $2500 on a haircut.
    All he’s ever done is talk.
    And be loved.
    By everyone.
    I hate him.
    Ned, get me some comfort food.
    And another shitty outfielder.

  7. JhallWally

    And Loweeney is still below the Phew Line:
    Loney; 239/286/304/590
    Pierre; 275/338/319/657
    Phew is still outslugging him. These stats reflect last nights game. Loney still has a long way to go. I hope he can get it together and perform at some semblance of his 2007/08 years.

    • JhallWally

      After 52 games(one third of the season), Loney projects to hit 6 HRs and have 45 RBIs. Not acceptable or tolerable from a major league first baseman.

      • JhallWally

        And, don’t get me wrong. Loney is not the only piece of dung on this heap. He’s just been the most glaring so far. Maybe he is starting to turn it around. I’m pulling for the guy, although, I don’t want him back next year. It would be nice if he gets it going somewhat, so he has some trade value.

        Furcals’ is getting a little leeway as he just came off the DL. But, his time is running out. He is becoming an even bigger deficit to the club than Loney.

  8. trublu4ever

    Watching Randy Wolf’s Brewers play the giants and, into 7th inning, he has given them no runs…..I forgot, why did we get rid of him? Not exctly a hurler, but gives solid innings.

    • JhallWally

      Letting Wolf go was another Ned boner. Probably based on McBrokes financial situation. They non tendered him because they were afraid he would accept and make too much money in arbitration. Therefore we didn’t even get any draft picks when he left.

      • nedsajerk

        I’m still piss we didn’t get no draft pick for Hudson and if we didn’t want to do that resigned him.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I’ll still stand by by statement Tru – Randy Wolf is not a winner.
      That said, our “braintrust” should’ve offered him arbitration (knowing someone like the Brewers would come along and sign him) and at least got a damn draft pick for him that we couldn’t sign.

      • JhallWally

        I’d still take Wolf over Lilly!!! And Wolf costs less. Wolf signed for 3 years at 29.75M and Lilly, 3 years at 33M.

      • trublu4ever

        You’re probably right. But, 8 pretty good innings. Something we don’t see with our staff. I don’t think Lilly or Garland are any better. I’m thinking, perhaps, they thought Padilla was going to be a starter again this year. Then, again, I’ve given up trying to figure what the hell Ned is thinking.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        No, I don’t see a lot of winner in Lilly or Garland either, but for 4th and 5th starters, they’re adequate, perhaps even beyond adequate if this team could actually score more than 1 to 3 runs a game.
        Provided Frank & Furter don’t screw it up, I’m looking forward to a rotation of Kersh, Rubby, Lee and Billz in a couple-three years.

  9. enchantedTheBeav

    That’s not good. Somebody’s got to run away with this division – Gnats, Rox, Snakes – or Ned’ll do something stupid again thinking this team has a chance.

  10. lbirken

    Not sure why anyone would pay $30 to take a dog to a baseball game but obviously some people do.

  11. enchantedTheBeav

    Frank’ll do anything to give the appearance all is well, even if he has to count a dog as part of the crowd. Hope one humps his free leg.
    Ned’s already on the other.

  12. sparkleplenty_1

    If this game continues as is, it’ll be “Barf in the Park” not “Bark in the Park”.

  13. vl4eccjr

    Good evening all. Better late than never I guess.
    It’s getting more difficult to find what thread everyone’s on.
    Kuroda’s not doing too well I see. 😦
    Sounds like there’s a fire in the nose bleed seats somewhere.

  14. enchantedTheBeav

    You know, Sands was starting to swing the bat better when Donnie goes and pulls a Joe and sat him.

  15. vl4eccjr

    Jansen appears to be going in a downward spiral. Again he’s struggling to find the strike zone.

  16. lbirken

    I would like to see Sands play every day but he will have to step up his game offensively to have a chance for that.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      Thanks Wally. That’s why RBIs are a misleading stat. OBI% is a much better gauge of how a particular hitter is really doing.

      • JhallWally

        I totally agree Beav!!! Loney was actually pretty good in 07 and 08. Somewhere in the 16 to 18 range if I recall correctly.

      • JhallWally

        He was actually very good in from 06 thru 10.
        06 18.2%
        07 20.2%
        08 15.7%
        09 16.5%
        10 16.9%
        Presently stinking at 9.9%. Sands leads the team at 20%.

  17. enchantedTheBeav

    Anyone consider that maybe their little fire tonight was someone lighting a bag of dog shit, knocking on Frank’s office door, and running like hell?

  18. dodgereric

    Greetings all! I’ve just added more shit to the attendance stats. See if you’ve been paying attention:
    Game 27’s attendance (2010): 35,333
    Today’s attendance courtesy of trumom : 29,971
    Greater than last year = 5 / Less than last year = 21
    10th straight game of negative attendance
    5th game of less than 30,000
    Games less than 30,000 in 2010 – none
    Games less than 30,000 in 2009 – zero
    Games less than 30,000 in 2008 – nada
    Games less than 30,000 in 2007 – cero
    Games less than 30,000 in 2006 – ноль (zero in Russian)
    Games less than 30,000 in 2005 – reido (Japanese)
    Last game was 9/14/2004 – 29,704
    2010 attendance (27 games) – 1,157,923 (42,886 average)
    2011 attendance (27 games) – 973,388 (36,051 average) #9 in MLB
    Drop of 184,535 total
    Average drop of 6835
    Extrapolated for 81 games – 553,605
    Projected 2011 final attendance – 2,920,164
    2010’s final attendance – 3,562,318 (#3 in MLB)
    Next game’s (28) attendance in 2010 – 42,459

  19. enchantedTheBeav

    That’s great news dad!
    So that we have something to look forward to, I propose we start the Ian Snell countdown to joining the team.
    Put me down for June 24th.

  20. lbirken

    Look on the bright side; with lagging attendance, it will be easier to get out of the stadium for those of us who do attend a game. Here’s another thought; will Frank cut down on clean up expenses since there are fewer people at the games.

  21. dodgereric

    Hell, e! I always have something to look forward to:
    We’re working on a 10-game losing streak
    We’re sneaking up on passing 200,000 drop in attendance
    We’re edging slowly towards diving under 2.9 million for the season
    Baseball fans always look forward to milestones 🙂

    • JhallWally

      We need something to cheer about with this steaming pile of dung Frank and Furter call a baseball team. Let’s set some records fans. Keep those seats empty!!!

  22. JhallWally

    Beav, I had to post your burning paper bag of dog shit outside Franks door on Facebook!!! Too damn funny!!

  23. Nellyjune

    “What is wrong with you three?!!!” Funny that movie quote from “The Hangover 2” works for you three too – LMAO!!!! You guys crack me up!!!

      • Nellyjune

        Thanks Wally!!! It’s not so much school as it’s been high school baseball. Now, next week, it’s all about work being the last week of school, with Michael’s graduation on top of that.

  24. dodgereric

    That really was a hell of a run. I wonder if any other clubs have had that kind of consistency in game attendance? 503 straight games over 30,000. You’d think a rainy spring day with a crappy team would have hit that number sooner than that. That speaks volumes of how the fans are staying away.
    More to look forward to: games 34-36 were all over 52,000 (the Angels). Games 37-39 were 56,000 each (Yanks). Boy, those numbers are really going to be hurting after that.
    You know, I just looked over the entire 2004 attendance figures. There were 13 games with under 30,000 fans that season, but the total was still over 3.488 million.

  25. enchantedTheBeav

    I’d like to know the REAL attendance though, not tickets sold. It’s gotta be at least a 25%-30% difference don’t you think?

      • lbirken

        Of course they have it; they scan the tickets as fans enter. It was not all that long ago that the Dodgers used to have a guess the attendance thing at the stadium late in the game but now they don’t even post it. We noticed a lot of empty seats last season but it is more obvious this season.

  26. dodgereric

    Anyone who has been watching for any length of time can tell that this year, the typical announced 35,000 game looks like 27,000 in the seats. If that. That’s close to 25% isn’t it?

  27. dodgereric

    They don’t have turnstiles there anymore, jhall. But they scan the tickets. You’re right. They know, and they’ll never tell. Hey, maybe that’s something else Jamie’s lawyer can spill the beans on!

  28. lbirken

    That’s enought for me as well. Let’s hope the boys can come up with a better game tomorrow in front of all those empty seats.

  29. nedsajerk

    Small fire burns in Dodger Stadium storage area
    6 minutes ago

    LOS ANGELES (AP)—Authorities say crews quickly knocked down a small fire broke that broke out in a storage area at Dodger Stadium.

    Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Erik Scott says the blaze was reported Saturday night while the Dodgers were playing the Florida Marlins.

    Scott says paper products caught fire in a cinder block storage room near a top deck stairwell, sending smoke billowing above the stadium. It was extinguished in about 20 minutes.

    No injuries were reported and no evacuations were ordered.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      LOS ANGELES (AP)—Authorities say LAFD crews were called in for a fire that broke out when Mike MacDougal was brought in to bail Hiroki Kuroda out of a jam. Fire crews remained on scene as MacDougal was followed by Kenley Jansen and Ramon Troncoso.
      Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Erik Scott says many blazes have been reported since early spring training ranging from one to four alarm. Additional crews have been put on stand-by for today’s game with the Marlins.
      Ironically Scott says it was the lack of heaters that caused things to spiral out of control into the outfield, sending runners in a whirlwind around the bases. It was extinguished 3 innings later.
      No injuries were reported other than a few bruised egos and inflated ERAs.

  30. nedsajerk

    Oh man Manuel going to chew Rollins on that played. They were down 5 runs and he just got a singled and was thrown out at 2nd bases.

  31. nedsajerk

    Dang Donny read those link I provide to bad he doesn’t read these board those numbers from the #1 spot suck ball.

  32. trublu4ever

    YAY….gnats lose 6 – 0……DID YOU HEAR THAT DODGERS?!!!! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS S-C-O-R-E!!!!!! How hard is it to get a few runs, dammit!!!

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