Anyone else excited for today?

Few days in baseball are like Opening Day. Things have been buzzing at the stadium since long before sunrise. Grounds crew members, stadium chefs and many others have been preparing to have 56,000 fans in house in just about few hours. Our department has been here for live shots on just about every TV station in town…

For those coming out to the stadium, please plan to come early and carpool if you can, or take public transit and use the shuttle from Union Station. Your patience is appreciated, as we always have more cars on Opening Day than any other day of the season.

Among the highlights to look out for…

– Pregame ceremonies including a 1981 Opening Day first pitch, a Salute to the Military and the national anthem performed by Placido Domingo

– New food options, including the Doyer Dog (available at Camacho’s) and other new healthier options throughout the stadium, plus the new Dodgertown Deli on the field level

– Remodeled merchandise stands on the left field and right lines of the Loge Level (one is a Nike store and the other is Adidas). Plus the Top of the Park store with lots of new items and the Left Field merchandise tent with all your favorites

– Patches on the uniforms of the players in memory of Duke Snider

– Bill Russell signing autographs beyond center field from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in autograph alley

– For those on the United Club Suites level, an incredible historical exhibit is there for your perusing (for those who aren’t on that level, it will be part of the Dodger Stadium tours

– The Phantom of the Opera, Davis Gaines, will be singing God Bless America

– Oh, and two of the game’s best young pitchers squaring off in one of the game’s greatest rivalries. There’s a special Opening Day edition of Dodgers Magazine with Kershaw and Lincecum on the cover, available today only in stadium!

If we don’t see you today, hopefully you’ll be here for Fireworks tomorrow, the day game on Saturday or Sunday’s 5 p.m. start with sleeved fleece blankets for the first 50,000 fans.


  1. Rosie

    I’m so excited! Will miss the game, due to kids games, school open house and award ceremonies. I just wished the schools, & softball league work around the Dodgers Schedule!

  2. messagebear

    This could be the only SOLD OUT series of the whole season – one can only hope.
    Look for the new add placed on the LF wall requesting fans to text on their mobile phones for a $10.00 donation to Frank’s Defense Fund. We should have a text message to register a SELL THE TEAM vote.

  3. Rosie

    So how can I change my Avatar picture?
    NELLY love your Avatar pic!*
    MESSAGEBEAR your pic is perfect for you!

  4. dodgereric

    Davis Gaines used to send chills up my spine when he’d do our National Anthem and the Canadian Anthem for the Kings in the NHL. It’s a little while ago now, but if he still has the pipes everyone will hear Our National Anthem the way it’s supposed to be sung.

  5. perumike

    Good morning all! I am watching the Yankee-Tiger game, and as much as Russell fell off the last few years, I hate seeing him in pinstripes! Uggghhh!!! I am excited for today! I will miss the start of the game, and will then have to mute ESPN and turn on the radio, but I am hoping we start the Giants’ season off 0-4, or will even settle for 1-3. 🙂 Have a great opening day everyone!

  6. blueboy

    this is the first Dodger Openigng day I’ve missed in 25 years. Sold my tickets. I’m still a big dodger fan but the McCourts have ruined it for me.

  7. Nellyjune

    We are listening to the Braves/Nationals game, and Lowe pitched 5 and 2/3rds innings and did a great job. Braves are winning 2-0.

  8. northstateblues

    I also hate seeing Russell in pinstripes. If there’s a miraculous recovery by him, can we call it Werth-esque?
    I’ll be at work tonight during the game, but will probably see if I can change the TV, an easy request being in NorCal amidst the sea of brand-new SF apparel to match their shiny new bandwagon (and the hoards of 2010 World Champions shirts in the cheap shelves at the local drugstore).
    Hope the Dodgers help make it an easy night for me 🙂

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I think he’s going to just have to wait it out – or give up. I did and that’s when it finally posted 🙂

  9. northstateblues

    New discovery on a tag:
    The (acronym title=””) tag is used for providing context for acronyms that you can read while hovering your pointer over an acronym. For example, you can explain what PVL‘s are without ever having to type out the explanation (except for having to go through the trouble of typing the long complicated tag in the first place). Just hover over “PVL” above.
    [the code used was (acronym title=”Proven Veteran Losers”)PVL(/acronym), with the pointed brackets instead of the parenthesis used in this explanation.

  10. Rosie

    I don’t want to see Russell Martin in pin stripes…I know he will do great, he is going to give it his all to impress all those damn Yankees’ fans.

  11. northstateblues

    Sorry for cluttering up the opening day thread, just fascinated with all the new toys.
    No word on the location of the nukleeur wessels, Kepp’n.

  12. jhallwally

    Time for our bold predictions!!!

    How many games will our 2011 Dodgers win? We can revisit this thread in October and see who came the closest.

    • Nellyjune

      I think our competition will be the gnats. On paper, they seem to be the strongest team. However, like every season, you can never count out the Rockies. I think we will have a hard time against the other divsions due to their pitching, but I am hoping the gnats suffer the same fate. Only time will tell.

  13. OldBrooklynFan

    Hi Everybody
    Well it starts to count again today. I had such a busy winter that it seems like the ’10 season ended yesterday. Boy how time flies.
    I hope to some day place my picture in an LA cap up as soon as I find out how.

  14. Dodger4life

    (b) G’Day Everyone (b/), this is pretty neat. I just wanted to wish everyone a great evening tonight and say ” (b) Go Dodgers (b?)(!)

  15. Nellyjune

    Glad to see you finally got in Dodger4life!!! Now you need to work on an avatar.

    oldbrooklynfan – today we start from scratch 🙂

  16. nedsajerk

    Well it look like the Brewers mess up big time not getting that one out on that ground ball hit by Rolen and it cost them 4 with a walkoff homerun by Hernandez.

    • jhallwally

      Good to see you my friend. I’m taking predictions on how many games the Dodgers will win this year and where we will place in the division. So Far:
      PMike 92
      Nelly 90
      North 89
      Beav 75

  17. trublu4ever

    Glad to see you PianoMan and Dodger4life! I’m glad the rest of you are having fun with these new toys 🙂

  18. Dodger4life

    Thanks Beav….I wish I could stick around tonight, but I am heading out to a friends to watch the game, he has plaent of spirits to fill the ” Victory Flask!” Enjoy the game Ya’ll, and GO DODGERS!!

  19. jhallwally

    I’m going to go with 86 wins this year!!! I think we’re better than last year, but not enough to get over the top and make the playoffs!!!!

  20. northstateblues

    “No matter how good you are, you’re going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are, you’re going to win one-third of your games. It’s the other third that makes the difference.” – Tommy Lasorda
    So it boils down to You win 60, you lose 60, it’s the other 42 that matter. I might be going in over my head here with this list, but I want to look at the Dodgers the past few years (at least since the seasons went to 162), and see, by year, whether they won 60 or lost 60 first, and see what they did with those other 42 games.
    I only have time to do the 21st century for now:
    2010 : W60= 8/14, L60= 8/18, O42= 20-22, R= 4th

    2009 : W60= 7/21, L60= 9/18, O42= 35-7, R= L NLCS

    2008 : W60= 8/12, L60= 8/16, O42= 24-18, R= L NLCS

    2007 : W60= 8/10, L60= 8/18, O42= 22-20, R= 4th

    2006 : W60= 8/11, L60= 8/22, O42= 28-14, R= L NLDS

    2005 : W60= 8/29, L60= 8/4, O42= 11-31, R= 4th

    2004 : W60= 7/30, L60= 9/13, O42= 33-9, R= L NLDS

    2003 : W60= 8/9, L60= 8/19, O42= 25-17, R= 2nd

    2002 : W60= 7/31, L60= 9/8, O42= 32-10, R= 3rd

    2001 : W60= 7/27, L60= 8/28, O42= 26-16, R= 3rd

    2000 : W60= 8/13, L60= 8/20, O42= 26-16, R= 2nd
    Hover the cursor over the dates and results to see the Dodgers’ record when they won their 60th, lost their 60th, and their final record for the season.
    Took entirely too much time, gotta run to be on time for work… Happy Opening Day Night, everyone!

  21. messagebear

    My pick is 79 Wins.
    On the plus side I think Frank will start experiencing serious trouble with his finances. I’m also thinking optimistically that Bud may be inclined at this point not to approve any big loans no matter the source, and that would really hurt Frank – may even become the convincing factor to have him SELL THE TEAM.

    • jhallwally

      Gotcha Bear, 79 it is!!! The only good part of the Dodgers stinking it up big time this season is that attendance may go way down and force Franks hand. I have a bad feeling that Frank is the type of guy who would rather wreck the team totally in desperation to try and keep them before he will sell.

  22. jhallwally

    I’m not sure how Frank can survive. He’s swimming in Red Ink. By my calculations, he bought the team for over 400M(highly leveraged), is in debt for over 400M(extavagant lifestyle), and the team is worth 800M. He’s got to be struggling just to pay the interest on his debt, much less the enormous legal fees, home mortgages, support for Jamie, and team expenses!!! Somethings gotta give!!!

  23. trublu4ever

    To be honest, I think Wally’s 86 wins is probably a good guess. I hope, however, my prediction is right 🙂

  24. jhallwally

    I’m watching the Cards and Puds game!! Tied at 3, bottom of the 10th. Hope the Cards whip them. Just an aside, but, what does everyone think will happen with Pujols. Will he remain with the Cards or move on. Don’t get me wrong, I want no part of him at the price and length of contract he is seeking. Thankfully, the Dodgers won’t be in a position to entertain any ideas of signing him to some ludicrous contract.

  25. jhallwally

    Oh well, Puds win in 11!!! I can’t be too unhappy however, I like seeing the Cards lose. Pujols; 0 for 5 and grounded into 3 double plays!!! LOL!!!!

  26. trublu4ever

    I can’t stand the Cards either! Pujols is pouting already, not getting the big bucks he wanted 🙂

  27. jhallwally

    GO DODGERS!!! Its time to get down to work!! This ones for real and I’m anxious to see how our guys respond!!!

    • jhallwally

      Ned is a real winner. Last year when we should have been selling, Ned goes out a gets Theriot, Pathednick, and Dotel!!! How does this guy still have a job?!!!! Geez!!!!

  28. nedsajerk

    I was on the SF blog on yahoo and I just read the last part even the blog manager was shocked how bad Broxton was.

    Pitcher to watch

    Tim Lincecum. Because he’s good.

    If you’re looking for a Dodgers pitcher to watch, try Jonathan Broxton. Hopefully the Giants don’t have to see him — and I mean that both in a competitive and aesthetic way — but if they do, he’s a big question mark. A big, big question mark. He was ridiculously dominant in the first half of last season, only to fall apart completely in the second half. Falling apart is too generous of a description. He melted into a puddle of goo. Without that puddle of goo, the Giants might not have won the division or the World Series. I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for that puddle of goo for that very reason. But the Dodgers are still going with Broxton as the closer for now. I don’t see how he can be as bad as he was at the end of last year, but then I still can’t believe how bad he was.

    Hitter to watch

    Brandon Belt! Shiny new toy!

    If you’re looking for a Dodgers hitter to watch, go with Juan Uribe. Give him a big ol’ smooch. Pretend to make up with him and then invite to Lake Tahoe for a friendly fishing trip. And, for the love of Bonds, do not throw him anything in the strike zone.

  29. enchantedTheBeav

    I fully expect for Kersh to have a breakout year. I just wish they’d put a better team behind him.

  30. jhallwally

    Coming to ballparks near you!! From the dynamic duo of BeavBear Enterprises.

    Starring Frank McCourt and Ned Colletti.

    Produced by Ned Selig.

    Directed by Jamie McCourt.

    Broke McCourt Mountain

  31. jhallwally

    Rats!! Well Loney is off to a blistering start. Maybe they should think about a lefty/righty platoon there also!!! Geez!!!!

    • enchantedTheBeav

      When you look at the runners Loney’s had on base and the percentage he’s driven in, its pretty poor. That’s why the “he gets 89-90 RBI a year” argument for Loney doesn’t hold water. The runners he sees on base he should easily have 105-115 a season. Time to cut your loses here and deal him if you can.

      • jhallwally

        Yep Beav, I read about that too. When it comes to percentage of runs driven in/rbi opportunities, Loney rates very low!!!!

  32. nedsajerk

    I just realize Uribe never hit a HR’s and he played over 35+ games at DS before he had some key HR’s and yeah like 3 to 4 I miscounted last year. I also seen that Uribe in his career vs the Giants batting under .200.

  33. enchantedTheBeav

    Picking right up where they left off last year. Can’t say as it wasn’t unexpected. I’m thinking they score 2 maybe 3 runs this series if they’re lucky.

  34. nedsajerk

    I hate 2nd and 3rd with 1 out and we’re still only get 1 freaking run and are we going to be the worst team to hit with risp.

  35. trublu4ever

    I can tell already, this is going to be a very amusing season 🙂 ITD will never make it dull. And, I thank you for that!

  36. nedsajerk

    Nice start and I didn’t expect Kemp to walk 3 times. Let’s get some insurance runs maybe 6 to 7 runs so we don’t have to bring in Broxton.

  37. Nellyjune

    Yeah!!!!!!!! I am at school (working on tomorrow’s festivities) so I am screaming to the top of my lungs :))) While at home……………they are sitting there going..”crap” – LMAO!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  38. Dodger4life

    100 games that’s the call, 100 games that’s the call, take one down, The Boy’s burned it down!! 99 games left to go till fall!!

    • jhallwally

      Give’em h*ll when you get home Nelly!!!! Actually all you have to do is walk in with a smug grin!!! I didn’t see any banners, by the way!!!

  39. nedsajerk

    My freaking gosh used Kuo/Jensen in the 9th. I hate freaking drama why am I’m not shock that Broxton would give up a run? I want the shutout so bad.

  40. nedsajerk

    What the over and under on games being so closed and Broxton giving the lead back I think it would be over? I hope Mattingley has a short leash on him.

  41. Nellyjune

    Jhall – I won’t have to say a word at home. Tomorrow with all the gnat fans here at school. That’s another story – LOL!!!!

  42. jhallwally

    Well, when you have great pitching, it comes down to the defense. Kudo’s to Kersh and our guys in the field!!!! The G’nats came unglued!!!

  43. nellyjune

    The gnat’s sign was so bad. I mean it just looked bad. All the words were scrunched together so you could barely read what the sign even said. The gnat fans paid $8000 for a sign nobody could read – idiots!!!

  44. northstateblues

    Just got home from work, loooong day, but at least I was put on the register closest to the 40-something inch HDTV showing ESPN. For a waaaaaaaaay busy night, it sure was quiet at work, heheheh.
    I’m home now, and am going to rewatch the game on my ($99) projector in my room (this is why I asked for the thing for Christmas). No Vin tonight, there was a mix-up with my Gameday Audio renewal, but Orel and Bobby V. will more than make up for it.
    I won’t try to find the clip on youtube, but after seeing Brox close it, this line from the owner on “Major League” came to mind: “That oughta shut ’em up.”

  45. northstateblues

    And for a peek from the other side of the state, SF’s 680AM was broadcasting a post-game call-in show where they lavished so much praise on that Belt guy, they did everything short of calling Aubrey Huff the next Wally Pipp.
    Sure is quiet up here. Nice and quiet.

  46. northstateblues

    I can’t believe that I’m the one who gets to break this, but according to the LA Times, FRANK’S SELLING THE TEAM!!! Dylan Hernandez’s article is here . Glad to be putting this sideshow in the rearview mirror in the coming months (or, dare we think, weeks?), and maybe the core will stay, providing that the new owners are a bit more loose with their money than the old ones.
    Between the Opening Day win and this, the past 24 hours have felt like a huge weight lifted off our shoulders. Hopefully we end up with some good buyers, and not just whoever’s buddy-buddy with Selig at the moment.
    How will I sleep tonight?

  47. Rosie

    I tried to change my avatar. Then I realized Trublu is using the one I had picked (b)LUCKY(/b), so I picked another one but I can’t get it to show up!

  48. trublu4ever

    Good morning. Kersh was wonderful last night. Hope Chad does the same tonight. Even though Brox gave up a run, he didn’t implode. Perhaps a good sign for him. I was pleased to see Donny leave Kersh in the game, which too me, is a big difference in his thinking compared to that of Jo-Jo. Let’s go for anoother win tonight, boys…..GO DODGERS, SPANK THOSE GIANTS!!!!

  49. Nellyjune

    I didn’t believe it for one second Northstateblues!! – lol!!! If it had really happened, I would have heard Dodgereric all the way from Temecula screaming to the top of his lungs “It’s about frickin’ time!!!” Did I click “here” just to make sure? Me and my gullable self sure did 🙂

    • northstateblues

      Didn’t think anyone would actually believe it, but I was up late, and it was April 1st, so had to do something

  50. Rosie

    YAY it worked! OK got my avatar, now still working on my tags and now I have to figure out how to add those happy faces so for now I will go oldschool :0)
    TRUBLUE you have great taste!

  51. nedsajerk

    This is why it suck to stay until the last freaking out. Some moron always want to start crap with the Giants fan.

  52. Emma

    Good morning ITD!
    Great win yesterday and great day! We started our chant “Let’s go Dodgers!” from Barragans restaurant where we enjoyed lunch. Quite a few Dodger fans there. Placido Domingo and David Grines were great! Kershaw was outstading! It was great enjoying the win with friends!
    I’ll go with 88 games.
    Can’t change my avatar. Probably has to do with security here at work.
    Sorry I missed you! Do let me know next time you are back at Our Home!
    I tried the Doyer dog on Wednesday. It was good but messy. I shared it between three of us and 1/3 was enough for my dinner. It had chill beans, nacho cheese, chopped tomatoes and jalapenos.

  53. Dodger4life

    b Good Morning Ya’ll b/
    b Fantastic b/ game last night Boy’s!!
    Let’s Go Dodgers, Lets Go!!

  54. Nellyjune

    My class did such a fabulous job on their MLB Opening Day program. Any baseball fan would have been proud!! They read the poems perfectly, they pulled off their baseball jokes, the read “our created” ABC Baseball Book wonderfully, and they sang their hearts out during “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (the entire version, of course)

    First Gnat fan that approached me this morning complained about the three errors, but other than that, it has been fairly quiet around here with all the gnat fans. I guess the bandwagon fans just found out they have to play another 161 games and the glory doesn’t last forever.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      There are four certain things in life Nells:
      1. Death
      2. Taxes
      3. The Dodgers can’t hit with RISP
      4. 90% of Gnat fans are bandwagoners that’ll jump on and of ship depending on the tide.

  55. enchantedTheBeav

    Think of the < like you would a parenthesis. for right side which closes the parenthasis. Everything after that will be bold until you shut it off by close

  56. enchantedTheBeav

    Boy, it didn’t like my explaination (by example) using the arrows now did it? Lets try that again. Left arrow is like a left parenthesis. The b is for bold. Right arrow closes the command like you’d close a parenthesis. Now everything is bold until you give it the command to stop which is left arrow, backslash, b again for bold and right arrow to close the command and return to normal.

  57. ThinkingBlue

    Enchanted Just enjoying the new toys Josh/MLB have provided us! I can’t wait to see who will be your next inspiration (other than Ned & Frank) for your Dodger Lyrics, well now that Martin is gone (still 😦 about that!)
    Rosie (AKA ThinkingBlue)

  58. kpookiemon

    What’s better than a Dodgers Opening Day victory? My Spring Break from teenagers, which starts in 120 minutes….

  59. northstateblues

    Infinite sadness.
    That’ll get the fans to the stadium in droves.
    And commenters around the sports blogosphere have been saying that the problem is that tickets at Dodger Stadium are too cheap. Wonder what kind of spin that’ll give for the next ticket increase upon a weary fandom.
    The problem isn’t ticket prices. It’s deeper than that, it’s societal. The public today is a lot angrier than it has been. Not to get tooo much deeper on the subject in a sports blog, but it’s a reflection of the rapid change we’ve gone through in the last 9 years and 5 months.
    Some people use sports as their escape. And out of those, some people are prone to unleash their frustrations on what, to them, is a faceless public. To those who go to Dodger Stadium to get drunk and get in fights, they don’t see anything except for color (in this case, black and orange), and people who don’t see anything but color are very hateful,because they dehumanize a person to the point that they’re just something to be used.
    As someone who grew up taking in games in the cheapseats at the stadium, I’m ashamed when I read stuff like this. It makes me think twice about wearing my Dodger gear up here, which I’ve been thinking twice about since before last years’ world series, because unfortunately in NorCal, brown + blue = something a little worse than just a baseball rivalry. And this stuff doesn’t help.
    Don’t get me wrong, there’s always been bad apples. But apples rot over time if you don’t take control of the situation.

  60. OldBrooklynFan

    Hi everybody
    That was a fine performance by Kersh yesterday to open the season and put the Dodgers over .500 to start the season and make Donnie Baseball 1-0 for his managerial career. We even got a save from Big Jon.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  61. West A.

    Great game yesterday evening, unfortunately marred by many stupid incidents both inside and outside the stadium. Overall though, besides the heat, the fans were passionate on National TV and everyone stayed for the most part till final pitch. Get em tonight Bills.

    Go Dodgers Go!!

  62. trublu4ever

    Hi, Jhall. So glad you guys are having fun with the new features here on ITD. i’m going to go over to Nellyjune’s and have her show me how to do all this stuff. I read your instructions but, I’m such a dope, I have to be shown 🙂

  63. trublu4ever

    I think North had a how-to reference guide on the previous thread….and, I believe the color change was there. You could check it out.

      • jhallwally

        Hey Trumom. It won’t support any colors. Just the tags listed below. It is in red meaning you can click on it to go to another site, picture, etc…

  64. nedsajerk

    Opening Shots

    Clayton Kershaw had nine strikeouts against the Giants, tied for the third-most by a Dodgers pitcher on Opening Day since 1900.

    Year Pitcher K’s

    1960 D. Drysdale 14
    1906 H. McIntire 10
    2011 C. Kershaw 9
    1986 F. Valenzuela 9
    1965 D. Drysdale 9
    1937 V. Mungo 9

  65. jhallwally Stadium

  66. nellyjune

    I know it’s not the 3rd inning yet, but Dodger Stadium is looking kind of empty in parts it usually isn’t at the beginning of the game.

  67. jhallwally

    Sure is a bummer on GameDay audio when they go from Vin to Steiner after the 3rd inning. I’m not sure if they suck or how much they suck because following Vin, everyone sucks!!!!

    • nellyjune

      Jhall – it doesn’t even sound like Charlie likes our team. You are right!! Nothing even comes close to Vin.

  68. nellyjune

    Uh oh!!! That was not good!! What is worse, I had to hear crud and crap say “outta here!” 😦

    • Dodger4life

      Me Thinks 💡 Charlie needs to hook up to an IV bag, when he goes to sleep on Saturday Nights!! Sunday’s can be Rough.

  69. enchantedTheBeav

    I don’t think that if you started out with that as your goal, that you could put together as poor as hitting an run producing team as Ned’s put together. Not only is it painful to watch, its unwatchable period.

  70. jhallwally

    Well, Billz got us a quality start!!! Somewhere along the way, the offense needs to get it done!!!

  71. Dodger4life

    I just recieved a gift in the mail. It was a bottle of Soulshine. It’s actually a 5th of homeade bourban, with a Caution label saying Extremley Potent

    Let’s get some runs Boy’s….

  72. northstateblues

    My earlier comment is still not posted, it’s “under review for moderation”…
    I just wanted to say, LOPES HAS UNLEASHED THE BISON.
    Look out everyone else

    • nellyjune

      Collie brings this up every year about security issues and the gang influence there seems to be at Dodgers Stadium. This happened last year on Opening Day, but it being a gnat fan makes it seem worse.

    • nellyjune

      I do have to say the bay area radio people I was listening to on the way home today were alot nicer about than I thought they would be. They were talking about how real Dodgers/Gnat fans are rivals but not violent. That the people that do this stuff are not fans and are just looking for trouble.

    • northstateblues

      Me too, sparkle! Davey, Tim and, of course, last but not least Maury, have lit a fire under this team. Can you imagine what Kemp’s gonna be like later in the season? He almost steamrolled that second baseman!!!!

  73. northstateblues

    Eric, that’s what my “under review” comment pertained to. Don’t see why it’s under review, unless it’s “too long”. Basically, I said that, though some say the problem’s that the tickets aren’t expensive enough to keep the “riff-raff” out, I think the problem’s societal, involving people who only see color, whether it’d be the color of one’s skin, or the color of one’s baseball cap.
    But enough of that, WTG FURCAL! Thanks Guillermo!

  74. enchantedTheBeav

    I’d like to thank the Giants defense. This team needs all the help it can get to score some runs.

  75. nedsajerk

    How that possible? Well everytime I post I can see mine but it always saying waiting for moderator. I don’t want to see that no more.

  76. trublu4ever

    I also like the way we are being aggresive on the bases. I do like Gimenez a lot…..he even hustled on a weakly hit ball. Now, let’s get some more runs!!!!!

    • northstateblues

      Someone tell their Flower Child catcher he’s supposed to hold on to the bat!
      Kids these days… sigh.

  77. dodgereric

    Hey jhall, you’re getting pretty tricky!! LMAO!!!

    North, I made a comment on the Times site that never made it I guess. I also made a social link to the problem….. somewhere along the line we stopped teaching our kids about class and started the trash-talking. I also mentioned that mccourt wouldn’t dare throw these idiots off the premises – they may not buy any more tickets.

    • northstateblues

      Yeah, I hear that. That’s one thing I really liked about Chico State. EVERYONE held the door open for people. Might be a bit overboard to some, but it’s a small courtesy that doesn’t take much to do, and is a nicer habit than going around slamming doors.
      But then some felt entitled by it, like everyone HAD to hold the door open. One kid (wearing a Giants hat, to boot) yelled at me when I let the door close as I was trying to get to class on time a minute too late, “Hey %$#%$#, we’re not holding doors open anymore?!!” I almost asked him if he still had his mother hold i….
      But the lesson is, sometimes, it’s just not worth the fight.

  78. Dodger4life

    WOO HOO!!

    100 games! Thats the call! 100 games! That’s the call! Take one down, the Boy’s burned it down! 98 games left to go, until Fall!
    It’s Soulshine Time Boy’s!

  79. dodgereric

    I have no idea how long I’ll be able to keep this up, but…..

    2010 attendance after 2 home games: 100,621
    2011 attendance after 2 home games: 100,834

  80. northstateblues

    Here in NorCal, the air is filled with quiet.
    And CSN Bay Area is reliving their entire loss in detail. I guess the Giants announcers can be enjoyable to watch.

      • Dodger4life

        Nelly ask Bill, ” If they have changed the flag pole @ the Phone Booth yet, or if they are going to delay that event a few more Blue day’s! “

      • nellyjune

        Bill says he doesn’t know (laughing) but at least Dodger fans aren’t being hospitalized for attending a game there.

  81. dodgereric

    Good things:

    1) Broxton looks like he may be back so far
    2) Kershaw looked dominate with only 1 BB
    3) 2-0 against the gnats

    Bad things:

    1) Scored 3 earned runs in 2 games
    2) RISP is 3 for 18 (.167)
    3) Gnats w/5 errors have given us both games

  82. jhallwally;_ylu=X3oDMTB2ZWtvOXQzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDA1MF8xODk-/SIG=1h0s30gah/EXP=1301743635/**http%3a//

  83. Collie

    Nice! I was at the gym watching the Bay Area broadcast and listening on my MLB 11 App to the Dodger Broadcast. It was nice to have them get the 2nd W tonight. I still had Giants fans popping off to me today. I figured out the term for them… they have this sense of “entitlement” to talk smack — even before they won in 2010. They always are yapping. Even in their losses they still spout off. I can’t relate to that.
    That being said I really feel for the fan in that incident outside Dodger stadium.
    When will they do something about this type of idiot fan coming to these games. They HAVE to start to take names and boot these people out and not let them back.
    Maybe after this guy & his family sue McCourt for not taking the proper measures for his safety McCourt will do something to clean this junk up. Really a horrible incident and it just shows that there are still issues there.
    I know some say “well it’s just one incident from a couple of punks” — but isn’t one incident enough?
    Clean it up Frank — there are things you can do.

  84. Collie

    So I just read another article about this incident and I’m just sickened about it. The guy is 41 in an induced coma and possibly going to have one of his frontal lobes removed. He is a paramedic in the Bay Area.
    Josh this is a real tragedy. I know it’s not the Dodgers fault but I really think and as Nelly mentioned have brought it up for years. There needs to be a strict conduct code that shows these people they aren’t welcome at Dodger Stadium. There is a way to do this — it won’t happen over night but with a strong commitment and starting somewhere and really cracking down on these punks in a year or two the acceptance of this stuff will stop.
    When will the Dodgers say NO MORE?!

  85. Dodger4life

    About the tragedy last night, yes, it’s a tragedy! A life was lost! Not a Giant Life or a Dodger Life for that matter but a Human Life!
    Being a fan4life doesn’t entitle you to mayhem @ any cost. It simply entitles you, to undivided attention and spirit tor-ward’s your beloved team.
    What happened last night to come to end!!
    The Battle is on the Field….That’s where the enjoyment comes from!!
    The Dodger Way and Our Dodger Pride is ours to be Cherished not Tarnished!!
    Please Let’s Make Our Soul’s Shine!!
    Good Night and God Bless Us All…

  86. Dodger4life

    Good Morning, Dodger Faithful

    They say keepin’ up with the Giants boy
    You can’t back off one inch
    Give us some front porch kickin’ tonight, enjoying some of that Blue… Soulshine!!

    • Dodger4life

      Click on Larry McRay to see another rendition of Blue….. Soulshine
      Don’t Stop Believing meets Soulshine

      • Dodger4life

        Man, I wish we could change font colors… also HTML tags such as this would be 8), :think Blue: where a logo pops up. That would lead to endless possibities, :16: :04: etc… However this is, so far… a Maior improvemnet…. Kudo’s Wonderful 💡

  87. jhallwally

    Todays Lineup:

    Aaron Miles, 3B
    Ivan De Jesus Jr., 2B
    Andre Ethier, RF
    Matt Kemp, CF
    James Loney, 1B
    Hector Gimenez, C
    Xavier Paul, LF
    Jamey Carroll, SS
    Ted Lilly, P

    Go Dodgers!!!

  88. trublu4ever

    Just thinking about Dodgereric’s attendance number he gave us last night. And, I think the Dodgers front office bloated those numbers….opening day was a sell-out but, last night and today look mighty bare to me.

  89. trublu4ever

    I don’t see lbirken here, Nellyjune…One of your posts is missing too. I wonder where they go? 🙂

  90. nellyjune

    lbirken’s was right after jhall’s lineup – hmmm! I was wondering about the attendance numbers too because with 56,000 the first day, they would have had 44,834 last night. Perhaps, but it didn’t look like it. However, the rivalry alone will bring more fans, not to mention it’s opening weekend, so we shall see what happens when we play teams outside of our division.

  91. sparkleplenty_1

    The “attendance” is the number of tickets sold, not the number of people in the stadium. So I guess it doesn’t matter how it looks, it’s how much $’s have been spent but not utilized.

  92. nedsajerk

    About time they got rid of that waiting approved for my comment. I wonder all those times I’ve been waiting and I can see my post did anyone else seen my message?

  93. nellyjune

    Hey Shad!!! How are you?
    Sparkleplenty – I know, but it boggles my mind how people spend money on tickets and don’t go.

  94. nellyjune

    Shad – I think we all went through that “waiting” thing. Some more than others too. You are the only one who sees those comments until you are cleared thru that waiting process.

  95. nedsajerk

    Geez Tigers is Penny really your #2 starter.

    B Penny 2.0 5 6 6 3 2 1 54-27 27.00

  96. nedsajerk

    I’m fine hopefully we can get the swept but I’ll be happy if we win 3 of 4 games. Yep and has been like that since the 1st game of the season. I also want to say why Don didn’t have Paul leading off over Miles and it look like an easy choice for him and I hate when we leave guy on 3rd bases with 1 out and that flyball by Paul came 1 batter to late

  97. nellyjune

    lbirken – the link is under the “fan” tab, and the click on “Connect with the Dodgers” , and you will see blogs with ITD A’s one of them.
    Yeah Andre!!!

  98. trublu4ever

    Hi Sparkleplenty, lbirken and Shad. I’m with Nellyjune on buying a ticket and then not going to the game. In that case, I think attendance should be the number of people who go through the gate.

  99. lbirken

    The Dodgers used to announce actual attendance through the turnstiles (remember those; they don’t even use them anymore) while other teams announced tickets sold. My guess is MLB wanted every team doing things the same and tickets sold will always be a greater number than actual attendance. Not sure who decided to add the stadium capacity to the box score. Still, buying a ticket but not showing up still derives the team a lot of revenue because most fans purchase food and other stuff at the game (I don’t). But honestly, why waste your money on a ticket if you have no intention of going?

  100. messagebear

    Watching the game on Fox. Not much to cheer about from a Dodger perspective, but I am enjoying all the EMPTY SEATS. I’m picturing a Screw You, Frank sign on each and every one of them. I hope they keep growing and growing as the season goes along.

  101. trublu4ever

    lbirken is right….no people in the stands means no food, beverage and souveniers! So that’s got to hurt Frank’s wallet 🙂

  102. nedsajerk

    I still can’t believe there is a game on fox this early of the season. I can’t believe Cain would be 3-8 after going 0-8 vs us if this score hold up. Cain need those 2 wins and I think Sanchez had won his last 2 games last year before we beat him and he was like 0 for something. Those 4 wins were huge for them.

  103. lbirken

    Bear, you are right, the Dodgers did not do well on Fox broadcasts last year. Not sure how they did on ESPN games. Also, remember Dodger Stadium has a capacity of 56,000 which is a lot more than most of the newer stadiums. 40 K fans in San Diego or San Francisco is a full stadium with few empty seats. 38-40 K at Dodger stadium still means some empty seats. The big difference is those games in New York or Boston late at night and everyone is still there. At Dodger Stadium the seats behind home plate (full camera view) are pretty thin towards the end of most Dodger games regardless of game time.

    • nellyjune

      lbirken – is that where people get the impression that being a fan of a west coast team is more of a social event? I bet half those fans sitting in those seats behind home plate don’t care who wins. It’s just more important that they are there and are seen IMO. At other ballparks, it is always packed behind home plate all game long, from the throw of the first pitch to the throw of the last pitch.

      • lbirken

        Nelly, I suppose so. I am sure fans leave early at every ball park, especially late in the game with the home team losing. Still, I see people leave Dodger games after the 7th inning regardless of the score. The West Coast does have a repuatation for being more “laid back” than the East Coast. I don’t attend Laker games but I have heard a similar knock on Laker fans who arrive late. Perhaps to some it is a social event, a place to be seen. I maintain half the people attending any given Dodger game did not pay for the ticket themselves; someone (or some company) paid for the ticket. Some of those people don’t even know who is playing. I pay for my tickets and I want to be in my seat before the game starts and I don’t leave until the game is over. Of course, I am glad I am not at the game today but if I were, I would stay until the bitter end.

  104. jhallwally

    OK, who’s the long mop up relief guy!!! Don’t wreck the bullpen Donnie. Someone needs to take one for the team!!!!!

  105. nedsajerk

    Oh come on I was happy he made the team and work his butt off in ST but maybe he need more time. Dejesus should had drop that on purpose to get the dp.

  106. Marty

    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the one hour pregame show of Opening Day? I was only able to see the game itself on ESPN. Thanks!

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