Inside the Dodgers Tour

The Inside the Dodgers tour is officially set for Sept. 4 and 12:00 p.m. and it’ll be a special group rate of $10 per person or $5 for kids. You can also purchase group tickets for that night.

If you’re interested in the group tour, please email Brett at and he’ll take credit card info, etc. to get you set up. If you want to attend the game that night against the Giants, please contact Bryan at or 323.224.1376.

I’ll be the tour guide and we’ll see what we can come up with to make it interesting…

Hope to see many of you there and meet those of you who we haven’t met.


  1. oldbrooklynfan

    Just wanted to say that last years ITD Tour was a big highlight in my life.
    Thanks again for everything, Josh.

  2. Dodger4life

    I agree lbirken…….I still watch the video from time to time.

  3. nellyjune

    Greetings from Peoria, Arizona!!! We were in the middle of our first game (winning 7-1) when a major wind and hail storm came our way. The wind was so bad it flipped over a bleacher section on another field and many trees and fences were blown over as well. All of our boys and their families are all good and still drying off. 5 minutes before that the sun was shining, and we were complaining about how hot it was. I don’t think we are going to complain about the desert heat ever again.

    Oldbrooklynfan – I thoroughly enjoyed seeing you enjoy your first experience at Dodger Stadium.

    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  4. crzblue2

    OK, Josh! Sounds great. You did not say how much are the tickets for the game. As part of my season tickets, I get two vouchers for tours. Last year I used that so I imagine I can use that again. I have an extra one for anyone that want it.
    Thanks Josh!



    OBF, it was a lot of fun last year just watching your reaction to everything. You were like a kid seeing his first ball game.


    90 pitches for Padilla in 4 innings! Hope the bullpen is up to the challenge today.

    By the way, OBF, nice of them to start this game at a reasonable hour for you.

  7. oldbrooklynfan

    I’ve been taken two hour naps before the 10:10PM EDT games lately,
    and I think they help.


    I am sure the naps help because watching the Dodger offense these days will put you to sleep.

  9. dodger 32

    This team is pathetic just like their owner Frankenskank! They need a number 1 starter, and a guy that can hit home-runs and drive in runs, so Ned goes out and gets another lead off hitter, an older one at that. This team has no fire , no spark no fight. I for one would like to see Torre gone and maybe replaced by someone that will chew ***** like Bowa. Philly’s management shows they want to win while the Dodgers management continues to try and fool their fans into thinking that they want to win. I will not go to another game as long as Frankenskank own this team.

  10. dodger 32

    This team is pathetic just like their owner Frankenskank. They think they can fool their fans into thinking they care about winning. They needed another outfielder that can hit, hit for power and drive in runs , so what does Ned do , bring in another lead off hitter. It’s almost laughable. They have no fire , no guts, and no fight. Their hitting coach isn’t fit to be a hitting coach much less a manager. That’s why the Yankees didn’t hire him. Frankenskank think they can fool the fans but we’re smarter than you think. Sell the team to someone that can actually afford to run it properly!


    *sigh* Why did Torre bring out Sherrill? I am almost inclined to believe that Torre wants the lose.

  12. nedajerk

    It doesn’t matter when the team offense suck this month and average 2.2 runs this month. The offense need to get there *** going and you can’t even blame Sherrill in this game regardless. I know when Pods didn’t get the runners in from 2nd and 3rd the Padres was going to win.

  13. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    It REALLY is getting harder and harder every time I type this (I mean my ?Good evening ITD boys and girls!? line). Don?t get me wrong. It?s not anyone here on ITD; I?m just having a hard time saying good evening or good morning or good afternoon. Because IT?S NOT!!!

    I think getting Podsednik was a good move. I mean, it?s not THE move we were all looking for, but I still think it?s a good move nonetheless. But as so many here on ITD has said, this team has A LOT more holes than getting Podsednik would help fill. Shad, I?m with you (and I know there have been many others on ITD that say the same thing). Let?s concede the season and see what we could get for some of our vets. Yes, I?d like to include Manny on that list, but NO TEAM would be crazy enough to want him. I mean, Casey Blake wouldn?t be that valuable, but someone might want him because he?s not a clubhouse cancer like Manny.

    And as much as I know that Russ has regressed to a point that I never thought he would regress to, I also know it?s tough to trade a catcher. We don?t have a hot-shot catcher in the minors that we could bring up. (And no, I never believed that Lucas May was that much of a hot-shot catcher, or else he wouldn?t have languished as much as he did in the minors.) Plus if we trade a regressed Martin, and we got a catcher in return, I still don?t believe that we?d get a catcher close to Martin?s quality without depleting a farm that isn?t rich in talent to begin with. I mean, Martin may not have as much talent hitting the ball, but he is still a good catcher. I just think those few bullets we have in the minors could be better spent getting a player that will REALLY make an impact on the team. Anyone remember whats-his-name we got from TB? Someone can tell me his name.

    I know it?s something that I would think would be an abhorrent thought of Torre?s, but there have been times lately where it looks like he doesn?t even want to try to win a game. I say that, and I don?t mean it (at least, not wholeheartedly) but the appearance is there. He sometimes looks like he doesn?t care.

    Sad, sad state of affairs with the Dodgers right now?

  14. jhallwally

    Sherrill s*cks!!! That point was already very clear. I can’t even fathom a guess at JoJo’s logic on using Sherrill!!! He’s an idiot. Totally UNACCEPTABLE!!!™

  15. trublu4ever

    Especially when we are having trouble scoring runs, Jhall. I agee, as you say, “UNACCEPTABLE!”

  16. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Trumom!!! Hope your evening is going well aside from this very disappointing performance by the offense and JoJo using Sherrill!!!

  17. trublu4ever

    Doing great, Jhall. Just wondering if Joe is doing this crap on purpose so he can justify his leaving. I think he wants to manage the Cubbie and they can have him! I’d love to have somebody with some fire, like Ozzie! If Joe leaves, I hope ALL his coaches and staff go with him!!!!!

  18. nedajerk

    I’d rather concede the damn season and trade Blake, Manny, Belliard and GA if he has some value left. As long as McCourt own this team we won’t win any WS. I hate to say this because the last time we won one was when I was 10 yrs old.

  19. jhallwally

    Totally agree Trumom!!! Yep Shad, I’d unload all the aforementioned players. I just don’t think we’ll get any takers!!!! Put Martin at the top of that list as well.

  20. enchantedbeaver

    Can we drop the charade now Ned?

    Offense struggling, sit Kemp? Not without some justification, but at the same time, he’s one of the only true difference makers you’ve got and you’re playing the first place team you’re chasing. Game on the line, bring in Sherrill? I think its safe to say Joe doesn’t give a crap any more than the players do. Please Joe, announce now that you’re not coming back.

    Now what I fully expect is management to start blaming the young guys as “not having the desire” and during the offseason they’ll start trading away Kemp and maybe some of the others for more of Ned’s fleeced crap.

    This whole organization’ nothing but pathetic.

  21. jhallwally

    No Shad, there is not a World Series on our horizon with the McCourts!!! Trumom, I also hope Torre leaves and takes all his coaches. We need a fresh start with new blood from the owner, GM, manager, and coaches!!!! Ethier, Kemp, Kuo, Kershaw, and Loney are my only untouchables.

  22. kpookiemon

    This team is really an inspired bunch, huh? Nine hits in three games, one for extra bases. Man, now if we can just get that last pitching piece to help out the hard-working offense….

  23. nedajerk

    You know I want to put Martin on that list but with no Santana and May I doubt he would be gone. I really wanted to give Martin a break because of all those games he caught and I think it have some wear and tear on Martin body taking a beating day in and day out and making his numbers been declined since than. I just don’t see how Martin number can just fall that quick.

  24. jhallwally

    LOL Kahli!!! One more pitching piece when we need 3 or 4 can’t help the pathetic offense. Geez!!!

  25. cpompe1

    Wow! How did my post get way up there???

    Oh, and Josh. Thx for the info on the tour. I know my mom and I will be there for the tour (we already have tickets for the game ? my mom?s tickets). I am not sure if my husband will be able to make it. I?ll e-mail Brett as soon as I talk to my husband. And Josh: I hope we?ll be going back to Nancy Bea?s organ! My mom plays the organ and I know she?d love to see where Nancy Bea sits!!!

  26. jhallwally

    Glad to hear we have Carroll back next year. Do you think we can get any takers for Blake, Martin, Belliard, or Sherrill!!!? It’s a trick question gang!!! LOL!!!!

  27. cpompe1

    Hey Jhall!!! How are ya, my bud??? And is it true that we have Carroll back next year? I?m glad for that. To say he?s been valuable this year is a GROSS understatement!!!

  28. cpompe1

    Thx Jhall. I mean, I?m not blind. I know Martin has regressed; no doubt about it. But I think MLB catchers have got to be the toughest position for anyone to move. I mean, a team may have a catcher that is defensively solid or above average. And Mauer aside (and few others), most catchers are not known for their offense. Looking back, yes, it was a mistake to trade Santana for Casey Blake. But honestly, he was Single A at the time. We ALL know that there are plenty of players that are hot-shots in the minors and then don?t come close to realizing the same talent in the majors. I mean, a lot of people thought that Jmac was going to be the right-handed version of Kershaw. And where is he now? Yes, with the big club, but not as a starter; he?s a reliever. The place where pitchers that can?t make it as a starter gets put into the bullpen.

  29. cpompe1

    I?m still looking for a job. I actually had an interview last Monday, but still I didn?t get it. I?m getting depressed. Not clinically (at least, not yet) but I think that?s a big part of why it?s tough watching the Dodgers the way they are right now. Don?t get me wrong, I still am watching. But watching them play NOT up to their capabilities right now is not fun.

  30. jhallwally

    Yep CP, catcher is certainly the most demanding position both physically and mentally. Martin is still effective defensively, I’ll give him that. He is not going to be anywhere near the offensive/special catcher that we all thought he would be before the innings behind the plate started piling up on him. I just hope he doesn’t think he should get a raise in arbitration. You can get a decent defensive catcher with his offensive numbers fairly cheap!!!!

  31. jhallwally

    Keep the faith CP. You will prevail!!! Watching our team right now is disheartening and sometimes painful!!!!

  32. jhallwally

    LOL Beav!!! You gotta wonder when good people can’t get a job and duds like Ned are sleeping in clover. I can’t believe he still has a job!!! Frank is a f*cking moron, limp d*ck, enabler of sub standard sh*t!!!

  33. enchantedbeaver

    Too bad the Rox are going in the tank too – serve Frank right to have a 4th place team. I’m just scared what Ned’s next move is to try and “save” the season.

    I wouldn’t mind Martin if he was Yeager. Yeag couldn’t hit either, but then he had a cannon for an arm and called a great game. But even in a bad year Yeager would be outhitting Tommy Boy anymore. Honestly, I don’t even think Martin calls his own game. He always looking over to the dugout.

  34. cpompe1

    And Jhall, I think I did hear that the Dodgers actually do have a hot-shot catcher prospect. Forget the name, but I think he?s in low A or even rookie league right now. But hey, if we have a hot-shot catcher prospect ? even if he is several years away from the majors, it?s something, huh? And I don?t think the Dodgers will give him too much in arbitration. And enchanted, I?ve picked on Ned quite a bit. See, I?m still optimistic that we?ll see your enchanted moniker soon!!! Maybe I should concentrate on writing another song. It?s been ages and I think that would do me some good. I?ll try?

  35. cpompe1

    Ya know Shad, I hear people talking about Kuroda coming off the books and Manny coming off the books, but how many players are we still paying to play for other teams ? even if they stunk it up with us??? I know we?ll still be paying for Manny for YEARS after he leaves this year. Thanks Ned and Frank?

  36. jhallwally

    LOL Shad!! The cow also. I just heard, even thought Manny is gone next year we will still be paying him alot in deferred salary!!! The McCourt-Colletti matchup is destined to go down in history as one of the worst tenures ever by ownership and upper management!!!!

  37. nedajerk

    R. Dickey New York Mets 8 1/3 IP, 4 H, 0 ER, 2 K, Win vs STL | Final

    I thought Dickey was hurt against us? I guess Manual is an idiot for taking him out earlier and he wasn’t even hunt.

  38. jhallwally

    Well sh*t, maybe they should file bankruptcy and wipe out those debts like the Rangers!!! I hope Texas succeeds and doesn’t pay A-Rod!!!

  39. cpompe1

    Yeah, enchanted, Nomar too. All these deferred salaries are just eating us alive right now? Frank and Ned, you two have REALLY made a mess of things. And even if Frank and Jamie sold the team right now, we?ll STILL be hampered by their little ?paw prints? they leave on the Dodgers ? in the form of all these ?deferred? salaries?

  40. cpompe1

    This is just depressing. And we haven?t even been talking about the state of our team between the lines. Welcome to the business end of Dodger baseball?

  41. northstateblues

    Here’s all the players we’re still paying, according to DodgerThoughts:

    Also paying
    $7,000,000 Juan Pierre
    $3,600,000 Andruw Jones
    $2,500,000 Jason Schmidt
    $2,000,000 Randy Wolf
    $1,440,000 Orlando Hudson
    $1,250,000 Nomar Garciaparra
    $200,000 Will Ohman
    $122,951 Jason Repko
    *$18,112,951 Total

    Oh joy of joys.

    What do expect with Boston and Chicago in charge of our franchise?

    Get outta MY TOWN, McCourt.

  42. cpompe1

    Okay, I said I was going to say goodnight, but jhall, are you planning on coming to the tour? You too North? I hope so! And jhall, you didn?t ask me, but you?re right ? pathetic?

  43. cpompe1

    Hey Trumom! Are you and Nelly coming to the tour? I hope so! And, as far as Cleaver names, I know I should know. Tell me if I have this right: Wally is Jhall, Dad is Eric, and Beav is Enchanted???

  44. jhallwally

    LOL CP, you’re perfectly welcome to chime in anytime. No, I can’t make it on short notice right now. Also, I could not attend in my current frame of mind. I cannot condone what Ned and Frank are doing to my Dodgers, and I would state it in very blunt language to their f*cking faces!!! Could hurt the spirit of the event. If you are turning in, Goodnight and have a great tomorrow CP!!! I’ve been having trouble getting posts in also.

  45. trublu4ever

    Hi, CP….not sure if we are coming this year. The way our team is playing is very depressing. You’ve got the Cleavers right, except sometimes Eric is Ward too (I think, lol)

  46. cpompe1

    I just got excited jhall! Would still love to meet you in person some day! And Trumom, I understand the sentiment. But I?d still love to see y?all!!! Well, I guess I AM going to turn in for the eve. G?night all?

  47. jhallwally

    Good night CP and Trumom!!! Always great blogging with you both. I’m anxious to meet you also!!! We’ll make it happen when the time is right!!!!

  48. jhallwally

    Let’s whip some G’nat a**!!! Goodnight and Excelsior True Blue Believers!!! Catch you all down the road.

  49. colliethec

    Shad – I think you were saying no to Bautista but I think he would of been a better aqusition then JP#2. he is in the top in not leading the league in dingers and this club needs that. He is an outfielder not 2b. At 2b is Uggla who I would of also gone after. This is a moot point now since they didn’t get an ace.
    My main complaint has been they haven’t had a plan with building this team. Back a couple of years ago I was hopefull the were going after Hunter – the next year CC & Manny (That they could of avoided needing if they had gotten Hunter to begin with). Well they did get Manny but no CC or Hunter. If they had gotten Hunter then they wouldn’t of needed to trade for Manny. They also wouldn’t of signed The Cow. This team with the addition of CC & Hunter would be a great team. They would of saved the $$$ spent on The Cow & Manny.
    I guess I was wrong — they did have a plan — to reduce payroll while still pretending to be trying to build a winner. They pulled the wool over my eyes up until the ’08 offseason.
    Josh — thanks for the 411 on the Tour. I think we might be coming if we can afford it. I don’t envy your job. They should be paying you extra to have to deal with all this off field junk. It can’t be easy.
    I’ll be at The Phone Booth tomorrow getting yelled at. In this case I’m probably going to have to agree with their comments. However I will always still love my Boys In Blue!

  50. colliethec

    Should be “if not leading the league in dingers”. Late night cell phone typing is not my best skill!

  51. kpookiemon

    jhall, you’re right. Hurt the Gnats in their crib.
    Manny? Any time now would work real well. Sorry, but Ethier and Kemp still can’t hit consistently without you. It’s only July. Not that I have unreal expectations, but the Pods still haven’t had their crummy month. Still, seven out is an outrage, an indictment of Frank, an indictment of Ned, and yes, and indictment of Joe.

  52. Dodger4life

    This club has seen alot of guy’s in and out of the line up, due to injuries and what not. Last season we fared well while Manny was gone, this season it has been one thing after another. No doubt that we miss Manny, even if he is a singles hitter. But with all the other guy’s going down, or being punished so to speak, trying to get a good rythym going, has proved to be rather difficult. Not to mention all the pitching woe’s.
    Tomorrow may be the day, they get something going, then again, I said that this morning……soon, I won’t have anything left to say…..Except throw Frank in the hole and cover it up!!!

  53. nedajerk

    Yes he haven’t his best season but I think Jose Bautista is a fluke. He could be another Casey Blake. He did go to the same college as Martin. Uggla yes and maybe and we need to bring up Mitchell at 3rd Casey Blake is just not cutting it.

  54. dodgerzona

    Hi All. Wish i could someday make it out for ITD tour..To bad we lost 2 out of 3 to the pads…Hopefully they can take care of business in SF….Before i sign off….Sell the team frank and joe please retire already….Honeybuns please go away….Still love my Dodgers…..Here is something for you folks…..Dodgers trying to deal for Cubs’ Lilly, Theriot….Would it help or not….Have a good day all

  55. dodger 32

    I wonder why anyone would want to go on this Dodger tour? I mean we all know that ownership only cares about making money so that they can buy more houses and pay for their divorce, so why put more money in their pockets by visiting their stadium. Now if the tour is totally free including parking and everything else, then I can understand it, but I would never put another dime in Frankenskanks pockets.

  56. enchantedbeaver

    My sentiments exactly dodger 32. That’s why (to answer Wally’s question above) I won’t be going to the tour. That and the fact that it would also be hypocritical of me to attend given my daily rantings about management. Mostly though its because I wouldn’t give Frank the satisfaction of even getting 10 cents out of me, let alone $10.

  57. scott_in_arcadia

    Why is Sherrill still in a Dodger uniform????

    Anyone notice Repko playing a lot for the Twins?

  58. scott_in_arcadia

    The Dodgers give tours all the time, do you think they are going out of their way for this tour? First of all, it’s not free, second, you might buy a ticket – or 2 – for the game plus parking for the game, concessions, souvenirs, etc.

    Sell the team!

  59. cpompe1

    Okay, okay. Let?s all settle down here. I certainly can understand the sentiment of not putting a dime into Frank?s pocket; I do, really. But don?t put those that want to go to the tour down. But I have my reasons for wanting to go to the tour. Not that I feel I have to justify it to anyone, but there is a little thing called family that is very important to me. And my mom has NEVER been on a Dodger tour and would love it. That is why I?m going. If some people here don?t want to go, then fine don?t go. No one is forcing you to do it. But honestly, don?t go around here all high and mighty and wonder why anyone would go on this tour or don?t call us hypocritical. That?s just downright mean and, NEWSFLASH, you DON?T KNOW EVERYTHING. So get off your high horse and stop putting others down.

    And plus, the Dodgers aren?t putting this tour on just to make more money and line Frank?s pocketbook. They?re doing it because many of us here on ITD were asking for it. Again, if you don?t want to go, don?t go. But don?t deny the enjoyment many of us get by getting together.

  60. enchantedbeaver

    ??? CP – I said it would be hypocritical of ME to go, not anyone else. The way I slam Frank and Ned all the time I would really be a hypocrite if I attended. I don’t hold anything against those that want to go, in fact it looks like an interesting tour. I personally just won’t go because I oppose ownership and management with every fiber of my body.

  61. northstateblues

    I like your thinking, Kahli. Those two are mere carbuncles on the rear of the Dodgers franchise.

    (Forgive the Plaschke-ization of the rest of my post, but I feel these points are important enough to merit not being buried in a long paragraph)

    The saddest thing to me is the way this Front Office and Field Management has ABSOLUTELY WASTED the once-young core.

    The McCourt ownership kept the core under the intent of carrying the banner of “Dodger Tradition”, but the excecution of it has proven he only cares about “Dodger Tradition” insofar as his ability to pick and choose precedents that fall in line with the McCourt vision of turning the Dodgers franchise from the once-pastoral atmosphere of blue fences and organ music to Seizure Dizzyland.

    Of course our “core” is not filled with superstars. What is a “core” but a heart, an engine, the nucleus of a championship-caliber team.

    As far as cores go, our engine had the potential to run a Porsche for many years to come.

    The problem is: We have a Porsche engine, and Colletti finished the job by sticking a Kia computer and a Ford Pinto fuel pump and chassis on it (with good ol’ push-button ignition for when it inevitably and unpredictably stalls at intersections).

    Mechanic Joe T. takes one look under the hood, throws his hands up in frustrated confusion, and laments about how cars have too many damned wires under the hood anymore.

    Frank doesn’t care what the finished product looks like, he’s not invested in it. He has many other cars, all bigger, faster, shiner, better cared-for, and funded on the promise that people will pay good Porsche money for a Pinto product.

    I’m insulted by the ownership. FRANK McCOURT DOESN’T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to own a World Championship franchise. He is content to drag us notoriously loyal Dodger fans through the mud to spite his ex-wife.

    When talking with people who stopped watching baseball after the ’94 strike, I couldn’t understand it. How could anyone lose the passion for this sport, which is the pacemaker that stimulates the heart of America? Didn’t think I ever could understand that.

    But thanks to Frank McCourt’s abject hatred of what Dodger Tradition REALLY STANDS FOR, not what he “thinks” or “dictates” it means, for the first time, I’m getting glimpses of how one could come to that conclusion.

    And the saddest thing is that Frank McCourt could give a damn about what Dodger fans think. HE’S BEEN M.I.A. THE WHOLE SEASON.

    The Pads have DOMINATED the division less than two years after their ownership divorce debacle. The Rangers are in good shape to win the AL West, though they’re in bankrupcy limbo.

    Us? We’re “competing”, and that’s just all right with Frank…. That gives me an idea, I’ll be back.

  62. kpookiemon

    For me, the Los Angeles Dodgers and Dodger Stadium are granite monuments when compared to Frank and Jamie, whom I see as a few bits of ill-sent, wind-blown sand. The tour last year, for me anyway, was a nice time…sat with lbirken a bit, said hello to eric and nelly…got to see the bowels of the stadium few ever see. To boycott the ITD tour because Frank and Jamie are a-holes is the anti statement. It gives them too much credit. I would love to meet the many bizarre characters who right now I only know as screen names. enchanted and bear, your anger and angst at this ownership is the perfect reason TO GO. It lends support to Fernando and Orel and Gibby and Sandy and Bid D and the whole parade of players who have given their all for this franchise. Hell, wear a paper bag on your head and come…or rather, attend!!!!!!!

  63. crzblue2

    Hello ITDland!
    I like that name Tru!
    I honestly lost track of how many times I’ve taken the tour thru the years. My main reason for going is to see you all the regulars here, walk the holy grounds that I am permitted to walk around only during tours and other special ocasions. Also, If I take someone for the first time, is like seeing it thru their eyes! Is like when I take someone to watch their first game, I love showing the stadium and I try to explain the game to them but I also try not to give them too much information. I let them absorbe the suroundings, the atmosphere.
    Last month I got together with a small group from the forum , it was nice putting a face to the writting of many there that I’ve been reading them for a few years now. I do have my own season tickets but it was nice to sit all of us together and besides I sit on a different level.
    I understand the reasons for some of you not attending.
    For those of you attending, I look forward to seeing you.
    I look forward to seeing your mom again! Let me know the next time the two of you are at the stadium.
    p.s. I can’t believe that a short youtube video I made of Kenley Jansen has over 6,000 views! wow!

  64. enchantedbeaver

    I see Ned the Idiot is still trying to buy rather than sell. Lilly and Theriot?
    Is there any difference between Theriot and DeWitt? For that matter, is there any difference between Theriot and JP? This team needs people that can drive in runs and they want someone that has 1 HR, and OBP of .321 and an SP of .329? What bizarro world of baseball does Ned come from? Oh I forgot, SF.

    As for Lilly, eh. Too little, too late. Maybe if they had had him at the start of the season we wouldn’t have lost so many 5th starter games, but on this team, he’ll be no difference maker and will be gone after the season, which with his record probably won’t even make him a Type B FA, not that we’d offer arbitration anyway because he already makes too much money.

    I could find someone walking down the street, give him/her nominal information to go on, and they could still make a better GM than Ned.

  65. kpookiemon

    I have to laugh. The Phils bloggers debate Cliff Lee vs. Roy Oswalt. The Dodgers should have such a dilemma. We, here in ITD land, debate Frank vs. Jamie vs. the limo driver……..

  66. northstateblues

    As I stated earlier (timewarped to 1:14 pm on this thread), Frank only wants to spend enough to field a “competative” ballclub. Well, any team in any game is competative, from Little League to baby crawling races. Wanting merely to compete is proof positive that Frank McCourt DOESN’T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to run a World Championship caliber ballclub.

    In light of that, we could all use a Doobie (Brothers cover song). Here’s “Frank” singing “Competing is Just Alright”:

    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright

    I don’t care what Champions say
    I don’t care what Champions do
    I don’t care what Champions say
    Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright

    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright

    I don’t care what Champions know
    I don’t care ’bout the Big Show
    I don’t care what Champions know
    Competing is just alright, oh yeah…

    The Dodgers are my friend, The Dodgers are my friend
    They put cash in my hand to keep fans from the promised land
    The Dodgers are my friend.

    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright

    I don’t care what Champions say
    I don’t care what Champions do
    I don’t care what Champions say
    Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright

  67. northstateblues

    As I stated earlier (timewarped to 1:14 pm on this thread), Frank only wants to spend enough to field a “competative” ballclub. Well, any team in any game is competative, from Little League to baby crawling races. Wanting merely to compete is proof positive that Frank McCourt DOESN’T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to run a World Championship caliber ballclub.

    In light of that, we could all use a Doobie (Brothers cover song). Here’s “Frank” singing “Competing is Just Alright”:

    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright

    I don’t care what Champions say
    I don’t care what Champions do
    I don’t care what Champions say
    Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright

    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright

    I don’t care what Champions know
    I don’t care ’bout the Big Show
    I don’t care what Champions know
    Competing is just alright, oh yeah…

    The Dodgers are my friend, The Dodgers are my friend
    They put cash in my hand to keep fans from the promised land
    The Dodgers are my friend.

    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright with me, Competing is just alright

    I don’t care what Champions say
    I don’t care what Champions do
    I don’t care what Champions say
    Competing is just alright, oh yeah
    Competing is just alright


    I encourage anyone who wants to attend the tour to do so if they can. I respect those who choose not to attend for whatever reason. We all had a great time last year and even if the tour is exactly the same, the chance to walk on the field or sit in the dugout is still a great experience even if you have done it before. I would hope those who do attend take more time to make sure they meet as many people as possible. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it due to a scheduling conflict.

    Bear, please give Josh a bit of a break. He is a likeable guy, a big baseball fan and I am sure he has lots of insight he just cannot share on this forum. He has a tough job to do and I am grateful he continues to host this forum. In reality, his opinions really don’t matter, at least not on this blog. The only ones that matter here are yours, mine and anyone else who chooses to participate. I know you would love to hear Frank, Ned, Mannion, Joe and even Josh admit they are idiots and that you have been right all along but you know that is not going to happen.

    Martin is but one part of this puzzle but because the team is struggling to score runs, his role offensively becomes much more of a sore thumb. The bottom line is even with the “young” core group of players playing a lot of innings, the Dodgers continue to have problems scoring runs. This problem has plagued the organization for so long that is almost like a broken record (remember those?). I ran across an email I sent my son a year ago and it was about this very subject except for the fact the Dodgers were six games up instead of seven games down. What a difference a year makes but what is the difference? Is Manny is really all that critical to the success of the other hitters? I can understand that happening two seasons ago when Manny arrived but shouldn’t it be expected that those players would improve and get the “we need Manny” label off their backsides? This game is still played on the field, not in the front office. I agree that the front office can set the tone but did the San Diego Padres do something different upstairs that is the reason that team if performing so well on the field? I am afraid the mojo the Dodgers had last year took a stroll down South, bypassing that other team using the Los Angeles name and is taking up residence at Petco.


    I do think it is wishful thinking that the Dodgers will have a new owner by the end of this year but one can always hope. And any new owner does not even have to have great baseball instincts but needs to hire people who do and give them the resources to do their jobs.


    Josh, Many thanx for the tour and all your efforts.
    We still have not reached the deadline, but for the life of me I do not get how the dodgers can lead the league in attendance, have such a low payroll and not be able to compete for the players we need. Maybe the cupboard is bare and there are too many holes to fill and we just have to play out the hand. Such as it is.

  71. oldbrooklynfan

    Hiya Everybody
    I suddenly realized last night that we still have 2 months left in this season.
    The way things are going it felt like the end of the season already.
    We can’t kid ourselves though, it’s rough when you’re 7 games back and being outplayed everyday.
    They just have to just keep trying and maybe things will turn around.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  72. nedajerk

    Los Angeles probably shouldn’t count on similar success against Lincecum this time. He’s 4-1 with a 3.54 ERA in nine career games versus the Dodgers, stifling some of their biggest bats. James Loney, Matt Kemp, Rafael Furcal and Russell Martin are hitting a combined .129 (9 for 70) versus Lincecum.

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