Come Together for a Cure!

On the Sunday before the All-Star Game, there will be a 5K run/walk benefiting cancer charities down in Anaheim and you can still sign up to be a part of it at and all the information can also be found here:

Jillian Michaels, host of The Biggest Loser will be out there and it’s all for a good cause, so check it out!

Meanwhile, thanks for the reminder on the Inside the Dodgers Tour…just curious – how many of you would actually do this again? I’m just not sure how much more I could add this year that we didn’t do last year? There aren’t really “new” places to take you guys, so I’d hate to have you all come back to hear me give the same schpiel.

And cpompe1: Yes, that was me at dinner with Tommy Lasorda on Saturday night in Boston. He invited a couple of us out to a favorite Italian joint of his and you can’t really say no to that offer, can you?

Need to get back on track tonight in Anaheim. For whatever reason, we’ve never been a great Interleague team but that’s no excuse. We have to win some of these games against the Angels and Yankees…if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best, right?



  1. trublu4ever

    The McCourts are low lifes!!!! Sell the team to someone that can afford to run it. You’re right Frank, the fans are behind you…if you’re on the edge of a cliff. By dodger 32 on June 22, 2010, 5:18PM.


    Josh, there could be people who were not able to make it last year who would enjoy the tour and I know I would enjoy it even though I attended. It would be fun to hang on the dugout rail one more time. I know I did not really get a chance to meet everyone and if you are able to put together something, it might be nice if we could have a box lunch or something (for a moderate charge) so we can get to meet people who choose to participate. It also would be cool if we could get a peek inside the clubhouse!

  3. dodger 32

    The McCourts are low lifes!!! Sell the team to someone that can afford to run it. You’re right Frank, the fans are behind you…..if you’re on the edge of a cliff.


    …if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best, right?

    I think I made that clear in a previous post.

  5. jhallwally

    LOL D32!!! Actually I want to be in front of them so I can give them a nudge off the cliff!!!! I agree IB!!! Steinbrenner took a downtrodden, once glorious team and not only returned them to their former prominence, he made them the most valuable franchise in sports. He did it by spending, not scrimping to pad his own lifestyle and status!!!!

  6. nellyjune

    *******Josh****** – Dodgereric and I were thinking a couple of weeks ago about this ITD tour thing. We were thinking in addition to the tour (which I think is perfect the way it is – so much fun!!), we would add a picnic at Elysian Park for the actual ITD readers and writers……and make it an annual thing. The tour can be for anybody who wants to (whether they have already or not), and I would imagine everyone would want to go to the game. We would have the picnic in between the tour and the game that night. This would give us a chance to have the talking time like we do on here. It’s hard to talk during the tour and the game because we are trying to listen to the tour and at the game we aren’t exactly sitting where we can talk to everybody.

    My one and only concern is with the fact that your actual threads not only come on here (the Original ITD), but it also gets onto Facebook and Twitter. I would think at this point, doing the tour and the game that night could be up to anybody…. ITD, Facebook and Twitter and who wants to pay and go, but I would like to see the picnic part just be about us…………………..the Original ITD. I think once we figure out a date, then we can work on the picnic part on our thread since our conversations don’t appear on anything but here on ITD. One more thing, and this is imperative. If it is at all possible to arrange the day/date far enough out so jhall, messagebear, and the others out of state or even us Nor-Cal fans (enchanted, Collie, NSB, etc) can arrange to get the time to do this, whether for work or for travel. The weather is nice enough throughout the rest of the season to even do September if needed. I know jhall mentioned coming out to California. Maybe we can start there?

    Fellow ITDers……………..what do you think?

  7. nellyjune

    lbirken – you sure did make your point, and it was a great one at that!! Well worth the two cents 🙂

    Hey Jhall!! I was just thinking about you!!


    I was watching the replay of the Koufax-Torre program the other night and there was one moment in that program that got me going. T.J. Simers introduced Peter O’Malley and he got a very nice reception from the audience. All I could think about is how mad I am at him for selling the Dodgers. I understand why, but I am still mad, and I hold him personally responsible for what has happened to this franchise since he left. Unreasonable? Of course it is. His father was as shrewd and tightfisted as they came but he knew how to put a winner on the field. I know Peter felt he could not compete financially with the escalating salaries but at least he was a good owner, not wanting any of the limelight or attention. We have come a long way since those days.

  9. perumike

    Hi Josh,

    As one of the original tour group, I would definitely enjoy the tour again, and maybe see the clubhouse, or meet some folks in the organization, like Tommy, Dre (with an ambulance standing by ) or any of the other young guns. We could also maybe work in some kind of lunch, whether inside or outside the stadium so we can all mingle without interrupting the tour. The trivia during the tour last year was also a lot of fun, and maybe you could make up some trivia using quotes from ITD posts, and we guess “who said it?” 🙂 Anyway, I think it would be a lot of fun to see everyone again, and any new wrinkle you could work in would be excellent! Thanks for keeping us in mind! Hopefully we can keep it a fairly small group, especially for the long-timers on here!

  10. jhallwally

    Let’s hope some home cooking will help our team!!! Gonna be some highs and lows over 162 games. Stay in the race and anything is possible in September and October!!! We were not given a snowballs chance in Hell’ in 1988 post-season!!!!

  11. jhallwally

    I’m choosing to stay optimistic. However philisophic we may be, I’m not forgetting that we do, in fact, need new and better owners!!!

  12. cpompe1

    Hey Josh, thx for the heads up. At least my mom got to meet you! That?s great! Sounded like a great trip (minus the fact that we lost all of the games) but it would?ve been nice to be there. SOMEDAY I?ll make it out to Beantown for a game! About the tour, I?m with the others. I?d LOVE to have another ITD tour; even if we go to the exact same places as last year. This time, I?d like to bring my mom on the tour; she hasn?t seen this tour yet! She?d love it!

    And Nelly, that would be a great idea about the park and picnic thing! That would be a lot of fun. I would LOVE to meet those ITDers that couldn?t come last year!

  13. trublu4ever

    Damn, I knew it would be Charlie! We had better win today and tomorrow!!!!!
    Odd lineup: Russell; Andre; Manny; James; G.A.; Casey; Matt; Blake and Jamey.

  14. jhallwally

    Nelly, you got me pondering the current ITD personnell and how it came to be from your previous post. Isn’t it interesting that since the demise of the old “Dodger Thoughts” blog, we are not experiencing the Joey’s, et-al…?
    That blog had the most weird mix of people without brains, trying to come off like they had two brain cells to rub together. Unfortunately, we got the spill over back then.

  15. jhallwally

    Hi Josh,

    As one of the original tour group, I would definitely enjoy the tour again, and maybe see the clubhouse, or meet some folks in the organization, like Tommy, Dre (with an ambulance standing by ) or any of the other young guns. We could also maybe work in some kind of lunch, whether inside or outside the stadium so we can all mingle without interrupting the tour. The trivia during the tour last year was also a lot of fun, and maybe you could make up some trivia using quotes from ITD posts, and we guess “who said it?” 🙂 Anyway, I think it would be a lot of fun to see everyone again, and any new wrinkle you could work in would be excellent! Thanks for keeping us in mind! Hopefully we can keep it a fairly small group, especially for the long-timers on here!

    By perumike on June 22, 2010 6:08 PM

    Wow!!! I’m there!! Nice PMike!!!

  16. nellyjune

    submission errors :(((

    Perumike – …………..and what is the ambulance for? LOL!!!! Great ideas and you get the credit for the original thought.

    Jhall – They were horrible!!! I remember thinking they needed to be locked into a rubber room together (joeyp and padodger)…………….blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s very possible they are in jail :))) We could only be so lucky.

    This just in…………………….Charlie is pitching on Thursday. You can all jump for joy now!!! No hitting chandeliers please :)))

  17. nellyjune

    Perumike – I have gotten past the fainting part in seeing Andre. I would just like to be able to say more than two words to him (that actually mean something) when I ever get the chance to talk to him again – LOL!!!!!

  18. nellyjune

    I agree Perumike – Saturday is best day of the week. We would want a night game anyway, and most games on Sunday are day games.

  19. jhallwally

    LOL Nelly!!! Isn’t it funny, that, you, I, Beav, and Dad caught the brunt of their swearing and threats!!! Hence the origin of the Cleavers!!!!! Go Rat Pack!!!!

  20. kpookiemon

    If the Angels bomb Haeger on Thursday, perhaps he can join Monasterios on the DL with another undiscovered malady. Heaven forbid either of these two guys get away!

    If there is a 2010 ITD tour perhaps we could tackle somethinga bit different this year…say, a tour of the McCourts’ many homes, swimming pools and laundry rooms?

  21. jhallwally

    I’m in favor of any ITD tour that will put Dad, Beav, Bear, Frank, Ned, and a bottle of Scotch in the same room!!!

  22. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody
    Well the Dodgers are back home–well not exactly but their pretty close.
    That should bring them a little stability. Let’s hope Kershaw can continue doing well and that the offense supports him.

  23. perumike

    Yes nelly, the ambulance would be for you and the female Ethieraholic variety! In terms of speaking coherently, maybe we can have William Shatner be your spokesperson, as he seems to do pretty well as the Priceline negotiator. 🙂

  24. jhallwally

    I know this is an aside, but, do you think Honeycutt ever has Kersch watch video of Koufax, and Billz watch video of Big D!!! I sure would. Let’s go Dodgers!!!!

  25. jhallwally

    It goes without saying that, I believe Maddux could not only be a better 5th starter right now than Haegar or Vargas, but, he would be great as our pitching coach!!! Should have kept him around in some capacity!!!

  26. nedajerk

    The Dodgers are 13-24 all-time against the Angels in Anaheim, but they have won three of their last five there. I just don’t get it you guys owned us. I wonder what’s are record against them at DS before that sweep?

  27. perumike

    Text question on KCAL: Which reserve has helped the Dodgers the most? Reed Johnson, Carroll, or Anderson?

  28. perumike

    Agree Jamey, but I bet Anderson gets at least 10% of the vote from the folks who never pay attention.

  29. kpookiemon

    The way the Dodgers are playing, they’ll be sellers by July 31. What a listless, maddeningly average bunch. Get Carlos Perez to destroy a water cooler or something…

  30. perumike

    WOW! Not sure who votes in those text questions, but Carroll got 78%, and Johnson and Anderson each got 11%. Who are the idiots that gave Anderson 11%?

  31. oldbrooklynfan

    They say you’re never as bad as you look when you’re losing.
    So they’re not as bad as they look.

  32. nellyjune

    This was not the outcome I was hoping to come home to. I knew it reached 3-3, but I thought if anything, we would still be playing right now. We have lost 5 games in a row now 😦

  33. kpookiemon

    My main beef with Frank is that he’s an absentee owner. I haven’t seen him all season. I have no idea what he’s thinking…what he wants for this 2010 ball club…what his future vision is…I want an owner with the passion to win, not someone trying to parlay money.

  34. nellyjune

    You know over on facebook, they are trying to get enough money together to buy the Dodgers themselves. Dodgereric, since this was your original idea, I bet if you take your $48 from everyone on ITD, Facebook and Twitter, you would have just enough to buy the team. I am not sure who has got Frank’s back, but it certainly doesn’t seem to be the fans at this point. We all have different views on what the team needs (some feel we aren’t hitting, others feel it’s pitching), but it seems there is an overwhelming concensus that Frank needs to sell the team.

  35. nedajerk

    I would sick when Kershaw walk Wood and Wood had a horrible k’s to bb’s ratio of 39/2 and what the hell does he do? Wood last walk was Apr 19 vs the Tigers.

  36. thinkingblue

    JOSH ****- I’m up for a yearly tour. Hey to change it around a bit just add a surprise visit from one of the players that actually play, also add a visit to the “The Locker Room”. Like the whole BBQ thing in the park or we can have lunch in the restaurant under the bleachers, the one with the trophies and the stages of making a bat…yup that one. And of course finish the day with a game and hopefully a win. And THAT’S RIGHT, “if you want to be the best, you have to beat the best!” – IBIRKEN ;0) Well we have two more games with the Angels…and they are “a MUST” win and it is just so that the team can get their GROOVE BACK (get de-funk-T-fied). It was a tough loss last night…KERSH gets in his moods every now and then where he just walks players in. I’m glad Torre pulled him out cause one more walk-in run for KERSH wouldn’t be good. Too bad Belisario DID NOT HELP! ONE MORE FAVOR, please tell the boys (specially) Andre & Kemp that they don’t have to try hard be the heroes, they dynamic duo. They just need to play as a team (with the rest of the players) and relax and enjoy the game. KEMP’S HR was a bit of a boost but not enough. Tell Andre Not to worry about being MR. CLUTCH and trying hard for that walk-off. He needs to really let that pinky get better. Just tell them all to play with their heart ? ! :0)

  37. thinkingblue

    OH Yes JOSH maybe add a 1 and 1 with Mr. FRANK we need to teach him about True Love to the Blue – Dodgers! He should spend a day with TRUE FANS and hear what we have to say, better yet what Eric, Enchanted and others have to say. They will keep it clean and fun….you know like the ITD “The Originals” tradion of Leave it to Beaver….LOL Maybe he can even play a game of baseball with us….HAS HE EVER PLAYED BASEBALL????

  38. enchantedbeaver

    This team NEEDS to be sellers at the trade deadline Kahli. Its certainly not going anywhere now or in the foreseeable future.

    This team’s best shot was in 2008 when they had steroid boy at his best and the likes of Lowe and Kuroda to start. Despite being that close and knowing all it really needed was a staff ace, Ned/Frank went out and got Wolf (no winner he), Milton, Estes and Vargas. But because they had great D and timely hitting, they won a bunch of games. Then at the end with no staff ace [again] and JoJo sitting his D, they lost. Then they let Hudson and Wolf go without arbitration, knowing full well neither would accept, thus losing out on compensatory draft picks. They replaced a slick fielding 2Bman with a guy learning the position on the job, and who also can’t hit like a major league 2Bman. They replaced Wolf with Haegar. Ended up with a disinterested leftfielder, and a catcher that still can’t hit with runners on. Starting staff’s been in shambles since day 1. BP’s been almost as bad as a whole. I mean, what screams out to Ned and the boys upstairs that getting a starter now will solve anything?

    The only thing they have that resembles tradable material for anything is someone on the ML roster thanks to raiding the farm of all its talent so that you could pick-up some PVLs and not have to pay their salary. Tell me that shouldn’t have raised all kinds of red flags that Frank was waaaaayyyy past just being over leveraged.

    Then they draft a kid #1 they know won?t sign. Oh boy, so he doesn?t and they get an extra draft pick next year when the draft?s deeper. What difference does that make? They won?t sign that extra pick either. It all ends up as a big zero.

    Next season, forget it. This club is going to need a LFer, 2-3 starters, a set-up man in the BP, a couple of swing men in the BP. Now throw in that they need a real ML 2Bman, a catcher that can actually produce, a younger more agile 3Bman, and a whole assortment of bench players. Sorry if that sounds bleak, but it?s the truth. Then look at Frank and try and tell me with a straight face that he?ll be willing or able to go out and get those things. Best we can hope for is that they sell all the PVLs at the trade deadline for some prospects to replenish the farm system, and start rebuilding.

    Not that it will matter as long as Frank owns the team.

  39. crzblue2

    Hi ITD.
    That was a hard blow to take last night. I got back to the book I am reading to get my mind off of another terrible loss.
    Would the ITD tour include all the facebook people too? Anyone remember about how many fans we had? I was thinking that maybe we could have a get together in picnic area of the LOGE where the Dodgers have the Carne Asada events. Just a thought. Maybe Nancy Bea and her husband can join us for a few minutes. I know players would be difficult around that time.
    Also, JOSH** Who took the highest bid between the battle of the Joshes this time? I know you had the highest bid for a while and the other Josh had nothing but at the end more people were bidding on Josh Suchon. I was bidding on spending one inning in the booth with Jaime, Pepe and Fernando but got outbid.

  40. kpookiemon

    The core of this team remains Ethier, Loney, Kemp, Kershaw, Broxton, and Billingsley, with apologies to J. Martin who I no longer consider as a building block. Anyone not named on this short list is expendable and anyone not born after 1980 is doubly expendable.

  41. thinkingblue

    I hate seeing great plays go to waste….KEMP’s HR, MARTIN’s throw to 3rd to get an out, double play on the previous inning saving KERSH what could of beeing a bad inning….

  42. nellyjune

    Shad – Dustin was asked in his post-game interview if he was going to hold this one over his good friend Andre, and he said, “Naw,maybe for a day. He’s (Andre) got like 15 of them already!” At least now Dustin knows the feeling everytime Andre does it.

  43. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    You all know me. I ALWAYS try and put the best spin on a seemingly horrible situation our Boys in Blue are in. And no, I?m nowhere close to ?giving up? on my Dodgers; not in June. But something or some things need to change. I?m not going to purport that I know all the changes that the Dodgers need to make to make a championship-caliber baseball team. But after another maddening loss last night, I did a lot of thinking. And the worst thing is that I couldn?t come up with answers, only questions.

    So I thought I?d pose the following question for our ITD statisticians to ponder. I was asking myself this: I?d like to know how many runs were scored against the Dodgers when the bullpen comes in. No, more specifically, how many runs did the bullpen give up ? runs that were inherited runners from the previous pitcher and charged to the previous pitcher and how many were charged to the bullpen. And how many of these runs were given up by a reliever when he came into the game (1) in the middle of the inning and (2) to start an inning?

    I ask this because I was looking at Belisario and Troncoso last night. We all know we?ve seen games where Belisario comes in and just blows past the hitters and is virtually unhittable. And we?ve all seen games when Troncoso comes in and gets lit up like a Christmas tree. But in last night?s game, it was the exact opposite. Belisario comes in in the middle of an inning and gets lit up and Troncoso comes in at the beginning of an inning and is effective. That?s when I started thinking about this ?How many runs has the BP given up when they come in the middle of an inning versus at the start of an inning? question. I?m not a statistician like many of our ITDers are, but I thought I?d pose that question for someone to look up. Are there any takers? Mr. Eric, Ms. Nelly, Mr. Enchanted?

  44. cpompe1

    Oh, and Nelly, you have that problem too about talking to Andre? I?ve seen him a couple of times (the last during ST this year) and I think I?m going to ask something or say something profound to him and when he?s standing right in front of me I?m like, ?uh, uh, uh?? Yeah, I can relate?

  45. enchantedbeaver

    I agree with your assessment Kahli except I’m not so sure I’d include Billz in there.

    Precisely Bear, as long as there will always be butts in the seats, Frank’s happy with mediocrity.

    I really want to see how they’re going to spin this offseason. Isn’t this Kuroda’s last year? Manny, Johnson, Belliard, Anderson, Padilla and Weaver are all FAs (not that any of them are a loss, but you still have to fill their spots with something.) We’ll still have a catcher and a 2Bman that can’t hit. An aging shortstop and an over-aged 3Bman. A starting “core” of Billz and Kersh. One reliable reliever in Brox (Kuo’s always one pitch away from ending his career.) Flameouts Troncoso, Sherrill and Belisario. Ely who needs more minor league time. Monasterios the Golden Rule 5 boy… and Haeger the Horrible.

    Now looking at all we have to replace, and a dirge of minor league talent tell me, where’s it all going to come from? You either have to trade the Kershes, Kemps and Dres, or you sign the same assorted freaks and geeks that Frank’s willing to pay for.

    Either way you’re screwed.

  46. nellyjune

    CP – that is a perfect job for Eric -lol! I am still learning how to manipulate where Eric has it pretty figured out, and if he is reading right now (which he could be) he is already thinking about it.

    Enchanted – I have nothing to add because you have said it all.

  47. nellyjune

    CP – As for Andre, it must be a sign you really are an Ethieraholic when you can’t speak in full sentences in front of him 🙂

  48. cpompe1

    Thx Nelly! BTW, I haven?t asked in a while, but how?s the family? How the Academy? How?s school?

    And Enchanted, I don?t know if I?d put Johnson in that list of a FA that wouldn?t be a loss. I just don?t think that Joe?s played him all that much. I like him.

  49. northstateblues

    The problem with the owner is that he thinks a successful team is that sister-kissing BS he rooted for in Boston until he bought the Dodgers in 2004.

    Having an inferiority complex to the New York American League Ballclub is how McCourt learned to run a team from watching the BoSox, so here we are today with thousands of NY AL Ballclub logos across the Dodgers town.

    Thanks to McCourt’s advertising moneygrab, The Dodgers no longer have to worry about Anaheim encroaching their LA turf, they’ve basically surrendered the visibility to that rhinestoned NY logo.

    IF THERE IS ONE THING us longtime O’Malley era Dodger fans can learn from this, it’s that “ANYONE but the current owner” is the WRONG stance for the future of the team. We wanted anybody but FOX back at the turn of last century, and now we’re finding out, as McCourt’s hastily-erected smoke and mirrors dissipate and collapse, just how bad “ANYBODY but the current owner” can be.

    McCourt might consider these past 5 years a success. But as any of his 21st-century Red Sox rooting pals, let alone the players on the field, can tell him, success is best defined with a Ring. A real Ring, not that sister-kissing garbage Colletti wears from the ultimate always-a-bridesmaid franchise.

    Don’t get me wrong, these past 5 years have been the most exciting years I can remember since I’ve learned to write cursive. But success isn’t just making the playoffs. Success is championships.

    The NY AL Ballclub knows that. That’s why they’ve won 27. Intent + Execution = the framework of success. That’s how you get your logos strewn across the downtown of a city over 3,000 miles away.

    McCourt never Intended on winning championships. McCourt Intends to stay “competitive” while making money destroying the Dodgers, the L.A. Marathon and any visage of his own dignity, all with that 300-acre pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, whenever he decides to call it a day as a Dodger owner sometime during the next 50 years.

    As for Execution, the only thing McCourt has executed is our hopes of winning a ring under his current paradigm.

    P.S. I’m not making the tour this season. Just not possible. On a different, non-related note, I find it difficult to see how Josh would be able to accommodate a tour for just the “real” ITD fans… whom I’m not so sure are any more “real” a fan than people who just read what Josh posts without bothering to comment. I’d guess the best course of action if there is to be a meetup of the gang here is for the gang to facilitate it themselves. Lots of good ideas out there already, I don’t think the extra step is needed of having Josh sanction it.

    The Dodgers have a huge fanbase not defined solely by posting to the comments section of a single blog. You don’t have to write to read. Just something to think about.

  50. nellyjune

    CP – We are doing pretty good. The academy is doing well. Our 18 and Under team travel team has won two tournaments this summer already. They play in only wood bat tournaments. Most of the boys on this team are between 16 and 18. At our last tournament this past weekend, we had one pitcher get offered a scholarship to San Jose State. That was pretty exciting for the player.

    I am done with school for the summer. I will start looking into next year sometime after the 4th of July. On Monday, I had just completed a week’s worth of jury duty. I was put on a jury for a criminal trial (just misdemeanor charges), and we ended up being a hung jury. The experience was good, but it kind of sucked we didn’t reach a verdict. It was one of those 11-1 deals too.

    How about you?

    And yes, it is all in the eyes CP, it’s all in the eyes.

  51. enchantedbeaver

    Johnson’s the best of the pack CP, but in the end he is what he is too – a 33 year old bench player.

    I think it was Kahli that said we don’t have one player in his prime (I think Dre’s just about there though), nor have we ever signed or traded for a player that was in his prime.

    And that in a nutshell sums up Frank’s whole sorry tenure.

  52. trublu4ever

    I’ve been reading what you have all been saying and, since you guys did a fine job of covering our obvious problems, all I can add is: DITTO!!!!!!!

  53. nellyjune

    Great post Northstateblues!!!! I am really tired of hearing/reading about those two AL East Coast teams, whether it’s the announcers comparing us to them or Joe in his post game interview comparing us as well.

    And yes, I agree. I was a reader for a year before writing my first post. So, I totally understand where you are coming from in terms of the tour, etc. Logistically, it would be really hard to figure out.

  54. cpompe1

    And Enchanted, yes, I know Johnson is a 33 year old bench player, but a bench player that I would like to keep. But I hear what you?re saying about who we have or haven?t signed or traded for. I?m just waiting for the other shoe to drop when it?s announced that we made a big trade and because it?s Ned that?s behind the trading wheel, we?re probably NOT going to get anyone of quality or anyone of comparable quality as whoever we give up. I?m just pissed that the Dodgers? organization is run by a bunch of wannabes.

    That sure sound exiting Nelly! I mean, for your pitcher that got ooffered a scholarship to San Jose State. So how?s your son? And the rest of your family? And it shows how much I?ve been paying attention to ITD lately; I?m sure you already said that you?re done with school, but I?ve been in my own little world lately that I ask a stupid question like that. Of course you?re done. I went to a HS grad party last week for a friend?s son! And I?ve never sat on a jury. As for me, I?ve been in my own little world lately. Haven?t even been able to keep up on the Dodgers the way I have in the past. But life goes marching on, and I?m doing my best to keep up.

    And I know Nelly that I just asked you a question, but then I looked at the time and I?ve gotta go. Just post your answer Nelly and I?ll read it later.

  55. enchantedbeaver

    Now for your pleasure, a list of 2011 free agent pitchers:
    Bronson Arroyo CIN *
    Josh Beckett BOS
    Jeremy Bonderman DET
    David Bush MIL
    Daniel Cabrera CWS
    Matt Cain SF *
    Jorge De La Rosa COL
    Jeff Francis COL *
    Jon Garland SD *
    Aaron Harang CIN *
    Tim Hudson ATL
    Cliff Lee SEA
    Ted Lilly CHC
    Braden Looper MIL
    Noah Lowry SF
    Kevin Millwood BAL
    Jamie Moyer PHI
    Vicente Padilla LAD
    Nate Robertson FLA
    Ian Snell SEA *
    Jeff Suppan STL
    Javier Vazquez NYY
    Brandon Webb ARI
    Jake Westbrook CLE
    Dontrelle Willis ARZ
    Chris Young SD *
    Jeremy Affeldt SF
    Grant Balfour TB
    Jesse Crain MIN
    Scott Downs TOR
    Chad Durbin PHI
    Kyle Farnsworth KC *
    Pedro Feliciano NYM
    Jason Frasor TOR
    Brian Fuentes LAA *
    Chad Gaudin NYY
    Matt Guerrier MIN
    Aaron Heilman ARZ
    Mike Lincoln CIN
    Brian Moehler HOU
    J.J. Putz CWS
    Chad Qualls ARZ
    Jon Rauch MIN
    Arthur Rhodes CIN
    David Riske MIL *
    Mariano Rivera NYY
    J.C. Romero PHI *
    Bobby Seay DET
    Scott Shields LAA
    Brian Shouse BOS
    Matt Thornton CWS *
    Kerry Wood CLE *

    I would be willing to wager that one of the starters Ned will sign is Dontrelle Willis. He has “Ned” written all over him. And don’t think I’m going out on too big a limb here when I say that Braden Looper will be his “big” acquisition for the rotation. “We’ve seen them pitch and we know what they’re capable of” Ned will say. And of course they’ll “want to be Dodgers” (mainly because no one else will sign them anyway.)

    Now when it comes to relievers, what’s the one name on there you KNOW will get an invite to spring training? Why its the Proctorologist of course. Raunchy is another I suspect Ned would sign.

    Mark these names down and check your calendars. Come January/February I fully expect to see one or more of these names on the roster.

  56. koufax1963

    You see the marlins have done something about management, their owner cites the same thing mcCourt does, winning a championship, but the marlins owner did something about it. Now if our problem was only our manager it would be simple, but who can fire the owner?
    Hey I can’t be too upset about the current status of the team, call it June swoon, lately we have lost about half our games in June, and with the AL teams we are facing this year it should be expected, add our current DL issues, or bereavement, this will be a worse June then before, but July is coming, and I expect furcal, bils, either (you know he is not 100%) and manny to step up, matt kemp, I dont know either a conjugal visit from Rhianan or more discipline at the plate will help turn him around, that HR last night doesn’t fool me. There is an action figure, that might be alternative to bat than the real thing.

  57. nellyjune

    CP – Michael is pitching great for both MHS Bears (his highschool summer team) and VSA Eagles (the 18 and under travel team). Last week he pitched two complete games (7 innings each), one game for each team. He will be a senior this year and should have his driver’s license as of tomorrow. He is still 16.

    Mariya is doing great too. She is 18 now and thinks the world is hers for the taking, but she really has no clue how hard that is – LOL!!! I am laughing only because I know Eric will be reading this eventually and he can relate. Example…………one of “our” cats (which she will say is hers if asked) is a tom cat and spends 90% of his time outside. Well, he became dehydrated and she insisted we take it to the vet…………..not a problem, but $200 later (and being told he needs fluids and some medicine) she gets all the credit for saving it’s life, not realizing who paid for it. Same with insurance for her car, insurance for her medically, food,gas, etc., etc., etc. Yea dear you may be 18, but until you are paying for all this yourself, you aren’t all grown up just yet 🙂 All in all, both kids are doing fantastic…………no complaints because it really could be much worse considering what I see other teenagers put their parents through. We are pretty damn lucky IMO.

  58. nellyjune

    enchanted – that is some list!!!! I will mark my Dodger calendar right now 🙂 The fact that we had Jon Garland and didn’t do a damn thing with him really infuriates me. He really must of pisssed off somebody in mangagement to get treated so poorly by the Dodgers. Look at him now………on the first place team in the NL West, pitching pretty good I might add.

    Koufax – great points as well.

  59. trublu4ever

    The Lakers owner, having just won his 2nd championship in as many years, is already looking for key pieces to make his team better. Jerry is the kind of owner who goes out and gets what is needed to make a true champion…..and give the fans a quality product to cheer for and pack the Staples Center.

  60. oldbrooklynfan

    Hello Everybody
    Interesting facts, everyone in the starting lineup has at least 1 HR and the top 3 batters are still hitting over .300.
    It would be more than nice to pick up a win for a change tonight.
    In fact we better because SD seems to be off and running again tonight.
    We’re going through a rough part of the schedule and apparently the Dodgers aren’t responding too well.
    I think we’ll come out of this June swoon but the question is when?
    Still got the Yankees after this and then we can put that inter league stuff behind us.
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  61. crzblue2

    LOL Jungar. I am at work and afraid to look but I’ll hop on the car and listen to Vin, then Pepe and Jaime on the way home. I hope they will make my trip home enjoyable.
    My latest post has pictures of Dodger fans at Fenway including OBF and TRUE.


  62. nellyjune

    Welcome back Raffy!!! We wish you the best on your return to the lineup.

    lineup: Furcal 6 Ethier 9 Ramirez DH Loney 3 Kemp 8 Anderson 7 Blake 5 Martin 2 DeWitt 4 Ely 1


    I am at wits end right now with the blue. It’s like I don’t mind loosing, it’s a long season etc..but everyone knew our starters were a problem, which is killing our Pen again and no one did anything about it. It’s hard to support that.

  64. oldbrooklynfan

    Does anyone else have to listen to the Angel broadcast?
    I’m unable to get Scully.
    All I get is a loud whistle.

  65. phan52

    Don’t get to see much of the American League, but the Phillies are playing the Indians this week. You guys gave up that kid Santana for CASEY BLAKE? Wow, did you get ripped off.

  66. oldbrooklynfan

    I got Scully back and I feel a lot more at home with him.
    Hi EMMA~it was a pleasure to be part of your trip to Boston and I also hope to see you some day at Citi Field.

  67. oldbrooklynfan

    What’s with this Napoli, using his catcher’s mit at first base.
    A stupita boy.
    That helped us a lot.

  68. kpookiemon

    phan, I’ve been reading the Zo Zone a lot this season. Bloggers get a bit dicey with one another, especially muleman and pherris, whoever they are. Phillies and Dodgers are both wallowing this season. We’ve got a dork for an owner…not sure what Phillies’ excuse is. And you’re right, trading Santana for Blake was just another of Colletti’s genius at work. Casey Blake better be giving everyone back rubs in the clubhouse; I keep hearing what a presence he is. Too bad he can’t be more a presence between the lines. A very “nice” player. ZZZZZZZ

  69. nellyjune

    Phan – We have been screaming for Frank and Ned to leave our prospects alone, but Frank can’t afford anything so he sends Ned out to find deals to be had. I know……Ned and deals aren’t a good combination and it usually ends in disaster. I like Casey, but you are right, we got screwed.

  70. enchantedbeaver

    You see boys and girls, that was called fundamental baseball – double, grounder to second to move the runner over, and a grounder that would’ve scored the runner despite Furcal’s help. That’s something we might be playing night in and night out if we had our very own Mike Scioscia as a manager. Instead, we have an old jackass from NY, an idiot from San Fran, and a worthless piece of schidt from Boston.

  71. phan52

    Why just read it, kahli. Jump in and comment. And while we both have our issues, we are still the best teams in our divisions and it will prove out over a long season.

  72. kpookiemon

    Fear not, enchanted, NY’s Donnie Baseball waits in the wings, just full of Dodger tradition and lore. Who wouldn’t want a former first baseman running the show? To heck with former pitchers and catchers.

  73. enchantedbeaver

    Phan who are you kidding? This team has no starting pitching and no hope of obtaining any, not that it would do them any good because they still can’t hit nor play sound defense.

    Hey Wally, what’s shakin?

  74. nellyjune

    We are being run by three people who by nature should hate the Dodgers, and they are running the team like they really do.

  75. jhallwally

    Not much Beav. How about you!!! Phillies have no excuse, they are loaded. We’re trying to do it with smoke and mirrors!!!! Or Frank and Furter!!!


    how about trade him for someone other than a 36 year old for a half of season. Or trade Martin. It’s not giving up talent that bugs, it’s giving up talent and not getting any long term talent in return. Plus this guy has a chance to be Mike Piazza good. And where would we play him would be out of the question if that’s the case. Martin could play 3b or sit on the bench. he sucks now.

  77. enchantedbeaver

    One run in two games against Pineiro. PINEIRO.

    Today makes twice I’ve been ticked this week.

  78. kpookiemon

    Well, ladies and germs, I don’t see ANYTHING that leads me to believe this team won’t be four games out in about an hour or so. enchanted, is that brown paper bag to hide your face from humuliation at Frank’s hands…or to drink from?

  79. enchantedbeaver

    I am so glad to see that Anderson’s still getting his AB’s. But gosh darn it, he has such a calming influence in the clubhouse that the whole team looks asleep.
    BTW, somebody wake up Joe and tell him the games still going on.


    What the crap is wrong with this team? Lousy fielding. All we can hit is long fly outs. Our power sucks. We were 12 games over 500 and now we’ll be 5. Headed the wrong way.
    We don’t deserve to win the west with our play. I’m sick of Kemp turning away from strikes over the inside of the plate. Anyone ever tell him to turn on it and hit it to left field. He would have 25 home runs by now. Where the hell is our hitting coach?

  81. nellyjune

    Boblee – our hitting coach is prepping to be our manager. So, he us doing his best to learn how to stand on the rail looking half dead.

  82. kpookiemon

    One good thing. The more pitiful this team plays, the more long-time ITD assassins come out of the woodwork. Nice eclectic mix tonight. Now if only Jamie would sign in and ****-chat. Love to hear whether she separates the whites from the colors when doing laundry.

  83. enchantedbeaver

    How many outs in a row is that now?

    As far as Santana goes, that’s the kind of talent you MAKE room for regardless of his position. And if you do trade him, I second what jungar said – you have to get more than half a season of Casey Blake in return.

  84. jhallwally

    Nice job by Ely!!! Bad call and questionable defense from Furcal, or he may have a shutout going. I’d rather know if Jamie likes it high and tight, or down and in?!!!!!

  85. nellyjune

    Oldbrooklynfan – Ely has been trying to do all he can. Now, if someone on the offense side of things would just help out a tad, that would be great!

  86. enchantedbeaver

    Ned, do us a favor. Don’t try and save our season by trading away the rest of the farm for Lee or Oswalt. Sell Ned sell.

  87. enchantedbeaver

    This team hasn’t had a hit since the 3rd. Furcal plays a shortstop in a state of defensive indifference. No one looks like they give a damn.

    Could those be the reasons Kahli?

  88. nellyjune

    What happened to that come from behind team? It must be asleep at the rail with Joe. Maybe Andre needs to start spitting his pumpkin seeds at him to make sure he is awake, or perhaps even alive at this point.

  89. jhallwally

    Who the hell’ can we unload Beav? I wouldn’t give up sh*t for Furcal, Blake, Padilla, DeWitt, etc…..

  90. trublu4ever

    Unload ALL MANAGEMENT! Get rid of Joe and his useless coaching staff. I’d love to FIRE FRANK AND NED TOO!!!!!

  91. enchantedbeaver

    I’d think that Kuroda would fetch the most at the trade deadline Wally. Blake and Furcal would have value to a contending team. I’d imagine the Yankees might even take Manny just to stick it to the Sox.

  92. jhallwally

    Exactly Trumom!!! The only logical place to start is with our ownership, management, and coaching!!!!

  93. jhallwally

    Good point Beav. Kuroda might get us some interest. Well, if we can get anything for any of them, I’d take it in a hear beat!!!

  94. nellyjune

    So that means we are back to this year’s phrase……


    ….because until he is gone, nothing will change.

  95. jhallwally

    There’s 2 freaking outs Martin. What the hell are you doing. You should be running on contact. Geez!!! Martin sucks!!!!

  96. 32and53fan

    jhallwally – My thoughts almost exactly, except I was thinking more like f****** idiot! Kemp is a big strong 5 tool player but if brains were dynamite, he wouldn’t have enough to blow his nose.

  97. kpookiemon

    At least Kemp went to the dugout with his tail between his legs, sucker-punched…but Martin throws a tizzy for being an utter airhead.

  98. northstateblues

    This is the opposite of “That’s Life” by Sinatra.

    Shot down in April, Riding high in May,
    But they’ll soon change that tune
    When they’re stumbling and swooning in June.

  99. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s good to be so very frustrated but laughing your asssss off at the same time. 32and53fan – that was funny!!!

  100. crzblue2

    Excellent post although very depressing. And you are right, I replayed Russell getting back to second a number of times in slow motion and he was safe. The ump was on the wrong side but that still does not excuse Russell for his stupid stupid mistake when you have two outs. There is plenty of fault to go around here. Coming back from Boston, I said I would not vote for any more Dodger to go to the All-Star, not based on how they’ve been playing. And our pitchers seem to do worst after going to the All-Star.
    I forget who said that maybe Kemp should get some from the GF. Heck Rhianna was in Boston. Kemp right away got in her limo after the game. Focus Kemp!
    I am so glad that I have not made the trip to Anaheim. Without question, tonight was a low point in the season.
    I think I just made my decision to cancel the hotel reservations I have for a posible road trip. Like my friend Mike from TBTB says “fuhgidabowdit”

  101. enchantedbeaver

    Any team that can’t score but one run in two games against Pineiro deserves to lose.

    Now, what are the odds that Haeger’s a winner tomorrow? 100 to 1? 1000 to 1? 1,000,000 to 1?

  102. koufax1963

    This may get worse B4 it gets better, can’t wait for July.
    I can forgive furky for the error, but that 9th inning baserunning is just pathetic. You now in the good light, JT picked those pinch hitters pretty well, they delivered! what a come back we almost had.

  103. kpookiemon

    “What do you think of your team’s execution?”
    In the immortal words of John McKay, “I’m all for it.”


    9th inning review:
    i stop caring of the outcome as soon as i saw casey blake swing at the pitch. As much as the dodgers are struggling to produce runs, the opportunity is there to get men on scoring position, Joe Torre decides to let Casey swing away instead of moving runners over.
    if anyone on this team is except from bunting it is manny. And to make matters worse, kemp gets picked off. and well the game ending the way it did, i am speech less don’t know what else to say. it was an embarrassment to as a dodger fan. John Ely deserved to win today. We needed so bad to end our loosing streak. but joe does not have the balls to call a bunt.

  105. dodgereric

    I love ya, OBF. But “What were we going to do with Carlos Santana? There wasn’t any place for him here.
    By oldbrooklynfan on June 23, 2010 9:24 PM”

    I don’t know….. what could we do with a catcher who hit 21 HRs with .326 .431 .568 .999 in the minors (for 3 teams, two of them ours) in ’08?
    Who hit 23 HRs with .290 .413 .530 .943 in the minors in ’09?
    Who hit 13 HRs and .316 .447 .597 1.044 in 57 games in the minors this year?
    And who so far has hit 2 HRs and .355 .487 .710 1.197 in 10 games in the bigs for Cleveland so far this year? Oh, I know, so we could have Casey Blake. Wait, not quite. So we could have Casey Blake WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY BLAKE ANY OF HIS REMAINING SALARY IN ‘O8.

    I’m thinking that, no, I’m SURE that we got hosed BIG TIME with that one. And most of us knew it when the trade was made. Even if Martin was to progress instead of REgress, you don’t trade an almost-sure thing just to not pay an average major leaguer’s salary for 2 months. And to think the media gives Ned credit for getting Blake for no money.

    OK, on to cpompe’s questions back up yonder:

    “So I thought I?d pose the following question for our ITD statisticians to ponder. I was asking myself this: I?d like to know how many runs were scored against the Dodgers when the bullpen comes in. No, more specifically, how many runs did the bullpen give up ? runs that were inherited runners from the previous pitcher and charged to the previous pitcher and how many were charged to the bullpen.”

    A quick trip to (as/per Junie) will show you that the Los Angeles Dodgers relievers have allowed 58 inherited runners to score in 2010, worst in the NL (the next-worst is the Reds’ 45). But, you say, statistics can lie. Yes they can. How many runners has the bully inherited? you ask. One hundred and 24, also the most in the NL (the Giants come next with 118). So, what’s the percentage? That will tell us. The Dodgers have allowed a ******** 47% of the inherited runners to score, tied with the Dbacks for the worst in the NL. (The next-worst are the Nats and the Reds at 38%.) The league average is 32%. Who is the best? Wanna guess? The Padres at 15%.

    So we are 68% worse than the league average. We are 311% worse than the Padres.

    Plainly, we suck.

    Now, for the rest of your question:

    “And how many of these runs were given up by a reliever when he came into the game (1) in the middle of the inning and (2) to start an inning?”

    Don’t know. I can’t seem to find this particular breakdown. Perhaps someone can pick me up here. But I’d like to share some more interesting numbers along these lines. Bear in mind that if you’re totally bored, you have the ability to scroll on down to the bottom of my post.

    Inherited Runners Scoring % for the LA Dodgers individual relief pitching 2010 (keep in mind the league AVERAGE is 32%):

    Let me first tell you that do not have a single relief pitcher with a 0% record here. Not one. In June.

    We have two pitchers under the league average:
    Jeff Weaver is our best, 16 inherited runners, 3 scored, 19%.
    Justin Miller is the other (7/2/29%)

    Then come the rest:
    Ramon Ortiz (11/4/36%)
    Belisario (16/6/38%)
    Kuo (13/5/38%)
    Broxton (8/4/50%) (surprised? I’m not)

    I’m going to mention these 3 out of order (because of their low opportunities) to save the best for last:
    Schlichting (3/2/67%)
    Elbert (2/2/100%)
    Monasterios (2/2/100%)

    Now get these:
    Troncoso (22/13/59%)
    Sherrill (24/15/63%)

    For the sake of comparison (and that’s what really gives statistics meaning), of the 19 relief pitchers in the NL who have inherited at least 20 runners, the worst is Tyler Walker of the Nats (20/13/65%). Then comes Sherrill, then Troncoso. The next worse is Peter Moylan of the Braves (20/5/45%).

    Tonight. Wow. Just when you think you can’t be more embarrassed. Kemp, huge brain fart in the 9th. How big a lead does someone who can run like him need. But I think the much bigger brain fart was Russell. I think Russell was actually safe, but there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for letting yourself get thrown out while the tying run is about to score in the 9th inning. That’s basic Baseball 101, you have to be thinking that while you’re on first in that situation. There was two out. Even if he was able to take 3rd on the throw home, there were TWO OUT. But watch, the Times will rate Kemp’s idiocy more than Martin’s.

    Sorry for the long post.

  106. kpookiemon

    Joe already seemed to rate Kemp’s brain fart as worse, saying they had talked about Fuente’s spin move. Sorry, I go J. Martin as a bigger flop. Like you said, eric, baseball 101. It’s obvious this team is pressing big time. Joe, ahem….work your magic. You’re the Hall-of-Fame manager, right? Motivator of men, correct? Joe, I’m not sure how you inspire your teams because, as a fan, I can find no real pulse in you or Frank McCourt. Frank McCourt is the Dodgers owner, inn case anyone forgot. Can you imagine Tommy in his day? Heck, I’ll bet Tommy is seething right now!

  107. nellyjune

    I knew you would figure that out, and it deserved the long post, which really wasn’t so long.

    Matt’s baserunning was just plainly getting picked off by someone we know has that type of move. Russell just plain didn’t think. Big difference IMO.

    Also, on the homepage there is an article about Torre deciding later in the season about his future with the Dodgers. Who in the heck cares right now? Like the fans really care that he is staying or not. We would just like to win one game at this point.

  108. nellyjune

    I knew what that word was because I had tried to spell it when I first started writing on this blog. What in the world could be wrong with that word?

  109. dodgereric

    Alright, I give up. Three “P’s” didn’t work. “The Dodgers have allowed a (very, very large) 47% ……”

  110. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!! I had never seen that before. Oldbrooklynfan was just saying he thought he had seen everything, and they said the same thing on that video. Oh my……………that is horrible!! It was like the catcher on “Major League” who couldn’t just throw the ball back to the pitcher.

  111. dodgereric

    Actually, Joe Buck’s “I can’t believe what I just saw” came to mind as I watched Martin getting called out.

  112. nellyjune

    …………..but I kind of did believe what I saw. It’s just the way they have been playing lately. I was actually surprised we didn’t go three up three down like we usually do against Brian.

  113. nellyjune

    Wow!! I was looking closer at your stats and noticed Brox. Sherrill and Troncoso are horrible, but Brox’s 50% is not so good either.

  114. northstateblues

    If I’m choosing a manager (if Torre flies the coop, wouldn’t blame him, he didn’t escape the Steinbrenners for this horse$#!t), I have 3 candidates besides the heir apparent. Tim Wallach, Kirk Gibson and Bobby Valentine.

    Wallach would probably be the best choice, since he’s been working with our guys in Albuquerque, and has already won down there. Gibson and Valentine would bring fire. Gibby’s already said he would’ve taken the job had they asked him, and this is Valentine’s dream job.

    I can’t imagine either one of those three leaning against the rail as the team implodes around them. Then again, Joe’s in his eighth decade now, so shouldn’t be too surprising.

    I want to see some anger out there. It’s only June, it’s a little early to curl up in a ball and bawl like Adam Morrison at Gonzaga.

  115. dodgereric

    I’d take any of those guys in a (you’ll please excuse the expression) a New York minute. I didn’t know that about Gibson’s feelings. Sounds good to me. I believe Valentine is being courted by the Marlins right now.

    But who’s the cheapest hire? Probably Wallach. But unless McCourt …….

    …… SELLS THE TEAM …..

    ……. we all know who Torre’s replacement already is, despite MLB’s “requirement” of minority interviews.

  116. crzblue2

    How do I get my post responding to Eric way before ERic’s post? This is all screwed up just like the team.
    Good night. I am going back to my book.
    anyone want to buy two LOGE tickets for Saturday? They are in aisle 168 by the visiting bullpen. Face value.

  117. dodgereric

    Gotta hit the sack, but I want to go on record that


    I’d love to do the tour again. I need another shot at getting a picture of myself in Vinny’s chair. This time I’ll train my photographer a little better. 🙂

    And also, I need to say that I’ll really miss you, north! You, sir, have a lot of class and are one that I was really looking forward to sitting down and talking with. Hey, you’re the English guy…. how can I end that sentence without a preposition?

    Good night all. And remember, if we finish in the toilet this year, maybe it’ll be McCourt who gets flushed.


    I go to bed early and check the results during the night or in the morning. Still not sure if I really believe the results of last nights game. But that is why I do not give up the time and money anymore to travel to games. Still, I can only imagine how Emma, oldbrooklyn and others felt in Boston last weekend. But I do not see how this team can continue to be as bad as they have been this last several days.

  119. nedajerk

    Yes Eric I mention those last 2 on Tuesday when Scully said that and this about the Padres bullpen only allowing 10 inherited runners to score maybe you should’ve easy do that one.

  120. nedajerk

    I know old won’t be able to see this but we do have room for Santana and I think he could’ve been our starting catcher in 2011 and we could’ve trade Martin sorry Martin you’re pissing me off right now but not as bad as Kemp.

  121. dodger 32

    Good teams find ways to win while bad teams find ways to lose! Any team owned by McCourt and run by Colletti is a bad team. Also the reason Carlos Santana was traded for an over the hill 3rd baseman is because he had nowhere to play, after all Russ Martin is having another monster year and is on pace for an incredibile 8 homeruns and 32 RBIs, there’s no way you can replace a guy like that!

  122. dodger 32

    Thank that idiot Selig for wanting these Carpetbaggers to ruin the Dodgers by making sure they wouldn’t have the money to run this team properly. They never should have been approved for ownership, but Selig pushed for them after he saw they wouldn’t be able to increase the payroll and compete with the other big market teams..

  123. thinkingblue

    ANOTHER LOSS FOR THE DODGERS….how many more? Those were some bad calls the ump made. Martin should of been WALKED right before Kemp try to still the base. That should of been Bases loaded right there. But no STUPID ump called it a STRIKE. OK now KEMP was out, it was a stupid out too. That one does get me mad. Then I keep watching the replay of Martin tag on 2nd. I see him being SAFE. His hand touched the base before the glove/ball tagged him. I keep replaying the slow-mo and he was safe. It should of been a tied game with HOPE for the Dodgers. Too many bad calls from the ump, one after another causing ANOTHER LOSS FOR THE DODGERS!

  124. trublu4ever

    I just rerad that Ned is looking at some FA pitchers…..Washburn (now coaching little league), Pedro (not pitching at all, but want to be on a contender) and Looper. Would love to get Lee or Oswalt but that would cost the team money and prospects. Now, doesn’t that give you all the confidence in the world?!

  125. Dodger4life

    X-Mas List!!!
    Russell Martin ~ Baseball for Dummies handbook.
    Matt Kemp ~ Hook on Phonics, (dude needs to start taking notes. )
    Ned Colletti ~ Lumps of Coal!!

  126. trublu4ever

    Hot off the presses: Dodgers have signed Jesus Colome…he will join Claudio vargas and Kiko Calero 🙂

  127. trublu4ever

    And, today, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have good ol’ Charlie Haeger with his 8.25 ERA taking the mound!!!!

  128. crzblue2

    Thanks for the reminder about Haeger. I am still pissed about last night. Are you kidding about the acquisitions? I have stayed away from reading about the Dodgers and watching TV after last night. Suddlenly I am not hungry anymore.

  129. kpookiemon

    Not that it really matters, but was nice to see Reed Johnson slowing down as he approached the plate…only to speed up when he knew he was going to have egg on his face. This entire team plays with the urgency of, well, let’s say….their manager! Hire Gibby. I don’t care if they finish 20 games out. At least players will play with accountability and passion. These clowns are getting paid millions of dollars to perform, Joe, Honey, Bowa and Ned included; I do it for free as an idiot blogger.

  130. thinkingblue

    HEAGER pitching – NOT WATCHING! Wish the Dodger’s the best and I hope things turn around for them. But I’ve been mad/fustrated for too long. Movie night tonight…I will just watch 8 MEN OUT…oh wait that will just remind for the Dodgers…HOPE EVERYONE WILL HAVE A BETTER DAY TODAY! LET’S GO DODGERS!

  131. cpompe1

    Thx for the research Eric! I knew I could count on you! I didn?t know, but I?m not surprised that we?re one of the worst in the league. But I wasn?t ready for this: ?The Dodgers have allowed 47% of the inherited runners to score, TIED WITH THE DBACKS FOR THE WORST IN THE NL??

    After last night, I was ready to jump thru my TV and strangle Kemp and Martin. I was SOOO pissed that I left the room and went to bed. I was afraid that if I watched that stupid replay again, I?d have a broken foot, a broken hand, something or some other parts of my body broken. I?m still pissed, but a good night?s sleep did okay. Plus, how mad can I stay today. It?s supposed to be a good day for me today.

    Please Dodgers, please. Win tonight. Am I asking too much??? I think not?

  132. cpompe1

    Thx Nelly! I?ll have a much better day if it ends with a Dodger victory tonight. Oh, and I like to keep up on Michael and his progress. And Mariya too! I love animals, but, but $200 is a lot to pay for a cat. Jim and I got fortunate with Kyle. He didn?t have any desire to get his DL until he was 18 and by that time, he paid for his own car (well, we helped a bit) but he pays for his own gas, insurance, etc. He thinks he?s got it all figured out, but just he wait until he is TRULY on his own. He?ll figure it out then?

  133. crzblue2

    At least I am reading a good book. If the game turns ugly again, I’ll turn to my book. I’ll need another book for this weekend. Borders here I come. I have not read a baseball book in a while. I actually have several baseball books at home to be read. “The Echoeing Green” is one of them but I want to pickup “Confession of a She-Fan” by Jane Heller. She is one of the MLB bloggers I enjoy reading and she is coming to to the game Saturday. I have read another of her novels.
    If you come to the game, make sure you get there early. Gates will be open a 1/2 hour earlier. I am sure Josh will remind us of that tomorrow.

  134. selltheteam

    Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, tonight we get the Knuckle-head starting for us.
    Even Emma, who is usually up-beat, seems frustated with the boys in blue. And who can blame her, after six straight losses and the Keystone Kops on the basepaths last night?
    Crash, aka brownpaperbag3

  135. northstateblues

    “Oh, oh, people of the earth
    Listen to the warning, the seer he said
    For those who hear and mark my words
    Listen to the good plan…” – Queen, “The Prophet’s Song”

    Here. Two animated gifs courtesy of “Memories of Kevin Malone”:

    Soak it in, feel the burn, feel the anger… then let it go. It’s not getting any worse than losing to Anaheim like this, standing on the precipice of the wrong end of a Freeway Series sweep after a couple of missteps that would make the Daffiness Boys’ heads spin.

    I’m going to be a bit of an optimist, but it’s going to be a very frail toothpick-and-matches frame supporting a flimsy house of cards. Still, I’ll do this for one reason and one reason only: If the Dodgers have any of that L.A. magic left in ’em, this could be the start of their way out of the doldrums, bringing the team together to succeed in the face of amateurish failure they won’t want to relive again.

    The NY AL ballclub is watching. They’re laughing. Hooting, hollering. “Old Joe is in over his head,” they think. “He thought the Boss was insulting, how about this bush league Boston real estate agent who won’t spend money on the one thing Joe asked for when he walked through the door: pitching”, they’ll think. “The L.A. Dodgers become the Brooklyn Clowns.” Why even bother breaking a sweat for these “clowns”, this is essentially a Joe Torre and Don Mattingly meet-and-greet.

    Well… they only stand 2.5 ahead of Boston, who will swing that half game one way or another when they play tonight.

    And they won’t have the comfort of their DH.

    And they’ll have the NY Media giving them sunburn with all the flashbulbs, ready to make a mountain out of a “They lost to those clowns?!!” molehill for NYC to wake up to the next day.

    All with Tampa and Boston breathing down their necks.

    Us? With a salvaged win tonight against the Angels, and SD and SF already in the loss column for the day, we’ll have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

    If we lose, then we’re still in the same spot, and have even less to lose.

    We weren’t supposed to beat Oakland in ’88, but thanks to a battered Gibson armed with a scouting report, we persevered against all odds. That was a loooooong time ago, I won’t pretend like I don’t know this, but this series, like the Lakers-Celtics series a week ago, is overshadowed by history.

    Nothing to lose, not even the fan’s interest. Almost everyone heard the iceberg crash into the hull last night. Everyone’s ashamed, and thinks that this team is done for.

    But we don’t know. Only 25 men know, in their heart of hearts, if this is true. And if we pull upon Sunday night with a 9 game losing streak, not even showing fight against the mighty NY AL ballclub, we’ll have our answer.

    But I think they’re done being embarrassed.

    Now to see if that house of cards holds up… against all odds.

  136. nedajerk

    Yes, according to my calculations San Diego has let only 13 of 66 inherited runners score (0.197) And the Dodgers: 61 of 126 (0.484)

    Wow that suck ball.

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