BBQ anyone?

It’s a holiday weekend and I’m guessing most people will be attending some sort of BBQ over the next few days. So have some fun this weekend and watch some Dodger baseball…

Tonight at 6:10 at COL on KCAL

Tomorrow at 5:10 at COL on KCAL

Sunday at 12:10 at COL on PRIME

And then back home for the longest homestand of the year. In fact, it’s probably been several years since we had a 13-game stretch at home, so it’s a chance to play well in front of the home crowd. By the time that stretch of games is over, the team will have played 62 with 100 left to go.

Lots going on at the stadium…Manny Ramirez’s BP jersey for kids, Kemp’s action figure, Loney and Blake’s poster (check out the behind-the scenes video from the hilarious shoot), Broxton’s bobblehead and then the ThinkCure Weekend. It’s going to be busy…


  1. crzblue2

    Happy Memorial weekend everyone and be safe. A co-worker lost her husband last weekend because of a drunk driver. At 3:45 AM Saturday morning he was loading up the car parked infront of his house to go fishing when he was hit.
    Let’s do well in Colorado! Andre might be back on Monday.

    Go Dodgers!

  2. enchantedbeaver

    ? Dodgers can always count on pitching


    Think they forgot the rest of the sentence: …except for when Ned’s in charge of obtaining it.

  3. enchantedbeaver

    Its like everything nowadays wannabe. Need a scapegoat to heap blame on and shift focus away from management. I didn’t see anything yesterday that indicated they would’ve scored a run in the next 20 innings had that run not have scored. Certainly not from messers. Furcal, Manny and Sweeney.

  4. crzblue2

    Happy anniversary Nellyjune! 1988 ha? Wow! A very good year. I tell my boss I can’t forget his anniversary at work since is 1988. He just shakes his head as I associate numbers he throw at me with the Dodgers.
    Vin Scully is back today! Woohoo!
    And congratulations to Jaime Jarrin who is in the D.R. He will be inducted into the Latino Hall of Fame. He will also be there for Lima’s funeral.

  5. trublu4ever

    BPB1 ~ at least we didn’t get skunked for a three game series like the big bad Phillies did šŸ™‚

  6. enchantedbeaver

    What’s telling about this year’s team so far is, everytime it faces good pitching, it can’t score. It can’t even come close. If it wasn’t for Billz’ (I think it was Billz) gem against Jimenez, we would’ve lost that one too.

    I’m not seeing anything that says this team can do anything even if it makes the playoffs, which is 50-50 as I see it right now. You’ve got to be able to scratch and claw out a run or two against these guys. And its not like Dumpster and Daisy are even having good years, let alone facing the likes of Halliday, Jimenez and Lincecum several more times this season.

    I’m not seeing any character at all from the team this year. Not sure if its partly Manny dragging it down, but if it is, Ned should be true to his word and “deal with” anyone who doesn’t want to be in L.A.

    It also doesn’t help to have a manager that you need to hold a mirror to his nose to see if he’s still breathing. Nice to see him give ABs to Garrett Sweeney all the time too. JoJo just can’t accept that when a guy’s finished, he’s finished.

  7. nellyjune

    Thanks for the anniversary wishes. It’s been a crazy day here at school. I know, I shouldn’t be here, but I am. With 5 school days left, it makes it hard to take these days off. The lesson plans alone aren’t worth the trouble.

    Love the promotion ideas – LOL!!!!

  8. nellyjune

    Okay Shad!!! I am scooping you!!! Gary Coleman “Whatcha Talkin’ bout Willis” died at the age of 42 today.

  9. nellyjune

    Sorry Ward Dear…………..I seem to be stuck in PST once again at the most inopportune time too. Thanks for the wonderful reminder of what this weekend is all about.

  10. kpookiemon

    Ned speaks this week: ?I have the sense we’ll be in the market for pitching after the All-Star break.?

    Ned speaks after the final 2009 Game 5 loss to Phillies in the NLCS: “We have real good pitchers, but we need to get better in the rotation.”

    You gotta love the vision, complexity, and consistency of our GM.

  11. trublu4ever

    You are right on, Dodgereric. With all the hype of barbecues, travel and sales at the stores, we do forget to honor the veterans.
    I would also like to say GOD BLESS YOU ALL!


    Emma, I do the same thing, associating certain years with what the Dodgers did (or didn’t do) that year. Glad to find someone else with the same affliction!

    One thing I do remember is the slugfests past Dodger teams had at Coors. Of course, that was long before the humidifed baseballs they use now. Piazza and Karros use to just rip the ball in Denver. And who can forget Nomo threw a no hitter on a rainy night at Coors. Let’s hope the bats will come alive this weekend.

    It is just plain silly to pin the “blame” on Paul’s defense or lack thereof for yesterday’s loss. It was only one run and as Shad said, the run would have scored even if Paul had played both balls cleanly. If anything, Paul had a bigger impact on the loss by not being able to drive in runs when he had the opportunity. It was just not his day and as I said yesterday, hopefully he will learn from it.

  13. dodgereric

    At some point, during a weekend of barbeques, baseball, playoff basketball and hockey, the Indianapolis 500, the Coca Cola 600, etc, etc – – can we all take just a few moments to remember what Memorial Day is for?

    To all my Veteran friends, here on ITD or wherever you may be, God Bless you, God Rest you, and thank you so very much.

    And may God continue to Bless America.

  14. oldbrooklynfan

    HIya Everybody
    Let see, they give the ball to Monesterios
    Well, we’ll see
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. oldbrooklynfan

    Hiya Everybody
    Well let’s see.
    They give the ball to monesterios
    Well we’ll see.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  16. oldbrooklynfan

    Hiya Everybody
    This the third time I wrote this
    Well they give the ball to Monasterios
    Well, we’ll see
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  17. trublu4ever

    Kind of scary, isn’t it Oldbrooklynfan? You’re first start and they choose Colorado to do it!

  18. trublu4ever

    Nick Green was designated for assignment.
    I have a feeling this is not going to be a good night for our pitching.

  19. nellyjune

    meanwhile in Memphis………………………

    Andre has walked twice, had a single and has scored a run. The Topes are winning 5-1 behind Brent Leach’s pitching šŸ™‚

  20. nellyjune

    I am listening/watching the Rockies telecast and they are saying some great things about Jamey Carroll.

  21. nellyjune

    Andre’s getting some fielding in too. Pitchers have changed, and it seems like all of a sudden all the balls are being hit to right field.

  22. oldbrooklynfan

    The Dodgers have to stop hitting toward third base, there’s a regular vacuum cleaner over there.

  23. nellyjune

    Monosterios really isn’t doing too terribly bad after that first inning and that questionable HR call. We just need to get some runs Dodgers!!!!

  24. nedajerk

    To bad Carlos didn’t pitch 5 innings on May 1 and could had a win and wow when was the last time Anderson had a hit coming off the bench?

  25. nellyjune

    meanwhile out in Memphis…………………………..

    Jon Link is now pitching and he just had a homerun hit off him. The game is now tied 5-5. In Andre’s last at-bat, he grounded out to third base. What seems to be a good thing is his timing and patience still seems to be intact and he is making contact, which is also good.

  26. nedajerk

    lol Mets got shutout and they shutout Phillies in that 3 games sweep. Look like the Red Sox had another position player to pitch just once I want to see how good Loney is pitching since he was a pitcher in college.

  27. sparkleplenty_1

    Nelly, thanks for the running commentary on Andre’s progress.
    Mmmmmm, do you all think maybe the bats have finally woken up?

  28. nedajerk

    Dang I knew Loney wasn’t going to start urgh should’ve made that switch with Gonzales and just maybe Loney give me a PH homerun. Wow Lendale White was released and could be suspended

  29. truebluewill

    Nice inning by Troncoso. It’s good to see him get those ground balls. We need him to return to form.

  30. sparkleplenty_1

    Shad, I also saw that article about LenDale White. He sounds like a very troubled young man and I hope he can get his life turned around.

  31. nedajerk

    That would explain with the Tiants trading him to the Seahawks. Let’s see Troncoso can pitch 2 scoreless inning.

  32. nedajerk

    Yeah I know and damn my dial up so freaking slow. After that hit 1 min ago as I type that Torre came out.

  33. vl4ecc

    Good evening all.
    Just checking in after the Celtics win. Hope they go all the way. Nice to see the Dodgers have the lead. Hope the bullpen holds it.

  34. nedajerk

    Yeah might see a Broxton vs Giambi matchup but I bet if Beliasario didn’t get that last out and we would probably looking at a 4 outs save.

  35. truebluewill

    What a finish!!! Another thrill ride by Broxton, but he got the job done. Great game overall by the bullpen 8 out of the last 10 outs by strikeouts. This was a very big win for the Dodgers to comeback after being down 4-0 and getting a game wining HR from Manny.

  36. nellyjune

    DENVER — Disabled Dodgers outfielder Andre Ethier went 1-for-2 with two walks and a run scored Friday night in the first game of a two-game Minor League rehabilitation assignment with Triple-A Albuquerque at Memphis.
    Dodgers manager Joe Torre said Ethier, who played seven innings Friday night, will also play for Albuquerque Saturday night, fly home Sunday and will likely be activated Monday.

    Ethier is recovering from a broken little finger on his right hand suffered two weeks ago Saturday in San Diego while taking batting practice.
    Can’t wait to see him back in Dodger blue.

  37. kpookiemon

    12:13 on my end…who knows what time it is in the ITD time-warp. Memorial weekend and it looks like the Dodgers are the class of the division…nobody really any better then the rest–except the Dodgers are 14-4 against the West. Get Cliff Lee to LA.

  38. nedajerk

    Dana Plato died Saturday 8 May 1999 Gary Coleman died yesterday Friday 28 May 2010

    When Coleman died this make me think to go to both imdb page I knew the past history with them 2 getting into trouble and I knew Plato try to commit suicide but really didn’t think Coleman did to with all the healthy problem. So I went to Plato message board and seen a post about her son commiting suicide ouch and it was on the 13th. I know probably wasn’t a big deal on TV like his mom but this was an ex actress son that played on Different Stroke.

  39. crzblue2

    Hey! I just saw that Mike from Brooklyntrolleyblogger was here!
    Oldbrooklynfan! Did you hear Mike on the radio on 1050ESPN radio a week ago Friday. I was at Dodger Stadium so I did not get a chance to hear him live but he has the MP3 there. He was part of four fans that were invited to the show.
    I just got texted that Padilla committed some criminal act. Denver police conference at 2 .

  40. enchantedbeaver

    I just got texted that Padilla committed some criminal act. Denver police conference at 2 .
    By crzblue2 on May 29, 2010 12:51 PM
    Yeah, I think it was called his pitching.

  41. enchantedbeaver

    I’d like to take this time to thank the Denver Police Dept. for doing more to assist the Dodgers starting rotation than Ned.


    According the Ken Gernick, Padilla has not been charged with anything and is pitching a simulated game this afternoon at Coors. Feel free to add any comments that just scream to be made at this time.

  43. enchantedbeaver

    I heard they were going to charge Padilla with speeding, but then they took a look at the radar gun…

  44. crzblue2

    LMAO! Good ones guys on Padilla! Now how about a caption for the picture of Kemp in my blog? It was put by the Dodgers and I don’t know what they were thinking when they posted that drawing. I know you guys would come out with good ones. You can put them here.


    Unconfirmed sources say Padilla may be investigated for impersonating a major league pitcher.

  46. enchantedbeaver

    DENVER (AP) – Dodgers starter Vicente Padilla threw a 45-pitch simulated game this afternoon at Coors field, but couldn’t make it out of the first inning.

  47. kpookiemon

    LA Times this morning, talking about Brandon Wood and what to do with him (he’s out of options), came up with SCI: Sudden Convenient Injury. Ned and Joe could write a book….

    RIP, Dennis Hopper…one of my favorite bizarre people.

  48. nedajerk

    Dang Choo goes 0/6 with 1 k’s suck and the Indians had 13 runs snd 13 hits and I get any good stats from him.

  49. enchantedbeaver

    “Torre indicated that Elbert is likely to be returned to Triple-A when Charlie Haeger returns from a Minor League rehab assignment for plantar fasciitis. Torre said he expects Haeger to be the fifth starter again…”

    Oh goodie!

    Does Joe have old-timers? Honestly, the only way you let Haeger anywhere near the mound is if you completely can’t remember what he’s done there before.

  50. kpookiemon

    “Attorney David Lane told 9NEWS pitcher Vicente Padilla was accused of attending a club with a woman and then slapping her when they went back to his downtown Denver hotel.”

    “Denver Police say they investigated the allegations and did not find enough evidence to recommend that charges be filed against Padilla and say he will not be arrested.”

    Surprised he didn’t take a baseball and throw a high, hard one at her…….or maybe that’s why he “allegedly” slapped her, because she wouldn’t let him throw a hard one!

  51. enchantedbeaver

    Seriously, wouldn’t you rather have Monasterios throwing lefthanded than have Haeger back in the rotation?

  52. trublu4ever

    What’s really bad about Haeger pitching, BPB1, is that he will be used on the day Joe decides to rest the starters. With no chance of scoring enough runs to make up for what Haeger will allow.


    I would rather have anyone than a knuckleballer out there. No disrespect to Haeger; if he had better command of the floater and enough of a fastball to keep the hitters off guard I might think differently. We have seen nothing of the sort but clearly Joe is desperate to find someone to throw out there.

  54. enchantedbeaver

    That might not be so bad Tru. Pitching Haeger’s a throw-away game anyway.

    Josh Lindblom: ERA 6.56 BA .455
    Who knew?

  55. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody
    Last night’s game was fantastic and I hope the Dodgers can follow that act.
    I see another old friend or should I say foe Aaron Cook will be on the mound for the Rockies and we’ll counter with Kuroda, who will try to ruin Jim Tracy’s anniversary as Rockies’ manager.

  56. trublu4ever

    And, now, batting 2nd for tonights game…Garrett Sweeney. Ellis is catching and DeWitt is back in there.

  57. oldbrooklynfan

    Yes Kuroda was off but Manny didn’t help on that fly he missed in left in foul territory.

  58. trublu4ever

    We have two old-timers playing the largest outflield in the majors….not very smart movve by Joe…Matt’s going to be runnung all over the place to back up Manny and Garrett.

  59. truebluewill

    I guess Xavier Paul would have caught that one, but that’s what you have to live with when Manny is out there.


    Well, SOS, we can’t get runners in with timely hits. Anderson sucks!!!!!!! What else is new??
    When the hell is Dewitt going to show a little power??? No home runs as yet.
    Not much power from Loney or Furcal even when he’s healthy!!!
    Come on guys.
    Get it back together….


    Well, SOS, we can’t get runners in with timely hits. Anderson sucks!!!!!!! What else is new??
    When the hell is Dewitt going to show a little power??? No home runs as yet.
    Not much power from Loney or Furcal even when he’s healthy!!!
    Come on guys.
    Get it back together….


    The Rocks getting timely hits. If we don’t get it together the next couple of innings, this one will be over.

  63. oldbrooklynfan

    I never seen Kuroda this bad in quite some time. Maybe it was the extra day.
    And he’s not getting much help defensively either.

  64. truebluewill

    oldbrooklynfan ~ This is probably his worst outing of the year. He also had another bad one against the Rockies on May 7 in LA.

  65. vl4ecc

    This game is quite a dud! The Suns forgot to show up for the Laker game. The Stanley Cup Final is a tight back & forth game though. Flyers-Blackhawks tied 4-4 in the 2nd period.

  66. nedajerk

    What’s about this stadium that we can’t seem to get 2 good pitching good in a rows? Paging a rookie Nomo where are you?

  67. oldbrooklynfan

    I was just checking out the May 7th game and the big difference was that the Dodgers were in the game during the first 5 inning and it was a close game.


    Well, enough of this poop, I’m going to bed. We getting shut out for the third time in 5 games. This sucks.

  69. truebluewill

    I think it’s safe to say that this game is over, I just hope we can avoid being shutout for the third time in the last five games.

  70. oldbrooklynfan

    Another thing on May 7th Kuroda pitched into the 6th inning 5.1 and gave up 4 earn runs. That was much better than tonight. He might’ve had too much time off.
    That extra day.

  71. truebluewill

    I noticed Miller is all covered up. I can’t see any tattoos. I wonder if the league is making him do that on purpose?

  72. oldbrooklynfan

    That’s how you can tell Torre’s still into the game he wanted a hitter up there and he’ll use another reliever.

  73. nellyjune

    meanwhile in Memphis………………….

    The Isotopes won 16-6. Andre had a Sac Fly (enchanted…ummmmm BPB1 already mentioned it), reached on an error, was hit by a pitch (that’s the last thing he needs) and had single. He had 2 RBIs and scored 3 runs. They actually bothered to take a photo for his stat page and he has the look of “You have got to be kidding me!!” on his face.

    Andre ~ You are more than welcome to come back tomorrow and be ready to play on Monday. We need you bad!!!!

  74. nellyjune

    I guess you all know that Haeger is likely to start on Tuesday šŸ™‚

    …………oh yes, I remember all that talk about Andre batting in front of Manny.

  75. nellyjune

    Note to Andre ~ Next time you hit a walk-off Grand Slam, make sure you don’t break your ankle like Kendry Morales did today after he hit one for the Angels. I don’t care what team you root for, when things like that happen, it makes you stop and take notice. That and Huff (Indians) being drilled in the head by an A. Rod line drive…………..scary stuff.

  76. kpookiemon

    Wow, nelly, didn’t know that happened. Weird season for the Los Angeles Angels of Orange County California. Halladay throws a perfect game, and the Dodgers are readying Haeger for another start. Nice going, Frank. Great ownership.

  77. nedajerk

    Yeah I just seen the replay of that game on the news just because I felt alsleep watching the game and didn’t look good and they just said he could be out for the season.

  78. nedajerk

    You don’t see that often when someone getting trade to a new team and his pitcher a prefect game no hitter. What probably suck is this probably was Halladay 1st even no hitter because I know he never had pitched a prefect game before in all those year with the Blue Jays.

  79. nedajerk

    Geez I must be high when I wrote that first sentence and I really hate making dumb silly mistake when I mean he pitches instead of his pitcher and like I said months ago that I hate english class.

  80. northstateblues

    Happy Memorial Day. Thanks to the sacrifices our young men and women are making today, the sacrifices America’s many veterans have made in the past, and, most importantly on this “Memorial” day, the ultimate sacrifice many have given over the years, we have the freedom to continue our way of life at home, the strength to stay united as a country in the face of adversity, and the chance to think about the meaning of those sayings “All gave some, some gave all,” and “Freedom isn’t free”.

    We can never thank you enough.

  81. nedajerk

    The bday boy is getting the day off. We go from having 2 defensive liability in the OF to none lol.

  82. colliethec

    3 Thoughts.
    Funny that on a day where Halliday (Who many here wanted the Blue to persue) throws a perfecto, our “Ace” who is on the DL is being questioned by the police.
    Maybe Haeger has photo’s of Torre?
    The last time we were smoked by the Rockies we won the next 9 games, with Kersh going in the 1st one. Let’s hope history repeats itself!!!

  83. truebluewill

    Happy Memorial Day Everyone! Lets win this one, win the series, and head home for a long home stand.

  84. nedajerk

    Wow do they need an ump at 2nd bases? I’m watching the Mariners/Angels games and the ball hit the ump and cost the Angels an out to end the innings and now the Mariners have runners on 1st and 2nd.

  85. nedajerk

    Well it cost the Angels a 1 run and it could’ve been another 1 but Aybar made a good thrown home to get that 2nd run but that suck Saunders should’ve been out of the inning given up none.

  86. truebluewill

    WTG Loney. That will teach them not to play you to pull. Damn that Cargo! He robbed us again.

  87. nellyjune

    Thanks for winning today Dodgers!!!! I was at a baseball tourney with my son, and I was listening to the game here and there, along with the race today (which didn’t have such a good ending for my driver, but it could’ve been alot worse too).

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day, and thank you to all the military (past and present) who have put their lives on the line everyday for our country.

  88. nedajerk

    Wait a second Nick Green doesn’t have to clear waiver? Why in the heck didn’t we DFA a weeks ago?

  89. nellyjune

    lineup: Furcal 6 Kemp 8 Ethier 9 Ramirez 7 Loney 3 Blake 5 Martin 2 DeWitt 4 Billingsley 1

    Welcome home Dodgers!!!!
    Welcome back Andre “Everyday Dre’/Captain Clutch” Ethier!!!
    It will be great to see him out in right field and in his rightful spot in the lineup.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  90. bklyntrolleyblogger

    My appreciation to all those who gave their lives creating and preserving our Nation and blessings to the good families from which our heroes come from. To all those who have served and are presently in harms way ~ Thank You.

    It’s a regular party in here…isn’t it?

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