Hindsight being 20/20…

A few people asked why the schedule makers gave the Dodgers an offday on Tuesday…well, it’s because of what’s going to happen today.

My understanding of why we had Tuesday off was because it helps to protect us against a rainout, had there been one on Opening Day on Monday. And of course, Murphy’s Law, the weather was absolutely beautiful on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, only to have tons of showers in the forecast today.

The schedule usually gets made during the summer and released in September, so there’s clearly no way they could have known how it would turn out. But, you almost have to expect that Pittsburgh in April will have weather issues…

In any event, as I sit here and type this in a side office of the visitor’s clubhouse at PNC, Rick Monday is intervieing bench coach Bob Schaefer for the KABC 790 pregame show, which should be on around 9 a.m. PT…let’s just hope it’s actually followed by a game rather than a six-hour rain delay! More showers are in the forecast in Miami this weekend, but that’s par for the course and it almost doesn’t matter what time of year you’re in South Florida. That’s always the case.

Anyway, for those who haven’t seen it, Reed Johnson has rekindled his blog, Reed Between the Lines. I’m not sure how often he’ll post but be sure to check back often so you can stay current with his commentary.

Lineup to follow once it’s posted…

UPDATE – Lineup:

Furcal, SS

Johnson, LF

Kemp, CF

Loney, 1B

Belliard, 3B

Anderson, RF

Carroll, 2B

Ausmus, C

Billingsley, P 


  1. nellyjune

    Josh – Now that you gave that explanation, I do remember that from some of the Opening Day scheduling last year in cities where the weather could be an issue.

  2. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! I just saw that line up on Dodgertown USA. I expected it because it is a day game, and it just reminded me never to buy a ticket for a day game or a game on Sunday.

  3. nellyjune

    JMO, but I don’t think this lineup is going to help a pitcher who has a history of the game getting into his head. Like I said, I am not surprised one bit, but after two games, it’s a little much to practically replace the entire lineup.

  4. trublu4ever

    I’m with you, Nellyjune…..no tickets for day games after night games and, definitely, NEVER ON SUNDAY!!!!!!

  5. nellyjune

    I was so caught in the top of the lineup, I didn’t realize Russell wasn’t playing either. So, we have the backups for 5 out of 8 position players today……………….nice call!!! With that said……….. I still hold out hope we can win this came for Billz’ sake if nothing else.

    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  6. scott_in_arcadia

    Nice 0-2 lineup. Wasn’t there just an off day??? If I’m Billingsley, I’m pissed! If I’m a Pirates fan hoping to see the Dodgers best players, I’m pissed. If I’m a Dodgers fan living in Pittsburgh and this is my chance to see my team, I’m pissed. If I’m sitting at my desk at work looking forward to following the team today on the net, I’m pissed!!!

    Fire Joe.
    Fire Ned.
    Sell the team.

  7. scott_in_arcadia

    Hi all! Wishful thinking at best. Hoping for the McCourts to ruin each other come August.

    COME ON, JOE!! Not everyone is 70 years old and needs a rest!! Senile old fool.

  8. trublu4ever

    I’d say we are all a little ticked off…lol….Can’t wait for Bear, Enchanted and the rest to chime in on this 🙂

  9. thinkingblue

    Aya-ya-eeee! Both Ethier & Martin have the day off. Well hopefully Ethier’s foot is doing fine and that it is not reason for his day off. And Martin has shown improvement (weight gain is helping) and I don’t think he needs a day off YET!

  10. nellyjune

    It is being reported on Dodgertown USA that Andre rolled his ankle last night, and Joe is not sure he will play in tomorrow’s game either.

  11. scott_in_arcadia

    It’s one thing to think that you can give a bunch of days off as you cruise to the division title, but I don’t think it’s a forgone conclusion. The Gnats might be up 3 to 5 games on the Dodgers by the time they get back to LA as much as I hate to say it.

    It’s also criminal to make people by a ticket package just to see the Yankees.

    I don’t trust Frank McCourt’s beady little eyes. Nope, don’t trust ’em.

  12. nellyjune

    I agree Scott. I wasn’t too upset to see Andre out of the lineup, but to replace 5 out of your 8 position players is a little much IMO.

  13. thinkingblue

    Maybe our line up was to predictable and this lineup will confused the Pirates Pitchers…WISHFUL THINKING…just looking for a little hope!

  14. tommylasordid

    That explanation of the scheduling makes absolutely no sense. If you are afraid of a rainout in the series, you schedule games Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and if one of the three gets rained out, you play on Thursday. The current schedule only protects you if it happens to rain on Monday.

    And yeah. Sucky lineup today. Nice to know the regulars already need another day off.

  15. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi ITD
    Maybe a rainout is just what we need, but not as much as we need Bills, to stop the bleeding.
    Does anyone remember the last Dodger win in 2010?
    You may lose me for long intervils, since I’m having trouble posting on this blog.
    A lot of page loading promblems.

  16. thinkingblue

    OLD-B well I attended the last time the Dodgers won in 2010 against the Phillies…the only playoff game they won! But can’t remember the exact date!

  17. crzblue2

    What are you saying? Do we remember the last Dodger win in 2010? We have not seen one yet!
    Is a beautiful day here in the Southland with lots of Dodger blue skies. they should always open at home first.

  18. bluesplash09

    how bout we win a f’ing game before guys start gettin the day off. And it figures that we get guys in scoring position all last night and cant get the run across, but in the 1st inning today there it is. GO DODGERS!

  19. sparkleplenty_1

    Bills is looking pretty good. And now DeWitt is in danger of losing his starting job – Belliard just sent one out.

  20. bluesplash09

    nice play Jamie! I was sittin here thinkin there is no way we can double up mccutchen, our bench may actually be productive this year. GO DODGERS!

  21. oldbrooklynfan

    Let’s put my question this way,
    When was the last time the Dodgers won in Spring training?
    I forgot.
    I’m limiting my comments, to see if it will help me post.

  22. oldbrooklynfan

    I just remembered to check the ST schedule, it was March 29th, we’ve lost 10 straight since then.
    Good to see Bills get through the 5th. First starter to do it.
    I’m having a lot of trouble commenting.
    If i ever get this comment in, I’ll come off ITD for a while and then come back and see how I do.

  23. crzblue2

    I went for four game to Spring Training. I saw one win, two losses and one game got cancelled on account of rain. One of the losses was in the 10th inning. they shoudl have stopped as it was against the Jints. But you are right, not many wins in Spring Training. We are winning now and that is what counts!
    And Josh, I welcomed Reed in his blog back at the beginning of March. ” En todo estoy menos en misa ” that is just a Spanish saying that I am everywhere except mass but heck I went to Easter Vigil last Saturday so I was at both Our Lady of Chavez Ravine and at the Cathedral.
    Go Billz!
    Go Dodgers!

  24. oldbrooklynfan

    I hope this goes through, Yes it’s great, robertelee.
    Make that 9 straight losses. I counted the Bucs 3 times

  25. scott_in_arcadia

    Well, the 2nd tier guys have done great today. I still don’t like automatic night game/day game rest for millionaires even if the Dodgers win 16-1 today.

  26. robertelee@yahoo.com

    Hey nellyjune, that’s me. Had to change my log on name a little, but that’s me. Ready for the Dodgers to do great things this year. We have a much better bench than last year. Lets win it all.

  27. nedajerk

    Did you really think we was going to lose Scott? Even with are deep bench Johnson and Anderson are still good players but Anderson should be playing LF not RF. Get used to we’re going to see more rest for Manny and Blake.

  28. nedajerk

    PITTSBURGH (AP)?Dodgers right fielder Andre Ethier(notes) was held out of the Los Angeles lineup Thursday against Pittsburgh because of soreness in his left ankle.

    Ethier developed swelling and discomfort in the ankle after scrambling back to first base on a pickoff attempt by Ross Ohlendorf(notes) in the fifth inning of Pittsburgh?s 4-3 victory in 10 innings on Wednesday night. Ethier remained in the game and went 1 for 3 with two walks.

    X-rays on Ethier?s ankle showed no significant problem, but he underwent treatment Thursday in Pittsburgh. Dodgers manager Joe Torre is uncertain whether he?ll play Friday night at Florida.

    Ethier hit .272 with 31 homers and 106 RBIs last season. He went 2-for-8 with a double and an RBI in the first two games in Pittsburgh.

  29. scott_in_arcadia

    Despite today’s results, Anderson should be used as a LH pinch hitter and not play OF save emergency or injury. Lousy OF even in his youth and a terrible OBP. Hopefully Ethier will return soon. I have no problem with Reed spelling Manny, but if Casey Blake can’t play every day then get rid of him.

  30. robertelee@yahoo.com

    I really think this team is capable of scoring lots of runs this year. We need to get hot for the Giants coming up and let them know who is the team to beat in the West.

  31. nedajerk

    Hey Boblee glad you’re back I was wondering what happen to you when we played our 1st real regular season game.

  32. nellyjune

    Then in that case Boblee – it is great to see you back!!! I am happy Dodger baseball is back too 🙂

    Shad – thanks for the update on Andre. I hadn’t read the particulars of his injury until you posted that portion of the article.

    I was trying all during the game to post about today’s lineup to piggyback on Scott’s many posts throughout the morning, and I kept getting server errors (I am guessing it is what OBF was going through) and then I got submission errored on top of it.
    Anyhow, here is what I was trying to post……………

    I don’t think anybody has any issues with who is playing today as far as their record for playing and any spot starts are great. I actually like all these players and I think they make great backups for all the primary position players. The issue I have is if I am a Dodger fan living in Pittsburgh, or Ohio (thinking of Jhall) or even us up in Nor-Cal going to AT&T Park paying a ticket price to see the Dodgers play and/or I don’t go to the games all the time because I don’t live in Los Angeles or I can only afford so many games throughout the season, I would be pretty ********** if I came to a game like this and saw 5 out of the starting position players sitting on the bench. I understand they won and that is the ultimate goal, but if this is Dodger Stadium and I paid Dodger Stadium prices, I would be pretty upset if this was the lineup I came to watch…………….win or not IMO. ………..and until I see the Pirates take on some other teams, I am holding judgement on how good this win actually was. I would feel the same way if I were up here watching the Dodgers play at AT&T Park and they did this because AT&T charges extra for the Dodger games because they are a premium game. I would be glad they are winning but equally pissed that I didn’t get to see 5 of the starting position players play today. JMO, but somebody has to say something for the fans that can’t go to every game like others.

    I wish Billz could have pitched one more inning, but I am glad he had a good outing. This should help the confidence in the games to come. You have to give kudos to the only pitcher this series that didn’t give up a home run to Garrett Jones.

  33. nedajerk

    As long as he hit for power something Sweeney and Pierre can’t do obp would mean nothing to him. I’m having a feeling Torre want to get Anderson over 300+ ab’s since he closed to 300 homeruns and I’d rather have Anderson in the OF over that cheater Manny in day of the week.

  34. koufax1963

    HI ITD!;
    I’ve been pretty silent this winter, but now there is some good news! A win. Don’t like the Dre ankle news, but hope and prayers that will be good news too, very soon.
    Oh and yes my picture of Koufax’s No hitter vs the gnats is hung proudly. Can’t wait till they play next weekend.

  35. nedajerk

    Geez my last 2 comment should’ve been ahead of Nelly last comment and yea Nelly I’m always on yahoo sports so I rarely miss things like that and while we at it did anyone seen what happen to Velez jersey?

  36. nellyjune

    Yes, I did Shad!! Whoever sews their jerseys spelled San Francisco wrong. They spelled it San Fracicso instead. That was pretty funny indeed!!! I would have had more fun with that around the house if they hadn’t just swept the Astros, but it won’t stop me from trying.

    Hey Koufax!!! Nice to have you back, and yes, a win is always a welcome thing around here. Andre is too stubborn to stay away too long. I am thinking he will be back in the next game or so. He’s got to get back to proving all his doubters wrong.

  37. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Can’t stay long, but unfortunately I’m not going to be able to make it on opening day. I got a job! Now now, before you all start getting all excited, it’s temporary. I’ll be working with the Census people again and I start tomorrow. My son will be going to the game on Tuesday with my mom. I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  38. cpompe1

    Oh, and some quick notes.

    I knew the Dodgers were playing today, but I forgot it was on TV this morning, so I missed the parade today! Aw, nuts. I saw Monday’s game and was sick to my stomach. I saw parts of yesterday’s game, but not the end. The ending made me sick to my stomach again. Just glad that Billz held the Bucs down today. Now that sounds weird for me to say that – I mean, that the Bucs are THAT much of a threat that they needed to be held down.

    Well, I’ve gotta go. I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  39. northstateblues

    Thanks for the article on Kemp and Rhianna, Shad. Reading that Rihanna’s friends with Katy Perry, who’s marrying British comedian Russell Brand, I got an amusing image of a double date, and the girls going off to the bathroom…

    Kemp and Brand at the table, a few seconds of awkward silence… then:

    Russell Brand: So… um… baseball, that’s the one with the rounded wickets, right?

  40. dodgereric

    Gotta agree wholeheartedly with tommylasordid (love the moniker!) about the malebovineexcrement explanation of the day off on Tuesday. Plus, I’ll add that whoever sold that explanation to Josh probably was wearing a checkered jacket and is looking to unload a plot of bottom land on someone.

    Can’t say I’m too excited about Billz today. I watched most of the game from the 3rd inning on and he’s still giving too much credit to and getting behind way too many hitters. He got real lucky a couple of times with balls hit right at someone, or he wouldn’t have been around long enough to qualify for that win. He still has a lot of work to do, IMO.

    North, if you’re still around, I’ve always loved your posts, but you’re getting better than ever.

    Wholesale lineup changes in Game 3? Same ol’ Joe. I can’t wait to see if DonnyBoy has the same style.

    And speaking of that, isn’t it still a requirement that you interview minority candidates? And didn’t I see that McCourt was quoted the other day that he has “a successor in place” or something to that effect?

  41. nellyjune

    I am watching the White Sox/Indians game, and the White Sox announcers were talking about Juan Pierre and they used the name Slappy McPopUp. Don’t they know that is enchanted’s name for him?

  42. jhallwally

    Hello Gang!!! I’ve enjoyed reading you all. Keep it up North!! That is priceless Nelly!!! I’m still laughing. Great stuff and nice post Dad/Eric. Hi’ya Trumom!!! Nice win today!!! Let’s go fillet some fish!!!!

  43. nellyjune

    Hey jhall!!! I actually think they weren’t necessarily saying that name in a negative way. They were using it as an example of names he had been called in the past. He actually went 2 for 5 with a walk and a run tonight, but they still lost to Grady’s team, the Indians. However,it was just funny hearing it because it was enchanted’s name for him.

  44. jhallwally

    I’m sure they didn’t mean it to come off with malice Nelly, but it is too funny!! By the end of the season, that could change. LOL!!! Indians took the series from them. I was happy for them!!

  45. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Shad!! I’m kind of OK with the Angels because Scioscia is there manager and he is top drawer. Plus, I could not care less for Seattle, Texas, or Oakland!!!! Good for Thome, he is a class act!!!

  46. nellyjune

    I agree – it was just funny hearing that name from somebody other than an ITDer. It’s like when outsiders from ITD use the name Ethieraholic. It’s like………..”you know that’s our name, don’t you? We work hard coming up with those names” – LOL!!! I was happy for the Indians too. I am hoping they have a healthy team this year.

  47. nellyjune

    Shad – My household cares a little about the Angels. Brian Fuentes is from Merced, and we look forward to seeing him do well. My son actually bought a halo ballcap Tuesday night. I will gladly let him wear that one over the alternative which is a gnat one. Also, I am a huge Scioscia fan……………..loved #14 back when he was a Dodger catcher, and he is an aweome manager today.

  48. crzblue2

    Tru said:
    “Awesome post, Nellyjune, and thanks for reminding people that not all Dodger fans live in L.A.

    By trublu4ever on April 8, 2010 5:49 PM ”
    Actually Tru, I am in the minority here. I think the majoriy here in the ITD don’t live in L.A.
    You got me excited that you had found a long term job. I’ll miss you on Opening Day but let me know next time you are at our Dodger Stadium. My friend Erik also started a vountereering job until he finds something else. Good luck.
    Woohoo! We got the W today! On to the Marlins!

  49. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya CZ, good to see you!!! Fry the Fish!!! Gonna rack it for tonight gang!!! Excelsior True Blue Believers!!!!

  50. nellyjune

    I got locked out of ITD before responding to you in time Jhall!!!

    I am going to use Dodgereric’s phrase (I think he will let me – lol). I could be doing better, but I could be doing a lot worse too. It’s been a tough few days, but nothing that can’t be overcome and make us stronger. Goodness, I sound like Dodgereric,and I mean that in the most positive way possible. It’s great talking with the ITD regulars now that the season is underway though. It looks like we may have a few new ITDers as well, which is always a welcome sight.

    Good Night Jhall and God Bless!!!

  51. nedajerk

    Rank Player (2010 HRs) HR
    1 Barry Bonds 762
    2 Hank Aaron 755
    3 Babe Ruth 714
    4 Willie Mays 660
    5 Ken Griffey, Jr. 630
    6 Sammy Sosa 609
    7 Frank Robinson 586
    8 Mark McGwire 583
    Alex Rodriguez 583
    10 Harmon Killebrew 573
    11 Rafael Palmeiro 569
    12 Jim Thome (1) 565

    I just want to see him pass up McGwire and Sosa. I just wish he had some homeruns for us lol. Since we gave up a Justin Fuller they should’ve gave us him back in July 31 and not wait for Aug 31.

  52. Dodger4life

    Good Morning All……
    The Boy’s are going for two in a row the positive way today.

  53. enchantedbeaver

    Actually Nells, I picked-up Slappy McPop-up from somewhere, so I can’t take any credit for it.

    However, JP CAN take credit for this:
    J Pierre OF 3 12 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 .286 .167 .167

    You can take the uniform out of the Slappy, but you can’t take the Slappy out of the uniform (or something like that.)

  54. enchantedbeaver

    After the first three games of the season I’ve come to the conclusion that I may owe Torre an apology. He could very well let a starter work deeper into the game…

    if we actually had one that was CAPABLE of working deeper into the game.

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