Inside the Dodgers Tour

Sitting in my office right now with David Kort, the winner of the ThinkCure auction in the Battle of the Joshs.

He’s been here for about 45 minutes and already met Maury Wills, Manny Mota, Joe Torre, Larry Bowa, Juan Pierre, James McDonald, Tim Wallach, George Sherrill, Mariano Duncan, Charley Steiner and we’re just getting going. Plus we’ve already taken him to some of the cool corners of the stadium that no one ever gets to see. And it’s benefiting ThinkCure.

Even better, when he picked this date a while back, no one realized he’d have a chance to be in the clubhouse when we celebrate a division title. Let’s hope we can pull it off tonight.

Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Kemp, CF

Loney, 1B

Blake, 3B

Martin, C

Hudson, 2B

Wolf, P


  1. jhallwally

    Hello Gang!!! I have a feeling that we will celebrate tonight!!! Much sweeter to beat the Rocks head to head for the NL West and celebrate at home. D4, loved your list. LMAO!!!! By the way, does a one legged duck swim in circles?

  2. jhallwally

    I guess I should have bought some Boone’s Farm. I always had a lot better luck with it back in the day!! LOL!!!

  3. kpookiemon

    Man Ram, you said Dodgers would pop the corks tonight…a couple bombs from your bat might help loosen them up.

  4. Dodger4life

    No Problemo JHall….I’m good, Just waiting to celebrate tonight 🙂
    I only drank Boones once but I still remember with whom…
    Yabba Dabba Doo!!!!!

  5. jhallwally

    It’s funny, but if you could put your hands on a couple of bottles of Boone’s Farm back in high school, you were almost legendary. Geez!!!

  6. Dodger4life

    I used to grow a mustache…Get dressed up in a shirt and tie with a v neck sweater and some Khaki’s…and mix in with the 5: 00 crowd at the liquor store JHall…It worked every time….

  7. jhallwally

    Unbelievable D4!!! I wish I would have thought of that. However, I couldn’t grow a mustache then. LOL!!!!

  8. Dodger4life

    However I did get carded today buying some Andre cold duck……I was like really, now that I resemble Santa Claus youre going to card me….

  9. nellyjune

    Jhall’s in the ITD House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy! You are early tonight!! I am still at school, and funny you should be on here now. I am putting up all Cincinnati Reds stuff, including Ohio State Symbols and such. Cleveland is next week.

    Hey Dodger4life!! I was asking all my teacher friends, including my student teacher, if they knew about the two songs being the same tune. It’s funny……….they all start singing them in their heads – LOL!!!!

    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. jhallwally

    BonJour Nelle’ bon mon amie!!! Too cool. You need to tell them stories of The Big Red Machine and their rivalry with the Garvey/Lopes/Russell/Cey Dodgers when they were in the same division and played 18 times a year. It was epic!!!

  11. selltheteam

    Hey Wally!! Nice to see the Phils losing, but what do I really want?? A big blue victory tonight!! Lets Go DODGERS!!

  12. jhallwally

    I am so totally with you Crash. Good to see you as always. How’ve ya been? I believe we will come out smokin’ and put this thing to bed tonight. It’s gut check time.

  13. nellyjune

    jhall – yes, Beav is doing good, as good as he can be considering how the Dodgers have been playing lately. I am guessing you haven’t been checking your e-mail or perhaps you have changed your address.

    I am heading home, but I will catch up in a little while after I get settled there, definitely before the game.

    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. nellyjune

    Oh and Jhall!!! I just did the White Sox this past week. Always a fun team to do too because of their past.

  15. jhallwally

    Thanks Nelly, I haven’t been checking my e-mail much lately or at all. Catch you later for the celebration.


    Everybody read KenGurnick’s blog?? Kuroda out for first round with cervical spine herniation… Can it get more interesting?

  17. shad80

    Anyone remember John MeLoan? He and Santana was part of the Blake trade but didn’t know he’s playing for Oakland. I wonder why the Indians ask for MeLoan are did Ned throwing him in that trade if so I’m going to be upset. lol he should’ve had thrown in a 26 years old minor leaguer playing in rookie ball. I know it’s early to judge but he’s been pitching well for the no pressure A’s.

  18. perumike

    Good evening everyone! Glad to see a lot of the gang is here! I’m running out to take my wife to the store, but will be listening to KABC, and will be back for what will hopefully be a celebration! Go Blue!

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody,
    It’s seems like the postseason is starting a few days earlier to me.
    I was hoping all along that the Dodgers wouldn’t have to face the Rockies head to head, but now I think this way will show them nothing comes easy and will develop PERSEVERANCE, which Lasorda once told them they needed to have.
    At the very least I’d like them to be the best in the division, before they take the next task.
    GO BLUE. GO DODGERS********************

  20. truebluewill

    Not the way we wanted this game to start. We got to get those runs back early and Wolf has got to settle down.

  21. bluesplash09

    congrats to the 2009 west division champion rockies, have fun getting swept in the division series Dodgers, i’m gonna go throw up

  22. Dodger4life

    The last few day’s…maybe more?? Manny looks as if he is trying to hit the ball over the Dodgers dug out…..Instead of keeping his front shoulder in the swing longer….Almost as if he isn’t satisfied with base hits and wants to go yard. Manny take the single or double and let the game develop around you….Mon!

  23. truebluewill

    Good to see Wolf settle down in the 2nd. The Brewers came back and lead the Cards 7-6. Phillies lost. Everything is going our way. Now if we can only score some runs.

  24. vl4ecc

    Good evening all.
    At the rate Wolf is going, he’ll be lucky to make it through five innings. Still hoping the bats will awaken from their slumber here in a big way.

  25. Dodger4life

    Missing persons report…………Enchanted Sunset….also known as Brownpaperbag / justplaindisgusted or as recently as last week…..Booger, has not been seen or heard of. At the present time we unsure whether this is at best a case of the Mega Mu I love you’s, or an actual abduction……He was last seen in the New Mexico area…If you have any details of his whereabouts, please post them in this or any following thread…Thank you for your cooperation……

  26. bluesplash09

    hopefully we can at least maintain home field, but ths discussion shouldnt even matter, we shoulda locked up the division and home field a couple days ago. It’s hard to think positive at a time like this

  27. nellyjune

    Yes it did Oldbrooklynfan……………yes, it did!!! It looks like maybe Manny and Matt needed to go to the batting cages with Andre too.

    However, we look better than the previous 4 games, so I still have faith we will get this done tonight.

  28. colliethec

    Every Day Dre does it again!
    Hello there Nelly — nice to be back & missed!! You were all missed as well. I haven’t even had the time to read
    2 great plays on D. The Rockies look to be making mistakes. Could the roles have flipped for now? Let’s hope so!

  29. Dodger4life

    TONIGHT!!!! I GOT BORED SHAVING…. I’LL POST THEM ON FB… I have a good feeling about this game, stick around and celebrate with us Baby!!!!

  30. truebluewill

    Dodger4life ~ Don’t worry tonight there is no way I’m going to bed tonight until this thing is over.

  31. oldbrooklynfan

    A very very typical Wolf game.
    I’m just hoping for Jimenez to goof up.
    with at least one runner on base.

  32. 32and53fan

    I am still confident we can turn this one around tonight. After almost a month since my tenant announced he is leaving my rental house, today I got some people who want to move in so I am optimistic that the Dodgers will finally get their elusive win today also. It sucks to see Manny doing his Andruw Jones impression though. He needs to get the ball in play.

  33. colliethec

    Nelly — The OC was awesome. Although it seems like it was a dream. It went by so fast. We had a wonderful time. I saw my Aunt that lives in Top Of The World in Laguna Beach. We had dinner with her at her house on the patio while watching the sunset & with Catalina in the distance. It was a blazing hot night which is the way we like it! Played at the beach with some friends and their families. One of the friends & her Hubby have adopted 2 kids in the last 2 years so it was great to meet them! Then a lot of lounging, shopping, walking, and eating. It was wonderful. We are already ready to go back!
    Bob — I’ll be here. I’m confident as they were playing ok ball before we left. But when we were gone & the last few nights we’ve not watched. That’s when they’ve been stinking it up. So I told Wifey we’re watching tonight to try to help them turn it around.
    I’m ready to pop my Smirnoff “Ice” after the game!

  34. Dodger4life

    I may pass out TBW, I am trying to show my solidarity with Enchanted / Brownpaperbag / just plain partying tonight…..
    By drinking double shots of tequila……

  35. nellyjune

    Manny IS NOT doing his job. Why doesn’t he get dropped in the lineup? I know…………..but I thought I would ask anyway.

  36. colliethec

    Boy Manny looks bad out there. Someone needs to spike his Gatorade.
    All joking aside….
    Let’s go Dodgers!!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!

  37. Dodger4life

    Collie……BE L.A.BABY!!!!! BE L.A.!!!!!!!!
    How is that fantastic other half doing????

  38. dodgereric

    Anything to help get SOMETHING going……..
    With apologies to Ray Stevens

    ITD loves the little Dodgers,
    All the Dodgers on the team;
    Brown or yellow, black or white,
    They are precious in our sight;
    ITD loves all the Dodgers on the team.

    Every game is beautiful in its’ own way,
    Like a starry autumn night
    or a sun-scorching summer day.
    Every game is beautiful in its’ own way,
    Under God’s heaven, this team’s gonna find a way.

    There is none so blind as he who will not see.
    We must not close our minds,
    we must let our thoughts be free.
    For every game that passes by,
    you know the season gets a little bit older.
    It’s time to realize that beauty lies
    in the eyes of the beholder.

    Every game is beautiful in its’ own way,
    Like a starry autumn night
    or a sun-scorching summer day.
    Every game is beautiful in its’ own way,
    Under God’s heaven, this team’s gonna find a way.

    We shouldn’t care about our last at-bat
    or our failing OBP.
    Don’t worry about that four-pitch walk
    or that Torre seems asleep.
    We’re gonna get it all together
    and take in a game with some clients.
    Just take a little time to look on the good side
    at least we’re not the Giants.

    Every game is beautiful in its’ own way,
    Like a starry autumn night
    or a sun-scorching summer day.
    Every game is beautiful in its’ own way,
    Under God’s heaven, this team’s gonna find a way.

  39. colliethec

    D4– Actually she is bummin. She has a slightly torn calf muscle. She was put in a walking cast today. My fault… she got some to go dinner for us from this Puerto Rican place that has this killer mango ice t. She left my ice t in the car and run up the stairs outside and popped her calf. 😦
    Yes that night was a blast!!! We had fun with you all! Great group to be around.
    I’ve wanted to post some more about the events of that night, but figured I might wait for a day off or the offseason.
    We WILL do it again next year. Bank on it!
    How’s work D4?

  40. oldbrooklynfan

    Com’on do something fans, change your shirts, spit on your T.V., Kiss yor wife.
    We have to change this bad luck.

  41. colliethec

    Tru Blue!! The time warp and taking 10-15 minutes to get my words posted and communicate with you all got me a little frustrated. That’s why I was doing quickie posts for awhile.

  42. oldbrooklynfan

    Oh girls kiss your husbands, or your dog or cat.
    or a rat, if you can find one.
    I changed my shirt, so far.

  43. truebluewill

    Dodgereric ~ Great song! I needed that it made me laugh. The last four games the Dodgers are making me cry!!

  44. nellyjune

    Well, that was not good folks…………….not good at all. The Toy Store just became not so fun again. The toys aren’t working so well right now.

  45. colliethec

    Nelly — She’s never had an injury until last years head bumpin moment & this. So she considers herself lucky.

  46. trublu4ever

    DAMN……………….SUBMISSION ERRORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dodge ~ I’ve been cussing quite a bit the past few weeks!

  47. dodgereric

    Funny, that’s what the wife’s been telling me…….

    Geez, I’ve discovered the dreaded Submission Error. It sucks.

    Personally, I really don’t much care about winning the division. I’d just like to see us hit the ball. I’d rather lose all three games 10 – 8 than win one game and remain in this slump.

  48. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ don’t you think if we win this game, we will be relaxed and win the series? Besides, Jhall wants to pop the cork on his Andre Cold Duck!

  49. nellyjune

    You mean you have never gotten a submission error until now? Boy, you have been lucky then. I get it at least…………at least once a night, and they last anywhere from 5-15 minutes.

  50. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: True or false…most African soccer teams have their own witch doctor.
    Redd Foxx: That’s true…and their motto is, “If you can’t beat ’em, eat ’em.”

  51. nellyjune

    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!

  52. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: What are “Do It”, “I Can Help” and “Can’t Get Enough”?
    George Gobel: I don’t know but it’s coming from the next apartment.

  53. nellyjune

    You know Andruw Jones struck out 4 times last night………………….very similar indeed to Manny tonight.

  54. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: While visiting China, your tour guide starts shouting “Poo! Poo! Poo!”
    What does that mean?
    George Gobel: Cattle crossing.
    (laughter and applause dies down)
    Peter Marshall: Aren’t you ashamed?
    George Gobel: I really am.

  55. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: What is the definition of the word “Gobbledygook?”
    George Gobel: That’s the stuff that crusts over in turkeys’ eyes when they’re asleep.

  56. Dodger4life


  57. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: Does the Secret Service have any women?
    George Gobel: Of course, who do you think performs the secret service?

  58. nellyjune

    messagebear – it should be……………………..

    Stinking Ramirez
    Stinking Ramirez
    Stinking Ramirez
    Stinking Ramirez

    You forgot one dear 🙂 He needs 4 for his 4 pitiful strikeouts.

  59. truebluewill

    Damn Kemp came close to hitting it out. At least we’re back in it. Come on Sherrill hold em at 4. Give us a chance.

  60. shad80

    tonight? Manny hasn’t done sh*t for a month now. At least not what he is being paid to do.

    By nellyjune on October 2, 2009 10:00 PM

    You know I was giving him a break but this game is the most important with runner on base and not going throught.

  61. nellyjune

    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!
    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!

  62. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: True or false, George…experts say there are only seven or eight things in the world dumber than an ant.
    George Gobel: Yes, and I think I voted for six of ’em.

  63. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: According to the Reverend Billy Graham, what sin have you committed if you drink too much?
    George Gobel: Gluttony. The neighbors say I ate their cat.

  64. Dodger4life

    Now I said that when Mnny returned I would support him as long as he supported us….meaning dont dissrepect us verbally ar physically…..You have done well…..However when it was reported that if you didn’t get it done this year you would next…. I …. ( justplainwantedtokickyourasss )
    GET – R – DONE!!!!!!

  65. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: According to Shakespeare, what acquaints a man with strange bedfellows?
    George Gobel: The tall dude in the purple hat.

  66. truebluewill

    Ok. I’m being positive now. I got my little split of Moet champange next to me ready to go when they win it. I want to pop that cork NOW!!!

  67. nellyjune

    Why should Manny get any breaks? I think he has gotten his fair share of them this season. It’s time for him to play for what the Dodgers paid for. Andre and Matt (Russell and James) certainly haven’t been given any breaks for hitting or playing poorly so why should Manny get the breaks? Manny hasn’t been doing his job since he was suspended.

  68. truebluewill

    Ok. I’m being positive now. I got my little split of Moet champange next to me ready to go when they win it. I want to pop that cork NOW!!!

  69. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: Is it possible for a man to get an annulment if he can prove that he was drunk
    during the wedding ceremony?
    George Gobel: Well, I thought of that, but by the time I sobered up, we had been married 23 years.

  70. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: According to weather statistics, where is the wettest spot on Earth?
    George Gobel: Uh, the parking lot at Busch Gardens.

  71. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: True or false, there is a magazine called “The Corsets & Underwear Revue”? George Gobel: I was reading that before Playboy came out.

  72. colliethec

    Slight tear of her calf muscle. She just went limping by me. She won’t listen to me and stay put. She is a restless one…

  73. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: According to Ann Landers, is there anything wrong with getting into the habit of kissing a lot of people?
    Charley Weaver: It got me out of the army!

  74. nellyjune

    Boy, if he just could’ve done that last Sunday, we would be all nice and relaxed right now, but nooooooooooooooooo……we go to the bottom of the 9th biting our nails as usual.

  75. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: Charles, how many balls would you expect to find on a billiard table?
    Charley Weaver: How many guys are playing?

  76. dodgereric

    Peter Marshall: True or false, massaging the feet helps some people with hot flashes?
    George Gobel: So that’s why Rose Marie wears battery-operated shoes.

  77. nellyjune

    Well, I guess we have to try again tomorrow. I really liked our chances today versus tomorrow, but like any game……………who knows what will happen until the game is played. Kershaw better bring his A game and Manny and Matt need to hit the cages or something. It helped Andre.

  78. Dodger4life

    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009 BOY’S!!!!!!!

  79. nellyjune

    You do realize we have been saying “We will get this done tomorrow” for 5 games straight now? I am keeping the faith that this will turn out fine overall.

  80. 32and53fan

    I have no words to describe my feelings right now.
    The only consolation is that there are two more chances to win one game and it is not 1962. That year, the Dodgers blew a four-game lead in the final seven games as they lost 10 of their final 13 and the last four games, then lost in a best-of-three playoffs when a burned-out bullpen blew a 4-2 lead after seven innings in the deciding game. Don Drysdale had won 25 games that season and was available, but manager Walter Alston tried to save him for a World Series Game 1 that never happened.

  81. truebluewill

    32and53fan ~ I remember that year very well. I was 10 years old sitting in front of the TV crying my eyes out as the Dodgers lost that playoff game. I’m almost at the point where I fell like crying again.

  82. shad80

    Randy Wolf(notes) (11-7) gave up two runs and five hits over five innings. He was 6-0 with a 2.45 ERA in his previous nine outings.

  83. shad80

    Manny and Blake were the first Dodgers to both strike out four times in a game since Mark Grudzielanek and Angel Pena did it way back on July 25th, 1999.

    Small solace that the Cardinals and Phillies also lost putting the Dodgers home field advantage at one game. So with one win the Dodgers can win the Division and home field advantage.

    Can they do it? Tomorrow will be the best chance with Clayton Kershaw going for the Dodgers. Can Manny bounce back after a miserable week which has seen him go 0/10 with 8 strikeouts including his last six time at bat.

    Wolf has now thrown a career high 214 innings surpassing the 210 inning he threw seven years ago in 2002. Quite an accomplishment for the man who will be taking the mound in our first playoff game no matter who we face or when.

    The five game losing streak is the longest of the year for the Dodgers and for the 3rd time they struck out 13 times. Not the greatest time to have your longest losing streak but just one win will change the smell coming from the team right now. It is strange to know that you could lose out and still be playing in the postseason. I wonder who was the last team to lose their last seven games and still make the playoffs?


  84. Dodger4life

    Dont t give me this crapp…………
    I’ll fight for our Boy’s and they’ll fight for us…..

  85. shad80

    I think are real stud Kershaw going to pitching well and if he good control the rockies going to be in for a long time but Colorado owned Kershaw this year and his career but some of those game are in Colorado.

    To bad he should’ve had won 15 to 16 by now with run support. Look at his homerun number.

    If their was anyone the dodgers should’ve beat is De La Rosa.. He’s 0-5 in his careers.


    Jim Tracy will probably be touted for manager of the year.
    Torre – should be nominated for Sleeper of the Year.
    There isn’t an ounce of “motivator” in this guy – IDIOT that he is.


    Well, Kids. Pretty disappointing, I admit. Manny used to crush those same pitches he’s striking out on. Coulda shoulda woulda wrapped it up in Pittsburgh, but that didn’t happen. NOTHING-TO-DO-BUT-KEEP-THE-FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And save the negative crap for when the season’s over.
    And who did shad pay to put that post on here for him/her?


    “The only thing I can do is write his name in there, pat him on the back and expect better things to happen,” Torre said.

    Joe the IDIOT’S comment about Manny. Well, you could drop him down in the lineup like you have everybody else during the season. Right now batting third or fourth is the worst thing you can do with Manny. Without his steroids he’s just another player, and not a very good one, so let’s treat him like one.


    Descriptions from an article announcing the firing of Towers at San Diego:

    He once commented that he’s a “sludge merchant,” able to move unproductive players with big contracts for more productive players.
    In one of his biggest trades, Towers acquired All-Star right-hander Chris Young and All-Star first baseman Adrian Gonzalez(notes) in a six-player deal with Texas in January 2006.

    Wonder if Towers could move JP and Manny and maybe Martin and get something productive with a future for our team. I think I’d much rather see that than Ned getting extended. Besides, Towers should come CHEAP, which is a word that Frank understands.


    messagebear, you beat me in posting Joe’s comment, and I agree fully with your reaction to it. Here’s what I was going to say:

    Perhaps the following comments provide a clue to the Dodgers recent struggles:

    “The only thing I can do is write his name in there, pat him on the back and expect better things to happen,” Torre said.

    “My confidence is always up,” he (Ramirez) said. “I’m one of the best hitters. All you have to do is check my police report and see that I’m still a good hitter.”

    “Today I had a bad day, but remember, they didn’t [build] Rome in one day,” Ramirez said. “So I know I’m one of the best hitters in the game, and I’m just going to come tomorrow and be patient.”

    Aren’t you glad Ned gave those big contracts to these guys?


    I bring it all back to Frank; I think Ned is just Frank’s mouthpiece and brown nose. Frank is the one who seems to delight in getting the legendary Torre in the dugout (asleep or not) and Manny on the field. Now, that was before the drug disclosures on Manny – I don’t know exactly how he feels now that Manny has come down to being just an ordinary and not very effective player. Frank probably thought that this would show him up as a real owner. I don’t think anybody but Selig really acknowledges that. That’s why all the real owners impose an “impostor” tax whenever the Dodgers want to make a deal for somebody really valuable – Dodgers are always required to ante up more than any of the other teams to get a deal done.

  92. jhallwally

    Hello gang!! Very disappointing and frustrating effort again!!! I didn’t have anything good to say last night so I decided to not say anything. Gotta keep the faith and try and stay positive I guess!! We’ll whip’em tonight Dodger faithful!!! Hope you all have a great day!!!


    messagebear, that is some good insight and probably right on. It sure is true that the Dodgers give up a lot more than they should to make a deal, and the other team’s demands for the deals that don’t get made are ridiculous.

    As to Manny, at the rate he is going, he will soon be an effective stand in for Andrew Jones. And thanks to that ridiculous player option that Ned gave him for 2010, he will continue to laugh his way to the bank for another year. Without that option, can you imagine what his open market value would be for 2010 based on his 2009 performance and drug disclosures?

  94. jhallwally

    Yep, Manny will probably take the option. I can’t see another team offering him more. Without the juice, he is very ordinary and old!!!!


    For Ned: Maybe you can learn something from the Rockies!

    “Including the guy who pitched ninth inning, Franklin Morales, every player we used [Thursday] was a homegrown player and there are not a lot of organizations that can boast about something like that,” Tracy said.

    “It means we’re a pretty good baseball team and that we’re going to remain a pretty good baseball team for a period of time,” Tracy said of his team’s homegrown talent. “It’s because we’re young on the field but have quality veterans out there and then a deep farm system, deep pitching, and if we can continue with our mind-set we have, we’re not going away.”

  96. enchantedbeaver

    Gene Mauch 1964
    Joe Torre 2009??

    Just sayin’…

    … and Mauch’s lead was 6 1/2 with 12 games to go, not 6 with 7 games to go.

  97. kpookiemon

    If Manny hits a walk-off bomb to win the division everyone (well almost everyone!?!?!) will be slobbering all over themselves with well-wishes for Man Ram and playoffs-here-we-come bravado. This thing runs FAR deeper than Manny…he just seems to be the poster child for this mess because he is THE star. Granted, he has stunk up the place, but so has Kemp and Ethier this past week. I’m not defending Manny, just spreading the manure. The playoffs are all about crummy offense, so let’s look at the Dodgers’ pitching in this five-game descent into oblivion. Runs allowed: 6, 11, 3 , 5, 4. Not abominable…but certainly not clutch and certainly not playoff quality. If one looks game by game at the pitching–in order–Broxton stunk, Kuroda stunk, Billingsley was just OK, Garland stunk and Wolf (“burying” his team 2-0 before they ever touched a bat) was semi stinky. These are the pitchers, ladies and gentlemen, that will carry the Dodgers only so far as their ability to grind. Huston Street, on the post-game show last night, talked about attacking hitters and if they hit your best pitch, so be it. Dodger pitchers are pitching scared. No other way to say it.

    All this mumbo-jumbo aside…CLAYTON!!! We need you to be the ace, the stopper no one else on this staff seems to want to be or is capable of. Pick up the crippled offense and the “ace” baton will have been passed to you.

  98. Dodger4life

    Someone…… Please get Khali some lemonade…….He is in for a long day behind the pitchfork folks……..That is a pretty tall pile to spread……….
    Itdbooger…..Glad to see ya back
    Even though there hasn’t been much fun these days…
    I HAVE FAITH!!!!!
    P.S. I almost forgot……..
    “The only thing I can do is write his name in there, pat him on the back and expect better things to happen,” Torre said.
    Maybe so Joe…. but perhaps someone could give him a good swift kick in the rear as he heads out to the field..
    Oh yeah I forgot…. He is the big ole pampered ( apparently porcelain now Barbie doll. )
    That ones for you messagebear……

  99. jhallwally

    Great points Kahli!! We have long known that our offense will have to perform if we are to get anywhere. We don’t have the top line starting pitchers that we will face in the playoffs. That is why our recent offensive woes are so disheartening. Championships are won with pitching (starting), and defense. We can play defense, but will need the offense to mash, if we are to go very far in the playoffs. I guess, we will have to wait and see!!

  100. jhallwally

    Great points Kahli!! We have long known that our offense will have to perform if we are to get anywhere. We don’t have the top line starting pitchers that we will face in the playoffs. That is why our recent offensive woes are so disheartening. Championships are won with pitching (starting), and defense. We can play defense, but will need the offense to mash, if we are to go very far in the playoffs. I guess, we will have to wait and see!!

  101. jhallwally

    Great points Kahli!! We have long known that our offense will have to perform if we are to get anywhere. We don’t have the top line starting pitchers that we will face in the playoffs. That is why our recent offensive woes are so disheartening. Championships are won with pitching (starting), and defense. We can play defense, but will need the offense to mash, if we are to go very far in the playoffs. I guess, we will have to wait and see!!

  102. shad80

    Oh so the Brewers can beat the Cards but they can’t be the
    Rockies. Cards can’t be the Rockies than they got lucky winning a season series 5-2 and 3 games had a scored of 3-2 that went the Cards way and we still owned the Rockies. The Rockies canbeat the Cards at a season series is 6-1.

  103. northstateblues

    One more win.

    One more win would give the Dodgers the West AND NL Homefield.

    One more win would make the last seven games irrelevant.

    One more win would let us concentrate on how we’ll approach the postseason.

    One more win would allow Torre to field whatever strange lineup he desires on Sunday without any consequences in the postseason.

    One more win would give the Brim Reaper his first taste of October, even though he spent much of his career in the colors of Fall over in Baltimore.

    One more win would shut all the naysayers out… even if we know better.

    One more win would mean there’ll be little bottles of Andre Champagne popping everywhere from Brooklyn to Los Angeles.

    One more win is all it takes.

    So take it already.


  104. shad80

    Yeah 4/31 .216 and blah Mannywood most like Bumwood is on strike. Damn these fox announces talking trash and yeah there is a solution with Manny start Pierrewood.

  105. kpookiemon

    Even Jim Tracy is talking trash:
    “There’s been a lot made of the fact that we were 3-12 against them coming in, but that’s not even part of our thought process,” said Rockies manager Jim Tracy. “The first two months of the season, they beat us up, but they’re not beating us up now.”

    Just what exactly has he ever won??? Oh yeah, the 2004 division……………

  106. Dodger4life

    “Our A team will be out there,” manager Jim Tracy promised..
    “They were all cheering when they got here and crying when they left,” outfielder Carlos Gonzalez said. “It would really hurt them after leading the division for so long to lose it.”
    “I want to win the division, and I want them to keep that edge,” Tracy said. “But we will do it sensibly.”
    “They beat up on us pretty good early in the season,” Tracy said. “But they aren’t beating up on us now.”
    LETS WIN TONIGHT BOY’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. nellyjune

    There is just something wrong about going from thinking enchantedsunset to ITDBooger. Thanks for letting jhall and the rest of ITD know that you are still breathing and didn’t drown deep in your Dodgerville Abyss or that you didn’t overdose on the Dodgertown Koolaid.

    All great posts by everyone this morning and this afternoon.

    LET’S GO DODGERS, LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. northstateblues

    The Rockies are talking a lot of @%$#

    JOSH: think that article will make it’s way to the clubhouse before gametime? :: wink wink :: :: nudge nudge :: :: grin grin :: :: say no more ::

  109. kpookiemon

    northstates, I’m with you, but if the Dodgers need “smack” quotes to win the division, I shudder. They should take the field tonight with the mindset they’re going to BURY the Rockies.

  110. shad80

    That’s suck for Greinke and was pitching a gem than Mauer hit a solo homerun and Young hit a 3 run doubled.

  111. shad80

    Don’t Call It a Comeback

    If Colorado sweeps the Dodgers in this, the final series of the season, it will make history. The Rockies will have come back from the biggest deficit in baseball history to win the division.

    Year Team Games
    ’09 Rockies 15 1/2
    ’78 Boston Braves 14
    ’78 Yankees 14
    ’95 Mariners 13
    ’51 N.Y. Giants 13
    ’06 Twins 12 1/2

    ’73 Mets 12 1/2

    blah @ that would be twice that we’ve done that I assume that would be the 1951 shot around the world that was the first.

  112. trublu4ever

    I’ve been wearing my Dodger “gear” for the past two weeks and we haven’t been winning. So, tonight, I’m going to be incognito! GO, DODGERS!!!!!!

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