Manny Bobblehead Day…

Manny gets the day off on his bobblehead day, but we all know how that worked out last time!

For the weekend against the Giants, we’ll be Padilla, Garland and Wolf. And Kerhsaw’s simulated game looks like it will take place on Friday or Saturday.

Here’s the lineup for the sold out game (if you don’t have tickets, please don’t come down today…tune in on PRIME TICKET or listen on KABC or KHJ):

Pierre, LF

Belliard, 2B

Ethier, RF (Mailman Delivered again last night)

Kemp, CF

Loney, 1B

DeWitt, 3B

Ausmus, C

Castro, SS

Kuroda, P


  1. scott_in_arcadia

    Wow, how many of you would pay $15 for parking plus an overpriced ticket for a team that doesn’t like to spend that money on players?
    Good luck Kuroda!

  2. perumike

    I like what some of our reserves have done this season, but to sit 5 of our 8 regular position players is too much! I hope we win, but I have doubts.

  3. scott_in_arcadia

    Don’t get me wrong, I cheer for the reserve stiffs, but perumike is right on – sit 5 regulars? And it’s not the first time.
    Our chances are very slim if we go on the road in the first round.
    If Torre wasn’t “resting” guys (read: getting Pierre in the lineup), maybe the Dodgers would be cruising to home field advantage and could rest players all they want the last week or two like teams used to do.
    Castro? Belliard batting 2nd? He’s had a couple good games for us, but his OBP is terrible. DeWitt? he hasn’t played – is he going to be sharp? If I was a Dodger pitcher who got stuck with this crap I’d be pissed!

  4. perumike

    Amen tru! I got new threaded, so here is my previous post:

    Good morning all! Great game last night, Mr. Clutch came through! We need a pic on the cover of the Dodger Magazine with Andre and Jerry West! ESPN just said that Andre’s 6 walkoff hits is the most in the majors in the division era! Go Dre!!! Let’s hope we whoop on the Pirates today, and the Rox lose so we can hopefully put this division away in the next few games!

  5. sparkleplenty_1

    Seems to me that when Manny was starting to get his timing back Torre “rested” him – and then he started flailing again. Looks like that almost ALWAYS happens when he rests guys who are working things out and just coming around – yank ’em out, let ’em sit, and then, WHAM, go back out there and expect them to be 4 for 4! Is that the way to run this ballclub? I think not!

  6. scott_in_arcadia

    Good point shad…I’m not happy with the shadow of the Manny he used to be. He doesn’t look focused at all. He’s being a jerk because of the bad press – IMO.
    I just don’t want to see young stud athletes given days off in the prime of their lives – talking Ethier, Kemp and Loney.

  7. oldbrooklynfan

    Good Afternoon ITD.
    I’d bet everybody had a good night sleep, dreaming of Andre’s new walk-off.
    MVP all the way, this year regardless of where the Dodgers end up. At least in our eyes.
    Eventually Ethier’s name will ring all the way to my neighborhood when he reaches A-Rod status.
    Mark my words, he will be one of the greatest.
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  8. shad80

    Yeah we should be lucky those 3 are in but would be mad if Loretta had another start. The good point is that we now have a good bench lol. I’m not worry about Manny and Blake at all. I really think Furcal is playing hurt all season long and how can you explain his lack of hitting this year and defense? Odog has been hurt the past 2 years and always seem to get unlucky in Sept but I think he had enough rest when we got Belliard.

  9. enchantedbeaver

    Why rest 5 regulars when you’re supposed to be fighting for homefield advantage (and an extra game or two for Frank to line his pockets with) and already have an off day Thursday anyway?

    I’m just plain disgusted.

  10. scott_in_arcadia

    Resting Hudson and Blake periodically makes sense because of their injuries. Pierre played every freaking day when Manny was out. “He plays everyday.” What major league player worth their salt would NOT want to play every day? No way Ethier, Kemp or Loney have ever asked for a healthy day off. Complete BS.

  11. nellyjune

    oldbrooklynfan – let’s hope Andre hits that status when he is still a Dodger. I hope Frank is ready to take care of him and Matt during the off-season.

    jpd – just plain disgusting is right.

    scott – the BS is getting very tiring to read and listen to.

  12. thinkingblue

    I agree with both Nelly & JPD: Home field advantage is very important! What is the point in resting more than one starter! They have Thursday (tomorrow!) off! I am just glad the DYNAMIC DUO are still playing tonight!

  13. scott_in_arcadia

    Nelly, you are so right. It’s one thing for your favorite – and deserving – player to sit for no reason, but to have to hear the whole organization from Josh to Frank plus fishwrap stiffs like Plaschke tote the company line, it’s just too much!!

  14. oldbrooklynfan

    Is it true that when the Dodgers traded Milton Bradley to the A’s, they told the A’s just to pick anyone in exchange?

  15. enchantedbeaver

    If I had to make the rotation today scott, I’d go with Kuroda, Wolf and Padilla. These next three weeks will tell though.

  16. nellyjune

    scott – it’s not so much the JP love anymore. I don’t understand it, but whatever. I just don’t like being told he is playing because the others need rest, or Andre doesn’t hit well against lefties, or Matt because of a particular pitcher. The dynamic duo does not need rest, and Manny already had 50 days of rest back in May and June. I really have not had a problem with JP coming in for the 7th, 8th or 9th inning, but he should only be starting if one of the three is actually out due to illness or injury.

  17. nellyjune

    I like jpd’s pitching rotation. Until Billz shows signs of getting his stuff back, he needs to take a back seat, and even if he does, it may be too late.

  18. dodgereric

    “Chad Billingsley, who has slumped after starting the season as a potential ace of the Dodgers’ pitching staff, will not start this weekend when the Dodgers host the San Francisco Giants, Dodgers Manager Joe Torre said today.

    The 25-year-old right-hander also was sent to the Dodgers’ bullpen for today’s game against the Pittsburgh Pirates in case the Dodgers need him following Tuesday night’s 13-inning game, which the Dodgers won, 5-4, after using six pitchers, Torre said.

    Billingsley likely would have started Saturday or Sunday, but Torre said the Dodgers’ rotation for the Giants series would be Vicente Padilla on Friday, Jon Garland on Saturday and Randy Wolf on Sunday.”

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    I think it looks like a good idea to place bilz in the bullpen, they can’t put him on the shelf, he has to pitch.

  20. truebluewill

    Hi gang Just dropped in to say hi. Today is my 30th wedding anniversary, got to meet the wife for dinner. Hemmm? Dodgers or wife, what should I chose? See you later. GO Dodgers!

  21. dodgereric

    Pierre now has 27 steals and has been caught 12 times (69.2%)
    Last year he had 40 steal and was caught 12 times (76.9%)
    The year before he was 64, 15 and 81.01% (Of course, he was a full time player that year – and a little younger)

    Seems like he’s not as good at it as he used to be.

  22. evrythingisbeautiful

    “Seems like he’s not as good at it as he used to be.”

    By dodgereric on September 16, 2009 1:46 PM

    Aren’t we all? Hmmm?

  23. oldbrooklynfan

    I have trouble with page load errors and redirect loops, is this common with the rest of you?
    It leaves my comments(after they finally get through), way up high on the screen instead of at the bottom.

  24. enchantedbeaver

    Where’s our MVP singlehandedly winning the game for us???

    Oh I see, he got his *** thrown out trying to steal third and just dribbled another one to the first baseman.

  25. nellyjune

    LOL!!! No, I was at lunchtime though – However, through mlb.come -sorry 🙂 They came back last night after I turned it off…………….there is still hope.

  26. oldbrooklynfan

    One of those games we have very often, waiting for the opposing pitcher to goof up or tire out in this case, namely Kevin Hard.

  27. shad80

    This is always a problem facing a pitcher we never faced before but apparently we have face him before when he was a Cubs.

  28. shad80

    With the day off tomorrow probably why Kuroda not in their againn but still would be nice to rest the bullpen for one game than the last time when Stults had that cg/shutout vs the Giants.

  29. shad80

    Those 2 could’ve probably had around 25 if we had Kuo healthy all year and Sherrill started the season pitching for us. Its funny Kuo had 4 holds the first month to bad we lost him for along time than we surely won’t rank last in blown saves with 25.

  30. shad80

    Wow Belliard hasn’t played much but he surely can’t gim bomb. This is why I was scared to used Belliard batting ahead of Ethier.

  31. nellyjune

    I promise, it has been off since 12:50 🙂 It’s recess, but I won’t test fate right now – GO DODGERS!!!!!!

    LOL!!! Dodgereric – it’s a good laugh too 🙂

  32. dodgereric

    I feel you’re right about the sacrificing, brooklyn. But I just looked it up and we’re 4th in the league with 70 sac bunts. Only the Reds (88), Braves (80) and Mets (73) have more.

    The game has changed. Go back to 1908 and you’ll see that teams averaged over 200 sac bunts a year. Of course that was deep into the dead ball era. But as recently as 1975 the NL averaged 90 per team. Last year the average was 66 and the league is at 62 so far this season.

    And that was more than anyone really wants to know about sacrifice bunts.

  33. dodgereric

    Hey tru, the warp is 17 minutes and getting longer every week. Like I said before, it’s like the time stamp clock is simply running too fast. Not that flimsy excuse that gave Josh.

  34. koufax1963

    Hi ITD.
    Much negativity out there today, why? We won last night, gained on Rox. Oh the line up, you can’t understand resting the over 30 crowd after extra innings and a early day game to follow. Oh Pierre, getting caught stealing 3rd, well hey Dre and Matt would of left stranded at 3rd anyway.
    So now we lead, all is well. Belliard vs. Hudson at second I am crossed up on that. Could belliard or Hudson play SS?
    Ah I am just causing speculation, we are tired enough of the line up changes (something the Rox fans are blowing a gasket over with tracy). So Go Dodgers. Everyone turn their TVs off, going to the ninth! Go Dodgers! Go Broxy!

  35. oldbrooklynfan

    I was wondering why the Pirates didn’t have a T.V. feed.
    They didn’t think it was worth it, according to Scully.

  36. trublu4ever

    It usually happens when you get “Server Problems” which is very frequent.
    We did manage to win this game and I’m glad but, I want our reulars in there from now until the season is over!!!!

  37. kpookiemon

    Pondering the playoff roster as Dodgers would have to have a monumental tank job to miss now. Biggest question is number of arms Joe carries…with 4 starters, does he want seven or eight relievers? Assume all six “starters” make squad, that leaves five or six more pitchers. Broxton, Sherrill, Kuo are in. That leaves Belisario, Troncoso, Weaver, Mota, McDonald. Two too many at least. Many Padilla is left off…maybe McDonald. Maybe Wolf or Kershaw isn’t healthy. Assuming eight position players, plus back-up catcher, that leaves four or five subs. Pierre, Belliard, Castro, Loretta, Thome, Mientkiewicz. Too many. Decisions, decisions.

  38. Dodger4life

    I’m happy cause Everything is Beautiful and my Boy’s in Blue are having fun!!!!
    Keep up the good work gentlemen!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!

  39. koufax1963

    I am still High from last night’s game. Whooohooo!
    and now this victory, both the gnats and rox stayed up to see if the Dodgers won last night, and tonight they have this game’s extra pressure on them. Not good for either gnats or rox. The marlins are really coming up strong too.
    Which team would you like to see as the wild card to knock off the Cards?

  40. shad80

    To be honest I would love to see the Marlins or the Braves to sneak in and surely doesn’t mind to see those Cubs again lol

  41. koufax1963

    Yea I definitively have an avoidance to the gnats being in the post season, so lets go take them out of it this weekend. I thnk moving Bilz out of that series is a good move. perhaps JT is actually thinking about positioning the Dodgers for a WS run, I mean that is what he is paid for.
    Of course it is wonderful to control our own destiny, just win baby!

  42. dodgereric

    Here you go, brooklyn. Sorry it took so long, hope you’re still around:

    2009 Dodgers, sacrifice bunting

    SBA = Sacrifice Bunt Attempts (Only includes unsuccessful bunts made and bunt strikeouts. Failing to bunt early in the count and then swinging away later are not included.)

    SSB = Successful Sacrifice Bunts

    % = Sacrifice Bunt Success Rate

    Ausmus – 5 SBA, 5 SSB, 100%
    Pierre – 10, 8, 80%
    Martin – 3, 2, 67%
    Castro – 3, 2, 67%
    Hudson – 13, 8, 62%
    Furcal – 12, 3, 25% (Guess Torre was right about this one)
    Kemp – 1, 0, 0%

    No other position player has even attempted a sac bunt. Boy, I wouldn’t have guessed Ausmus was that good at it.

    What’s that? You want the pitcher’s stats too??? OK, but I have to get home soon so I better hurry up.

    Kuroda – 7, 7, 100%
    Milton – 2, 2, 100%
    McDonald – 1, 1, 100%
    Haeger – 1, 1, 100%
    Mota – 1, 1, 100%
    Ohman – 1, 1, 100%
    Troncoso – 1, 1, 100%
    Wolf – 9, 8, 89%
    Kershaw – 10, 7, 70%
    Billingsley – 10, 7, 70%
    Stultz – 3, 2, 67%
    Weaver – 4, 2, 50%
    Padilla – 2, 1, 50%
    Schmidt – 2, 1, 50%

    I’m guessing the pitchers work a lot more on it.

  43. nellyjune

    Glad to find out we won – yeah Dodgers!!! I see dodgereric is up to his stats again, isn’t he? I will have to go read… back shortly 🙂

  44. Dodger4life

    I don’t care whom we play…….I do think that beating the Jint’s brings me the most satisfaction, however the flip side to that is …well never mind……..I BELEIVE IN OUR BOY’S!!!!!

  45. shad80

    If Martin try to bunt and couldn’t get it down and somehow he gets a base hit by swinging would that still be counted as a failed bunt attempt?

  46. perumike

    So everyone, we’re at 88-59, with 15 to go. Can we go 12-3 to get a nice 100 win season? I think we can! Let’s do it!!!


    So, boys and girls, what did we learn today and over the past few days? For one thing, and I am sure someone will check up on this, when Joe rests multiple regular players the Dodgers throughout the season still seem to find a way to win. For another, each game will provide its own challenges regardless of the opponent. And finally, while the Dodgers may lure you to sleep early in the game, they come alive late in the game to make things interesting (kind of like watching an NBA game).

    I also would like to make some comments about Andre Ethier. I think oldbrooklynfan asked if the A’s gave the Dodgers a choice of any player for Milton Bradley and while I have no idea, I suspect neither the Dodgers or A’s really expected a whole lot from Ethier other than they knew he could hit at the minor league level. I know there are a lot of Ethier fans in ITD land who saw something in him right from the start and believed in him long before Dodger management did. But there is no way anyone really could have predicted that he would become a home run threat and provide so many thrills with his walk off hits and home runs. Andre really does not do anything exceptionally well and certainly does not have the athletic skills that Kemp has. But who would you rather have at the plate with the game on the line? There can be little doubt who the Dodger MVP is and I hope this is a breakout year for Andre.

  48. kpookiemon

    With the Gnats down 2-0 mid game, I wonder if The Dodgers would rather have them coming in riding a four-game winning streak, sniffing playoffs and ready for bear, or just lose, and have the Rockies put another nail in their coffin…keeping the Rocks within striking distance of 1st place? Which scenario makes them a more dangerous opponent this weekend? Either way, we’ll know the result soon.

  49. shad80

    Fast Facts

    • Matt Kemp’s career-high 24th homer helped the Dodgers win for the fifth time in their last six games.

    • Jonathan Broxton recorded his 35th save, the seventh most in franchise history.

    • Ronnie Belliard went 3-for-3 and finished a triple short of the cycle.

    — ESPN Stats & Information

  50. shad80

    NOTES: The crowd of 53,193 was the Dodgers’ seventh sellout and the largest weekday attendance in stadium history, excluding opening day. The main attraction was another Manny Ramirez(notes) bobblehead giveaway. … Dodgers RHP Chad Billingsley(notes), who has lost four of his last five starts, won’t take his scheduled turn in the rotation this weekend against the Giants, replaced by RHP Vicente Padilla(notes). RHP Jon Garland(notes) will pitch Saturday, followed by LHP Randy Wolf(notes) on Sunday. Torre said he told Billingsley that “we needed to get him straightened out.”’ … Crew chief Gerry Davis missed the start of the game because of illness, but took his spot in the middle of the third.

    Geez there wasn’t no sellout today.

  51. dodgereric

    I guess I have the stat bug today.

    Here you are, lbirken:

    4/18, rested Martin, Blake and Furcal. Beat Colorado 9 – 5.
    4/28, rested Blake, Furcal and Ramirez. Lost to Colorado 10 – 4.
    5/3, rested Martin, Blake, Furcal and Ramirez. Beat San Diego 7 – 3.
    5/10, rested Martin and Blake. Lost to San Francisco 7 – 5.
    5/17, rested Martin, Blake, Furcal and Ethier. Beat Florida 12 – 5.
    6/6, rested Blake and Furcal. Beat Philadelphia 3 – 2.
    6/25, rested Martin, Loney, Furcal and Ethier. Lost to the ChiSox 6 – 5.
    6/30, rested Martin, and Hudson. Lost to Colorado 3 – 0.
    7/1, rested Martin, Blake and Furcal. Beat Colorado 1 – 0.
    7/18, rested Loney and Ethier. Beat Houston 4 – 3.
    7/26, rested Blake and Ramirez. Lost to Florida 8 – 6.
    8/8, rested Martin and Blake. Lost to Atlanta 2 – 1.
    8/15, rested Martin and Loney. Lost to Arizona 4 – 3.
    8/22, rested Martin, Loney and Ethier. Beat Chicago Cubs 2 – 0.
    8/23, rested Loney and Hudson. Lost to the Cubs 3 – 1.
    8/29, rested Martin, Blake and Ethier. Beat Cincinnati 11 – 4.
    8/31, rested Loney, Hudson and Furcal. Lost to Arizona 5 – 3.
    9/4, rested Martin and Hudson. Lost to San Diego 2 – 0.
    9/13, rested Hudson and Ramirez. Lost to San Francisco 7 – 2.
    9/16, rested Martin, Hudson, Blake, Furcal and Ramirez. Beat Pittsburgh 3 – 1.

    You requested multiple rests, by definition more than 1. I didn’t count the ones where a player wasn’t rested as much as injured, as evidenced by more than 2 days on the bench.

    Record is 9 – 11.

    Broken down

    Rested 2: 2 – 8
    Rested 3: 4 – 2
    Rested 4: 2 – 1
    Rested 5: 1 – 0

    So, I guess if he wants to rest some guys, he shouldn’t stop at only 2.

    OK, now I need to get back to my Fantasy Football League.

  52. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – On the show Man vs. Food on the travel channel, the guy is eating the 6 lb burrito at the NASCAR Cafe. OMG!!!

  53. nellyjune

    lbirken – wonderful post earlier. ……….and yes, we (Ethieraholics) knew Andre would do great things the minute he put on a Dodger uniform, but were never sure he would get the chance to prove it while in a Dodger uniform with all the obstacles he had to overcome. I did my research early on and knew based on his background from a kid, through Arizona State, into the minor leagues, and how the Dodgers learned of him and traded for him. And, yes, he was sought after by the Dodger Organization. I just can’t think of the guy who found him, but I will find out and let you know.

  54. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – I mentioned this earlier on FB that there aren’t too many teams in the league who can sit 5 starters and still win games. I know we complain about it, but, in reality, it should be a good spot to be in. I guess we will find out in a few weeks when we lock up the division if the so-called “rest” and the “keeping players game ready” really did pay off.

  55. nellyjune

    One more thing – he didn’t finish the burrito. He was about a fourth shy of finishing. He got the “Big Sissy” shirt. I guess only 3 people have finished it.

  56. nellyjune

    Good Night ITD readers and writers!!! Tomorrow is a day off……………….who knows what that means for ITD. Take care everyone and God Bless 🙂

  57. shad80

    I guess the dad that caught a foul ball for his 2 years old daughter and his daughter threw the ball back on the field and it look like the Phillies team gave her a new ball afterward.

  58. shad80

    The Red Sox won in walk-off fashion for just the fourth time this season, which is the third lowest number in MLB.

    • Joe Saunders (5.2 IP, five runs) struggled after entering 4-0 with a 1.85 ERA over his previous four starts.

    • Boston improved to just 5-12 against the Angels in the regular season over the past two seasons.

    • Brian Fuentes blew his seventh save of the season.

    Wow I would had guess that the Red Sox would have more than 4. This is why record in the regular season mean absolute nothing. The Angels owned the Red Sox in the regular season but it’s totally difference in the playoff.

  59. shad80

    Amazing their 5 teams with 80 QS in the NL and the White Sox are the leader in QS in the AL with 79. I can’t believe the Yankees only have 68 and they have the best record now. This mean after Sabathia and Burnett and there bullpen they have no pitching.

  60. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue……..
    It is the finale series with the rival and hated Giants!!!
    We see this every year and every year it has meaning. The meaning simple……BEAT THE GIANTS!!!!
    This year we are on our way to something special…..and the Giants are clinging to a ray of hope!! I don’t know about all of you but I want to take that ray of hope and crush it!!! Plain and Simple!!!
    I want to continue crushing little rays of hope that stand in our way. This is our year baby, it belongs to us….It’s in the Heart of Dodgertown that the Championship blood flows, through the chilly start of fall…. and the cherished ring is crying out to all in Blue to take me home
    My Heart Is Beating…….This Is My Town!!!! This is My Season!!!! This Is My Dream!!!! This Is My Opportunity!!!
    This is Mine !!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  61. trublu4ever

    Awsome, Dodger4life!!! Nothing would make me happier than for us to eliminate the nasty Giants…….let’s put them out of their misery!

  62. thinkingblue

    ITD RALLY TIME! D4L has started the RALLY!
    I heard in the news this morning that the original singer for “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey (the before 8th inning Dodger song) is mad that Dodgers using this song since he is a big time GIANTS FAN. He says that his song (he co-wrote) is giving the Dodgers luck! I believe he will be attending the games this weekend. SORRY MR-JOURNEY, IT IS NOT THE SONG….WE JUST HAVE GREAT PLAYERS, WE HAVE THE DYNAMIC DUO!

  63. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Well, very nice to sweep a bad, very bad Pittsburgh team. Honestly at this point, I don’t care how they win, who they beat, or what lineup they put up. As long as they win, that’s all I care about. For what it’s worth, I do think that the struggles we went through will help us tremendously in the playoffs! Yes, I did say playoffs! We’ll be there – with bells on! Nice of the Gnats to win 2 of 3 from the Rox. Now, we need to CRUSH THOSE SAME GNATS THIS WEEKEND!!!

    Oh, yeah, my mom went to Tuesday night’s game and saw the whole thing!!! She’s just as much of an Ethieraholic as I am!!!

    So how are my ITD friends today?

  64. cpompe1

    Oh, and Shad. I saw that “little girl video” on ESPN and thought it was the cutest thing I ever saw! I mean, forget that it’s a Phillies fan, but the dad just had the perfect reaction to his little girl’s throw! I forgot that the family was going to be on the Today show this morning, or else I would’ve watched it. But that video was just precious indeed.

  65. perumike

    I just read Ben Maller’s rumors on FoxSports, and he says that Billz’s days are numbered, that they may package Billz and Russ in the winter.

  66. enchantedbeaver

    The Mayan calendar sites Dec. 21, 2012 as the end. I didn’t really give it much thought afterall, 5-5-05 was supposed to be doomsday as well when all the planets aligned.

    But now I’m truely scared. With these words from Ken Gurnick, I’m convinced the end is near:
    “Shrewd Colletti has LA eyeing October.”

    “Shrewd” being used in the same sentence to describe Colletti…
    Pray with me people, for I’m afraid its time to put your head between your knees and kiss your *** goodbye.


    Eric, thanks for the research on how the Dodgers fare when regulars are rested. I accept your criteria. My guess would have been they won more than they lost but my real reason for wanting to look at this is more of a reaction to all the negative comments that grace these pages when a regular player is not in the lineup and how many people just seem to throw in the towel and question Joe’s sanity whenever he rests multiple regulars on a given day. I am not saying the criticism is unjustified or that I even agree with Joe’s lineup philosophies. All I am saying is the team still has won a number of games without the regulars. I know one could argue they could have won more games if the regulars had played more but that is an argument that is impossible to prove. I also accept the fact that a fan could be disappointed when a popular player is out of the lineup for any reason, especially if the fan is attending the game.


    Permike, don’t you think it is a little early to start playing the offseason rumor game? We need something to do during the offseason so let’s save this discussion for then.

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