Pads series underway

The San Diego Padres hit up Dodger Stadium this weekend, starting tonight and for those who aren’t yet aware, Sunday’s game is on ESPN, a 5:10 start so please don’t show up at 1:10!!

With two night games tomorrow and Sunday, I sense that Russell Martin will be in the lineup for both, so he’s out of there tonight. And Ronnie Belliard spells Orlando Hudson for another day. Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Kemp, CF

Blake, 3B

Belliard, 2B

Loney, 1B

Ausmus, C

Kershaw, P


  1. crzblue2

    The streak started last night! Hey friends that sit in the row infront of me will be in AZ too. they have a group of 35 sitting in pool/suite area. Never have done that in AZ. Unfortunate be working but hopefully will be in SF for a game.
    Let’s go Kershaw!
    Let’s go Dodgers!
    I am heading out to the stadium now.


    Let me be the first to say I hope tonight is the start of a big winning streak that continues into Monday since I will be at the game in Arizona.

  3. trublu4ever

    I see we are already in the time warp. I posted after you, lbirken, and it’s showing up earlier. Actually, you’re time is about ten minutes ahead of my actual time. I’m sure glad mlb got this problem solved.

  4. edog07

    PrimeTicket shows the game starting at 6pm, but it doesn’t start until 7:10pm… Hmmmm

    Belliard has played his way into the lineup every game so far…

  5. Dodger4life

    Good Evening ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue …..
    Outstanding Win Last Night 🙂
    Outstanding Post MessageBear………:-)
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!

  6. kpookiemon

    Hudson had an All-Star first half, so perhaps he does need a blow…he’s shown he is a game changer. But what exactly has J. Martin brought to the dance all season? I would have no problem playing Ausmus 50% of the time, but that seems sacrilege to Joe.

  7. enchantedbeaver

    Kahli – Martin’s going to be like Rick Monday, propelling us from the brink of elimination into the World Series with one swing of the bat.
    Hey look everyone… Flying pigs!!!

  8. shad80

    Having left Philadelphia, where they entered the series having lost 10 of their previous 14 games at Citizens Bank Park, the Giants will resume activity Friday at Milwaukee’s Miller Park, where they have dropped 14 of 18 games since the start of the 2006 season.

    Zito entered the season with an 0-3 record and a 10.05 ERA in three starts at Miller Park. But he broke that spell on June 27, allowing three runs in 5 2/3 innings while receiving no decision.

  9. kpookiemon

    All Martin bashing aside, he is most definitely the biggest, most frustrating mystery of the season. Just WHAT happened to him? His throwing defies logic: he seems to bounce EVERYTHING, yet he has thrown out more base runners this season (29) than any other NL catcher….albeit, a misleading stat because he is second in stolen bases allowed (65) behind only the Gnats’ Molina (71). This says teams run on Martin. A lot. His offensive (pardon the pun) on-base percentage is 116th in the NL…but before we crucify him, he’s ahead of Blake, Loney, and Furcal. I “guess” he calls a good game but I have absolutely no expertise to judge that.

  10. enchantedbeaver

    I think we’re going to have to hope Martin’s having an off season because the FA catchers becoming available are frightful. And truthfully, I really don’t think Ellis is an everyday major league catcher. Capable back-up maybe, but not everyday.


    I agree about Martin and hope he is just having one of those years and that is all it is. He is a gamer and probably the best alternative the Dodgers have. If the team was not having so much difficulty driving in runs Martin’s offensive slide this season would still be noticeable but probably would not cause as much concern. Let’s just get through this season and we can worry about next season when the time comes. Enjoy the game.

  12. Dodger4life

    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  13. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi There,
    Well another of our loose teams with nowhere to go, looking to beat LA.
    We need to get those bats connecting with the horsehide and score some runs and take some of the pressure off the pitchers who are doing a fantastic job keeping us in first place.

  14. shad80

    lol at the 1 hit tonight for the Yankees but Halladay deserved that cg/shutout. I just can’t believe how good Halladay is but his career ERA is 3.48 n and baa .255 and 16 teams pass him up in that draft. That’s Perez kid in Texas is good.

  15. Dodger4life

    LOL!!! Monday!!!! I feel like I’m at Dodger Stadium tonight 🙂
    I just need some peanuts…and a Dodgerdog 🙂

  16. shad80

    Amazing Verlander through 126 pitches through 8th and now that the Tigers got 2 run I bet Verlander would get removed. I’m surprise Verlander hasn’t gotten a dead arm yet.

  17. enchantedbeaver

    When is this team going to pull its collective head out of its collective *** and start playing championship caliber baseball?

  18. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    I have not had a chance to comment at all today, but I have to make a few comments from the previous thread.

    jpd – “Good Grief” is right 🙂

    Dodgereric – great post at 1:08 am this morning……….very intriguing information.

    Kahli, lbirken and messagebear – always great reading what you had to say. Messagebear – where did you go to school in Philadelphia?

    Now onto this game – not exactly how we should be starting out, but now we have two men on so like Dodger4life says……………everything will be alright!!!!

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  19. kpookiemon

    I know Honeycutt and Mattingly aren’t the problem…but when I see young pitchers like Billingsley and Kershaw struggle start after start, and watch this offense flail cluelessly week after week after week, I also know Honeycutt and Mattingly aren’t the solution, either.

  20. oldbrooklynfan

    Have to take advantage of Leblanc sooner better than later, a lot of these pitches begin to settle down especially if their team keeps scoring runs.


    I’m taking the view that Torre in his infinite legendary baseball wisdom doesn’t want the team to peak at the wrong time, like against all of these easy non-contending teams. He’ll kind of build us back up slowly for facing the Carpenters, Wainrights, Hamels, and Lees. You will notice that Manny especially has been very low key in his approach at the plate. Torre has even slowed down Kemp – he was really getting out of line with hitting four HR’s in four straight games. He needs to save that for October. Unfortunately Andre never seems to listen to poor Joe – he just keeps hitting away; doesn’t seem to be able to pace himself Joe’s way.

  22. boblee4014

    I’m going to say it as nice as I can
    Our hitting coach stinksa
    Our pitching coach stinks
    Our manager stinks
    Our GM stinks.

  23. shad80

    Sorry can’t really say pitching coach stink when we have the #1 ERA in the league same goes with the hitting coach. Their is so much the hitting coach can do.

  24. Dodger4life


  25. truebluewill

    Got to give Kershaw some credit, he settled down and kept us in the game. We just can’t hit.

    Kemp is due. He’s 0 for 11 after that flyball.

  26. jhallwally

    Is it a coincidence that Ferk is our lead off hitter and is batting .253 with a .317 OBP and we are struggling. As well as our big rbi guy Manny not get it done. I think not. When Pierre was leading off and putting up those numbers, we were calling for his head. I think it is time to drop Ferk in the order. I’d rather have Pierre leading off right now than Ferk. Geez, never thought I’d be saying that.

  27. jhallwally

    I know Honeycutt and Mattingly aren’t the problem…but when I see young pitchers like Billingsley and Kershaw struggle start after start, and watch this offense flail cluelessly week after week after week, I also know Honeycutt and Mattingly aren’t the solution, either.

    By kahliforni on September 4, 2009 8:23 PM

    Well said my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. oldbrooklynfan

    I just knew LeBlanc would settle down.
    This seems to happen very often.
    The Dodgers best opportunities are always early in the game, against most starters.
    Kershaw oveall pitched pretty average, since he usually has a high pitch count.

  29. jhallwally

    Hudson hasn’t done jack the last couple of months either. If they don’t figure it out soon, we are toast in the playoffs!!

  30. shad80

    Wonder if Manny can played SS hahahaha just a dream and Loney have some experience in the OF but the last time we all know what happen. Maybe Pierre can played 1st base but that would be a nightmare for a guy who never played that position before and Pierre is too short to played 1st base.

  31. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ I think there is a different censor at night. I’ve said things that get through during the daytime but get altered at night.
    Rockies and Giants both won!

  32. truebluewill

    Sometimes it’s hard to believe that this is the same team that was averaging over 5 runs & 10-14 hits a game in the first half of the season. I sure miss it.

  33. oldbrooklynfan

    How can anyone imagine the Dodgers winning in the postseason against teams like the Cardinals and the Phillies.
    I predict the Yankees will take it all this year.

  34. nellyjune

    Shad ~ LeBlanc is a left-handed pitcher and Andre got a hit off of him, and all the others were good hits as well, just right at someone – no strikeouts. Andre usually has alot of Ks when he faces lefties. That’s an improvement, and even Vinny said nobody hits Thatcher well, especially lefties.

  35. shad80

    It just not him been like that all year I missed the one when he was batting over .300 when he was a rookie. I seriously don’t know what happen now. Should be 1-1 without that errors probably 2-1 or 3-1 in our favor gosh I hate game like this.

  36. dodgereric

    Nope, now I’m warpin’ with the rest of you. Evening!

    Is it my imagination or are we swinging the most defensive bats in the NL right now?

  37. dodgereric

    Hey, jhall/wally! I’m doing as well as I can while watching this sleepwalking team. Can’t SOMEONE on this team get them fired up? I’m sick and tired of this laid-back, we’ll-come-around crap.

  38. shad80

    What the heck another 1 out runner on 3rd and we still haven’t scored. Padres are lucky tonight how far was that ball to center?

  39. kpookiemon

    Wow…by the way, when was the last time Joe put ANY pressure on the defense? He just sits there night after night after night. Tommy would have blown a gourd by now, and you can bet your a** he’d be forcing the issue.

  40. nellyjune

    I am up to a 15 minute difference on the time warp, and I keep getting submission errors for too many comments in a short period of time. What in the hell is that all about?

    Dodgereric – I had the James Loney Song ready to go……………….. 😦

  41. jhallwally

    Agreed Dad/Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I just read the article about the Dodgers not being focused on home field advantage with the best record in the NL. What a load of crap!!! They should be dammit’!!! They need to get some fire under their slumping ***’es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. dodgereric

    kahli, you watch. If this game finishes with this score, Torre’s post-game interviews will be filled with the usual bland garbage – “Oh, we’ll come around ……… these guys know how to hit …….. we just need to be more patient …….. ” etc, etc ad nauseum. I usually had issues with Lasorda occasionally, but you can bet that he would have closed the clubhouse doors a long time ago and you would have been able to hear him in Bellflower.

    Hi Junie, your daughter is at the movies!

  43. kpookiemon

    eric…no doubt. A team usually reflects the personality of its manager. I leave any conclusions to the faithful bloggers. For me, maybe it’s time for a Man vs. Wild or an Andy Griffith re-run…

  44. nellyjune

    This time warp is really a pain in the asss, isn’t it? I don’t understand why it goes back and forth. I can handle being 15 minutes behind or ahead, but it’s the inconsistency that is most irritating……………kind of like the Dodgers lately.

  45. dodgereric

    Lord knows where this will end up, but it’s gradually getting worse. It’s like a clock that’s running slow. Remember just a couple of weeks ago when the warp was 10 – 12 minutes? Now it’s 15. Or none.

  46. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey everyone 🙂 Although we lost, I do hope you’re all doing good.
    The team set some very high standards earlier in the year and the doldrums they’re going through now are frustrating as all get-out. We all know that our Dodgers look practically invincible on paper. Maybe that’s the problem . . . they play on a grass and dirt field, not paper.

  47. sparkleplenty_1

    I’m doing ok, Nelly. How’s your new class? Are they ready to become the next generation of Ethieraholics yet?

  48. nellyjune

    Sparkleplenty – my class is pretty good this year, and they are just now figuring out my Dodger fanatacism……………..mostly because of last year’s class who keeps coming in during breaks and in the morning, talking about it.

  49. sparkleplenty_1

    That’s awesome! You deserve a good, well-behaved group of students. Glad that last year’s kids are keeping interested, too.
    Speaking of students, I’ve recently become one as well. I enrolled in a medical terminology course at our local ROP. I’ll be starting this Tuesday night. It has been a very l-o-n-g time since I’ve been in school, and I’m looking forward to it 🙂

  50. sparkleplenty_1

    Many thanx, Nelly!
    I’m gonna go fluff the pillows and get some sleep. Catch you all in the morrow, and hopefully pass the victory flask tomorrow night 🙂

  51. dodgereric

    I just watched the Torre interview, at least as much as PrimeTicket showed. That Patrick ONeil is one good butt-kisser.

    Torre: Well, I thought LeBlanc, well, he threw a lot of strikes. It just looked like we weren’t picking the spin up or the pitch out of the pitcher’s hand. Because we didn’t have many good swings.

    What I would have said: “Maybe if he threw harder the ball would have been easier to see.”

    Patrick ONeil: And then you still got guys on after that and all night it was kind of a theme getting guys on and not being able to get them in.

    Torre: Well, that’s the pressure of playing those close games. You know, you get one whack at it and you just come away empty.

    What I would have said: “You got more than one whack. Oh-for-11 w/RISP.”

    ONeil: It was just one of those games. I mean it’s just baseball and it’s gonna happen. (What the hell kind of “question” is THAT?!?)

    Torre: Yeah, there’s not much you can do. You try as hard as you can and you hope the result is better. I thought Kershaw did a good job. Straightened himself out after the first couple innings. We just couldn’t do anything about it.

    What I would have said: “Nice transition away from the lousy hitting subject.”

    ONeil: It’s been a while since Clayton’s got a victory. He’s just not getting that run support. I guess mentally he’s fine.

    Torre: Yeah, this time of year we all take the same kind of hit when you don’t win. We’re trying so badly to get where we need to go. It’s been frustrating because we haven’t been able to put a good streak together.

    What I would have said: “It’s certainly not your style, but have you thought about turning Bowa loose in the clubhouse? Maybe you need someone to wake them up?”

    Oneil: It’s a good team and you know that, because you’ve played good all year. You take another sport like hockey when you grip the stick a little too tight and I wonder if that’s happening.

    Torre: You know we’ve played so many series against the teams that we need to beat and we’ve played well and I’m not really concerned about the pressure of the game. I think you’ve got to give the other pitcher a little more credit than we’re talking about here.

    What I would have said: “Yeah, that career ERA of 8.53 coming into this game is a good indication that we were up against a big-league pitcher all right.”

    ONeil: Last one from me. A pro at-bat from Jim Thome.

    Torre: He made it look easy, that’s for sure.

    What I would have said: “I hope he gets a chance to crush a few more before he catches the sleeping sickness that has infected our hitting.”

  52. nellyjune

    Too bad ITD couldn’t ask the questions. Dodgereric – what a lousy interview that was in just reading what you wrote.

  53. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, on Dodgers Live after the game Jim Watson commented to Steve Lyons that Andre has never hit left handed pitching well, which is total bs. It really annoys me when reporters make statements without researching to make sure they are accurate. Anyway, I posted on Steve’s blog that he should set Watson straight next time he sees him, lol.

  54. northstateblues

    Apologies to Jim Mora:

    Well, I’ll start off by saying this: Do not blame that game on the defense, okay? I don’t care who you play, A high school team, a college team, a Major League team, much less this Minor League SD squad, when you can’t cross home plate 1 time, leave 10 players on base, go 0-11 with runners in scoring position, you’re not going to beat any of those teams I was just talking about. Alright? And that was a DISGRACEFUL performance, in my opinion. We threw that game, we gave it away by doing that. We GAVE ’em the friggin’ game. In my opinion, that s*cked!…

    What’s that? Eh, Playoffs? PLAYOFFS?!!! Don’t talk about playoffs! You kiddin’ me? Playoffs?! I just hope we can win a game!

  55. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – Good for you. I am tired of hearing/reading it too. A bad game batting is a bad game batting, regardless if the pitcher is right-handed or left-handed. It just so happens some of Andre’s bad days have been against lefties, and in how many of those games did we, as a team, not bat well against the same pitcher. LeBlanc was a lefty, and nobody hit well, right or left handed batters tonight. Andre had one of the hits too.

  56. bluecrewgirl

    I agree with you that it’s a good sign that he’s been making contact in recent at bats against lefties and he had the hit tonight. He said he and Mattingly had discussed that he should be really patient against lefties and wait for good pitches and make them throw him strikes.

  57. nellyjune

    At least Torre is playing him against lefties. Last year that was even an issue………similar to what James is going through this year. Tonight’s game was just an all-around bad game from the offense. It wasn’t due to the fact that Andre “supposedly” has a hard time batting against lefties. Everyone struggled with RISP.

  58. northstateblues

    That being said… I’m not too optimistic about this hot-cold BS. that’s what killed us last year in the pla… I can’t talk about that word. But that’s what happened, Loney crushed that homer, and the Cubs fans knew they were cursed (The Cubs curse is self defeating, in my opinion. “You’ve got to make your own luck, Hugo.”)

    Then we got to the next round, and it was limp BS August all over again. Poor Thome, he thought he was coming to a squad that could do something, not a team who’s “everything’s gonna be alright” attitude is starting to sound less like a team with a cool head who will ratchet it up when the time comes, and more like that jobless guy on your couch in College who, when you come home from a pisspoor day at work to hit up some of that 12 pack you bought the night before and find the box empty, they tell you “Oh, sorry man. Don’t worry, everything’s gonna be alright. You can buy more, right?”

    Even the Dodger optimists I know are feeling the swan dive coming. Sure, we can say the Padres always play us hard, I was just saying that $*** yesterday. BUT when you get shut out by that ******** chicken**** Johnny What’s-His-**** and strand 10 Runners, of which you only needed 3 to win the game… That’s not the Padres playing us hard. That’s the Dodgers being complacent.

    Hopefully we do get to the Pla….., and hopefully we do well, our pitching might not be Aces, but as long as we have offense, we might do well. But we don’t have offense now. We don’t have the Dodgers, we have their self-effacing twin The L.A. Bums.

    Maybe we don’t need someone to wake the team up. Maybe we need Tommy to wake Torre up. Frank McCourt may be many things, but he’s no Steinbrenner, and The Boss was the only guy who could bring out the best in Torre. But we all know if Frank threatened Joe in any way, he’d walk.

    It’s only baseball…

    It’s only baseball…

    It’s only baseball…

  59. dodgereric

    You’re right north, the defense gave up one run. Kershaw gave up another. I don’t care how good the pitching or defense is, you’ll go 0 – 162 if you don’t score.

    bluecrewGIRL and Junie, Watson not only singled out Ethier (and Ramirez), he also said (incorrectly) that Ethier grounded into a double play with two on in the seventh to end that particular threat. A couple of minutes later in summing up, he changed it to a groundout but never apologized for his error. Not a mention of Ausmas leaving 4 on in his first two at-bats. Not a mention of Loney leaving 6 runners on base. Not a mention of Furcal going 1 for 5. Not a mention of Kemp going 1 for 4 (same as Ethier).

    There was plenty of blame to go around tonight, RISP-wise. No need to single out two guys.

    Oh, and Andre’s BA against lefties:

    2006 – .351
    2007 – .279
    2008 – .243
    2009 – 181

    “Never hit lefties good?” Hardly. But it’s not a good trend, is it? Maybe it’s something he better start working on.

  60. nellyjune

    northstateblues – always fun to read what you have to say. It’s only baseball…………………….yea right. If it were only baseball, we wouldn’t be here, would we? I think everyone would agree with that, even our visitors from other teams that to us, it’s not just baseball.

  61. nellyjune

    No, it’s not a good trend, but like we always say, average is only part of the story. How many of the RBIs were off of lefties, how many of his homeruns were off of lefties, and how many of his walks or HBPs (which don’t count in batting average) were from lefties?

  62. nellyjune

    Andre against lefties this season…………..5 HRs, 5 2B, 16 RBIs, 11 BB, and he has been hit by the pitch 6 out of his leading 11 times. He has 8 out of the 19 GIDP against lefties, and 35 of his 98 strikeouts have been against lefties. That Baseball Reference is fun stuff 🙂

  63. dodgereric

    Be careful what you ask for…….. 🙂

    2009 only (I don’t think tonight’s stats are included yet)

    156 of his 577 total PAs have been against lefties (27%)
    138 of 502 ABs (27%)
    25 of 142 hits (18%)
    5 of 36 doubles (14%)
    0 of 3 triples (um…)
    5 of 27 HRs (19%)
    16 of 88 RBIs (18%)
    11 of 60 walks (18%)
    35 of 98 strikeouts (36%)
    6 of 11 HBPs (55%)
    vs left .181 BA, .269 OBP, .326 SLG, .595 OPS
    vs right .321 BA, .406 OBP, .604 SLG, 1.011 OPS

    I like him too, and I’d never sit him. But he needs to work on this.

  64. shad80

    I was on the yahoo board and someone reply to this topic Luna thread Who’s on third? Luna. 4-Sep-09 07:47 pm Yeah, Rip. I agree; Luna sounds like he’d be a potential young powerhouse option for 3B.

    He was traded by STL to CLE for Belliard in 2006 according to his bio.

  65. nellyjune

    I knew once I posted it, you would look for it (not thinking you would, but why wouldn’t you because I knew you would- LOL!!), but then I knew where to find it myself so I went on my own search knowing you were looking too, and yes, he does need to work on this, but there are some on this team that aren’t hitting against anybody (righties or lefties) right now 🙂

  66. dodgereric

    That’s true. Let’s update the last 28 games for our starting 8.

    Martin .187
    Loney .219
    Hudson .284
    Furcal .196
    Blake .192
    Ramirez .300
    Kemp .287
    Ethier .326

    Now WHO did those two knuckleheads single out tonight as underperforming?

  67. shad80

    See half of the time is struggling. Belliard average is way better than Furcal the past 28 games. I wonder why Belliard not playing over Furcal? Of course Belliard not a great defensive player but I would take him over Furcal right now but than again you might have to put the Odog in the lead off spot. How many games have Belliard played SS?

  68. shad80

    I just realize maybe Thome could give Ethier some pointer. I really think Ethier should’ve alrealy have around 30+ homeruns and 100+ rbi’s.

  69. nellyjune

    Some other guys on the team other than Andre that can use some pointers from Thome……………like perhaps anybody batting below .200 right now!!!!! Once again, Andre isn’t the only one on this team so stop treating him as if he is the only one that needs to work on something. Russell isn’t hitting off of anybody, right or left, and James isn’t exactly lighting it up on offense either, so why don’t you pick on them for a while and leave Andre alone. Until somebody catches him in one of the half dozen categories he leads the team in, then he is the last person we should be worried about right now.

  70. shad80

    The hell with Martin and Furcal they would never get it and should be bench for the rest of the year or moved to batting 7th or 8th. Those 2 aren’t power hitter and Furcal I think he’s playing hurt or never recovered from last year. Ethier split against lhp vs rhp in his career is ridiculously scary so I think we need him to carry this team like he been used to because those other 2 aren’t never going to come around.

  71. shad80

    We all love Ethier but he would never be in the top 5 in slg/ops if he can’t hit lhp like he used to. I have seen him take some ugly swing against them and he looks awful.
    This year .283/.368/.526/.894 hoping to see numbers like this .310/.370/.520/.890 with 35 homeruns and 125 rbi’s 40 doubles soon. Well guess since Ethier is the MVP on this team I guess no one is worry about him improve against left hand pitching as long he’s still being clutch but as a fan like all of us here I wanted him to success against lhp and if wasn’t for Torre not playing him when against lhp when we was fussing and complaining he could’ve easy batted under .300. Glad Torre learn this year to played him everyday and not waste his good talent on the bench but to bad I can’t say the same thing when Loretta playing 1st bases rested Loney. Loney is having one of his worst season yet but that not the only person. Loney career against lhp .284 last year, .249 this year and .295 apparently he has figure that out now Loney need to figure out how to hit at home and should be a career .300 hitters. His career number at home is .266 and on the road .320. WIt would totally be nice if Loney could hit at least .300 at DS every year and former batting champ. I’m not worry about Blake and I think he should bat 8th again like he was killing the ball and the best 8th hitter in the league. Actually Blake number this year is way better than last year.

  72. shad80

    It would totally be nice if Loney could hit at least .300 at DS every year and former batting champ. I’m not worry about Blake and I think he should bat 8th again like he was killing the ball and the best 8th hitter in the league. Actually Blake number this year is way better than last year. Actually make that .310/.375/.540/.915 and even if he had those numbers with 35 homeruns and 125 rbi’s the stupid FO would still give him a bobblehead this season and to have Manny get a 2nd one is just plain stupid. BTW notice I only bring his name up because he a left handed batter and now just Loney to and not the other one lol. Did I ever bother about struggling player? No I really think they comment was mean but it ok I know you would sticking up for him and I rarely complaint about him. To be honest it took a miracle from Manny for him not to struggle.

  73. shad80

    Loney career average against lhp is .284, last year is was .249 and this year .295 so apparently he has figure them out now. Loney need to figure out how to hit at home and should be a career .300 hitters. His career number at home is .266 and on the road .320 probably thanks to hitting very well in Coors Field and Great America Ballpark. It would totally be nice if Loney could hit tover .300 at DS every year and his a former batting champ. I’m not worry about Blake and I think he should bat 8th again like he was killing the ball and the best 8th hitter in the league. Actually Blake number this year in a Dodgers uniform is way better than last year numbers. What’s going on with the Odog?

  74. shad80

    Urgh too much bad grammar there but guess I need to stop typing when I haven’t woke up yet and when I’m so mad at what happen last night. A game that the Padres try to give us but failed miserable with the 0/11 with risp.


    So who is this latest Cy Young candidate. Latos? Gosh! Do you think we can even score on this stud?
    This indeed getting disgusting. These guys are taking millions of dollars to do this?

  76. trublu4ever

    Playing baseball is simple……see ball, hit ball. See ball, catch ball. Catch ball, throw it. I don’t know who these guys are, showing up in Dodger uniforms…………..LET’S PLAY BALL, DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. nellyjune

    Shad – your comment in the early morning hours about Andre holding up the team is exactly what frustrates me and the others that see him being singled out every time there is a bad game. He (and Matt) shouldn’t have to be holding up the team in terms of offense. It is a TEAM, and everyone should be doing their part,and they are not. I don’t think Andre cares whether he is the MVP. Andre wants a ring, and he (and Matt) won’t get that ring unless the offense starts playing like a TEAM.

  78. shad80

    That person was drafted in the 11th round 17th overall in 2006 and we had Justin Fuller in the 7th overall same roundand we all know we traded him to the White Sox for Thome. The Padres think they got another ala Roy Oswalt with a better k/9 rating.


    Let the “call-ups” play. They have something riding on these games too. Maybe they would play like it.
    I used to try to make it to a game a year, in either Phoenix or Denver, but the last couple of years got stuck with a sub- par effort. Kind of stinks to travel hundreds of miles to see your team and they take a big poop. Right now I wouldn’t make the effort if McCourt sent his jet and Josh met me at the airport. They should be taking this one to the barn and they stink.
    Probably ought to lay off Ethier. They all smell equally.
    And no, this not just a game.

  80. shad80

    Ausmus already have 5 sac bunt why not let him try to suicide squeeze that run in? He does have 82 careers sac bunt would it really hurt if he did that? Coming into last night game he was 1 for 11.

  81. shad80

    Yeah Nelly but apparently do the other players don’t want to win one. Knoff you still won’t go if they let your punch Ned in the back hahaha?

  82. shad80

    Yeah Nelly but apparently the other players don’t want to win one. Knoff you still won’t go if they let your punch Ned and Conte in the back hahaha?


    It’s easy to say that our fate is in our own hands, but I don’t think that’s “necessarily so”. We’ve been playing .500 ball for the past three months after putting on a terrific start, so we are basically a .500 team without much to brag about. If either the Rockies and/or the Giants can keep up their recent pace of near .600 ball, one or both will likely pass our Dodgers before season’s end, and that will spell the end for our .500 style team for this year. I think it’s unlikely that both teams can maintain that quality of play for another month, so I don’t think that our place in the playoffs is jeopardized. What we do in October is another story. In a short series, the team that gets or stays hot wins. It would be nice for us to build the momentum, so that our chances would look better than they do right now.

    Some random thoughts:
    I don’t expect that a batting coach can fix every problem among established major leaguers, but Mattingly has to rank among our worst coaches in recent history. So, why is he still here other than that his nose always looks a little brown?
    This season has leveled off some promising major league expectations for Martin, Loney, and perhaps Billz. Considering how Andre and Matt have developed on the positive side while being prospects of similar vintage, that’s a ratio you would probably expect. That simply makes Martin. Loney and Billz either expendable for trade or makes it incumbent on us to bring in some people that will give them serious competition and maybe replace them.
    Furcal, while not as bad a deal as Schmidt, has so far screwed our front office expectations on two contracts. He wasn’t worth the first signing through a combination of ineffectiveness and being hurt, and he’s so far given us unexpectedly poor results going into the second contract.

    Ned – what can I say that hasn’t been said? Totally worthless and out of his natural element trying to be a GM.
    Don’t know what his real natural element is, but it’s probably got something to do with being in San Francisco – wish he was. Maybe next year.
    Frank – I know what his natural element is, and it has to do with concrete structures and motor vehicles, not major league baseball. I still wish somebody would call in one of his larger real estate loans, so that he has to sell the ballclub.


    shad- do not think I’ d punch them, but maybe if they had to sit silently and listen to everybody’s opinions. The people on here I mean.
    Honestly, I think management has done a good job assembling a team. It’s beyond me why the players have essentially taken the second half of the season off. They have won a couple of key series, but they are seriously underachieving in my estimation.

  85. bluecrewgirl

    Dodgereric, I thought I had heard Waston say that Andre hit into a double play and I thought it was wrong, but I had missed the beginning of the game, so I went back and checked and sure enough he was wrong. Everything he said last night about Andre was completely innacurate. I much prefer Patrick O’Neil as Steve’s partner on the postgame show. At least Steve pointed out that all of Andre’s at bats last night were good ones, but he didn’t correct him about his completely inaccurate statement about his history against left handed pitching. Before Watson goes dissing one of the main reasons the Dodgers are where they are this season, he should get his freaking facts straight. Too many journalists/reporters nowadays don’t bother to do their homework. Just plain lazy reporting.

  86. kpookiemon

    L.A. Times:
    “The Dodgers last season had two personalities: the offensively challenged pre-Manny Ramirez team and the buoyant bunch that went on to make the playoffs and upset the Chicago Cubs in the first round.

    This season, Manager Joe Torre wasn’t sure what he’d get.

    ‘They seemed to be a much more cohesive group early on. They had a lot of confidence in what they did,’ he said. ‘I think there were still a lot of things they had to find out about themselves.’

    And some things he had to learn about his players.

    ‘The one thing I found out about them,’ he said, ‘is every time they’ve been tested they’ve done all right.'”

    When I read this, I’m still not sure whether Torre means they were a much more cohesive group early on (this year) than they were last year, or much more cohesive early on this year than they are right now…….????!?!?!? Not that Joe is ever easy to figure out.

  87. shad80

    Anyone watching the Yankees and Blue Jay game like anyone care? Ruiz had a homerun reverse but hit a 2 runs homerun to tied it but the Yankess took the lead again. I guess he was determined to hit a homerun.

  88. nellyjune

    knouffbrock – yes, they do. The offense is equally screwing up.

    Kahli – maybe they know too much about each other now. Also, there have got to be a few in the clubhouse (they will never say, I know), that can’t be too happy with the entire Manny situation, from the contract, to the late start in spring training, to the suspension, and to the now, not performing up to expectations (hitting homeruns). Maybe it’s nothing, but the “go get em” attitude went downhill after the All-Star break when Manny came back. Not stating anything, just wondering………………..

  89. kpookiemon

    I think the Dodgers are playing exactly to their talent level right now–average…the first half was a jump-start playing BAD Western Division teams. Kemp and Ethier and Broxton and Sherrill are legit…the season bears it out. Still feel Loney will improve, as will Bills and Kershaw. Furcal? Still hopeful–for next year. His six stolen bases tell me all I need to know about his health right now. Kuroda? Injury-marred season but still a force when healthy. Blake is a PVL, as is Hudson, Loretta, Ausmus, Pierre, Wolf, Padilla, Garland, Belliard, Thome…meaning, serviceable but nothing to get excited about. Gee, did I forget Martin and Manny? Sorry to be a pessimist and an alarmist and a bad apple, but I’m still not convinced the absence of PEDs isn’t a factor…for both. Torre, Mattingly, Honeycutt, Ned and Frank? See PVLs.

  90. Dodger4life

    I was just as mad as everyone else was last night about our team’s performance, but I had a few beers and went to bed. I got up, and was still mad so I decided to write a song.

    The song is done to the tune of “I Still Like Bologna and White Bread” by Alan Jackson.

    There’s plenty of other organizations
    Some even have decent public relations
    But he best of the best wear blue and reside in L.A.

    We have Dodgerthoughts on ITD
    We come here and we say as we please
    That’s a fact Jack, and it’s okay with me.

    But we still love our Loney
    And love our Vin (this will never end)
    and the sound of “I Love LA”
    After our Boys play

    The hills and the Think Blue sign
    The ballpark’s nostalgic design
    The glow of the sun
    Slowly going down behind

    I like the baseline seats in the stands
    So close you hollar at the man
    Wearing the beloved Dodger’s across his chest

    I finally gave in and bought season tickets
    Now, I paint my face blue and
    Tell the ump where to stick it

    And we still love our Loney
    And love our Vin (this will never end)
    and the sound of “I Love LA”
    After our Boys play

    The hills and the Think Blue sign
    The ballpark’s nostalgic design
    and a
    Good song being played by Nancy Bea

    I got an old ballglove, a camera and some sunscreen
    I don’t use them much, except when the girls say
    “Oooh here comes Andre walking our way”

    I kind of like that friendly exchange
    You know the joys of the game
    And all the good stuff that happens between the lines

    And we still love our Loney
    And love our Vin (this will never end)
    and the sound of “I Love LA”
    After our Boys play

    The hills and the Think Blue sign
    The ballpark’s nostalgic design
    and a
    Good song being played by Nancy Bea

    Well I guess what I have been trying to say
    Is this grey and blue stadium many champions have played
    And it makes life better in a lot of ways
    Starting with the anxiety of spring
    All the way through the pressures of fall

    There ain’t no better place you can play ball

    And we still love our Loney
    And love our Vin (this will never end)
    and the sound of “I Love LA”
    After our Boys play

    The hills and the Think Blue sign
    The ballpark’s nostalgic design
    The glow of the sun slowly going down behind

    Yea Loney, Nancy Bea and Vinny at Home!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!

  91. nellyjune

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  92. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Everybody
    Another pressure filled night with the Rox and Giants winning again.
    It’s good to have a 2-0 lead as I look in here.
    Just got back from KeySpan Park, where the Brooklyn Cyclones beat the Lowell Spinners 4-3 on a Carlos Beltran rehab walkoff single. (Went with my daughter)
    Lets hope tonight we can manufacture a victory here against the Padres.

  93. koufax1963

    Dodger 4 life: nice lyrics!

    wow 4 runs by the 2nd inning. We need this game.
    Going to see next saturdays game, I hope Bad penny is pitching.
    Nice to see the group coming together. Hope to have a victory flask this evening!

  94. truebluewill

    Well, the Dodgers are certainly not tearing the cover off the ball, but they’ll take those runs.

    oldbrooklynfan ~ Certainly a nice night to see a game in Coney Island.

  95. trublu4ever

    DAMN, TIME WARP!!!!!!
    EVERYDAY DRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ANDRE ETHIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. oldbrooklynfan

    It was a big day in Coney Island big Labor Day crowd. We spent a few hours walking around and rode the cyclone before we ate and watched the game which started at 6:00PM.
    Carlos Beltran was rehabbing with the Cyclones. It was the first time we caught a game with a rehabing Met playing.

  97. nellyjune




    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  98. bluecrewgirl

    Great to see the offense coming alive tonight. Trublu, Andre’s just 10 away from 100. He’ll be there before you know it. Matt is having a fantastic season too and Loney looks like he’s getting his stroke back tonight.

  99. trublu4ever

    Bluecrewgirl ~ I hope this is the start of our winning streak that will put the Giants and Rockies our of their misery.

  100. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – hopefully that 10 goes fast!!!! It would be great to knock off two of those (at least) with two more HRs in the next few days to get to his 30.

  101. truebluewill

    oldbrooklynfan ~ I was thinking the same thing. 81 wins at least a .500 season. Tomorrow we can go for 82 and clinch an over .500 season.

  102. shad80

    Hey blue I surely hope Kemp get there to. I don’t know the last time we had 2 OF’s with at least 30+ homeruns and 100+ rbi.

  103. bluecrewgirl

    Shad, it’s been a long time since the Dodgers had 2 outfielders with their kind of #s. It’s fun to watch. You can’t change your screen name back as long as they keep winning, lol.

  104. truebluewill

    Tb4 ~ I hope we can get a winning streak going also. The 7 runs are encouraging, but I noticed lately every time they break out with a bunch of runs it doesn’t continue to the next game. They go back to their anemic ways. Hopefully they can break that pattern now.

  105. shad80

    Another things when was the last time 2 of them also had 10+ assists with those number and how did you know it was me lol? To bad Rockies, Cards with that PH by Pujols and Giants won but happy to see the Philly lose but dang here we go Torre using 2 pitchers in the 8th. Dang I knew there was no reason for Troncoso to be in this inning or even pulling Wolf and using Thome to PH.

  106. trublu4ever

    TBW ~ I think this will be the start of the winning streak we need. No more looking over our shoulders at the Giants and Rockies.

  107. truebluewill

    Shad ~ The last time the Dodgers had two OFs with at least 30+ homeruns and 100+ rbi was 2001. Green and Sheffield.

  108. nellyjune

    Shad – When you changed your name, it changed your name throughout the thread. So, the 80 some odd posts you did between yesterday and today have your new name attached. Even if you go onto a different thread (dated a while back even), it will now come up with your new name until you change it back. Same thing will happen to justplaindisgusted if he decides to someday go back to being brownpaperbag, or maybe even some day, hopefully, enchanted.

  109. bluecrewgirl

    I read Andre’s lips on that one. He was not happy with himself. C’mon guys, don’t let this game slip away. Wish Joe had put Brox into begin with. JMac coming in to close made me nervous from the get go.

  110. shad80

    WTG Ox to strike him out while behind 3-0 and I think Mcdonald is better as a starter remember Gagne was so good in the rotation.

  111. nellyjune

    Shad – even if your name didn’t change throughout the thread, anyone who has been on ITD long enough would know it’s you just by how you write. That goes for enchanted, messagebear, Kahli, lbirken, boblee, northstateblues, dodgereric, Dodger4life, bluecrewgirl, CP, trublu, emma, etc., etc., etc. Your writing, believe it or not, has personality too, and everyone has a different personality.


  112. shad80

    It’s weird when we losing McDonald is good so I wonder why the sitation is bad when we have a 5 runs lead or tied? It probably not the same consider you do have to pitch better with no pressure. Look like one of those run is an unearned run.

  113. Dodger4life

    Winner!!! Winner!!! Chicken Dinner!!!!
    Good Game Boy’s!!!!
    I’m so happy!!! I think I’ll drink a few beers and go to sleep.
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  114. truebluewill

    Congratulations to Wolf for win #100. I guess we can say he’s a winner now. He’s been our ace lately.

    Now I like to see them score at least 5 runs, if not more tomorrow. Let’s build on tonight’s performance.

  115. nellyjune

    This submission error crap is driving me crazy!!!!!

    The victory flask!!! That is good to see again. Speaking of…………………..Where has seesky been? He has been missed lately. I hope all is well with him.

  116. bluecrewgirl

    I’t driving me crazy too, Nelly. Sparkleplenty, I’ve tried to post 3 times in response to your reply to me. Hopefully, 3rd time’s the charm, lol. I am doing well and glad our Dodgers held on for the much needed victory.

  117. shad80

    How about Furcal for Ramirez? To bad the Marlins would never do that. Check out part of that article that I’ve posted. Uggla look like he a cancer on that team with this comment.

    No hiding behind the veil of anonymity. And, before reporters could be escorted out of the Florida Marlins’ clubhouse, Uggla accused Hanley Ramirez of not trying to play through an injury during the chase for a playoff spot.

    “You got your $70 million,” Uggla said

    Uggla might get a ticket out of town, although not for the public shaming of his mercurial double-play partner. The Marlins are getting a new ballpark in 2012, but they have made clear that signing Ramirez to a long-term contract was not the start of a trend, just an exceptional commitment to an exceptional player.

  118. sparkleplenty_1

    That’s the reason I’m not posting much . . . it’s tough to keep conversations intelligent, hate getting kicked off, etc., etc., etc. THIS MUST STOP! IT’S GOTTA GET FIXED!!!

  119. shad80

    A combo of Furcal and Uggla is good but a combo of Odog and Ramirez is better. I know sparkle I really hate that but keep on getting submission errors when I didn’t make any.

  120. nellyjune

    I know what you mean sparkleplenty. How can I get a submission error for too many comments in a short period of time when I have made any? This has been a season long issue, and it is no fun at all.

  121. northstateblues

    Today, after my Full Moon rant last night, the Dodgers earn another letter on the “Jim Mora’s ‘Don’t talk to me about Playoffs'” board. Now I feel comfortable going all the way to the “y”. See the image?

    Ahhh… much better 🙂

    Great game tonight, this is the team we know they are. This is the team that, if they can do this against St Louis or that other squad, we’ll be good. But if we can expect last night’s squad, why bother? The days of being excited just to be invited to the dance are over for this fan.

    Now for a victory Sapporo. And in the spirit of Ernie Banks, Let’s Drink Two!

  122. Dodger4life

    I agree this blog has issues….many darn issues!!!!
    Just like the boy’s can’t let the distractions get in the way.
    we need to perservere!!!!
    All ya gotta do is….Listen to the music
    There ain’t nothin we can’t do or say…
    Feelin Good…Feelin Fine….
    People we got ta hold it down!!!
    Hang in there everyone…..
    And let the Boy’s play….
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO l.A. IN 2009!!!!
    Good night and God Bless everybody 🙂

  123. shad80

    It seem Thome been having some bad luck. He played for the Phillies in 2003-05 but the Phillies won the fluke WS last year so he missed out winning a ring there by 3 years. He played for the White Sox from 06 through the middle of 09 and the White Sox won it in 2005.

  124. shad80

    You won’t find many players that would hit over 500+ homerun but was picked in the 13th round. I wonder why Thome valued was so low in that 1989 draft?

  125. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue…….
    It has been a little quiet, lets here some chatter!!!!
    Hiroki Kuroda trots back out to the hill tonight. It will be a welcomed site, as I am glad he is feeling like his old self.
    Enjoy the game everyone……

  126. trublu4ever

    Our game is on ESPN today and I want Morgan and Miller to think DAMN THEY ARE GOOD!!!! GO DODGERS, MAKE US PROUD!!!!!

  127. Dodger4life

    Good morning tru……Where is everyone???
    This blog used to crank out 1000 post like it was butter.
    Now we are lucky to get 100. I know the submission errors are annoying and a big distraction. But we are a determined bunch ourselves!!! Hey batter, batter swing!!!

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