Battle of the Joshs

Yes, it’s that time of year again. The ThinkCure radiotelewebethon is this weekend and once again, two of the auction items online hit close to home. You can now bid online for the opportunity to spend a day following yours truly around the stadium. You can also bid to follow KABC’s Josh Suchon around the stadium and of course, all of the proceeds go to ThinkCure!, our official charity.

Last year, a battle ensued between the “other Josh” and myself, with Inside the Dodgers coming through and beating KABC in the end. We’ll have to do it again this year, so I’m leaning on those of you who have the money and inclination to give to a great cause.

Here’s what I can tell you about last year’s winner…after the fact, the winner sent a letter to ThinkCure saying that even though she paid only about $1,500, the experience was worth closer to $10,000. My typical day takes me to the Dodger clubhouse, on the field, into the manager’s office, into the broadcasting booths of a couple Hall of Famers, and countless other really cool things. So if you have the means, now’s the time to step up and show what Inside the Dodgers can do! (Of course, there are tons of great items to bid on that have nothing to do with either Josh).

And please forgive me if there are shameless plugs throughout the week, as the auction ends next Monday.

And on that note, here’s tonight’s lineup against the Cards.

Furcal, SS

Pierre, CF (Kemp’s been a little under the weather)

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Hudson, 2B

Billingsley, P

As for Thursday, Jeff Weaver will start for us. Joe Torre said that the DL is becoming more apparent as an option for Kuroda, but we’ll wait a few days and see. He expects that Haeger will get at least another start at this point.


  1. enchantedbeaver


    Since you can’t fire the whole team, why not start this off season with Joe and Ned?

  2. nellyjune

    As for tonight’s lineup, I would love to say it, but I will use restraint and just hope Matthew is feeling better by tomorrow.

  3. enchantedbeaver

    Forgot about Bowa – F-him too!!!

    Trade Martin’s sorry *** (I’ll give Loney one more season to prove himself.) Pay JP to just go away.

    Find wherever Yeager is and hire him to manage. Promote hough to pitching coach. Find wherever Reggie Smith’s hiding and hire him as a coach in some capacity. At no point in the season does the team carry more than 11 pitchers. If you’re a starter and can’t average into the 7th inning, you’re outta here too. There’s no more 1 inning relievers unless the situation call for it. If you pitch a 1-2-3 8th, you’re pitching the 9th as well. And we’re damn well carrying a couple guys on the bench that can hit one out – no Pierres, Castros, Ausmus’ and friggin Lorettas as a primary PH.

  4. enchantedbeaver

    And while we’re at it, fire the dumb ***** that “service” this blog. Thing hasn’t worked right since they changed it at the start of the season 2008.

  5. nellyjune

    I don’t really want Matthew playing sick. He needs to be healthy for the next two months or so. Maybe he just has motionsickness from moving up and down the lineup so much.


    peanut vendor…, too……..outta here!!!!
    this is fun!!!
    guy at the bottom of the hill scalping tickets…………outta here!!!!!!

  7. nellyjune

    You guys are all sounding like Jon Miller, and if that is the point, I really missed something, didn’t I? LOL!!!

  8. nellyjune

    uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT OUT OF THIS TIME WARP!!!! I just now saw bpb’s 5:54 post that I know wasn’t there earlier, and I have had 5 submission errors trying to make this one post.

  9. thinkingblue

    JOSH – hopefully you win this year again and hopefully the person that donates the moneys….takes us all…LOL! Good luck! Don’t worry you are not FIRED!

  10. trublu4ever

    NellyJune ~ BPB started all of this by saying who should be fired……..just giving more suggestions. lol

  11. nellyjune

    aeversw – I hope so too. It’s no fun going to a game anticipating certainly players playing only to be disappointed when they don’t.


    I’m with you so far, bpb!
    But how do you feel about Jamie?
    I wonder if she can fire Frank or whether it’s the other way around – in any case, whoever can fire the other, JUST DO IT!

  13. aeversw

    Ugh, I’m going to the game tomorrow I hope Matty plays. I don’t want to watch Juan Pierre ground out to 2nd 4 times!

  14. thinkingblue

    Well I am out. Sad I couldn’t fire people with BPB and all of you. BUT I just want to say:
    and let me add
    C’MON MARTIN……YOU CAN DO IT! Get out of BPB trade list!


    JP grounding out to second isn’t so bad when you consider that he’ll need a cutoff man to throw the ball to second.

  16. nellyjune


  17. trublu4ever

    NellyJune ~ it merits repeating………..NO MORE PIERRE……NO MORE PP…………NO MORE JUANPY……NO MORE JUAN PIERRE!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. koufax1963

    Hi Gang,
    Ill try to be as positive as I can, But our Dodgers need to start a 10 Game win streak tonight. What I am tired of is getting the tease, we have won 3 of 9 series’ since AS game. Ownership, Management and other teams will no longer be the excuse, Execution is be the judgement, to place These Dodgers to best advantage to win the game till the end of the their season. Yes Late October!

  19. kpookiemon

    Bigalow Green tea…OUTTA HERE! Budweiser….OUTTA HERE! Every other stinking sponsor on the outfield wall or up top the scoreboard…OUTTA HERE! Union 76 and Farmer John…THAT’s ALL WE NEED!!!!!!! OK, maybe another starting pitcher, an ace, if you please.

  20. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi everybody,
    Ready or not here’s game 2 with the Cards.
    I have 6 questions.
    1) Can Bilz make it through the 5th, without that hamstring acting up?
    2) Will Mitchell Boggs (any relation to Wade?) be vulnerable enough?
    3) Can the Dodgers break through their mediocrity (compared to the Cardinals) to edge out a win?
    4) Will Big Bad John have anything to do with it?
    5) Will the law of averages lend us a hand, since the nasty Red Birds have won 5 straight?
    6) Will we get any help from the Nats and the Reds?
    I already started with my MLB.TV not coming on for the top of the first. Had to re-start it.

  21. kpookiemon

    Scoreboard watching this week might not be conducive to good health, not with the Rockies playing the Nats and the Gnats playing the Reds.

  22. perumike

    A couple of items
    First, Josh, if there are say, 20 of us who form a pool to win the day with you, will that work? 🙂 And, if we get the day with you, can we have power to fire a few people?
    bpb, you forgot the guy who made the crappy Panda Express I had last season, the lady who stocks the cheese for the nachos, and whoever decided to sell kettle corn for 6 bucks!

  23. enchantedbeaver

    Yes Joe, Russell Martin is so good even he doesn’t know how good he is.

    Doesn’t look like the rest of us will ever find out either.

  24. nellyjune

    So, is Andre the only one who can get on base at the top of the order these days? Andre had one bad month, but it seems like everyone else has had three or four and some all five months.

  25. Dodger4life

    I’m going to jump in front of the firing squad for a second….
    Cue Jimmy Hendrick’s…. Machine Gun!!!!
    RALLY TIME!!!!!!

  26. shad80

    Mauer 25 homeruns? Something tell me he’s on something. Martin for Mauer come on Ned maybe you need to throw some more players into that one lol.

  27. nellyjune

    Shad – Mauer is a stud. Maybe he is eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with tuna on the side too 🙂

  28. nellyjune

    ANDRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~It’s those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, with tuna on the side, are definitely paying off for him. Keep it up Andre!!!!

  29. nellyjune

    Kahli – I think you are right about the mvp…… at this time anyway. There is nothing he hasn’t done to help this team to date. He had that one bad month, but it is nothing compared to the rest of this team.

  30. truebluewill

    Hi everyone Just got back from the Braves- Mets game. Old friend Derek Lowe was breezing until he gave up 8 runs on 10 hits in the 4th. That set a Met all-time record for most hits in an inning.

    Was scoreboard watching during the game. At first it was good news until it turned bad with both the Gnats and Rocks coming from behind to win.

    Good to see the Dodgers beating the Cards for once. Bills looks very good so far. Showing no effects from leg injury. Nice to see the bats come alive and score some runs.

  31. nellyjune

    WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE FIX THIS TIME WARP ISSUE! Sorry Kahli, I am about 12 minutes behind the time stamp on ITD.

  32. vl4ecc

    I think maybe Bills got cold & out of rythum during that long last half inning. Better be carefull here. The Cards are good at manufacturing runs……DAMN!!!

  33. enchantedbeaver

    Is anybody shocked by that DP? Only time Martin can get a hit is with no one on. He hits the most meaningless .260 ever.

  34. shad80

    Dang Lowe didn’t need that in my fantasy league. Oh oh Welch and Valenzuela played the OF I remember that game

  35. kpookiemon

    Frank needs to petition MLB to reduce bases to 85 feet apart…then Martin won’t have to bounce throws. Joe’s Peter Principle Thought Bubble…”Let’s see, O-Dog gets three straight hits in the 8-hole……I KNOW, I’ll move him to another spot in the order tomorrow!”

  36. oldbrooklynfan

    We need to hold on to this game, we don’t want the Cards to take the brooms out of the closets to use on us tomorrow.

  37. vl4ecc

    The Cards have been red hot since getting Holiday. I have a feeling Big Blue might be seeing them again in the post season.

  38. truebluewill

    Bills did a good job on Pujols to get the DP.

    oldbrooklynfan ~ It was interesting while the Mets were losing. Once they took the lead I got bored.

  39. boblee4014

    I can’t remember earlier in the year where our hitters took so many called strikes. Crap, at least swing at the ball.

  40. Dodger4life

    It took about 10 minutes for them to make an appearance…maybe they went to the restroom to wash up first.

  41. Dodger4life

    I’d like to thank MLB for a wonderful job on serviceing their product……But I can’t……As shad would say…………………… THIS SUCKS!!!!
    FIX THIS BLOG!!!!!!

  42. boblee4014

    Come on guys, lets get some runs, I’m sick of having the Cardinals fans here harass me all the time when we lose to them…

  43. koufax1963

    Is something wrong with bilz? 73 pitches and out, then mcdonald for a bit, then sherrill and he piches the 8th too?, then Big JON who MUST save

  44. vl4ecc

    Jeff Spicolli look alike Khalil Greene has always been a thorn in the Dodgers side going back to his days with the Puds.

  45. truebluewill

    This game is getting scary. I have a feeling it’s going come down to Broxton against Pujols in the 9th I hope Broxton is on his game.

  46. oldbrooklynfan

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but about the same time every nightI have trouble posting my comments.
    About 9:00PM PT.

  47. perumike

    They showed the Loney replay and he did make it, but it was extremely close. As much as we bash the umps, as Vin says, they are generally VERY good at what they do.

  48. truebluewill

    Wow that play at the plate was very close, I thought he was out at first. Big clutch RBI double by Martin.

  49. truebluewill

    What did I say Broxton vs Pujols! But it’s the 8th and he’s not the tying run. That’s better for us.


    Couple random thoughts: We need the DH in the National League. Pitchers can’t hit, and I hate watching them bat. Seriously, who wants to see inferior hitters at bat? The AL’s been doing great (better) with the DH. Secondly, did any of you listen to “God Bless America” by that girl and hear all the people groan? My goodness. =)

  51. oldbrooklynfan

    A VERY VERY BIG WIN, avoids the cards from bringing out the brooms tomorrow and keeps us up by 4 1/2.
    Tommorrow ADAM WEINWRIGHT, not exactly Mitchell Boggs..

  52. trublu4ever


  53. Dodger4life

    Every day Dre……Good Team Win….. Way To Go Boy’s!!!
    MVP or Not……..
    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre
    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!!!
    It is a beautiful day and we got your back Andre.

  54. nellyjune

    If Matt really does have the flu, we better hope it just stays with him and doesn’t spread throughout the clubhouse. I hope he is better before tomorrow. It’s his bobblehead night.


    DEFENSIVE INDIFFERENCE… I used to have a problem with this too, until I figured out why. In this situation, you just want to get outs, and the best way is for you to position your infielders to maximize the chances of getting the groundout. Two things you gotta do if you DON’T do the “Defensive Indifference” thing: you have to hold the runner at first, and you have to keep your middle infielders close to second base. That leaves a HUGE gap for the batter to extend the inning.

  56. bluecrewgirl

    Great victory tonight. I only have one thing to say – Andre Ethier = Team MVP. The batting average train will arrive at .300 in no time at all.

  57. dodgereric

    Twelve minutes. I wonder how long until I start posting at real time and it ends up ten posts up the line?

    One in a row! We can tie our longest winning streak of the month tomorrow!

  58. nellyjune

    You are welcome Perumike 🙂

    Good Evneing bluecrewgirl and dodgereric!!!

    dodgereric – it’s been bouncing back and forth again tonight. It starts out fine and then I get warped again. It’s very frustrating. Then there are the submission errors as well.

    bluecrewgirl – definitely!!!! I am getting a little tired of Charlie saying it’s because he is batting in front of Manny. If they haven’t noticed, Manny isn’t exactly hitting the ball all that well lately.

  59. nellyjune

    You are welcome Perumike 🙂

    Good Evneing bluecrewgirl and dodgereric!!!

    dodgereric – it’s been bouncing back and forth again tonight. It starts out fine and then I get warped again. It’s very frustrating. Then there are the submission errors as well.

    bluecrewgirl – definitely!!!! I am getting a little tired of Charlie saying it’s because he is batting in front of Manny. If they haven’t noticed, Manny isn’t exactly hitting the ball all that well lately.

  60. nellyjune

    I just had to mention it, didn’t I? Well, the double post hasn’t happened to me until now. So, you can add that to the list of things to go wrong on this blog tonight.

    The great minds that can’t figure out how to get us out of this time warp…………………….outta here!!!!!!

  61. nellyjune

    I am missing an E in evening. brownpaperbag doesn’t need his E’s for a while so I will just borrow one of his until he comes back to being enchanted or just E.

  62. bluecrewgirl

    I agree, Nelly. I’m tired of hearing it too. He had worked hard for his success and he deserves most of the credit. I think Manny has taught him to relax more and I’m sure he sees some good pitches, but he still has to hit the pitches.

    Dodgereric, it has been a while since they’ve had a real winning streak. Their schedule will be getting easier in Sept., so hopefully they can get one going.

  63. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – …and the power doesn’t necessarily come from seeing good pitches. He said himself he is working on his swing, and obviously it is working for him. I am guessing the Yoga and his eating habits (however bizarre they are) are factors too.

  64. jhallwally

    Hello Gang!! I know you are all happy tonight with a very sweet Dodger win. I know I am. We needed to take the bull by the horns and show some guts after last night and the last week. I think we may have gotten a little complacent with the big lead and it is easy to drop your guard in the “Dog Days” of the summer baseball season. I think I saw a little of the Eye of the Tiger tonight. We need to dig deep and play every pitch of every game like it is the World Series. That is how you get there and win it!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Nell’!!! Great to see you and everyone else. I think I may have solved my internet connection problems. LOL!!!
    Totally awesome win tonight. I’m not concerned that we have been playing a bit flat right now. But, it is getting time to turn it up a notch. Getting hot at the right time often is more important than who has the better team on paper.

  66. nellyjune

    jhall ~ I am glad your connections issues have been solved. I wish they would figure out the time warp issue on here. I am not frantic yet……………..just mildly concerned about the Dodgers. The gnats are playing the Rox at Coors Field real soon so hopefully that will shake up one of those two teams a bit.

  67. dodgereric

    OK, I’ll try this one again.

    Hi Junie! Hi bluecrewGIRL!

    Brox is showing signs of coming back the last couple of days. It would sure be a nice boost. He even threw a couple of fastballs inside for the first time in I don’t know when! Even though they were in the lower part of the zone instead of up-and-in, it’s a start!

    ks, I have to disagree with you (and agree with shad) on the DH and defensive indifference. I don’t think either one is real baseball IMHO. The DH does put more offense into the game, but it’s like wild card teams – it’s to attract the casual fan.

    I think the argument for defensive indifference is more likely to allow the pitcher to concentrate on the batter than closing the gap. But if it’s such a great strategy, I have a question. Why does the other team cooperate? No one is forcing them to take the base. I’d love to ask Torre that question myself.

  68. dodgereric

    JHALL!!! Where did you come from? I know, Columbus!

    Not submission errors Junie. I don’t get many of those. It’s my wireless connection. It’s really inconsistent and I lose a lot of posts.

    What we got tonight was hitting WRISP. Although it was nice to see Billz and Brox have good outings, the clutch hitting was even better.

  69. jhallwally

    Hey Dad/Chevelle!!! Great to read/see you as always my friend. Wish I could hang around, but it is getting late/early here. God bless you all and I hope you have a great evening. Excelcior True Believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Catch you all down the road.

  70. nellyjune

    Well, if we can string some wins together while the gnats and rox split (a four game series), then we can really make up for some lost ground in the standings.

    Dodgereric – that is a very good question. Why do the other teams cooperate? It would make sense to leave the runner on first (attempting to steal) just to make it uncomfortable for the pitcher.

  71. nellyjune

    Good Night and God Bless jhall!!!! It was great reading you even for a short time. A little time is better than no time 🙂 Take Care and see/read you around.

    Dodgereric ~ I have been having a combination of connection issues and mlblog issues. It seems like a lot of us are having issues with these things.

  72. dodgereric

    Wally, you take care! ‘Nuff said!!!

    Junie, my humble theory is this: The other team cooperates because it makes sense to do so. As the manager of the other team, I would take that other base every time. He’s now in scoring position and there’s no force play at second for the easy out. I think that outweighs the larger gap. Again, IMO.

  73. nellyjune

    Well, you would certainly want runners in scoring position if the other team is not even going to put up a fight for it.

  74. dodgereric

    I was just wondering if we were just too close to be objective. Have we really been poor w/RISP?

    NL Team batting average vs. team average w/RISP

    LA – .276 (BA) vs .264 (w/RISP) – minus 12 points
    WAS – .267 vs .262 – minus 5
    HOU – .267 vs .277 – plus 10
    NYM – .266 vs .282 – plus 16
    FLA – .266 vs .270 – plus 4
    ATL – .263 vs .271 – plus 8
    STL – .262 vs .264 – plus 2
    MIL – .262 vs .255 – minus 7
    SF – .261 vs .255 – minus 6
    COL – .261 vs .267 – plus 6
    PHI – .257 vs .258 – plus 1
    PIT – .256 vs .262 – plus 6
    CHI – .255 vs .240 – minus 15
    AZ – .255 vs .233 – minus 22
    SD – .242 vs .241 – minus 1
    CIN – .241 vs .239 – minus 2

    Good to see that we’re 1st in batting average. We’re third in runs.
    We’re tied for 6th w/RISP. Not the worst in the league, but far from the best. We also have the 4th worst differentia. That’s really not good, right?

    Interesting that there are 8 on the plus side and 8 on the minus side. I would have guessed more on the minus.
    The tendency is for the higher average teams to hit better w/RISP, but it’s really a tendency, not a rule.

    Now I need to catch some sleep. Goodnight Junie and may God Bless you and yours!

  75. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ Nice win last night. Billz and Brox were very good and Andre was simply AWESOME!!!! Here’s hoping Matty is feeling better today and is back in the lineup. Also, Charlie was saying last night that Kersh was feeling a little under the weather too. I really hope this flu bug doesn’t sweep through the clubhouse.

  76. colliethec

    Interesting stats Eric.
    What are the splits from say April-Mid June & Mid June through now.
    I would think they are different. It seems like we were doing well early on but not for a couple of months.
    This is a quicky as I’ve got to get to work.
    Take care everybody!!!

  77. colliethec

    Interesting stats Eric.
    What are the splits from say April-Mid June & Mid June through now.
    I would think they are different. It seems like we were doing well early on but not for a couple of months.
    This is a quicky as I’ve got to get to work.
    Take care everybody!!!

  78. dodgereric

    dc, baseball-reference doesn’t break down the RISP by month. It could be done, but I don’t have the time right now. What I think is interesting is this:

    March/April .290 .381 .445 .826
    May .286 .361 .395 .757
    June .241 .308 .369 .677
    July .288 .359 .446 .805
    August .280 .344 .419 .764

    Gee, what happened in June? Oh, I know. Juanpy had his 20-game run end on May 28th and Ramirez came back Aug 3rd.

    More bad news:

    “On a day when Manager Joe Torre conceded that Hiroki Kuroda probably would go on the disabled list in the near future, Clayton Kershaw walked into the Dodgers’ clubhouse with flu-like symptoms.

    Weaver was named as Kuroda’s replacement to start the series opener against the Chicago Cubs on Thursday — that is, if Kershaw is healthy enough to face the St. Louis Cardinals today. Kershaw was sent home early Tuesday.

    Scott Elbert was scratched from a scheduled start with triple-A Albuquerque on Tuesday and would be available to pitch Thursday if necessary.”,0,6466208.story

  79. dodgereric

    And I would understand Kuroda going on the DL. I suffered a concussion a few years back and it was a couple of weeks before I could use my electric toothbrush. And it usually takes hockey players a few weeks to come back from one as well. I just don’t know what’s taking them so long.

    Oh wait, I know. The Conte Method. First it’s day-to-day, then the 15…….

  80. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ I really think we need somebody. With Kuroda going on the DL and no 5th starter, we need help. I’m even wondering if Kersh will be well enough to go tonight.


    So I wonder when we will know about tonight and tomorrow’s pitching situation. What time is the pre-game Joe Torre news conference and is it broadcasted anywhere?


    It’s Ned’s kind of deal, because that’s probably the only kind of money that McCheap will give him at this point in the season. Not that Ned hasn’t wasted some real big bucks when he had them, and Ned should be gone at the end of this season.

    When it comes to Frank, however, I’m convinced that he’d like to pay the $25 million a year for Manny*roid for his own promotional idea purposes, but he’d like the rest of the team not to cost anymore than another $25 million total. Just watch and see what happens to all of our young guys when they start to demand some real money. It’ll be Bye Bye! That’s why I believe that Frank is the worst crud of all.
    You Boston Scumbag!

  83. nellyjune

    It never gets old ready this stuff………………………..

    Andre Ethier was 3-for-4 with a walk, an RBI and a run scored in a win over the Cardinals on Tuesday night.
    Ethier now has three multi-hit games in his last four, pulling his batting average up to .285 for the first time since May. His 24 homers and 81 RBI rank 10th and ninth in the league, respectively. Aug. 19 – 1:18 am et

  84. perumike

    If Padilla can help us, and keep his attitude in check, let’s do it for the $100,000 we would spend. However, they need to let him know that if he pulls anything, he will be released immediately!

  85. enchantedbeaver

    I finally had to give up posting last night. I’d hit enter and nothing would happen.

    Much to my surprise, Martin got a hit last night with someone on. A nice win, but show me something against a real pitcher like Wainwright. We haven’t beaten a good pitcher since I don’t know when.

  86. nellyjune

    First Matt and now Clayton. If they are not careful, they whole team will end up sick eventually. Do we know if Matt is playing tonight or not.

    Also, dodgereric – concussion too, huh? I am sure there is a story behind that one as well 🙂

    bpb – They need to hire new computer experts to figure out why this blog isn’t working right. It’s been at least 4 months………….heads need to roll……….outta here!!!!!

  87. kpookiemon

    I mentioned last night that Hudson getting three hits in the 8 hole makes him a sure bet to be moved OUT of that spot by Joe for tonight. In all my years as a die-hard fan, I can’t remember a manager so obsessed with line-up changes, or as Joe likes to say, “just to try something different.” Got a feeling Vicente Padilla will be a Dodger by game time…

  88. trublu4ever

    Congratulations to Matt Kemp, Andre Ethier and Casey Blake for being nominees for the Hank Aaron Award. We, the fans can vote and then our winning selection will be among others throughout baseball.

  89. aeversw

    I’m just about to leave for the game tonight! If I get to LA and Weaver is pitching instead of Kershaw I’m going to be PISSED!

  90. aeversw

    omg I didn’t even think about that! CRAP!!! NO JP NO JP!…nothing can be worse then when I went to the game the day manny got suspended. That was horrible!

  91. nellyjune

    aeversw – Have a great time at the game, and we will be here hoping you get to see Matt in CF and Kersh pitching. If not, we will be cursing with you 🙂


    I bet Ned is out there with his Rolodex trying to put another pitching staff together – “wonder if I could bring Tomko and Hendrickson back together again. Those were the days – a BOOM here, a BOOM there; fans getting showered with HR balls. That’s the kind of promotion Frank would eat up – and practically no salary to pay.”

  93. enchantedbeaver

    When we’ve seen Sele, Bloaiza, Sao, Carter, Baez, Lurch, Bombko, Schmidt, Milton, Erickson, Ohman and Proctor, its painfully obvious that Ned wouldn’t know a decent pitcher if he came up and bit him in the ***. When your mantra is “we’ll get what we need late in the season”, and we end up looking at Smoltz and Padilla, it might be time for a new GM.

  94. enchantedbeaver

    Its not amazing Shad – they have a good team and they’re playing bad opponents. Same with the Giants.

    Its the Dodgers who have been playing crappy and inconsistant baseball since the all-star break.


    Padilla was signed, screw this… He is washed up and will probably struggle in AAA before even coming up.

  96. oldbrooklynfan

    Hello everybody.
    Adam Wainwright
    That’s the target tonight.
    Hit the target and they could win more than cigars.

  97. oldbrooklynfan

    You want the Cards
    Here it is
    Brendan Ryan
    Julio Lugo
    Albert Pujols
    Matt Holiday
    Ryan Ludwick
    Mark DeRosa
    Yadier Molina
    Colby Rasmus
    Adam Wainwright

  98. trublu4ever

    He is still having headaches, oldbrooklynfan. Not as bad as they were but still feeling the effects of the injury.

  99. truebluewill

    oldbrooklynfan ~ The lineup looks good tonight. They’re going to need to win. Both the Rockies & Giants are winning, the Dodgers are up against it again.

  100. truebluewill

    Vin just said Padilla will start the first game of the Rockies series. Imagine that a new guy with questionable ability to start the most critical series of the year so far.

  101. oldbrooklynfan

    Kersh is having his wild and wooley game, with the strike out his main weapon, which is not unusual for him.

  102. oldbrooklynfan

    Man this MLB.TV is not much different than just listening to the game on the radio.
    I missed more video than I’ve ever did, and these freeze frames are amazing.

  103. Dodger4life

    Valiant effort from the youngster considering the circumstances. We need some runs here Boy’s!!!!

  104. shad80

    We was tied with the Pirates with 53 errors now we’re 3rd in the league behind them and Philly had 52 don’t know how many errors they made tonight.

  105. oldbrooklynfan

    I think the only chance the Dodgers have is to make Wainwright work.
    Make him throw strikes, maybe that will tire him out.
    Another thing is he’s only human and can make mistakes.
    McDonald and Belisario look good so far.

  106. kpookiemon

    dodge, Joe isn’t exactly your prototype in-game manager. He needs a bunt in the 8th, so who does he send up? A rookie who woke up in AAA when he had a bench-load of pitchers capable of laying down a bunt, not to mention Castro.

  107. oldbrooklynfan

    We played a team that will definitely be in the postseason and I think we played them well and if we can get through this we will get a chance to play them again in October.
    I think we played better against the Cardinals this year, than in the last 5 years.

  108. shad80

    J. Broxton relieved H. Kuo
    – A. Pujols walked
    – A. Pujols to third on R. Martin’s throwing error
    – M. Holliday hit sacrifice fly to deep center, A. Pujols scored
    – R. Ludwick struck out swinging
    – M. DeRosa grounded out to third

    thanks alot Martin and Pujols should’ve still be at 2nd.

  109. Dodger4life


  110. koufax1963

    Tired of the Tease. Execution, Not! Wow Now that we beat ourselves vs. a #1 Team lets go play some Wild Card Hungry teams, maybe that will show how to execute. Of course we did that to ourselves.

  111. kpookiemon

    The fundamentals…or lack thereof…on this team is REALLY starting to rear its collective ugly head. Broxton won’t hold runners on, Martin can’t throw anything that doesn’t bounce, Abreu’s initial bunt attempt directed toward third base instead of first. Teeny, weeny little things that happen again and again. Who the hell teaches on this club? Failure in baseball is expected; it’s the nature of the game. But there’s no excuse for not controlling the things you can control with a bit of thinking.

  112. dodge1612

    im not throwing in the towel yet… still to much could happen but this team is one player loss away from all of this colapsing on us… games like tonight and the game in az where brox gave up back to back jacks are the ones the great teams win… this team is in alot of trouble… I wish russ would have been traded in july…

  113. nellyjune

    However, you know what everyone says about first batter walks………………it usually doesn’t end up good.

  114. nellyjune

    I meant to say lead-off walks. I for the life of me couldn’t figure out how to say that until it posted. Any other time, that wouldn’t have posted with the way this blog has been working these past FEW MONTHS now.

  115. kpookiemon

    Torre continues to baffle me with his man-crush on J. Martin. Asked post-game about Martin’s crappy throw on Pujols, Joe responds, “that ball has to be blocked.” Right. You’ve got a rhino boring down on you and Hudson is supposed to make that play.

  116. Dodger4life

    I’m not throwing in the towel but it is starting to look like this team is……..Kershaw threw 97 pitches with the flu…most of us cant make the bed with the flu…..and the team thanks him by throwing the game away in the end……Get It Together!!!!!

  117. ramslover

    Wow, what a tough 3/4 weeks it has been. We cannot get a big hit when we need it. It has been very tough to watch. Kershaw, I love the kid, but the inconsistency is tough to watch. Stirkes out Rasmus and then walks the freaking pitcher on 4 pitches…8 innings out of him in his last 2 starts.

    I have been very positive on this team all year, but we are in a heap of trouble. Kuroda going on the DL probably, Weaver starting, Haeger starting, yes he pitched well and hopefully he can again, but this is getting too scary. Mr Kershaw, I know you are 21 and young, but we need you to be the Kershaw you were in July.

    As for the offense, too many weak ground balls turning into DPs…Manny, cannot hit an inside fastball anymore. He seems to have lost some confidence in his ability to turn on the inside pitch. Maybe I am crazy, but he is not the same Manny we have come to love and cheer. Loney you need to pick it up and learn to turn on the ball as you did in the 7th. Too many weak groundballs to short and lazy flyballs to LF.

    As for Martin, I love your intensity and overall I love your defense, but as a veteran catcher, you know that ball should not have been thrown. you eat it and live to fight another day. He was within 20 ft when you caught the ball. Offensively, you need to shorten the swing there spunky, you swing from the heels. I remember when you first came up you hit more balls to the rightside. Shorten the swing!!!

    Broxton, it is obvious you are not right, your location and your velocity are not right. I wish the majors had the 7 day DL. I would DL Kershaw and Broxton..give them a break and refresh themselves. Lets bite the bullet with Broxton and DL for 15 days, if he is not hurt find a reason..too fat whatever.. move Sherrill into the closers role and bring up Lindblom…

    We need some excitement from this team, a spark. I keep hoping Raffy will breakout, but he has not been in sync all year.

    The next 10 days will define our season. Padilla has very good stuff, I hope his attitude does not turn ugly..He is an upgrade over any #5 we have had this year.

    Sorry for the long post, but I had to vent about some things…

  118. nellyjune

    ramslover – you have come to the right place. Where else can you vent and be appreciated for it. BTW – #16 is Andre Ethier…………..right fielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers, otherwise known as Everyday Dre 🙂

  119. dodgereric

    rams, you already wrote most of the stuff I just signed on to say. So I’ll just say this: It’s no shame to lose a close game to a good team with a good pitcher going, but losing THIS game really sucked. We gave it away, and those really hurt.

    The ninth. Broxton leadoff walk. Unacceptable©. Broxton falling asleep and letting Pujols (not exactly Rickey Henderson) EASILY steal second. Unacceptable©. As much as I loved him, I always thought that Piazza was the worst throwing catcher I’d ever seen. Until now. I’m trying really hard to remember Martin’s last decent throw. I can’t remember one. Unacceptable©. I think I could steal second base against Brox and Martin, and I’m 56, fat and slow when I was young.

    I said a few days ago that this was gut-check time for this team. We’re failing the test.

    Oh, and we sign Vicente Padilla to a minor league contract the same day Cliff Lee throws a complete game 2-hitter for the Phils. I’d still like to know who we offered Cleveland for him. We never will, of course. We really missed that boat.

    Didn’t Ned angrily say in spring training that this would not be the same team we take into September? That there would be pitching available?

    There isn’t a quitting bone in my body, but I’m not getting a warm fuzzy right now. It sure would be nice if that $25 million outfielder would hit half as much as he did last year.

  120. Dodger4life

    We need to become a team again!!!!! Fundementally sound!!!
    We need to play with heart and desire!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!
    Good Night and God Bless Everyone…..

  121. nellyjune

    Ned is right……………it’s not the same team going into September as it was back in April. The team back in April was better.

  122. dodgerduder


    I completely agree. This is the time of the season where they are either going to step up and start doing something, or they are going to fall, and fall hard. I thought tonight was the biggest game of the year: A chance to take 2 of 3 from one of the best NL teams, and a potential playoff matchup. This was a statement game, one that said if the dodgers were ready to seriously contend in the playoffs, and they didn’t show much heart.

    This loss really hurts, and I feel I need to rush an put the blame on broxton, but it isn’t only him. Manny hasn’t done anything lately. Kershaw has gone from bad to worse in his last few starts, the lineup was inconsistent again, failing to get a hit until the 6th. The bullpen was finally solid, going almost 6 innings without an earned run. What bothers me the most about this loss, is that because we didn’t get many guys on base, we needed to take advantage of the two baserunners that did manage to get to 2nd base. But no, we couldnt get that one hit with a runner in scoring position.

    IM SO FRUSTRATED!!!! and Vincent Padilla is not the answer or an OK replacement for the NO TRADE that we made at the deadline!

  123. dodgerduder


    I completely agree. This is the time of the season where they are either going to step up and start doing something, or they are going to fall, and fall hard. I thought tonight was the biggest game of the year: A chance to take 2 of 3 from one of the best NL teams, and a potential playoff matchup. This was a statement game, one that said if the dodgers were ready to seriously contend in the playoffs, and they didn’t show much heart.

    This loss really hurts, and I feel I need to rush an put the blame on broxton, but it isn’t only him. Manny hasn’t done anything lately. Kershaw has gone from bad to worse in his last few starts, the lineup was inconsistent again, failing to get a hit until the 6th. The bullpen was finally solid, going almost 6 innings without an earned run. What bothers me the most about this loss, is that because we didn’t get many guys on base, we needed to take advantage of the two baserunners that did manage to get to 2nd base. But no, we couldnt get that one hit with a runner in scoring position.

    IM SO FRUSTRATED!!!! and Vincent Padilla is not the answer or an OK replacement for the NO TRADE that we made at the deadline!


    No secret on this one. Gotta score to win.
    eric- true enough, this does not look good,but we’ll have a better idea after the Rocks series. They are feeling confident and expecting to win.
    I don’t think Padilla is the answer either. Maybe he’ll get the “Padilla Flotilla” going again on the deck between Mannywood and the Beach.
    I’ve got to take my share of the blame. Things really started looking bad after I put my Dodger stuff, Manny bobblehead included, on the shelf above the TV. It’s a little Dodger shrine. Did not work. So I’m going to move the stuff to change the luck back.
    BOBBLEHEADS …………OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  125. boblee4014

    Well, looks like we’re on our way to 2nd or even 3rd in the division. We can’t hit good pitching, we’re having trouble fielding, throwing to 2nd base, which cost us the game. Russell needs to sit his A** on the bench and keep it there. He can’t hit or throw, what good is he???? Kershaw need’s some run support. Kid could have won 12 to 13 games with a little run support. Broxton needs to get his S*** together and act like a closer, not be afraid to pitch inside and go after a hitter when he has them set up and not give into them. This team needs a fire lit under their collective *****. Don’t even get me started on Manny. Was a drag to this team. A hitter, he’s not at this point. Looks like princess Druw.

  126. enchantedbeaver

    Why’s eveyone so gloomy? We’re still up 3 1/2. They’ll start hitting again and September’s an easy schedule.
    Oh who am I kidding?, this team sucks.
    A managers job is to get the most out of his team that he can on a day-to-day basis and call a smart game – two areas where JoJo The Clown is fundamentally lacking. If this is the best he can get out of all the talent in the everyday line-up, then fire his ***. He’s ill-equiped to manage outside NY where they can buy him a penant.
    There is no excuse for Ned. All he had to do was put together a decent starting staff. Not great mind you, just decent. All we’ve had from day 1 was question marks and the refuse of the league. A kid, A coming star, a journeyman, a guy that went down after 1 start, and crap, crap, and more crap. I agree with the rest of you – Ned kept his word, this isn’t the same team they started out with in April.
    I believe sometime last offseason I mentioned that because they were able to pick-up Manny at the trade deadline last year, Ned’s new philosophy of picking up a difference maker at the deadline was doomed to failure because you can’t do that every year (and let’s face it, Manny fell in his lap, it wasn’t any great GM work.) Stupid is as stupid does. BTW, nice bench we have here too Ned.
    And while JoJo’s enamoured with how good Martin could be, we’re stuck with J.Martin who isn’t. He’s the friggin Juan Pierre of catchers – can’t hit and can’t throw. Need I say more?
    Its time for hard evaluation of who stays and who goes amongst the young guns. Dre and Kemp I’d sign long term. Martin – OUTTA HERE. Loney I’m on the fence on. Brox I think is fine, but there’s obviously something amiss. Kersh and Bills stay. The rest are trade bait as far as I’m concerned.
    So to recap:
    Ned Sucks.
    Joe Sucks.
    Martin Sucks.
    And from the above, we can draw the inference that Frank sucks too.

  127. enchantedbeaver

    But let’s all remember the mantra:
    “The team you start out with isn’t necessarily the team you finish with.”
    I’d have to say after watching this team this past month that it is indeed “finished.”

  128. kpookiemon

    Long way to go…Dodgers finishing a streak of many games with Braves and Cards while the chasers continue to play trash. Not to excuse the Dodgers, though. Other than Ethier, Kemp and Sherrill, they’re all playing like trash. Ned will twist in the wind the next six weeks, and well he should. Let’s hope Logan White puts together a professional pitching staff this winter. Have always believed the Dodgers were still at least one if not two years away. The heady days of April and May may have been a mirage. Team is settling into the squad I figured them to be. As far as this team’s fundamentals, Joe and his staff should be horse whipped.

  129. ramslover

    I am not ready to throw in the towel…This team can right it self and I think it will. Broxton is the villian because he was the last man standing and he should be punished for all that was said above. However, he was a big part of why we were up 10 games. With that being said, I really believe he should be on the DL and get a chance to rest. If I am not mistaking, last night was the 3rd out of 4 nights…Joe is as much to blame.

    As for Padilla, I do see him as an upgrade over who we have been running out there. Stults, Schmidt, Weaver..not real impressive group. Now is there baggage with him, sure, just as it was with Manny last year (I know he is not that caliber) but he has something to prove and Wolf knows him from years ago and so does Bowa. If he was that big an issue I do not think Bowa woud have let this happen. Maybe I am naive and I just hope he can flash back to 3-4 years ago. He has been in Texas, a hitters ballpark…

    DEric, I agree Ned will rue the day that he did not get Lee, he has been a difference already, dominant, pitching complete games. Imagine if Bills and Kershaw had someone like that to learn from.

    As for Kershaw having the flu, I empathize, but we have seen too many flu outing this year out of him. He is in the bigs and it is time to start pitching like it. He will be a superstar and I feel it is time to take the excuses away. He needs to be consistent…Sometimes it is painful to watch at other times he is poetry in motion, effortless!!! Come on Kershaw, I love ya man, but get it together!!

    It is not too late to try and get Harang from the Reds, if they pay at least half his 12 k next year, it is worth the risk. We need the depth and going to Dodgers stadium has turned alot of bad record guys into winners..Anyone remember Mike Morgan, perenially loser, he had 2-3 good years in LA!!!

    Still Believe, Go Dodgers!!!!

  130. enchantedbeaver

    I’d like to hang in there with you Rams, but two (of the many) things I find disturbing is their complete in ability to beat a good (sometimes even just a decent) pitcher, and the fact that they’re playing .500 ball at home after their 13-0 start (and 9-11 since the all-star break.) Just those two things alone tell me that even if they do make the playoffs, they’ll be out in 3, maybe 4 games.

    Now throw in Martin’s season long hitting and defensive slump which won’t get any better, Manny hitting .277 since he came back, Bills and Kersh’s inconsistency, Furcal’s season long inability to steal a base, JoJo’s killing of the BP coupled with his inane line-ups and pathetic in-game management, and Ned’s thrift store bargains starting staff and I’d go so far as to saying that this team doesn’t DESERVE to to go the playoffs.

    My only hope is that Ned gets his walking papers, and the new sheriff in town has the balls to fire Joe & Co. and get his own field staff in place.


    How’s it going ITD fans?
    Some very well stated posts just above, so no sense repeating on those.
    It is quite telling about baseball management how some teams filled their needs in July, like the Cardinals, Phillies, and maybe even the Giants to a lesser degree. It didn’t cost them an arm and a leg to do so – hardly anybody on the major league roster was lost. However, Ned presumably would have had to give up some of our best prospects, several of whom were already major leaguers. Strange? Not really – that’s why he is looked at as the village idiot among the real GM’s. However the season finally winds down, I hope it’s time for Ned to GO.
    Frank isn’t any better as an owner. Thinks because he’s achieved his Manny*roid promotional piece and his trophy manager, that’s all it takes to field a championship winning team. Now, I’ve never liked or wanted Manny*roid, but a guy who’s making more money than the rest of the team on the field combined should be able to carry the weight and get us to and through that post-season, or is that not reasonable to expect? Unless he fires up, that’s not going to happen, and I for one am totally tired of the media giving him primary credit for any victory that we do manage along the way. What we’ve won has been aside from Manny.

    The young guys have done overall what might have been expected this early in their careers. I’d definitely keep Andre, Matt, Kersh, Billz and Brox – everybody else should be subject to trade to fill the gaps we need for a really good longer range team. The only caveat here is that Ned shouldn’t be the one with the responsibility to trade anybody, and unless Frank can stand a major market team payroll of around $100 to $120 million, he shouldn’t stay on as an owner..

    When Ned goes, Joe should be seriously advised to retire a year early and go watch sunsets at the beach instead of slumbering through at Dodger Stadium.

  132. selltheteam

    I’m not giving up on this season. But I am managing my expectations. Why go into post season (“if” we get there) expecting a lot? We currently have nothing to base such expectations on. We’ve got, at best, half a good team.
    The good: Up the middle defense (excluding the catcher). Offense: Ethier, Kemp, and Hudson can still bring it. Bullpen: Lots of good arms – Sherrill, Brox, Belly.
    The bad (some are mediocre, but up against the likes of Philly and St Louis, the mediocre is bad). Starting Pitchers – the only decent ones to bring into a tough playoff series are Billz, Kersh, and (??) Wolf. Randy is on the list only because the rest are so bad. Kuroda cannot be counted on to be back and ready in time. Catcher – Martin basically gave away the game last night on his throwing error, when big fat Pujols was already safely at second base. Offense: Manny is deteriorating rapidly, can no longer be counted on in the clutch. Not sure about Furcal. Blake is okay, but he’s a seven-hole hitter filling the fourth or fifth slot. Bench: Ouch. Pierre is the first hitter off the bench?
    The games in September will get easier, due to an easier schedule. Don’t be lulled into thinking that August was an aberration. August is a true test of this team’s post season abilities, and so far, it is flunking that test.
    By the way, a big thank you (not) to Ned for getting us the starting pitching help that we needed both in the winter and at the trading deadline. At least JoJo could see that we needed more starting pitching talent. Ned has got to go.
    I’m not ready to trade away the team. That can wait until the offseason, sparing only the cream of the crop – Ethier, Kemp, Billz, Kershaw, and probably Brox.

  133. aeversw

    Wow what a horrible game last night. This team is so flawed its pathetic. Our bench sucks, our bullpen has been way too overworked, Joe Torre is an idiot who makes out crappy lineups and ALWAYS abuses to pen to make sure he has a lefty facing a lefty and a righty facing a righty, even if that lefty is Colby Rasmus who’s hitting .257 on the season. Russell Martin can’t throw, James Loney can’t hit and neither can Andruw Ramierz. This team has their heads so far up their ***** I’m not sure they can figure out how to pull them out fast enough to make the Playoffs. We need a new manager, we need someone who will chew these guys a new one because they need it.

  134. enchantedbeaver

    D4 – found this in the obits…

    Las Cruces NM (AP) – After several weeks of regression, brownpaperbag finally succumbed to his battle with JoJo The Clown and Ned Flanders, themselves suffering deeply from rectal-crannial inversion (RCI), after yet another setback last evening.

    While those around him wondered if it could’ve been a severe case of Tourette’s syndrome, those that knew him well assert that those words were only heard while speaking of JoJo and Ned… and driving in Las Cruces.

    No immediate funeral arrangements have been made as authorities are having a difficult time recovering his foot from Frank McCourt’s anus.

    WOW – RIP BPB.

  135. thinkingblue

    WOW….BPB + ENCHANTED…they will be missed. Sniff Sniff.
    On another note WELCOME Plastic-Grocery-Bag & JustPlainDisgusted.

  136. thinkingblue

    MJ wouldn’t mind but BPB will have a problem with that. LOL! Maybe we should cremate him and scatter his ashes all over the Dodger field in hope that a new & greener grass will grow on our side of the stadium.


    Maybe we can get the fans to throw their Manny bobbleheads out onto the field in September in memory of bpb, especially if Manny*roid keeps fading like he has been in the weeks past.
    I think that would be an appropriate message to Frank.

  138. enchantedbeaver

    Not a bad idea Peru – they can both spend eternity with the Dodger’s chances of ever winning the WS title while the three stooges run the team – in NEVERLAND.

  139. nellyjune

    justplaindisgusted – enchanted must be really miffed if he is willing to let brownpaperbag go like that. It wasn’t even worth it to fight this time. The question is will we ever see enchanted again, now that brownpaperbag is dust?

  140. perumike

    Hey plastic, maybe you want to be more environmentally friendly and change to canvassupermarketbag? You know, those canvas bags people take to the market? 🙂

  141. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t know about that Nells, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see disenchanted one of these days.

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