Stopping the "skid"

Still haven’t lost three games in a row this year and if we want that to continue, we’ve got to win tonight.

Here’s the lineup in St. Louis (I’m actually not on this trip, so stuff might come a little slower)

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Manny, LF (as many of you probably saw, we’re doing a second Manny bobblehead by popular demand…Sept. 16 so it’s a good reason to skip school or work! Not that I’d ever advocate such a thing…)

Ethier, RF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Kemp, CF

Billingsley, P

And by the way…are all the glitches fixed on here? If not, let me know and I’ll hit up the good folks at


  1. thinkingblue

    Everything seems fine now with MLB blogs. Usually I experience problems around noon (pacific time).
    I get a 2nd chance at Manny’s Bobble Head….yey! We like attending the bobble head games. Thanks Josh for the update!
    Yes it is a must win game….can’t loose more than two games in a row….GOOOOOO DODGERS. Line up looks like a winning like-up.

  2. trublu4ever

    Thanks for the lineup Josh. Please, please, Joe, start moving Matt up in the order and stop being so stubborn about it. He is losing too many at bats by hitting 8th.

  3. Dodger4life

    Good Afternoon ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Blue…
    Shake and Bake Time Again!!!!!!
    Let’s get back on track tonight with a BIG WIN!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!
    KEEP ON TRUCKIN!!!!!!!!

  4. Dodger4life

    Good Afternoon ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Blue…
    Shake and Bake Time Again!!!!!!
    Let’s get back on track tonight with a BIG WIN!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!
    KEEP ON TRUCKIN!!!!!!!!


    Two bobblehead games for Manny? What a nice way to ignore some of the other major contributors. If you have to do Manny twice, at least make the next one a bobbleasss night.

  6. thinkingblue


  7. perumike

    Hi all! Nice lineup for tonight! Let’s do this thing!

    On a side note, did you all see the Alfonso Soriano showboating after his walkoff slam last night? I can understand pumping a fist or something of that nature, but he went way over board. I hope Oswalt drills him today!!!

  8. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Today’s a new day! Forget about the last couple of games and come out with a win for Billz today!

    NSB – No worries about “dozing” off (from the other thread). I was getting tired myself and had to turn in early too.

    Shad – That article you posted early this morning makes me sick. That writer has no clue and certainly doesn’t even know what he’s writing. I doubt he even knows anything about the Dodgers.

    Messagebear – I’ve never been a HUGE Manny fan, especially after he got “caught.” But what I don’t get is ALL this attention to one player. Heck, even if it was one of our young guns, baseball is a TEAM sport; it’s not just about one player. I’ve never liked the “Mannywood” section, for the same reason. I don’t mind bobbleheads, but you hit it right on the head, “…What a nice way to ignore some of the other major contributors…” Did you know that before he was “caught” that Kaiser Permanente was the sponsor for Manny’s bobblehead. After he was “caught” Kaiser dropped its sponsorship of Manny’s bobblehead and San Manuel picked it up? For me, kudos goes to Kaiser. I’m not casting any aspersions on San Manuel for picking it up, but it does point out that Kaiser was sticking to their corporate morals…

  9. crzblue2

    Only glitch is Blake still hitting 8th while Matt hits 8th.

    By edog07 on July 28, 2009 2:49 PM

    Edgo, you mean Blake still hitting 5th 🙂
    Josh*** This will be a first! having a BBH on a weekday game. Any chance of changing that that day to a night game? if not, that is Ok, I’ll use another vaca day. also Sept 16th is Mexico’s independence. Honduras Independence is Sept 15th. For those that might know, yes, we have turmoil in my native Honduras.


    Of course, it isn’t Manny’s call or fault to have a second bobblehead game for strictly commercial purposes. When I called for a bobbleasss night, that should really belong to Frank, and then maybe another one for Ned, and who knows maybe even that legend Joe. You never know what a draw that might be – try it Josh, but make sure to wear a paper bag if you happen to suggest it.

  11. perumike

    Hey Emma! Mario’s in Hollywood is good (on Melrose). Mamita’s is also pretty good, on Brand in Glendale! Mario’s is my favorite of the two! 🙂

  12. shad80

    Geez the Red Sox still trading what about getting some SP’s since they have Penny and Smoltz not pitching well.

  13. crzblue2

    like Klinger used to say “Holy Toledo!”
    You also read minds! 🙂 Mario’s is the one that I went by and was wondering how it was. I’ll try both of them. Thanks!


    I like Manny, and even sent off for a bobblehead of my own, but you guys are right. He will not do it alone, so credit and bobbleheads should be spread around.


    Everybody to his own preferences, but I’d like to go for a Jamie bobbleass myself, sexist as it may seem, but then I’ve never shied away from that in my seventy plus years.

  16. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Folks

    Are you ready for another night at Busch Stadium?
    This place to us is like Dodger Stadium is to the Reds.
    Very hard to win here.
    Let’s just hope the Gods smile on us tonight.

  17. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Folks

    Are you ready for another night at Busch Stadium?
    This place to us is like Dodger Stadium is to the Reds.
    Very hard to win here.
    Let’s just hope the Gods smile on us tonight.

  18. crzblue2

    “This place to us is like Dodger Stadium is to the Reds”

    I was just reading something about the Reds and was thinking about the same thing. i was there in St Louis for a four game series a few years back and we lost all four but I was and still am optimistic that we can win this year with the team we have. You know one thing I did not like while I was there was that they played lowlights of that game where Jack Clark beats us.

  19. nellyjune

    This Ethieraholic is miffed. Why? Two-time NL Player of the Week for these season and still no bobblehead – just wrong I say! When I first saw the thread, I immediately thought “what is messagebear going to say”, and sure enough…………dead on right you are Bear.

  20. trublu4ever

    Thsi is becoming a challenge to gets things posted tonight! I’m getting a little tired of the same problem we are having everyday!

  21. nellyjune

    This Ethieraholic is miffed. Why? Two-time NL Player of the week this season, and still no bobblehead for Andre. Just sooooooo very wrong I say! When I first saw the thread, I thought, “What is Messagebear thinking”……….and sure enough…….dead on right!

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. nellyjune

    This Ethieraholic is miffed. Why? Two-time NL Player of the week this season, and still no bobblehead for Andre. Just sooooooo very wrong I say! When I first saw the thread, I thought, “What is Messagebear thinking”……….and sure enough…….dead on right!

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. nellyjune

    Are you listening to KABC? They are talking about Halladay, and that he probably is not going anywhere. Nobody is willing to give up what they have on their current roster. They are thinking Lee is an option now.


    When considering bobblehead options for upcoming Dodger games, keep in mind that Dodger management will always be ****** (describing persons who trade sexual favors for money) – that’s their creed and only operational stance, based on bringing in the biggest crowds and most money for Frank’s pocket as opposed to any recognition for players’ performance and fan appreciation for those players. I know baseball is a commercial business and filling the stadium takes precedence, but all this Mannymania is just sickening and makes me feel at times like I wish he’d fall flat on his asss and just bust Frank’s pocketbook. Looking out for the fans – bullshi*. Why don’t you just sell the team, take your ill-earned profit, and go back to Boston, you miserable far*, and get some real baseball man in the ownership and management of this franchise. Frank SUCKS! Everyone whom Frank has hired and brought in SUCKS!

  25. gomartin55

    hey guys.. it’s sara..

    someone just text me and said:

    “bills, loney, and lindblom just got dealt to cleveland”



    Sara, I don’t think Cleveland has enough players to warrant that kind of a trade-off, which is exactly what makes it scary, because Ned is in charge. But, I don’t believe that even Ned is that crazy all of a sudden – so, take a deep breath and figure that it will go away. And it will.

  27. shad80

    Well it look like the Angels lost another one that used to pitcher for them.

    Ex-Angels pitcher Luis Quintana, 57, dies in Fla.
    2 hours, 41 minutes ago

    Buzz up! PrintWEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP)—Former California Angels relief pitcher Luis Quintana has died in Florida.

    Palm Beach County sheriff’s officials said in a statement that Quintana, 57, died of natural causes. He was found in his car Monday after it crashed.

    Quintana appeared in 22 games for the Angels in 1974 and ’75, posting a 2-3 record and a 5.03 ERA.

    A native of Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, his family plans to take his body back to that island for burial.


    shad – you’re a regular obituary man, and I don’t know where you find all of these news.
    What I enjoy most about your posts is the player stats and information that you bring to this forum. Way to go and thanks.

  29. thinkingblue

    OMG… problems….
    NELLY I posted in all caps (needed to be heard) at the beginning of this thread about ETHIER’S BOBBLEHEAD. I think that he deserves a special Day with his BOBBLEHEAD. ETHIERAHOLICS are to unite and request ETHIER’S BOBBLEHEAD.
    I do collect bobbleheads and I did miss MANNY’s, but I prefers ETHIER’S over MANNY’s anytime.

  30. gomartin55

    yeah dnelly, i couldn’t find it either..

    messagebear, i figure it would go away.. he was probably just messing with me because he knows that would make me crazy angry..

    i think that the insane rumors scare me the most because i don’t trust colletti.. i can’t wait until the trade deadline passes.. SIGH

  31. nellyjune

    I don’t necessarily collect them Rose, but he DESERVES one. That is for sure!!!


    I am going to dinner. I will check in when I get back.

    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  32. nellyjune

    I don’t necessarily collect them Rose, but he DESERVES one. That is for sure!!!


    I am going to dinner. I will check in when I get back.

    GO DODGERS!!!!!

  33. trublu4ever

    At least a half hour more to find out if they will play. Doesn’t look promising. If not, a day-night doubleheader tomorrow.

  34. truebluewill

    tb4 6:30 Pacific time 9:30 Eastern time. Not bad. I should be able to stay up for most of the game. I’m glad no day-night doubleheader. Don’t want to screw up our pitching more then it already is.

  35. truebluewill

    Alright let’s play. Let’s win one in St. Louis. I’m tired of hearing about losing 15 of 18.

  36. shad80

    Sigh they just had to bring up Tatis 2 GS in the same inning against Park but should’ve be surprise Tatis did it in a Cards uniform.

  37. trublu4ever


  38. enchantedbeaver

    Sorry to have to be the one to report this, but we’ve lost another one…

    NEW YORK, NY (Reuters) – Lamp Chop Dead.
    A simple statement was issued by a hospital spokesperson, “Lamb Chop is dead” thus bringing to a close a bygone era where the meek once held court over TV Land (see related stories on Speedy Gonzalez, and Pixie and Dixie.) “Our hearts go out to those that are left behind; Hush Puppy, Charlie Horse and Wing Ding.” Eulogies were many, though you couldn’t actually see anyone’s lips move.
    Celebrity came early for Ms. Chop. After attending Barnyard College, Lamb Chop entered into a storied career in television, though it was always said that someone else had a hand in her meteoric rise to fame. Rumors abound that Ms. Chop’s headstone reads, “Move along, mutton to see here”, but those claims cannot be substantiated.
    A brief service will be held this Friday at the Betty Crocker Institute. The family asks that in lieu of flowers the public send mint sauce.

    Wow – RIP Lamb Chop.

  39. colliethec

    Sara — Bills is pitching now so I think your text is someone trying to get your goat! If he had been traded he wouldn’t be playing.

  40. aeversw

    another waste matt kemp hit…imagine if he hit in front of someone who could actually drive him in on a regular basis…I hate JOE.

  41. oldbrooklynfan

    It might’ve been during that same series when I was unable to watch three games in row, for some reason and told a friend of mine that they’d probably lose anyway…and they did.
    I feel that these 4 games could tell us a lot on how the Dodgers will do this year.

  42. aeversw

    I like this angle shad, we always seem to get it when we are in saint louis. I like being able to see the movement on the pitches. It really gives you a good idea at how hard it is to hit major league pitching.

  43. truebluewill

    I don’t like all these missed opportunities. It’s going to come back and bit us in the ………….

  44. truebluewill

    I don’t like all these missed opportunities. It’s going to come back and bit us in the ………….

  45. kpookiemon

    Speaking of injuries…wow! The Big Unit has a torn rotator cuff. As far as Blake, I don’t think it will be long before he’s hitting 7th or 8th, but that’s his comfort zone, anyway. No pressure. He’s really not wired as a middle-of-the-order guy, and has said so himself, not that Joe listens to anybody.

  46. bluesplash09

    It hurts me to say this cause he’s my favorite player but we need to trade Martin while other teams still think he’s valuable. All he does is hit into double plays, and he’s not stealing bases cause he cant get a hit to get on base in the first place. Maybe Martin and a couple prospects could get us halladay, i’m just tired of seeing Russell consistently killing rallies.

  47. bluesplash09

    It hurts me to say this cause he’s my favorite player but we need to trade Martin while other teams still think he’s valuable. All he does is hit into double plays, and he’s not stealing bases cause he cant get a hit to get on base in the first place. Maybe Martin and a couple prospects could get us halladay, i’m just tired of seeing Russell consistently killing rallies.

  48. aeversw

    Matty should bat 3rd, Manny 4th and Dre 5th. I’d like to see an opposing pitcher get through that middle of the order. Casey Blake should bat 8th for the rest of the year.

  49. shad80

    lol at that ball in play stats. That’s is just crazy Kemp is 3rd and Manny 4th and that why Kemp need to bat higher.

  50. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. I hate to see the wasted opportunities so far, but Bills is looking strong tonight.

  51. bluesplash09

    This inability to get hits with RISP is getting ridiculous, I hate seeing our pitchers doing a great job and our offense not show up to the game, this could be the stretch of the season that we all knew would come but just hasnt yet, a losing streak that we will have to overcome. At least the rockies already lost today, the giants and pitt are tied 1-1 so hopefully pitt can pull it out so we dont lose any ground. We just never do well against the cards, it’s been that way for years but maybe us getting swept will make the guys realize we arent invincible.

  52. bluesplash09

    Keep puttin up zero’s Billz, maybe your offense will realize there’s a game being played at some point tonite

  53. oldbrooklynfan

    Almost unbelievable that the Dodgers have gotten a man on base in every inning so far in this series.

  54. trublu4ever

    We are going to score enough runs to win his game, bluesplash. Have faith……….we just have to score before Joe decides to take Billz out so he can get the win.

  55. bluesplash09

    How the F do we have the best record in baseball when we play like this, 10 hits 1 run yesterday (on a sacrifice) and 8 hits no runs today. Have fun getting swept, better luck in the ATL

  56. bluesplash09

    How the F do we have the best record in baseball when we play like this, 10 hits 1 run yesterday (on a sacrifice) and 8 hits no runs today. Have fun getting swept, better luck in the ATL

  57. boblee4014

    I’ve had it with this team. i’m going to bed, have an early golf date in the morning. Crap, Crap, Crap.

  58. bluesplash09

    How the F do we have the best record in baseball when we play like this, 10 hits 1 run yesterday (on a sacrifice) and 8 hits no runs today. Have fun getting swept, better luck in the ATL

  59. edog07

    Stale offense forces pitchers to try to be perfect. Torre needs to mix up the lineup. The last week has been the most difficult to watch Dodger baseball of the year. We don’t look like the best record team in baseball.

    Whats the deal with Martin? Can’t throw to the correct side of any base. Missed 3rd base earlier. I don’t want to give up on the guy but maybe we should give someone else a shot behind the plate.

  60. bluesplash09

    sorry for the negativity guys, I just cant stand to see a good pitching effort (so far) be done in by an offense that gets hits and then leaves them stranded


    Billz may have his stuff from time to time, but sooner or later he just chokes – that’s why he is no Ace, and he may very well not have the guts to be one. Sorry to have to say that, because he’s better than most that we have on the staff, but expect him to do anything in a key game like playoffs – No.

  62. jesse_from_sc

    its how a team responds to adversity that shows the real make up and maturity… so lets not panic and see how the Boys respond

  63. truebluewill

    Could this be the beginning of the slump they haven’t had all year? Good thing the Rockies lost. We’ll just going to have ride this out.

  64. bluesplash09

    We are proving everyone right that said we couldnt hold our own with the better teams in the league, just try and hold your heads above water until we can run back to the NL West with our tail between our legs and play teams like arizona and san diego, who we stand a chance of beating

  65. bluesplash09

    Get Bills out of there now, pitcher rbi? unacceptable. Welcome to a losing streak Dodger fans, we had to know it was coming

  66. vl4ecc

    I just got home a short bit ago. Saw what looked like a pitchers duel, took a quick shower, came back and missed the 6th inning implosion by Bills. When things go south for him, it sure seems to go to s**t in a hurry doesn’t it?
    They will need divine intervention to pull this one out, and keep the streak going.

  67. perumike

    I agree we would have a losing streak at some point, but I disagree that we can’t hold our own with the teams outside our division. Yes, the Cards have our number, but not just this season. We’re even with the Cubs, Brewers and Phils, and have winning records against the Reds, Mets and Marlins. We have losing records to the Astros (3-4) and Cards (as of now). We can sill come out of this series with a split! Let’s go boys!

  68. oldbrooklynfan

    The only thing to do now is try not to make it effect them mentally.
    Just keep trying.
    Each player should think as an individual.

  69. bluecrewgirl

    I think they’ll bounce back the rest of the road trip. I didn’t think they would go the entire season not losing more than 2 in a row.

  70. kpookiemon

    What a shock…Dodgers first losing streak centered around St. Louis. It doesn’t matter if the Dodgers have the best or worst record in baseball…they can’t win in St. Louis. Just ask the Reds how it feels to get thumped mercilessly on the road…in Dodger Stadium. As for Billingsley, his day as an ace will come–in the future. An ace avoids a 6-run inning…somehow.

  71. perumike

    Thanks splash, missed a few games in calculating! Either way, I think they’re doing their job: beat up on the weak ones, hold their own against (most of) the good ones.

  72. vl4ecc

    I sure hope they don’t get shut out tonight, and at least salvage a split for this series.
    Vargas has been a pleasant surprise so far & done well. I still miss Belisario, and hope the real Wade comes back & returns to form. There’s still alot of baseball left in the season. ALOT can happen.

  73. bluecrewgirl

    It sucks being on the losing end of one of these types of games. I have a feeling they are going to come back and take the next 2 games.

  74. bluecrewgirl

    I’m trying to think positive, oldbrooklynfan ): It’s going to be another tough pitching matchup tomorrow.

  75. Dodger4life

    Tough game……I will be glad when the trade deadline passes and we can get back into our comfort zone a little better. Belisario is really missed right now, as is Wade.
    We need to keep on truckin, keep on battling!!!!!
    Things are always a little brighter when we are having fun.
    We Will Bounce Back Tomorrow!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!

  76. nellyjune

    I don’t even think I am going to read the thread from the time I left. Losing 10-0 is not going to go over well with this board, and without even reading it, I probably know what was said.

    Now for some ITD people news. I know he might be upset I said anything, but he would be the first to send out prayers for anybody here. Eric (Dodgereric) was admitted into the hospital for observation and tests after feeling dizzy( for an extended period of time after doing yard work on Monday. He and Chris were supposed to meet up with us in Vegas for the day(his son, Matt, is with us), and obviously that didn’t happen. They are supposed to be releasing him tomorrow, and he still thinks he will be making the trip so he and Chris can finsih out their plans to go to Vegas. We (my hubby, kids and I) are heading from Vegas to the coast tomorrow. So, like he has done many, many, many times for us, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

  77. nellyjune

    I wasn’t finished…………….

    I will keep you posted if I hear anything, but like I said, everything seems fine, and I am sure there is nothing to worry about. Just thoughts and prayers that all the tests turn out okay. Thanks – June Darlin’

  78. nellyjune

    Also, I know I am one of the worst when it comes to our team, but I try during times like these to remember what Dodgereric always tries to tell us. This (the Dodgers) is our toy shop, and as much as we LOVE (like is not strong enough for ITD) to play in it, friends and family is what is important in life. Players will come and go, and as much as we would love to see a ring in 2009, it’s not important compared to all the other things happening in our lives (country and world). This ITD family is unique in that we really look out for one another, and it really is a blessing to know some of you (whether in person or not).

    Good Night everyone, take care and God Bless!!!

  79. sparkleplenty_1

    Nelly, I’m putting up prayers and good thoughts for Eric even as I type this. Our highest priority in life are those we treasure as family and friends. Our blogmates are important to us and we do care about each other! Thank you so much for letting us know what’s going on with Eric and keeping us in the loop. Blessings on you and yours, too!


    First and foremost I hope all is well with Eric
    The team is clearly lacks “ooomph” and is being out-played in StL. This is hardly the end of the world, the others in the west are not making up any ground, but it gives us an idea what we will be dealing with in the playoffs. As we all know we’re a little light in the pitching staff. I don’t think Billz has the make-up to lead a staff, not that he should go anywhere. I’d give him every chance to be a true #1. Maybe help is on the way, we’ll see what transpires in the next couple of days.

  81. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boys in Blue…
    DodgerEric *I have been thinking and praying for you and your family to get through this with just doctor’s advice. Get Well and have a safe and enjoyable next few days. Nelly you do the same.
    As far as the team, we knew it was’nt going to be all peaches and cream. We are still a darn good ballclub though, and whether or not things remain the same in the next few day’s or not we have a goal set. That is to win the ring, so lets not worry about anything else at the moment and just concentrate on having fun again.
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!
    GO OUT and ROCK US BABY!!!!!!

  82. thinkingblue

    NELLY thanks for the news. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.
    ERIC – Get some rest and take care. Hope to see you here soon. And Don’t worry about the Dodgers….loosing 3 in a row is very common in baseball. Dodgers will win tonight.

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