Hall of Fame Sunday

Just watched Rickey Henderson’s induction ceremony and he did a really nice job. I’m sure plenty of people thought it would be different than it was, but from what I hear, he did a lot of preparation and came off very classy. The fact that he finished his career with the Dodgers is something I’ll always remember and feel fortunate that we had the chance to work with him for half a season.

A big congrats go out to all of the inductees, including Nick Peters, who covered baseball in the Bay Area for years, including 2002 when I was a reporter covering the Giants. Nick was always very gracious to a young writer like myself and I’m grateful for his assistance.

As for today’s lineup, it’s as follows:

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Ethier, RF

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Martin, C

Loretta, 3B

Schmidt, P

Pierre, LF

Joe Torre said that Manny’s hand is sore and rather than have him start and have to take him out, he’d like to have him available to pinch-hit. I guess that worked out ok on Wednesday.

Also, Joe said that Cory Wade will go on rehab tomorrow and Belisario could go later in the week. Let’s hope that they both return healthy and prove valuable down the stretch.


  1. boblee4014

    What a crock. Manny sitting out the important 3rd game of this series. Torre is not a very smart manager in my opinion. These are trained athletes. They don’t need to sit once or twice a week. If I was in Manny’s position and could hit like he does, I would never sit out a game….

  2. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    I didn’t see all of last night’s game, but I saw the ending! Great going Casey! We were at my 30-year HS reunion last night. I watched the 8th inning to the end in the bar. The reunion was a bit of a dud. I can’t stay long, but I just wanted to say…

    IT’S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL!!! (Love those words!!!)

  3. enchantedbeaver

    Hope they surprise me Boblee, but when you take out Ramirez and Blake for Crappy and Swetta, there’s 8 outs you’re giving away – not good odds for scoring a bunch of runs for Schmidt.

  4. vl4ecc

    I don’t care for todays lineup. Makes me wonder if it’s from a flare up of Joe’s part timers disease.

  5. shad80

    I would rather have Loretta in the lineup than Sweeney and Pierre of last year and Castro of this year. Wow terrible base running Hudson and blah at the bunt Furcal.

  6. shad80

    You bring back memory of Sweeney getting doubled off of first to end that 9th innings last year or was it 2 yrs ago?

  7. enchantedbeaver

    I know Schmidt’s trying, but you just can’t get away with throwing this soft **** to major league hitters. When your change and fastball are within 3-4 mph of each other, there’s no discernable difference.

  8. ray6

    dont trade loney and bills… just read it on foxsports.. c’mon, i dont want lee or martinez that bad

  9. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t care if Schmidt was the next hitter, I wouldn’t walk Loretta the way he’s been swinging the bat.

  10. truebluewill

    I think this is the best we can expect from Schmidt. Pitching to contact, as long as he can limit the damaged and keep the opposition from big innings if we score behind him we might be able to win.

  11. colliethec

    Good afternoon everybody!
    I hope all is well with everybody.
    I wasn’t able to post last night so I’ll make a couple of comments now.
    In terms of Martin, I love the guy but he does still need some work with his throwing. His hitting hasn’t been consistent but he has been hitting well as of late. It’s a long season and there will be slumps. He did have a key hit in the game and an RBI. There is some negativity towards him but he has also made many good plays and doesn’t get love when he does. He made a great play last week against the Reds that saved a run, on a wild pitch to the backstop on a 3rd strike with a runner at 3rd. He went got the ball and threw him out from the backstop after sliding on his knees to get the ball. Then he hosed a guy trying to steal 3rd with a right handed hitter up. 2 very good plays there that kept the game close.
    In terms of Blake I agree that he & Kemp should be flipped in the order. But just remember that many would be screaming that Joe doesn’t keep the lineup consistent if/when he does this. Blake has been a great player. He’s been very good in the field. He is in a slump, but once again it’s a long season. Ironic that he was being slammed all night and then gets the game winning hit.
    I agree that the pitchers need to go longer & I wish that Joe would stick with certain pitchers longer, but last night if HK was left in and was hit then Joe would of been given grief for leaving him in. He had just given up a run the prior inning. I myself would of left him in and not used a pinch hitter.
    As far as today, if Manny needs a day then he should get a day. I don’t understand what is the problem with that. I would rather see Manny than PP out there but if he needs a day that isn’t the fault of Joe.
    I just think that those that are critical of every move or play that doesn’t work out should also give some love when they do. When Joe puts in a pinch hitter and they get a hit Joe should get some credit for a good move.
    I’m sure Joe doesn’t read our blog and could care less what we think or say and has some rings that mean more than what we have to say but I like to root for my team & not against it.
    I know these views aren’t the same as most here but they are my views. I hate hearing boos from the home team for the players and I hear many of them here. If you going to boo, which is your right, then I would hope you would also cheer.
    Go Blue!!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!

  12. enchantedbeaver

    Ray6 – that’s another Rosenthal fantasy – one the worst and most uninformed sportswriters around. Why would you give up all of your prospects and two starters on the current team for one pitcher and a catcher who would have to play first base?

    On the otherhand, Ned is a dolt.

  13. colliethec

    Ray — That trade would be really stupid. It would make no sense. That would be unless they were also going to trade Russ and the farm for Halliday. But I still wouldn’t do those trades.

  14. sparkleplenty_1

    Ned was interviewed the other night on the pre-game show. He was emphatic about not trading anyone on the 25-man roster. You’d think that Rosenthal would have known that before posting that preposterous story.
    However, we also know Ned’s track record, and that speaks for itself . . . .

  15. enchantedbeaver

    Jeez, just give Schmidt his release. Nice try coming back, but he ain’t got it and he’s never going to get it back.

  16. aeversw

    If the Dodgers can get Lee and MArtinez without trading Kershaw, Bills or Kemp i’ll be happy…the Schidt experiment needs to end.

  17. messagebear@msn.com

    The only good thing about this game is that if management needed convincing that Schmidt would not be an answer to our pitching needs, they should now have that answer, no matter how much junk he can throw. Let’s now give Vargas his chance at being #5 starter, and then we can stop the charade. You don’t have the pitching, Joe, and your owner may not be listening or may not care as long as Manny’s here.

  18. enchantedbeaver

    With what we have hitting after Kemp today, it might take us a month of Sunday’s to get 4 runs.

  19. ray6

    i dont want the chemistry to be ruined. leave bills and loney alone. now, if you want to trade prospects like lindblom, bell, or even lambo, thats diffrent. but dont mess with the major league roster. that would just be assinine. Ned dont do it

  20. northstateblues

    The Indians want Loney? They can eat ****. I guess Cleveland wouldn’t need our catcher, since they already have… our catcher in Santana.

    I wonder if Joe would’ve traded Bernie Williams for Travis Millwood in the mid-late 90’s, since he regards Loney as his new “Bernie”.

    As for Bills, another one of my fave pitchers, but I understand that if you’re trading for a pitcher, “you gotta spend money to make money, champ”, and if I had to pick between Bills and Kershaw as far as upside… well, a tough question, but we’re pretty much guaranteed that whoever we let go will excel on another team (again).

    And Ned at GM = Shaky Jim Everett at QB. Panic, Panic, Bomb, OH, THE HUMANITY!!!!

    Speaking of the Humanity, guess the Dodger bats aren’t as apt to get Schmidt’s back today for some reason. Change Loney for Martin, and we might get a deal done, Cleveland (what the hell would we do with Martinez otherwise? we have enough catchers). On the other hand, Rosenthal is on crack, and is stuffing the polling ballot box in his article (“Who would be getting the best deal in this possible trade: Dodgers 72% Indians 28%”)

  21. messagebear@msn.com

    Well, talk about PP being PP – that just typically wipes out his one likely hit for the day.

  22. enchantedbeaver

    That’s why I don’t read the rumor stories Tru. I’ll believe something when I see it.

    Hope that little bloop gets Blake going again. Why is it though that he never needs a day off but Loney does? I assume we’ll see both JP in center and Castro at short today. Nice way to back-up Schmidt.

    JP of course is nothing but a wad on the bottom of a shoe who had a great 20-game run and will ride that wave through the next 2+ years. God I hope they don’t resign JoJo to manage beyond next year or will see JP far more than any other team would put up with, all at the expense of better producing players. JP will get his one hit today and promptly get thrown out trying to steal I’m sure.

    By brownpaperbag on July 26, 2009 8:08 AM
    Report any abuse or spam

    LIKE THAT WASN’T PREDICTABLE!!! When you can call it at 8:08 AM that’s pathetic.

  23. aeversw

    If the Dodgers trade Loney, McDonald, Elbert, Lambo and Lindblom for Lee and Martinez I’d be very happy. I think that would be a better deal then the Phillies could offer the Indians…Nice try Jason. Collect your millons of dollars and retire and take care of your family.

  24. messagebear@msn.com

    Isn’t it great that Schmidt got that Ned Colletti early retirement plan a couple of years back. That’s why I was calling for Ned to be fired over the last two years. It’s not like the arm problem should have been a complete surprise to him or Conte.

  25. messagebear@msn.com

    Yeah, I know, BPB. That’s why I don’t understand how both of them are still with us, much less contending for some kind of executive of the year. Executive, my a**!!! Chief of the Schidtpile maybe!

  26. messagebear@msn.com

    Yeah, I know, BPB. That’s why I don’t understand how both of them are still with us, much less contending for some kind of executive of the year. Executive, my a**!!! Chief of the Schidtpile maybe!

  27. northstateblues

    Ack, I was time warped, the last post I posted two minutes ago showed up at 2:11PM, so I figured I’d join you all in the future for the time being.

    If anything happens, Desmond Hume is my constant…

  28. messagebear@msn.com

    You wonder what Loaiza is doing tonight.
    I hope Ned doesn’t have his number – but then again Frank probably thinks he can be had cheaply.

  29. enchantedbeaver

    Bear – the other thing this game could do would be to prompt Ned into doing something stupid.

    OK, stupider than normal.

  30. trublu4ever

    They also knew Andruw Jones was fat & out of shape and that PP was not a very good player but signed them too!

  31. northstateblues

    And Ned/Conte knowing Schmidt was damaged goods should’ve been enough to get them fired YEARS AGO. Though I like the position we’ve been in the last year (sans PED drama, of course)

  32. northstateblues

    Ned: Yeah, just throw in Jon Meloan, and you’ve got a deal! :: hangs up phone :: HEY FRANK, Guess who I just got… oh wait… :: picks up phone :: uh, Cleveland, you just Scooby Doo’ed me, didn’t you?

  33. trublu4ever

    I know we are down 8 – 0 but it is only the 4th inning and Charlie has already said that this will be the first time we have lost a series and might as well plan for our trip to St. Louis. I think it is time Charlie is fired!

  34. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    YIKES! I was sleeping and checked the score. And now you guys are scaring me with this Loney stuff.

  35. northstateblues

    Cleveland Fans in the Rosenthal comments are acting as if that trade would be doomsday for the Cleveland franchise, calling for their owner to sell the team.

    They sound like us.

  36. northstateblues

    Thanks for the update ray6. Guess that’s what I get for believing anything coming from that freakshow Rosenthal.

  37. aeversw

    “When I saw Matt with the quality of his at-bats, I didn’t hesitate to hit him eighth because it just looked like he had a better feel than I felt he would have had earlier in the season,” Torre said. “That was my biggest concern, because I didn’t want him hitting eighth earlier in the season because I just wasn’t sure he could handle it.” …I hate joe torre even more now. That makes no sense at all. I can’t wait until hes gone.

  38. messagebear@msn.com

    I don’t know Martinez very well, but I do know Martin.
    Martin for Martinez any day – YES!

  39. bluecrewgirl

    I’ve been wondering about Stults too, truebluewill. I’ve always liked him and was hoping he would be brought back up after he healed from his finger injury.

  40. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    I’ll say it again. I would not trade Billz and Kershaw for anybody.
    I might trade Loney if they threw in the great lake and the rock n’ roll hall of fame. But probably not.

  41. messagebear@msn.com

    I also don’t know if Martinez can throw out any baserunners, but I’ll speculate that he knows which side of second base to throw the ball.

  42. messagebear@msn.com

    Torre needs to keep his managing skills sharp – that’s why the IBB with the score 8-0.

  43. enchantedbeaver

    Sorry Bear – I forgot the “magician” was at work.

    So how many more starts do you think will have to suffer from Schmidt before they finally pull the plug?

  44. messagebear@msn.com

    Hold up on that Martin for Martinez trade, Ned. If Martin’s going to get mad at the suggestion and start to hit the ball with authority, the message may have got through.

  45. shad80

    Casey was still slumping he was due after that game winning hit. Torre said Pierre was going to play once a week.

  46. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t even mind that we’re losing so much as I am wondering how many more starts they’re going to give away to Schmidt.

  47. thinkingblue

    Hello All,
    Quick visit, but I’m just here to say …..GOOOOOOO MARTIN! I actually saw this homerun!!!! I knew it! GOOOOO MARTIN. Now we need 4 more points….LATER ALL!

  48. bluecrewgirl

    You took the words out of my mouth, enchanted. I am worried about the cost too. I really hope Ned doesn’t do something stupid.

  49. trublu4ever

    You guys are talking about Ned, remember?! I’m telling you he is on the phone right now working on some kind of a deal.

  50. trublu4ever

    So, now we have…….Dr. Brownpaperbag aka Dr. Enchanted aka Dr. Beavette (I can’t remember the rest of your names, the list keeps growing) LOL

  51. northstateblues

    “Alright Montreal, Kershaw for DeShields, done deal. HEY LOGAN!…”

    “Ned, I heard. You do know there’s no team in Montreal, and that they’ve moved to Washington?”

    “A baseball team in Washington? Yeah, right! Next thing you’ll tell me that DeShields is retired…”

    “:: slaps forehead :: For seven years, Ned.”

    “That can’t be right :: thumbs through dog-eared magazine :: It says here that Delino DeShields is one of the most exciting young prospects in baseball.”

    “Ned, that’s a Beckett’s Price Guide. From 1990. And DeShields wasn’t a pitcher.”

    “… Um… how about Honeycutt, think we can get him from Oakland?”

  52. kpookiemon

    If I’m Ned (a scary thought, though he does have good seats to all the games) I’d be very careful of wrecking team chemistry. This team, last time I looked, had the best record in baseball, with the biggest divisional lead. And all the kids feed off one another. Trading one might do more harm than good. The Dodgers need an ace? Really? Ned has known this for TWO YEARS, after Schmidt went down. I hate mortgaging the future for trade-deadline rent-a-wrecks…especially pitchers, who are soooooooooo iffy.

  53. enchantedbeaver

    Don’t worry Kahli, Ned can’t even find his butt with both hands let alone an ace. I’m sure we’ll just overpay for another 5th starter like Washed-up.

  54. truebluewill

    Kahli, I agree with you. I think we can win with what we got. I don’t want to see them bust up the team a la 2004. I would try to get some pitching without disturbing the 25 man roster.

  55. aeversw

    Im glad Joe decided to use our best reliever and the reliever who leads the majors in innings pitched in a blow out and they wonder why our pen is burnt out…I hope Eric Stults gets the next start for our 5th starter.

  56. enchantedbeaver

    OK Tru, time to breakout the Rally Elephants and Donkey® and give the Fish some back to back to back to back to back action!!!

  57. enchantedbeaver

    Here’s an idea Joe: Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever start Juan Pierre in a game again.

  58. kpookiemon

    Dodgers usually smell up the place in St. Louis. Rocks go to Shea…Gnats at home with Pirates. Don’t expect to be holding that 8-game lead by the end of the week. And only Ned knows who will be on the LA roster next Saturday morning……. I shudder to think. Memo to MLB…anyone need a slap-hitting lead-off man?

  59. shad80

    Don’t like to lost our 1st series with a freaking b lineup and the Marlins lucky 2 out hits with risp.

  60. shad80

    lmao at the Marlins 7-3 at DS and winning there 3 straight against us

    LOS ANGELES — Dan Uggla homered and NL batting leader Hanley Ramirez drove in three runs, leading Florida to an 8-6 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers on Sunday and helping the Marlins win their third straight series at Chavez Ravine.

  61. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Can anyone tell me what the deal was with Weaver hitting one of the Marlins in the 6th? According to the Times it was retaliation for Ramirez and Martin on Friday night. What I don’t get is why did it take so long if that is why Weaver did it? Two days later? Anybody know anything about this?

  62. mdavis1892@yahoo.com

    i agree with the blogger alomst 100%.he makes so many good points about how we shouldnt deal our young guys.honestly,people feel we should be willing to give up kersh or bills for halladay?kersh has an era under 3 this season.hes striking out nearly one guy an inning and hes been the most dominant pitcher in the majors over the last 30 days.the man is 21 and all he has to do now is improve his control and keep his pitch count down.i have a feeling by the time hes 23 or 24 he’ll have figured that out.which means he could be an ace and an annual cy young canidate by the time hes 25.no way would i trade him or bills.who at 24 has been great.he won 16 games last year,and on pace to beat that this year.and this rumor of loney and bills to cleveland for cliff lee and victor martinez is insane.we would be trading a 24 year old pitcher whos got 10 wins already,an era under 4,126 K’s, and whos averaging nearly 6.5 innings a start for a 30 year old with similar stats,just less wins and strikeouts,and a better era and more innings.no thank you.not to mention giving up a 25 year old loney whos numbers are pretty close to victor martinez.while i do think we need pitching help,in the rotation and bullpen,im not willing to give up any major leagures cause with them, not only are we legitimate world series contenders now, we will be for years to come.

  63. northstateblues

    knouffbrock, I’m guessing that it took so long because Weaver might be one of the only pitchers on the staff who would protect the team like that. Unfortunately, protecting hit batsmen hasn’t been a strong point of our rotation recently.

    It’s not like a pitcher has to drill a guy with a fastball… just enough to make a point. It’s the defensive version of their offense running an extra base on a one-hopper to mid-to-deep LF. They can drill at least two of our guys before the ump makes a warning, as long as we don’t throw back. Which we haven’t done much of lately.

  64. northstateblues

    Weaver’s one of the only pitchers on the staff that understands the importance of protecting the lineup*

  65. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    northstate- I’d thought of that, but I did not want to believe our staff would not protect our players. I’d hate to see the other teams make a habit of hitting our guys.

  66. shad80



    lmao at the poll.

    Would this deal make the Dodgers the favorites in the World Series?
    55%No, losing Kershaw or Billingsley leaves a void in the rotation.
    110 votes.44%Yes, Lee and Martinez would make them the favorites.
    88 votes.198 votes

    Those people that voted no must be Philly Giants and Rockies fans

  67. trublu4ever

    You are right, Shad. He did hit somebody yesterday and they hit one of our guys today and then Weaver hit one of their’s and when their pitcher did it again today, he was thrown out of the game because a warning had been issued.

  68. shad80

    Ex-‘Idol’ contestant struck, killed by car in NJ
    Sun Jul 26, 12:28 pm ET

    ]SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J. – Authorities say a 25-year-old former two-time “American Idol” contestant has been struck and killed by a car in a New Jersey shore town.

    The Asbury Park Press reports that Alexis Cohen, of Allentown, Pa., was killed early Saturday in Seaside Heights.

    Deputy Chief Michael Mohel of the Ocean County Prosecutors Office says an autopsy indicated she suffered chest, head and abdominal injuries. Mohel says investigators are seeking more information about the collision.

    Cohen auditioned in Philadelphia for the popular Fox singing competition in August 2007, and the episode was aired in January 2008. She tried out again during the show’s eighth season.

    A video of her angry rant after being rejected by judges went viral on the Internet.

  69. cpompe1

    That’s too bad about Alexis shad. She couldn’t sing a lick, but I just hate hearing about a young person’s death – no matter who it is…

  70. Dodger4life

    Good Evening everyone……
    Shad You know I love ya right… ( Like a Brother ) We have been down this road before…. I am a little curious though as to why you always post obituariies….Not that it is a bad thing…As my caring and loving nature feels for these individuals as well….I just wonder if everything is alright in your world my friend….Shad I lost my grandfather right before Gibby’s shot….The last game I seen with my dad was the game Mickey Hatcher hit his second home run of 1988, as I lost him shortly after…I am 43 now… So it was a shock….I then lost my own son a year later……now ask me why I believe in the magic…and I will say because I remember the legacy……I have gone with- out,( well Not really ) and I believe in the future….I look foward to it . I’m just asking Shad as I want you to feel as if you have a friend that cares….

  71. Dodger4life

    Alright….This goes out to all the current Dodgers on the mound……….
    Don Drysdale sponsored a little league team when I was 10…I played for the Dodgers…( Happiest kid ever, I got to wear my Dodger hat to school… talk about bragging rights )
    The team Don sponsored……WAIT FOR IT!!!!!…The Gnats…
    I know unbelievable….I was catching and we just brought up some kid that looked like Randy Johnson, heck he threw like an early Randy Johnson….Really hard but I uswually reteieved the ball at the front of the back stop…. okay…We were playing the Don Drysdale Sporfting Good Giants that day…..I no…. WRONG , WRONG, WRONG!!!! Any how Don showed up as we were on the field, and with me retrieving thye ball from the backstop, well it was along game…. Don left well before the end, in fact we were still on the field had been the whole time he was there….Luckly we made the 3rd out right as he was walking away… I being the catcher ran towards the parking lot gear intact…. everyone else toward the dug out… I caught him as he was close to his vehicle, and as he turned around i asked for his aughtograph, wearing my Dodger Gear Proudly!!!!
    he signed my mitt, which belonged to the league…Ha Ha… and I asked him…Don how could you sponser those darn Giants..His immediate reaction was a great big grin and he said Kid go beat em for me will ya!!! We almost did that day with the exception that the pitcher was moved to center, and the tying run was coming to the plate when the ball went sailing over my head… and over the backstop…and over…well I did’nt look back….Anyhow It is the Drysdale, Dodger Way…to be nice but when it comes to protecting the Dodger Name………Go beat em for me will ya kid……. Billz…Kersh, and especially Brox…..Protect the name….throw where you need too…..Nice is just your nature….otherwise, I do’nt think Don would of sponsored those Giant’s!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!

  72. Dodger4life

    I apoligize for my….. typing errors… the girl that sat in front of me in typing class…..GOOD LOOKING!!!!!!

  73. Dodger4life

    Where is Monkey Whiskers!!!!!…..Mienkewitz??????
    We Love Ya Doug!!!!!
    I really have no darn idea why????
    Personally……I think the Magic resides inside!!!!!

  74. Dodger4life

    Welcome to the D4……Magic Show!!!!!!!! I’m tellin ya….No mirrors, no smoke screen’s, no stand ins…..Just DogderBaseball………..You will be amazed…..Forget the Stars!!!! They are just adoring fans….. as are we…….All in simpatico……BELIEVING IN THE MAGIC….THAT ONLY DODGERBASEBALL PROVIDES!!!!!!!!! ( What other organization can claim the magic……….Tiger ……:-)

  75. shad80

    Well I guess no surprise that Dewitt would be sent down to make room for Kuo one down and a couple more to go.

  76. Dodger4life

    Oddly enough, Halladay is scheduled to be in San Francisco on July 31st since the Jays are playing across the bay against the A’s over the weekend. As many have noted, the Phils, who remain leading candidates to add Halladay, are staying in the same hotel as the Jays because they’re playing the Giants.
    I call bulllshittt arent they playing the Phillies and didnt they say same thing a few day’s ago……Roy it is a 45 minute flight to the city of Angels…….Not the Los Angeles Angels…Cause that is fiction just like those fake……well …….The city of Angels is DodgerBlue Baby!!!!
    Mr. and Mrs. Halladay, and the children………If you decide that you want to live in the land of sunshine, and still adhere to the core value’s that you are accustomed too. We as The Dodger organization would be Happy to assist you in ANY WAY!!! ANY WAY!!!!! L.A. Prides itself on its ability to accept and understand……..

  77. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS, GO!!!!!!!!!

  78. Dodger4life


  79. Dodger4life

    🙂 Jamie………Frank aint a bad looking guy.. BUT….. Billy’s got his beer goggles on!!!.

  80. thinkingblue

    D4 was having a party all night long. The best part is when he was laughing (LMAO’ing) all by himself…YOU ARE AWSOME….so is he sleeping now???

  81. lny4loney

    In honor of Ken Rosenthal and his completely made-up and totally false rumors, I’d like to briefly revive a verse from a song I wrote last year (Set to “Money for Nothing”):

    I shoulda learned to spread false rumors
    I shoulda learned to be a fool
    Look at dorky Ken Rosenthal
    Man he is an East Coast tool
    And he’s up there, whats that? Hawaiian noises?
    Bangin’ on his keyboard like a chimpanzee
    That ain’t workin’ , that’s the way you do it
    Get your money for nothing , get your chicks for free
    We know these young guns
    So do some research please
    We know these young guns
    They’re going to the World Series

  82. trublu4ever

    lny4loney ~ great way to start my day! Fantastic!
    msrussyethier ~ the deadline is supposed to be Friday but trades sometimes happen after the deadline with the waivers.

  83. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!! I am only here for a short time, but I wanted to check in and see how our ITDers are doing after last night’s game.

    lny4loney(MLK) – It is wonderful to see you writing songs again, since you are one of the original song writers with your “James Loney Song”.

    Please be smart about what a SP is worth. I am not sure of the answer, but trading off any starting position player and Billz and Kershaw should not be an option really. They got us here, and they should be allowed to continue and do it themselves, if necessary, and prove everyone wrong, if so be it.

    Dodger4life – By the looks of all your posts, you seemed to to be having too much fun last night. Kind of like a teenager with the parents gone. Wait!!! Mariya, Matt and Michael are with us!! It must be my dogs and cats. You know Sparkles, Shelli, Olympia, YC and LC know how to party when we are not home. LMAO!!!! I am just funnin’ :))

  84. lny4loney

    tru, glad to be of service.
    Thanks, nelly. But this is not a new song. I just revived a verse from last year. It was easy since Rosenthal now is the same rumormonger he was then.
    Although I’ll grant that Halladay’s experience is valuable, acquiring him even straight up for Bills or Kershaw would only marginally imporve our post-season chances for this year while seriously damaging our post-season chances for the next 5 to 15 years.

  85. perumike

    Good morning all, hope you’re all doing well and ready to take at least 3 of 4 from the Cards. Let’s show them how it’s done!

  86. nellyjune

    lny4loney – think of it as a new and improved song then 🙂 Kalhi did that for a song too, by mistake. In his opening remarks about the song, he had thought someone had already written a song using that original song. As it turned out it was he himself who had written the earlier song. So, we now say they are new and improved, which happens all the time in today’s world so why not on ITD.

  87. nellyjune

    Hey Beav……………….I mean enchanted………………I mean brownpaperbag. I didn’t see you up there this morning. So, I am guessing you are going to remain brownpaperbag indefinitely, or at least until the trade deadline comes and goes.

  88. dodgereric

    I just found another reason NOT to trade for Halladay. He is very intent on hitting the free agent market after 2010. If you trade your farm system for him intending to lock him up longer than ’10………..
    …………his agent is…………..
    ………..you know already, don’t you???……….
    ……….Scott Boras.
    Found it near the end of this article:

  89. trublu4ever

    I also read in the Bleacher Report that for us to get Halladay, we’d have to give the Kersh and Kemp! You have got to be kidding! No way in helll would I do that!

  90. selltheteam

    Lineup from St Louis Post-Dispatch:
    1. Rafael Furcal, SS
    2. Orlando Hudson, 2B
    3. Manny Ramirez, LF
    4. Andre Ethier, RF
    5. Casey Blake, 3B
    6. James Loney, 1B
    7. Russell Martin, C
    8. Matt Kemp, CF
    9. Randy Wolf, LHP

  91. dodgereric

    I remember listening to an interview with James Cameron, the director of “True Lies” among many others. He was talking about asking permission to blow up the actual highway bridge in the Florida Keys instead of building the models. He was turned down of course, but I remember his quote, “Hey, you never know unless you ask!”

    That’s why J.P. Ricciardi is asking for the moon. He doesn’t HAVE to trade Halladay. At least not right now. Some idiot might just……………….OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!?!??!?!?!?!?

  92. crzblue2

    Good afternoon ITD blogmates,

    my friend Erik went to see Loney when he was having a signing the same day as th ITD tour. It was a busy Saturday that day since Ethier was also having a signing at another location. Anyway, Erik said that Loney told him that more people are singing your song. So see, your work has been spread around.

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