Going for a sweep

Manny is still day-to-day but not in the lineup on his bobblehead night, which is surely a bummer for the fans. But obviously there’s not much we can do in that regard. Perhaps he’ll pinch-hit and hit a walk-off homer…you never know.

Here’s the lineup:

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Ethier, RF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Martin, C

Billingsley, P

Pierre, LF


  1. lbirken@aol.com

    I was at the game last night and I can confirm that Pierre received a loud ovation when he came in to run for Manny. I also will tell you that I was thinking of all of you at the time and wondering what clever stuff you would be posting. Perhaps I missed it but I did not see any posts about how much Pierre paid Homer to hit Manny or how Pierre was jumping for joy when he saw Manny leave the game. You guys are slipping.

  2. selltheteam

    lbirk – trublu4ever did make some comments in that regard, but I think you’re right, the rest of us are slipping. Must have been euphoria over a blowout victory.

  3. selltheteam

    Don’t want to jinx it, but Mota has been on fire. Given up just three hits in his last 15 innings.

  4. messagebear@msn.com

    I was really glad to hear birk tell us in the last thread how the crowd gave PP an ovation when he came in last night for Manny.
    Maybe we can get them to chant “We want PP, We want PP, We want PP” – that would give all the media pundits something to figure out and explain.

  5. kpookiemon

    Pierre is third lead-off man.

    Media still calling him the Dodgers’ MVP of the first half. I have a sneaking suspicion the Dodgers would still be where they are even without the mighty Juan. Now, comeback player of the Taurus and Gemini months, I might bequeath him.

  6. nellyjune

    lbirken – from the previous thread……

    In my head I said “oh crap”, but I actually cheered to my heart’s content (total fake btw) when they announced PP as the replacement because my daughter was watching my reaction. She doesn’t like when I am mean about it, and I hear about non-stop.

  7. enchantedbeaver


    ST. PAUL, MN (UPI) The Hamm’s Beer bear died today in an apparent overdose at his cabin in the woods. Mr. Bear had been reportedly quite dispondent from not having worked in several decades. It was also reported by area lagers and several forest rangers that he was often seen all hopped up.
    Services will be held Friday with such celebrities expected in attendance as Yogi, Boo-Boo, Baloo and Teddy Ruxpin.
    In lieu of flowers, please send berries.

    Geez – RIP Mr. Bear, we barley new thee.

  8. selltheteam

    Mota is like two different pitchers this year. His WHIP by month:
    April 2.14
    May 1.83
    June 0.56
    July 0.56

  9. perumike

    In spite of Manny being out, I like this lineup, and I think we can get the sweep! Let’s have good Bills tonight and hit a couple out of the yard! How about #20 for Dre?

  10. shad80

    Crash you don’t need to Mota been on fire for a long time to bad he had to give up that game winning homerun to the Angels.

  11. lbirken@aol.com

    From where I was sitting the only way I knew Manny had been hit was watching his body language and then seeing the umpire motion to first base. I expected Manny to shake it off and take first base. When that did not happen the crowd did get a little quiet but then reacted when JP ran on the field.

    By the way, Nelly, I believe I did say “oh crap” outloud when I saw Manny leave the field. He had just made a fine running catch for the third out prior to that at bat.

  12. lbirken@aol.com

    I know Manny does not have much a reputaion for his defense but for the most part I think he has done a good job getting to balls he can catch. I think he saves his energy and effort on balls he knows he can’t catch and so far we have been spared any reall goofball plays for which he is so famous such as cutting off throws from other outfielders and rolling over on top of the ball while the runner circles the bases. But other than the play Monday night where it appeared he might be able to catch that foul ball with a bit of effort, he has been o.k. out there in left field.

  13. nellyjune

    That is really sad brownpaperbag. The Taco Bell dog I didn’t like so much, but this is just heartbreaking. I bet Smokey the Bear will be there too, don’t you think?

  14. nellyjune

    lbirken – That was a great catch, and the catch he made in the first inning was pretty good, watching it from home anyway.

  15. Dodger4life

    LMAO BPB….. I coughed up Moosehead through my nostrils all over Spuds McKenzie…….While the Artisians were watching…

  16. enchantedbeaver

    I don’t believe they could be reached for comment at this time birk, but my guess is they’re as heartbroken as the rest of us.

  17. truebluewill

    Hi Everyone,
    Missed last nights game due to working late. Sorry to miss such a great smack down of the Reds. Relieved to hear that Manny is not hurt seriously. 60 is a nice round number on the win column, another 40 would be just great.

  18. oldbrooklynfan

    Hello everybody.
    Hoping Bilz will get his motion in tune and we can sweep the Reds.
    Manny is in a bobblehead box, Pierre is in left, the Rox won and it’s PLAY BALL.

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    Bobble head night is usually a jinx to that Dodger player who is being honored, with it but Manny is sitting it out.

  20. oldbrooklynfan

    I meant to say that it’s usually a jinx to whatever Dodger player is being honored.
    Man, the Braves are looking good.

  21. oldbrooklynfan

    The Casey Blake bobblehead given to me as a gift, doesn’t bobble too good but it is a very good likeness.

  22. enchantedbeaver

    Any doubts PP will be batting under .280 by the end of the year? I mean what idiot other than Pierre can’t hit a faftball right down the middle of the plate, then tries to bunt with two strikes?

    Yeah Joe, JP really knows how to play the game.

  23. nellyjune

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  24. northstateblues

    Kemp scored all 4 runs last weekend in a Dodger win. Dre has scored both runs with the Dodgers winning.

    J.P. Riccardi: keep dreaming.

  25. oldbrooklynfan

    Arroyo still looks tough, but to me he seems to pitch better when the bases are empty with that high leg kick.

  26. trublu4ever

    Me too, Collie. And, you never know when it’s going to happen! It goes along just fine for awhile then it hits!

  27. nellyjune

    My time warp issues come and go. Sometimes I am ahead, and sometimes I am behind. Right now my computer clock says 8:47.

    Good Evening Ward Dear!!!! How was your day dear?

  28. boblee4014

    Bills is all over the place except the plate. Does not have command of his pitches as he did the first of the year.

  29. dodgereric

    Hey everyone!

    Criminy, I hope Billz remembers how to pitch pretty soon. He’s been lucky so far against a team that usually has trouble scoring.

  30. trublu4ever

    I was just going to say the same thing Dodgereric! The Cards and Braves are a lot better than the Reds!

  31. boblee4014

    Bills is his own worst enemy. He creates his own problems Reds should never have scored there. Hes a long way from ever becoming the Dodgers ace. Kersh will get there long before Chad.

  32. sparkleplenty_1

    It appears that Josh prophesied this home run – check out his last comment on the intro of this thread.

  33. koufax1963

    Wow! First pitch , as a pinch hitter, on his bobblehead night, the grand slam! It is really funny reading the ITD comments from the top of this inning till this moment. A little change of a ‘tude there. Now let the bullpen complete this happy moment.!

  34. jhallwally

    Greetings ITD gang!! Just got home about 15 minutes ago. I was catching up on all your comments and, boom!!! Wow!!!

  35. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya Beav, my brother!!! You never cease to amaze me. LOL!! I think you have to dress up the brown paper bag with lipstick, stilletto heels, and fish net stockings with a seam (Nelly and some of the girls here insisted on that).

  36. colliethec

    Wally — Vin just said, “The best way you can sum up the night was what Manny said just before heading up the runway to the clubhouse, “Wow”.”.
    So you & the great Vin are in sync!

  37. jhallwally

    LOL Beav!! A girl/guy has to do what he/she has to do. Nelly will fix you up with a nice Teddy!!!! Brown and made of paper of course!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. trublu4ever

    I don’t even wear a bra, Jhall! No need! LOL But, I love Victoria’s Secret so I will take care of our friend!

  39. nellyjune

    jhall is in the ITD House!!!!!!!!!!! As you can see, the topic hasn’t changed much. We are still talking about lingerie and PP. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ward Dear must have a had a momentary lapse in typing tonight. I can’t believe he typed that!!! How embarrassing!!!!!

  40. shad80

    Mota with a 3.13 ERA man I love this Mota and if it was for that homerun he gave up against the Angels his scoreless innings streak would been more.

  41. trublu4ever

    If you have time, Jhall, you have to go back and read the informative stuff we discussed on the previous thread.

  42. jhallwally

    I know I probably spelled linguerie wrong. I only enjoy looking at it, not how to spell it. So I don’t want to hear about my spelling. LOL!!!!

  43. enchantedbeaver

    Now I understand why, when I find myself in perplexing situations that I ask myself, “What would Wonder Woman do?”

  44. trublu4ever


  45. oldbrooklynfan

    In the 62+ years as a Dodger fan, and I seen some wonderful players, on this team, I can’t recall anything with the likes of Manny Ramirez.

  46. dodgereric

    Brooklyn, other than Mike Piazza, those of us who’ve only been LA Dodger fans have never had a power bat like this. In 50 years, the LA record for career homeruns is a pathetic 270. You had Snider and Hodges and Campenella in Brooklyn and it must have been great to see.

  47. nellyjune

    Wow!!! That was some game!! …………….and ITD was just hopping tonight too, even with the time warp.

  48. nellyjune

    So, now Beav…………………..I mean…………..enchanted…………………….I mean brownpaperbag is now the Unknown Transvestite. Maybe he is the Unknowndodgerfan in drag.

  49. nellyjune

    So, if Collie’s wifey works in the lingerie department, then maybe he can set us up with an outfit for Sweet Transbeavstite……….or the Unknown Transvestite.

  50. nellyjune

    I am time warping again.

    So, Eric………….can you tell us the projected RBI numbers for Loney, Blake, Kemp, Ethier and Ramirez?

  51. oldbrooklynfan

    Dodgereric: Snider, Hodges, Campanella, Piazza were fantastic , they were great hitters.
    But Manny has done things in the clutch, that we only dreamed of in those days.
    In the short time that we have him he’s like a cartoon.
    He’s a big explosion.
    He’s unreal.

  52. dodgereric

    Projecting 2009 RBIs for 162 games

    Loney – 99
    Blake – 97
    Kemp – 93
    Ethier – 100
    Ramirez – 92

    Amazing that Ramirez could get 100 RBIs having missed 50 games.

  53. jhallwally

    Beav, I’m pretty sure that you could get it done with the smile. Maybe a little lipstick!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t forget about your chaps buddy!!!

  54. enchantedbeaver

    And a crooked thong.

    Nite all. Catch you on the flip side. Hopefully we don’t have anymore senseless cartoon deaths.

  55. nellyjune

    ………..oh I forgot about the chaps…………that’s right!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!! fishnet stockings and chaps…………what a combination that would be – LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. nellyjune

    What would we ever do if Spongebob dries up? LOL!!!

    Good night Beav…………………..I mean enchanted………………….I mean brownpaperbag. You were your usual greatness today. Take Care and God Bless 🙂

  57. dodgereric

    “In the short time that we’ve had him he’s like a cartoon.
    By oldbrooklynfan on July 22, 2009 10:32 PM

    That is as good a description of Ramirez in Dodger Blue that I’ve yet read.

  58. nellyjune

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!! That was me last night. I kept going back from being time-warped to being not time warped.

  59. dodgereric

    I said, “ISN’T PLAYING WITH THE TIME WARP FUN????” And didn’t you get kahli with it the other day like I did?

  60. nellyjune

    Good Night Ward Dear!!!! It was one amazing game tonight!!! ………and ITD had it’s moments too. Take Care and God Bless to you and yours 🙂

    I think I may time warp you again. So, you are going to bed after me tonight.

  61. dodgereric

    Anyway, I gotta go to bed June Darlin’. May God Bless you and yours on this most memorable Dodger evening! Nine games up on the Rockies, 10 1/2 on the Giants! And what’s really great to think about, if the Phils were in the West, we’d have a 6 1/2 game lead on THEM and they just came off a 10-game winning streak!

  62. crzblue2

    Hi ITD Blogmates!
    WOW! WOW! WHAT A GAME! I had the headphones listening to the game while watching and between the noise and my headphones I could not hear. Lots of high-fiving around! What a game! What a game! Unreal. Hollywood material, no Mannywood material. I am saving that ticket!
    Love the Blue but I sure can use the night off tomorrow. Better get to bed as my alarm goes on at 5 AM. I need sleep!

  63. nellyjune

    lny4loney – Well, for me, Andre getting his 20th HR was the highlight for me. No surprise there I am sure. That is quite an accomplishment for a player who is always referred to as slumping this season. The only thing that made me happy about Manny’s slam was it gave Billz his win. I hear what you are saying and you are certainly not the only one that feels that way.

  64. crzblue2

    Ok, just one more post that I find funny . Maybe someone already mentioned it.
    SI Players MLB PoLL
    Which outfielder has the worst arm?
    Johnny Damon, Yankees 54%
    Juan Pierre 23%
    Coco Crisp 11%

    Well good night

  65. kpookiemon

    Gnats play Rockies this weekend. If the Rockies sweep, maybe the Gnats will be 13 1/2 out and they’ll trade Lincecum to the Dodgers at the deadline for prospects…………

  66. lny4loney


    Thanks for pointing my eyes to the overwhelming amount of greatness that remains of Dodger Blue. Ethier rocks! As do Loney, Kemp, Martin, Bills, Brox, O-Dog, Furcal, any Dodger whose first or last name is Blake, Kuroda, Kershaw, Logan White, and many others.
    Go Blue!

  67. nellyjune

    Boy Kahli!! You are dreaming, aren’t you? As long as we are dreaming, Cain wouldn’t be too bad either.

    lny4loney – James had a great night tonigh too. That triple to score Ethier was, at the time, a key RBI/run. James deserved his song for that hit.

  68. shad80

    1 LA Dodgers 95 61 34 3.57 29 1 6 862.2 41 342 364 358 715 .232
    2 San Francisco 94 50 44 3.60 25 8 13 835.0 50 334 354 331 750 .240
    3 Seattle 94 50 44 3.68 31 3 6 840.2 46 344 386 325 629 .244
    4 Atlanta 95 49 46 3.75 23 1 7 851.2 56 355 394 330 701 .248

  69. shad80

    The starters numbers
    1 Atlanta 95 36 32 3.64 0 1 0 566.1 0 229 253 198 442 .244
    2 San Francisco 94 39 31 3.69 0 8 0 570.0 0 234 246 218 529 .240
    3 St. Louis 97 40 37 3.72 0 5 0 599.1 0 248 273 173 404 .263
    4 LA Dodgers 95 36 24 3.80 0 1 0 535.2 0 226 239 222 438 .238
    5 Seattle 94 31 27 3.81 0 3 0 548.0 0 232 253 179 411 .246

  70. shad80

    The Bullpen Numbers.
    1 LA Dodgers 94 25 10 3.19 29 0 0 327.0 0 116 125 136 277 .222
    2 Boston 87 14 10 3.25 27 0 0 271.1 0 98 107 112 246 .236
    3 San Francisco 86 11 13 3.40 25 0 0 265.0 0 100 108 113 221 .241
    4 Tampa Bay 93 18 10 3.44 26 0 0 277.2 0 106 116 101 227 .240
    5 Seattle 91 19 17 3.44 31 0 0 292.2 0 112 133 146 218 .239

  71. shad80

    Oh come on do we really need bullpen help? Are bullpen has been overused more than anyone in the league. SD is 2nd with 326.2, Oakland 3rd with 322.2, Baltimore 4th with 319.2 something is wrong here? Florida 5th 3.75, Phillies 3.90 6th, Milwaukee 3.84 7th, Houston 4.04 8th and so on and other than Phillies those 3 are in the hunt for the wild cards spot.

  72. shad80

    Oops I read that wrong and those last 4 teams were ERA. It should’ve been this Florida 311.2, Philly 304.1, Mil 302.2 and Houston 301.0

  73. shad80

    I find it strange that 1 ex Dodgers helping the Braves starting rotation out and 1 ex Dodgers helping the Red Sox bullpen.

  74. shad80

    16 Boston 94 41 29 4.48 0 7 0 563.0 0 280 296 182 470 .272
    17 Florida 96 31 35 4.53 0 4 0 548.1 0 276 304 202 428 .260
    20 NY Yankees 94 36 25 4.58 0 2 0 544.0 0 277 303 227 430 .266
    21 LA Angels 93 39 24 4.65 0 5 0 554.0 0 286 303 190 376 .275
    22 NY Mets 94 35 32 4.71 0 1 0 540.1 0 283 302 234 369 .269
    27 Milwaukee 95 31 34 4.96 0 1 0 534.0 0 294 316 229 398 .270

  75. shad80

    oops I deleted Philly by mistake.

    24 Philadelphia 92 35 23 4.76 0 2 0 533.2 0 282 285 158 397 .278

    Who cares about the Mets starting rotation and the Brewers but those other team don’t fighten me one bit.

  76. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodger Faithful and Our Beloved Boy’s in Blue….
    O WHAT A NIGHT!!!! O WHAT A WEEK!!!!!!
    Outstanding performances from all….
    Excellent Hustle and Determination, That is the Way To Manufacture the Magic…..
    GO DODGERS!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!
    Enjoy the day off everyone, Fish Fry tomorrow!!!

  77. crzblue2

    Goooood morning ITD blogmates!
    Is a beautiful day here in Southern Cal but again is going to be a scorcher.
    If you meant the time that I had to get up, yes 5 AM and I actually went to bed close to 3. I got to stop doing that lucky no game tonight. I know it will hit me in the afternoon, but I’ll have some Bigelow green tea, you know why? Because is the right thing to do. Manny must have had some of Joe Torre’s green tea. Ok, enough of that commercial.
    I was telling Dodger Talk last night, we are doing it with a lot of home grown products.

  78. thinkingblue

    D4….you mean…OH WHAT A YEAR! OMG the Dodgers have done sooooooooo much this whole year! But it has been a WONDERFULL WEEK!
    I did see the Sports Illustrated and they mentioned the players with the worst arm….and yup JP was in there with 23% putting him in 2nd place. I know we all know JP has a WEAK ARM.. but it sucked reading that a Dodger was on the list. Not to proud. So if JP is a Dodger he better work out those arms!

  79. nellyjune

    Well, you would think with him getting to the ballpark so early and having such a fabulous work ethic, that this wouldn’t be a problem. …………….and I didn’t have my computer handy at the time, but who in the hell bunts on a two strike count?………………..nobody. So, I am assuming with that moment of genius, he has the green light to do whatever he wants, yes?

  80. crzblue2

    I was very surprised to find Johnny Damon #1 in that poll. Is he really that bad? I never realized that. Oh, I love that song “Al Son de la negra” Too. ahuuuaah…
    Loney was so cute when he was looking for that sign (kiss me Loney) from that girl. He was embarrased when he was caught but laughed it up. That girl timed it well on a day he did play.

  81. crzblue2

    Just like the tickets from the back to back to back to back, I put those ones away! Those are keepers just like my playoffs, and world series tickets.
    Before leaving work, I posted on phasebook that I was heading to the game. A friend comments “Manny is not playing you goofy.” haha. As if Manny being out of the lineup was going to hold me back from going to our beloved Dodger Stadium.
    So good to read your postings.

  82. colliethec

    Emma — Glad you had fun at the game.
    MLK — I wasn’t & am still not happy with the whole Manny cheating thing. But he was caught and did his time so to speak for his cheating. I don’t have time to go to deep in my thoughts on the subject as I’m going to the dentist soon. But…
    If he shows he’s still using at some point this season, then I for one will really be bummed and it will taint the season. I gave him a pass this time. The next time I won’t be able to. I also want to enjoy my team and the season, so I’m going to cheer for his successes when they happen. If what happened with Manny was at a later time in the season then I would of been more bummed as the season would be as I mentioned before, tainted.
    That being said, last night was pretty incredible with drama for a Wednesday night game in July against the Reds.
    Let’s just hope that it doesn’t come out later that Manny was using HGH or something else this season. I love baseball and have had my heart broken many times in the last few years by some of these players.

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