Reds, Wolf, and Blue

Brutal headline. I know. Couldn’t come up with anything better for tonight’s game. Been running around the Westside all day for Chad Billingsley’s hospital visit and then a guest lecture at UCLA…just getting to the stadium now.

Here’s what Joe had to say pregame today:

On how Schmidt felt after last night:

He seemed to be fine. A big load off his mind. It’s expected to be a little jittery. I’m happy for him. I felt we were throwing every pitch with him. I’m under the assumption we’ll send him out there again.

On Broxton being available tonight for the 4th night in a row:

I would say no. But I was happy with the last two days. He seemed as good as he’s going to be.

On Kuo:

Kuo was good. And he’s going to do it again tonight. If all goes well, he’ll pitch again Friday. And then he’d go on the next trip.

On Wade and Belisario:

Wade and Belisario threw bullpens, and they’re doing well.

On Mientkiewicz:

I think he’s going to Arizona today or tomorrow and I think he’ll start some rehab stuff. He has really come a long way. I think he’s on this team (once he’s ready to be reinstated). He gives us a little more flexibility.

On Paul:

He’s a way’s away right now. I think realistically he’s a month away, yeah. Chances are he’d go to the minor leagues (when he’s reinstated). He’d probably be a September 1 guy (call-up).

On how DeWitt is handling going up and down:

He’s a tough kid. He’s just one of those kids who deals with whatever happens. But he needs to play more baseball. We’ll address that coming up. The kid’s a ballplayer.

And here’s tonight’s lineup:

Furcal 6

Hudson 4

Ramirez 7

Ethier 9

Blake 5

Martin 2

Loney 3

Kemp 8

Wolf 1


  1. thinkingblue

    JOSH – I love the title…..REDS, WOLF & BLUE…..
    WHY the numbers next to the players?????

  2. dif1

    The numbers next to the players are their position numbers:
    1 – Pitcher
    2 – Catcher
    3 – 1st base
    4 – 2nd base
    5 – 3rd base
    6 – Shortstop
    7 – Left
    8 – Center
    9 – Right
    That’s where the term “4-6-3” double play comes from (2nd baseman throws to shortstop covering 2nd base who then throws to 1st)

  3. thinkingblue

    Thanks DIF! & KAHLI : today I have learned a lot about batting order and about the defensive numbering order.


    And there’s Kemp back in the familiar #8 slot, where he’s sure to get one less at bat than most of the rest of the guys – don’t want to overwork him at the plate.
    Idiot Joe.

  5. shad80

    Such bs 3 players of Philly in the top 5 and none of them are even close to Pujols and Howard.


    1. Albert Pujols, STL 90
    2. Prince Fielder, MIL 86
    3. Ryan Howard, PHI 69
    4. Raul Ibanez, PHI 68
    5. Chase Utley, PHI 66

  6. shad80

    Sortable Pitching
    1 LA Dodgers 92 25 10 3.21 29 0 0 322.1 0 115 124 136 275 .224
    2 Cincinnati 88 10 10 3.47 23 0 0 285.0 0 110 121 134 227 .241
    3 San Francisco 84 11 13 3.49 25 0 0 257.2 0 100 108 110 214 .243

  7. shad80

    Sortable Pitching
    1 LA Dodgers 92 25 10 3.21 29 0 0 322.1 0 115 124 136 275 .224
    2 Cincinnati 88 10 10 3.47 23 0 0 285.0 0 110 121 134 227 .241
    3 San Francisco 84 11 13 3.49 25 0 0 257.2 0 100 108 110 214 .243

  8. shad80

    Sigh I hit that submit button one time and would love to see them to explode again and put in the 3.8+ ERA.

  9. oldbrooklynfan

    Good game last night, nice to see Schmidt end up in the win column after a slow start, this should be good for his confidence.
    It would be good to see Wolf finally end up in the win column too. Needless to say.
    It was good to see MLB.TV finally giving us, “God Bless America” in the 7th inning lately. We even got Martin’s post game interview. Does it have something to do with the standings?

  10. shad80

    Let’s me repeat that again. I would love to see that bullpen explode again and moved up to a 3.8 ERA.

  11. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    I watched the game last night; boy, did Schmidt (1) settle down after the first and (2) pitch a terrific game! My feeling on Schmidt (and his “contract” and how little he’s pitched for us, etc…) is whatever we can get out of him this year, will be great. He’s not gonna be our problem to worry about after this year; he’ll be someone else’ problem. But with that said he pitched well last night. I was very worried after the 1st inning, but since he only gave up 3 runs and it wasn’t all his fault (a little defense goes a long way), I was thrilled to see him settle down and not get his nerves all amped up.

    Sparkle, if you see this, no, I didn’t get the job. I don’t know if anyone else picked up on my “convo” with Sparkle the other day, but I was hoping and praying that I’d have a job by now. I was told that I was on their short list of likely candidates to be hired. Therefore, I didn’t want to jinx my chances by saying too much here the other day. But I still didn’t get it. Oh well.

    So how are my ITD friends today???

  12. oldbrooklynfan

    It looks like the Reds made some changes, Jonny Gomes LF, Adam Rosales 2B, and Paul Janish SS.
    They’re al right handed batters, so that must have something to do with Wolf.

    HiYa Everybody at ITD.

  13. nellyjune

    CP – I wasn’t saying that we should be looking. I saw Shad’s stats, and was just wondering if any teams were looking into the Reds pitching.

  14. perumike

    Hey cpompe and everyone! I’m doing great, suffering through this heat, but alright otherwise! I hope you’re all doing great and ready to get Wolfy above the .500 mark!!

  15. cpompe1

    Hey Joe Pierre! Have you come down from the high of Frank bringing you out for our ITD Tour? Of the pictures I took that day, my favorite of you is one in the dugout! Don’t know what you were laughing at, but you were laughing and, if I do say so myself, I loved that picture! So how are things in NY?

  16. cpompe1

    Oh, and I just remembered something else that I mentioned the last time I was here. I had to make dinner and I asked enchanted to let me know how his dinner was! Mmmm, Steak and scalloped potatoes, mmmm… 🙂

    And Trumom (boy, I do like that!) – Yeah, if we can raid the Red’s BP for help, that’d be good. And thx for the words on the job. I’ve gotta tell you that that particular interview, I was SOOOOO nervous, I could barely speak. Well, not that bad, but I was nervous. It must’ve showed more than I thought.

  17. trublu4ever

    We are looking at the Reds’ pitching while they are in town, especially for BP help. If we should sweep them, they may be in he selling mood.
    I’m so sorry you didn’t get the job, CP. You are a fantastic person and one of these days real soon, some company will realize it!
    It was weird hearing Rick Monday interview Dusty Baker….I remember them playing together.

  18. cpompe1

    Ah, okay Nelly, I see. But looking doesn’t hurt, does it? Who knows, there may be someone on the Reds’ staff that might work for us, without giving up the farm…

    And Mr. Piano Man! So tell me, after our ITD Tour, did your wife wonder why you were called Mr. Piano Man all day? Have you explained to her why that’s your nickname here? I’m sure you have.

    Well, I hate to talk and run, but…

    IT’S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL!!! (Those are the greatest collection of words in the English language!!!)

    GO WOLFY!!!

  19. shad80

    I wonder what the 1st base coach was thinking sending Phillips and having Ethier thrown him out at 2nd?

  20. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey everyone! 🙂
    CP, SO sorry about your not getting that position. You keep on knocking on those doors – something great will happen very soon.

  21. Dodger4life

    Hey everyone……
    Not quite the Big Red Machine….However I really want to win this game!!!

  22. Dodger4life

    Hey everyone……
    Not quite the Big Red Machine….However I really want to win this game!!!

  23. perumike

    Carol – I did explain to her, and she got a good laugh! She thinks I’m a nut, and is probably right!

    Shad – I did hear what Karros said, referring to Ned getting run out of town if he dared trade Kersh for Halladay. I heartily agree with Karros!

  24. shad80

    How does those Phillies keep on getting so damn lucky.? Oh look who won it for them but he still isn’t no all stars.

  25. shad80

    So it look like Phillips stupid mistake cost him a game today and in Baker doghouse. Kemppppppppppppppppppp

  26. shad80

    Wow I guess the Astros are mad we took the last 2 games against them and now about to sweep the Cards.

  27. trublu4ever

    NellyJune ~ you were asking earlier about the Reds pitchers and I saw on the ESPN Insider that we are looking at: Arthur Rhodes, David Weathers and Francisco Cordero. Others mentioned were: George Sherrill and Matt Capps.

  28. enchantedbeaver

    Think its safe to assume that Homer Bailey isn’t one of the Reds pitchers we’re looking at.

  29. nellyjune

    Right on boys!!!

    Manny probably got hit with the ball on purpose so I can see my daughter watch my reaction as PP was announced. And what did I do?.,……………………scream “woooohoooo!!! Alright Juan Pierre!!!!!!!!!!!!!” blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. nellyjune

    …………………and what does she do………leave the room and miss his groundout to 2nd base. Ha!!!!!!!!!!

  31. shad80

    Let’s see how the Reds for now 2nd in the league in ERA work tonight and this is not a good start Wolf.

  32. trublu4ever

    BPB ~ Charlie is thrilled to death that PP is in there! Says he got a bigger ovation when he came in to run for Manny than Manny has gotten! What a joke!

  33. trublu4ever

    I’ll bet PP is the only guy on the bench who gets a big smile on his face when one of his teammates gets injured!

  34. trublu4ever

    Shad ~ announcers aren’t supposed to be so biased! It really ticks me off that they talk with so much dislike for certain players. I think Charlie should go back to ESPN where he started!

  35. shad80


    Ramirez 1. Hanley Ramirez, FLA .344
    2. Albert Pujols, STL .332
    3. Miguel Tejada, HOU .326
    4. Pablo Sandoval, SFO .326
    5. Matt Kemp, LAD .324

    I thought Wolf hit that out.

  36. nellyjune

    We need the Mercy Rule tonight!!!! Pay attention PP………. you can hit one too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. vl4ecc

    Good evening all.
    BOY!!! This is turning into a real laugher.
    I love to watch Dusty squirm. Sure he had a few good years in a Dodger uniform, but when he went on to manage the Giants -that’s just unacceptable. That’s like going from the Hatfield’s to the McCoy’s in my book.
    I think I’ll go to bed. They would have to have a major implosion to blow this one.

  38. koufax1963

    Hi ITD,
    Coming in to this game now, and surprise is the word.
    Great slug fest and Wolf is going good, BUT How Is manny I did not see the HBP, so what is your fans prognosis on the injury?

  39. jhallwally

    WooHoo Gang and Greetings!!! Wow!!! What a beat down. Sure hope Wolfie takes advantage and goes all 9.. Has to go at least 7 or 8!!!
    Not against a great team or one of their better pitchers but still impressive and encouraging. Can’t hurt our confidence.

  40. nellyjune

    jhall is in the ITD House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I call out for jhall and look who shows up!!?!!! Now, all we need is Ward Dear, and our night is complete.

  41. vl4ecc

    I’m sure the whole gang here is hoping for the best case scenario for Manny.
    Charlie just gave an update & said xrays are negative!

  42. nellyjune

    nah – just wondering where you were jhall, and hoping you weren’t missing this great game, with the exception of Manny leaving the game, of course. BTW jhall – bpb is enchanted 🙂 I didn’t know you didn’t know that, and I don’t think he didn’t know you didn’t know that.

  43. jhallwally

    LOL Mom!!! I kind of got the impression it was someone that went thru an ITD blog name shift, but I really didn’t know it was the Beav!!! What brought that on? Never a dull moment with the Beav!!!!!

  44. jhallwally

    G’nite BobL!! Hi’Ya Trumom and Dad/Lurch!!! LOL!!! Wow, we really need a walk in the park game like this!!!

  45. Dodger4life

    Good evening Tru and Eric and everyone else in here tonight.
    What a team!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  46. nellyjune

    Good Evening Ward Dear!!! Just wondering where you were at?

    jhall – he changed it to bpb during the off season when management was making stupid moves, and I believe he went back to it when Joe decided it would be a good idea to sit Matt and Andre in place of PP for two games straight. I am not sure when he will go back, but I am guessing perhaps when the trade deadline has come and gone and Ned has not done something stupid. However, I am sure he will give you the details. He is in the middle of a thunderstorm and had to shut down his computer for the time being.

  47. dodgereric

    Hiya trumom!


    BTW, Pierre came into tonight’s game having 9 more plate appearances than the minimum for the batting title.

  48. jhallwally

    Hey Dad. Reminds me of when the New Orleans Saints fans showed up with brown paper grocery bags on their heads when the team wasn’t doing well.

  49. shad80

    lol at that defensive indifference in the 8th innings. To bad there no way to find out how many of these we have.

  50. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ that’s what gave Enchanted the idea! We were so mad that we were going to sell the brownpaper bags!

  51. nellyjune

    ………and we had tradejuanpaperbag, and malibupaperbag, and junkyardjamie, and fleamarketfrank, and the list goes on and on for a few more I believe.

  52. Dodger4life

    Correct me if I am wrong were’nt those moves our current bullpen???? We all had them on with him as well. Just sayin…

  53. koufax1963

    Thanks Gang for the manny update. I can rest easy tonight.
    I want to say you are a geat suppor t group and full of info and biffo! Go Dodgers!

  54. bluecrewgirl

    Man, the Reds are pretty bad. Glad to see the bats alive again tonight. I’m going to the game tomorrow, so I hope they keep it up. Hopefully Manny will be able to go since it’s his bobblehead night.

  55. trublu4ever

    Hi, Bluecrewgirl. I’m sure you’ll have a great time tomorrow night. I think my son and grandsons are going too. They wanted the Manny bobblehead!

  56. trublu4ever

    You are right, Dodger4life! It was so funny when Enchanted got back. He was on earlier tonight but had to sign off because a thunderstorm was headed his way,

  57. jhallwally

    Very nice outing by Wolf!!! I can’t classify it a gem unless they go all the way. None the less, a semi-precious stone to say the least!!!!! Of course, compared to what we have been getting, it is a gem.

  58. nellyjune

    Have fun tomorrow night bluecrewgirl!!!!! Hopefully all the right outfielders are starting tomorrow. Plus, you get to see Billz pitch. That should be good. Where are you sitting?

  59. Dodger4life

    If my memory serves me right all but the unkowndodgerfan, waited until BPB went on vacation for a week to put the bags on….. When he came back he had no idea who was who….. LOL!!!!

  60. bluecrewgirl

    We are sitting on the edge of right field near Andre ): We usually sit to the left or right of home plate. I’ve only sat in right a few times. It should be fun. He had better be in the lineup or I won’t be happy. Trublu, I hope your son and grandsons have a good time. Great performance by Wolf tonight. Every good performance by a starter hopefully makes it less likely that Ned will do something ill-advised.

  61. jhallwally

    Around here in Red’s country, Homer Bailey when drafted and coming up thru the minors was considered a Kershaw level can’t miss talent. He’s done well thru AAA, but hasn’t been able to make the jump to the show. Frustrating alot of Reds fans. They’ll be beating it to death on the radio tomorrow.

  62. nellyjune

    dodger4life – That is right again!!! I do remember that. He was gone in South America for a couple weeks. The Unknowndodgerfan was there all along.

  63. jhallwally

    I’m happy and very excited for you Bleu!!! Think of me while your there enjoying the atmosphere and Dodger Dogs, I’d just like to be there somehow!!! LOL!!!!

  64. nellyjune

    jhall – We are listening to the Red’s broadcast on tv for some reason. I have no idea why, but no Vinny up here tonight. Anyhow, they are already talking about Bailey, but on top of that, they kept telling us about the sitting of Phillips all night.

  65. nellyjune

    Well, that should definitely be fun then bluecrewgirl. I hope Andre is playing for you tomorrow.

    Dodger4life – I know who the unknowndodgerfan is 🙂

  66. jhallwally

    Yep Nell’, they’re running that one in the ground also. LOL!!! I guess on a night like tonight with a struggling team, you’ve got to kill some time some way.

  67. Dodger4life

    Good Job Dodgers……..Good Job Team!!!!
    Good Night and God Bless everyone….
    I LOVE L.A.!!!!!

  68. nellyjune

    We have won 60 games………….9 games ahead of the Rox, and 9 and 1/2 games ahead of the gnats. WAY TO GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. jhallwally

    Merci BleuFille’, bon mon amie!!! Yes, I’ve been there about 10 times. The first game I ever attended at Dodger Stadium was Valenzuela’s No-Hitter. What a thrill that was.

  70. oldbrooklynfan

    WOLF last game was also a good game, but he didn’t get the support he got tonight.
    9 1/2 game lead?

  71. nellyjune

    WOW!!! jhall – that would have been a great game to be at!!!!!! We will get you back out here again someday. Are you going to any of the games when the Dodgers go to visit the Reds?

  72. shad80

    Arroyo ERA 5.07 REC 10-8
    Last appearances:
    7/17 vs MIL 7.0 IP, 0 ER W, 4-0
    7/10 at NYM 9.0 IP, 0 ER W, 3-0

    Billingsley ERA 3.76 REC 9-5
    Last appearances:
    7/17 vs HOU 1.2 IP, 6 ER L, 8-1
    7/14 at NLA 1.0 IP, 1 ER ND, 4-3

    Look like Arroyo is due.

  73. dodgereric

    sammieramirez, if you’re out there. You mentioned that if the team is at home it won’t matter where you bat in the order. I looked up the last 5 games and the man batting eighth had 2 fewer plate appearances than the rest of the lineup. I realize it’s a really low sample, but if that ratio holds up, over the course of a season:
    Two fewer atbats every 5 games for 80 home games = 32 atbats
    Ten for 32 is a .312 average
    At his rate this season, he’ll average a double and a homerun with those ten hits.
    I feel that’s a conservative average. And that’s just the home games.
    Torre’s an idiot. IMO.

  74. jhallwally

    Yep Nell’, it was incredible!! I will be going to Cincinnati when the Dodgers come to town for a couple of games. It is one of the highlights of my summer. I also got to see Valenzuela pitch against Tom Seaver in Cincinnati. That was amazing also. Both went 8 or so innings and left the game tied at 1-1. Reds won it in the 10th or 11th on a homer by Ron Oester. Damn’ ball only cleared the right field wall by about 8 inches.

  75. nellyjune

    That’s great jhall!! ….and I am glad you get to see them play in Cincinnati at the end of August. That should be fun as well. Hopefully our team in intact by then.

  76. jhallwally

    Thanks Nell’!!! Lot’s of great memories watching the Big Red Machine face the Garvey/Lopes/Cey/Russell Dodgers in the early to late 70’s at Riverfront. We even had scheduled Friday twi-night double headers. Wow!! Great seat then was 10-12 bucks. You could get in for 3.

  77. nellyjune

    jhall – I am reading the book about the Dodgers move from Brooklyn to Los Angeles called “True Blue”, and I am reading about that 70’s team. What a great story, with a little bit of stormy weather in the clubhouse at the time too.

  78. jhallwally

    I remember my first time there. Got nose bleed seats behing home plate for $3.50. Every fly ball looked like it was going out coming off the bat from those seats.

  79. dodgereric

    No he didn’t but he certainly is now. Let me try this once more.

    I’m getting tired of seeing everyone throw inside to Ramirez without retaliation.

  80. nellyjune

    ………according to my clock on my computer, but when it posted it posted at 11:05. Yesterday it did post according to my computer clock.

  81. jhallwally

    Do we have anybody on our pitching staff with the cojones to get THAT job done?

    By nellyjune on July 21, 2009 11:08 PM

    Not sure Nelly!!! Billz or Brox are our best bets!!!!

  82. dodgereric

    I’ve said it before and haven’t seen anything to dispell it.

    I think Broxton is afraid to throw the fastball inside. I’ve been paying attention.

  83. jhallwally

    Billz seems to have lost his sack lately. That’s why he is not pitching as well as he did early in the season. I want Brox 98 mile an hour cheese coming at their freaking heads. Where’s Big D when you need him. God rest his soul.

  84. nellyjune

    enchanted is going to wake up tomorrow to old talk about our paper bag days and realize he is now a Sweet Transvestite. Well, he already has a thong. So, all he needs is a corsette, fishnet stockings and some red, shiny lipstick, and he’s got it made. LMAO!!!!!!

  85. nellyjune

    Boy, dodgereric………… that is some story – LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Why would you want to marry frogs? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  86. dodgereric

    “Barry Bonds? I’ll tell you what, if he hit a home run off (Bob) Gibson or (Don) Drysdale and stood and admired it, they’d knock that earring out of his ear the next time up.” – National League Umpire Doug Harvey

  87. nellyjune

    I would hope one of them would do that. That would just be awesome! Now, THAT would deserve a standing O for sure, and I would bet the would get one too.

  88. dodgereric

    “My own little rule was two for one. If one of my teammates got knocked down, then I knocked down two on the other team.” – Don Drysdale

  89. dodgereric

    “If they knocked two of your guys down, I’d get four. You have to protect your hitters.”- Don Drysdale

  90. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!!!! Beav Sweet Transvestite or Sweet Vesty for short………………or if you just want initials BST. That is just fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. dodgereric

    “The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is timid, and if he is timid, he has to remind the hitter he’s timid.” – Don Drysdale

  92. dodgereric

    “When the ball is over the middle of the plate, the batter is hitting it with the sweet part of the bat. When it’s inside, he’s hitting it with the part of the bat from the handle to the trademark. When it’s outside, he’s hitting it with the end of the bat. You’ve got to keep the ball away from the sweet part of the bat. To do that, the pitcher has to move the hitter off the plate.” – Don Drysdale

  93. dodgereric

    How about fining them if they don’t?

    “I hated to bat against (Don) Drysdale. After he hit you he’d come around, look at the bruise on your arm and say, ‘Do you want me to sign it?'” – Mickey Mantle

  94. dodgereric

    Can’t get enough of the way the game USED to be played.

    “The trick against (Don) Drysdale is to hit him before he hits you.” – Orlando Cepeda

    It was part of the game.

  95. nellyjune

    I am still learning how it used to be played, and yes, just by reading about it, it was a much different type of game back then.

  96. jhallwally

    LOL!! Beav will be out of control with this!!! Anyway, thanks for the laughs. Goodnight and God Bless you all gang. Catch you down the road.

  97. nellyjune

    Good Night jhall/Wally!!! It was great seeing you, and a great win by the Dodgers tonight. A sweep tomorrow would be so sweet. ……….and yes, our Sweet Transbeavestite will have fun with this I am sure. Take care and God Bless 🙂

  98. dodgereric

    Hey jhall! Will Beav be IN control or OUT of control with this? Answer, then go to bed. But don’t forget to say “God Bless you” to the gang!

  99. trublu4ever

    BPB ~ waking up to see how much you have changed must be an eye-opener! LMAO!!!!!!!!! Transbeavite rules!!!!!!!!

  100. thinkingblue

    TRU & BPB waking up and reading your messages is an eye-opener….who needs coffee after the big laughter.
    I hope Manny is doing good and his hand/wrist is OK.
    WOLF had a wonderful night…so here is a little song for WOLF:

  101. nellyjune

    ………..and what made it funnier is that dodgereric was trying to be serious with the inside pitches to Manny. You have all these wonderful quotes from Don Drysdale and all about Sweet Transbeavesttite in between. Anybody new to ITD must really be thinking………….. it has to be the Koolaid!!! – LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  102. trublu4ever

    I think a photo of Transbeavite in brownpaperbag; lipstick; high heels; fishnet stockings and of course the thong should be the cover of our ITD Media Guide!

  103. nellyjune

    Oh, but dodgereric posted the article about marrying frogs to stop the rain – LMAO!!!!!

    You are right Rose…………. who needs coffee when you have ITD to wake you up in the mornings, or in my case, keep you up at night. I went to bed laughing and woke up laughing.

  104. enchantedbeaver

    If Brox would ever get the cajones to come in high and tight once in awhile, he’d be totally unhittable.

    If Billz would do the same, he could develop the Hershiser bulldog mentality which is what he’s totally lacking. Hershiser wasn’t anything special until he got that mindset. If/when Billz can get it, then he will become an ace.

    Note to Josh: Have Tommy have a talk with Brox and Billz about becoming tougher out there on the mound.

  105. thinkingblue

    Mistakes done by laughter are accepted (DEPENDS on the mistake). I should say spelling errors are accepted!

  106. trublu4ever

    msrussyethier ~ laughter does create funny typos, doesn’t it? LMAO!!! It is difficult to type when you can’t see!

  107. shad80

    LHP Hong-Chih Kuo(notes) appears close to returning from the disabled list for the first time since he was shelved on May 2. He pitched one scoreless inning on both Monday and Tuesday for high Class A Inland Empire. He has made a total of eight appearances (eight innings) on his rehab, giving up one run on seven hits, striking out 10 and issuing only two walks.

  108. shad80

    This would be a huge boost to or bullpen if Kuo stay healthy for the rest of the season. I don’t like the fact that he has giving up 7 hits in 8 innings.

  109. enchantedbeaver

    I’d have to agree with that assessment Nells – Boston has the wherewithall to pull out all the stops to get Halladay.

    Ned of course will come up with… what was that guy’s name again… Jack something… Jack… Jack…

    Schidt! That’s it!!!

  110. selltheteam

    The Bosox gave up two prospects (an AA shortstop and an A pitcher) for Adam LaRoche. Does that make them less likely to get Halladay, or they have plenty more prospects where those two came from?

  111. trublu4ever

    I think the Red Sox will go after another bat. Their pitching is okay, hitting kind of sucks. So, I’d say Holliday instead of Halladay!

  112. thinkingblue

    TRU you just opened yourself for funny comebacks with your comment.
    But, I also thought, PP would be gone by now. So, what do I know?!

    By trublu4ever on July 22, 2009 1:25 PM
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  113. nellyjune

    Rose – don’t give THEM any ideas – LMAO!!!! You really don’t want to get THEM started. LMAO!!!! Be very afraid tru, be very afraid. THEY have been hard to control today.

  114. selltheteam

    Rose – Funny you should mention it. Primetime had a show on last night about a man becoming a woman.

  115. enchantedbeaver

    Adam LaRoche for a AA and A player? Jeez Boston didn’t even have to try. Only reason Boston will wind-up with Halladay is because they’ll do anything to keep him off the Yankees, and have the players available to do it. CC and Halladay 1-2 would put them in an awfully bad position.

  116. thinkingblue

    Well with the whole ITD morning topic…LOL! It is funny cause I didn’t think about it in the boy part way until I read Crash’s comment. I was thinking…she needed to go to the ladies room…LOL

  117. enchantedbeaver

    When I was in Samoa, they have what they call fafafine. If a Samoan family has too many boys they make one of them into a girl to help do the women-type work. So the fafafine are raised and live their lives as women – clothes, make-up, dancing, etc.

    They still have their PP though.

  118. thinkingblue

    FAFAFINE….that’s usually what I say when I see an extremely Fine guy but add some drool.
    Interesting (sad) story BPB…so in Samoa do they still have fafafines….or did they finally accepted the fact that boys (men) can still do the women’s job….LOL Where you a FAFAFINE? Is that why you dress with girls clothes……now you open yourself up for funny come backs…..FAFAFINE…lol

  119. thinkingblue

    PEEPSTERS….well that sounds like he is Master of Peeping…LOL….PEEPSTERS is actually a cool word….aswell as FAFAFINE! Learn something new everyday.


    Wonder if Joe will keep Manny out, so as not to take chances with his hand. In that case we’ll see PP all over left field.

  121. shad80

    Mattingly’s son accused of spitting in mom’s face
    1 hour, 53 minutes ago

    EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP)—The son of former New York Yankees star first baseman Don Mattingly has been arrested on charges of shoving his mother and spitting in her face.

    The Evansville Courier & Press reported Wednesday that Taylor Mattingly faces preliminary charges of battery, battery by bodily waste and criminal mischief. The newspaper says he was discharged late Tuesday from Vanderburgh County Jail on $250 bond.

    Authorities say Mattingly admitted confronting his mother, Kim Mattingly, after she had sent him a text message insulting him, his girlfriend and his father. Sheriff’s Deputy Nathan Espenlaub wrote in an affidavit that Mattingly admitted he pushed his mother down and spit on her.

    Mattingly, whose father is batting coach for the Los Angeles Dodgers, was drafted by the Yankees in the 42nd round in 2003.

    Information from: Evansville Courier & Press,

  122. trublu4ever

    Messagebear ~ Manny has to play at least one inning, if possible because it is his bobblehead night. After that, I think you are right and we will see PP all over the place!

  123. enchantedbeaver

    Fafafine are still very much part of the Samoan culture (I’m talking Western Samoa, I have no idea if American Samoa is still the same way.) In fact, one of our tour guides was a fafafine (I really didn’t think we’d encounter one), and she was also one of the “women” dancers in the Saturday night fia fia.

  124. nellyjune

    I think ITD, as a whole, has gone off the deep end today. I guess when your team is the best team in baseball, what else is there to talk about other than transvestites and PP. LMAO!!!!!!!!

    …….and yes, Crash, I remember that picture as it was the focus of “The Caption Contest” on Dodger Lyrics.

  125. trublu4ever

    NellyJune ~ off the deep end……I think we are being educated by brownpaperbag. Where else would you hear about Fafafine and fia fia?! LMAO!

  126. selltheteam

    Nelly – As far as serious baseball talk goes, I’ll repeat my question from yesterday – Will Bills have his head screwed on straight tonight? What do y’all think?

  127. nellyjune

    Crash – I really hope so. I guess there was an article saying he was working on mechanics, but like Eric and jhall were saying last night through all the Drysdale quotes, he needs to not be afraid of what he has and use it.

  128. enchantedbeaver

    I haven’t even told you about the Matai Tru!

    One other interesting custom though is that you’re not allowed to stand up on an overcrowded bus (bus is a misnomer – its more like a crate on 4 wheels with hard wooden benches as seats), so you have to sit on someone’s lap (or they sit on yours depending on how they need to balance out the bus.)

  129. enchantedbeaver

    Jesus Christ – first Porky Pig and now the Taco Bell chihuahua. Who’s next – the Nestle’s Quik bunny??

  130. Dodger4life

    Good afternoon everyone……I think all Bills need’s is one, it’s in the bag…. He’s got it tonight.
    Fire away Bills!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!
    Enjoy the game all 🙂


    I was at the game last night and I can confirm that Pierre received a loud ovation when he came in to run for Manny. I also will tell you that I was thinking of all of you at the time and wondering what clever stuff you would be posting. Perhaps I missed it but I did not see any posts about how much Pierre paid Homer to hit Manny or how Pierre was jumping for joy when he saw Manny leave the game. You guys are slipping.


    What’s up with moving Scott Elbert again? In my opinion he looked great out of the pen. He was brought up, pitched in three outings, gave up 0 runs and only 2 hits while striking out 6 in 5 innings of work. Then he gets sent down to AAA and hasn’t even pitched yet. Just doesn’t make sense to me. How many options does he have left?

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