Pretty cool photo shoot going on out on the field right now. Several of our players are taking photographs with kids from the Department of Children & Family Services and they’ll be featured in the Team Photo calendar that we’ll give away on Oct. 3. Each of these kids can be adopted and from what I understand, when the Chargers did this last year, each of the kids found a home. Needless to say, it hasn’t been tough wrangling up guys to take part in this.

Just ran into Nomar, too, wearing green. Looks kind of funny, but he’s back off the DL and I’d imagine we’ll see him at some point this series.

Here’s tonight’s lineup:

Pierre, LF

Furcal, SS

Hudson, 2B

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Ethier, RF

Martin, C

Kershaw, P


  1. perumike

    I like the lineup overall! Kemp is up at 6th, although I wouldn’t mind seeing Ferk at 7th, and move everyone else up a notch

  2. enchantedbeaver

    So did they call-up Mitch Jones? Or are we playing a man down tonight?

    Martin’s finally batting where he should, but unless JP goes 2 for 4 with a walk, I want to kknow why he never needs a day off.

    Hi-ya Peru!!

    Catch y’all later.

  3. spanner@aol.com

    JP will have plenty of days off when Manny is back in a month… right now he doesn’t need one.. and besides we currently have no backup outfielders.

  4. messagebear@msn.com

    And now heavy hitting Sammy Sosa bites the dust. Hope he heard the HOF door banging shut.
    With all these leaks (Alex and now Sosa), they really need to publish the list of all 100 or so guys that took special advantage of the rest of the players.

  5. lbirken@aol.com

    Heard Bud Selig on the Dan Patrick radio program this morning. Bud defended MLB’s drug policies and touted that MLB was the only sports league that went outside the organization to look into the steroid problem (The Mitchell Report). Bud said his own staff was against doing so. So according to Mr. Selig everything is just fine now. He did not elaborate on what took so long to get a policy in effect nor did he mention or suggest that it was attention from Congress that pushed MLB to finally address the issue.

  6. trublu4ever

    Messagebear ~ don’t you have a feeling they are going to release one name at a time, say every two months, just to keep us talking about who might be on the list? I’m with you and wish they would just put all of them out there.

  7. nachotaco

    lbirken – now that was funny…. a couple of hours ago I looked at my bobblehead collection and noticed my Nomar bobblehead had a chip in it… I laughed and said he needed to go on the DL now…

  8. nachotaco

    Anyone else think it would be cool if the Think Blue sign were to say Mannywood on July 16 when they get home from their roadtrip???

  9. lbirken@aol.com

    Nacho, I think Nomar’s bobblehead came that way to maintain authenticity. Seriously, I liked Nomar and it is too bad his body could not hold up better.

    And no, I don’t think the Dodgers should change the sign to Mannywood although I did see a letter to the sports pages in the L.A. Times a while back that suggested Mannydid would be more appropriate.

  10. messagebear@msn.com

    Thinking about Kersh being on the mound tonight. We can’t stand another 2 or 3 inning performance, and it seems to me that even when Kersh is throwing strikes, he’s had difficulty in finishing off the batter thus running up his pitch count. I’m wondering how many times Ausmus has caught Kersh instead of Martin. Wondering if Ausmus might not have a better read on some of these hitters and may not call a better game for Kersh than Martin has done. Not picking on Martin here, and it might not make any difference at all, but if it hasn’t been tried, it may be worth matching up Kersh with the more experienced guy behind the plate for a change.

  11. lbirken@aol.com

    Not sure if the catcher would make a difference for Kershaw but at least he has done better in Dodger Stadium than on the road. He still has to have confidence in his abilities and learn to control his emotions while on the mound. I still think he as a lot of upside but in reality the Dodgers have few options other than to be patient with him.

  12. messagebear@msn.com

    At least McDonald finally pitched a gem of a game back in ABQ a few days ago. Went like 7 innings with I believe 13K’s, and more importantly only 1BB. If he can get straightened out, it would sure be a great boon to us later in the season.

  13. koufax1963

    If the Dodgers don’t sweep these As, The gnats, who did, will be quite motivated and I can hear the noise from the Gray Area already.

  14. spanner@aol.com

    Looks like Mitch Jones has been called up, he is listed on the roster now.. I assume he is scheduled to be a pinch hitter. I wouldn’t want to see him playing in the outfield.. his fielding is rather weak.

  15. spanner@aol.com

    No word yet on the 40 man roster move.. I would assume it would be either placing Schmidt or Kuo on the 60 day DL.

  16. messagebear@msn.com

    As far as I’m concerned, we can put BOTH Schmidt and Kuo on the 60 day or permanent day DL. Let’s make room, so we can keep an extra pinch hitter with some power around. That means that Loretta can go on DL or whatever also.

  17. sparkleplenty_1

    Will Ohman was assigned to the Inland Empire 66ers, so that must be the corresponding move to bring up Mitch Jones.

  18. enchantedbeaver

    Please tell me Mitch’s defense can’t be any worse than JPs. If it was my world would be shattered.

  19. dodgerbuddy

    Great seeing Joe on the Tonight Show. Now lets get down to business of winning a few more game so we can get to BLUE OCTOBER. GO DODGERS. The KID will be on target tonight. Now lets get some offense for the kid to work with.

  20. messagebear@msn.com

    OK, Kersh – here’s the game plan:
    I want you to give them a fast one on the inside of the plate to back them up, then a fast one on the outside, then a sneaky curve low down in the zone; then wipe them up with a high fast one.
    Keep doing that the first time around, and then change the sequence of the inside/outside the second time around.

  21. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi ITD
    I had some trouble with my PC screen and finally straightened it out.
    GO DODGERS***************

  22. enchantedbeaver

    And when is someone gonna teach this kid how to pitch? His future’s bright, but honestly he should be learning his craft at the minor league level right now.

  23. shad80

    Don’t forget he just 21 years old and never went to college. Did we say the same thing with Koufax was slumping for year and finally put everything together?

  24. enchantedbeaver

    Don’t forget though Shad they HAD to keep Koufax on the big league roster. They’ve got the luxury of sending Kersh back down to develop his skills.

  25. messagebear@msn.com

    Our four inning pitcher has managed to keep them off the scoreboard so far. If he can’t manage to do that for another two innings, I’ll punch him a ticket for ABQ or maybe even the Chattanooga choo choo.

  26. vl4ecc

    Good evening all!
    With Kershaw’s pitch count this high after two, he’ll be lucky to go five at this rate.

  27. aeversw

    Why does it seem like Kershaw is throwing a slider? He shouldn’t try new pitches in games when he can’t even get his fastball over. I really think he needs to be sent down.

  28. messagebear@msn.com

    I made a mention of that before. Has Ausmus ever been given the chance to catch and call the game for Kersh?

  29. enchantedbeaver

    If nothing else Kersh needs to be sent down to learn to manage his pitch counts better by throwing strikes in an atmosphere where if he gets lit up for getting the ball over the plate its no big deal. Once he learns to throw strikes, then he can hone his pitches within the strike zone. I don’t expect a 21 year old to be any better than he is now, but he shouldn’t be learning basic skills in the bigs.

  30. trublu4ever

    Kersh has thrown way too many pitches……second game in a row. Not good at all. Not only that, we aren’t giving him much rest in between innings. What’s the hurry?!

  31. shad80

    Actually it wasn’t his last win and in that game the last time Mota given up runs in a game so of course it been along time ago.

  32. shad80

    Well the good news is that the Angels leading 5-0. Napoli with a 3 runs homerun and they doing it without Hunter.

  33. aeversw

    Yeah Kershaw is throwing a slider. The first pitch to Hanahan was a slider and it was nasty. If he can get that and his Change Up working he’ll be deadly. Of course strikes would be nice too.

  34. shad80

    In other news 2 more hits for Young making his batting average to .365 while Pierre average going down and man is just sicking me to see him doing good with the Pirates.

  35. enchantedbeaver

    You know, none of these three ******* are hitting right now, why does JoJo insist on batting them 1-2-3???

  36. enchantedbeaver

    Kid’s turned it around. Might even get a 6th inning out of him. Now let’s try and get a baserunner or two.

  37. perumike

    I’m glad that in spite of Kersh not being sharp and Braden being sharp, we’re not in a hole. Let’s get a couple boys!!!!

  38. enchantedbeaver

    Now why in hell wouldn’t you bat for Kershaw there? You’re going to lift him out after the 6th anyway. You finally have Braden pitching… You’ve got a power righthander who’s pretty hot right now that you just called up….

    Joe is an idiot.

  39. messagebear@msn.com

    I’d like to punch a ticket for Martin to Toronto, or Timbuktu, or anywhere, just out of my sight. Of course, he may eventually tire out the third baseman just like on that last one.

  40. aeversw


  41. enchantedbeaver

    I’m gonna have a friggin’ aneurysm. You don’t pinch hit for Kershaw with the bases loaded and he doesn’t even make it out of the freaking next inning???!!!???

  42. shad80

    I think Kershaw could had got outta of it with that ibb and seeing how he did pulled Kershaw maybe you should had PH for him.

  43. jhallwally

    LOL Beav!!! How’ya doin my brother? Would have liked to see a pinch hitter with the bases loaded and Kersh coming out anyway. You called it!!! Another goof by JoJo!!!

  44. enchantedbeaver

    We’re starting to time warp again Tru – been noticing it yesterday and today.

    Well my brother. And yourself?

  45. sparkleplenty_1

    You know, we’re not only time warping, but it’s getting increasingly difficult to post also.

  46. jhallwally

    Hey Sparky!! Yep, my posts are coming back as errors and then showing up later!! Oh well, let’s do the time warp again. Starring our Beav as the sweet transvestite!!!!!

  47. oldbrooklynfan

    Another great inning by BELISARIO and he shut them down right after we got our two runs. That’s the way to do it.

  48. vl4ecc

    A Dodger Dog would taste great! Just the mention of one makes me salivate. Then again, an In & Out Double Double would be great too. None in Texas to speak of. The closest Fatburger is 280 miles away in San Antonio.
    Whatburger sucks!!! 😦

  49. enchantedbeaver

    Irregardless of Jones striking out, what in 50+ years of playing and managing baseball has taught you to PH your power hitter with nobody on?

  50. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya VL4!!!
    Beav, I think Phew needs a couple of games off. His act has been looking very tired the past 2-3 weeks!!!!!

  51. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ Nelly has to be cheering on the inside but can’t let is show too much or it might be a long ride home! LOL

  52. vl4ecc

    Thanks sparkle! As bad as I’m ‘Jonesing’ fo a Dodger Dog right now, I would be tempted to eat several! lol

  53. enchantedbeaver

    Let us recap Juan’s last 16 games:

    14 for 67 (.209)
    4 walks (.254 OBP)
    1 Double (.224 slugging pct.)
    7 runs scored
    1 RBI

    De-lightful to see him lead-off every single game.

  54. trublu4ever

    You are right, Jhall! Her husband had the nerve to put a Fathead Giants decal on the car we are taking to the tour. So, we decided to put a “sucks” Fathead under it!!!!

  55. aeversw

    Kershaw Dominates and gets pulled after an IBB…Troncoso gets two guys on allows a home run and gets to stay in to allow another home run. Joe Torre is the reason I drink.

  56. koufax1963

    Rant and Rave: 6th inning, bases loaded and kershaw stays in, supposedly to pitch on with a tie game, and no runs for the D-boys, then he has to be replaced with two outs in the next inning, to have this lead to EL Tronco’s BLIP.

  57. vl4ecc

    Agreed brooklynfan. He’d been lights out this season till he got lit up tonight. I just hope he shakes this rough outing off, and comes back strong again.

  58. koufax1963

    let me clarify: My comment was a managing decision. Understand, I think, but questio it, and there goes hindsight,,,,,,,,,,,, and Blake is doing fine tonight

  59. enchantedbeaver

    Now why wouldn’t you double switch and bring in Ausmus to bat 9th. What if you need Brox to go 2?

  60. vl4ecc

    Big Jon is probably dragging from Jet lag with his velocity down. Charlie said his baby boy still weighed in over 7 pounds coming into the world 5 weeks early. Just imagine how much more he would have tipped the scales at full term.

  61. shad80

    You know Torre not going to take Martin out and bs I have a bad feeling if Mota come in. He hasn’t given up a run since May 17 but I know Vinny going to jinxed him.

  62. shad80

    You know Torre not going to take Martin out and bs I have a bad feeling if Mota come in. He hasn’t given up a run since May 17 but I know Vinny going to jinxed hi,

  63. enchantedbeaver

    Gameday was clocking Kersh at 94. That’d three games in a row Brox hasn’t even hit 95.

    And now because you didn’t double switch, we’re down to Mota, Weaver, and Leach. There was no way a PH, JP and Ferk were going to get a run.

    JoJo: Magician no. Idiot Yes.

  64. shad80

    I agree enchanted you need Broxton to pitch 2 innings and I’m surprise Torre didn’t double switch with Wade even though he’s having a tough time but won’t give up on Wade just yet.

  65. 32and53fan

    The boys are catching some breaks… (pause while umps conference) but not others 😦
    Good call – Loney was out.

  66. sparkleplenty_1

    That was one great comeback. They could have folded after the DP, but Matt came through again. God, I love this team!!!

  67. enchantedbeaver

    That was going to be a tough loss to swallow. OUTSTANDING® comback boys. I really didn’t think you had it in you the way you were swinging the sticks. Thanks for making me eat crow.

  68. jhallwally

    Agreed Beav!!! I like a roller coaster ride but not every night. But, if that is the way it is going to be, I’m in, bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. jhallwally

    G’Nite Sparky, Beav, and all you great Dodger fans. Thanks for the conversation. Think I’ll hit it myself.
    Escelsior ITD’ers!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. jhallwally

    Just a note for Nelly before I rack it. Super sweet win tonight. Missed you here but extremely happy you got to see a G’nat beat down and come home to a Dodger win. All the best to you Mom!!!! Goodnight, God Bless, and hope you have a great tomorrow!!!

  71. shad80

    The victory was Joe Torre’s 2,194th as a big league manager during the regular season, tying Sparky Anderson for fifth place all-time. Torre, whose loss total is 36 fewer than Anderson’s, has won six pennants and four World Series titles.

  72. colliethec

    Good evening all.
    Nice win!!
    I hope everybody is doing great!!!!!
    Below is just a link for a hit charting on Russ. I hope it works because it’s interesting. I would think that Don would be going over this with Russ.
    It shows the Ground outs & fly outs at Dodger Stadium for Russ.
    Most of his fly outs are to CF or RF. & most of his ground outs are to the left side of the IF.

  73. dodgereric

    Junie, I have some white paint for that FatHead.

    I was yelling at the TV tonight over Torre’s stupid calls tonight, but am I alone about him having Loney bunting? He has a grand total of one in his career (in ’08) and is leading the team in RBIs. Why ask someone to do something he’s not good at in a game-winning situation?

    Tough game for Troncoso tonight. He was due. He’s been money for us so far this year.

    Funny collie, I was running stats on Martin’s hit location myself tonight:

    Pulled 20 for 47 (.426) (29% of atbats)
    Up the middle 24 for 90 (.267) (55%)
    Opposite field 6 for 27 (.222) (16%)

    Pulled 65 for 132 (.492) (28%)
    Up the middle 68 for 265 (.257) (56%)
    Opposite field 22 for 73 (.301) (16%)

    2007 (best season)
    Pulled 48 for 103 (.466) (23%)
    Up the middle 79 for 274 (.288) (60%)
    Opposite field 31 for 74 (.419) (16%)

    2006 (rookie)
    Pulled 32 for 69 (.464) (19%)
    Up the middle 61 for 223 (.274) (62%)
    Opposite field 23 for 65 (.354) (18%)

    So it looks like he’s pulling the ball a just little more often, but that’s his best batting average. The real difference seems to be not that he’s not going the other way, but he was better at it.

    G’night all!

  74. 32and53fan

    Great win tonight.
    I have been away from this site checking out the LA Times from April 1958 via a link from my public library. It is a trip to look at the Know Your Dodgers daily features which display a photo and some stats for each member of the team.
    I was also reading some articles from that time and found it very interesting. For example, after Drysdale was shelled in a game in which he only lasted three innings, Walt Alston was still supportive declaring that he was just going through a typical spring dead arm period.

  75. nellyjune

    Good Early Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!! I believe I was the only one wearing Dodger Blue las night at AT&T Park. We had good seats and we had a mixture of Giants fans and Angels fans, and everyone was very respectful of all of us. The best part about the game I saw was watching the Angels pitcher. It was O’Sullivan’s first day pitching for the big club, pitching at AT&T Park where it was Irish Heritage Night. It was almost like the night was meant for him, name and all. He did a fantastic job, and we heard on the way home that this was just a spot start, and he would be going back down tomorrow as the original SP was scratched the day before. The Giants simply sucked last night, from pitching to defense to hitting, and it was kind of joyful to watch. The Gnats fans already have it in their head that when Sanchez takes the mound, it’s an automatic loss, plus two major errors at first base early in the game cost them some early runs,and the mistakes were little league mistakes………………it’s called catching the ball. Anyhow, I was very good, and anytime someone said something about my Dodger Blue, I just thought about those flags on the other side of the ballpark, where the Dodgers one is sitting way up top in our division.

    As far as our Dodgers, we were being caught up on the game during the gnats post-game show. My phone had let me know Andre had batted in the tying run and then Dave Fleming let the radio people know Matt had the walk off single.

    All in all, it was a fantastic night of baseball…………….the Dodgers won and the Giants lost.

    jhall and enchanted – thanks for the thoughts throughout the thread. It was a nice and quiet drive home. It could have been that everyone was tired, or it could have been that the Giants had just gotten their butts kicked for the 2nd night in a row and then listen had to listen their own Giants radio guy tell them the Dodgers just won the game out in Los Angeles.

    dodgereric and tru – something has got to be done about that Giants logo on the back of my husband’s car. It just can’t happen :)))))

  76. enchantedbeaver

    Glad you had a great time Nells!!! I suspected the car ride got that much quieter after Kemp’s hit.

    Watching the video clip and celebration afterwards, does anyone have such exuberance and the glee of a little boy as Kemp? This kid ever grows into himself there’s no telling how good he could be.

    And was that Slappy I saw getting up from the bottom of the dogpile? Good for him. That’s as much joy as I’ve ever seen him show. However, Slappywatch 2009 last 16 games:
    14 for 68 (.206)
    4 walks (.250 OBP)
    1 Double (.221 slugging pct.)
    7 runs scored
    1 RBI

    Hey Joe, next lefthander we see, why not give Mitch Jones a start? At the very least move JP back down to 8 or 9. He’s hardly setting the table and his repeated slappy outs are killing the offense that much further.

  77. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ another exciting win last night. but, I’m asking along with Enchanted…….please, Dodgers, give us a blowout win or two! These walk-off games are very hard on this old lady! LOL
    Have a great game tonight, Dodger Blue!!!!

  78. thinkingblue

    Walk-off games are the best! WOOOHOOOO….GO KEMP1
    Yup last night’s game was soooo exciting. But I must confess, I fell asleep during the 8th inning and woke up to my husband screaming “DODGERS WON”, I open my eyes and I had no idea who was at the bottom on the Blue Mountain, but I just saw Ethier bobbling somebody. GREAT 10 innings.

  79. thinkingblue

    ENCHANTED – That was a great video clip of KEMP…just watching his face light up and start running towards his team mate and pretending to DODGE them. They were all like kids…LOVE IT! And GARCIAPARRA probably felt JOY seeing this. He still loves the DODGERS!

  80. dodgereric

    Junie, we are not – repeat – NOT taking any vehicle with Gnat logos into the Dodger Stadium parking lot. We can:

    1) Leave the car outside the Park and squish into the truck.
    2) Scrape it off.
    3) Dismantle and remove any and all body part(s) with the logo.
    4) Leave that THING in Temecula and take our truck and Mustang to the game.

  81. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!! Dodgereric – It’s just one of those window-clingy things and comes off easy. Oh, it’s coming off alright!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! I already told them when I saw it. Heck with getting into Dodger Stadium, this can’t even be parked in front of the Monson household – LMAO!!!!!!!!!! I will just leave the drive way, stop at the closest gas station and take it off. It really is just yuck to even look at it!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. nellyjune

    Well, the sticker is a possibility and we also had thought about putting the word “suck” underneath it, but Dodger fans are more classy than that for the most part. Part of this is an on-going practical joke thing they have going down at the academy. One of the coaches is a Dodgers fan and my husband is a Giants fan. Well, the coach has a Dodger neon sign in his office, along with a whole bunch of other Dodger stuff………………..some I gave him. Anyhow, my husband gets a Giants neon light and asks Tim to hang it up when he gets a chance. What does Tim do? He puts the sign above the bathroom door. So, that has started this whole practical joke thing, and this is part of it I am sure.

  83. nellyjune

    enchanted – the car ride home was quiet just based on the Giants getting stomped into the ground by the Halos. If the Dodgers had lost, there might have been a little more talking it up. The funny thing is they make comments about our fans showing up late and leaving early…………….same thing there. Now, most of us were freezing our butt off because it was cold and extremely windy, but those native fans should be used to it and dress accordingly. We had to keep walking around the Ballpark to keep warm it was so damn cold. Plus, the seats are really squishy…………….no leg room and unless you are a size 2-6 like my daughter, the seats weren’t too comfy. However, the look over the bay is pretty spectacular, and seeing the Dodger Flag raised on top of all the other NL West teams was pretty fun to look at.

  84. nellyjune

    You know it is possible to go there with a Giants sticker and come back decked out in Dodger Blue. Now, that would be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. thinkingblue

    NELLY that is funny…I thought he was going to put in the trash can. I have relatives in Fresno and they are big Giants Fans. Well for her wedding she chose black and orange….yeah nasty but it was her wedding. She even had the reception there at the stadium in Fresno (chachenzzzkiiiiie…sorry don’t know the spelling, but it was a really cute stadium). Well all the brides made wore an orange dress with a black belt (cute dresses). Well during the reception she introduced the bridesmaids and groomsmen and said that she manage to get a bunch of Dodgers Fan dress up in Giants colors. So what do we do. She had a whole scrapbooking table with cameras…so we did a bunch of ‘THINK BLUE’ Pages for her with our pictures. And she does have them in her album….it’s all for fun and we still love each other!

  86. enchantedbeaver

    Angels are playing pretty good ball of late, so they ought to be able to take another game from the Gnats. I hope they cool off for the weekend though.

    That’s classic with the sign Nells. Was it above the mens or ladies?

  87. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Can’t stay too long, but I had to see how my friends are doing! Was at last night’s game! Wow, what an ending! They better be careful; we Dodger fans are getting quite used to these walk-off games! And I’ve been to two this year!

    Messagebear – I’ve thought that before many times about Ausmus catching Kersh more often. I remember that oh-so-very-close no hitter he threw against the Fish. I REALLY think that that would be a great move. But again, we are talking about Joe actually writing up his lineup card whenever Kersh pitches…

  88. enchantedbeaver

    Hoping JMac can help out after the all-star break. Got named PCL Pitcher of the Week. Stats look promising:
    James McDonald 1 0 3.26 6 6 0 0 0 30.1 21 11 11 2 0 14 40 1.15 0 0

  89. nellyjune

    Rose – One my son and husband pulled on Tim is they put MY Dodger street sign that sits in Tim’s office next to the toilet so it appears it is in the toilet and took a picture of it. So, this is going to be a long season of going back and forth I believe.

    enchanted – it’s a restroom for both,but it looked really good up there.

    CP – My first thought when I saw it was “I am not taking that into Dodger Stadium” and my second thought was “On top of Dodger Stadium, I can’t drive up to Eric’s in this car. It will be gone somehow someway before the tour.

  90. crzblue2

    Good morning ITD!
    Echanted: Yes, that would have been a tough loss to take. I was worry there for a while with the no-hitter the kid was having. This team takes me thru a roller coaster of ups and downs.
    It was so good to be back at the stadium last night. I had missed 3 home games because of my last trip to N.H. Having free parking was very nice! I missed the boys and my Top Deck family. Awesome walk-off! I love watching the post game interview on the big screen. I love that about 90% of us gave Nomah a nice welcome and also we were all rooting like crazy for Mitch Jones to get a hit. We gave him a nice round of applause for his effort. He must have been a little nervous. I think because of the free parking we had a nice crowd for a Tuesday night with no giveaway.
    Well, let’s do it again tonight with Hero on the mound!
    Hey so how many are coming to the ITD tour/game? Who is traveling the longest?

  91. Dodger4life

    God afternoon everyone
    I had an enjoyable time at AT&T Park, although that Orange and Black is hard to look at.
    I just looked at the highlights of yesterday’s game, WAY TO GO DODGERS!!!!!
    Enjoy your day and enjoy the game tonight everyone…..
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!

  92. shad80

    I can’t believe that guy Matt Palmer always seem to get lucky when the Angels come back and there win in his starts.

  93. dodgereric

    Hey D4! Always good to read you!

    “Maybe Brad should had caught him [Kershaw] instead of Martin.
    By shad15 on June 16, 2009 7:49 PM”

    “I made a mention of that before. Has Ausmus ever been given the chance to catch and call the game for Kersh?
    By messagebear@msn.com on June 16, 2009 7:50 PM”

    Wonder no more:

    Ausmus caught Kershaw’s game on 5/17 against the Marlins in Florida. 7IP, 1 ER, 4BBs, 9Ks. We won, 12-5. It’s the only one that he’s caught for the kid, at least as a starter. He’s caught Billz 3 times, Wolf twice, McDonald, Stultz, Weaver and Milton once each. By the way, we’re 7 – 3 in Ausmus’ starts, pretty close to our current .662 winning %. At least as close as you can get in 10 games.

  94. shad80

    Let’s go Fuentes shut it down and don’t know why you so average the Giants in your career with a 3.80 ERA and allowed 44 hits in 45 innings.

  95. shad80

    I just mention that on the other thread Eric and don’t forget the no hitter through 8 innings when Ross broke it up with a homerun.

  96. shad80

    I was just looking around the last time Mota has allowed some runs and that was the same game that Ausmus caught Kershaw.

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