A Dodger Day at the Beach

On blogger night at the stadium, some of you who frequent this site got the chance to meet Josh Lukin, who works in our Consumer Development Department and who is himself, a blogger. He used to write for the Ravens’ website back when he worked over there and he’ll contribute from time to time at Inside the Dodgers, too.

His department is the one that put together Bleacher Beach and the first one was pretty darn cool, so here’s his first-person account from Sunday at the stadium. I only stopped by for about 20 minutes during pregame, but I have a feeling this is going to become a popular spot in the ballpark on Sunday.

Jamie Hoffman’s first career home run sailed into the Left Field Pavilion on Sunday afternoon, igniting a 54,000-fan frenzy around Dodger Stadium.  But for 800 Dodger die-hards enjoying the debut of Bleacher Beach on the Lower Reserve, the three-run blast brought about a second wave of water from what seemed liked the skies above. However, this is Los Angeles, with no threat of a rain shower until Thanksgiving. In this case, the spray was courtesy of a water hose held by the ‘lifeguard’ on duty, celebrating the score with a sunny day respite.

And with that, Bleacher Beach was officially christened. The latest section of Dodger Stadium to feature unlimited nachos and Dodger Dogs also included enough BBQ burgers, chicken and watermelon to keep beach goers full all afternoon. The party began with the music of KIIS-FM entertaining the crowd as they basked in the mist of the cool zones and shade of the Malibu Clout tent.

Unlike Hermosa or Santa Monica, this beach came sans sand, but did offer a view of both the field and the surrounding foliage as the sights over the side of the tiki-hut handrails made for picturesque postcards from a three-hour vacation to Dodgertown. Among the sights at this beach were flip flop beach passes, flip-flop-footed fans, and a flip of the traditional lid with drink-holder boxes turned into cardboard cowboy hats. The unusual headgear kept a group of fans protected from the sun, but not from the attention as the crew posed for more photos than the lifeguard girls.

As the day came to a close, and the Angels turned to their closer, the mist had settled on Bleacher Beach as dusk rapidly approached – this was interleague baseball with the time of the game pushing four hours. The fun-filled day in the sun, with a dash of Dodger baseball thrown in, was coming to an end. But for the first flock of fans to enjoy the bird’s eye view of the game from the beach, they walked out of the Stadium with more than the joy of a victory could have provided (although that would have been a nice way to cap off the day). Rather, they walked away with misty memories, mild sunburn, and an exclusive Dodgertown beach bag given to every beach bum on their way in. Excuse the obvious plug…as I said, it would have been easier if the boys in blue had won, but I still believe the fans enjoyed the experience. In this case, it was a day at the beach.

UPDATE: Lineup…

Pierre, LF

Hudson, 2B

Ethier, RF

Blake, 3B

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

Castro, SS (Furcal still out with the back tweak…obviously the lineup changed after I posted it yesterday)

Ausmus, C

Milton, P

Torre pregame (not exact quotes)

Raffy is better. It’s in his cheek. Could he play? Yes. But we’ll sit him another day.

Just a day off for Russell.

With Milton its all about feel and command. He hasn’t pitched in a couple years. He’s very similar to Stults in some ways.

We stopped Schmidt’s rehab. Nothing to do with the beaning. Its his shoulder. This way we can stop his rehab days. We don’t think it will be too long. He threw a bullpen and had some discomfort.


  1. cpompe1

    Hey Eric! No, not normally what I’d expect for the first post of a new thread, but hey, thx for the info.

    Okay for the second post of a new thread:
    GO MILTON!!!

  2. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl!!! I thought I’d hear from you earlier, but I’m thrilled to be able to talk to you!!! So how’s the Academy? Is school done, or do you still have a few more weeks?

    And yes, Eric’s timing is priceless!!! But you do know that what I called the “second post” you delayed it to the fourth post!!! LOL!!!

  3. nellyjune

    I don’t know why that was funny dodgereric, but that was LMAO funny. I guess it was all in the timing.

  4. cpompe1

    Okay Eric, now that I’ve had a chance to think about it, how do you pull a butt muscle??? So really, what happened to Raffy?

  5. cpompe1

    Eric – too funny!!! LMAO!!! Yes, I know Milton’s past, but hey, when a new game is coming, I always have to say GO (the starting pitcher’s name)!!! No matter how I feel about his pitching abilities (or inabilities, as you may call it).

  6. nellyjune

    The academy is going very well, and 8 more days of school as of 3:05 today (June 5th is our last day). So, how are you? I read most of your posts about Denver. I am glad you got to see some of the game, and I am certainly glad they won.

  7. cpompe1

    Nelly – I’m glad that the academy is doing well. So, do you and Bill have vacation plans over the summer? As for me, I’m fine. We had a great time in Denver this weekend; just too bad I couldn’t have seen the whole game. At least I saw the 4th inning rally!!! There was a Rockies’ fan near me that said, “Get a new pitcher…” De La Rosa looked pretty good against the Dodgers in the first few innings, but that 4th inning was a killer for him.

  8. crzblue2

    Josh one!: Another josh? Jeesh!! LOL. that was funny when I said “Josh!” when you and Josh Shooshan (spel?) were sitted in the dugout and both of you said “Me?”
    We had a good time at the Beach section on Sunday and like Josh 2 said, it would have been better if we had won. I only stayed for a few innings but it was cool seeing the Jaime’s HR from there and how security came right away to see who caught the HR. We moved after the 3rd or 4th as we have our season tickets in the shade in the Top Deck. Lore seemed to think that we have more leg room in the Top Deck.
    I scraped both my shin bones on the seat infront of me when I was jumping up and down excited for the Jaime. Totally my fault.
    Josh one! Are you going to be in Chicago?
    p.s. We are taking our Dodger beach bags to Chicago!

  9. thinkingblue

    JOSH – Summer bleach section sounds fun. Hey they should add those picture spots of a cut out boards where you stick your face and you take a picture of you in a bikini or big muscles.
    Well Josh should be posting again with the line up??????
    NELLY- Summer vacation soon to begin for you….yeah!
    Butt Muscle—-Rafy???LOL! That is funny. OMG do we have the strangest injuries in the MLB. Butt Muscle, toe nail, skin infection…GOD bless our boys!

  10. nellyjune

    CP – our sketchy plans right now are to go back down to the San Diego area in mid July, and we usually take a few days and go visit friends in Las Vegas. However, our friends in Vegas have family in San Diego so we are hoping they come to San Diego. However, the in-between times, we are hoping to come down for a few Dodger games, but not sure yet as Michael’s summer ball schedule for June is packed, and then possible summer school for both perhaps…………not sure yet on that.

  11. thinkingblue

    NELLY – DON’T FORGET ABOUT ITD TOUR! You have to come down for that!’
    JOSH – what’s up with the tour!

  12. nellyjune

    Definitely for the tour!!! Believe me ……..we will be down in So-Cal enough this summer where it will feel like we are natives, and it’s not all because of the Dodgers. We are just taking it one trip at a time at this point.

  13. cpompe1

    Sounds like fun Nelly! San Diego in mid July, huh. If that’s when you go, you’d miss the Dodgers in San Diego. Perhaps you can go in early July! But it’ll be a madhouse, since that’ll be the first time that Manny comes back. But whatever you do, hope you have a great summer!!! As for us, we have a family reunion in Western Minnesota, but we are still not sure if we’re going – my job (or non-job) situation, you know. I am getting closer and closer to deciding to go back to school for medical assisting. I’m still not sure if I’m going to do that, but it’s getting there.

    Well, I’ve gotta go. It was great talking to y’all!!! Have a great day!!!
    GO MILTON!!! (Eric, I know, I know…)

  14. dodgereric

    cp, that’s a wonderful straightline that I’m choosing to decline at this time. I’ll give you the straight poop: I’ve been trying to find it, but to no avail. I’m pretty sure it was something about going into the hole (seriously) for a grounder a few games ago.

  15. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks for the article Emma. Hope Paul’s infection doesn’t spread to anyone else.

    It may be too late though, most of the bullpen seems to be suffering from some sort of staff infection.

  16. nellyjune

    Emma – My class knows why I laugh while at work, and they understand why because they have met one of the reasons why I laugh so much at work – LOL!!!!!!!!!!

  17. nellyjune

    Thanks for the line up and update Josh!!! Blake in the 4th spot should be a nice change. Let’s go Dodger Blue!!!!!

  18. shad80

    I thought it was silly having Bengie hitting 4th but it look like the other Molina brother batting 4 in the Cards lineup man that LaRussa is insane.

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi everybody
    If they start doing things like Mannyville sections and beach day areas in N.Y., I might become a Met or a Yankee fan.
    About the only thing people talk about in the stands here is the price of the seat.
    Just kidding about changing my allegiance, not over my living body.
    GO DODGERS**************************************

  20. shad80

    The 4-year-old daughter of boxer Mike Tyson died at a hospital Tuesday, a day her neck apparently got caught in a treadmill cord at her Phoenix home.

    Exodus Tyson was pronounced dead just before noon, police spokesman Andy Hill said. She had been on life support since the accident Monday.

    Police said Exodus either slipped or put her head in the loop of a cord hanging under the console. Her 7-year-old brother found her and told their mother. She took Exodus off the cord, called 911 and tried to revive her.

    Responding officers and firefighters performed CPR as they took the girl to the hospital.

    Former heavyweight champion Tyson was in Las Vegas at the time of the accident and flew Monday to Phoenix, where he was seen entering the hospital.

    Tyson spokeswoman Cynthia Schwartz said the family had not arranged a funeral yet and would release a statement later.

  21. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, I think it might do Andre good to bat in the 3 hole for a bit just until he gets completely back on track or until Manny comes back and then he can move back to cleanup. He rakes against Cook, so hopefully tonight will be the start of something a tear for him.

  22. thinkingblue

    Sad to hear about Mike T lil’ girl.
    ALL-STARS: Hudson is 3rd, Ethier is 11th and Kemp in 14th, we need more Votes….I guess people are still voting for Manny…Why I don’t know why???
    I am very Happy that Ethier is back on the line up and I think batting 3rd will do him good…..just watch homerun tonight from Ethier (this way he doesn’t have to run fast…LOL!

  23. Dodger4life

    Good evening everyone…
    Lets Get A Win Tonight, Boy’s!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. bluecrewgirl

    I would love to see Andre have a home run his first at bat tonight. I’ll take any hit as long as he gets on base though.

  25. enchantedbeaver

    Cameron was suspended back in October 2007 when the first offense was 25 games. Since it was after the season, we served it to start the 2008 year.

    ARod wasn’t suspended, he was on the DL.

  26. trublu4ever

    Wasn’t the reason ARod wasn’t suspended because the offense took place before the rule was made and enforced, Enchantd?

  27. enchantedbeaver

    Not sure about that Tru, but it sounds logical. Either that or the Yankees put a little extra money in the luxury tax kitty.

    IMO there’s only three Dodgers right now that deserve to be on the all-star team – Hudson, Brox and Billz. I honestly hate the fact that fans can vote them on the starting squad – its nothing more than a popularity contest and stuffing ballot boxes. Whether they earned the right or not is lost.

  28. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ I think the most of the All-Star games are poularity contests and will continue to be that way until the players, instead of the fans, do the voting.

  29. oldbrooklynfan

    I must say I’m very happy to have this very, very screwy MLB.TV
    It’s lousy but I can’t complain.

  30. shad80

    Damn Vin just had to jinxed him with Stults from yesterday. Oh hell no bunt single for the pitcher get someone warm up.

  31. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Wow!!! Milton is not doing too bad so far. Keep it up!!!

    Nice job Casey Blake and Brad, Orlando and Andre for getting on base in the first place……………fabulous!!!!

  32. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Good evening, all. As per Charlie: Milton has pitched in 268 games in his career and given up 266 homers. He’s now given up his average….and if we all think real hard, maybe we can all get Milton through 6. But don’t think too hard, you may get Furcal’s Syndrome.

  33. oldbrooklynfan

    VERY GOOD, I liked that outing by Eric Milton.
    Now let’s WADE has something good for tonight.

  34. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Milton did well as far as it went but we still need more innings from the starters. The number of times this year that Dodger starters have gone at least 7 innings is 13 and holding.

  35. nellyjune

    Good Job Cory!!! Let’s go offense…………we need a few (maybe a dozen) more runs to make it somewhat safe.

  36. oldbrooklynfan

    I missed everything from Murton to Barmes in about 15 seconds
    Oh Well, nothing bad happened.

  37. trublu4ever

    Charlie has a real “Man Crush” on Juan! He hasn’t stopped talking about him since he started playing for Manny!

  38. boblee4014

    I hoped with coming to Denver we would break out and hit 6 or 7 home runs. Well, maybe we can break out in Chicago. .
    Come on, don’t blow it.

  39. enchantedbeaver

    Ned is seriously going to have to get someone in here that can bridge the gap in the 7th and 8th.

  40. perumike

    Evening all, just got home for the evening, and glad to see our boys in blue are winning yet again! Let’s do it!

  41. oldbrooklynfan

    MAN it looked like the Rockies weren’t going to take their bats off their shoulders in the 7th inning.

  42. enchantedbeaver

    JPs playing like a man possessed, on a mission, and with a chip on his shoulder all rolled into one.

    What kind of songs must I write now???

  43. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    The Rockies waited for Troncoso’s help in vain…..don’t shake Juan’s hand, you may get a third degree burn….man, this Rockies club is bad. With Tracy and Baylor as coaches, Hurdle should be nervous.

  44. nellyjune

    I honestly feel like I am being punished for something, and my punishment is to watch JP become a stud and watch Andre have all power drained from him simultaneously.

  45. trublu4ever

    Seesky ~ I heard yesterday that Tracy is going to be the new manager. Hurdle’s time is coming to an end.

  46. oldbrooklynfan

    BUT ETHIER not doing his things
    It looks to me they got his number, they know how to get him out and he’s going to have to adjust.

  47. bluecrewgirl

    I feel the same way Nelly. I am glad they are winning, but feel like I’m trapped in a nightmare I can’t wake up from in that regard. He was starting to come around before the toe incident. I know it must have been painful, but too bad he couldn’t have played through it. I don’t think those 2 days out of the lineup helped at all.

  48. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    tru–I knew that Hurdle was in trouble but I hadn’t heard of any specific replacement for him. As bad as they’re going, something has to be done. The GM is also on the last year of his contract, too. While they’re playing this badly, we need to take advantage of it.

  49. nellyjune

    Golden Boy is 0-5 tonight, but not a single mention of him. He’s not exactly hitting a whole bunch of homeruns either.

  50. trublu4ever

    Seesky ~ Charlie and Rick were talking about it on the radio yesterday. It was speculation but, they were joking around saying that Tracy has already checked out the office to see where he would put his belongings.

  51. trublu4ever

    Except for Casey, nobody has any power! The power has been drained from them and infused into JP!

  52. bluecrewgirl

    I always liked Jim Tracy. When he was managing the Dodgers, he and his wife got their hair done at the same place I do in Claremont, CA. I was never there when either one of them was. My hairdresser owns the shop and she did Mrs. Tracy’s hair and another person in the shop did Jim’s. They said they were both super nice.

  53. shad80

    Look like Milton going to get his 1st win since 2006 and I bet he’s been waiting for this along time ago.

  54. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Yeah, spit, Greineke has been off the charts. He and Halliday are the early leaders for the AL Cy Young.

  55. enchantedbeaver

    How can you walk a guy who’s hitting .211 with no HR and no RBI up by 6 leading off the 9th??? UNACCEPTIBLE®

  56. trublu4ever

    This sucks! How can you not throw the ball over the plate! Even if they hit it out it’s only one run!

  57. Dodger4life

    32 – 15 :)))))) Way to go Boy’s!!!!!
    Nice outing Milton 🙂
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!

  58. nellyjune

    jhall is in the ITD house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bluecrewgirl – just keep him away from anything that represents the #9 🙂

  59. bluecrewgirl

    Seesky, pass the flask and make mine a double. I need one shot to celebrate the victory and one to drown my sorrows that Andre is struggling. I know he will come out of it stronger than ever. It’s just hard to watch him go through it.

  60. trublu4ever

    I think all of our blood pressure levels were affected, Enchanted! Are we going to have to go through this every game?!

  61. oldbrooklynfan

    You have to give credit to NED COLLETTI for his acqusitions.
    PIERRE, BLAKE & HUDSON and the others are carrying this team, whether we like it or not.
    They are DODGERS through every sense of the word.

  62. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Congrats to Milton for a long awaited “W”. Go for the sweep tomorrow!!!! As bad as the Rocks are playing right now, they’re ripe for the taking.

  63. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Congrats to Milton for a long awaited “W”. Go for the sweep tomorrow!!!! As bad as the Rocks are playing right now, they’re ripe for the taking.

  64. enchantedbeaver

    I figured for sure that with Milton going the Rox would put up a 10-spot. Boy was I wrong. Way to go Uncle Milty.

  65. jhallwally

    Gotta remember, baseball is a marathon, not a sprint!!! We’re winning ballgames and that is the bottom line. Doesn’t matter how right now. Just keep winning series.
    I’m happy Phew is stepping it up to his 2003/4 level while Manny is on the shelf. I would not have bet on it a month ago, but, hey, I’ll take it. Right now our biggest problem and future biggest problem is the bullpen and our 5 inning starting rotation. We’re getting by with it now, but over another month or so, it will take its toll.

  66. jhallwally

    Hey Nelly, it is always a highlight of my day/night to catch you on the blog!!! Thanks for being here!!!!

  67. nellyjune

    Thank you jhall!!!

    enchanted – I think Kuroda will help out a lot, but then the question will be a pitching staff of 12 or 13.

  68. jhallwally

    I’m counting on it Beav!!! It might take him a month or so to get back into top form however. Just win the marathon that is the regular season and hope like hell’ your healthy and hot for the sprint that is the playoffs!!!

  69. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Another round for ITD and a special double for you, bluecrew. And you can bet this flask ain’t filled with Colorado Kool Aid!!!!….Exactly, jhall. Any bullpen, regardless of the talent level, can’t take this work level over the long haul. It’s all good right now but, eventually,at this rate, guys will wear out and some will break down.

  70. jhallwally

    Hey Sky!!! Good to see you my friend. No bullpen will hold up thru the summer if they constantly have to take over in the 5th or 6th inning. Just the way it works.

  71. bluecrewgirl

    Seesky, I like a little Kool Aid with my Everclear, lol. Just kidding. When I was younger I could drink that and be fine the next day, but now I’d be down for the count for a week.

  72. jhallwally

    That’s so funny BleuFille’!! When I was in Texas, stationed at Ft Sam Houston, we used to buy super big gulps of Hawaian punch at the 7-11 and spike them with EverClear before we went to the clubs. When your 22 it doesn’t hurt the next day or so. Now I would be in the dying cock roach position for a couple of days if I did it. LOL!!!

  73. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Time has a way of eroding stamina, doesn’t it ,bluecrew????…… Good to see you, too, jhall.I sure hope a productive Kuroda gets back soon because we sure as hell do need him. We’re living on borrowed time with the innings we’re getting from most of this rotation.

  74. enchantedbeaver

    But have you ever been so wasted that you tried breaking paper plates on the ground while you were Greek dancing?

  75. kpookiemon

    Break up the Pods…D-backs nearly blew another big lead…but they didn’t. Pods win 10 in a row, finally lose, and are 8 1/2 back. Makes you feel all warm inside.

  76. jhallwally

    I knew it!!! LMAO!!! Haven’t tried breaking the paper plates because I was to busy trying to stop the toilet from spinning!!!!

  77. jhallwally

    Hey Kahli!!! I agree. That does have a calming, warm effect. LOL!!!! That or the Tanqueray is working!!!!

  78. bluecrewgirl

    I hope this doesn’t end up being a double post, since it seems to have disappeared, but jhall I laughed when I read your post because I lived in Texas my junior and senior year in high school and it was during my senior year that I discovered Everclear and punch. The drinking age was 18 then, so I was even legal. It doesn’t really have any smell or taste so it seems like you’re drinking almost straight punch until it hits you like a ton of bricks!

  79. bluecrewgirl

    LMAO, enchanted! That reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when they got arrested for peeing in the mall parking lot.

  80. nellyjune

    When I used to visit my hubby in college they had what was called Roman Punch………….those UNLV people were anti-greek, and it was punch with everclear and lots of soaked up fruit too. Then to make it go down faster, you just used a beer bong.

  81. jhallwally

    LMTO Bleu!!! We didn’t even have it in Ohio and you could buy it at Wal-Greens in Texas. You’re so on it. It creeps up on you, and, boom!!!

  82. enchantedbeaver

    You ever have 7 Black Russians at your ex-wifes company Cristmas Party, then started dancing with her co-workers?

  83. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    No, I haven’t done the paper plate shuffle but on an infamous Packer roadtrip back in my Wisconsin days, a group of us peed in a farmer’s field and waved to the trucks passing by.

  84. Dodger4life

    The Flaming Doctor Pepper is a flaming cocktail said to taste like the soft drink Dr Pepper, although it does not contain any soda. It is usually made by filling a shot glass 3/4 full with Amaretto, and 1/4 high proof liquor (such as Everclear or Bacardi 151) to make it flammable. (The two liquors are not mixed; rather, the high-proof alcohol is layered on top to burn more easily.) The shot is then set on fire and dropped into a glass half-filled with beer. The flaming shot is extinguished by the beer, which foams up and is then quickly consumed. A common variation is to use Amaretto and Kahlúa.

  85. kpookiemon

    OK, you ever drink cheap wine for the first time and your older buddy tells you the more you drink, the less dizzy you’ll get?????

  86. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! No peeing on public property was involved, but I did worship the porcelain goddess my one and only time for that purpose. I had 5 (or 6 or 7)long island iced teas once, and that was the day I decided it was wise to drink in moderation.

  87. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – That’s exactly what I had, and I have had them both flaming and non-flaming. However, the flaming ones have a much more visual affect to them.

  88. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, you have more self control than me. I partied pretty hard up until about 30 and I have visited the poreclain goddess many a time, but not in a long time ):

  89. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, you have more self control than me. I partied pretty hard up until about 30 and I have visited the poreclain goddess many a time, but not in a long time ):

  90. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, you have more self control than me. I partied pretty hard up until about 30 and I have visited the poreclain goddess many a time, but not in a long time ):

  91. trublu4ever

    BCG ~ I drank more from 21 to 30 than I have since. Some were wonderful times and some I can’t even remember!

  92. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    That particular Packer trip was one to barely remember. The night before the game, the night(morning) ended with a touch football game in the mud at 4am after a Dunkin Donuts run.

  93. bluecrewgirl

    I have no idea why that ended up a triple post. I haven’t had a drop, I swear! Trublu, I know what you mean, some great times and some that left me thinking why the hell did I do that, lol.

  94. trublu4ever

    I spent one year in college but it seemed like four! The parties were frequent and they were awesome!

  95. trublu4ever

    My roommate was a surfer so it was the beach in the morning and parties at night. Only problem was, I forgot you were supposed to go to class!

  96. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – It’s called a weak stomach when I am around others who are sick. I know……….a great profession I have chosen…………being around sick, pukey kids all the time. Thankfully, I have only been in that situation at school a couple of times, but each time, I had to leave the room. I have trained my students well in that regard. If you get sick, Mrs. Nelson leaves the room, and there are certain kids who can handle it that go and get one of the neighbor teachers to call the custodian.

  97. nellyjune

    Now, bluecrewgirl…………. That doesn’t mean I didn’t drink. I just didn’t drink to the point of not being able to function and wind up in the bathroom the next morning.

  98. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    And to think this all got started with Colorado Kool Aid!!!! I haven’t even started on the college years yet!!!!

  99. Dodger4life

    I dont know where to start……..I am still partying like I am in college, or the Army…..????

  100. nellyjune

    Speaking of young peoples, where is Ward Dear? I was told to ask you where is the Owner’s Manual? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

  101. bluecrewgirl

    Nelly, my dad’s the same way. I got sick on an airplane once and my dad was sitting with me and my mom was with my sister and they had to switch places ’cause my dad was about to hurl, lol.

  102. trublu4ever

    Dodger4life ~ it’s great you can still party. With me, I have a drink or two and that’s it! Before I used to be able to drink all night with no ill-effects. At least none that I can remember! lol

  103. Dodger4life

    I do live 4 blocks from 6 drinking establishments……..I will have something to share before the week – end I’m sure 🙂

  104. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl ~ It’s the only thing medically really. Blood and other stuff not a problem at all.

  105. nellyjune

    I think so bluecrewgirl 🙂

    enchanted – I am an Ethieraholic who is Juanaphobic…………….not a good combination AT ALL!!!!

  106. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    The Juanpians and the Ethieraholics engage in a fight to the death for Planet ITD!!!!!!

  107. nellyjune

    The Ethieraholics have stronger arms, but the Juanpians are fast. So, it’s up to the Ethieraholics to outsmart the Juanpians, and when that happens, all will be right with the ITD world once again.

  108. bluecrewgirl

    We can always trip the Juanpians as they pass by us. If Denver can get away with tripping Kobe, then all’s fair in the heat of competition……

  109. nellyjune

    I would also have to believe that the Ethieraholics are a thriving colony and gaining momentum where the Juanpian community is just juanpy.

  110. enchantedbeaver

    Well, I gotta go to bed. Thanks for all the banter everyone!!!

    And just remember as you go about your days tomorrow – don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

  111. nellyjune

    That means do whatever we want then? Good Night enchanted – you were just marvelous tonight.

    seesky – Battlestar Chavez Ravine – that’s great!!!

  112. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Well, this all has been great fun but it’s time to hit the rack. At times, it’s been a stagger down no memory lane. Good night, all. It’ll be a short night but….. I’ll be damned, that sounds like back in the day!!!!!!!

  113. nellyjune

    …and as soon as possible bluecrewgirl – LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Once that happens all order in the Ravine and ITD will be restored.

  114. Dodger4life

    Good Night and God Bless everyone,
    We have Kershaw on the hill tommorrow 🙂
    Outstanding Game Today Boy’s!!!!!!
    Have a Great Day Tommorow, and Sweet Dodger Dreams All 🙂

  115. bluecrewgirl

    Goodnight, dodger4life. I think I am going to hit the hay too. Goodnight Nelly and Jhall. Great talking to you. Nelly, this situation with Andre is beginning to remind me of the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. I want this day to stop and life to return to nomal!!!

  116. nellyjune

    Alot of things on ITD go back to that movie. We may have to reinvent the “I’ve Got You Babe” song and make it about Andre instead so that way dodgereric can post it everytime Andre gets screwed.

  117. jhallwally

    Goodnight D4 and Bleu!! Its been fun as always. Catch you all down the road. Have a great night everyone!!!

  118. nellyjune

    Good Night Wally/jhall!!! By looking at what we talked about, you would think the Dodgers had lost. It’s been a great ride with our Dodger Blue so far, JP and all really. For the most part I am playing around, and all I want is for the 9 guys on the field to be doing their best,and so far that seems to have been the case. Take Care and God Bless!!!

  119. nellyjune

    That might be a good idea bluecrewgirl – LOL!!!! At this point I will try anything to get that boy going again.

  120. bluecrewgirl

    I am glad they’re winning too and JP has made a big contribution. That’s the most important thing, just want Dre to get his mojo back and be a fixture in the lineup for many years to come too.

  121. shad80

    Thanks Rockies for turning Milton into an CY pitcher lol hahahaha yeah right. What the heck Canseco got his butt kick but some korean due but too bad Boras wasn’t there to get his butt kick also.

  122. shad80

    Oh man I was just looking over Blake career number in the 4th spot and is not good .218/.316/.347/ .664 so glad he’s kicking butt this year.

  123. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITDland ~ I’m suffering with a hangover due to all the ITD drinking last night. My, oh my, what memories! We here, on ITD, are a very special bunch and you never know what to expect each passing day.

  124. nellyjune

    Hey Phan!! How are you? How are things in Phillie these days? I can honestly say I did not or will not vote for him, and this was before the suspension. Even though I am a Dodger fan, I do vote outside this team when it comes to All-Stars. Somebody mentioned this yesterday, enchanted perhaps, that it shouldn’t be a popularity contest, but most of us know in reality it is. Now, I did vote for Andre, but at the time, he was playing out of his mind, and I, being his #1 fan, probably will continue to do so. I think he is just in a major slump right now, and he will come out of it stronger than before. However, until he does, I have ceased my voting for now. Anyhow, I am a little embarrassed by our fans too, not to mention the Free Manny t-shirts kind of drive me insane, but being a Dodger fan, I need to take the good with the bad, as any fan of any team IMO, and we do happen to have the best team in baseball right now IMHO, and it’s being done without #99, which makes it even better. So, all in all, I am pretty happy with our beloved Dodgers!! Have a great day Phan!! My teaching buddies and me have got a Beach Boys program to do this morning for our parents, and I have got to check microphones and such. Take Care~


  125. trublu4ever

    Good Morning Phan ~ I can’t believe it has taken you this long to show up here. I thought for sure that you would have given us a hard time when Manny was suspended. As to the fact that Manny is #4 in outfielders for the All Star Game, it has to be other fans voting for him. The Dodger fans, voting for him or not, can’t put him in the #4 position all by themselves.

  126. enchantedbeaver

    Actually the ones that should be embarrassed are the Brewers fans. I see they’ve been stuffing the ballot boxes – top vote getters at two positions and second place in all the others. That’s exactly why it should be the players and coaches doing the selecting based on merit and not popularity. If not the players and coaches, then a third entity basing it purely on statistics. The all-star game’s nothing but a joke and has been for years. That’s why they had to add a gimmick and play it for WS home field advantage.

  127. phan52

    You’re probably right, trublu. It’s a popularity contest and too many people just vote for the names they know. Soriano is another one. It’s a shame that Ibanez is not well known in the NL. He deserves it above everybody on the ballot. He’s keeping our heads above water as our pitching gets their head out of the championship clouds and gets their collective heads together. It’s amazing that we are in first in the division, but the pitching is finally coming around.

    Obviously there is also a concerted effort in Milwaukee to get their players elected, as they are first or second at most positions.

  128. trublu4ever

    You are right, Enchanted. That’s what we were discussing yesterday. The fact that as long as the fans are in charge of putting the All Stars on the field, it will always be a popularity contest. I find the All-Star Game to be a boring event.

  129. trublu4ever

    Phan ~ so, as Enchanted hs stated, don’t you think it is about time the players vote for the true All-Stars? I totally agree with you about Ibanez. Unfortunately, most of the so-called fans don’t know who he is!

  130. phan52

    Once they gave the vote to the fans, they can’t take it away. Even with the popularity contest aspect, they probably think it’s a good thing. They added spots to accommodate some snubbed players, so there’s that.
    Dodgers are looking good. The Hudson signing is almost as good as the Ibanez signing. He really extends your lineup.

  131. kpookiemon

    phan, I’m not embarrassed. I don’t even vote for All-Stars. But don’t worry, no way Romero makes the squad this year so you shouldn’t feel embarrassed, either. But at the end of the day the All-Star game popularity contest IS for the fans. That’s why hinging the home-field World Series advantage on the outcome was such a “Selig” moment. Do it like any grown-up sport. Best record gets home field, pure and simple.

  132. trublu4ever

    I hate the idea of a single game determining home field advantage! I also don’t like the fact that every team needs a representative for the All-Star Game.

  133. trublu4ever

    Phan ~ I am thrilled with the signing of Hudson. He has been a pleasure to watch. And, he is a great guy to have in the clubhouse.

  134. thinkingblue

    Good Morning ITD’rs & Phan:
    Phan – Long time! Good game agains the Phillies. I did NOT vote for Manny. I don’t think he deserves to be in it this year.
    Good Game last night! Let’s go for the Sweep! Go Dodgers!

  135. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD DodgerFaithful 🙂 Whether or not we have 1 or all of our guy’s in the All Star game the team as a whole is anything but embarrasing.
    Clayton bring the Kryptonite to the hill, and Dodgers Rock Me Baby……Like my back aint got no bones!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have A Wonderful Day Everyone……..GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

  136. thinkingblue

    I really don’t want to see all of my Dodgers playing…they need a rest. I rather have the rest to win the ring. But if the player does get chosen to be an All-Star then it is up to the player to decided if he wishes to participate. I did vote for some but not all of them. Yup it is all a popularity contest. I just hope that the MLB don’t get out of hand with this whole “let me prove I can do soooo many homeruns” like the Slam Dunk contest in NBA. C’mon bring your own court, dress up like superman…all this contest are getting out of hand and it is mostly for entertaining.

  137. dodgereric

    Diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks.

    Although I’m not getting into a conversation with the pathetic troller, I’d like to chime in on the All-Star game discussion. Its makeup has always been controversial. It wasn’t much different before the fans did the voting. For one thing, there has always been two schools of thought. Is it a reward for a great career, or just for this one season so far? I remember when Willie Mays was added to the team and a lot of people were upset because he wasn’t anywhere near the player he used to be. I thought it wouldn’t be an All-Star Game without him. Tru is right when she says one of the problems is the requirement that every team has a representative. Particularly with 16 teams in the NL and 14 in the AL, it gives the AL an advantage right away. I also disagree with rewarding the winner with home field advantage in the Series, although I think it’s a little overestimated in its importance. The one big advantage of the home field in baseball is when the game goes extra innings. The visitor has to go back on defense if they score, the home team does not. Otherwise, its overrated.

    Requirements to be named to the teams have never been defined, and the controversy is probably one of the things about it that MLB wants to keep. If we’re talking about it, the media is too. The MVP voting is similar. Is it the Most Valuable Player or the Player of the Year? The qualifications are different and it’s not always the same guy. Two consecutive years gave us the perfect example. Andre Dawson in ’87 had outstanding stats and was voted MVP. The Cubs finished in last place. Most Valuable? How? Player of the Year? Absolutely. Did Kirk Gibson have the best stats in ’88? No. But he was the MVP. Rather inconsistent, but baseball loves the controversy.

    I aslo think that’s one of the reasons there’s no playoff in Division I NCAA football. They like the ongoing publicity.

    First basemen is almost always a real battleground. Who do you tell to stay home? Albert Pujols? Prince Fielder? Ryan Howard? Adrian Gonzales? Keep all four?

    It’s supposed to be fun!

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