Jim Lefebvre

Programming note: Tomorrow from 2-7 p.m. on KABC, you can hear an extended version of DodgerTalk with Ken Levine and Josh Suchon…among the guests they’ll have on are Ned Colletti, Eric Karros and a number of different reporters from around the NL West breaking down the division. They’ll also give regular updates about the game in San Francisco.

And now this, from team historian Mark Langill…

Rookie second baseman Jim Lefebvre had big plans for his first Opening Day at Dodger Stadium on April 20, 1965. After spending the first week on the road to begin the season, the Dodgers played host to the lowly New York Mets and their 43-year-old starting pitcher.

Lefebvre, who grew up in nearby Inglewood, invited his friends and family to the team’s home opener. By the end of the night, he was fuming after going 0-for-4 with three strikeouts against future Hall of Famer Warren Spahn, who scattered eight hits in a 3-2 victory. It was one of the last gems for Spahn, who went a combined 7-16 with the Mets and Giants during his final Major League season in 1965.

After the game, Lefebvre angrily made a scene near the dugout tunnel and began tossing bats when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a familiar face.

According to Lefebvre, pitcher Sandy Koufax calmly advised, “We don’t do that around here; we save the fight for the field. You might as well go back to the minors if you’re going to act that way.”

Lefebvre, who went on to win National League Rookie of the Year honors in 1965, recalled that story last summer visiting Dodger Stadium as coach of the Chinese national baseball team during preparations for the Summer Olympics in Beijing. He also had a chance during a stadium tour to show Team China a photo of the final out of the 1965 World Series at Minnesota in which Lefebvre and first baseman Wes Parker are rushing to congratulate Koufax after his 2-0 victory in Game 7.

Lefebvre, who played with Los Angeles through 1972, is now the hitting coach of the San Diego Padres.


  1. lbirken@aol.com

    Thanks for the great story about two Dodger greats. Of course, any story about Koufax will get my attention.

  2. Dodger4life

    Thanks Josh…Mark I enjoy all of your post. 1965 was a good year, seeing how that was the year I was born into the Dodger family.
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!

  3. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Folks,
    Been here since the game started, but it took me a while to catch on to this new version of MLB.TV

  4. nellyjune

    joepierre – I just got home and can’t figure out what to do…….How do you get it to come on?

  5. oldbrooklynfan

    I don’t really remember exactly what I did, you’ll have to play with it and just try to follow any instructions on the screen. Good Luck.

  6. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Won’t be here too long, I’m just on the computer to format my pastor’s message for tomorrow morning, but at least I’ve got Gameday to “watch” the game tonight. But I did see the bottom of the 2nd when Kersh got a double and Raffy brought him in!

    So how are my ITD friends this fine evening?

  7. nellyjune

    Good Evening CP!!! I am still trying to figure out how to get my new and improved mlb.tv to work. Why can’t they do this during spring trainging to give us non-computer people a chance to figure it out. Geez!!!! I am listening to Audio only because they haven’t moved that over to the new version yet.

  8. nellyjune

    joepierre – I haven’t found it yet. It wants me to download windows media, but my system is saying I already have it. I am soooooo lost right now, and getting frustrated too 🙂

  9. cpompe1

    Hey Nelly! I’m sorry you’re having so many problems. Me, I’m just away from a TV, so that’s why I’m “watching” Gameday. In to pitch for the Dodgers now is Ron Belisario. And you know what? Gameday has a picture of him, but it’s in a Pittsburgh cap! What’s up with that???

    So how was shopping today???

  10. oldbrooklynfan

    Go back and start over again and click watch on the Dodger home page under the picture as usual.

  11. cpompe1

    I’m fine, keeping busy. There’s not much else for me to do, so I’m trying AGAIN to develop my green thumb, which I haven’t had for my 47+ years! I’ve got flowers again in the front of my house. Let’s see how long they last! Long, I hope. At least as long as I water them! So Mariya and Matt still an item? If so, how often do they see each other, seeing how she lives in Merced and he lives somewhere in Orange County?

  12. trublu4ever

    I’m having trouble with the picture too! It keeps freezing up…I also downloaded the new media player and it’s not working very well.

  13. nellyjune

    CP – That’s great that you are taking up gardening. My husband just started planting our vegetable garden for the season. The flowers kind of take care of themselves nowadays. I am glad because I do not have a green thumb at all. Yes, they are still talking/texting on a daily basis, no they haven’t seen each other since February, but we our spring break is the week after Easter so we are heading down south for the last half of the week. So, they will get to see each other then. We are going to the Dodgers/Giants game on the 16th. Pray for me now because I don’t do well watching the games with my son now. The only safety I have is that the game is at Dodger Stadium and with the exception of my son and husband (which he will at least be nice to me), I will be with fellow Dodger fans as well.

  14. cpompe1

    Nelly – Yes, you have my prayers. I can’t even imagine being at a game with an “enemy” fan! Oh, yes I can. Whenever my husband and I either see a Dodger/Angel game or a Dodger/Cub game. 🙂

  15. nellyjune

    LOL!!! CP you do know!!! – as long as we are winning, as long as we are winning, it won’t matter, but all I can say is, we better win the game.

  16. trublu4ever

    Nellyjune ~ I had to go to an altenate method. It said it was complete but, when I tried to get the hi-def on the game it kept sending me back to do the download. I’m a little miffed! The picture was better before all this crap!

  17. cpompe1

    Yes, I hope and pray that the Dodgers win when I go to those games with my husband! If not, it’s gonna be a LONG ride in the car…

  18. nellyjune

    Okay – this is really frustrating because mine is saying download is complete, but when I go to click on the game, the screen comes up saying I need to go and sign in through the windows media center. Well, I did that, or at least I think I did 🙂

  19. nellyjune

    I will……I am listening to the game so I am not completely lost. I will call if it’s not figured out by Monday.

  20. cpompe1

    Well, I’m done formatting the morning message. I’ve gotta go. I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  21. nellyjune

    I think I have done it all joepierre. I am not so worried about it anymore. It will be figured out by Monday I am sure.

    Good night CP!!!! Take Care 🙂

  22. nellyjune

    Just think Monday, this will be for real,and hopefully we wont’ be seeing things like this happen. At least not too often 🙂

  23. Dodger4life

    Good Night ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    Good start tonight. Excellent job from Kershaw. Andre with the RBI’s… Awesome.
    I dont know what to say about the late inning relief so I will just play a song why we ponder.
    We have the Rivaled and disliked Giants tommorrow, so LETS GO DODGERS!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!

  24. ramslover

    Good morning all…I did not watch the game…I am glad I have MLB extra innings because the computer gets too complicated…they should send instructions when they upgrade…

    Troncoso, come on dude, I have been in your corner all spring but you have to capitalize on the opportunity….I am happy they are sending all the non roster guys down. none of them performed….I am surprised about Ohman…

    I hope they send Dewitt down, I love the kid but he needs to play and I think he will be the starting 2b next year. Chances are with an injury he will be back up. So Blake great spring, now go to AAA and be the stud that we all think you will be…

    Bellasario has to make the team he has been very impressive. I guess Mazone will make it, but the team does not seem too enthralled with him…Broxton has been putrid this spring, I hope he is healhty, I have not seen him throw, is he throwing nice and easy with normal velocity or is he down in velocity?…

    I am not a fan of the WBC!!! Yes I am being negative, but I do not really care about it in ST, it is a time for players to get ready and when you rush players to be at their max before they are used to, injuries will happen. I hope this is not the case of Broxton, but he did not get his work in like he should have….

    Gammons says Lindblom will be a force in our BP by June. He was also ranked by Gammons as a top 5 arm out of the young players he saw this spring.

    Is it Monday yet? Opening day is the most exciting day of the year!!!!!

  25. boblee4014

    What gives, I thought Repko was out of options, yet they sent him to AAA. Trade Juan, get it over with. Someone out there needs him. I like Dewitt, but he needs to play everyday and he won’t get it on the big club. I hope we can hold a lead once we get into the regular season . We stink right now. Not sure how many runs we need to ber ahead to be assured of a win daily.


  26. enchantedbeaver

    Really surprised about Weaver being sent to Albuquerque.

    Was Brox hurting or something last night? I know it was only a ST game and Joe’s still trying to decide on guys like Troncoso and Threets, but wouldn’t Brox have benefitted more by being put in a save situation in the 9th? Its not like he couldn’t use the work or the practice, and Joe should have all the info he needs on Troncoso and Threets already to make a decision. I don’t care who won the game, but that was a golden opportunity to throw Brox in there, in the ninth, in front of the home crowd, where the game doesn’t count.

    No surprise with Hu, Repko and Paul being sent down. Repko never will get a chance with this team as long as JPs on it. Paul may, but he’s got to wait for JP and/or Manny to depart. Hu’s just not that impressive, and though I’d keep him this season as insurance until I saw how DeJesus recovers, he’s prime trade bait after that. Stults as I mentioned before reached the apex of his career last year when he tossed that shutout. He’s probably good enough to start on a team like KC or Pitts, but maybe its time to move him on with Repko and Hu and either get some decent relief help or a couple of prospects to restock the farm.

    New prediction: Lindblom is closer by the end of June. He seems to have more of the make-up of what it takes than Brox.

  27. trublu4ever

    Good morning Ramslover & Boblee ~ I tried to watch the game last night on the new & improved player and it was awful. Picture was great but, it kept doing the stutter-step. I ended up just listening to the game on radio. I got a little miffed when they couldn’t close out the game in the 9th inning………turned it off and don’t even know if we won or lost. As far as Broxton goes….he looks very strong. Almost too strong. I think he will be fine. He didn’t have much of a ST since the WBC didn’t use him very much. The starting pitchers look pretty good. It’s the middle relief that really sucks.

  28. messagebear@msn.com

    Not surprisingly, I have to agree with enchanted on all points. Doesn’t matter so much concerning the guys sent to ABQ, because none of them are essential for the Dodgers this season. I too think that we’ll need an answer for the closer other than Brox. I don’t think he has the makeup and hope we don’t surrender too many games discovering that. I am always a little bit weary of guys who weigh as much as Brox (Penny was another), because it’s a thin line between having that extra power in your pitches and being out of shape. I wanted Juan Cruz, because I thought he had the closer potential, and Lindblom may have it also – I hope so.

  29. enchantedbeaver

    Bear – Brox reminds me of Niedenfuer – great stuff, but not the mental toughness. I’m hoping something clicks in him these first couple months, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed, but Lindblom seems to have that fearlessness in him that Howe had when he first came up.

  30. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    Today we trot James McDonald out to the hill, in the city by the bay, against the orange and black.
    James we are behind you…. go get em!!!!

    365 DAYS A YEAR
    24 HOURS A DAY
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to LA in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. messagebear@msn.com

    Agreed again. I’m certainly pulling for Brox to come through, and the first couple of games may make the difference to either establish the necessary level of confidence or not.

    Other than that, once again Pierre weighs heavily on our team as far as any outfield prospects are concerned. He’s tied to the hip with Torre and of course Ned as far as being a permanent fourth OF’er for another year or two at least. What a waste!

  32. boblee4014

    ramslover, I live in Waterloo, Illinois, 30 miles southeast of St. Louis but I’m a big Dodger fan since 1953 and a Big Cowboy fan since thay came into the league.

    I’m ready for the big game tomorrow. I had a little trouble with MLB.tv premium last night. Stopped a few times. Will the regular season be on the new player (beta version)that we have been seeing? Looking forward to the game today against the gnats. Looks like the game is on MLB network today besides MLB.tv on the computer. Guess I’ll watch on the big screen.

  33. boblee4014

    trublu4ever, are you in the LA area. I’m always jealous of the people who live in LA and can go to the game in Dodger Stadium. Living in the St. Louis area and my Son being a big Cardinal fan, we have a lot of friendly arguments and always looking for Dodger fans to talk to. Enjoy the game today.

  34. trublu4ever

    Boblee ~ I’m glad I wasn’t the only one having problems with the game last night. I hope it is fixed by tomorrow’s game.

  35. ramslover

    Enchanted, I have heard that Broxton is lacking in the mental part…Hopefully this will not be the case…It will be interesting to say the least when we have to go to the BP…

    Lindblom is a special young prospect. Maybe he will become the Bob Welch of 1977 I believe it was…Who can forget the at bat vs. Reggie Jackson in the WS, the one in which he struck Reggie out…that was a CLASSIC battle…Welch was only 20-21 when he came out of Michigan State I believe and was very successful in his rookie year…what an arm…If he turns out to be like that we have a special young man…

  36. crzblue2

    I left the game when we were winning 4-3. It was too cold last night. Yeah I know, for some of you it might not be cold but the wind was making it colder. Dodger Stadium temperature is colder than what it is when you look at temperature in downtown. Gee, we lost? I was more concern last night with North Korea launching that rocket and then trying to see who was making the team. Like Enchanted, I was surprised Weaver did not make the team but I guess this was necessitated by the decision to keep Ohman.
    Have a nice day everyone. I will be in San Diego for the Opener there and another game the following night. I might have a sign. Any suggestions from the ITD talented group? Something to spell PRIME.

  37. crzblue2

    Good afternoon everyone
    I left the game when we were winning 4-3. We Lost? Oh well, when I got home I was more concern with that rocket that North Korea.

    I like Enchanted was surprised that Weaver did not make the team. Torre said. “He was very disappointed. His spring was worthy of making this club.”


  38. crzblue2

    Good afternoon everyone
    I left the game when we were winning 4-3. We Lost? Oh well, when I got home I was more concern with that rocket that North Korea.
    I like Enchanted was surprised that Weaver did not make the team. Torre said. “He was very disappointed. His spring was worthy of making this club.”

  39. crzblue2

    o sorry for the double, triple post but when I hit update it was not there.
    Claudio Vargas? What is up with that! Why? Why did he make the team????

  40. ramslover

    This may not be of concern to some, but I love MInor League ball…Low A team of the Dodgers..my recap of the roster…

    I am excited about the Great Lake Loons people…I will not deny that I am biased because I am friends with Busty the manager, but they have given him a great roster….It is lead by powers arms and they are experienced at the plate…The Loons were so young last year and they did not perform up to expectations….If anyone has a chance to visit Midland Michigan, that community is crazy for the Loons…The ballpark is one of if not the best Minor League facilities…

    The pitching staff is led by Justin Miller (a young sinkerballer who came within an out of a no hitter last year)..If he continues to mature and begins to believe in himself, he could be special…Robert Blevins is a bulldog with strikeout capability…The staff has the number one pick Ehtan Martin making his pro debut, a power arm in the low 90s…Nathan Eovaldi who is out of HS but throws in the mid 90s…Jon Michael Redding is also a power arm…The BP is led by Javy Guerra who in the HBL this winter was throwing in the mid to upper 90s…also a blogger…gotta root for him.

    MOst exciting is the fact that the offense should be much improved…It should be led by Tony Delmonico, he tore the cover off the ball last year in Ogden and is converting to catcher. They also have speed led by Devaris Gordon and Elian Herrerra the 2b/ss combo…Austin Gallagher is assigned there and he is very highly rated, he played in hig A last year. One of my favorites to watch play, (I saw 3 games last year, not alot but enough to know a player) Parker Dalton…He may not be the most talented but he has the biggest heart on the field..He respects the game and plays hard every game…He beat cancer I believe his senior year at Texas A@m…I hope he has a big year, probably not a starter, but a good utilityman.

    In the outfield will be Eric Kannaby back again he has very good speed, Alfredo Silverio, repeating Low A, still only 21 and when he was in the GCL league 2 years ago was the best hitter on a team that featured Lambo…This should be a big year for him. Also, Kyle Russell, a masher out of Univ of Texas…The other outfileder is Travis Vetters all he did was hit over .400 in Ogden..He is an older prospect, but he should add good experience…

    Sorry for the long post but I love the Minor Leaguers because they are our future and if you have seen them up close and personal it is not alll fame and glory as we all see it in the Majors…These kids work their tales off for 1200-1500 a month and like 15 per diem for food…they travel crazy hours on a bus and hang out at the malls until it is time to go to the park…

    Well that is enough, this should be an exciting team, it is loaded with 11 of the top 30 prospects in the organization. I did not even mention Jordan Pratt the no 30 prospect..who may be the hardest thrower of them of all…He throws in the upper 90s, but his issue is command. I cannot imagine what the Midwest league is in for with the cold April weather and facing the heat this staff will bring…If they get jammed OUch!!!!!

    Ok back to the big team…Thanks

  41. crzblue2

    Rams, I also love to hear about the minor league so please keep us informed. Since the Single A team got move to San Bernardino, I do go out to see them for a couple of games and I used to schedule any trip to Vegas around the 51’s schedule. I have high hopes for Miller, Delmonico, Devaris.
    anyway, got to get off now so that I can make some travel arrangements to San Diego and to do my taxes.

  42. enchantedbeaver

    After Lindblom’s performance today, and given the general lackluster efforts of the other BP candidates, I don’t see how you can leave him off the roster.

    I still think he may end up the closer before the year’s out.

  43. messagebear@msn.com

    I would definitely take Lindblom in place of Troncoso, and there is merit in my mind to getting Belisario in our BP as well. Leave all the bygones including Weaver go somewhere else.

  44. heartruss

    Good evening ITD. Why is it that even when I am not working I am still up at this hour? I got back from the game about an hour ago. It was a long frustrating game. It was obvious that the relief pitching needs to be worked on if we are to win the Western Division. I feel that we have the hitting this time but for a change, our pitching is weak. If only we still had D Lowe and Beimel. I also wish Saito was back. The Red Sox are using him as the set up man. I hope he does well.

  45. trublu4ever

    I would also like to see Lindblom on our team. He is refreshing compared to the washed-up has beens we are using.

  46. nellyjune

    This just in Lindbom, Sturtze Threets, Castro, and Maza all going back to minor league. Also, Jason Schmidt is on the 15 Day DL list (surprise there….I don’t think so )

  47. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!! I wasn’t intending on writing anything, but I just got that breaking alert on my phone as I was reading the comments from today. Great points enchanted and messagebear. I guess Lindbolm is going to be on hold for a while. The others were no surprise, and I am glad. I am guessing Monkey Whiskers and DeWitt may have made the roster than if Castro is out,yes?

  48. messagebear@msn.com

    I am glad that Minty will apparently make the team, and there is an unusual reason on my part. I read someplace that his wife has a serious medical condition, which will require life long treatment and good medical coverage. He’s apparently one season short in major league service to qualify for life long medical insurance for the family. I wouldn’t want him just for that reason alone, but if he can be of value, and I think he has been reasonably good in ST, it would be heart warming to see him qualify for the coverage. I expect he’d give us all he’s got for the season in order to get the chance in his personal life. So, I’ll be rooting for him.

  49. enchantedbeaver

    Doesn’t surprise me with Lindblom, but I think its a mistake – he outpitched EVERYBODY who’s on the BP squad.

  50. nellyjune

    I happen to like Minty so I am glad he is staying too messagebear. As for Lindbolm, I am with you enchanted, he was a breath of fresh air compared to some of the BP candidates we have seen this spring.

  51. nellyjune

    Just what the fans want to hear……our pitching staff is a work in progress.

    The increased firepower might be necessary for the Dodgers to be competitive. Their pitching might be that bad, threatening to turn to them into this season’s version of the Texas Rangers or Detroit Tigers.

    The same hitters who were the subjects of private complaints by pitchers last season could, ironically, find themselves wondering this year whether the pitchers will do their jobs.

    “A work in progress,” General Manager Ned Colletti called the pitching staff.


  52. messagebear@msn.com

    Actually Ned doesn’t have a clue, but it’s fitting because he works for the clueless and alongside Torre, who’s already retired and doesn’t have a care. What a unique management group.

  53. shad78

    I’m missing Lowe already but it’s good to see him beat Phillies. I hope Gonzo don’t mess up his win.

  54. trublu4ever

    Come to think of it, the Jason Schmidt deal was bad enough but, after signing Juan and Andruw, you’d think that if Frank were the proper owner, he would have fired him! But, Frank is more interested in his public image than he is in running a baseball team.

  55. enchantedbeaver

    It just proves once again that Ned has no clue when it comes to putting together a team.

    I guess long relief will be handled by… no one.

    Good plan Ned & Joe.

  56. trublu4ever

    Encanted ~ Isn’t it partially Joe’s fault too, for selecting who is on the team and who isn’t?

  57. enchantedbeaver

    I’m sure part of its due to who’s already on and who’s not on the 40-man roster Thru (<—- Tru stole my H), but where there’s a will, there’s a way. I’d prefer having the best players on my roster. I didn’t see anything that Huggy Bear had that warrants keeping him on there.

  58. nellyjune

    LOL!!!!! – I am not sure what’s with Huggy Bear either. Maybe they like the name you gave him enchanted 🙂 Minty Fresh and Monkey Whiskers is kind of catchy too.

  59. trublu4ever

    I’m sorry……….I’m giving you back your “h”, Enchanted! LOL I don’t know what I was thinking. Can’t put anything over on you, Enchanted!!!

  60. enchantedbeaver

    I think we’d better hope our starters can go 7 and we score 7-8 runs a game. I’m not getting a good feeling about tomorrow’s opener.

  61. nellyjune

    How has Peavy been doing since he’s been back from WBC though? I know he always gives the Dodgers a hard time, but he wasn’t so impressive in the WBC.

  62. nellyjune

    Well, maybe it will be a tough day tomorrow then. Thanks enchanted for that enlightening news – LOL!!!

  63. enchantedbeaver

    Better make it a keg – no one’s particularly hitting with any authority this last week, and we definitely have issues pitching. However I’m sure all will be set right once Joe delivers his pregame inspirational speech.

  64. enchantedbeaver

    BTW, does anybody believe this “fluid roster” crap of Ned’s? What that says to me is (A) You don’t put enough emphasis on winning at the start of the year, and (B) You didn’t do your job during the off season.

  65. nellyjune

    We might actually be pleasantly surprised. Maybe the BP pitchers are all just saving their stuff for Opening Day/Week 🙂

  66. nellyjune

    Does Ned kind of corner the market on the term “fluid roster” or do other teams do this much of it too?

  67. nellyjune

    So, who’s going to keep track of who is supposedly on the DL(or hidden) this year. We already have 2 (Schmidt and DY). Anybody else yet?

  68. enchantedbeaver

    That’d be a good one to let go!!

    Ned’s probably busy watching the waiver wire seeing what great pitching acquisition he can make next.

    Too bad Threets can’t pitch worth a damn – he was hitting 97 last night on some of his pitches.

  69. nellyjune

    I agree enchanted. I don’t know what they were thinking at the beginning of this off season knowing we would need pitching to now with who they are keeping and who they are sending back down. I am really at at loss. Even though our SP seems good right now, what happens if one of them goes down. For such a powerful offense we have, the last thing a pitcher on this team should have to worry about is run support, but I don’t think 8-10 runs may be enough for some of these BP pitchers. I am hoping they prove us wrong and come out like it was truly just ST and nothing more, and the past will stay the past.

  70. enchantedbeaver

    Time will tell on the BP. I just don’t see sending Lindblom down when he was the only one of the BPers pitching well. Its not like he wouldn’t get plenty of work.

    Another thought – did trying to convert Troncoso into a starter screw him up? He’s not nearly the pitcher he was last year.

  71. enchantedbeaver

    Time will tell on the BP. I just don’t see sending Lindblom down when he was the only one of the BPers pitching well. Its not like he wouldn’t get plenty of work.

    Another thought – did trying to convert Troncoso into a starter screw him up? He’s not nearly the pitcher he was last year.

  72. enchantedbeaver

    Guess I’m going to hit it – this “new and improved” blogging is trying my patience.

    Night Nells – and Tru if you’re still out there.

    Cross my fingers we catch Peavy on a bad day and we get this season started out right.

  73. nellyjune

    That’s an interesting question about Troncoso. He did very well for us last year,and then this spring he just looked awful. Something’s up alright. As far as Lindblom…….what a great job he did. I am guessing if this BP doesn’t figure things out real quick, some will find their way onto the DL in order to bring him back up perhaps. However, look what X.Paul did in ST, and it got him nowhere. Pitching I would hope would be looked at differently then our JP issue, but we are dealing with Frank, Ned and Joe.

  74. dodgerzona

    Good Evening All,

    Haven’t posted for a couple of day’s…Work and All

    Let’s get this season off to a good start tomorrow….Peavy is alway’s tough but hopefully we make him pay

    How is everyone

  75. nellyjune

    Good Evening Dodgerzona!!!
    I can’t wait until tomorrow when this season starts for real. This has been a long Spring Training, and all we can do is sit back and hope for the best. Peavy’s tough, but Kuroda will be tough too. We just have to hope he can get late into innings and we should be good.

  76. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I’ll cut Ned slack, there wasn’t much pitching available at a decent price. We have 3 guys under 26 starting in the rotation so us go young guys should be happy. Our closer is under 26. we have 2 set up guys under 27 Our line up is filled with guys under 27 and we got one of the 5 best hitters in the center of the order. And no Pierre. Lets play ball.

  77. bluesplash09

    It starts today! In 14 hours we begin our 2009 campaign to capture the NL West crown and take Dodger Blue further into the playoffs then we went last year. Just keep believing all year long Dodger Fans and we’ll get to where we wanna be. GO DODGERS!!

  78. ramslover

    Good morning Dodgerland…it is a beautiful day (38 degrees in Dallas, the Rangers are going to freeze their you know what off). Peavy please pitch like you did in the WBC…

    Opening day is the best day of the year, of course I said the same thing when pitchers and catchers reported….Lets all have positive spins on things today…We are tied for 1st and embarking on a long season that will bear the fruits of our labor…A CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!

    Go DODGERS!!!!!!!

  79. thinkingblue

    GOOD MORNING ITD PIPS! Yeah DODGERS begin their trip to CHAMPIONSHIP and I’m sure that we are all going to follow them everywhere. This year will be a year full of drama…but it will be GREAT!!!! I want to wish my boys in blue luck….let’s enjoy the game and let’s go win…

  80. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!
    It’s a beautiful day here in the central valley. A fabulous day to celebrate Opening Day 2009 with our beloved Los Angeles Dodgers.

  81. trublu4ever

    Here’s to a fantastic Opening Day, and and even better season……………..GO DODGERS……………TRUE BLUE DODGER FAN THROUGH AND THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. enchantedbeaver

    Any word posted anywhere on who else is on the actual opening day roster? They list 24 and we know DY and Huggy are going on the DL. I imagine Mokeywicz is the 25th man, but there’s still two pitching spots left.

  83. Dodger4life

    Good, good , good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful.
    2009 is among us, and what a team!!! Go get em Dodgers!!
    Here is Bill Shakin’s article Enchanted it has a rundown.
    Ohman and Bellessario 🙂
    Enjoy the season everyone
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!

  84. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Here’s what was listed: Starters ~ Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Ethier; Martin; Loney; Kemp; Blake. Bench: Mientkiewitz; Hu; DeWitt; Castro; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre. Pitchers: Kuroda; Wolf; Billingsley; Kershaw; McDonald; Broxton; Kuo; Mota; Ohman; Weaver; Elbert. I don’t know if it’s accurate but, it was posted.

  85. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Here’s what was listed: Starters ~ Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Ethier; Martin; Loney; Kemp; Blake. Bench: Mientkiewitz; Hu; DeWitt; Castro; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre. Pitchers: Kuroda; Wolf; Billingsley; Kershaw; McDonald; Broxton; Kuo; Mota; Ohman; Weaver; Elbert. I don’t know if it’s accurate but, it was posted.

  86. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Here’s what was listed: Starters ~ Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Ethier; Martin; Loney; Kemp; Blake. Bench: Mientkiewitz; Hu; DeWitt; Castro; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre. Pitchers: Kuroda; Wolf; Billingsley; Kershaw; McDonald; Broxton; Kuo; Mota; Ohman; Weaver; Elbert. I don’t know if it’s accurate but, it was posted.

  87. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Here’s what was listed: Starters ~ Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Ethier; Martin; Loney; Kemp; Blake. Bench: Mientkiewitz; Hu; DeWitt; Castro; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre. Pitchers: Kuroda; Wolf; Billingsley; Kershaw; McDonald; Broxton; Kuo; Mota; Ohman; Weaver; Elbert. I don’t know if it’s accurate but, it was posted.

  88. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Here’s what was listed: Starters ~ Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Ethier; Martin; Loney; Kemp; Blake. Bench: Mientkiewitz; Hu; DeWitt; Castro; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre. Pitchers: Kuroda; Wolf; Billingsley; Kershaw; McDonald; Broxton; Kuo; Mota; Ohman; Weaver; Elbert. I don’t know if it’s accurate but, it was posted.

  89. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ Here’s what was listed: Starters ~ Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Ethier; Martin; Loney; Kemp; Blake. Bench: Mientkiewitz; Hu; DeWitt; Castro; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre. Pitchers: Kuroda; Wolf; Billingsley; Kershaw; McDonald; Broxton; Kuo; Mota; Ohman; Weaver; Elbert. I don’t know if it’s accurate but, it was posted.

  90. nellyjune

    Good Afternoon ITD readers and writers!!!!

    4 hours and counting!!! Can’t Wait!!!

  91. digthedodgers

    Go Dodgers!!!
    Could be a difficult one tonight, but I am very optimistic and hopeful for the Dodgers having a great season.

    Regarding Lindblom: he has shown great stuff, to the point of being one of the best Gammons has seen in ST, but he was pitching in the Big Ten this time last year. If he were to begin this season with the Dodgers and have a bad start to his career it could negatively impact his confidence for a long time to come. I am all for him going to the minors and getting more confident and hopefully dominating down there for 2 or 3 months. They are stretching him out to start, although they may use him in the BP if he is brought up this year.

    Go Dodgers!!!

    I started a blog too:

  92. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Yeah!!! Today is the day for the rest of the 6 month long MLB Baseball Season!!! I am so excited!!! This Ethieraholic is very excited! I am VERY glad that Sturtze and Threets are in the minors and not on the big club. Whew! Interesting that Belisario made it onto the team. I haven’t seen too much of him, but he certainly couldn’t be any worse that the other two (Sturtze and Threets). I like the rest of you don’t know what has happened to Troncoso. All I can do is hope that once the season starts that he comes back to last year’s form. I knew that Mientkiewicz would make the team. I think he’ll do well. I just hope that DeWitt gets enough playing time being backup to Raffy.

    Tru – I couldn’t have said it better myself: Here’s to a fantastic Opening Day, and and even better season!!!

  93. cpompe1

    Okay, I said “Good morning ITD boys and girls!” Well, it WAS morning when I started typing!!! Okay, good afternoon ITD boys and girls!

    stizaza – Are you new to ITD? I don’t recognize your name. If so, welcome!

  94. digthedodgers

    Purchased our tix for June 1-4. Really looking forward to the trip. Would love to meet some of you if you’re attending any of those games.

  95. cpompe1

    Okay, I said “Good morning ITD boys and girls!” Well, it WAS morning when I started typing!!! Okay, good afternoon ITD boys and girls!

    stizaza – Are you new to ITD? I don’t recognize your name. If so, welcome!

  96. cpompe1

    Okay digthedodgers. I’m still getting confused. Are you the one that used to be dishguy? Or was that some other “new” name? I don’t know. For me, we haven’t said what games we’re going to yet. Where are your seats in June? When I do go to games, it’s 99.9% of the time on the Reserved Level, right behind home plate (or around there).

  97. digthedodgers

    cpompe1 ~ I’m the old dishguy.
    We are in 138 loge for June 1 and 3.
    We are in 11 infied reserved for June 2.
    And in 23 lower reserved for June 4.

  98. nellyjune

    Is anybody watching the dbacks/rockies game? My class is watching it, and I am thinking much more positive about our chances in this division. It is 6-4 Arizona in the bottom of the 3rd. Cook is already out and Webb really isn’t doing much better right now.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!

  99. digthedodgers

    Yes Nelly. Webb struggled most of ST, which doesn’t mean much, but it is good to see him get pounded in this one.

  100. nellyjune

    Is anybody watching the dbacks/rockies game? My class is watching it, and I am thinking much more positive about our chances in this division. It is 6-4 Arizona in the bottom of the 3rd. Cook is already out and Webb really isn’t doing much better right now.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!

  101. nellyjune

    Well, the Dodger/Padre game hopefully is alot better, win or lose, than watching this one (dbacks/rox). This is just painful if you are one of their fans.

  102. cpompe1

    Thx dish! I thought so, but I wasn’t sure! Hmmm, June 2 or 4 game. Hmmm. Gonna be tough to make it to a Tuesday or Thursday night game if I manage to find a job by then. But it’s possible – especially if I’m still unemployed. Oh, perish the thought. If I do go, I’d be sitting in my mom’s 2nd season seat – aisle 1. So Aisle 11 and 23 are not that far away. She’s one of two people who have those seats, so I’d have to see if she has any of those games. But since she goes every other day, if she has Tuesday, she also has Thursday. If she doesn’t have Tuesday, she won’t have Thursday. But I’ll let ya know… I’d love to meet you too!

  103. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl! I just saw the AZ/CO score on MLB.com. You’re right, that game has got to be painful if you’re (not you personally, the general you) a fan of theirs. So Webb started today? I thought he would have had a field day against the Rox, but it’s 8-7 AZ in the bottom of the 5th. Yuck. Doesn’t not sound like a fun game to watch.

  104. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    DTD/dishguy, I’m with you 100% on Lindblom. As good as his upside is, he hasn’t pitched a full season in professional baseball yet. He needs to build arm strength and gain experience. If he’s as good as, from all appearances, he seems to be, he’ll be back sooner rather than later. This may be an overused metaphor but, nonetheless, it’s true; baseball is a marathon. Just because you’ve run a great 5k doesn’t mean you’re ready to run a marathon.

  105. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Does anyone know if all of our roster moves have been completed? The active roster on the home page hasn’t been updated.

  106. cpompe1

    Opening Day lineup, according to Dodger Thoughts, on LA Times blog…
    Rafael Furcal, SS
    Orlando Hudson, 2B
    Manny Ramirez, LF
    Andre Ethier, RF
    Russell Martin, C
    James Loney, 1B
    Matt Kemp, CF
    Casey Blake, 3B
    Hiroki Kuroda, P

  107. nellyjune

    This just in from my text alerts – The Dodgers purchased the contracts of RHP Ronald Belisario, IF Doug Mientkiewicz, and LHP Will Ohman on Monday.

    This is good 🙂

  108. trublu4ever

    The roster: Pitchers…..Kuroda; Wolf; Billz;Kersh; McDonald; Brox; Kuo; Troncoso; Belisario; Wade. Starters: Furcal; Hudson; Manny; Andre; Matt; Russell; James; Casey. Reserves: Mientkiewitz; DeWitt; Ausmus; Loretta; Pierre.

  109. shad78

    If Lindblom wasn’t going to made it I’m glad Belsario did for a guy that came in late during spring camp.

  110. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    Hey everyone!!! Seriously long time no talk…. How about a roll call?!!?!? Nelly, of course I remember you… everyone else is a little blurry…. IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL!!! This season has got me extremely excited… I think pitching is going to be at a premium for everyone… but our lineup is fantastic. I like the move of bringing in McDonald… and we should have drastic improvement all around… If we need to make a move midseason… we should be able to. So… again… hello everyone!! Let’s kick some friar ***!!

  111. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Thanks, CP…….. tough day at the office for CC. He got chased in the 5th. 6-2, O’s.

  112. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Thanks, CP…….. tough day at the office for CC. He got chased in the 5th. 6-2, O’s.

  113. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Thanks, CP…….. tough day at the office for CC. He got chased in the 5th. 6-2, O’s.

  114. selltheteam

    I’m excited for Dodger baseball, the regular eight-man lineup, and the youthful starting pitching. I’m not excited about Pierre as the fourth outfielder, the bullpen, and whoops, the youthful starting pitching will give me heartburn for at least the first couple times through the rotation.

  115. shad78

    Did I really see the Cardinals lineup having Greene in the clean up spot and the pitching batting 9? Is LaRussa still managing the Cards is he?

  116. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    I seriously have butterflies!! I love opening day!! Pissed that I’m at work,, Thank God for Gameday!!

  117. gomartin55

    happy opening day everyone!

    i’m so excited!!

    also, just a side note.. mlb auto draft was rigged or something and gave me all the the dodgers.. well not all, but 5 of them.. so i guess it just gives me an added reason to root harder (if at all possible)

    – SARA 🙂

  118. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    I know!! Thanks Trublue!! this should be an exciting season… and what better way to kick it off than to beat an insane Dodger nemesis!!! Let’s give the Friars a reason to ship Peavy out even sooner!!

  119. northstateblues

    Hi JoePierre! Hi ITD! Hi Vin!

    Happy Opening Day, everyone!


  120. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    Not a bad first inning… if anything getting guys in motion… Having good AB’s…. Not that many pitches for Peavy though… Let’s bring em’ home James!

  121. ramslover

    good job james…big year from Loney is coming folks…Way to get up early…I am at work and cannot listen or watch..but have it being taped at home

  122. lbirken@aol.com

    This is as good a day as any to end the drought against Peavy but we will need strong pitching to make that happen.

  123. oldbrooklynfan

    I see by the scoreboard the Dodgers have scored 2 runs in the first inning but my MLB.TV, just shows a still picture of Manny in the dugout, in the top of the first inning.

  124. selltheteam

    My Loney has a first name,

    It’s J-A-M-E-S

    My Loney has a second name,

    It’s L-O-N-E-Y

    I love to watch him every day

    And if you ask me why I’ll say

    ‘Cause James Loney has a way

    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

  125. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    not a bad inning from Kuroda, he only threw 12 pitches… 9 for strikes… good sign!

  126. oldbrooklynfan

    I tried the Mosaic but it’s unable to log on.
    Man they take your money.
    I haven’t gotten on the mosaic since 2007.

  127. selltheteam

    Peavy’s gotta be talking to himself, after throwing the ball away to keep Manny “Mr. three stolen bases” Ramirez close to first.

  128. trublu4ever

    JoePierre ~ mine just switched over to regular mlb.tv. Picture is actually better than the new version.

  129. selltheteam

    I like the fact that Joe is using the running game. That makes this offense all the more potent.

  130. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    with all of these sacrifices… the Padres are kind of showing that they feel like just chipping away is going to get it done

  131. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    what do you guys think of the mlb.tv… ? I was thinking about doing it… is it worth it?

  132. puppyhead01@hotmail.com

    Am I crazy, or did Martin just miss an AB resulting in Kuroda ending the inning? He was at the plate when Ethier was caught stealing…he should have bat 1st in the inning.

  133. puppyhead01@hotmail.com

    Oops double post. Brandon, I use the cheaper version, which is fine, although Premium looks like it has some great features.

  134. digthedodgers

    $20 is better in my opinion. You also get all the best games library as part of the premium subscription.

  135. puppyhead01@hotmail.com

    Oh, announcers just clarified…Russell was actually out on the K, there was no CS of Ethier.

  136. gomartin55

    figures loney would have the best offensive game so far when he’s the only one i have on the bench 😦

    that’s alright.. we’re winning, which is all that really matters.. keep it up boys!

  137. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    This is great!! Sitting at work… watching the boys in blue!! Being able to litterally watch them!! And hopefully knock off Peavy… Only thing missing is a hot dog and a beer!!!

  138. puppyhead01@hotmail.com

    where you live brandon? I’m in Denver, watch probably 3-4 games each week…couldn’t live as a Dodger fan without mlb.tv.

  139. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    I’m in Vegas… we actually get the games out here from FSN…. but I’m at work… so it’s awesome!

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