Kuroda to start Opening Day…

After Kuroda is Wolf, Billingsley, then Kershaw.

Billingsley has the home opener on April 13…



  1. dodgereric

    Got new-threaded.

    …are you thinking of Ohman as an option?

    By nellyjune on March 18, 2009 2:08 PM

    Everyone is an option to me, I don’t have to pay him. 🙂

    I never heard of him before. Before finding him in the baseball reference, I would have said he was an actor. From looking at the stats, he strikes out about 1 per inning and his strikeout-to-walk ratio is about 2 to 1. Not great, not terrible but better than most of the flotsam throwing the ball for us this spring. He’s been in hitter’s parks, so we can take that into account. We could use another lefty in the pen.

    By dodgereric on March 18, 2009 2:47 PM

  2. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    I figured that Kuroda-san would get the opening day nod! Now, come on Ned, go get Pedro! You know we don’t have much in the way of a 5th starter right now!

    I was watching The Price is Right this morning! It was great to see our Boys in Blue! Gosh, it still upsets me that I didn’t make my way to Canter’s Deli. Aw, shucks… So how are my ITD friends today!

  3. nellyjune

    Thank you dodgereric for your response. Like you, I am willing to try anything because just by Josh’s comment…..I don’t think they have figured out the 5th spot yet, and I don’t blame them……..there really isn’t anybody at this point.

    Well, I am outta here early…..first league game for Michael, and I’m not sure who’s pitching, but I certainly don’t want to miss it if it’s him. Good luck to Matt with hockey tonight!!! Talk to you later!!!

    Hi and bye CP!!!

  4. crzblue2

    I was talking to a relative of a current Dodger about the WBC and how I would have liked to have seen more of Pedro. He said “Pedro will be here soon”.

  5. 636566cy

    crzblue – I hope that relative’s word is better than Frank’s word. I still remember the quote in the paper during the whole Andrian Beltre thing that he said to a fan, “Don’t worry, you’ll have your third baseman.”

  6. trublu4ever

    Sara ~ I did see it and the guys looked fantastic. I sure would have loved to win the Dodger Package grand prize..

  7. saralovesrussell@losangeles-dodgers.net

    i agree trublu! i would have loved to win that showcase.. the guy seriously underbid for it.. he should have bid higher since it had a car in the showcase too~

  8. trublu4ever

    I know, Sara……….just the private box seats alone for 30 people was nearly what is bid was. That would be a blast to have one of those for us on ITD!

  9. nellyjune


    Not that I can go to an August 19th game because I believe it’s in the middle of my first week of school, but Andre should be the bobblehead to be named later. I understand he has his night for practice jerseys, but those are only for 14 and under. Not fair says this Ethieraholic!!!! Not that I mind Casey Blake getting one and Manny is well understood, but Andre played a pretty big part at the end of last season also.

  10. trublu4ever

    I don’t think it’s fair to make an age limit on promotional giveaways, either, Nellyjune. They should be for everyone!
    So, if you are listening, Josh, please tell the promotions people to include everybody!!

  11. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful….Dodgers take on the Rockies today…Clayton Kershaw is on the mound…
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    Free webcast on… dodgers.com, gametime…1:05 PT
    Enjoy the game everyone…GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Dodger4life

    I would like to wish Mr. Howell and Mr. Boone speedy recovery’s…
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITDland ~ I would also like to wish a speedy recovery for Mr. Howell and Mr. Boone. Have a great day, everyone.

  14. Dodger4life

    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap…
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Happy Birthday dcollins!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Clayton Kershaw!!!!

  17. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Happy birthday dcollins! Happy birthday Kersh! Happy birthday to my brother today too! He’s turning 50 (that old man…)! Can you imagine – one year ago today (or would it be tomorrow? I don’t know) – I was in Japan!

    This may be a short visit too, but I’m watching the NCAA tourney game this morning at 9 AM! My alma mater is playing! Yes, CSUN (I think ESPN knows them as CS Northridge) is playing Memphis this morning. I know, CSUN doesn’t stand a chance against a team like Memphis, but it’ll be exciting to watch anyways!

    So how are my ITD friends this morning?

  18. cpompe1

    I think a few of our ITDers said that they’re going too, but I’ve got a ticket to the WBC on Saturday! My nephew got them. But it’s going to be my mom, my two nephews and myself going on Saturday! I couldn’t go to any other game. But it’ll be fun, and it’ll be great to be inside Dodger Stadium again!!!

  19. trublu4ever

    Good morning, CP. Hope you have a pleasant day. It will be fun for you to be inside Dodger Stadium……..I can’t wait until I have a chance to go.

  20. crzblue2

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Happy Bday DCollins! Tell us how you are celebrating!
    Happy Bday Kershaw! Now your are of legal age!
    Cpompe! I am so happy that CSUN is there! While going to CSULA I had a boyfriend that had gone to CSUN. I’ve been to that campus for plays, studying and some school game, oh and also when the Dodgers stopped there for a Caravan a few years back! I took a long lunch that day to go see the boys in Blue!.


  21. cpompe1

    Thx Tru! I can’t wait to go too! Did you see the WBC pics from the stadium on the picture gallery? It’s one thing to see them in pics here on the homepage, but I’m sure it’ll be something entirely different when I’m in the stadium! I just can’t wait!

  22. cpompe1

    Hey Emma! Great to see ya! Actually, I went back to your blog; I haven’t been there in a while. It was great the way you ran into Manny! I loved the comments under that thread! Even a Gnat fan has something good to say about a Dodger!!! 🙂

  23. ucscslug

    Hey everyone, join the official Insider the Dodgers Blog Fantasy Baseball league on Yahoo!

    Go to yahoo and look for league ID: 50889, password: password.

    Join today and show us your skills!

  24. crzblue2

    Yes Cpompe! GO MATADORS!! I ride the train with a few people that work and go to CSUN!
    Ok, now I need to go check he pictures from the gallery.

  25. nellyjune

    Today’s lineup thanks to Ken’s blog ….

    Furcal SS

    Hudson 2B

    Ethier RF

    Martin C

    Loney 1B

    Blake 3B

    Kemp CF

    Pierre LF

    Kershaw P

  26. crzblue2

    When we went to watch the Dodgers at the Milwaukee facility and they had fans (to fan yourself) as giveways I realized that there were no giveaways at Camelback Ranch. Only the people sitting in the $100 tickets got something and I understand that. correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t think I remember seeing any giveaways in the Spring Training schedule.
    Are we going to have the Dodger trolley again?

  27. 636566cy

    emma – interesting that there are no giveaways. In Vero, it seemed like the team would us leftovers from the year before as giveaways. Also, there was a 60 Years in Vero Pilsner giveaway as well. I figured that the team would be giving away a bunch of Inagural Season at McRanch stuff. Maybe it wasn’t in the budget?

  28. selltheteam

    Dodgers.com “watch live” is working today (for those willing to pull themselves away from NCAA’s).

  29. Dodger4life

    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap…
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Dodger4life

    Good job… Clayton
    Nice single Raffy….Nice sliding catch Andre…It is good to hear Mr. Monday 🙂

  31. nellyjune

    Andre made a sliding catch and I missed it? LOL!!! We just turned it on in time to see Clayton’s homerun.

  32. selltheteam

    Heckuva great 21st birthday for young Clayton – solid pitching performance and a home run! Whoo hoo!

  33. Dodger4life

    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap
    clap, clap] [clap, clap,clap…
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. dodgereric

    Paraphrasing Rick Monday: “We came into camp with 11 lefties trying to make the bullpen”….. really? Sounds like we’re really trying to find someone. Who are they? According to the active roster we have:

    1 – Scott Elbert
    2 – Hong-Chih Kuo
    3 – Eric Stults

    Let’s add in the guys on the 40-man:

    1 – Scott Elbert
    2 – Hong-Chih Kuo
    3 – Eric Stults
    4 – Victor Garate
    5 – Brent Leach
    6 – Greg Miller

    Hmmm, only up to 6 lefties. I grant that I haven’t been paying a lot of attention, but I haven’t heard those 3 names much this spring. Oops, forgot those valuable NRIs:

    1 – Scott Elbert
    2 – Hong-Chih Kuo
    3 – Eric Stults
    4 – Victor Garate
    5 – Brent Leach
    6 – Greg Miller
    7 – Carmen Cali
    8 – Brian Mazone
    9 – Jacobo Meque
    10 – Stephen Randolph
    11 – Erick Threets

    OK, there’s your 11 candidates for the bully lefties. Kuo is the only major league pitcher among them and he’s always pitching with one leg in the operating room. It looks to me that Ned put all his eggs in the Elbert/Stults basket.

    Beimel signed for $2 million
    Dennys Reyes signed $3 million for 2 years

    It doesn’t seem to me that signing one of those two to a contract would have dented the budget too much, in contrast with the stability one of them would have given the bullpen.


  35. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ Your opinion is right on the mark! We are in serious trouble. I don’t know if there is anything we can do at this point……..or, I should say, anything they will do.

  36. nellyjune

    Okay – those of you watching the entire game. It has Andre getting caught stealing and a pick off at 1st. Did that actually happen? He was 2-4 with a run. I saw the single and caught stealing, but he couldn’t have scored a run if he was picked off at 1st.

  37. trublu4ever

    He was picked off……..then tried to make it to second base. It wasn’t caught stealing. He did go 2 -4.

  38. enchantedbeaver

    “Left-hander Eric Milton and right-hander Claudio Vargas, front-runners in competition for the fifth starter job…”

    More frightening words were never spoken.

  39. selltheteam

    Ouch. Reminds me of Tomko and Hendrickson. It’s going to be painful every fifth game until July 31st, when either (a) we trade or sign for a real #5 SP or (b) McDonald has been conditioned and ready to go every 5th game.

  40. selltheteam

    Sorry Tru, by my count we need a 5th starter about 16 times before the trading deadline. Not pretty.

  41. heartruss

    Good evening ITD
    I’m taking a break from studying to add a few things here.\
    I heard on the news that only 1/2 the tickets have been sold for the championship game on Monday. So anyone who wants a ticket for the WBC final go buy it before the semifinals. Apparently everyone is waiting to see who will be playing what day. The U.S. plays on Sunday. Iit will be decided who they play between Japan and South Korea.
    Cpompe1 where are your seats? I think I have my old season seat in section 47 row A seat 1 so look for me.
    I met Milton during ST. He is absolutely gorgeous. I know his pitching was pretty bad though but he is very nice and did sign a few autographs.
    Thanks Sara for letting me know how to watch that mar 18 price is right. I found it when it was half over since I was in Arizona at the time and the tv schedule is different.
    Here in Southern California, everyone is talking about Obama. All I know is that my plane touched down in Long Beach a few moments before his and therefore we had to sit on our plane until the Marine helicopters flew him off to orange county. I could see Air Force One out of my plane window. All I could think of was that I had as much to do as he did and I needed to get out of that plane!!

    Happy happy Birthday Dcollins. I hope your day was wonderful and how nice you are on a kind of vacatioon.
    Also Happy Birthday Clayton. I talked to him a few times at ST and he seems a very mature, focused young man. How lucky we are that he is a Dodger.
    I am now coming back to earth. No more ST untiil next year. What a rude awakening to have to go to class on my return.
    Anyway…hi Nellyjune, Dodger4life, trublu, Dodgereric, Kali, Sara, Dcollins, Enchanted, Cpompe1, will write later. Have a good evening everyone.

  42. shad78

    Damn I can’t believe I missed a Kershaw homerun and does anyone have video of it? Happy 21th Bday Kershaw and you and my mother have the same bday how cool is that? My youngest brother bday was yesterday.

  43. shad78

    Yeah thanks Sara for the link and I can’t believe I missed it but I was sick and really didn’t want to get out of my bed yesterday.

  44. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    I’m glad that the Matadors gave Memphis a run for their money this morning! Too bad that they couldn’t be a “Cinderella” team in the tourney, but they did well. I’m proud of them! We’ve always got next year!

    Crzblue & heartruss – You two were asking earlier where I’m sitting on Saturday. My nephew got us tickets on the top deck, but in the very front row, right behind home plate. So, take the Reserved Section to around row M or N and then look up towards the sky! That’s where I understand our seats are!

  45. jhallwally

    Hey Gang!!! Just a couple of thoughts to toss around. I think Ned missed the boat (again) by not signing Biemel for around 2M. I thought he missed it by letting Garland get away for 6M to a division rival. I am also somewhat disappointed that he hasn’t traded Phew. I can’t condemn him too much for not finding a trade for Phew as I don’t think there are any takers at any price. He is pretty much worthless. Sorry Amy!! I do however condemn the original signing as it will go down as one of the worst deals in history. We won’t even mention the Schidt debacle.

  46. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    What year in recent memory have we not needed a 5th starter? Getting Halliday and moving the other 4 one step back is a pipe dream. If he’s available, he’d cost too much. To my knowledge, he isn’t. If he is, he’s probably a free-agent-to-be and a year-long rental. Pedro’s the best out there right now. If we don’t get somebody from outside, all we have is hope that one of the usual suspects separates themselves from the pack in the next couple of weeks…Good to see Kuo and Wade finally starting to get their sea legs. Brox will be back soon. Kershaw is looking better and better with each outing. I’m looking forward to the real games starting. GO DODGERS!!!!!

  47. jhallwally

    I really think Ned is a lame duck. I believe Frank and maybe JoJo to some extent have had more to do with the recent signings. I am sure that Nud doesn’t have Carte Blanc!!!

  48. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ I agree with everything you are saying……I’d go so far as to get rid of YouGnomewho even if we have to eat his salary. By having him on the team, we are preventing somebody better for filling in as the 4th outfielder.
    Seesky ~ I think we need Pedro rught now!!!

  49. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ I’ve been glued to the TV set today….watching Dodger baseball and March Madness….very maddening, indeed!

  50. trublu4ever

    I’m addicted to the whole “Madness” experience! It’s one of the most exciting times of the year.

  51. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Trying to find a 5th starter now is like trying to buy a last minute Christmas gift on Christmas Eve…..Really nothing more to say about JP that hasn’t already been said a thousand times before. Something in the current situation will need to change for anything to happen,

  52. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    I”m looking for Utah and Utah State to do well in the Tournament. As for BYU…..well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

  53. trublu4ever

    I’ve got my computer set up right in front of the TV set. From now until the World Series is over, I can’t miss any games. Lucily for me, it’s a laptop! lol

  54. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Evening, Nelly. Good to see you, too!! So, how are everyone’s picks and (or) favorite teams doing in the “Madness”? I was gone most of the day and didn’t get to follow it much.

  55. nellyjune

    I am doing great!!! I know the team’s not (pitching and all), but I am ready for the real season to start. I just got my Dodger Magazine today, and it’s got me excited about the regular season starting.

  56. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Nells, I’ve got another song cued up and ready to go, but I’m witholding its release until the right time (and the fact that I’m on my crappy laptop. It’s more of a craptop.)

  57. jhallwally

    C’mon Dad/Eric/Ward/Chevelle. We need dad to come on to sort things out and put them in the proper perspective

  58. nellyjune

    Good Evening enchanted!!!!

    seesky – I have done a few bracket challenges, and I have different ones on each, at least making it to the final four anyway. I didn’t see any of the games today. I made a huge bracket challenge for my classroom, but they aren’t picking until it’s down to the sweet 16…… 64 names is too much to choose from. They like the number 16 (really no reason why – LOL!!!) so they were okay with it.

  59. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Yeah, nelly, the team’s got it’s question marks just like every team and every other year but, in a way, that’s the fun in it. It’s like reading a novel and commenting on the twists and turns in the plot and the characters as we go along. And, at the end, in September, we find out how the story ends.

  60. jhallwally

    I’ll bet me and Beav could create some king of controversy. LOL!!! How’ah bout’ah my’ah boy Phew’s Mama. She not’ah pleased wiff’ah da’ playin’ time for her little Juanpy!!!!

  61. nellyjune

    LMAO!!! Maybe if I laugh loud enough Ward Dear will hear…………and it’s quite possible given the circumstances here at times.

  62. jhallwally

    LMTO!!!! Gettin’ late here gang. Gonna hit the rack. Hope you all have a great evening/night. Catch you down the road. Hopefully tomorrow night for the game. Good Night and God Bless you all. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. nellyjune

    Good Night Wally!!!! I don’t know where your father is, but I will be sure to tell him you checked in. Take Care 🙂

  64. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Good night, jhall . Good to hear from you again. I’m checking out, too. Have a great Friday, everyone!!!

  65. enchantedbeaver

    Well Nells, I’d better skedaddle too. I’m supposed to get up and makes sales calls this morning. Catch you later.

  66. nellyjune

    Good night enchanted/Beav and Seesky!!! Take Care and have a wonderful day tomorrow.

    Seesky – I do have Utah State picked through to the Sweet 16 on one of my brackets. My husband was a UNLV grad and has been to Utah State a few times watching the Runnin’ Rebels back in the day when they made the tourney a few times with Tarkanian.

  67. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful

    Good game from the Boys in Blue yesterday. Clayton pitched well, Russell continued to hit the ball, and X-Paul finds yet another way to get on base.
    UCLA won yesterday!! USC plays today at 4:20 PT… GO TROJANS!!!
    Night game for the Dodgers, under the lights against the Royals 6:05 PT…GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    MLBTV, or Gameday Audio.
    Enjoy the games everyone and have a great Friday 🙂

  68. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    It will be great to see a night game for a change, not that I mind the day games.


  69. dodgereric

    And, down at the end of a nice article on Kersh’s birthday are these notes:

    Interesting: “The Dodgers called up pitcher Josh Lindblom, 21, to Camelback Ranch for a closer look, just as it did a year ago with Kershaw”

    Not surprised: “When Torre was asked if he had heard any more regarding speculation that the Dodgers might try to obtain veteran pitcher Pedro Martinez, he replied: “No,” and did not elaborate”

    WHY?: “Left-hander Claudio Vargas is scheduled to start tonight against the Kansas City Royals at their spring home in Surprise, Ariz.”

  70. colliethec

    Good morning ITD’ers.
    I hope all is well with everybody.
    Thanks for the Birthday wishes from everyone. I had a nice day with Wifey.
    Great game yesterday. Kersh hitting a homerun on his 21st. He also from what I read had a great game on the mound, which is what we are really going to need. So that is a great sign!!
    Well my stay is short as my mom is really sick so we are taking her to the hospital.
    For those that pray please say one for her when you have a second. She’s not deathly but just older and really sick and when your older and really sick things can happen.
    Take care…

  71. crzblue2

    Dodgereric! 31K did you mean 401K. I suffered on that too…
    good morning ITD boys and girls! Super excited about going to see WBC finals and that is our own park!!
    cpompe! I am in the Top deck aisle 3, last row!

  72. nellyjune

    If you watch mlbtv, the 30 Clubs in 30 Days is going to Glendale to talk about our Los Angeles Dodgers. It will be on tonight at 12:00am EST.

  73. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – I just read the article about the Dodgers finally realizing they need pitching. Couldn’t they have just read what ITD had been saying all along. We even gave them suggestions on who to go after, but noooo………had to go the cheap pvl route. Well, they got what they paid for I guess, with a very few exceptions.

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