Good times…

The Cactus League games start tomorrow at Mesa and a rematch against the Cubs. We’re all itching to see how things will turn out this spring and you can definitely feel the excitement around the offices here in Arizona.

Another thing that starts tomorrow night is DodgerTalk on KABC 790 back in Los Angeles. The first edition of the spring is at 6 p.m. PT/7 p.m. here in Arizona and Joe Torre will be on the air with Ken Levine and Josh Suchon. Every night from Camelback Ranch, you can hear an hour long edition of the show so be sure to tune in, call in and hear the latest on a nightly basis.

And yet a third place to get your fill of Dodgers is for those of you with Time Warner cable, as our Dodgers on Demand crew is back at it again. Well, they never really stopped putting stuff up during the winter, but they’re doing video reports on a regular basis so if you have On Demand (it’s free for those with TWC), you can pull it up and watch at your leisue (same goes for Inside Dodgertown on the front of the site).

And finally, for any of you who happen to have been hit hard by recent economic times or who have always wanted to work at Dodger Stadium, we have a job fair going on this weekend for more than 500 seasonal part-time positions, which is pretty amazing if you consider all that’s going on in the world right now. Many of you have a passion for the team that simply can’t be taught, so perhaps this is a way to get paid to work at the stadium.

That’s all I’ve got for you for tonight…more tomorrow from Mesa


  1. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Josh ~ Thanks for the updates – can’t wait to hear about some baseball games being played.

    from previous thread – Crash – Fabulous Song!!!!!

  2. jhallwally

    Hello and Good Evening True Blue Gang!!
    I keep waking up and checking the Dodger site and hoping for some good Manny news. I’d offer him one year at 28M. That makes him the highest paid player ever per year and appeases his ego. Then he is a free agent next year when the economy may be better and more conducive to the larger/longer contract he covets. Just a thought. Guess he should have stayed with Boston and the guaranteed 20M per year for 2 more years. LOL!!! Anyone remember Jody Reed? LOL!!!!!

  3. jhallwally

    Bonjour Nelle’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super, how about you? I’m ready for some Dodger baseball. It’s been a long cold winter. LOL!!!!!

  4. trublu4ever

    Jhall ~ good to see you, sir. I hear they are working on a 3-year deal for Manny. I’ve also heard that if a deal isn’t made in a day or so, we may forget about Manny. Boras keeps saying he will sign before ST games start. This is all rumor but, I also heard that the gnats are still waiting to see what happens………that is why Joe has been in cintact with Manny regularly to let him know we want him in a Dodger uniform.

  5. jhallwally

    Bonjour Trumom!!! Always a pleasure to chat with you and read your comments. I’m scared of 3 years. He’ll get disgruntled and tank it. LOL!!!!

  6. trublu4ever

    It may be 2-years with incentives leading to the 3rd. Who knows? All I know is I DO NOT want Manny in a Giants uniform!!!

  7. trublu4ever

    I really think by tomorrow or the next day we will know if Manny is a Dodger or not. Frank is getting impatient and wants this deal done. He was even thinking of going to Florida to meet with him in person.

  8. nellyjune

    jhall ~ The baseball academy is going very well. Thank you for asking. We have about 70 members without even advertising….just word of mouth at this point. Our goal is 120 or so. Plue, we have whole teams coming in during raining days and on weekends, which is really good too. My family is doing very well. Michael has started baseball already. He is pitching on the varsity squad as a sophomore, which is all good so far. Mariya is doing well also, and if you have been paying attention at all to any Ward Dear and June Darlin’ drama………..our kids (meaning Mariya and Matt) are in a “relationship” – to make a long story short………………….Mariya and I went down to Temecula for Matt’s Eagle Scout Ceremony, Mariya and Matt went to the movies that night, and the rest is history being played out as we speak/write. So, in a nutshell, all is going well, strange and surreal, but very well.

    ….and how have you been stranger?

  9. jhallwally

    Frank will recoup some of the money in increased attendence, merchandise sales, and most likely playoff revenue. If Ned the Furter had not wasted so much money on Phew and Cow Schidt, he would probably already be signed.

  10. jhallwally

    Nell’, I am doing very well, Thanks!!! Glad to hear the school is doing well. That is too cool about your son and Dad’s/Ward’s/Eric’s/Chevelle’s daughter. I am very happy for you all.

  11. nellyjune…other way around…..Mariya (June Darlin’s daughter) and Matt ( Ward Dear’s son). It is cool, strange, can’t believe this is happening, type feeling if that makes sense. I told eric this needs to go down in some ITD history book somewhere.

  12. jhallwally

    Certainly one for the ITD history book. Much better than some of the Moon and Cretin sightings that were permeating our history. LOL!!!!

  13. jhallwally

    When is the first Spring Training game? I probably won’t be able to join you all for most of them because of my work schedule. I will miss it terribly. However, late night home games in the regular season will be perfect.

  14. jhallwally

    They haven’t done much Nell’. They had a lot of injuries last year and if everyone comes back healthy, they should be contending for the AL Central.

  15. nellyjune

    first game is tomorrow I believe…..16 hours and 20 minutes to be exact – LOL!!!! I can’t wait to start regular games with you in there with us……….it will be worth the wait 🙂

  16. colliethec

    Wally is in the ITD’izzyyy!!
    June & Ward — If it all works out years from now, I think you guys have a great sequel to that movie “You’ve Got Mail”!!

  17. nellyjune

    Well, I wish them the best as they are one of my favorite AL teams, along with the A’s. One of the Indian fans came onto ITD not too long ago. He used to be a Dodger fan so he came over here and wished us luck in getting Manny signed. I went over to his and wished him luck in his season as well.

  18. colliethec

    Wally the Indians are playing the Giants on the radio here in the Bay Area tomorrow morning. It’s on KNBR sometime around 11:00 our time. You might be able to get them online if you’re interested.
    Go Blue!!!
    They will do it in 2009… Bring the Ring that is!!!!

  19. nellyjune

    dcollins……that is exactly the movie I am thinking of – LOL!!! …..this stuff certainly can’t be made up. I thought dodgereric walking into my classroom last month was amazing (and still is) but this has got us both thinking “Who would have thought this would be happening a year ago?”

  20. nellyjune

    dcollins – thanks for that info…..I did not know about that game – Indians/Giants

    speaking of………Are we going to be able to listen to the Dodger game anywhere?

  21. colliethec

    They are still pretty young so I doubt wedding bells anytime soon but it is a pretty fun story.
    Life sure is fun. Even when you have the bad days, it sure can be interesting! Those bad ones make the good ones that much better!
    Hopefully we’ll have Manny here pretty soon and then we can just enjoy what we have with this team.
    I don’t know if anyone commented on it yesterday because I wasn’t able to read every post, but last night while I was getting ready for bed I was reading the recap of the day in Arizona via my cell and read how Juan popped out to LF and had to LMAO! I mean it just can be really funny.
    I think Jungar posted an old post from a Cubs fan regarding Juan after he was leaving the Cubs and he sounded like many of us. It was really funny reading what he had to say. It does make you wonder about some of our scouting. Between him and Jones being so overweight and it being okay.

  22. colliethec

    Where is our play by play poster, The Man, The Myth, & The Legend, Alex!
    He doesn’t post to much during the season or offseason but really helps us out during ST.
    I so want to go to ST.
    Wifey & I could really use some fun & sun!
    Arizona really is an awesome place for ST…

  23. nellyjune

    Alex was around the other day. It will be interesting to see if he shows up for tomorrow’s game. It would be great!!!!

    ……yes dcollins, at this point, it is a very fun story, and yes, a long way to go considering they are both planning on going to college and then some.

  24. enchantedbeaver

    Opening tomorrow from NedCo Telepictures, a feel good date movie that turns into a horror classic:
    Dodger GM (played by Ned Colletti) awakens to the latest comments by the L.A. media on how Manny Ramirez is near to signing a three year deal. Once he has made quite sure to quash all those rumors, Ned starts his computer and goes on-line. Ned doesn’t want anyone to know that he’s exchanging emails with Manny’s agent (Scott Boras.) Scott is also keeping this a secret from his own client, slugger Manny Ramirez. Ned and Scott avoid discussing anything that might reveal their identities to each other, keeping to such subjects as the weather, pets, and how much money the Dodger owner (played by Frank McCourt) really has. They only know each other by their internet handles “Mustache Rides for a Nickel” and “Money Buns.” Will they ever get together? Or will they awaken to a nightmare? Find out when you log on in the morning to: “You’ve Got Juan.”
    © NedCo Telepictures 2009

  25. enchantedbeaver

    Can’t wait for Juan to bring that .327 OBP and 1HR to the table.

    How can Uncle Joe honestly look at that and not even give any of the kids a shot at the position OR consider moving Blake to left and DeWitt to third? Even I’ve gotten to second base more times than Juan.

  26. Dodger4life

    Manny will be wearing Dodger Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    LETS MAKE A DEAL!!!!!!!!!! GET – R – DONE ALREADY!!!!!!!!

  27. nellyjune

    …I can think of many songs that will deserve some replay time depending on what Frank, Ned and Joe come up with.

  28. jhallwally

    How many of you out there are extremely thrilled that Jeffy K is gone as I am. Thank you God, the Kent era is over. Too bad Ned the Furter supplanted it with the Phewy Cow Schidt era. Unacceptable to say the least. Ned should still be gone. What a maroon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. nellyjune

    Hey Dodger4life !!!!!!!!!! It’s good to see you!!!!!!!!!

    jhall – Now that’s our jhall ~ it’s your “unacceptables” and your “unf..ingbelieveables” that we will be looking forward to once again this season – LOL!!!!

  30. colliethec

    Nelly you asked if we could get the Dodgers game tomorrow… well it is going to be on the internet on with Gameday if you have it. I just saw it on the Cubs page.

  31. nellyjune

    I can do that dcollins!!! Gametime is during my lunch break, and after lunch, I told my class that once everyone finished their math assignment, I would try to find a game to listen to or watch during their free choice period (my computer is hooked into my television screen so they can see everything I am doing on the computer). My biggest free choice activity this year has been sorting baseball cards. When I go and buy the packages of baseball cards, I keep the Bowmans and any of the Topps and Upper Decks that are worth holding on to, and then I put all the others into bins. Whenever they have free time, anywhere up to 5 students will take the cards and put them into their team binders. It’s so much fun to watch them reading the back of those cards.

  32. jhallwally

    LOL Nell’!!! I guess it just comes down to the point that I truely can’t believe what these supposed knowlegible baseball people do. H*ll, chimpanzees could probably have done as well rolling dice. Geez!!!!

  33. jhallwally

    Hey CP!! Doing well, Thanks so much for asking. How’ve you been? Looking forward to some Dodger baseball and chatting with you.

  34. enchantedbeaver

    That one touched off a powder keg didn’t it!! LMAO

    I still think I’m the only one on here that’s gotten an actual warning :))

    Hey D4 and CP!!

  35. cpompe1

    Yeah jhall, I’m so looking forward to Dodger baseball!!! For me, I’m STILL unemployed. And I’ve been dealing with a soar shoulder. Fortunately it’s my left shoulder that’s the problem, and I’m right-handed, so things could be worse. Been going to physical therapy for a month and a half. It’s better; not perfect yet. You can see my post from earlier this morning. I basically got scolded by my therapist for not being faithful with my home exercises. But other than those things, I’m just fine!!!

    Oh, and Nelly, thx for the suggestion on how to deal with the “you don’t have permission to sign in” phrase. I’m not sure why I have the problem to begin with, but I’ll try it the next time I get that message…

  36. colliethec

    I’m trying to be good with cards Nelly. Please don’t tempt me to much!
    When I go to our shop I usually leave $100.00 less in the bank account!!
    Wifey got me a pack of Bowmans Best for Valentines day. I pulled a Manny card and thought I would post that it was a sign, but then I thought better of it! I also pulled a Sizemore card from that pack. I thought you would probably be digging it.

  37. nellyjune

    Beaver…….but the warning was aimed at the wrong person if I am not mistaken, which set off a whole other set of issues and eventually lead to the Cleaver Family 🙂 ….and wasn’t it Ward Dear (Dad) who was gone (on vacation) for the initial part and came back to like over 100 e-mails explaining what was happening. It wasn’t funny at the time, but it sure is funny now 🙂

  38. jhallwally

    CP, sorry to hear about your shoulder. Got to keep doing those rotater cuff exercises however. I trashed my right shoulder (I’m right handed) playing baseball. Go figure. Shortstop and pitching days were over. 2nd and 1st after that.

  39. Dodger4life

    Hello E and everyone else 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How is it going tonight Manny???
    We cant wait to see you roaming the Ravine in DodgerBlue!!!!
    Bring the Ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. jhallwally

    Too funny Nell’. We got repriminded for the Moons and Cretins and decided to become the Cleavers. LOL!!! Eric came home and we thought he would be sore at us. Too funny!!!!

  41. enchantedbeaver

    Actually Nells, the warning was for an earlier incident of which I was just expounding on what others had already said.

  42. nellyjune

    dcollins – Yes, the Grady card would definitely be a keeper in my book. I haven’t pulled a Bowman Manny card, but I have gotten a few Upper Decks and Topps, both with the Dodgers and Red Socks.

  43. cpompe1

    Boy, I sure do like it when there are a lot of posters around at the same time!!! A lot of good convos going around!!!

    Yeah jhall, it’s a bummer about my shoulder. Yes, I know I’ve gotta keep doing my exercises. It’s funny how many commiserations I’ve received from ITDers. A lot of ailing shoulder commiserations from posters on a sports blog!!! Go figure!!! But I DO appreciate them all!!! 🙂

  44. nellyjune

    Beav – that is true now that you say that. I remember the bombastic comment, but I believe that was a different incident too, yes?

    LOL!! jhall – that was funny.

  45. nellyjune

    Hey Dodger4life!!! Keep that Dodger Spirit going sir!!!!!


  46. cpompe1

    Okay, how many ITDers do I count that’s on right now??? (And this is not in any particular order) (1) Dodger4life, (2)Enchanted, (3)Nelly, (4) Jhall, (5) Dcollins, (6) Cpompe1. Did I miss anyone else??? This is great!!! And the season hasn’t started yet!!! I can’t wait until then!!! Then ITD will REALLY get hoppin!!!

  47. jhallwally

    Yep CP, I got real tired of the exercises with the rubber hose. It did help and will actually help later on. Strengthening the whole joint now will reduce your aches later. Sucks, but, other than surgery, best option.

  48. nellyjune

    Beav……….you have had your share of incidents. That is for sure – LOL!!!!…….but we will defend you to the end everytime.

  49. enchantedbeaver

    Nells – me and ITD… its kinda like watchin’ when a cow’s tail sticks straight out. You know something bads gonna happen, but you gotta look anyway.

  50. cpompe1

    Ya know jhall, I just got that rubber band today! What I’ve been working with since I started therapy is my pulley device. I have a rope thru the pulley and have been lifting it (from out in front of me to start) to increase my range-of-motion that way. Only lately have I been told to start using it from the side. OUCH, that hurts!!! But I see what you mean. I DEFINITELY don’t want to go thru surgery. I am such a wimp when it comes to pain. I have next to no tolerance for pain…

  51. cpompe1

    “…its kinda like watchin’ when a cow’s tail sticks straight out. You know something bads gonna happen, but you gotta look anyway.”

    Enchanted – you have SUCH a way with words!!! You always make me LMAO!!! Say, how was dinner tonight?

  52. jhallwally

    Yep CP, soon you get to lay on your side and pull on the rubber hose. It hurts at first but really helps alot. They actually know what they are doing.

  53. cpompe1

    Oh, heck yeah Enchanted. I’ll always be a Dodger fan!!! It’s just that the Cleaver Family always get to me!!! And now that jhallwally is back, you guys are in rare form!!! At least, rare form for this time of year!!! Heck, no games have been played yet!!! (And I’m not talking about the intrasquad game!)

  54. nellyjune

    LMAO!!! I don’t think it would be ITD without you enchanted.

    Hey!! I just I remembered seeing dodge16_12 up there on the previous thread. Very good to see you back on ITD once again as well 🙂

  55. cpompe1

    Oh, jhall, I can’t even THINK of lying on my side yet! I know my therapist knows what he’s doing, but I just can’t see doing that yet…

  56. enchantedbeaver

    “Yep CP, soon you get to lay on your side and pull on the rubber hose. It hurts at first but really helps alot.”

    Nah, too easy.

  57. nellyjune

    ….Well, I am guessing Ward Dear had scouts tonight seeing how it is Tuesday, but he should be making an appearance shortly if he is around.

  58. enchantedbeaver

    Well CP, I cooked chicken breasts with two slices of bacon and melted provalone on top, garnied with chopped almonds and parsley. Served with a side dish of rice.

  59. cpompe1

    Yeah Nelly. I saw dodge up there too. Wasn’t his name dodge16 before? I can’t remember if he became dodge1612 during The Invasion of the Name Snatchers. Was he? Or did he just change on his own? Or am I going crazy and he never changed at all??? Probably that last one is right…

    And jhall, you say that the Cleavers are just getting warmed up! I can’t wait for what’s in store!!!

  60. cpompe1

    LMAO Enchanted!!! I’m all red-in-the-face right now!!! And to think I just said, “I can’t wait for what’s in store!!!” LMAO!!! Mmmm Enchanted. Dinner sounded great! For me, I didn’t cook. My son BBQd some filet mignons tonight.

  61. nellyjune

    CP….I didn’t cook either. My daughter cooked for the second time in 3 days…hmmmmmm………I wonder why? – LOL!!!!

  62. jhallwally

    Hey CZ. Sorry but I’ve never been much of a Kent fan. Good ballplayer but not a team/clubhouse guy. Things I truely admire and think are very important to championship environments. Kent doesn’t have a ring does he? I wonder why.

  63. cpompe1

    Nelly – Maybe she’s practicing her cooking skills for a later time!!! Perhaps to cook for her favorite you-know-who!!! BTW, does she refer to Eric’s son as Matty? Just curious.

  64. nellyjune

    I think Dodger4life is filling that spirit role pretty well, don’t you think? However, hearing from ndeschenes on win days is more than welcome as well.

  65. cpompe1

    Ya know Enchanted, I wonder that too. I know ndeschenes not only is a HUGE Dodger fan, but loves Kent? I’m basically a positive person, but I don’t know if I can take up the slack. Maybe it’s a job for Dodger4life!!!

  66. nellyjune

    …CP – I don’t think so……at least I haven’t heard it, and I don’t think she would unless she had heard it herself.

  67. cpompe1

    Hey Emma!!! I love it that there are ITD is gearing up for the season!!! I am still holding out hope that I’ll get to spend a few days in AZ for ST. Not sure. Again, it’ll be a last second decision. But if we do go (it’ll be myself, my husband and my mom) it’ll be a blast! As for me, I’m fine. Just plugging away as usual – trying to rehab my sore shoulder and trying to look for a job. But life is good. I’ve gotta look at life as positively as I can. If not, I’m a basket case saying, “Oh wo is me…” I’m not the only one that is having problems…

  68. cpompe1

    Nelly – If I was married to a Matt, I’d probably call him Matty, unless he SPECIFICALLY AND EMPHATICALLY tells me not to. I just love that nickname Matty!!! That’s what I call Kemp!!!

  69. crzblue2

    Hang in ther cpompe! My trip to AZ also will be a last minute decision. My friend Eric wants to go Friday but my friend Lore cannot go until Saturday. We will see.

    I will miss our superman Jeff Kent!

  70. Dodger4life

    Rockin North!!!!
    Now we just need to start Jammin!!!!!
    Jammin with Manny in LF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!

  71. cpompe1

    So Emma, if you do go, do you have tentative dates to go? Our tentative dates are to leave LA March 9, drive to AZ and leave (not sure before or after a game) on Thursday the 12th.

    And Dodger4life – Would you be willing to take on ndeschenes’ mantle of posting a rah-rah cheer for our Dodgers if he doesn’t show up after they win a game??? 🙂

  72. nellyjune

    …I just got news from our school board meeting. I get to keep my first grade Chenoweth teacher status (whew!), but my class size for next year just increased 5 students, from 20 to 25. At least I am not a kinder teacher. They just went to 25 kids per class and from half day to all day kindergarten – yuck!!!!!!

  73. cpompe1

    That’s great news Nelly! I take it that Chenoweth is the name of your school? But boy, that is a lot of kindergarteners to have all day!!!

  74. cpompe1

    Oh, Emma. I didn’t read. (So, what else is new?) You say you may go Friday or Saturday. Forget my question of what tentative dates you may go…

  75. enchantedbeaver

    I’m gonna hit it. Nice chatting with all of you! Great seeing Wally on here too – don’t be a stranger.

    An just remember, wherever you go, there you are.

  76. northstateblues

    About to get to business tomorrow morning, a triumphant song is in order, I hope the King doesn’t turn in his grave. If he does, I’ll make an offering of fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

    A little less conversation, a little more action please
    Columnists’ observations ain’t satisfactioning me
    A little more blue and a little less talk
    A little less Druw at the ol’ ballpark
    Close the laptop, turn on the radio, and Vinny satisfies you
    Satisfying, baby!

    Baby, close your eyes and listen to the crowd
    floating on a summer breeze
    It’s a blue night, I can show you how to lose it
    Come to the Ravine, lose your mind with ease

    A little less conversation, a little more action please
    Columnists’ observations ain’t satisfactioning me
    A little more blue and a little less talk
    A little less Druw at the ol’ ballpark
    Close the laptop, turn on the radio, and Vinny satisfies you
    Satisfying, baby!

    Come on Simers, I’m tired of your talking
    McRanch is open, better start walking
    C’mon, C’mon
    C’mon, C’mon
    C’mon, C’mon
    Don’t procrastinate, don’t articulate
    The winter’s getting late, gettin’ upset waitin’ around

    A little less conversation, a little more action please
    Columnists’ observations ain’t satisfactioning me
    A little more blue and a little less talk
    A little less Druw at the ol’ ballpark
    Close the laptop, turn on the radio, and Vinny satisfies you
    Satisfying, baby!

  77. nellyjune

    CP – yes, and it is the best school in town (not being boastful, but it just is), and yes, being a kinder teacher is going to suck next year……..25 students and no partner teacher. I will probably lose my classroom though……if all day kinder is in place, they will need my room because they will all have to spread out. They have two teachers to a room now, and I am right next door to them.

  78. crzblue2

    Cp, for me is either this weekend or the next one or maybe both.
    Is was so good seeing game 5 of the 1988 WS and seeing those cheaters like Canseco lose. I wonder if his butt hurt from all those needles.

  79. jhallwally

    Yep CZ, lots of good guys out there without rings. My only contention with Jeffy is that he was brought in to provide veteran leadership and drive in runs. Unfortunately, the only way he could provide leadership for the young guys was when he was performing. He did not have the intangibles to show the way when he was obviously in decline. Not necessarily his fault. Management knew what they were getting. Truely great players inspire those around them, not alienate them and rest on their past laurals.

  80. Dodger4life

    I shall Cheer Rah Rah win or lose. We shall win though!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I want #99 in DodgerBlue Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  81. northstateblues

    Thanks, song wasn’t anything, most of it is the King, heheh.

    Yeah Nelly, got the paper done 15 minutes before it was due. Thank god for teachers who require papers be submitted online, heheheh.

    Condolences to the Garvey family.

  82. Dodger4life

    We love ya Steve. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Good Night Enchanted 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. cpompe1

    Goodnight Enchanted!!!

    So Nelly, if you lose your classroom, just think of it. You’ll be able to decorate another classroom with your Dodger stuff!!!

    Well Emma, if you do go, have a great time – no matter when you go! And yes, I’ve gotta believe that Canseco’s butt did hurt from all those needles. And no, I didn’t know that Steve Garvey’s dad passed away last week. R.I.P Joe Garvey.

  84. cpompe1

    Well, I had a GREAT time tonight!!! Again, the Cleaver Family is already in rare form!!! Goodnight all!!! I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  85. dodgereric

    My thoughts and prayers to Steve and his family as well. In reading the story, I realize that I probably bumped into him once or twice. He was living in Murrieta, right next door. And he spent a lot of time at the Lake Elsinore Storm park where I’ve seen more than one game myself.

  86. jhallwally

    Goodnight Gang, it’s been great chatting with you all. I am looking forward to the games beginning and listening to you comments.
    Escelsior True Blue Believers!!!!

  87. Dodger4life

    Nice to have ya back jhall….
    Good night 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!

  88. nellyjune

    ….but I like my classroom. The one I am in now is much bigger than the other two on either side of me (our school is like a circle, not a typical looking school so I have what we call at the school, the suites……a long hall way and much more roomier than the others). Plus, I spent alot of money on fabric for my bulletin boards this year. I will have to see what happens. It’s possible for me to be in a room similar to mine, but it depends on who else has to move.

  89. nellyjune

    Good Night CP and jhall/Wally – very good to see both of you. It was great having a full ITD house tonight. It means it’s real close to real Dodger baseball. Take Care and God Bless!!!

  90. dodgereric

    Good night, cp!

    North, one of my favorite Presley songs, it just screams Vegas! #483 and your 28th!

    Thanks to sparky at the end of the last thread to clarify the free agent signing rules!

  91. dodgereric

    Junie, you’re right. Scouting was involved tonight, but a little different. Matt was part of an Arrow of Light ceremony team that helped some Cub Scouts celebrate the highest achievement in Cub Scouting. Chris went with him, as she hasn’t seen him do much of that sort of thing. He and the rest of the team wear their Indian regalia (they made it all themselves). They’re all pretty good at it. I spent the evening teaching knots to one of the younger patrols.

  92. nellyjune

    You have shown me pictures of Matt’s Indian regalia……very impressive indeed. So, were they all successful in learning how to do the knots you taught them?

  93. Dodger4life

    Howdy DodgerEric how have you been???
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!
    Bring Manny Back to The Blue SOON!!!!!!!

  94. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – you are still around – How are you doing?

    Hi emma!!! It’s going to be great to get to go to the ST games.

  95. dodgereric

    Yeah, for the most part. They’re all 6th graders – with attention spans like flies and in the possession of ropes. You can imagine ………… But before I was done, most of them know the square, bowline, 2 half-hitches, taut line, timber hitch and clove hitch. I made up 4-foot long pieces for them to take home and practice with.

    Yeah emma, I’ll bet I did. I inow I never saw the Garv though. Him, I’d recognize.

    I think I’m gonna be ok, D4! How ya’ll? The weather any better up there lately?

  96. nellyjune

    LOL!!!……..oh I am sure that dodgereric charm works with 6th graders too. I am sure you did just great. Six different knots…that’s pretty good 🙂

  97. Dodger4life

    We are above freezing finally, it feels kinda tropical 🙂
    I watched some little leagers practice Saturday 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!
    Bring Manny Back to The Blue SOON!!!!!!!

  98. nellyjune

    …it’s always fun watching the young kids play, isn’t it? However, when I was at my nephew’s tournament, some of the parents were just awful. The boys were on 9, and they were treating the game like it was the World Series.

  99. Dodger4life

    Yea it was fun. I wish I had a glove, I wanted to join them. I did’nt know an body I was just out for a walk. I will be enjoying more of the same soon. I hope there is a Dodger team???

  100. nellyjune

    ….yea, I think at least half my class signed up for baseball/softball this year. I will be getting alot of schedules I am sure.

  101. dodgereric

    Yeah, they did pretty good. But it was not only 6 knots, but I showed ’em 2 ways to tie the clove hitch, 2 ways to tie the timber hitch, and 3 ways to tie the bowline!

    Man, I’ve been trolling around the sites looking for ANYTHING and there’s NOTHING!

    And just to make it easier to find ………. trumom is on the clock …………

    Manny Signing Sweepstakes updated:

    Feb. 25th at 11:59 am trublu44
    Feb 26 between 10am and 4pm perumike
    Feb 27, noon to 6 pm shepherd96
    March 2, 11 am news conference scott_in_arcadia
    March 2nd – between noon and 6 pm nellyjune
    March 5 noon to 6 PST seeskybout2rain
    March 6th @ 4:30PM Pacific Standard Time dodgereric
    March 13th between noon and 6 enchantedsunset
    March 17th between noon and 6 PST cpompe1
    March 23 @ 4:05 pm crash

    If I’ve missed anyone, I apologize.

  102. nellyjune

    Wow!!! Okay – so you really know your knots then 🙂

    No, there is no news. However I did hear today that Andruw Jones hit a double and a HR in his two at bats today. However, the real thing starts tomorrow, so we shall see how that story unfolds. I am just glad we don’t have to see the story unfold on here.

  103. dodgereric

    The incredible thing about Jones is that if he manages to hit .200 this year, he’ll qualify for Most Improved Player.

  104. Dodger4life

    I feel good just the headache and stiff neck. I have a mosquito bite so I’m thinking maybe WNV??? The doctor thought I had it last year and said I would just have to ride it out with pain killers. Apperantly it was a sinus infection, as he said you can only get WNV once. We didnt draw blood last time so there’s no telling. I will survive I just get rather uncomfortable at times.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Manny in DodgerBlue SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  105. nellyjune

    dodgereric – the same reason why Bill stopped coaching PeeWee football. Those parents and some coaches were just way too intense for 9 year olds. Michael’s had intense coaches before, but this, I felt, was way over the top intense for this particular age group anyway.

  106. colliethec

    I’m sorry to hear that D4. As you know I’ve been sick and what I had was a sinus infection.
    Today is the best I’ve felt in about 3 weeks.
    The pain and pressure in the head stinks!
    I had tooth pain because it was in my upper cheek bones and then in my ears and got me dizzy!
    Get those anitbiotics to help you out! Also rest.
    Hang in there buddy…

  107. dodgereric

    Thanks for the link to ’55, D4! Baseball Almanac is a great site!

    Are there a lot of cases of West Nile in the Northwest?

    Yeah, nine-year olds should be getting taught how to play, not that winning is everything. The last straw was when I was managing a winter league team. The emphasis was supposed to be on instruction – no score keeping, batting the lineup every inning (once through, no more no less), coaches on the field behind his fielders instructing during the game – perfect for me. Half the parents were upset with me every game because we weren’t winning.

  108. nellyjune

    Boy eric, you would think with those rules, it would be pretty cut and dry there was no winners or losers, but I guess not.

  109. Dodger4life

    My area has alot of reported cases per year. It might be the dairy’s and all the farmland with irragation canals and ditches it seems a little early but I have the itching little bite mark? I only have those two symptoms and it has been above 50 so it is just a guess. I will survive it is baseball season I will be here to see the 7th dodger championship. LOL!!!! LIFE IS GOOD TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring The Ring To L.A. In 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank’s dcollins maybe I’ll try the JD and honey/lemon 🙂

  110. dodgereric

    Half the team had never played before. I let everyone pitch who wanted to pitch. Or put on the gear and catch. Chances are most of them would never get to pitch in a game. Ever. At least they got to pitch for me. The kids loved it. I would stand behind a player in the field and ask them, “If the balll is hit to your left, what will you do with it? What about the right?” By the end of the season, they all had a good, basic knowledge of the fundamentals of the game. I invited any parent on my team to do the same. Some did. But the only feedback I ever heard was, “How come you don’t pitch Johnny? He’s the best on the team? Why did you leave Stevie in so long? Billy can’t play first, why is he in there?” What a bunch of idiots. I haven’t managed since that season. I feel lucky I didn’t go to prison for assault on one of them.

  111. colliethec

    The JD stuff works as well. Really feels good going down. Also Hot & Sour soup from a Chinese place can really help with the sinus infection. Not a cure just relive from the symptoms.
    As far as WNV, hmmm… good luck with that. I’m not a DR!!
    Take care and get well!!

  112. Dodger4life

    Thanks dcollins I’m sure I will be okay…
    Dodger game today 🙂
    I’m feeling better already. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO GET THE RING BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  113. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! Eric, that’s what Bill dealt with in football, and if he couldn’t teach them, they would (or could) get hurt. Every parent thought their kid could be one of the cool positions…..quarterback, running back, linebacker, and he constantly got yelled at for teaching rather than coaching to win because he wanted the players to see the perspective from all the positions. Plus, the league itself got so competitive that it was either change to coaching to win or you would lose 60-0 every game if you decided to teach them how to play the game first. The parents wanted to win, the kids just wanted to play.

  114. dodgereric

    I understand the ‘winning first’ mentality when they’re older, but when they’re 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ………… people have to get a life and let their kids be kids for a little while, at least.

    Well, it’s late and I gotta go. Nellyjune, D4, DC and anyone else out there in Dodgerland – may God Bless you and yours tonight and always.

    And I kinda liked hot tea, honey and scotch for those stuffy achy heads.

  115. nellyjune

    Good Night Dodgereric!!!!! I am glad you got to see jhall for a little bit. It will be great to see the three of you back in action together again. Take Care and God Bless to you and yours as well 🙂

  116. Dodger4life

    Good Night Eric and as alway’s God Bless you and your family. Dont forget Dodger game today 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  117. Dodger4life

    Good Night ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    We have heard alot of stuff bieng said since that last out of the 2008 year. What a year that was NLDS Champs!!! Don Newcombe was talking about what it meant to wear the Dodger name across his chest to a bunch of school kids during the caravan earlier. I’m sure that he has a good grasp on what that means to him, as he earned every bit of those spoken words. Today our 2009 Dodgerhopeful will take the field against the Cubbies, all trying to earn a spot on the roster. A fortunate few will recieve the honor, to play for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2009. Each and every member of this years team will have the opportunity to become goodwill ambassadors for life. I am looking foward to the future when the game is just a little to fast for any of the 2009 Dodgers to play respectfully. A day when we all look back on this 2009 team and say man those boys sure had a grasp on what it took. This is your dream you all know the ending, and only you can write it. The first out comes tommorrow, and we have a long row to hoe before that last out. That last out coming in the World Series with a Dodger World Championship, in a ring you can cherish forever, long after the game becomes just another memory.
    It’s right there boys can you see it? I can and it is a wonderful sight the end of a wonderful journey. The great journey of the 2009 Los Angeles Dodgers.
    GO GET EM BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    A SEA OF BLUE ALL BELIEVING IN YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  118. enchantedbeaver

    D4 – maybe you should be giving the clubhouse speeches instead of Torre!

    Again, enjoyed the banter with y’all last night!!

    Morning Eric!

  119. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITDland ~ I, too am impressed with your post, Dodger4life…..with a migraine headache no less!!!
    Good to see you Dodgereric………..have a great day.

  120. enchantedbeaver

    Morning Tru!!

    I read JP wasn’t supposed to make the trip to Mesa today, but he asked Torre to play and of course, Joe obliged. Its starting out to be like last year all over again. Its spring Juan, you don’t have to play every game like its your last… or do you??? Ah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Well, duty calls – have to go out and try and make a living selling my wares to unsuspecting customers. Later people.

  121. dodgereric

    Mornin’ tru and e! Good luck out there enchanted! But I know you’ll do well, you use your tongue prettier than a, well, ………. you know.

  122. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Dodger4life – I guess you were either up later than late last night or earlier than early this morning. You definitely got the job!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!

    Good luck out there enchanted!!!!!

    Good Morning trublu and dodgereric/Ward Dear!!!!

  123. crzblue2

    good morning ITD!
    D4! Wow! are you sure you are not Ndeschenes !
    I am so excited about the game today!

  124. nellyjune

    Thanks trublu – you too. I was just told to start packing :(…..I am moving rooms. It will take the next 3 months to sort through all this crap (well, not all crap, but there is a lot). I guess it’s a good time to start spring cleaning early 🙂

  125. crzblue2

    We have an employee transfering from N.H. to Chatsworth. He is a a Celtic fan so he hates the Lakers and he is also a Red Sox fan. He starts Monday. We are planning on decorating his cubicle Laker and Dodger. Dodger stuff I have no problem as I have plenty of stuff. Laker stuff I don’t have much other than my jersey and a hat. I do have a little bear with the spiked hair that has the mailman #1 on on his hand he has an envelope with a stamp addressed to Los Angeles Fans. Let’s see what else can I put there? any ideas?

  126. selltheteam

    Somehow, we missed dcollins’ pick in the Manny signing update. For DC’s pick, see prior thread – Feb 24@11:37am
    Manny Signing Sweepstakes updated:
    Feb. 25th at 11:59 am trublu44
    Feb 26 between 10am and 4pm perumike
    Feb 27, noon to 6 pm shepherd96
    March 1, dcollins
    March 2, 11 am news conference scott_in_arcadia
    March 2nd – between noon and 6 pm nellyjune
    March 5 noon to 6 PST seeskybout2rain
    March 6th @ 4:30PM Pacific Standard Time dodgereric
    March 13th between noon and 6 enchantedsunset
    March 17th between noon and 6 PST cpompe1
    March 23 @ 4:05 pm crash

  127. nellyjune

    So, is this like the Price is Right? What if Manny signs on March 2nd, however not at the 11 am news conference Scott is suggesting, but say 11:45 am instead, which is technically closer to me. Does Scott still win?

  128. crzblue2

    lol Eric. I was afraid to open that. let me run it thru my boss who was born in Boston….on second thought…, maybe not.

  129. enchantedbeaver

    I’m not big on the price is right format. They do that to get out of giving away all the fabulous prizes. Since we don’t have a fabulous prize, closest time wins.

  130. thinkingblue

    TRU – good luck you are on the clock! You time isn’t up yet.
    Talking about the Price is Right..when was that airing again?
    NELLY – have fun packing. Now you are getting a whole new canvas (room) to accessories with Dodger gear and that should really really be fun.
    ENCHANTED – Hey let JP play all the games he wants during Spring Training…cause “HE WILL NOT PLAY ONCE THE SEASON STARTS!”
    EMMA – LOL that is funny….he is really going to love working there!….Maybe he will realize who the best team is and becomes a Dodger Fan!

  131. Dodger4life

    Hello everyone give me a D… give me an O….I seemed to have missplaced mine give me another D, it has ran off with the O…give me a G…..give me a an E….give me an R… give me an S!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Give me my beloved Dodgers in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  132. nellyjune

    Hey Dodger4life!!!!!!!!!!! Fabulous post at 2AM THIS MORNING!!! I can’t believe you did that with a migraine……..who knows what you will come up with when you are 100% – just fantastic I can imagine!!!

  133. cpompe1

    Oh, no dger4life!!! Yeah, what happened to your “O” and “D”??? We’re not gonna start having another round of The Invasion of the Name Snatchers, huh???

  134. Dodger4life

    I got it back somewhat, I sure enjoyed the capitol D though!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. In 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was a little pumped up last night it was nice to all the dodgerfaithful on at one time 🙂

  135. cpompe1

    Okay dodger4life, that’s a little better. Would still like to see that capital “D” in front!!! So what happened? Did you make the change all by yourself???

    And yes, it was a lot of fun last night!!! It was great seeing so many names on at one time!!!

  136. nellyjune

    Okay – I just realized the cheer really did have meaning. I just noticed dodger4life lost two of his letters. What happened. Maybe O-Dog needed them 🙂

  137. Dodger4life

    I was going to comment on the homepage or should I say Mothership, and I had to shorten my name. BEWARE OF THE MOTHERSHIP!!!!!!!! and this is the result. I never did make my comment 😦
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BRING THE RING TO L.A. IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  138. Dodger4life

    O- Dog ~ Wear The capitol D with pride !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anything to help out 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  139. thinkingblue

    CPO – I’m fine….waiting for Manny to sign, waiting for the games to start…after Dodger4life’s cheer I am all pumped and I’m just thinking blue right now. GOOOO DODGERS!

  140. cpompe1

    dodger4life – Where were going to comment? At the bottom of one of the articles? I’ve seen those comments and I actually posted one before, but I’ve seen joepierre’s name on there from time to time. His name is longer than yours, so why did you have to shorten your name??? Hmmm. Strange…

  141. cpompe1

    Oh gosh, it’s not even 11 AM, and I can’t even count!!! I’m not doing very well this morning. Maybe I’ll just read until I am confident that I won’t make a blithering idiot out of myself!!!

  142. cpompe1

    Thx Crash. And yes, I was a good girl and did my exercises this morning BEFORE I signed on!!! I think that’s my problem. I have such a good time talking here, that if I don’t do my exercises early, it won’t get done.

  143. selltheteam

    Lineup from Diamond Leung:
    9 Juan Pierre (L) LF
    12 Brad Ausmus C
    16 Andre Ethier (L) RF
    7 James Loney (L) 1B
    23 Casey Blake 3B
    27 Matt Kemp CF
    33 Blake DeWitt (L) 2B
    3 Delwyn Young (S) DH
    13 Tony Abreu (S) SS
    49 Claudio Vargas RHP

  144. cpompe1

    Yes it will be Crash!!! But I will be in and out as I REALLY have some cleaning to do. Nelly, remember I DON’T like to clean???

  145. colliethec

    Good morning ITD’ers!
    I hope everyone is having a great day wherver you are and whatever you are doing!!
    CP a good time to do them is while watching TV. I tend to watch TV daily so it was always a good time for me.
    Almost game time!
    Go Blue!!
    Bring the Ring in 2009!!!!!!

  146. plastic_grocery_bag

    I have a back up!!!! Even have the capitol back 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bring the Ring to L.A. in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  147. colliethec

    Survey time…. 1st at bat…
    A) Pop up to LF.
    B) Grounder to 2nd
    C) Grounder to 3rd.
    D) Grounder to 1st.
    E). Attempted bunt on 1st pitch & then out on a bunt back to the pitcher.
    F) Singles through the middle.

  148. dodgereric

    I have some cleaning to do as well, cp. When I saw the lineup, I threw up on my desk.

    It’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST, it’s only ST ………………….

  149. cpompe1

    Hey Dodger4life!!! Your capital D is back!!! So where did the 65 come from???

    Oh and heck dcollins, I’ll just pick f. Hey, I’ve gotta give JP a break at some time. Better now, than later! I don’t want to JP starting in LF when the season starts…

  150. plastic_grocery_bag

    G) Hit by pitch, steals 2nd and 3rd to shake it off.
    RUN JP RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  151. colliethec

    Ms… I think you had asked when the Price Is Right episode will be aired. If it wasn’t answered I believe it’s the 18th.

  152. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  153. enchantedbeaver

    That’s tough DC. Pierre does all of those exceptionally well except F…


    I’m going to have to go with B.

  154. enchantedbeaver

    Nice line-up. Someone wake-up Joe and tell him that’s Ausmus and not Martin.

    I’m really curious how Abreu will do. He could make for a good all-around infield back-up this year. Anthing’s better than Castro.


    Hey, guys, it is ST; lineups are not all that important. Remember, most of the positions are pretty much set pending the signing of a certain player and ST bumps and bruises. But I will cut you some slack since it is ST for the fans as well.

    As for the JP survey, I go with B on the third pitch after attempting to bunt.

  156. demrmybums

    cpompe1 – Just got around to reading the earlier posts. I know what you mean about left sholder problems. I hope the PT can clear yours up. I have finally gotten an MRI scheduled to look at mine as PT has only been able to give me greater range but has not reduced the pain. My MRI appointment through the VA took almost 6 weeks. Good luck with your therapy and God Bless.

  157. cpompe1

    Thx demrmybums. I have a little better range, but only time will tell if I need anything more…

    Sorry, but demrmybums, I don’t recognize your name. Are you new to ITD, or am I just that ignorant. No, don’t answer that one!!!

  158. demrmybums

    The thing about spring training is to get a look at your future players and for your veterans to get in their work so that they are ready at the beginning of the season. The team has 6 weeks to figure out who to keep, send down, or release. Let’s root for them to make the right decisions.

  159. demrmybums

    I have been around for a while but I don’t comment a lot due to work. My sign on name comes naturally from the Brooklyn days when the Dodgers were referred to as bums because they couldn’t win the WS. I love the team regardless of whether they win or not they are my team! I prefer that they win but in baseball you are going to lose far more often than you win. Go Dodgers

  160. cpompe1

    Well, welcome to the ITD family demrmybums!!! And if you have posted before, I’m sorry, I guess I just don’t remember. But welcome anyways!!!

  161. alex41592

    I will be doing play by play of today’s game and as many of them as possible just like the past two years. Year three begins now.

  162. alex41592

    Spring Training Update: Top 1: Jeff Samardzija pitching:
    Juan Pierre foul pops to Soriano in left
    Brad Ausmus lines to Reed Johnson in center
    Andre Ethier strikes out swinging

    0 runs 0 hits 0 LOB End of 1/2 inning No Score

  163. alex41592

    Spring Training Update: Bottom 1: Claudio Vargas Pitching:
    Alfonso Soriano singles past Casey Blake at third into left field
    Ryan Theriot singles to right, Soriano to second
    Derrek Lee walks loading the bases
    Micah Hoffpauir first pitch 4-6-3 double play (Dewitt-Abreu-Loney), Soriano scores giving the Cubs a 1-0 lead, Theriot to 3rd
    Geovany Soto strikes out looking
    1 run 2 hits 1 LOB End of 1 1-0 Cubs

  164. nellyjune

    dcollins………the sounds of baseball are just so much fun!! Even when I was out watching my son over the weekend. It’s just something about the mix of calm and excitement you get while watching a baseball game.

  165. cpompe1

    I’m in Ventura; I can’t get 790. Thx for the P B P Alex!!! Let’s just hope that things will start going smoother. Let’s leave it at one run given up Huggy Bear! C’mon guys, let’s string some hits together to get runs!!!

  166. cpompe1

    Nelly – Don’t you have to pay for that? That’s one thing that I won’t pay for – broadcasts of ST games. I want to hear it, but not that much…

  167. Dodger4life

    Yes, it wanted me to deposit some quarters I will have to wait for some change.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  168. alex41592

    Spring Training Update: Top 2: Jeff Samardzija pitching:
    James Loney singles to center
    Casey Blake singles to left on a hit and run off the glove of 3B Bobby Scales, Loney to third
    Matt Kemp on a full count walks to load the bases
    Blake DeWitt hits a comebacker to Samardzija 1-2-3 DP, Loney out at home, Blake to third, Kemp to second
    Delwyn Young on a full count walks to load the bases
    Tony Abreu line drive base hit to center field scores Blake and Kemp, Young to third and Abreu to second on throw, 2-1 L.A
    Pierre grounds out to Lee at first
    2 runs 3 hits 2 LOB End of 1 1/2 2-1 Dodgers

  169. nellyjune

    Yea, but it’s part of the whole season. However, isn’t KABC, KABC regardless of how you are listening to it. ………or are you “blacked out” so to speak.

  170. cpompe1

    I’m just wondering though. Last year, I was able to “watch” games and know who was pitching, who was batting, who is on base, etc. Then I had that manikin batter standing there with the pitches shown. It was nothing I paid for, but I was able to watch nonetheless. Does anyone know if that exists anymore?

  171. Dodger4life

    I hav’nt replaced them yet Nelly and yes it is pay per podcast only, same with WGN.
    2 -1 Dodgers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Go Dodgers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  172. nellyjune

    My bell rang…. Time for some Junie B. Jones and math. I will check back in a little while to check in. Keep up the great work Alex!!! GO DODGERS!!!!!

    dcollins – you are exactly right 🙂

  173. alex41592

    Spring Training Update: Bottom 2: Claudio Vargas pitching:
    Mike Fontenot flies to Kemp in center
    Reed Johnson strikes out swinging
    Richie Robnett pops to DeWitt at second
    0 Runs 0 Hits 0 LOB End of 2 2-1 Dodgers

  174. cpompe1

    Gosh, this is fun!!! Even if it is a “meaningless” game!!! But try and tell the players that it’s meaningless – you’d get a fistful of dirt!!!

  175. enchantedbeaver

    LOL Eric!! Let me be the “second” to congratulate you on your prediction!!

    BTW, don’t think it went un-noticed by me that JP grounded to first with RISP in AB #2.

  176. alex41592

    Spring Training Update: Top 3: Mitch Atkins pitching
    Ausmus bloops a single to right center
    Ethier strikes out swinging on a run and hit play, Soto’s throw is high and Ausmus steals second base
    Loney flies to right, Ausmus tags and moves to third
    Blake grounds to short
    0 Runs 1 Hit 1 LOB End of 2 1/2 2-1 Dodgers

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