Inside Dodgertown…hilarious

I’m not sure how many of you guys have been watching the four-minute webisodes each day called Inside Dodgertown but our multimedia department has done an awesome job so far and yesterday’s was my favorite. Lots of behind-the-scenes stuff you don’t get to see elsewhere, including Russell Martin and Delwyn Young giving a hilarious weather report. You can see that and all the archived ones here.

The first full workout at Camelback Ranch is about an hour and a half away. Joe Torre will address the team at 9:30 and then everyone hits the fields. The fans who have been showing up here have been rewarded nicely, as there’s tons of access to autographs and opportunities to talk to the players. The first game is 11 days away…

Also, one of the coolest things about this Camelback Ranch is the minor league complex, which officially opens today for “mini-camp,” where about 40 top prospects come in for early workouts. For those who have seen that facility in Vero Beach, it was the place where guys like Maury Wills spent eight-plus years trying to reach the Majors. It was quaint and served us very well over the years, but it was probably not quite up to modern day standards. Now, the minor leaguers are in an unbelievable facility that will only help their development into the future Dodgers you’ll watch at Dodger Stadium.

Back to work now for the rest of us…long day ahead.


  1. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Enchanted you’re back!!! That’s great to see!!! When all this talk about acquiring the O-Dog started up earlier, I was wondering about DeWitt. I guess we can move DeWitt to 3B and Blake to LF. But I did wonder about the possibility of DeWitt getting traded. I don’t know what who we’d try to trade for (a quality SP would be nice) but that’s going to require a lot more than Blake DeWitt for that (ie Peavy, Halladay). Don’t get me wrong. I love DeWitt and I love his play. And I still see him as a diamond in the rough. He has yet to show us his true abilities with the bat. He just needs regular playing time. I would rather see him do that with us than with anyone else. With that said, I would NEVER trade DeWitt until we sign Manny!!! I would not want to sign Hudson and then have JP trolling in LF!!!

    Well, I’ve got a busy day today, so this post will be my only until later. Have a great day my ITD friends!!!

  2. crzblue2

    Buenos dias ITD boys & girls!
    I can’t watch the video that Josh posted. I must be a work thing so I’ll watch it when I get home.
    Like dnelly & copompe, I rather cook than clean. Even as a teenager I used to pick cooking over cleaning.
    I got my tickets in the mail for the World Baseball Classic finals at Dodger Stadium on 3/21, 3/22 & 3/23! Monday’s game is at 6:30 so I need to leave on an earlier train or drive. The more I commute, the more I hate driving.

  3. dodgereric

    Gooooood morning, ITD!

    I wonder if they’ve thought of moving DeWitt to LF instead of Blake? I know Casey has some MLB experience in the OF and DeWitt does not, but he’s younger and can’t be much slower a-foot than Casey. Just a thought.

    Junie was wondering on the last thread about why we’re not locking up the kids to multi-year deals like other teams. While I’m not privy to their discussions, I do know that it might be the choice of the players to not enter into multi-year deals right now. By the time they are eligible for free agency, the market might well be a lot better for them. Long-term deals are nice security, but you will probably be very underpaid near the end of them. There’s a risk either way. And I remember Martin turning down an offer last year for that very reason.

    And it’s nice to ‘see your face’ again, e!

  4. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ good morning to you, sir. It sure is nice to see Enchanted exposed, once again. It’s been quite some time.


    Josh needed a new to thread to get my Coletti transaction list off the page. lol… that wasnt hand picked that was all of them in full glory

  6. perumike

    Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Glad to see Andre’s issue was settled, and hopefully we’ll get Manny back on the roster SOON!

  7. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ I’m not surprised at all by our ranking….I actually thought we would be #1. But, I guess the Dbacks are a little worse off than we are. I do think we will sign Manny soon ( I know I keep saying that) and I think our pitching may be okay. So, hopefully we will show everyone that we’ve got what it takes to win.

  8. ramslover

    That worst offseason is based on the fact we have not signed Manny…as far as the pitching losses…Penny was a non factor and I know some ex employees that back up the Bowa scenario about his work ethic and that he was a jackarse….Lowe is a loss, but my contention is with the experience that Kershaw and Bills gained will help to offset that loss along with Wolf…The starting pitching I am not too concerned with for some reason….now any injury will be change all that…I think either McDonald or Elbert will step up in June or so to take over the 5th spot…Now if schmidt is really healthy and at 80-90 % of his old self he is an upgrade over Bloiza that we started with last year

    Now the Wade sore shoulder is a concern…look into signing Izzy the former Cards closer….if healthy his stuff is nasty…

    I am hoping that they do not sign Hudson, I am a Dewitt guy, but if they do a 1 yr contract…Dewitt can be super sub this year with the age of Blake he needs time off…

  9. enchantedbeaver

    Fortunately two others in that article are in our division.

    I think that they are overestimating Lowe’s value and underestimating Kersh/Wolf. I really think that Kersh will make up some of the wins, and Wolf some of the innings. Right now Schmidt’s an undetermined variable.

    Anything that keeps JP out of the line-up though makes it stronger, so sign Hudson and put Blake out in left.

  10. nellyjune

    dodgereric ~ thanks for the explanation on the signings. It does make sense to do it that way because of the way the market is changing from year to year. I was at a meeting with my grandfather’s financial advisor, and he called into a company (not knowing which company he was calling at the time) and asked for who I heard as Eric Monson, but it turned out to be Eric Momson. So, I sat there for a good 5 minutes while he was on the phone and writing down numbers thinking…”This is just too bizarre”

    enchanted – what are you blaming me for now? LOL!!! It was trublu who mentioned you being exposed, not me.

  11. heartruss

    Hi ITD
    I agree with Ramslover about Penny being a nonfactor. He just didn’t pitch well last season. But I think that Lowe was one of the more consistent of our pitchers last season. The only problem was that the other guys on the team just couldn’t score runs when he was pitching. I felt pretty secure when he was pitching. Kershaw still was inexperienced so he was only good for x number of pitches. Kuroda was excellent at times and not at others. Kuo was super. MacDonald showed a lot of promise. Beimel only pitched for one player and then he was retired. I think that they should try to get Beimel back. Everyone knows how I feel about Lowe. Penny did not seem to have the team spirit so it’s just as well that he is gone. I am a bit sad about Saito. He may be good this season. He was a super closer while he was healthy. I have not been that excited about a closer since Gagne. If anyone went to the games, just the Saito music, Bad to the Bone, would get you hyped up along with the Japanese anime and Saito dresed as the Japanese warrior. No one could do that fantastic with the graphics as the Dodger staff! Yes, I will miss that.

  12. ramslover

    I agree Enchanted….Lowe was consistent not spectacular…and with Kuroda having a year under his belt, he should be better prepared and more effective…Wolf, I am hoping that he is 3 years removed from surgery so he should be more effective, and an added plus he can hit….

  13. heartruss

    Ramslover, you are absolutely right about Lowe. Kuroda will do better this season. I suppose the big question marks are Wolf, Schmidt, and Weaver.

  14. heartruss

    Manny may not sign for a while. I just don’t get Borass. He should have signed Manny while the other huge contracts were being signed. Now it seems, on the whole, that it is all one year contracts. The economy seems to have dictated the contracts and the baseball players have resigned themselves to that fact. Manny should kick Borass in the you know where

  15. enchantedbeaver

    Don’t forget Lowe had an Ofer May with a 6.11 ERA. Even with run support that wouldn’t win many games. Legitimately though with some extra runs he might’ve won 16-17-18 games, but Kuroda only won 9 and Kersh 5 and I think both will hit double digits this year. Wolf too.

  16. heartruss

    Sounds good. Hope so. I always think that it’s the baseball gods that decide the games. No matter what talent a team has, it doesn’t always work out! 🙂

  17. nellyjune

    LOL!! just messing with you enchanted. I knew who you were talking to.

    So, are there any reports that indicate Billz is at 100%(if that’s possible for any pitcher) after his broken leg during the off-season?

  18. dodgereric

    Hi rams,

    I’m not as optimistic as you regarding our pitching. One or two years down the line, I like the potential for the kids. But there just has to be too much to go right for this year to work out – IF Billz has recovered from his broken leg, IF Kuroda’s arm is healed, IF Kershaw can take the next step, IF Wolf can stay healthy this time, IF McDonald is the real thing, IF Brox can close, IF Kuo’s elbow doesn’t blow up, IF Schmidt, IF Wade, IF Weaver, IF IF IF. That’s asking for a lot of things to break your way.

    There’s not one member of the staff that’s rock-solid. I agree that Penny’s loss is no big deal, he didn’t contribute last year anyway. But I don’t see Wolf as an adequate replacement for Lowe.

    The way I see it is that we’re depending on the kids – both on the mound and at the plate – to continue to improve. I don’t have a problem with that because I love to watch them do it. I hope that they do well. I also hope that we’re not going to be saying goodbye to them in the next few years.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t come to this. With sincere apologies to the great John Denver:

    It’s five o’clock this morning, and the sun is on the rise
    There’s frosting on the window pane, and sorrow in your eyes
    The stars are fading quietly, night is nearly gone
    And so you turn away from me, and tears begin to come

    And it’s goodbye again, I’m sorry to be leavin’ you
    Goodbye again, I’m signing with the Phils
    It’s goodbye again, and I wish you could tell me
    Why won’t McCourt pay me what the others will?

    It seems a shame to leave you now, the team’s so good and proud
    I long to play right field again, to hear the cheers so loud
    I longed to sign a nice contract, but Frank has other plans
    The other teams will pay me fair, adiou to Dodger fans

    So it’s goodbye again, I’m sorry to be leavin’ you
    Goodbye again, as if you didn’t know
    It’s goodbye again, and I wish that I could tell you
    I’ll always wear the Blue, but I have to go

    I have to go and make new fans you see, some that I don’t know
    And some who aren’t familiar with my name,
    I have to set my children up, not hard to understand
    There’s really only one out there to blame

    And if your team seems diff’rent now, it’s ‘cause the target’s new
    It used to be ‘bout Series wins, now shopping’s vital too
    The LA Marathon is big, or so they say to me
    And real estate’s important too, he’s lev’raged to a ‘T’

    So it’s goodbye again, I’m sorry to be leavin’ you
    Goodbye again, as if you didn’t know
    It’s goodbye again, and I wish you could tell me
    Why didn’t Fox sell us to a guy with dough?

  19. dodgereric

    I guess the economy hasn’t affected the NFL. The Raiders just gave a 3-year, $45.3 million contract to a CORNERBACK!

  20. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ Great job on the song! #? I’ve lost track. So a cornerback got $45.3M and Dre almost had to go to arbitration for $3M……….hmmm.

  21. enchantedbeaver

    Great song Eric!

    Don’t fret so much over the pitching staff though. Not all the “ifs” are going to go our way, but they’re not all going to go against us either.

    Lowe-Kersh-Kuroda combined for 28 wins last year. I see Kuroda-Kersh-Wolf combining for 34-36 wins this season. Pencil in Billz for 14-15, and I’d like to think right now anyway that Schmidt/McDonald/Troncoso/Stults/Estes/Dennis Weaver/Huggy Bear/Milton the Toaster are good for 9-10 as starters.

  22. colliethec

    Good afternoon ITD’ers!
    I hope all is having a great day!
    Eric-Your post @ 11:21 is a little iffy…
    I totally agree. The pitching is a big question mark.
    I wanted Hudson before we picked up Casey. But now Hudson only wants a 1 year contract. I don’t want to sign Hudson for a one year deal and then trade DeMitt. I’m also not to excited to have Casey or DeMitt in LF.
    Just give Manny a 2 year deal for 55 million and tell him that he will still be under 40 and can sign a 3 year deal when the economy is better to play in the AL and then he would have his 5 year deal, still make great money in a bad economic climate, play for a contender, in a beautiful place and part of the US, and have the opportunity to make tons of extra $$$ in endorsements with being in Hollywood.
    Get er done…
    I just heard the the Rockies Jeff Francis is being shut down for the year and needs surgery. Bummer for them.
    Go Blue!!!
    Bring the ring to LA in 2009!!!

  23. bluesplash09

    Dodgereric, that article was a joke, we are nowhere near the second worst offseason in baseball, there are plenty of teams that didnt do a thing so how do we get singled out? And i love how i’ve been hearing the giants are favorved to win the division just because lincecum pitches for them, people seem to forget he can can only play every 5 days and they have virtually no offense at all up there. The rockies just lost francis for the year, the padres are essentially a minor league team except for gonzoles and peavy, so the only compitition is the dbacks and we seemed to have figure out how to beat haren and webb at the end of last year, so I laugh at that article cause we are goin back to back in the west this year. GO DODGERS!!

  24. dodgereric

    Now wait a minute, dc! There’s no need to …… oh! Iffy! I get it!

    Nevermind ……… 🙂

    I’m not fretting so much e, as I’m not as optimistic as some. I hope I’m wrong, and I know that the division is weak. But I couldn’t care less about making the playoffs or winning the division. I’m sorry, but I don’t see last year as being a big success. I don’t see ’66, ’74, ’77 or ’78 as successes either. There is only one measure of success.

    We’ve had 5 successful seasons in LA. Anything less is not worth celebrating.

  25. colliethec

    I saw the conversation you guys had earlier about cleaning. I don’t know many that like to clean. I think more like to cook seeing as they have chef schools, but there are not to many cleaning schools that I’ve heard of.
    For me it’s my mood. There are times I like to cook and times I like to clean.
    Now if I had a larger kitchen I would always like to cook. I think it’s fun. I like trying new things. Pretty much I do a good job, but the last new attempt failed miserably. I couldn’t eat my pork chops. Neither could Wifey. We were laughing it was so bad. You were supposed to cure them with salt, apple juice, and a cinnamon stick. Let’s just say all it tasted like was a handful of salt. It was brutal!!

  26. nellyjune

    Here’s my answer about Billz ….

    • RHP Chad Billingsley has recovered sufficiently from the broken left fibula he suffered in a freak accident at home this winter that he will begin spring training on the same throwing program as everyone else. However, he will be held back in some fielding drills. Pitching coach Rick Honeycutt said Billingsley can field comebackers but probably won’t be allowed to cover first base during pitchers’ fielding practice.

  27. nellyjune

    LOL!!! dcollins – that’s funny. Yes, I am sure most of us rather cook, bake and grill, but I do know a few people who rather clean instead. …..and yes, I totally agree mood has a lot to do with it.

  28. dodgereric

    bluesplash, I’ll agree that article may be a bit preliminary. But as of right now, do you really think we’re better now than we were in October? I don’t.

  29. ramslover

    Dodgereric I understand your reservations about the staff…but our best pitcher last year was Bills and he won 17 games and did not win in April I believe or maybe one…
    Kuroda, is a wild card I agree and I have been worried about his shoulder, but if healthy he will be better than last year….
    Wolf, I think is going to be a welcome surprise…He pitched well last year in Houston which is a hitters park and he is a needed lefty…Kershaw will win 10 plus games…i have faith in the kid….

    The key to our staff being better depends alot on Manny, with Manny the pitching staff is alot better than without…The IFS are part of the game and I want to be optimistic that Bills is going to be a legit Cy Young candidate, Wolf and Kuroda will be solid 2 and 3s…I still wish the Dodgers had signed Garland, I would feel more comfortable….

  30. dodgereric

    rams, I’m looking forward to the first time Billz is in the game when one of our guys gets dusted. When he takes the mound in his next start he’ll be a little taller. And I have faith in Kershaw too, it just doesn’t happen overnight. Usually.

  31. bluesplash09

    I’m waiting to see what spring training has in store for us, right now at this second, no we aren’t better than we were. Losing lowe and park hurt cause they did good for us last year, but if we can have just a couple of these veteran pitchers get back to their winning ways then I think we’ll be in good shape. Our core of young players are now in control of this team and they will rise to the occasion. We wont have jones striking out every at bat for half the season like we did last year, and if Furcal stays healthy then we win our division hands down, the last piece of the puzzle is Manny (as much as I dont want to rely on one player) he will provide a ton of offense and take the pressure off Marin, Either, Kemp, and Loney. I think that with that addition and a couple comeback pitchers, we will see how much better we are very early in the season, which is a must becaause we have the raw end of the schedule in april, 7 home games, 16 away…the dbacks have 17 home games that month. GO DODGERS!!

  32. ramslover

    Bluesplash, I agree with Lowe, but Park was a mirage and the last 30 days he was getting lit up…He can be replaced…I am hoping that Weaver can recapture some of his nasty stuff..maybe for 1-3 innings he will be able to duplicate Chan Ho…I do not know why I think this, but when he was with us he would look good for 2-3 innings and then explode…

  33. ramslover

    Deric, I am with you in Bills, first time it happens, he needs to step up and knock someone on their butt…if not he it will be sign of weakness…

  34. enchantedbeaver

    JP and Jones sucked up (and I use that term both literally and figuratively) 644 PAs last year for 4 HR and 42 RBI. That means we basically played with only two OFers all almost year. I don’t care who we put out there – Manny, Blake, DeWitt, or Auntie Em, we’ll get better production than that.

    Again, this is one of those misleading items. On paper, Dre/Jones/Kemp looked good coming into last season, but the reality was quite different. Hands down, other than JP, anyone in 644 PAs should significantly better those numbers.

  35. colliethec

    That article about the offseason is interesting & correct.
    We haven’t had good offseason without signing Manny.
    We won’t have a great season without signing Manny.
    We will of had a good offseason if we end up signing Manny.
    We will probably have a great season if we sign Manny.
    For me it goes hand in hand…
    I didn’t agree with the Cubs being on the list. I thought they got better.

  36. colliethec

    Great points Enchanted…
    Our offseason should be improved not just on what we haven’t gotten, but what we’ve rid ourselves of!

  37. dodgereric

    Yep. We got rid of Jones, sure ’nuff.

    Have we signed Manny yet?

    “Batting second for your Los Angeles Dodgers, number 9, the left fielder, Juan Pierrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre”

  38. heartruss

    I also will miss Chan Ho. He was also a nice person. He made friends with many of the young fans. He would play catch with some of the children in the left field paviolion. He autographed a ball for one such fan and wrote “Follow your dreams.” That tells the whole story about Chan Ho.

  39. heartruss

    Hi trublu. I am almost ready to make that trip out to the airport in traffic. Sigh!!! I’m not that great a freeway driver although I somehow make it to Dodger Stadium on auto pilot.
    How is everyone? Hello Cpompe1, Nellyjune, Dodgeric, Ramslover, Enchanted, Dodger4life (where are u? U just disappeared) How is everyones day going. I took my Dad’s car to be washed and waxed. My birthday present for him…washing and waxing for one year, until his next birthday when it will be renewed.

  40. nellyjune

    LOL!!! dcollins………you certainly weren’t the first one to have me fooled, and you probably won’t be the last. It comes with the territory of being me I guess 🙂

  41. colliethec

    Heart–Chan Ho seemed like a really good guy. I saw him doing that as well when I went to a few games last year. At one point He threw a small bottle of Gatoraide from the dugout up to a one of the team photographers who was taking photos during the game. The photographer didn’t see who did it and thought someone was raelly throwing things AT him. He looked hacked and was looking around to see who & why someone was throwing stuff at him. He then saw Park laughing at him and realized who it was. Then when he resumed taking pictures, Park started throwing Snickers bars at him.
    I got his autograph a few years back during his 1st go around with LA. It was the night that Bonds hot his *500th homerun.
    I got his Driefort & Gagne all on some baseballs. He was really fun with the fans. One fan had a bag of kettle corn and he took it, opened it up, took a handful, popped them into his mouth and then signed the bag with a sharpie. He was having a good time with the fans even though many were Giants fans.

  42. colliethec

    Nelly–I drive Wifey crazy all the time. Some might say you’re gullible. I would say that you’re trusting! :)!!

  43. kpookiemon

    Day after day
    No Manny comes to L.A.
    Shhhsh, don’t you tell anybody
    First place slipping away.
    Where can we go?
    We’re no better than San Francisco.
    Better get ready to tie up Pierre so he don’t play no more.

  44. oldbrooklynfan

    Those webisodes realy give us a good look behind the scenes.
    Shows us even Major Leaguers are real people. It’s good to see our heroes acting silly.
    This is something I missed as a kid growing up precomputer days.

  45. nellyjune

    dodgereric – that is so not fair!!!! Do I or Don’t I?……

    dcollins – I have been told that, and we have talked about that, haven’t we dodgereric!!! LOL!!!!!

  46. colliethec

    Where is D4?
    & Wally for that matter!!!
    I know Nelly you posted a few days ago he would be around soon, but the place needs him around!

  47. nellyjune

    …………….yes, I opened it 🙂

    As far as jhall and dodger4life – no worries. We heard from jhall on Sunday via e-mail (just busy with work and travel) and dodger4life will be back soon I’m sure.

  48. nellyjune

    ………..LMAO!!!!!!! So, I have to give the buffalo nickel back? – LMAO!!!! Does this game thing run in the family? LOL!!!!!

  49. nellyjune

    Honestly, I knew it wouldn’t be Andre, but I sure couldn’t resist the fact that you had something hilariously funny to look at either. LOL!!!!

  50. dodgereric

    As long as we’re being honest, I tried it myself! After I posted it I got concerned that it might have been some porn site or something and was going to warn everyone.

  51. nellyjune

    …..and it’s really not a bad thing that I opened it because it was from somebody I trusted in the first place. So, it wasn’t really being gullable as much as it was being trustworthy.

  52. nellyjune

    Please do not feel guilty, and yes, I heard we won last night,and he has to be there tonight at six. Also, I hear he did well on his Chemistry test today as well. Have a great night and talk to you later.

  53. trublu4ever

    dcollins ~ Furcal wants Manny….the rest of the team (except one) wants Manny and the fans want Manny…, Frank, SIGN MANNY NOW!!!!

  54. nellyjune

    dcollins – who really on the team other than “you know who” wouldn’t want Manny on the team. The battery, with Russell and the pitchers sure want him there. Andre and Matt sure want him out in the outfield with them. It’s a comfort level they will have all around. However, I am not saying they can’t do this without him. It’s more like the added toppings that you don’t really need, but will be glad to have anyway.


    When the off-season began, I wanted us to sign two guys; Hudson and Cruz. I figured that Hudson would take care of second base for a year or two, and DeWitt would go back to third. I still think that this would be the best infield combination. Hudson broke his wrist last year; it wasn’t as if he has some chronic shoulder ot elbow ailment, and I think he’s still young enough and an asset to any team when his wrist is recovered. Cruz has put together a good record in his three years in the majors, and last year he was a real stud. I thought he would be a great replacement for Proctor, but we got Mota instead. With Beimel, Saito gone and one or two of the young relievers possibly ailing, I still think that Cruz would really solidify the bullpen, and I don’t care about giving up a draft choice or two – it’s not like we’re going to get one of the top five or even ten in the country with our draft picks this year.

    I didn’t think at the outset that we’d get Manny, and I thought that with Furcal in the fold we’d be better than last year anyway with or without Manny. If we can get Manny for a year or two, I’d naturally take him, but we could have been a good team anyway if Ned hadn’t just sat on his thumbs waiting for Manny. The main reason to get Manny is so as to keep JP out of the starting lineup. If Torre had any sense, he’d give somebody other than JP a real chance in LF anyway.

    So, I would still get Hudson, but I’d also go after Cruz, as I’ve maintained from the start.

  56. colliethec

    I don’t think Manny will sign anytime soon. As I recall in past years he wasn’t all that keen on being at ST on time anyway.
    I seem to recall a few years ago (I think 2007) he got permission to stay in the DR due to personal issues ( I think it was his mother had surgery) and the next thing you know he was going to be at an auto show New Jersey. I’m not sure if he went or not but I remember the drama.
    He’s been known to in shape anyway so he probably doesn’t feel the need to be there for the full time. Although it goes with the leadership factor as well as just bonding with his teammates. But I guess he probably feels he will have enough time to do that during the season.

  57. colliethec

    Bear I’d also go with one of the other options in LF over Juan as well. I’m with you on Cruz and was there with Hudson. I’m just not sure if we get Hudson that I would want to trade DeMitt. I guess he could always go to AAA as a back up if someone is injured.
    I don’t mind losing a draft pick for Cruz since the percentages of them ending up with the team that drafted them is pretty rare as well as if they even make the majors.
    As they say a prospect is only a prospect until he makes it.
    I’d rather go with the known commodity that is Cruz.


    I wouldn’t trade DeWitt even if we acquired Hudson. A reserve is always needed. I’m assuming that Loretta would simply be a pinchhitter replacement for Sweeney with occasional play on the field. Let Blake, DeWitt and Hudson battle it out. If we come up with too many infielders as the season progresses, we have somebody available to trade to fill whatever our hole may be, and I’m assuming the possibility of injuries or weaknesses that become apparent later on.

  59. trublu4ever

    I hope we don’t trade DeWitt either. Adding Hudson could fortify the bench as you say, Bear. If, we sign Hudson and Manny, you know who will really demand a trade…..or maybe just a release.


    As long as Torre doesn’t overestimate JP’s value once again, I almost wish that JP would stick around on the bench just as a reminder to Frank of the millions that Ned has pissed away in his GM tenure. Jungar should send Frank his list of all the signings that Ned has accomplished. After all Ned’s contract is at an end after this season – one can only hope that Frank will come to realize what a dud he has been. I might start my FIRE NED campaign early this year.

    Come to think of it, I don’t know which I’d like to see come to fruition more:
    SELL THE TEAM, or FIRE NED. A daily double would really be nice.

  61. trublu4ever

    I wish Jungar would mail him the list too. I think Ned is a very poor GM, as do you. He must not have very good people skills.

  62. kpookiemon

    Before everyone buries Ned–and believe me, I’m no Ned groupie…far from it–just recite the following list: Martin, Loney. Kemp, Ethier, Kershaw, Broxton, Billingsley. Ned has resisted the temptation/urge/panic of trading ANY of the young guns, players who just happen to be the Dodgers’ future. Now a cynic can argue that this course of action was the CHEAPEST way Ned and Frank could have gone. And that cynic would be right. But it doesn’t mean the strategy isn’t sound. Can you imagine if Ned had packaged a couple of these studs for that punk Peavy, who’s a couple sliders away from a year on the shelf? Ned would have been hung from the Reserved level railing, along with the bobbleheads of Dreifort and Schmidt. The Dodgers off-season so far has been a good one. Sign Manny, which we all know will happen, and it’s a VERY good one.

  63. kpookiemon

    …that said, just to play devil’s advocate, if Ned continues his game of wait and see with Manny…and a high-revenue teams suffers a catastrophic injury to a starting outfielder, Boras will finally have the “other” team he’s been blathering about.

  64. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    messagebear – spoken like……..well, you 🙂

    Kahli – very good points about the young core.


    “If this were April 1 right now,” Dodgers outfielder Andre Ethier says, “we’d all be asking, ‘Where’s Manny at?’ But not now. Maybe not until then.

    “No one is really talking about him because we all expect him to be here.”

    The truth is that Ramirez is in Florida, working out in Pensacola during the week and returning home to Miami on the weekends, agent Scott Boras says. He’s in great shape, according to Boras, and will be ready for opening day whenever he signs.

    “When you’re that good of a cake,” Boras says, “it takes little frosting.

    “Manny is now the face of that franchise. So it comes down to a choice of winning or losing. Dodgers fans know what life was like without him. And they know what life was like with him. The truth of the matter is that he makes that much of a difference.”

    Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti says they have a one-year, $25 million contract offer on the table. Ramirez already rejected a two-year, $45 million deal, along with salary arbitration from the Dodgers. The San Francisco Giants are the only other team to publicly acknowledge interest, but they have not divulged any contract offers.

    “I can’t see him playing in San Francisco,” says Dodgers outfielder Juan Pierre. “You think he wants to play in that cold? You think he wants to play left field in that place? I just can’t see it. You expect him to be here.”


    ….they loaded their bench with veterans such as catcher Brad Ausmus and infielders Mark Loretta and Juan Castro……


  67. nellyjune

    jungar – I really don’t like the sound of those comments. It kind of sounds like Boras is daring the Dodgers not to sign Manny. That if the Dodgers don’t sign him, we are sure to lose.

  68. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! I wouldn’t consider our bench loaded, at least not with quality players (or yet to be determined players), but maybe something else 🙂

  69. cpompe1

    Good eveing ITD boys and girls!
    Probably won’t be here for long, but wanted to come back and talk to my ITD friends! Still no news on Manny. Yeah, it seems like everyone wants him back – all except you-know-who… (our little gnome)…

    Sorry I missed you earlier shepherd!!! So how are my friends???

  70. cpompe1

    Aw, you know!!! Our garden gnome that I called a troll earlier and enchanted promptly corrected me!!! 🙂

    How is my Nellygirl???

  71. cpompe1

    I’m doing great Nelly! I had a rather busy day today. Remember when I told you about that test I took a few weeks ago in Oxnard (about 100 test takers for 2 or 3 positions???). Well, I was asked to take an oral test, which I had this morning. I think I did well. But then again, I almost always think I do well. We’ll see. I also had another test with the VCCCD. That was easy. It’s just the beginning of that process. We’ll just see!!! I know you do, but just keep praying for me!!!

  72. cpompe1

    Yeah!!! So how is your daughter??? I’m sorry, you’re going to have to remind me of her name!!! Has she stopped talking about Andre & Russ yet??? 🙂


    Ok peple i have some news on Manny! The word on the street(my source that i cant reveal) is that Scott Boras advise Manny to take the deal that the Dodgers had offered him, which was the two year offer. But, Manny did not want to accept it. Manny wants a 4 year deal!! The other thing that i know is that Manny will be holding out all of spring training, he does not like spring training and would rather work out on his own. Remember that the agents work for the players, the agents represent the ball player. The ball player will tell his agent what he expects, that’s what they get paid to do. In other words Scott Boras will always look like the bad guy, because he is the negotiator, little do we know that Manny is the one pulling on the strings of the puppet. It Makes alot of sense why Manny wants 4 years. Manny can be Manny with a 4 year deal. Manny cant be Manny in a two year deal. He would have to prove himself again after two years.

  74. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! CP – you might want to ask dogereric how Mariya is doing. She has definitely stopped talking about Andre and Russell, and has moved onto boys her own age. She claims she is split between the Giants and Dodgers. I told her that is impossible, but there are factors that are definitely leaning her towards the Dodger side of the fence.

  75. nellyjune

    Hey carcyn – It’s good to see you on ITD again. Thanks for the inside information. I am sure many will take that information and run with it. I, personally, at this point, don’t know if Manny is worth all this attention. Yes, I would love to see him in left field over the garden gnome, but this is getting to be a little much.

  76. cpompe1

    Okay carcyn. That’s interesting. As much as I don’t like Borass, I have no doubt that Manny is the one that is really pulling the strings. But remember this. It was reported (I don’t think proven – yet) that it was Borass’ prompting to have Manny be as horrible a Manny as he was just before he left Boston. I personally wouldn’t put it past Borass to prompt Manny in that way. Plus, I have a hard time believing that even Manny would forgo the rest of his contract unless there was pressure coming from someone like Borass… Personally, I think they are two peas in a pod and if Manny is going to hold out until next year, so be it. I don’t want Manny under those circumstances. I’d rather have Casey Blake in LF with DeWitt at 3B and the O-Dogg at 2B than have Manny if he’s going to cop that kind of attitude…

  77. cpompe1

    Ask Eric??? Does that mean that Mariya is “smitten” with Matt??? I’m just glad that she is leaning towards our Boys in Blue!!! Keep at it Nelly!!! Next thing you know, she’ll want to paint her room in Dodger Blue!!!


    It is getting to be to much. I had already put the Manny issue to rest, until the source told me that Manny is the one holding out. Well i just hope he does land in LA once again. It would be great for the LA fans; and my daughter. My daughter is 4 years old and loves the guy. Everytime we pass by Angel Staduim she says “Angels suck, I want to go see Manny”.

  79. cpompe1

    Yes carcyn. It is WAY too much. I just say have faith in our Young Guns and let the chips fall where they may. I’ve been SOOO done with Manny ever since he said no to 1 year, $25 mil. At this point, I would rather see us acquire the O-Dogg and move Blake and DeWitt accordingly. Then let the games begin!!!

  80. nellyjune

    Oh, her room is already Dodger blue…..well the actual paint color is bikini blue (whatever that means), but it’s just a tad darker than the true Dodger blue color. As for Matt…….just a little…..or maybe alot. Let’s just say, I already know how Matt’s hockey game went tonight. No details how eric gives them, but I do know in Mariya’s words, “his team let him down once again.”

  81. cpompe1

    That’s great that her room is already Dodger blue or bikini blue or whatever. As long as there’s no orange in there!!! Wow!!! So how does Mariya’s mom feel about this budding relationship??? I hope Mariya doesn’t mind us talking about her on ITD!!! If she does, well, tell her to “defend her honor” by posting!!! For that matter, Matt can “defend her honor” too!!!

  82. nellyjune

    Knowing Eric, he is reading this right now – LOL!!! Well, it’s funny everything Mariya has told me about Matt, I mostly already knew about him through what Eric has told me, meaning the big stuff – ambitions, scouts , hockey, and the surgery he had. In addition to that, Mariya has added a bunch of little things to the mix – green eyes, 6’0″ tall, can play guitar, etc. etc. Eric has always described Matt as being an outstanding young man, and from what I saw last Saturday and from what I have heard and seen through text messages, etc in the last 6 days, he is nothing short of that outstanding young man.


    I still say F Manny. Let’s get Hudson, and we can then include Blake in the mix to fill LF. Let’s get Cruz, and our bullpen will be fine. Let’s get ready to start the season, and let Manny be Manny someplace else. This game and this team is bigger than Manny.

  84. dodgereric

    Gooooood morning ITD!

    Junie, all I can say is:
    1 – Someone did a pretty good job raising Mariya, and
    2 – I need to call Verizon to make sure Matt has unlimited texting

  85. dodgereric

    I just sent this to the LA Times.

    Frank, feel free to copy this letter and send it to Boras.

    Dear Manny,

    We would dearly love you to be a part of our team, but we’re not waiting forever. Feel free to drop by my office any time next week and sign a one-year $28 million contract with a team option for a second year at the same rate. That salary should be sufficient to feed your ego and Scott’s. Once that contract is successfully fulfilled, you should be able to get that 4-year deal from an American League team to close out your Hall of Fame career in grand style. There’s no way on God’s Green Earth that you’re getting one of those from us.

    This offer expires when the calendar hits March of 2009. At that time we will assume that you have better irons in the fire. We will proceed with our season and you can go ahead and accept one of those other deals Mr Boras is so fond of referring to. Or perhaps you are prepared to sit out the season and earn nothing. It’s a free country after all.

    If I don’t hear from you, thank you for a spectacular two months last year and best of luck in the future.


    Frank McCourt

  86. thinkingblue

    Good morning ITD’rs.
    Eric great letter and I would be signing it too.
    TRU how are you…I’m just very happy Ethier is getting a big pay. Yeah! And it was sooooo great to see him wearing the blue and out practicing. He still GOT IT!
    JOSH – thanks for keeping us post-it on what’s going on in Camelback Ranch. I love the video clip of Martin (Kevin-Arnold-look-alike…LOL!) doing the B-bop. I’m glad my boys are having fun out there. And yet they are still working hard. The new boys in blue are “looking good”. Love their Dodger blue jackets they were all sporting during Torres speech. And Josh my cousin and wife will going out there for a game next month…give him a hard time…LOL…no he is really looking forward to the whole Arizona-Dodgers experience and I’m sure he will come back with great stories.
    Rose – (aka Dodgersrule1655)

  87. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Ward Dear…..sigh……thank you so very much and yes, you definitely need to check for unlimited texting, and you might want to check talking plans as well because it’s not just texting. We are good with unlimited evenings and weekends regardless of networks (we have AT&T and you are Verizon) Seriously, everything I said last night is the absolute truth, and I know that has a great deal to do with you and Chris, but we have talked about that and what parents should be doing, which is parenting. In any event, Mariya is pretty much on cloud 9 right now, and it has nothing to do with being home from school.

    Good Morning trublu!

  88. scurtis1999

    Dear Dodgers,

    Do you want to win or not? Do you want to score 2 runs a game or 6? Do you want 25,000 fans a night or 55,000 fans a night? Do you really like Juan Pierre? Is this a Kansas City market or a LA market?


    Scott Boras

  89. nellyjune

    Wow!!!! dodgereric – it took me 40 minutes to write that one paragraph and I missed all the fun – Fantastic Letter!!!!!!

    Good Morning messagebear and Rose!!

  90. scurtis1999

    I just better not have wasted $500 to sit in left field at Wrigley for all 4 games on Memorial Day weekend to see Juan Pierre.

  91. nellyjune

    scurtis – That would be a shame. I have done that at DS, and I was not happy. I did that right after the season started (April 11th against the Padres). Andre was playing left because he had technically won the job for opening day when I purchased the tickets. Then, Joe had to go and screw everything up. Good Luck in that 🙂

  92. trublu4ever

    scurtis ~ Pierre would be a disappointment for you? lol
    good morning nellyjune & dodgersrule
    And good morning to you, too, dodgereric.

  93. thinkingblue

    Well Nelly & Scurtis remember a lot of the good players were pulled from playing on the last games (this past season) since we (I mean Dodgers) secured the win to the playoffs. Now those people are probably very happy that we won to move to the next round but I’m sure the were mad at the fact that their fave players were not up batthing or catching and didn’t we loose that game aswell. (I believe it was agains the freaken Giants).

  94. scurtis1999

    Nelly. Ugh yeah that had to stink.

    Trublu, yeah I don’t need to see JP in LF. lol

    I’m ready for some spring training games. Gonna be funny playing at later times and against different opponents in the Cactus league.

  95. dodgereric

    Dear Scott,

    I acknowledge that Manny is a tremendous run-producer. Right now. He’ll be 37 in a couple of months. Players have been known to drop off in their production when they hit this time in their careers.

    If you think I’m going to be paying him $25 million a year when he’s 39, 40, 41 years old (who couldn’t play defense when he was 30), crawl back into your crack pipe. I’ll take the gamble that he won’t be racking the ball enough to earn that money by then, since it’s the only thing he can do. I’ll bet Jerry Buss is thankful that he didn’t knuckle under to Shaq for the same reason a couple of years ago.

    And by the way, we’ve been averaging well over 46,000 fans for the last 3 years.

    Your pal,


  96. thinkingblue

    SCURTIS – Management is probably psst off at the fact that you are complaining at your $500 that could be wasted on JP when they wasted even more on him….why even play the guy.

  97. thinkingblue

    OH come on Scurtis…with or without Manny…Dodgers will still kick @$$ so I wouldn’t put them in Stubhub… then you will be @$$ out. Where is your team spirit! GO DODGERS….LOL…Love my Dodgers!

  98. nellyjune

    Scurtis – If I have to be in the outfield from now on, I always choose right field. At least then you are guaranteed Matt or Andre. Even in centerfield, there are no guarantees Juan Pierre won’t play there either.

  99. scurtis1999 reports that the Dodgers have “begun talks” with Orlando Cabrera.
    Rafael Furcal is obviously locked in as the Dodgers’ shortstop, but Cabrera has apparently told the team that he’d be willing to play second base. Los Angeles has also been linked to Orlando Hudson recently, suggesting that they aren’t sold on Blake DeWitt as the everyday second baseman.

  100. dodgereric

    Excuse me, I need to find a mirror and confirm that I’m still me. Someone in my body has been defending McCourt and I want to know who it is.

  101. scurtis1999

    Good point. Next set of tickets is right field! All 3 games I got at US Cellular for the White Sox series are down 1b RF line.

  102. thinkingblue

    SCurtis…just do the “Do-NOT-play-Juan-Pierre-Dance” and yes Nelly is right. And when you are at the game and JP shows up to play…just take out you “NO OUTFIELD GARDEN GNOMES ALLOWED”!
    OH yeah I’ve read a couple of messages agooooo and I’m glad to see ENCHANTED BACK!

  103. scurtis1999

    I will just run out onto the field into LF and maybe the cops will accidentally tackle JP instead of me lol jk jk

  104. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!! I am not sure who I am laughing at more dodgereric defending the McCourts or the image of JP being tackled. I am sure it’s a combination of both – too funny 🙂

  105. dodgereric

    Wow, scurtis! Isn’t that interesting? I read yesterday that Oakland was only offering him $5 mil. And the Giants got Renteria for 2 years and $18.5?

  106. scurtis1999

    How much do you think we would offer OC? I’d rather much have Hudson then OC. I have a buddy that used to play MLB and told me an interesting OC story where he allegedly was sleeping with Keith Foulke’s wife or GF in Boston. Basically the whole Red Sox team voted to get rid of OC quickly.

    Glad you ladies and gents got a kick out of the JP comment lol

  107. nellyjune

    You know…enchanted said not to read much into why Blake DeWitt was not at that young core meeting earlier this week, but with all these “apparent” talks with Hudson and Cabrera, it kind of makes you wonder if there isn’t something more to this…..

  108. thinkingblue

    Thanks Eric!

    OMG 700 msgs WTF! Unlimited texting is just the safest thing to do when teen agers are involve and plus they learn about abbreviating!


    Great letter Scurtis. The dodgers should have the money for manny and a top pitcher. not crap as usual. i think furcal will be a big bust, blake will be bust, wolf will be a good deal and mota will be a joke. sorry

  110. enchantedbeaver

    I think to a person here on ITD that if we had to choose between the two, we’d sign Hudson over Cabrera, but can Hudson play short? I see Cabrera as a CYA move for Ned in case Furcal goes down again. I don’t see it as a DeWitt issue, I see it as a Hu issue. Its also CYA in case they don’t sign Manny, though in that respect, Hudson would make more sense if DeWitt moves to third.

  111. dodgereric

    No. His plan had 1500 minutes/month outside of Verizon. I can do the math.

    And I also think the Dodgers have the money for Manny and a top pitcher. I agree (and have all winter) with bear that we should be getting Cruz. But I think that we we’ll regret signing Manny for more than 2 years. I think Furcal is worth the gamble, should have signed Hudson instead of Blake and returned DeWitt to 3rd, Wolf became a necessary signing whether he gets injured or not and Mota is already a joke. And don’t be sorry.

  112. nellyjune

    Have a great afternoon ITD readers and writers!!! I am going to watch some highschool baseball. Not sure who is pitching seeing it’s only a scrimmage, but we shall see. Talk to you all later.

  113. dodgereric


    The Dodgers and Orlando Hudson have reportedly come to terms on a deal.

    It sounds like the late interest in Orlando Cabrera was just the Dodgers’ way of pushing Hudson to sign on the dotted line. The Diamondbacks have to be both pleased and disappointed. Having him sign with the Dodgers was their best-case scenario as far as compensation, as they’ll now get the 17th pick in this year’s draft. However, it does make the competition in the NL West a little tougher. With Hudson in town, the Dodgers will probably send Blake DeWitt to Triple-A for more seasoning. They already have Mark Loretta locked into a utility role.

  114. trublu4ever

    I pray you are right about that lineup, Dodgereric. I did hear through the rumor mill that they are talking about a 3-year deal for Manny. I wonder if that will be good enough for Boras and him.


    If we get Manny I think our offseason is an A considering the options if we don’t get him its an F..if were gonna get a bunch of older players then we better win now. This group can’t win without a big hitter in the center.

  116. sparkleplenty_1

    Hi everyone!
    I, for one, am very excited about signing the O-Dog. We now have that ever so important strength up the middle. He and Furcal both have great range and I think they’ll compliment each other well, not only in the field but also at bat. God willing they both stay healthy.

  117. alex41592

    I am a big Orlando Hudson fan so I welcome him. DeWitt is a great insurance policy should Blake or Hudson come down with an injury. The draft pick is the only negative here with it going to the D’Backs. There’s no way to spin it, I don’t like that. But, Hudson and Furcal should be a tremendous combo offensively and defensively.

    If Manny hops on board our lineup is SCARY.

  118. scurtis1999

    If Manny signs now I love our team, but come July we will need to trade for another starting pitcher. I just don’t see this staff being the usual dominating staff. We will miss Lowe more then some think.

    By the way, next time we play Philly and CBill doesn’t hit Utely, Howard or Rollins right in there ribs, then I will have lost all respect for him. He didn’t need to retaliate last year for the Brett Myers pitch above Manny’s head. Regular season is the time to do it.

  119. kpookiemon

    Not sure exactly what Hudson’s signing means. I STILL like DeWitt….a lot. If anything…for me…it portends a Pierre trade. If a team had to choose three players between Hudson, Blake, DeWitt and Pierre to bat every day, I’m sure many would exclude Pierre. I hope it DOESN’T mean Manny isn’t coming. Maybe they just feel DeWitt needs more grooming, easing him in, as it were as a back-up. But with Loretta, and whoever is the utility shortstop (Castro? Hu?), how many infield spots remain? Luckily for DeWitt he bats left-handed. Add Manny, and I’m really lost. A trade for an arm? Confusing signing for me…but I’m just an ITD geek…

  120. dodgereric

    I don’t like giving up high draft picks either, but what are the chances of missing out on a bonafide Major Leaguer with this pick?

    17th pick in the first round in the last 30 years

    2008 Blue Jays David Cooper 1B
    2007 Rangers Blake Beavan RHP
    2006 Padres Matthew Antonelli 3B
    2005 Yankees Carl Henry SS
    2004 Dodgers Timothy Elbert LHP
    2003 RedSox David Murphy OF
    2002 Phillies Cole Hamels LHP
    2001 Indians Daniel Denham RHP
    2000 Dodgers Ben Diggins RHP
    1999 RedSox Rick Asadoorian OF
    1998 Astros Brad Lidge RHP
    1997 RedSox John Curtice LHP
    1996 Cubs Todd Noel RHP
    1995 Blue Jays Roy Halladay RHP
    1994 Astros Ramon Castro C
    1993 WhiteSox Scott Christman LHP
    1992 Royals Jim Pittsley RHP
    1991 Angels Eduardo Perez 1B
    1990 Mets Jeromy Burnitz OF
    1989 Brewers Cal Eldred RHP
    1988 Indians Charles Nagy RHP
    1987 Blue Jays Alex Sanchez RHP
    1986 Reds Scott Scudder RHP
    1985 Royals Brian McRae SS
    1984 Astros Don August RHP
    1983 Mariners Terry Bell C
    1982 Cubs Tony Woods SS
    1981 Tigers Ricky Barlow RHP
    1980 Angels Dennis Rasmussen LHP
    1979 Rangers Jerry Don Gleaton LHP

    A few recognizable names, five tops out of 30 that I’d like to have. So to get a ML ballplayer in exchange for it, I’ll spend that pick. Hopefully, if he leaves after one year, he’ll still be a Type A so we can get a pick back.

  121. enchantedbeaver

    That’s my thought Eric – we’ll get that pick back next year if Hudson has his normal season.

    Other than learning 2B a little more, DeWitt really has nothing to prove by being in the minors. It either potends not signing Manny, or we get a very strong bench this year. DeWitt would still see a lot of playing time spelling Blake and O, coming in as Blake’s defensive replacement, and possibly even be the primary LH PH. Trading DeWitt for pitching is viable, but risky. You only have Hudson for 1 year, then you need a 2B again (I don’t see DeJesus ever being 2B.)

  122. 636566cy

    The Hudson signing is something I thought was viable before they signed Casey Blake because I figured DeWitt would play 3B. I’m not really sure if I’m real keen on signing him now, but I think we could all agree that at this point in time he is a better player than DeWitt. That may not be the case in 1-2 years, but the beauty of the signing is that its only for 1 year. However, that still doesn’t mean that I like the idea of DeWitt not playing full time this year. There is still a possibility that it may happen if they put Blake in LF and then have DeWitt play 3B. Not what everybody wants to see, but it would keep Pierre out of the lineup:)

  123. bluesplash09

    I like this signing as well, his average has gone up every year and it looks like he doesnt strike out too often, which will help Furcal if Hudson bats 2nd, and from what i’ve seen and heard Hudson is one of the friendliest guys in the game which bodes well for clubhouse chemistry. Hopefully this sets up the signing of Manny and the trade of Pierre, although I want to see how Schmidt and Weaver preform during spring training before we go out and get pitchers we might not end up needing….do you think the padres would take Pierre, Hu, and a couple minor leagers for peavy? I want him out of san diego cause we would face him the first game of the season and that record speaks for itself

  124. dodgereric

    I heard Kershaw on the radio about an hour ago and he said that Schmidt looked really good so far.

    But then, he’s just a kid……..


    bluesplash, would you really make that deal if you were the Pads G.M.?

    Eric, great letters. This is not a case of supporting Frank, it is just common sense.

    The Hudson signing is consistant with Ned’s reluctance to rely on a young player if a more established player is available, at least at the start of the season. A young player almost has to force his way into the Dodger lineup by taking advantage of any playing time he gets, especially when asked to fill in for an injured player. While everyone likes Blake DeWitt, he has not done that yet. He started off really hot but cooled down almost as quickly.

    Is Casey Blake really a good alternative in left field? I am not familiar with him enough to know how good he would be out there. I realize some may want anyone out there besides JP but I recall the time they tried Loney in right field and he almost killed himself running into the wall.

  126. shepherd96

    DY’s situation gets more tenuous with Hudson around. DY came up as a 2B. His main issue has been that he isn’t hitting as hoped.

    He may become tradebait. Of course if he starts hitting the cover off the ball, the Ds will find room for him for another year.

  127. bluesplash09

    I’m just saying we could end up with a surplus of infielders and pitchers so if they are thinking of trading why not go after a pitcher in your division that has absolutely dominated us year after year, I just want peavy out of the NL West

  128. scurtis1999

    Casey Blake will not play LF. It’s Manny or JP.

    Kershaw probably never saw the old Jason Schmidt pitch when his fastball was 94-98 and his change was 87-90 mph. I’m guessing JS will top out like 89-92 on his fastball and 83-85 on his change. No way his arm will be like it was with the Gnats.

  129. trublu4ever

    Very good observations by all of you. I do hope that scurtis is right and we are getting Manny. I’m not even going to mention #9.

  130. enchantedbeaver

    In ’05 and ’06 Blake was primarily an OF with the Indians.

    I know its Uncle Joe so anything goes, but with DeWitt/Frucal/Hudson/Loney, you could have the slickest fielding infield in baseball. Blake can probably hold his own in left, and his offense and arm is obviously better than Pierre’s. Also, where’s JP going to bat? 8-9? That negates his only asset.

  131. obi_wen

    “Juan Pierre questions the signing of any player who is named after a city AND a river.” —Juan Pierre, Spring Training Thought Bubble

  132. kpookiemon

    Pierre can’t have it both ways. He has a monster contract, says the Dodgers knew what he was when Ned went brain dead…err, signed him to five years…and then complains that any player is tradeable and he doesn’t want to sit. I say to Pierre, you’d be starting for another team right now…except for that “tradeable” contract. Andruw only had one year left on his albatross contract, not THREE. So……….if you want to play so bad, rip up the contract. Oh wait, that’s right, the Player’s Union would scream bloody murder. OK then, there must be a moral’s clause. How about rockin’ the bong at a frat party as the cell phone cameras click? But whatever you decide for your future, do all Dodger fans a favor. Shut up, bank your millions and do whatever Uncle Joe asks you to do. Victim….you are NOT!

  133. enchantedbeaver

    Ned may allude to keeping JP as an insurance OFer, but the truth of the matter is, he’s totally untradeable both from a performance and contract perspective.

    That makes it unavoidable that Uncle Joe will use him in one capacity or another. What gets me is that he was using JP as a “defensive” replacement for Manny last year. I’m assuming that with either Blake or Manny in left this year, JoJo will do the same.

    Who in their right mind would…


  134. enchantedbeaver

    Also, as long as JPs on the team, Dre and Kemp will get more “rest” than is necessary.

    Where’s my whacking stick??? (looks around)


    Give Manny the third year and give this dime novel an ending…….we aren’t going to get Peavy for the Garden Gnome and a few lower level minor league afterthoughts. Just another crack pipe dream….normally, I’d be happy about the Hudson signing but I don’t like it’s implications for DeWitt. Now, DeWitt is either headed for AAA, a backup role, or CYA coverage in case Manny doesn’t sign. I just hope Ned doesn’t turn around and trade him for some PVL because it’ll come back to haunt us down the road….I agree that we’ll never get the Schmidt that we paid for. I’d settle for half or 2/3’ds of that.

  136. trublu4ever

    seesky ~ I think Manny will be offerd a 3-year deal and take it. If that happens we will be a pretty good team. Actually our defense should be quite outstanding. And, with Manny on the team with the young core, we should score enough runs to take the load of of our pitching.

  137. shad78

    I like Hudson but why? He always seem to get hurt everytime in September thepast 2 years. I was really hoping Dewitt would played that position 100% until he started to slump.


    Blake..Pierre..Pitcher..Furcal..hudson….Maybe 30 bombs between 5 spots in the order. Hope Ethier, Kemp, Loney and Martin are on the juice.

    This O-dog signing is way better than the Furcal signing. Better defender, better career OPS, no back surgery, younger. And 26 million and 2 guaranteed years cheaper.

  139. trublu4ever

    Blake, pitcher, Pierre, Furcal, Hudson or as I’d prefer it, Furcal, Hudson, Ethier, Manny, Kemp, Loney, Martin, Blake, pitcher. Not bad at all!!

  140. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    seesky!!!! Your name is back!!! That is very good to see. As with enchanted, let’s hope the management keeps you a happy Dodger fan.

    I don’t know what to make of this O-Dog signing, but I have understood much of anything the Dodgers have done this off-season. Everything they have done has really messed with my logical thinking.

  141. trublu4ever

    nelljune ~ maybe Dodger fans aren’t supposed to be logical. Sometimes I think management thinks we are idiots.


    Blake..Pierre..Pitcher..Furcal..Hudson=Yikes. I project that to be 38 HR.

    To be in the top 15 from last year you would need to hit 170 as a team.

    Ethier Kemp Loney Martin
    Can turn into GBSC of the 2000s and all hit 30hr (very unlikely mind you, just exaggerating) and we would still need to hit another 12 HR to get to 170….

    Say the 4 young ins all hit 20 (something I would be happy with from each of them) then we would need 58hr from Loretta, Castro, Ausmus to reach what was the top 15 in baseball in 08 which is pathetic.

    Our pitching was the 2nd best era in baseball last year at 3.68. I don’t t hink that number will get better….So for those who say we can win without Manny..I don’t think so. I know HR aren’t everything, but we only hit 137 last year, 17 of them were Manny.

  143. nellyjune

    I think sometimes it’s a matter of those of us serious Dodger fans knowing too much. Frank and Ned are banking on the other thousands and thousands of other fans who just want to see the Dodgers play and don’t care who is out on the field.

  144. bluesplash09

    Manny or no Manny, I think the only thing standing in our way of another division title is the dbacks starting pitching, I think our offense will provide enough run support for a starting staff that a lot of people will be surprised by. On a side note, the lakers are puttin the hammer down on new orleans right now

  145. trublu4ever

    Having Manny would make a big difference. Everyone on the team wants Manny……….the fans want Manny. So, Frank, sign Manny ASAP!!!!

  146. enchantedbeaver

    Any line-up with Juan Pierre in it as a regular starter is doomed to failure both offensively and defensively.

  147. enchantedbeaver

    I guarantee that if JP is an everyday player this team finishes 10-14 games under .500.

    I am so sick of having this discussion year after year, all the while knowing Idiot Joe will play him anyway.

  148. enchantedbeaver

    What’s the worst contract of Ned’s illustrious tenure?:

    (A) Schmidt
    (B) Jones
    (C) Pierre
    (D) Other (perhaps Nomar II or Tomko – someone else??)

    And why?

    This question will be graded 25% on the multiple choice, 75% on the essay.

  149. nellyjune

    enchanted – it was the exact same discussion, but it was JP or Ethier, now we are talking JP or Manny. There was no question season who should have been starting left fielder and Manny or not, we know who shouldn’t be in left field this season.

  150. nellyjune

    Well, Jones we got rid off, fortunate for Ned. Schmidt while costly only would have pitched every 5 games. So, my answer for the multiple choice part is C, and not because he is my least favorite of that group but because he can’t throw the ball, which really should be a requirement to be in the outfield, and the only offensive tool he has is speed, which we have said over a bazillion times, your speed doesn’t help you if you are not on base in the first place. I am not a Pierre hater, but right now, for this Dodger team, his services are not needed.

  151. trublu4ever

    If we can only choose one I’ll say (B) Jones. I know Schmidt has been a total disappointment but I know he tried to play every year. He did give it a go but Andruw, mon the other hand just seemed to show up for the money. He didn’t give a damn about the team……didn’t give a damn that he couldn’t hit the ball and I had the feeling every time he struck out………..he was saying f*** you to the fans!!!

  152. enchantedbeaver

    I’ll give everyone a chance to weigh in, then give you the correct answer on Monday along with your test scores.


    If I could pick just one, I’d say (c) Pierre. When Ned came here, the D’s needed an impact offensive player to replace Drew and, when he couldn’t fill the bill, in desperation, he settled for Pierre. That ill-advised signing led to Jones, another big-ticket purchase, that ended up even worse, if that’s possible, than the Pierre signing. Being a pitcher, Schmidt’s absence has less impact. That and the rise of Bills mediated his effect.


    If Pierre is as interested in playing regularly as he says he is, maybe he’d agree to a restructuring of his deal similar to AJ’s. That might make it easier for a deal to happen.


    While Manny Ramirez is one of the best right-handed hitters in the history of the game, I thought it would be interesting to look at the late career statistics of another great hitter — Ted Williams, since there seems to be some reluctance to giving Manny a three-year contract given the fact is 37 years old.

    Ted was born in 1918. In 1957– at the age of 39 — Ted, in 420 official at-bats (120 walks), scored 96 runs, hit 38 home runs, had 87 RBIs and batted .388.

    Manny is in great physical shape. I see no reason why Manny would not have at least three more productive years, hopefully for the Dodgers.
    Bite the bullet Frank.

  156. enchantedbeaver

    Spit – they just can’t count the Manny chicken before he’s hatched. With the current players on the roster (and Joe’s idiocy because you know he’ll play him), they have to list JP, and they put him in the only logical batting position (but we all know Joe will still bat him 2nd.)


    I don’t have a problem giving Manny 3 years. My problem is with the 4rh year he seems to want. I’m not as concerned with his offensive numbers declining as I am with his defensive contribution. He’s only adequate, at best, now. What’s he going to be like at 41? How many teams start a 41-year old outfielder on an everyday basis?


    If Manny hits the way you suggest and the contract is not crazy crazy, we can trade him in 2 years to a team with a DH. Also, with him and the way the team is built other than maybe some pitching help, were a legit WS contender for two years. As someone said earlier, I am too old to give away years. And it’s been 21. I am not a win now guy, but because that’s how they are building it then u gotta go all in. But I agree with you in principle but as i said if the dodger management style was to worry about 4 years from now then u never trade a Carlos Santana for Blake or countless other trades like that. I am not being critical either it is what it is.


    I think a no-trade clause is still automatic if you have 10 years of service or 5 years with the same team.

  160. enchantedbeaver

    Two years yea.
    Three years eh.
    Four years nay.

    I just don’t want to see JP in there.


  161. nellyjune

    jungar – very well said, and that was the unknowndodgerfan who said we are too old to give away years. They were willing to go all in last year with Manny even though it technically was free, but if we don’t sign Manny and let him help this team finish it to the end, then it did cost us dearly. It will cost the Dodgers Meloan and Santana, and the Dodgers will be kicking themselves for not keeping them.


    and let me be positive, i think this pick up of Hudson is fantastic, given the price and length. I also thinks as I mentioned above were really gonna go for it. Manny to follow, shore up pitching as needed. I’m happy with that. Furcal and Hudson if right will be great and if wrong we have young players who can at least defensively play at MLB level.

  163. nellyjune

    Good Night enchanted!!! Take care and enjoy those enchanted sunrises and sunsets. Maybe there will be some Manny news tomorrow…….or maybe not.

  164. shad78

    Yep enchanted I see you went back to your old name. I’m surprise they didn’t have Furcal batting 2nd and Pierre 1 lol.

  165. shad78

    This is a crazy idea but can we just take away 1 year off of Pierre contract and his salary and added it to Manny 3 yrs 75 millions and there is no need to add that extra year. Manny probably would signed a 3 yrs 75 millions + whatever Pierre make for 1 year.

  166. shad78

    I just went to the Giants forum and they seem happy that we lost our 17th pick. Another fan is happy that Dewitt is going to be block by Blake and Hudson but boy they should be complaing about Molina being their clean up hitter and Rowand lol. I really hope Zito have another rough season and Renteria being another flop like he was in Detroit.

  167. enchantedbeaver

    Seeing as how I’ll be gone all day and by that time they’ll have a new thread, here are the ITD test question results:

    (A) Jason Schmidt – Sorry, No.
    Though Schmidt has been a tremendous waste of money, compounded by the fact that THEY KNEW he was hurt. If they get anything out of him at all this season it’s a plus. Schmidt’s only saving grace may be that even if his velocity is down in the low 90’s, he still knows HOW to pitch, which is about all you can ask for as a fifth starter. Even then if he does take the hill 20 times, he’ll be lucky to go over 100 innings. Bravo Ned. $47 million well spent.

    (B) Andruw Jones – No
    If strictly using money as a yardstick, Andruw wins hands down. $36.2 million for 3 HR and 14 RBI is the biggest monetary fleecing vs. performance of all time. How anyone could take a look at his conditioning and still go through with a signing has got to be a moron of the nth degree. A hearty job well done Ned.

    (D) Nomar II, Tomko, et al. – No
    Though certainly unworthy of their contracts, “Other” generally wasn’t given a significant enough roll to qualify. Tomko stunk to be sure, but he wasn’t epic in proportion. Nomar II was ill advised given his injury history, but actually somewhat understandable after seeing his comeback year. Anyone else just pales in comparison to the big three.

    The correct answer is (C) Juan Pierre
    Now we come to Juan Pierre… His “offense” is atrocious. No power, can’t move runners up on a regular basis, can’t hit for enough average to help compensate for no power it, and won’t learn the strike zone nor learn enough patience to draw walks. You can’t hide him in the batting order because no matter where he hits he’ll make 475 to 500 85% nonproductive outs thus dragging the team offense down. Unfortunately, his offense is his strong suit because as a fielder his pop-gun arm has less power than his bat. Runners ALWAYS take the extra base, and his speed barely makes up for the fact that he can’t seem to track a fly ball properly. But what makes him hands down the worst Ned signing ever is $44 million and 5 YEARS. Schmidt was a lot of money, but only three years and he wasn’t taking up a roster spot nor played while he’s been hurt. Jones was beyond horrible to be sure, but really only played 1/3 of a season and they got rid of him. However, if his play isn’t bad enough not to have other teams take a sniff at a trade, his annual salary is. IMO Pierre’s totally untradeable (as we have seen) and therefore takes up a valuable roster spot and playing time for those more deserving and productive.

    Nells: Well, Jones we got rid off, fortunate for Ned. Schmidt while costly only would have pitched every 5 games. So, my answer for the multiple choice part is C, and not because he is my least favorite of that group but because he can’t throw the ball, which really should be a requirement to be in the outfield, and the only offensive tool he has is speed, which we have said over a bazillion times, your speed doesn’t help you if you are not on base in the first place. I am not a Pierre hater, but right now, for this Dodger team, his services are not needed.
    Grade: B- The correct answer, but was hoping for more out of the essay.
    If we can only choose one I’ll say (B) Jones. I know Schmidt has been a total disappointment but I know he tried to play every year. He did give it a go but Andruw, mon the other hand just seemed to show up for the money. He didn’t give a damn about the team……didn’t give a damn that he couldn’t hit the ball and I had the feeling every time he struck out………..he was saying f*** you to the fans!!!
    Grade: C- It would’ve been a D, but the Bombasity? Bombacity? Bombasticity?… the colorful use of the English language at the end pulled it up a notch.
    If I could pick just one, I’d say (c) Pierre. When Ned came here, the D’s needed an impact offensive player to replace Drew and, when he couldn’t fill the bill, in desperation, he settled for Pierre. That ill-advised signing led to Jones, another big-ticket purchase, that ended up even worse, if that’s possible, than the Pierre signing. Being a pitcher, Schmidt’s absence has less impact. That and the rise of Bills mediated his effect.
    Grade: A Valid points. Keep up the good work – I’ll be keeping an eye on you.

  168. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!

    enchanted – I would have wanted to see what you would have given the English Major on that assignment, but I am sure northstateblues was enjoying his Friday night. Thanks for the “B” – I will take it. At least I passed 🙂 Have fun today if it’s an adventure you are taking.

  169. trublu4ever

    enchanted ~ I see I’m going to have to work harder on my next assignment. I am a quick learner, though, and promise to pull down an “A” next time.

  170. nellyjune

    Somebody’s thoughts on Andre’s one year deal. This is an excerpt from the article.

    “Is it worth going to [the hearing] and making the case go through for $100,000 either way and causing some animosity between each other? I don’t think so.”
    That might be the most refreshing quote I’ve ever read from a arbitration-eligible player. It’s reveals that Ethier is a man of strong character, a man who understands that money is not the only thing that matters. I find it a bit troubling, however, that Ned Colletti said he was a little bit dissatisfied with the process.

    “Neither side was tremendously happy with it, the earmark of a successful agreement,” Colletti said.


  171. trublu4ever

    nellyjune ~ I think the last line in the articke is the most telling stating that he hoped Andre would make Ned look dumb. I think we knew he was dumb all along. And, for Andre’s sake and the sake of the rest of the “core” I hope Ned is the one gone at the end of the year!

  172. nellyjune

    …….Well, Andre will do what Andre does best, and that is to prove people wrong, and if he does that, yes, Ned will look dumb. However, as far as the one year contract, I tend to agree with dodgereric (after he explained it) in that maybe it’s the players asking for the one-year deals in order to earn better money down the road. Russell only signed a one-year contract as well.

  173. trublu4ever

    You are right about the 1-year contracts. All of the young players are going to step it up a notch and Ned will be the one traded!

  174. trublu4ever

    By the way, Enchanted, I want to defend my selection of Jones over Pierre. With Juan, we knew what we were getting. On the other hand, with Andruw, we were all pretty excited about the supposed power bat and stellar defense added to our lineup. And to me, this is why he was a total disappointment.


    I am glad that we have Hudson on board. This looks the right off-season to hold off signing anybody until the last minute, because Hudson at least came at a last minute bargain price. To me there is not necessarily any implication for DeWitt’s future. DeWitt proved to me that he is destined for the major leagues, and hopefully it will be for this season and with the Dodgers. He did not prove that he’s necessarily an immediate “can’t miss” star candidate, but he did well considering how far up he came. I think it’s only natural that DeWitt, Hudson and Blake fight it out for the starting positions at second, third, and maybe even LF in Blakes’ case. I think that’s all to the good for us. Let’s not forget the possibility of injuries among all three, plus whoever we’ll have in reserve. Now I would like us to also add Cruz, because especially with injury possibilities in mind, I think that Cruz has proven to be a solid bullpen presence, and he would definitely improve our team. I think that both Cruz and Hudson are worth a couple of draft picks in June, considering the prospects of draft picks in any case.

  176. nellyjune

    The Twins and free-agent 3B Joe Crede have agreed to terms on a one-year deal. I guess the gnats missed out on that one. He was one they were considering.

    jungar – I caught parts of the end because my husband was watching it. It seems funny, and he really enjoyed it so I am sure it will be something he will continue to watch.

  177. lny4loney

    The correct answer is (C) Juan-for-Four. This is not so much because he has contributed the least of the bad signings. In that sense Andruw was a much worse acquisition, as has Schmidt been. It is because he has usurped playing time and blocked the development of far superior players — especially Kemp and Ethier.
    Whereas Schmidt and others have merely been useless, and Andruw only blocked Kemp and Ethier for a relatively short while, Popgun is about to enter his third season as a hindrance to the team.
    My Loney has a first name
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me “Why?” I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    with H-I-T-T-I-N-G
    This is just a brief foray into ITD Land for now. I did not pass the California bar exam last July, and will be taking it again next week.
    How many times do you guys think Vinny will say “O-Dog” in 2009?

  178. trublu4ever

    lny4loney ~ great to see you again! Best of luck on your next bar exam. I’m sure you will pass with flying colors.

  179. ramslover

    Hello everyone…I hope everyone is well…I have not been on in a couple of days..Thanks for all the birthday blessings from the Facebook ITD group for my wife and daughter.

    Well, just to put my 2 cents in on the Hudson signing, I like it, but then I don”t. I am a big Dewitt fan and I know he could benefit from a full year in AAA, but I thought he played well last year…Getting Hudson so cheap and a 1year committment is a good sign….I hate to lose a number 1 (good point by Deric about the value of them) but you never know…

    I hate to say it but Ned got it right with this move, O Dog is a good player who should thrive in LA…Defense just got better and that is always a good thing…

  180. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly and trublu, I read that article on Andre this morning and I personally think the guy is reading too much into it. They only signed Russ and the other arbitration eligible players to one year deals too and Ned did say that the Dodgers love Andre. I wish it didn’t come down to the wire with him, but I feel confident now that he is a part of their long term plans. I think if he has the great year I expect he will this season that a long term contract with them will follow.

  181. bluesplash09

    lny4loney, I think Vin will say O-Dog so many times that those only able to listen to the games on xm (which would be me until I got MLB.TV last week) will actually think thats what Hudson’s name is. I think Vin has always liked Hudson so I know he’ll be happy to be able to cheer for him now. 4 days until our first game, i hope some spring training will be on xm cause i’m gonna be driving home from albuquerque when it starts. GO DODGERS!!


    Josh– thanks for the link to Inside Dodgertown. I can definitely see that Russell has changed his conditioning program over the winter. Less weight training and more core workouts. It should put himself in position for a banner year.
    Prof. Enchanted– Thanks for the “A”. I’ll try to keep up the good work…..
    We are deep in the infield and with a lot of versatility. Abreu seems to have put his physical issues of last year behind him. Loretta, Blake, and DeWitt can play multiple positions. The addition of the “O-Dog” (Vin is going to have so much fun with that) just adds to our strength. Watching those videos really helped me get fired up for 2009. As per Manram: what will be, will be. GO DODGER BLUE!!!!

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