ITD Tour

So, it looks like we’re going to have to wait until the season starts for the Inside the Dodgers tour. I promise it will still happen, but as you might have heard, we’re actually re-doing the entire field and it’ll be better for you all to see it when it’s done. For those who understand horticulture better than I, here’s a description of what is taking place from our rockstar head grounds crew member, Eric Hansen.

“As you look down over the next 10 days you will see quite a transformation.  This project began yesterday (Sunday) morning at about 7 AM with the removal of existing turf and scheduled to conclude the middle of next week with the installation of new sod.  We will install the same type of turf as was removed which is a hybrid bermudagrass base (Tifway 419) over seeded with a perennial rye.  West Coast Turf in Palm Desert will be providing and installing the turf.  West Coast Turf is the company that provides most of the turf to the high profile stadiums in the South and Southwest.  They are also the company that has provided the turf for most of the Super Bowls.

This is what you can expect to see over the next few days.  The sod is being removed by a machine (Karol Toymaker) that uses teeth that cut and shred the material (sod & soil) at a depth of approximately two inches.  At the present time, Bush Turf is close to finishing its first pass.  They will make a second pass over the entire field to clean up the organic matter still remaining on the surface.  Once this is finished, approximately 200 – 300 tons of sand will be added to the field to replace that which was removed.  Once this is finished, 2000 lbs of gypsum (Calcium) will be applied to the surface and blended into the top 6″ of soil.  By the way, our soil profile consists of approximately 12″ of high quality sand meeting well defined specifications.  Once this phase is completed, the sprinkler heads that we have buried will be raised and set.  The sand will be watered to help it settle and grading will begin.  Bush Turf will use a blade equipped with two receivers that read a signal sent from a laser set up on pitchers mound.  The signal being sent are predetermined elevations programmed into the transmitter. The blade on the tractor adjusts up or down based on the signal it receives.  With this equipment the field can easily be graded with 1/8″ – ¼’ of desired  elevations. Once the grading is finished, the only thing left to do with the soil prior to installing sod is apply preplan fertilizer and wait for the sod to show up.

There are a few other things that will also occur.  We also have to work on the infield skin which will involve blending amendments into the profile and then finishing with a final laser grade.  Also, once the turf has been installed, we will add about 50 tons of new warning track material which will help freshen up the color and appearance.”

It’s obviously quite complicated but that’s why he does what he does and we do what we do, right? All I know is that a few years ago, Major Leaguers rated our field as the best to play on, so I know that we’re in good hands with Eric and his crew. In the meantime, thanks for your patience on the tour. We’ll definitely set it up when we get back from Spring Training…


  1. nellyjune

    Josh – Thanks for the change of threads, and thanks for keeping us posting on things happening at DS. As for the ITD, sounds good. Just make sure you leave enough lead time for those of us that may have to make more significant travel plans to get to Los Angeles due to work and travel time. Thanks for giving us this opportunity.

  2. dodgereric

    Furcal SS
    Pierre LF
    Ethier RF
    Loney 1B
    Kemp CF
    Blake 3B
    Martin C
    DeWitt 2B

    Furcal SS
    Ethier RF
    Ramirez LF
    Loney 1B
    Kemp CF
    Blake 3B
    Martin C
    DeWitt 2B

  3. dodgereric

    Josh – as far as remaining patient for the ITD tour, no worries here! It will be worth the wait, I’m sure!

    As far as the field, hoo-boy! We’ll take your word for it, Eric!

  4. dodgereric

    Me too Junie!

    Oh, and while not wanting to press our luck, I’d like to put in another quick plug for a plane ticket from Brooklyn to LA for the ITD tour.

  5. sammieramirez99

    OMG what are the dodgers doing?!?! Colletti said that he is comfortable with pierre in the lineup??? wtf is he thinking! i am really starting to feel that the dodgers will not get manny! how retarted is that 2 year deal?? its weak…give him at least a 3 yr deal with a 4th yr player option! manny will be better than ethier, martin, kemp, loney in 2010 and 2011! sign him already!

  6. nellyjune

    Totally agree Ward Dear with the ticket for joepierre – that would be fantastic!!!

    ……speaking of our east coast friends… word from jhall in quite some time. He is very much missed you know 🙂

  7. dodgereric

    If no one else offers Manny that 4-year $120 million deal that Boras says he wants, would he take a 2-year deal ……….. or hold out? And for how long? Into the season?

    I remember when I first started reading this blog that Pierre said he’d never seen a game in LA. Yet he’s still posting here. What a great fan!

    I miss jhall too. What a nut……

  8. dodgereric

    Well Junie, I need to go to bed. I never got to sleep last night for some reason. Good night and God Bless you and yours. Say hi to D4 for me when he shows up!

  9. dodgereric

    Oh, and did you see that Jimmie Johnson cut his finger and tendon today with a knife? He should be ok for Daytona they say, but that boy needs to be more careful!

  10. nellyjune

    …but at some point shouldn’t FranknNed set a deadline for this so we can move on if this isn’t going to happen. Not that I want to move on with JP in left field, but it will give us time to get some song ideas generated 🙂

  11. nellyjune

    No, I did not seet that – ouch!!!!!! Good Night Ward Dear……..take care and God Bless to you and your wonderful family 🙂

  12. 636566cy

    Based on the update from Eric Hansen, I now understand why the field at Dodger Stadium always looks so awesome, especially when the season first opens.

  13. northstateblues

    looks like Torre’s book is causing a huge reaction, Cashman even said he’d like the team to “rally around A-Rod”. If it isn’t one sideshow, it’s another. c’mon blue, time to tend to the main attraction, whatever it will be.

    blogging from the Wii, how cool is that?! maybe not the coolest, but it’s fun to go from Mario to ITD.

  14. nellyjune

    Good Evening nsblues – that is pretty cool about you being able to blog from you Wii. So, did you make your last day count today? 🙂

  15. nellyjune

    Since we are going to have brand new turf, I have a slight change to Eric’s contender list…..

    Furcal SS
    JP Garden Gnome LF
    Ethier RF
    Loney 1B
    Kemp CF
    Blake 3B
    Martin C
    DeWitt 2B

  16. Dodger4life

    Good morning ITD and Dodgerfaithful,
    Wow ask and you shall recieve. The ITD tour is good news,
    thank-you Josh.
    Eric I agree with your winners line-up. Manny in LF, wholeheartedly.
    Yes ~ Eric I also agree that Joe Pierre needs to see the Ravine and what better day than the Tour. Dodger Pride does’nt get much better 🙂
    Josh thanks for the info on the inner workings of the grounds crew. We look foward to enjoying the fruits of thier labor. They are tremendously appreciated.
    Lets continue to hope that the Manny situation is nearing an end, with Manny taking up residence out on the newly applied grass, as our Dodger LF.
    The debate continues on who we will add as our SP, let me just say, we want the best available option. We have wanted that option from day one, with 16 days left till pitchers and catchers report our options are just about up.
    That brings me to Andre, what has’nt been said, Time to pay -up 🙂
    Lets all have a great day today!!! The ITD tour is coming soon. Yea!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ALL THE WAY TO THE RINGS IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. dodger 32

    Didn’t the Dodgers finish 4th with Pierre in the lineup 2 years back? Right now unless the young players make great strides forward, it’s going to be a very long season without Manny, and or a great pitching staff. If McClown won’t spend money on improving the team why should fans spend their hard earned money on coming to see them lose?

  18. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITD ~ I want our first order of business to get Andre signed without going to arbitration. Please, Frank, give him the raise he deserves. I would also make a final offer to BorASS on the behalf on Manny, and a deadline for his answer. If Manny doesn’t sign, let’s move on and try to get someone else…….Abreu would be okay. Right now, we don’t even have much of a bench. Who’s going to pinch hit? Anyway, I’m looking forward to the ITD tour. And, no matter what happens between now and Spring training, I’ll be cheering for our Dodgers all the way through the season.


    Going to arbitration with Andre and winning would be a bad move and would let all of our other young players know how cheap Frank and this organization is going to be with them all when the time comes. I would rather give an extra couple of hundred thousand dollars to an Andre, Russ, Loney, Brox, etc. than have them leave in droves when they face free agency. Consider the millions wasted on old PVL’s by this ownership and management and them tell me how we can’t afford it for the younger guys who’re producing and should be the future of our franchise.

  20. trublu4ever

    Yankee Imperialism ~ “The New York Yankees announced they will purchase the Dominican Republic, ” ETrueSports. com reported. “When we crunched the numbers it turned out it was cheaper to buy a whole country than sign individual players,’ explained Yankees GM Brian Cashman.”

  21. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Great posts by everyone this morning. I want Andre signed with the pay he has earned and deserved. Juan Pierre IS NOT a substitute for not getting Manny no matter how you try to sell it to us Ned. And we need some quality pitching ASAP before they are all gone. With that said ……………………….have a great day!!!!!

    SIGN A SP NOW!!!
    JUST DO IT!!!


  22. nachotaco

    very cool stuff Josh… Thanks… I too look forward to an ITD tour… how cool would that be!!!

    Hey guys… I’ll throw this one outh these again… how about signing Dunn and Manny.. then you could trade ethier or loney for an ace… How about Roy Halladay?

  23. trublu4ever

    nacho ~ I hope you are kidding about trading Ethier or Loney. If not, I think it’s a dumb idea, especially for Dunn. Andre is capable of hitting 30 or more homeruns when given the opportunity to play everyday. Dunn’s defensive skills are questionable and he strikes out way too much.

  24. amyw27

    Josh- Thank you for keeping us informed. And no one is upset with waiting a little longer for the tour. It’s a great idea and it’s very very nice of you to think of a fun event for us. Whenever the time is good we will be ready 🙂
    Morning friends. Happy Tuesday. It’s a slow blog day and baseball day. Let’s hope for more news in February!
    Take Care.
    I miss my Dodgers!

  25. heartruss

    Thank you Josh for the update on the ITD tour. We are looking forward to it whenever it occurs. The new turf sound fabulous although the old one looked wonderful all the time.
    Good afternoon ITD. Another day.hopefully closer to a Manny signing. Hi Dodgereric, how are you. Hi Amy, are you at work? Cpompe1, how are you today? Better, I hope. Trublu, how is everything going today? My buddy, Nellyjune, I hope school is going well today. Are the kids still talking about that wonderful celebrity Dodgereric??
    I just finished getting smog check on my car, paying registration for two cars. I can’t believe that my Dodger car is now almost one year old!! How quickly time goes by. By the way, those of you who don’t know how bad my Dodger obsession is. My Dodger car is Dodger blue with Dodger license frames, of course, with my license plate reading “Heart Rusl55”. The heart is actually an imprinted heart. People at Dodger Stadium always honk at me.
    Spring Training is getting closer and closer and as Bowa says, we need to get more players to take the place of the free agents who are gone. Hopefully the Dodgers won’t have to start ST without Manny or another SP.
    Talk to everyone later. Have a wonderful day!!

  26. nellyjune

    Good Afternoon ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Thanks for posting the articles Ward Dear!!!!!

    nachotaco – please…..let’s not go there 🙂

    Hi Amy and trublu – Hope your day is going well.

    heartruss – school is going very well today, thank you, and the answer to your other question is “always”, and I added fuel to the fire by telling them a group of unicorns is called a blessing during a lesson and of course, dodgereric is the one that told me about that on one of our useless trivia days here on ITD. I told him you just never know when that useless trivia will be used, but today it went from being useless to useful.

  27. Dodger4life

    Good Afternoon All
    Nelly is today trivia day, I love trivia day 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. heartruss

    Oh, how can I forget…Dodger4life…how are you? Hope your day is going well. Trivia always comes in useful. 🙂

  29. Dodger4life

    You Tell-Em Heartruss,
    I am very well, thank-you 🙂
    I hope everybody is enjoying thier afternoon 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  30. dodgereric

    Hi Tru! Things are as well as can be expected. With the job market the way it is, I’m very thankful to have what I have.

    Hi heartruss! That must be one flashy car! You should take it to a couple of Angel games!

    An outfield of Manny and Dunn is to horrible to contemplate…

  31. dodgereric

    A raisin dropped in a fresh glass of soda will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top.

    I gotta try that one myself………

  32. nellyjune

    hey Dodger4life!!! Any day can be a trivia day.

    heartruss – It would be nice to start of this season without the words trade and Andre in the same sentence……way too much of it last season, and I think he has earned enough respect to not have it be a topic again right off the bat. However, depending on who’s in left, maybe Matt and Andre would think differently too, and I wouldn’t blame them one bit.

  33. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – you just got your wish!!! Dodgereric has arrived with his useless trivia – LOL!!!!

    I knew about the soda and raisins “dancing raisins”…………..very fun!!!!! It’s a science activity you do to teach kids about matter (solid, liquid and gas).

  34. dodgereric

    A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.

    There’s a country song in there somewhere………

    Maybe the Beatles:

    I once had a girl
    Or should I say
    She once had me.
    I told her I won’t
    And then she said
    She’ll soon be dead.

    Exerpt from “Norwegian Won’t”

  35. trublu4ever

    5 of them were children. It was an apparent murder suicide…the father appears to have shot them and then himself.

  36. kpookiemon

    enchanted, who are you these days? Anyway, as Aesthetics Coordinator, I thought about dressing Juan in dredlocks and number 99 if Manny goes away. But as I kept thinking, I realized I’d rather have Repko out there instead of Juan. Pierre can still wear the dreds and number 99 if he wants. Or he coud retire and give the Dodgers back their money. It’s up to Juan and what he thinks would be best for the team, being the team player he is.

    As for Manny he may “want” four years and $100 million, but as the Stones allude to, what exactly does he “need?” Well……he “needs” to save face and he “needs” to be paid like the upper echelon player he is. So I propose 3 years, $69 million, with a limited no-trade clause, allowing Dodgers to ship him only to an American League contender the third year of his contract should he turn into the DH-in-waiting that we all know he is. If he and Boras consider the offer an insult, then I say “have fun in the arctic No. Cal. or wherever else you and your agent can rob the store.”

  37. kpookiemon

    On the bright side, if Manny leaves, the Dodgers can lock up MartinLoneyKempEthierKershaw long term with Manny money.

  38. trublu4ever

    kpookie ~ very well said. I REALLY don’t want to see Juan in left field opening day.
    dodger4life ~ not a cup. lol

  39. perumike

    Good aternoon everyone! I’m glad to see a lot of our friends are still here, and new ones are coming on board. I’m glad our idea of an ITD seems to be a lock to happen, hopefully a lot of us can be there and get to meet each other! Have a great rest of the day everyone!

  40. dodgereric

    Hey peru! Long time!!

    There are four cars and eleven lightposts on the back of a $10 dollar bill.

    ……..and if I ever get to see one again, I’ll look.

  41. perumike

    Hey eric! Yeah, been busy with life, but I check in once in a while. Once the action starts I’ll be here more often!

  42. selltheteam

    Tru – That was the thing about Dock Ellis that made him one of the greats – he wasn’t afraid to be himself. That’s one of the reasons that we need to sign Manny. He adds a lot of personality and chemistry to the team.

  43. kpookiemon

    Dock Ellis and Manny Ramirez were the only two major leaguers to employ LSD on the field. Doc (lysergic acid diethylamide) and Manny (long, shiny dredlocks)…

  44. dodgereric

    In an effort to prove a point to teammates, Dock Ellis attempted to hit every batter in the Cincinnati Reds lineup on May 1, 1974. Ellis hit Pete Rose, Joe Morgan, and Dan Driessen in the top of the first. The clean-up batter Tony Perez avoided Ellis’ attempts, instead drawing a walk, and after two pitches aimed at the head of Johnny Bench, Ellis was removed from the game by manager Danny Murtaugh.

  45. trublu4ever

    dodgereric ~ that’s my kind of pitcher! Today you can’t even throw the ball inside without causing a bench clearing brawl and an ejection.

  46. dodgereric

    No kidding, Tru! Don Drysdale and Bob Gibson would never get out of the first inning today!

    If you hate our “QWERTY” keyboard layout, blame Christopher Sholes. He changed it from the original in 1873 to lessen the chances of the keys jamming.

  47. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Thanks Josh for keeping us updated on our tour! Can’t wait!

    Okay, I’ll jump in on the trivia game! What fact about Mel Blanc is most ironic? (If you young’ns don’t know, Mel was the voice of Bugs Bunny)

  48. cpompe1

    Oh, but Tru, I’ve gotta tell you something else. Of course, I wasn’t the only one there. I was there with about 100 of my closest “friends.” I got there early and it was held in a HUGE room. So I added the chairs and by my count there were about 200 chairs. I’ve gotta say that a good 50% of them were filled. And guess how many positions are open? A grand total of 2!

  49. cpompe1

    Thx Tru!

    Okay, I’ll divulge. I googled “worthless trivia” and came up with a bunch of useless trivia. Among them it said that Mel Blanc was ALLERGIC to carrots. However, after I posted my question, I googled “Mel Blanc carrots” and Wikipedia says that Mel Blanc DID HATE CARROTS! So Eric, according to Wikipedia, you were right! But according to my source when I posted the question, it says that he was ALLERGIC to carrots! Who knows? Mel does, but unfortunately, he’s in no position to verify which is correct!

  50. dodgereric

    Just a lucky guess, cp. When you said I was close, I was going to say “dirt”.

    The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.

  51. nachotaco

    Comon seriously… you put Dunn with no lineup protection and he his 40 plus homeruns… you put him batting ahead of Manny and he gets more pitches to hit… (55 HR’s not out of the realm of reality – who do we have that can do that?) Our lineup would awesome with them in the middle. + then we could get an ace… (SOMETHING WE DON’T HAVE AND NEED!!!)

  52. Dodger4life

    Not only did they end thier carrers in the same game last October. But Greg Maddux carrer came to an end when Jeff Kent pinched – hit for Greg Maddux 🙂

  53. cpompe1

    Sorry nachotaco, but trading ethier or loney would NOT work. If we don’t sgn Manny (which is a possibility) we will need EVERY bat that we have and Ethier and Loney are two bats we can’t do without. For that matter, all of our Young Guns need to stay here.

  54. perumike

    You put JP in front of Manny and he will see pitches to slap! Regarding pianos, some piano companies have gone out of business and I picked up a lot of stock at rock bottom prices. I’m ready to go!!

  55. Dodger4life

    Cp, Still frozen
    But life is good today.
    I’m still pulling for you 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  56. cpompe1

    Nelly, that’s good to hear! Still on the Dodgers? Or have you moved on?

    Dodger4life, you’re still frozen? Yuck. Ya know, for your sake, we better have this ITD tour soon so you can thaw out here in beautiful Southern California! 🙂

  57. cpompe1

    Okay perumike, lets get those pianos ready! It’s good to see you here! It’ll be nice once the season starts (or even in ST) once our familiar names show up again!

  58. nellyjune

    CP – an off week and doing football instead (Pittsburgh and Arizona) with a SuperBowl party (first grade style of course)…..but the Brewers are next week 🙂


    How to kill an offense by Juan Pierre

    Raffy single
    Pierre base hit… to just past the pitchers mound, grounder thru 2b or pop up to left center
    Runners on first and 2nd….

    Raffy single
    Pierre out no advance of raffy
    runner on 2nd 1 out

    Raffy Single.
    Pierre great sacrafice bunt.
    runner on 2nd 1 out

  60. dodgereric

    Boy, in going back over this golden oldie, I need to change the names. They’re all gone!

    Piano Man

    It’s nine o’ clock on a Saturday
    The regular crowd shuffles in
    There’s an old man sitting next to me
    Makin’ love to his tonic and gin.

    He says, “Son can you take out some veterans?
    I don’t really care who they are.
    But I’m sick and I’m tired of these fools Ned acquired.
    Can you do it while I stay in this bar?”

    Da da da da de de daDa da de de da da

    Help out the team, you’re the Piano Man,
    Help out the Dodgers tonight.
    Well, we’re all in the mood for a DFA.
    The team’s getting younger, all right.

    So I tug on my block and tackle rope
    And I haul the piano on up
    And I wait for Estaban Lo-a-i-za
    To spill latte from his Starbucks cup

    He says “Ned, I believe that my back is sore,”
    As a smile ran away from his face.
    “Well I’m sure that you’ll start feeling better
    Once that Kershaw kid can take your place.”

    Da da …

    Help out the team, you’re the Piano Man,
    Help out the Dodgers tonight.
    Well, we’re all in the mood for a roster change.
    The team’s getting younger, all right.

    Now Bennett’s a steroid abuser,
    Who’s not had a decent career.
    Now he can’t throw a lick and he’s making me sick
    So that piano is between his ears.

    And Nomar is stealing his salary
    While he sits and his bones hurt like hell
    I’ve lined him up while he films bits with his wife
    Now he’s also on the 60 DL


    Help out the team, you’re the Piano Man,
    Help out the Dodgers tonight.
    Well we’re all in the mood to cut Andruw Jones.
    The team’s getting younger, all right.

    It’s a pretty good crowd for a Saturday,
    And the manager gives me a smile.
    ‘Cause he knows that it’s me who’s been helping the team
    So the youngsters can play for a while.

    And the piano is rising back up again
    And is really straining the rope.
    It’s waiting for Sweeney, that really big weenie
    Man, it’s time they got rid of that dope!

    Da da ..

    Sing us a song, you’re the Piano Man
    Sing us a song tonight
    That man’s crapping all over the 22
    Have him clean out his locker, all right……

    By dodgereric on May 29, 2008 4:30 PM

    Posted on June 25, 2008 at 2:47

  61. cpompe1

    Jungar – You most probably are right (unfortunately). All I can say is, “RAFFY, STAY HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE!” I’d hate to imagine what it’d be like if Raffy’s back flares up and he can’t play!

    And Eric, I’ll echo Tru: Beautiful song!

  62. jpatton88

    Wow, great news about Ausmus. It’ll be nice to give Martin some more rest this year with such a great backup.

  63. cpompe1

    I know we all know about the article regarding the Manny stalemate that’s wearing out on the Dodgers.
    But I was just reading that article and I have a question about something. I know I loved the idea of signing Brad Ausmus as Russ’ backup, but, well, I guess I though that Danny Ardoin wasn’t with the team anymore so that’s why we were looking for a backup catcher. But there is a line in the article that says, “Ausmus, who turns 40 in April, becomes a mentor to All-Star Russell Martin while squeezing Danny Ardoin out of playing time.” So we’re going to have 3 catchers on the active roster? I guess it’s okay to carry 3 catchers, but I’m wondering that if they feel that a 3rd catcher is necessary, then why not someone like a Pudge Rodriguez that has a little pop in his bat to come off the bench versus Brad Ausmus that doesn’t? I mean, it’s water under the bridge now, but now that I look at it, it’s seems rather odd.

  64. selltheteam

    CP – Great San Buenaventurans think alike. If we want a 3rd catcher available, just teach DY the tools of the catching trade. He’s got plenty of pop in his bat. Why waste a roster spot on Danny Ardoin? Let’s trade him and JP for Peavy. We’ll eat Peavy’s salary if the Pods eat JP’s salary. Ha ha.

  65. cpompe1

    Hey crash! Ya know, I just thought of that question. I mean, when we got Ausmus, I was thrilled to have him as a backup catcher. But if a team is going to carry 2 BACKUP catchers, well, then one better have some pop in his bat to distinguish him from the other backup. I mean, both Ardoin and Ausmus are great candidates to impart their catching wisdom to a young catcher. And yes, great San Buenaventurans think alike! Since DY doesn’t have a defensive position, then teach him catching. I mean, Russ was originally signed at 3B and he learned the tricks of the trade! Why not DY? I mean, I still hate it that a young, great hitter like DY is being wasted as a PH. Plus if he actually learns a defensive position, then he’ll be that much more valuable to the Dodgers! But again, we’re thinking logically. Logic and Dodger management doesn’t always mix…

  66. shepherd96

    And DY has volunteered to be the bullpen catcher. He’s willing now that he has supposedly recovered from surgery. Has anyone seen news about his progress?

  67. cpompe1

    Oh, and crash about your idea of trading Danny and JP for Peavy sounds great! Too bad that the Pads have backed themselves in a corner by asking for too much in return. But the Cubs should be to the rescue; they’ll probably trade for Peavy…

  68. nellyjune

    Welcome jpatton88!!! Hold on tight, ITD is one wild, fun ride, but once you ride, you will keep coming back for more 🙂

  69. selltheteam

    CP – Good luck with your job hunt. Hang in there and keep trying. Stay positive, and make sure your positive attitude shows through during your interviews. I’m sure you’ll succeed!

  70. cpompe1

    Shepherd, no I haven’t heard anything. So DY has volunteered to be the bullpen catcher? And we now have 2 backup catchers that can’t do much else other than impart their defensive, catching wisdom onto Russ? Okay, that’s just stupid.

  71. cpompe1

    Thx crash! It does get tiresome, but what else can I do but try and keep a positive attitude? I know, it’ll happen…

  72. jpatton88

    I’ve actually been reading ITD since July and had an account all this time (for MLB.TV), but never really got around to posting. I live a little too close to San Francisco, and I’d hate for one of the wine and cheese fans to track me down on a Dodger blog, ya know? Truthfully, I am finally reaching the point of baseball deprivation during the off season and could use a place to talk about it haha.

  73. cpompe1

    jpatton88 – You’ll hear from them soon, but you’re not the only ITDer that lives a little too close to San Francisco… 🙂

  74. dodgereric

    I don’t believe we’ll be carrying 3 catchers. Ardoin isn’t signed for ’09 yet, is he? Is he out of options? The Dodgers originally signed him to a minor league contract in ’07. He may be going to Albuquerque to wait for when Ausmus tears his first hamstring.

    Glad you liked the sarcasm bit, jpat! It’s all just in good fun!

    47.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

  75. nellyjune

    jpatton – I am from gnat country, and I live with gnat fans, plus there are a few of us on here as well (trublu, nsblues, dcollins, dodge16). It’s okay, you are safe here on ITD…talk all you want 🙂

  76. jpatton88

    Glad to hear it. I hope you all make it out to AT&T when the Dodgers win there about 90% of the time. It’s why I get up in the morning.

  77. trublu4ever

    jpatton ~ a lot of our bloggers live in your area. I live in the central valley and they are mostly Giant fans here too. We have many people on here from all over the United States who are also Dodger fans. I’m sure you will have a good time here………sometimes it gets a little bit wild with difference of opinion but, all in all, we are a healty happy family.

  78. cpompe1

    Eric, I really don’t know what’s going on with Ardoin. My husband and I thought that Danny was a FA, but now I guess I see that he isn’t. I don’t know. It’s just by the tone of that sentence from that article, it just sounded like Ardoin would still be there. Again, I don’t know…

  79. jpatton88

    nellyjune – I live in the Central Valley, like trublu, but the reference I made was is all too familiar at Giants games. I have a few friends who are Giants fans that readily admit that the fans can be a little pretentious. I don’t see it much, but it’s acknowledged in SF.

  80. cpompe1

    Well, it’s been fun, but I’ve gotta get going. Again, jpatton, welcome! I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  81. Dodger4life

    Welcome to ITD jpatton,
    ALL THE WAY TO THE RINGS IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – I see you are done with your spring training session for the Nationwide season. Did you know that if you spell race car backwards, it still spells race car?

  83. shepherd96

    DY volunteers to be bullpen catcher (4/7/08):

    Perhaps when his elbow heals, he’ll try to convince Joe to give him a tryout at catcher. I got the impression last spring that DY would do anything to stay in the Bigs with the Dodgers and get as much playing time as possible. I remember an article that indicated as much.

    In fact, I would argue that AJ and JP had more effect on Delwyn than any other player in terms of playing time. Perhaps a healthy DY would look less awkward in the infield and get more chances. If he develops a snap throw, maybe he could catch.

  84. amyw27

    Hello again for everyone who said ‘hi’ to me this morning. I wasn’t able to stick around. It’s been a long busy day. And the best part is that it’s not over yet.
    Anything exciting happening? No one cause trouble I hope 🙂

  85. Dodger4life

    A be-lated good afternoon to you Amy,
    It is alway’s nice to see ya 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  86. amyw27

    shepard– are right. My good little self seems to spark controversy …I don’t know why though!
    D4L- good afternoon to you. How’s the Frozen Tundra that you call home?

  87. Dodger4life

    Amy it is still white and cold, I am ready for some warmer air. Bring on the heat!!!!!!!
    Thanks for asking
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. amyw27

    hey tru! I see you and Bob sent me stuff on FB today. I haven’t been able to look at it yet. I see that is where your daily excitement was today~

  89. amyw27

    booo to the cold. I am looking forward to a Sunday day games a Dodger Stadium with a cold Diet Coke and my feet up just soakin up the rays! Those are the best times 🙂

  90. thinkingblue

    Josh thanks for the update and thanks for remembering about the the ITD tour that we are all waiting for.
    Hello TRU, Amy and the all enthusiastic Dodger4life. It seems that no Manny yet. But it is good that they are concentrating on a pitcher.
    Welcome Jpatton88 and Shepard96, this place is a lot of fun. You will love it….just wait til Spring Training begins and our boys in blue are out there showing off their moves.
    Rose (a.k.a. Dodgersrule1655)


    WOMAN GIVES BIRTH TO OCTUPLETS IN BELLFLOWER, CA. Like the D’s, her lineup is missing a starting pitcher.
    D4L– Sorry you’re still held prisoner in frozen limbo in ID. I’m sure it’s colder there than in Utah today and It’s cold enough here.
    Amazed that Wolf turned down an original offer of 3 years for 28 mill from the Astros. He won’t get that much from anybody now.
    I see that Ned is not opposed to a guaranteed 3rd year for Manny. With all the increased action on Manny,( If Borass is to be believed) that may be too little too late.
    I’ve got a Lasorda-like story on Lee Elia, Ned’s new assistant that I’ll have to tell sometime.

  92. heartruss

    Dodgereric…actually my Dodger car is very subdued but it definitely would make a commotion at Angel Stadium.
    Cpompe1.. how is your shoulder today? So many applicants for 2 positions!! 😦
    Nellyjune…how are you?
    So Sturtze was signed to the minors??? Yawn. I think we saw him for a minute last season. We all wondered who that was.
    Catchers and pitchers report in 16 days!! Russell will find his little corner will be crowded with all those substitutes for him. How do they justify paying Ausmus so much for a couple of saying he’s Russell’s mentor. I don’t think he is like Greg Maddux is to the pitchers. Maybe it will work out but what about Ardoin?
    GO DODGERS! Pay Andre what he wants! Sign Manny! Sign a SP! Let’s get the show on the road!!

  93. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!

    What’s with minor leagues signings…..Where’s the big news?…………”Ethier’s Salary Settled”, “Finally, Manny is a Dodger”, “Dodgers Land ……………. (starting pitcher available of choice) in the Rotation,” and last but certainly not least “Juan Pierre Finds New Home”

    I hope everyone’s evening is going well!!

    SIGN A SP NOW!!!
    JUST DO IT!!!



    Sturtze is a good candidate for middle relief… Albuquerque. Another “good old boy network” signing . It’s not how you pitch but who you know…. If Manny and Borass hold fast to their reported 4 to 5 year, 25-30 mill asking price, they still don’t get it and we’d better call Abreu’s agent. Haven’t they heard there’s a recession? Come on, Frank and Ned!!! It’s 16 days before pitchers and catchers report!!!This isn’t funny!!! Let’s have some real signings so we can get this infernal business stuff out of the way so we can FINALLY talk some DODGER BASEBALL!!!!! GO DODGERS!!!!

  95. nellyjune

    No kidding!!!!! If we aren’t getting Manny, just tell us Ned, we can handle it (maybe some better than others), but just get……it…….over……with, please. This waiting is ridiculous!!!! While you are at it Ned, get Andre taken care of…..another ridiculous thing that is happening right now. Then there’s the pitching issue…….geez!

  96. trublu4ever

    brown & nellyjune ~ you are both right. BorASS is out there saying the market for Manny is heating up but he is still talking with Ned almost everyday. So, to me, I really think right now we are the only team intersted. I’d make one final offer and a deadline. I, like you two, and almost everyone else on the blog to get this over with. I’d prefer to have Manny on our team because I really think with him we can go to the World Series. If our offer isn’t good enough, I’d like a chance to get a decent bat that is still left on the market.


    They’ve had nearly 3 months to sign this guy!!!! They haven’t budged and we haven’t, either. Make one last offer, give them a deadline, and let the chips fall where they may.


    As near as I can figure out, neither side has changed their position since Day 1. If Ned and Borass are talking every day, what the hell are they talking about???? Hamas, the Israelis, and the Gaza Strip????

  99. trublu4ever

    I think BorASS has boxed himself into a corner with such a high asking price and the number of years, right from the beginning………now he is making up stories about the interest in Manny.

  100. Dodger4life

    I remember Ned saying that if and when the time came. They would have to evaluate whether Manny can be happy in LA under less than stellar circumstances. I think that time is here.

  101. nellyjune

    I have a question for Josh (or Eric Hansen). We were wondering what happens to the field that is being taken out? Does someone get Dodger grass put into their backyard, a park, another ball park?

  102. nellyjune

    Maybe Ned and Boras are talking about Torre’s book. I have been approached a few times asking why the book would be published now. They know I am a Dodger fan seem to want to ask me like I am supposed to know.

  103. kpookiemon

    The Yankees said they were done with A-Rod when he opted out…A-Rod realized he liked New York…”fired” Boras…and signed with the Yankees by himself. Manny…do you like L.A.? Had enough of Cleveland and Boston autumns? That’s what San Francisco is like on the summer solstice. It’s your life, Manny. Do what you will. But if you don’t want to stay for dinner, please RSVP with your regrets. Immediately.


    My guess is that they probably sell it to a landscaping compamy or some other similar business.


    As I understand it, nelly, it’s not actually Torre’s book, per se. He did interviews for the book that was authored by Tom Verducci.

  106. nellyjune

    Kahli – that’s a good way to put it………it’s simple really, do you want to be in LA or not?

    brownpaper – thanks 🙂

  107. nellyjune

    I know, but that’s not what people are thinking………..and if you are not a Yankee, Dodger, or just baseball fan, you probably aren’t paying attention to the specifics to the story.


    Kpookie– you’re right in the respect that, bottom line, it’s a lifestyle choice for Manny. Pharmacists, doctors, and superstar athletes can make money wherever they choose to live. Manny has already made more money than he can spend in a lifetime. So, if he wants to be in LA, he’ll end up there.

  109. nellyjune

    Well, we don’t necessarily think exactly alike, but we bleed Dodger blue, and I think when it comes to Ned and Frank, we are pretty much on the same page. They don’t know what in the hell they are doing.

  110. sparkleplenty_1

    Now I don’t know . . . Frank gets real estate, Ned signs used up PVL’s so Joe can play them and deny our young core their rightful playing time. Doesn’t that sound like a plan – NOT!!! Sheesh!!!

  111. sparkleplenty_1

    It sure is. Would it be appropriate to say that us loyal, in-the-know fans have reached our frustration point? Admittedly, it’s bad business to negotiate through newspaper articles, but it sure would be nice to know the TRUE intent of management. At least we wouldn’t go through those awful ups and downs. This winter has felt like an emotional roller coaster.

  112. nellyjune

    The clock is running out…….enchanted/brownpaperbag could be back any day now, and Frank and Ned haven’t done squat since he left……….no, Ausmus is not enough, not even close. Time is running out people!! Let’s get some quality players signed please.

  113. nellyjune

    SIGN A SP NOW!!!
    JUST DO IT!!!


  114. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. nellyjune

    Good Night ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Just take care of business Ned and Frank………

    SIGN A SP NOW!!!
    JUST DO IT!!!


  116. Dodger4life

    Good Night and Good Morning ITD,
    Well it is the end of another great day.
    Today was a lot of fun with the trivia and many wonderful post’s. I was trying to decide who had the post of the day.
    This is my opinion it was close.
    I used to mate while the Eagles were playing on the stereo…
    Was pretty good however, Kpookieman managed to top that with this.
    The Yankees said they were done with A-Rod when he opted out…A-Rod realized he liked New York…”fired” Boras…and signed with the Yankees by himself. Manny…do you like L.A.? Had enough of Cleveland and Boston autumns? That’s what San Francisco is like on the summer solstice. It’s your life, Manny. Do what you will. But if you don’t want to stay for dinner, please RSVP with your regrets. Immediately.

    Have another wonderful day today Dodgerfaithful.
    15 days till pitchers and catchers report we are allmost there.
    God – Bless and GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  117. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITD ~ Cheers, cheers, another Dodger signing……….36 year old Juan Castro signed a minor league contract.

  118. heartruss

    It’s going to be another beautiful day in Long Beach. It will be even better with a Manny signing. Or for us Ethieraholics, give Andre what he wants!! Only 16 days to go for pitchers and catchers to report. If we keep this up, we’ll have more catchers than pitchers!! Heehee.

  119. trublu4ever

    heartruss ~ I’m always up early……..I like the quiet time in the morning. I want the signing of Andre as our #1 priority. He is well wirth the investment. Regardless of what BorASS is saying about the market for Manny, we are the only team with an offer……….so, give him a deadline….sign him, or move on and try to get someone else.

  120. perumike

    Good morning everyone!!! It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a signing, would you please sign (Manny), would you please sign (Manny). I have always wanted a hitter just like you, I’ve always wanted a slugger, it’s true! 🙂

  121. nellyjune

    The d-backs got Jon Garland……… SP down, how many to go….not many

    SIGN A SP NOW!!!
    JUST DO IT!!!


  122. trublu4ever

    Good morning Perumike ~ wouldn’t it be nice if we knew about Manny, one way or the other, by the end of the week?

  123. crzblue2

    Good morming ITD! Beautiful day here in Chatsworth wtih clear blue sky but it was cold this morning. It was 37 when I got up this morning and is going to be in the 70’s today. Quite a difference in temperatures.

    You sure wake up early! You too Tru!
    Heartuss __ I also found disturbing reading that article on Sunday and ashamed that I subscribe to the L.A. Times.
    Some time ago I had sent Simers an email to correct him. See, he had said that Dodgers fan are so dumb that they are voting for a pitcher on the DL in a poll posted in the Dodger website. I emailed him that the at the time the poll was posted , that player was not on the DL. I told him “take a look at the dates from the comments”.. Anyway, he emailed me rather quickly with “I don’t have time to check that..blah blah . UNLIKE YOU, I HAVE A LIFE…”.. When I got the email I was like “Is he trying to get another response from me or is he just immature and unprofessional?” When I posted his response at Dodgercc, friends told me “Emma, why are you wasting your time reading that jerk? There are better sport writers in the Daily News, Riverside newspaper, the OC and Long Beach”. Well, this week I stopped wasting my time reading him.
    I’ll be back later with a trivia.

  124. trublu4ever

    Same old crap………it’s getting a little annoying to be held in limbo. A liitle bit, he** no, I’m miffed!

  125. perumike

    So the train has left the station? Let’s get that train to stop at Union Station, and head up the hill to Chavez Ravine!!!

  126. Dodger4life

    Gas is up, and so was Manny.
    Gas was down and so is Manny.
    Now Boras put him on a train???
    Come back Manny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. dodgereric

    The last of that article:

    “Boras, who didn’t provide any details about Ramirez’s other suitors, said he continued his talks with the Dodgers on Tuesday.

    The Dodgers made a two-year, $45-million offer to Ramirez in November that has since expired. Dodgers General Manager Ned Colletti said last week that he was still waiting for Boras to make a counteroffer.

    “I have made clear the proposal we would have to have to make a deal with a major league team,” Boras said. “Ned has a very clear understanding of what it would take to sign Manny.”

    So do the other teams in negotiations with Ramirez, Boras added.

    Boras wouldn’t say if he informed the Dodgers of Ramirez’s asking price -– a four-year deal with an option for a fifth year, according to sources -– or made a formal counteroffer. The Dodgers do not equate an asking price with a counteroffer and Colletti said last week that the Dodgers wouldn’t consider improving their offer without a sign from Boras that he would be willing to scale back his demands.”


    Boras: “Did NOT!”

    Colletti: “Did SO!”

  128. dodgereric

    Both sides seem to be doing a remarkable job of either sticking to their guns and not moving or keeping their mouths shut regarding any sort of negotiating.

    The way this reads is that Colletti feels he’s made the offer, when, at least publicly, there is none. Perhaps he’s already told Boras he’d go three years, perhaps not. It’s plain that whatever the Dodgers have offered is not enough. Yet. I understand Colletti not wanting to bid against himself, and until someone else actually makes Manny an offer, he’ll be doing just that if he goes more than 2 for $45 million.

    Boras feels he’s told Colletti that anything less than a 4-5 year $100-120 million deal is unacceptable, which is plainly not going to happen and he’s willing to wait. Wait for what? Someone to unearth a buried treasure somewhere? The economy to turn around in the next week? I don’t believe there are any other teams he’s “negotiating” with, unless it’s to say “Four and $100”.

    It’s a unique off-season so far, isn’t it? Usually someone sets the benchmark and everyone else’s contracts are based from that. But the only contract is Teixeira’s so far and it’s so far removed from reality that it’s not a benchmark at all. It would appear that Abreu and Dunn are waiting for Manny to set one.

    So the game of chicken continues with both cars speeding towards each other. It feels as if the distance is closing rapidly, but what really is the mid-point where they either collide or someone jerks the wheel? Two weeks before spring training? One week? Opening Day? The All-Star Game? Manny may decide that himself, just as ARod did last year.

  129. trublu4ever

    Good Morning Dodgereric ~ having a good day? Looks like you’re going to have a fine team to manage this season!

  130. dodgereric

    Hi Tru and good morning!

    Oh, I’ll manage it just fine. We just might not win as many games as we should have if we had a decent front office. But I’ll make do. I’m no quitter.

  131. nellyjune

    Good “Almost Lunchtime” Ward Dear!! Your friends are doing just fine. It’s the 100th day of school (a big deal in first grade) – mostly math related really, which includes a 100th day snack. We take a 100 of this and 100 of that and make a first grade trail mix. How are you today?

  132. trublu4ever

    I know you’ll do the best job you can with the team, DodgerericManager………hopefully, we can one or two more quality players to help you out.

  133. dodgereric

    I hope that trail mix has plenty of M&Ms in it! That’s what Chris and I were munching on while driving up the 99!

    LOL Tru! I note that they CAN breathe through their butts – the question is – do they WANT to?

    Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.

  134. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    I guess I should’ve really started that as “Not-so-good morning ITD boys and girls!” That wasn’t what I needed to read first thing in the morning that not only did WE not sign Jon Garland, but that the snakes have signed him. Great, another quality arm in an otherwise strong rotation. So, now our best SP option is Randy Wolf? Well, I just hope that we sign him. I would’ve rather have Garland, but no. The only good thing about Garland’s contract is that it’s only for one year; perhaps we can make another run at him next year. That is, if the snakes don’t sign him into a longer extension.

    And believe it or not, my morning started really well. I had an 8:45 appointment this morning with my physical therapist; that went well. Then I went to my orthopedist and he gave me a cortisone shot into my bursa sac. OUCH, THAT WAS VERY PAINFUL! But I knew the pain was only temporary; now it feels much better! Just keep being faithful on my exercises, as I don’t have another P/T appointment until 2/11. One of the therapists is out on maternity leave, so her patients are going to see mine. But as long as I am faithful on my exercises, I should be okay. Heartruss, thx for asking!

    So, my question to everyone here, what do you think is going to happen about our SP situation? Are we going to sign Wolf? Are we going to sign Looper? Are we not going to sign anyone and leave the burden on our talented, but very young staff? I certainly know Wolf and during the time he pitched for us, he was good – until he got hurt and couldn’t contribute anything. I know Looper’s name, but don’t know much about him as a pitcher. I KNOW that Frank/Ned won’t go after Sheets.

  135. cpompe1

    And I saw that article on McDonald on the homepage that the Dodgers are planning to do with him what Billz went thru – start in the pen and probably work into the rotation. I’m just afraid that if we don’t sign at least one quality SP arm, he’s going to be rushed into duty and rushing a young, albeit talented pitcher isn’t always the best scenario…

  136. nellyjune

    dodgereric – of course there are M&Ms – they are the best!! M&Ms, Cheerios, Rice Chex, Goldfish, Teddy Grahams, and marshmallows.

  137. Dodger4life

    After the Dodgers lost in the playoffs, Manny was asked about his future.” Gas is up, and so am I”, was his reply, indicating that he expected to be valued highly in the free agent market. Ironically, at the point this was said, gas in America was going down by an exponential amount. After passing at the Dodgers initial offer, Manny remains unsigned, and recently is rumored to be offered a record breaking 2 year deal reportedly worth nearly $55 million by new Chicago Cubs by new owner Thomas S. Ricketts.


    What struck me about the reported Garland deal with the D’Backs was the one year at $6-$8 million, which seems to me like a steal. I have to conclude, therefore, that Ned is not negotiating with anybody, but strictly waiting to see what happens with Manny. That is going to leave us exposed to getting no improvement whatever, because I don’t think that Manny or Borass are going to budge, and Manny wanting to be a Dodger is really a farce. I don’t really think of Manny as a Dodger, nor as a Red Sox, or an Indian – he’s just a self-centered mercenary, which unfortunately is what baseball has come to. I’m sick and tired of him at this point and wish he’d just disappear somewhere else. I also wish our management was smart enough to figure that out by this time and would concentrate on getting our team improved without him. We should have got Juan Cruz instead of Mota, Garland instead of Vargas, etc., and we should get Abreu for two years plus an option instead of Manny. What I really wish for Manny and Borass is that they be left at the gate when the season starts with less than the two years @ $20 million that the smartass gave up when he wanted out of Boston. He may be a great hitter, but I have no respect for the man, and I hope he’s a disaster wherever the miserable fu**er winds up.

  139. nellyjune

    messagebear – when you speak, you speak well 🙂

    dodgereric – Why am I not surprised you would have something clever to say about the goldfish. They breathe just fine until some 6 or 7 year old comes and bites their head off or possibly just eats them whole – LOL!!!!!

  140. nellyjune

    Oh and as far as gymnasium…… very thankful that’s not taken literally…………………that would be scary 🙂

  141. Dodger4life

    Animation artists love inside jokes. In the Disney film Beauty and the Beast (1991), the road signs that Belle’s father encounters in the forest show the names of two California cities: one points to Anaheim, while the other points down a dark, sinister-looking path to Valencia. In truth, Anaheim is the site of Disneyland, while the rival Six Flags Magic Mountain amusement theme park is in the city of Valencia.

  142. Dodger4life

    Good afternoon Nelly,
    The velocity of a pitched baseball is about 8 mph faster as it leaves the pitcher’s hand than when it reaches home plate.

  143. crzblue2

    Gee, I did not know that! Thanks Eric!
    Oldbear ~Tell us how you really feel 🙂
    What else can we do but wait.
    OK, trivia: Who is the oldest baseball player that played in the Negro League? He is older than Tony Malinosky.

  144. dodgereric

    jungar, it’s the new business-world mentality. More with less. Cut loose the highly-paid proven workers, promote from within (whether or not they’re ready for promotion), demand the same results, and then pocket the profits. So, Kuroda’s the new #2, Kersh the new #3 and pray for rain, I guess.

    It’s no big deal for McDonald to start in the ‘pen, cp. Most of them do. Fernando did, Hershiser, most everyone.

    Bear, as soon as you say something I can disagree with, I will. Nice post.

  145. trublu4ever

    A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbook can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court. (I’ll bet Frank has one)

  146. crzblue2

    We got a winner!!!! Emilio Navarro.
    Eric! Well done!!
    I was switching channels when I saw him being interview in a show from the Spanish Tv station “Univision”. Emilio Navarro is the oldest living former Negro Leaguer baseball player. He reminded me of Buck O’Neill when I saw him in the Ken Burns series because of his upbeat and positive attitude. He was so thrilled that he got to throw out the first ball at Yankee Stadium last year. I saw a clip Millito throwing out the first pitch. He can still get something on the ball! Ned: Don’t read that!
    He is 102. He was born September 26, 1905 in Puerto Rico. He goes thru this routine of exercising every morning.

  147. dodgereric

    I had to google that one, emma! Good question!

    WD-40 was perfected on the fortieth attempt. The initials stand for “Water Displacer”.

  148. dodgereric

    Do I like replacing Lowe with Wolf?


    But if you throw me out on the dance floor and I see that Sabathia has already gone home and I’m not allowed to talk to Sheets, I guess Wolf is starting to look pretty good.

    But I’m not happy about it.

  149. nellyjune

    Thanks for the articles kpookimon – maybe Bowa can knock some sense into FranknNed because they sure aren’t listening to the fans these days.

  150. trublu4ever

    I guess management is scared of Sheets because o Schmidt but, he really has some good stuff and like to see what he could do in a Dodger uniform.


    Wolf could be a decent option, although I would have preferred trying Garland. We can’t count on Wolf, however, because Ned is moving at a snail’s pace with anybody of any value – I call it Mannyparalysis.

  152. ramslover

    You have to be kidding me that Garland signs a 1 year 6-8 mil contract with the Dbacks…Ned/Frank what is the deal, can you just come out and be honest with us…We are going crazy trying to figure out if we are a small market or a bargain basement team…

    I am thankful that you have not traded any of the Younguns, but you cannot be serious and lose garland to a mediocre contract like the one he signed with Arizona…..

  153. ramslover

    Wolf is a decent 3,not a star and he is 3 years removed from TJ surgery, so I think he will be ok. But as cheap as the market is Garland would have been a good 2 or 3 starter…I am just beside myself!!!!

  154. nellyjune

    ramslover – We have been signing nothing but one year deals lately, so why not Garland. Why not get Ethier taken care of? Why not give Manny a timeline? We have heard nothing. Like Eric said this morning, we have seen no real proof they are strategically going after anybody, including Manny. Then, every few days we get news we signed someone to a minor league contract…….Big …….. Deal.

  155. dodgereric

    I’m going to say it again, only someone else is talking:

    “Recent history suggests Sheets will make at least one trip to the disabled list in 2009. Of course, that history also says he’s likely to pitch most of the year and notch an ERA in the mid-3.00s.”,-Sheets-is-worth-the-risk

    Unless some doctor’s report says that he suffered a catastrophic injury at the end of the season, it’s insane that we don’t get this guy, especially at the cut-rate price that we could probably get him for right now. He’s a bonafide #1, and Wolf is a #4 on his best day with the same injury history.

  156. ramslover

    Dodgereric, it makes too much sense what you are saying….Right now we are the 2nd or 3rd best team on paper…the Giants pitching is better, Dbacks pitching is better right now and their young hitters will be better, you would think…This is getting worrisome…

    We have to sign Manny NOW!!!!!!

  157. nellyjune

    dodgereric – It seems so common sense, but why are we, the fans and it appears to be the media for the most part, are the only ones seeing it? It seems like FranknNed have their own agenda and it has nothing to do with Dodger Baseball and getting key players we need.

  158. dodgereric

    I don’t know all the numbers, but I’ll bet we could sign Manny, Sheets and Cruz and have the same payroll as last year, or at least close. The team would be scoring runs, the rotation of Sheets, Billz, Kuroda, Kersh and whoever would be solid into the 7th and Wade, Kuo, Cruz and Brox would be slamming the door. We’d put 4 million in the seats and be SERIOUS contenders for the Series.

    But Frank has his mind made up – Manny on the cheap and a rotation of Billz and 4 – #3s.


    I also don’t understand where Torre stands in all of this off-season maneuvering. He kept saying how important pitching was and how we needed to replace Lowe and Penny. Now I feel like he really doesn’t care what happens with the team that’s turned over to him in just a couple of weeks. It’s like he got us close to the World Series last year, and now he’s going to semi-retire and just enjoy the good life – probably already working on his new book “The Dodger Years”. I thought he had some backbone where he could speak up to management and owners, but I don’t see that happening, unless he doesn’t really give a sh**, of course.

    When it comes to Frank and his checkbook, I’m wondering whether his bankers haven’t taken away his checkbook, given the economic hardships and possible loans coming due on his non-baseball ventures. He’ll, of course, be the last one to let us know what’s happening with his finances. Wonder how big the mortgages on his Malibu investment.

  160. nellyjune

    I gotta go pick up my son from baseball practice. Great comments and trivia by all…… to some of you on late night and if not, have a wonderful evening!!!

    SIGN A SP NOW!!!
    JUST DO IT!!!


  161. nellyjune

    dodgereric – We aren’t even sure what’s up with Billz either…….he did break his leg in the off season. We’ve been lied to before about medical issues.

  162. mccheap

    look bottom line is our pitching staff is a mess rigth now, atleast it’s not any better then it was last year. We losse Lowe and Penny and who are the replaced with?…Seriuosly this is a joke. What about our offense? I feel we are depending too much on our young players, and that is unfair to put all our eggs in one basket. Bottom line is McCOURT IS PLAYING US ALL FOR FOOLS, because he knows that fans will still pack the stadium. Only when we fans take a stand about this whole mess and stop putting money in the mans pockets will he take interest. What a shame..really sad, but i don’t see the Dodgers improviong over lasy year as of now..real sad

  163. ramslover

    Penny, I do not see as a loss…sometimes addition by subtraction and last year he was horrible…I was not a Penny fan, can you tell….Lowe was a very solid starter, so he is a loss, Wolf will help but I was hoping for more…Maybe Looper is the favorite because he will probably be 4-5 mil….what a joke Frank!!!!!

  164. mccheap

    Money Bags Mccourt is a dam joke of an owner..he should be ashamed to show his face in public..either that of he needs to wipe that smile of his face…when he feeds us all that nonsense about wanting to win a world

  165. trublu4ever

    Grizzly ~ Frank is happy just being half of the “Super Couple”! The Dodgers mean nothing to him, and that’s a shame.

  166. mccheap

    either that or get the heck out of our city..and let a real owner with the funds run this team..while Mcourt can sens his little self back to Boston, he can take his glowing wife too. Dodger fans wont take his *rap any more

  167. perumike

    I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I think I may have been the originator (or one of the originators) of the tour idea. I certainly hope it happens as for me it would be a dream come true. I’ve never sat in the expensive seats, let alone been on a tour of the stadium.


    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Josh, can we have ITD day at the stadium with a tour, and if during the season, a game?

    By perumike on October 16, 2008 8:58 AM
    Report any abuse or spam

  168. perumike

    Mr. McCourt, if you sign Manny and the other missing pieces, you will have enough cash to build those 50 community baseball fields!


    Sell the team, you smiling windbag!!!
    Take your queen with you and get out of town!!!
    I doubt that even Malibu wants you – back to Boston, you cheap piece of crap!!!

  170. trublu4ever

    Perumike ~ I’m glad it was you who came up with the idea for an ITD day. How many people do you think we have here on ITD and, do you think most of them would come?

  171. perumike

    I think most would come, especially if it were on a Saturday. That is definitely the day I would prefer. I think we would have a couple dozen people there, and hopefully some of the stalwarts like nelly, eric, enchanted, yourself, and many others. I think it would be a GREAT event!

  172. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  173. bluecrewgirl

    Hey ITD friends! I hope everyone is having a nice off season. The ITD tour sounds like fun. I really hope we sign Manny but if not, I am not a big fan of Dunn, so I hope the Dodgers don’t go after him. For the love of God Frank, pay Andre the money he has more than earned before going to arbitration. It would be a real shame if that happened.


    I am fully expecting management to screw Andre because they can. Their arbitration numbers can only be justified by the fact that Andre wasn’t given the proper chance to start the entire season, because Torre had to screw around with Andruw and JP in the lineup when the performance clearly justified that Andre should be in there. Had he been playing the entire season, his asked for number would be a lock with any arbitrator. Any settlement short of $3.5 million in my mind is a disservice to this great young player.

  175. trublu4ever

    Bear ~ I’m with you 100% on the Andre matter. He is certainly worth the money he is asking for. If they really want to build around our young players, like they say, then make them feel worth while.

  176. bluecrewgirl

    Trublu and messagebear, I agree with you both. I really hope they realize Andre is worth every penny before it goes to arbitration. I think all the young guys are going to have great seasons in 2009.

  177. nellyjune


    There ~16 times in hopes that if Frank and Ned really mean what they say about the core young players being their future, then pay up boys!!! Show the young core what they are really worth and give Andre his money. He earns it just for sitting the bench while Joe spent 3/4 of the season trying to figure out why Andruw couldn’t hit the ball and JP couldn’t throw or hit the ball.

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!

  178. nellyjune

    Hey Bluecrewgirl!!! I am all for that!!! I can’t believe they are being stubborn with this when they are giving a million here, a million there to nobody’s essentially, at least in Dodger world – geez!! This off season just keeps getting more and more frustrating, and I didn’t think it could get as frustrating as last year. I thought wrong 🙂

  179. trublu4ever

    What else do you expect from a team crying that the Mets have more money than we do! Like Dodgereric said earlier, we have plenty of money……….with all the salaries gone (like Nomar, Lowe, Brad, etc.) We haven’t spent much and, it’s really making me angry that this once proud organization is being run like a franchise on the verge of bankruptcy.

  180. nellyjune

    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!

  181. bluecrewgirl

    Good point, trublu, they do have more than enough to spend and it should be a no brainer to spend it on the youth so they don’t all bolt when they’re eligible for free agency.

  182. nellyjune

    bluecrewgirl – school (classroom) is going great!!!! Dodgereric has been all the talk since he came to visit my classroom a week ago. However, School (budget) not so good….major cuts coming down sometime in February is what I’ve been told. Nothing I have to worry about personally, but it’s hard nonetheless because it will affect some teachers I am close to.

  183. bluecrewgirl

    A son of one of the Osmond Brothers just auditioned on Americah Idol and he made it through. He was pretty good. I had a huge crush on Donny Osmond when I was about 11.


    u tell em Larry…

    Dodgers third base coach Larry Bowa said signing Ramirez is key.

    “Without Manny in the lineup, I won’t say we can’t score runs but we’ll be like we were at the beginning of last year,” Bowa said, referring to a period when the Dodgers struggled offensively. “Manny is sort of that constant in that lineup. With the kids, you don’t know what you’re going to get.”

    Bowa is also hopeful a deal can be done before the start of camp.

    “I think it’s important, especially if he’s a key player,” Bowa said. “Just being around, getting that rapport, it helps out.”

    If Ramirez is a free agent when camp opens, Bowa added, it could be a distraction for the team.

    “Everyone’s going to be talking about it,” Bowa said. “If we had an all-veteran team, it’d be a non-issue. But we don’t have a veteran team.”

    Bowa also expressed concern about the inexperience of the starting rotation, which lost No. 1 starter Derek Lowe.

    “Like (Clayton) Kershaw,” he said. “Can he win 15-20 games? No question. Does he have the talent? No question. But you don’t know.

    “With Johan Santana, before the season starts, you can put down 15 wins. With Derek Lowe, you can put down more than 200 innings pitched.”

  185. nellyjune

    Bluecrewgirl – he challenged my class to learn the entire version of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and they met the challenge. So, he and his wonderful wife, Chris, gave them an ice cream party. We made a baseball book for him, and we did an Acrostic poem using his name earlier in the year. He has been sending my class Dodger (and NASCAR) memorabilia for the classroom. So, it’s kind of been a give and take issue until the song, and then he decided he needed to meet them and he sure did. It was just great – he even gave autographs…..he’s a celebrity to them. It’s very cute. If you look on the dodgerlyrics website, there’s a picture of him holding the teddybear named after him. Last year’s class chose the Ethierbear name, and this year’s class chose Dodgereric Bear.

  186. trublu4ever

    Jungar ~ It’s amazing that we, the fans, Larry Bowa and most of the sportswriters in LA know what needs to be done but, MC CHEAP doesn’t want to open his wallet.

  187. nellyjune

    PAY ANDRE!!!
    PAY ANDRE!!!

  188. kpookiemon

    Me thinkest Manny shalt be a Dodger when smoke doth cleareth.

    “We’ve been in communication with each other throughout, and he (Boras) knows we would like to sign Manny and he’s told us Manny would love to stay,” said Colletti.

    Now it seems it’s just a matter of both sides moving towards a center position. True, the Dodgers don’t want to bid against themselves, but at some point, both sides will have to agree to a price…and I suspect it will be 3 years, $67.5 — $69 million. Neither side wants to start Spring Training without the other, and unless someone knocks Manny’s socks off, he’ll be a Dodger. And McCourt may yet match any offer. He has plenty of money in storage compared to last year, and hey, the Dow is up!

  189. Dodger4life

    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre

  190. nellyjune

    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre

    Thanks Dodger4life!!!

  191. nellyjune


  192. kpookiemon

    Conference call between Omar Minaya, Brian Sabean and ???:

    ???: “Guys, Manny really IS a bargain. Great player, wonderful guy. You’d be fools not to take a run at him.”

    Omar: “Say, who is this?

    Brian: “Yeah, exactly who is this, pal?

    ???: “Just a friend. A friend who wants to see you succeed.”

    Omar: “Why? What do you care about the Mets or Gnats, um sorry, Brian, that just slipped.”

    Brian: “No problem, you should hear what we call you guys. But back on point, I have to admit this does NOT sound like Scott Boras.”

    Omar: “Agreed. Boras, to my knowledge, has never uttered the word “friend” in conversation.”

    ???: “Look, suit yourself. But if you’re worried about the Dodgers, they’ll be fine without Manny. I mean, they may not sell bundles of dredlocks, but can anyone really question the talent, heart and desire of Juan Pierre?”

    Click….double click.

    “Mamma, it didn’t work…….”

  193. nellyjune


  194. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  195. Dodger4life

    I am just wonderful this evening Nelly,
    I see you are behind Andre 100% 🙂
    Thats the Dodger Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2009 IS THE DODGERS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  196. nellyjune

    Of all players for Frank to screw with and not pay what is deserved, it had to be Andre. He proves over and over again his worth on this team and yet, gets screwed again. At least meet him in the middle somewhere. Maybe it won’t get to arbitration, but until it’s in writing both sides have settled, it needs to be addressed as well.

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!

  197. crzblue2

    Felicidades for being the recipient of the High Five Award!! Nice job and very nice pictures! En hora buena!
    Any update on the Caravan Josh? I need to ask vacation time for that. Thanks for all you do for us! Looking forward to the ITD tour!

  198. nellyjune


  199. Dodger4life

    You have addressed well, with all the Pay Andre puzzles. LOL!!!!!!
    Pay Dre, and Come Back Manny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  200. nellyjune

    Josh – In the midst of my creativity I just realized what Emma was talking about. Congrats on receiving the “High Five” award, and I as well must say, great pictures. Once again, thanks for all you do for us here on ITD………just putting up with us is quite enough at times I am sure.

  201. Dodger4life

    HIGH FIVE!!!!! JOSH 🙂
    Way to go!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  202. nellyjune

    Dodger4life – ITD is at the top of the activity log on mlblogs……….so there’s a goal to reach as well 🙂

  203. 636566cy

    Haven’t commented in a while, but I just wanted to let everyone know that even people who don’t post on boards are getting a bit frustrated by the Dodgers. I have a core group of buddies from work that are Dodger fans, and they are struggling to understand what is going on this offseason. It seems like the Dodgers front office is a little too reactionary and not as forward thinking and proactive as others. This offseason reminds many of 2 years back when Ned felt he had “no choice” but to sign Juan Pierre and Luis Gonzalez. As fans, we are all hoping Ned doesn’t get nervous and hand out more bad contracts to more washed-up veterans. The general feeling that I get from non-ITD folks that are also huge fans is that the team might be better off seeing what we’ve got, then adjusting on the fly. I think the rub there is that the Dodgers won’t just state they are going to do that because Frank wants the fans to think “we have done everything we can” to justify his prices on things at the stadium. He may not have a clue about baseball, but he understands some business, and he knows that he needs to give the fans the appearance that the front office is doing everything they can. If not, the Dodgers run the risk of fans becoming disinterested in the team, which means less fans at the stadium, which means no more mansions in Malibu…boy, wouldn’t that be awful for poor Frank?

  204. Dodger4life

    Both sides seem to be doing a remarkable job of either sticking to their guns and not moving or keeping their mouths shut regarding any sort of negotiating.

    The way this reads is that Colletti feels he’s made the offer, when, at least publicly, there is none. Perhaps he’s already told Boras he’d go three years, perhaps not. It’s plain that whatever the Dodgers have offered is not enough. Yet. I understand Colletti not wanting to bid against himself, and until someone else actually makes Manny an offer, he’ll be doing just that if he goes more than 2 for $45 million.

    Boras feels he’s told Colletti that anything less than a 4-5 year $100-120 million deal is unacceptable, which is plainly not going to happen and he’s willing to wait. Wait for what? Someone to unearth a buried treasure somewhere? The economy to turn around in the next week? I don’t believe there are any other teams he’s “negotiating” with, unless it’s to say “Four and $100”.

    It’s a unique off-season so far, isn’t it? Usually someone sets the benchmark and everyone else’s contracts are based from that. But the only contract is Teixeira’s so far and it’s so far removed from reality that it’s not a benchmark at all. It would appear that Abreu and Dunn are waiting for Manny to set one.

    So the game of chicken continues with both cars speeding towards each other. It feels as if the distance is closing rapidly, but what really is the mid-point where they either collide or someone jerks the wheel? Two weeks before spring training? One week? Opening Day? The All-Star Game? Manny may decide that himself, just as ARod did last year
    This is my pick for the post of the day. Good job Eric 🙂
    We are defenetly going a little bonkers !!!!
    The graffitti has a Dodger Theme though 🙂
    Hang in there ITD, Dodgerfaithful.
    Only 14 more days till pitchers and catchers show up for ST.

  205. Dodger4life

    I almost forgot

    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre


  206. nellyjune

    Dodger4life!! Thanks for another 16….it looks great!!!

    clhuerth – great post!!!! I realize we are just a fraction of the Dodger fans out there, and we somehow need to have our voice heard. Like you said, Frank is a business man, and the only way he is going to feel it is through his pocketbook. I think that was mentioned sometime today as well. As long as he fills the stands at Dodger Stadium, he’s not going to change his thinking.

    Ward Dear…..if you are out there somewhere……tat was a fabulous post this morning that Ddodger4life picked as his post of the day. I read it, but I didn’t have time to respond to it…..your friends were in need of my attention 🙂

    Good Night and God Bless to all our ITD readers and writers!!!

  207. dodger 32

    Ned said he’ll do whatever it takes to improve the Dodgers. Vargas, Estes, Sturtze, Castro and even 40 year old Ausmus. How does that improve the team? Management are liars, and if the fans can’t see this they are blind. I’m too far from LA to go to any games, but if fans show up to watch this team and Frank still makes money nothing will change. Ned said he’s comfortable with Pierre in left, how in the world does that count as an improvement over anybody, especially Manny. Sell the team Frank to someone who can actually afford to run it.

  208. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ITD ~ after reading the posts from last night, the main theme seems to be: SIGN ANDRE………..SIGN ANDRE……………….SIGN ANDRE ETHIER…………….SIGN ANDRE ETHIER…………………SIGN DRE…………………SIGN DRE……………………..SIGN ETHIER………………SIGN ETHIER………………SIGN ETHIER

  209. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!

    fliegel – It was good to see you on here this morning!!! It seems pretty common sense to me that these players aren’t necessarily improving the team, and the whole JP thing is just ridiculous.

    tru – I didn’t notice there was a theme 🙂


  210. trublu4ever


  211. dodgereric

    Probably won’t be too much to talk about today
    Andre deserves to be paid as much as Russell
    You better believe that they remember being slighted
    Always remember that you reap what you sow
    Never forget that the fans come first
    Don’t tell us one thing only to do another
    Regrets can be tough to live with
    Everyone try and be patient
    You have to be patient when you’re dealing with fools
    Older players don’t necessarily translate to success
    Unreliable veterans cost us a lot of victories last season
    Colletti needs to remember that it’s quality, not quantity pitching
    How can you go into battle with less than the best?
    Ethier should be rewarded for being a team player
    And Manny needs to be happy or not a Dodger at all
    Please get moving Ned,
    Spring training is just about here
    Kershaw needs to see that the kids are wanted
    All the young players are affected by a cheap owner
    Today is a good time to start being a decent owner
    Everyone on ITD cares deeply about Dodger Blue!

  212. enchantedbeaver

    All I can say is, is that I looked pretty funny running around a rainforest with a paper bag on my head.

    Thank God we got Ausmus. Now our offseason is complete.

  213. thinkingblue

    Good Morning ITD’rs….I have to join my fellows “ETHIERAHOLICS”…..PAY ANDRE….PAY ANDRE..
    I just don’t understand what is going on with Dodger’s Management….no Manny and now Ethier….what’s going on? We want to WIN!

  214. theunknowndodgerfan

    brownpaperbag, good to see you again! We tried and tried with no success whatsoever to move the immovable object.

    Want to lend us a hand?


    So basically one of our own coaches goes to the press with the message of..

    1. we gotta sign Manny or offense won’t be any good
    2. The kids need Manny to excel
    3. WE need to sign Manny fast or team chemistry might not be as good.
    4. Our starting pitching as it stands is not reliable enough.

    1. Bills Kershaw etc says with a big fu..Thanks Coach!
    2. Kemp, Martin..etc says with a big fu…thanks Coach
    3. Ned and Frank with a huge and a bigger fu..Thanks Coach!
    4. Torre with a SMILE…Thanks Coach.

  216. malibuestate4me

    I don’t know what all of you are crying about……..after all, I’m resodding the field………just signed Ausmus and lost out on Garland, so what? We have Estes, and Mota.

  217. imsobluepaperbag

    If things keep up the way they are, Joe will have to be some kind of magician to make this team into a winner. it is imperative for Frank to sign Mr. Ethier before arbitration and sign Manny.

  218. thinkingblue

    Who is who in paperbag world…you guys got me so confused. There is:
    and of course BROWNPAPERBAG????

  219. mccheap

    This whole thig is a joke…we demand a better product, you hear us McCourt?..and well we all know now that ned is just a lap dog, you do remember your only under contract for this year rigth ned?…well you better get going before Mcourt does what he knows how to do best, and that’s show people the door. As mentioned before im sure Mcourt is a good buisnessman but he surely hasn’t shown us any truth to the words that come out of his mouth. I find it interesting that he hasn’t had many interviews this offseason..hmmm..i actually have a gagne shirt signed by Mccheap(surprise he didn’t charge me for it)..i migth run out of toilet paper and look to that next time. oh yea and sign our kids!!!!!! you %^%*^^(&

  220. malibuestate4me

    I am McCheap. I’ve cut millions from my payroll and paid out: $1M for Ausmus; $5.25M for Blake; $1.25M for Loretta; $2.35M for Mota not to mention the piddly amount I spent on the minor league contracts.


    My big concern even with Manny (and wolf/looper) is the pitching. If we get Manny I think we have a chance, without him if the roster were to stand as is (other than wolf/looper) 3rd place.

  222. enchantedbeaver

    Gone: Ramirez, Lowe, Nomar, Penny, Berroa, Sweeney, Bennett, Kent, Jones, Maddux, Saito, Proctor

    Replacements: Loretta, Ausmus, Mota, Vargas, Estes

    Who have we really replaced?…
    Loretta = Nomar
    Ausmus = Bennett
    Mota = Proctor
    Vargas = 2008 Penny
    Estes = no one

    This is building a winner how? McDonald a starter is told he’s pitching out of the bullpen. Troncoso a reliever is told he’s a starter. Your impact bat is replaced by Pierre. Your front end pitcher is replaced with Estes.


    Paper bags, unite!!!

  223. thinkingblue

    Well BPB Sweeney & Jones they did nothing anyways but to collect dust. But I do see your point! Now if they don’t sign Manny, Martin & Ethier….dodgers are screwed and everything we accomplished will go down the drain. Just like the freaken Chicago Bulls….after Jordan it hasn’t been the same…

  224. shepherd96

    “I have made clear the proposal we would have to have to make a deal with a Major League team,” Boras said. “Ned has a very clear understanding of what it would take to sign Manny.”

    This may indicate that Boras is threatening to go retro: non- Major League teams willing to spend $25 million/year would have to be in Japan. Can anyone say Ted Sizemore and Wes Parker? Does Manny really want this when he can make at least $22.5 million/year in LA? Methinks Boras is blowing smoke.

  225. thinkingblue

    So next time I go to the market I will be showing my BPB support by choosing “PAPER BAG” instead of plastic! LOL!

  226. enchantedbeaver

    Plastic bags are for Ned and Frank to put over their heads, tie the handles snughly around their neck, and breathe heavily into.

    The only thing is that Ned would survive – much like his team “building”, I’m sure his plastic bag would have plenty of holes in it.


    SELL THE TEAM, Frank!!!

    I know that Frank doesn’t listen to us concerning anything, so I’m just shouting that in the wind. I can hope that all of Frank’s lenders will get together when his big loans come due and make him SELL THE TEAM. That will be our only salvation.

  228. perumike

    Or maybe Frank’s lenders will tell him that the only way he will earn the money to pay back his loans is to sign Manny?

  229. crzblue2

    With 14 days till Pitchers and Catchers report, my first concern is the pitching.
    Con la ayuda de Nuestra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles Jamas seremos vencidos!

  230. thinkingblue

    Panchito needs to tell “El Ned” to sign Manuel, Andres Y Martin.
    LOL I just realized that Jones is a garden gnomes…hahaha

  231. thinkingblue

    Yey! for Martin…one down two to go….thanks Shepherd. But for one year….sniff sniff…he needs to retire as a Dodger….that’s just me.

  232. theunknowndodgerfan

    My father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate is a janitor that was cleaning out Colletti’s office yesterday when his phone rang. It was Boras and Ned put him on the speakerphone. This is how the conversation went:

    Colletti: Hello, um, er, ah, wait a minute…… happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Neddy …….. THAT’S IT!! Hello, Ned speaking.

    Boras: Hi Ned. Scott here.

    Colletti: Wassup?

    Boras: Not a lot.

    Colletti: So, why did you call me?

    Boras: I did?

    Colletti: I think so.

    Boras: No, you called me.

    Colletti: Well, if you say so. What did I want?

    Boras: When?

    Colletti: When what?

    Boras: When you called me!

    Colletti: I did?

    Boras: Hold on, I’ve got a call on the other line. Hello, Scott here. What? I don’t have time for that now. I’m negotiating with Colletti. What? Now? OK, a chimichanga then. Bye. Hello Ned?

    Colletti: Who is it?

    Boras: I give up. Who?

    Colletti: I don’t know. Well, it’s been nice negotiating with you, well, not nice really, but it’s been interesting. It’s time for my medication. Bye.

    Boras: Bye Ned. Marge, call the Times and tell them 2 more teams asked about Manny today. And I need some more Diet Dr Pepper!

  233. enchantedbeaver

    I just figured out what’s holding up the Manny negociations – Ned’s worried about the #1 draft pick he’ll have to give up to sign him.

  234. tradejuanpaperbag

    I would tradejuanpaperbag 4 Andruw too. Wait……we don’t have to trade, he’s gone! Good – paperbag saved!!!

  235. nellyjune

    Well, he’s worried about something, but it certainly isn’t the team as it stands right now. He said himself, he’d be okay with JP in left field. He and Frank have got to be the only two on the Dodger planet that are okay with it.

  236. enchantedbeaver

    With all this talk of needing pitching (with which I agree wholeheartedly), you people realize of course that Blake is our clean-up hitter…

  237. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ thanks for the correction……….I looked it up after I posted it…… brain isn’t functioning today. I just saw Sweeney and forgot about Mike!

  238. enchantedbeaver

    It appears that Ned & Frank’s new team “strategy” is to try and stay close in the standings and catch lightning in a bottle at the trade deadline. Of course we all know that that’s doomed to failure.

    Until then they intend on living off the sweat of the young guns and dazzling us with dancing PVLs.

  239. imsobluepaperbag

    brownpaperbag, you are so right in your assessment of the “strategy”. I have a feeling I will be imsoblue for a long time.

  240. Dodger4life

    Good afternoon all, brownpaperbag nice to see you again.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre

    COME BACK MANNY!!!!!!!!!!

  241. trublu4ever

    msrussyethier ~ he likes it here because we are a great group and he’s jealous! There isn’t any fun on his site………no, dodgereric, no enchanted, no dodger4life, no nellyjune, you and me and countless others!!

  242. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  243. kpookiemon

    “I speak with Manny every three days and he tells me, ‘Man, no one wants to sign me,'” Pujols said Thursday during a news conference. “I’m not an agent or general manager, but I can’t understand how Manny has not signed.”

    Uh…Manny, isn’t that just the tiniest of little white lies? I wish someone had wanted me for ANYTHING at $44.5 million.

  244. thinkingblue

    I can’t wait for the tour and get to meet you all…
    No body wants him,
    Everybody hates him,
    Guess he’ll go eat worms…
    Long thin slimmy ones,
    Short fat juicy one….
    taratarataratara worms….
    (sorry I don’t remember the ending of the song…it’s been a while…LOL!)

  245. kpookiemon

    For all you Ezio Pinza fans out there:

    “Poor unwanted Manny
    You may get a contract,
    You may get a contract
    Because you’re Boras’ tool
    And somehow you know,
    You know even then
    That money is money
    How much can you spend?”

  246. motel6stolentowel

    ” The train has left the station,” Boras said.
    Manny that train looks more like the Disneyland Monorail, and it is headed for Fantasyland.
    Take the dodgers offer!!!!


    And now, to further add to msrussy’s bewilderment, some words from another member of the brown paper family….. While Frank and Ned prevaricate, procrastinate, rationalize, and , at times, simply whine, the 2009 Dodgers continue their relentless slide towards the bottom of the NL West. Ask Padre fans how quickly a team can go from the penthouse to the outhouse. At this point, the only improvement the D’s have made from last year is on Frank’s balance sheet. Frank, sell the team or, at the least, fire Ned and hire a John Schuerholtz-type executive to run the team and spend your time redecorating your dual palaces in Malibu. In lieu of that, Dodger fans should petition LA County for a restraining order restricting Frank to the Malibu city limits.


    i haven’t had time to read all the comments.. but i want to know if anyone else was at least a little annoyed by larry bowa’s comments?

    first of all, his comments give boras added leverage in negotiations.. which is just stupid in general..

    second of all, we have a very young team.. a young team that needs as much confidence as it can get.. and he’s sitting there, basically telling them that they are not capable of being successful without manny.. so what happens if we don’t get manny?? how are you going to convince these guys during the season that you actually DO believe in them? how are you going to inspire them??

    it just seems completely counter-productive.. i guess this is why i feel that assistant coaches have no business making public comments.. what are you truly accomplishing? =(


    and i do realize this is larry bowa we’re talking about.. the man does have a history of saying wrong things at the wrong times..

  250. Dodger4life

    ……come back..come back..come back..come back
    …..come back….come backcome back….come back
    …….come backcome back….come backcome back
    ……….manny.come back……..manny.come back
    ……………….come back……………….come back
    ………………come back………………come back
    …………….come back………………come back
    …………..come back………………come back

  251. trublu4ever

    Sara ~ I think if Bowa should have said, “Manny would be a great addition to our team”. I think he probably feels a little frustrated in the entire Manny situation. He does have a fiery personality, though, and should have thought before he spoke. By the way, I just read an article about Russell and he has taken up yoga in order to keep his body in great shape (I think it’s pretty good the way it is!) and to make him stronger at the end of the season. He says he’s never felt better.

  252. Dodger4life

    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    COME BACK MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PAY DRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sara- I understand where you’re coming from but I did’nt view Bowa’s comments the way you did. Granted, Bowa tends to shoot from the lip at times and he, probably, could have worded some comments better but he’s frustrated, as most of us on here are, by management’s inability to improve the team. Manny’s worth is well-known to all the principals involved so I don’t think Bowa’s comments will have any effect on negotiations. Each side just has a differing viewpoint on how much it’s worth in dollars. Nor will his comments have any effect on our Young Guns. Their confidence isn’t that fragile and they also know that all this stuff is just the business of baseball.


    Yes, tru, it sometimes does, but that’s what we have to go through to enjoy the game we all love. Sometimes, it’s a “love-hate” relationship.

  255. phan52

    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    What, are you going to steal them when the Phillies are on their West Coast trip?


    I know what being a Dodger fan can do to a person. My blood pressure rose and inanimate objects weren’t safe when Jose Offerman played shortstop.

  257. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  258. trublu4ever

    brownpaperrapper ~ Boy, do I remember Offerman!!!! What was even worse was watching Steve Sax go through the period where he couldn’t throw the ball to 1st base!

  259. sparkleplenty_1

    Shad, no worries. The Cards GM doesn’t want Manny. He released a statement to that effect a couple of hours ago.

  260. trublu4ever

    Hi Shad & Diggie ~ I can’t see Manny going anywhere but LA. He will be a Dodger. Of course, I also thought CC was going to be a Dodger. And then, I thought Garland was going to be a Dodger.

  261. shad78

    I thought with the release of Jones this was going to be a piece of cake to resigned Manny but seriously how many more days we have to wait?

  262. sparkleplenty_1

    Hey Tru! I think most of us don’t see Manny going anywhere, but what from what I read/hear, Ned is not making contact with Manny about a contract, only with Boras. Doesn’t it stand to reason that if Manny REALLY wants to stay with LA that he’d MAKE Boras listen to reason? But then, what the heck do I know? If there was only some way to be a fly on the wall . . . and listen to the “wheelings and dealings” at the source.


    Yeah, tru, Saxie was a real adventure, too. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Just like this Hot Stove League season.


    It’s too bad that Ned couldn’t accidentally on purpose “run into” Manny somewhere and pitch him an offer.

  265. sparkleplenty_1

    Funny thought, Tru. If Boras talked Manny out of saying yes, wouldn’t that be a case of the tail wagging the dog (not casting aspersions on anyone, unless the description fits).


    Here’s a disconcerting thought: if this whole Manny soap opera extends into ST, it could be a real distraction, like Bowa said.

  267. trublu4ever

    It’s just that when Boras started all of this he thought the market would be different. There are a lot of players still out there looking for work and, they are all rethinking their asking prices.


    The economy was bad at the beginning of this years’s free agency period and has gotten much worse since. A lot of players and agents underestimated the effect that the overall economy would have on baseball. Except for the usual suspects, the Yankees and the Red Sox, nobody’s spending a whole lot. Randy Wolf’s got to be kicking himself that he didn’t take the 3-year, 28 mill offer he originally was offered by the Astros. He may not get that much now.

  269. Dodger4life

    ……come back..come back..come back..come back.
    …..come back….come backcome back….come back
    …….come backcome back….come backcome back.
    ……….manny.come back……..manny.come back….
    ……………….come back……………….come back…….
    ………………come back………………come back………
    …………….come back………………come back………..
    …………..come back………………come back………….

    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre

    RINGS FORV ALL THE DODGERS IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  270. trublu4ever

    brownpaperrapper ~ you are right. Abreu is a better than average ball player and he’s still there. However, I still think if Borass wants a 4-year deal for Manny and we’ve offered him 2 years, both sides should come together on a 3-year deal. I honestly think Manny would take it.


    Good evening, nelly. Another night in ITD land and Manny is the topic. Or rather, I should say Groundhog Night.

  272. perumike

    Hey all, back from an errand. As far as the tour goes, a good price would be $0, and I think we will have a blast. Can you imagine all of us singing the Loney song in front of James himself? Or imagine if we got to meet Frank and give him a piece of our minds? Wow, that would be fun!

  273. nellyjune

    Hey brownpaperrapper – Groundhog’s Day about sums it up, so maybe this will be all over by Tuesday, when the real Groundhog’s Day has come and gone.

    Hey Mr. Piano Man – The tour is going to be great when it happens. I don’t know if we want Frank in the same room with some of us. We may be taken away, never to be heard from again – LOL!!!!


    Maybe, if we’re real good little bloggers, we’ll get a tour of the McCourt Estates??????

  275. nellyjune

    good little bloggers………….I don’t think so 🙂

    Take care of Andre, sign a SP ( a real one) and Manny,and promise me JP will not start ahead of Matt or Andre, then I would consider it.


    If we get to the Estates, we can say hello to the statutes, Sturtze, Estes, and Vargas, blocking the view of the Pacific.

  277. ew314

    Dear Dodgers:

    PLEASE make a decision on whether to sign Manny Ramirez TODAY, not tomorrow, not Monday, not next week, not next month, not next century, BUT TODAY, RIGHT NOW! This waiting game has worn thin and has gone on too long. If you want Manny, make a legitimate offer and let’s get him. Otherwise, hold a press conference and tell us that you have decided to move on. I’ve never seen a front office let a guy and his agent hold a franchise hostage while both you and Manny sit on your hands try to see who is more macho. Please Dodgers, you’ve got a World Series to win and the fans, players (Ethier, Martin, Kemp, Loney, Broxton, Kershaw, etc…. players who WANT to be Dodgers), Tommy LaSorda, and Vin Scully are all counting on you.

    Make a decision to sign Manny or call it day and LET’S MOVE ON.

    Thank you,

    Eddie from Azusa, CA


    Can’t argue with any of that, Eddie. Make a final offer, set a deadline, if Borass and Manny don’t take it, move on. It’s all been said before.


    Eddie…Manny and his agent are not holding the dodgers hostage. Coletti or McCourt are if anything. There were/are other good players. A million trades could be made or other players could have been offered contracts. We gotta Chill Y’all and wave the Juan Pierre flag.


    To his (Ned) credit on offense we only need to upgrade one spot. (IMO we need to upgrade 3b but whatever) The spot Manny (or Dunn) plays and both are still available. While we wait Manny out though let’s just worry about the pitching…

  281. Dodger4life

    Good Night bprapper. Take care

    I thought Eric said we were gonna go with Lasorda and Malinosky out of the pen????

  282. Dodger4life

    Pay dre……….pay dre,pay
    pay dre…… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre
    pay dre… dre…pay dre
    pay dre… dre……pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre… dre………pay dre
    pay dre…….pay dre…….pay dre
    pay dre……….pay dre

    Lets get it done!! GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!

  283. nellyjune

    Good Night ITD readers and writers!!!! Let’s hope for some good news tomorrow seeing how it’s Friday and if nothing happens tomorrow, it may be another long weekend. However, we have the SuperBowl to get us through, and then it’s Ground Hog’s day on the 2nd. However, like it was mentioned earlier, it feels like it’s been Ground Hog’s Day for two months now. Maybe Monday or Tuesday is our day for our Ground Hog’s Day to end. Take Care and see you in the morning!!!

    SIGN A SP!!!
    LET’S DO IT!!!


  284. Dodger4life

    Good Night ITD and Dodgerfaithful,
    We have expressed many thoughts and opinions here this week.
    Jungar’s comment at 9:17am was very good 🙂
    The phone call between Ned and Boras was also very good, it was placed at 1:57pm. It was posted by theunknowndodgerfan.
    Everybody does such a wonderful job, in expressing thier feelings, toward our beloved Dodgers, and we enjoy them all. Keep up the good work, we shall be the #1 MLB Blogs site again this year.
    This is to all the players that will take the field. We believe in the team and will be behind you 100% start to finish. All we can ask is that you give us 110% each and everyday.
    Frank & Ned, you are the true leadership in this organization.
    The championship has to start at the top. Lead by example
    set the stage. You should show the boys how hard work can be a positive and positive things in baseball win games.
    All rally’s start with something positive 🙂
    GOD BLESS US ALL AND GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  285. heartruss

    Good morning ITD, Dodgereric, Trublu (since I know you are already up), Dodger4life, NellyJune, Cpompe! (my god, how are you anyway? How is your job search and your poor shoulder?) and all my other friends on ITD. I really can’t wait to see everyone on our tour. That will be fun. I was lucky enough to meet Nellyjune, you couldn’t meet a nicer person. And Dodgereric is absolutely the best. I agree with Dodger4life. I am the same way. I look forward to the season starting and will support the Dodgers with all my heart. I LIVE FOR BASEBALL, especially the DODGERS. It’s only 34 days until I will be in Glendale AZ for ST. It’s getting soooooo close. And then will be the WBC, then the exhibition games, and then the real season will start. I can’t wait to see how my new season seat will be. GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!

  286. trublu4ever

    By the way, did you see on the Dodgers’ home page that Russell will have a different name on his jersey………will be JMARTIN in honor of his mother.

  287. thinkingblue

    Good Morning ITD’rs…well still no Manny & no Ethier. That is good that Martin is adding the ‘J’. His mom must be very proud. And hey hopefully Martin’s girl friend does bring out even more out of Martin and Martin can contribute to our 2009 WIN…YUP….GO DODGERS!!!!!
    Good morning Tru & Heartruss? I don’t believe I’ve met HeartRuss (unless you went through those name changes we do here???)!

  288. imsobluepaperbag

    good morning msrussyethier, heartruss and tru, real nice aabout Russell’s name change. Now let’s hope we can sign Andre and Manny. Russell mentioned Manny as helping him a lot………..I’m sure all of the other young players feel the same way.

  289. thinkingblue

    Here is a little something for Manny to wish him back. And if you see those new mops commercial, you know what I’m talking about. Now grab your mop (prefer stick to be blue), flip it over, spray paint the mop area black, throw a Dodger’s baseball cap and now sing (“Baby Come Back” by Player:
    Manny come back
    Any kind of fool could see
    That you are the greatest
    Baseball player there is
    Manny come back
    You can blame it all on Ned
    He was wrong, and Dodgers can’t live without you!

  290. perumike

    msrussyethier – nice job! Is that sung by the mariachis, or just the standard tune? I love that commercial, especially with the mariachi!

  291. trublu4ever

    Joe Torre is appearing on Larry King tonight to promote his new book. He is also planning an appearance on Letterman.

  292. thinkingblue

    PERU – I do love the Mariachi commercial (ARRIVA LOS DODGERS – AY YA YAAAAYYYYYYYY!), but I guess you can choose ETHIER one.

  293. trublu4ever

    Says he is going to be there just to discuss book but, I think the Manny situation has to come up………especially since Larry is a Dodger fan.

  294. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Still no Manny – still the Dodgers’ haven’t signed Andre. So what else is new? I’m getting tired of all this. FRANK: OPEN UP YOUR CHECKBOOK AND SIGN MANNY AND PAY ANDRE WHAT HE DESERVES!!!

    I didn’t see that article on Russ and his “name change.” I just read it; very nice. I especially liked the parts where it looks like Russ is growing up and, perhaps, will be productive a lot more than he was last year. He REALLY did look last year like he was swinging for the fences practically every time he came up to the plate. WAY TO GO RUSS!

  295. Dodger4life

    INSIDE THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GOOD MORNING TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    PAY DRE ~ TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    COME BACK MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  296. cpompe1

    Heartruss – Thx for asking about me! I’m fine. I didn’t have any interviews or appointments yesterday, so I basically did nothing – except for my shoulder exercises. My shoulder is slowly getting better. But I just have to be vigilant and keep doing my exercises. They’re helping; progress is slow though. But it’ll get back to normal. About job hunting, it’s just that – hunting for a job. Still nothing firm. Things look better at times; other times it’s slower than a snail. But I just have to be patient. Heck, I’ve been patient this long; what’s another few months?

  297. thinkingblue

    Cpompe! – great attitude, don’t loose hope that God has a special job for you. Hang in there and God bless you!

  298. cpompe1

    Yeah Tru, Russ working out with Andre! And probably with Pedroia too, since he and Andre are close! I firmly believe that with Russ’ change in attitude and workout habits, we’ll be seeing A LOT of good things from Russ! And Andre, well heck, what can I say. Many people say that Andre had a breakout season last season. All I can say is that I think Andre will just continue 2008 to 2009 and then some!!!

    Msrussyethier – thx for the kind words. I know God has something special for me. Yes, the waiting is hard, but what do they say, “All good things come to those that wait…” Or something like that!

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