Quite an honor…

Finally getting a chance to post after quite a long day and hopefully you all got the chance to see the news conference honoring Jeff Kent. If not, there’s video, photos and all sorts of awesome coverage on the front of dodgers.com and mlb.com, but it was certainly an honor to emcee the event and be a part of his “last day” in the Major Leagues. I think a lot of people have seen a different side of Jeff over the last four years with the Dodgers but he certainly let down his guard a little today, and it was pretty cool to witness.

I actually got to spend the morning with Jeff and his family and just seeing how important they are to him seems to validate his decision to “go home” and spend more time with them. As I told him today, he’s got the best years of his life ahead of him and with his motorcycle dealership and the golf course he just purchased, he will certainly be busy.

One thing I think is for certain…we can mark our calendars five years for now for a trip to Cooperstown, where Jeff will be enshrined in the Hall of Fame as the greatest offensive second baseman of all time.



  1. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Do you all really think Kent is the best offensive 2b in history? I think i’d go with Joe Morgan even though I can’t stand Joe Morgan the announcer. In any case Kent could mash. But go look at Morgans numbers, in a deadball era they are pretty awesome.

  2. trublu4ever

    It’s interesting you mentioned that, jungar. On ESPN radio today they were calling Kent a “moocher”. He hit well because of Bonds and hit pretty well because of Manny. They thought his fielding prowess was questionable and was not a very good teammate. I know you guys think he was nice to the fans but I’m talking about what the other players thought of him. They were even saying that if you polled the players on the Dodgers and asked if they would want him back……..the overwhelming rsponse would be “No”.

  3. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    A few questions to ponder…

    If Kent were a OF and not a second baseman would he be a first ballot HOF? Or a HOF?

    Kent is not known for defense so he dosen’t get extra points for it, but is it harder to hit well and play 2b (or any IF spot)? Or is it that just most great hitter due to body type wind up playing OF/1b?

  4. heartruss

    Josh, I’m not sure how this thread started out so negatively but I share in your respect for Jeff Kent. I have always thought of him as a superb baseball player. I have met him and found him to be kind and polite. I have pointed this out on other threads. Unfortunately not many people have had the opportunity to meet him and have to rely on what other people say, or what the media says. I am almost always in the minority which is too bad. Others who have met him share my opinion. I know that others on this blog will cut me to the ground but as Trublue has said (Hi Trublue) we are entitled to our opinions which is what makes this blog so fun and popular. I will miss him.

  5. trublu4ever

    xox ~ Hi. I know Jeff was very kind to the fans. I was just commenting on the sportcasters of ESPN who had very different opinions of him. I knew some of you would think I was knocking him but, I am not. I never met him and did enjoy watching him play.

  6. Dodger4life

    Thanks again Jeff, Enjoy your family.
    Next stop Hall Of Fame πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I’ll miss the way he played too. I can careless about if people like other people or not, hope you don’t think i was being negative..i find that stuff overrated for the most part, particularly in baseball. But i do think it’s fair to wonder if he is THE best offensive 2nd baseman in baseball history. that,s quiet a statement.

  8. sparkleplenty_1

    xoxo – I am with you – I also celebrated Jeff’s passion for doing it right. He played hard and was focused on the job at hand. He wanted to win and did everything he could possibly do to make it happen, including coming back early from his surgery last fall. That’s dedication and outstanding work ethics. I’m going to miss him, too. Josh, if there’s any way you can forward our well wishes to Jeff, please do so.

  9. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Just to be fair about things, the Mets signed Alex Cora for 2 million to be a back up infielder. If Ned did that..ooh boy!

  10. porklinks

    Maybe it reads more clearly using a different definition of ‘offensive’.
    “Jeff will be enshrined in the Hall of Fame as the greatest offensive second baseman of all time”
    I kid, I kid. Kent was good with the fans away from the field, and by all accounts a good family man. He did not like the media, nor they him. He certainly had his troubles relating to teammates – some well-documented. He was a very good hitter as a Dodger, until injuries did him in. His defense was atrocious (range) by the time he got here. He’s an HOFer.
    But the greatest offensive 2B of all-time is Rogers Hornsby.

  11. nellyjune

    Jeff Kent – the fact that you left the Giants, made you a fan of mine instantly back when you did it.

    I do respect the family side of Jeff. As far as his social aspects, I admit it’s hard to like a guy at times that seems to not like his teammates too much. However, as I was thinking about him today and my own profession, there are plenty people in my profession that are not social (likeable to other adults), but they are some of the best teachers in the business.

    Thanks Jeff, for some great Dodger baseball years.

  12. shad78

    Kent’s farewell mixes tears, stoicism
    By Tim Brown, Yahoo! Sports
    2 hours, 5 minutes ago

    Buzz up!1 vote PrintMore From Tim BrownAusmus close to signing with Dodgers Jan 21, 2009 Jones’ tenure with Dodgers appears over Jan 15, 2009
    Jeff Kent never could abide the fools, what would have been a minor irritation but for the rather amazing number of them.

    He stayed 17 years anyway. He showed up every day, held down second base and hit like a corner man. He skipped the steroids, he always said convincingly, and mainlined cranky.

    β€œI’m tired,” he said, his eyes red and swollen. β€œI’m tired.”

    On a warm and overcast Thursday morning at Dodger Stadium, his four children staring up at him from his left, Duke Snider gazing from a wheelchair on his right, Kent retired after 377 home runs, 1,518 RBIs and nearly 2,500 hits. He was an MVP and a semi-regular in October and about the only man in baseball who wouldn’t pretend the game hadn’t become something it wasn’t.


    And wouldn’t all those former teammates who did not attend his farewell be surprised to see this Jeff Kent, the one who was all weepy and sloppy and shaky, who wiped his face and disdainfully flicked the tears from his fingertips.

    Wouldn’t they be shocked to know he thought they had big hearts to go with their massive talent. You know, some of them, anyway. And that he valued their work, and maybe their willingness to put up with him, not that he’d apologize for any of it.

    After all those afternoons when they couldn’t get so much as a hello out of him, all those nights when he skipped the team beer without a goodbye to get home and get some sleep, wouldn’t this be a sight for them, Jeff Kent sorry to have it all gone, as if he might have enjoyed it.

    β€œI’ll miss it,” he said. β€œBut, my time’s over. Thank you.”

    At a time when it meant something, Kent was a ballplayer, all day, every day, February to October. Plenty of people didn’t like it. He had his scraps, memorably with Barry Bonds, but he promises there were others out of view. He had his enemies, memorably Milton Bradley, but so many others rolled their eyes and shook their heads and wondered just who was this guy.

    More than a few found reasons to disapprove.

    Often enough, they didn’t like him because they were soft. They didn’t like him because they didn’t want to play so hard. They didn’t like him because the game wasn’t as important to them. They couldn’t be as committed. They gave away at-bats. They looked the other way. The game owed them.

    And, often enough, he told them so.

    Considering how much of it disgusted him, and how rarely the game or its players lived up to his expectations, and that he never developed the ability to let anything slide, it’s a wonder he had the time for batting practice. It was pregame hugs around the batting cage. It was the cut corners. It was the steroids and the men who took them.

    β€œThe integrity of the game was jeopardized for so many years,” Kent said. β€œAnd I’m just completely embarrassed … about the steroids.”

    His wife, Dana, nodded and smiled gently. Her youngest was curled on her lap, worn out. She admitted the episode with Bradley, where Kent was accused of picking his fights based on skin color, β€œrattled me, because that was about character.” But, generally, she said, β€œI’m just so proud of him, especially at this time, when everybody wants to be so politically correct. He just says what’s in his heart, what he feels is right.”

    It came off as self-righteous, or petty, or worse. He took himself a little too seriously. But, from the first days in the big leagues, he was told this was all very serious.

    He was sitting on a bench in Toronto in 1992. An injured Blue Jays teammate was struggling. Dave Winfield, one of many veterans on that club, stormed the length of the bench until arriving in the face of the fresh rookie.

    β€œTake his job!,” Winfield screamed. β€œTake his [expletive] job! He doesn’t want it, you take it!”

    That cold. In or out. Kent was always in.

    β€œHe played a long time and played it right,” Winfield said. β€œYou hear things about his personality, but he played the game hard all the time. … One day, we’ll see him in the Hall of Fame.”

    Kent shrugged at that topic, but it has to be important to him. It should be. As the votes come due on so many of the best hitters of his generation – Bonds will have hit the ballot the year before – Kent should be one of the easy ones. He was a child of the steroid era, presumably resisted, and measured up anyway. He hit their fastballs. He propped up their batting orders. He looked them in the eye.

    β€œYou just adjust,” he said. β€œI made the adjustment without cheating the game or myself.”

    Oh, but it wasn’t nearly so simple.

    β€œI remember him feeling frustrated,” Dana said, β€œlike, β€˜How do I compete against this?’ ”

    By showing up. By playing hard. By caring not about the thoughts and actions of the fools.

    Damn, he’ll miss β€˜em.

  13. nellyjune



  14. Dodger4life

    LETS GO DODGERS, LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LETS GO DODGERS, LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!
    LETS GO DODGERS, LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!
    ST is not very far away.
    I am excited and fired up, GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The words (PLAY-BALL) will be spoken shortly.
    Our beloved Dodgers will trot on the field ready to reclaim the west.
    Dodgerfaithful will cheer them on with pride.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2009 IS OUR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good – Night and God – Bless ITD, Dodgerfaithful πŸ™‚

  15. nellyjune

    Good night Dodger4life – thanks for keeping the Dodger Spirit alive and well. When it’s all said and done, we will all be there cheering our Dodgers to victory. Take care and God Bless πŸ™‚

  16. 636566cy

    I have some very mixed feelings about Jeff Kent. To me, he will always be a Giant, but I did enjoy that fact that he played the game hard. He could really rake, but he was a wooden indian on the field. He held others to a very high standard and would show his displeasure, but he attributed his mistakes to playing hard. I never really understood the guy, but I guess he didn’t want to be understood anyway. I’m happy for him that he is going out his way and I am happy for the Dodgers that his time on the team has come and gone.

  17. 636566cy

    Yeah nelly, if none of them were, I think that would answer the question of how good of a teammate they thought he was for all of us…just a thought.

  18. 636566cy

    Tony Jackson said on his blog that Jose Vizcaino was there as well as Dodgers Minor Leaguers. Viz is a Dodgers employee and the youngsters were there because of the Winter Camp, I believe. It would seem that no one really went out of there way to see Jeff off. To me, that speaks volumes.

  19. dodgereric

    fogey, I agree 100% on Rogers Hornsby being the #1 hitting second baseman of all time. Hard to argue with a lifetime BA of .358 (#2 all time) and 7 batting titles. His average for 5 consecutive years was .402!

    The guy I nominate as #2 played in 2826 games, had 9949 at bats, scored 1821 runs, had 3315 hits (#10 all time), batted .333 over a 25-year career with an OBP of .424 (#14 all time). And he could field with the best of them. Hall of Famer Eddie Collins.

  20. nellyjune

    Good Evening Ward Dear……….How was hockey tonight?……or should I ask πŸ™‚

    So, does JK go into the HOF as a Dodger, Astro or a Giant?

  21. dodgereric

    Good evening, June Darlin’…….. no, don’t ask. 😦

    As much as it pains me to say it, just look at his stats. He spent more years there and his best numbers were as a …………. you know.

  22. nellyjune

    Your 20 new best friends lost their afternoon recess today for too much talking and not getting their work done. Other than that, they are doing fine. My minime ethieraholic wants to write you a song, so we shall see what she comes up with in the next few days.

    Sorry to hear about hockey……….how many weeks/games do they have left?

    Good news on our front – Michael made the Varsity pitching rotation as a sophomore. Well, he was told to think about it, but it’s his if he wants it. The only thing is he will have a designated hitter and not get to bat much, but he would get to play a little first base and bat then. It took him all of 5 minutes to make his decision.

  23. nellyjune

    As far as JK, I figured. The funny thing is is I am more positive about him than Bill is. He thought he was a jerk as a Giant too.

  24. crzblue2

    Josh & all,
    You know I also respect Jeff Kent and he was my favorite player for the last few years. I am very proud of how he conducted himself at the press conference. The Jeff on the podium is the Jeff that I got to see at Dodger Stadium, at hospitals, signings, at the Caravan, on the field signing autographs and talking to fans and at the WIN events. That is the guy that I learned to admire.
    Good luck Jeff to you, Dana and your kids! See you in about 5 years where you will probably make me cry again.
    This is a quote from Dylan Hernandez:
    ” Blake DeWitt, the rookie who started at second base in the postseason, said Kent went out of his way to help him even though they were competing for the same position. Kent told DeWitt that his move from third base to second would require him to adjust his throwing motion and footwork, lessons DeWitt said he would remember as he enters this season as the projected starting second baseman.
    “That was pretty special,” DeWitt said. “It means a lot to a young player, especially when it comes from someone with that much experience who has had that much success.”
    You know the conference was a last minute thing. Diamond Leung posted in his blog on Wednesday morning 10:03 am. Jeff said “I apologize for the short notice…”
    I was remembering when I saw Jeff at the original Dodgertown, he was on the field practicing while his daughter watched. With the fan friendly surounding of Vero Beach I approched him to ask him if would need a glove for the baseball clinic. I told him I had attended the WIN events at Dodger Stadium. He said “I thought I’ve seen you there. I asked him then if the girl was his kids. He said “one of them” His other was just a few feets away playing catch with Larry King’s kid. He signed my baseball after I asked him and I continued walking around the complex with a big grin in my face. I had gotten the same ball signed by Tommy Lasorda a few minutes earlier when he was walking around the complex.
    Good night everybody.

  25. dodgereric

    Well, you tell ’em that dodgereric says, “Behave yourselves and listen to Mrs Nelson!” I’ve told the tale to a few people and they all do the same thing. They open their mouths, then smile, then say, “You’re kidding!”, particularly when I get to the autograph session!

    I have the schedule at work, but I think it’s four or five games. Then it’s a couple weeks off and they start again.

    Congratulations to Michael! What took him so long? LOL!!!

  26. crzblue2

    hate to see spelling mistakes after the fact. red mark Feet, approach. my excuse is that is late. Oh well.
    You took the words out of my mouth. I was going to say also as much as it pains to say it, he probably go as a Giant.
    5 years from now is Maddux, Jeff (I hope, I hope) who else? God willing I AM going to Cooperstown 5 years from now. Never been there.

  27. crzblue2

    Oh yeah…I forgot this, What a great message Jeff sent to the kids! Thank you Jeff!
    For those of you that did not see the conference, you should see it.

  28. nellyjune

    It’s funny Eric, not one parent has come up and asked about the autograph session. I did send home a letter on Friday (in a sealed envelope) letting the parents know what was happening that day. I guess it goes back to the trust issue and the fact that at least they trust what I am doing. Either that or they just aren’t paying attention, which is the case with some students’ parents.

    So, the hockey is almost a year-round thing then. Didn’t he start a while back?

  29. dodgereric

    Hi locoazul! I would be remiss if I neglected Jeff Kent’s retirement. I never had the occasion to meet him, but I did like watching him hit and as someone up there said, anyone who challenged Bonds is OK with me. Hall of Fame? Sure. First ballot? I’m not sure. Maddox will be, no doubt. Has Frank Thomas retired? Ken Griffey might be done.

  30. nellyjune

    My friend Jill was hoping Maddux, Smoltz and Glavine would go in together, but I guess that isn’t happening now. She’s going to Cooperstown the year Glavine goes in for sure.

  31. dodgereric

    Yeah, it’s pretty much year round. It’s not a CIF sanctioned sport, it’s a club sport. We the parents kick in all the money for the league fees, equipment, jerseys, etc.

    Have you checked our DodgerLyrics site lately?

  32. nellyjune

    …sounds like Mariya’s volleyball. However, it takes up only November through May for the clubs around here. There are clubs that play year round,but most of the girls play for their high school as well.

    no, I haven’t checked Dodgerlyrics, but I will now πŸ™‚ LOL!!!!

  33. dodgereric

    I’ll probably put Grambo back in there later – he’s too good to retire permanently!

    Well, my work here is done for the evening. Good night and God Bless you and yours, June Darlin’!

  34. nellyjune

    ….in volleyball, if you are really good, you don’t even usually play for your highschool anymore. You stick with the club team because the really good teams are like all-star teams with girls from all over. We have been to tournaments where there are 70-100 volleyball courts set up in convention centers. It’s just amazing how many club teams are out there, and to be ranked in the top 50 in California is pretty good…….we don’t even come close πŸ™‚ So, they stick to their high school teams as well.

  35. nellyjune

    I love Grambo too……he will definitely need to come back depending on what deals shake out with FranknNed before Spring Training.

    Good Night Ward Dear………..take care and God Bless to you and your family πŸ™‚

  36. crzblue2

    Have you or your friend read “Baseball for Everybody Tom Glavine’s Guide to America’s Game”. I got it out of the library but have not started reading it as I got other books out also. It looks pretty good and easy to read.
    Eric! I love how you call me.
    Good night again. I’ll just check the weather.
    Happy birthday to my dad. He passed away in 2005. I remember I went to Vero Beach that year and when I met Sweet Lou he was telling he had lost his mom and how hard it was to see her body. 3 months later a day after my bday, my dad passed away. That was a tough trip to Honduras.

  37. sammieramirez99

    ITD for sure we all can say our honest opinons. but yeah dont get me wrong this fing around by the dodgers have pissed me off that ive come to the realization that it doesnt matter! for sure pierre is serviceable ONLY off the bench! thats an obvious! i dont want to even get started with pierre. flat out garbage machine! SIGNNNNNNN MANNYYY so i can buy my season tickets!!!!! dont u get it mccourt?!?!?! please realize how dumb u are!! my goal on opening day is to bring a bigass sign that says mccourt is a ripoff or mccourt is cheap….i promise all you die hard dodger fans that this will be my goal if manny is not signed! i will buy large pieces of paper from michaels or tall mouse or some place and pass out a few banners! if anyone has any ideas please dont hesitate!! of course this is only if manny is not signed because everyone else dont come close to mannys asset to the team!

  38. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD
    I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Manny as well.
    LIFE IS GOOD TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ALL THE WAY IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    20 more days till pitchers and catchers report πŸ™‚

  40. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!
    Another rainy morning here in the valley, but it’s much needed I know.

    Dodger4life – So, when we go to bed early, does that mean we will see more early mornings from you instead? Life is good today πŸ™‚

    Sammie – No worries ~ I know what you meant about JP, but I think it still needs to be stated every once in a while how most of us feel so Ned/Frank/Joe don’t get the impression we are okay with him starting in LF and batting 2nd (unless a needed rest by another, of course).

  41. nellyjune

    Emma – no, I haven’t read the book….too busy reading Dodger history books, but I am positive Jill has……..she knows everything about him, like I know Andre. And Tom’s been around longer so I am sure she knows quite a bit more than she even tells me. She went to school at Univ. of Georgia,and spent her life there watching the Braves. Thanks for asking though, and I will look into the book myself, when and if I ever get done with the books I am currrently reading, which are many πŸ™‚

  42. Dodger4life

    Good Morning Nelly, That seems to be the case πŸ™‚
    Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. trublu4ever

    Good Morning, dodger4life & nellyjune ~ I’M GOING TO BE POSITIVE TODAY!!! GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE DODGER BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE ANDRE, MATT, JAMES AND RUSSELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. theunknowndodgerfan

    Let me try that one more time.

    Gnats. I hate gnats. Worthless insects, only good as food for the next rung on the food chain ladder.

  45. Dodger4life

    (Gnats are positive) for the next rung on the food chain ladder.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. theunknowndodgerfan

    Good morning, TruBlu44. You don’t have to swat them silly. They are silly already. Just swat them. Annoying little bugs. You get that way when your team doesn’t win for 55 years.

  47. trublu4ever

    You are right, unknown. They are silly and their fans are even worse……..not much knowledge of baseball. Not super sharp like we, the all-knowing Dodger fans!

  48. nellyjune

    Good Morning Ward Dear…………..It is pretty good that Gnat fans are on here.

    Good Morning Trublu – Good positive thinking I see πŸ™‚

    Dodger4life – you know it’s the same hours of sleep whether it’s you are a night owl or a morning bird πŸ™‚

    unknown ~ be careful what you say……..I live with those pesky gnat fans, and sometimes they are good people – LOL!!!!!

  49. trublu4ever

    nellyjune ~ I’m going to be positive until something ticks me off. We shall see what the day brings us…….good news, I’m hoping. Perhaps a Manny deal, no unnecessary signings, and most of all Andre with a great contract.

  50. ramslover

    Good morning all….Josh please tell Mr Kent, that although we as fans never got to see the Jeff Kent that we would have liked to have seen, congratualations on a HOF career. I think he was misunderstood and that one of his strenghts was also one of his weaknesses…Jeff Kent thought things should be done a certain way and he did it that way…Was he abrasive and stand offish, yes but you knew what you were getting from him game in and game out….

    I have been listening to the radio and reading comments about is he a HOF…this is ridiculous! As Bill Ripken said on the radio, he is the ALL TIME HR leader at 2b….1500 RBI..290 average….Was he a HOF teammate, probably not..

    As far as if he played another position, well what if Ozzie Smith, Phil Rizzuto, Gary Carter, or Joe Morgan, if he played the OF would he be? I doubt it…Jeff Kent is the ALL TIME HR hitter at 2b..He has done what no other 2b in history has done…So in my opinion he is a HOF…and although we have never been able to figure him out he seems like a HOF DAD!!!

    So Mr. Kent thank you for your hard work and dedication and you played the game the right way!!!! Have fun and enjoy your wife and kids!

  51. amyw27

    Good Morning.
    So I wake up to the news’ sports report and Angel talk. (I wish they had Dodger talk on in the morning..but the stations are probably owned by the same company). They had Torre Hunter on and he said “don’t be surprised if the Angels sign Manny”
    Now, I though all this Angel speculation was over and Moreno said that they are offically out of the Manny market. I feel as if the settled dust is being kicked back up and it burns my eyes. As all of us do, I wish this whole situation works out in or favor- and if not.- I hope he goes somewhere out of the west so we wont have to endure any local Manny Mania when he’s not in blue!
    ok, that’s all. Have a beautiful day..even if it’s rainy and cold~

  52. ramslover

    Amy, I will be crushed if Ned allows the Angels to sneak in and grab Manny…He is there, but Ned and Frank are playing a game of cat and mouse….Manny puts our team in the top 4-5 teams…without him we are in the middle of the pack….

  53. Dodger4life

    Amy I want you to get your wish πŸ™‚
    Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Come on Ned
    Come on Manny
    Lets Go Dodgers, Lets Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. trublu4ever

    I’m listening to ESPN radio and the whole topic is Manny. LA needs him and right now we are the only ones really interested. However, they are saying that McCourt is running a very profitable team like the Minnesota Twins. With Manny, the Dodgers will win the West.

  55. Dodger4life

    “Memories so keen that those of us old enough can weep, and those who are young can marvel at a world where baseball teams were the center of a love beyond the reach of intellect, and where baseball players were worshipped or hated with a fervor that made bubbles in our blood.”
    Heywood Hale Broun, Chicago Tribune

  56. theunknowndodgerfan

    I am sorry, nellyjune. I am new to ITD and was unaware of your plight. I apologize and offer condolances to you and any other true Dodger fan who is unfortunate enough to have to live with a Gnat fan. Your life is harder than mine.

  57. theunknowndodgerfan

    And Boras is probably having his people call in to the talk shows to drum up interest in Manny from the Angels.

  58. nellyjune

    unknown ~ no worries really, I am kind of immune to the gnat germs, much like kid germs………it’s part of the job πŸ™‚

    tru – brownpaperbag, for his own health and well being, needs to stay on vacation as long as possible, or at least until FranknNed have made some “good” decisions as far as he is concerned. What am I saying……….brownpaperbag will be brownpaperbag for a while I suppose. So much for having enchanted back πŸ™‚ LOL!!!

  59. Dodger4life

    I imagine BPB/Enchanted is writing Lyrics under the banana tree as we speak.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. nellyjune

    LOL!!!!! ……one part sand, one part sea, one part shade of a banana tree……………..with Jose Cuervo of course πŸ™‚

  61. selltheteam

    gotta love it when family members turn against you…
    Report: McGwire accused by brother of steroid use
    NEW YORK (AP)β€”Mark McGwire’s youngest brother says in a book proposal that he injected the former baseball star with steroids, according to Deadspin.com.
    Jay McGwire is circulating a manuscript titled β€œThe McGwire Family Secret: The Truth about Steroids, a slugger and Ultimate Redemption,” the Web site reported Wednesday. Jay McGwire, a body builder, said his brother started using steroids in 1994 and that he injected Mark with Deca-Durabolin.
    β€œMark is a man I think most would like to forgive because his reason wasn’t nefariousβ€”it was for survival,” the proposal says, according to the Web site. β€œMy bringing the truth to surface about Mark is out of love. I want Mark to live in truth to see the light, to come to repentance so he can live in freedom β€” which is the only way to live.”
    Jay McGwire, who says he has a strained relationship with his brother, could not be reached for comment Thursday. Telephone numbers for his home and fitness center in California were disconnected.
    Mark McGwire repeatedly has denied using illegal performance-enhancing drugs. When he testified under oath before Congress in 2005, however, he wouldn’t discuss whether he did.
    β€œWho knows what might have happened if I didn’t get Mark involved with all the training, supplements, the right foods, steroids, and HGH?” the Web site quoted Jay McGwire as writing. β€œHe would not have broken any records, and the congressional hearings would have gone on without him. Maybe Barry Bonds wouldn’t have ever gotten involved with the stuff, either.”

  62. dodgereric

    Nice story isn’t it crash? I read somewhere today that there aren’t any publishers interested in it right now, but for the life of me I can’t find it again.

  63. dodgereric

    And if Jay McGuire is doing it “out of love” as he says, I’d like to see him give all the profits (if anyone ever publishes it) to charity.


  64. trublu4ever

    dodgereric ~ I can’t wait for enchanted to come home and comment on all this crap! He’d be way beyond “peeved”!
    I wonder why Jay and Mark McGuire aren’t close?!! How pathetic.

  65. nellyjune

    brownpaperbag – you will be missed as enchanted, but we will eventually get used to your new name. So, with all this sun, will you now be darkbrownpaperbag? jusk askin’ – LOL!!!!

  66. heartruss

    I just returned from my appointment at Dodger Stadium for Select a Seat. It was raining so I was thoroughly soaked. I left my umbrella in the car, go figure. I think I just wanted to go to the stadium, I miss it so much. It turned out that I found a seat I liked better than my season seat in row AA. I have a better view!! The expensive baseline seats always obstructed my view so now I am in the front with only the padding between myself and the field. I also bought preferred parking which is the same price as general parking..you just have to pay up front. I will have a better view of Manny, if we get him back, since I am halfway between the bullpen and third base. I can’t believe how much I missed those Dodger dogs!! They were free to us along with chips, cracker jack, peanuts, drinks, etc. I can’t wait until the season starts. GO DODGERS. I miss you.

  67. nellyjune

    They are much better today considering it’s been pouring all day and I have been with them all day stuck inside. Thanks for asking!!! However, Fridays are more artsy days and not so much academic, and the academics are all fun based – word/math puzzles and such. Next week is Super Bowl Friday, and I am printing out parent letter as I type.

  68. Dodger4life

    Hey ITD Good afternoon again,
    Trivia question: Soon to have company, who is the only HOFer to play for the Dodgers, Mets and Giants???
    When and where was the first Major League baseball game telecast???
    Don Drysdale threw 49 shut-outs in his illustrious career. His first shut-out came in a home game where was it???
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  69. Dodger4life

    Congradulations heartruss on your new seats πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  70. crzblue2

    First televised game was at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn Dodgers agaist Cincinnati Reds. Can you imagine the cameras back then in 39?

  71. Dodger4life

    3 down, I didnt think that would take very long πŸ™‚ Good job everyone πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. Dodger4life

    Here is an easy one: Name the longest running infield, and what years they were together???
    Who was the last active major league player, to have played for the Brooklyn Dodgers???

  73. crzblue2

    Since I could not get away from work yesterday for the select a seat, I am going Saturday. The funny thing is this lady called a few days ago asking me if I was going to renew. I told her that is the reason I left the playoff money in my season ticket account. Got to go for my Dodger dog and to hang with other Dodger fans there. Hope the weather is better. I am going to wear my Jeff Kent jersey.
    I forgot how to to a search here. what was it that NSB told me?

  74. dodgereric

    That would be our very own GarveyLopesRussellCey from June 13, 1973 until Sax broke it up in ’82.

    Taking a guess at Drysdale. I’ll look it up in a minute.

    Casey Stengel played for the Dodgers and the Giants. Then he managed the Dodgers and the Mets. He’s certainly in the Hall. Does that count?

  75. crzblue2

    Hey Eric, yeah, Vin has told us a few times.
    For those that did not see Jeff’s conference here is a small part of it that I wrote as I listened (a few times :-)_

    “The integrity of the game has been jeopardized for so many years, and I’m embarrassed about the steroid era,” …
    And for the kids who might want to be a baseball player some day (sniff. pause )
    there is a chance that you can play this great game (his voice breaking down)
    if you are not the biggest guy
    if you are not the fastest guy (sniff)
    even if you are not the smartest guy
    there is a chance (pause) that you can still play this game

  76. dodgereric

    emma, that is absolutely one of baseball’s saving graces.

    Along with no clock.

    Johnny Roseboro outlasted Big D by a year…….

  77. Dodger4life

    Who was the first team to sweep the Yankees in the World Series, and in what year?
    Jackie Robinson was the first black player in the 20th century major league baseball for the national league, who was the second national league player???

  78. Dodger4life

    Wrong D ~ It was Bob Aspromonte who struck out in his one at bat in Brooklyn in 1956 and retired after the 1971 season πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. dodgereric

    Hey D4, that’s fun!

    I’ve posted it here in the past, but have you seen it? It’s one of the true oddities in sports.

    Of the first 9 players in Major League History to have earned back-to-back MVPs, there was one for every position on the field. For example, one was a pitcher, one was a first baseman, etc. It works in the OF as well, there was a LF, a CF and a RF. Who were they?

    There have since been 2 more outfielders to do it.

  80. Dodger4life

    I remember you doing this but not the answer πŸ™‚
    Nelly ITD historian, Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  81. heartruss

    Emma, probably they asked you if you were going to renew your season tickets because the deadline to pay for them was January 9.

  82. dodgereric

    Couldn’t have been the ’63 Dodgers, could it?

    Larry Doby was the first AL black player, right? Newcombe came pretty fast I think.

    Lemme check!

  83. nellyjune

    So, you want me to help on a trivia question that Dodgereric came up with……are you crazy? Don’t answer πŸ™‚ I would have to dig for that answer……I certainly don’t have the memory yet……my brain is only 29 years old πŸ™‚

  84. Dodger4life

    1st – Jimmie Foxx
    2nd – Joe Morgan
    ss – Ernie Banks
    3rd – Mike Schmidt
    Of – Dale Murphy
    Roger Maris
    Mickey Mantle
    P – Hal newhouser
    c – Yogi Berra
    Of – Barry bonds
    1st – Frank Thomas

  85. dodgereric

    In trying to find the answer to D4’s question of who was the second NL black player, I’m learning lots of new things. Like…….

    “1901: In an attempt to bypass the color barrier, Baltimore Oriole manager John McGraw introduced his new player as Chief Charlie Tokohama, a full blooded American Indian. McGraw’s plan backfired when fans in Chicago recognized the β€˜Chief’ as actually being Charlie Grant, a well known star for the Page Fence Giants.”

  86. Dodger4life

    I have to run, here are the answers ~ Dan Bankhead,Brookyln Dodgers Aug,26 1947
    !963 Dodgers πŸ™‚
    Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. nellyjune

    Hey Scott – JP’s name isn’t on there anywhere…why is that? LOL!!! Thanks for the article, it’s good to see the young guns doing well out on the field as well.

  88. crzblue2

    Really? I thought there would be enough money left over. Still have not check my balance. Well, I’ll be there tomorrow anyway. Can’t wait for my Dodger Dog!

  89. lbirken@aol.com

    I don’t know if Jeff Kent is the best offensive second baseman of all time and it doesn’t matter because he is certainly among the best and deserves selection to the Hall of Fame. Yes, I realize he may go in as a Giant just as Mike Piazza will probably go in as a Met but both will deserve their place in the Hall. As for Kent, what he did or did not do in the clubhouse should not make any difference because he gave everything he had on the field. We seldom really know what goes on in the clubhouse anyway because players don’t seem to talk about those things very much.

    Speaking about how it must have been for the first televised game, some of you may recall a Dodger telecast from a few years ago where the game started out in black and white with one or two camera angles as games were broadcast in the 1950’s. As the game progressed, color and more cameras and angles including the centerfield shot were gradually added to show how broadcasting baseball games had evolved. It was quite interesting.

  90. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    My wife and I are going to be in the PHX area in the middle of next month and thought we should go by Camelback and watch a work out. We have to return to Utah before the games start. I’m having no luck finding out anything calling the posted number or e-mailing that place. I’ve e-mailed the Dodgers in LA, but that did not go through. I thought you would probably know. I should have asked you first.

  91. scott_in_arcadia

    Hi Nelly

    JP is toward the bottom for left fielders and there is a couple sentences about him too. Something like, good news is you’re not the worst CF for a change, bad news is you’re now one of the worst LF’s!

  92. dodgereric

    JP’s mentioned rather prominently……as the second-worst left fielder after Luis Gonzales!

    Thanks for the answers D4! I got the ’63 Dodgers right. In ’22, the Yankees lost the Series without winning a game, but there was a tie, so that’s not a sweep.

    You nailed my question all right. People usually forget about Dale Murphy and Roger Maris and will pick Campanella as the catcher. He won it 3 times, but never consecutively. For 10 years that was a great question until Bonds and Thomas did it.

    Whoa, this is fun but I gotta go! Later!

  93. heartruss

    Everything you need to know is on the website actually about Camelback including lodging closeby. Right now it looks like it’s still in the hardhat part of construction. I have a feeling that they will be just making it under the wire for the seats although it looks like the grass is already put in on the field. Hopefully you can watch a workout.

  94. heartruss

    Nellyjune: How did Dodger week go? I know Dodgereric Day was a smash hit! What a nice thing he did. But I’m sure you’re glad it is the weekend! πŸ™‚

  95. oldbrooklynfan

    One thing for sure L.A. Dodger fans have never seen a 2nd baseman the likes of Jeff Kent before.
    And the chances are they won’t again for a long while.

  96. northstateblues

    Late with it, but Kent was a player I HATED on the Giants. When he came to us, it was nice to be on the other side of that beating, heheh. I might not always have agreed with the guy (whom I don’t know and never met), but I’ve always respected him. Especially seeing his retirement confrence, wow. Makes me sad I never really got to know a lot about the guy other than his affinity for motocross biking and demanding respect from the rooks.

    Good luck in life, Jeff Kent.

  97. colliethec

    Good evening ITD’ers!
    I haven’t been able to read every post the last week or so but have caught up here & there and have seen some good discussion that I wish I could of taken part in.
    Josh that is so cool that you got to MC the event for Kent! (There is a rhyme there maybe I should branch out and do a song!!)
    I for one will miss Kent. I myself can be an intense & competitive guy when playing sports & what not. I will go all out and get annoyed when others don’t so I can really relate.
    Now to preface this story, I’m not “Softball Guy” for those of you who listen to Jim Rome (If you haven’t heard him do his rant on “Softball Guy” you can hear it on youtube and it is very true and funny.). However I do like effort when playing the game.
    I remember playing softball about 10 years ago and we needed an extra player as we were short due to people being on vacation. One of my friends brought his friend who was a “great player” to fill in. The game was close and there was a close play at 3rd as he tried to advance on a hit. He jogged into 3rd and didn’t slide. If he had hustled and or slid, he would of been safe. I was so hacked off. I was like, “Why didn’t you slide?” & his response was a shrug and a “It’s only softball”. We lost that game by a run. I never wanted him on my team again. If I’m going to try hard I expect my teammates to do the same.
    So I really understand how Kent can get annoyed & worse when he’s doing it for a living. For that I really appreciated & respected him.
    With Kent, I’ve met him a couple of times and he was always real pleasant. So my experience with him was good.
    I don’t think he was the greatest offensive 2nd baseman however I would say he was the most powerful 2nd baseman. To me he is a HOF no doubt.
    Go Blue!!

  98. colliethec

    Hello there True. Work has kept me busy. Then when I’m home & Wifey is around (Which has been very rare lately) she is my #1. So I haven’t been on as much as I’d like to.
    I’ve had a real tough 2 weeks with work. Many hours and many weird hours. I was up for 21 hours the other day and worked 19 of them. Then slept for 4 and was back for another 12. 😦
    But that is over and now I should be able to enjoy normal life for a few weeks.

  99. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    heartruss ~ my week went great!!! Because of the downpour we have had all day and considering I was literally with my class all day with the exception of the 10 minutes it takes them to eat lunch and come back into the classroom, it wasn’t so bad. I have had days where they had me done within the first 15 minutes of the day.

    It’s good to see you dcollins and nsblues ……..great posts as always.

    joepierre – how’s the right coast doing these days?

  100. colliethec

    A couple of new reports on the Dodgers web page about the pursuit of pitchers.
    I’m still for getting Wolf & Garland to short term contracts. I like Garland more than Wolf.
    Sheets is great but I, like many others fear his injury history. Sheets is like Schmidt in more ways than his last name just starting with an S. I think if we signed Sheets, come May when he is on the DL many would be calling for Ned’s head for the signing (Sort of like I felt this offseason with Jones:)). Sheets ended the season with arm problems and that is what was going on with Schmidt when we signed him.
    I’m not saying I wouldn’t of looked into him, but I sure wouldn’t of been giving him to much in terms of years or $$$.
    For those that think we should go with our young gun pitchers, I don’t think their arm strength has been built up for starting at this point. This will wear on the bully and come August & September I fear there would be problems. Also they are rookies and I don’t think I would want the pressure on them of HAVING to come through.
    I wouldn’t mind going with Stultz in addition to our other SP’ers. I also really think we should have a couple of our youngsters (Elbert, McDonald, or Troncoso) stay in the minors this year and work to be starters.
    I’m also starting to think that Pierre isn’t going to be traded and will be kept as an insurance policy for leading off in case Raffy goes down. Which also makes me think that Manny might be less of an option for Nedco.

  101. colliethec

    I just heard there was a quake in LA. I hope everyone is okay.
    As I typed that I heard it was small so I’m guessing you are all okay:)!

  102. trublu4ever

    I certainly hope you are wrong on your last paragraph, dcollins…..Dear, God, please don’t use Pierre as an option for anything……….and please get Manny right now! JP probably won’t be traded because nobody wants him. So, I’d let him do some pinch running and keep the bench warm.

  103. colliethec

    I don’t want that to happen either but…I’m looking at the options that are there and I think that is one they probably have thought of. I would think they are a little cautious with regards to Raffy.

  104. trublu4ever

    You’re probably right about their concerns for Raffy’s health, but couldn’t we go with Matt and Andre or even Russell batting second, as we did last year. What about Repko or DY instead of JP?

  105. nellyjune

    Hey dcollins……..that option goes through my head everyday…JP playing left field and batting 2nd. Jungar’s good at reminding me about that πŸ™‚

  106. colliethec

    I love Repko, but I don’t think he would make the team over Pierre and I don’t know about his hitting. I love how he plays the field. To me he is the perfect late inning pinch runner/defensive replacement.

  107. trublu4ever

    You are probably right about Repko. So, we have to sign Manny. I think we will have him by the end of next week.

  108. nellyjune


    Really the only reason I am posting this is because back during the season, we had a day where it was all about the number 27. Anyhow, this article is a fantasy report with all the players that are turning 27 this season, an age which players tend to reach their prime and enjoy one of their most productive years according to this article. Andre just happens to be one of them, among a good group of ball players.

  109. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  110. Dodger4life

    Yeah ~ Im about fired up for Daytona, I miss my Saturday Nationwide naps. LOL!!!!!!
    My parents drove me around in the car alot as an infant.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  111. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    A reality instead of a pay check for Manny:
    Since we’re the only real suitors for Manny, It seems that it’s only a matter of time until Borass and Manny wake up and smell the coffee that is being brewed in the real world these days. I only hope that he retains his pleasant distribution if he is resigned. If Manny reups with the D’s, Repko and DY will battle in ST for, essentially, one OF spot, since JP, unfortunately, will have the 4th one. I would rather that we keep both Repko and DY but such is the reality of the big-ticket, long-term deal.

  112. nellyjune

    LOL!!!! I am looking forward to a full season of watching this time. I didn’t get really involved (where I actually follow versus just watch) until half way through the season.

  113. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    In fantasy baseball, the hallowed number is 27 — the age at which players reach their prime and typically enjoy their most productive seasons

    Manny age 27
    131runs, 44hr, 165rbi, .333avg/.442ob

    Thats 29 more runs
    7 more HR
    44 more rbi than last year and last year was insane..

  114. nellyjune

    seesky – Manny could have a pleasant distribution too πŸ™‚ I didn’t even know what you were talking about, but I figured it out finally πŸ™‚

  115. Dodger4life

    What rookie of the year played with three major league teams before winning the award???
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  116. nellyjune

    Where is Ward Dear when you need him? I am digging Dodger4life……I certainly don’t have the memory Dodgereric does πŸ™‚

  117. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    D4life– I’m going to say Lou Pinella.
    Nelly– I guess a pleasant distribution would be a charitable donation. Or in Furcal’s case, a contractural distribution.

  118. nellyjune

    seesky…….it’s called “google”……..I don’t have the memory like some do on here. I am a newbie when it comes to baseball trivia, especially the old stuff. However, I will now know the answer if it’s ever asked again.

  119. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    I learned my baseball trivia the old-fashioned way; the ageing process. A lot less precise than “google”.

  120. Dodger4life

    Good – Night and Early Morning ITD,
    I ask everybody to enjoy this wonderful day. It is Saturday πŸ™‚
    We are patiently waiting for good news on the Andre and Manny front.
    SP is anybodys guess???
    May God Bless us all πŸ™‚
    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    19 more days till pitchers and catchers report πŸ™‚

  121. seeskybout2rain@comcast.net

    Good night, D4life, Nelly, and anyone else about. Hope the Manny Ramirez Stalemate ends soon as well as our search for starting pitching. Maybe today is the day something happens.

  122. nellyjune

    Good Night ITD readers and writers!!! I leave you with the insight that on the home page, we now have a website for the Albuquerque Isotopes where you can find our other mlblogs. Live baseball is getting closer,and let’s hope in the next few days we get some holes filled and Andre signed. Take care ITD Land!!!!!


  123. crzblue2

    When I went Vero Beach, workouts and days when they were not playing were the best when you could watch the guys practice and they would stop and sign autographs and talk with the fans. Lets hope Camelback will be as fan friendly. I picked my some flyers back when the Dodgers had the event for season ticket holders that I’ll try to find and see if I can give you more info. Also I’ll inquire tomorrow… I mean later on today when I will be at the our beloved Dodger Stadium. I could not sleep so got up to use the computer. Also I posted this week on Tony Jackson’s blog from the Daily News. Every once in a while I send him emails and he responds. He told me he has moved to Arizona, very, very close to Camelback so email him with questions.

  124. crzblue2

    you know how you posted the trivia question to name the city and the teams involved in the first televised MLB game? Well, I always read the obituaries section in the L.A. Times. From there: “Bill Werber the oldest living former MLB player and a teamate of Babe Ruth has died at age 100. He had the distiction of being the first player to bat in the first televised major league game, leadign off for the Reds in a game against the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field on Aug 26, 1939”
    So there you have it another trivia.
    Rest in peace Bill Werber.

  125. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Thank you. I’d looked around that page and was looking for more definite imfo. We’ll be on vacation, so if we can get in, great, if not, we’ll be off to find some ghost towns.

    When do you sleep? Thanks for asking. Like I told russ, great if we can go, but if not we’ll probably head off to the mountains in SE AZ. Have fun today. Thanks again.

  126. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!! I am not even sure what to make of some of the comments in this article. Not much we haven’t already heard, but when you keep hearing it over and over again, it kind of makes you wonder what FranknNed is really thinking sometimes……..Please no JP in leftfield. This is not a good option Ned, not at all πŸ™‚

  127. trublu4ever

    nellyjune ~ thanks for posting the article. I just read it ad was going to ask you to put it on here. I don’t think Furcal and Pierre are a one-two punch. It didn’t work last year and I can’t see it working this season, either.

  128. shad78

    In fantasy baseball, the hallowed number is 27 — the age at which players reach their prime and typically enjoy their most productive seasons

    Manny age 27
    131runs, 44hr, 165rbi, .333avg/.442ob

    Thats 29 more runs
    7 more HR
    44 more rbi than last year and last year was insane..

    By jungar@wsgcorp.com on January 23, 2009 9:27 PM

    I want to see Kemp put up those numbers this year with 30+ SB’s of course.

  129. shad78

    I like the Furcal and Lofton combo better and it just too bad we didn’t give Lofton another 1 yrs deal before we gave Pierre that hugh contract.

  130. lbirken@aol.com

    Eric has competition in getting a letter published in the L.A. Times as Emma had her letter about Jeff Kent published today. Good job!

  131. nellyjune

    tru – The article makes it seem like having Pierre in Left Field and batting 2nd is a good option if we don’t get Manny……………IT’S NOT A GOOD OPTION, PERIOD – Manny or not!!! Pierre’s speed is not going to compensate for a Manny-like bat – geez!!!!!

  132. crzblue2

    Woohoo! my letter made it to the LA Times! πŸ™‚ I never thought it would get printed. I sent it Friday morning.
    Josh** did you see my letter?

  133. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful, I did not know that crzblue. Thannk-you, Bill Werber was also Dukes first All- American basketball player. I am trying to find the answer to your question.
    I have to run, Have a great day everybody πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    ALL THE WAY IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Come on Manny ~ Come on Andre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  134. crzblue2

    Thanks Nelly & Ibirken!
    Here is what I wrote to LA Times:
    “That is the Jeff Kent I saw at WIN baseball clinics for the last four years, the guy I saw signing autographs for kids under a hot sun and advising them at Dodger Stadium. The one who looked up at me when I asked him when he was going to be reactivated so that I could reactivate him in my fantasy baseball team and apologized for being injured. The one with the wonderful smile at the baseball clinics joking with us, catching us in the bullpen, patiently taking pictures and signing autographs. The only player that has asked me for my name by saying “I am sorry, what is your name?”
    I am proudly wearing my Jeff Kent jersey today.”

  135. ramslover

    Nelly, that article is alarming. Pierre is not a good mix at any spot on this team. Ned he has to go…at any cost…You manned up got rid of the Pillsbury Jones boy, now it is time for Pierre to move…For his sanity and ours.

    Emma, great letter and that is the side of Kent that alot of people did not get to see and why he has been misunderstood…He was a hard nosed player, who kept to himself, but was not afraid to get in someones face if they were not playing the game the right way.

    Have we signed Manny, Wolf and Garland yet? Frank, you will lose any credibility that you have left if Manny signs elsewhere….Financially, he makes sense…You were there in the stadium to hear and watch the crowds…How many millions extra did he put in your pocket ove the last 60 games….Enough to purchase 40 mil of houses maybe….

    Get off your **** and sign MANNY!!!!!!

  136. trublu4ever

    Well said, ramslover. We, the Dodgers have lots of money to spend in order to make this team a winner. Now, Frank has to open his wallet and get it done. WE WANT MANNY!!!

  137. nellyjune

    SIGN A SP!!
    DO IT!!


  138. Dodger4life

    Congradulations Emma,
    WE WANT MANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ANDRE DESERVES A HEALTHY RAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  139. Dodger4life

    Emma even with google that question is stumping me???
    We may need some help Dodgereric anybody Josh???
    Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  140. nellyjune

    Thanks Dodger4life for the thought πŸ™‚

    Song – Bad Case of Manny Blues
    Original Song – Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)


    A cold rainy night fell like a net
    We’ve haven’t signed our Manny yet
    We need him to soothe our heads
    And save our blue hearts from dread

    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues

    Juan’s speedy pace, don’t make up Manny’s art
    We’ve learned that Neddy from the start
    Ned thinks it’s mute, Juan will be alright
    Manny, he ain’t that kind of guy

    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues

    You know we like him, we like him in left
    Tell them Manny, you want it too

    Don’t let us down, to end up with zip
    Talk with Boras, give some lip
    Shake my fist, knock on wood
    We’ve got it bad and we want it good.

    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues

  141. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – red pen: Should be “we” instead of “we’ve” in the first verse – thanks Ward Dear πŸ™‚

  142. heartruss

    Good afternoon Nellyjune, ITD
    Hope everyone is well. Congratulations Emma for your published letter. I too have had good experiences with Jeff Kent and will miss him. I wish more fans were able to know the real Jeff Kent. Hopefully this coming week will bring important signings and a better salary for our Andre. ST is just around the corner!! It’s becoming exciting. More signings. Going to Dodger Stadium and eating a Dodger dog yesterday made me yearn more for the 2009 season. I am more than ready!! GO DODGERS!

  143. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    What do u guys think is worse for a baseball team?

    Going from having Manny to having Juan Pierre or going from having Derek Lowe to having Randy Wolf?

    (ps: i know Manny is better than Derek Lowe.)

  144. trublu4ever

    I think I’d take losing Manny as worse than losing Lowe, only because Manny would play everyday. I don’t see Juan helping much at all because he doesn’t get on base enough, and can’t throw the ball.

  145. heartruss

    Manny….Juan Pierre. Hmm. Losing Derek Lowe was not good although many people differ in opinion. Randy Wolf may be okay as long as he stays healthy. Lowe did not spend time on DL.

  146. trublu4ever

    PLEASE, PLEASE, MR. MC COURT, SIGN MANNY!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, FRANK………..DON’T LET THE GIANTS GET HIM!!! Mr. MCourt, with Manny on your team for an entire season, they will win it all in 2009. So, please give us, the fans what we want!

  147. nellyjune

    jungar – Do I even have to tell you which is worse to a team?……………………………………..I didn’t think so πŸ™‚

  148. nellyjune

    Seriously jungar – The fact that JP/Manny will play everyday is the factor for me. Wolf pitches every 5 days and most likely won’t lose every game he pitches. We talked all last year of how many games could have been won if Ethier were playing instead of JP, and here we are again, now with Manny. Why can’t we have a year with maybe the best hitting outfield in the league for a change?

  149. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  150. nellyjune

    Hey Dodger4life – How are you?

    …and welcome dodgerdreams

    …and paperbagblues ~is this another enchanted revision?

    SIGN A SP!!
    DO IT!!


  151. Dodger4life

    Hi Nelly – I hope the Manny saga is over and we have #99 back in the line-up soon!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  152. nellyjune

    I am not sure if I welcomed junkyardjamie, but welcome. Are you related to fleamarketfrank by chance? πŸ™‚

    tradejuan – I agree with you 100% with your name alone.

  153. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Yeah i think the fact he plays daily is huge. Plus he makes everyone better where I don’t see Lowe having that same overall effect…Beyond the stats is psychological as well. A pitcher can throw his best pitch and Man Ram can still beat them.

  154. nellyjune

    jungar – whether they are true or not, all I keep hearing up here is that the Giants are supposedly talking to Boras too. It very well could be Boras playing the whole thing, but this rumor is not going away up here.

  155. plastic_grocery_bag

    Hey folks, I just wrapped things up this Saturday and I did’nt find any Dodger deals. I did find a good ole cow bell to ring at suppertime though. YEE-HAW
    I will see ya all next Saturday….

  156. Dodger4life

    I just read the article about Billz. Good to see you working hard Billz, we cant wait to see you back in shape to lead the staff. You will regain that liitle extra bounce in your delivery in no time.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  157. crzblue2

    thanks everybody! I was showing my letter at the stadium today. I did not move as all the seats in my row were taking so I’ll stay in the same location. Yum, had Dodger dogs and cracker jacks. the company that I work for moved their 4 tickets a little closer in the field level so once in a while I enjoy those seats.
    Found answer! He played for the Dodgers! Tony Malinosky. He is 99. he was born October 5, 1909 and played 35 games in 1937. Here is the rest of the list

  158. Dodger4life

    Emma – Iam glad you have your seats πŸ™‚
    That trivia question was a tough one way to go.
    Congradulations to Mr. Malinosky, the Dodgers are leaders in another category πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  159. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!

    Emma good job on finding the answer to that question, and I am glad you got your seats πŸ™‚

    Hey Dodger4life – How are you doing this evening?

  160. nellyjune

    SIGN A SP!!
    DO IT!!


  161. Dodger4life

    Hi Nelly, I’ve been Obiconizing on Facebook.
    What is going on with you????
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  162. heartruss

    We all seem to have changed names and identities. Funny. Will we all resume our other identities when Manny gets signed? Hmmmm Nellyjune, tradejuanpaperbag, dodgerdreams, junkyardjamie…..!!!

  163. nellyjune

    I think it’s a matter of finding a way to entertain ourselves until the next player is signed…………….then again, could it be enchanted withdrawls?

  164. nellyjune

    heartruss – let’s hope so πŸ™‚

    SIGN A SP!!
    DO IT!!


  165. nellyjune

    tradejuanpaperbag for JP πŸ™‚

    SIGN A SP!!
    DO IT!!


  166. nellyjune

    LMAO!!!!!!! Dodgereric ………Ward Dear………help!!!!!!!!!! We have been attacked by unknown paperbags. We are not doing a good job in enchanted’s absence at all πŸ™‚ He will just blend in with the rest of the paperbags now never to be enchanted again – LOL!!!

  167. Dodger4life

    Whos on first?? ~ Whats on second?? ~ I, dont know’s on third??
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  168. nellyjune

    tradejuanpaperbag – I just want the best team on the field like we all want and should want,and if Ned thinks JP is a compromise for not getting Manny (or a Manny-like bat) then he is just way off base with this one. However, why I am still surprise he says things like this is beyond me.

    SIGN A SP!!!
    DO IT!!!


  169. heartruss

    I’m sure JP is not even considered a replacement for Manny. JP was hired for speed and lead off.
    Who’s on first….Loney, who’s on second….Blakey, who’s on third…..Casey. right field…Andre…shortstop…Raffy… center Matty…left…Manny…catcher….Russie. Pitching…Kuroda, MacDonald, Wade, Bills, Clayton, Troncoso, Brox, Kuo. Not so bad…

  170. nellyjune

    That’s very good heartruss!!

    As far as JP, there was a reference in an article I posted this morning that the Dodgers could always go back to Furcal and Pierre in the 1-2 spot in the line up for speed if Manny ends up with someone else.

  171. Dodger4life

    Yes heartruss you answered my question well, LOL!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ALL THE WAY IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  172. heartruss

    Manny will be in Dodger blue. Ned will be fired if he messes up this time. I think he and Borass are playing the waiting game hoping one will give in. Hopefully it doesn’t backfire on everyone. Maybe after they acquire Garland or Wolf, they’ll use the rest of the money for Manny. They need to keep some money aside for a long term contract for Russell next year. πŸ™‚

  173. nellyjune

    toycannon – thanks for the link. That was a hard one, but I went with Brett Butler……when reading the comments underneath, I saw what I was thinking….not too many centerfielders taking up that role. However, we had a taste of that this past year with Matt Kemp. Then, not a Dodger, but Grady Sizemore comes to mind, which is an excellent centerfielder and is awesome in his lead-off role.

    heartruss – I know many, many Giants fans hoping it does backfire on us because they feel they will be the beneficiary of that backfiring. Time will tell I guess πŸ™‚

  174. nellyjune

    Thanks for the link bluefan08 – great write up! I live up here in the central valley, and maybe it’s the fact that he retired a Dodger, but the Giants reporters and fans haven’t been very kind to him at all. Some reporters in the bay area did think it was an acting job. So, what I can say, is that Dodger fans are truly classy compared to our rival team. Some may not have cared for him, but for the most part, all of us have recognized what he brought to the game and how much he cared for his family as a husband and father. Dodger fans truly are the best fans out there. We have our moments when we are outspoken about our dislikes when it comes to management, but we always seem to come together when a Dodger retires or passes away regardless of your feelings for that player or staff member at the time of their service.

  175. Dodger4life

    I would love to see Jeff Kent spurn the Giants and remain a Dodger4eternity.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  176. beastyboy9

    Good – Night and Early Morning ITD,
    I ask everybody to enjoy this wonderful day. It is Sunday πŸ™‚
    We are patiently waiting for good news on the Andre and Manny front.
    SP is anybody’s guess???
    May God Bless us all πŸ™‚
    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    18 more days till pitchers and catchers report πŸ™‚

  177. Dodger4life

    Thanks paperbagblues, I was just going to say that.
    It is amazing how you read my mind.
    2009 IS OUR YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  178. nellyjune

    Good Night and God Bless Dodger4life!!!

    Good night ITD readers and writers…..take care until tomorrow πŸ™‚

    SIGN MANNY !!!
    SIGN A SP!!!
    DO IT!!!


  179. sammieramirez99

    Greetings ITD! Sunday will be an off day where nothing happens! but this monday and the coming week should be interesting! I am glad to hear the rumors about both garland and wolf! you have to remember garland has been playing in the AL which is slighty toguher compared to the NL. Garland is a younger version of derek lowe! solid fastball around 91-93, good curveball, change, and the sinker! in addition dodger stadium is a picthers park! i hope we sign both of them which will put jmac as the long reliever which will be a good transition for him like bills. jmac can also give wolf some extra rest with spot starts! sign manny and our offense is just as good as the yankees!
    please let this be the lineup!!!!!


    1 Billingsley
    2 Kuroda
    3 Garland
    4 Wolf
    5 Kershaw

    LRP- J Mac
    MRP- Wade
    MRP- Mota
    SU- Kuo
    C- Broxton

    That looks like a championship team!

  180. heartruss

    Good morning ITD. I hope this will be a Manny week! It has to be since it will soon be February and time to report to ST. Everyone have a beautiful and safe Sunday. Go Dodgers. Sign Manny! Pay Andre!

  181. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    this outta spice things up for a while…

    In a new book, “The Yankee Years,” written by Tom Verducci of Sports Illustrated and the MLB Network set to be released on Feb. 3, Torre stirs the pot with some revealing details regarding his former team.

    Excerpts from the book were printed in Sunday’s New York Post and New York Daily News.

    Torre, now entering his second season as the Dodgers manager, reportedly is especially critical of Yankees general manager Brian Cashman and A-Rod.

    The Daily News reports: “Torre describes general manager Brian Cashman as a less than supportive ally who betrayed him on several fronts, and says that his star player, Alex Rodriguez, was often referred to by his teammates as ‘A-Fraud,’ and was obsessed with his perceived rival, shortstop Derek Jeter.”

  182. trublu4ever

    jungar ~ they were talking about the book on ESPN this morning. I kind of had the feeling Torre didn’t like Alex very much…….especially when he decided to bat him eigth. Kind of a slap in the face. You wonder what he’ll say about McCourt and Ned when he leaves us.

  183. messagebear@msn.com

    It looks to me like our approach to getting a SP boils down to getting the one who’s left behind by all the other contenders. We obviously don’t want Sheets, although he’s probably the best available at this point, because of his experiences on the DL. I can understand that, given our Schidt experience, but then our interest in Wolf has to puzzle me. I believe that Sheets actually pitched more innings, and certainly more effectively than Wolf, over the last couple of years. Actually I think that Garland has the best overall credentials including the health aspects, wherefore I’d be willing to give him a three year deal in the $15-$20 million range. I would think that he could produce as well as Kuroda in the 3rd or 4th slot on the staff. I don’t see us going after him in a serious fashion. Let’s not wind up going into ST with Looper as the big SP addition.

    I’m just personally getting tired of waiting for and hearing about Manny. I don’t want us winding up in the position of depending on Pierre for LF. I don’t see Repko or DY performing at the major league level other than substitutes. I think it’s time to **** or get off the pot concerning Manny. Either sign the guy now for two years plus a vesting option based on performance, or let’s get us Abreu on the same 2 year basis with an option, so we know that our outfield is adequately covered.

  184. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!

    Thanks for the post jungar – you are right!! It will definitely spice things up a bit πŸ™‚

    tru – I hope enchanted is happy with himself. He started a namechanging revolution πŸ™‚

    sammie – let’s hope we see the lineup on Opening Day – it would be awesome!!!

  185. nellyjune

    Good Morning messagebear – maybe “they” will listen to you……..we need to get this left field and SP issue taken care of….it’s just getting ridiculous at this point.

  186. trublu4ever

    nellyjune ~ I think enchanted will be very impressed with the ITD gang when he gets home. I think dodgereric will give his approval, too.

  187. malibuestate4me

    Spend my money on a winning team……..I don’t think so. It costs a lot to furnish my estates. Fans will still come, so I don’t care what we put on the field.

  188. Dodger4life

    Good Morning ITD, Dodgerfaithful
    Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Come on Ned
    Come on Manny
    Lets Go Dodgers, Lets Go
    Lets Go Dodgers, Lets Go
    Lets Go dodgers, Lets Go

  189. crzblue2

    Bluefan – thanks for the link, very nice write-up!
    Great post Nelly. I loved seeing Jeff return to AT&T Park as a Dodger and shut up the Giant fans boos with a solid hit or even better, a HR. Some say it will not be the same booing for the Dodgers. Kind of how we feel about not having Bonds around to boo him.
    Remember his “misplayed” pop-up attempt to show up Bonds in a game at Dodger Stadium in the ’06 season? That was one of the most fun “errors” I’ve seen. When asked about it he grinned and said something like “I’ll never tell”.
    Also Garland is the youngest of the three.

  190. nellyjune

    Thanks Emma – I was perusing the Giants website this morning (no viruses yet – thank goodness), looking for a shred of evidence that they are even interested in Manny (nothing BTW), and I do have to admit whoever writes for their homepage did do a nice write up about Jeff. So, I was glad to see at least the Giants organization was giving him the respect he deserves. Most of the negative I have heard has been on radio, bay area newspapers, some valley newspapers and even Giants fans themselves.

  191. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    So, I see more β€œnew” names today! I am just waiting until enchanted returns and these β€œother” names will reveal who they really are! Otherwise, if you REALLY are new to ITD, welcome! Of course, waiting until enchanted returns could be a long time, depending on who Frank and Ned decide to sign, which is a very precarious position to depend on…

    Toycannon – Thx for the link to vote for the best lead off hitter ever for the Dodgers! I voted for Brett Butler (Nelly, I see we voted the same here!) I’ve always loved his play and the way that he used to bunt was very memorable! Thx again for the link!

    So Nelly, what do your husband and son think about Kent’s retirement and his news conference? Do they think the emotion that Kent showed in his news conference was just an acting job?

  192. northstateblues

    Plenty to get paranoid about if you’re a Dodgers fan this offseason. I tried to just look ahead on this tightrope walk of the past 3 months or so, but sometimes, I falter, look down, and then am reminded of the fragility of this ol’ Standoff we’re in with Manny.

    The same standoff that can unravel our offseason, since we said we weren’t going to base our offseason plan on Manny Ramirez, since we had other needs. And yet, here we are, January 25th, waiting on Manny. Instead of shoring up on premium pitching, we’re looking at what New York and Boston didn’t want.

    But we’ll be fine, as we’re the only suitors… after all, the Mets aren’t interested, right?

    fromt the comment section of LATimes.com’s Blue Notes ( http://sportsblogs.latimes.com/sports_baseball_dodgers/2009/01/carlos-santana.html ) :

    I don’t know if it means anything, but this morning I heard a report on a NY radio station that Fred Wilpon is denying that the decision of the Mets not to make an offer to Manny was not his, but Omar Minaya’s. That’s exactly in opposition to the conventional wisdom in NY that Wilpon is the roadblock keeping the Mets out of the Manny sweepstakes. If so, it could be a signal that they might get involved. Mind you, this is just a radio report, and I have yet to see anything in writing. However, if the Mets decide to get seriously involved, it’s probably goodbye Manny. Could be that the Dodgers’ game of brinksmanship could turn out badly. Guess we’ll find out soon enough.

    Posted by: Brooklyn Dodger | January 23, 2009 at 05:26 AM


    Followed by:

    And for those who noticed, sorry for the double negative in my previous post.
    Regarding Manny and the Mets, the sports sections of the following should be of interest.


    Don’t think that the Mets won’t suddenly get interested, denials notwithstanding.

    Posted by: Brooklyn Dodger | January 23, 2009 at 09:58 AM


    It’s just a couple of comments on a blog, but still, if there’s any truth to this and the Mets actually do become involved, Manny’s a Met in a blink of an eye. Meanwhile, our gunslinging GM (with the Peacemaker permanently disarmed by his bosses) will be left at the poker table, not realizing that although he’s playing poker, his friends were just waiting for their ride, wherever it would lead.

    Don’t shoot the messenger.

  193. trublu4ever

    nsblues ~ you are right about the Mets. The GM really wants him but the owner doesn’t. I wonder if we are in the same predicament.

  194. nellyjune

    nsblues – so, I guess the Giants aren’t the threat, it’s the Mets…………thanks for the message πŸ™‚

    CP – neither one (husband or son) is a huge Kent fan. I supported him more as a Dodger fan than they did as a Giants fan when he was playing for the Giants.

    I gotta go, but I will check in if the thread changes. I need to go work at the academy – Little League sign-ups are at our baseball academy so it’s been busy. Have a great day, and catch up with all of your later if the thread doesn’t change, which I don’t think it will.

    SIGN MANNY !!!
    SIGN A SP!!!
    DO IT!!!


  195. Dodger4life

    Thanks for the link North,
    I just read the post article, Manny brings an awful lot of good to our ball club. Just ask Mattingly.
    Come back Manny ~ We love ya mon πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL IN 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  196. beastyboy9

    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of Manny blues

  197. trublu4ever

    And, once again:
    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of manny blues

  198. Dodger4life

    I’ll join in:

    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of manny blues


  199. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    The Manny situation is beginning to take on all the trappings of the DLowe scenario with the D’s replacing the Mets in the role of jilted suitor. The Mets wouldn’t budge on the years and the Braves swooped in and signed Lowe for the years and dollars he and Boras were looking for. Oh, well, at least if Manny’s a Met, we’ll only face him 6 times a year instead of 18.

  200. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Well, seeing how it’s Sunday, I didn’t expect any news, but one could always hope. I see we have yet another new name…..welcome brownpaperrapper….very clever πŸ™‚

    Dodger4life, tru and paperbagblues – cool song – LOL!!!!

  201. nellyjune

    Frankie, Frankie give us the news
    We’ve got a bad case of manny blues
    No Juan’s gonna cure our will
    We’ve got a bad case of manny blues

    Yes, we do!

  202. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    I do agree with the idea of getting this whole Manny situation out of stalemate mode. Give Borass and Manny one final offer, set a deadline, and either they accept or both sides move on. We need to focus on our pitching needs and getting another player, if we must, to replace Manny.

  203. nellyjune

    brownpaperrapper – I couldn’t agree more…give us Manny or let us get on with the rest of the holes we need, including a replacement for Manny.

  204. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    Situations like Manny’s graphically illustrate what I dislike, other than no baseball, about the offseason. Contracts and money take center stage. Unfortunately, it’s a part of the business of baseball that we have to deal with in order to enjoy the game itself.

  205. Dodger4life

    I do not like chess ~ I want Baseball πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE BOYS IN 2009!!!!!!!

  206. heartruss

    Brownpaperrapper, I agree with you. All this conniving and whining detracts from what we truly like about baseball. It holds things up. We don’t even know what our final roster will look like. I know that ST is supposed to give us an idea but an integral part of the team sitting out ST? If Manny doesn’t sign, then he sits? So wrong. So the pitchers and catchers report in a few weeks. I think that means that we better sign Wolf or Garland (maybe Garland may be the better choice). I hate this indecision…and it’s all about money. 😦

  207. trublu4ever

    I see the consensus is that WE NEED MANNY! I do agree with you rapper, to give them a final offer and a deadline. Either way, we have to move on and get ready for the season.

  208. trublu4ever

    I know Manny said he’s in it for the money but I’ll bet you it’s BorASS who’s being the stubborn one. Why the heck wouldn’t anyone want to play in Los Angeles for our fantastic Dodgers!

  209. Dodger4life

    I need one before Valentines day too πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS ALL THE WAY IN 2009 !!!!!!

  210. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    I’m just so damn frustrated with the incompetancy of our management whom, it seems, has flunked Basic Skills of Negotiating 101. I know, tell us how you really feel.

  211. nellyjune

    Flunked that and at times you would think, Decision-Making 101 too…..because there have been some bad ones in the past and some in the not so far back past.

  212. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    Somewhere in heaven, Walter O’Malley is sipping a Scotch, smoking a Cuban cigar, and laughing his a-s-s off watching Frank & Ned’s antics.

  213. lbirken@aol.com

    And I am sitting here ********** that Peter O’Malley sold the Dodgers to “all we want is broadcasting rights” Fox who then sold to Frank McCourt.

  214. nellyjune

    Hey lbirken – how are you this evening…..other than feeling like the rest of us….wishing this madness would just end πŸ™‚

  215. trublu4ever

    You are right, bpr! I was lucky enough to see a game at Ebbets Field. My Dad took my as a kid and it was great! I still remember it as a special time in my life.

  216. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    I always thought if I could time travel, going to Ebbets Field to see a game would be one of my top places to go.

  217. lbirken@aol.com

    Nelly, I am doing fine. Just checking out all the Manny worship. Seriously, while I realize it is possible another team may swoop in at the last minute and sign Manny, is it not possible the Dodgers are waiting to see what it really will take to sign him? I get the impression from certain media types and many on this blog that the Dodgers should sign Manny no matter what.

  218. trublu4ever

    It was great……….the Brooklyn fans were something else. And, from that day on, I was a die hard Dodger fan.

  219. lbirken@aol.com

    Ebbets Field must have been a great place. They say a fan could talk to another fan across the field from the stands.

  220. theunknowndodgerfan

    Somewhere in heaven, Walter O’Malley is sipping a Scotch, smoking a Cuban cigar, and arranging to have a bloody model of a mansion in Frank and Jamie’s bed………

  221. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    You’ve got a point, ibirken, but will the D’s get lucky enough to be presented an offer sheet, a la Furcal?

  222. trublu4ever

    lbirken ~ Manny wants a 4 year deal and we’ve offered 2. So, why not split the difference and give him 3 years? I think he’d take it……….BorASS backed himself into a corner.

  223. cpompe1

    Good late evening ITD boys and girls!
    Ya know what? I saw brownpaper – the only problem is that I didn’t pay attention that the ending was rapper! I said, β€œHey, brownpaperbag AKA enchanted is back!” Sorry brownpaperrapper! πŸ™‚

    I’ve been saying for a while that I’m sick of this chess game – make Manny an offer, give him and Borass a deadline, and if the deadline passes without a contract and/or a response, then move on. We’ve got many other pieces of the puzzle to fill!!!

  224. nellyjune

    lbirken – I want 2 (3 years tops). Manny would be great, but I think pitching has become more of an issue in some ways.

  225. dodgereric

    Hey everyone!

    I’ve been reading that Garland and Wolf are being offered $6 – 7 million and Sheets maybe a 2-year for $10 per. If those are the going rates, why wouldn’t you roll the dice with Sheets? He’s easily twice the pitcher than either one of the other two. And that’s really a sale price for someone like Sheets.

  226. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ even with his history of injury problems, I’d take Sheets over any of the others…….he is a great pitcher.

  227. lbirken@aol.com

    I agree with the 2-3 year deal; I think we all agree. The price may be open for discussion. My guess is both sides know where this is going but neither wants to make the first move. Actually, the Dodgers did make a first move and Boras pretty much dismissed it by saying he would now listen to serious offers when the exclusive bargaining time with the Dodgers expired. I took that as an uncalled for slap in the face. I also don’t agree with all the talk that the Dodgers might offend Manny with an offer that is not “fair”. Please, whatever they offer will be a huge amount of money. And I agree that while Manny is important, a decent (are there any?) starting pitcher would be nice too. I still feel all this Manny worship is a bit unhealthy.

  228. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    We need pitching and a bat equally. If we can’t have Manny, sign Abreu, not Dunn. For pitchers, Garland or Wolf or both. No Sheets. His medical history is longer than his arm.

  229. nellyjune

    Good Evening Ward Dear…………..your guess is as good as ours, but then we are just fans, and we have to rely on FranknNed’s thinking, which we have found is not necessarily “fan friendly” πŸ™‚

  230. lbirken@aol.com

    Anyway, tomorrow is another day and maybe something will happen. As for me, I am going to call it a night. Keep up the good work.

  231. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl!
    I just got in!!! I was reading and saw the new name brownpaperrapper and the lively discussion about this game we call chess or, as Manny and Borass probably think, a game of chicken! Had to jump in!!!

    I’m doing fine. This week, actually, is going to be a busy week for me! Before today, I have a test to take for a position with the City of Oxnard on Tuesday. I’ve got another physical therapy session Wednesday morning with a cortisone shot afterwards. Tomorrow (Monday) I didn’t have anything planned, but I do now. This afternoon I was looking for jobs online and one of the jobs I applied for thru Craigslist was for an Accounts Payable Clerk position. I didn’t apply for it yet because it needed someone with a minimum number of data entry keystrokes per hour. So, I was going to go get my keystrokes tested and certified tomorrow.

    Then another job I applied thru CalJobs (the state’s EDD job website) is a Customer Service position right here in Ventura. So I e-mailed my cover letter, resume and typing certificate. Before I came onto ITD, I checked my e-mail and I received a reply asking me to come in and fill out an application and take an aptitude test. So, I’m going there tomorrow too!

    Needless to say, I need everyone’s prayers!!! No jobs yet, but after the first of the year, it does seem to be picking up a bit!!!

  232. nellyjune

    lbirken – I wouldn’t worry about the Manny worship. I think it’s more of a matter of passing the time away while we wait and wait and wait and wait. Now, Andre is another story (jk) – LOL!!!!! Well, I wouldn’t call it worship (that’s God for me), but a slight obsession would be better πŸ™‚ LOL!!!!!! The word “slight” might be an understatement now that I think about it πŸ™‚

  233. cpompe1

    Hey dodgereric!
    I know we’ve been pursuing Garland and Wolf, but I didn’t know we were seriously pursuing Sheets! Where did you get the numbers??? Not that I don’t believe you, but this is the first time I’ve heard numbers with regard to these FAs! But in answer to your question, β€œwhy wouldn’t you roll the dice with Sheets” sorry, as great a pitcher he is, I am scared sh*tless about his numerous trips to the DL in his short career. You’re right, he’s a heck of a pitcher, but rather brittle. Sorry, don’t feel like reliving Schmidt and Nomar all over again…

  234. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    Thanks for the link, eric. Granted, Sheets is the best pitcher out there but he’s been on the DL at least once a year for the past 4 years. When I see Sheets, I see a potential Schmidt. If we did sign him, it should be short with lots of incentive clauses.

  235. dodgereric

    We’re not pursuing Sheets to my knowledge, cp – seriously or otherwise. It’s just that we’ve lost our #1 (or #2) starter. We can’t replace him with a #4, IMO. Yes, Sheets hasn’t been a model of health, and it’s certainly cost him a lot of money. But he’s been healthy enough to start 55 games the last two seasons. I’ll take 55 starts from Sheets over 62 starts from Wolf, especially if it’s only a difference of $3-4 million a year.

  236. nellyjune

    CP – Things are going great!!! We had little league sign-ups at our new baseball academy so that was fun. I actually had to work down there while the coaches and my husband gave tours to prospective members. I can’t call it work when you are surrounded by baseball.

  237. brownpaperrapper@comcast.net

    Good luck, cp, on your job interview. Good night, all. Drive home safely. Hopefully, the good news this week will be Blue!!!

  238. cpompe1

    Awww. Thx for the well wishes Tru & Dodger4life! That’s a big reason why I love this blog!!! JOSH, YOU DO A GREAT JOB!!! πŸ™‚

    Eric, yeah, I hear you. Honestly, if we were able to land Sheets, I would be thrilled. But that exuberance would be tempered with the knowledge of what kind of contract we would be extending to him. I’m kinda with brownpaperrapper that the contract would need to be short with lots of incentive clauses. But I do agree with you, out of the three, Sheets is a much better pitcher; when he pitches…

    Nelly, sounds like a great day to me!!! So, does this new baseball academy have a name? Who or what organization is running it? Or is it the city?

  239. cpompe1

    Good night brownpaperrapper!!! Tomorrow’s Monday; the first day of a new week!!! While we’re in the prayer mode right now, lets pray for some great news from the Dodgers!!! That way, enchanted will be back!!!

  240. nellyjune

    Good night brownpaperrapper!!!

    CP – Valley Sports Academy and it’s ours πŸ™‚ Well, my husband and three other coaches run it, but the business name is ours.

    This pitching issue is tricky…….I would love to take a chance on Sheets, and Garland if we can’t get him. I am not so sure about Wolf

  241. dodgereric

    Cp, I have a link to the Valley Sports Academy on DodgerLyrics.

    And I hope you land a job before we get Manny signed.

  242. cpompe1

    You’re right Eric. When you put it in that perspective, a short/small contract to Sheets might make sense. Kris Benson, really??? He hasn’t played baseball since 2006!!!

  243. dodgereric

    I’ve had a personal tour of the place and I can say that if I were a young player again, I’d never want to go home.

  244. nellyjune

    Thank you Dodgereric – you can relive your childhood playing days anytime you wish. I found out today one of the coaches is actually a Dodger fan ( I knew one of his son’s was). I just assumed he was an Astros fan since he played for them. His wife bought him a whole bunch of Dodger stuff (a dartboard, etc.) that he put up in his office. Also Fuentes is going to do a clinic at our place the weekend of 7th (a week before he has to report).

  245. cpompe1

    Wow Nelly, that website for Valley Sports Academy is great! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of your son. Was that him on the pec-dec machine in the 2nd picture on the slideshow on the home page?

    And wouldn’t it be something if (1) I got a job and (2) the Dodgers signed Manny at the same time!!! (Or, at least in the same week!!!)

  246. cpompe1

    What are you saying Eric? Are you saying that you’re actually old???

    Nelly – That is great that Fuentes will be doing a clinic there! Boy, that place is going to be packed!!! I’ll be respectful of someone’s privacy if they don’t want to say, but who is this coach that used to play for the Astros and is a Dodger fan???

  247. cpompe1

    Oh and Eric, since I didn’t put it on my last post, I’ll put it here:

    What are you saying Eric? Are you saying that you’re actually old??? πŸ™‚

  248. nellyjune

    Thanks CP ~ Well, Brian is doing two sessions (one for young kids and one for jr/highschool), and it’s only for 25 kids per session. Yes, I do believe that is my son in the picture.

  249. dodgereric



    I won’t jump off a cliff if we sign Wolf and/or Garland, but they aren’t in Sheets’ class. They both give up more hits than innings and walk more. Plus Sheets has a 3 to 1 SO to BB ratio.

  250. cpompe1

    You have a good-looking boy Nelly! So, what do YOU do for work there?

    Eric, you’re right. Wolf and Garland aren’t in Sheets’ class…

  251. nellyjune

    LOL!!! You are not old, but yes, they did say he could be a grandpa. However, however, Eric told them what matters is how old you are inside. Plus, the girls (both the first and the 6 5th graders) thought he was very handsome πŸ™‚

  252. cpompe1

    Awww, how cute!!! Eric, have you always been a ladies man??? Granted, these ladies are what, 6 and 11 year olds??? πŸ™‚

  253. cpompe1

    Nelly, I guess they’re too young to figure out who Junie is!!!

    Well, as much fun as I’m having tonight, I’ve gotta head!!! I’ll catch up with y’all tomorrow!!!


  254. nellyjune

    The 5th graders knew the show, but the first graders didn’t have a clue, but they are searching, but they don’t show the show until 1 or 2 in the morning. Some know about the movie, but it’s hard to find too. However, I told them it’s the tv show,not the movie. Good Night CP….have a great day tomorrow πŸ™‚

  255. dodgereric

    Good night, cp!

    Looks like we lost TruMom, so it’s you and me again kid! Other than having to work, how was your weekend?

  256. nellyjune

    It was very good……….We had to watch my 6 year old niece this weekend, which wasn’t too bad so we had lazy mornings and busy afternoons at the academy, which went really fast because there were people around constantly.

    How was your weekend? Busy too, I would imagine.

  257. dodgereric

    A pretty cool weekend, thank you! Chris and I went to a nice Scout dinner yesterday and Matt and I took in a minor league hockey game tonight in Ontario.

  258. nellyjune

    Oh CP!!! Too answer your question about the coach…..his name is Tim Arnsberg. He pitched for the Astros (not sure when), and his brother is the pitching coach for the Blue Jays.

  259. dodgereric

    D4 – sandwiches?

    The scout dinner was the yearly awards dinner for our district. A lot of standing and applauding!! LOL!!

  260. dodgereric

    Last week I got an email talking about the wonderful story of Kurt and Brenda Warner. I was impressed, and intended to check it out on snopes.com to see if there was any truth in it. I just now did and as I suspected, there was a lot of untruths in it. But the truths were actually better than the fiction.

    Result: I have a new favorite football player and I’m going to be rooting for him and the Cardinals.

  261. nellyjune

    BTW – Mariya does not have a tournament that weekend. She usually does, but I guess this new team is saving their money for the Reno Tournament instead, which is at the end of April and is bigger and better. So, the trip is very “do-able” because we usually go down during that week to see my nephews anyway, but we could just do the long weekend instead. So, it’s very possible πŸ™‚

  262. nellyjune

    Eric – I have always like Kurt Warner and I like Leinert as well. I am kind of staying neutral this year…..Michael is a huge Steelers fan so I am trying to maintain neutrality and save my rivalry tendancies for baseball season.

  263. dodgereric

    Hi ….. forgive me, but I’ve lost all track of names lately. But is it Rose or xox?

    We would be most honored to have you and Mariya attend! And I can’t blame you about the Super Bowl. It’s enough that you have to endure the baseball season! LOL!!!

  264. Dodger4life

    Sorry Eric , I’m back, In 1921 Reuben Berman refused to throw back the foul ball he had caught which was customary in those days. Baseball fearing a revolution took Berman to court. The courts ruled in bermans favor. Opening the floodgates for future fans to have a little souvenier

  265. nellyjune

    Eric – sounds like we might want to take a chance on him,no? Like you said, both for the money and the time, it might be worth the risk.

  266. dodgereric

    Of course, it’s not my money. But if he can pass a physical, I’d offer him a contract with plenty of incentives. The problem with those, of course, is that he might pitch in pain ala Brad Penny in order to achieve them.

    I think I need to hit the hay, my friends. May God Bless you and yours now and forever!

  267. Dodger4life

    Good night and God Bless You and your family as well Eric.
    Have a great day tommorrow πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  268. Dodger4life

    Good Night ITD, Dodgerfaithful,
    That concludes another week still no Manny, or a starting pitcher.
    We hav’nt been able to celebrate with Andre on the arbitration negotiations.
    Ticket Prices hav’nt come down, nor anything else in the ballpark.
    Lets all hope this insanity is over soon.
    Spring Training is right around the corner, and we want to see the best team possible.
    17 more days till pitchers and catchers report so, Yea!!!
    God Bless Everybody, and may this be a more productive week on all fronts πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  269. sparkleplenty_1

    Another sleepless night/morning, so here I am, catching up on ITD . . . . CP, you go get ’em girl! Blessings, prayers, and lots of luck with your interviews and certification. I’m praying favor for you, even as I type this.
    D4, I absolutely love your enthusiasm and zest for life! Keep it up – you encourage me.
    To all my other buds here, hope you all have an awesome week. Maybe this is the week for celebrating a few good signings (Andre, Manny, and a durable starting pitcher or two). You all take care, now. Catch you later!

  270. messagebear@msn.com

    Read Tony Jackson’s comments, wherein he suggests that Garland is really out of the Dodgers’ price range for a SP. I guess we just have to get acclimated that we may be an exclusive but yet a small market team – I’m talking about the Malibu market, of course.

  271. heartruss

    Good morning ITD, Nellyjune, CPompe1, Trueblu, Diggie, Dodger4life, Dodgereric, and all my other friends….This will be the week!! How can Tony Jackson think we are a small market team with Manny somewhere out there waiting for our offer? This past week has been a productive Dodger week. I improved my seat greatly to row AA in left field (Dodger side) with a better view of home plate and a very good view of Manny. Row AA is right behind the bumper pad that separates the fans from the field. Yaaaaaay. They say it takes years to get that great a seat. I am soooo lucky it rained and no one ventured out to check the open seats. I also now have good parking every game since I purchased the preferred parking. I bought another ticket for ST on the day I arrive in case I can watch part of a game. It was an inexpensive ticket so if I miss half the game, who cares. It looks like most of the seats are good. i also splurged on home plate club. I wanted to be one of the first to experience it. I am ready for Spring Training. I am ready for Dodger Baseball 2009. Sign Garland. Sign Manny. Give Andre what he’s worth (a lot) and ITD, have a super great Dodger Day. Good luck Cpompe1. We’re behind you 100%.

  272. malibuestate4me

    messagebear….i am Mr. McCheap! I only sign third rate players and save my money for more important things in life.How do you think I can afford all of my fancy estates. I am smart, I give the impression I am willing to build a winning team by talking the talk. But when it comes to opening my checkbook………..I say no way!

  273. trublu4ever

    heartruss ~ good morning! I love your enthusiasm……..you and dodger4life are very up beat about our Dodgers. Hopefully, this week will make me as happy as you two are. Hope you have a great day.
    malibu ~ lol……..although in a way, it’s sad but true.

  274. dodgereric

    malibuestate4me, I’m surprised at your cynicism! Frank and Jamie have nothing but winning in mind for the Dodgers! It’s what they came here to do! Nothing could be further from the truth than just talking about winning and then buying up all that real estate for th ………. MY NOSE! MY NOSE! WHAT’S HAPPENING TO MY NOSE??????????


  275. nellyjune


    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!
    I can see we are off to a great start this morning on a week we hope something “good” happens in terms of our beloved Dodgers.

    SIGN MANNY !!!
    SIGN A SP!!!
    DO IT!!!


  276. malibuestate4me

    I intend to hold on to my money, except of course, for all the big bucks I’m shelling out for scented towels. I did acquire you idiot Dodger fans Estes and Mota. What else do you need? You have the speedy Juan Pierre, isn’t that enough? You people will still pack the stadium, so I really don’t care who is on the field.

  277. trublu4ever

    malibu ~ have faith. I’m sure by the end of this week the Dodgers will sign a player who will put us on the road to success.

  278. messagebear@msn.com

    Hey, trublu – are we getting close to signing Benson? You must have some inside scoop to be that optimistic.

  279. trublu4ever

    messagebear ~ LOL! I don’t like the way things are going….dodger4life and nellyjune keep telling me to be optimistic. The only thing I see right now as a positive is that according to a report on ESPN this morning, nobody wants poor Manny……..our offer is the only one out there….the Gnats said no (because they would offer him a deal for more years and less money than ours) and the Mets’ owner doesn’t want him.

  280. malibuestate4me

    My latest stroke of genius is to sell everyone a ST package deal from 2 nights or more, starting at a mere $417, not including air-fare, of course. That is per person, double occupancy.

  281. nellyjune

    Good Afternoon ITD readers and writers!!!

    I am afraid to ask who is in our price range……………….I know, don’t ask – LOL!!!!!!

  282. trublu4ever

    I can’t wait to book my $400 weekend to see Estes and Mota pitch and, let’s not forget, to see JP try to get on base.

  283. crzblue2

    You guys are funny. Glad Tony Malinosky is getting some mention. He lived in Whittier, CA and attended Whiitier College back in the 30’s.

  284. nellyjune

    No news yet? Too funny Dodgereric and Dodger4life πŸ™‚

    SIGN MANNY !!!
    SIGN A SP!!!
    DO IT!!!


  285. dodgereric

    EMMA!!! Hey, I didn’t get to congratulate you on your letter in the Times Saturday! Well done! Very well written, I hope someone calls it to Kent’s attention. It helped to balance the hateful ones.

    Maybe Tony will get more attention on October 5th!

  286. theunknowndodgerfan

    That ought to set the price for the kind of broken-down-has-been-or-never-was kind of starting pitcher that Colletti seems to like.

  287. ramslover

    Hello everyone..just going over yesterdays postings and Eric, I agree that Sheets is an upgrade over Garland and Wolf, but McCourt will not step up for him (I sort of see his side) because of the Schmidt debacle….

    I was listening to the radiio today and Sheets came up and apparently most of the teams are very leary of his arm. No one doubts the ability.

    As for Garland out of our price range, that is a joke….Frank the only thing out of our price range is the ridiculous prices you are charging…$500 for batting practice…$100 seats in ST….I forgot you get a scented towel…Do not give us that croc of dodo…..

  288. theunknowndodgerfan

    From: “Manny, Dodgers remain miles apart”

    “One executive whose team is interested in Ramirez said that he believes the Dodgers and Ramirez are no further along than the “fourth inning” of the negotiations.”

    Let’s do the math. If we’re in the fourth inning, and it’s taken us nearly 4 months to get this far, we should end this damned game right around the All-Star Game.

  289. crzblue2

    Thanks Eric! i had a couple of friends that called saying that they only read the first part of the first sentence to know it was me. LOL.
    Josh: Maybe Mark Langill can post here and give us some history and an update on Tony Malinosky.
    Ned: We need some good news!
    almost 500 posts!

  290. messagebear@msn.com

    The day will come when in addition to the Hall of Fame history of baseball will demand that we establish a House of Shame. A few candidates come to mind, like the dishonored Chicago White Sox that threw the WS, Borass who’s screwed the sport upside down, maybe a few like McGuire and Barry who pumped themselves up for a few years to deceive the fans. My inductee of choice will be Frank and Jamie, who could take a proud franchise and drive it into the ground.

    The House of Shame, affectionately known by fans as House of Sh**, could only be located in one place – MALIBU.
    SELL THE TEAM, you House of Shi**ers!!!

  291. dodgereric

    Hi rams! I don’t think anyone would question that a healthy Sheets is head and shoulders above anyone that is available. If they do, they should just not even open their mouth. I agree with you that McCourt will not sign him, either because of the Schmidt debacle or that he’s just plain cheap. I know my glasses are rose-colored, but people I admire sound like this:

    β€œIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

    Frank McCourt, you cold and timid soul, you are no Teddy Roosevelt are you?

  292. trublu4ever

    Very good bear & dodgereric. I only hope that Josh shows all of this neagtivity about the way the franchise is being rum to FRANK MC COURT.

  293. malibuestate4me

    Winning a World Series is important to me…..however, I must take care of my needs first……….it takes a lot to keep four Malibu estates running.

  294. malibuestate4me

    All the money I’ve cut from payroll is being put to good use. I did get a utility infielder and three so-so pitchers. The rest of the cash went right into my pocket.

  295. malibuestate4me

    Winning the World Series will make us the “Super Duper Couple”!! And, just think of all the press………they will love me. Hey, I figure if the Oakland A’s can run a franchise on peanuts and still be competitive, why can’t I?

  296. sparkleplenty_1

    Nelly, did you read the stuff Mattingly said about Andre, Matt, Brox and Russell in the link you sent? Interesting to say the least.
    If Ned would visit this site, he’d see he has LOTS of assistants, especially our esteemed Enchanted GM. Gosh, I hope he’ll be able to shed his bag soon . . . .
    Have a good one!

  297. heartruss

    Good afternoon ITD
    I know everyone is getting a little frustrated because Manny has not been signed. I can’t say the fault all lies with the McCourts or Ned. Borass and Manny are waiting for a better offer which does not seem to be coming. There are rumors circulating which are just that. The Giants or Mets have not made any official announcements pertaining to Manny. I think all that is just to fuel the fire and to get us fans upset. I believe that signing Sheets would mean giving up a draft pick and that would go against the Dodgers building from within with our young players. I don’t think that Garland or Wolf is out of reach for the Dodgers. I still believe that Manny will wear Blue. We may have to be patient. I still believe that we have a strong team with such awesome young players such as Loney, Kemp, Kuo, Broxton, DeWitt, MacDonald, Kershaw, all who are maturing. Casey, Andre and Furcal also add to the power of the team. We do need a starting pitcher which I believe will be one of the above. We have to be patient since we only know what the press wants us to know. I am not faulting the McCourts for what they do outside of baseball. That is their business. They must have a baseball budget. The homes in Malibu are probably an investment and really not places to actually live in. I really don’t know. When I don’t really know, how can I judge them according to editorials from the likes of TJ Slimers or Plaschke? I like to read the facts unblemished with subjective opinions or hurtful conclusions. For example, what has been written about Jeff Kent has mostly been negative. Some of us actually have met him and liked him finding him to be warm and friendly. He is an athlete, not an actor, so I can’t believe all that could have been put on. I truly found the negative printed about him to be disturbing since I know better. I will always respect him for what I know about him, not from other people’s perception of him.
    This will be a good week. I may be the Dodger goody two shoes since I never post a negative comment but I have faith. It will be a super season and I can’t wait! GO DODGERS. I HEART ALL OF YOU.

  298. nellyjune

    LOL!!! Very funny Ward Dear………

    Hey unknown! How are we doing today? Laughing I see – LOL!!!!!!

    Diggie – I did read what Bowa had to say, and as far as Andre, Bowa has said that many times before about Andre’s intensity. I think alot of the intensity came from having to compete for a job literally everyday for the first 3/4 of the season IMO. I think Manny helped Andre relax and see the game for what it is…….and to have fun with it again. However, Bowa did think that Matt and Andre definitely have a great deal of upside with the potential for 35 homeruns each….that would be just fine with me. Get Manny in there, and you will have one the most powerful outfields in the entire league.

  299. trublu4ever

    heartruss ~ I appreciate your admiration of the McCourts and Jeff Kent. I am having a little bit of fun filling in a void with no baseball………..even if the Malibu estates are investments, it is still money spent. Sometimes being negative or critical can bring a good result. I love the Dodgers more than anyone………for way over 50 years and I want to see them succeed. When the season begins, I shall cheer as hard as I can because they are my team. As for Jeff Kent………..there again everyone is entitled to their opinion. He may have been sweet and pleasant to the fans but, he was not very pleasant around his teammates. I appreciate his contribution to the game of baseball but he wouldn’t be in my list of favorit top twenty players.

  300. messagebear@msn.com

    I appreciate your post as well, heartruss. It’s essential to have a good balance in a blog, and you do provide some very good positives. So, I heart you too, even though I feel frustrated and impatient with the way that our management seems to handle things. Thank you for your perspective.

  301. heartruss

    PS I know everyone is just venting because of frustration. It’s good to do that among friends especially since many of the posts are funny and lighthearted and gets everyone laughing, me included. I love the funny new names, especially yours Ms Nellyjune and all the paperbags. I am just frustrated because it’s not baseball season yet. But like my wonderful 87 year old father has said, “It always turns out OK.” GO DODGERS.

  302. dodgereric

    Heartruss, you just keep posting whatever you want. We can disagree and still be friends, mainly because no matter how we feel, we all bleed Dodger Blue or we wouldn’t be here in the first place!

    Some of what I write is in fun and some of it’s dead serious (like not ever wanting the McCourts in the first place). But I’ll always stand up for you if you want to keep things positive. We still live in the good ol’ US of A, right?

  303. heartruss

    Thanks everyone. Oftentimes I end up by myself because I am such a pollyanna about things. Last season after the all star break, I just felt that things would turn around. My Angels fan friend just shook his head at the way the Dodgers were playing but I kept telling him, that the season was not over yet. The Angels were way in front and looked like a lock. Did the Dodgers surprise everyone with the superb play of Manny and Andre?? Everyone forgets how integral a part that Andre and Loney played with their fired up hitting. How fantastic were they?? And how many ever believed that the almost last place Dodgers would win the Western Division? Never say die!! Did my Angles fan friend have to eat doodoo. πŸ™‚

  304. dodgereric

    And if bear’s post doesn’t prove that this is the best damned blog around, I don’t know what will! Attaboy, bear!

  305. trublu4ever

    You are right dodgereric……bear’s post was great and we are the best blog around. Where else can we all be a little different and yet very much alike. We all do love the Dodgers and want every season to be a success. I even checked out the Gnat homepage and website and there is nothing there………nobody chats like we do. We are a very unique group indeed.

  306. heartruss

    Thank you messagebear.
    Trublu, you nailed it on the head as usual.
    Nellyjune…How was your day? How were your kids?
    Dodgereric, you are the best
    Cpompe1…how did things go today. How are you feeling?
    Dodger4life…you are the best!!

  307. Dodger4life

    Thanks for the kind words heartruss πŸ™‚

    WE LOVE OUR DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAYS A YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    7 DAYS A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    24 HOURS A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    RINGS FOR ALL THE DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  308. Dodger4life

    Josh, It sure would be nice to have some good news soon πŸ™‚
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  309. nellyjune

    I don’t think this qualifies as “good” news as we are referring to it today, but I was just notified that that the Dodgers officially agreed to terms with Brad Ausmus for a one-year deal.

  310. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Cause its gonna happen….Manny would be signed by now if we really wanted him and apparently we only want him otherwise feel no need to upgrade the offense….

  311. nellyjune

    So, I will start working on song material so I will be ready when it happens. jungar – you aren’t wrong too often, but I hope, (and I know you hope too), that you are wrong this time. So far, with the exception of Furcal, everything has happened how either you, enchanted and others have said. Enchanted made the Ausmus call (jokingly) before he left,and sure enough it happened.

  312. cpompe1

    Good afternoon/evening ITD boys and girls!
    Thx heartruss for asking about me! You know, it took me a while to figure out that you’re our very own xox! Things went okay today. Despite what y’all may think, I don’t have any interviews scheduled. But it still is a busy time for me just getting to interviews. Today I sat at a small table in the break room to fill out an application and work on some aptitude tests. The biggest problem was the light fixtures above! One of the fluorescent bars was flickering and my eyes were driving me nuts! Oh well, it worked out eventually! I hope to get an interview request from them soon.

    As far as my shoulder, it’s okay. I mean, it still hurts, but it’s progressively getting better, but it’s a good thing that I didn’t have a firm appointment time because this morning my shoulder just wouldn’t get loosened up. After taking a shower, I usually do my exercises but my shoulder was hurting so bad that I couldn’t. It took most of the morning for me to get loosened up. Oh well, I guess that happens. I’m still being faithful on doing my exercises, no matter how much they hurt. Again, if any professional ballplayer (not just baseball) has to deal with this kind of hurting, I DO have a new found respect for him! I know, I’m a wuss, but it still hurts!

    Oh and heartruss, one more thing. That post of yours reminding us of past events that weren’t that long ago was excellent! I know, I also tend to forget that and I shouldn’t. I’m 9 times out of 10 a very positive person that tries to see the good in any situation. That’s what is so disheartening to me. I don’t like being negative and I try not to, but I must admit that it happens.

  313. cpompe1

    I know this was short, but I lost track of time! I’ve gotta go. I’ll try to be back later tonight! If not, I’ll catch up y’all tomorrow!!!


  314. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    I would give my left you know what to be wrong Nelly. I would think, if signing Manny was immanent with 20 days to go Mr I am a starter would be piping up about now..

  315. Dodger4life

    So far this offseason Andruw Jones is the MVP, we knew you could do it Andruw.
    Sign Manny Ned!!!!!!!!!!
    Pay Andre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    LONG LIVE MALINOSKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  316. heartruss

    The one thing that helped me before my physical therapy was nice warm whirlpool and paraffin wax on my hand and wrist. It relaxed my muscles enough that it gave me more flexibility to do the exercises. It didn’t hurt nearly so much. Try not to overdo it. It will just make it worse. It doesn’t hurt also to take an anti inflammatory like ibuprofen prior to exercise. πŸ™‚
    Sorry you’re going through all the stress of tests and interviews. When one puts everything in perspective, the Dodgers acquiring Manny or an SP is not so important as you doing better. We all care.

  317. nellyjune

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!

    CP – listen to heartruss….she knows what she’s talking about as far as your shoulder πŸ™‚

    Dodger4life – Thanks for posting that article.

  318. dodgereric

    Good Evening!

    There’s been a lot of talk about not signing Type A Free Agents because we don’t want to lose that all-important first round draft pick. I’m as big a fan of draft picks and building from within as anyone, and, well, not wanting to be sacriligious or anything, but just how important IS that pick?

    Let’s look at our last 20 First Round selections:

    2008 Ethan Martin
    2007 Chris Withrow
    2006 Clayton Kershaw & Avery Morris
    2005 None
    2004 Timothy Elbert
    2003 Chad Billingsley
    2002 James Loney
    2001 None
    2000 Ben Diggins
    1999 None
    1998 Bubba Crosby
    1997 Glenn Davis
    1996 Damian Rolls
    1995 David Yocum
    1994 Paul Konerko
    1993 Darren Dreifort
    1992 None
    1991 None
    1990 Ron Walden
    1989 Tom Goodwin & Kiki Jones

    Why stop at 1989? Gotta stop somewhere. If we wish, let’s continue another time. It doesn’t get a whole lot better anytime soon. We drafted Bill Bene in ’88.

    So look at those names. It’s certainly too early to talk about Ethan Martin and Chris Withrow. There are 15 others, and I see 4 winners. Now, I know we did a horrible job of drafting for a long time but my point is a good one – it’s no sure thing, even in the first round, is it? So why not spend one for someone who IS a sure-fire major leaguer?

    About the holes, the years in which we didn’t have a pick. What happened there? We grabbed a Type I Free Agent and lost our First Round pick. Who did that team draft in our place?

    2007 the Giants picked Tim Alderson as compensation for Jason Schmidt
    2005 the RedSox picked Craig Hansen as compensation for Derek Lowe
    2001 the Braves picked Macay McBride as compensation for Andy Ashby
    1999 the Padres picked Vince Faison as compensation for Kevin Brown
    1992 Blue Jays picked Shannon Stewart as compensation for Tom Candiotti
    1991 the Mets picked Al Shirley as compensation for Darryl Strawberry

    Now, granted, the results were not spectacular for us with those guys. But the other teams didn’t get much in return either. Perhaps the draft pick should not be so sacred as to blindly say ‘no’ to a Type A like Juan Cruz or Ben Sheets.

    “…….and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

    Just my opinion.

  319. Dodger4life

    Manny Fire Boras – Manny Fire Boras – Manny Fire Boras
    Boras should be tried for treason. Baseball is as American as apple pie. He is detrimental to the game. Manny fire Boras.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  320. nellyjune

    Good Evening Ward Dear………great insight as always πŸ™‚

    Dodger4life – Thanks for the spirit!!!! I needed that after reading those articles πŸ™‚

  321. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Take the names off the jersey…

    How can one be comfortable with having a LF produce:

    .300avg/.400obp 100 runs 30hr and 110rbi (book it right?)


    .290/.318 90runs 1hr 38rbi (u can book that too)

    That’s a tremendous drop off. And not a very good negotiating tactic.

  322. Dodger4life

    Good Night ITD, Dodgerfithful

  323. jungar@wsgcorp.com

    Let alone the non stats side of the game where with one guy the pitcher is like oh crap and the other guy the pitcher is like oh yes!

  324. dodgereric

    Furcal SS
    Pierre LF
    Ethier RF
    Loney 1B
    Kemp CF
    Blake 3B
    Martin C
    DeWitt 2B

    Furcal SS
    Ethier RF
    Ramirez LF
    Loney 1B
    Kemp CF
    Blake 3B
    Martin C
    DeWitt 2B

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