Casey and Camelback

It’s official. As of just a few moments ago, Casey Blake is officially signed to a three-year deal, the first piece of the offseason puzzle. As has been reported, we’re still working on local boy Mark Loretta as a utility player, we’ve met with Furcal’s reps while we’ve been here, and we met with Boras last night regarding Manny for the first time in quite some time. Plus, of course, the news from yesterday about CC. As you can tell, the baseball ops folks are staying busy, that’s for sure.

We also held a news conference here in Vegas with Joe Torre, Ned Colletti, and the White Sox GM Ken Williams and manager Ozzie Guillen to talk about Camelback Ranch – Glendale. It was a nice chance for the entire baseball media world to hear about this state-of-the-art facility and here’s one story from

Plus, we had more PR meetings throughout the morning and plenty of other stuff to keep us away from the blackjack and craps tables. At least for now…

Actually, a lot of the talk among PR people is about the different forms of media now available, including Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. I’m planning to start an official Inside Dodgertown Facebook page when we get back in town, so be on the lookout for info along those lines. It only makes sense, as the media landscape continues to change on a daily basis, that we find direct lines of communications to you all, the most important part of Dodger baseball.

Finally, I’ll go ahead and post the transcript from Joe Torre’s meeting with the media today. It covered a huge array of topics and lasted nearly an hour, so happy reading. 
J. Torre – 12.09.08.doc



  1. amyw27

    Welcome Back Casey Blake. May you continue to play in front of Blake Dewitt in the rotation, so that the scoreboard reads
    Blake-Dewitt and we can all giggle cause your last name is his first šŸ™‚
    hhaha- I hope that comment made sense to someone other than myself. I am happy for his return. He was a great part of our 2nd half of the season and into the playoffs. His talent will be greatly welcomed back on LA!
    Thank you Josh for the Updates. We are all anxiously waiting for the rumors and results of contracts being signed.

  2. northstateblues

    Good news Josh. Glad to see the picture becoming clearer with every passing day.


  3. northstateblues

    Here’s a repost from the end of last thread about why I have that line as my signature:

    In case anyone doesn’t know what I’m blabbing about, here’s the skinny: There is no more Dodgers Blue Crew Fan Club. Instead, they have rebranded the kid’s fan club the Jr. Dodgers. Here’s the page:

    To me, this is bewildering. I’ve always liked the name “The Blue Crew Fan Club”, it connects kids to the Dodgers, but gives them their own unique identity. Jr. Dodgers doesn’t give them a unique identity.

    Also, the JD crest brings to mind two things:
    1.) Jack Daniels Old No. 7 Tennessee Sour Mash Whisky.
    2.) The other “Old No. 7”, J.D. Drew. Yuck.
    Bad for the kids.

    Furthermore, it doesn’t give the Dodgers themselves a unique name, because as I, Dnelly and the other NorCal Dodger fans know and loathe, there is another organization that puts Jr. in front of its team name for their fan club:

    If you’re tired of the San Francisco Giants infiltrating the Dodgers more and more every year, I’m sure you’ll be equally disgusted with this move. But hey, it’s a free country, so I’m not trying to strong arm anyone.

    Silly to talk about a kids club during Winter Meetings, I know. But as a Blue Crew alumni, I’m disgusted the name is effectually dissolved to be replaced with yet another SF-inspired addition.


  4. junkyardjamie

    Thanks Josh for continuing to keep us in the loop. I really appreciate it!

    northstateblues ~ you must be feeling better. That post about the Blue Crew was fabulous!

  5. northstateblues

    Great blog Roberto! Great idea about what you had the players sign, it’ll probably end up enshrined in a Dodger museum long after we’re all gone, heh.

  6. northstateblues

    Nelly, I admit it’s getting better, a little better all the time (Can’t get much worse)

    No Old No. 7 for the kids, OUR No. 7 has a first name, it’s J-A-M… well, you know the rest šŸ˜‰


  7. trublu4ever

    The sign at Dodger Stadium says “Think Blue”……, it makes sense that the youth should be known as the Blue Crew. BRING BACK THE BLUE CREW!!!!!


    Good evening, ITD, if there’s still anybody about. It’s nice to finally have some player moves to talk about. Signing Blake was a good move. The end of last season wasn’t a true test of what he can do because of the bicep bruise and his unfamiliarity with the NL. He has a history of good offensive numbers and there’s no reason to believe he won’t do well over a full season. Loretta can play 3 positions and has a history of being able to hit. The Manny situation seems to be stuck on the length of the contract. And, if you believe some news reports, nobody else is pursuing him. As much as I want Manny back, I don’t want him back if it means a 6-year deal. The Royals as a finalist in the Furcal sweepstakes? Give me a break!!! They’re being used as a bargaining chip, IMO. It must really not be about the money with CC. If it was, he’d be a Yankee by now. He’s the only pitcher out there I’d even consider giving a long-term deal.

  9. junkyardjamie

    Hey seesky!! It’s been a while. How is it in your neck of the woods? BTW – great post!!! There is no talk of anyone else wanting Manny, and you are right about CC. If it was about the money, he would be in Yankee pinstripes by now.


    Hey, nelly!!! We had a long stretch of nice weather here until yesterday when it finally snowed and got cold. Hadn’t missed it a bit!!! Been pretty busy for awhile and there hasn’t been much other than rumors on the D’s front, so I haven’t posted much. The Packers have tanked for this year but there’s Utah and Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. Part of me wants CC because of our real need for an ace but I still have a distrust of long term deals for pitchers. We’ll see how badly CC wants to be a Californian year round.

  11. northstateblues

    Nelly, you’ve convinced me, having a toddie right now, heheh.

    Hey Seesky, good to see you around! Today’s signings seem like they’ll go a long way towards a bit of infield stability next year (I hope). Hope that we’re as serious about CC as he is about us.

  12. colliethec

    Nice photo’s Roberto. I wanted to buy some of those seats but I live in Norcal and you had to drive to the stadium to pick them up. I almost made the trek but wasn’t able to.
    I, like you have the autograph bug and enjoy getting them. You are lucky to live down there where you have easier access to Dodgers past & present greatness!
    On to Vegas!!
    I like the moves Ned has made thus far. I think the moves made will put to rest that stupid rumor of Kemp & Bills or Kersh to NY. I was a little scared that might of had some legs but I’m glad it didn’t happen. It didn’t really make any sense.
    As Enchanted mentioned I would of rather had Demitt (3B), O. Hudson signed (2B), and Hu at SS. Then we could of just worried about 1 free agent (Hudson) and used the money not spent towards 2 free agents (2b & SS) and put it to Manny & CC.
    But I’m happy with the moves thus far.
    Rumor mill on XM radio this afternoon was that the Giants were meeting with CC in SF this weekend and looked to be a very likely destination for him. However on my way home tonight the Giants station were interviewing the Giants GM & he was saying there was no planned meeting.
    I really don’t think the Giants are interested in him as they would rather spend their $$$ on a bat. They have a very good pitching staff and IMO aren’t that far away from being contenders in the division.
    I really hope Ned is speaking with the Nat’s regarding Pierre. Or with anyone for that matter!!
    I’m starting to think that not much movement will happen this week. I think the economy is really having an impact. The AFL is looking like it’s going under & as well as the NFL Network/NFL films are laying people off.

  13. colliethec

    From the MLB Winter Meeting Blog:
    There have been published reports that the Nationals are close to trading right-hander Tim Redding to the Rockies for center fielder Willy Taveras, but a baseball source close to the Nationals said a deal is not even close.

    The source confirmed that the two clubs have been in discussions, but Taveras was not part of it. Earlier in the day, reported that the two clubs have been discussing a Redding trade, but that the Nationals wanted center fielder Carlos Gonzalez instead.

    General manager Jim Bowden was not available for comment
    That was posted about 7 minutes ago.
    Ned grab a beer with your buddy Bowden!!!!!!

  14. kpookiemon

    You can bet there’s plenty of interest in Manny. If the Angels lose Teixeira, they’re in. The Yankees are in, especially if they don’t get CC. That’s what Joe meant about the dominos falling once the first big name signs. Manny isn’t exactly a .250 slap hitter.

    Casey Blake? Yawn….whatever. Mark Loretta? Yawn…good utility signing. Furcal? I have my doubts about his durability. CC for multi years? Schmidt and Dreifort make me cringe. I still prefer youth, the enthusiasm it brings, and the muscles that don’t pull as easily as the PVLs’.

    Sign Manny. L.A. loves Manny. Not for six years…but something that’ll save face for both sides. There will be enough offense to carry Hu at short if Manny is back–besides, I still say Hu can hit. Veteran starter? I’m at a loss, there. But whatever you do, Ned, PLEASE move Pierre…for everyone’s sake. Pierre is not the bad guy. He signed a long-term contract and he simply wants to play. There must be a bad pitching contract out there we can swap with, whether it’s a reliever or a starter. I just don’t want Pierre leading off or taking ABs away from Ethier and Kemp. This is a key year for both of them. They’ll need ALL of their at-bats.

    Did I say sign Manny?

  15. enchantedbeaver

    All the time in the world is on Ned’s side right now when it comes to Manny. No one really seems interested in him and Ned can bide time waiting to see how Peter Potamus does in winter ball first. Now all that may change once Tex signs somewhere, but even if we miss out on Manny, Holliday’s a FA next year and by then who knows, Lambo may even be ready.

    Lowe was a long term FA signee and he turned out alright. He just wasn’t the ace type to begin with. Penny was long term and only blewout his last 5 months. Both were younger than Schmidt when they signed. I think CC’s worth 5 years plus an option, plus he’ll take a lot of that money and put it back into the community, which seems to be what Frank & Jamie want. He takes the pressure off Billz and Kersh, and I for one think a CC/Billz/Kuroda/Kersh/McDonald-Schmidt-Stults rotation would be devastating, especially in the Western Div.

  16. trublu4ever

    The Nationals are also interested in Texeira. And, Lowe will definitely not be a Dodger according to Ned. There was also talk of the Brewers getting rid of Prince Fielder……..who I thought the Giants had their eye on during the season.

  17. junkyardjamie

    nsblues – good for you!!!

    seesky – I am hoping CC wants to be a Californian, and hopefully the southern kind. (absolutely no offense to my fellow northerners, but he being a gnat would just a waste)

    Good Evening dcollins!!! How are you this evening?

  18. northstateblues

    Speaking of Potamus…

    Dodgers’ Andruw Jones set to join Dominican team
    10:03 AM, December 9, 2008

    LAS VEGAS — Dodgers outfielder Andruw Jones, coming off the worst season of his All-Star career — one that included a .158 batting average, 76 strikeouts in 209 at-bats and mid-season knee surgery — is expected to begin playing winter league baseball with Aguilas Cibaenas of the Dominican League, possibly as early as this weekend.

    Jones, who has been doing strength and conditioning exercises at his Atlanta home, took a post-Thanksgiving vacation with his family and then said he would report to his winter league team for the reminder of the first half.

    Jones could continue playing with Aguilas if the team — locked in a tight pennant race with five teams separated by just four games — makes the post-Christmas playoffs.

    — Kevin Baxter

  19. ramslover

    Roberto great photos and I am with you Nelly, I am a little envious of the LA folks who have the opportunity to see the boys all the time….I am also an autograph freak and would love to have the opportunity to pursue my boys in blue….

    I would love to have a Vin Scully autograph…I do not even think he signs….anyone know of any Scullys autographs out there?

    I hope the Dodgers can get Furcal back…and he is healthy….Ned if people are asking for Jones and want you to eat salary…do it….cut your losses…I do not think he will be productive in LA, his confidence is shot….Maybe I am wrong…..

    I am with you Kpookie sign Manny and also CC…..

  20. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Tru. Hey NS. Hey Nells.

    This from Ned:
    He said “a few teams have asked for” Jones, last year’s free-agent disappointment, but downplayed chances of trading him away.
    “They [other teams] look for us to pick up a vast majority of his salary,” said Colletti, with $21.1 million still due.

  21. enchantedbeaver

    In my book, even if Ned eats $15-16 million of Jones’ salary, he still saves $5-6 mil, uncrowds the OF, and gets rid of somebody that doesn’t want to play for him anyway.

    The same can be said for Pierre.

  22. kpookiemon

    Bad economy. I’ll chip in a buck for Andruw and Juan…EACH! Enchanted, as new GM, have you had any conversations with Ned about his new role with the club?

    Not that anyone really cares, but I saw AC/DC last night and my ears are still plugged and ringing…REAL BAD. I’m too old for this stuff……or maybe not…………………

  23. junkyardjamie

    Kahli – we even have their LPs when they sold them. They are one of our favorites – Wow!!! I knew they were coming this way and time just kind of slipped by. Their new CD is awesome – like the old AC/DC

  24. kpookiemon

    I’m more of a Grateful Dead, Neil Young kind of guy…so ear drums have never been a huge problem (not that they can’t turn their amps to 10, either) but this was 100 minutes STRAIGHT of mega decibles. But I’ll tell you, I’ve never seen a show quite like it–for pure rock ‘n roll. I’m still giggling at Angus’ histrionics and showmanship. First time I’ve ever seen AC/DC. What a killer band.

  25. kpookiemon

    Enchanted, as long as Ned is my assistant, I’m OK with his “promotion” (we’ll keep selling him on that little nuance….). His first act as my underling will be to shave his mustache and lighten the bags under his eyes. We’re talking aesthetics now, damn it!

  26. enchantedbeaver

    Anyone think the Mets are going to regret the K-Rod deal? – I think he’s vastly overrated.

    I remember going to a Neil Young concert at the Forum in the 70’s.


    When and if Borass and Ned compromise on the length of a contract, a deal will get done. If other teams were really interested in him, we would’ve heard more by now. Lambo may, in fact, be the real deal but he hasn’t played a full year above A ball yet. My guess is he’s at least 2 years away. In the meantime, we need the impact bat that Manny provides. I agree with dcollins that the economy is definitely affecting the free agent market. With jobs being lost everyday, clubs are going to be careful on whom they spend money on. Of course, like the weather, that could all change in 10 minutes if some of the big dogs sign. I agree that CC would solidify the rotation. I really can’t see Furcal in Toronto or KC. He, too, might be trying to squeeze more years out of the D’s and, with his injury history, I wouldn’t want to go down that road.

  28. trublu4ever

    I’ve never been to a rock concert. I always thought it would have been fun, but just never had the chance to go.

  29. northstateblues

    T.J. yuks it up in Vegas:,0,788548.column

    Some highlights:


    * Joe Torre and Ned Colletti are staying at the Wynn instead of the Bellagio because they get free rooms. Under owners Frank & Jamie McCourt — if not players, then rooms.

    * Boras talked to Colletti on Monday and told the Dodgers that Manny Ramirez is interested in playing for the team and suggested the Dodgers should look at the deal he put together for the Giants and Barry Bonds.

    Bonds signed a five-year deal, the club having the option to void the fifth year if Bonds failed to hit certain minimum standards such as a number of at-bats over the first four years of the deal. This would allow the Dodgers to get out of the deal earlier if Ramirez pulled a Boston.

    * Colletti said he talked to Boras and was told four other teams have expressed an interest in Ramirez. “That’s good,” Colletti said. “I wouldn’t like to see a guy out of work.” The comedian confirmed Boras told the Dodgers what he’s looking for in the length of a contract but said no dollar figures were discussed.

    * A reporter for asked Colletti if the team had checked out Blake’s sore arm. He said Blake had seen a doctor. “The same one who looked at Jason Schmidt?” he was asked.

    “No, a different one,” he said in offering Dodgers fans some hope.


    I’ll let you bask in the rest of the Simers Snarkiness in all its glory.

  30. trublu4ever

    Enchanted ~ I think the Mets will regret the K-rod deal. It seems no matter who they get, in New York, they find a way to fail.


    One of the loudest shows I ever heard was a Neil Young and Crazy Horse show in SLC in the spring of 1991. The Ragged Glory tour.

  32. junkyardjamie

    nsblues – I like the comment about the sore arm and who checked him out – too funny!!! That sounds like something that would be said on here.


    That video was the best laugh of the day ( and maybe the week) In memoriam of all the little polyesters that died to make those outfits. Thanks, enchanted!!

  34. enchantedbeaver

    Really Sky!! Thank goodness I wasn’t old enough in the 70’s to own a leisure suit or we’d have killed a few more.

  35. kpookiemon

    “Are you ready, Derek?”
    “Uh huh.”
    “Alright fellas, let’s go!!!!!!!”

    As sung by fellow free agent, Man Ram…


    I, unfortunately, was old enough to own a leisure suit. Any verification has slipped into the foggy ruins of time.

  37. kpookiemon

    When I graduated from college in 1975, my mom (rest her soul) bought me a leisure suit. Never wore it…………..

  38. enchantedbeaver

    So Ned and Joe are staying for free at the Wynn because Frank doesn’t want to spring a couple hundred bucks a night for the Bellagio? Guess the players better brace for staying at the Motel 6 on roadtrips.

    But at least they’ll leave the light on for ’em.

  39. junkyardjamie

    The new Wynn Resort Hotel is pretty nice, but it’s waaaay down the strip, and not really close to the Bellagio at all – closer to the Sahara.

  40. junkyardjamie

    Eventhough this is before my time really (I was only 9 in 1975), this is really LMAO funny stuff – thanks!!!

  41. kpookiemon

    As Assisitant to the Aesthetic Coordinator, Ned will definitely look into Blue Leisure Suit night and get back to us.

  42. colliethec

    Hello there everybody. I hit and left as Wifey came home with dinner.
    I’m going to be short again as I’m under the weather and have to work tomorrow. If I get some sleep maybe I’ll beat this thing I have!
    This is also from the MLB Winter Meeting Blog a few hours ago:
    One day after Brian Cashman traveled one mile up the Las Vegas Strip for a few words with CC Sabathia, the Yankees general manager put in a little extra travel time to continue the conversation.

    Newsday reported Tuesday on its Web site that Cashman left the Bellagio hotel to meet with the free agent left-hander in the San Francisco area, dropping ongoing business at the Winter Meetings to further pursue the Yankees’ top target.
    Even though earlier I put that the Giants GM stated he wasn’t meeting with CC it worries me that he is “in the San Francisco area”. Also that Cashman left the Winter Meetings to fly to SF to meet with him.
    I know times are tight but I hope that Ned has a budget to fly somewhere if need be! If you catch my drift. Ned sure does seem to be playing the cool poker player right now.
    Ned as Kenny said, You gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em. Let’s hope he has learned and now knows when to hold em or fold em!

  43. northstateblues

    strangely, playing Roadhouse Blues on the acoustic and screaming Jim Morrison’s lyrics is somewhat therapeutic right now. At least my voice sounds more Morrison-like with this cold, heh.

    Get Ned back to the Bay, stat!


  44. colliethec

    Thanks Nelly!
    ITD’ers else make sure you wash your hands so you don’t catch the computer virus that’s going around. You don’t want to wind up like NSB & me!
    & I’ve yet to chime in on the Blue Crew situation. I never was a member but a few years ago I almost did it just for fun.
    I agree that up here you hear about “The Jr. Giants” often.
    I really think they should keep the originality and stay with the Blue Crew. It’s sort of a bummer for those people that have gone through it for years.
    I thought the McCourts were trying to bring tradition back to the Dodgers.

  45. northstateblues

    Hey E, some guy named Daul Lo Puca here said he knows people who could help you with that save problem, and that he hopes you aren’t afraid of needles.

  46. colliethec

    Hang in there NSB! & no driving on black asphalt!!
    I know there is something in that black asphalt term for us to play with. I just can’t get my brian wokring rihgt nwo!

  47. northstateblues

    dcollins, the McCourts have brought plenty of tradition to the Dodgers the past few years. Red Sox tradition, Giants tradition, Yankee tradition…

  48. enchantedbeaver

    LOL NS!!

    Think it’s time for me to make like Snagglepuss and , “Exit, stage right. Galloping all the way even.”
    Nite all.

  49. northstateblues

    yeah dcollins, would’ve had a tough time getting to school this morning, sneezing and coughing while avoiding black ice I can’t see because of the fog, heheh.

    Hope you get rid of your cold soon

  50. colliethec

    A new tradition should be Vin calling a Manny shot over the right center field wall and a CC shut out!
    As Larry The Cable Guy says…Get Er Done!!!!!!!

  51. colliethec

    Right back at you NSB!
    Take care Enchanted!
    See you later Nelly! I’m glad you had some sun in your life today!!! I hope you get some more tomorrow.
    Good night all you ITD’ers out there! I hope everybody has a great day tomorrow!

  52. northstateblues

    Good night Dcollins, get well soon!

    Vin Calling Manny’s homers and CC’s shutouts, now THAT would be an AWESOME MCCOURT TRADITION!

  53. northstateblues

    They’re actually showing “A Garfield Christmas” right now on ABC Family, haven’t seen this on TV in years! Guess it’ll air on ABC at some point, too

  54. northstateblues

    it’s a good one, CBS used to show it all the time, but it hasn’t been on TV since 2000.

    Alright, guess I should get a start on that paper, heheeheheh. If I”m not back later, have a good night!

  55. junkyardjamie

    Ward Dear…. I don’t know where you are at, but ever since you mentioned “Murder By Death” this afternoon, I can’t get the movie out of my head. What a great cast of actors in that movie.

  56. junkyardjamie

    I just got kicked off – yikes!!! You have a paper to do…you are living up to your name that is now a verb (LOL). I should be talking, I doing school work myself. Take care of yourself if I don’t talk to you later.


    He has a history of good offensive numbers and there’s no reason to believe he won’t do well over a full season.

    research, research, research. (Casey Blake)
    He has a career OPS+ of 105. It was 100 as a Dodger and average across the board is 100. For a player playing a power spot it is below average. A career BA of .264 and OBP of .334 are below average. It saddens me that the dodgers feel this is money well spent. Not because this is a crazy contract, it’s not. It’s that they apparently value guys who don’t hit the ball that well and draw walks. I like Blake but it will probbably go on the list of crap deals soon enough. Just sayin it now so no one says, well everyone was happy….


    Peter Gammons in the ESPN Winter Meetings Blog:
    “The Dodgers are not doing a Matt Kemp-Robinson Cano deal. ‘We’re not trading any of our young guys,’ Ned Colletti says.”


  59. junkyardjamie

    Among all the things that has happened today in Dodgertown, that is probably the best news to hear – thanks jungar for sharing.


    This is to say i told you so. I was blasted for blasting the Schmidt signing at the time. Then termed negative as I began to ridicule it after he got hurt.

    By Bill Shaikin
    December 10, 2008
    Reporting from Las Vegas — The Dodgers knew Jason Schmidt had a rotator cuff injury when they signed him to a contract worth a guaranteed $47 million, the club acknowledged in a court filing this week.

    The Dodgers filed suit against the company that insured Schmidt’s contract, alleging failure to pay $9.27 million in claims. In the suit, filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, the Dodgers argue the torn labrum that required surgery and limited Schmidt to six games over two years was unrelated to the rotator cuff injury and thus covered by insurance.

    * Mark Teixeira remains Angels’ Plan A
    Mark Teixeira remains Angels’ Plan A
    * It’s amazing what you can learn in Scott Boras’ suite
    It’s amazing what you can learn in Scott…

    Dodgers need to sign CC Sabathia
    Greg Maddux calls it a career

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    Dodgers spokesman Josh Rawitch said Tuesday the team could not comment on a pending legal matter.

    The insurer, ACE American Insurance Company, issued the policy Feb. 24, 2007, two months after the Dodgers signed Schmidt.

    “At the time the Dodgers entered into the policy with ACE,” the suit reads, “both the Dodgers and ACE were aware that Mr. Schmidt had for some time during his career with the San Francisco Giants been suffering from a partial tear of the rotator cuff in his right [pitching] shoulder.”

    Schmidt pitched 213 innings in 2006, his final season in San Francisco, with a 3.59 earned-run average. However, according to STATS LLC, his percentage of fastballs below 90 mph that season jumped from below 10% in each of the first five months of the season to 24% in September.

    “Before we sign anybody, they’re run through a pretty strong physical,” Dodgers General Manager Colletti said then. “If there was a red flag on any player, we wouldn’t pursue him.”

    It is believed the Schmidt physical included an MRI examination that confirmed the rotator cuff injury. In the suit, the Dodgers claim such injuries are not uncommon and said they awarded him the contract based on his success with the Giants.

    “Major league pitchers often experience such partial rotator cuff tears but nevertheless remain competitive and effective,” the suit reads, “as Mr. Schmidt had demonstrated himself to be during the 2006 season immediately prior to joining the Dodgers.

    “The Dodgers therefore did not find Mr. Schmidt’s preexisting rotator cuff condition to exclude him from consideration as a team member.”

    Schmidt has not pitched since June 16, 2007. Colletti said Tuesday he was not expecting Schmidt to pitch in 2009, the final year of the contract.

    “We’re not counting on it,” Colletti said. “If it happens, it’s great.”

  61. dodgereric

    I was having so much fun reading the actual lyrics that I couldn’t bring myself to change most of them. Those of you not old enough may not enjoy this too much.

    Arlo Guthrie’s anti-war anthem, “Alice’s Restaurant”


    This song is called Frankie’s Baseball Team, and it’s about Frankie, and the Baseball Team, but Frankie’s Baseball Team is not the name of the Baseball Team, that’s just the name of the song, and that’s why I called the song Frankie’s Baseball Team.

    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team
    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team
    Buy a ticket from a big loan shark
    Watch them spend your money on some kidā€™s ball park
    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team

    Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on – two years ago on Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Frankie at Dodger Stadium, but Frankie doesn’t live in the Dodger Stadium, he lives in a multi-million dollar house nearby Dodger Stadium with his wife Jamie and Fasha the dog. And livin’ in the multi-million dollar house like that, they didnā€™t want all the players cominā€™ around to bother them. But they did have a big olā€™ locker room at Dodger Stadium that wasnā€™t doinā€™ nothinā€™ after his team was gettinā€™ eliminated from the playoffs. Havin’ all that room, seein’ as how they normally missed the playoffs, they decided that they didn’t have to take out their garbage for a long time.

    Now what you call garbage and what we call garbage are not really what they call garbage. We call garbage that stuff that our food comes wrapped in and junk mail and stuff like that but they call their crappy, over-priced and injured ballplayers garbage. They didnā€™t want to spend no more money on letting them go home so they kept them at the ballpark.

    Well we got up there, we found all the garbage in there, and we decided it’d be a friendly gesture for us to take the garbage down to Las Vegas. So we took the half a ton of garbage, put it in the back of a red VW microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward Las Vegas.

    Well we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across Las Vegas saying, ā€œClosed on Thanksgivingā€. And we had never heard of Las Vegas closed on Thanksgiving before, and with tears in our eyes we drove off into the sunset looking for another place to put the garbage.

    We didn’t find one. Until we came to a side road, and off the side of the side road there was another fifteen foot cliff and at the bottom of the cliff there was another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big pile is better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up we
    decided to throw ours down.

    That’s what we did, and drove back to Dodger Stadium, had a thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat, went to sleep and didn’t get up until the next morning, when we got a phone call from officer Obie. He said, ā€œKid, we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of a half a ton of
    garbage, and just wanted to know if you had any information about it?ā€ And I said, ā€œYes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage.ā€

    After speaking to Obie for about forty-five minutes on the telephone we finally arrived at the truth of the matter and said that we had to go down and pick up the garbage, and also had to go down and speak to him at the police officer’s station. So we got in the red VW microbus with the shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward the police officer’s station.

    Now friends, there was only one or two things that Obie coulda done at the police station, and the first was he could have given us a medal for being so brave and honest on the telephone, which wasn’t very likely, and we didn’t expect it, and the other thing was he could have bawled us out and told us never to be seen driving garbage around the vicinity again, which is what we expected, but when we got to the police officer’s station there was a third possibility that we hadn’t even counted upon, and we was
    both immediately arrested. Handcuffed. And I said ā€œObie, I don’t think I can pick up the garbage with these handcuffs on.ā€ He said, ā€œShut up, kid. Get in the back of the patrol car.ā€

    And that’s what we did, sat in the back of the patrol car and drove to the quote Scene of the Crime unquote. I want tell you about the town of Lodi, California, where this happened here, they got three stop signs, two police officers, and one police car, but when we got to the
    Scene of the Crime there was five police officers and three police cars, being the biggest crime of the last fifty years, and everybody wanted to get in the newspaper story about it. And they was using up all kinds of cop equipment that they had hanging around the police officer’s station.
    They was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, and they took twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each
    one was to be used as evidence against us. Took pictures of the approach, the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that’s not to mention the aerial photography.

    After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said he was going to put us in the cell. Said, ā€œKid, I’m going to put you in the cell, I want your wallet and your belt.ā€ And I said, ā€œObie, I can understand you wanting my wallet so I don’t have any money to spend in the cell, but what do you
    want my belt for?ā€ And he said, ā€œKid, we don’t want any hangings.ā€ I said, ā€œObie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?ā€ Obie said he was making sure, and friends Obie was, cause he took out the toilet seat so I couldn’t hit myself over the head and drown, and he took
    out the toilet paper so I couldn’t bend the bars roll out the – roll the toilet paper out the window, slide down the roll and have an escape. Obie was making sure, and it was about four or five hours later that Frankie (remember Frankie? It’s a song about Frankie), Frankie came by and with a few
    nasty words to Obie on the side, bailed us out of jail, and we went back to Dodger Stadium, had a another thanksgiving dinner that couldn’t be beat, and didn’t get up until the next morning, when we all had to go to court.

    We walked in, sat down, Obie came in with the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, sat down. Man came in said, ā€œAll rise.ā€ We all stood up,
    and Obie stood up with the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures, and the judge walked in sat down with a seeing eye dog, and he sat down, we sat down. Obie looked at the seeing eye dog, and then at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, and looked at the seeing eye dog. And then at twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one and began to cry,
    ’cause Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American blind justice, and there wasn’t nothing he could do about it, and the judge wasn’t going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each
    one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against us. And we was fined $50 and had to pick up the garbage in the snow, but thatā€™s not what I came to tell you about.

    Came to talk about the free agent meetings.

    My name is CC Sabathia. They got a building down in Las Vegas, it’s called The Bellagio, where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected. I went down to get my physical examination one day, and I walked in, sat down, got good and drunk the night before, so I looked and felt his best when I went in that morning. `Cause I wanted to look like the all-American kid from northern California, man I wanted, I wanted
    to feel like the all-, I wanted to be the all American kid from California, and I walked in, sat down, I was hung down, brung down, hung up, and all kinds o’ mean nasty ugly things. And I walked in and sat down and they gave me a piece of paper, said, ā€œKid, see Ned Coletti, room 604.ā€

    And I went up there, I said, ā€œNed, I want to play. I mean, I wanna, I wanna play. Play. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna pitch and hit and run and slide into bases. Eat in the All-You-Can-Eat-Pavillion. I mean play, play, play, PLAY!ā€ And I started jumpinā€™ up and down yelling, ā€œPLAY, PLAY, PLAYā€ and I started jumpinā€™ up and down with him and we was both jumping up and down yelling, ā€œPLAY, PLAY!ā€ And the manager came over, signed me to a contract, sent me down the hall, said, ā€œYou’re our boy.ā€

    Felt pretty good about it.

    Proceeded on down the hall gettinā€™ more injections, inspections, detections, neglections and all kinds of stuff that they was doin’ to me at the thing there, and I was there for two hours, three hours, four hours, I was there for a long time going through all kinds of mean nasty ugly things and I was just having a tough time there, and they was inspecting, injecting every single part of me, and they was leaving no part untouched. Proceeded through, and when I finally came to the see the last man, I walked in, walked in sat down after a whole big thing there,
    and I walked up and said, ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ He said, ā€œKid, we only got one question. Have you ever been arrested?ā€

    And I proceeded to tell him the story of the Frankie’s Baseball Team Massacre, with full orchestration and five part harmony and stuff like that and all the phenome… – and he stopped me right there and said, ā€œKid, did you ever
    go to court?ā€

    And I proceeded to tell him the story of the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back of each one, and he stopped me right there and said, ā€œKid, I want you to go and sit down on that bench that says Group W …. NOW kid!!ā€

    And I, I walked over to the, to the bench there, and there is, Group W’s where they put you if you may not be moral enough to join the Dodgers after committing your special crime, and there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking people on the bench there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers! Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me! And they was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on the bench next to me. And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanest
    father raper of them all, was coming over to me and he was mean ‘n’ ugly ‘n’ nasty ‘n’ horrible and all kind of things and he sat down next to me and said, ā€œKid, whad’ya get?ā€ I said, ā€œI didn’t get nothing, I had to pay $50 and pick up the garbage.ā€ He said, ā€œWhat were you arrested for, kid?ā€
    And I said, ā€œLittering.ā€ And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, ā€œAnd creating a nuisance.ā€ And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench, talkinā€™ about crime, mother stabbing, father raping, all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench. And everything was fine, we was smoking cigarettes and all kinds of things, until the trainer came over, had some paper in his hand, held it
    up and said.

    ā€œKids, this-piece-of-paper’s-got-47-words-37-sentences-58-words-we-wanna-know-details-of-the-crime-time-of-the-crime-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-say-pertaining-to-and-about-the-crime-I-want-to-know-arresting-officer’s-name-and-any-other-kind-of-thing-you-gotta-sayā€ and talked for forty-five minutes and nobody understood a word that he said, but we had fun filling out the forms and playing with the pencils on the bench there, and I filled out the massacre with the four part harmony, and wrote it down there, just like it was, and everything was fine and I put down the pencil, and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the other side, in the middle of the other side, away from everything else on the other side, in parentheses, capital letters, quotated, read the following words:


    I went over to the trainer, said, ā€œTrainer, you got a lot a damn gall to ask me if I’ve ever been on the DL, I mean, I mean, I mean that just, I’m sittin’ here on the bench, I mean I’m sittinā€™ here on the Group W bench ’cause you want to know if I’m healthy enough join the Dodgers, pitch, hit, and run the bases after bein’ a litterbug.ā€ He looked at me and said, ā€œKid, we don’t like your kind, and we’re gonna send your fingerprints off to Bud Selig.ā€

    And friends, somewhere in Wisconsin enshrined in some little folder, is a study in black and white of my fingerprints. And the only reason I’m singing you this song now is cause you may know somebody in a similar situation, or you may be in a similar situation, and if youā€™re in a situation like that there’s only one thing you can do and that’s walk into the trainerā€™s office wherever you are, just walk in say ā€œTrainer, you canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team.ā€ And walk out. You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he’s really sick and they won’t take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony, they may think they’re both Giants and they won’t take either of them. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singinā€™ a bar of Frankie’s Baseball Team and walking out. They may think it’s an organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day, I said fifty people a day walking in singinā€™ a bar of Frankie’s Baseball Team and walking out. And friends, they may thinks it’s a movement.

    And that’s what it is , the Frankie’s Baseball Team Anti-Massacre Movement, and all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it comes around on the guitar.

    With feeling.

    So we’ll wait for it to come around on the guitar, here and sing it when it does. Here it comes.

    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team
    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team
    Buy a ticket from a big loan shark
    Watch them spend your money on some kidā€™s ball park
    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team

    That was horrible. If you want to end seeing the Phillies winning the Series and stuff you got to sing loud. I’ve been singing this song now for twenty five minutes. I could sing it for another twenty five minutes.

    I’m not proud… or tired.

    So we’ll wait till it comes around again, and this time with four part harmony and feeling.

    We’re just waitin’ for it to come around is what we’re doing.

    All right now.

    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team
    Exceptinā€™ Frankie
    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team
    Buy a ticket from a big loan shark
    Watch them spend your money on some kidā€™s ball park
    You canā€™t get any player you want on Frankie’s Baseball Team

    Da da da da da da da dum
    On Frankie’s Baseball Team

  62. shad78

    Report: LHP Sabathia to sign with Yankees
    9 minutes ago

    Buzz up!
    NEW YORK (TICKER) ā€”Prized free agent CC Sabathia has decided to wear pinstripes, according to a published report.

    Sabathia has accepted a six-year, $140 million contract offer from the New York Yankees, the New York Post reported on its web site Wednesday.

    If the figures are accurate, it is the largest contract ever given to a pitcher.

    The decision came late Tuesday night after Yankees general manager Brian Cashman left the Winter Meetings in Las Vegas to speak with Sabathia and his wife Amber at the lefthanderā€™s home in San Francisco.

    During the meeting, Sabathia expressed that he wanted to come to the East Coast, play in the American League and shoulder the responsibility that comes with being a superstar in New York, the report states.

    Tuesdayā€™s meeting between Cashman and Sabathia was the third this week. The first took place on Sunday, when the Yankees brought along manager Joe Girardi and Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson.

    There are still some minor hurdles to clear before the deal is finalized, including a physical.

    Barring any unexpected problems, however, it appears the Yankees have finally landed the ace they so desperately were seeking.

    The 28-year-old Sabathia posted a 17-10 record with a 2.70 ERA and 251 strikeouts between the Cleveland Indians and Milwaukee Brewers last season.

    That performance came one year after he won the American League Cy Young Award by registering a 19-7 record and 3.21 ERA, leading the Indians to the AL Championship Series, where they lost in seven games to the eventual World Series champion Boston Red Sox.

    Sabathia owns a 117-73 record and 3.66 ERA lifetime, spending his first eight seasons with Cleveland before he was acquired by Milwaukee for a package of five players in early July.

    After joining the Brewers, Sabathia won each of his first four starts, logging three complete games over that span, and earned victories in his first nine decisions.

    That performance was key in the Brewers winning the National League Wild Card, the clubā€™s first playoff appearance since 1982.

    A native of Vallejo, California, Sabathia had sought a contract with a West Coast team in order to be closer to home. However, it appears that no such club stepped up and offered Sabathia what he was seeking, prompting him to accept the Yankeesā€™ lucrative offer.

  63. shad78

    I still can’t believe the Mets got Krod and I’m so glad the Giants didn’t get CC. The Giants fans really thought they had a chance on CC.

  64. shad78

    Loretta can play 3 positions and has a history of being able to hit.

    Seesky correction on that post he can played all 4 of the infields position not just 3.

  65. shad78

    Seesky I just notice you mention the Royals in the Furcal sweepstake. How about Tex in the Nationals sweepstake? I can’t stop laughing on that one.

  66. shad78

    It sucks that Yankees want our KEMP. Hopefully NED keeps his head straight and not trade him. KEMP IS A KEEPER!

    By on December 9, 2008 6:52 AM

    The best 6th rounds steal in the 2003 draft. If they wanted him so bad they should had drafted him early like the rest of the team had.

  67. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITD. Boo-hoo,we will not be getting CC. He’s going to sign a 7-year $160 million deal with the Yankees.

  68. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!!

    Ward Dear……….Boy, I guess you did stay up the longest last night – Wow!!!! I am not sure how long that song/anthem took you, but that definitely beat out your version of “American Pie” as the longest on ITD I would think. I vaguely remember the title so I ended up reading it, and since I didn’t know it, I couldn’t tell which words were yours or the originals. Even if you read it as a story, it is phenomenal, Eric, just incredible. ROUND OF APPLAUSE AND A STANDING OVATION AT 6:45 IN THE MORNING!!!

    Now, can I officially say I strongley dislike the Yankees right now. I guess the Yankees can care less about the economy. I would have like to see CC in Dodger Blue but not for 7 years at 160 million. For now, Ned, whatever happened, thanks for knowing when to fold them.

  69. enchantedbeaver

    Morning Nells & Trumom!

    Eric – WOW!!

    Well, its going to be interesting to see what NedCo thinks is an “ace” now that Sabathia is gone. Can’t blame the guy for taking that kind of money, but at what point does baseball put in a salary cap for the good of the game?

    And Ned knew Schmidt was damaged goods when he signed him? That alone should get Ned fired, not to mention the $47-48 mil. Reward him for the years he was a Gnat? OK, reward him for past services as a Dodger if you must, but giving him L.A. money for what he’d done in S.F.? That’s lunacy.

    Good grief. I am depressed.

  70. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning enchanted – This money thing has gotten way out of hand, and something really needs to be done about it. It kind of makes you wonder what the Yankees would have paid if there truly was a team that could outbid the 7 year, 160 mil. I bet they would have topped it. I mean no harm to CC, but I hope the Yankees suffer for what they have just done.

  71. trublu4ever

    Enchanted & Nellyae ~ I was depressed too until I started thinking about the 7-years. That’s a lot time to be tied to a pitcher (Zito come to mind?). AJ Burnett is still out there…… he worth a shot? Do you think we have to go after Manny now?

  72. enchantedbeaver

    I know everyone’s leery of Sheets, but I might go after him for 3 years for the front end, and Perez or Randy Wolf/Jon Garland for the back end – there’s not much out there that isn’t 40+ or will be by the time their contract is up. Its taking a chance on an oft injured pitcher, but when he’s healthy he’s very good and can eat some innings. I suppose you’d even have to look at Lowe again, but I’d rather have the 2 draft picks.

    Manny still wants too many years and Boras should be looking to peddle him to an AL team where he can DH if he wants a 4-5 year contract. I think we’ll have to suck it up, hope Mr. Potamus can make a comeback, and see what’s available after next season when another $35+ million has come off the books.

  73. 636566cy

    Was anyone really surprised that Schmidt was damaged goods when he came to the Dodgers? Anyone who watched any Giants/Dodgers games during his career could tell he was not the same pitcher. I hate to say this, but this does show that Frank had some faith in Ned’s baseball mind when he hired him. Obviously, Ned sold Frank on the thought process that this is normal wear and tear and plenty of pitchers are successful with it. Now, with that being a huge factor, Jaime is weary of guaranteed contracts (welcome to baseball) and Frank is weary of any long-term deals. It figures that a former ‘Gnat would figure out a way to screw up this organization.

  74. dodgereric

    Gooooood morning, ITD!

    Had a little trouble logging on this AM.

    Good morning, Tru and enchanted and June Darlin’! Looks like CC was just a bunch of wishful thinking. Sheets and Burnett are waaaaay too injury-prone. What does everyone think about Oliver Perez?

    Boras has to be happy now. Although K-Rod didn’t get the lengthy term he was looking for, Sabathia sure did.

    Junie, I would estimate that I used 99% of Arlo Guthrie’s words. It’s not what I set out to do. I intended on re-writing most of it, going on a rant of our 3 stooges’ stupidity so far. Alice’s Restaurant is at least as much a song against stupidity as it was against war. I got the idea yesterday after hearing a co-worker talk about his army experience. It reminded me of Alice. As I remarked, I was enjoying the song and couldn’t bear to change much of it. But by that time I had too much invested in it to quit.

    I know you can’t YouTube at school, but here is a more recent version of it.

  75. colliethec

    I haven’t read this mornings posts so I don’t know what the general feeling is out there but I really was hoping for CC.
    My gripe is that they didn’t even offer something for him.
    I feel that maybe they didn’t want to go 6-7 years (Neither did I think that was a good idea), at least offer a couple of million above what the Brewers were offering. He may of bitten to be out on the west coast and playing in the NL.
    At least he isn’t going to SF!

  76. trublu4ever

    I’m just wondering if Casey Blake and Mark Loretta will be all we get from these meetings? Yesterday I was full of optimism and today I’m hoping I won’t be crying in my beer!

  77. dodgereric

    I’m with you, dc. If we didn’t at least make an offer, what the hell was all that, “I want to be a Dodger” crap about? Who’s the liar here?

    No worries, Tru. And don’t be too upset. It’s only a game, remember?

  78. junkyardjamie

    Well, it’s about time…….It took me forever to log in at school. I got here later than normal…..very, very foggy day here. Thanks for the link to the song/anthem Ward Dear. I will look at it again later on when I get home. It was great just reading it.

    The bright side of this is that when CC is on the DL, we will be thankful it’s not us that is paying his contract. I talked to my custodian and teacher next door who are Giants fans, and they are more upset that the money has gotten out of hand and that everyone has their price, and the Yankees found CC’s price.

  79. dodger 32

    The Mets need an ace and they get Santana, the Yankees need an ace , and they go out and get CC. The big market Dodgers need an ace and they’re looking at 40 something Randy Johnson, and 40 something Trevor Hoffman as a closer. Sell the team Frank.

  80. dodgereric

    We see that the Yanks had 3 meetings with him. I’ll bet Cashman told him that the offer was coming off the table.

  81. enchantedbeaver

    I’m sure Johnson and Hoffman can’t be too far behind now…

    Of course they’ll be touted as one of the greatest lefthanders of his generation, and the all-time saves leader, which of course is true, but it’ll be like all the other PVLs we’ve gotten – we get them at the ends of their career rather than in their primes.

  82. enchantedbeaver

    I’m sure we’ll load up now on PVLs, just enough to be competitive, but not enough on quality to go anywhere.

    Let’s hope the kids can take it to the next level.

  83. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls,
    This is NOT the type of news that I wanted to wake up to, that CC is going to be a Yank. I REALLY thought yesterday that CC would end up a Dodger. I had no facts, nothing. It was just a gut feeling I had. Well, so much for my gut feelings. No, I definitely wouldnā€™t have signed him to a 7 year deal, but what Enchanted said yesterday sounded fair: 5 years $115 mil with and option for a 6th at $25. To land CC Sabathia, that, I think, would be a good deal. But it didnā€™t even seem that Ned even made an offer to CC. If the hottest FA on the market says, ā€œI want to be a Dodgerā€ then why donā€™t you even try for it? Or even if that ā€œI want to be a Dodgerā€ talk is exaggeration, we all know that he wants to pitch in the NL (Dodgers fit) and he wants to play in So Cal (again, Dodgers fit), then why not offer something??? I know Frank and Ned are gun-shy of long-term contracts, but for CC Sabathia, I would think something could give here.

    Oh well, enough of my ranting and raving. Frank and Ned: We need starting pitching!!! If CC is gone, then move on and sign Burnett, sign Sheets, sign someone that is aged something south of 34!!!

  84. junkyardjamie

    I am willing to take a chance on just the kids personally. Let’s take what we have and go with it!! It may not be the best, but it certainly won’t be the worst ethier. Maybe they will be the best surprise. I just rather take the chance on them becoming the next Tampa Bay then to get stuck with another center fielder and an old pitcher.

  85. enchantedbeaver

    Why do I have the feeling that Frank is more broke than we realize?

    And here’s a happy thought: right now, our clean-up hitter is Jones or Blake.

  86. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl!
    Iā€™m just frustrated. I thought we were going to be bigger players for CC. I think he wouldā€™ve been a very good fit here. But it just didnā€™t seem like we didnā€™t even have any cards on the table for him. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m frustrated about. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t like to say anything about any potential FA signing UNTIL IT HAPPENS. I always seem to get disappointed every time (or almost, every time).

  87. enchantedbeaver

    Hey CP!! A little cool here. We actually got down into the 20’s last night and a little snow on the mountains yesterday.

  88. trublu4ever

    I think Nellyae has a good point about playing our youngsters. I’d rather go with them than get some so-so player.

  89. enchantedbeaver

    I feel your pain Tru and I agree, but unfortunately with 12 roster spots to fill, so-so is all we’re going to get to fill them, and you can be sure that JoJo will have to have his vets because the kiddies have to be supervised.


    i actually do believe we would have made an offer, eventually.. they were clearly mulling their options yesterday.. but i think because of that.. the yankees got antsy, upped their offer, and then placed a deadline on it.. thus eliminating us from the fray..

    there really isn’t anything we can do about this.. it’s not mccourts fault if CC is going to accept a 7 year, 160 mil deal.. because you know darn well that none of us would have supported us making that type of offer.. it’s way too much money.. i wanted CC more than almost anyone, and i still wouldn’t have supported that..

  91. cpompe1

    Sara ā€“ Yeah, the Yankees are insane. If CC wants that pressure-cooker of baseball, then more power to him. I think CC played the Yanks for fools. I mean, if CC wanted the $ and to play in NY, then he wouldā€™ve signed with NY a long time ago. But he was making overtures that he was going to sign with a NL, So Cal team so that the Yanks would have to up the ante to sign him.

    Enchanted ā€“ My son is testing for the border patrol and I hear that his training would be somewhere in New Mexico. Donā€™t know where, but somewhere in NM.

  92. trublu4ever

    The Yankees are still going after AJ Burnett and/or Lowe and Sheets. Will somebody please burn their checkbook!!!

  93. junkyardjamie

    enchanted ~ I definitely know what you are saying about the 12 roster spots and the so, so players that will eventually come out of the woodwork. Also, the thought of Jones as a clean up hitter is just insane. It sadly made me laugh šŸ™‚


    Oliver Perez will be the winner of the Dumbest Contract Award. Carlos Silva, Juan Pierre/Gary Matthews Jr., Barry Zito, Darren Dreifort; just put him right next to thse names, I better not even get close to hearing Oliver Perez’ name linked to Dodgers interest. Absolutely not.

    Boras is trying to make us turn into the Texas Rangers and bid against ouselves when it comes to Manny, learn from history my friends, its there so we can learn from it.


    it’s actually kind of funny.. because i think in order to come to terms, they need to allow CC an opt out after 3 years or something.. so CC can leave soon enough after getting paid.. he really did play the yankees.. sigh.. yankees = evil empire..


    I CANT BELIEVE NO ONE IS APPALLED WE GAVE A pitcher 47 MILLION WHO WE kNEW HAD A BAD SHOULDER(at age 35). AND JONES.. AND NOMAR. AND MULLER..WITH PIERRE ON TOP. OH HOW I WISH I COULD BE SO BAD AT MY JOB. and now they cry wolf and say they have no money and yes i’m yelling.

  97. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ I think you are right about the Yankees and their DL……..even John Kruk said that they need more than pitching. He doesn’t see CC helping them that much because he can only pitch every five days.

  98. junkyardjamie

    I think jungar is a little upset – LMAO!!!!!! Just don’t hurt Ben’s ears when you are yelling – LOL!!!!!


    apparently there’s all these rumors that the yanks are now turing their interest on lowe and manny.. how is it that they have infinite money again?

  100. cpompe1

    I think itā€™s too much stress to play the roles of Dodger owner and Dodger GM. I donā€™t know. Call it the older I get, the less I really want to play GM. Iā€™m getting to the point where, let the chips fall where they may and then deal with however the season plays out. Again, we do have recent examples of doing more than youā€™re expected to: ā€™07 Rox, ā€™08 Rays.

  101. cpompe1

    Sara ā€“ Thatā€™s why I loathe the Yankees. They think that throwing big $ at a coveted FA is the way to go. They donā€™t care about their image; they only care about winning the WS! Notice I didnā€™t stop at the word ā€œwinning.ā€ They could have the best regular-season record in all of baseball with a record of 105 ā€“ 57, but if they even fall in the WS 4 games to 3, itā€™s a colossal failure. That mentality is just wrong.

  102. enchantedbeaver

    Goodluck to your son CP! Don’t know where they train for the BP, but there are checkpoints on all the highways and byways going out of Las Cruces.

    With the Yankees and Red Sox making a mockery of free agency, I have two words to restore order – salary cap.

  103. cpompe1

    I posted this song a few days ago, but I thought it would be appropriate to repost it here. I havenā€™t been on at the same time as dodgereric in a while, so can I ask yā€™all a favor? Next time one of you is on ITD the same time as dodgereric (or if, dodgereric, youā€™re reading this ā€“ just not posting) I havenā€™t seen this song on dodgereric lyrics!

    The original to this song is, ā€œWe’re A Couple Of Misfits.ā€ Itā€™s from the Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Rudolph and Hermey, the distracted elf on Santaā€™s toy assembly line, have run away from Santaā€™s toy factory. They sing this song. Itā€™s kinda of an obscure Christmas song, but when I saw the title, I HAD to parody it for Frank & Ned! Iā€™ve renamed it: Frank & Ned Are a Couple Of Misfits. Iā€™ve attached the video for the song, so you can get what the tune originally sounded like! (Before I butchered it up!) When you look at the video, pretend that the elf is Frank and Rudolph is Ned)

    We’re a couple of misfits
    We’re a couple of misfits
    What’s the matter with misfits?
    That’s where we fit in!

    We are stingy and sparing
    Schmidtty, you need repairing!
    Juanpy, you keep on sulking!
    See, we don’t fit in!

    We may be different from the rest
    Who decides the test?
    Of what is really best?

    We’re a couple of misfits
    High, atop of our summits
    PVLs, really are best fits!
    We really don’t fit in!

    Why am I such a misfit?
    I am not just a nitwit!
    I’m Nedco, the dimwit!
    See, I donā€™t fit in!

    Why am I such a misfit?
    I am not just a nitwit!
    Iā€™m Franky, the tight **it!
    See, I donā€™t fit in!

    We certā€™nly are different from the rest
    Other teams pay the best!
    We just pay the rest!

    Dodger fans are not misfits
    Where’d we get these old nitwits?
    Oh, from Gnatville & Boston!
    That’s why they don’t fit in!
    By cpompe1 on December 6, 2008 4:03 PM

  104. junkyardjamie

    No kidding enchanted!!!!

    …and CP, I am sure dodgereric will get the message this time. If not, I will be sure to let him know šŸ™‚


    cpompe.. all the money in the world doesn’t guarantee you anything.. hence, the tampa bay rays from last season.. i just think that they’re crazy to think they can buy wins when they’re in the ultra-competitive AL East..

    i think what bothers me most about this deal is that they have now set a standard for the free agents this winter.. they’re driving up prices on everyone else.. ugh..

    i just want raffy back.. our division is so bad that i still think we can win.. i want raffy..

  106. cpompe1

    Oh, and some of you were talking about the Metsā€™ deal for K-Rod. I think the Mets are going to be sorely disappointed. K-Rod will help if they bring him in the 9th inning to save a game. But thatā€™s the problem; getting into the 9th inning with a LEAD. K-Rodā€™s saves for 2009 will be less than half his 2008 total of 62 saves. First, K-Rod is coming from the AL and going to the NL. Itā€™ll take him time to learn a new league. Plus, I donā€™t think K-Rod will have that many opportunities to save games. Remember, heā€™s moving from the Angels who, lately, have made it a habit to win games (at least in the regular season) to the Mets, who have a lot of holes to fill just to become competitive with the Phils.


    If we can give Blake a 3 year deal, we sure as hell should give Furcal a 4 year offer and keep him, sign Manny and we’re well on our way to the World Series.
    Go Cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  108. cpompe1

    Nelly ā€“ thx for letting dodgereric know! I was starting to feel like the ugly stepsister!!!

    Hey Sara ā€“ You make a great point when you said, ā€œI think what bothers me most about this deal is that they have now set a standard for the free agents this winter. They’re driving up prices on everyone else.ā€ Thatā€™s the problem with the Yankees. They are so self-centered that they donā€™t see or, more like it, they donā€™t care how their offers affect the rest of baseball.

    And yes, I want Raffy backā€¦

  109. dodgereric

    Sorry, cp! It must have slipped past me! Mea culpa! You’re now #453 on our Hit Parade! I loved it!

    Salary cap! Wouldn’t that be nice? But I can hear the MLBPA screaming now, can’t you? One word. Strike.

    og, I take it there’s something about Perez that you don’t like? šŸ™‚ I’ll admit I’m fairly ignorant about him, that’s why I asked. But just looking at some admittedly very small stats, I would have to at least ask how much it was going to take to sign him:


    Oliver Perez

    Ben Sheets

    I see too many walks, but I don’t know if I’d put him in Dreifort’s class yet. He might be still learning how to pitch.

  110. enchantedbeaver

    Thing is Sara, the Rox and Rays are an anomaly – the exception rather than the rule (moreso the Rays considering their division.) Only Boston has the wherewithall to compete on an equal playing ground. It’d be one thing if Tampa Bay could do what they did year after year, but as soon as their best players become FAs, there’s no way they can keep them and once again, the Yankees buy whomever they want while the rest of both leagues get sloppy seconds.

    Salary caps level the playing field. Make it $125 – $135 million. Still allows the players some big contracts, but keeps any one team from monopolizing the talent and maybe gives some hope of competing to clubs like the Pirates and Royals.

  111. dodgereric

    The Braves increased their offer to A.J. Burnett to $80 million over five years. Him and his 10 trips to the DL. Insane.

    Nationals have made Mark Teixeira an offer, believed to be for at least seven years and $150 million.

  112. aeversw

    What a horrible contract for Blake. We’ll give him 3 years but not Manny. What makes it worse is that no one else upped their offer to Blake to 3 years until the Dodgers did AFTER the only other real suitor for Blake dropped out (twins). Also, I heard we knew Schidt had a partial tear in his shoulder before we signed him. This I think should get Ned fired. It is inexcusable. Schidt had a history of shoulder problems and it was well known around the league his velocity was way down. Now we find out on top of all that he had a partial tear and we still give him a big deal. This is why we’ll never win with Frank and Ned in charge. This is why I probably won’t go to any games this year and probably why we’ll miss the playoffs. Until Frank has sold the team the Dodgers won’t be relevant. We we’re in the NLCS last year and we still weren’t relevant.


    im tired of all of it. we sign a 35 yr old to a 3 year deal, sign another 38 year old, hope to sign a 32 year old coming of major back surgery, hope to sign a 37 year old..havent we learned anything. and they are afraid of loosing this 32 year old below who has been regulated to the bench and been by outplayed by every youngster given the opportunity to do so. they will skimp on pitching, sign RJ or someone old and then trade 3 prospects at the break to shore up the pitching.


    Imagine Jose Reyes and Juan Pierre combining for 140 stolen bases at the top of the Mets’ batting order.

    The idea is a longshot, but the Mets have shown interest in trading for Pierre, the Dodgers’ forgotten outfielder.

    To move Pierre, the Dodgers would need to assume a large chunk of his remaining salary ā€” $10 million in 2009, $10 million in 2010 and $8.5 million in ’11.

    The Mets’ preference in left field is for a right-handed hitter, and Pierre hits from the left side. Where he ranks on the team’s list of possibilities is not known.

    The Dodgers, meanwhile, are reluctant to move Pierre before knowing whether they will keep free-agent left fielder Manny Ramirez.

    They also are reluctant to move Pierre because they have no idea what they will get out of Andruw Jones, who appeared in only 75 games last season due to a knee injury and batted .158.

    If Jones proves incapable of playing every day, the Dodgers again will use Matt Kemp in center. And if Ramirez does not return under that scenario, Pierre could end up playing left field.

    Some teams also have expressed interest in Jones, a move that would require the Dodgers to pay nearly all of his remaining salary ā€” $17.1 million next season with a $5 million deferred payment in 2010.

  114. trublu4ever

    Dodgereric ~ if Texeira is being offered that kind of money, what do you think will be Borass’ asking price for Manny?

  115. ramslover

    Hey guys I read the update on the Schmidt case…Is anyone surprised that they knew he was injured before they signed him…I have been ranting for over a year about that…Ned and Conte thought they were smarter than the MRIs and took a flyer on a 34 year old power pitcher with a bad shoulder….I have written several times on this issue and it really pisses me of that it is finally coming out…they can sugar coat it anyway they want, but he was on the DL 2 times the year before…Duh, his labrum tore any real surprise….

    They fired the wrong Stan it should have been Conte, not Johnston….

  116. enchantedbeaver

    I’d like to know where the Nats are going to come up with the $150 million to begin with. Must somehow be connected to the auto industry bailout…

  117. junkyardjamie

    I was just checking in to see what’s up and if I could add anything, but you guys are summing up the BS very nicely. Thanks for the laughter (intended or not) and all the great discussion and articles. All of you are fabulous!!!

    BRING BACK THE BLUE CREW!!!! I just thought I would add that in there since that hasn’t been brought up today.

    Northstateblues – I hope you are feeling even better today?

  118. enchantedbeaver

    What I want to know is, if the Dodgers never seriously courted CC at all, and obviously never intended to make an offer, then why the charade and hype about “oh Ned & Frank would drop their short term contract requirement for CC” and “oh CC wants to be a Dodger.”
    Pure unadulterated BS.

    I guarantee when the season opens that Jones will be in center, our starting rotation will have at least one 40 year old, and the fans will be paying top dollar for a second-rate roster.

  119. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – funny, scary and probably very true too. Until I read that article you posted, I was just convinced the Dodgers were on their way to being outbid, and I was okay with us not going with a 7-year, 160 million dollar contract. However, now to find out we weren’t even considering him after all the hype over wanting him and he wanting to be a Dodger is just a slap in the face to the true Dodger fans that are really following what is going on. Like you, enchanted, I will always be a Dodger fan, but right now, it’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we can’t trust what is being sad about this organization, whether it’s the media’s fault or not, it’s just wrong.

    I have yard duty again this week – back to back weeks in the cold is just wrong I say. Be back soon!!! I just had to throw my two cents into the rest of your wonderful posts.

  120. dodger 32

    When asked about Manny Ned said he would hate to see him out of work, well I for one would like to see Ned out of work, at least as far as the Dodger GM. What a joke he’s turning this team into. As far as the rotation goes all I see is Bills coming off an injured leg, and Kuroda. I don’t think you can count on Kershaw being real good as of yet, and that also goes for McDonald and Stults. How can you even be competitive with this pitching staff? As far as the offense goes if Raffy and Manny don’t come back this team is in trouble. If Frank and Ned want to run the club like the royals that’s okay, be we don’t have to pay to watch it.


    I’m hardly able to contain my excitement from peeing my pants with all the great activity that Ned is creating at the Las Vegas meeting. Holy Cow, but we got Blake and some other guy to shore up our infield problems. That was quite a subterfuge that our team pulled off to get those two jewels past all of the competition. I wonder who’s left on Ned’s do list before the meetings break up. It’s truly heroic of Josh to posture like this was the top of our want list or something just beccause Ned is his boss. Holy crap – what total bull****.

    Now, I don’t want to leave Frank out. He’s probably on the telephone telling Ned not to pull off any deals unless somebody will pay the guys’ salaries that’re coming to save our team’s season next year. Good Bye, Frank – go down the tubes broke, you miserable bast***. You don’t know what it takes to be an owner, but you’re the sorriest excuse for one that I’ve seen in my lifetime.

    Otherwise, hello to all the good ITD crew. We’ll just have to survive the idiots, and we, of course, love our Dodgers – players that is.

  122. dodger 32

    The Reason Lowe said he wanted out is because he wasn’t convinced the Dodgers will really do what it takes to win. Whether that’s entirely true or not I feel the same way. Sell the team Frank.

  123. junkyardjamie

    messagebear – LMAO!!!! In classic messagebear fashion too – just fabulous!!!!!! BTW – great to see you!!!

  124. dodger 32

    You can’t run a big market team on the cheap and expect it to be successful. You’re drawing almost 4 million fans who deserve this organization to be run like a first class franchise not like someone shopping at the dollar store. The only thing that will change the attitude of the owners is if people stay away from his bargain basement team.

  125. dodger 32

    Wow, I just read we might actually be interested in Omar Vizquel. That’s just what is missing another 42 year old infielder who can’t hit. How can we miss the World Series now. I don’t think I can contain my enthusiasm any more, I’m going to have a beer to celebrate. Sell the team Frank.


    Sara: No, the Yankees are not insane. They have the money to do what they’re doing. Whatever, I’m not going to hate on the Yankees because they have the money to spend.

    And cpompe1, shouldn’t every team care about winning the World Series? In a way, I admire the Yankees for wanting to win so badly (not that they’re always smart about it). Plus, they’re in New York. They have different standards over there.

    I’ll tell you guys one thing. I’d rather have Steinbrenner as my owner than McCourt. I knew from the beginning that McCourt wouldn’t sign Sabathia. No way in hell.

    For those of us that want Furcal back (which includes me because there are no other SS’s out there that are worthwile), let’s not complain when he gets injured again.

  127. scurtis1999

    Good to see Blake back and I like the signing of Loretta.

    OMAR VIZQUEL? I just saw Tony Jackson on his blog said there is interest. GOOD GOD NED! NOOOOOOOOO

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  128. trublu4ever

    Messagebear and Fliegel ~ You did a great job explaining how most of us feel.
    I do feel the Yankees are a little bit crazy, Ksdodgers……7 years for a pitcher who has never won 20 games and does not do very well in the playoffs……not to mention, he’s only on the field every 5 days……..of course, they could use him as a DH, since CC likes to bat.

  129. trublu4ever

    Scurtis ~ that would be a kick in the a** for us to sign Vizquel. I can just see it now, Randy Johnson, Pettitte and Vizquel on our starting day roster! LOL


    Yeah, so if CC doesn’t pan out, they’ll just spend more money to get someone else. It’d be crazy for other teams to spend that kind of money, which would be a huge investment, but for the Yankees, not really…

    If the Dodgers sign Omar Vizquel, I’m gonna deep fry my eyeballs.

  131. cpompe1

    No offense ksdodgers, but youā€™re missing my point. You ask, ā€œShouldn’t every team care about winning the World Series?ā€ Yes, I do. My point was that while every team should ā€œcareā€ about winning the WS ā€“ the players shouldnā€™t be chastised if they fall short! Thatā€™s my point about the Yankees. Yes, they care about winning the WS ā€“ heck, who doesnā€™t? But we all know that the moment that CC doesnā€™t take them to the promised land (a WS ring for all) the fans, the team, and anyone else that will listen to them will be all over the players for the colossal failure.

    Oh, and the Yankees are crazy to offer that contract to CC. You do realize that heā€™ll be gone after 3 years, donā€™t youā€¦

  132. cpompe1

    Hey scurtis! Havenā€™t seen you for a while! But then again, you probably havenā€™t seen me for a while! So howā€™s the climate in IL? Plus, howā€™s the weather?

    Hey Tru! How are you!?! (What do you know, I actually rhymed!!!)

  133. cpompe1

    And scurtis, yes, it was on purpose when I asked, ā€œSo howā€™s the climate in IL?ā€ and ā€œPlus, howā€™s the weather?ā€ The first one had to do with the political crap thatā€™s going onā€¦


    The players shouldn’t be chastised if they fall short? We chastise our players every single day! All kidding aside, I do get your point. But that’s New York. CC knows this, so it’s on him. And if he is gone after 3 years, wouldn’t that make the contract LESS crazy? Don’t get me wrong, I hate the Yankees. But they do what they do because they can, and I don’t hate them for THAT.

  135. scurtis1999

    LOL trublu!

    Cpompe. The weather stinks! Yeah I haven’t been around since the season ended. How about yourself?

  136. northstateblues


    Seriously? Is he gonna be the leader of the Junior Giants Dodgers fan club?!!! WE DON’T WANT GIANTS, WE’RE THE LOS ANGELES DODGERS FOR CRISSAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF WE WANTED A BUNCH OF PVL’S YEAR IN, YEAR OUT, WE’D BE GIANTS FANS!

    Seriously, do they listen to the fans on stuff like this, or are the owners just wanting to take pretty pictures in the LA Times while they cut the ribbon at the freaking L.A. Marathon that should’ve been CC or Manny’s salary. But hey, we can trade Matt Kemp for Melky Cabrera (yeah, I know, that was Rosenthal’s imagination, but the fact that everyone bought it speaks volumes to how highly the baseball world thinks of how the Dodgers do business lately)?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If Blake gets three years, how could Manny be offered anything less?!!!

    These dominoes better start falling fast, this is an embarassment.

    I miss the days when I could just read the press releases and didn’t read into the team. Ignorance is bliss, but I had to take the Red Pill. So have we all, eh?

  137. northstateblues

    and no offense to Vizquel, he’s a hell of a baseball player and a great guy. but c’mon Dodgers, we’ve been down this road EVERY YEAR under the current GM, and when has it turned out good?!!!

  138. enchantedbeaver

    2008 payroll – $120 mil. (approx). Take away $58 mil from players let go, and add about $15 mil for PVLs, NRIs and arbitration. Let’s call it $80 mil for this years team. After next season, another $35 mil comes off the books. Add $15 back on for PVL’s, etc. and we’re at $60 mil for 2010.

    Its obvious that this club will not obtain a premium player in his prime so my contention is, if you’re going to be a second-rate franchise, set prices at a second-rate franchise’s level. I’d say about a 25% reduction across the board – tickets, parking, concessions, etc. is in order.

    My other contention is, what kind of an idiot owner would allow their GM to sign a guy with a rotator cuff injury in the first place?

    When Frank gets up in the morning he need not look any further than in the mirror for why this franchise is in the shape it’s in, and why as long as it’s the owner staring him back in the face, it’ll never get any better.

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