Happy Thanksgiving!

First off, thank you all for your well wishes for Chad and your feedback regarding the news of the last couple days. I will make sure that the get-wells make it to Chad and that your comments are passed along to everyone at the Dodgers involved in the offseason decision-making processes.

In the meantime, I wish you and all your families a great holiday on behalf of everyone at the Dodger organization.


  1. crzblue2

    Happy Thanksgiving Josh! Wishing you and your family the best!
    Did not get a chance to wish Chad a speedy recovery. Chad: You should have stayed in your home in AZ or better yet here where we have wonderful weather, just a little rain for a few days. Deb & Richard from Defiance, Oh also send you their best wishes! thanks for helping me pronounce their last name šŸ™‚ Ever since I met them in Vero Beach, I keep in contact with them.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all the ITD members here! Stay safe!

  2. junkyardjamie

    Happy Thankgiving Josh!!! You have been great through all of our rants and raves. I wish you the best of luck in the next few days, weeks as your job, I’m sure, will have some undo pressure placed on the recent events that will sure to unfold in the very near future. Once again, have a very Happy Thanksgiving, thanks for giving us this forum, and best wishes always!!!

    Emma – Happy Thanksgiving to you as well dear….. šŸ™‚

  3. northstateblues

    Happy Thanksgiving Josh! Thanks for the well wishes, and the same go for you and yours and everyone with the Dodgers family.

  4. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – LOL!!!!

    75 Days until Spring Training
    Until then the fans will be praying
    The young guns will be playing
    Furcal will be staying
    CC or Manny, Frank will be paying
    Andruw and Pierre, we’ll be trading
    75 Days until Spring Training
    Until then the fans will be praying

    365 DAYS A YEAR
    24 HOURS A DAY

  5. colliethec

    I came back before hitting the hay. Good night all and have a great day tomorrow.
    I also didn’t give well wishes to Chad.
    So Chad, I really do hope your feeling better & I’m sorry your leg is broken! Maybe we should get you some ice skates for Christmas:)! I can joke about that because I’ve broken, cut, torn so many things in my years of sports and just living that I’ve spent many a days in the emergency room! Hang in there and enjoy your relaxing time with your family. I recommend Christmas Vacation as a good Christmas movie to rent while your sitting there with your leg up! Also munch on a pomegranate while watching and your wound feel any pain. The struggle to get those dang little treasures out of the fruit will distract you!!

  6. Dodger4life

    Thank-you Josh,
    I wish you and your family a Happy Thansgiving.
    I wish the entire Dodger organization from the very top to the newest fan, a wonderful and safe holiday season.

    Here are just a few things I’m thankful for this year.
    Im thankful that I live in the greatest country in the world.
    I’m thankful that my family and friends are safe, happy and healthy.
    I’m thankful for my belief in something more powerful than I.
    I’m thankful for all of the Dodger organization past and present.
    I’m thankful to be one of the many wonderful fan’s of the best team on the globe, Go Dodger’s!

    Today let’s all be thankful and Please remember those fighting and protecting our freedom. For all of you I am Truly Thankful God- Bless šŸ™‚

  7. northstateblues

    I’ll join the belated-wishes-to-Chad

    Chad, sorry to hear about the accident. Hope you get well soon, and here’s to hoping for another season as great as the last one. Next time you get to October, you’ll get ’em good! Take care

  8. junkyardjamie

    Ward Dear… my cranberries did bounce!!! LOL!!! I know you are probably in bed, but in case you are out there somewhere, I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Have a blast with your family as I am sure you always do. Take care and God Bless to you and your family šŸ™‚

  9. junkyardjamie

    If you want some late night/early morning reading, go over to Dodger Thoughts and Sons of Steve Garvey. You can find each link to the right of this page. It will make you feel good that it is not just us that are having issues with the McCourt’s current financial escapade and really not giving us a choice.

  10. junkyardjamie

    Good Night Dodger4life!!! Always a pleasure talking with you, and you yourself have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family. Take Care and God Bless šŸ™‚


  11. trublu4ever

    Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to all! Thanks, Josh for all you do for us and I really do hope you pass along our feelings about the team status. What we say comes from the heart because we love our Dodgers. We are very smart baseball fans and know what-is-what.

  12. ramslover

    Good morning all and Happy Thanksgiving! That little poll should tell Ms Jamie how the Dodgers fans feel! It is great that they want to help out the community but not at the expense of our beloved Dodgers!!!

    Thanks for the new post Josh…the other one was so long that I could not even get to the bottom of it!!!

  13. cpompe1

    Happy Thanksgiving my ITD friends!
    Iā€™m so sorry about last night. I know I called out some of my ITD friends that I havenā€™t talked to in a while, then in my next post I say bye. To those who were saying hi when I had already left, sorry for leaving without warning. I wouldā€™ve loved to talk to everyone last night, but I did have more cooking to do.

    Well, Iā€™m NOT gonna do that here. Yes, this is a short visit, just like last night, but Iā€™ll put in the same post that Iā€™ll catch up with yā€™all laterā€¦

    Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

  14. dodgereric

    Just popping in to add to all of the good wishes from the great people here on ITD!

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! I echo the wonderful sentiments by our friend Dodger4life. Since he has the moniker of us all, he may as well speak for us all as well. I’ll add another Thanks to it though. My wife landed herself a job yesterday. It’s only a part-time job, 20 hours a week. But it gets her off the unemployment bandwagon, which she truly hated. Thank God for that!

    Talk to you all soon, and may God Bless each and every one of us!


  15. junkyardjamie

    THAT is wonderful news Ward Dear!! I just happened to have a break, and was checking in myself. I am so happy for her. She’s been in my prayers, and that is just great!!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!

  16. aeversw

    Today I am truly thankful that Jaime McCourt opened her fat stupid mouth yesterday and not today. That would have trulu ruined my Thanksgiving. The McCourt’s ineptitude has been a big topic amongst my family today, especially with my family from Los Angeles. It is pretty much unanimous in here that the McCourt’s should sell the team. I am sure they bought the team with a real desire to succeed but as we all know the McCourt’s have been a complete disaster and there is no indication it will get any better. Frank, I am sure you tried your best but please sell the team. If you want to leave a good legacy in Los Angeles the best thing for you to do is sell the team to someone who knows what they are doing. Dodger fans will thank you, you will be a hero.

  17. aeversw

    Josh, you’re the VP of Public Relations correct? Tell Jamie to not speak anymore. Make up a fake injury like they did for Mark Sweeney and tell the press she broke her jaw and it had to be wired shut. Every time she says something It always seems to embarrass the franchise. I just read the transcript of her interview on 710 ESPN and like usual she embaressed the team. This situation just keeps getting worse to me. I think the collapse of the McCourt era is underway. I bet we have new owners by 2011. McCourt is right about the economy and I can understand his point. I am as sour about the economy as everyone and I don’t think McCourt will be able to survive the next year or so. Especially with the new administrations tax increases to the rich, the continuting inflation and devaluation of our currency Frank doesn’t stand a chance. If he’s pinching pennys now just wait until next offseason.

  18. Dodger4life

    Hello Everyone, I trust your Thanksgiving was a sucsess.
    DodgerEric tell your wife congradulations, and she has many unicorns. God Bless Everybody, enjoy your evening.

    GO DODGER’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!

    ramslover – I see nellyjune as my sign in name, and it has yet to post like that on ITD. It sounds like we have a similar issue.

    Max – nice posts!!!!!

    dodger4life – Make sure you enjoy your evening as well šŸ™‚ Like Dodgereric said, your name speaks for all of us – dodger 4 life šŸ™‚

  20. Dodger4life

    Nelly if someday, I have to move in to a cardboard box, God forbid.
    My box will be Dodger Blue with the letter’s LA on it!!!!!!
    Dodger4life in all season’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. junkyardjamie

    That would be great Dodger4life – We would all know who you are then, wouldn’t we? ….but I am not hoping for that šŸ™‚

  22. Dodger4life

    I’d probably need a really big box to aquire all the people wanting to live there. lol!!!!

    Especially, after Frank does ” Whatever It Takes To Win A Championship? “

  23. 636566cy

    The McCourts continue to make the Dodgers the laughingstock of MLB. I can’t believe how this once proud franchise with what used to be one of the most respected front offices and ownership is now the butt of jokes and ridicule across the league. Jaime and Frank need to let their baseball people do their job and stay out of the way. Of course, if the McCourts are so worried about the effect of the economy of all of us loyal fans, we would all sincerely appreciate a rollback in prices on tickets, parking and concessions…LOL.

  24. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!! Can you imagine us camped out at Dodger Stadium – year round tail gating party!! Gin and lemonade all around!!!!!

  25. junkyardjamie

    Maybe we can get the McCourts to donate to the cause. They like spending their money on charities – wouldn’t the Dodger Box be the perfect charity?

  26. amyw27

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends at ITD.
    Josh- we are All Thankful for you and this blog that you are so dedicated to on a regular basis. No doubt that you are a busy man and you still find time to not only post, but listen to us and understand our feelings. I hope you enjoyed the day with your family.
    I hope everyone else’s day went well. I am all done with family and am at my own place showered and relaxed. 9 hours with the family was good enough for me. I must say that I look forward to my birthday/christmas this year. I can’t wait for all the decorations and lights..yeah for the Holidays šŸ™‚
    Have a good night everyone and take care.

  27. Dodger4life

    Happy Thanksgiving Amy, Sweet Dodger Dreams…. šŸ™‚

    After dinner the family was sitting around talking, so I mentioned the fact about the bug’s and spider’s it was a big hit. lol!!
    Thanks DodgerEric šŸ™‚

  28. junkyardjamie

    I told my family all of them. My neice loved the unicorn/blessings thing and the pregnant goldfish being a twit is just hilarious!!!

  29. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – make sure the Dodger Box has fried chicken and cold beers on Friday nights (not that I drink beer) – LOL!!!

  30. dodgereric

    Good Thanksgiving Evening all!

    Yeah, she’s pretty happy. She’s back in the financial planning biz again, which she truly loves to do. The insurance game depressed the hell out of her. Like I said earlier, it’s only 20 a week, but she’s pretty happy.

    What kinda pies are they D4?

  31. dodgereric

    Oh, no. I still have about 3 dozen here. I took 6 to my sister-in-law’s. Matt made his own pumpkin pie yesterday, crust and all. It’s pretty good!

  32. junkyardjamie

    Ward Dear…..that is just great. As long as she’s happy, that’s what counts. Good for her šŸ™‚

    Dodger4life – everything blue sounds like a plan.

  33. junkyardjamie

    Wow!!!!! Dodgereric – my daughter loves pumpkin pie, and she is very impressed Matt made his own pumpkin pie. She made a gingerbread trifle and brownies, but the pumpkin pie wins out for difficulty šŸ™‚

  34. Dodger4life

    We are on the homade bread and butter thing around here. My brother has two cow’s and two pigs a lot of chickens. It is kind of like old tyme day’s around here.

  35. dodgereric

    He used the last of the pie dough to make a picture of a turkey and put it in the center. He’s an interesting kid. My mom complemented him on the crust. She said she could never get one that she liked.

  36. Dodger4life

    That is impressive DodgerEric.
    We have good bread day’s and not so good bread day’s, Today was awesome.
    Fudge day’s are always bad though…

  37. junkyardjamie

    If you think about it Dodgereric, if Matt wants to be a firefighter, he is going to have to learn how to be a cook too. Firefighters are some of the best cooks around. So, keep him cooking and baking.

  38. junkyardjamie

    LOL!!! Dodger4life – there’s a couple of cookie recipes that I do that have that same issue. It has to be the right everything for them to be tried. Believe me, I’ve tried….. šŸ™‚

  39. dodgereric

    Oooooo, fuuuuudge!! We do fudge once a year. Christmas only.

    Chris’ uncle and grandfather were both firemen in Chicago. She’s heard all the stories. And you can’t keep him out of the kitchen if you tried. He wants to learn how to make ‘my’ cookies. He’ll get his chance in a few more weeks. He was talking with my mom on the way home tonight. He’s going over to her place to make Christmas cookies when the time comes.

  40. junkyardjamie

    That is great Ward Dear. Michael actually enjoys cooking more than Mariya right now, in general. Mariya has her favorites she will do everytime. Where Michael is more willing to try out new things. This is the first year all four of us were in the kitchen at one point working on something. It was a blast this year.

  41. junkyardjamie

    I think Al Davis deserves to be much higher on that list (I think northstate would agree). I feel sorry for Detroit – that’s just sad. As for Andruw – well deserved. However, Ned needs to be side by side with him. Manny being Manny I guess got him on the list, and I am sure if this were done in the last few days, the McCourts might have been two to be added.

  42. Dodger4life

    Alan Iverson skipped practice today not playing tommorrow add him to that list. Yes the McCourts are in a league of there own.

  43. junkyardjamie

    Good Night Ward Dear….. thanks for hanging out with us. I am glad you had a great Thanksgiving, and I am so very happy about Chris. Take Care and God Bless to you and your family. Good night šŸ™‚

  44. cpompe1

    Good late evening ITD boys and girls!
    Well, how was everyoneā€™s turkey day! We went to my momā€™s place in LA. Itā€™s always great to see family that many of us havenā€™t seen in a long time. I hope everyone isnā€™t too stuffed!

    Well, I had to sign on. I canā€™t say how long Iā€™ll be here because Iā€™m getting tired already, but I couldnā€™t go without talking to my ITD friends!

  45. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening CP!!! You are up late!!!! I am glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was great as well – still cleaning up though, but it’s me taking my time.

  46. cpompe1

    Hey Dodger4life! So how are things in Idaho? Cold?

    My Nellygirl! Yeah, Iā€™m up late. Again, I donā€™t know how long Iā€™ll be up this late, but weā€™ll see! So you were cooking today, huh? Who was there? I would imagine your mom and your sister were there, since they donā€™t live that far away from you, huh?

  47. junkyardjamie

    That’s right! My mom and dad; my sister, her husband and my niece, my younger of my two brothers and his wife and son, my grandfather, and my aunt and her daughter. We had 16 total. It was great seeing my grandpa – he’s 91, and for the most part is doing pretty good for being 91. It was also my brothers birthday. He was actually born on Thanksgiving 28 years ago. My other older younger brother was stayed down in LaQuinta and had my sister-in-laws family there.

  48. cpompe1

    Brrrrr Dodger4life! Too cold for me! Yeah, call me a spoiled Southern Californian, but I donā€™t do well with extreme weather conditions ā€“ be it extreme hot, extreme cold, extreme muggy, etc.

  49. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!! Dodger4life ~ See, Dodgereric states all these fascinating facts and phrases, and we always manage to use them in our everyday talk here on ITD. He is the originator of the Ethieraholic term. We just took claim to it.

  50. Dodger4life

    He does have a way about him does’nt he. the cold weather isnt that bad CP.
    Happy belated birthday Mr. Sciocia 50 years young
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. cpompe1

    Wow Nelly! That was quite a group. And you still have a grandpa? Iā€™ve been without grandparents since 1980. I always wished that my husband and my son knew my grandparents, but my son wasnā€™t born until 1987 and I didnā€™t meet my husband until 1995. Even my first husband wasnā€™t around when the last of my grandparents died. Well, enjoy your grandpa! Your kids must go nuts over him, and vice versa, huh? So how many siblings do you have in total?

  52. cpompe1

    Dodger4life ā€“ Are you talking about Mike Scoscia? The Angels manager and former Dodger great? If you are, I didnā€™t realize that heā€™s only a few years older than me!

  53. junkyardjamie

    oh my goodness!!! It is Mike Scioscia’s Birthday!!!!! I knew that!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Mike Scioscia! He was my first Dodger love, you know? Andre is in very good company šŸ™‚

    CP – I am the oldest of four (42,40,32 and 28).

    Dodger4life – Dodgereric is a group of unicorns šŸ™‚

    ……and so are you and many others on ITD. We have a fabulous group on here, don’t we?

  54. cpompe1

    Well, Happy Birthday Mike! You are still a Dodger in my book and will always be a Dodger to me!

    Iā€™m the youngest of five. And among my cousins, yeah, Iā€™m towards the bottom. Probably why I donā€™t have any grandparents around anymore. Ya know Nelly, the reason why Iā€™m so jealous that you still have a grandpa is because of my special relationship with my grandpa, my momā€™s dad. He emigrated from Japan to the US around the 1900s. He eventually settled down in the tiny farming town of Ducor, north of Bakersfield. Well, my grandpa even though he didnā€™t speak a word of English, always loved and listened to Dodger games! Heā€™s the one ā€œresponsibleā€ for the long, line of Dodger fans in my family! He passed it down to my mom, who passed it down to me. My son is kinda getting the Dodger fan in him, but my nephews are huge Dodger fans! I can remember one of my grandpaā€™s later birthdays and he got a lot of Dodger stuff! A rally towel, anything and everything Dodger! We took a picture of him with a HUGE smile on his face, sitting in his favorite easy chair! Ah, great memories of grandpa!

  55. junkyardjamie

    You are most welcome Dodger4life….. and you are not the first and you are certainly not the last person to spell Mike’s name wrong. I am pretty sure I spelled it wrong myself. I usually have to look it up before I type it, but tonight I winged it!!!

  56. junkyardjamie

    One of eric’s useless information pieces. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. A group of unicorns is called a blessing.

  57. Dodger4life

    My grandparent’s are gone too, Cp along with my father so I know the feeling. I miss them all. I also have a son whom I lost. I dont let that one get out very often though.

  58. cpompe1

    Oh Dodger4life, Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I still have my son, but my sister, Linda, died when she was only 46. I miss her so much. Linda was the oldest of the family and I was the youngest. Linda was like a second mom to me. My dad died five years ago. Itā€™s just so hard to lose those so close to you.

  59. junkyardjamie

    That is a great story CP. My grandfather grew up in Brooklyn New York, hence the Dodger fan was born in my mom, then passed onto to her kids. I married into a Giants family. Well, my in-laws were really more A’s fans.

  60. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – I am so sorry šŸ˜¦

    My dad’s sister (June- imagine that!) was killed in a car accident. My dad survived, she didnt’. I never knew her, but she had blond hair and blue eyes, hence my sister being the only one in the family with blond hair and blue eyes.

  61. Dodger4life

    I lost my grandad in 87, my dad in 88 and my son in 91, So its been a while. God will only give us what we can handle. It is just up to us to handle it. Im doing fine, I hope you are as well šŸ™‚

  62. junkyardjamie

    I don’t think she said anything. I wasn’t as big of a Dodger fan as she was back then. I liked the Dodgers back then – I love them now šŸ™‚

    Now here is something I could never do. My sister went to a wedding where the bride and groom were serious Dodger fans, and for wedding colors they chose orange and black because orange is her favorite color. That is just not right, I say!!!!

  63. Dodger4life

    All my kids have brown hair and eye’s. Hence thier mother bieng Mexican and Indian they say blue eyes skip a generation in these cases.

  64. cpompe1

    Yeah Dodger4life, God does only give us what we can handle. Iā€™m much better than in ā€˜99 when my sister died and again in ā€™03 when my dad died. I just have to remember to enjoy every day that God allows me to walk on this planet. Because tomorrow is promised to no one.

    Well, I donā€™t mean to be such a downer, but Iā€™ve gotta go. Itā€™s WAY past my bedtime. Iā€™ll catch up with the two of you laterā€¦ (Notice I didnā€™t say tomorrow; it is tomorrow!) Good night!

  65. Dodger4life

    Kind of like Don Drysdale sponsering The Giants in my Little League. But the fact that he only came to see them play the Dodger’s and telling me to go whip thier butts for him was kind of cool.

  66. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – God must love the way you handle things because He gives you an awful lot to handle. You are very inspiring with all you have been through. God has a purpose, and He is using you in some grand way for sure. Yes, I know, He uses all of us in his own timing.

  67. cpompe1

    Okay, I had to come back for one last time. Nelly, yeah, serious Dodger fans getting married and they choose orange and black???

    Okay, now Iā€™ll say good night!

  68. junkyardjamie

    Good night CP!!! Thanks for staying up with us. Always a pleasure to talk to you šŸ™‚ Take care and God Bless…..

  69. junkyardjamie

    If I could only choose one of the four, probably Bill Engval because of the topic he talks about mostly – his family.

    Going away from the blue collar guys, George Carlin ranks way up there, and I do like Jeff Dunham – he is hilarious and fascinating all at the same time because of what he does with Walter and gang.

  70. junkyardjamie

    They would very much so because he hates people who try to rip him off,and they definitley fit into that category.

  71. Dodger4life

    Witty can make a joke about anything. Jay Leno had him and Chelsey Latley on one night, Kind of like a who’s funnier kind of thing. No contest she was humbled. But yes a little out there also šŸ™‚

  72. junkyardjamie

    That is very true, and those mentioned above have mastered that craft of taking life’s simple things and making them down right hilarious.

  73. trublu4ever

    Good morning ITD. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving with family and friends. Just ran across an interesting article in our local paper and thought you’d enjoy it……..Eighteen percent of pro football fans are so dedicated to their teams that thry would never marry a fan of their team’s biggest rival. More than four in 10 pro football fans would rather have their child become an NFL star than win the Nobel Prize. Those disturbing findings were produced by Expedia’s “Go Like a Pro Survey”, which also revealed: Forty one percent would miss their own birthday party to see a game. Thirty-nine percent would skip a hot date to see a game. Twenty-five percent have better memory for pro football statistics than they do for birth dates and anniversary dates for family and friends. One in five fans would travel 1,000 miles or more to see their team play an important game.
    All I have to say is that I thought baseball fans were fanatics!!!

  74. shad78

    I had a horrible thanksgiving. What a way to start the day. My uncle apparently having a heartattack and passing away at around 6:10 am yesterday morning unbelieveable way to start the day. I just can’t understand this at all. I’ve lost my grandfather in 2000, my aunt in 2005, my grandmother in 2006 and now my uncle and 2 other on my mother side/grandfather side probably my mother aunt or my grandfather aunt. I don’t know which is the right term to called them related to me. You wouldn’t believe who still living and I really hate to say this but her time is coming soon and going to be another sad day here. My great grandmother is still living and she’s around 95 years old. My other family members should still be living not my great grandmother and this is so weird.

  75. trublu4ever

    I’m so sorry, Shad. I know what it is like to lose someone around the holidays. My prayers are with you and I hope you take care of yourself.

  76. shad78

    Thanks and this was my favorite uncle to. I was very close to my uncle when I was young and always spent a night on the weekend to see my cousin to play video game and go swimming. I hate missing those days

  77. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Ya know, the older I get, the less and less desire I have to wake up early in the morning for the after-Thanksgiving sales.

    Shad ā€“ I am so sorry about your uncle. I canā€™t even imagine what it would be like to lose someone so close on a traditionally happy occasion. My thoughts and prayers and with you and your family.

  78. cpompe1

    Good morning Nelly! But did you notice something. I saw your ā€œgood morningā€ post before I posted mine, but look at your time stamp; it says you posted at 10:19? Woooooā€¦ Thatā€™s weirdā€¦.

  79. shad78

    Thanks my mother told me that 2 of his 4 kids that normal stay with my aunt and uncle are blaming themself on what happen. My aunt and uncle was like up all night and I heard my uncle was taking a little nap.

  80. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!! I hope everyone had a great day yesterday…

    I am sorry to hear about your day Shad – you and your family are in my prayers šŸ™‚

  81. cpompe1

    Okay, somethingā€™s going on here. Not only did Nellyā€™s time stamp list a time that hasnā€™t even passed yet, Nellyā€™s ā€œ10:19 AMā€ comment and my two comments donā€™t even list up on the ā€œRecent Commentsā€ listing. Okay, something is going on with MLBā€™s serversā€¦ Strangeā€¦

  82. cpompe1

    Okay, Iā€™m out of here for a while. My last comment posted at ā€œ10:54 AM.ā€ Itā€™s not even 10:00 AMā€¦ Iā€™ll see yā€™all laterā€¦ Hopefully MLBā€™s servers will be working properly againā€¦

  83. cpompe1

    Okay, I said I was going to reprise my first song parody on 11/28/08! Now that itā€™s the OFFICIAL first shopping day of the Christmas season, here is the reprise of my, ā€œJuan Pierre got run over by a reindeerā€ sung to that lovable novelty Christmas song, Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. Maybe sung better if Ned is the one singing this song.

    Oh, and I don’t care what time stamp I get for this!

    Juan Pierre got run over by a reindeer
    Walking home from my house Christmas Eve.
    You can say there’s no such thing as Santa
    But as for me an’ Torre, we believe.

    Juan was drinking too much eggnog
    All night we laughed and caroused around
    But he forgot he has no arm strength
    As he tried to pull a weed from the ground

    When we found him Christmas morning
    We only saw his little head
    That was sticking up from the snow
    With deer droppings all around him like a bed

    Juan Pierre got run over by a reindeer
    Walking home from my house Christmas Eve.
    You can say there’s no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me an’ Torre, we believe.

    Now we’re all so proud of Torre
    He’s been taking this so well
    Mumbling, “PVLs, who’d of thought?”
    Playing young kids like he’s under a spell

    It’s not Christmas without Slappy
    All the family’s dressed in blue
    And with his unmatched 5″ hat size
    Who do we give his extra hats to?

    Juan Pierre got run over by a reindeer
    Walking home from my house Christmas Eve.
    You can say there’s no such thing as Santa,
    But as for me an’ Torre, we believe

    Oh, and a note: I didn’t know but I was just guessing on JP’s hat size!!!

    By cpompe1@yahoo.com on June 20, 2008 11:04 AM
    Posted on June 26, 2008 at 2:20 AM

  84. junkyardjamie

    It’s official – the Christmas season has begun. CP has posted the first song as she will traditionally from now on. May the ITD song writing staff now commence writing Holiday songs involving our beloved Dodger team. Nice going CP!!!!

  85. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    Shad-very sorry to hear of your loss. Hang in there.
    I see where Furcal will probably not return to the Dodgers. O well. I’d like to have him back myself, but when it comes right down to it, how much of the time was he healthy? I do not think enough to risk four more with untold millions.
    I ran into a Giants fan from Scottsdale one time, and he made the very good point that we were rooting for laundry. What’s the point of having favorites when they are down the road and gone in a few years. Take Manny. It did not take him long to win us over ( clutch home runs will do that ), but a few months and he’s on to the the next big pay check.
    It will be interesting to see how it shakes out with Martin-Loney-Kemp-Ethier.

  86. enchantedbeaver

    My condolences on the passing of your uncle Shad. I’m sure he will be missed, but with you always.

    To all the rest of ITD, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I feel sorry for Josh. First we give him a headache, now the McCourt’s a PR nightmare. Hang in there buddy! – I suppose coming over to the dark side is out of the question…

    We’ll know the McCourt’s tenure is over when Josh writes his first song.

  87. jhallwally

    Helllo everyone. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
    Shad, very sorry to hear of your Uncles passing. My condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.
    Hang in there!!!

  88. enchantedbeaver

    At this point in time, I wish WE signed a couple pitchers from India. Anything to think that McNedCo’s at least doing something positive instead of the SS Frank running over its supporter(s) [you guessed it, its the ship hitting the fan.]

  89. Dodger4life

    Hello Everybody, I hope your Thansgiving went well.
    Shad that is a tough way to start any day. Hang in there
    it will only make you stronger.

  90. junkyardjamie

    Okay – I am going to try this one more time – three times is a charm, right?

    Anyhow, jhall ~ Michael and I spent some of yesterday morning watching a special on HBO about the rivalry between Ohio State and Michigan. That was a great special! You have some wonderful traditions and craziness over your Buckeyes in Columbus (as does Michigan). It was a fun morning watching that. If you haven’t seen it, hopefully you will get to – it’s worth watching.

  91. jhallwally

    Hey Nelly!! Nice Thanksgiving, thanks. How was yours? Yep, the Ohio State-Michigan rivalry is alot of fun. Glad you enjoyed the special about it. Hang on Sloopy!!! LOL!!!!

  92. junkyardjamie

    jhall – I am sure living it has got to be just so much fun. It’s great to know somebody who is part of it – LOL!!!!

  93. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – you weren’t up there earlier. I guess ITD wanted to go Mountain Time Zone today. Well, us west coasters will get to experience yours and dodger4life’s time zone for a while. However, this is very strange. I keep having to check my clock to make sure it didn’t change back.

  94. junkyardjamie

    See Dodger4life wasn’t up there earlier ethier. On my screen he just showed up – wow -this is definitely Twilight Zone stuff….. šŸ™‚

    Dodger4life – how are you? Did you get any sleep?

  95. jhallwally

    Thanks Nell’!!! I guess that’s why I love college football. The rivalries are very passionate and very deeply ingrained.

  96. junkyardjamie

    I keep getting a submission error on top of the fact that jhall’s posts are now scattered among enchanted’s and dodger4life’s posts, which they weren’t originally. Also, the recent posts bar to the left has me followed by knouffbrock, which it should be jhall – this is just crazy stuff happening.

  97. trublu4ever

    Good afternoon, evening or perhaps morning…….the way the times are stamped, who knows! Is this what they mean when they call it “Black Friday”!

  98. enchantedbeaver

    Hereā€™s one thatā€™s GUARANTEED to bring back memories, and you donā€™t have to choose between it and a free agent. Sweet – Little Willy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iHFizLOh_E&feature=related

    West coast, east coast
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wears the crown, sheā€™s the queen of Dodgertown.
    Talking, squawking
    Jamie sounds so lamey with her rather have a field or team frown.
    Under a mil sheā€™s feeling alright
    but with wifey Jamie round 30 makes her up tight
    Hey now, pay now, pay now hooooow?
    ā€˜Cuz wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t stay home
    But you canā€™t send Jamie back, Jamie wonā€™t go
    Try telling Frank about it but, oh no
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t stay home.
    West coast, east coast
    Wifey Jamie really drives ā€˜em wild with her off the cuff style
    Inside, outside
    Jamie talks so lamey with her contract bashinā€™ curt polite smile
    Mama done curse Neddy down through the hall
    Cuz none of Neddyā€™s men can play ball at all
    Hey now, pay now, pay now hooooow?
    ā€˜Cuz wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t stay home
    But you canā€™t send Jamie back, Jamie wonā€™t go
    Try telling Frank about it but, oh no
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t stay home.
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t
    Jamie wonā€™t, Jamie wonā€™t
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t
    Jamie wonā€™t, Jamie wonā€™t
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t
    Jamie wonā€™t, Jamie wonā€™t
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t
    Jamie wonā€™t, Jamie wonā€™t
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t stay home
    And you canā€™t send her to Boston now, Jamie wonā€™t go
    Try telling Frank about it but, oh no
    Wifey Jamie, Jamie wonā€™t stay home.

    Artist: The Free Agent Boys
    CD: Guaranteed Contract
    Ā©NedCo Broken Records 2008

    NedCo – Just open mouth and insert foot.ā„¢

  99. junkyardjamie

    Now there are two of jhall’s posts that weren’t here earlier.

    We have entered ITD Twilight Zone – where the strange and scary things happen

  100. junkyardjamie

    LOL!!!! that was good Dodger4life – Amazing what’s happened to John Travolta since that show – just awesome!!!!

  101. ramslover

    Hello everyone, I hope everyone had a great turkey day!! Shad I am sorry for your lost!!!

    Talking Dodger baseball… it seems that Furcal is gone, what about signing Viquel to a 1 year deal…he hit .313 over his last 115 at bats last year and is still the best defensively….If Dejesus is ready at the All Star break, you bring him up and let him learn under Omar…I know he is an ex-Giant, but he is a true professional.

    Just a thought!!!

    I really am amazed that Jamie McCourt would be that naive to think that Dodgers fans would want 50 baseball fields instead of a bona fide ML ballplayer….I have to give props to Plaschke and Simers for jumping all over this article…

    Please sell the Dodgers and with your profits open a non-profit charity. That it seems is what you really want to run!!!

  102. junkyardjamie

    ooooohhhhhh freaky!!!! trublu’s post showed up out of nowhere, – maybe we are experiencing an ITD version of “Back to the Future”

  103. junkyardjamie

    Freaky Friday trumom was not there – lol!!!! This is just plain freaky!!! That is a good word for it jhall, but where did you come from ?- LOL!!!! I know, Columbus, Ohio – LMAO!!!!!!

  104. junkyardjamie

    Okay – how did Ramslover end up here ahead of me and Dodger4life when I posted at 4:19pst, mind you—–dododododododododod- This is just play trippy šŸ™‚

  105. junkyardjamie

    See, and I already saw the Charlie Brown clip – when it was posted after me, but now I am before it….. This didn’t even take mind altering drugs or alcohol to make this day feel like a total trip.

  106. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – this is just trippy that I have already seen the video, but it’s posted after me.

    enchanted – fabulous song!!!!!!!

  107. junkyardjamie

    I am going to a highschool football game. Have fun playing the ITD version of the Twilight Zone. I will be back for late night ITD – take care and stay warm (that’s my goal)

  108. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGER’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAY’S A YEAR
    7 DAY’S A WEEK
    24 HOUR’S A DAY
    GO DODGER’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  109. og109@hotmail.com

    The biggest problem with the McCourts is that they want to be celebrities, like being the owners of a Major League Baseball team isn’t enough, and not just any baseball team, but the LOS ANGELES DODGERS. They’re just confused, when they bought the Dodgers they thought it was the Hollywood Dodgers, we have enough celebrities, plenty.

    I have to show some love to Plaschke, he was fair and reasoned, it was a very thought out piece, he could have easily gone on his soap box, but he didn’t, good job. To be fair to the McCourts, it isn’t like they haven’t been willing to open up the wallet and get free agents, but when the GM comes back with crap [Pierre, Schmidt, Jones, Loaiza, Furcal(injured 2 out of 3 yrs), Penny], I’d be gun shy too.

    Now, like ramslover, there is nothing wrong with bargain shopping just in case the big name free agents fall though, here are some names:

    SP – Randy Johnson
    RP – Juan Cruz
    2B/3B – Felipe Lopez
    SS/2B – Omar Vizquel
    OF – Bobby Abreu (I’d take him over Manny)
    OF – Juan Rivera
    C – Dave Ross (good backup)
    SP – Carl Pavano/Bartolo Colon (minor league contracts, we always to find something good in the scrap heap)

  110. northstateblues

    Nothing much, D4L, just got back from watching my Alma Mater trounce Palm Springs in HS Football action. How are you?

  111. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening ITD readers and writers!!!
    It looks like everything has calmed down since our ITD Twilight Episode which lasted almost all day.

  112. junkyardjamie

    Hey that one went through! I think I have to wait until I catch up to mountain time, then I can post again until someone from the pst posts, then I have to wait again.

  113. colliethec

    Just stopping by to say hello & goodnight night!
    I hope everyone had a nice turkey day and black friday.
    Shad I’m sorry to hear about your Uncle. My prayers are with you & your family. I lost my Uncle last year at this time as well. It was tough. He was pretty much my Dad since I was 10, so I feel for you. The good thing is you have his memories and in time you will smile when you think of him and your times together. I know that happened to me yesterday for the 1st time in awhile.
    I’ll try to keep it short. You see my Uncle was this big strong sea man and was a Captan of steamships. He is from England and very tough and sometimes gruff. But he had a heart of gold. A couple of years ago we are driving to Roseville, Ca. for Thanksgiving where my Cousin (His daughter lives). There was very bad traffic and what should of taken about 1 & 1/2 hours took almost 5.
    We had been driving from separate areas but the length of the drive was the same as we were in the same traffic, so I was not in a good mood either. We pulled up just behind him and I got out of the car and was trying to adjust my attitude and help him out of the car. I say Happy Thanksgiving!! His response was “Oh bloody hell! What’s so happy about it?” and walks past me. It just cracked me up. Just a classic.
    While in traffic yesterday I relived that moment and brought a smile to my face and made me laugh.
    I do hope everyone is doing well out there and having a wonderful weekend. I saw a piece on the news about how people can get bummed during the holidays. If your reading this and that’s you, all I can say is you’re not alone and try to find things that are special for you and do them. Be active with people. Help out in a soup kitchen, go visit with someone in a nursing home or something like that. Have some spiced apple cider and enjoy the warmness. Go for a walk with a friend. Take in a holiday service at a church nearby your house. You know, the simple things.
    I used to struggle with sadness this time of year and those types of things have helped make me really enjoy the holidays.
    Sorry to go on long but I babble when I’m tired!

  114. colliethec

    Okay that is weird. I see what you guys have been talking about!
    My post was at the correct time for here in California, but it was placed before other posts that I read before I did my post.

  115. junkyardjamie

    Everything is posting an hour later now? Hmmmmm – I think this one goes into the ITD history books as the strangest day.

  116. colliethec

    I think it is taking the time you post and place it by the time whether it is MT or PT. I’m at 12:13 and it will go before D4’s @12:14 about Boise beating Fresno today.

  117. Dodger4life

    Boise State beat Fresno State- 61 to 10 today.

    Now they are hoping to play USC in the Rose Bowl.

    I’d like to see that but it is not going to happen.

  118. colliethec

    Cool! It makes it seem like I know what people are going to say before they say it!
    Like @ 12:23 Nelly is going to talk about the Fresno state fans in shock and it being talked about in the local news. Even though the time stamp for this post will be 12:18 which is the correct time by my computer!
    It’s like Back To The Future!!! I feel like Marty!! Wheres Doc??!!!

  119. junkyardjamie

    The Fresno State fans are in shock – they keep talking about it on our local news,and it will be in the paper tomorrow too (after they talk about the Merced High game of course).

  120. colliethec

    Nelly, you are an hour ahead of me! I’m replying to your posts at 1:18 & 1:22 and my post will be at 12:27 and go in front of yours.
    Very strange indeed!! Also sort of fun!

  121. colliethec

    Yikes!! Now I’m with your time!!!
    Okay I’ve got to hit the hay now. I can’t take this anymore!!! Just to weird!
    Do you think they are getting back at us for the songs???

  122. colliethec

    You guys were talking comedians earlier.
    Brian Regan is awesome. He is great visually as well as well as his humor as he has great expressions.
    We are going to be seeing Ron White in San Jose in January.
    He’s funny.

  123. colliethec

    I think I see black helicopters above my house nelly!! Oh no I hear the door banging down! They are also coming in the windows! There are a bunch of men dressed in blue & white Dodg……

  124. junkyardjamie

    dcollins – That was just hilarious!!! I took me 15 minutes to get back on — another problem I have been having along with other people – submission errors

  125. junkyardjamie

    hey, my good night post posted at 3:08, which is the right time, but I am posting after you dodger4life – just craziness I tell you – LOL!!!!!

  126. Dodger4life

    Good Night Nelly, God Bless you and your family šŸ™‚

    Good Night good people minding the store God bless you too:)

    Good Night ITD God Bless us all…..

  127. junkyardjamie

    So, is Back to the Future, Freaky Friday, Twilight Zone, Time Warp over yet? Please say it is………… It was great visiting the Mountain Time Zone, but I really want to be back in my own time zone now thank you very much.

  128. junkyardjamie

    So far so good I see šŸ™‚

    Dodger4life – I hope you got some sleep.

    trublue – that was just trippy yesterday, fun, but very weird.

  129. enchantedbeaver

    “Give me your tired, your old,
    Your befuddled masses yearning to rake green,
    The wretched refuse of this year’s free agent pool.
    Send these, the worthless, pop fly-lossed, to me:
    I lift my lamp beside the green girdle.”
    – Ned Colletti

    HO HO HO.
    Deck the fields with aged jolly
    Tis the season for Ned’s follies
    Contract now your vet’ran pleasures
    See the ancient player treasures

  130. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, enchanted!!!! It looks like you got up in a very festive mood this morning – nice job!!!!! LOL!!!!!

  131. junkyardjamie

    It’s posting an hour later for me again – it is only 9:30 in California, right? I had to open my big mouth didn’t I? I couldn’t just leave it alone. Geez!!!!!!!

  132. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!!!!! enchanted – That is absolutely incredible in any time zone – OMG!!!!!!!! How your mind works sometimes just simply amazes me to no end. The third verse from the bottom is my favorite if I had to pick one – just classic and pretty much how I feel about those two. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!! STANDING OVATION FOR YOU!!!

  133. junkyardjamie

    Well, my last comment posted at the right time pst, but now it looks like I can read enchanted’s mind. Boy, I wish I could – I mean who wouldn’t want to know what’s going on inside his head?

  134. junkyardjamie

    I think they would want to examine many of our heads, but I could imagine that you would be the first in line – LOL!!!!!

  135. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – I think you are in the time warp now. Your posts are all coming up an hour later (which to you is in your own time zone). Mine have appeared so far to go back to the pacific time zone.

  136. sparkleplenty_1

    TWow, this time warp stuff is . . . like something out of Star Trek.
    And speaking of old TV shows, I was “prompted” to write a little ditty based on Green Acres. (There must be something creative in the air, or maybe I just haven’t anything better to do before I give the economy a tiny kick.)
    Green Girdle is the place to be
    R.E. developing is the life for me
    Land spreading out so far and wide
    Keep Old Boston,
    just give me that countryside.
    L. A. is where I’d rather stay
    Among the stars is where we want to play
    I just adore a new stadium view
    Money, I love you, but give me JP and Andruw.
    The scores
    The stores
    Fresh air
    We havenā€™t a prayer
    You are my team. The fans want to scream.
    Green Girdle, we are there!

  137. enchantedbeaver

    Twas the night before Winter Meetings, and all through Frank’s house
    Not an outfielder looming, except for The Mouse.
    The turned out pockets were hung by the chimney with care
    In hopes no guaranteed contracts would find there way there.
    The young guns were nestled all snug in the fold
    ā€œcuz none had yet been traded or sold
    And Jamie at her functions, and Frank in denial
    Said 30 millions to much for Manny without as much as a smile
    When out on the mound our hopes were aflutter
    With visions of AJ & CC, weā€™d like one or the utter
    Away our hopes blew up in a flash
    ā€œcuz Frank said to Ned, ā€œWe ainā€™t got the cash.ā€
    The moon on the breast of our crest-fallen hearts
    We knew then and there Ned would just get us old farts.
    When what to our pondering eyes should appear?
    The plight of accounting saying Frankā€™s in arrears.
    With a little Grecian Formula for the old gray beards
    This off-season could be far worse than we feards
    Slower than molasses on a cold winterā€™s day
    Ned whistled and shouted and bade them to play
    Now Johnson and Brocail and Durham and Moises
    Sign Aurilia and Ausmus and a few other choices.
    From the bottom of the list at the bottom the well
    They may not be pretty, but they sure look like hell
    Like dry leaves that before the wild hurricane go
    Its for sure that the vetā€™rans Ned gets will all blow
    So up in the high decks, fans knew what to do
    Resurrect the Dead Horsemen, these guys look like glue
    And then in a twinkling, a rumor I heard
    Weā€™ll go after Hudson, but I knew it absurd
    As I looked at the line-up and fretted around
    I knew soon the basement our team would be bound
    But how Joeā€™s eyes twinkle as he leans ā€˜gainst the rail
    And laughs, how he laughs at Ned chasing his tail
    His folksy rapport, his droll little speaches
    Wonā€™t matter at all to these old sons of beeches
    Now Druwā€™s in the Dominican Republic I hear
    Hoping his once powerful swing would appear
    And Juanpyā€™s still pouting, heā€™s really been stuck
    I know that itā€™s Christmas, but I donā€™t give a [beep]
    While up in the booth Vin Scully will say
    We had a proud organization back in the day
    Remember them fondly when we start to lose
    And not all the yelling, cat-calls and boos
    So remember we will though thereā€™s still two more stanzas
    Iā€™ve run out of rhyme, so theyā€™re not in my planza
    But I heard Ned exclaim as he flew off to Las Vego
    To our chances next season say hasta luego.

  138. Dodger4life

    Good afternoon ITD, has anyone else seen the helicopter’s.

    I hope today is going better?

    I cant stay long as I am doing my Saturday beer and football soon.

    Hooray for beer, I sure can use one šŸ™‚

  139. enchantedbeaver

    Outstanding Diggie!!

    It’s just the festivities of the Winter Meetings season that bring out the best in everyone!!

  140. enchantedbeaver

    New this holiday season from NedCo Broken Records, all your favorite Christmas classics as done by the ITD choir:

    Side One:
    All I want for Christmas is Juan and Druw gone.
    Up on the Mound Top Gray Hairs Pause.
    Little Bummer Boy
    Hark! Arte Moreno’s Angels Sing
    Did You Hear What Jamie Said
    We Three Stooges of L.A. Are
    Side Two:
    Have A Neddy’s Follies Christmas
    O’ Come All Ye Vet’rans
    Here Comes Boras’ Clause
    Silent Plight
    The First No Deal
    We Wish You a Lousy Christmas

    From such artists as Enchanted Steamroller, Diggie and The Deltones, Nells Carter, and Dodger Eric and the Dominos.

    Yes, you’ll be walking to a different beat and time zone waiting for this season to be over. Order now and we’ll also include the Easter classic, Vet’ran’s Parade. Call 1-800-NedColl and ask for it by name, best of all, its a one time payment (sorry, no long term contracts.) All sales final – NO REFUNDS.

    NedCo – where the cold winter winds don’t blow as much as we do.ā„¢

  141. junkyardjamie

    Fantastic Diggie!!!! Whichever time zone I am in right now, I have no clue.

    Wally/jhall – How are you doing? or should I say how are you going to be? LOL!!!!!!

    Dodger4life – have fun with beer and football – that works regardless of time zone.

  142. enchantedbeaver

    I’m just full of the Winter Meetings spirit Diggie!
    …or as least full of something that rhymes with Schmidt.

    I’d say “hey” D4, but I don’t know what time zone you’d hear it in. LOL!

  143. Dodger4life

    Enchanted really got the ” Old Bat On The Ball ” with that pitch. Just listen to the crowd chant his name…. It is like the Beattles have just landed šŸ™‚ This is one hot Christmas album folk’s. Hurray now while supplies last šŸ™‚

  144. junkyardjamie

    Well, it looks like Dodger4life is all screwed up now. I just posted at 1:34, and he is still in the 2 o’clock hour.

  145. trublu4ever

    It has been so strange the last few days, dodger4life. Was reading all the stuff from earlier today and last night.

  146. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    It looks like the time stamps are all wrong again! Right before I left yesterday, I thought the times corrected itself, but apparently, NOT! Iā€™ll be curious to see what MLB will give for this time stamp. Itā€™s 3:49 in Californiaā€¦

  147. cpompe1

    Well, it gave me the right time, but Nelly, youā€™re stuck in the Mountain Time Zone. This is too weird. I never did like The Twilight Zoneā€¦

  148. cpompe1

    Nelly ā€“ Youā€™re right. Perhaps all these time problems weā€™ve been having have to do with the new security team trying to confuse us. Maybe NSB will draw us a picture of our latest mascot: Bizarro (as in the Smallville variety)! All heā€™d have to do is draw Bizarro with an ITD RULES T-shirt!

    And the funniest thing about this particular post is that itā€™ll appear BEFORE your ā€œ4:12 PMā€ comment!

  149. junkyardjamie

    …..has anyone seen dcollins since last night when the helicopters landed? He hasn’t been around, and it’s only a matter of time before they come to get the rest of us. Maybe we need to contact Area 51 to see if they have had any suspicious activity surrounding the Los Angeles Dodgers. Oh wait! what am I talking about, we have Frank as our owner, Ned as our GM and Joe as our manager – we are surrounded by suspicious activity. Maybe it’s the new security team trying out a new system. Maybe if they confuse us enough we will just go away. What they don’t know is we live for stuff like this……….the bizarre and ridiculous. With Andruw, JP, Schmidt, etc., we have learned to deal with the bizarre and ridiculous.

  150. junkyardjamie

    Hey CP! The system doesn’t allow me to post when I have a time stamp before the pacific coast time. I get submission errors. This one will probably stamp an hour later, and once it realizes it, it locks me out until my time lapses again. Funny you mention Smallville because maybe we can get Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luther) to help us out of this time warp. He is a huge Dodger fan as he was at Under the Lights with us.

  151. junkyardjamie

    Now that one showed up with the right time stamp, but it will only be a matter of time before I go back to the mountain time zone. It’s been happening this whole time.

  152. junkyardjamie

    dcollins – Where are you? Where are you dcollins? Give us a sign, any sign…….. Who is next? No one knows…… but if you hear helicopters, run as fast as you can and hide………it could save your life.

  153. cpompe1

    Amy! How are you my girl and fellow Ethieraholic??? Some of us are okay, but then some of us (like Nelly) is stuck in the Mountain time zone. See her ā€œ4:12 PMā€ comment? That was there before I made my three previous comments! The time stamps have been weird since yesterdayā€¦

  154. cpompe1

    Oh, wow! Just as soon as I open my big mouth and say that my posts are showing up with the correct time stamp, that last one time warps me in the Mountain Time Zone too! Too weird!

  155. amyw27

    CP! I’m well. How are you?? is the job search still on? or did we land something? I wish you all the best!!
    I am enjoying mommy’s leftovers and such. Always nice to eat turkey sandwiches. To me, they are a lot better than warm turkey out of the over. I like it cold šŸ™‚ And the pie…Gotta love pie! Mom makes them from scratch and are the best ones ever.

  156. junkyardjamie

    dcollins……where are you? any sign of dcollins? Oh no!!…..be on the look out for those helicopters. Who will be next? Nobody knows.

    dodger4life – there is no sign of him anywhere. Where could he have gone? dcollins…. where are you?

  157. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening ITD readers, writers and others!!!

    Just checking in to see if we are back to normal. I guess normal is a relative term when talking about us, isn’t it?

  158. cpompe1

    Hey Amy!
    Iā€™m sorry itā€™s taking me so long to answer you back. But the weirdest thing happened after I asked you my question to you and you answered me. I got a ā€œsubmission errorā€ and couldnā€™t post at all! I could read, but I couldnā€™t post. So I just got off my computer until now. But in answer to your question, yes, the job search still on. Looking for a job has become a chore to me. I mean, looking for a job in the best of times is a full-time job, but in times like these, itā€™s nothing but a chore. But thx for wishing me all the best!!

    Well Nelly, are you back on? I just saw your e-mail and replied back to you. I know, itā€™s a reply you sent over 4 hours ago, but like I told Amy, I got frustrated and just got off the computer until now. And yes, normal is a relative term when talking about ITD ā€“ at least lately it has beenā€¦

  159. junkyardjamie

    CP – I am here, and it appears everything is okay for now anyway.

    Dodger4life is here safe and sound, but where is dcollins? We haven’t heard from him since the helicopters were surrounding his house late last night/early this morning.

  160. cpompe1

    I just hope Amy doesnā€™t think I was ā€œblowing her offā€ by not answering her question right away. Amy, whenever you get back here, NO, I was NOT blowing you off!

  161. cpompe1

    Nelly, I donā€™t know if she knew that we were in the time warp. I tried to tell her, and maybe she caught onto it, maybe she didn’t. I just hope she didnā€™t go away madā€¦

  162. cpompe1

    Oh, Nelly. I just had a thought! And a very scary thought indeed. Good ole Frank isnā€™t testing us tonight by contemplating moving the Dodgers to somewhere in the Mountain Time Zone??? Ugh, perish the thoughtā€¦

  163. Dodger4life

    CP~ everyone seem’s to be catching on pretty quick.

    I wonder if when you are taken away by helicopter, Do they Brainwash you? I sure hope they did’nt give DCollins some mind altering drug’s.
    And make him think he is a Gnat’s fan now.

  164. junkyardjamie

    Now that would be scary!! I guess that depends on where you live – Dodger4life and enchanted may benefit from that move.

  165. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – I can’t seem to find him anywhere. I have asked him to give us a sign that he is at least alive, but nothing……..just silence…..

  166. cpompe1

    Well Dodger4life, dcollins did say that there were a bunch of men dressed in blue & white! I would hope that dcollins isnā€™t being brainwashed to become a gnats fan!

    But Iā€™ll ask too, DCOLLINS, WHERE ARE YOU???

  167. cpompe1

    Oh no, not New Mexico Nelly! I canā€™t even fathom my Dodgers being that far away from me! But, if that ever did happen, well, I know how Dodger4life and Enchanted feel! And how Brooklynites felt 50 years agoā€¦

    But Dodger4life, I might be able to handle the Boise Dodgers. Hmmmā€¦. Still sounds funny to meā€¦

  168. Dodger4life

    I will be selling them Nelly šŸ™‚ When the copter’s come I bet they take you to an undisclosed location, where they confine you to a small space, filled with Gnat memorabilia. They pipe in Gnat reruns until you reform. Hang in the DCollins
    We are all behind ya šŸ™‚

  169. Dodger4life

    We allready have purple potatoes. Blue should’nt be that hard. We could really use more ballfield’s for our park system.

  170. cpompe1

    I wonder when Josh posts a new thread, if heā€™s going to address the time warp issues weā€™ve been having (until now). Now just watch, as soon as I say, ā€œuntil nowā€ Iā€™ll go back to the MT zoneā€¦ Ooooh, perish the thoughtā€¦

  171. junkyardjamie

    I already live that nightmare – it’s called my son’s room – LOL!!! The smell is horrible too. LMAO!!!!! Oh dcollins!!!! please hang in there…..we will come, eventually šŸ™‚

  172. junkyardjamie

    You know New Mexico is home to Roswell – hmmmm!!! Maybe this is enchanted’s way of messing with our minds. Nah – he just writes songs – those mess with our minds enough as it is…… LMAO!!!!!!!

  173. cpompe1

    Well Nelly & Dodger4life, Iā€™ve gotta go. Iā€™m running the visuals at church tomorrow and Iā€™ve got to get up early. Iā€™ll catch up with yā€™all laterā€¦

    ***NOTE TO JOSH***
    Next time you post a new thread, can you please enlighten us as to why we keep on getting stuck in time warps???

  174. Dodger4life

    I am going to plead the 5th šŸ™‚
    We have problems with the line from a bigger school. We allway’s have a shot but reallistically USC would be difficult.

  175. junkyardjamie

    Yes, I don’t think it would be easy ethier, but I think they would be good competition for any of the big schools. Isn’t it true many schools don’t want to play Boise because it’s not worth the risk of losing? That is a compliment for sure.

  176. junkyardjamie

    dcollins……..where….are…..you? Hello, are you there dcollins? nothing, just silence……………………..

  177. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – Did you get locked out again? It will take another hour to find your keys. That means I will lose my keys and be locked out next, not to return for an hour as well. dcollins – hang in there for a little while longer. If you are there, please give us a sign you are still a Dodger fan.

  178. junkyardjamie

    You know, maybe dcollins hasn’t been the only one taken. We haven’t heard from Dodgereric since this whole time warp thing started, and who better to take for experimentation then him. I mean think about all the knowledge he has. I mean did any of us know a pregnant goldfish was a twit,and did any of us know that a group of unicorns was called a blessing. On top of all that, his knowledge of baseball history is astounding. And think about it, dcollins a Northern California Dodger fan and Dodgereric a Southern California Dodger fan – what a perfect combination for experimentation.

  179. junkyardjamie

    Thanks Dodger4life for that video clip – I do like Rick Monday. He’s a #16 too, but that clip is just great!!!!

  180. junkyardjamie

    Thinking Dodger Blue
    The whole year through
    365 Days a year
    7 Days a week
    24 hours a day
    There’s nothing better
    Than bleeding Dodger Blue

  181. junkyardjamie

    Good night ITD readers,writers and others. Hopefully all will be right with ITD soon. It’s been fun, but it’s time to go back to the way it used to be. Take care and God Bless!!

  182. Dodger4life

    Sign Manny, Sign CC, bring back our Youn Gun’s, Fill the rest of the hole’s and I will reform…..

    Anything it take’s to win a Championship???

  183. junkyardjamie

    Hey my last post was stamped at the right time – there is still hope for a normal (ITD normal) tomorrow. Good Night again!!!

  184. colliethec

    Juan Pierre is the best outfielder in baseball.
    Ned made the correct decision in signing him as well as all his other moves…
    Every move of every game that Joe made were the correct moves.
    The kids are finally getting it. They are beginning to execute.
    The McCourts are correct with their thoughts and observations on all things baseball related. It is insensitive to spend money on free agents when people are losing their homes and jobs, while at the same time charging higher ticket prices for a seat to a ST game and a towel is an awesome decision.
    PVL’s are the glue from the Dead Horsemen that held this team together last year.
    Go Frank, Jamie, Ned, and Joe!!!

  185. junkyardjamie

    dcollins – what happened to you? OMG!!!!!! Dodger4life – something happened to dcollins. He actually thinks like “they” do…… Oh no!!! what now?

  186. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – Where are you? Did you lose your keys again? It’s dcollins……something has happened to him. He’s not the same.

  187. junkyardjamie

    OMG!!!! He actually thinks JP can play the outfield. Something is seriously wrong with him. We never thought it would be this bad.

  188. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, ITD readers and writers! So far everything seems fine, but I thought that yesteday morning, too.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their morning.

  189. junkyardjamie

    …..maybe the Invasion of the Name Changers and the Time Warp are part of the same plan……

    Dodger4life is still MIA………….Did they exchange dcollins for Dodger4life? And who knows what happened to Dodgereric/Ward dear?……….He’s been missing for days now every since that last slice of pumpkin pie was offered. Oh where could they be? Then there is what to do with dcollins who has been brainwashed into thinking like “they” do. Oh, what’s to come of ITD?

  190. cpompe1

    I noticed that dcollinsā€™ name showed back up, but take a look at what he said. He said, ā€œIs anyone else out there going shopping for Black friday tomorrow??? ā€¦ā€ That comment posted on November 30, 2008, 1:25 AM! November 30th! Black Friday was November 28th! Again, strange things are going on hereā€¦

  191. junkyardjamie

    CP – are you still there? It appears everything is doing well now, but I haven’t posted much today, and it seems to start flipping out when I have done a few posts.

  192. junkyardjamie

    72 Days until Spring Training
    Until then we will be praying
    That our young guns will be playing
    Furcal will be staying
    Manny or CC, Frank will be paying
    Andruw and JP we’ll be trading
    72 Days until Spring Training
    Until then we will be praying

    Thinking Dodger Blue
    The whole year through!!!

    How is everyone this evening?
    I would have to assume the time warp is finally over šŸ™‚

  193. junkyardjamie

    How was your Sunday? I spent some a school setting up for Monday. I figure if I can get through Monday, I can worry about the rest of the week tomorrow after school.

  194. cpompe1

    Oh, it was fine. We went to church this morning. Like I told you last night, I was running the visuals this morning, so I woke up early. Jim wasn’t singing today, so HE got to sleep in! The rest of the day consisted of posting our podcast, and then hanging our Christmas lights (outdoors). No, we haven’t got a tree yet. We probably won’t until next week or so.

  195. cpompe1

    Nelly! You were 6:49 PM and I’m 6:51 PM! Oh no, we’re going to the dark side!!! Well, if I have to go to the dark side, at least I have company!!! šŸ™‚

  196. junkyardjamie

    northstateblues thinks this issue might be because mlb.com is trying a new profile program. He’s probably right because the last time they tried to update something, we had name change issues and most everyone had to start signing in.

  197. junkyardjamie

    LOL!!!! This is just bizarre that is happening to some, but not all, and that is what is screwing everything up. If it just stayed mountain time, and everyones posts were stamped mountain time, then it wouldn’t make any difference. It’s the back and forth between time zones that is probably shutting the system down and locking us out with submission errors.

  198. cpompe1

    Yeah Nelly, it’s that back and forth that is the problem. Like you, I could live with the mountain time zone, but I don’t like it shutting us down! Let’s see what this does…

  199. junkyardjamie

    It seems like once you are locked out, it takes about 15-20 minutes to get back on. Be on the lookout for helicopters…..

    dcollins – are you okay?

    dodger4life – where are you?

    dodgereric/Ward Dear – I hope you are okay?

  200. trublu4ever

    Good evening/night/morning? This is really beginning to bother me. We have a lot to discuss when the winter meetings begin.

  201. trublu4ever

    First, they took away me “e”s and now, I’m not even listed as a recent entry! I think I’m disappearing!!

  202. junkyardjamie

    Is the Invasion of the Name Changer and The Time Warp part of the same plan?
    Here’s a (fun) theory –

    “NedVision – The Transformed Dodger Fan: The Experiment”
    Participants: ITD Bloggers
    Testers: Dr. FNJ
    Objective: To transform Dodger Fan thinking to that of the current Dodger Management

  203. junkyardjamie

    So, if I post at the actually time of my previous post which is an hour later, what will happen – nobody knows but mlblogs.

  204. junkyardjamie

    You something even funnier, my posts are 3 minutes shy of an hour over – meaning, my computer clock say 8:58, but it will post at 9:55 – is this the most bizarre issue or what?

  205. junkyardjamie

    Can we please have our ITD blog back? This time warp stuff was fun while it lasted, but I want it back to normal. We will have Dodger business to talk about tomorrow as I’m sure their business at hand of finding players will resume as well.

  206. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, ITD readers and writers!!!
    71 more days until Spring Training!!!!!!
    Let’s hope we get some things straightened out this week in the business of the Dodgers šŸ™‚

  207. trublu4ever

    Good morning. Please, please get this mess straightened out, Josh! Find out what’s wrong and fix it if you can.

  208. trublu4ever

    It has been a crazy weekend. The time zones are off kilter and half of the time we are getting locked out with the ever popular “submission error”. All the men have disappeared, Dodgereric. Boy, am I glad to see you back!!! Dcollins and dodger4life were here for a bit, but that is it!

  209. dodgereric

    Well, let me check…………..yep, still a man.

    My router blew up on Friday at some time. Matt was bummed out because his on-line gaming went away and I was going thru ITD withdrawls all weekend. We should get a new one today sometime I hope.

    I just went back a dozen or so posts and caught a whiff of what you’re talking about. When I get some time I’ll look back further. Are there any songs for me to post?

  210. junkyardjamie

    Ward Dear……I am soooo glad to see you!!!!!
    Talk about withdrawls……….it was awful!!!!!!
    Dodger4life, dcollins and I were having fun with our time warp issues, though. I am glad everything is well with you šŸ™‚

  211. dodgereric

    Check, I’ll take care of those later.

    It looks like we’re still stagnant in the FA/trade market. Aren’t the Winter Meetings starting this week?

  212. dodgereric

    Whoa, I see what you mean! My post went ahead of the two from Tru @ 9:51 & 9:54! I guess NoCal is on Mountain Time!

  213. dodgereric

    Good morning, June Darlin’! Nice to see you too! But I guess this conversation thing is going to be challenging with the time stamps all screwy.

  214. cpompe1

    Good morning ITD boys and girls!
    Eric! Youā€™re back! Itā€™s great to see ya again! The song I posted last Friday was only a repost of my ā€œJuan Pierre Got Run Over By a Reindeerā€ song. That was my first song parody and I wanted to reprise it once the OFFICIAL first day of Christmas shopping started! Unfortunately, thatā€™s when we started getting these time warp issues!

    Well, letā€™s see where this particular post ends up? On my computer, it is now 9:26 AM PSTā€¦

  215. cpompe1

    I thought Josh wouldā€™ve come back with a new thread to explain all this madness. Perhaps he will later today or tomorrow. Hopefully, the sooner, the betterā€¦

  216. dodgereric

    LOL!! This is like the scene in Animal House when the guys syncronized their watches and Belushi’s was way different from everyone else’s.

    Tru, you’re in a different dimension right now! We’ll call you TruWarp! LOL!!

  217. dodgereric

    That’s so bizarre! Junie, your post at 9:05 went OK. I wonder if north or anyone else in NoCal would have the same problem?

  218. cpompe1

    But I think the most annoying thing for me is that I have to scroll up and down, at the bottom, to see the most ā€œrecentā€ post! It could be the right time, or it could be an hour ahead!

  219. cpompe1

    But Eric, right NOW Iā€™m posting in the right time zone, but I definitely havenā€™t been in the right time zone all the time! And then, those darn submission errorsā€¦

  220. cpompe1

    Well, Iā€™ve gotta go. I have things to do around the house and I hate posting in a time warp like this! I know Iā€™m not in a time warp (for now), but Tru & Nelly are! Josh, oh Josh, where are you when we need you? We need you to come back with a new thread to explain all this!

  221. junkyardjamie

    See, all the fun you missed Dodgereric/Ward Dear……. I was actually able to read enchanted’s mind at times – so very bizarre (the time warp, not enchanted’s mind – well, it could apply to both, now couldn’t it?) – LOL!!!!

  222. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Nells! Winter meetings are from Dec. 8-11. Last day to offer arbitration to our FAs is Dec. 7, so we may not get much action until next week.

    They’re really in a can’t lose situation by offering arbitration to Manny, Lowe, Blake and Biemel. You have to to Manny and Lowe so you’ll get two picks, and with Biemel and Blake, you only would have to sign them for the year if they accept. Otherwise we’d get a pick for them as well. The rest either aren’t eligible to receive a pick and/or worthy of taking the chance they’ll accept arbitration.

    I still think if nothing else Ned HAS TO sign Hudson to give us a legit lead-off man, otherwise we’ll be stuck with Pierre. Then he’d better go after some decent pitching.

  223. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – I know not much is going to happen, but I just want the ITD to run normal again. It was great being in your time zone for 4 days, but I want to go back home to the pacific time zone.

  224. junkyardjamie

    I think this going back and forth between time zones is started to make me dizzy. mountain, pacific, mountain, pacific, mountain, pacific and the submission error – geez!!!!!!!

  225. trublu4ever

    Good afternoon/evening/morning! My name is Trublu and I was told to report here and ask for Dcollins!!! 1:15 p.m.

  226. Dodger4life

    I am looking bfor the one thay call dcollins? Are you such???

    He will fill me in on the next assignment….

    There are big things to come of the future….

  227. trublu4ever

    It’s 1:29 and maybe if we click our heels on our ruby red slippers, everything will be okay! Oh, Toto, where are you? Auntie Em, I miss you!!

  228. sparkleplenty_1

    Aarrrrgghhhh! I have been locked out since just after posting my song on 11/29!!! It’s not nice when we get locked out, not matter what time zone we’re in. As Spock would say, “It’s not logical.”

  229. sparkleplenty_1

    Now this is really weird . . I posted at 1:11, and now the time stamp says 2:11. I’m hearing the theme from “Twilight Zone” in the background. There’s a tornado coming . . . . LOL

  230. colliethec

    d4 your instructions will be downloaded to you from the Mother Ship.
    When received, go to the meeting point for further instructions.
    We will achieve the set goal soon enough…

  231. enchantedbeaver

    Since we’re in a time warp, can we go back to the day before Ned signed Pierre, Schmidt and Jones, tie him up and stick him in the broom closet?

  232. Dodger4life

    Thank you wise one šŸ™‚
    I am off, to await word from the Mothership…

    Have awonderful day, Dodgerfaithful’s šŸ™‚

  233. thinkingblue

    OMG! I’m in, I’m in…I’ve been trying all day today to log in. But I guess there is MLB technical difficulties. Don’t if it’s because it is CYBER MONDAY or it is just MLB…??
    THANK YOU JOSH ā€“ I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine.
    Hello all ITD ā€“ hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I havenā€™t checked in since Wednesday, but I did remember November 28th JUAN PIERRE GOT RAN OVER BY A REINDEER.
    CP – That is funny…so he got ran over by a reindeer or a mob of angry Dodger fans…LOL! ITD CHRISTMAS CAROL TIME!
    I see that we have not signed Manny yet…what are they waiting for. Iā€™m glad that they are finally thinking of others…LOWE & FURCAL. hopefully they stay blue…DODGER BLUE!

  234. cpompe1

    Good afternoon ITD boys and girls!
    Enchanted ā€“ I would love nothing better than to go backwards in time before Ned made those awful signings!

    So when I was on this morning, I (donā€™t jinx it, donā€™t jinx it) was on PST. Right now, itā€™s 2:47 PST ā€“ letā€™s see what time stamp I get this timeā€¦

  235. cpompe1

    Good afternoon Dodgersrule! Donā€™t you love the time warp weā€™re in??? NOT! Some of us are in the Pacific Time zone, others are in the Mountain Time zone. Itā€™s been like this since Friday. And some of us (including me) have gotten ā€œsubmission errors.ā€ Meaning, we canā€™t post at all. So if you start to have a conversation with me or anyone else here, and then you ask a question and itā€™s not returned within reason, then that might be whatā€™s happening! I was talking to AmyW the other day, I asked her how she was, she asked me a question, and then I got my submission error and could not respond back to her. Weird happenings on ITDā€¦

  236. colliethec

    Did anyone catch the latest mailbag?
    I think Ken got it correct with what he would of done with Manny.
    He doesn’t usually go off the company line all that much. This seemed a little bit off what was done.

  237. colliethec

    I guess Northern California is still on Mountain time.
    Maybe it’s the tectonic plates that have us moving there!
    No offense but I hope not anytime to soon!!!! I like my ocean.

  238. cpompe1

    Okay, it seems like people are getting submission errors and canā€™t post. Or else, Iā€™m here by my lonesome šŸ˜¦

    Well, Iā€™ve gotta go run some errands. Maybe Iā€™ll be back tonight. If I do, weā€™ll see whatā€™s happening here in ITDland by thenā€¦ Oh, by the way, this post is 3:07 PSTā€¦

  239. northstateblues

    Still stuck in the warp? I wonder what time zone I’m in…

    Kinda nervous about winter meetings. Mainly ’cause I’m not sure what direction we’re gonna take. Probably will be an interesting ride like always, though.

    All I’m hoping for is no panicked decisions to lock in a past-his-prime PVL long enough to logjam an upcoming talent. “Better a year early than a year late” obviously hasn’t applied to PVL’s lately.

  240. junkyardjamie

    northstateblues ~ How are you doing? Did you catch up on all of your reading? It seems like every time we think our time zone issue is over, it comes right back and tells us – no it’s not over quite yet.

  241. dodgereric

    I’m furious! I just heard the Dodgers were going to trade Maury Wills to the Pirates! That’s terrible! First Sandy had to retire and now this! I’m so mad that I can’t focus for my 7th grade English final! I know we just got swept in the Series, but we need hitting, not to get rid of our sparkplug! Come on, we’re not even getting anyone in return! Someone say SOMETHING to O’Malley PLEASE!!!

  242. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!! ~ That’s very good Ward Dear. Welcome to the ITD version of The Twilight Zone, where you have no idea what time zone you will end up in next. As long as it doesn’t go to Hawaii’s time zone where I would have to repeat the next three hours.

  243. junkyardjamie

    OH NO!!!!!!!! I am back in mountain time. Enchanted and Dodger4life – Do you have any rooms available?!????

  244. junkyardjamie

    Josh – Help us please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are stuck in a time warp and can’t get out!!!!!!!!!!!

  245. enchantedbeaver


    I like the program that they use over at Dodger Thoughts that posts the entry/post number. It also allows you to use boldface which would come in quite handy at times.

    4:05 PST

  246. enchantedbeaver


    I’d plea for help from Josh regarding the time warp, but I think if I went overboard in the middle of the ocean, rather than a life preserver the Dodger front office would collectively throw me an anchor.

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