The offseason – Scott Akasaki

For those of us who travel with the team (coaches, medical, baseball operations front office, publicity, and broadcasters), a common question this time of year is, now that the season is over what do you do?  Do you even need to go in to the office?

For the traveling secretary (and virtually all of the other 180 or so fulltime employees here at the stadium), there is no “off” season.  In some way, shape, or form, we all are preparing for next year.  The sales force on the other side of the office seems to be in high gear.  Among other projects, the public relations department is working on the annual information guide.  Stadium Operations is gearing up for another phase of the ongoing stadium renovations.  Marketing and Consumer Development is working on how to improve the overall fan experience.  My two bosses, General Manager Ned Colletti and Assistant General Manager Kim Ng, are tireless workers trying to make our club better.  Underneath them, our baseball operations department is putting in extended hours to help improve our team as well.  We are all busy.

Amongst other responsibilities, my duties include hotel selection, charter airline negotiations, Spring Training logistics (with the World Baseball Classic mixed in), and winter meetings travel.  Like Ned and Kim, my job also includes improving the team travel and clubhouse aspects of our club.  Where can we improve?  What did not work this season?  How should we approach the upcoming year?  Once in a while, a baseball operations special project comes my way and those are always enjoyable.

The main difference between my in-season work week and my off-season work week is that I get weekends now.  I am probably not alone when I say that I am catching up on all medical (optometrist, dentist, etc.) appointments in addition to the random household job.  During the season, personal time is very limited and as such, a lot of time is spent with loved ones.

Joe Torre was in the office today and we talked briefly about Spring Training.  As we spoke about moving into Glendale, it hit me that Spring Training is only three months away. Hope to see many of you out there.  


  1. lagirl27

    Thank you for the update. For the fans the offseason is slow. We find that we get so wrapped up in daily starting lineups, city locations, DL reports and game times that when it’s over it’s hard to refocus that energy.
    I’m glad things are going well with the organization and we can’t wait to know who will be reporting to spring training in a Dodger uniform in 2009.
    Go Dodgers!!

  2. northstateblues

    Scott- Wow, you never get a week off. It must be fun doing something you love, though. I remember I loved working at the local ballpark (even though the scent of day old peanuts, nacho cheese and stale beer still haunt me at times).

    the media has us believe that football is now the national favorite, and they’re probably right, but Baseball is always my number one. And I’ve regretted leaving the seasonal job for my more permanent job I have now, but working towards making the fans’ experience better is one thing
    I’ve always enjoyed.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. lagirl27

    Happy Birthday NSB!!! I hope it’s a good day for you 🙂 The best day actually~~
    I’m good. Ready to go home. We got free thanksiving feast lunch today at work that was mighty tasty!

  4. thinkingblue

    JOSH – that was very interesting. Dodgertown is busy offseason too. And thanks for sharing with us. Stadium Operations seems to be interesting…what new renovation is happening in Dodger Stadium. I’m in the Architecture field, so it will be neat to be part of that. And your job sounds like alot of fun. Now I understand why you are always asking for our opinions. Thanks for listening to us. I have noticed that our suggestions and opinions do get heard. Thanks for letting the fans be part of the whole improvent systems.

  5. northstateblues

    Thanks Amy. It has been great so far. Thanksgiving feast sounds good, now I want some Cranberry sauce, heh. I’m in for some BBQ later, and a chocolate mousse cake.

    Glad to see you’re doing well 🙂

  6. northstateblues

    R.I.P. Mitch Mitchell… the Jimi Hendrix Experience reunion tours heaven tonight.
    Excerpt from the article:

    Drummer for Jimi Hendrix found dead
    By MARY HUDETZ, Associated Press Writer
    31 mins ago

    PORTLAND, Ore. – Mitch Mitchell, drummer for the legendary Jimi Hendrix Experience of the 1960s and the group’s last surviving member, was found dead in his hotel room early Wednesday. He was 61.

    Mitchell was a powerful force on “Are You Experienced?” the 1967 debut album of the Hendrix band. He had an explosive drumming style that can be heard in hard-charging songs such as “Fire” and “Manic Depression.”

    The Englishman had been drumming for the Experience Hendrix Tour, which performed Friday in Portland. It was the last stop on the West Coast part of the tour.

    Hendrix died in 1970. Noel Redding, bass player for the trio, died in 2003.

    An employee at Portland’s Benson Hotel called police after discovering Mitchell’s body.

    Erin Patrick, a deputy medical examiner, said Mitchell apparently died of natural causes. An autopsy was planned.

    Bob Merlis, a spokesman for the tour, said Mitchell had stayed in Portland for a four-day vacation and planned to leave Wednesday.

    “It was a devastating surprise,” Merlis said. “Nobody drummed like he did.”

  7. thinkingblue

    OOOPS…RED PENCIL! not JOSH, but SCOTT! Sorry SCOTT. Scott I hope you are enjoying our company here at ITD.
    I can’t wait for Spring Training to begin!

  8. crzblue2

    Thank you so much for posting here. I check the website quite a few times a day to see what is new. I can’t wait to get the schedule for Spring Training but I am afraid that with it being closer now that some of us we;ve be left out. At this time, I’ve already be checking into making reservations for Vero Beach. I will miss the friends I made there and the ones that travel there to see our Dodgers or their team that still plays there. I am just wondering how the hotel situation will be in Glendale. I added three stadiums to my list of stadiums to visit and hopefully next year I’ll add some more. thank you for keeping us informed! We love to hear from you and Josh! -Emma

  9. junkyardjamie

    Scott – Thanks for the great write up!! Keep up the fabulous work. I makes me tired just thinking about all the things you need to do. Thank you for keeping us informed.

  10. junkyardjamie

    Before I leave for the day and head home ( Well, errands, batting practice and then home), I just wanted to wish Northstateblues a Happy Birthday again. If I don’t see you later, have a fabulous night!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! 🙂

    As for the rest of you ITD Land friends, if I don’t see you during ITD late night, have a wonderful evening!!!

  11. oldbrooklynfan

    According to what I read the “Dodger Organization” has been in existence since 1884. By 2009 that would be exactly 125 years.
    Just thought I’d mention it.

  12. Dodger4life

    WE LOVE OUR DODGER’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    365 DAY’S A YEAR
    7 DAY’S A WEEK
    24 HOUR’S A DAY

  13. junkyardjamie

    Dodger4life – How are you?

    365 DAYS A YEAR
    24 HOURS A DAY

  14. jeanette28

    The Spring Training schedule is up on the Dodgers website, never been to a ST game, hopefully I can get tickets to some games or at least 1 on the weekend of my b-day!

  15. junkyardjamie

    School was good for what felt like Monday again. Batting Practice went well. Ben (my son’s pitching coach) is pitching faster and farther away. I discovered I like the low, outside pitches 🙂

  16. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening Late Night ITD Land!!!!!!!!

    How is everyone doing?

    Dodger4life ~ Have the CMAs already started? I just got home.

  17. junkyardjamie

    It started at 8 here, so that would be 10:44 my time :). My son is actually an Eagles fan. He loves the song Hotel California. They are watching “That 70’s Show” right now.

  18. Dodger4life

    New one ~To busy bieng beautiful? Kenny Chesney and the Wailers did a tribute to Marley ” DONT WORRY” in the last hour.

  19. junkyardjamie

    I have that CD also, and you are right, not the same. I love all of their songs, but Hotel California is way up on the list of favorites of all time songs too.

  20. junkyardjamie

    He heard the song on the way to a football game when he was a freshman, and he came home acting like it was something new. He must have listened to it 100 times during the rest of that season. I am sure it is on his Ipod still. It’s something about that song when you hear the first chord, it’s just cool, I guess. My favorite in the band is Joe Walsh. Something about the way he plays guitar. I just love watching him play. I have total admiration for those that can play instruments well.

  21. Dodger4life

    Yes there is nothing like a cool sound, coming from an instrument. Hotel California defently fits that mold 🙂

  22. junkyardjamie

    The Tonight Show is still 1 hour and 20 minutes away for me. I haven’t even gotten to the Eagles yet – LOL!!!!

  23. Dodger4life

    Yeah I remember when I first came to Boise. It took me a while to adjust. In the summer the sun stay’s out till past 10 it was wierd to see little kids out playing at 10:30 pm.

  24. Dodger4life

    It works out good in the summer, but this time of year it gets dark at 5:30 so about when you get off work. It is different but I’m used to it now.

  25. Dodger4life

    I did it 7 day’s a week one year. made for a long year. All I remeber was working, taking a shower, waking up and working again.

  26. junkyardjamie

    It’s okay – I had to check to make sure myself. I wanted George to win anyway – LOL!!! George got the most honored artist in CMA history – now, that is awesome.

  27. junkyardjamie

    Ready to meet Andre and Russell – definitely, ready for baseball – probably not – LOL!!! I am doing pretty good, but add nerves on top of being a novice, it probably won’t be pretty- LOL!!!

  28. junkyardjamie

    That is true – I was joking tonight about wanting to at least throw the ball as well as JP – LMAO!!!!!! or what about Sweeney – LMAO!!!!!!!!

  29. bluecrewgirl

    Belated Happy Birthday wishes Northstate! I hope you had a good one. DNelly, that’s so exciting that you’re going to the Under The Lights event. Are Amy and Sara going too? Good luck with your new business too.

    I hope Ned means what he says about keeping the young nucleus together. I think it would be a mistake to break them up for Peavy or anyone else.

  30. trublu4ever

    Good morning Bluecrewgirl ~ Another day passes and no Manny but, we still have Andre, Matt, James and Russell. Another day passes and we don’t have Furcal or a new starting pitcher. Another day passes and, we are closer to Spring Training (Feb. 25th) beginning. Oh, where, oh where, will all our players be?

  31. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, ITD Land!!!

    Bluecrewgirl – It’s great to see your name on here. How have you been? It is definitely exciting being able to go to “Under the Lights”, but I think I am in a little bit of a shock still. It really hasn’t set in yet that I am actually going. It should be fun and scary all at the same time. I hope they keep our young core together too. There hasn’t been any indication (other than a few mindless rumors) that anything is going to happen to them. However, never say never I guess.

    trublu – like enchanted said – just too many holes to fill while waiting for many makes it a little nerve-racking to say the least.

  32. trublu4ever

    Nellyae ~ I’m not as sore from our batting practice as I thought I’d be! I’m actually surprised I can move at all! lol

  33. junkyardjamie

    That’s good trublu – LOL!!!! I stayed and worked on fielding (ground balls). All the televisions are up and running, so all we need is the internet, and we will be all hooked up. Ben was saying with televsion, internet and baseball, he may never go home – LOL!!!!!

  34. trublu4ever

    I need to work on my fielding and catching! And also my batting and throwing! Hey, we want to look like we know what we are doing out there…….running is not one of my strong suits. I could hit the ball and get JP to run for me! lol


    “On behalf of Jason Ungar, we will, for the first time, begin posting serious postings and commentary on Friday.”

  36. Dodger4life

    Hello ITD, it is kind of slow so I thought I’d donate some r material. Enjoy

  37. trublu4ever

    Just heard Frank is willing to offer Manny one more year on the deal. However, Manny will begin talking to other teams tomorrow. I should say BORASS will be talking to other teams!

  38. junkyardjamie

    I was reading a Winnie the Pooh story today to my class, and every time Tigger’s name came up, I said the word “trigger” instead. I wonder why……


  39. northstateblues

    Good morning ITD… or noon… since I slept in and missed class x_x .

    I scored on DS twice yesterday… my gf got me Guitar Hero on Tour, which RAWKS, and I also got MLB Power Pros 2008.

    I was really surprised, even after hearing how it’s the best baseball game for the DS. The characters are cutesy looking, but it’s a really complete ballgame. Easy enough that most could pick it up and do decent, but there are a lot of intricacies that make the game great.

    No season mode, but it does have a playoff tournament mode. I usually get bored with season mode anyway. and the little chibi (tiny cutesy japanese animation) guys are funny, their eyes get all big and black when there’s a close call on a pitch. and if they whiff really bad, then they’ll spin around and fall flat on their butt.

    Definitely satiating my baseball doldrums. But it still bugs me that little Manny (who I had to trade for, since the rosters are from before day 1) is wearing Alston’s number 24, and I can’t change it. Aside from that little nagging detail, it’s great.

    I wonder if I traded a guy with jersey number 3 to the Yankees, if he’d get to wear Babe Ruth’s jersey… Steve Sax, you were born 20 years too soon.

  40. northstateblues

    If anyone’s interested, here’s what Jayson Stark of ESPN thinks the Dodgers should be looking for this offseason.




    WHAT THEY NEED: Manny or an impact outfield bat, Sabathia or a top-of-the-rotation starter to replace Lowe, Casey Blake or a new third baseman, Rafael Furcal or a new leadoff man and a shortstop or second baseman or both. Is that all?

    FREE AGENT WHO COULD TOP THEIR LIST: Manny or CC, but not both.

    HOW THEY’LL SHOP: Should be a fun winter. The Dodgers have shed 12 free agents and nearly $60 million in payroll. So they have dollars to spend, but big holes to fill. They’ll chase Manny, but they won’t let Scott Boras spin them through his Cuisinart indefinitely. And if they give up on Manny, they’ll be a major player in the Sabathia lottery. This is a team with so many rings in its circus, it’s impossible to list them all. So suffice it to say we’ll be talking Dodgers all winter.


    He also has the Giants super-interested in Rafael Furcal, and Lowe interested in the Mets.

  41. northstateblues

    Dnelly, yeah, it went really well. I was really suprised by how many well-wishers I had here at ITD, heh (including bluecrewgirl today and diggie1 last night after I had stopped posting, thanks 🙂 ). Everyone here’s really great, and I think it’s awesome that we have such a tight knit community here. I don’t see many other blogs taking on the kind of life we’ve had here in the ITD comments section.

    Maybe we’re all like Vin, and we all talk too much (we should be so lucky). Maybe I just talk too much 😉 but thanks again to everyone, definitely great to have so many friends wishing you a happy b-day. I’ll never forget this.

    As for DS baseball, I’ve already begun cussing at my DS multiple times, mostly for my own baserunning mistakes. They might be the 2008 edition in the game, but when they’re on the basepaths, they’re the classic “The Dodgers have 3 men on base” “Yeah, which base?” Dodgers. It’s really something when Ethier hits a line drive gapper to the wall, and instead of rounding 2nd to head to 3rd, Manny instead decides to turn around and head for first. I’ve gotta get better, heh.

  42. Dodger4life

    Things should start to get interesting soon!

    North I knew it was a good B-Day when I heard Chocolate Mousse Cake. The rest were just cool toppings.

  43. northstateblues

    Dodger4life, yeah, that cake was great, really rich frosting. And as an added bonus, I get to wipe the diamond with the Gnats anytime/anywhere. I even whooped on the Yanks earlier.

    Haven’t played the Phils yet, but I’ll burn through the whole bullpen while Victorino goes through a new helmet ever at-bat… well, maybe I’ll take it easy on him and throw at the ribs…

    Of course, Shane Victorino could send me to the hospital for a few months, so I’ll not talk so much, heh. as for short Chibi animation Victorino, maybe I’ll just end up with broken shins.

  44. junkyardjamie

    nsblues – ITD definitely has a unique life of its own, but that is what makes it laugh out loud funny at times, with its serious side as well. We have a good balance of serious and down right hilarious.

    just in – Nick Swisher is now a Yankee, along with Kaneoka Texiera in trade with Betemit and Minor league pitchers – Jeff Marquez and Jhonny Nunez to the White Sox

  45. northstateblues

    wow Nelly, now Betemit has been traded from my team to my gf’s mom’s team to now my gf’s brother’s team. He gets around.

  46. lagirl27

    Good afternoon friends.
    NSB I am glad that your day of birth went well. It’s always good to feel special on your day 🙂
    Is Raffy going to come back? will Manny be a Dodger? what’s to become of this team???
    Case in point. I want to be happy and I want Dodger baseball. I am happy for the Lakers..but it doesn’t have the same effect 😦
    I hope all is well over here today.

  47. ramslover

    Nice trade for the Yankees, I like the way Swisher plays and they did not give up much…Come on Ned lets make something happen..

  48. trublu4ever

    Apparently, Borass doesn’t take a 3 year deal for big bucks worth enough for Manny. He is now going to listren to some serious offers. Well, he can kiss my big fat a**!

  49. enchantedbeaver

    No National League team in their right mind will give Manny anything more than a 3-year contract. So it’ll really boil down to: Are the Yanks, Angels, or Jays stupid enough to go longer?

  50. trublu4ever

    enchanted ~ I think the Angels and Blue Jays are. The Angels will look into getting manny if they don’t get Mark. Big difference in salary there. I know Manny wants the money but, playing in Toronto! They Angels are letting K-rod go, too. 55 saves isn’t good enough….they want to turn the page.

  51. enchantedbeaver

    I honestly don’t think K-Rod’s that great of a closer. Certainly not lights out by any means.

    Toronto’s a longshot IMO – the Canadian dollar has fallen about 25% against the USD recently. I’ve no idea what their tax rates are for “spreading the wealth” though, but considering they have government healthcare to the tune of $160+Bil, my guess it that their federal and provincial tax rates are pretty high.

  52. trublu4ever

    The Yankees want everyone! They want CC, Texieria (would make Swisher an outfielder) and maybe Manny. Maybe they’d take Andruw and Juan, too.

  53. dodgereric

    You know those big foam #1 fingers? If Manny signs with an AL team, let’s get started on the re-design of those fingers in preparation for his return to Boston.

    We’ll be rich! MUUUUHAHAHA!!!

  54. trublu4ever

    So, enchanted, it looks like Manny will end up a Dodger. Oh, heck, I really don’t care, now. With people losing jobs everyday and losing their shirts on the stock market, I don’t think there is much sympathy out there for poor Manny trying to make a buck.

  55. junkyardjamie

    We can just add the foam finger to our “Find A Home” Campaign to send Andruw and JP packing – LMAO!!!! More merchandise the better – LOL!!!!!

  56. enchantedbeaver

    Funny you should mention that Tru about the Yankees. Do you remember back in the mid-70’s when the commissioner voided the trade of Vida Blue to the Reds because it wasn’t in the best interests of baseball. At what point if Steinbrenner buys everyone is that not in the best interests of baseball?

  57. trublu4ever

    enchanted ~ you are so right! Steinbrenner does the same thing every year. MLB won’t let Mark Cuban buy the Cubs….what a bunch of snobs…….he’d be a great owner and I bet if you asked the Cub fans, they love to have him. But, they let the Yankees do whatever they want!

  58. enchantedbeaver

    That’s why it does my heart good to see a team like the Rays come along every once in awhile and knock them down a peg or two.

    It really should be like that in L.A. with the D’s buying all the good players, but fortunately God’s seen to it we have the great equilizer – Ned Colletti.

  59. trublu4ever

    Yankees are going to offer CC a 6 year deal tomorrow according to Stark on ESPN. The amount is astronomical! I can’t even type that many 00000 on my computer. Stark also says that Manny won’t be offered a 6 year deal anywhere. But, Frank isn’t going to wait forever for him to decide………too many holes to fill.

  60. junkyardjamie

    Don’ t people learn their lesson through watching pitchers like Zito and Schmidt and their long contracts. Give me a frickin’ break!!!!!!


    I think they caught on to a goalies that had a 15 yrs contract with the Islanders. CC is way better than Zito so it’s while taking a risk for.

  62. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening ITD Land!!! (late night edition)

    Well, If the Yankees do manage to get CC for that, then they can have him. I think CC is awesome, but I don’t think any pitcher is worth a 6 year risk for that kind of money.

  63. jhallwally

    Hey Nell’!!! How ya doin’? Hope you had a nice day. I agree with you on CC. Don’t want to get strangled with a contract like that. Just need to hope that an AL team doesn’t offer Manny 4 or 5 years and we have a chance.

  64. jhallwally

    Doing well Nelly. Thanks!!! Should be interesting to see how the Manny thing shakes out. Also Furcal. Dodgers have a lot of holes to fill and the biggest hole is the GM that is in charge of filling them. Geez!!!! Scares me and I’m fearless!! LOL!!!!

  65. junkyardjamie

    Way too many holes jhall, way too many holes. And the only talk we’ve heard is Manny. Some are thinking once Manny is signed, all the others will fall into place – I hope so.

  66. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening Ward Dear…. How was your day dear? Aren’t you glad to see Wally home. It was good to see him home.

  67. dodgereric

    It’s always good to see my good friend jhall on the premises!

    Long and hard day today Junie, long and hard. I got home and fell asleep for an hour. That NEVER happens, but it did today.


  68. junkyardjamie

    LOL!! ~ I fell asleep too. It was a good day. It was just one of those screwy weeks with the Tuesday off. Plus, I have been going to the baseball academy after school to learn the business ropes so to speak in case I am ever left in charge of paperwork. Sorry to hear about your day. Do you get time off during the holidays coming up?

  69. shad78

    Manny Ramirez of
    8 years/$160M (2001-08), plus 2009-10 club options

    acquired by LA Dodgers in trade from Boston 7/31/08, with Red Sox paying remainder of Ramirez’ 2008 salary (about $7M) and agreeing to eliminate 2009-10 club options in exchange for Ramirez not exercising right to block trade as 10-and-5 player

    signed as free agent 12/00
    $16M signing bonus paid over 5 years
    01:$13M, 02:$15.5M, 03:$18M, 04:$20.5M, 05:$20M, 06:$19M, 07:$18M, 08:$20M, 09:$20M club option, 10:$20M club option
    $1M bonus if traded
    $31M deferred ($3M in 2001, $4M each 2002-08) (paid out in 16 annual installments of $1.94M, 2011-2026)

  70. shad78

    I don’t get it Manny should take the deal anyway and run. He still going to get paid in installment until 2026. I would be happy if I was offered that much.

  71. northstateblues

    McCourt must be crazy…


    Free agent season starts now
    Manny Ramirez is drawing the most notice as all teams are free to negotiate with free agents starting Friday.
    By Bill Shaikin

    7:48 PM PST, November 13, 2008

    Commissioner Bud Selig has warned teams not to “get too cocky” on prices in these rocky times. Yet the Dodgers have done just that in setting the prices for their new spring complex in Glendale, Ariz.

    For an exhibition game — for three innings of Matt Kemp and six innings of A.J. Ellis — the Dodgers are charging $90 for the best seats in the house, $30 and $26 and $24 for everything else between the bases.

    The perks of the $90 seats, according to the Dodgers’ website, include “complimentary water, sunscreen [and] cool scented towels.”

    Scott Boras will love that. He’ll ask Frank McCourt how the Dodgers can charge their fans beyond top dollar for practice games, then submit a low-ball offer for Ramirez.

    And that’s too bad, because the Dodgers’ offer to Ramirez is perfectly reasonable as a first offer, entirely respectable even as a best offer.


    I guess he’s hoping LA fans will knock heads at the chance to see the spring training games after a 6-8 hour drive. Thing is, he might be right. But I’ll tell you one thing, if I have 90 bucks in March to spend on a ballgame, I’m gonna wait ’til April, and spend it in L.A.

    “cool scented towels”?!!!! I’ll leave that softball up in the air…

  72. junkyardjamie

    Wow!!! nsblues – very interesting to say the least. I am a girl, and why in the world would I wanted a scented towel at a ball game? If you are there and need a scented towel, then you are not a fan of baseball. Give me a frickin’ break, again (I have said that a lot today). As far as the prices, that is a little steep for a spring training game. Like you said, spend the money on the real thing.

  73. northstateblues

    Yeah Nelly, and I’ll (reluctantly) take the 15 bucks for parking over the price of driving/flying to Phoenix.

    Just sad this is the way things are. and yet we’re selling off prospects instead of paying cash considerations. I think a championship would make him a lot more morning than the lure of the almighty Cool Scented Towel.

    Here’s a pic I just found looking for South Park’s Towelie to drive home a joke, but this image is appropriate in and of itself:

  74. junkyardjamie

    Seriously – that is just about as ridiculous as it can get. I guess if we really want Manny (and hopefully others), we, the fans, are literally going to pay for him.

  75. stizaza

    thee is a huge fire in the hills of montecito. my girlfriend goes to westmont college which is right in the middle of the fire. and they are all in the school gym, but part of the campus is on fire and it is a very small campus and i am freaking out right now. the fire has been burning for over 4 hours and they have been in the gym since 6:00, but they are not evacuating even though everyone else in montecito has a mandatory evacuation.everyone please pray for them.

  76. junkyardjamie

    manfromchina – One of the teachers I work with. Her daughter (one of my students many years ago) is going to school there next year. She was just there on Monday visiting the campus. That is just horrible!!! My prayers are definitely with you, your girlfriend and everyone else involved. That must be very scary – I am so sorry 😦

  77. heartruss

    I just heard about the fire in Montecito on our radio at work. It just popped up this evening and was fanned by the wind. It’s horrifying especially when the wind is involved. I heard that there have already been 20 homes lost. We will pray for them. 😦

  78. stizaza

    its all hills and mountains and the wind isnt letting down. i live in the downtown area of santa barbara and the smoke is just settling in the city but its just nerve racking cause i dont know whats going on on the campus.

  79. junkyardjamie

    dodger4life – in the montecito hills in the Santa Barbara area. manfromchina’s girlfriend is stuck on the campus of Westmont college. She’s been there since 6.

  80. stizaza

    she keeps saying that they are fine through text but she also didnt know that the campus actually was on fire till i told her. i dont think they are really informing them. they have already lost couple buildings and i tell you this is a very small campus and it has trees everywhere so i dont see how she can say shes safe.

  81. stizaza

    well the fire is still bad but they seem to be ok on campus. red cross just dropped off blankets and pillows, but my girlfriends phone is about to die and they have no idea when they will be let back to their doorms. a couple doorms are already gone though. total bummer.

  82. arayd

    hello all, while i haven’t been here on ITD lately, however i’ve been OCD’ing about the Blue Crew about only 23h59m of every day. Random thoughts:

    ………pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching,
    ………pitching aaaaaaaaaaand
    ………more pitching
    ……… maybe spend bucks on a fuentes or join the K-Rod stakes? W/ Saito uncertain and Big John a solid set-up guy, we need a closer, proven closer.
    ……… re-sign Beimel, solid lefty out of the BP is a no-brainer
    ……… re-sign Park, he was a stud for us, could possibly and I am saying possibly be a starter, but is solid from the BP and a good swingman
    ……… McDonald to the BP might be a good thing, as I heard reported pitching from the BP adds life to his fastball
    ……… gotta sign a frontline starter or 2, if possible gotta get Lowe, don’t give up on Penny maybe we can offer him more than other teams if he gets low offers, but hows his arm?
    ………Sabathia? I dunno that’s ALOT of money to give to a guy who pitched so much, I get nervous about a breakdown there
    …….. I believe Schmidt’s done, I read a while ago no one has comeback from the type of surgery he had, something to do w/ the type of stitching in the surgery
    …….. would anyone be willing to give up a package to SD to get Peavy? Say Elbert or McDonald, plus a Young or Repko or Hu, Abreu or DeJesus and if we pay 1/2 his salary this year JP? I would, I think SD would take a deal like that, Pierre’s speed would be a value in their large outfield, but SD probably knows about his arm, but I bet that could be done
    …….. or how about Elbert and McDonald plus a halfer on JP’s salary for Peavy and another prospect throw in from the pitching side – anyway I feel the Dodger’s gotta look real seriously into getting Peavy if that means trading a Ethier, or a Kemp, Dewitt, or a Loney I think they gotta look into it, The Pads want pitching I’m sure so that’s why I mention give Elbert and/or McDonald
    ……….an interesting suggestion I saw from a fan suggested trade Loney now for pitching, stop chasing our tails w/ Manny and make a hardcore chase for Teixeira, makes sense to me, he’s young and real, real good, amazing player. I like Loney, but we can get good value for him now, and spend money on a young hitter, he’s 29 start of next season.
    ………. I would like to have Manny back, but his age and reports of sore legs makes me nervous, but if we get him, I’m exhilirated, Teixeira makes more sense due to his age
    …….. The Angels want Manny, they just might get him too. Arte Moreno quote: “He single-handedly took L.A. to the promised land, He did a heck of a job, he hit great, he was a fan favorite, he did a great job with their young players. At the end of the day, you want people who can hit, and he may be one of the top right-handed hitters ever.”

    Okay time to wrap it up: Bring back Berroa at short (defense), Nomar as bench/ph/ IF reserve, Dewitt at 3b, let Young, Hu and Abreu fight it out for 2b.

    Dream moves: Re-sign Beimel 4.5 mil, Park 4.5 mil, trade for Peavy 11 mil in ’09, sign Lowe (12 -13 mil), get Frankie or Fuentes (11.5 – 14 mil), re-sign Manny 22.5 mil, or trade Loney and get Teixiera 22.5 mil. My dreams would be about 73 mil in salary at a high estimate plus arbitration money to ethier and martin would push it to 80 mil or so, but w/ Jones and schidt gone next year that’s 38 mil off the books.

    One last thing, I really loved Manny in LA, he fit in here, MANNYWOOD rocked, he was truly a LA Dodger revolutionary, and that kind of flair, excitement and marketability is a very wise business move, he makes the whole offense better just by his influence and I believe he wants to make a run at the all time HR record (which is why he might go AL). Anyway I loved him here and would say give him 4y and 90 mil, he’ll probably pay for half of it w/ his excitement.

    Thanx for reading my 1 am halfbaked gm in my head theories. I just love the Dodgers. They could just go full on youth and sign nobody and have Pierre (I know, I know, maybe his arm will get stronger), Martin, Ethier, Kemp, Loney, Dewitt, Young/Hu/Abreu at 2b, Berroa/Dejesus at SS – A rotation of Billz, Kershaw, Kuroda and Stults, McDonald and Elbert go for the other spots – and hopefully an even improved BP and I’d still watch. Hey that doesn’t look too bad, what if they did that and just signed a Lowe or Sabathia, Fuentes or K-Rod and trade for Peavy…….ah whatever I could go all night, let’s see what happens

  83. junkyardjamie

    arayd – it is good to see you. Awesome post!!! At this point anything can happen and all your scenarios are not out of the realm of actually happening. I think enchanted mentioned it earlier today sometime about how wonderful it was to see Tampa Bay do so well. Watching Tampa Bay this season proves you don’t necessarily need “the big contract” boys to make things happen. All those players you mentioned would be great to have, but it won’t be the end of the world if it doesn’t happen. Like you said, most of us are here because we have been Dodger Fans since we were very young, and no matter what happens, we will always bleed Dodger blue.

  84. arayd

    thx nelly, we don’t need a huge contract, but a bona-fide slugger would be nice, maybe Ethier, Kemp or Loney will be that guy or all 3.

  85. junkyardjamie

    Wouldn’t it be great to see what Manny, Kemp and Ethier could do in a whole year in the outfield, and add Loney and Martin on top of that. It could be an awesome year if Ned makes the right decisions once/if Manny gets signed to fill the holes in pitching and the infield. However, we may lose Manny to an AL team where they can give him a more extensive contract because if and when his fielding becomes a question, they can just put him into the role of DH so he can still pursue a homerun record.

  86. shad78

    I don’t want that head case Peavy after what Duncan did to him 2 years ago? No to Krod and he’s an incident waiting to happen. I love when the pitchers hit but I wish we had a DH rule in the NL than no Pierre or Jones would be complaining about AB’s. I would love to see what Wade could do in the closer role and probably split time with Broxton/Kuo(if healthy).

  87. shad78

    The Padres has enough pitching from the Maddux trade lol. I think traded McDonald and DeJesus would be a big mistake and Peavy somehow ends on the DL in his 2nd games of the season. I don’t know if Duncan and Peavy going to get alone now after what he Duncan did 2 years ago.

  88. junkyardjamie

    manfromchina – they just showed the fires on Headline News. I am praying for you and your girlfried – God Bless!!! Let us know when she is finally safe.

  89. enchantedbeaver

    Good Morning ITDland!!

    My prayers are with you MFC.

    Randy Johnson and Doug Brocail!!??!!! You gotta be freakin’ kidding me. If these are going to be Ned’s answers to the pitching staff, just let the kids pitch and we’ll take our lumps.

  90. junkyardjamie

    nevermind – I found it!!!

    Ward Dear…. I think it’s time to start

    Scott – if you are reading feel free to start again too 🙂

  91. junkyardjamie

    I just saw a report about the fires on Headline News again, and they aren’t mentioning the students stuck on the campus. I hope everything is alright manfromchina.

  92. enchantedbeaver

    Hell, sign me Ned. I’m 47 and can’t pitch either, but will do it for a lot less money. I’ll even sign a year-to-year contract.

  93. trublu4ever

    Enchanted – YOU ARE HIRED!!!!
    Top ten free agents according to ESPN:
    Texeira; CC; Manny; AJ Burnett; Lowe; Furcal; Adam Dunn (yuck); Dempster; Milton Bradley (head case); Oliver Perez.

  94. trublu4ever

    The Rockies are looking at Penny and Beimel……….that shoud really shore-up their pitching! Is their GM related to Nediot!

  95. enchantedbeaver

    Nothing like a fly ball pitcher in Coors.

    I know Biemel has pitched well for us, but I’ve always gotten the feeling that he’s about THAT far away from being Proctor.

  96. trublu4ever

    enchanted ~ if we want to go the senior citizen route….we can sign Randy Johnson and Jason Giambi……they are both bargains! Torre would love that!

  97. trublu4ever

    Just heard the Mets are going to give the Yankees a run at CC……….the Nationals are very intersted in Texeira. And, we, the Dodgers, are eyeing Johnson! Something very wrong here!

  98. trublu4ever

    LMAO Dodgereric/Manager! ~ Boy are you going to have your work cut out for you with the team they are trying to assemble! Lots of luck!

  99. enchantedbeaver

    I hear that Tru! Also, how could they put Oliver Perez ahead of Ben Sheets?

    With the way the other teams in the division are selling off, its addition by subtraction for us. On the otherhand, Ned generally practices subtraction by addition.

    Just once I’d like Ned to try an new concept of addition by addition.

  100. enchantedbeaver

    Even with a thin FA pool, if all Flanders comes away with are Johnson, Brocail and 3-4 more clunkers, does it leave any doubt that Logan White should be the GM?

  101. dodgereric

    Back in the day, I had a friend who would go to the junkyard and buy used bearings, valves and pistons to rebuild his engines.

    I think he and Ned must be related.

  102. junkyardjamie

    This is just amazing how the Dodgers always seem to get caught up in the bad PVL trades. Even if this is just rumor, it is a really bad rumor to start. Please, Ned, don’t go down this path again. Think Andruw, JP and Schmidt please………. those three are a sobering thought in and of itself. Well, it’s caused many of us many drunken days too.

  103. junkyardjamie

    Thank for the article Ward Dear…. and good morning!!! I hope your Friday goes better.

    this is a second post ~ I don’t know where the first one went.

  104. dodgereric

    This thing sure acts strange at times. Last night I lost it although I could get onto every other site I frequent.

  105. junkyardjamie

    same here……. it locked me out for about an hour. Then once I got back on, manfromchina came on with his news.

  106. junkyardjamie

    Ward Dear…. there is a teacher on campus who’s daughter is going to go to Westmont next year. She was just there on Monday visiting the campus and stayed in the dorms. She is trying to get a hold of the student she stayed with while there, but she hasn’t heard from her yet.

    manfromchina – we are still praying 🙂


    good morning everyone..


    manfromchina, i hope all is well.. my thoughts are with you and your girlfriend..

    trublu, i saw that top 10 free agent list you posted.. it’s similar to the one foxsports put out:

    i think it’s interesting that three of our guys are in the top 10.. hopefully we can get at least one back.. i want furcal back badly. we need him on defense and offense..


    so before i typed that post.. the strangest thing happened to me.. i was trying to type a post.. but my T, H, C, V keys would not work.. i kept typing hey.. but only getting “ey”.. so strange.. but i restarted, and now i’m fine..


    dnelly, congrats on your family’s new business venture.. i hope it is wildly successful!! it’s sound kinda like the RDRBI facilities we set up at our field.. did you husband and son get a chance to get that out when they were down here for camp?

  110. junkyardjamie

    manfromchina – the teacher I work with ~ her brother-in-law is one of the executive vice president’s on campus, and she said a couple of the buildings that have burned where going to be destroyed anyway. However, the dorm wasn’t one of them, and she also said, she would let me know if she hears anything further about the students there. Hoping all is well.


    no question we should trublue.. i’m much more game to taking a chance on furcal, than i am to taking a chance on manny.. but i keep hearing about ALL these teams interested in furcal.. and i’m afraid about the bidding war..

  112. dodgereric

    Now it’s telling me repeatedly that it’s a “Commission Error – you must sign it”, but I AM signed in!

    OK, I’ll try it again. Fifth time might be the charm.

    Sorry, I’m being rude…….Good morning back atcha, June Darlin’!

    And now good morning Tru and sara!

    One of my pals here in the office has a fire-fighting son who has been sent up to Montecito. God Speed!


    morning eric! i haven’t had trouble with the blog.. weird it’s giving you all fits..

  114. dodgereric

    Yea! Back among the living!

    I agree on Furcal – get him back at all costs. But ONLY if someone who knows something about the human body looks at him first. Not our present person.

  115. lagirl27

    Good morning to everyone.
    Those fires are pretty crazy. I hope all is well with everyone involved.
    Sara dear. how are you? it’s been a little while!

  116. junkyardjamie

    sara – Thanks ~ they were going to try and see it, but didn’t have the time. During the camp, he and Ben (Michael’s pitching coach) were sitting next to Steve Garvey, while he was watching his son at the camp. I think they were having too much fun doing that then to venture out and look at other facilities.

  117. arayd

    Hey guys, I asked Ken Gurnick ( online beat reporter) a bevy of questions about BP holes, SP holes, Manny and if the Dodgers are considering allowing their young IF’ers battle it out for SS and 2b with Dewitt at 3rd and maybe even sign Berroa, instead of taking a risk on Furcal’s back and overpaying Cabrera. If they do that DeJesus, Hu, Abreu and D. Young could compete for the jobs, along with Berroa with Blake as an apparent incumbent.

    Ken said the Dodger’s apparently might be going that route with the infield if Furcal can not be a reasonable short term contract.

    Ken said he didn’t know the other answers, if he did he’d probably be on the GM staff.

    That was interesting insight from him I’ve not read about, I like the prospect of letting our homegrown talent with an affordable Berroa compete for the IF spots, frees up more money for pitching.



    did you guys hear the angels are going to go after manny? i heard on the radio yesterday that arte moreno is giving up on re-signing k-rod, and that he’s interested in pursing manny.. haha.. i’d like to see frank mccourt outbid arte.. not that i think a bidding war is a good thing.. you all know what i think about the current deal.. take it, or leave it~

  119. trublu4ever

    I was having trouble getting on too, Dodgereric.
    Sara ~ we have the money to sign the players we really want. I certainly don’t want to see Furcal playing for the Giants! Let’s see, we are thinking about Randy Johnson but not Furcal! Something very wrong here!!

  120. dodgereric

    I’d write what I think of him, but my keyboard won’t let me type words with the letter between e and g…….


    arayd, i agree.. if we can’t get furcal.. no one else sounds that great.. aside from orlando hudson.. so at that point, i’d turn it over to the kids.. fullscale..

  122. lagirl27

    If the Angeles sign Manny I’d be very upset. If Manny is going to be in SoCal it has to be in Dodger blue. Otherwise there will continue to be Manny Mania and such in the southland and it will be for that fake L.A. team. Totally not cool.

  123. trublu4ever

    I think Frank wants Manny………he’s already upped the ante….and, I think he will do whatever it takes to keep him away from the Angels!


    hey amy! i has been a while.. i was going to email you to check in.. but i guess we can chat here instead~

    dnelly, sad they couldn’t check it out.. it’s quite impressive.. new cages, etc.. but also, they have computers and technology that analyzes your mechanics, pitching and hitting, and breaks down everything for you.. it’s amazing..

  125. dodgereric

    Comment Submission Error
    Your comment submission failed for the following reasons:

    Registration is required.
    Return to the original entry.


    that’s so weird guys! i haven’t seen the error message at all~ have you tried logging off, and logging back on?


    Just in passing this morning I note that Betemit was once again traded – this time to the White Sox. With the Yankees last year he batted .265 (50-for-189) with 13 doubles, six homers and 25 RBI in 87 games, making starts at all four infield positions. I don’t think that he’ll ever be a great everyday player, but compare to SWEENEY, Ozuna, and Berroa, not to mention Proctor, whom I hope we don’t see again in 2009. Ned’s wisdom just absolutely galls me at every turn, and this was just today’s reminder. He should have been FIRED two years ago, and every time I think of the incompetent ex-Giant, I’m completely pissed off. The best I’m hoping is that he doesn’t hurt the team again for 2009 – improvement is beyond his capabilities.

    This damn program made me sign in, and then failed to do it the first three times around, so I know what you guys are talking about.

  128. trublu4ever

    Sara ~ every time I can’t post because of the message, I end up restarting my computer. It’s very strange, indeed.
    Messagebear ~ right now, I don’t have much confidence in Ned. I hope Frank knows what he wants and makes Ned go out and get it! And, please, don’t let Torre have any say in the dealings!

  129. trublu4ever

    I know, scurtis! What are they thinking? Do they think the fans are idiots? We do know baseball! We do know old washed up players are just that! Look at the Giants….up until last year, when they started rebuilding, they took all the old timers and it got them nowhere. In a few years, they will be pretty good, counting on their youth movement.


    Nelly, I’ve been following here your efforts with the baseball clinic business, and I think it’s a fascinating idea, and it must be a lot of fun for your family. I do wish you every success. Having engaged in a business that I run from our home after I finished my corporate career, I know the satisfaction you can get by doing things on your own. So, good luck, and enjoy!

  131. thinkingblue

    Hello all, hopefully I don’t experience the MLB error message some of you have. How is everyone doing?
    TRU- Well said!

  132. junkyardjamie

    Thanks messagebear!!! My husband owned his own business before this one. He owned a kitchenware store in town. However, he and the other two coaches involved have been talking for almost three years on starting a baseball training facility in town. Before now, boys (and girls) were traveling to Fresno and even the bay area to do this. If my husband were to switch businesses, this was the perfect time to do it because with the economy, the retail business would have been done anyway. The local youth baseball organization is going to hold their registrations there, along with their skills assessment days and their board meetings. So, that in itself will be advertising without having to pay for it. So, we are off to a very good start. Also, the website was a barter system. We got a website in exchange for a membership.

  133. junkyardjamie

    ….messagebear – on the enjoying part. I love it!!! I am not a salesperson so the retail business was hard for me to be left in charge, but this is a totally different ballgame (LOL!!). I have one job that I get to teach children about baseball whenever I get the chance, and now I can go to a business where I can talk about baseball some more.

  134. trublu4ever

    Yankees to offer CC $140 to $142 million tomorrow. Also to offer contracts to Lowe and Burnett. Must be nice to have money to burn!!!

  135. thinkingblue

    Were do they get all this money from….new stadium and more players. Hey maybe they’ll want Andruw & Pierre…LOL!

  136. dodgereric

    They say that the Yankees have a sweet TV deal that nets them serious money. I don’t know the details, but it makes sense.

    I’d like to know if that’s going to change soon. I heard on the radio yesterday that several sponsors have already told the NFL that they’re not going to be advertising on the Super Bowl broadcast this season because of the economy, at least unless the fee gets lowered dramatically.

  137. trublu4ever

    I don’t blame sponsors for not wanting to put up the kind of money they have in the past. These teams better realize that the economy may hurt them in their attendance. It probably won’t, but, how can anyone feel sorry for someone who is only making $40 or $50 million, when they don’t know if they will have a job tomorrow.

  138. junkyardjamie

    Okay – This keeps running through my head. If Ned really wants to spend money on Johnson, then why doesn’t he try to do everything he can to get Maddux to stay. If we are going old, then why not him. He knows the program, he knows the players, and he would be one hell of a player/coach. I know, I know, it’s Ned we are talking about.

    As far as Russell, Andre, Matt and James – YOUR DAY IS COMING BOYS!!!!! Just hang in there if Ned doesn’t trade you first, and if he does, then you have my permission to show the Dodgers what they let slip away again.

  139. enchantedbeaver

    Might we consider it a moral victory if we land anybody under 40 or who will still be under 40 when their contract expires?

  140. enchantedbeaver

    Anyone seen our 33 man 40 man roster today:

    Mario Alvarez
    Chad Billingsley
    Yhency Brazoban
    Jonathan Broxton
    Scott Elbert
    Clayton Kershaw
    Hong-Chih Kuo
    Hiroki Kuroda
    James McDonald
    Greg Miller
    Justin Orenduff
    Scott Proctor
    Takashi Saito
    Jason Schmidt
    Eric Stults
    Ramon Troncoso
    Cory Wade
    Danny Ardoin
    A.J. Ellis
    Russell Martin
    Lucas May
    Tony Abreu
    Angel Berroa
    Blake DeWitt
    Chin-lung Hu
    James Loney
    Andre Ethier
    Andruw Jones
    Matt Kemp
    Xavier Paul
    Juan Pierre
    Jason Repko
    Delwyn Young

    2 of those will probably never pitch again, and 2 more don’t want to play for L.A..
    Need I say more???

    Well maybe

  141. junkyardjamie

    Logan’s Run – Ned’s style ~ Anybody 35 and over and has the potential to be the Dodger version of a PVL, come on over, Ned wants to talk to you.

  142. acardona16

    HELLO ITD!!!! i hate to sound like a broken record but, i haven’t been on in SSOOOO long!!! lol how is everyone doing!? i’m so sad that Andre’s blog is gone!! it was so awesome to hear from him!! I’m still not sure if i’m going to the “under the lights” event… i REALLY want to though!

  143. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!!!! enchanted – too funny !!!!!!

    Acardona – Andre’s blog isn’t gone, it’s still on the mlblogs page. No worries yet 🙂 How are you?

  144. enchantedbeaver

    This just in…Pround new sponsors of 2009 Dodgers baseball:

    Scooter Store
    City of Commerce Bingo Parlor
    Lincoln Towncar
    Florida Realtors™

  145. junkyardjamie

    I am doing good acardona. However, this ITD team mom wants Ned to do the right thing, which it seems might not happen from what we have been hearing. Let’s hope he can at least hang on to our core young guns.

  146. acardona16

    Dnelly- oh ok cause i wanted to check it out and when i went to it wasn’t there so i was sad! lol I’m doing good! still busy all the time but good 🙂 thanks for asking!

  147. acardona16

    enchanted – I’m doing good! like i said to Dnel busy but good! whats going on with Ned!? struggling I see!

    Dnel- yeah i hope so! i would HATE to see our beloved young guys go!! i guess Manny doesn’t care too much about how much LA fans love him!! and how much we all want him to stay! but after all its his career/life so.. yeah..

  148. acardona16

    okay well i have to head out for work.. I’m really trying to come on here more often! its always nice chatting with you guys! have a great weekend!!

    Acardona = Ethieraholic and Dodger fan for life!!!!!

  149. junkyardjamie

    LMAO!!! enchanted 🙂

    acardona – even if the young core stays, and we don’t fill the holes like enchanted has suggested, we need to hope they have something worth staying for. However, we can always look at what Tampa Bay accomplished this year with a bunch of young players with no big contracts and just see what happens. I would be happier if Ned did nothing and just brought up the farm then to sign a bunch of has been FAs(if that’s the route he is choosing). At least then we can honestly say it’s a rebuilding year with a potential for something big down the road. Who knows we could be the next Tampa Bay and just don’t know it yet.

  150. acardona16

    Absolutely Dnelly!! I REALLY wanted Tampa Bay to win!! but hey they fought hard like our boys did and made it far!! we’ll be next i know it!! 🙂

  151. ramslover

    I would rather have Oliver Perez than a 45 year old Johnson….

    this sounds like another budget beater by Frank….Lets see Johnson at 7 mil is a bargain, right Ned…Absolutely Frank, look how we stole Pierre and Andruw….

    Boy this is scary!!!

  152. dodgereric

    It’s an official offer now:

    “As expected Friday, the New York Yankees officially tendered an offer to free-agent pitcher CC Sabathia.

    The offer is expected to be six years in length and have a total value of slightly more than the record $137.5 million deal that pitcher Johan Santana signed with the Mets before last season.”

  153. junkyardjamie

    137.5 million – why don’t they just round up to 140mil? – what’s stopping them? For Heaven’s sake!!! CC – enjoy!!!! I am sure many wish they were you 🙂

  154. junkyardjamie

    Dodgereric – This is Mrs. Nelson talking ~ I just wanted to let you know that Hannah (H is for Homerun Hannah) was exited out of the intervention reading class into a regular reading class, and she completed her first week in that class and is even doing well in there. She wanted me to tell you, and I told her I would when I got the chance. I am so very proud of her because she tries so hard, and those are the kids that will shine in the end when it’s all said and done, test scores or not. Another note about Hannah. We had a take home project “Operation Turkey Dressing”, and they had to disguise their turkey as something else so it wouldn’t get eaten. She made hers a Dodger player, but God Bless her, she made the feathers Dodger Blue and his outfit has LA on the front, but it was orange and black. I didn’t have the heart to tell her those are the evil Giants colors 🙂

  155. lagirl27

    yes, EnchantedGM- my thoughts exactly.
    that’s a boatload of money! dang. That would be enough for Enchanted to pay all of our ITD salaries and then some!

  156. trublu4ever

    Isn’t America great……….you can go to work once every 5 days and make a mere 137.5 million! And I don’t want want electricity bill to go over $100.

  157. junkyardjamie

    ….and that’s if he goes to work every 5 days for the next 6 YEARS. That’s not counting the off season and the sure to be stint on the DL. However, I like CC, and it’s hard not to wish him well. I really enjoyed watching him pitch for the Indians this past year (as I watched them alot too, along with Sizemore, Peralta and Blake) and the Brewers. I don’t blame him at all, nor would I blame Manny really. The mlb has created this issue, and if I were one of them, I am sure I would be capitalizing on it too.


    Not that I have the time for this but I just can’t let the day go by without asking why it was necessary for Boras to make such a nasty comment about listening to “serious” offers for Manny’s services. Gee, can we look inside Manny’s mouth and feel his muscles? Hey Scot, why not put Manny on public display! It is a free country and everyone is entitled to get what he can but have some dignity!

  159. enchantedbeaver

    The D’s ought to just go with the kids, then do something totally unheard of – lower ticket prices and parking. Hire more security and make it a family friendly place once again with players you can identify with year to year. They’ve already knocked off $60+ mil from payroll, and another $35 mil comes off after 2009. Hell, give some of that back to the fans that brung ya.

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