All hands on deck…

It’s been about as crazy two days as you can imagine since the last time I posted. We’ve had close to 500 media members showing up here over the last couple hours, so our office is busy trying to keep everyone happy (which is never easy).

I wish I had a lot more to share right now, but we’ve got to get cranking. Keep the comments coming and hope we see you all here tonight.

Oh yeah, same lineup as Games 1 & 2.


  1. dodger 32

    Who would have thought back in August during the 8 game losing streak that we’d be 1 win away from sweeping the Cubs in the post season. Whatever happens from here on out this team deserves props for the way they’ve all pulled together and the ensuing results.

  2. amyw27

    This is the best time we’ve had in Dodger baseball in such a long time. I love this Team, I love these Men. I can’t wait til I depart for the stadium and I know that this WONT be the final home game of the season. We have a lot more Dodger baseball to come.
    Josh- I hope through all the madness you can enjoy every moment of being part of the best team in Baseball 🙂 and I hope you are feeling better than you were at the start of the trip.


    I want a sweep tonight. I won’t settle for anything less. We need to get to Hardin early and make him throw lots of pitches. He has a tendency to walk lots of hitters. If the Dodgers win tonight and the Missouri Tigers win tonight and with the Cowboys winning tomorrow, I’ll be in 7th heaven.

    Go DODGERS……………………………………………

  4. trublu4ever

    Boblee ~ I love your high expectations! I think you will be very happy with the outcome of all three of your games. I’m not an avid Cowboys fan but, I can’t see them losing two games in a row………Missouri is a good team and therefore, will prevail and of course, our Dodgers will sweep those Cubbies all the way back to Chicago!

  5. junkyardjamie

    hi boblee! I definitely see the Dodgers winning tonight, if like you said, they get to Harden early. I will give you a Cowboys win since they are playing the Bengals. It would be sad if they didn’t win that one 🙂
    Amy – have a FABULOUS time!

  6. junkyardjamie

    hi boblee! I definitely see the Dodgers winning tonight, if like you said, they get to Harden early. I will give you a Cowboys win since they are playing the Bengals. It would be sad if they didn’t win that one 🙂
    Amy – have a FABULOUS time!

  7. amyw27

    Thanks Nelly 🙂 I’m all made up, my purse is packed, got my Championship shirt on, and my lucky blue ring that I wear. I’m ready to go!!!
    just waiting for Miss. Sara to meet up with me and we are ready for some Dodger baseball!!!!! WAHOO!!

  8. Dodger4life

    Hey everybody have fun at the game let our boys know we love them and show Chicago how to drive a ballclub to the championship.GO!!! DODGERS!!!


    For all those going to the game tonight, have a great time tonight. I’m looking forward to the end of a 20-year drought. GO BLUE!!!!!

  10. northstateblues

    Lineup: Looking good!

    I’m off to work, hopefully I’ll be back around 8, when I”ll have a lot of catching up to do 🙂


  11. cpompe1

    Good late ternoon ITD boys and girls!!!
    Yeah, I’m “talking” from my mom’s computer. Since it was soggy in Ventura when I left, I figured I’d leave early. Well, I just got here (my mom lives 20 minutes away from the stadium) and just hanging out until we leave! Since I have a little bit of time, I thought I’d say hi to my ITD buddies!!! 🙂

    Hey NSB, are you still around here? I was telling my mom about the ESPN article you posted yesterday. I went back to your original link; my mom love the article!!! 🙂


    Tonight’s game won’t be as easy as the last 2. I doubt that the Cubs will be giving anything away tonight. But the pressure’s all on them and we’ve got the team to finish them off. GO DODGERS!!!!!

  13. junkyardjamie

    It’s kind of hard to judge what will be easy. We didn’t think the first two would be easy, and look what happened. Lowe and Billz set the tone in pitching so I think it will be up to Kuroda to set his because I think our hitting is right where we want it. If Kuroda doesn’t implode, I think this series is done.

  14. trublu4ever

    I think Joe will have a quick hook, Dnelly, just in case Kuroda doesn’t have it. I think he’ll do okay, though, since there really isn’t a lot of pressure on him.

  15. junkyardjamie

    I am making blue and white cupcakes just so my son will have to eat Dodger colors if he wants one – HA!!! LOL!!!!!

  16. bluecrewgirl

    LOL, DNelly! At his age, he probably will want one badly enough to ignore the color. Trublue, Trojans had better rebound tonight. The game just started.


    dnelly–I agree that this series is done. It just may not be tonight. Nobody would be happier than I if we swept them but I’m being realistic. If we play well, we should win. All I’m saying is that we aren’t likely to get any help from the Cubs in order to do it.

  18. bluecrewgirl

    Trublue, I’m not sold on Sanchez yet. He has a good arm and he has 10 tds, but he doesn’t seem to work as well under pressure as Leinart and Booty. Maybe he just needs more experience. Looks like they’ll score on this drive.

  19. dodgerloge106

    OK! Joe is, of course, an excellent manager. Having said that: when the Dodgers are ahead and Joe takes a pitcher out in, say, the 6th inning and brings in, say, Cory Wade, and Cory is HOT; LEAVE HIM IN instead of batting Sweeney for him and bringing in a possibly shaky second reliever. Wait for Wade to cool off. We can get the runs if the pitching doesn’t leave us a mountain to climb… just my two cents…

  20. scurtis1999

    It was great walking around downtown Chicago today bar hopping during college football with my Dodger gear on over my Sooner shirt, All Cub fans were like, man u have guts to wear that hear. Im like, whatever, its all good, don’t choke! HAHA!

  21. junkyardjamie

    Okay – there was a guy in the stands with a sign that said ” I was there in 1982, and I am here in 2008.” At least he didn’t have to hold up a sign saying “I was there in 1908”

  22. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening PierreEW!! I think the pressure is on us. The Cubs have nothing to lose right now, and everyone, outside of Dodger Fandome and a few media, wants them to win.

  23. trublu4ever

    JoePierre ~ we’ve had the pressure on us all year. So, even if we lose tonight, which I doubt, we will be fine. Manny will keep us loose and happy!!

  24. Dodger4life

    Its how you handle the pressure. Get some runs early,let Kuroda do his thing WE BELIEVE!!! GO!!! DODGERS!!!

  25. scurtis1999

    It was SWEEEEET!

    Lets finish this off 2nite!

    Make Harden work!


    Wow, Im finally sober, dang I was hurting earlier today lol

  26. vl4ecc

    Good evening all. 🙂
    Are we ready for a sweep? I sure am.
    Looks like the Brewers may pull this one out the way it looks so far.

  27. oldbrooklynfan

    Going into this series I was only hoping the Dodgers would play like we know they can and not looks so awkward playing on the road against the east & central teams and on national T.V.
    But they’ve played well and I wouldn’t want them to lose it now.
    The momentum would have to swing away from them beforehand, if we went back to Wrigley.
    So the sooner this ends the better.

  28. junkyardjamie

    I think so bluecrewgirl. I think the crowd tonight is going to play a big part in it. I don’t think there is going to be any quiet times tonight, whether we are down or not. There won’t be any booing unless it’s towards the Cubs or the umpires- Sweeney and Jones are not there. The Dodgers couldn’t ask for better circumstances.


    I guess I’ll be the dissenting viewpoint here. If the pressure’s on us, it’s self-inflicted. We’re up 2-0, playing the next 2 games at home, and nobody, except for Dodger fans and a smattering of media, expects us to win. The Cubs are down 0-2, have the best record in the NL this season, the expectations of the national media, the weight of Cub Nation’s obsessions, and 100 years of history and folklore.

  30. oldbrooklynfan

    It hardly ever rains in L.A.
    Maybe tonight’s one of those nights.
    Maybe the guy upstairs wants to prolong the agony.
    (for both teams)

  31. junkyardjamie

    At least they will be out of those Dodger Greys and into the real Dodger colors…. That in itself should help – lol!!!

  32. oldbrooklynfan

    I hope we don’t miss the start of the game.
    They’ll probably switch back & forth.
    I’m watching on my old 12 inch T,V which is right next to my computer.
    I’ll watch the Dodger game mostly on my 36 incher in another room.

  33. enchantedbeaver

    I agree the pressure’s on the D’s tonight, but isn’t this the time of season Joe Torre was really hired for?

    Also, the real difference maker between this team being good and struggling and this team being great and a real threat is Furcal. If he can hold up we’re in great shape.


    They’re starting the game on TNT and switching to TBS once the Brewers and Phillies end.

  35. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening enchanted!!! IF Torre is the magician, this is where he should be making his magic happen.
    Game time on TNT

  36. vl4ecc

    Did anyone read about the public ‘dissing’ of Fukudome at O’Hare airport on the public address system? Pitiful.

  37. dodgerloge106

    How embarassing! Waving towels at Dodger Stadium. Next thing you know they will have Rally Monkies and some dope sliding down a slide into a mug of beer! How bush!

  38. junkyardjamie

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!
    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  39. shad78

    Urgh I hate when it logged me under this id. I guess are good friend joeyp is now on the main Dodger message board still trashing Ethier and call Bradley a stud we should keep lol. He still think Loney was going to make an out. I guess he’s been trolling that board too.

  40. acardona16

    hey everyone!!! i’m in hawaii having a blast!!! this game is looking great right now huh!?! this is just awesome!!!

  41. acardona16

    i can’t stay.. we are going down to a place i used to go all the time when i lived here! GO DODGERS!!!! this is amazing!!!

  42. junkyardjamie

    shad – can’t worry about joey – My guess is he got kicked off here, and the messageboard is the only place that he hasn’t tried yet. He has major issues, and I am sure he will make an appearance here sooner or later. Just like last time, just let it go. Enjoy the game as all Dodger Fans should be…. 🙂

  43. trublu4ever

    Bluecrewgirl ~ USC looks much better. Thought Sanchez was really hurt but, he seems to be okay.
    Shad ~ I’m with Dnelly. Just ignoring Joey is the way to go. He feeds off what you say to him. Just think of him as the non-person he is!

  44. bluecrewgirl

    Andre, make them pay! Those announcers just said Andre had been in the 4th spot behind Manny since he came. Don’t they even do their homework? He was in the 3 spot until recently.

  45. dodgereric

    Better late than never…………

    Danny Kaye says:

    So I say D, I say D-O,
    D-O-D-G-E-R-S, team, team, team, team

    O, I say O-M,
    O-M-A-L-L-E-Y, Oh really? No, O’Malley

    Sandy Koufax, oh my Drysdale, Maury Wills
    I love you so
    And we defy

    Defy the J-I,
    J-I-N-T-S, Giants!

    Play ball

    Orlando Cepeda is at bat with the bases jammed
    Orlando Cepeda with a Wham! Bam!
    He hit a grand slam
    In the very first inning
    But it’s only the beginning

    In the third like a bird we get two on an away
    Then Fairly hits into a double play
    Here comes big Frank Howard yes-sirree
    Boy what a swing!
    Strike three

    Oh dem B, oh dem B-U,
    B-U-M-S, dem bums, dem bums, dem dry bums
    Oh they may be bums but they’re my bums

    Top of the fifth

    “Say Hey” Willy Mays hits a three bagger down the right field line
    But he’s out trying to stretch it to a homer
    As Roseboro tags him on the bottom of the spine
    With a crack you can hear all the way back up to San Francisco
    Open your hospital

    Inning six

    Maury Wills draws a walk in the coach’s box
    Leo Durocher, Leo Durocher starts to wiggle and to twitch
    A signal? No, an itch
    Go Maury, Go Maury, Go, Go, Go
    Maury goes
    The catcher throws

    Right from the solarplexus
    At the bag he beats the tag
    That mighty little waif
    And umpire Conlan cries “you’re out!”
    Out? Out?

    Down in the dug-out Alston glowers
    Up in the booth Vin Scully frowns
    Out in the stands O’Malley grins
    Attendance fifty thousand
    And what does O’Malley do? Ahh!

    Bottom of the ninth

    Four to nutin’
    Last chance
    Push the button
    Oh we’re pleadin’, beggin’, on our knees
    Come on you Flatbush refugees

    Maury Wills at bat
    Hit it for me once
    Stu Miller throws
    Maury bunts
    Cepeda runs to field the ball and Hiller covers first
    Haller runs to back up Hiller, Hiller crashes into Miller
    Miller falls, drops the ball and Conlan calls “safe!”

    Yeah Maury!
    Gilliam up
    Miller grunts
    Miller throws
    Gilliam bunts

    Cepeda runs to field the ball and Hiller covers first
    Howard runs to back up Hiller, Hiller crashes into Miller
    Miller falls, drops the ball and Conlan calls “safe!” Yeah Conlan!
    Willie Davis gets a hit and Tommy does the same
    Here comes Mr. Howard with a chance to win the game

    Hit it once
    Big Frank bunts?
    Cepeda runs to field the ball, so does Hiller, so does Miller
    Miller hollers Hiller
    Hiller hollers Miller

    Haller hollers Hiller points to Miller with his fist
    And that’s the Miller, Hiller, Haller hallelujah twist
    The Davises score it’s four to four
    Howard’s still running the bases
    From second to third it’s almost absurd

    Amazement on everyones faces
    He’s heading for home
    He hasn’t a chance
    The poor nut is gonna be dead
    But the ball hits him right in the seat of his pants

    And he scores
    That’s using your head

    So I say D, I say D-O,

    The team that’s all heart
    All heart and all thumbs
    They’re my Los Angeles
    Your Los Angeles
    Our Los Angeles
    Do you really think we’ll really win the pennant?

    Bums! Oooo dem bums!

  46. oldbrooklynfan

    Kuroda’s not getting the call on the outside pitches.
    Must be just missing but he’s getting through it.

  47. demrmybums

    Two of the three outs in the 5th were fly balls. That is not good. Come on Kuroda keep them pounding the dirt.

  48. demrmybums

    The last inning or so Harden has been having a lot of three ball counts. Perhaps the Dodgers can get to him this inning.

  49. northstateblues


    DNelly and JJ, glad to be at the party!!!


  50. demrmybums

    Oh well we got Harden out of there and we have done well against the Cubie bullpen so far in this series. Go Dodgers!

  51. vl4ecc

    Kuroda’s gotten into a good rhythum here the last two innings. I think he can go another inning. Keep Park up & loose, but don’t bring him in just yet.

  52. demrmybums

    Lets hope Torrie keeps Kuroda in for the 7th, with a short leash, unless we score some more in the bottom of the sixth. Kuroda is up 4th in the inning so we will see. Go Dodgers!

  53. junkyardjamie

    LOL!!!! PierreEW – so, I guess you are NOT a nail biter like the rest of us, or do you wish you had nails so you can be a nail biter?

  54. selltheteam

    Jan 11, 1908 – Grand Canyon designated as a National Monument (not a Nat’l Park until 1919, coincidentally an infamous year for Chicago – the Black Sox)

  55. dodgereric

    That was interesting. I submitted the one at 9:47 and got kicked off, some error message came on. I refreshed and it posted again.

    C’mon Brox, I hope you have it tonight!

  56. oldbrooklynfan

    Now I wish I had my nails.
    That was a lucky hit off Wade, he just got his bat on the ball and popped it up in the right place.

  57. obi_wen

    I don’t want to jinx the team, so I have to wait until the game is over. However, I ‘ll post a Cubs thought bubble in a second.

  58. obi_wen

    October 4, 1959 -Dodgers beat Chicago White Sox 3-1

    October 4, 2008 – Dodgers beat Chicago Cubs 3-1

    Now bring on the Phillies/Brewers!!!

  59. vl4ecc

    Champagne’s chillin.
    The eggs are coolin.
    The Jello’s jigglin.
    The butter’s gettin hard.
    R.I.P. Chick That was for you!

  60. scurtis1999

    Im laughing at all the cubs fans at this party im at here! This is so funny! Im dancing! hehe


  61. obi_wen

    “…and I’ve been waiting such a long time, for today…” -CHICAGO [the band] song lyric apropo for our Dodgers


    I was suppossed to go tommorrow Nelly but oh well! I am so excited. Isn’t it great when the manager utilizes his talent. I don’t even care that it took so long anymore.

  63. oldbrooklynfan

    All year long I wondered, can they beat the Cubs?
    I also wondered about the Mets and the Phillies and the Brewers. Well here comes the test.

  64. dodgereric

    Isn’t that the truth, jungar? It took 162 games, but it looks like Torre is finally pulling the right strings.

  65. junkyardjamie

    yes, Ward Dear…….. Sorry Ward Dear…… I was just hanging out with Beav….. Having some mother/son time…

  66. enchantedbeaver

    Who’s that man in the dugout managing this team and making all the right moves?

    That’s Dempster (L)
    Zambrano (L)
    Harden (L)


    never mind the mariners got the best chance next year against the dodgers. and the series, oh ya the M’s are gonna go.


    Our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers show True Grit and Determination with a 3 to 1 Victory Over The Chicago Cubs in a Total Complete Team Effort where All Our Beloved Dodgers were Super Heros with Tremendous Super Powers as we move into the Next Series with Super Anticipation! These Sparkling Dodgers will sparkle infinitely as Our Super Almighty Great Friend, The Dodger In the Sky’s Stars, when kryptonite is Destroyed Forever and our Beloved Dodgers are crowned World Series Champions This Majestic,Astonishing,Supernatural Jubilee 50th Anniversary in Los Angeles, This Absolutely Wonderful Year of 2008 A.D.!


    How many other teams had what 5 of 8 starters are under 26 and a kid who is 26 that just blew gas by everyone to close the game…. Add Kershaw and Billz to that list and the standards are high…We should be strong contenders for this year and the next 5 or I will be dissapointed. Great job team…

    If we get Mil we get homefield. If we get Philly we are road team…So I’ll take Mil.

  70. obi_wen

    ” The Commissioner of the league should investigate the Dodgers. I think it’s unfair for Joe Torre to use a player with a bionic implant in his spine.” – Anonymous Yankee Executive

  71. junkyardjamie

    Obi – fantastic!!!!!!
    jungar – this is our Dodger Dynasty right here and now, and like you said, should be for years to come.
    101 years and counting…….

  72. demrmybums

    The Dodgers are in great position to take it to whoever we face in the championship round. Great pitching, and hot hitting! Go Dodgers!!!

  73. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening ndeschenes!!! It is just awesome to see you tonight. The Dodgers took out their brooms and swept the cubbies back home where they have to sit and watch and hope it happens for them in the 101st year.. Have a wonderful evening 🙂

  74. vl4ecc

    The Dodgers proved tonight they’re for real. Sure, the first two were won by big margins, but tonight they proved they belong by winning a close one. The bullpen gets a round on me! I keep looking for post game interview clips with Lou. No luck! He must be hiding.
    The Cubs are a great team. Coming in with the best regular season record in the NL. Heavily favored. They just got beat by a better team.
    I don’t care who we play in the NLCS! We’re going to the World Series. Boston, Tampa, Chisox, or Angels don’t have a chance.

  75. selltheteam

    Saturday at the Park
    Saturday at the park
    I think it was the Chavez Ravine
    Saturday at the park
    ITD bloggers at the scene
    People shouting, people screaming
    A man selling green tea
    Wearing italian shades
    Will Hiroki hit his marks?
    Can you dig it (if we win)
    And we’ve been waiting such a long time
    For Saturday
    Saturday at the park
    You know it is the Chavez Ravine
    Saturday at the park
    Winning in the Chavez Ravine
    Raffy hitting, Russell smashing
    Manny being Manny
    Then Every Day Dre
    Will James Loney be the man?
    Mighty Matt Kemp, Blake ‘n’ Blake
    And we’ve been waiting such a long time
    Twenty years
    Ghosts of Walter Alston and O’Malley here today
    A blue man, Tommy, tells stories his own way
    Listen bloggers let’s gitter done
    Let’s gitter done
    Nine more wins at the park
    Some of them at Chavez Ravine
    Nine more wins in the park
    Some of them at Chavez Ravine
    People stomping, people laughing
    A real celebration
    Waiting for us all
    If we want it, really want it
    Can you dig it (if we win)
    And we’ve been waiting such a long time
    Twenty years

  76. demrmybums

    We need to sign Manny for next year and if possible hang on to Lowe and Furcal. If we do we will be playoff bound for many years to come. Our young and upcoming pitchers will keep us in most games and our hitters will continue to grow and apply this experience for many years to come.

  77. obi_wen

    Watching the NLDS at home in the company of girlfriends Sara Lee, Dolly Madison, and Betty Crocker; Andruw Jones can only wonder what might have been.


    Way to go Dodgers. We need 8 more wins with a sweep over the Red Sox. I’m sure Manny would be on fire for that series.

    Good night all

  79. vl4ecc

    We would all love to see Manny, Lowe, & Furcal back next year. I don’t think Frank will pony up enough dinero to keep all of them here. The chances are astronomical, no matter what happens the rest of this post season.
    One reason. Boras!


    It doesn’t matter how you start, it only matters how you finish. This is the real season. Our boys peaked at the right time and now, the sky’s the limit. We’re the first team to punch their ticket for the next round. Would’nt it be ironic if we were the only SoCal team to make it to the next round? We’re firing on all cylinders and, the way we’re playing, noone can stop us. Congrats, D’s. Good luck in the next round!!!

  81. northstateblues

    OBI, YOU ARE THE MUTHA___’N MAN! Haven’t laughed so hard all day!

    All I wanna do is BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM
    And take your money!!!


    Can you say SWEEP!!!!!! Whoo Hoo, 3 down & only 8 to go. Congrats to “our” boys in blue on a great series win. We have had faith all season long & knew that you could do it!!! GO BLUE!!

  83. enchantedbeaver

    Night boblee!!

    I got to hand it to the boys – they showed the killer instinct tonight and ended it right there. No need to go to game 4. Now Lowe gets his rest, Billz gets his, and we can use Kuroda again in L.A.

    I think we’re seeing Loney turn the corner like Andre did during the season. Maybe Brox will too and become the closer we think he can be. When Marty and Matt join the party, this is going to be one hellacious team with or without Manny.

    I really think the one person that’s putting us over the top though is Ferk. A true leadoff man so the young guns can do their thing and not have to worry about doing too much.

  84. leekfink

    I love the point Jungar–and don’t forget Broxton. 6 of 9 players on the field when we won the series were 26 under and all came up originally with the Dodgers.
    MartinLoneyKemp is there tonight too. I am giddy. I want to figure out a way to get back home for the League Championship Series.
    These Dodgers are the team we’ve been waiting for. Everything is coming together now, and the best team is on the field now in the post-season, and the rest of the world may be figuring out we might be the favorites here.
    Welcome to the beginning of the dynasty!

  85. vl4ecc

    Watching the NLDS at home in the company of girlfriends Sara Lee, Dolly Madison, and Betty Crocker; Andruw Jones can only wonder what might have been.

    By obi_wen on October 4, 2008 10:48 PM
    Report any abuse or spam

    LMAO!!! Keep em coming obi!

  86. dodgereric

    Fantastic work by Broxton tonight.
    Unbelievable how it took 162 games for Torre to ‘get it’.
    Cory Wade is THE MAN!
    Kuroda kept the ball rolling with another great start.
    You have to hand it to Furcal, what a comeback!
    Our boys are really peaking at the perfect time.
    Uranus is full of methane.
    James Loney is the new Big Game James!
    Outstanding pitching can take us all the way.
    Ethier is due to win a couple of games in the NLCS.
    You better sign Manny, Frank!

  87. junkyardjamie

    leekfink ~ It is always a pleasure to see your comments. Have a wonderful evening, and it’s great to know that lny4loney/mlk was there singing the James Loney Song… James certainly deserved it tonight.

  88. bluecrewgirl

    Agree, enchanted. It really is amazing the Furcal was able to come back this season and play like he is now. He’s definitely silenced doubts the Dodgers may have had about resigning him.

    I don’t care who we play really, but would prefer the Brewers. I think we match up well against them, we won the season series against them and Andre raked against them during the regular season.

  89. demrmybums

    I think it is possible for us to sign them if we backload the contracts. We will be dropping a lot of dead weight off of the payroll after next year.

  90. Dodger4life


  91. enchantedbeaver

    It’d be hard for even a jock strap to be a Cubs supporter right now.
    Beavette thought bubble 11:08 PM

  92. obi_wen

    “I love LA and I love your Dodgers! I mean, like, they get to play in a huge ol’ ravine and stuff and you let ’em hunt and kill bear cubs from Chicago. Golly gee willagers! Talk about a team of mavericks! -Sarah Palin comment to Dodger VP Jamie Mc Court.

  93. junkyardjamie

    bluecrewgirl – What we have to remember about Andre, is he is one of the main reasons the Dodgers are in this position in the first place.

  94. junkyardjamie

    Have you read any of their blogs? One of them was talking about the combination of both teams losing. They figure the Cubs will have it a little easier than the White Sox because they will get swept/beat on their home field. They were talking about security issues.


    Yeah, eric, and the White Sox are only 1 game away from elimination, too. They might all start, as lemmings, walking into Lake Michigan.

  96. vl4ecc

    G’night all! Too many shots on top of too many beers. Good thing I did them in that order, or I would be talking to Ralph on the big white phone!
    Always remember, Whiskey on beer, have no fear. Beer on whiskey kinda risky!
    I’m wasted. My bed is calling

  97. bluecrewgirl

    I completely agree DNelly. We would not be where we are without him. I do prefer him batting in front of Manny, but I know he’ll do great no matter where he bats in the order Wsh he could have gotten that 3 run homer tonight. It was so close.

  98. obi_wen

    The following is a paid political announcement:

    “The Chicago Cubs were poised to win the World Series for the first time since 1908, that is, until Barack Obama renewed the curse against them by wearing Manny Ramirez dreads while voting for the bail out plan in the Senate. Barack Obama just destroyed the dreams of millions of Cub fans by siding with Barbara Streisand, Joe Torre and the rest of the Dodger loving Hollywood liberals instead of standing up for the hard working blue collar folks of Chicago. And where was Barack Obama when Lou Pinella needed his help? Barack was at the Staples Center, watching Neil Diamond. Barack Obama —bad for the Cubs, bad for America. ” Paid for by The National League Committee for a Curse Free Chicago

  99. junkyardjamie

    bluecrewgirl – It was too damn close. I was yelling at the tv – even the crowd knew it was that close…. a little wind, a little bit of lightness in the air, or a day game, and that ball was gone.

  100. bluecrewgirl

    I think if it hadn’t been humid today, it would have been gone. I really thought it was. He still contributed in the series. 5 walks, 2 runs scored and a key single to get things going in game 2. He’s going to have some big games before it’s all said and done in the post season. I had a dream a while ago that he hit a walk off grand slam to win the World Series. You never know.

  101. obi_wen

    “I’m the dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dude”- First Dude, Todd Palin, talking to the guy who sells Blu Blockers at Venice Beach.

  102. dodgereric

    Good night, jj! A night to remember, I hope you can tomorrow! 🙂

    nelly, I was just reading The Pulse. There’s mostly good folds there, but a couple of people really need some counseling.

  103. enchantedbeaver

    And now its time to say goodbye to Lou and all his kin,
    We would like to thank the Cubs for kindly droppin’ in.
    They won’t be playin’ ball again from this locality,
    Cuz’ they got a heapin’ helpin’ of D hospitality.
    Go on back.
    Set a spell.
    Y’all come back next year ya hear?

  104. junkyardjamie

    It wasn’t the pulse I was reading. They weren’t even in the top 10 in activity when I was on this afternoon. I will go looking – be back…

  105. junkyardjamie

    I mean “The Pulse” wasn’t in the top 10 in activity. It still boggles my mind how they can be ahead of us.

  106. junkyardjamie

    This came from one of the blogs, but still not the one I saw earlier. This one was titled “Cubs – Next Century is Here”
    Somebody please buy this team and move it to Tibet.
    I HATE being a Cub fan.
    If somebody has a 12 step program for Cub fans please email me with it. If not maybe I’ll start a support group.
    Congratulations to the LA Dodgers. Manny is the real deal – 5 for 10 – Wow – Go show Chicago how baseball should be played.

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