
The magic number. Let’s hope it’s one by the end of the night. Posts could get shorter here for a tad, as we’re staying very busy this time of year. Tomorrow night’s game is sold out, but still some left for tonight and limited seats for the NLDS.

Will try to find out about Sweet Lou’s World Series ring for the person who asked…

Here’s the lineup:

Kemp, CF

Martin, C

Manny, LF

Ethier, RF

Nomar, 1B

Blake, 3B

DeWitt, 2B

Berroa, SS

Kershaw, P


  1. scott_in_arcadia

    Nomar did great last night, but I’d still much rather have him coming off the bench to PH which I think fits him perfect. Is Loney not the RBI leader on this team? IF Nomar can play 1B, he can play SS instead of Berroa and leave Loney in the lineup. Loney homered off of Estes last time he faced him.

  2. kpookiemon

    Looks a lot like yesterday, huh? Was thinking…in a PERFECT world, the Dodgers would clinch 5 hours before Thusday night’s game. So……….when would they celebrate??? But who am I kidding? The Dodgers won’t make it THAT easy!

  3. junkyardjamie

    I like Nomar, but where is James? Andre will make sure James’ okay. Andre’s been there before 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

  4. junkyardjamie

    Kahli – That would be great if it happens that way, but just like you said, way to easy for the Dodgers – lol!!! They like to make the fans squirm….

  5. scurtis1999

    Nomar can’t play SS. We saw he just can’t do it anymore. He was ok, but you just can’t put him there in September or October.

  6. thinkingblue

    Great Lineup…but like everyone else…wondering about Loney???
    AMY…I’m sure you’ll be there tonight….so have fun!

  7. ladyinblu

    Dodger spokesman Josh Rawitch said ESPN had requested that Torre appear during the network’s broadcast of Sunday’s game. “He already had plans last night when they asked,” Rawitch said.

    Heck yeah, he already had plans! Plans to go to the playoffs. Get ’em, Josh! Boo friggin’ whooo, Yankees. Enjoy the show.

    Go Blue!

  8. scurtis1999

    Yeah but better to have range limited at 1b then SS. When it was him and Kent, that was the worst range ever in MLB history in the middle infield.

    Bad bad news. NO Pujols tonight for STL. Well, he’s not in the starting lineup. UGH!

  9. enchantedbeaver

    Think we’d better get used to seeing Joe’s vet love for Nomore. I expect to see it throughout the playoffs.

    PLEASE NED, do us all a favor. Don’t re-sign Nomore, Kant, and Mr. PH. If they aren’t there, JoJo can’t use them. Its bad enough we’re stuck with CowPhew again.


    Gosh Tony hate us

    Cardinals lineup:

    Schumaker cf
    Miles 2b
    Stavinoha lf
    Lopez 3b
    Kennedy rf
    Phelps 1b
    Johnson c
    Wainwright p
    Izturis ss

  11. oldbrooklynfan

    Three seems so much better than five.
    Can’t depend on the Cards to help us out every night.
    Would be good to go for the juggler right away like last night.
    But every game is a different game.
    Just got to keep driving like every game is a MUST win game.

  12. amyw27

    Josh- thank you so much for taking the time out to talk to me and Sara last night. We could tell that you were very busy but I’m glad we finally got the chance to speak directly 🙂 Good luck with the season. Sara and I have our playoff tickets all ready to go and we both will be there!!!
    Tru- not tonight I’m afraid. I will have made 4 out of the 6 this homestand. I’m going to the gym. I will TIVO the game, get back eat a hearty dinner, then settle in to watch the game. No worries though, cause Tomorrow I will be there early and happy and ready for action!!
    Go Dodgers. Yea for Loney’s award!


    Scherzer owned right handed batter than why Tony wanted more left handed in the lineup. I would rather have Nomar range at first than SS abnd 3rd bases.

  14. amyw27

    Three, Three, Three! Three, Three, Three!
    That’s my ‘3″ chant btw. lol…. DODGERS!!!!!!
    On Sunday the little boy next to me would chant for his food.
    Example: “Let’s Go Pizza, Let’s Go” haha. I feel like that little boy!

  15. enchantedbeaver

    LaRussa’s just following Torre’s early season doctrine – Pujols is more valuable off the bench than Phelps. Its a JP/Ethier kinda thing.

  16. thinkingblue

    Since Kershaw starts doing better during 2nd innin and up. I suggest that he should go out to the mount atleast by 6:30 and just pitch…just NOTE FOR KERSHAW: Be careful with the kids when they are out there running for an outgraphs with their long t-shirts on, and be careful with whoever is singing the National Anthem…and sort of step to the side, when the guest of honor gets to throw the first pitch…so hopefully byt the time the 1st inning begins…you will do good! GOOD LUCK KERSHAW!


    Pujols, Ludwick, Glaus all sit
    By Rick Hummel

    When the Cardinals meet the Arizona Diamondbacks tonight in the third game of a four-game series at Busch Stadium, they will have a lineup in which the nine starting players have hit a total of 19 home runs as Cardinals.

    Manager Tony La Russa is resting his top three sluggers, first baseman Albert Pujols, outfielder Ryan Ludwick and third baseman Troy Glaus, against hard-throwing Arizona righthander Max Scherzer.

    The Cardinals also will be without lefthanded reliever Randy Flores for the rest of the season. Flores on Thursday will have arthroscopic surgery on his left shoulder, to be performed here by Dr. George Paletta, the head team physician.

    Flores has been bothered for some time by discomfort in his shoulder and had an MRI earlier in the week. An examination and results of the MRI indicated no abnormalities to the rotator cuff but there was a small cyst and some fraying in his labrum. The surgery is considered a clean-up surgery for the 33-year-old Flores, who has had a disappointing season.

    Flores, who spent part of the campaign at Class AAA Memphis, appeared in 43 games for the Cardinals with a 1-0 mark and 5.26 earned run average. He walked more batters than he fanned (20-17), lefthanders batted .314 against him and righthanders were at .316.

    A veteran of four-plus seasons, mostly effective ones, with the Cardinals, Flores probably is danger of not being tendered a contract after the season.

    As for Chris Carpenter, who has had nerve issues in his right shoulder, the righthander saw another neurologist on Wednesday although he said before the game he didn’t have any new information. A news release by the team said the club planned to disclose its findings by Thursday.

    As for tonight’s lineup, Skip Schumaker, who will lead off, has the most home runs by a Cardinal at eight. Second baseman Aaron Miles, hitting second, is second with four.

    Miles said he never could recall his being in such a position. “I dare say it hasn’t happened,” he said. “It might have happened if I hit a home run the first game of the season.”

    The rest of the lineup and its number of home runs as a Cardinal this season: Left fielder Nick Stavinoha (0), third baseman Felipe Lopez (3), right fielder Adam Kennedy (2), first baseman Josh Phelps (0), catcher Mark Johnson (0), pitcher Adam Wainwright (1) and shortstop Cesar Izturis (1).

    Manager Tony La Russa explained, “I’m using all the lefthanders we had.”

    St. Louisan Scherzer has held righthanded batters to a .168 average, fanning 44 in 107 at-bats.

    La Russa said that Glaus, Pujols and Ludwick would start the remaining four games of the season.

    Cardinals lineup:

    Schumaker cf
    Miles 2b
    Stavinoha lf
    Lopez 3b
    Kennedy rf
    Phelps 1b
    Johnson c
    Wainwright p
    Izturis ss

    Arizona lineup:

    Drew ss
    Young cf
    Jackson lf
    Dunn rf
    Tracy 1b
    Reynolds 3b
    Snyder c
    Eckstein 2b
    Scherzer p


    That Cards lineup is a freaking joke. I just can’t stop laughing and I’m surprise Tony didn’t experience the pitcher hitting in the clean up spot.


    I really wanted the Mets to loss all their games and somehow the Brewers make it in. It would be nice both NY teams doesn’t make it and they moving to a new stadium next year.

  20. northstateblues

    Just back from errands…

    Amy and Sara… Agent, huh? I guess so, as long as I get one of those cool hats like Jon Lovitz in A League of Their Own. 10% of proceeds would benefit ThinkCure!, 10% would benefit the Keep Manny in L.A. fund, and the rest will be ours to split.

    Alrighty, back to the drawing board for me, and for anyone who missed it last thread, check out the Don Drysdale official website at . Like I said earlier, the quote on the first page that shows up is worth the site visit alone.


    – J. Phelps singled to center
    – M. Johnson walked, J. Phelps to second
    – A. Wainwright unknown into double play, A. Wainwright to second, M. Johnson and J. Phelps scored
    – End of Inning (2 Runs, 1 Hit, 1 Error)
    WTF yahoo

  22. amyw27

    shad- please just leave him alone. There is no reason to talk back or argue. That is what he wants. Please Shad. walk away

  23. amyw27

    I’m out. Gym time.
    Tru- talk to you later sweetie! Hold down the fort please 🙂
    too bad we can’t have a solar eclipse tonight 😦


    Believe me Amy I will just for you and the rest of the people here. I don’t care what he really have to say.

  25. vl4ecc

    Good evening all. Well most of you any way. No need to name names.
    Congrats to Loney on his award, but I’m wondering if he’s in Joe’s dog house. Two games in a row not in the lineup? What gives?
    I’m also thinking Larussa must have a chub against the Dodgers sending out a lineup like that against the Snakes. Pitiful! At least they’re up 3-2 right now any way.
    I hope Kersh has a great game. GO DODGERS!!!

  26. sparkleplenty_1

    The celestial events continue . . . Question for those better educated than me. What is it called when two moons orbit each other?


    Nah, guys & gals, you’re giving lunatics a bad name. After all, a day without lunacy is like a day without sunshine.

  28. vl4ecc

    To me it’s just one of those tunes that just grabs you. Red Rider’s Tom Cochrane also did the original ‘Life is a Highway’ before The redneck band Rascal Flats butchered it. Cochrane’s another Canuck who rocks like Neil Young, Randy Bachman, Bryan Adams, Rick Emmett, and Rush.

  29. bluecrewgirl

    Hey everyone. The game last night was great. We had awesome seats and you could really feel the energy of the guys from the start. They came with playoff game energy. I was glad to see them rise to the challenge. A guy that’s on the Young and Restless sang the national anthem and he had a great voice. One of the best renditions I’ve heard in a while.

    Congrats to James on his award. I was hoping to see him back in the lineup tonight. I was was also hoping Andre would hit #21 in my presence. He came really close on the first fly ball he hit. It just missed. It seemed like the air was kind of heavy last night. There were quite a few fly balls that looked like they had enough to go farther and then just kind of died at the end.


    I know there are much more appropriate descriptions. But we need not go there. It only encourages them.

  31. bluecrewgirl

    Northstate, I forgot to congratulate you about your drawings being noticed. That’s great. You really have a lot of a talent. Keep it up.

  32. trublu4ever

    seesky ~ after all ITD is fondly known as that wonderful show “Leave it to Beaver” thanks to a few good men and women
    sl ~ so far, so good


    Even though he struggled, Bills was impressive last night. Last night’s game was a sign of his growth as a pitcher. The Bills of last year would’ve probably lost that game.

  34. jhallwally

    Remember gang, only an idiot argues/debates with an idiot. Those jerkoffs do not merit or deserve any consideration or response.


    I see Tony using Pujols and Ludwick as a defensive replacement good job. I guess you don’t hate us. WTG Franklin

  36. aeversw

    Actually a sac bunt to get Berroa over would have been good too. If you’re gonna have Kershaw go up there and waste an out might as well make it a productive one. What if Kershaw bounced into a double play? Bad managing.

  37. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening ITD writers and readers!!!
    Just got in and trying to catch up.
    dbacks lost – good!!
    gnats losing – stupid people couldn’t play this bad against us I guess.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!


    Kersh probably hasn’t hit much on the professional level. Most minor leagues use the DH. He does have 9 sacrifices, the best on the staff, so he can bunt. As with his pitching, he’s young and still learning.

  39. jhallwally

    Agreed Max, at least a safety squeeze. Geez!!!
    Beav, Mom!!! Good to see you. Hope dad gets home soon. That will be swell.

  40. vl4ecc

    Perez blew a 4 run lead, then the Mets bullpen did what they do best….Mets had plenty of chances. They choked.
    Damn! Wasted opportunity there.

  41. bluecrewgirl

    Bills doesn’t swing a bad bat, Shad. It was good to see him hang in there and help himself out even though he didn’t have his best stuff.

  42. bluecrewgirl

    Enchanted, seesky needs to mix a little Bigelow Green Tea into whatever’s in the flask tonight and pass some on down to Joe.

  43. junkyardjamie

    Oh boy!! Looks like the naughty kids got out of their room again. I am glad to see the good children stayed away – very nice!!! Ward Dear will be most pleased…..
    Wally/Beav – very nice indeed 🙂
    bluecrewgirl ~ I thought about you the whole time during the game. I am glad you got to see a great game.

  44. bluecrewgirl

    I’d be leaning towards Kershaw. Even though Maddux has the experience, he’s at the end of the line and Kershaw seems to be able to hold it together better lately, even when he doesn’t have his best stuff.

  45. lamm823

    Fantastic! After his rough year..Nomar carrying the Dodgers on his back for the stretch.. Way to GO. You deserve these moments!!


    Did anyone read that the Giants signed JT Snow to a 1 day contract? I’m praying the Giants don’t give Bonds a 3 days contract to just played against us.


    Like I always say. I’d take a hurt Nomar over a 100% healthy Sweeney anyday of the week if only Nomar could be our primary PH.


    yay for us taking the lead 🙂

    i REALLY thought we would definitely play an NL East team for the first round.. but with milwaukee tying for the wild card today.. i have no idea who we’ll play now.. should be interesting the rest of the week~

  49. enchantedbeaver

    Ned’s thinking that for the fraction of the cost for Manny, he could have Nomar AND Sweeney. 2 for 1. Whatta deal Ned!!


    Holy Crap, what the Giants doing starting JT Snow against us on Saturday but go figure he just wanted to retired as a Giants. The fool should retired as an Angels. I really hope he make 2 errors in that game and cost the team the game.

  51. junkyardjamie

    enchanted ~ that’s funny, but really not funny because it could happen….. Ned hasn’t been known for his good decision making.

  52. bluecrewgirl

    I’m happy for Nomar, but if he keeps it up, Berroa needs to sit and we’ll have to take our chances on defense. I don’t think it will be as bad with Dewitt at 2nd instead of Kent. I know Nomar is not the defensive player he once was, but he was a gold glove at shortstop earlier in his career. Loney doesn’t deserve to be benched and I don’t want to see him treated like Andre was most of the season.

  53. enchantedbeaver

    Nells – what are the odds that Sweeney could do any worse next year? Its quite cleaver on his part in a contract year. You see, he’s so bad this season he can’t possibly have anything but upside next year. Its that upside that attracts Ned. 1 + 1 = 3.

  54. junkyardjamie

    Very true bluecrewgirl. There’s been enough of the young guns sitting for the vets. I like Nomar too, but not at the expense of James.

  55. lamm823

    Nomar at short..he’s hot right now. The defense is still there! Loney needs to be in the line up for the rest of the would screw with head…we don’t need that..he too good.

  56. junkyardjamie

    enchanted – I have learned through this year, being somewhat in the know about the decision making, that anything bizarre is possible when it comes to this Dodger organization.


    dnelly, you make a good point about the young guns sitting for vets.. i’m so terrified that there will be much more of that during the playoffs.. you know how joe and ned feel about experience, and how meaningful it is 😛


    nsb-This is a little late but thanks for the heads up on the Drysdale webpage. Agreed on the quote on the first page. That attitude is, without a doubt, old school. I did’nt know he had to retire because of a torn rotator cuff. He had the misfortune of incurring that injury about 10 years too soon.


    lol @ Giants bullpen and I still can’t believe we didn’t win that last game against them. This night should had been the clinch game tonight

  60. junkyardjamie

    Good Evening Ward Dear…. your boys did very well this evening while we were gone… you would be proud.
    sara – it is kind of scary if he tries to go back to the old times during the playoffs.

  61. dodgereric

    Yeah June Darlin’, there’s a slew of folks on this here blog that this ol’ Boy Scout leader is mighty proud of!

  62. bluecrewgirl

    Man, it’s impressive the way Manny can get a hold of a pitch that’s curving down and just crush it. Great job Andre too!

  63. dodgereric

    Hello boys! I see everyone kicked that dumb ol’ neighborhood idiot back down to the end of the street.


  64. junkyardjamie

    trublue ~ I know, I know – just felt he was a little jinxed last night, and I was hoping it wouldn’t carry into tonight. However, everything seems fine now.


    To bad Torre took so long to move Dre there. I always want to see what he can do and I really want to see what Kemp can do behind Manny too.

  66. northstateblues

    seesky, glad to share the link! I understand why the rules are different today, but that doesn’t mean I like it. Drysdale was awesome, and I wish I would’ve had the chance to see him (and Koufax, and Newcombe, and Podres… the list could go on). I could only imagine how it was when him and Bob Gibson started in the same game. I’m betting there was plenty of bruises to sign!

  67. amyw27

    Good evening.
    Bluecrew- I am glad you enjoyed the game last night as much as I did.
    Let’s go Dodgers!!!!
    Sara- tomorrow- I will sing the 7th inning stretch just cause it’s the last one! Even though I rebel against it .
    Great playing Nomar! good to see he worked out for the second game straight!


    nsb– I did’nt see Drysdale, Koufax, or Gibson a lot but they believed that the inside of the plate was theirs and they ruled by intimidation. It was a different game in those days and Drysdale learned from Sal Maglie the way Kershaw and Bills are learning from Maddux.

  69. junkyardjamie

    Torre asking Ouija Board “Sweeney, Pierre, DY , Sweeney, Pierre, DY, Sweeney, Pierre, DY – who do I choose? ….. It says no to Sweeney, but he’s got to come through soon enough. Stupid Ouija Board…. I’m going with Sweeney”

  70. amyw27

    Dnelly- I spoke with my mom tonight. I told her the “ethier” song in the class room and she busted up laughing. She said that she too is having the same behavioral problems, where the kids want to talk and talk and talk and not work. She said if you have any tricks that work she is open for suggestions!
    I am so excited about tomorrow. I hope we clinch at home!!

  71. junkyardjamie

    manfromchina – I saw that!!!! Oh no!!! I was glad to see I am no longer in the cellar though. It should be fun!!!
    Well who would’ve thought Kent – hmmmm!!!


    amy, i’m glad you will partake in the last 7th inning stretch of the regular season.. haha 🙂

  73. amyw27

    Sara- it’s the least I can do 🙂
    Blue- yea, it’s really warmed up. I didn’t even bring a sweater. But it still feels like Fallbaseball.
    I am soo happy that we are playing great baseball. This team has dragged us through the mud, pulled at our hearts, only to come out on top. Gotta love Dodger baseball!
    Let’s go Wade!!


    Holy crap Kent has 3 homeruns in 12 rbi’s against Estes too bad we didn’t need him to start. Yep Amy and I thought you were at the game tonight.


    i don’t know if we’ve all talked enough about how important cory wade has been this year.. he’s been incredible! i heart cory wade!!


    amy, i did bring the poster.. i haven’t put it up yet because i haven’t picked the best spot yet.. i know it will look incredible when i decide..

  77. junkyardjamie

    Amy ~ I haven’t necessarily found a permanent solution to the non-stop talking yet. I do run a class store, and the students earn money for work completed and behavior. My behavior chart is a clip up chart that is all baseball terms. The chart is tied into classroom money that is used to purchase items in a classroom store. This worked really well the last couple of years I have done it, and my first shopping day this year is tomorrow. After the first shopping day, behavior tends to get better because they realize what the money can buy. However, I have invested alot of my own money, and it does seem to get costly, but if you use Oriental Trading Company to buy things for the store, then it’s not so bad.
    Also, part of me at this time, is thinking of how I can incorporate the talking and make it productive if I can’t get it to stop. They will be great performers because there is no shyness in this group. The song today was evident of that. So, I will have to figure out how I can live with the talking and still get work done. Like I said, as individuals, they are great kids, they are just too social, which I guess is good because they all get along so well, too well.

  78. northstateblues

    Hi Amy! Didn’t have class today, just have it Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. Today was running errands at the mall with my girlfriend, her mom’s birthday is tomorrow. How was your day?


    have i mentioned how odd it feels chatting with you all during a game after so long? i feel like an outsider 😦
    haha, but i’m definitely glad to have some time to be back!

  80. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly, you could have them put on a play. I was a talker in elementary school and I remember when I was in third grade we put on a Halloween play called The Three Little Witches. I was the 2nd Little Witch. It was a blast.

    Way to go James! I like to see everyone get in on the fun.

  81. obi_wen

    Andre Insurance Run Ethier = AIR ETHIER. Sounds like bluecrewgirl is going to help Dre get a sweet shoe deal from Nike — 🙂

  82. junkyardjamie

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  83. amyw27

    Can I just say this 8th inning is looking beautiful to me. Go guys!!! all safe:)
    Dnelly- Thank you for the suggestion, I will pass the store thing on to my mom. She did purchase raffle-type tickets for good behavior, but I’m not sure how that’s going. All I know is she’s been a teacher forever, and this class is stressing her out! She said her kids can color and color all day, but when it’s come to work she get’s nowhere. I think she’s incorperated art and coloring into lessons to get their attention.
    BTW, did you post the lyrics to the song they sang today? if so I missed it. It’s till such a cute story.
    And to our moon-‘friends’- watching this game, the Dodgers are far from sucking- Thank you very much!!!!

  84. amyw27

    Sara- you are a conerstone member. You are one of the few of us that can leave an come back. I did and look, I am still loved… hahah j/k.
    This inning still rocks!!! 1 out.
    NSB- Had a good day. I had the best cupcake in my entire existance. It was peanut butter with fudge chocolate frosting with sprinkles!!! awesome. YUMMY. I think I will look forward to your next post about this game and the ‘new’ magic number!
    Hu let the dogs out!!! HU HU HU HU HU.

  85. dodgereric

    North, Vin’s Drysdale story:

    I was sitting in my living room, in shock like everyone else. Vin had just announced Don’s untimely death. So he started telling stories, God Bless him…..the only one I remember is this one.

    Drysdale on the mound, runner or runners on base, but first was open. Frank Robinson was coming up. Walter Alston walked out to the mound and told Drysdale to walk him. He protested that he could get him out. Alston was a quiet guy, but there was never any doubt as to who was in charge. He just said, “Walk him!” and trudged back to the dugout. So Don was left there on the mound, fuming. He thought, “Well, why waste 3 pitches?” and hit him. LOL!!

  86. amyw27

    OMG- the best cupcake I’ve had in my 24 years on this earth. I mean, I am a brownie girl all the way…but dang, this one I am still thinking about 🙂
    perumike- good evening sir. How’s the wife? is she excited?

    “No one on the corner have swagger like KEMP”


    dnelly, i know.. i’m not saying you guys are treating me that way.. i was just commenting on how weird it feels to post since it’s been SO long.. i can’t believe how busy i’ve been.. glad things have calmed down, that’s for sure 🙂

  88. obi_wen

    I’d buy that Air Ethier shoe. And while we’re marketing Dodger players let’s get Oscar Meyer to give a contract to James Loney.

  89. junkyardjamie

    bluecrewgirl – 3 other teachers and I do a musical every year. This will be our third one, and we are doing all beach songs. That’s our finale to end the year,but yes, I do alot of readers theater, and we do a grade level program every year.

  90. junkyardjamie

    I know exactly what you mean sara, and it is great seeing you around again.
    Amy ~ I haven’t posted the song yet, but I will get it there sometime soon – probably tomorrow. I need to ask the
    writer of the song if it’s okay if I change a few words 🙂

  91. amyw27

    Wow- I totally forgot that he batted left. It’s been too long my friend!!! Welcome back number 15!!! WE love you.
    dang it Sweeny!


    i’ve never had violet’s.. i’ve had yummy cupcakes, sprinkles, and eat my cupcake.. haha

  93. perumike

    Well everyone, I’m gonna go get ready for bed, do a few things, and hit the hay. Great game tonight, and now I’m REALLY jealous that my wife is going to the stadium tomorrow. I am sending her with a camera to take pics of the celebration. Everyone have a good night, and sweet Dodger dreams! 🙂

  94. amyw27

    that place looks yummy too.. Violet’s is in the same category. So designer cupcakes if you will 🙂
    I’m not a Dodger high right now, but am thinking about that cupcake!

  95. bluecrewgirl

    Eric, I remember watching the game on tv when Vin announced Don had passed away. Don was a great color commentator, one of my all time favorites. He gave so much information on the pitches and technical things.

    DNelly, the musicals sound like fun. Northstate, it would be hard to concentrate on drawing with all the excitement going on.

  96. enchantedbeaver

    Jeez Joe, give Ellis or Stults a chance to bat.
    Have I ever mentioned that Sweeney sucks??

    Great to be able to have Ferk take some hacks though.

  97. bluecrewgirl

    Night peru. Raffy came so close to raking it down the line. I know we give the doctor a hard time, but I have to say Proctor has looked much better since he came off the dl.


    bluecrewgirl.. don’t you think they’ve avoided using him in any pressure situations though? low risk?

  99. amyw27

    good night friends. Tomorrow afternoon the Dbacks with loose and we will WIN it all. I can’t wait for the game tomorrow. Sara, I so wish you were going with me.
    It’s Another Perfect Day……
    I’m getting into bed. Ready for sweet dreams

  100. northstateblues

    Eric, thanks for the Drysdale story. That’s one way to walk ’em! I’m disappointed in my baseball game (mlb 05 for GameCube) because while they have Dodger greats like Jackie, Campy and Pee Wee, they have ZERO Dodgers pitchers (unless you count Marichal, who I guess played 2 games with L.A., but I don’t). Maybe Mickey Mantle didn’t want to have to spend eternity facing Koufax and Drysdale, heh.

  101. enchantedbeaver

    One more to go. Told ya the Snakes would lose at least two in St. Louis. Now that the wind is all out of their sails, they might even drop tomorrow afternoon’s game as well.

    GO BLUE!!!!

  102. bluecrewgirl

    That is true, Sara, but he did come in that one game during the stretch where he got out like 5 batters in a row and Torre pulled him and we ended up losing. The jury’s still out to be sure, but he does look like he has better control since he came off the dl.

  103. northstateblues

    “I wish I could find a fault, but I can’t. Tonight was one of the best games this club’s put in. They had power, they had the small-ball, they had everything!”

    – Charley Steiner

    No arguments there!!


    night amy! have fun at the game, sorry i can’t go with.. but i am there in spirit.. and we will have fun during playoffs for sure~!

  105. junkyardjamie

    enchanted ~ I was surprised the Cards won with the lineup they put out there tonight. All it shows is that the dbacks are really losing it.


    yup bluecrewgirl.. i remember the game you’re talking about.. proctor was pitching well, and then joe pulled one of his many unnecessary pitching changes to drive us all insane.. and it cost the game because elbert was outta control..

  107. aleast91

    Anyone care to project the possible 11 man post-season pitching roster ??? Lot of tough decisions for Torre & Co.

    Justin from Brooklyn

  108. northstateblues

    wow… this game took forever, I didn’t realize!!!!!!!!! I guess I have to try and get some sleep, have to go to school early and buy my new book.

    Good Night from the North State, where I’m sure Giants fans with tickets to their last three games have some wind taken out of their sails.

  109. arayd

    don’t fire joe
    don’t fire the guy who hired joe
    don’t fire the guy who hired the guy who hired joe

    but hey hire one of the geniuses from this blog, they could surely build a contender and spend the 60 mil in flexibility we have this year wisely.

    12 straight years to the po’s counts for something jo jo got it done.

  110. arayd

    dewitt can play ss or 3b, juan has no arm to play anywhere else, he can’t handle ss or 2b, dewitt can and both those holes need to be filled for next year. juan has offensive value, his arm only works at 2b unfortunately. i love dewitt.

  111. junkyardjamie

    Bluecrewgirl ~ Ethier ran out a dribbler yesterday the same way JP does, and Russell did the same thing today. JP’s not needed even for that anymore.

  112. bluecrewgirl

    Agree, nice guy, and I do hope he gets traded to a team that he fits in for next season, but the Dodgers have better options now.

  113. enchantedbeaver

    One thing I learned driving up Hwy. 41 to Oakhurst on a regular basis Nells. No matter how many motorhomes you passed, there was always ONE more.

  114. aleast91

    Here are my 11 (fingers crossed for Saito and Kuo) :

    97 Joe Beimel L/L 6-3 215 04/19/77
    58 Chad Billingsley R/R 6-1 245 07/29/84
    51 Jonathan Broxton R/R 6-4 290 06/16/84
    56 Hong-Chih Kuo L/L 6-1 235 07/23/81
    18 Hiroki Kuroda R/R 6-1 210 02/10/75
    23 Derek Lowe R/R 6-6 230 06/01/73
    36 Greg Maddux R/R 6-0 195 04/14/66
    61 Chan Ho Park R/R 6-2 210 06/30/73
    45 Scott Proctor R/R 6-1 195 01/02/77
    44 Takashi Saito L/R 6-2 215 02/14/70
    47 Cory Wade R/R 6-2 185 05/28/83

    -Justin from Brooklyn

  115. junkyardjamie

    That is so very true enchanted!! I love that drive you know. Everytime I go up there, I want to stay…. It will be interesting to see what damage the fires did. I haven’t been up there since.

  116. enchantedbeaver

    Justin – I think Saito’s in, but Kuo is really hurting. Put Kershaw in there and I think you’ve got it.

    Bluecrew – can you imagine JP trying to turn a DP with that arm??

  117. arayd

    well nelly, unless they trade jp, they need to make his 8 mil a year count for something, and as much as ethier and martin running out dribblers makes you think they have the running game pierre has, the truth is they don’t. you like stats but don’t respect sb’s and speed. if he played the whole year this year (which he shouldn’t have ethier and kemp have higher value) he’d have 65 – 75 steals. bottom line pierre carries alot of value with him. his arm sux, and the only place for a sucky arm is 2b, dewitt can play any middle infield position or 3b. hey, if they can trade pierre for a good bp pitcher or decent prospect and unload his salary, i say do it, i’d like the extra 8 mil in flexibility. but if you have him, max. his talent (and he does have talent), it’s a waste on the bench. we need a 3b and ****, put dewitt in one, try to convert pierre to a 2b if he can’t be traded and maybe berroa, hu, abreu or even raffy at ss.

  118. dodgereric

    No prediction, just what I think I’d do…….ten man rotation
    Billz, Lowe, Kersh as the starters, Brox, Saito, Maddux, Beimel, Kuroda, Park, Wade
    I’d consider 11 only if Kuo is OK.
    Martin, Ardoin, Berroa, Blake, DeWitt, Furcal, Nomar, Kent, Loney, Ethier, Kemp, Pierre, Ramirez, Repko, DY
    I want Repko for the late glove man for Manny when we get ahead. If Furcal can’t go, Ozuna.

    If Furcal can go……..

    SS Furcal
    C Martin
    LF Ramirez
    RF Ethier
    3B Blake
    1B Loney
    CF Kemp
    2B DeWitt

    If he can’t……

    CF Kemp
    C Martin
    LF Ramirez
    RF Ethier
    3B Blake
    1B Loney
    2B DeWitt
    SS Berroa

    I think Torre is absolutely going to platoon Loney and Nomar now. No stopping him.

    The last 2B to throw lefty was………..

    Fire Joe
    Fire the guy who hired Joe
    Fire the guy who hired the guy who hired Joe
    Fire Ned
    Fire the guy who hired Ned
    Fire the guy who Ned hire
    Fire Frank
    Fire the guy who Frank hired
    Fire the guy who got hired by the guy who Frank hired

  119. bluecrewgirl

    Agree on both counts, enchanted. I think Kershaw has to be in there too and with Kuo’s recent health issues, I think that makes the decision right there. I really wish there was a place for Stultz. I really like him. Hopefully, they will go far in the playoffs and can add him him when they can expand the roster.

    I had better get to bed. I am bummed because I have an appointment to get my hair colored tomorrow night. One of the beauticians is a big Dodger fan, so hopefully they will at least have the game on radio. I was supposed to get it done on Tuesday, but I rescheduled so I could go to the game and tomorrow night was the only time she could take me. Oh well. DNelly, if you are on in the morning say “hi” to jhall for me. I didn’t notice he was on until after he left tonight. Goodnight everyone. Let’s hope this time tomorrow the Dodgers are National League West Champs.

  120. junkyardjamie

    JP at 2nd isn’t going to happen. Also, I agree JP has value, just not for the Dodgers with the current team they have. You could make the same argument for Ethier. If Ethier had played all the games he should have, where would his numbers be, and like many have said, we would have had the division wrapped up a week ago if Torre had made some better decisions about lineups early on. I am not just talking Ethier in the outfield ethier (either).

  121. arayd

    eric i will bet you a walk through echo park wearing a giants cap that joe will not platoon nomar and loney. i will stand on sunset and echo park with a bullhorn chanting “GIANTS RULE, DODGERS SUCK” if that happens in the playoffs. Loney is the RBI leader. wanna make the bet? or how about you recant you “fire joe………” statements.


    2b is different than 3b, a left can play there, 1/2 the throw to first than from third.

    wanna bet about the platoon?

  122. arayd

    who hired logan? evans? i liked evans. or was it malone? would you really wanna rehire “the sherrif”? no matter what you get rupert murdoch and FOX back involved and all ZERO of their playoff appearances in 6 wonderful years of ownership. so you wanna bring back fox ownership that only bought our team to get a network? great idea, use the dodgers as a pawn to get a hold on the LA TV sports market. who needs family ownership when you can get a disinterested worldwide media conglomerate to own your team and looks at it as a line item on an expense report? awesome idea.

  123. dodgereric

    arayd13, I will recant scott’s wonderful “Fire Joe” chant as soon as I think he’s a good manager. Don’t hold your breath.

    Regarding the ‘bet’, other than fantasy leagues, I don’t gamble. And I’m just seeing the handwriting on the wall. Nomar has shown that he may not, in fact, be dead yet. I think Joe’s going to want him in the lineup, and it won’t be at third. So it’s short or first. IMO. I’m allowed to have it, right?

    I’m honestly trying to recall any lefthanded second baseman. Ever. He’d have a heck of a time making a strong throw on the double play.

  124. dodgereric

    By golly, there have been a few. According to WikiAnswers:

    Wee Willie Keelar, a Hall of Famer, played second base, third and shortstop 71 times over his 19-year career from 1892 through 1910.

    Hal Chase, normally a first baseman, played 36 games at second base between 1905 and 1916.

    Bill Hulen of the 1896 Phillies played 73 games at shortstop and two at second base in his only season with the club.

    First baseman Don Mattingly of the Yankees played one game at second base in 1983 and three games at third base in J, 986 despite being left-handed.

    I still have a slender doubt. Sorry.

  125. junkyardjamie

    Also, if 2nd base were an option for JP, which it’s not, then why wouldn’t it have been tried already. Joe likes to experiment – look what he did with the outfield, Russell playing 3rd, and Nomar at 1st now. Then there’s batting and the countless experiments he has done with the lineups. There is no place for JP on this current Dodger team.

  126. enchantedbeaver

    There’s nowhere you can hide JP’s arm except in the dugout. There are no LH throwing 2B because its a backwards throw to 1B. He’d have to spin 90 or 270 degrees to make the throw to first. Try it at home and see. JPs a 4th OFer on this team, and at best he’s trade bait. No one should blame Juan for what he is (a poor OFer), nor blame him for how much money he makes. That’s Ned’s fault for signing him. I CAN blame JoJo for playing him though when there are clearly better players who should be playing ahead of him. Speed is great – look at Kemp’s numbers. But Kemp packages it along with power and good if not great D.

    As far as Nomar and Loney, we’ve seen all year that Torre platoons vets and kids for no valid reason. The fact that he got away with it with Nomar these last couple days will just convince him to go righty lefty in the playoffs. Loney’s not immune to Joe’s twisted thinking. I’ll guarantee he platoons Nomar and Loney in the sense of starting Nomar against lefties. He’ll bring in Loney in the 6-7th inning, so its not a true platoon, but that’s what it will be in essense.

  127. arayd

    Absolutely Eric, opinons among fellow dodger fans are always allowed, we’re all rooting for the same team and want the best in the end, which would be a WSC!!

    A left handed 2b hmmm. well my whole approach is to find a spot for pierre and his salary next year, and he is a decent player w/ excellent speed but sucky arm so 2b is the only spot when you look at our holes (please resign manny!). as far as the throw on the dp if he ranges to his right no problem with the throw, to his left a pivot and throw. to be honest if you get up and try it in your living room a righty has to back hand the ball to his left and has a harder pivot and throw, with pierres speed and quickness he could honestly negate in disadvantage in the potential pivot and throws on a dp. again, if you can trade him do it, but i think 2b is a decent option if he can handle the position, i like his speed and fundamentals.

    as for jojo, sure he managed the highest payroll team the previous 12 years. but he did it in the toughest market with some of the biggest egos on and off the field. the intangibles of managing a major league team, the travel, the time zones, the personality’s, the sleeplessness, the cancer, missing your wife and family, the NY press, a slavedriver owner who could fire you any time, there’s something to be said for that. then to move across the nation, lose your opening day ace, 2b, closer, all-star all world ss, super star free agent cf, break in a 20 year old phenom pitcher, lose some critical bp guys for a spell during the year and handle a young up and coming core, i’d say overall eric he’s done a good job as long as he clinches the NL West. give joe some credit. he’s juggled alot of balls and we’re now on the rise.

  128. arayd

    well maybe a lh 2b isn’t too feasible in the majors. i played 2b as a lefty and had no problem, but throws need to be much quicker and crisper in the majors, it’s still to me the only place to put this guy if you can’t trade him. he should work on his arm. trade pierre, he deserves to play somewhere he’s good and unfortunately a misfit here.

  129. dodgereric

    Agreed, we should be able to debate calmly without being an idiot as evidenced back a few hours.

    I’m agreeing with enchanted regarding Pierre’s position on our club. A $10 million dollar PH/PR/4th OF. His contract is a millstone around our necks, just as Schmidt and Jones. Ned answers for that. There’s just no way they’re going to play Pierre at 2nd. I can just see the rainbow throws into the stands now. He’s never played anywhere in the majors but the OF. Not that I’m adverse to people changing positions, I’m not. The only way I’d put him back in the starting 8 is if we don’t sign Manny and DY goes back on the DL and we bat him 8th. I don’t think we have a hole at second anymore. I like what I’ve seen in DeWitt.

    Torre. The things you mention are all why he succeeded there. He failed in Atlanta and St Louis and the Mets because his in-game moves STINK. In the American League, there are very few in-game moves. They hung the tag Clueless Joe on him in NY. And if the Dbacks had the same record as Philly or even the Mets, we’d be eliminated, not NL West champs.

  130. dodgereric

    Well, arayd, it’s been fun but I gotta get some sleep. You take care. We win the West tomorrow!

    June Darlin’, Beaver, wherever you are, good night and God Bless!

  131. junkyardjamie

    Good Night Ward Dear… I am here!! I am not in the mood for a winless argument. I believe what I believe, and right now, there’s no changing that, especially right now. Our core young guns need to be our future and JP isn’t in that future unless it’s coming off the bench in a supportive role.
    Good Night Ward Dear.. I will see you in the am… God Bless Dear… 🙂

  132. junkyardjamie

    The only reason I am posting is I wanted to my evening/early morning on comment 428, which happens to be my birthday. Good night ITD writers and readers 🙂


    Dodgers GM Colletti hedges on Manny return
    By Tony Jackson, Staff Writer
    Article Last Updated: 09/24/2008 11:20:38 PM PDT

    Dodgers general manager Ned Colletti said Wednesday he hopes to re-sign left fielder Manny Ramirez, whose acquisition at the trading deadline effectively turned the club’s season around.

    But Colletti was quick to qualify his statement by pointing out there are several factors that could prevent it from happening.

    “There are a lot of dynamics to it,” he said. “Depending on how those other dynamics play out, yes. He has been great. He loves to play the game. He isn’t shy about the spotlight. He isn’t daunted by that. He isn’t always going to be successful, but that is the nature of the game. He brings it out here every day and plays. He has some passion for it.”

    The most important of those dynamics are the length and size of the contract Ramirez will seek as a free agent this winter.

    As a condition of his waiving his no-trade rights to come to Los Angeles, Ramirez forced the Boston Red Sox to decline his $20 million club options for each of the next two seasons, so it can be assumed he is looking for a deal that would pay him an average annual salary of at least that much.

    Whatever Ramirez signs for, it will be more by that amount than what the Dodgers are paying him now, which is zero. The Red Sox are picking up all of Ramirez’s $21 million salary for 2008.

    For their minimal investment, the Dodgers entered Wednesday night’s game with San Diego having gotten a .395 average, 16 home runs and 51 RBIs from Ramirez.

    “He has been



    great in just about every way,” Colletti said. “I can’t think of anything I have been disappointed in.”

    Furcal returns; the end for Penny?
    Dodgers shortstop Rafael Furcal was activated from the disabled list for the first time in four months, his surgically repaired lower back and resulting hamstring irritation having healed enough to allow him to return to limited duty.

    To make room on the 40-man roster, the Dodgers placed pitcher Brad Penny on the 60-day DL, making him ineligible through the postseason and possibly ending his 42-year stint with the club.

    Penny, who has battled right shoulder problems all year, has a $9.25 million club option for next season. Because there are concerns about his health, club officials might simply pay him the $2 million buyout and take their chances on re-signing him at a greatly reduced salary as a free agent.

    As for Furcal, manager Joe Torre plans to ease him in. Still, team officials need to see enough of Furcal during the four remaining regular-season games to make an informed decision on whether to include him on the playoff roster.

    “You could stick him in there, but again, it’s going to be a situation where we just want him to sort of get his feet wet,” Torre said.

    “I think we’ll kind of watch it. It’s going to be how he progresses. We’ll just have to do the best we can.”

    Torre also said that if the Dodgers get past the first round of the playoffs, both Furcal and second baseman Jeff Kent, who was activated last weekend but hadn’t played through Tuesday, could be re-evaluated before each series as to their roster suitability.

    Another award
    Dodgers first baseman James Loney has been named the winner of the club’s third annual Roy Campanella Award, given to the player who best exemplifies the spirit and leadership of the late Hall of Fame catcher. Loney previously was named the club’s recipient of this year’s Roberto Clemente Award, making him a finalist for next month’s national Clemente Award.


    To make room on the 40-man roster, the Dodgers placed pitcher Brad Penny on the 60-day DL, making him ineligible through the postseason and possibly ending his 42-year stint with the club.


    I’m confused with that comment and I didn’t know Penny was that old but does Tony Jackson proofread what he wrote?


    For Colletti’s information, the main reason he may be unable to sign Manny is that he himself sh*tcanned that prospect by wasting $18 million on overfed Andruw, plus $9 million tied up for supersub Pierre, not to mention Schmidt, and do I need to go on.

    So, in all the euphoria of going to the playoffs, let’s not forget to FIRE NED.

  137. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, ITD writers and readers!!
    Great Win last night. It would be great to go into tonight’s game having already clinched, but if it doesn’t happen, the Dodgers need to do it themselves. If they have been playing like they have been these last two days, then there should be no worries.
    Good Morning, messagebear!!!
    For some reason, we knew you would come through with one of your great commens to backup why Ned still needs to be fired – fantastic as always 🙂

  138. enchantedbeaver

    Hey Bear!! Was thinking last night we don’t see enough of you on here. You’re one of my favorite posters because you don’t lose perspective nor mince words.

    Hiya Mom. They wuz tryin’ to give dad the business last night.

  139. trublu4ever

    Good morning Enchanted & Nellyae ~ Looking forward to winning the division today……..Maddux had his awful game last time out and will be good enough to get it done today. Our guys are playing relaxed and having a lot of fun so they will take care of Peavy. GO DODGERS!!!!

  140. thinkingblue

    Wonderful Morning to all ITD!
    1 – 1- 1- 1-111111111111111
    Well I am not a mean person but in a way I wound’t mind if the D-Backs win today so that the Dodger’s can go a play tonight and WIN and then we can view the whole “WE WON” celebration on tv, that way all the fans that are there can jump with JOY and see all the Dodgers run towards the middles and just jump and scream pick up whoever the “Player of the Night” will be, and see how Joe Torre gets gatorade dumped on….I want to witness it (well by tv). I mean if the d-backs loose I will not be mad and will still be at work screaming.

  141. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, Beav ~ I think you are right, they were trying to give your father the business last night. It’s okay, though, your father did a swell job, and it was all good in the end. Have a wonderful day!!!!

  142. trublu4ever

    Good morning dodgersrule ~ It doesn’t matter how we get it done, just so we do it today! I’ll be a nervous wreck all day…….well, at least until the Dbacks game starts around 11……..if they should lose, I think our guys will play just as hard to get the win, for all the fans at the game.

  143. junkyardjamie

    Good Morning, Dodgersrule!!
    I don’t care how it’s done as long as it’s done today. I am leaving for the mountains tomorrow afternoon, and I want to go knowing my Dodgers have won the division, and they can have a good time in SF without having to worry about those wicked gnats who have been playing like crap ever since they got home. You know they are once again saving it all up for us just in case.


    god I hate Coletti. Not to be a downer but come on man..You cant think of anything negative to say about him. oh gee thanks. Your lips should be planted around Mannys ***.

  145. thinkingblue

    TRU & DEB…yeah that’s true it doesn’t matter as long as it’s done today! This is going to be a long morning waiting for the d-backs to loose!
    Hey I think everyone here at ITD should get one of those fan-appreciation calendars, I believe they will be passing them out at the game tonight…did you see the cover of the Calendar….#16

  146. junkyardjamie

    Dodgersrule ~ That’s sooooo wrong ……. I can’t get one. That is mean Rose (jk) jealous, jealous, jealous!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we can get Josh to save us some…..please……. 🙂

  147. kpookiemon

    From Ken Gurnick on the Dodgers’ website; “Jake Peavy said he wanted to face the Dodgers when the game meant the world to them, and he might get his wish.”

    Much as I’d like to win this thing with a D-backs loss in St. Louis this afternoon, how sweet would it be to pin that punk Peavy’s ears back and just pummel the s**t out of him tonight?

  148. amyw27

    Morning all friends.
    I was so happy last night, that I actually got great sleep! I am going to be restless all day in anticipation of the last game tonight. I’m actually wondering what shirt to wear tonight, my Russy shirt or my Matty shirt. Things to consider!
    I hope everyone has a beautiful day. Today is the Dodgers day. yea to an NL West Title!!!

  149. thinkingblue

    DNEL – It is the Team Photo Calendar and it will be to the first 50,000 people….SO AMY GET THERE FAST AND GIRL GET US A COPY…LOL!

  150. trublu4ever

    kahli ~ I’m with you ………..I know we can handle Peavy. We took care of Webb and Haren and Jake is not even in their class!

  151. amyw27

    Ok, you guys are right. I’ve worn that Kemp shirt to almost every single game this year. I didn’t wear it on tuesday, I wore a neutral Dodger shirt. I was just thinking about wearing the shirts that got neglected this year by number 27.
    It is a lucky number and I will wear it proud.
    Rose, I am trying to get there as early as I can. I have to go home, change and get to the bank ($15 parking fee). I hope to be headed to the stadium by 6:00pm. ( I only live about 10 miles away). I don’t want to miss any moment of this game tonight. I will have my camera. ooohhh I can’t wait!!!
    Go DODGERS!!!! Out NL WEST champs as of todday!!!
    Lose and Lose bad AZ!!!

  152. trublu4ever

    Amy ~ i think you should layer all of your shirts……strip them off one at a time……….that way you’ll bring everyone good luck! lol

  153. thinkingblue

    TRU…LOL Layering good idea!….YEAH AMY each time Russy goes up have his on then when Kemp is up have his on, then when all the other guys go up , go neutral.

  154. amyw27

    haha. I’m not sure how well costume changes will work in the middle of the stadium! but I like the thought.
    Kemp it is, and I just washed it so it’s not stinky!

  155. selltheteam

    Good morning all! Wow – ITD is out in force this morning – E, Amy, Nelly, Tru, Rose, Kahli, jungar, messagebear – Hi everyone!
    Magic number is one! Dodgers can clinch either this afternoon with a DBacks loss, or with a win of their own tonight! Almost as important, Furcal played last night for the first time since May and came within inches of getting a hit. Also, Kent got a pinch-hit. Think about the Dodgers going into the playoffs with super-subs of Nomar, Kent and Furcal on the bench.
    Glad to see that the Dodgers realize that Penny is done for the year and won’t be going to the post-season. I think most of us had already realized that.

  156. perumike

    Good morning everyone! I am now insanely jealous of my wife going to the game tonight, however I’m sending her with a camera and she promised to give me the calendar from tonight. Hopefully she will get there in plenty of time to get one!

  157. thinkingblue

    CRASH – Great morning! And it is about time Dodgers realized Penny is done. Or who knows maybe the Dodgers knew he was done, but maybe Penny insisted in playing…wish him well!

  158. acardona16

    good morning everyone!! I’m just stopping by to say I am EXTREMELY EXCITED!!! you know why!?! I’M GOING TO THE GAME TONIGHT!!!!! man I was so worried that i wouldn’t get to go to another game this season but my friend called me last night and said “hey I have an extra ticket you wanna go?” i said “dude you just made my day!!!” haha! I can’t wait!!

  159. amyw27

    morning Crash and Pmike. We are on the board because we are soo happy with the win last night. It’s going to be a beautiful day today- I can feel it.
    1 is the best magic number around. I hope it is zero by tonight.
    Pmike- I will make sure your wife is safe and that she has the best time ever!!
    Tru- I know, I wish everyone could come. I wish my friend Sara didnt have other obligations. I am excited, so very excited!

  160. amyw27

    acardona- I haven’t seen you in like forever!!!! I hope all is well with you!?!?
    And YES tonight at the game is going to be the best ever!!! I’m a little sad that I wasn’t there last night as well.

  161. selltheteam

    One great reason to clinch today – the earlier the better. Furcal, Kent, and Saito need some more playing time to get them tuned up for the post season. Too bad we don’t have the dh over the next few days – Kent could use time hitting, but I don’t want to see him in the infield. Furcal needs about 3-4 innings of work each day for the next four days. Sweeney needs to go home, wherever that is.

  162. perumike

    Agreed crash! If we clinch tonight, we shut down Sweeney, get Kent, Raffy, and Saito in there, and also give some auditions to Ozuna, Repko, etc. to see who we take to the playoffs.

  163. selltheteam

    Congratulations to lbirken for ending his short streak of watching the Dodgers lose in person. Great win last night!

  164. acardona16

    hi AMY! yes I am doing well! i have a little bit of a cold but other than that I’m doing very well! thanks for asking! and yes i hardly get to come on and chat anymore.. school and work have just been crazy! but I HAVE been watching every game!!! and man i CAN’T wait to go tonight! my next door neighbor offered me tickets to last nights game but I had church! I’m happy to be going tonight though!! maybe I’ll see you there!

  165. junkyardjamie

    Dodgersrule ~ It’s the one game I wanted to go to all year to get the calendar, but I knew I couldn’t on a Thursday during the school week. Now I am really jealous because #16 is on the cover – 🙂
    BTW – Dodger fever is running wild in room 5 right now. I told them I am going to give them some of my blue and white Dodger M&M’s at 11:00 when the dbacks game starts. Many students came in this morning knowing we had one game to win. Fun Stuff!~!!!

  166. amyw27

    dnelly- you have the best class ever! Dodger M&M’s sound perfect right about now…hmmm.. I’m relapsing into thinking about that cupcake 🙂
    I hope this calendar lives up to all the hype!!!
    Acardona- busy can be good. That just means you have a lot of good things going for you. I’m very happy that you will be at the game tonight as well. The more the better. We will scream until our voices go out and clap until out hands are sore. I really wish someone was going with me though.. 😦
    Go blue!!

  167. acardona16

    Amy- yeah that is very true! and YES i will “scream until my voice goes out and clap till my hands are sore!!” haha!! oh and i saw your post earlier about wearing #55 or #27 and i say you should wear #27! even though I LOVE Russy, I still say go with #27 🙂 I am wearing my #16 (of course) lol

  168. amyw27

    acar- I think you are right. I will wear Kemp tonight. I just was feeling bad for my Russy jersey’s this year because Matthew emerged as my favorite 🙂

  169. acardona16

    amy- yeah but don’t feel too bad cause when i go to games I see A LOT of #55!! which is a good thing 🙂 but hey i have to go to school now so i’ll TRY to come on before I leave for the game but if i don’t get a chance….
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!! let’s win this and be the NL WEST CHAMPS!!!

  170. lny4loney

    Going to the game tonight! I wish the Arizona game had been scheduled at night; it’s more dramatic when the games are going on simultaneously.
    The EVERYDAY Division Series starting eight (to get a little ahead of the facts) should be:
    1B – Loney
    2B – DeWitt
    3B – Blake
    SS – Garciaparra
    LF – Manny
    CF – Kemp
    RF – Ethier
    The part of this that JoJo is likely to screw up is playing Berroa at short and platooning Loney and Garciaparra. I understand not wanting to risk injury to the fragile Nomar in the regular season, but in the postseason we’ve got to throw caution to the wind and go with our very best. If Nomar gets injured playing short, we’ll be no worse off with Berroa there than we would have been by platooning Garciaparra/Loney.

  171. thinkingblue

    ACARDONA….have fun at the game! The Calendar should be great regardless…duh! it has Ethier on the cover with Kemp next to him….so I think.
    AMY – don’t worry about Russy, I’ll sport my Martin Jersey tongiht when I’m watching the game AT HOME…BOOHOO. I do want to get a Ethier jersey but gotta wait for either b-day, x-mas or mother’s day…
    DNELLY well if you attend the games at S.F. then you can laugh at all their faces…since we will be #1 in the West Coast!

  172. junkyardjamie

    Amy ~ This is how I handle the wardrobe issue. My Ethier jersey is a constant, however, the shirt I wear underneath changes. I mostly wear James’. If James is not playing, then I wear Russell’s. If Billz is pitching, then I wear his. Also, I have three Ethier shirts in case he needs additional support. I wore his shirt and jersey these past two nights since he was batting clean up for the first time. So, if you are into layering, then go with that, but if you are not into that, then I say stick with Matthew #27 – it wouldn’t be you not to 🙂
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

  173. thinkingblue

    AMY…you have playoff tickets….GIRL next game wear MARTIN #55…SO DON’T FEEL BAD ABOUT SPORT KEMP #27 TONIGHT….AND ENJOY THE GAME….

  174. crzblue2

    Hi everyone!!!! I am so happy!!! Game yesterday was great and I found Sweet Lou. did not have time to buy a card but I printed an email with a teddy bear lighting a cake with candles put a little note and added the 3 responses from nsblues, dodgereric, and knouffbrock. He read it and asked me if he could keep it.
    .While I was in the club level talking to a fan I saw Plaschke so I asked him about an old article he had written about this person that has cancer and made the trip last year (I think) to see what he called the bleeding baseball from the logo. he told he passed away then I told him about pulling his article about Sweet Lou and how you all like it. He said normally blogers don’t like me then he asked me for my business card so I gave it to him plus my fun card that sayd “crzblue” Tommy came over when I was talking to Plaschke so I wished him a happy belated birthday.
    Would love to meet whoever is going to be there tonight! I am in the Top Deck aisle 3 last row but I will also be checking the auction tonight. I am leaving early (asked for 1/2 day vac) so I will be there for BP.


    good morning all 🙂

    this is interesting:
    “James Loney hit his 35th double tonight, giving the Dodgers three players in a season with at least 35 doubles for the first time in franchise history. Matt Kemp leads the team with 38, and Andre Ethier has 36.”


    Emma- just home for lunch and saw your post about Lou. I can’t thank you enough for getting the word to him. He’ll always be remembered as a guy who delivered. I’m happy for him he got his ring back. Somehow it makes me feel better.

    Josh- Lot’s of posts, but maybe you’ve seen the one’s from Emma concerning Sweet Lou. Just want you to know I appreciate the thought. We all know you are more than busy.


    i might be one of the only ones to feel this way, but i really hope the d’backs win today.. i just think that celebrating after a meaningless game tonight would be so much less exciting.. plus, if the d’backs lose and we clinch, who knows what kind of lineup joe might put out there to preserve the players, and that really wouldn’t be fair to the sellout crowd.. and what if the d’back lose, and then we lose.. we’re still celebrating a division title after a loss?? that would be a weird feeling..

    so conclusion: d’backs win, and then we win and celebrate 🙂

    go blue!!


    amy, wear your kemp.. and don’t feel bad.. you know i ALWAYS sport a russell when i go to a game.. when we go for the playoffs, you can wear your kemp and i’ll wear my russ and everyone’s happy.. haha

  179. thinkingblue

    SARA…I feel the same way about the Dbacks winning…if you go back to blogs done around 7:30 a.m. or so I have the same explaination as you…so that makes 2 of us.

  180. northstateblues

    Hi everyone! A wonderful blue sky up above, and “My, the clouds are puffy today!” (wink wink nudge nudge grin grin to any fans of Married With Children). I have my Jackie Robinson jersey on here in NorCal today, at Chico State right now, but about to go home to help with my gf’s mom’s b-day.

    Emma- thanks so much for sending the word to Sweet Lou! His story is inspirational to me, and I’m glad he knows that the fans are thinking about him 🙂

    I’ll repeat yesterday’s sentiment: Everyone going to the game tonight, please shout, scream and stomp loud enough so the Padres can hear you in the cellar!!!! The Three S’s, an entirely different monster than the Three B’s.

    On that note, I hope to be back blogging soon, and I’m half keeping my fingers crossed so that the Dodgers clinch on the way to the ballpark (as Vin elequently put it), and half keeping my fingers crossed that if that’s not the case, that they clinch it in front of the fans (who should bring cellophane a-la-Gallagher concert in case they spray the crowd 🙂 ). And even if they do clinch it pre-game, they can still spray down the fans afterwards…. but let’s not get ahead of ourselves!


  181. northstateblues

    (and quick thought on the way outta town… maybe the DBags WANT to lose today, just to spoil the potential party at the Ravine…
    … or maybe they just s**k now.)

  182. junkyardjamie

    Sara ~ That doubles stat is fabulous!! That’s our boys!!!!
    This is so exciting – I am having a hard time concentrating today.
    About my student’s song “You Are Our Andre” – she is trying to work with one of the verses – she’s been working in her notebook any time she get’s the chance. Anyhow – here’s the chorus – this is what they sang all day yesterday. The only line I changed was the last line. I changed it to “trade” instead of “take”, which is what they were originally singing. I explained that Andre probably wouldn’t be taken away but could be traded away, and so I had to explain what trade meant, using baseball cards of course. Also, she wanted to fit Andre in a spot where Dre works better so I explained to her that some adults, teammates and his friends call him ‘Dre. So, she let me change that. She’s pretty determined to do this verse herself so we shall see.
    Song : You Are Our Andre –
    by: Elaina – 1st grader in Mrs. Nelson’s Class
    Original Song: You Are My Sunshine
    You are our Andre
    Our only Andre
    You make us happy
    When you play ball
    You never know ‘Dre
    How much we watch you
    Please don’t trade our Andre away.
    This is a great time to be a Dodger Fan!!! Wow!!!!
    I have been giving Dodger M&M’s to everyone just because… Happy lunch time!!!!

  183. crzblue2

    Blue beautiful sky here too. I am so excited!!!!! I am trying to work and leave early and get done with some testing of upgrades to our Payroll/hr system. Guess got to work thru lunch if I want to get out early. Can’t eat. i am too nervous and excited!! I s funny how I happened to run into Plaschke. No more posts from me so that I can get some work done.
    Is a beautiful day for a ballgame…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should listen to the az game since I do have the audio.

  184. enchantedbeaver

    3-3 in St. Louis, end of 4.

    I’m of the opinion to get this over with quickly. Too many weird things have happened to the D’s over the years, and losing their last 4 is in the realm of possibility.

  185. sparkleplenty_1

    Hope that all who are going to be at the game tonight have a really wonderful time. Clinchings are SO exciting! My first was the unforgettable 1965 clinching. My family and I were sitting in the box seats in along the third base line, and as it happens, Sweet Lou made the catch for the last out of the game right in front of us. To say the least, we all went wild . . . .

  186. selltheteam

    Enchanted, I might feel differently if I was going to the game tonight. But since I’m not, I tend to agree with you. Let’s get this thing done ASAP. With Maddux up against Peavy tonight, who knows what could happen in the Ravine? Then it would be us against the Midgets, while the Snakes host the Rockies, whom they beat 2-of-3 at their place.

  187. junkyardjamie

    enchanted/crash- the gnats have been playing and pitching horrible this past series against the Rox. I wouldn’t put it past them to be saving it all for us, literally. We need to get this done today/tonight.


    The Cards just had bases loaded, no outs… AND DID NOT SCORE!!! We can do this ourselves if we must…. But wtf is up with the Cards!?!?!?!?

  189. selltheteam

    Tony (the f&*#ing genius) LaRussa left in his relief pitcher to bat with 2 outs and bases loaded. Thanks a lot, you f&&&ing genius!

  190. enchantedbeaver

    Nice to see we aren’t the only ones who can’t score with the bases loaded and no one out. We can do it more often though : )

  191. kpookiemon

    Jason LaRue (Cards catcher) has come up three times today, all with the bases loaded. 1st Ab–2-run single…2nd AB–inning-ending DP…3rd AB–strike out.


    Another scoring chance here for the Cards! Come on!! I am certainly not opposed to the Dodgers winning this thing before their game even starts tonight!! Go Red birds!!


    This can’t possibly happen 3 times for the Cards can it!?!?!? I mean seriously, this is the 3rd time they’ve gotten a guy to 3rd with no outs… They have to get that run home!


    do you guys think that joe will field a B-Squad tonight with the division in the bag? (if the cards hold on) sucks for the people going to the game tonight if he does.. maybe he’ll be smart and play everyone like a normal game for the fans, and then pull them one by one as the game goes on so they can get their recognition..


    I did have a great time at last night’s game thus ending my personal sporting event losing streak. It was great to see Manny hit one out and the reception for Kent and Furcal was good to see. I have mixed feelings about today. Naturally it would be great to finish the deal with a win but with Peavy going tonight for the Padres that is no sure thing. Therefore, if Arizona loses today that will be great and if they win, well, then it makes tonights game all that more special.

  196. thinkingblue

    SARA- Hopefully since it is Fan Appreciation Week the put all the top dogs to play. Imagine they would be so relax that game would be fun to watch. And I am sure the Dodgers will feel that they owe it to the fans for a great game, it is sold out…So i’m sure great players will be out tonight!


    I don’t find it too hard to root for just about any team if it helps mine. As someone else once said, you are hoping for one team to lose which means the other team has to win. I don’t think a Giants fan would have much trouble rooting for the Dodgers if it helped his team. The question is would you root for the Dodgers to lose a game if it meant helping a rival such as the Giants?

    I agree that a meaningless game tonight with most of the regulars on the bench does cheat the fans attending the game who were hoping for a clinching game but the team’s overall health and well being is more important at this point in the season.

  198. northstateblues

    scurtis, mojitos sound REALLY GOOD about now!! (probably my favorite rum drink, tied with the Beatles’ fave Rum and Coke).


    If tonight’s game is “meaningless” perhaps Joe will start the regulars to keep them fresh and let the fans show their appreciation. There are still three games left and we don’t want to lose the momentum of winning. Making the playoffs is an accomplishment but this is no time to lose focus on what is ahead.


    I’m going out on a limb here and calling us NL WEST CHAMPS!!!!! GO BLUE!!! Congrats to Joe and the boys!!!! Helluva year so far!! Lets keep it going!! Bye for now everyone. BTW… Thanks St. Louis!!

  201. trublu4ever

    lbiriken ~ I would want Joe to play all the regulars……it would keep them fresh. Maybe after hallf of the game, he can let the bench players get some time, just to see what they can do.
    nsblues ~ I’ll join you in that mojito!!!!
    scurtis ~ looks like we are going to make it…….yea! Who would hve thought that at the beginning of the month!

  202. northstateblues

    HOLY HELL!!!!!! I hadn’t checked GameDay for a few minutes, then BAM!!!! I hope they have cameras at the Stadium when the players arrive…

  203. selltheteam

    Clinch is coming soon. Ludwick follows Pujols – back to back HRs. 10-3!
    Time for Joe to trot out the super-subs. Get Furcal some playing time – get him in shape.

  204. enchantedbeaver

    Who would’ve thought when we lost the 3 in a row in DC and were fading fast, that we’d actually be on top in the end?

  205. vl4ecc

    Good afternoon all!
    Like most, I thought I would log on, and check out the status of the Cards-Snakes game…….Wonderful!!
    I’d like to tip my hat to the obvious hands down winner of the NL batting title-Mr. Pujols! The one man gang is just taking care of business isn’t he?
    I’d love to buy him some cerveza, some Don Julio Tequilla, or whatever his alcoholic beverage of choice would be!
    Muchas Gracias!!

  206. northstateblues

    Crash24: I second that. Let’s see more Furcal, see where he’s at (which was within inches of joining the SD beatdown last night).


  207. vl4ecc

    Regardless of the outcome of this game, I still hope the Dodgers go out, and pummel Peavy tonight to put an exclamation point on this. Play the reserves in the gay bay!

  208. scott_in_arcadia

    Now we can set up the rotation for the first round.

    I predict tonight’s lineup will be:

    Pierre CF
    Repko RF
    Young LF
    Ardoin C
    Ozune 2B
    DeWitt 3B
    Hu SS
    Sweeney 1B
    Maddux – who won’t be on the playoff roster…

  209. thinkingblue

    So Mojitos, Dodger’s M&M’s and I’m adding Dodger Dogs tonight….I’ll be celebrating tomorrow in Disneyland……gooooooo dodgers…

  210. scott_in_arcadia

    good idea enchanted


    If Milwaukee is the WC, then Dodgers play the East winner. If the WC comes from the East, then Dodgers play the WC.

  211. kssssss

    BRING ON THE CHAMPAGNE…..looks like the Dodgers will be division champs by the time they get to the stadium….Now go out and beat Peavy like real Champs….and Maddux have a good outing……!!! YIPEEEEEE


    as much as i wanted the d’backs to win so we could take care of our own business tonight.. i cannot hide my enthusiasm over our division title!! i’m so proud of the fight in our boys this season.. and i look forward to the playoffs! we are not done yet!

  213. scott_in_arcadia

    good idea enchanted


    If Milwaukee is the WC, then Dodgers play the Cubs. If the WC comes from the East, then Dodgers play the East winner.

  214. 32and53fan

    Scott- If Furcal is really ready to play, he should get the start. If he doesn’t start, then they are afraid he will hurt himself again. He should play at least six innings.

  215. junkyardjamie

    I think you are right enchanted. It is fan appreciation week, and I am sure they will want to play too. It will just be nice for them to go into AT&T with no worries.

  216. vl4ecc

    To me, starting all the bench/backup players for tonights game would be unfair to the fans in the seats who paid their hard earned $ to see the final regular game of the season. As Vin would say; “Dance with who brung ya” to at least start the game. Then with a comfortable lead, bring up the reserves.

  217. enchantedbeaver

    It sure is nice to go to SF not having to win. Kinda bursts their bubble too thinking they were gonna knock us out.

    Yes Nells, the great JP at 2B experiment can begin. LOL!!

  218. scurtis1999

    Yup yay we are going to the playoffs. Ugh, I wish I lived out in LA right now lol

    Cubs fans are annoying me! ugh help! hehe

  219. scott_in_arcadia

    Please scratch my first playoff scenario…sorry!

    atleas91: I don’t know, but Maddux scares me





  220. kssssss

    Trublu 44……It depends who wins the wild card as to who the Dodgers play….Brewers and Mets are tied now…..and Phils are up by 1 1/2 in the East….I think we want the Mets to win the wild card, so we play the Phils instead of the Cubs in the first round…would rather play the Cubs in the LCS…!!!!!! I don’t think we want to go to Wrigley for the first round…just my opinion…..I just want us to win a series or two…would be nice for a change…..and I think we need Kershaw as our 3rd starter…like him and we need a left hander especially for the Mets and Phils…and probably the Cubs too…

    Go Blue!!!

  221. trublu4ever

    Thanks guys for clearing up the playoff scenario. I really don’t care who we play……. I guess if I had a choice, I’d pick the Mets because their bullpen sucks, not to mention they knoced us out. However, I think right now we can beat any team out there!

  222. junkyardjamie

    Sounds like weather is going to be a big factor this weekend for the east coast teams… should make things interesting.

  223. selltheteam

    Tru, I agree – I’d like to take on the Mets for revenge purposes. But I think they’d have to knock the Phillies out of the division lead to get that done (and the Phillies would need to be the wild card ahead of Milwaukee).

  224. kpookiemon

    It would be just like the baseball gods to have the D-backs score 8 in the 9th, win the game, sweep Colorado, have the Dodgers lose the next four, and lose a Monday playoff at Dodger Stadium. Any chance???????

  225. enchantedbeaver

    For those that think Kemp strikes out a lot:

    “D-backs third baseman Mark Reynolds set the record for most strikeouts in a season when he fanned for the 200th time this year in the second inning against the Cardinals on Thursday afternoon at Busch Stadium.”

  226. scurtis1999

    Sara ugh that stinks!

    Nelly, Yeah Im gonna try and go but tickets at Wrigley would be unbelieveable. I will get jumped in the bars too lol. Bad service everytime I go in my LA gear. Im hoping to fly out to LA for a playoff game 🙂 NLCS is what I am shooting for.

  227. northstateblues

    This song came on a commercial, one of my faves, and at least for me, it describes my mood perfectly! Thought I’d share:

    Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra

    Sun is shinin’ in the sky
    There ain’t a cloud in sight
    It’s stopped rainin’ ev’rybody’s in a play
    And don’t you know
    It’s a beautiful new day hey,hey

    Runnin’ down the avenue
    See how the sun shines brightly in the city
    On the streets where once was pity
    Mister blue sky is living here today hey, hey

    Mister blue sky please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long
    Where did we go wrong?

    Hey you with the pretty face
    Welcome to the human race
    A celebration, mister blue sky’s up there waitin’
    And today is the day we’ve waited for

    Hey there mister blue
    We’re so pleased to be with you
    Look around see what you do
    Ev’rybody smiles at you

    Mister blue sky, mister blue sky
    Mister blue sky

    Mister blue, you did it right
    But soon comes mister night creepin’ over
    Now his hand is on your shoulder
    Never mind I’ll remember you this
    I’ll remember you this way

    Mister blue sky please tell us why
    You had to hide away for so long
    Where did we go wrong?

    Hey there mister blue
    We’re so pleased to be with you
    Look around see what you do
    Ev’rybody smiles at you

    La la la la la la la la la
    La la la la la la la la la


    so last night after the game i said josh’s post today would be titled “ONE” but i guess now it can be titled “NONE”!

  229. northstateblues

    I don’t know, Kahli, they’d have to score 10 now.

    The fridge door’s closed, the jello’s jiggling… (I’ve been waiting quite some time to use that Chick quote, heh)

  230. vl4ecc

    I surely hope the Dodgers don’t have to face the Cubs in the first round. So many weapons, and Marmol, and Wood are pretty tough coming out of their pen. Not many weaknesses with that team.
    I’d much rather see them against ANY of the other teams in contention first.

  231. kpookiemon

    Well…now the D-backs have to score 10 in the 9th for my scenario to occur…but the reason I didn’t want to disturb the baseball gods is because dodgersrule had already crowned the Dodgers as Western Division champs…and it’s not nice to fool the baseball gods….

  232. cpompe1

    Good afternoon to all my ITD buddies!!!
    I am just beside myself; it’s going into the top of the 9th in St. Louis and the Cards are up big! 12 – 3!!! Too bad I don’t have tickets for tonight – but my mom’s last home game (at least for the regular season!) I’m so excited about my Dodgers winning the division that finally finishing my painting project takes a back seat to that!!! 🙂

  233. dodgerloge106

    My two cents: rest players after the World Series. Colorado had two weeks to “rest” last year. Start ’em and play ’em for 4 innings, then replace.

  234. junkyardjamie

    I got to go teach PE right now, so we are one out away so I am going to say…….
    DODGERS -NL WEST DIVISION WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  235. kpookiemon

    The absolute best things about clinching today are resting Martin and the bullpen, setting up the rotation, and playing Furcal!

  236. vl4ecc

    Now the Dodgers can go into tonights game with no pressure, or stress, relax, and hammer the s**t out of that punk Peavy!!

  237. northstateblues

    BEST IN THE WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Off to run errands now… but HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  238. thinkingblue


  239. trublu4ever

    Dodgersrule ~ I wanted to say, from yesterday, I think it will be Warren and Lance as the finalists on Dancing. Warren is smooth and Lance, is, of course, NSYNC

  240. dodgerloge106

    Jake Peavey is as formidable an opponent as Pete Rose, whom I also never booed or bad-mouthed. Onliest one I ever booed was Barry Bonds, and not because of what he did ON the field. And, of course, Andruw Jones, because of what he didn’t do at bat. If we beat Peavey, we have beaten one of the best. More power to the Dodgers. It is, to me, why we chant “Let’s Go Dodgers!” and win, and other ballparks chant “Beat L.A.!” and lose. Dodger fans have CLASS! (and no Rally Monkeys or Braves Tommyhawk Chops!). I just wish we didn’t have beach balls or waves (too much of a purist, sorry)…

  241. thinkingblue

    FOR ALL THOSE ATTENDING TONIGHTS GAME…BREAKING NEWS….You will NOT be getting the Team Photo Calendar. Uou will be getting the NL West CHAMP TEAM PHOTO Calendar…much better! haaha hahahh


    What’s that? Playoffs? You kidding me? You want to talk about playoffs?

    Congrats to the 2008 Dodgers, now lets at least win 2 playoff games in one year. I’ll take baby steps. Plus i’ll be goin to the second game as long as were not swept!lol


    I wonder if anyone will play drunk tonight? Keep an eye out for me, as I am heading off to the My Morning Jacket concert. They must be partying right now…lol

  244. perumike

    We win! Take that Hank Steinbrenner! Your Yankees are 4 games better than the Dodgers and suddenly the division system is unfair! Shut up and enjoy your vacation Hank!

  245. enchantedbeaver

    I think if the D’s win tonight we’ll still see them all pile out of the dugout and onto the field to celebrate.


    joe and company all said that they would hold all their celebrations for post-game. they still have to play a game tonight..


    Congratulations to the Dodgers for doing what most of thought was out of reach only a few short weeks ago. There were many of us who kept an optomistic outlook while others found it hard to find any bright side to the teams’s trials and tribulations. We all wanted the same thing. To those of you who were afraid that making the playoffs validated moves made by Ned or Joe’s crazy lineups, get over it. We can debate those issues later. Now it is time to concentrate on winning playoff games. It is great to be Western Division Champs but the Dodgers have only won the right to keep playing. Of course, some playoff songs might be in order.

  248. aeversw

    Awesome Jungar! I saw MMJ at Coachella in 2006 and they BLEW MY MIND. You’re in for a great show!

    Who would have thought the Dodgers would be in this position last month. The Dodgers started playing the kids and finally picked up the big bat we needed and look what happened! PLAYOFFS! I hope this is a wake up call to Frank and Ned. The Kids are good! They are the core of this team and many other Dodger playoff teams in the coming years.

    We NEED to win tonight. I know that sounds crazy giving that we are already in the playoffs but how big of a momentum builder would it be in we won tonight! Joe needs to go for the jugular. Start the regular lineup and go hard after Peavy. Start resting guys in the San Fran series.

  249. oldbrooklynfan

    I’d like to give a lot of credit to Joe Torre and the aqusition of Manny Ramirez and Don Mattingly did a great job with the offense.
    It sort of gave back the Dodgers a New York touch and it’s hard to say how far they will go.
    I sure like to see them get past the first round and if they can do that than the sky’s the limit.


    tony jackson said it best.. so instead of my own thoughts, i will steal TJ’s!

    Introducing the 2008 National League Western Division champions

    By Tony Jackson on September 25, 2008 2:09 PM

    That would be your Dodgers. The clincher wasn’t that exciting, no walkoff grand slam by Steve Finley or anything like that. It happened just now, when the Diamondbacks lost to the Cardinals. Dodgers won’t even take the field for almost five hours. It will be interesting to see what kind of lineup Joe sends up against Jake Peavy tonight. But it really doesn’t matter how the Dodgers did it. The fact is, they did it, for the first time in four years and for the 10th time since the inception of divisional play in 1969, and it can be argued that none of the previous nine were as tough as this one. It was less than a month ago, after all, that the Dodgers were all but written off. They had lost eight in a row, including the first game of a critical, three-game series at Arizona, and they were 65-70 and going nowhere. And now, here they are, ready to douse each other with champagne after tonight’s game, win or lose. Joe Torre has now won 12 of these things as a manager (10 with the Yankees, one with the Braves and one here), and I can’t imagine any of the previous 11 were as challenging or as gratifying as this one will be. It’s anyone’s guess at this point how long the Dodgers will last in the playoffs. At this point, it’s anyone’s guess, who they’ll play in the first round. But considering where they came from, the simple fact that they have gotten here makes this a season no one will forget anytime soon.

  251. junkyardjamie

    Yeah!!! School’s over and now I can really celebrate!!! My students all went out today knowing the Dodgers won the division with Dodger M&M’s in their hands. It will have a wonderful feeling tonight watching the game knowing we don’t have to worry. We can just sit back and enjoy… sigh 🙂

  252. dodgereric

    *******HEY JOSH**********

    With all the guest appearances this season of the good old days, what are the chances of getting Mike Piazza back here to throw out the first pitch of a playoff game? The idiots who traded him away are no longer here.

  253. amyw27

    OK, I’ve been in meetings all day, away from my computer, or cell phone…I just logged on and found out the best news ever.
    I love this team. Thank you so very much to the Arizona Diamondbacks for losing, yet another game and for slumping the last couple months. We have always been the better team, and we will continue to be the best in the West!!!
    Yea, now I get to go to the playoff games 🙂

  254. oldbrooklynfan

    I watched the last few innings but somehow I posted on the wrong thread.
    This is a great victory and our boys have matured an awful lot.

  255. amyw27

    I can’t believe all this happened and I missed it.
    I am so happy!! This is awesome.
    Sara- we get to go to the playoffs now!!!!!
    I will buy a Championship shirt tonight!

  256. lny4loney

    This post is three games past due, but I thought it was appropriate to repost this song for this “Three’ thread:

    Three is a Magic Number
    Original Artist: Schoolhouse Rock
    Three is a magic number,
    Yes it is, it’s a magic number.
    Somewhere in the Dodger’s mystic trinity
    You get three as a magic number.
    A single, a walk, and a roundtripper
    Steve Sax and 3-Dog Willie
    Tommy’s heart, O’Malley’s brain and The Bison’s body
    Give you three as a magic number.
    Three times on-base makes a good leadoff
    And can make an offense run
    It takes Matt’s wheels to really run
    Drive ’em to distraction
    Every triangle has three corners,
    Every triangle has three sides,
    No more, no less.
    You don’t have to guess.
    When it’s three you can see
    It’s a magic number.
    A Martin and a Loney joined Matt Kemp
    Yes, they did.
    Three superstars on one great team
    And that’s a magic number.
    3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.
    3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.


    amy i love that you put “playoff games” as in plural. we can all hope for so much 🙂

  258. lny4loney

    To the Ethieraholics, it’s really FOUR great young stars on one team.
    GO BLUE!!
    Re: Claims that Manny made all the difference. Loving Manny, and I hope we resign him. But the thing that makes this team a great team is the kids. It always has been. We would easily be in the playoffs without Manny if we had started these kids from day one. I admit though, that I wouldn’t have as much post-season confidence without Manny doing the job Andruw was supposed to do.
    The first great thing about this post-season trip is it figures to be one in a long string with a core of Matt-James-Russell- Andre-Chad-Clayton.


    someone on tony jackson’s blog posted about tempering the excitement because we won a weak division and only have 83 wins at this point.. and then everyone was reminded that the ’06 ws champion cardinals only won 83 games..

  260. leekfink

    There’s nothing so good as winning a championship. You have to love the Dodgers!. Nice to have a few days to give the guys a little break (not a full break–they need to keep sharp), and give some of the hurting guys a chance to work out (Furcal, Saito), and give some kids a chance (and give Kershaw’s and even Bills young arms a break). I wish I could be in LA to see the NLDS–and the NLCS–and even the World Series. I have said it before, this team, as constituted (including Manny–whom we should re-sign) is a team that can be a dynsasty and win several world series titles). So there is no reason to believe that they cannot win it all now. It’s just a matter of when our kids move frmo being prospects to big leaguers (done in abou2006), from big leaguers to core members of the team (done in 2007) to being stars (done this year–3 guys to hit 35+ doubles in the same year for the first time in team history)–and while Manny has been the big story, it’s the structure that was alredy in place that allowed the final push) to being superstars (along with Manny–and in the future to replace him). Last Septemeber’s collapse was horrible, but often compared to the 1973 collapse.
    Ladies and gentlement, welcome to the 2008 version of the 1974 Los Angeles Dodgers–A Dynasty Begins!

  261. lny4loney

    This team is far better than a typical 83-win team for several reasons.
    1) Manny
    2) Matt and Andre starting every day now
    3) A healthy Nomar
    4) An excellent 1-2 starting pitching punch in Billz and Lowe both pitching outstandingly in the last month.

  262. amyw27

    well booo to whoever said that Sara. Don’t people know that is sport is baseball. Anything can happen, especially upsets and underdogs winning. Goodness!!!
    Go Dodgers. Let’s do this thing.
    lny4- and what’s great about this, is that these young guys get a chance to experience the palyoffs at a younger age. They totally deserve every second of it.
    Wow. 🙂 what a happy day!

  263. selltheteam

    Tentative first round schedule from Diamond Leung at Press Enterprise:
    Game 1 is Wednesday
    Game 2 is Thursday
    Game 3 is Saturday, Oct. 4 at Dodger Stadium
    Game 4, if necessary, is Sunday, Oct. 5 at Dodger Stadium
    Game 5, if necessary, is Tuesday, Oct. 7.


    yeah amy. boo them. don’t boo me though, haha.. that wasn’t my thought.. i was just recaping..


    i say that the rockies making the world series last year is proof enough that ANYTHING can happen in baseball

  266. junkyardjamie

    lny4loney and leekfink – Did you plan that? Absolutely fabulous posts gentlemen!!! And, mlk, don’t worry about not including Andre in everything. Take it from the charter member, the Ethieraholics have him well taken care of here at ITD.


    crash, it’s just as i figured.. augh! dodgers home playoff game #1 and ‘sc football home game on the same day! i better be able to do both!!

  268. amyw27

    Sara- lol. no ‘boos’ for you!!! never, that would be rude 🙂
    .Also, that is what I hold onto this season. If the Rockies did it, so can we. I love this game!!!!!!!
    I love this team!
    Crash thank you for the schedule! When do we know who we play? who is the team closest to knowing?? Thanks everyone


    amy, the wild card race will go right down to the wire.. we might not know until sunday =/

  270. selltheteam

    Sara – That’s a tough one, especially if you plan to be there in person for both. The USC game is currently set to start at 5 pm. Not sure of the time for the Dodgers playoff game.
    I’m thinking the Trojans won’t have a tough time with the Ducks, so I’d go with the Dodgers.

  271. junkyardjamie

    Amy – they are also expecting major weather issues back east, which might benefit us if double headers, rain delays are the case. The more they have to work their pitchers/bullpen, the better.

  272. amyw27

    thanks Sara. it’s ok. We will finish up the season, play some rehabbing guys, and then continue business on the playoff field. I couldn’t be happier for these guys. It’s been a hell of a season and we came out on top!!!

  273. trublu4ever

    They expect a couple of rainouts for the eastern teams. So, they will either have to play double headers or go into next week.

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