Superstitious? I'm not superstitious…

I’m just not going to be putting any lineups up here so hopefully you guys are getting along without it.

Good news today on Jeff Kent, as well. The surgery went very well and nothing unexpected was found, so he can start rehab tomorrow. The recovery time is anywhere from 2-5 weeks, so we might still see him towards the end of the season.


  1. acardona16

    hello ITD!!! I feel like a broken record saying this but… I haven’t been on here for the last few games! (I did watch them though) and man we are back to playing ball like we are supposed to!! its kinda quiet in here huh? lol and Josh no worries about not posting the line-ups! we find out some how and your idea seems to be working 🙂 lol

  2. ajay m

    Ok here it is ……..,.
    Pierre, CF
    Ethier, RF
    Ramirez, LF
    Loney, 1B
    Martin, C
    Blake, 3B
    DeWitt, 2B
    Berroa, SS
    Kershaw, P

  3. scurtis1999

    YAY Pierre!

    I can barely read the lineup when Blake and De Witt are hitting back to back. It just looks funny. Good to see Berroa back at short.

    Any word on Furcal? I heard Sammy’s doing well, but its going to depend on how his arm feels after throwing sliders.


    good lineup im going tonight…very happy lets go kersh

    p.s. i think we all need to be reminded of rafeal furcal…and how much our team would be improved if we had him healthy. i say ned use his injurys to sign him at a discount and keep this squad together…i feel really good about every position top to bottom if furcal is healthy and as for the rotation billingsly, kershaw, and kuroda as mainstays and names possible names like penny mcdonald elbert(who i think we should turn back into a starter) i think that at least one rotation spot should be filled by one of those three so if we can fill one more spot with a back end starter we will be gravy…and im not saying i wont take C.C. or Ben Sheets which i would love

    keep the team together!!!!! add minor pieces unless that gem (sabathia) is a possibility

  5. scurtis1999

    I see Dre will be leaving the team for a few days soon to be with his wife for the birth of a child. Hope everything goes well for them.

  6. acardona16

    YAY Andre is in the line-up!! aww ‘Dre is gunna be a daddy!? how cute! congrats Andre!! no Matty?? scurtis i know! it’s so funny to see Blake then DeWitt LOL!!! it almost looks like someone messed up!

  7. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Evening ITD!!!!!
    Looks like Matthew is getting a well-deserved night off – good!! Other than that – I like the lineup!
    dnelly, June Darlin’, Junie, Miss Debbie, Mrs. Nelson, nelle, nells, nelly, nellygirl ~ ETHIERaholics ~ every one of us 🙂

  8. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Acardona ~I am doing great!! It’s always nice to see Andre in the lineup, and it’s kind of exciting to know he is going to be a daddy. I have known that for a while, just didn’t know when. The reports always said later this year. Well, I guess it’s later this year.
    How are you doing?

  9. acardona16

    I know Dnelly!- like you said i knew he was going to be a dad.. just didn’t know when.. but thats awsome! I love kids and as jealous as i am of his wife I’m happy for them!! LOL!! I’m doing very good! just been busy (as always) but i guess thats a good thing right!? 🙂

  10. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hey Acardona ~ who wouldn’t be jealous? I am sure she knows she is lucky to have him, and I am pretty sure he knows he is lucky to have her too. They sound like a great couple from the little I know from reading about them.

  11. oldbrooklynfan

    At first glance it looks like a line-up from the past.
    Kemp probably can use a rest and Pierre can’t get paid to sit around doing nothing.
    It only totals 62 HRs, but I think they’ve proven it doesn’t matter WHERE you hit in the line-up, it’s WHEN.
    Well another big night, that we got to win.
    Two youngees Kershaw & Baek going after it.

  12. acardona16

    Dnelly- i agree with you completely! word for word!

    they were talking about Jeff Kent on dodgers live. They said his surgery went very good! it’s good to know he’s doing well! get well soon Kent!!

  13. acardona16

    absolutely Dnel 🙂

    alright boys lets get a much needed win!!!!!!


    Good evening, ITD. gsutton– IMO, the Brewers would be insane if they let Sabathia get away. I think they’ll find a way to keep him. Right now, he’s, arguably, the best pitcher in baseball. Sheets has a long history of injuries, so, let the buyer beware. Speaking of C.C., what do you guys think of this no-hitter controversy? I think the scorer made a bad call but a win is still a win. I think the Brewers are making a mountain out of a molehill.

  15. tradejuanpypaperbag

    seesky ~ Haven’t seen you in a while – it’s good to see you back and with your name still intact – lol!! As far as the controvesy – definitely an error. During Maddux’s live chat, Maddux even thought it was an error all the way 🙂

  16. ajay m

    I was watching the cubs – Astros game, a player hit a ball into the ivy (just missed a home run) and when the ball came out there wasn’t just one ball but two balls.

  17. acardona16

    wow haha!! i’ve never seen that happen before!! matt and delwyn had big ol’ smiles on their faces!! classic!!

  18. acardona16

    well hello dodgersrule! how are you?

    hey did anybody notice that the last game of the series against the D-backs, the Dbacks shirts said “Los D-Backs”?…

  19. tradejuanpypaperbag

    seesky ~ I jinxed you? You were seesky on your first post – what happened? The invasion of the name changers got a hold of you – LOL!!

  20. oldbrooklynfan

    That ball going into Berroa’s shirt reminded me of a girl I was playing punchball with when a ground ball disappeared after she tried to field it.
    She was wearing a dress.

    She was embarrassed when it dropped out.

  21. thinkingblue

    Well when Mexican’s get involve in the shirt making we add the “Los”…Los Padres, Los Dodgers, Los D-Backs, Los Astros…and so on

  22. tradejuanpypaperbag

    According to Vin, the new definition for Joe standing on the rail is that he is a “silent viewer” – nice!!!

  23. ladodger63

    nelly– that’s why I haven’t been on lately. I’ve been having logon issues. I went off the blog for a minute or so and when I got back on, I was signed on under that name. Area 51 is alive and well and living in my computer. LOL.

  24. thinkingblue

    OK ACARDONA….YEAH ETHIER TILT THAT HEAD!….OK SORRY WHAT HAPPEN WITH MANNY? I looked away helping my daughter with her homework.

  25. acardona16

    dodgersrule- Manny almost got hit by a pitch that was headed towards his chest! the home plate umpire gave the pitcher a warning cause he said he tried to hit him on purpose!..

  26. tradejuanpypaperbag

    ladodger63/seesky ~ LOL!! You always have to wonder about area 51. Well, glad you worked it out. Did you pick that name or was it just given to you? Many didn’t have a choice – the name was given to them….

  27. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ I have to mention I can’t believe you are reading “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and Shakespeare – Wow!! You are definitely getting your literature in. Nice job!!

  28. northstateblues

    Thanks TruBlue! I’ve had fun finding time the last few days, but I’ve been able to crank ’em out faster.

    Bottom of 5th, STL 5 – ARI 0

  29. acardona16

    dodgersrule- no problem 🙂

    hello nsblues! in agreement with trublue, your drawings are great!

    trublue- I agree! the drawing are awsome!

  30. northstateblues

    Dnelly, it’s “fun” being an English major, heh. Next up for me is White Noise in one class and already starting the First Part of Henry IV after finishing Midsummer Night’s dream this morning. I love reading, and that’s a good thing, since I don’t really have a choice, heh.



    Nelly– I’m baaaaack!!! Initially, the name was assigned to me then I added it. If I log off, who will I be next time? LOL.

  32. acardona16

    LETS GO ANDRE LETS GO!!!! LETS GO ANDRE LETS GO!!! lol you know the more and more i find out about Andre the more I like him! and not just as a player but as a person! he’s really a cool guy!!

  33. bluecrewgirl

    It’s great to see the offense cranking on all cylinders. Andre seems to be loving batting in front of Manny. I’m really happy for him after how hard he’s had to fight to be an every day player this year, through no fault of is own. Great to see Dewitt settling in at 2nd. Hope Matt comes back rested and ready to go tomorrow.

  34. tradejuanpypaperbag

    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

    By leefink and martinloneykemp

  35. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ Didn’t know that was your major – well, read away then – LOL!!
    seesky ~ this system is really doing some strange stuff lately. However, glad you back to seesky 🙂

  36. thinkingblue

    BLUECREWGIRL…ANDRE loves playing anywhere you put him, he is one of the most grateful player there is…if he is sitting on the bench…he is just grateful to be wearing the uniform….GO DODGERS! I’m sure Dewitt feels the same…let me play coach…he is per my opinion THE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR!

  37. acardona16

    HAHA!! Dnelly I love that song!! believe it or not, me and my sister sing it some times when he comes up to bat! lol

  38. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ Andre is loving this spot right now, not that he hasn’t done well in the 2 hole, but this is just awesome right now.

  39. bluecrewgirl

    Acardona, I hope they can hold that lead this time. They blew a big lead yesterday.

    Dodgersrule, it is good to see them all having fun and happy to be in the lineup. It gives me hope that they can come back and win this thing.


    Looks like we have the fixings for a laugher, guys!!! We should be cleaning this team’s clock.

  41. bluecrewgirl

    Dnelly, I think Andre’s thought bubble right now would say, “Thanks very much Jeff Kent, if you don’t want that spot, I’ll take it.” He’s even beaten out some throws lately.

  42. thinkingblue

    BLUECREWGIRL: OH yeah it is great to see them happy and joking around….taping BARROA AROUND. LOVE IT…..THIS IS WHEN FEELING BLUE IS GREAT!

  43. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ I am sure that is what he is thinking. It’s great to see him stealing bases and taking risks on trying to get the extra base – just ETHIERIFFIC!!!!!

  44. acardona16

    dodgersrule- “THIS IS WHEN FEELING BLUE IS GREAT!” – absolutely!!! 🙂 I love when they mess around and SMILE!! i LOVE to see our boys smiling!!

  45. thinkingblue

    Man that video clip of Barroa dissappearing the ball in his shirt, is going to be on that blooper reel for a very long time…LOVE IT!

  46. acardona16

    ABSOLUTELY dodgersrule!!! LOL!! it was so funny/cute when they showed matty and delwyn laughing at berroa! too funny!!

    Acardona= Ethieraholic!!

  47. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You do realize there a bunch of Ethieraholics are on ITD right now – alot of girl power too!! sorry nsblues, but at least Oberon and Titania aren’t glaring tonight – LOL!!!

  48. bluecrewgirl

    Man, that was an impressive inning by Kershaw to hold it together and get out of it without giving up any runs. Our infield defense has been so improved in the last few games. Barroa and Dewitt have been solid.

  49. oldbrooklynfan

    Kersh labored through that inning, but It might’ve been, as Vin said, from running the bases.
    He should rest a little now, right?

  50. thinkingblue

    Well ACARDONA, DNELLY, TRUBLUE, SEESKY & BLUECREWGIRL AND ALL OTHER ITD I HAVE TO Say til later cause right now I gotta signed out and put kids to bed. I’ll keep watching the games and cheering for my BOYS IN BLUE….



  51. acardona16

    Dnelly- i didn’t even notice until you mentioned it! lol! i guess it would be a good time to say GO ANDRE!!! haha 🙂

  52. acardona16

    ok everyone I’m gunna have to say good night too.. good talking to all of you! I’ll try to come on for a little tomorrow! have a good night everyone!!


    Acardona = Ethieraholic

  53. tradejuanpypaperbag

    8-1 cards – top 7 – bottom of 6, dbacks had a few on, but only scored one – alot of baseball left in that game to be comfortable….

  54. bluecrewgirl

    Since he’s already got the single, triple and home run, a double is very possible for him, DNelly. The triple’s the hardest one and he already has that. Would be cool if he could do it.

  55. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl – I know – he tends to have an easier time getting doubles – Oh my!! Vin just mentioned it too – oh my!!


    Great drawings, nstateblues!!…wasn’t Wes Parker the last Dodger to hit for the cycle? Beltre and someone else did it on the same day a few days ago, the first time 2 players did it on the same day since 1920…. Great job, Dre!!! Welcome back to LA, Mr. Faulkenborg.

  57. bluecrewgirl

    Wow, Northstate, you continue to impress with your drawing talent. Awesome!

    DNelly, did you catch that Vin said the last Dodger to hit for the cycle was Wes Parker? How cool would that be if Andre could do it?!!!

  58. oldbrooklynfan

    Nice to see REPKO, the reencarnation of Pistal Pete Reiser.
    Let’s hope he doesn’t get hurt or cause harm to anyone else.

  59. northstateblues

    Thanks dodgersrule, seesky and bluecrewgirl!

    Hell of a game! Keep it up Dodgers! Keep your fingers crossed for a Doublin’ Dre…


    Torre has to be kicking himself. Should have went with your gut Torre. So many games he sat. Ethier won the job in the spring for a reason. We loose this thing by 1 game and that alone might be the difference.

  61. tradejuanpypaperbag

    jungar ~ it really makes you wonder,doesn’t it? It’s just going to be awful if that happens.
    Good Evening Ward Dear…..

  62. tradejuanpypaperbag

    This is soooooo exciting!!!! Come on Andre Everett Ethier – you can do it!!!! However, no matter what happens – Spectacular night tonight!!!!!!!

  63. northstateblues

    TruBlue, yeah, Otis was a great character. All he wanted from Andy and Barney was room and board… seemed to get it everynight.

  64. dodgereric

    Hiya right back atcha bluecrewGIRL! How ya’ll are?

    TrulyLumpy (see, that’s what happens), if I named myself after what I see in the mirror, I’d have my choice of 6 or 7 of Snow White’s dwarves.

  65. dodgereric

    I had a few minutes before my Scout meeting tonight and I watched an episode of Andy Griffith. It was the one where Otis had a visit from his brother and Andy made him a deputy to make him look like a success – over Barney’s loud protests of course. He and Andy were arguing about it when Andy said something like, “Barney, when you think about it, Otis performs a public service by lapping up all the liquor around here. Nobody else can get any, so everyone else is safe!” LOL!!

  66. vl4ecc

    Got kind of dicey there in the 8th though but still……
    OUTSTANDING!!! 4 in a row! Gained a full game in the standings. Let’s hope they keep it going.

  67. dodgereric

    I still have some questions left, Junie. I get a few repeated questions. Did you? And have you seen the children tonight?

  68. tradejuanpypaperbag

    ALRIGHT DODGERS!! FOUR IN A ROW!!!! WOW!! Great night for Andre and Kershaw – players of the game. Also, Blake DeWitt and Manny did great tonight as well.
    Thank you Cardinals!!!

  69. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward Dear …. yes, I did get some repeat questions, but kind of worded differently, it seemed. As for the kids, other than this morning, I haven’t seen Wally,and I haven’t seen Beav all day – probably road trip, I’m sure 🙂

  70. oldbrooklynfan

    That was a tremendous outing for Joe Beimel.
    He looked a lot like we usually saw from him.
    Lately he was giving up a lot of hits.
    But not tonight.
    It would be good to see the Dodgers play better on the road. That would help a lot.

  71. bluecrewgirl

    Awesome victory! Keep it going guys. DNelly, they interviewed Andre on Dodgers Live (2nd game in a row they’ve had him on) and he said he didn’t quite get around the ptich on his last at bat. Patrick O’Neal to;d him he thought he would get more chances before his career was over and he said he hoped so.

    Ihearteathier, thanks for the heads up on Andre’s new blog entry.

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