I'm still not posting…

OK, so it's the fifth inning, so it's really late, but this was a concious decision not to post the lineup tonight. Starting a new thread for tonight's game.


  1. aeversw

    Looks like Jason Sch(m)idt has been shut down and another operation seems to be likely.

    Joe is a horrible bullpen manager. Why does he treat Beimel as a lefty only guy. He just wasted to pitches to get two outs. Get out of the NL Joe! You don’t understand it.

  2. aeversw

    Ok this is getting sad. Why is Sweeney on the team? Put him out of his misery. I find it hard to believe there isn’t another left handed batter in the organization who can pinch hit.

  3. sl7180@hotmail.com

    Now that John have pressure going against him let see if he can do what he did the last 2 games. 2 more Broxton

  4. sl7180@hotmail.com

    Poor Beimel didn’t get that get an out and missed a hold. I hate when everyone get a hold and Beimel could had got one if he had gotten 1 out.

  5. bluecrewgirl

    If only the Cards hadn’t blown their lead on the D-Backs, but at least we’re hanging tough. Kuo, Wade and Brox looked good tonight. We don’t have to face Peavy this series, so things are looking up.

  6. ndeschenes@securenet.net

    Super Third In A Row 5 To 2 Victory By Our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers Over the San Diego Padres! It is going to be a Super Ride All The Way To the World Series Victory!

  7. sl7180@hotmail.com

    Dang short and sweet. Dang did Maddux tied Clemens in wins yet or pass him up? I’m going to look that up now.

  8. sl7180@hotmail.com

    Congrats to Maddux on tying Clemens.

    . Cy Young 511
    2. Walter Johnson 417
    3. Christy Mathewson 373
    3. Pete Alexander 373
    5. Warren Spahn 363
    6. Pud Galvin 360
    6. Kid Nichols 360
    8. Roger Clemens 354
    9. Greg Maddux (Active) 353
    10. Tim Keefe 342
    11. Steve Carlton 329
    11. John Clarkson 329
    13. Eddie Plank 326
    14. Nolan Ryan 324

  9. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ I see our boys did good!! How did Andre do? I saw by phone he had two walks and a single, a run, plus a stolen base. I hope you had a great day!
    ndeschenes ~ Three days in a row, let’s make it four by the Dodgers winning tomorrow 🙂
    Josh ~ thanks for not posting – shhh! we won’t tell

  10. aeversw

    Don’t forget! Maddux did it without HGH. Look at the generation he dominated too. I wonder what his numbers would have been like in the 50’s and 60’s.

  11. tradejuanpypaperbag

    very good point Max 🙂 As for Sweeney, we have been asking that question since day 1, and that is very sad – LOL!!!!

  12. bluecrewgirl

    DNelly, the two walks seeked pretty much intentional. I don’t think Young wanted to give him anything to hit based upon past history. They inteviewed him on Dodgers Live in the clubhouse after the game and he had just finished working out in the weight room. It’s good to see they are all still dedicated and haven’t given up. I read that Manny is always in the weight room in the mornings. They asked him how many games he thought he’d miss because of the baby and he said he had no idea. I think it will depend upon a lot of things, including if they have an off day around that time. Family comes first, so he needs to do what he needs to do regardless.

  13. trublu4ever

    Hi Max ~ I really respect Maddux’s career as you do. In fact, I don’t ever remember him being on the DL which goes to show what a great work ethic he has had. I was reading your post on the earlier thread and I believe you didn’t think we’d be able to sign Manny and perhaps a pitching prospect because of the money we owe Juan and Andruw. I think it’s probably true but I’m hoping we will be able to work it out. I figure if Steinbrener can buy a team, why can’t we? Remember, money does buy happiness!

  14. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ I kind of thought that. Andre has had Young’s number all along for a long time now. I saw him hit one off of him in the first series against SD at Dodger Stadium – opposite field shot – very nice!! Then he hit one in the deepest part of Petco park off of him too. As far as his soon too be fatherhood, you are absolutely right, Maggie and baby come first, and I am sure that is something Joe will understand. Thanks for the update!! 🙂

  15. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Shad ~ Ethier has had two homeruns off of Young already this year (one each time they’ve played against him, and then Young went on the DL when Pujols hit a line drive into his nose. So, we haven’t faced Young since the beginning of the season.

  16. sl7180@hotmail.com

    Yeah I know but seriously I would never one to face one of the primary right handed hof bat behind him regardless how well someone owned a player. If Manny was only 2 for 20 than it’s another story.

  17. bluecrewgirl

    Not saying he would rather face Manny than Andre, just that he wasn’t going to give Andre anything over the plate those first 2 at bats because Ethier has killed him in recent matchups.

  18. sl7180@hotmail.com

    That’s must been very early like April 6 and 12 when we lost both game. I really didn’t even notice the 4 careers homeruns against him.

  19. tradejuanpypaperbag

    You are acting like the only batter a pitcher should be worried about is Manny. Our lineup from 1-7, can hit a homerun at any given time, not just Manny. Yes, I agree Manny is great, but he’s not the only one on the team pitchers are afraid of. I guarantee you Young is afraid to pitch to Ethier, as is every pitcher when pitching to Andre at AT&T park. Case and point – yesterday – Andre hit a homerun shot off one of the best pitchers in baseball. I bet Webb is going to pitch to Andre much differently from now on.

  20. sl7180@hotmail.com

    oops I read that wrong those we won both of those games. I guess he still remember him hitting 2 homeruns against him in a 6 days span.

  21. kpookiemon

    Great day…bad day. Great day: Dodgers and UCLA WIN!!!!!!! Bad day: I have to work tomorrow after a 2 1/2 month vacation. Booooooooooooooo!

  22. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I know I need to stop, but I couldn’t help it. LOL!!! Ward Dear will be mad that I engage too, but I had to defend AE – I shouldn’t have – I know 🙂

  23. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Kahli ~ Well it’s about time you have to go back to work. I’ve been back two weeks already. I don’t feel sorry for you – LOL!! However, have a great first day back.

  24. trublu4ever

    dnelly ~ I almost did it too! but, I knew you’d take care of it for all of the ethieraholics out there…….thanks

  25. babyblu33

    tru and dnelly— I would just like to point out that they have won the last three games….That’s also the day I joined ITD Guess I am a good luck charm… LOL jk

  26. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Kahli ~ I am glad UCLA won too, but I am also equally glad about USC. I live up in NorCal so I can remain neutral to both teams for now, until they play each other, than it’s “may the best team win”

  27. tradejuanpypaperbag

    trublue ~ “almost” is much better than “did”. I told myself I wouldn’t do that, but I got sucked in.

  28. bluecrewgirl

    From The Blue Notes Blog on the LA Times:

    The Interesting:

    BattingInFrontofMannyGate: Jeff Kent didn’t like talking about it, but Andre Ethier is more than happy to reap the rewards of hitting ahead of Ramirez- “I’m getting a lot better pitches to hit, and better opportunities up there. I very much welcome it, and appreciate the opportunities because of what he brings to the table.”

    I think it’s funny how annoyed Kent got being asked that question. No one was trying to disparage his career or say he wasn’t a good hitter, but give me a break, hitting in front of Manny gives any hitter better pitches to hit.

  29. bluecrewgirl

    I think all the young guys are learning what it takes. I remember Steve Garvey said in an interview earlier in the season that it takes about 5 years to get it all figured out and he basically thought they’d be fine when all was said and done. I think it’s funny that so many so called experts didn’t think Andre had enough power and now he’s proving them all wrong. They were saying on Dodgers Live that he could be good for 30 or more potentially. I remember reading recently that Mattingly was working with him on his power and it seems to be paying off.

  30. trublu4ever

    dnelly ~ sent you an email from LA Times about Jeff Kent. I’d post it but don’t know how….I’m not a computer whiz like you and Oberon! lol

  31. tradejuanpypaperbag

    bluecrewgirl ~ I had read that too, and how Mattingly was working on getting him to drive the ball up the middle, and that has been pretty evident with the amount of base hits (and doubles ) he has gotten straight up the middle. Even when it’s a ground ball, it’s hit pretty hard. If Andre gets a little more speed, and he can start beating some of those hard grounders out, then he’d be really set. As for the homeruns, we’ve been saying it all along, he’d be well over 20 by now on his way to 30 if Joe had stuck with him and made him Everyday ‘Dre 🙂

  32. trublu4ever

    I know! But he puts things on from articles and stuff and I don’t know how to do it……so, I’m the one a little off. LOL

  33. tradejuanpypaperbag

    trublue ~ to post an article – right click on article title, and a box should appear – click “copy shortcut”, and then come back here and click “paste” – I learned that on ITD as well – see it’s not just talk, it’s education too. I didn’t get the e-mail.

  34. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I will go looking for it. The only e-mail I got is one from facebook saying that a certain someone has passed me up in the Dodger Trivia Challenge, and the sad thing is all I can do a watch because I ran out of questions. 🙂

  35. tradejuanpypaperbag

    It really makes you wonder what the young players think of all the veterans before Casey and Manny arrived. The article pretty much states that they didn’t look up to Jeff, and how could they look up to JP or Andruw. All of them were (and are) doing far better than the vets this year (excluding Manny and Casey), and with the better attitude to go with it. You hear them say JP is a nice guy, Sweeney’s a nice guy, but you never hear them say, this is what they taught me about the game. However, when they talk about Manny – it’s both. He is a great guy to have around, and I have learned so much from him, and this is what I learned. I can imagine the same is true for the young pitchers and Maddux.

  36. trublu4ever

    I think I’ll call it a night. I’m worn out playing a game I haven’t beaten yet. But, there’s always tomorrow. Have a good night!

  37. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Tell me about it ~ a certain someone is over 9000 points on the Dodger Trivia Game – All the points in a matter of two days pretty much – good night trublue!!

  38. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good evening Ward Dear!! How was your day? It was great to see the Dodgers get another win even though I didn’t actually see the game.

  39. dodgereric

    I had a wonderful day, thanks! Slept in late ’cause all the work around here was done. Went to the movies. “Traitor”. I liked it a lot. Watched most of the game. We had a Scout meeting here in the middle of it, but I managed to catch most of it.

    How ’bout you?

  40. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Great day, also. Spent some of the day at school trying to get ahead. Watched some early baseball, watched some college football, checked out our new building (alot of work to be done for sure, but exciting),and had bbq today. All in all a very relaxing day. I watched the game via phone and gameday, but not the same as seeing it on tv. My husband and I really want to see traitor – sounds good.

  41. dodgereric

    Go see it. My wife and I both liked it. I won’t ruin it by talking about it, just go see it.

    The Dodgers got a little lucky today, from what I saw. But they’ve gotten precious little luck in the last couple of weeks, so they’ve got some of that coming to them.

  42. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Okay – will do!!!
    The Dodgers always seem to do good against Young, however, so I didn’t expect them to have too much trouble, but with the Dodgers lately, you never know.
    So what are you thinking the Dodgers should do in the off season? Enchanted, Max, jungar and others were talking about it today off and on. I think most agree Ned has just given the Dodgers a huge mess, and anyway you look at it, the Dodgers are kind of screwed. Ned needs to go, first and foremost, I think…

  43. dodgereric

    In a perfect world:

    Ned goes and Logan White takes his place.

    Joe gracefully bows out, claiming he’s too old for this stuff anymore.

    While I’m dreaming, Scioscia hears this and asks Moreno to be let out of the last year (or is it two) of his contract to join the team he’s meant to manage. Moreno, because he’s a nice guy, grants his request. Joe then changes his mind and unretires again, signs with the Angels and Moreno changes the Angels’ uniforms and puts pinstripes on them and calls them the Los Anaheim Angels of New York City. Whoops, I’ve drifted again, haven’t I?

    Back to reality. I wonder if Maddux would want to manage? Pitchers historically don’t make great managers, but Maddux might be the exception. I understand that he still wants to play a little more, player-manager?

    I think that the powers that be might want McCourt to get serious about hiring a minority this time. They pretty much got a pass on getting Joe so quickly. I think they traded that consideration for going to China. So, Willie Randolph?

    I’m sorry sara, (it WAS sara, wasn’t it? :-)), but sign Manny. Sign Furcal. We’ve got Hu and DeJesus just about ready in case his back won’t go again. Go after CC.

    I know I’m spending money that McCourt won’t spend, but it’s my dream. But that team should draw something fierce.

  44. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I am with those that want Manny signed for sure – how long is my only concern. I think he brings something to these young players that obviously they weren’t (and aren’t) getting from the vets that are currently clogging the Dodger system. Furcal, if he is willing and able. For pitching, I don’t know what the Dodgers should do if they can’t or won’t get CC.

  45. dodgereric

    The problem with Manny is the same thing as Lowe and Furcal, I think. It’s the length of the contract. All 3 are probably about to sign the last contract of their career. They’re going to want all the bucks they can get. Personally, if any of the 3 really need the money at this stage in their career, they need to hire a new personal manager. I’d be real hesitant to sign any of them for more than 2 years, and would prefer one. Furcal might be inclinded to go for 1 year to prove he’s healthy. But the other 2 are most likely going to get a 3 or 4 year offer from someone else.

  46. dodgereric

    Billz, Kuroda, Kersh. If we don’t get Sabathia or Lowe, McDonald and Elbert better be ready to go. I’m not interested in Sheets or anyone else with a history of injury.

  47. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Maybe the Dodgers can go halfway with Manny and go 2 years instead of three or four. I just don’t want any JP signings ( not that I am by any means comparing JP to Manny for those that will take that as something else) anymore unless it involves our young players in the years to come.

  48. tradejuanpypaperbag

    I really have liked what I have seen from Elbert. I hope we get to see more of him in the next month. I guess we might be seeing some of what McDonald’s got to offer too, since he was brought up with the expansion of the roster. Speaking of – Andruw, DY and Repko are back, along with Proctor and Stults

  49. tradejuanpypaperbag

    So have you got your fantasy football team all locked into place. I technically begin Thursday since I have a couple players playing for the Redskins.

  50. northstateblues

    Hi late night crew! I’m in the middle of reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for my 8am class tomorrow. But I wanted to say hi, and that this is a good feeling the past few days. Charley Steiner was getting into the Blazzing Saddles mindset earlier with that Hedy guy on San Diego. He was having a good ol’ time, almost sounded happy when “that’s Hedley” hit an RBI single.

    If you’re interested, I was able to do another drawing earlier… and hope to be doing more for a while. ( http://northstateblues.mlblogs.com ) I think that there’s a lot of tiptoeing around Dodgerland, everyone trying to do whatever it was they did on Saturday to keep the party going.

    If I’m not back, good night, and congratulations to Wile E. Coyote, who put up the caution lights in Fontana last week.

  51. dodgereric

    Furcal $13M
    Lowe 10M
    Kent 9M
    Garciaparra 8.5M
    Penny 8.75M

    It would be nice if Furcal would do a year at what he signed for this year. That would be a push.

    Gotta keep either Lowe or Penny, I would think. Let the other go and combine the savings plus Kent and Nomar. That’s about $30 mil to spend on Manny and CC. OK, McCourt, you’re gonna have to raise the payroll a little. In ’09, you’re losing Schmidt and Jones, that’s 27mil more that’s finally gone. Assuming we’re stuck with Pierre for the duration of his contract, that 27 can absorb the raise after only one year. In ’10, we’re going to start having to pay the kids, so these high dollar contracts will start going away in time, I think. Then again, it’s getting late and I’m having trouble thinking and typing.

  52. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ I saw the drawing earlier, but I was waiting for your return – awesome Manny!! One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Wow!! Memories – both from book and movie.
    Ward Dear – I am sure someone will point it out if you did make a mistake, but it certainly won’t be me – LOL!! Sounds do-able if Frank is willing….

  53. northstateblues

    Thanks Dnelly, the fun part was putting the pine tar on the helmet, heh.

    I’ve never seen the movie, but my book is on the way, gets here tomorrow, and I haven’t read much of it. Then I find out tonight that Google Books has the first part of the book for free. So I’ve got the White Album on my iPod, hammering out the good ol’ procrastination reading I’ve become accustomed to. (I swear, when I procrastinate, I get A’s. When I start and finish my project ahead of time, I get B’s.)

    Okay, back to the Broom, heh.

  54. dodgereric

    north, you’ve got a gift there! Nice work!

    June Darlin’, I know I rounded up on a few salaries, but when you combine the ‘lesser’ contracts that SHOULD be expiring like Sweeney (0.6M), Bennett (0.875M), Proctor (1.115M) and Brazoban (0.5M), that’s 3 million more gone. That’ll help the rounded figures.

    I don’t know when the kids will start really affecting the payroll in significance. I know there are a few people around here that DO know, and maybe they’ll chime in.

  55. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ some of my best work has come from doing things the last minute. As far as the movie, it’s worth watching just to see Jack Nickelson be Jack Nickelson – a masterful performance in my opinion. They are many good performances in the movie, along with his. It’s worth watching after you have read the book.

  56. northstateblues

    I am pretty sure Martin and Ethier are up first, but I guess the question will be – how much?

    By dnelly16 on September 2, 2008 12:54 AM

    How bout like Josh’s title a few posts back, Whatever It Takes?

  57. tradejuanpypaperbag

    nsblues ~ definitely!, and that would be for all four (Martin, Ethier, Kemp and Loney), and I guess you have to factor in Billz and Brox too, right, eventually too, right?

  58. dodgereric

    I’ve never read Cuckoo’s Nest, but the movie is a masterpiece. It turns you inside out. Books being better, normally, I would have liked to read it. Maybe someday.

    If past is prologue, it would take a miracle to keep all these guys together once they get into arbitration and the contracts afterwards. I’ll hate to see any of them go.

    Well, we’re into the single-digit hours, June Darlin’! That’s my witching hour these days. No more of that 2-3am stuff anymore. (unless we’re really rolling, of course!) Anything more before I sign off?

  59. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward Dear~ No, I am ready for bed too. Nice job on Dodger Trivia – your goal needs to be 10,000+ you know… I am moving on to Redskins trivia, which is much harder than Dodger trivia. I can tell I spend alot more time focusing on my baseball team than my football team . Have a good sleep, and I will talk to you tomorrow Dear… Good night and God Bless!!!

  60. dodgereric

    Thought of a couple more myself.

    north, wasn’t that light falling at the race a perfect match for those Sears commercials? You know, the ones that show something breaking and a mechanic hiding his non-Craftsman tools? Someone needs to do some tall explaining to save his job over this. Either somebody forgot to tighten some bolts or there’s a pretty bad welder working somewhere. Criminy, if that had fallen on a car and gone through a windshield of a car going 200MPH? A lucky day, really.

    June Darlin’, you’ve been talked to about engaging. Don’t worry about me, worry about jhall! He’s our teacher in this catagory! And I’m still going on the trivia. My connection failed earlier and I took it as a sign to knock it off for a while.

  61. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward Dear ~ you are right about jhall!! I couldn’t resist, it was the Ethieraholic in me that did it. As for the lights, I did see that happen – very thankful nothing serious happened as a result. Also, I watched all the post race interviews – some pretty nice fellas if you ask me. 🙂

  62. dodgereric

    Yep! Like I’ve said before, the only time you heard the word “I” is when they apologized to their team. I’m sorry. I messed up.

    Good night now! For real this time! 🙂

  63. jhallwally

    Good morning everyone!! Hope everyone had a great Labor Day holiday weekend. I sure would not have guessed we would beat Haren and Webb after stinking it up against the Nats and Phils. We certainly needed something to get this train back on track. GO DODGERS!!!!!

  64. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning jhalll!!!!!!!!!! It’s great to see you on here… I hope you had a fabulous weekend yourself!!!!! It was pretty awesome to take two from the dbacks that way – Wow!!! Now, if we can keep it up, we could be in good shape down the stretch 🙂

  65. trublu4ever

    Good Morning dnelly & jhall ~ We were getting worried about you jhall. You have to keep in touch with your family.
    dnelly, hope you have a good week at school and your students are little angels. And please, dear god, keep Uranus in the solar system where he belongs!

  66. jhallwally

    Bonjour Mere Nelle’!!! Merci!!! It was a fun and busy weekend. I’m optimistic that we can make a run at the DB’s. If Joko stays the course and doesn’t get stupid with the lineups. LOL!! I’m happy Kent and Nomar are finally out of the lineup.

  67. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Good Morning trublue ~ That would be Oberon, and no, I am not doing that any more. That was just my Ethieraholicness coming through,and I should have known better 🙂

  68. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Wally ~ Your father said you would be the one I would get lectured from – LOL!!! You are the one always telling us to stay away from the light – LOL!!!
    Good Morning Ward Dear ~ Did you sleep well dear? lol!!

  69. jhallwally

    LOL mom!!! Sometimes you got to go with your gut feeling!!! Always remember however, you can’t reason with or have a logical debate with <f:(o)’s.

  70. trublu4ever

    Good Morning dodgereric ~ We needed all of you guys to help shoot Oberon down. Dnelly and bluecrewgirl did a good job but got caught in his web. It was a slow evening, so they needed someone to chat with (LOL) and he just wouldn’t go away.

  71. trublu4ever

    I think he’s really quite harmless, quite funny actually. But, he never lets up……during the game it’s worse. Out of ten posts, seven of them are his.

  72. trublu4ever

    dodgereric ~ I’m always optimistic. Just hoping Joe uses good judgement and plays the same people who are finally getting it together. With all the call-ups I hope he doesn’t start playing russian roulette. Having Jeff and Nomar hurt is a good thing for us right now…..chemistry is much better.

  73. dodgereric

    You’re right jhall. Paraphrasing the great philosopher Obi Wan Kenobi, “Who is the greater fool? The fool or the fool who argues with him?” Well, I’ve been the greater fool more times than I would like to admit.

  74. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Ward Dear ~ I thought it was….. 🙂
    Yes, Wally ~ bluecrewgirl and I were definitely – LOL!! Oberon was being unEthieraholicish, and assuming the only batter pitchers should be worried about is Manny – far from the truth I say….
    Gotta go to work – catch up with all of you when I get settled and have some seconds, minutes to spare, and if not – Have a Fabulous day!!!

  75. dodgereric

    Good day to you, Junie! And if the other pitchers want to think of Manny as the only one to worry about, so much the better for us!

  76. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Hello, it’s me again, and yes, I agree with you, Ward Dear… That’s even more reason for me to keep my words shut when Oberon is out and in full view 🙂 However, like trublue said, Oberon did go out of sight once it lost it’s battle and was once again back with Uranus. Honestly, I think it’s afraid of Junie, Ward, Wally and Beav. It knows we will send the moon away from Uranus to Neptune if not being a good moon 🙂 However, I don’t think we have to engage to be effective so lesson hopefully learned this time 🙂

  77. dodgereric

    There was a major discovery in the past weekend. It seems that Uranus is part of the marsupial family. Except they don’t actually have pouches, so they improvise with their moons……….:-)

  78. trublu4ever

    You are probably right about ignoring the links. it’s just I think he is oblivious to what’s going on around him. speaking of links……where has old fogey, aka westernmost, aka winflavor and of course porklinks been?

  79. dodgereric

    LMAO!!! I put “Catch you on the flip side, jhall!” into an English/French translator and got the above. I wondered what it would do in reverse, and it comes out “Be caught on the face, jhall!” LMAO!!!!

  80. dodgrdad14

    Good morning gang!! I finally am able to post!!! WOO HOO

    Eric, what is this Dodger trivia you and Dnel have been talking about?

  81. nachotaco

    Josh… Whats up with the 5 PM start… I thought the Dodgers weren’t going to do that after Ishii got drilled in the skull a number of years back… Why the change of heart?

  82. dodgrdad14

    Hey Dnel,
    I thought you were teaching?? 🙂
    Thanks I was just curious because who doesn’t love Dodger trivia???

  83. dodgereric

    bigpapa, I’m guessing the money was right.

    dodgerdad, who doesn’t like Dodger trivia? Giant and Padre fans. They can’t stand questions like, “How many World Series championships have the Dodgers won since they moved to Los Angeles? A) 3, B) 4, C) 5, D) 6”.

    Mostly because the answer for their own teams is still at zero.

  84. heartruss

    Hi everyone. I went to the game last night and had a wonderful time. Maddux looked brilliant. The offense was strong. Offense super. What else can a fan ask for? I sat in the Dugout Club section for the last time this season. I love it there, the food is good, the staff very friendly. They treat you like family. They have good memories because they always recognize me although I have only been in that section 4 times this season. I had something for Andre’s baby (a hand knitted baby blanket which I laboriously made over the last few days…not perfect but from my heart!) and wanted to make sure that he got it. Never send anything through the mail. I asked the nice security person who was watching the clubhouse doors (those doors that everyone stands outside of and waits to see who comes out) if he could possibly get my present to Mr. Ethier. He thought for a while and in my mind I thought, “Oh great, he’s not going to help me!” He looked at me and smiled, saying “Go through those doors and take it to the guard inside.” I looked at that doors and thought about going through those hallowed doors. I ran through and felt like I was going through the looking glass. I saw all the memorabilia on the walls and thought, this is a miracle. I got all the way up to the lockerroom and handed the guard my present. He smiled and told me he would give it personally to Andre. I was walking on clouds. The rest of the game was a dream. We won. I ate so much. Then after the game I decided to wait in front of those clubhouse doors for the guys to come out. Most were tired and ran by. Manny (yes, the Manny guy) started to walk past but turned around and signed a few autographs. He was very sweet and friendly. I actually got a ball signed for my Dad. I also was able to take a few pictures. I wanted to see Andre. Finally security said that they guys were all gone so I thought I would hang out and talk to a few people around. Then there was a commotion when a few more players came through those doors. There was sweet Andre, looking absolutely handsome after his shower, holding my gift. I was so excited. Just the thought that my baby blanket will be keeping his little one warm makes me happy. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to share this with everyone, especially you Dnelly because you will understand. Love you all…..

  85. heartruss

    I’m going to the rest of the home games this season. I hope that we make it to the post season but no matter what, I love the Dodgers and will support them. Go Blue. Go Baby Kershaw tonight.

  86. cpompe1

    xox – That was a wonderful story!!! I loved it. I am so jealous – you got Manny’s autograph and you got your present into Andre’s hands!!! I only wish I could have done something like that! But the dugout seats are a dream for me; I can’t even imagine what sitting in those seats and having that kind of access to the players would be like!!! Takes me back to when I met Andre at his signing on August 2. I met him, but I could barely talk I was so awe/star struck!

    Do you know if he’s going to have a boy or girl? I don’t remember hearing.

  87. dodgrdad14

    The answer is “D” 5 world series. And they won 1 in Brooklyn.

    What former Dodger player was known as “gomer”???
    A. Steve Garvey, B. Claude Osteen C. Clem Labine, D. Johnny Podres?

  88. northstateblues

    Hey all, a pleasnt good morning wherever you may be (alright, I’ll stop ripping off Vin). My brain’s a little fried between reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (with faerie royalty Oberon and Titania in tow, rubbing nectar on the eyes of those who they wish to adore them). Can’t wait to get home, relax, and take in a game of Dodger baseball.

    Too much moonshine in here last night, so much for getting a word in edgewise. But hey, 1st amendment and all.

  89. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Dodgerdad – yes, I am teaching – 5 minute transition times for kids coming and going – we switch around for reading/science and social studies, so in that time they are getting water/restroom breaks. On recess break right now(plus one in the afternoon)- During the 5 minute breaks, I check e-mail and ITD (of course) – That’s why the short answer “facebook”. I read the short stuff then, longer stuff at lunch and recess. It’s good to see you back 🙂
    cpompe ~ He and Maggie are having a boy 🙂
    xoxrussell – wonderful story 🙂

  90. cpompe1

    Hey nellygirl!!! (I just felt like adding “girl” to the end of your name!!!) I’m sure you’re back in your class now, but it’s good to hear from you!!! I’m back to painting so again, I’ll be off and on (aren’t I already???) Anyways, I’ll catch up with y’all later…

  91. dodgereric

    Max, that is a great article! Hmmmm………written by troy e. renck. Isn’t leekfink in Colorado for an extended stay? I’m thinking that lee got himself a job writing for the Denver Post! The only problem with that assumption is that the article is too short. 🙂 Just kidding……….

    dodgrdad, I don’t think I ever heard that before, but I’m guessing (B) Osteen, both for his looks and the fact that Gomer Pyle was on prime time TV when old #23 was the best dang #3 starter in the big leagues.

  92. tradejuanpypaperbag

    Max ~ fabulous article!!!! He couldn’t have written it any better….
    Eric ~ It’s long enough to be Lee’s, and it’s definitely something he would say – hmmmm!!!
    Hey CP!! Nellygirl is just fine. I will add it to my list – lol!!!
    ABC order ~ dnelly, June Darlin’, Junie, Miss Debbie, mom, Mrs. Nelson, nelle, nells, nelly, nellygirl ~ ETHIERaholics all of us 🙂
    dodgerdad ~ aren’t you at work? lol!!

  93. thinkingblue

    Hello ITD,
    I am sure everyone had a GREAT HOLIDAY WEEKENDS. I was away on my last summer vacation with the kids, but we still watched all the games.

    Yeah the DODGERS ARE BACK.

    J0SH, thanks for not posting…keep doing that!

    How are all the ETHIERAHOLICS DOING? Ethier is still hot! Dnelly how is school?

    Happy to see that MARTIN IS COMING BACK. A little concern yesterday when he ran to 3rd. Hopefully he is OK!


  94. tradejuanpypaperbag

    dodgersrule ~ school is going fantastic, and this ETHIERaholic is doing fabulous!! Very excited about how Andre is playing, and I am looking forward to him being a Daddy. I can imagine he will make a very good Daddy, just by the way he approaches things in life. I guess a reporter asked him about Maggie’s due date, and he said it was personal business and that he didn’t need to know that information – good for Andre!!! Have a wonderful day Rose 🙂
    dnelly ~ ETHIERaholic and loving it!!!!!

  95. bluecrewgirl

    xoxorussell, what a great story about the baby blanket you made for Andre. That’s very cool that the guard helped you out. I hope everyone has a great day and that we’ll be celebrating another Dodger victory tonight.

  96. thinkingblue

    OMG I did not know that his wife is expecting…that is wonderful news. A lil’ Andre or Daddy’s lil’ Angel….I can’t wait. It seems that everyone around me is pregnant right now, it’s in the water! I have not been visiting the ITD this whole weekend since Thurday. Oh yeah I got kicked out on Thursday from posting…too many post….I guess….I double post a message and I got an error. But I am back and I’ll be reading a few back to see what’s going on.

    Thanks for the news

  97. kpookiemon

    Max, that was a telling article. Of course, we all thought when Fox bought the team that the Dodgers WOULD becomes Yankees West. Turns out Rupert just wanted an inroad into the media out here…and flushed Piazza just for the hell of it. To say that the current Dodgers have dysfunctional management is like saying the sun rises in the east.

  98. thinkingblue

    xoxoRUSSEL….I just read your story. That is great that the guard gave him the blanket. Did you get to talk to him? Did you take pictures? That was really nice of you to do the blanket for his baby. Now I understand where Ethier’s heart is right now and why he is playing so GREAT! Hey were are these doors, where do the players come out from? I’ve seen Steve Garvey in the parking lot one time and he was nice enough to stop take pics & sign autographs.

    BABYBLUE….welcom to ITD and for bringing the Dodgers luck!

    BRANDON….are you still frustrated?

  99. brandondaughrity@hotmail.com

    Hey dodgersrule… Funny… I just logged on here to see what was up… Last post I read… Pertains to me ;)…. Nah, I’m good, It’s always difficult to watch, or go through something like an 8 game win streak. I knew eventually they’d win again, there was no doubt that they would lose 30 something in a row…. That would have been borderline suicidal. Now, I can’t help but feel like the next couple of weeks without Jeff “The Jerk” Kent in the clubhouse, this lighthearted, happy go lucky, free spirited lineup will thrive. It will be fun to watch, and I do have the faith that we will overthrow the D-Hacks…. Now, we’ve not exactly lit up the world as far as our record… But AZ certainly does not deserve this division anymore than we do….


    PS… Can we please get the good Clayton tonight…. Also, a little worried because we don’t usually do well against lesser known pitchers…. as in tonight’s starter for the Padres.

  100. lbirken@aol.com

    Max, that article from the Denver Post was interesting but I wonder where the perception that the fans “demand” stars comes from. I think that perception comes from certain management folks that did not want to take a risk on younger unproven players, at least not all at once. We all know the real problem is the veterans brought to the organization never performed at the expected level and worse, did not mesh well with the younger players. At the same time, those same management folks resisted trading that talent so at least the Dodgers do have a future.

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