
Wow. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a city go from so nice to so cold in a shorter amount of time. It’s 40 something degrees with 20 mph winds here, so it should make for an interesting game. Of course, both teams face the same elements, so it’ll come down to who handles them better and can get some offense going. I’d imagine that getting jammed with a pitch tonight won’t feel very good on the hands.

One lucky guy who doesn’t have to play in this weather is Russell Martin, who has tonight off. Right now he’s actually got my cell phone and is doing an “interview” with LA native Tyson Chandler, the center for the New Orleans Hornets. It’s part of an ESPN the Magazine piece that will be coming out soon, so keep a lookout for it.

As I type this, I’m also in the Wrigley Field visitor’s clubhouse, where it is easily the smallest locker room in the National League (and probably the Majors, though I’ve never been to Fenway). With ESPN here tonight, plus a ton of Japanese media to cover the big matchup between Kuroda and Fukudome, it’s a little tight in here. But, it’s the big leagues, so you won’t hear me complaining.

Actually, being in this clubhouse reminds me of a game here several years back when we lost 20-1 and poor Jose Antonio Nunez, who was a Rule 5 pick, had to just take the beating for the team. Afterward, there was tons of media on site (myself included, as I was covering the team that year for and the tight confines of this clubhouse did not make for a happy group of Dodgers. Here’s hoping we’re the ones scoring 20 runs tonight.

I’d also like to send out get well wishes to Andruw Jones on behalf of the entire organization. He had his surgery this morning back in Los Angeles to clean up the tear in the meniscus of his right knee. I’m certainly hoping that the time away will fix him physically and get him back in a positive frame of mind when he gets back in four to six weeks.

As for tonight’s game, we are on FSN Prime Ticket and Blake DeWitt will be wearing a mic, so that should add a fun element to the broadcast. Here’s the lineup:

Pierre, LF

Maza, SS

Ethier, RF

Kent, 2B

Loney, 1B

Kemp, CF

DeWitt, 3B

Ardoin, C

Kuroda, P


  1. dodgereric

    Roy Orbison………..

    We were all right for a while
    Our lineup hit for a while
    But when you hit the first pitch
    I said, “That little b…h!”
    And I sent you to the pine
    You slammed your bat
    And told me that…
    I’ve been out of the game for too long,
    Working with old guys and that I’m wrong
    Well you said so long
    Left me standing all alone,
    Alone and lying, lying, lying, lying
    So I went to the press
    and I said that this mess is all the kid’s fault

    I think the vets can do no wrong
    And it’s true, so true
    How else can you explain my
    Using Sweeney this way
    But darling what can I do
    He’s got all the stats
    and he can’t possibly be
    Finished, all done and finished

    All right yes, I see you’re done
    and from this moment on,
    I’ll be lying, lying, lying, lying
    Yeah, lying, lying over you


    I don’t think I’d want Kemp third.. he strikes out way too much for a #3 guy… Ethier seems much better suited for that spot.. On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind having Kemp bat fourth.. he could develop better there.

    I do like Maza in the #2 spot and am glad he is playing instead of Hu. When Furcal comes back they should send Hu down and keep Maza as the utility guy…

    And when Nomar is back (hopefully) he should become our top pinch hitter/backup first baseman and Sweeney should be released.


    About a week ago, in the good old days, when Sweeney was still batting .114, I half-jokingly posted that the three Stooges were waiting for him to get to .100 before they would DFA Sweeney. Apparently our management has no limit to their patience, otherwise WHY IS SWEENEY STILL HERE? You, bunch of really dumb bast****!!!

  4. kpookiemon

    Kemp’s speed is wasted in the six hole. He’s the prototype of a three-hole guy. Speed…power…batting average. Like we’ve been saying, this “probably” won’t be a championship season…so I say bat the kids where they might reside for the next decade. They learn fast. I still believe in a set batting order. I assume we can still all recite the Dodgers order from the late 70’s, early 80’s, can’t we? Can Torre recite his from last year?

  5. enchantedbeaver

    Kahli – can Torre recite his from last week…

    Good one eric.

    Bear – I keep telling you its not good to hold in – gives you ulcers. LOL


    Torre’s probably regressing back to his childhood –
    playing eenie, meenie, maanie, mo with the daily lineup;
    however, one thing has been ingrained in his remaining mind – Pierre is a leadoff man, and Kent is the old reliable clutch cleanup hitter. Oh, yes – a guy named Sweeney is the all time pinch hitter, wheneverr the game is on the line. Everything else is kind of a blur.

  7. leekfink

    I agree that Kemp should hit 3rd. He strikes out too often, but I think that with time that too will improve.
    I disagree with kpookie that this probably won’t be the championship season–depending on how you define “championship.” The World Series is tough, but there is no reason that the Dodgers cannot win the National League West. I agree with kpookie that we’re better off in batting the kids where they might reside for the next decade, but not because this is a throw-away year, but for just the opposite reason–that this is NOT a throw-away year. For the most part, our best chance is putting our kids in the positions where they should hit for a decade because they are the best option in those slots, and with just a slight improvement (on either more timely hitting, or more realistically, more power), we can win like that.
    The one possible exception to that rule is Jeff Kent. I really do not think that he’s a .220 hitter, and there is reason to believe that he can and will hit .280+ with 25 home runs. That’s probably not a true clean-up hitter (he once was), but it would justify him hitting there for now. That being said, he’s not hitting there now and should be moved for the time being.

  8. kpookiemon

    leekfink, by championship I did mean World Championship…not the Western Division. Heck, I’ll settle for a playoff series win….which, of course, also coincides with 1988.

  9. enchantedbeaver

    I want to go on record that anytime JoJo wants to PH Marty for anyone tonight, its OK by me.

  10. crzblue2

    I’ve been to Fenway but never to Wrigley.
    My friend Eirk and I sang Loney the song during photo day. We then moved ’cause we missed Kemp and Ethier so when we saw Loney, I asked him if we embarassed him by singing (we had sang to him also in Colorado when he was being interviewed in the postgame). He smiled and said “no, I like it. it sounded good”.
    That was a tough and frustrating loss yesterday. Here is to starting a winning streak today!
    Oh, I had a great time at the 60’s luncheon on Saturday. I was the only one dressed like in the 60’s


    When are we going to start hitting some of these pitchers that are good but not superstars. We have the guys that can hit, but they never seem to get it started at the same time.

    Let’s kick some Bear Butt tonight.

  12. oldbrooklynfan

    Nice going with the song dodgereric.
    All we have to do now is get an eraser and just wipe yesterday’s game out(at least mentally) and let’s hope we can outguess, outthink or hope this Sean Gallahger makes some mistakes.
    Maybe that will help with the RBI when there’s RISP.
    Also let’s hope Kuroda brings his A game and we can give him some support.

  13. lny4loney

    I’m honored to be included in your poem. Thank you.
    Songwriters. You are all cracking me up.
    But my favorite line of the day is dodger eric’s “Who can?” in response to jhail’s suggestion that Torre can’t remember his lineup from three days ago.
    Today’s lineup would be pretty darn good if you inserted Martin for Ardoin and reversed the 1-8 order.

  14. joyce65

    I hope that the weather Brrrrr won’t cause any problems for Kuroda or anyone else. Really cold weather can cause pulled and tight muscle injuries. Kuroda pitched very well in his last game. He went into the 8th inning I think. Keep warm Kuroda we need you to stay healthy. Pitch a good game and do your very best not to give up to many runs. Go Dodgers

  15. oldbrooklynfan

    I’ll be watching the game on ESPN on my 36in. screen.
    But I got to make sure my PC doesn’t go out because then I have to pull the plug out of the monitor and place it back in again, sometimes a few times, to get it back up again.

    I have to watchout when there is a long inning and make sure I touch the mouse every so often.
    I have a feeling it will be a good game win or lose.
    But it would be great to beat this team.

  16. leekfink

    crzblue–That is fantastic! I see that MartinLoneyKemp is also happy. I was actually there and tried to get over to him, but couldn’t figure out where he was until he was done. But it’s spreading. Awesome!
    Well, folks, it looks like the Piano may have just fallen on Jeff Kent. Tony Jackson says that it is probably not serious, but we’ll see.
    If he goes down, I feel very strongly that we have to try DeWitt at 2B adn call up LaRoche.

  17. junkyardjamie

    patience, patience, patience – that word sure is getting used a lot lately. Joe thinks the kids aren’t using enough “patience” at the plate. Joe has been using too much “patience” in waiting for the PVLs to come around. Let’s not forgot about us fans for losing our “patience” when “they” do stupid things. How much “patience” do we have to have before another piano falls?

    Almost game time – let’s hope we don’t lose our “patience” like most of us did yesterday



    I am sacrificing HD on ESPN for regular on Prime. There is no way i can take 3 hrs of Berman and Sutcliffe.

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    They keep talking about all the big guys we have on the DL.
    Who else is there besides Furcal?
    The rest? who needs them.

  20. junkyardjamie

    Did another piano just fall on Kent? I read the recent posts and just found out he is not in the game.

  21. dodgereric

    Since our HOF manager seems bound and determined to use Sweeney in the face of all logic, I’ve decided to accept that fact, stopped hitting my head against the wall and started researching his stats in order to help us use him at his best. Here we go:

    vs RHP .091
    vs LHP .143
    Remarks: Go against the grain and bat him against lefties

    at home .118
    on road .087
    Remarks: Don’t use him for away games

    April .118
    May .087
    Remarks: Better hurry

    In wins .105
    In losses .095
    Remarks: Only use him when we’re winning

    As starter .000
    As sub .138
    Remarks: Duh, he’s one of the best PHs EVER!

    RISP .000
    Remarks: Don’t use him w/RISP

    Leading off an inning .000
    Remarks: Don’t use him to lead off

    No outs .000
    1 out .083
    2 outs .111
    Remarks: Remarkable consistancy

    Day games .105
    Night games .095
    Remarks: Old people see better at night

    Recommendation: For optimum performance, use Sweeney against left-handers at home soon only when we’re ahead and as a pinch-hitter but not with runners in scoring position or when leading off but with two outs in day games.

    You’re welcome.

  22. junkyardjamie

    Okay, I am really feeling sick – why does everybody love Pierre so much? It’s really sickening!

  23. jhallwally

    These TV baffoons and other teams commentators don’t have to watch Phew everyday. They’re just going on his past history. Freaking 5 years ago when he was with the Marlins and they won the WS. It is sickening Nelly, to hear and to have to watch him play.

  24. junkyardjamie

    It seems like Andre has found his “patience” – lol!!
    That was great work on the count, regardless of the outcome – which happened to be good – yeah!!!

  25. junkyardjamie

    He has been doing pretty good, I must say (for Pierre)!! It’s just that Berman said “I love this guy,” and I don’t think I can go that far. As long as he bats like Pierre and catches like Pierre and doesn’t have to throw like Pierre, he will be fine in my book, for now.

  26. junkyardjamie

    P.S PierreEW,
    When Furcal comes back and when and if Jones come back, then I might have to re-evaluate my position depending on what happens to Ethier and Kemp because of Jones’ return. I stick to my opinion that Andre and Matt are the two best outfielders, after that, Pierre and Jones can fight for the last one (along with DY).

  27. leekfink

    I’m listening to Rick Monday and Jerry Reuss on the radio, and they just said that Matt Kemp has gone 9 games without an extra base-hit. Didn’t he double yesterday? Twice?
    [Checking the Box Score. . .]
    What the heck?

  28. enchantedbeaver

    The Beverly Nedbilly…

    Come and listen to a story
    ‘Bout a man named Ned
    Who came from the Gints
    And put Frank in the red

    Signin’ worthless FAs
    And rustlin’ up some fools
    As a major league GM
    He just don’t have the tools

    Dumb as a rock
    Bad judge of talent he

    Well the next thing you know
    We got JP
    Nomore, Gonzo,
    Schmidt and Double C®*

    Gotta go with the vets
    Its the place I wanna be
    So he screwed all the kids
    That we all would like to see

    Andre that is
    Kemp, Loney, Andy too
    (fade into banjo…)

    *The Curacao Cow®, CC® and Double C® are registered trademarks of Nedco..

    Nedco,. Makers of such fun games Schmidt For Brains, Chinese Chokers, and I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Comeback. Nedco, where the past is the future.

    © Nedco 2006, 2007, 2008. Nedco, bringing you less for more.

  29. dodgereric

    Don’t know much about Ethier,
    don’t know much about Kemp either.
    Don’t know much about Billingsley,
    don’t know much about James Loney.
    But I do know that I love you,
    and I know that if you love me, too,
    what a wonderful world this would be.

    Don’t know much about hit-and-run,
    don’t know much about Delmon Young.
    Don’t know much about Russell Martin,
    don’t know much except sittin’and fartin’.
    But I know that one and one is two,
    and if this one could be with you,
    what a wonderful world this would be.

    I don’t claim to be a baseball student,
    but I’m tryin’ to be.
    For maybe by being an “A” student, baby,
    I can win your love for me.

    Don’t know much about Juan Pierre,
    ‘cept he has a cute derriere.
    Don’t know much about Blake DeWitt,
    ‘cept I need more rhymes for this bit.
    But I do know that you love me,
    and I know that your name’s Mark Sweeney,
    what a wonderful world this would be. ©

  30. junkyardjamie

    enchanted, jhall, and dogereric,
    the boys of verse and rhymes
    creating songs and poems
    to help us through these times.


    The Reds called up Jay Bruce and DFA’d Scott Hatteberg. Whatever you do, DO NOT TELL NED!

  32. dodgereric

    dnellie, it’s divine inspiration. Or jhall was right when he called me a savant. Lord knows I’m not good at anything else.

  33. joyce65

    Has anyone noticed that our lineup is full of young players (except for Kuroda and maybe Ardion, I don’t know his age)?
    During spring training we all wanted the young players to play. It may not be

  34. dodgereric

    NED: “Hmmm, Hatteberg, Hatteberg. With an e or a u? Wait! There he is! (ANDRE 2 for 2!) Hmmm, 38 years old? A little young, but not bad. (My Loney has a first name….) Released by 3 teams – goooooood!!! Currently hitting .173? Who cares? LIFETIME .273!!!!! GET HIS AGENT ON THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!(my man DeWitt!!!!!!!!!!!)

  35. junkyardjamie

    The young boys are kickin’ butt right now – Andre 2 for 2 (good throw from catcher on that attempted steal), Matt , James and Blake getting it done, too – Keep it up boys!!!!

  36. kpookiemon

    Watching Hu’s latest flailing strikeout, it struck me (no pun intended) that he seemed heavier than I remember when he came up last September. So I researche and, now I don’t know if the stats are right or wrong, but he was listed at 150 lbs. last year and 190 this year. Ned, or should I say Conte! Keep Hu away from Jones and the buffet table, get a little weight off him, and maybe the bat will come around. Holy cheese cakes!

  37. jhallwally

    Had to step out for a sec. LMAO again E and Eric. You’re inspiring. Kids gettin’ it done baby!!

  38. enchantedbeaver

    My GM has a first name
    Its L-O-G-A-N
    My GM has a second name
    Its W-H-I-T-E
    Oh I want him to be it bad-i-ly
    And if you don’t know why you’ll see
    Cuz our current GM stinks
    Spelled C-O-LL-ET-TI

  39. junkyardjamie

    Okay, why does Maza do that? That is the third time he has went out to get a ball that Andre could have clearly gotten himself. It worked out both times yesterday, fortunately, but it obviously didn’t work out today.

  40. junkyardjamie

    sorry – that was James that hit that last one – trying to multitask, and it’s getting confusing – sorry

  41. enchantedbeaver

    Loney swinging the bat much much better today.

    When does Pierre get a rest??… or a piano??

  42. oldbrooklynfan

    I was wondering if Torre would’ve hit for Kuroda if Ardoin would’ve gotten on.
    Also thinking Kurodo is not an easy out.

  43. jhallwally

    The piano falling on someone means they got injured. The piano fell on Nomore, Jones, and Bennett. Now we need piano’s for Kent and Sweeney.

  44. oldbrooklynfan

    One of the hardest jobs in baseball has to be a Dodger pitcher.
    Kuroda had a great night, LET’S GO BROXTON.

  45. junkyardjamie

    enchanted started the piano thing – right?
    He, jhall and eric have done so many creative things, but I believe it was a story enchanted told about Pierre walking underneath a piano someday, and then it became an everyday thing with many of our PVLs (pathetic veteran losers – which should be trademarked BTW)
    I am sure enchanted will enlighten you if he hasn’t already by the time a type this post.

  46. enchantedbeaver

    That was supposed to be past tense – handled. I thought he did a good job. When can we activate Bennett so we can DFA him??

  47. enchantedbeaver

    Jegi = Piano refers to a post I made a few threads ago regarding all the freak injuries that seemed to mysteriously happen all at once to the worst players. The image was of Ned luring JP to walk under his 5th story window while a piano was being hoisted up.


    When does Young get a chance to play? Wasn’t he the MVP or something like that at Las Vegas last year? The Dodgers need more hitting and that’s his strong point, yet he wastes away on the bench. And LaRoche is wasting away in Vegas. These are two hitters who have proved themselves in the minor leagues, yet they have to take a back seat to the veterans and even other newcomers. Find a place for them in the lineup and let them play for a while and see what they can do. I’m tired of the hypocrisy that Torre demonstrates with the vets and Young – and the way LaRoche is treated. This sure isn’t the Dodger way from the past.

  49. oldbrooklynfan

    You can’t get on Broxton he did the best he could against some of the best hitters in baseball.
    If we had more offense, fewer of these situations would occur.


    I thought ESPN was supposed to be equal and unbiased. I’m sick of listening to the fathead and the grinder monkey. Sutcliffe needs some “alone time” after that inning.

  51. enchantedbeaver

    I’d say Pierre is long overdue for a HR.

    Anyone think he’ll ever get one as a Dodger?


    Another bases loaded situation with less than 2 out. Zero runs scored. I’m so tired of being let down. It’s the same old story.

  53. oldbrooklynfan

    The Dodgers are good at tablesetting……..
    I think they’re just going to school.
    Let just hope someday they will become better then just set the table.

  54. junkyardjamie

    I guess the ESPN crew doesn’t realize that the fans don’t care that Kent, Nomore and Jones are not in the game. We rather have the growing pains – thank you very much!! It hurts to lose like this (not that it’s over yet!), but I am willing to live with it if it means more playing time for the young guns.


    Woo hoo! What’re the odds that we get to see Sweeny bat? He’s such a good hitter! I’m so glad he’s not wasting a roster spot that could be taken up by a more talented player.

  56. oldbrooklynfan

    I got hope for this team they are putting up a wonderful fight against one of the best teams in the N.L.

  57. enchantedbeaver

    Also doesn’t help when your professional lead-off “hitter” goes 0 for 4, and its a little chilly so your “veteran leader” 2B comes down with an acute case of Idon’twannaplayitis.

    Still maybe a month or two from now the table setting turns into a few runs with the younins.

  58. junkyardjamie

    However, in the same situation with Kent/Nomar/Jones/ Sweeney coming up to bat with bases loaded, would anybody have felt any more certain that things would have been different? The young impatient batter will get blamed, once again, but there certainly isn’t any guarantee that a vet wouldn’t have done anything different.
    point exactly, Sweeney!!

  59. leekfink

    Yeah, Sweeney did no more than Loney or Kemp.
    Game on the line, I would most like to have Russell at the plate. Like now.


    this is a late post, but i really could care less to see a bases loaded, one out situation for a long while..

    and sweeney is AWFUL. he’s batting under .100 now.. and for a pinch “hitter” that’s the second clutch situation in the past 3 games that he’s struck out looking.. TAKE THE DAMN BAT OFF YOUR SHOULDER!!

  61. oldbrooklynfan

    This might not make sence to some of you young ones but the Dodgers won tonight.
    They fought hard and although some of you may not understand, they did the best they could.
    Things might even get worse before they get better, but our guys are getting a lot of necessary experience.
    Just hang in there.


    Between Hu, Maza and Pierre, they couldn’t open a bottle of aspirin. We need a power bat. No one on the Dodgers is stepping up. We get guys on base and there they stay. As much as I hate to say it, I think somebody needs to move. We have a lineup comprised of nothing but 6’s, 7’s and 8’s. Great table setters, but no one to clean up.

  63. jhallwally

    I said it earlier E. When we choked with the bases loaded again. I’d rather take the growing pains with the kids than the underperformance of the vets.

  64. junkyardjamie

    We played really hard tonight; it’s too bad the outcome was not representative of how our “young” boys played. Just another night of “growing pains”, but like so many of us think, give us the growing pains over the PVLs any day.


    agreed, they are growing and learning and becoming the experienced players that hopefully management can trust soon enough.. we are just going to have to ride the highs and lows all season.. because they have continually shown they will slump together, and then come alive together.. kuroda deserved better.. it seems he is continually the vicitim of poor run support.. sad

  66. jhallwally

    Like PierreEW said. They will get better. Good experience for them. Keep playing them and we’re only a year or two away.


    To think we was the #1 team and one of 2 team that was hitting over .400 in hitting with the bases loaded since the STL games now I hate to see where we at now.

  68. enchantedbeaver

    How’d I miss that jhall?? Right above one of mine too.

    Perhaps a group hug would be appropriate now.


    the more i think about it.. the next bases loaded, one out situation i see, i will probably cry..


    Can we clone 9 Dewitt’s or 9 Martins’s or maybe 4 Dewitt’s and 5 Martin’s or the other way around.

  71. junkyardjamie

    Just on the outfielder’s front in the last 5 games
    JP’s average has dropped 15 points to .284
    Andre’s has went up 18 points to .309
    Matt’s has dropped 15 points to .310
    **Since his last 0 for 4 game on Saturday, Andre has gone 7 for 13 in the last three games – Nice!!
    Not that there is anything to worry about right now, but I am still keeping track for when and if Andruw comes back.

  72. jhallwally

    Well, the G’nats are up on the DB’s 3 zip top of the 3rd. Let’s hope they can knock them off.


    Well, I’ve come to this conclusion after a total of 7 runs scored in the last 5 games.
    1. We can’t fricking hold a lead.
    2. We can’t come from behind to win a game.
    3. We need some veteran bats in the line-up
    4. We are going to struggle to stay above .500
    5. We need to release Sweeney.
    6. We need to bat Kemp third.
    7. We need a new manager.

  74. junkyardjamie

    It is a very scary thing to hope the gnats win, you know, but I will try – lol!!! I guess I have to take one for the team because eventhough it will hurt really bad – lol!!


    Repko is finally healthy. Lets see what he can do on the Big club and get rid of sweeney and call up Laroche to replace Hu


    Sorry we dont need a new manager we need to fire Ned and promote Logan. If Kent need some days off how about calling up LaRoche and what taken so long? You can moved Dewitt to his normal position at 2nd bases, Maza at SS and LaRoche at 3rd. How much do we have to suffer?

  77. enchantedbeaver

    Well, let’s look at it this way…

    If Ned had done his job correctly and gotten rid of Pierre so that JoJo couldn’t have played head games with Matty and Andre, and had he signed a veteran bat that could’ve produced in the 4 spot, dropping Kent down to 6 or 7, then the pressure to produce all the time wouldn’t be on the young guys like it is now. Right now, they’re it, especially when Idon’twannaplayitscold opts out, now leaving the veteran leadership (cough cough) to Juan Pierre. Compound Kants great leadership with the fact that Marty was going to sit this one out and no offense to Hu/Maza/Ardoin, and even though the right guys were up with the bases loaded, did anyone think we were going to score more than a couple runs anyway?

    Pierre EW is right, even though we lost again, its another step closer to their graduation into bona fide big leagers.


    I think Pierre is good batting 2nd, maybe we should let Martin lead off and like you guys say let Kemp bat 3rd.

  79. edwcarter

    Good point Enchanted. I think as “true blue” Dodger fans we need to come to the realization that this season is a lost cause, and hopefully we get managements buy in within the next “4-6” weeks that we need to be developing the youngsters. With a bit more experience, and after some of the AB’s I saw tonight we need it, we easily win tonights game. The big problem is when Joe jacks everything up with his veteran love.


    I disagree about Torre. I could do as good or better job than Torre is doing and that wouldn’t take much doing…………..

  81. edwcarter

    Question- I know that the “anyone is better than Neddie” is the policy, but why is everyone so high on Logan? I don’t know much about him, so I’m curious why we would want to hire someone working under Ned. Seems like going outside of the organization would be a better option…like St. Louis. Worked out well for them.

  82. junkyardjamie

    gnats just hit another homerun – I can’t believe I am cheering for the gnats to win – this is very, very difficult. I am still at school so I haven’t been given the “Ha, ha, your team lost again!” cheer from my son.
    I will say goodnight to you all. I have to go home and wash all the tye dyed shirts we made for our students. Our Beatles show is on Friday,and there is still so very much to do.
    1968 trivia
    Celtics defeated the Lakers in the NBA championship
    Detroit defeated St. Louis in the World Series
    Greenbay defeated Oakland in the Superbowl
    Ohio State was NCAA football champs
    UCLA was NCAA basketball champs


    I think most of us could do a better than Ned. Torre is doing what he suppose to do and play them regardless even though we might not like it or the lineup but Ned is the one that need to stop signing wash up players.


    First of all Tony Jackson reports that Torre doesn’t expect Furcal to be recovered by the start of our home stand. In that case he will probably need a rehab assignment before he can return. It is obvious that Hu is not ready to be a major league shortstop, and we should send him down and replace him with the next guy in line, which should be DeJesus. He’s supposed to be equal to Hu on defense, and he could hardly do worse on offense. I would at this point be very wary of signing Furcal to a long term contract – probably would not have any negotiations along those lines until I saw how Furcal did the rest of the season. Therefore, we should see if DeJesus might be an answer within the organization, or whether we have to go outside after the season – always a danger in having to trust Ned to do that. If Kent continues to experience his back problem, now would be the time to see if DY can handle it. I still have to keep asking what DY is for.

    I’m not going to get discouraged if we keep playing our young guys – let’s see what they’ve got. I don’t really think that Nomar and Jones would make this team any better. Kent is clearly not doing the job of a contending team cleanup guy. So, let’s keep the young guys playing and something might gell before the season is over. And for God’s sake, GET RID OF SWEENEY NOW – he just brings a bad smell to the club.

  85. junkyardjamie

    One more thing – thanks for all the laughs,
    The songs are incredible!!!!!!!
    I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
    Now I go home to gnat fans, who’s team is winning right now – yuck!! Yes, I know, taking one for the team! Dodgers – you need to win tomorrow so I don’t have to cheer on the Gnats for two days in a row. I can only handle a day at a time – lol!!


    edwcarter just ask messagebear and he would tell you he wanted Logan as GM now sicne last year.

  87. enchantedbeaver

    Ed – Logan White isn’t a Ned crone – he was actually hired many years ago by Dan Evans. He’s the Assistant GM of Scouting and is responsible for Kemp, Martin, LaRoche, DeWitt, Hu, Loney, Billingsley, Broxton and Kershaw to name a few. Ethier I believe was his recommendation to Ned as was Kuroda. White knows talent where obviously Ned doesn’t. Actually a tandem act of White making the baseball decisions and Kim Ng running the negociations and operations side would be a great move for the franchise.

  88. lny4loney

    Tough loss.
    The way I feel about Fukudome is within his name. He makes some nice plays … bonehead.
    Two nights in a row that Loney almost cleared a full set of bases. Dang.
    Edmonds made a nice play on Loney too.
    Nice pinch-hit by the underutilized Delwyn Young.
    Statistically, it would have made more sense to let Hu hit and have Delwyn hit for Cory Wade. Although Hu’s batting average is .179, that’s still gives us almost double the chance for a hit over the .098-hitting Sweeney. Also, considering that Sweeney hasn’t homered sinc last July and has had only 2 extra-base hits in his last 85 at-bats his “power potential” was a non-factor.
    Now that Sweeney is actually BELOW .100, is there a piano ready for him?
    PVL Jeff Kent and cleanup hitter Jeff Kent couldn’t suck it up for one AB? He ain’t no Kirk Gibson, that’s for sure.
    Tough pitching draw for us tomorrow — Carlos Zambrano. Lowe will have to be at the top of his game.
    Slappy hitting leadoff:
    Average — .235
    OBP —— .287
    Slappy has only four doubles and zero triples this year which pretty much cancels out his 19 stolen bases (4 caught stealing). Wouldn’t we do better having a guy who occasionally got into scoring position right out of the batter’s box?
    Kemp should hit third now and for the next decade or so. But if JoJo refuses to see that, why not put him in the leadoff spot for a while? That would be an exciting way to start a game!


    How many years in a row are we gonna try and win with no offense. It’s so boring and obviously not working.

  90. cpompe1

    Hey dodgereric; I was cracking up at your Sweeney stats! Great going! That just about sums it up for me to. Oh, by the way in your later post, it’s Delwyn Young, not Delmon Young. Delmon is with Minnesota. 🙂

    About the game it was not fun for me to watch; especially when my Cubby husband was also in the same room (although, he’s good about not rubbing it into me when the Dodgers lose to his Cubbys). I’m certainly a huge fan and certainly no baseball expert but I am having a hard time explaining to myself why they can seemingly win 10 in a row and then lose 10 in a row; or, in other words, why they are so streaky!?! I really want the kids to play and I’m thrilled that they are; I guess I’m just too impatient…

    Better luck tomorrow…

  91. jhallwally

    DB’s lose. At least we didn’t lose any ground. Tough game tomorrow. Got their ace. Hope we can at least sneak out of Chicago with 1 win.
    Hey Cpom, good for your hubby. I have often found Cub fans to be very courteous and fun. Maybe it is from being perennial door mats but they enjoy baseball and love their Cubbies thru thick and most times thin. One of my really good friends is a huge Cub fan from Indiana and he is great to talk to about baseball and watch a game with. We’ve been to Wrigley a couple of times. That place is great.


    It’s simple cp..

    Without star hitters the dodgers cant get thru collective bad luck or slumps..No one can carry the load like Kent did in 04 and Drew did late in 05.

    We started the last 20 games by giving one of our worst hitter s the most plate apperances. JP is a streaky hitter, by having zero threat at the top, you loose. We are scoing 3 runs a game less with him up there.

    Our project 4-5 hitters for the year have 63 total runs generated (runs scored and rbi). By contrast Lance Berkman has 99. By Himself.

    Loosing our best hitter and having to replace him with truly our worst hitter (Hu) on an already weak offense.

    Lowe and Penny have era over 5.


    Again, I disagree with Joe Torre’s managerial accomplishments.
    He was 257 wins and 229 losses with Atlanta
    He was 286 wins and 420 losses with Mets
    He was 351 wins and 354 losses with St. Louis
    He was 1173 and 767 with the Yankees with an owner able to buy any player available, but when he has to manage a club with average ballplayers, he cannot seem to get the most from those players. I’m not sold as yet on Torre……………….

  94. enchantedbeaver

    Could be in for another long day today with Zambrano. Just going to have to be patient right now. Being all kids there’s no one for the opposing pitcher to have to pitch around, and its going to be that way until they prove they can hit consistantly.

  95. junkyardjamie

    The more I think about last night’s game. We could have had an additional 2/3 runs if Pierre did his job and got on base. All 3 of Andre’s hits had very good contact, and if Pierre would have been on second or third (doing what Pierre does in stealing bases), he would have easily scored on two of them. I know I am talking if’s, but it is apparent that we need Furcal back, or somebody else needs to be lead off. Let’s try anybody for a day, just to see what happens. It definitely couldn’t hurt.
    Here’s to hopefully a brighter day for baseball. I know it will be a tough game, but we have a good tough group of kids, who will fight till the end.
    The gnats won very quietly in my house last night. No major cheering or evil banter on my behalf. Part of it is today is my 20th wedding anniversary, and I think my husband told my son, Michael, to stay away. So, I took the gnats win with very little pain and discomfort.
    check in with you all later – my school day is about to start, and we are practicing for our show – the tye dyed shirts look incredible – very 60’s. We even have 4 little boys that are dressed up like the Beatles on the cover of their Abbey Road album – too cute!!


    Talking about Torre, I’m really getting sick of all the commentators’ accolades for him single-handedly keeping the team above .500, what with all the veterans missing from the lineup. Aside from the loss of Furcal, I don’t think anybody on this forum would expect Nomar and Druw to make any positive difference to the club, and everybody is wondering what it will ever take to get rid of Sweeney. The young guys will understandably go through streaks, and our #1 and #2 pitchers really haven’t been much help, nor has Kent performed like a cleanup want should. Admittedly, our middle infield is perhaps only at AAA level, and something else needs to be tried if we are to stay in contension. How about giving DY a shot at second, and why not bring up LaRoche to lend a bat. We’re not likely to go anywhere this season, and we may be surprised if a number of the youngsters gell together. The worst thing would be to make another trade for the names I’ve seen suggested for an interim ss player.

  97. kpookiemon

    As shad said last night “Come on Ned send Hu and Sweeney down and called up LaRoche and Repko.” Couldn’t agree more.

    Furcal’s injury has been a complete disaster. Even when he comes back (whenever that is), he won’t be near the same player he was, both in his timing and in his health.

    Ned, your vets are breaking down. Furcal can’t answer the bell. Kent can’t answer the bell. Nomar can’t answer the bell. Jones can’t answer the bell. Loaiza couldn’t answer the bell. Schmidt couldn’t answer the bell. (We all wish Sweeney and Pierre couldn’t answer the bell). I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it’s eye-opening. And as I posted last night, according to statistics, Hu weighed in at 150 lbs last September and 190 lbs. right now. Who’s in charge of conditioning on this club? Conte????

  98. jhallwally

    Evidently, Ronald McDonald is in charge of conditioning.

  99. dodgereric

    Happy Anniversary, dnel!

    I got to see very little of the game, but I was watching when Andre drew the walk to load the bases and I remarked to my wife that I wished that hadn’t happened. I wanted him to hit the ball. Just had a feeling.

  100. junkyardjamie

    I think they pitched around Andre – they didn’t give him anything to hit (compliments to him, of course) – I would have done the same thing, knowing that even the ball that was caught earlier was a shot. I would’ve taken my chances on James and Matt striking out, too, if I were in the Cubs’ situation.

  101. junkyardjamie

    Thanks for the blessings!
    And yes, I will send pictures of the show – tye dye, blackbirds, and yellow submarines – very cool so far!! We are talking 5,6 and 7 year olds singing the Beatles – incredible!!!


    It is apparent that we need Rafy back in the lineup.
    But to put it on Pierre that he couldn’t get on base is wrong.
    Dodgers had some key hitters at bat when it counted but did not come up(Looney & Kemp). As far as Dewitts’s error goes i don’t think anyone has commented on that. Dewitt makes that play and gets one out atleast at first, Cubs don’t rally to get 3 runs in that inning. Maybe just one run.
    All i have to say is Kordua had another nice outing to bad his record does not show other wise.
    So once again going back to the issue we had in the off season, he need a power bat at the clean up spot. Andruw is not cutting it or Kent. As for the kids i think it is to much to ask for them for the time being. Eventually it will come around for them. Hope to win the division, but that’s all i see happening. Hopefully Diamonds backs continue the way they are going and hopefully they get some injuries along the way. Or else we are in trouble.

  103. jhallwally

    Yep, DeWitts error was crucial. Opened the door. I am not complaining as he has been very solid on defense for the most part and since I want the kids to play, I will live thru the growing pains. Pitchers have made the adjustments to Loney and Kemp, now they have to make adjustments. It takes time to develope as a good major league hitter as someone pointed out yesterday with the average ages of the league leading hitters. That is why getting these guys AB’s now is important if we want them to mature as hitters and players. I think we all know there will be growing pains and are willing to go thru them for the future of our team. In a couple of years we could be back on top and a perennial power again.

  104. junkyardjamie

    Pierre didn’t get on base at all last night, and he is supposed to be one of the so-called “veteran” players who the young kids are supposed to be looking up to (because of our young players lack of experience). I am not saying that he should have gotten on base all four times, but maybe once would have been nice. My reaction was more based on how the ESPN crew was talking about how great a ball player he is, and, yet he didn’t produce anything at the plate either. I must say he did make some great catches in the outfield. 🙂

  105. enchantedbeaver

    That’s really the issue here – do we want to sacrafice the youth and try and win now, or do we let the kids learn in order to be a perennial power in a couple years. Ned’s proven he knows nothing of building a winner now, so let’s stay the course with the kids, bite the bullet this year. and see what we’ve got coming out the other side of the tunnel.

    Our guys are where AZ and CO we’re a year and a half, maybe two years ago. Our kids on average have a lot more talent amongst them though than on those teams. There will still be holes to plug and needs to fill, but right now trying to address those issues is a guessing game. I’d rather they wait and see what they have before they go off halfcocked and do the wrong thing.

  106. jhallwally

    I agree totally E. Yep Nelly, it was disgusting to listen to them talk about how good Phew is last night. All I can say is, they don’t have to see him every freaking day. He did play some good defense last night. He is really stinking up the leadoff spot. Bat Kemp or Marty leadoff.

  107. jhallwally

    Like you said E. In a couple of years with the kids there will still be a hole or two to fill but we will know exactly what that hole is and should have plenty of money available to get a quality FA in their prime to fill it. That is if Ned doesn’t continue to waste it on washed up players in the tail end of their careers that fail miserably.

  108. junkyardjamie

    Well said enchanted. Boy, the rox sure have hit some bad luck with their young players (Tulowitski, Barmes, Holliday, Hawpe, and even Adkins on occasion). Let’s hope our young guys stay healthy (ie – DeWitt’s back).

  109. enchantedbeaver

    I guess our biggest hope is that we’re far enough out of it this year at the trade deadline that Ned doesn’t make the mistake of thinking we have a shot at anything. If he would just unload Kant, JP and Lowe for some prospects, in effect overstocking the farm, then we can take account of the situation before the winter meetings and address a need or two. At some point we’ll have to deal a prospect or two to fill some holes, but with an overstocked farm, you can do that.

    And before I would even let the Curacao Cow® anywhere near a ballfield, I’d put him on a conditioning program and get his sorry keister back down to 210-215 and in top shape. He’d also have to prove to me in 20 days that he can hit AAA pitching. If not, DFA the… gentleman.

  110. jhallwally

    Hurts Our Team©
    Sung to Hurts So Good by John Cougar

    When they were all young men.
    Yeah, some of those old vets could play.
    Now they’re gettin’ so much older.
    I wish that they would just go away.

    With a vet like Phew.
    With a vet like Phew.
    Lord knows there are things he can’t do, baby.
    Can’t hit or throw.
    Come on and trade his a**.

    Hurts our team.
    Come on, you know he hurts our team.
    Most of your vets don’t play so good.
    You know they, hurt our team.

    You know, Jeffy ain’t so exciting.
    When he bats 4th he rarely drives in runs, yeah.
    Curacao Cow looked so inviting.
    He ain’t as good as you are dumb.
    Hey Ned your a fool.
    We know you ain’t got the tools.
    Hope your a** will be gone soon, Yeah.
    Let’s see what White can do.
    Come on and take a hike.

    Hurts our team.
    Come on Ned, you know you’ve hurt our team.
    Most of your moves, they ain’t so good.
    You know they’ve, hurt our team.

    You ain’t makin’ no good deals.
    Taking old vets off the shelf.
    You ain’t very bright Ned.
    Maybe you should step down, before its too late.
    Please step down, before its too late.

    Hurts our team.
    Come on Ned, you make me want to scream.
    Most of your moves, they ain’t so good.
    You know they, hurt our team.

    Hurts our team.
    Come on Ned, hurry up and leave.
    Most of your moves, they ain’t so good.
    You know you’ve, hurt our team.

    Hurts our team, yeah, hurts our team, yeah, yeah.

  111. dodgereric

    IMO, Pierre gets talked up in the media because they’re dealing with him face-to-face and he’s a nice guy. They don’t really care if he’s doing the job or not or whether he’s overpaid for what he does or whether he’s playing in place of someone who deserves it more. All they know is that he’s hard-working and personable and gets a lot of grief from schmucks like us. Not once do you hear them mention his OBP or his utter failure to provide the number one requirement of a lead off hitter – to get on base with regularity. As of right now, he’s hitting .284 (42 for 148) (.350 OBP). Not great, but not horrible, right? But he’s hitting .235 (19 for 81) (and .287 OBP) in the leadoff role. And that IS horrible, and not in any way praise-worthy. And another thing – has anyone else noticed that he can’t steal off lefties? Maybe it’s my imagination, but every time I see him on first against a southpaw, he stays there.

  112. jhallwally

    Thanks Eric. You’re right. Phew ain’t getting it done in the leadoff spot. His only good stretch was about 5 games batting behind Ferk when he was on fire.


    A quick comment on Dewitt’s error last night. I watched the replay, and yes Blake should have gloved it. But If Blake would have laid off . . . everybody would have been safe anyways, cause Hu was playing for the double play. (so essentially, it would have just been an infield hit instead of an E on Dewitt).

    I don’t blame Hu either, cause I know he was playing the Double Play, but slow rollers are just a pain in the ***.

    But what about the pitching? After that play, the cubs rolled off some back to back hits, causing the 3 runs in the 7th. So blame the pitching a bit as well.

    Blake got called for the error and probably felt a little responsible for the loss, but it was really a matter of him hustling his *** off for a ball in no man’s land.

    Another comment about Dewitt . . . it seems to be he is the only Dodger that can hit in the clutch. 6-7 with the bags loaded, and always knocking in the ducks when given the chance (just like last night), so I guess I feel bad for him, that he seemed like the culprit for the loss last night . . . when he was simply just hustling his ***.

  114. jhallwally

    Good point Pheeter. That was a tough chance and probably an infield single anyway as you pointed out.

  115. enchantedbeaver

    I just don’t get it…

    You don’t have to be a baseball genius to come up with better line-ups and better personel management than we have now running the show. True we’re third person and don’t have to deal with personalities, but the object of leadership is to lead. How often do you have to see JP fail as a lead-off hitter, or Kant and a clean-up hitter or Sweeney as a PH before you say to yourself, this ain’t working?

    My god if I was a HOF manager and little Jeffy came to me saying “I thought I was playing today” or “I don’t wanna play its too cold”, he’d be in my office door closed getting an ear full. If it happened a second time I’d be in Ned’s office telling hime to get rid of his whiny butt. I certainly wouldn’t change my line-up to accommodate him.

    Same thing with Ned. Pierre’s mom calls and he hasn’t been out of the line-up since. Let him cry his sorry behind all the way to the bank, the rest of us have to work for a living.

    With the current “leadership” from Frank on down, I don’t think I’d trust them to be able to take tickets at the gate, let along run this organization properly.

  116. junkyardjamie

    Incredible – jhall!!
    Nice mix of music, I might add. You, along with enchanted and eric, (Kahli, too) have used music from all genres – nice going!!
    I second (3rd, 4th, etc whatever it takes) the motion to lead off Kemp and bat Marty clean up. Like you said – what can it hurt?

  117. dodgereric

    Not to mention that he knocked in the only run we got, right?

    Agreed on the shakeup of the lineup. What can it hurt? What primal law of the universe would we be breaking? It’s not anywhere near as weird as batting the pitcher 8th.

    I’ll never blame anyone for an error of commission. Blake’s hustling. It pisses me off when people point the finger at an error as if it were the sole reason for a loss. That stuff just happens. It’s not like the Cubs were killing Brox. The thing that I hope that Brox took from last night was watching the other guy in the ninth. Wood went right after us. I’m sick to death of watching our guys get ahead 0-2 and then nibble for the black with that 96MPH heat and end up 3-2. If I had that kind of talent and got ahead 0-2, you bet I’d be challenging the hitters. Maddox has to paint the corners ’cause he only throws 80. Crank it up and blow ’em down! Babe Ruth is dead. Throw strikes.

  118. jhallwally

    I’d like to see what DeWitt can do at 2nd while Jeffy is out. Start DeWitt at 2nd, Marty at 3rd, and Ardoin catching. With Bennett gone its not so bad resting Marty at 3rd.

  119. junkyardjamie

    No, we don’t want Ned reading the article but I love this line from it:
    ‘Why would I pay ‘X’ amount of dollars [to a veteran] when I have this guy I’ve been developing the whole time?'”
    Maybe Ned needs to take that advice

  120. kpookiemon

    With apologies to all the Carpenters haters out there, it’s almost as if they had a vision many moons ago…

    Bless the team of the children
    For in Ned’s world they have no voice
    They have no choice

    Bless the team of the children
    For the team can never be
    The team they see

    Light their way
    When bad moves abound
    Give them hope
    When creaky vets break down

    Bless the team of the children
    Give them shelter from Ned’s storm
    Keep them ready
    Keep them warm

    Light their way
    When Ned’s darkness surrounds them
    Give them a start
    If only for one game

    Bless the team of the children
    Give them shelter from Ned’s storm
    Keep them ready
    Keep them warm

  121. junkyardjamie


  122. enchantedbeaver

    Wow – never saw that one coming Kahli!!!

    OK I have to admit, I’m a closet Carpenters lover. Karen and I sing on the same octive.

    She sings a little better though…

    And yes I like Bread too, and I even went to a Barry Manilow concert in Fresno. There, I’ve said it.

  123. dodgereric

    Nice one kahli!!! I was working during lunch myself:

    All alone at the end of the evening
    And the bright lights have faded away
    I was thinking ’bout a player who might have loved it here
    and I never knew
    You know I’ve always been a Dodger fan
    (spent my dough buyin’ gear)
    And it’s so hard to stop
    (Shirt sizes goin’ up)
    But the teams I’ve seen lately
    Keep on popping out and striking out
    And grounding out the same

    So DFA Sweeney
    And show me a sign
    And get LaRoche to LA one more time

    You can spend all your time making money
    You can spend all your money on PVLs
    If a piano fell on all of them tomorrow
    Could you field a team?

    But then just look to the minors
    (There’s some good talent there)
    And you can’t find the guts
    (To let the vets all go)
    When there’s nothing but kids there
    Still the fans come back, they’re coming back,
    they’re coming back for more

    So put me in the ballpark
    And show me a sign
    That you know what you’re doing just one time

    That you know what you’re doing
    That you know what you’re doing
    That you know what you’re doing just one time

  124. junkyardjamie

    challenge: come up with a song using Elton John lyrics or maybe Billy Joel. I have to leave this stuff up to you guys – I know my music but I can’t think creatively like this to change it all around. enchanted, jhall, eric, and kahli, you truly are “the chosen ones”

  125. kpookiemon

    OK, when my mom was in her last few years I took her to see the likes of Steve and Eyde, Johnny Mathis, Englebert Humperdink, Vicki Carr, and Vic Damone. BEAT THAT LINE-UP…if you even want to… The softest rock show I ever attended would be…………………………………sorry, CSN might be the softest…and THEY ROCKED.

  126. junkyardjamie

    LOL!! eric

    I haven’t been to one of their concerts(carpenters or Manilow), but I used to have all of their albums, along with Captain and Tenille, Donnie and Marie, and then I broke out into rock with Billy Joel and Elton John. Nowadays, I listen to everything across the board. It’s kind of like baseball – I can’t play it, but I love to watch it (I can’t sing or play music, but I love to listen)

  127. jhallwally

    Totally awesome guys. We’ve got to be the happiest bunch of bloggers out here. LOL. Considering we bitch about the management and old tired a** players so much. At least we have a sense of humor about it. HaHa. I too, happen to love the Carpenters. Have their first 4 albums on vinyl and Greatest Hits on CD as well as the Christmas album. Karen was truly talented and had a super voice. Up there with Judy Garland in my opinion. Wish I could have seen them live. Her premature demise is a real tragedy.
    C’mon Nelly, give it a try when schools out and you have more time. Once you get started its really easy.

  128. dodgereric

    What´s the matter with the guys I’m playin’?
    Aren’t you paying me to field a team?
    Maybe I should get some more old goats?
    Welcome back to the age of iron.
    Where have you been hidin`out lately, honey?
    You can’t make the playoffs ‘less you spend a lot of money.
    Everybody’s talkin“bout the new teams baby,
    but Dodger Stadium still seems full to me.

    What’s the matter with the centerfielder baby?
    Can you tell that he’s way too fat?
    Should I make him go to Weight Watchers baby?
    You mean you’re gonna tell him that?
    Nowadays you can’t be too sentimental
    Even if his waist could run a Lincoln Continental.
    Hot funk, cool punk, even if it´s old junk.
    Dodger Stadium still seems full to me.

    Oh, it doesn’t matter what they say in the papers
    `Cause it’s always been the same old scene.
    There’s new man in town
    Who will never admit that he’s wrong
    In a paper or a magazine…
    Aimed at your average teen.

    How about a pair of washed up Giants
    In a bright orange pair of pants?
    You could overpay for Barry Bonds baby,
    if you just give me half a chance.
    Don’t waste your money on a bright young player,
    That Logan White signed and can get along with neighbors
    Next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways.
    Dodger Stadium still seems full to me.

    What’s the matter with the crowd I’m seeing?
    They look like empty seats.
    Don’t they know that I’m trying to spend their money?
    Even if I don’t get results.
    Don’t they know about the new teams honey?
    All you need are looks and a whole lotta money.”
    It’s the next phase, new wave, dance craze, anyways
    Dodger Stadium still seems full to me.

    Everybody’s talkin“bout the new teams baby,
    but Dodger Stadium still seems full to me.

  129. enchantedbeaver

    Another ballad. To Lobo’s I’d Love You to Want Me:

    When Frank saw him standin’ there
    He ‘bout fell of his chair
    And when he moved to Hollywood
    He thought he’d do the team some good

    Now it took time for Joe to know
    What they all brought to the show
    Now something in my soul just cries
    Its just the PVLs he do prize

    JoJo, I’d love you to leave us
    Take Colletti with you
    Want Logan to lead us
    JoJo, New York didn’t need you
    What makes you think we do
    If you’d only let us be

    You told yourself years ago
    Vet’rans were the way to go
    But we’ve a much younger team
    And now your stepping on their dreams

    JoJo, I’d love you to leave us
    Take Colletti with you
    Want Logan to lead us
    JoJo, New York didn’t need you
    What makes you think we do
    If you’d only let us be


    Kid is going crazy or I’d finish..Jane says by Janes Addiction

    Joe says
    I’m done with Andruw Jones
    He hits just like a ragdoll
    Jason hides
    Behind The television..
    Says “Pierre won’t do nothing,
    But if he pops out again
    Tell him to wait right here for me he can go 1 for 5

  131. scott_in_arcadia

    jane’s addiction…good one, jason.

    Anyone here been listening to Dick Banks’ Laker/Dodger player songs on 710 AM here in L.A.?

    “Fat Andruw Jones” taken from “Bad to the Bone”


    Pierre gets mad
    And he starts to cry
    Takes a swing but he can’t hit!
    he don’t mean no harm
    he just don’t know…
    What else to do about it

  133. junkyardjamie

    eric, enchanted, – absolutely incredible!!!
    jungar’s gotten into the action of the creative spirits – way to go, jungar!
    jhall, I will definitely give it try!! This is too much fun!!
    This is one crazy group we have here!! It’s great to be serious and have fun at the same time – too cool 🙂


    Straight Outta L.A. a crazy mo-fo named Jo-Jo
    Kent hits clean-up and Kemp will hit too low
    JP is number 1 at bat
    Whatcha think about that?
    We don’t have a C-F cuz Andruw is too fat
    Straight Outta L.A. a team with inflated payroll
    Is that Brett Tomko or that mo-fo D-lowe?
    Nomar…Andruw…Jason Schmidt
    On the DL with millions is where they sit
    Straight Outta L.A. a G.M. called Ned
    Signin’ free agents that are next to dead
    Ned says:
    “We need experience” cuz numbers don’t matter son
    Get off the phone Ned we don’t want Corey Patterson!

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