Rubber game

I figured after posting back-to-back lineups that got changed minutes after I put them up, there was no point in posting yesterdays. It seems to have worked, as the lineup stayed the same and the team came through with a nice win.

It’s pretty amazing that there are nine different nationalities on the team and yesterday was the first time in baseball history that a Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese pitcher appeared in the same game. The globalization of baseball is really something that’s hard to fathom.

No lineup to post yet, but in case I don’t get to it later, don’t forget to tune into the Sunday night show on KABC 790 from 7-10 p.m. tonight. Wes Parker is the 60s guest of the week, as we gear up for next weekend’s 60s celebration at Dodger Stadium. I wasn’t around then, but for those of you who were fans in the 60s, what’s your favorite memory of that decade?



    My favorite memories of the 60’s are every time Sandy Koufax pitched a game. We didn’t get to see as many games on tv as we do now so it was a rare treat indeed to watch him pitch. I lived in the St. Louis area and it was great to see Koufax or Don Drysdale go up against Bob Gibson. I sure listened to a lot of games on the radio though. I could pick up St. Louis, Cubs, Braves, Cincinnati, Houston and Pirates games on the radio.

  2. berkowit28

    You know that the answer is going to be “Koufax” from just about everyone who was here then. So is Sandy going to be here for this 60s celebration weekend? And who else?

  3. jhallwally

    Unfortunately I was quite young in the early/mid 60’s. I can remember seeing Koufax and Drysdale pitch on TV a few times and the Dodgers winning the 65 WS. That is when they became my favorite team. However at that age I did not have the appreciation for what I was seeing that I would had I been 5 years older or so. The most exciting memory of the 60’s baseball was watching the 68 WS and Gibson fan 18 Tigers in one game and the 7 game series with Gibson and Lolich both pitching incredibly. Also, watching Mickey Mantle even if he wasn’t near the player he was in the 50’s was classic. 70’s is when I really got passionate about the Dodgers. Those were the days. Hope we get back to that level again soon.

  4. oldbrooklynfan

    My memory of the ’60s is the pitching of Koufax & Drysdale.
    The timely hitting and base running of Wills. Tommy Davis’ batting averages. The weak hitting and the 3 world series.
    The unforgetable dominating 1963 World Series getting back at a team that dominated us in Brooklyn. The exciting 1965 World Series and infamous 1966 World Series when nothing went right topped off by Koufax’s retiring.

  5. jhallwally

    Sure would be nice today regardless of the lineup to have Lowe pitch like a front line top of the rotation guy.

  6. ksparkuhl

    Today’s lineup from Tony Jackson…
    Pierre, DH
    Ethier, LF
    Martin, C
    Kent, 2B
    Loney, 1B
    Kemp, RF
    DeWitt, 3B
    Jones, CF
    Hu, SS


    I can’t I am so sick of Pierre and his
    .178 .229 .200 .429

    as leadoff.

    Give DY a shot today.

  8. jhallwally

    Yep Jungar, except for that and Kent it is a good lineup. Plug Ferk when healthy in at leadoff and sit Phew and it would be much better. I’d rather have Maza in at 2nd than Kent. He will at least hit .236 and provides better defense.

  9. enchantedbeaver

    At least Kemp’s back in there jungar.

    Don’t know which sounds funnier – Jones or Pierre as our designated “hitter.” Or it could be Kent as our “clean-up.”


    If we tried Young at 2b and Ethier in LF we would be alot better.

    Or if we called up LaRoche and played him at 2nd or 3rd (DeWitt maybe to 2nd) and then played Ethier, Young, Kemp we would be even better and a heck of alot cheaper. those guys can go 2 games over 500 in 42 games played cant they?

    But whatever. It’s game time and pierre already makes an idiotic play. my 6 month old knew he was stealing. he is a selfish player in my observation.

  11. jhallwally

    Thank god no Bennett or Sweeny!! I don’t want to see those slugs again. Pathetic that is all Ned could come up with for our bench. What a maroon as Bugs would say.

  12. enchantedbeaver

    Yeah, bennett already had his game of the year. He can’t throw (remind you of anyone?) Why not call up Ardoin? He’s hitting decent at Vegas and I doubt he has any illusions of playing regularly.


    I was around during the 60’s and echo those who recall the excitement of watching Koufax, Drysdale and Wills, I do recall vividly extreme disappointment at losing the playoff to the hated Giants in 1962 followed by extreme euphoria the next year with the sweep over the almost equally hated Yankees.


    How long do you suppose Torre will keep Kent in the cleanup slot just because he’s a future HOF’er. If he can’t even hit anymore, we should let Maza show what he can do. Could be no worse than we’re getting from Kent at this stage.

  15. enchantedbeaver

    “bout as long as he let’s Jones hit his way out of his “slump” bear.

    Lowe’s not even hittin 90 on his fastball. Remind you of a DL’d pitcher of ours?

  16. alex41592

    Hu wasn’t even on the bag, that throw might not be on Loney it was on line as opposed to yesterday when it went over Hu’s head.


    Well, Loney threw the ball where he should have. Maybe a little wide but Hu slow in covering.

    I knew we were in trouble when the first man walked.

    Lowe needs to get his **** together


    Lowe absolutely stinks. The way Weaver pitched the last time out, we are out of this.

    Trade Lowe. He’s worthless


    Too early to give up but Lowe has been disappointing. The error set the tone no matter who made the bad play.


    I really have no faith in Lowe’s pitching. I hope we’re rid of him by July and can get something in trade for him from one of the contenders.

    As for Loney, I’m wondering whether things have come just too easily for him this season. He seems to be letting up and taking it too casually. His hitting is way below his potential, and now he’s becoming very sloppy with his throws around the infield. Wish we had somebody legitimate to contend with him for his slot on the field. It’s time for Bowa to chew his a** something fierce.


    The great Steve Garvey had trouble making throws; he was a scatter arm when he came up as a third baseman. In fact, Garvey was reluctant to even make those throws to second base and usually recorded the easy out first. As I recall, Garv had trouble gripping the ball. Hopefully Loney will learn to make these throws.


    Bowa needs to chew several As*** Weaver is making the hitters look pathetic. Jones missed the third pitch a mile

  23. crzblue2

    I am glad I went to the game yesterday instead of today. And I should have benched Lowe today like I did when he pitched in Colorado. Rats, rats!

    Of all the stadiums I have attended, my friend and I found Anaheim ballpark the one with the unfriendliest people working there. It had been a few years since I visited that stadium.

  24. alex41592

    Lets not get hysterical and think Nomar over Loney for even one game is a good idea. Today’s throw was more on Hu. Regardless Loney needs to work on that play…but he knows that.

  25. jhallwally

    Need to make the son of a _____ throw alot of pitches these next 2 innings. Get his butt out of there.


    Ned, the sooner you can trade Lowe, the better I’ll feel. Any decent AAA starting pitcher would be a resonable swap. Can we trust you to be able to do that much?


    With AJ’s decline, I can only picture that next season his avg. should get down to around .120. Of course Torre will still be waiting for him to turn it around.


    Hey messagebear, they’ll want to sign AJ for a couple more years till he gets in the groove.


    Well, we aren’t the comeback team down 5 runs, this is over, I’m going to go barbecue.


  30. edwcarter

    I’ve just come to the conclusion that we suck. No sense in playing vets if we are rebuilding. The Dbacks are a great example of this, look how its working out for them.


    I agree. Realistically, with two bad pitchers 1 and 2, kent and jones not likely to be substantial contributors, what are we really hoping for. I don’t want Kershaw to come up before September and risk injury. Coletti has alot of work to do. We are looking at another two years when Kershaw and one of the other kids coming up to pitch to join Bills and Kuroda.

  32. kpookiemon

    My favorite memory of the 60s is driving in the car with my brother and my dad, and my dad slamming the roof of the car when the “powderpuff” Dodgers (as he used to call them) would scratch out a run. Is it any wonder my life is wacky and I had my account denied???


    Yeah, well, we suck big time. Cardinals just won their second game in a row on a comeback in the bottom of the 9th. We just are not a team that’s able to do that at this point. May be some time.

    We need Lugo and Betemit. HA HA


    I wish we had Edwin Jackson back another good performance and TB bullpen blow it again.


    My greatest moment at the park. I saw Sandy pitch a no hitter and Big Frank Howard hit a 3 run shot. 3-0. Somebody legged out a KO when Johnny Roseboro fumbled a third strike pitch. What a Game.


    The list of players we need to trade is bigger than the ones we would keep. Proctorologist sucks…


    new lineup with furcal is back:
    Furcal SS
    Martin C
    Loney 1b
    Dewitt 3b
    Kemp CF
    Kent /Young 2b
    Ethier LF
    Pierre RF

    Rotation Penny, Bills, Kuroda, Park, Kuo


    Where’s Kemp. He needs to play. He may make some mistakes but he has the potential. Loney and Either are good average players like our team. Marty and Kemp are in a different class. Dewitt may be there. Lets move Pretty boy Either out .


    If you talking about Mike Napoli he was always good so don’t started with him looking good.


    You can get Jones out no matter where you throw the pitch. He’s pathetic. Sent him somewhere, we don’t care if he gets picked up on wavers. I would tell him he’s going to AAA till he starts hitting

  41. kpookiemon

    Joe, it’s really hot. Get your good players out of the game. Andruw and Pierre and Kent can stay in. They need the work and the heat will do their aging bodies good.


    Jones can’t go to AAA, but I agree he should be released. Ned should admit it just didn’t work out. I would say Jones is a victim of the post steroid era, but he’s not exactly slim.

  43. kpookiemon

    Scioscia will be gracious: “We were able to put a few balls in play today and take advantage of some scoring opportunities…” Translation: We lit up their sorry a** pitching. I wish they were in our division…”


    Why doesn’t Young ever get a chance to play? He can outhit several who are playing regularly and his defense isn’t that bad. He’s just wasting away on the bench when we are in desperate need of some hitting. He could have DH this series, but no such luck. I’ll bet that the most productive outfield we could field would be Young, Kemp, and Ethier. And that would have cost milllions and millions of dollars less. Instead, Ned wastes the money and Torre plays the waste while talent wastes away on the bench.


    That’s a lot of “waste” words in your post, redfox, but understandable in connection with Ned and Torre both.


    A fitting end by A**H*** Jones. Sweeney also excelled in his cameo appearance. Thanks for all the stiffs, Ned – you’re the biggest A**H*** of them all.

  47. oldbrooklynfan

    It’s getting booring trying to see HOW Andruw will strike out. You know he will , but how will he look.
    He flat can’t hit.
    Got to turn the page on this one.
    Which isn’t too hard.


    On a positive note, it is nice to see a couple of guys who are just proud to have made it to the big leagues and who are putting out all they’ve got to relish that opportunity, even if it may be a brief one in some cases. I like Maza, who’s trying to prove something and beat the odds that have defied him for eight years, and we’ve, of course, got Blake who’s hopefully is going to make it last. These are the kind of guys that you can cheer and who make up for the disappointments of some of our highly paid slugs. My hat is off to them, and I enjoy watching you, you underdogs!!!

  49. enchantedbeaver

    Well, we know Ethier will be back on the pine tomorrow…

    Note to DB & JoJo – The Curacao Cow ain’t gonna get any better. Neither is Sweeney. Neither is Trigger. Neither is Lowe. Neither is Kent (2 RBI or not.)

    The sooner Frank fires Ned, hires White and accepts that we’re rebuilding, the sooner we’ll have a winning team. My guess 2010/2011. Keep going Ned’s way, never.


    i know you can’t just send a. jones to the minors, but couldn’t they exagerate the injury (like they do in the NBA) that forced him to DH this weekend. this guy really, really needs to spend 15 days working on his timing somewhere, plus a little humility in AAA or AA might be good for him.

    personally, i just think he doesn’t fit here. it seems practically every week (day) there is something going on with him… he had allergies, then we hear he is homesick for Atlanta. they checked his eyesight, then something came up this weekend…the guy should go back to Atlanta…let the team pick up half his salary, give us Kotsay, and we’ll call it even.

    of course the obvious is – he is overweight, losing bat speed and quickly getting on the fans nerves with his lacadasical style and constant smile.


    regarding Sweeney – just cut him loose. his pinch ABs can be absorbed by D. Young and Nomar. make Nomar your super sub/pinchitter. he can back up Loney and DeWitt.

    Loney is a good, not great ball player. its seems the knock/concern on him coming up was his concentration and that seems to play out with his throws and other errors. he does have a soft glove and good foot work, but he not the Gold Glove first basemen the media and fans think he could or should be. maybe it will happen, hope so.

    derek lowe is another guy that will hopefully warm up and get better as the season goes along. he too has concentration issues and really bothers me that a veteran pitcher still would let fielding problems get to him. plus how many times has he gotten the team in a 2-0 or 3-0 hole this year?!?

  52. enchantedbeaver

    Its like jungar’s always said, they’re paying all these huge contracts whether they perform or not, so why not play the better men?

    Trigger’s no lead-off man. It doesn’t take a genius to see that. Andruw, Sweeney, Nomore and to a lesser degree, Kent are all used up – doesn’t take a genius to see that either. Lowe’s had it or is hiding an injury (obviously for the selfish reasons of another big payday) – and guess what, it doesn’t take a genius to see that either. Why have them embarrass themselves and the Dodgers on the field?

    That can only lead me to the conclusion that DB and JoJo are complete embiciles and that the lunatics are running the asylum. Quite a shame for a once proud organization.


    they really should think about trading lowe prior to the deadline.. he’s only been getting worse.. and they know they’re not going to resign him (nor should they try) so why not get some prospects and a middle reliever for him.. plus, kershaw will probably be up by that time..


    Dudes, speaking of the fire-colletti band wagon, but how bout that gary bennett acquisition? This is TWO days in a row now he can not make the simple throw to complete the strike out at first. This is insane. The ONE job of back up catchers is to provide competent defense when giving the starter a day off. Bennet cannot even do this. Why is he still on the team? How much worse could the AAA catcher be, or even Lucas May who’s lighting up the Southern League at age 23? Honestly, Colletti is so far gone in my book, besides the JOnes, Pierre, Schmidt, Norma, Kent situations… Bennett signing just looks mroe and more dumb each passing day. And to top it off, he’s a steriod abuser.

  55. kssssss

    How can Ned keep his job after another blown year made worse in the offseason?…This is not just one mistake anymore, but Andruw Jones is the straw that broke the camel’s back…Jones, Schmidt, Kent, Nomar, Proctor, and now Yancy…’s really an embarrassment…The only way it will change is if the Dodger’s stay this bad all year…Otherwise nothing will happen and Ned will go on making mistake after mistake…oh and as Jspelk says…Bennett….Ned can’t even get a decent back up catcher…..

    Notice in Atlanta they got Kotsay to replace Andruw…who do you think is doing better??….not to mention one of my fav Dodgers from a couple of years ago, Jayson Werth..always liked him…just because he broke his wrist they threw him away…..great fielder and just hit 3 home runs in one game………..why does Ned always think you need a “used up Name” player?…..go for younger and less discovered…or just keep the players you have and forget it….I predicted all along that Andruw wouldn’t get better and I feel this will last all year….he’s slow, terrible at the plate and just a terrible terrible signing…!!!!!…Ned should be ashamed of himself for thinking that someone like Andruw who has been getting worse year by year , would somehow pick it up and return to form….!


    How long is it going to take Joe to realize that the players he’s managing are not the Yankees? His constantly changing lineups are not working and are just creating tension, pressure, and confusion. Pierre is not the answer. Jones is not the answer. Kent is not the answer. Sweeney and Bennett are not the answer. Hu needs more time in AAA to develop his skills. In the meantime, good hitters like Young and LaRoche are not even given a chance and are wasting away for no good reason. Give Young a chance. Call up LaRoche and play DeWhitt at 2B. The Dodgers have good hitters available but unfortuately Joe and Ned refuse to give them a chance. What a sorry state for a once proud and honored franchise!

  57. junkyardjamie

    Wow! I didn’t get to see the game today, but from the amounts I got to see via my phone, and your comments, I guess I didn’t miss much (anything positive anyway). My husband had a great day. He has Napoli on his fantasy team, and my team did well because my competition has Dodger pitching.

  58. perumike

    I admit I supported the Andruw Jones signing as I thought last year would be a fluke, but it now appears that last year was the beginning of the end for Andruw. Joe needs to set a deadline for Andruw, and if not reached, you either push to release him, or put at number 25 on the depth chart.

  59. junkyardjamie

    Which outfielder will sit Monday? Since we know logic won’t be used , one would have to assume Andre will sit. Andruw’s 0 for 4 day with 3 strikeouts overrules Andre’s 0 for 4 day with 1 strikeout (that throw to home was very impressive as always and eventhough it didn’t get the out, it should deserve some credit, but we all know it won’t). Pierre and Kemp both got their one hit so they are probably safe for another day (well, we all know Pierre is safe until Furcal comes back). However, stranger things have happened this season already so maybe we will all be surprised when we see DY in the line up instead.

  60. enchantedbeaver

    There’s cetainly no joy in Mudville lately, and other than an 8 game stretch, none all season. A quarter of the season is gone, and here’s what we’ve learned from JoJo:

    1. 4 outfielders is a good problem to have. (Well, no it isn’t when neither Andre or Matt can’t have an off game without riding the pine the next. One can’t relax and concentrate when your’re always looking over their shoulder and can’t make a mistake.)
    2. Its a long season. (and getting longer everyday.)
    3. We need to get Andruw going. (After a year and a quarter “slump”, we need to get Andruw gone.)
    4. I’m still learning my players. (Watching the same thing over and over again and not putting two and two together isn’t leaning. Its called Altzheimers.)
    5. I liked the way Pierre was hitting the ball at people. (he must really be enjoying JPs game now.)
    6. Nomar will get a chance when he comes back. He was really starting to hit the ball. (At a .226 clip, its easy to see why he favors Jones and Sweeney too.)
    7. I want to get Sweeney some extra swings to get him going. (see #3)
    8. Andre Ethier’s my Paul O’Neil. (Explains why Andre sits so often – O’Neil’s retired and he confuses the two – see #4.)

    Has anyone seen any difference between JoJo and Grittle? I don’t buy the argument that he’s playing what he has so that the failures are on Ned (who’s a long post unto himself.) This is a HOF manager (my behind) who was brought in to supossedly win, so not playing your best players trying to prove a point seems totally illogical. Not playing your best players because you think its still New York and the vets are going to magically turn it around is just ignorant.

    Fire JoJo, Ned, Andruw, Sweeney, Nomore, Bloaiza, and Bennett. Get whatever you can (if anything) for Kent, Lowe and Pierre. Hire White and let’s start to rebuild properly and with a clean slate.

    (Cue the Battle Hymn of the Republic) This way to Freedom boys and girls…

  61. junkyardjamie

    Hey, enchanted –
    I was reading the posts from Saturday, and when you said you lived in the desert, I just assumed California – sorry for the assumption.

    I have lived in many hot places, Las Vegas, Memphis (humidity!!) and the central valley (Merced), but it was the earliness of the high temperatures that were making me cranky.

    Great post up above – wish everybody would think like you!

  62. jhallwally

    Yesterday’s game was a huge bummer. Offense imploded and pitching exploded. It really bites when your top two pitchers are in the tank. Not going anywhere with Lowe and Penny pitching like Bombko and Bloaiza.

  63. dodgereric

    Before we get to a new thread and leave the subject of the 60s, I was 7 when the decade started and had just become a Dodger freak due to the ’59 Series. My favorite memories are:
    1 – Listening to Vin and Jerry calling the night games on my little transistor radio in the fake leather pouch hanging on my bedpost while I was supposed to be sleeping. My dad would come in most nights to shut it off, but he never did it if I was still awake, even if it was late. He’d just leave the room with a gentle reminder if I had school the next day. God bless him for that.
    1a- Mr Koufax (Two and two to Harvey Kuenn……..)
    2 – Mr Wills (He’s stolen it………)

    Non-baseball (you didn’t designate, Josh, but in case you care):
    1 – the moon landing, of course


    I think the combination of Park and Kuo performed quite well on Saturday and should be tried again – doesn’t matter which one starts. In the long run, if he maintains his health, Kuo should build up his strength to become a regular starter for us. With that in mind, I think we should cut Lowe as soon as possible, and by that I mean a trade for some prospects of our chosing from one of the contending teams. Lowe won’t be around next season, and it doesn’t look like he would be much help to us this season. Park and Kuo could replace him, and you could even throw Cory Wade into that mix, since he also has performed well. We’re also awaiting Kershaw to get his chance presumably in the second half of the year. So, let’s go for it, and make that pitching change now.

    As for enchanted’s post above, I think most of us bloggers have been in agreement with those positions all along. It’s the damn ownership that doesn’t have a clue, and consequently the management that has been screwing things up whether it was Grady on the field or the high profile Torre now. I’m sure that Torre won’t be the one to go, but changing Ned for Logan White couldn’t happen too soon.

  65. jhallwally

    I think he alluded to a 2 month window. Joe and Ned’s statements have been somewhat hazy and pretty much non commital in my opinion. They blamed the first month on the fractured Spring Training and now it is spilling over into May. I’m not sure what they are thinking and I don’t think they really have a plan as Enchanted has pointed out. They’re just winging it right now.

  66. jhallwally

    Yankees may have some interest in Lowe about now and in last place they may be desperate enough. They need pitching if that is what you want to call what Lowe has been doing.

  67. dodgereric

    messagebear, I’m in total agreement with you and jhall and enchanted and everyone else that’s frustrated with the lack of management’s vision with regards to the roster and the starting lineup. If we were merely getting beaten with our best on the field, I could take that. But we’re not.

    As a means of explaining why, I offer the following evidence:

    2008 – Attendance


    1 NY Yankees 20 1,027,774 51,388

    2 NY Mets 21 1,042,140 49,625

    3 LA Dodgers 20 930,669 46,533

    4 St. Louis 27 1,111,449 41,164

    5 Chicago Cubs 27 1,083,899 40,144

    6 LA Angels 25 994,996 39,799

    7 Philadelphia 24 940,486 39,186

    8 Detroit 20 754,525 37,726

    9 Boston 22 826,749 37,579

    10 Milwaukee 20 676,449 33,822

    So………management is thinking……..

    “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”


    “There’s a sucker born every minute”

  68. jhallwally

    Good point Eric. If the fans just keep blindly streaming in and Frank is making money, he clearly won’t get the message that anything is wrong.


    Not sure how close dodgers where to signing Adam Dunn this ofseason. But i do recall how many did Not want Adam Dunn because he struck out to many times. Well who was out there that is a power hitter that did not strike out alot?
    Well as far as Adam Dunn he does strike out alot but as far as his HR’s and RBI numbers have always been consistant.
    These are his numbers for now .221 avg. 10hrs 26 rbi SO 35
    Andrew Jones .167 avg, 2 hrs, 7 rbi, 44 SO and a big smile to go with it.

  70. jhallwally

    Carcyn, I believe most people were not opposed to getting Dunn because of the strikeouts. Most 40 HR/100+ RBI hitters do strikeout alot as you pointed out. I think the asking price in our yound talent was very high and was the stumbling block in that venture.

  71. jhallwally

    If you recall, last off season and also the one before, teams were asking for much more from the Dodgers in return than from any other team. They all wanted Kemp or Kershaw or both in any deal.

  72. enchantedbeaver

    jhall – I think that point is completely indicative of who the other GMs were dealing with – Ned. Any other GM and they come in with realistic wants. Case in point Cabrera and Haren.

  73. dodgereric

    Most of our problems are difficult for management to solve because of payroll issues, but there’s one that they could take care of today. If they want to rest Russell Martin, they absolutely have to get rid of Bennett. That should be easy. This guy is the worst defensive catcher I can ever remember watching. I can understand why we have to stick with Penny and Lowe and Jones and even Pierre, but are you telling me that Bennett is the best available backup catcher? Not to mention Sweeney………these are two moves that could and should be done immediately if not sooner.

  74. enchantedbeaver

    OK while I have a few minutes, Frank’s a businessman, let’s take a look at it from that perspective…

    The luxury boxes and field level seats are 99% corporate owned and generally aren’t occupied by anyone with a real interest in the team. Ergo you could trot out just about anybody and those seats will still be purchased. I imagine much of the loge level is corporate as well. Then you have the lifers who have bought season seats since the beginning who won’t want to lose that privelege just because of a down year or two. So I think it’d be safe to say that 35-40M of the seats are season ticket holders. There’s a guranteed 3 million+ attendance.

    Another 200-300M will come just to see a ballgame, perhaps to see a specific visiting squad and don’t really care who the Ds have out there. So we’re talking 400M or so that actually base their attendance on the team itself. Of these 400M, how many come specifically to see JP, Andruw or Nomar? 5-8% (being generous.)

    So of the 3,769,173 (based upon dodgererics numbers above) only 20M-32M are there to see one or more of those three players. Without them, you’re losing $1-2 million of revenue. However, if you’d never signed them, you’d be saving $35 million (not to mention the contracts of Sweeney, Loaiza and Bennett which we know no one wants to see.)

    From a pure business standpoint, as a GM Ned’s wasted countless millions of dollars while generating negligible income. In the real world that gets you fired.

  75. jhallwally

    Yes E, I agree. I am sure to the other GM’s Ned is a laughing stock and they take advantage of it. Agents also. In a battle of wits, they know Ned is unarmed.
    I agree Eric. Bennett is awful and should be let go immediately. Bring up a catcher from AAA that plays good defense and can throw the ball. I can’t see how Bennett and his throwing problems is good for our pitching staff and team chemistry. As for Sweeny, cut him loose when Nomore comes off the DL if not sooner.


    As long as the press and by extension the non diehard fans are cool with no progress in 20 years and in particular the last 5 then Ned will keep his job. He is a spinner and thats what McCourt cares about more so than wins and losses.

    Until the local media stops writing about how a guy goes 0-4 but is making progress and we pay him 36 million or how pierre goes 0-4 but that one time the other team f-ed up and made an error

    Recently Ned said, we could have 8 Furcals and we wouldnt be any better due to startting pitching…

    -well way to deflect criticism on the talent you picked up
    way to cherry pick the one guy who is doing well
    should have said we could have 8 Andruw Jones and it wouldnt make a difference

    we are sad, pathetic, a 500 team and i am sick of it.

    maybe next year. again.

  77. enchantedbeaver

    Got a kick out of Gurnick’s article: Dodgers try to find consistant fifth starter.

    Perhaps they ought to try looking for a consistant 1 thru 4 starter first.


    There’s an interesting discussion over on the la times dodger blog about whether it’s a good idea to lock up young players prior to arbitration and free agency… The discussion is regarding this article:,0,3687397,full.story

    I think it’s a great idea for the Dodgers to lock up as many of the young guys as possible right now. It’s not like taking a risk on our budding stars is such a bad idea when they’ve wasted SO much money recently anyway. Also, the dodgers aren’t making this decision based on a week or two of performance. Most of the dodgers’ young stars have been up for a year or two. So really, the risk is mostly for injuries, but they sign perennially injured players anyway (ie. Schmidt, nomar, etc.) so why not take a chance? If someone like Loney is interested in the idea, then do it immediately. And if someone like Russ isn’t ready, then start a trust fund for him. They need to start putting away money monthly in the Russ Martin Free Agency Fund. Russell is and should be the franchise player, and they should sign him as soon as he is willing…

    What do you guys think? I thought it was an interesting discussion, and thought you guys would enjoy talking about it here =)

  79. lny4loney

    I’m beginning to think that we who post on the blogs of Dodgerdom need to start doing more than merely venting our frustration on this and other boards. It might be time to take some real ORGANIZED action. Just brainstorming at this point, but some ideas that come to mind are:

    Petition (probably not the strongest idea)
    Organized protests (Inside or outside the Stadium)
    Printed Protest (In the L.A. Times for instance)

    Does anybody else think we could/should get organized and do something that will truly affect the way the Doders are being run? If so, any ideas?

  80. enchantedbeaver

    Thanks Sara!!

    Really not a bad idea for any club, small market or large. Saves untold millions later at a much smaller risk factor than we’ve seen with Schmidt and Jones. Its atually a VERY clever way owners have circumvented free agency and the power of the players union without having a battle over it in the media or in the courts.

  81. jhallwally

    Good stuff Sara. I have been an advocate of locking up our young talent for some time now. I believe it is a good idea. Shows a commitment to them and inspires loyalty and good will. In the long run it saves money or losing the player to FA.

  82. junkyardjamie

    I think media attention (printed protest) would be best. This blog, along with DT, etc. are small forums compared to an article in the LA Times, which would reach thousands and thousands and in many different locations (not just LA area – I live in the central valley and can get the LA times). Plus, look at all the fabulous, fact-driven writers we have in this group. Any one of you could do this.
    Is there a way to combine print coverage with a petition? Dodger management would need to see the magnitude of the problem, and that it is not just one dissatisfied fan who is writing an article.
    I am not sure boycotting would work because of what enchanted said above – too much money already being spent by corporations, which really isn’t going to affect overall revenues into Dodger Stadium.

  83. kpookiemon

    There are SO MANY more holes on this team than a simple power bat. Start with the pitching, continue with the pitching, and end with the pitching. Pitching and defense. We all know they win championships. Dodgers need to get younger, and more quickly than either Ned or Joe seem to be comfortable with. Veterans are a sure bet on a team that’s close. Dodgers aren’t. So I say to you, Frank, believe us Dodger fans when we say PLAY THE KIDS…YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AT THE SAME TIME! WE’RE WILLING TO WAIT if the product shows longevity. Stop with the free agent signings and trust the farm. Logan has planted a bountiful crop. Harvest it and be patient. Heaven knows the fans have been patient…for TWENTY YEARS!!!

  84. junkyardjamie

    I read that article, and think we need to act now. There is too much young talent on this team, not to try and keep them for the long hall.

  85. jhallwally

    I agree Kahli, plus it takes away the internal conflict and unsettleness that can’t be conducive to team harmony and winning. It’s like a juggling act right now with a bad juggler. Keeps dropping balls and has to stop and restart alot. No consistancy or congruence.

  86. dodgereric

    I’ve had considerable luck getting letters to the LA Times printed. About half of the ones I’ve submitted make it. For those not in the area, they print letters on Saturday. I’ve found that short and sweet works well. When I go on a rant they either edit them or not print them at all. Name calling doesn’t help either. Just stick to the subject and they’ll print critical letters, no problem. My wife says that Pierre must have people out looking for me.

  87. jhallwally

    I’m not sure a small minority of fans that really care can make much of difference in protest, petition, or print. One person can take out a print ad. Unless there is some repercussion at not heeding the petition or protest ad, it will be ignored. Really the only way to get Frank’s attention is in the pocketbook. Unless there is a significant drop in attendence and thus revenue, nothing drastic will happen.
    Get to the point of only 11,000 people showing up each night like Pittsburgh, KC, and other struggling/long time losing teams and that will get noticed. I believe for that to happen it would take a few years of losing and finishing 4th and 5th. As long as they keep finishing around .500, it won’t happen. Even 1 or 2 really crummy years probably won’t do it. They know it and are content with mediocrity..
    Mediocrity+Profit=No change

  88. dodgereric

    I also agree on locking up our kids. I’ll go one step further to solidify the roster. How long has it been since the Dodgers have had a captain? I nominate Russ.

  89. lny4loney


    I applaud your writing of letters to the L.A. Times, and thank you for advice on how to succeed in getting them into print.

    I agree that Dodger management needs to understand that it is more than a few fans who happen to post on these boards that are frustrated.
    While it is true that the Dodgers gain a great deal of their revenue through ticket sales for the benefit of people who are at best mild fans of the Dodgers, there is a great deal of revenue generated by the hardcore Dodger fan. We fill up a good portion of the park. (I think enchanted’s estimated number of season ticket holders is high — I’d have to check the facts). We are the ones who watch on TV and listen on the radio i.e who generate revenue. We are the ones who buy most of the Dodgers t-shirts, jerseys, jackets, hats, etc… We are the ones who support Dodger-advertised products. How many of you, like me, eat Farmer John hot dogs because they make and have always made Dodger Dogs?
    Just thinking out loud again, but maybe in addition to going after Dodgers management directly, we go after them indirectly through boycotts/threat of boycott of Dodger advertisers?
    The rise of these forums presents an opportunity for fans to ORGANIZE as we have never been able to organize before. The ongoing ineptitude of Dodger management at both the field and office levels presents a compelling reason to take advantage of that opportunity.


    I think major league baseball is partly to blame for the know nothing/ do nothing franchise owners that get comfortable with the revenue sharing setup that keeps things status quo and wards off any threat for declining revenues for people like McCourt. If things were dynamic and slanted even slightly to accommodating the fans it would be different. When they approved selling the Dodger franchise to McCourt, along with approving virtually a no money upfront financing deal for Frank, they should have insisted on him getting a baseball knowledgeable president for the franchise instead of turning that position over to Mrs. McCourt as a title head only.

    What would really benefit the fans and the cities where they’re located would be if major league baseball implemented a system where teams that did not compete and did not advance at least to the second tier of playoffs for 20 straight years, those franchises would be dropped by major league baseball and those cities would become available for new expansion teams. Then there would be some real risk of an established franchise losing all value, and there would be some real scramble for becoming or staying competitive. That could only add value to the fans and keep the owners honest or at least compelled to do something competitive. I know it’s just a dream on my part, but would it not make a better league.

  91. junkyardjamie

    I was driving back through LA on the way home from Palm Springs, and I was listening to a station(I switched from KABC after the post game show), and they were having callers call in and discuss whether the Angels are becoming a more popular team than the Dodgers. The reason I bring this up now is because if management doesn’t figure out what the hell they are doing, this might end up being the one way the Dodger organization would feel the sting in both public relations and the pocket book.
    I don’t know – I am a non so-cal resident, so when I heard this debate, all I kept thinking about is if there is any truth to these rumors that the Angels are becoming a more popular team, the reason would have to be our management and the total waste of money. One caller did call in and say that the Dodgers are currently still more popular, but if they don’t start figuring things out, he sees the tide changing so to speak.

  92. lny4loney


    In many soccer-loving countries teams that finish at or near the bottom of their league, are demoted to the next level down while those which finish at the top of any but the highest league are promoted. A system based on, for example, two consecutive years of a record as one of the two worst teams in the league would send Pittsburgh down to Triple A. Since here in North America, minor league teams are affiliated with major league teams, I’m not sure how this would/could be implemented. But there’s something to be said for the idea. Also, it would make the bottom of the league more interesting.

  93. jhallwally

    ML, good point. If the sponsors/advertising dollars start to dry up because they are getting boycotted by Dodger fans, that would wake them up quick
    Bear, it would be fantastic if there were some repercussion to remaining mediocre to crummy year in and year out. For now we are stuck with the “Good Ol’ Boy Network” that look after each other. Crummy teams now are rewarded with revenue sharing. Its like the Harlem Globetrotters beating up on the Washington Nationals. Just pay them to keep them around to beat up on.

  94. lny4loney


    There can be no doubt that the Angels have made significant inroads into the Dodgers’ domination of Southern California. The bulk of the Angel’s rising popularity must be given to the Angels themselves (with an assist by the Dodgers in letting Mike Scoscia get away). They have improved their stadium significantly, they play exciting ball, they have a great manager, and they are consistently competitive. Also, although it took them almost two decades, they long ago stopped being an expansion franchise.
    I grew up and have lived most of my life in Orange County. As a kid in the ’70s, there were far more Dodgers fans in “the OC” than there were Angels fans. Although a healthy contingency of Dodgers fans remains, we are now clearly outnumbered.
    While pretending that Anaheim is in Los Angeles is ridiculous, it does show the ambitions of Angels owner Arte Moreno. If the Dodgers aren’t careful, they might just find themselves the number two show in town.
    All of which leads to this horrifying question: “Will I as a diehard Dodgers fan someday be compared to that sad creature — the Clippers fan?”

  95. kpookiemon

    The best thing that could happen to the Dodgers–and all of baseball for that matter–would be a salary cap. Ned (or his future replacement) would be forced to THINK about his moves. And maybe, just maybe, I could stop eating at McDonald’s before the game, and even be treated to a stadium that isn’t one big hulking billboard.

  96. junkyardjamie

    Thanks for the info!
    I don’t follow the Angels as much, mainly because it’s the American League. I went to a few games as a kid, but like you said, it was nothing compared to what it was like on Friday night, a packed house.

    (BTW) It was sad seeing Mike Scioscia on the other side. He was one of the reasons I became an avid, bleeding blue, Dodger fan with my own favorite players. Before him, I was just listening to my parents and who they liked watching. He has done amazing things with that team.

  97. dodgereric

    MLK, that two-tiered system is interesting. It would never happen for a variety of reasons, but what about this scenario:

    Take the best 16 records in baseball from last year and organize them into 4 – 4 team divisions that will comprise the Major League. They play exclusively amongst each other all season. Division winners only make the playoffs and determine a World Series Champ.

    The remaining 14 teams have 2 – 7 team divisions comprising Major League (B) teams. They play each other and go to the playoffs with 2 wild card teams and determine the B- league champ.

    The B- league champ moves up to the A league and the bottom team from the A league drops to the B next season. Too simple?


    the move that set us back TEN years was the Dodgers getting Davey Johnson over Mike Scioscia

  99. enchantedbeaver

    Its all $$$ and ccc – Frank has the dollars and no sense. There’s a disengage somewhere between photo op and comprehension. What’s not understood at the highest level is that $500 million in stadium improvements isn’t going to make the game anymore enjoyable if they’re losing. A $7.50 refreshing designer cola, $12 designer hotdog and a beday isn’t why real fans come to the park. (BTW I’m still in shock about $15 parking.)

    Since the Dodgers generate income beyond all comprehension, its doubtful you could hit them in the pocketbook and make it hurt. Bad press however is another story. That seems to have some impact. Doubt you could get enough people together to boycott advertiser’s products, but they might start noticing bad press. Trouble is with guys like Plaschke, Jackson and Gurnick, they’re generally going to print what’s spoonfed to them by management.

    IMO it won’t really take too long – the length of Pierre’s contract – to make LA the Angels domain. Winning does that. Make no mistake about it, the Lakers built Staples.

    Losing does that too – ask the Clippers.

  100. junkyardjamie

    Jones homered Thursday in the series finale in Milwaukee, where Mattingly spent three days working with Jones. But in the three-game series in Anaheim, Jones went 0-for-10 with four strikeouts and a walk. On Sunday, he was 0-for-3 with two strikeouts.

    “He’s falling back into bad habits of flying out of there,” manager Joe Torre said.

    Wasn’t Jones 0-4 with 3 strikeouts on Sunday? And four strikeouts for the weekend seems a little on the low side – maybe I am mistaken. Anyway you put it, if Matt and Andre were doing that, they would be riding pine for days – oh, I guess they are anyway!

  101. jhallwally

    Eric, that idea is intriguing. I would tweak it just to have the winners of each B-league division be put into the playoffs with the A-league so at least the B-league teams have a chance to win the WS. Plus just one wild card from each league that is in the playoff. Thats 8 teams in the playoffs like now. Best A record vs B wild card, 2nd best A record vs A wild card, etc….

  102. jhallwally

    In response to ML’s post above about soccer loving countries. When the players suck and don’t perform, they have to watch their backs. The fans will kill you or do you physical harm. They would have taken care of the Jones/Pierre issues by now. LOL


    Since Pierre has started every game and became the starting LF both his and Ethiers avgs have fallen over 30 points

  104. dodgereric

    I just ran back and saw your Pierre/Chevelle comment, jhall!! LOL! The only problem is that I can only afford a few gallons of fuel and Juan has all that money!

  105. enchantedbeaver

    Great stat jungar. Surprising, but understandable considering Pierre’s not suited to play everyday and lead-off, and Ethier’s lost his rythem and probably some confidence.

  106. jhallwally

    LOL Eric. Plus he’ll be there early in the morning and hound you late. However, all that extra time hasn’t produced any better results. Still can’t get it done. You’ll just get a weak slap.


    it would definitely be nice to see a little “C” on martin’s jersey.. but with or without it, i’m pretty sure everyone already sees him as the leader of this team

  108. enchantedbeaver

    Has anyone noticed that Ned and JoJo have made Andre and Matt self-fulfulling prophecies of not being ready for full time duties by not playing them full time? They don’t get the opportunity to play through mini slumps, they can’t stop looking over their shoulder, and they can’t get into any real rhythm. That way JoJo can continue to play Trigger and CC by pointing at either and saying, “look you went 0 for 4, you’re not ready.”

  109. dodgereric

    jhall, if he caught me he’d be in trouble. I might be 55, but I’ve been wrestling jackhammers for 27 years. I’ll break him in half.

    I just looked up his splits. He’s only hitting .188 in the leadoff role this year. He’s done virtually all his damage (if you can call what he does “damage”) in the 2 hole:


    1st 53 48 5 9 1 0 0 4 3 .188 .250 .208 .458

    2nd 45 37 10 16 2 0 0 5 4 .432 .512 .486 .998

    You’d think he’d be hoping for Ferc to return quickly. Torre also should be telling him to NOT get deep in the count:

    First pitch – .444
    2 – 2 count – .176
    full – .125

  110. dodgereric

    enchanted, that’s the biggest reason that I’m upset with these lineups. You’ve hit it square on the head. And whether or not that is their intention, that is precisely the result. It intensifies the question, are you building for the future or not?

  111. enchantedbeaver

    Well, kudos to Ned for creating this mess, and laurels to JoJo for exasperating it.

    Has anyone else noticed the total lack of enthusiasm from the kids lately that was abundant when they were playing during the 8 game streak. JoJo’s sucking the life right out of them, and losing games in the process.

    About the only one we haven’t heard a word out of so far is Kent. Of course he hasn’t exactly been setting the world on fire either, but the clubhouse is gonna get interesting if he comes around a little and we still lose. Betcha he goes after the kida rather than JP and CC.

  112. kpookiemon

    I’m sure the fan base would be less hostile if Ethier and Kemp played every game. What in the world has Joe, Ned and Frank to lose? Games? Check the Dodgers record. They’re already losing games. Lots of them. Maybe if Dodgers played the BEST players–based on performance alone–we wouldn’t be vomiting all over this blog day after day after day.

  113. dodgrdad14

    I like the idea of hitting Frankfurtter in the pocket book. Every year I buy Dodger stuff (T-shirts, mugs, etc..) this year I have not and I will not buy a single Dodger item, If I could get back my $150 for MLB Xtra innings I would do that also. We might be the small fish in the pond but We spend more on Dodger paraphenallia <– Spelling??, than anybody. and the corp. seat buyers only spend the money once a year while we spend it all year round.

  114. junkyardjamie

    The more and more we read comments on how our two best outfielders are being treating, it makes me sick to my stomach, and I just feel horrible for them. This is so ridiculous that Andre and Matt are suffering through these horrible management decisions. We read comments about how Ethier struggles against lefties, and he hits a two-run shot off one of the best, and then will probably sit tonight because of a bad outing yesterday (who didn’t) And, Yes, Matt is having strikeout issues again, but so have many on this team, one of which we don’t need to mention any further. What else do these two have to do to prove themselves. Jungar’s stats and all the other stats we keep seeing are depressing and scary at the same time.

  115. jhallwally

    Eric, in that case I hope he catches you. Break his scrawny neck and part of our problem is solved. LOL
    Great points E, Kahli, JNV, Nelly, and Eric, I am with you totally. The young’uns spirit this past week or so seems to be waning. I don’t blame them. The biggest problems on the team and the biggest underperformers are the PVL’s (Pathetic Veteran Losers). Jones, Kent, Lowe, Penny, Phew, Schidt, Bloaiza, Bennett, Sweeny.

  116. jhallwally

    And Nomore!! We’d be better off if they were all on the DL. At least they would be out of the way and not hindering our youth.

  117. crzblue2

    Well I am a season ticket holder that attends most games. Only missed one series last year ’cause I was out on a business trip. I buy souveniers (sp?), food, collectables, go to the auctions. Buy presents from the Top of the Park. Buy the MLB audio for work. This year I’ve been to Vero Beach, Colorado, San Diego and Anaheim. Planning a trip to SF, NY. Also to Las Vegas and San Bernardino to catch a minor league game. SD, SF, LV and SB are standard trips to see a game every year. Would I cut down if they are not doing well? Probably not…never know when I will see a no-hitter.

    Question to Josh: Has the date been set for the WIN Women’s Baseball clinic? It seems like we get short notice. Why have the WIN events been cut down to only the Baseball Clinic? In the first year of its existence we had more events. thanks -Emma

  118. scott_in_arcadia

    When Raffy comes back, Pierre has to sit, but we know that already, right?

    Would’ve been nice to see Martin leading off with Raffy out the way Russ is hitting, but we CAN’Tdo that with a real “leadoff hitter” on the team ready to step in…BS!

    Oh, but let’s be REALLY creative and put Martin at 3B when LaRoche is rotting away in the minors and then bring up Maza who barely has more power than Pierre.

  119. jhallwally

    At least next year we should be rid of Lowe, Kent, Bloaiza, Nomore, Sweeny, Bennett, and hopefully Procto(not sure what his contract is).

  120. scott_in_arcadia

    What did you guys think of Brazobelly yesterday? Looks like he’s been filming “Supersize Me 2”.


    Let’s make an easier to assemble list. Let’s list the Dodger veterans playing well:


    If Chan Ho is on this list than we have some serious problems!

  121. jhallwally

    If we could unload Phew and Procto in July, we would be looking pretty good going into next year.

  122. dodgereric

    Penny was already on your list, partner! If you want to add to the list, how about an APVL? A for Apprentice.


  123. dodgereric

    Yeah scott! That’s some boiler that Brazoban has! Most of my friends had to work on theirs for 15 years to get that going!

  124. scott_in_arcadia

    yeah eric, WHAT WAS THAT??? Good to see Brazoban’s been working hard rehabbing to get back to the bigs. LaRoche works his *** off while he’s hurt, drops some extra weight and is rewarded with Las Vegas.


    Can I add Honeycutt to the Pathetic Veteran Loser Coach list?

  125. crzblue2

    When I saw Brazo at Anaheim, I tuned to my friend Erik and told him “Doesn’t he look like he is pregnant?

  126. scott_in_arcadia

    I’m going to start substituting “Ned” in place of the words that end up as “***” from now on.

  127. enchantedbeaver

    If I was Ned (I’d hate myself, but that’s another story for another time) I’d be trying to get younger at the trade deadline – Lowe, Pierre, Proctor and Kent are probably tradeable commodities for some prospects. Jones is unmovable (as is Pierre really) with that contract, so sit him on the bench, preferably the middle so that he doesn’t tip it on one side and hurt somebody. Sweeney and Nomore should just be gone now. DFA Sweeney and bring up LaRoche – he like Loney last year, has nothing to prove at AAA.

  128. selltheteam

    Can we add Abreu to the PVL list? He’s hardly a veteran, but seems to fill the “pathetic loser” description.

  129. jhallwally

    Abreu is having a very unfortunate time with that sports hernia thing. I feel for him. He will probably be the next Werth. We’ll run out of patience on him, let him go and he will sign with another team and become a good player.

  130. junkyardjamie

    The short list of veterans playing well is too much, and very, very sad, funny, depressing, scary, etc., etc., etc., especially as the PVL list gets longer and longer.

  131. dodgereric

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.

    No matter how many games we have lost,
    There is a line we should never have crossed.
    Should earn our keep no matter how much we drew,
    Our names are Nomore, Sweeney and Phew.

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.

    Although I laugh and I act like a clown,
    Beneath this mask I am wearing a frown,
    I get 36 mil for only 2 years,
    When that’s gone I’m buying my own beers.

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.

    What I have done to deserve such a fate,
    I’ve stayed too long, now it’s really too late.
    I’ll have a Hall of Fame plaque before too long,
    I’ll snatch it up before they see that they’re wrong.

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.

    I used to rub crap on my sore right arm
    Now I can’t catch, throw or hit with alarm
    All they need from me is to spell Russ
    Once in 10 days, I am really a bust

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.

    We’ve won World Series and gotten our due
    It doesn’t matter to Ned that we’re through
    He pays us millions for throwing BP
    We’re Lowe and Penny and Procto makes three

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.

    We are the darlings of the DL list
    We get our money and are hardly missed
    Our names are Esteban Bloaiza and Schmidt
    We are extremely rich and really can’t do……..

    I’m a loser,
    I’m not worth what they give to me.
    I’m a loser,
    And I’m just what I appear to be.


    Scott, Honeycutt ought to have a special category for himself. He’s certainly a survivor, and I can’t imagine why. I remember asking him to be fired in 2006, but he just goes on like the supercharged bunny, or maybe Hillary (no offense intended). Can anybody single out just one pitcher that he has helped develop or improve?

  133. jhallwally

    If that’s the lineup for tonight, with Ferk on the DL it is about as good as it is going to get.

  134. enchantedbeaver

    Tequila works too.

    So does that line-up with the exception of JP in his cutomary 5-out position.

  135. jhallwally

    Of course it would be better if Marty could lead off and bat clean up. LOL. I would put Martin in the 4 hole and move Kent to 6th. Move up Loney and Kemp.

  136. jhallwally

    H*ll, I would even put DeWitt 6th and bat Kant 7th. I’m sure his ego would never accept that. It would be fun to do though so we could see the explosion.

  137. junkyardjamie

    Wow!! I was shocked and pleasantly surprised at the lineup – maybe “they” are reading and listening, for now anyway.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

    dodgereric – That was absolutely fabulous!!!!!

  138. junkyardjamie

    Even though I like the lineup the way it is (until Furcal is back), I wouldn’t mind seeing Ethier and Kemp switch. I think Andre does better in the 5 or 6 hole, and it would give Matt a chance to work out of the 2 hole. Then again, with Kemp and DeWitt where they are they can do some damage if they are on tonight. It is kind of amazing that when the right line up is there any combination could work.

  139. jhallwally

    I was wondering that this morning E!! Why bother though. It would just be spin or double talk. I personally don’t want to hear anything the boob has to say.

  140. junkyardjamie

    sorry enchanted – probably sent the 110 degree Palm Springs weather your way. However, it was a wonderful 100 degrees in the valley today, too. Maybe we will have a great game, and we will forget about the heat. However, even if we lose, I’m just glad to see the best two outfielders playing today.

  141. dodgereric

    Thanks enchanted, jhall and dnelson. I tried to work in PVL but I ran out of time. Gotta go. Gonna miss the game tonight. Carry on. Go Dodgers!!!!!!!

  142. enchantedbeaver

    “Eye of Lowe, and toe of Juan,
    Bennett’s bat, and tongue of Esteban,
    Andrew’s fork, and Sweeney’s sting,
    Nomore’s leg, and Schmitty’s wing,–
    For a team in sorrowful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.”

    Frank, Ned and JoJo in their daily meeting.

    [My apologies to William Shakespeare, Macbeth (IV, i, 14-15)]

  143. selltheteam

    With the Dodgers at home and the Snakes on the road, this week is a great opportunity to pick up two or three games in the standings and be within 3 games of first place by Sunday night. It will be a challenge given that we only have five decent bats in the lineup.

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