Happy Mother's Day

To all the moms out there, here’s to you. May you raise great Dodger fans and enjoy the day.

We’ve got a couple great moms being honored here at the stadium today – Nancy Colton, our longtime season ticket holder and Desiree Sanchez, who has worked in our ticket office for several years. Both are currently battling breast cancer and are an inspiration to us all. They’ll throw out the first pitch on behalf of all the women in the world who are fighting this heartbreaking disease and all the healthy women out there who can learn a lesson from their courageous stories.

Of course, there’s something all you Dodger fans can do to help and that’s assist in the search for a cure. Of course, there’s ThinkCure, among numerous fantastic charities, but in this case, you can help raise money AND see two legends in one night. Vin Scully and John Wooden will take part in an event at the Nokia theatre on June 13 and proceeds from the event go to ThinkCure and Mattel Children’s Hospital. You can purchase tickets at this link and get a once-in-a-lifetime experience while helping so many others along the way.

And if you’re looking for something to do for Mom, bring her down to the stadium, where she can get a rose handed to her by a Dodger player or coach and a free Smashbox lip gloss for the first 25,000 in the house. Even better, you can walk around the warning track on the field with your mom after the game, something neither of you will likely forget for a long time.

Most of our players will be swinging pink bats and helping raise awareness and money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which also helps in finding a cure for breast cancer.

Here’s the lineup for the day…

Pierre, LF

Ethier, RF

Kemp, CF

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

DeWitt, 3B

Young, 2B

Hu, SS

Kuroda, P



  1. junkyardjamie

    I guess Ethier is relegated to playing day games only. However, I am pleased to see him and Young in the lineup today – thanks for the Mother’s Day gift.

  2. junkyardjamie

    so, is Pierre the oldest in this lineup? (not sure about pitcher, Kuroda)
    With the exception of no Furcal, this is the lineup we have been waiting for.

  3. enchantedbeaver

    Win or Lose, I can accept this line-up.

    Question: Technically, Jones has options left. If you were to option him to AA Jacksonville and he refused the assignment, can you void his contract and release him?

    Note to Frank – get the legal team working.

  4. scurtis1999

    Torre and his 4 rings are a joke? Jim Tracy and Grady Little are any better? idiot

    Whats a joke is our Dodgers not winning a World Series in 20 years.

    Lineup looks great today. Kent needs a day off, Jones needs to head back to Atlanta and Raffy needs to get healthy.

  5. oldbrooklynfan

    I see Ethier & Young will join Hu in patching up things today.
    We need a strong showing from Kuroda and help from Shan Chacon to wake up the offense.
    GO DODGERS!!!!!!!

  6. scurtis1999

    By the way, I think Cub fans have passed Gnat fans or Yankee fans as the worst in baseball. I was at the game yesterday, not in the bleachers, but down the 3rd base line and it was like a frat party. No one seemed to have any respect for anyone. Its cool to have fun at the game but when you take it (alcohol mainly) to the next level, its just annoying. Before I thought of beating a drunks ***, I just thought it wasn’t worth it and left. If the Dodgers aren’t playing there, IM not hopping on the red line anymore to take in a game.

  7. momoracci

    I want LaRoche back ASAP. He’s in shape, getting healthy, and hitting HRs in AAA. He deserves to be up here NOW.

  8. knouffbrock@frontiernet.net

    The articles in the Times this morning sure were not the greatest for Jones. Can’t remember who had the the fat-farm and AAA assignment idea, but something needs to be done to wake him up. If I were manager I’d give him ’til the all-star break IF, repeat IF we were still in the race. When we start to sink in the standings, put him on the grounds crew or something. You’d think he would have more professional pride than this.

    Need a good start from Kuroda. Someone needs to be the stopper. Might as well be him and today.

  9. edwcarter

    With the exception of Furcal out, this may be the best lineup all year with our 3 best OF’s and Young at 2nd. No reason to lose today.

    Not including Furcal’s $15.7M on the bench, thought you might be interested to know that Ned has a solid $55.9M on the bench or DL’d so far this season. That’s 47% of the team’s entire salary. Nice work Ned! Wish I could pull similar results at my job and still be employed.

  10. rlglynn

    I suggested the fat farm, however I thing there are not any options for AJ. They probably went away after a couple of years in the bigs, however if they were available, AJ would have to agree to a AA reassignment but he would be on wavers. Who would pick him up for his contract and if they did, why would we be hurting then. We would be rid of a problem and maybe Pierre would follow. HAHAHA

    I really like the line-up today. Would be perfect if Furcal was in there. We need to score Quick today and often. I’d hate to lose to 3 subpar pitchers in a row.

  11. messagebear

    I think the problem with AJ is that however we get rid of him, be it by DFA or waiver, we would have to pay his salary for the two years, and the team that picks him up would only be responsible for the major league minimum. Ultimately that is probably better than simply carrying “dead weight” (pun intended), but shedding the player and keeping on paying his salary would understandably be very awkward for Ned. Actually, I wouldn’t mind coming to that point and seeing him squirm out of that one.
    Ned, the worthless piece of crap!!!

  12. edog07

    Torre, spoke with Triple-A third baseman Andy LaRoche on Thursday, telling him, “Nomar is coming back and Blake is playing well, but it’s 162 games so just make sure you keep working as hard as you can.”

    Ouch poor Andy. But I can understand the position, Blake has played his way into the line up and when Nomar comes back there is no room for 3 third baseman. However I would like to see Nomar’s role be super utility-man like we thought going into the season. Which may mean Hu going to AAA to get more reps. But I guess Torre has made up his mind.

  13. sndravt@gmail.com

    I have a question – how do you email the person who writes this site? Last year they posted a list of player appearences but I dont see one fo this year. Thanks

  14. maliceinthepalace

    Unfortunately, Jones must give his written consent to be sent down to the minors – unlikely. Maybe Conte can designate him disabled under the category of morbid obesity. Then he can be forced to sit out and have a minor league assignment.

    Lineup looks good, but Hu doesn’t appear major-league ready at the plate.

  15. junkyardjamie

    Average age of this lineup ,including Kuroda is 25.7, years old. It’s 24.87 without Kuroda.

  16. enchantedbeaver

    So who wouldn’t want a hot power hitting Andy LaRoche called up when you can wait a week and get back that Easter Island Moai we like to call Nomore.

    What I forsee when Nomore gets back is DeWitt and LaRoche battling it out for 3B…

    In Vegas.

  17. kahliforni@aol.com

    Kent’s too old to play every day…Nomar is too old to play, period…Jones is too everything that’s bad (weight, attitude, skills)…Pierre is too one-dimensional (did we mention speed is his game?)…Sweeney is too unproductive…Loaiza is too whatever…how do you like your vets, Ned? PLAY ALL THE KIDS. Like we’re on the cusp of a championship with these veterans or something.

  18. rlglynn

    Let the kids play. I would rather they play every day and have less wins than to see the veterans play and do lousy and bitch and moan about not being played. I think Ethier has handled his situation better than most have and it would be a shame if he gets traded. This guy will soon be hitting between 25 and 30 HR’S a year if playing every day.

    Let the kids play……………………………

  19. enchantedbeaver

    Frank. Do you realize that you could’ve financed over 30% of your $500 million stadium renovations with the following [worthless] Ned signings:

    Jones: $36.2M, Schmidt $48M, Pierre $44M, Nomore $18M, Loaiza $7M

    And how does it feel to be made a Boras sucker by proxy?

    I know both of the above would make me dang mad.

  20. junkyardjamie

    Couldn’t agree with you more rlglynn,
    The more and more I read about Ethier, the more I am impressed with what he has done to get to this point. They talk about Pierre’s work ethic, but Ethier has a pretty impressive work ethic himself. He may not show up at the park at 6 in the morning, but that doesn’t mean he is not putting in the time. He has come to far to be treated this way.

  21. messagebear

    This is the group of young guys that should be playing all the time, maybe with a few modifications, but no more veterans. We should still lose Pierre – he’s a lead-off man in name only; in reality he SU*KS. If Torre can’t handle managing a team like that – let him retire. I can’t much stand what he’s done with this team so far with his veteran preferences.

  22. rlglynn

    Let’s see if Kuroda can continue his stellar performance and not get in trouble the 2nd time thru the order and worse the 3rd time,

  23. scurtis1999

    Young should not be playing 2nd though if and when he does start, but he is kinda outta the mix in the OF. I guess he’s no worse then Kent(at his age) at 2B, but Id rather not see him there when Kent retires.

  24. rlglynn

    And why and the HELL is this guy not playing every day I’ll never understand. Way to go Ethier

  25. dodger 32

    It’s not a competition between Ethier and Pierre. Ethier is a much better player, it’s not even close. Ethier is a complete player and Pierre is a pinch runner.

  26. junkyardjamie

    I don’t know about the rest of you, but the team out there right now (with Furcal), is the team that needs to be out there everyday. Pierre needs to sit.

  27. kahliforni@aol.com

    How long will it take for Joe to realize his best outfield is Ethier and Kemp EVERY DAY with Ned’s two albatross outfielders in a platoon? Ethier has more game than Jones and Pierre combined. And as fliegel says, “it’s not even close.”

  28. kahliforni@aol.com

    Repko starting to heat up a bit. First in stolen bases, second in runs scored. Unfortunately he also leads Vegas in strikeouts.

  29. oldbrooklynfan

    Just got in and heard about Loney’s 2nd best 4th HR with one on to take the team lead in RBI with 27.

  30. enchantedbeaver

    I still think LaRoche or DeWitt needs to learn to play 2B, and DY becomes the Lee Lacy of this era. Dump Pierre. Dump Jones, and let Repko or somebody else have a shot at the OF spot. Only one I’d like to have back is Ferk. Ferk and seven home growns wouldn’t make a bad line-up.

  31. oldbrooklynfan

    Great job by Kuroda too bad about the no-hitter.
    Now it’s up to Beimel & Co.
    Hope Cubs can hold their too.

  32. scurtis1999

    WOW Kemp. Almost the boneheaded route of the year.

    Who’s closing tonight? Broxt or Sammy? Sammy was out sick last night.

  33. oldbrooklynfan

    In the top of the 7th, glad we got the 3rd out, which was most important, I forgot Kemp was in CF.
    When the ball was hit, I was relaxed and ready to score it.
    When he turned around I remembered it wasn’t Jones out there……..Wooo.

  34. messagebear

    I liked Blake from the very beginning and was really pulling for him to do the improbable if not impossible. I know that LaRoche has the better credentials as a prospect and maybe more power, but Blake has the moxie, and he’ll always be a favorite of mine, wherever he finally winds up with us. I think it will be third base.

  35. alex41592

    Throughly depressing, see you all Tuesday. Between the Lakers and this crap I’m done for 48 hours.

  36. junkyardjamie

    Why andre sits is beyond comprehension. He needs to be playing every day, and I hope somebody finally sees that.

  37. oldbrooklynfan

    Man the Snakes must’ve P****D themselves when they saw that crooked 6 on the scoreboard.

  38. enchantedbeaver

    Well gang let’s face it, this team’s really not going anywhere this season anyway. Not with Torre at the helm and Colletti pulling the strings. This is why its IMPERATIVE that the D’s follow through with the youth movement this year and let them gain some valuable experience so that we’re at least where Arizona and the Rox are now.

    I can take this loss – you played your best (sans Ferk) and got beat. Schat happens. You just wipe and go on.

    What can we take away from this game:

    1. Pierre does not a lead-off hitter make. (Of course we all knew that anyway.)

    2. Ethier belongs in the line-up EVERYDAY.

    3. Kudoda isn’t a bad #3 or #4 pitcher.

    4. Without Ferk, this team totally sputters offensively (we already knew that too.)

    5. DeWitt (statisticly) owns 3B.

  39. oldbrooklynfan

    I think Ethier has a better chance of playing when Furcal comes back because then they can sit Pierre.

  40. rlglynn

    What’s our chances coming from behind?

    Remember the 2006 team. We came from behind on numerous occasions.

  41. perumike

    The only good thing about this weekend is that the Snakes also got swept, so we don’t lose ground on them.

  42. rlglynn

    We could have been a 1/2 game behind if we could have swept the Astros. Oh well..
    We would have been better off to have left Kuroda in there. He’s used to pitching over 100 pitches easily.

  43. oldbrooklynfan

    Well it’s a good thing the Snakes lost again.
    I hope the Dodgers don’t find anymore new ways to lose.

  44. junkyardjamie

    We need Furcal back. He needs to be hitting leadoff.
    It was a good effort to come back, just ran out of time.
    It was a bad day for Brox, but other than that, the hitting was much better today.

  45. oldbrooklynfan

    Nobody said it was going to be easy.
    I think we were picked to beat out the Giants for 4th.
    I thought it would be a battle, for 4th.
    They’re a young team and they’re learning.
    The Astros are one tough nut to crack, among others.

  46. jhallwally

    Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day.
    Darn, Brox melted down. Tuff loss. Luckily the DB’s got swept also. Nice to see Ethier in there today. 3 for 5.
    Kuroda was nails. Nice to see a starter keep us in the game. Oh well, rest up for the Brewers. Hope Ferk is back on Tuesday.

  47. messagebear

    It was a disappointing, yet exciting game, and I enjoyed every moment of our young group of guys giving their best. Ethier delivered, Loney’s shot was great, and I continue to marvel at young Blake and what he has accomplished so far. All of those moments are the kind of joy that you can expect from baseball and being a fan. I still think that Pierre is highly overrated, and if he stays with the Dodgers, he should substitute only or alternate with Andruw. I think that Kent is now on a noticeable decline and should enjoy many games on the bench. Andruw is just another of Ned’s disasters, and I don’t know where that will take us, but I would play him only sparingly unless and until he improves significantly. I can take a game like today’s – I don’t want to see games where the highly paid veterans go through the motions. In the end this may not be our year, and then again it may be, if we follow through and give these young guys a chance.

  48. kahliforni@aol.com

    Hey, Astros are really hot right now. Whatever. It’s not like the Dodgers rae tearing the cover off the ball. Until the 9th it was one swing from Loney…and a throwing error to plate runs. Ethier’s three hits after languishing on the bench should send a loud message. But Joe and Ned may be deaf…

  49. lny4loney

    I was ready to write a post declaring Jeff Kent too old. For one thing his foot speed is in obvious rapid decline.
    I went to baseball-reference.com for proof that Kent was undeniably at the end of his usefulness as a major league starter, at least for a championship club.
    As it turns out, my research led me to believe he may well have a very good year left in him yet.
    Since Kent has been fading of late, I looked at his splits from last year for evidence that he couldn’t endure a full season. The evidence showed otherwise. For the month of July 2007, Kents stats were: 20 Games, 86 PA, .447 BA, .500 OBP, 5 HR, 20 RBI. Now that is a darn good month! August and September were, when grouped together, a decent but by no means impressive stretch for the future HOFer.
    A good case could be made for my original hypothesis that Kent’s career as a championship caliber starter is over. But the evidence is far from conclusive.
    Since, unlike a few members of the board, I think we have plenty of talent to make a great run this year, IMHO Kent remains our best current option at second base.
    Obviously our chances are dependent on Joe starting our best players on a consistent basis, something he seems to have no inclination to do. But one can yet hope.

  50. junkyardjamie

    Torre was asked if Ethier had expressed anger or disappointment over his reduced role.
    “He’s disappointed as he tries to maintain (his swing),” Torre said. “I think that is more of a disappointment to him than the fact that he’s playing or not playing. Certainly he understands that we all know it’s important to get him going and that’s not changing. It’s a matter of trying to get him a day here and a day there.”


    This came out of an article posted about 2 hours ago. There is more in the article, but this comment by Torre is just perplexing. Wouldn’t Andre not have to worry about his swing if he were playing everyday as he should? Also, since when did he start having problems with his swing( he is batting 308). I thought that issue was Andruw’s problem. He didn’t have too many problems with his swing today, and yet, according to the last statement, it doesn’t look like Torre plans on playing him on a daily basis anytime soon.

  51. enchantedbeaver

    A day here and a day there?


    If the manager and GM have no concept of who the best players are, preferring popgun Pierre, swing and miss Jones, and totem pole Nomore, this season is toast.

    Hell, let’s trade Ethier so that the kid can play somewhere. While we’re at it, let’s trade LaRoche too so he can play somewhere. This organization is BS.

  52. rlglynn

    It’s obvious that Torre and Ned have no concept as to who the best players are.

    We are going to be faced with the problems we’ve seen all year, as Torre is not going to be able to play the best players day in and day out.

  53. lny4loney

    Pierrre is rapidly returning to his true self after playing way over his head for eight games. That anomaly shot his OBP up to .400 on May 5. In his next five games, his OBP dropped down to .360.
    See this link: http://www.baseball-reference.com/pi/gl.cgi?n1=pierrju01&t=b&year=2008
    Many here have said that with an OBP of .360 Pierre is a legitimate starter. I pretty much agree. Unfortunately, Tory will no doubt focus on those eight games and Pierre’s ancient past long after Pierre has returned to the .330 neighborhood Slappy has been occupying since 2005.

  54. lny4loney


    I agree. If the powers-that-be don’t know or won’t play our best, the season is toast. As of now, that is the case. Nothing left to do but hope.
    Rrrrrrrrr!!!! it is so frustrating that everybody on this board knows what to do and we have no power to do it while the so-called experts continually screw up the obvious.

  55. lny4loney

    Although I like Delwyn Young, there’s something about him that has always made me believe he’ll never be a good starter. I liked somebody’s (not gonna search for whose, sorry) idea above that DY could be a modern Lee Lacy.
    But Popgun Pierre is sinking like a rock. Whatever is going on with Andruw, it can no longer be called merely a “slump”. (No Ned criticism here; I strongly encouraged Andruw’s signing).
    Delwyn can certainly sting the ball. Why not give him at least two or three starts a week between left field and second base and see what he can do with the chance?

  56. enchantedbeaver

    At the time I too thought that the Andruw signing was a good one, BUT… How many of us that thought that knew what kind of shape he was in? I didn’t. Only thing he’s good for now is sumo.

    Sad thing is, Ned & Co. KNEW the guy was fat and out of shape. How in the heck do you offer a guy that much money that looks like that?? Wouldn’t you insist on him losing some weight before you commit that kind of money? Nooooo, not Ned. He bought Boras’ and Jones’, “oh I need the extra weight and I’ll be better this year” snake oil pitch.

    And unless its on Ned’s mandate, assuming “HOF” manager Tory knows his rear from a hole in the ground (which I seriously doubt), why play inferior players game after game? If you’ve been around baseball for 50 years it should be pretty apparent who’s a good ballplayer and who isn’t. Ned on the otherhand doesn’t know schat from shinola period.

    I’ll continue to root for the individual players, but that’s it. I’ve declared my independence from this mess they call management.

  57. fairydust1960@yahoo.com

    Ethier must feel like he morphed into some alternate universe where logic and common sense don’t exist. Pierre is hitting .281 and Jones is hitting .170. Ethier is hitting over .300 and he needs to work on his swing? Give me a break. So he had a little stretch where he cooled off a bit? Most starters are allowed to work through that like Loney was when he was in a little slump. It’s getting more ridiculous by the day. I personally think it would be a huge shame if he were traded. They need to get over this idea that overpaid veterans that are not producing need to play. Torre needs to take a lesson from Phil Jackson. If you don’t produce for him, you don’t play. He doesn’t care how much money you make. I’m really disappointed that Torre seems to have caved to Colletti’s wishes to play his ill-advised signings every day. I expected more from him. Same old same old as last season. Truely a shame.

  58. kahliforni@aol.com

    Memo to Frank McCourt: If your idiot GM and $eemingly-over-the-hill manager don’t $tart putting a line-up on the field that reflect$ the be$t po$$ible player$, we, the Dodger fan$, may $top $helling out our rece$$ion-depleted ca$h for your over-priced parking, hot dog$ and $oda$ Have we finally got your attention?

  59. junkyardjamie

    I am the one that posted the article about Ethier last night, and I was hoping to get up this morning thinking differently about his situation, but by the comments made so far, I guess you are thinking the same thing. Ethier doesn’t stand a chance as long as Torre/management feels Jones and Pierre need to be out there for purely contract purposes. Is there anything we can do to have our voices heard more? If you read all the Dodger blogs, everybody is saying the same things. It’s not just this group. This is frustrating, purely frustrating!!

  60. messagebear

    As somebody else suggested earlier, I would encourage the fans at every home game to start the chant ANDRE – ANDRE every time that Pierre and Andruw are announced in the lineup or come up at bat during the game. The press will pick up on that, and the management will either be shamed or will eventually feel awkward being faced with that situation. McCourt will not react to anything unless they feel being made a laughing stock, which they much deserve.

  61. junkyardjamie

    Also, if this truly how management/Torre feels about Pierre/Jones, DeWitt won’t stand a chance either once Nomar is back, but with Nomar, there’s always that chance that he will get hurt again (it probably won’t be the case with Jones/Pierre).

  62. enchantedbeaver

    Every newspaper around the country, every blog around the country, every other organization in the country (Canada too) knows who the best players on the Ds are and who should be playing.

    However, we get to enjoy the follies of Trigger, Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up, and the Curacao Cow. Had we been able to enjoy this trio in their heyday, we might be on the verge of enjoying a championship as well. However, all we get is the inane prattle of dumb and dumber, and to watch the shadows of what used to be. If I lived in LA, no way would I pay all that money to be treated to a show like this.

    Kahli’s right, one place to get the point across is in Frank’s pocketbook, though if he doesn’t miss $130M paid to worthless players, I doubt disheartened fans can make much of an impact. I think our only real hope is if more and more of the local LA sportswriters pick up the cause. One thing I don’t think Frank likes is bad press, which may also have a direct impact at the ticket office as well.

  63. redfox@q.com

    I was never in favor of signing AJ, and I think his performance this year, as well as last year, clearly shows why and validates my position. But perhaps even worse than his performance now is his “I don’t care” attitude. And it is even a worse reflection on management to tolerate that. He should be released immediately to show that the Dodgers are a class organization that won’t tolerate that from their players. But of course that won’t happen, because the fact is the Dodgers are NOT a class organization anymore. What a shame that such a storied franchise has sunk to such a low level by turning management over to a GM and a manager who show that same attitude toward the fans and the players who work so hard and perform so well, yet don’t play. Common sense has been replaced by arrogance. Logic has been replaced by indifference and unsupportable rationale. I don’t know of any other team in MLB that has so much young talent and has done so little with it…or has done so much to hinder and impede its development. Until management comes to its collective senses or is replaced by knowledgable DODGER personnel who bleed blue instead of coming from the enemy camps, this franchise is destined for failure – and deservably so!!

  64. enchantedbeaver

    The thing most feared by Frank and Furter is the “R” word. But its not exactly rebuilding when the young guys are the best players for the job. Be different if you were playing Hu fulltime over Furcal just to give him playing experience. THAT’S rebuilding.

    There is an “R” word for what they are doing though – REGRESSING.

    Viva La Revolucion!!!

  65. kahliforni@aol.com

    I really don’t care about Pierre and Jones anymore. They’re like smog…something L.A. has to grudgingly live with. Let ’em platoon the rest of the year. We’ll refer to them as one player: Colletti’sfolly. Ethier and Kemp play everyday (bloggers, we sound like broken records, don’t we?) and if the sky opens up and somehow both Andruw and Juan disappear we can welcome Repko to a fast, talented, hungry outfield.

  66. junkyardjamie

    I keep trying to think of something clever to say, but I feel like you, kahliforni, we sound like a broken record, but a broken record can get irritating if it doesn’t stop, so maybe we need to be that broken record that keeps saying the same thing over and over and over again. Maybe that broken record will reach that someone “who cares” someday soon, and they will finally do what the fans want. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

  67. jaxkat@yahoo.com

    Pierre and Jones the same player? OK how about ‘Slumpy’? Slappy/Lumpy together to make Slumpy?
    How about Derierre? Druw/Pierre…

  68. jaxkat@yahoo.com

    Have you heard the boos that Jones gets when he comes up to bat and how LOUD they get when he gets out? That is a tough Dodger crowd.
    I know how tho change them into cheers v. jeers…JUST FLIPPIN HIT ALREADY

  69. kahliforni@aol.com

    Slumpy and Derierre are both keepers! Good job, jaxcat. I vote Derierre for very obvious reasons…

  70. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    A somewhat different form of the same article appears in the Daily News with this additional quote:
    Torre would rather see Ethier use some of days out of the lineup to decompress instead of getting over analytical like he has been recently.
    “I try to talk to Andre; Andre has some issues,” Torre said. “He’s practicing and looking at video. He’s doing a lot of things. A little time away from that certainly can’t be all bad. I came in here early from batting practice (Saturday) and he was looking at video. I sat and talked to him.
    “It’s tough sometimes to think that all of a sudden you can get it done out there at an advanced speed.”
    [old_fogey writing again:] What the heck is Torre talking about? This sounds like what he should be saying about Jones, not Ethier. I realize Ethier peaked at a .902 OPS after the win against AZ, and from there to the benching (after the FLA series, where he started all three games) where his OPS dropped to .838, he “only” went 5 – 22, with 4 BB, 1 SF, 1 2B (that’s .227 / .357 / .273 / .630), but over only six games played (of 7), is that much of a slump?
    In the three starts since (5/4, 7, 11) he’s 4-13, 1 2B, 1HR (.308 / .308 / .615 / .923)

  71. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    From a Dodger Thoughts commentor:

    436. Eric Stephen 2008-05-12 10:41:43
    I wonder if Pierre (3 for 21, .143/.250/.143 since Colorado) is also “disappointed in the way he’s trying to find it.”
    On May 1, Pierre expressed frustration over his reduced role. Since that day, the Dodgers have played 10 games and Pierre has started all 10, appearing in all but two innings.

  72. junkyardjamie

    Is it possible he is over analyzing because he is benched – duh!! ? I don’t know about the rest of you, but if I were in Ethier’s shoes, I would be over-analyzing too if I knew I couldn’t compete with Slumpy (hey, I got to use the name – lol). What the hell!!!

  73. enchantedbeaver

    I like Slumpy. There’s so many other derierres in the dugout and front offices that we really wouldn’t know which one was being referred to.

    As for Tory, sounds like he’s practicing his doublespeak again.

    I wish JP’s mom was Ethier’s mom…

  74. kahliforni@aol.com

    “Ever since Juan Pierre went on an offensive hot streak during the last road trip, Ethier has been the one forced to miss stretches of playing time.” (Daily News)
    Perhaps it should have read, “Ever since Juan Pierre went on an offensive pity party, Ethier has been the one forced to miss stretches of playing time…”

  75. junkyardjamie

    Obviously, the over-analyzing is helping Andre (HE IS BATTING .306!) – I don’t see how this can be an issue unless his average has taken a nose dive. I realize maybe he is being too hard on himself, but I think the circumstances have been hard on him, so maybe it’s his way of reacting to it instead of calling his mom, so to speak. He is trying to handle it in a grown-up way. Maybe, at this point, he feels he needs to bat .400 to get his point across because .300 isn’t getting him squat.
    Just venting – sorry!

  76. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    Curacao Cow!!!!!!! enchanted sunset, that is hilarious!
    Curacao Cow – serves 1
    1 part Knipschildt dark chocolate truffle with French black truffle center, melted
    1 part Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac
    1 part heavy cream, freshly skimmed from cows feed only organic grass grown in the strictest conditions
    Flakes of 24-carat edible gold leaf
    1 briefcase with $36 million enclosed
    Combine liquid ingredients. Stir. Pour over ice in a Bohemia Crystal PK-500 cut brandy or whiskey glass. Place briefcase next to crystal and prop open. Sip, toast your agent Scott Boras and enjoy your wealth!

  77. enchantedbeaver

    Yeah, nice team player there Pierre. Why don’t you take a lesson from Andre and sit your whiny derierre on the bench and take it like a $44 million dollar man.

    And nice attitude there Jonesy – screw the fans. You know for kicks I got on Jones’ blog to see what was being said. Evidently he’s reaching out and making a real connection with the fans – the post hasn’t been updated since March 16th.

    Yes Ned and Joe, these are the players everyone wants to see.

  78. jhallwally

    The Torre article is hypocrisy!! Ethier is putting in extra time watching videos and doing things to try and make himself better. Using the idle time since he isn’t starting to do something constructive. Yet, it sounds like Joe is not happy with it or thinks it is the wrong approach. If however it is Pierre coming early and staying late and studying film, he is praised as a hard worker and gritty player. Total crap!! I don’t quite get what he is trying to say. The whole article is doubletalk. Ned has painted him into a corner and perhaps he just doesn’t know what to say.

  79. junkyardjamie

    One must ask, what in the hell is Jones doing to improve himself?
    Pierre: comes in early
    Ethier: looks at video
    Kemp must be so thankful he is not part of this mess (for the time being, anyway)

  80. messagebear

    I feel like the Dodgers are being run by the Three Stooges, Frank, Ned and Joe. I leave it to you who fits with each of the original ones. At least the original Three Stooges could be considered funny. The Dodger crew is just pathetic.

  81. jhallwally

    Joe would be Sam. Thinks he’s real cool and on top of it, but really kind of a nit wit. Living off his past glory.

  82. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    messagebear – Frank, Ned, and Joe these Three Stooges: Shemp, Joe Besser and Curly Joe DeRita!

  83. old_fogey_la@yahoo.com

    So who will be the first Dodger player to badmouth Andruw Jones anonymously to the press?
    I imagine Jeff Kent has choice words about Jones’ physical condition bouncing around in his head, it’s just hard to voice them when he’s slumping a bit himself.

  84. jhallwally

    Actually Nelson, I thought the answers were very straight forward. About as direct as I’ve heard in awhile.

  85. jhallwally

    Enchanted, you truly are Carla. I can picture you chasing Cliffy around the management suite. LMAO.

  86. enchantedbeaver

    If Frank would’ve just whacked Ned with a rolled up newspaper and stuck his nose in it, none of this need have happened. As it is, now you’ve got a tough stain that’s going to take professionals to clean up.

  87. enchantedbeaver

    I’ve a feeling I’m inciting a revolution… call me Trotsky.

    Call Ned anything you want 🙂

  88. enchantedbeaver

    Ain’t no how, no way I’m goin’ down THAT path jhall…

    Reminds me of my mom’s pug dog, seemingly alert, but incredibly stupid.

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