Today's lineup

Furcal, SS

Ethier, LF

Kemp, RF

Martin, C

Loney, 1B

Jones, CF

DeWitt, 3B

Hu, 2B

Loaiza, P

My next post should be coming from the Dominican Republic, where we head tomorrow morning. Should be an interesting trip so stay tuned.

Also, I still haven’t had a chance to read through comments for the last few days, so if you’ve asked a question, we’re not ignoring you…just been busier than usual.


  1. maliceinthepalace

    Looks like our lineup for next year if Furcal is resigned. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t surprise me if Ned resigned Nomar or asked Mueller to come out of retirement for that injury-prone, veteran presence in the dugout.

    Bill Shaikin’s LA Times article today was great. He agreed that Ned can’t continue blocking the development of our young players with stop-gap, over the hill players. I’m glad someone at the times, besides simers, is willing to question Colletti’s vision/talent. Maybe McCourt will get the hint that Ned isn’t all that smart of a GM.

    My vote: Logan White in ’09.

  2. messagebear

    My vote too for Logan White, or as I say “anybody but Colletti”. Of course, I’ve been saying that for a year now, but time may be catching up with Colletti.

  3. demrmybums

    The lineup is excellent especially the top of the order. I still feel that Torre should have given Kuo another start his era is still better than Loaiza and he has a much higher upside.


    Nice lineup today… we’ll need as many runs as we can get with Bloaiza on the hill. Martins starting to swing a real hott bat.

  5. eslabels

    Nice first inning by Loaiza – that’s usually his roughest, so cross your fingers we get a few runs and Esteban can get us into the sixth.

  6. eslabels

    Its 94 degrees. The pitcher’s already thrown 23-24 pitches, you’ve a supposed 10-year veteran at the plate, and Jones goes after the first pitch he sees and hits a can of corn to the OF. When does this guy sit in favor of DY?

  7. rlglynn

    What an absolute waste of 36 million dollars. Young would have at least looked at a couple of pitches.

    Too many fly balls being hit….

  8. eslabels

    Don’t think you want to be a soft tossing flyball pitcher against the Rox – only a matter of time…

  9. lny4loney

    For those not watching/listening, Vin was just recounting some of the great arms. I wanted to add Raul Mondesi. Also Candy Maldonado had an absolute cannon, but it was pretty wild sometimes.

  10. rlglynn

    Frank Howard played right field from 58 thru 64 and he had a great arm from right. He was 6 ft 7 inches tall and was about 260 lbs.

  11. oldbrooklynfan

    I don’t know how many Sunday’s it’s been but I just come in and the Dodgers score
    Boy that DeWitt can sure pull that ball..

  12. rlglynn

    Jones is worthless. He looks like he could care less. Swings at all the bad pitches. I would sit this guy till he decides he wants to play…

  13. dodge1612

    loaiza didnt pitch all that bad today. he kept us in the game… thats what you ask of a number 5 pitcher. jones sucks too


    Atleast his D saved us one run today for sure… but he does look pretty awful at the plate today…

  15. messagebear

    That was dodging the bullet. Way to go Brox and the infield guys. Now we need to score a couple. Frances should be finished with his pitch count.

  16. oldbrooklynfan

    I don’t believe what I just saw.
    Although the Dodgers had many innings like that themselves.
    Big Jon was too goody, goody but he got away with it.


    That Loney AB was tough– in hindsight you say he should havea definately layed down the bunt, but i understand why not with him up– not a bunter and a great hitter and all..



    I have been able to only watch about 5 or 6 games this year- i think the only hit i saw him get was the HR… VERY sad… I have not idea what to do when a guy is swinging at such awful pitches, but something really has to be done.

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    Jones better have his eyes examined.
    Why take strikes and swing at balls?
    He just can’t be that bad.
    No way.

  20. eslabels

    I’m going to say this now… At this point in time, I’d rather have an outfield of JP, Kemp and Ethier. I’d prefer DY over Pierre, but that’s not going to happen. JP can’t give as many away runs on defense at Boog does on offense.

  21. eslabels

    That’s JP can’t give as many runs away on defense as Boog does on offense. Got me so riled up I can’t type straight.

  22. oldbrooklynfan

    SAITO looks like he’s back and I have to go back to Broxton, although I feel he lucked out of his 8th inning he’s actually getting mentally strong.


    Win or lose today, this team is starting to battle and look a whole lot more like what we all anticipated. If they pull out the win today, they’ll be 3 straight and 4 out of 5… Come on Blue!!


    Why would you not have bunted there if you’re Pierre? That’s supposedly his strength…. If he does not get on, at least he’s moved the runner over!! Damnit!! We’re missing out on too many chances this game

  25. eslabels

    Brandon – I thought at first Pierre’s swinging because if he sacrafices they’ll walk Furcal to get a PH up and Sammy out of the game, but it makes no sense (as usual) to have him swing away if you’re going to take Sammy out anyway.

  26. oldbrooklynfan

    The SNAKES might be laughing but at least WE WON.

    I think the patients at the plate did it.

    After more than 60 years I still ask the question:
    Why do people BOO when a batter is intentionally passed?



    How does that Loney song go again? šŸ™‚ Very comforting W, although certainly could have been easier. I think we are at the point, almost 100 AB’s, where there is legitimate concern about Andruw and his approach at the plate. I would just throw up all sliders in BP and tell him to never swing. Thats what the coaches would do in high school. Just dont swing at breaking pitches- the majority of them are out of the strike zone by design, so make him throw it for a strike. With less than 2 strikes, he should never been swinging at any kind of breaking pitch is the approach I would tell him to take now. It’s just getting embarrassing….

  28. eslabels

    I thinking we need to break out some 2X4s and start clubbing a very large clydesdale.

    Ned sure knows how to pick ’em doesn’t he??

  29. eslabels

    Ned’s not somebody I’d want to go to Santa Anita with…

    I think Loaiza earned himself another start. If he could put up 2 in 5s or 3 in 6s all the time, you can’t ask much more of a fifth starter.

    Ready for the glue factory: Boog, Sweeney & Nomore (JPs already a bottle of Elmer’s.)


    Super 10 to 3 Victory last night and 3 to 2 victory today buy our Beloved Los Angeles Dodgers over The Colorado Rockies! Doesn’t Los Angeles Dodger Glory Feel Great!

  31. dodgereric

    Enchanted, I agree about Loaiza, he’s earned another start. I also agree about Sweeney and Nomar, I think they’re both done. Nomar can still swing the bat, but he’s completely undependable as far as staying healthy.

    I may be looking through rose-colored glasses, but I’m not giving up on Andruw yet. He may yet work out of this.

    Another guy who has earned himself something is DY. He is the one who should be giving the OFs their “rest”.


    Now this is the kind of series we needed!! A couple of walk off wins, and a blowout sandwiched in between!! That’s what creates chemistry and passion and heart… all part of a winning team!! GO DODGERS!!

  33. eslabels

    I’d love to see DY get a week’s worth of starts in Boog’s place, but it’ll never happen. No way they sit $80 million on the bench with another $57 on the DL.

    Ned’s version of “money ball” ought to me know as Colleti-omics. Kinda like Reaganomics except Ned’s don’t make you feel good. If I was Frank I’d be a little more than upset at how $137 million of my money was completely wasted.

  34. leekfink

    I was time delayed on today’s game (I did my own Andruw Jones impression in my softball league earlier today). But you guys already have the Loney song down pat. But just because Ewk asked, and because that was a fine win, here it is:
    My Loney has a first name,
    It’s J-A-M-E-S
    My Loney has a second name,
    It’s L-O-N-E-Y
    I love to watch him every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say
    ‘Cause James Loney has a way
    With H-I-T-T-I-N-G!

  35. edwcarter

    I’m not so sure about all the song singing that has been going on around here, but a solid sweep nonetheless!

    Josh- I don’t think you hear this enough, but thank you for the time and dedication you put into keeping us informed. I think I can speak for most everyone that it is truely appreciated.

  36. rickdaddy

    Hello Josh —

    As you know it was pretty hot today. Let me preface this by saying that I always park outside the lot and walk in with my two kids. On the hot days last season, I would go into the lot by paying for a parking ticket and after dropping the family off I would drive out and get a refund. I was told today that you guys are no longer doing this. I was just curious if it was something you could look into. If it doesn’t work, I understand, but you could say I got spoiled doing it in the past. šŸ™‚

    Thank you.

  37. dodgereric

    Thanks for the lyrics, leef. Just thought I’d mention that I wrote and sent the first line above when Loney was coming to the plate. Total confidence.

    You all should read the following column by TJ Simers. It’s about a charity for kids that will feature Vin Scully and John Wooden. Simers is asking for emailed questions to Vin and John. I know this group can come up with some good ones:,1,3041230,full.column

  38. donfish

    Today in the 8th and 10th I had those lyrics going through my head…..and I love my LONEY cause he has a way with H I T T I N G!

  39. eslabels

    The absolute childlike enthusiasm and joy that the young guys display for one another is something this team sorely needs to let out and grow (though they might could do without the body slams.) If that’s not something that Joe wants to build upon, then he’s definately not the one for the job.

    Speaking of which, its time to let DY in on the action. We all thought Pierre stunk with the bat, but he’s a varitable virtuoso compared to Jones. C’mon, sit him for a few games Joe. Whatever Easler’s doing with him isn’t working, maybe some time off to get his head straight would be good. I hear he swings a heavy bat, why not try a lighter one he can get around with quicker? (of course the pitches he swings at he couldn’t hit with a sequoia.) Gotta try something. At this point if the guy could even hit .200 it’d be something.

    Last is a quote attributed to the Nedster I got off Dodger Blues that I found interesting, but not knowing the source, take with a grain of salt:

    “The chance to be a general manager in major-league baseball and for a franchise as storied as this one, PROBABLY AS STORIED AS THE GIANTS [emphasis mine], is great.”

    Question for Ned: Did you really say that?? and if so… aw, nevermind.

  40. rlglynn

    I calculated Andruw Jones’s totals for the entire year if he continues as he is now.

    Average .159
    At Bats 533
    Runs 71
    Hits 84
    Doubles 20
    H R’s 7
    Rbi’s 26

    Pretty pathetic to say the least. That works out to $214,285.00 per each and every hit… or $33,771.00 for every time at bat..

  41. junkyardjamie

    I was in Reno over the weekend so couldn’t post from where I was, but wow!! what a weekend for the Dodgers. That Friday night game was heart-pounding as it was, and then we got caught in the middle of a 4.9 earthquake on the 10th floor of the hotel – scary ( Being from Nor-Cal, the 4.9 wasn’t any big deal, but I think the fact that I was 10 stories up made the difference this time). Anyhow, the Dodgers did a fabulous job, and like most of you have said, it looks like they came together and actually looked they were having fun, and hopefully, this continues. Even if they would have lost yesterday, just the effort they put into trying to get it done – there was nobody willing to give up. Even Ethier(who I wanted so badly to get a hit off Frances) was trying almost too hard to get it done. I hope with the many left-handed pitchers for Florida, they let Ethier work on this aspect of his game (especially if they continue to let Jones work on his batting, period.) Hopefully his defensive game keeps him for this series. Once again, wonderful job Dodger Blue!!!!


    I’m not superstitious,I’m not superstitious, I’m not superstitious…
    But on Friday I took off all my LA stuff from my truck. My HUGE LA sticker, license plate & frame. They were old, but nice…and they SWEEP.
    Should I just leave it off now? ALA, Wade Boggs eating chicken 2 hours before each game…


    Jones has been a huge dud to this point, but it is much too early to give up on him. I like the time off suggestion, though.

  44. bokonon42

    Any chance of getting a transcript (or, better, a recording) of Mr. Scully’s Pepperdine commencement address?

  45. dodgereric

    Granted, he wasn’t as bad as Andruw has been so far, but when we got Dusty Baker, he was a dud the first year. Remember? I think he hit less than 10 HRs.

    I don’t think Andruw is done. And having his glove in center is a nice change for us, don’t you think?

  46. eslabels

    Dusty Baker’s first year with the Dodgers:

    1976 27 LAD NL 112 384 36 93 13 0 4 39 2 4 31 54 .242 .298 .307 74 118 1 4 3 1 15

    Among the high [low] lights: 15 DPs and 4 HRs. Abysmal yes, but Baker was only 27 with some upside.

    If Baker’s numbers were abysimal, Jones’ projected figures are staggeringly frightening, including setting the Dodger record for strikeouts in a season.

    I still realize that you have to play Jones over JP, but I’m all for having him ride the bench for awhile and let DY take some regular swings. I don’t know what this BS is about Sweeney getting in a start or two in FL… can’t figure out what Torre has against DY.

  47. dodger 32

    Sweeney hasn’t been any good since he came over last year. He can’t even remember how many outs there were in the 9th last year. Why he was resigned, I haven’t a clue. He’s this years Old tomato. Rather than starting him, how about getting rid of him and bringing up a younger guy?

  48. thunderbolt507

    Ah yes, a day off for the the boys to relax and for McCourt to reflect on the wasted resources Ned Colleti has spent on over-priced, over-the-hill veterans. Anyone want to make any bets when Colleti will be fired by?

  49. messagebear

    I hope it is inevitable that Colletti get the ax at the end of the season. It would really be best if he was fired immediately, and Logan could get the chance to get his feet wet in the GM position over the rest of the season. What he may not know in negotiating contracts, etc., Ng could fill in. Then if we need to do deals and address FA’s in the off-season, Logan would be pretty well ready for it.
    Get rid of Colletti NOW, and shove his sorry *** back up northward toward the Giants where he came from. I don’t see anybody having interest in him at the GM level.

  50. dodger 32

    I kind of agree bear, the only thing is I’d bet that White will not be given the job, not that I don’t think he would be good, just that Frank will want a proven guy. That proven guy will probably be Cashman after his contract expires this year.

  51. messagebear

    Have to agree that Cashman would have the right credentials for the job, and Frank seems to go for that. He’s probably also well respected by his counterparts, so I would not argue about his qualifications. It would still be very important to hold onto Logan, because he knows the talent first hand, be it the Dodger farm system or that of other teams’ prospects.

  52. maliceinthepalace

    $18 Million Jones
    $15 Million Schmidt
    $10 Million Nomar
    $9 Million Pierre
    $7 Million Loaiza —

    $59 Million, or half our entire payroll, going to players that are injured or not performing. How can a GM squander so much money?
    Way to build a winning team Ned.

  53. eslabels

    I’ve got to question whether Cashman is really all that good or if its the willingness of the owners to buy up virtually every premiere ballplayer available. Its another reason I question Torre’s true managing ability. After all, he had the best players money could buy. Still given McCourt’s penchant for big names and the AL East, you’re probably right in your assessments.

    We’ll know what’s going to happen come September if the D’s are out of contention. We pretty much know what will happen if they go down in the first round of the playoffs. Either of those scenarios I think Colletti gets the axe. $150M and nothing in return you wouldn’t expect much else.

    The surprise is going to be if the D’s make the playoffs and win a round. Only a month into the season and there’s still a lot of variables to be played out. Biggest one being Andruw. If he ends up carrying this team for a month or so in August or Sept., think most is forgotten about April (and May/June/July?) Schmidt’s another. He makes anykind of contribution this year and ’07s a distant memory. Loaiza’s not looking like the horrible pick-up he was last year. He deals JP for a contributing component and that’s a big plus.

    A lot could break Colletti’s way, and a lot could totally pratfall. One things for sure. Whoever the GM is, he’s got Lowe and Ferk to contend with as FAs. Kent retiring or going FA. A possible white elephant in center X2. Super 2s in Ethier and Martin. Picking up Penny’s option or not. And filling out the roster when the likes of Nomore and Sweeney are gone. Be interesting anyway you slice it.

  54. leekfink

    Comments and Questions About the Dodger Stadium Rennovation Plans:
    To All–I apologize about the length of the post. Hopefully, there is a new thread soon.
    To Josh–I hope you can get Frank McCourt to answer some of these, like Ned and others have done on the blog this year.
    First, the comments:
    1) Dodger Stadium is the single best baseball stadium in the history of the game. If there is baseball in heaven (and there must be)–then the ballparks are all imitations of Dodger Stadium. So I commend your efforts to maintain and improve it. The rennovations to date have been excellent, and I hope that these are too.
    2) The things that make Dodger Stadium great are the location, weather, scenic vistas (from the seats, but also in the parking lot), the sightlines, and the purity of the stadium as made exclusively for baseball. Obviously, the weather you can’t control, the location is fixed, but preserving the rest should be a priority. The rennovations seem to all take place outside the stadium, so the sightlines are not an issue, either.
    3) I do like that the plans call for using greenery to add to the outside feel of the Stadium–both environmentally and aesthetically. The beauty of the location can be enhanced by making the asphalt oceans more green. And, because of the way that Dodger Stadium is built into the side of the hill, it does not have a presence from outside the stadium the way other ballparks do. The New Yankee Stadium is building a facade reminiscent of the original, pre-remodel Yankee Stadium. AT&T Park (or whatever they call it now) has an intricate brick facade. Dodger Stadium does not need that, but the proposed greenery seems the right thing for LA.
    4) Dodger Stadium should always be called “Dodger Stadium.” Not “Citibank Field” or “ExxonMobil Stadium”, or even “Dodger Stadium at Coca-Cola Park”. Just “Dodger Stadium”, and maybe “at Chavez Ravine”. Pleasse keep it this way (though, I won’t argue if there is a “Coca-Cola Top of the Park Deck at Dodger Stadium”.)
    5) I am still reserving judgment, but so far, it looks good. It seems to preserve the essential characteristics of the Stadium, and I don’t see it as likely to drive up ticket prices (with 3.8 Million fans coming as it is, the demand is pretty high already, and I think whether people come to the game will be driven by the on-field performance, so this has to be worth it for the pre-and-post-game business and the year-round business).
    6) Two minor points on language–When you say this is to “save” Dodger Stadium, it sounds like it is in some sort of imminent danger. It is not–though, even as an ardent traditionalist admit, that without improvements, at some point between now and 2062, something would have to give. So, this is preserving and improving (I think and hope), but “save” sounds more extreme. (I would say that “save” sounds like there is a threat that the team would be moved or the Stadium demolished in favor of a publicly-funded park, as other teams have done. But it is clear that there is no such threat. To your great credit, you have never suggested that, and your committment to the Stadium has been clear by the investments made over the last few years, as well as this.) Also, let’s not call it the “New Dodger Stadium”–I understand the impulse and marketing of this, but it’s the same, historic Dodger Stadium, rennovated, good as new, etc. But, it makes me think of the “New Commiskey Park” in Chicago (now Cellular One Field, I think) or the “New Yankee Stadium” or the “New Busch Stadium”–none of which are the old (“classic” perhaps, or “historic”) venues. Dodger Stadium will still be Dodger Stadium.
    1) Is this what you meant about taking DodgerTown to LA?
    2) How will this plan affect the rennovation of the councourses and concession stands on the Loge, Reserve, and Top Deck levels? The rennovations on the Filed Level are very nice, but the fans in all sections deserve that.
    3) The $500 Million investment is huge–more than the team was sold for. Could you give us an insight into how you plan to finance this? I would not want to get into too many details, and I am sure you would not either, but do you expect investors, bonds, etc. The reason I ask is that some people have speculated that there will be a rise in ticket prices, some have worreid about the sale of new Condos on part of the property, or even a Football stadium. Certainly, one “easy” way of developing commercial land is selling off part of it for condos, so that’s part of the interest. It seems to me that the idea here is that the new amenities will finance themselves through more year-round operation, revenues at restaurants and bars before and after games, and more concession and souvenir sales. But I am curious as to your vision on how this will work–condo sales would mean a potential change in the atmosphere, investors could mean more new ownership interests rather than the re-establishment of family-based ownership, etc.
    4) Somewhat related #3, will the restaurants beyond the Pavillion be operated by the Dodgers, outsourced to the current concessionairres, or operated by third-parties?
    5) Somewhat related to #4, what kinds of restaurants, bars, etc. do you envision out there?
    6) Is the Top of the Park Plaza a restaurant area or open park?
    7) The comments state that the “Green Necklace” is outside of the stadium but inside the gates. I take it that this means that you present your ticket to the game and then enter to the Necklace?
    8) How will this work on non-game days? Will there be access to the Promenade (is that “Dodger Way”), the Green Necklace? What about to the interior of the Stadium? And will access to the parking lot be free? And will there be access from all four gates, or just the Eleysian Park gate?
    9) For that matter, how will it work on game-days? I suppose that it is the same now if someone comes to the Top of the Park Gift Shop, but is the stadium cleared out at some point?
    10) How tall are the buildings beyond the outfield pavillions? How will this affect the panoramic view from inside the seating bowl? Right now, you can see out to the hills beyond the stadium from the seats, which is a great setting for a ball-game. Can you insure that will remain unobstructed by the new buildings?
    11) What is the size of the new buildings beyond the Pavillions in terms of square feet and how many restaurants, bars, etc. there will be?
    12) The Green Necklace seems to take out a lot of close-in parking. That will push the preferred parking out, which is OK, but can you make sure that the general parking is not pushed even further away from the Stadium gates. Fans in the general parking are more often the die-hards, and should not be pushed further out.
    13) Will there be other park/picnic areas around the Green Necklace?
    14) With the new entrance in Centerfield, how will traffic-flow into the Stadium work? The problem is that a big cluster of parking is behind the grandstands. The unique architecture of Dodger Stadium allows fans to enter the Stadium on the level of their seats. Will we still be able to do this?
    15) Presumably, the Centerfield gates will be open until game time, and re-opened afterwards, while being closed to provide the hitters’ eye during the game. Yes?
    16) What are the plans to enhance public transportation to the Stadium. Bus lines are good, but busses still get stuff in game-time traffic. Also, short shuttles–such as from Union Station–allow transport to the game, but it still requires navigating downtown traffic. Is there a rail possibility? With this seen as a year-round venue, it would be more practical to build the lines to the stadium (potentially).
    17) Aside from the Dodger Museum, what sort of off-season attractions do you expect will bring people to the Stadium? (Maybe this presumes that there is not much off-season traffic there now, but in my 27 years as a Dodger fan, I think I have only come to the Stadium when there was not a game once [to pick up the old stadium seats that were sold–though I also came to the Stadium to park for the Coliseum game].) Will the restaurants and museum be enough?


    leekfink – regarding condominiums. I have read that the zoning and land use agreements would not allow the Dodger property to be developed for residential purposes, such as condos. It’s not inconceivable that the hurdles to getting those things changed are so large as to make such an idea near impossible to bring to fruition. The traffic impact alone might make it untenable.
    I don’t like the name “green necklace”. I don’t have a better suggestion (other than maybe “Vin Scully Parkway”), but green necklace just rings so out-of-key in my ears.

  56. leekfink

    pierreseastmeetswest–I certainly respect where you’re coming from. Selfishly, I have to disagree, but I understand.
    Old_fogey–I have heard the same thing too (maybe from you–not sure). But I don’t know if this is solid or second-hand. And, if you’re right, it may be too difficult to get it re-zoned if the Dodgers wanted to. but I serve on my local Planning Commission, and have seen zones changed to accomodate development. Ultimately, my sense is that condos are not really an option for the plan, but I have heard it mentioned, and wanted to see what Frank McCourt would say.
    I also agree about the “green necklace.” I think it is descriptive, and not the ultiamte name. I hope that Vin Scully Parkway would be used–I fear that it will be Citibank Parkway (I could live with that, but don’t really like it).
    Josh–I have one additional question (amazing, I know)–do the plans for the parking structures allow for exiting on multiple levels? There is a lot of traffic in and out of a parking structure, but it’s conceiveable that they can be built into the hill in such a way that you could enter and exit from the top and bottom.
    A final comment–the more I see, the more I like this. For instance, I just saw a blurb on Alyssa Milano’s site that explained that the museuem would be “substantial” and a “learning center.” This sounds good. But I do hope that Mr. McCourt (or someone in the organization) could address my questions, and other questions that people have. It’s a big plan for our Stadium.

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