Today's lineup

Furcal, SS

Pierre, CF

Loney, 1B

Kent, 2B

Nomar, 3B

Martin, C

Kemp, RF

Ethier, LF

Penny, P



    Anybody else see the problem? Want more? Nomar in his career is 3 for 20 against Davis with a HR. That’s really it though. Oh and Doug Davis is a Dodger Killer in his career 30 innings he’s never given up an earned run to the Dodgers. So, we’re in trouble no matter who we throw out there.


    i’d rather have nomar batting 5th than gonzo. also, laroche is injured and i don’t think abreu did anything offensively his last 2 starts (although that’s an extremely small sample, but you have to perform whenever you have the chance)


    Well at least Gonzalez isn’t there today, I did a little investigation & it turns out Juan Pierre owns Davis, hopefully he comes up with runners on.


    Could have started Hillenbrand 5 for 16 lifetime vs. Davis. Nobody deserves playing third base for us right now. But, somebody has to do it. Just bat them eighth I really don’t care who it is anymore. So, anytime I see a third baseman batting higher than eighth it’s a mistake, regardless of the name.


    Great lineup!! Dodgers roll as Nomar breaks out tonight. Might even get an extra base hit since he is in a power spot in the order. Good that the manager has given him a boost in confidence by placing him there.


    I don’t mind Nomar if LaRoche is ailing, but geeze, batting 5th when he hasn’t done squat since coming back?

    Typical Grady.

    Ethier 8th? Kemp 7th? Martin hitting 6th after Nomar?

    This is what we’re talking about people.


    21 innings lifetime at Dodger Stadium has never allowed an earned run yet lost a game to us this season when he gave up just one unearned run. I fear Doug Davis more than any pitcher not named Jake Peavy.


    But, here’s some optimism, Furcal and Pierre do have good numbers against Davis. Loney is WHITE HOT and has never faced Davis. Also, Davis is one of the worst pitchers in the league when it comes to walks. So, if you are patient (unlike vs. Maddux, where you can’t be patient) you normally will do well. That’s why this team has not done well against Davis because they haven’t shown enough patience against him.


    Nobody deserves playing third base for us right now.

    see I totally disagree with this statement but understand why you make it. All of the Dodger third base guys have been awful, yes I agree…but here we are in must win games and really this is the bottom lines for me anyways:

    -Dodgers are 0-4 in September when Nomar starts and have a winning record when LaRoche or Abreau starts.

    -Nomar is not 100 percent,” Little said. “It’s very likely he won’t be in condition to play every game for the rest of the season.”


    despite nomar’s struggles all year, i still feel like he’ll come through in the clutch. i’d rather complain about saenz, blowbert, seanez, and of course grittle.


    That’s exactly why Nomar has never done well against him.

    Also, Davis has a ridiculous pickoff move, so stolen bases aren’t in our favor tonight. If we have a runner at second against Davis with nobody out, we need to find a way to get him to third and home. Even if it means bunting in the first inning like yesterday. We have to find a way to score against this guy.


    Its gonna be hard to pickoff runners tonight at first when we will hitting the balls in the gap all night!


    Grady Little reminds me of “that guy.” You know, “that guy” standing in the parking lot, looking at an empty handicapped parking space, wondering out loud “I could have sworn I parked it right here?” Buffoonery at it’s finest.


    scurtis, I predict the Giants take 2 out of 3 from the Pads, the Phillies drop 2 out of 3 to the Mets…What about us? We need to sweep. Let’s hope that tonight we set the tone for the weekend, lately the Dodgers have been dropping the opening of the series with regularity, I believe 3 in a row.. Let’s cut that trend tonite and hope for broooms.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    Tomko is listed as SP for tomorrow’s game against the Gnats.

    Isn’t that what we we’re all wishing for?


    I think are pitching matches up better this weekend in are favor. Raffy tears up Livan, and maybe Loaiza will come out a little better Sunday.


    Grady, The things you do now REALLY dont suprise me anymore. This is so ridiculous its not even funny! Ok whatever start Nomar garciaPOPUP but bat him 5th?!?! Are you kidding me!? What a joke!


    Kiper, I like your thinking. I can see the Mets taking the Phillies, but I have doubt in the Gnats.

    I think we will take 2 out of 3 but Im praying for a sweep.

    GO BLUE!


    I have more confidence in Nomar than in Gonzo. I’ll give Grady the benefit of the doubt tonite and look for Nomar to be productive. I don’t believe he’s earned the right to bat 5th, maybe 7th, but being a veteran and a good team guy, let’s give him a shot and hope he comes through. I like this line up, to bad it’s not the same one that we’ll see tomorrow. The key to tonights game is Brad Penny, he has to keep the DBacks at bay and keep us in the game for 7 innings, Brad has his sights on the Cy Young and with 3 more starts after today, he better have his best stuff and hold nothing back, that’s why I like our chances.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    lol max
    I just don’t get it. Grady must have a man crush on Nomar.

    In Nomar’s last 25 starts. Get ready guys….

    the Dodger Record is 6-19

    And were not suppossed to get pissed?


    I say Nomar will go 3 for 4 tonight with 2 rbi’s. Just a gut feeling, I think tonight will see a glimpse of why Nomar is a dodger. Remember I want to stay optimistic, and Andre and Kemp will have homeruns tonight.


    Maybe Tweedledumb thinks Nomas is due after going 1-18. Of course he didn’t think Carlos Delgado was due when he walked Jeff COnine to face him after going 0-18.


    Thank God there is a mini upright citizens brigade marathon on Comedy Central right or else i’d be really depressed about the lineup.


    I think this game could be a great game for Nomar, but if we lose and Nomar leaves tons of runners on base, it’s going to be pretty obvious who the bozo is. I just wouldn’t take the risk of batting him 5th. Is that so hard Grady? Just bat him 8th? or 7th? MAN!


    Repost from dodger thought from eric enders that show some good positive stuff.

    MLB Leaders in ERA

    (at least 100 IP)

    Cnt Player ERA IP Year Age

    1 Jake Peavy 2.44 195.2 2007 26

    2 Chris Young 2.72 149 2007 28

    3 Brad Penny 2.81 192 2007 29

    4 Brandon Webb 2.99 217 2007 28

    5 John Smoltz 3.02 187.2 2007 40

    6 Johan Santana 3.09 201 2007 28

    7 Danny Haren 3.11 202.2 2007 26

    8 Chad Billingsley 3.14 134.2 2007 22

    9 C.C. Sabathia 3.15 220 2007 26

    10 Erik Bedard 3.16 182 2007 28

    MLB Leaders in Batting Average

    (at least 250 PA)

    Cnt Player BA PA Year Age

    1 Magglio Ordonez .358 623 2007 33

    2 Ichiro Suzuki .349 655 2007 33

    3 Chone Figgins .347 443 2007 29

    4 Placido Polanco .344 578 2007 31

    5 Jorge Posada .338 532 2007 35

    6 Matt Diaz .338 341 2007 29

    7 Chase Utley .338 531 2007 28

    8 Matt Kemp .333 257 2007 22

    9 Matt Holliday .333 638 2007 27

    10 Hanley Ramirez .332 632 2007 23

    11 Chipper Jones .330 529 2007 35

    12 Edgar Renteria .330 484 2007 31

    13 James Loney .329 306 2007 23

    14 Ryan Braun .328 424 2007 23

    15 Moises Alou .328 287 2007 40


    We have 6 players on this team that are in double digets in HRS and 5 are in the lineup tonight, only da GONZ is not starting. You might say that it is Sept. 14th, and only one has 20. BUT it’s still 6 that are capable of clearing the wall at any time. Another big game, which they all are from now on. The best thing is WE GOT A CHANCE.


    californiaauto You are taking the eternal optimist thing to another level lol

    I hope your right. This club as a whole is overdue on figuring out Davis.


    Unbelievable as usual…Nomar playing and batting 5th…Anybody see anything in Nomar that makes you think he should bat 5th, let alone at all???…I thought we were supposed to have a chance to win…can’t bear him at the plate…DEPRESSED


    I think for Nomar are hope is that Christopher Lloyd is waving his arms like a bird in the RF pavillion somewhere…


    Nomar 5th? Martin 6th? Kemp 7th? Ethier 8th? What the heck Grady? Why is our best hitter hitting 7th? ****. Looks like Penny is gonna have to be great again for us to get a W.


    A couple weeks ago Grady said he was gonna let LaRoche play alot. I guess Ned is pressuring him into playing Nomar and batting him in a power spot.


    well I guess grady figures that now that he has the approval of Plaschke he can go ******* off the dodgers faithful any way he chooses. Ridiculous and stupid. Nomar is still hurting and yet he bats fifth, let alone at all.


    Really Calauto I didn’t know that. Que triste how things have gone for OJ. He was such a talented football player. Too bad he had so many off field problems. By the way calauto, when I posted spanish the first time how did you know right away I wasn’t latino? VAMOS DODGERS!!!!



    La Roche has a bad back..probably won’t be right until next year..that’s probably why he isn’t playing..Oh…how about Shea??lol


    swood, LaRoche has a bad back, this one is not on Grady. As much as we’d like to blame him for it, no. LaRoche is not going to be a factor for the Dodgers down the stretch. Be prepared for a lot of Nomar and a little bit of Abreu and Shea, but no LaRoche… so sad.
    FIRE GRADY!!!!!


    Nomar batting 5th? Wow. I agree with everyone here about dropping him lower in the order and putting Martin, Kemp or Ethier in that slot. Geezes!!!


    quit-jer-whinin’ about No-More…it could be worse. The Drewish Princess could be hitting, er, batting, 4th too.

    see so there is a positive in there somewhere.

    Just another typical LITTLE LEAGUE line-up.


    where are the grady defenders now? if they can explain nomar batting 5th over martin, kemp, ethier, i’d really like to hear it.

    again, grady go with 4 RH batters in a row to make nomar happy, but will endlessly bat loney or ethier 8th to preserve the RH-LH-RH-LH-RH-LH…

    vets are a hinderance if you can’t bat them where they deserve cause their ego won’t let them bat 8th where the deserve.

    we don’t have time during a pennant race to wait for nomar to get his timing back in the 5th spot.


    The only defense I could give (and I’m stretching here) to play Nomar is for Grady to get an indicattion of how well Nomar is. Granted, I’d rather do this playing the Rockies or Giants.


    T ORTH______JOSEPH If you’re still around, I refer you to my comment in response to you in the previous log”Down the stretch they come”


    Gotta agree with you there, kahliforni.

    It would be good if Little could be honest sometimes but I guess hey, no honesty in baseball, just steriods and white lies, folksy manager or no.

    Anyway, this lineup is as good as it gets right now. Remember Hillenbrand is a total butcher at third. So let’s pretend Nomar is in there for his defense ( I know he is not good defensively ) and that writing him into the 5-hole was either an accident, or else blame Nomar for being a stiff-necked, washed-up veteran who insisted he won’t bat eighth again. Funny that, since ahead of the pitcher he may at least get an IBB or two.


    You know, earlier today, I read Josh’s first post and the Plashke story, and was about to post something to defend Grady. Like him or not, and despite the fact that Plashke’s story has some serious flaws (like martinloneykemp pointed out on the last thread–it was not keeping Loney out of the lineup that “turned” him into a good hitter–he was a good hitter frustratingly kept out for far too long). But there was one basic truth in there–managing is a lot more complex than the line-ups and in-game moves, and it’s the type of thing that we don’t see.

    But, if you put a guy fifth who everyone knows is just not ready, who Vinny says just can’t catch up the fastball, and he’s hitting in front of the team RBI leader, the team’s best hitter, and one of the team’s top-5 hitters, how can I be expected to defend him?

    Alex is probably right that no one has really earned the 3B job at this point, but you can’t stick them in the heart of the order.

    Honestly, with Penny pitching tonight, how do we not pull a Tony LaRussa and bat Penny 8th and Nomar 9th? Between the season-long slump, the injury, and the layoff, isn’t Penny clearly the better hitter right now?


    Guys, I’ve got the answer to the Dodgers’ problems…not sure why no one thought of it earlier…Fire Grady Little!


    Pierreseastmeetswest — No ill towards you on my comment. Just typing it to adress a comment to you is laborous…heheh.

    As for the “ripped to sheds” comment, I was talking about my heart for this team, not the team itself. When I see fielding errors that shouldn’t happen, I figure, “Go out and work on them”. When I see pitching changes like what happened in SF a week back, those bonehead mental errors tear out my emotional heart.


    I can’t and here is why. They have admitted already he is not 100 percent and has no chance of being 100 percent the rest of the year. So why play 80% Nomar versus 100% Abreau? When you consider that Abreau has two starts at 3b in the last two games, both wins. And then 3-17 in Nomar’s last 20 starts is brutal. It may not be his fault, it is what it is and it’s not good. It’s like throwing Tomko to me.


    Gotta go all. Maybe I’ll post during the game like some of you do. Never done it before, but with Bluetooth and all, I know I can!!


    guess what?

    i actually don’t understand why Nomar is still playing… he is not 100%… he strikes out alot which means he is struggling so bad and not in a very good condition!

    we have alot of option in 3rd!

    LaRoche has a bad back!

    Shea is awful!

    Abreu has a 2 games audition and hasn’t done a thing…

    but we still have Valdez and Hu!

    why would he take chance with a Hurting Nomar?

    it’s not going to hurt them to put Hu, valdez or Abreu in 3rd coz no one really step up with the challenge!!!

    3rd basemen not 100%=Errors!!!


    But there was one basic truth in there–managing is a lot more complex than the line-ups and in-game moves, and it’s the type of thing that we don’t see.
    Posted by: | September 14, 2007 04:02 PM

    I haven’t been defending Grady at all lately but I think this is a very good statement.



















    911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!!






















    ORTH__JOSEPH your address is shorter__I’d like to know how you arrived at it. You can address me as pierreseast. I think we all have different opinions.____what you might see as one thing I might see as another. I think my reasonings were developed over time. _______same as yours.


    It was plainly obvious he stunk from his first start in Chicago. He just managed to keep runs off the board THAT DAY.


    Okay guys,let’s forget about the pettiness, and root for our Los Angeles Dodgers!Nothing less than a three game sweep!Go Super Dodgers!


    Where were all the Loaiza apologists when he was getting shelled on Tuesday?

    Posted by: | September 14, 2007 05:02 PM

    Thank you so much. I was the only one who said it was a bad move and I was the one who got shelled. I want an apology from EVERYONE!!!!!! lol. just kidding of course.

    SWOOD FOR GM IN ’08.


    It is obvious that Little does not run this team. The overpaid, overrated, over the hill veterand do. Nomore and Gonzo are calling the shots. Little doesn’t have the sack to sit them in favor of someone who is performing better. Thanks Again Ned.


    One good start doesn’t make him good and one bad start doesn’t make him bad. When he was good, people who like him will rub it in the faces of those who doubted him and when he’s bad people who didn’t like the waiver claim will rub it in those who thought it was a good deal. Predictable format…


    Yes, ndeschenes – we at least need to take this series, and tonight would be a good start. We haven’t done anything against Davis this season, but Penny gives us a good shot in a low scoring game. Let’s give it to Davis tonight – rack him for about four runs!!!


    Alex he hasn’t been good yet… He won in Chicago because of the run support… Fact is we don’t and didn’t need him.


    *That was kind of confusing so let me rephrase that last statement:
    Who would you rather have a young Piazza, Scoisca or Martin? I know its hard to compare Scoisca because of the era so maybe I should just compare Martin to Piazza.


    anyone else seeing through the BS that LaRoche was supposedly going to get the majority of the playing time in September. Total BS!! If nothing else, he’ll at least make Davis throw more than one pitch. What a joke!


    I’m saying anytime with anybody. Not just with Loaiza but everybody. You all play your favorites and that’s fine just man or woman up and say you don’t like him so your opinion can be disregarded. Because you can’t look at anything objectively. That goes for everybody. Somehow, there’s a difference between Billingsley going 6 innings giving up 4 runs and we win 8-4. And Loaiza going 6 innings giving up 4 runs and we win 8-4. That to me is ****.


    It’s not that I don’t like Loaiza I just thought it was a pickup that made no sense, considering Ned said he got Loaiza mainly to help us for this year. After Loaiza’s first start I didn’t say much because it was only his first start but he cost us vs. Peavy. If Loaiza has 2 more good starts before the end of the year I will gladly say I was wrong, but so far I have been inarguably right.


    Or lets say Ethier grounds into a double play with runners at the corners with 1 out. Gonzo does the same thing and yet that’s worse. In the box score how the heck is that different. Yet, on this blog there’s a huge difference which is not only unfair, but unjust. An 0-4 day by one player is just as bad as 0-4 by another.


    I’m very surprised to see Nomar in the line-up,even though Abreu is 0-12, but I’m even more surprised that Nomar is not in the 8 hole given that he was on Sept. 9 and 11. Alex pointed out that Nomar was 3-20 against Davis but he did not tell us that the 3-20 includes 7 strike outs.
    Nevertheless, some unfair comments deserve replies- to jungar: Nomar has been in 3 games in Sept. Before that he last played during the team’s 7-19 stretch in July and August when they couldn’t score; that is why the record of his last 25 games is so dismal. You should have pointed this out. While Nomar hasn’t been a positive factor, the teams rotten record with him in the games is a fluke of when he was injured and how badly the Dodgers played from mid-July to mid-August (which is the reason we’re not in first). To i thinkblue: You want RH hitters in against Davis and when Grady has stacked the line-up with RHs he has done it this way before -it has nothing to do with Nomar. (I realize there was an inexplicable line-up with Nomar in it on Sept. 7 when Loney batted 7 and Ethier 8.)


    We didn’t needlessly pick Ethier of Gonzo up with a month left in the season. I don’t complain about Gonzo nearly as much as some other people…I mostly complain about Pierre and Loaiza.


    I have to point this out everytime I notice it. Lefty on the mound vs. the Mets, Randolph starts Conine over Delgado.


    Alex I am sorry if it sounds like I complain alot. I just don’t understand what Ned saw in some of these veterans when it was obvious to me they were old, injury prone, and just flat out not very good.


    Jspelk, it’s totally un-natural to root for the Mets and Giants. But, it serves a greater purpose. Still it’s really hard.


    scurtis: I cannot bring myself to root for the Mets. They have spent alot of money and put together a good team. I enjoy seeing them get taken down a peg especially as they are 10-2 in their last 12. I don’t want to see the Dodgers back into this. Of course, I will root for Wash. to beat the Phillies.


    miketink- wash. is playing the Braves and the Mets are playing the Phills, I hate the Mets as well but it is a benefit for our team for the Mets to beat Philly.


    Nomar? 5th? After what Grady said about Nomar not being all the way back yet? Unbelievable.

    Grady, your only job is to give the team the best chance to win; given that, how can you possibly, realistically justify starting Nomar?

    Seriously, my head is just spinning at this point.


    James I don’t understand Nomar 5th either and I don’t think anybody else can. I hope LaRoche impresses at next spring training. I think Matt Holliday is the NL MVP.


    Swood that is not a very good question. The answer is going to be based on the need of the team. When Piazza played, we had plenty of power, so I could lean a little more towards Martin. Now our team needs power, so I would lean towards Piazza. But they both were the biggest contributers to their team in their second year.


    Game time approaches.

    Like it or not, the lineup is posted.

    (That kind of rhymes people)

    So, for the next few hours (or at least as long as Grady refrains from further incredibly bad decisions) let’s get our energy behind the Boys in Blue and ROOT, ROOT, ROOT FOR THE HOME TEAM!!

    GO BLUE!!


    If it comes down to the last couple days in the season between the Dodgers and Phillies I will go to the Phills games at RFK and root for the Nats. First things first though VAMOS DODGERS!!!!


    man this whole PR spin on grady is getting out of control.



    Was it Grady’s fault he continued to play Furcal instead of leaving him on the DL for a few extra days? Yes

    Was it Grady’s fault he kept Nomar batting 3rd for half a season? YES

    Was it Grady’s fault that he put Billingsley in the bullpen and watched Bombko and Hendrickson win a combined 6 games? YES

    Was it Grady’s fault that James Loney started out in Triple A? YES

    Was it Grady’s fault he platooned Ethier and Kemp most of the season? YES!


    Our non-existent ace, huh?

    I am curious to see how the Dodgers handle Penny’s second-half woes next year.


    Out of 36 pitches, Penny threw 3 off speed pitches, not one for a strike. It is going to be a long night, and long rest of the season with Penny on the mound if he doesn’t start to pitch instead of throw.


    I’m hoping scoring just one run will be a let down for the D-Backs and also hoping Penny will settle down.


    I wonder how many pounds Penny has gained back since his fine conditioning for the start of the season. I think life for Penny is too good, and he just plain gets out of shape to pitch well in the second half of the season. Any incentive in his contract should be based on maintaining a weight that’s somewhere like forty pounds under what he is right now.


    milkshake: Just fyi, gameday has it 6 offspeed pitches 2 for strikes(the strikes to Upton). I agree with your point.


    Dang it, Penny. You’re a first-half pitcher and a second-half scrapper.

    Lineup, we need lots and lots of runs tonight!


    geez could you imagine sitting in front of tommy and sparky. I wonder how many F Bombs they’ve dropped so far.


    am i the only one that thinks maybe we should have pinch hit for Penny? I mean he’d probably only go 1 more inning if we’re lucky.


    Another case of Little ruining the team’s chances to win. Penny should of been out with a pitch hitter,but no he let’s him stay in and guess what were down.


    I’m with you. Although only 1 out, Penny, like Loaiza, didn’t have anything going and should have been pinch hit.


    nomar batting 5th that at-bat payed off, and now we’re tied.

    We need this win…top of the 9th and SF leading SD 3-2..

    go blue!!!!!


    Grady is all about player’s ego’s and stats.

    He pulls Penny on Sunday with only 82 pitches because he doesn’t feel as though Brad deserved to lose that game.

    But he leaves him out there to hit with 96 pitches because I’m guessing Brad deserved to lose this game. It’s only so that Brad could get to the 5th and get a decision.


    oh and I don’t care if the offense bailed out Penny, if Grady made the decision he made on Sunday at 84 pitches, then he should have made the same decision tonight. It worked out with the offense.

    Grady lost his job in Boston for a reason, and he should lose his job in Los Angeles for the same reason.


    You gotta love it! They were past due to hammer Davis for some runs. Seemed like he owned this club till tonight.


    Anyone for Seanez about now?

    Sorry….had to be a buzzkill but I can’t help but think Seanez or Hernandez or some other hack will come in. Any ideas on who to bring in?


    nice 4 run inning from our boy’s in blue!

    Nice to see both the vet’s and the beloved kids contributing and battling back to get that lead. Who would have known that the Dodger’s as a whole and as team could score runs? Rather segregating them into classes of players? Go figure!

    Now our bullpen needs to get the job done so we can gain ground on the pads and d-backs!


    The Super,Super Los Angeles Dodgers really came to play tonight!I a hunch on Nomar tonght and so did Grady Little!First place, here we come!


    proctor/beimal in the 7th, brox in the 8th, and saito in the 9th.

    let’s go mark! get us through this inning!


    SD has the tying run on 2nd base with 1 out in the 9th..let’s hope SF can close it out…Dare i say it, but i wish they had a lights out closer like Saito right now!


    If 67 percent don’t think the D-Backs will win the west, just who do they think will??? LET’S GO RUDY


    wow..giles just hit a bomb to the right field looked like a HR all the way, and a walk-off 2 run shot!! Luckily it was caught..whew..

    Dodger’s can be within 1/2 game if they can close this AZ game out and if SF get’s 1 more out!


    SF doesn’t know how to get 1 more out and win….just like not getting 6 more outs to win the World Series.


    alex: I question looking at “career” stats for 2nd year outfielders who don’t play everyday. Maybe the Dodgers have access to his minor league splits or maybe they have scouts who have seen him. (or maybe Grady just went with the %s-it worked)


    One thing I noticed in Paschke’s column today. Ned is completely sold on Grady…but nary a word on whether McCourt is sold on Ned. Not Grady or Ned bashing…just an observation.


    Way too many games left to be worrying about Pods and Phils. We got some business to take care of right here tonight.


    Although they got out of this, I can see the uneasiness of having Rudy in there. Pitch to win, go after them…….I’ll say this about Broxton, although he’s been a little shaky lately, he and Saito and Beimel and Proctor go after guys. Rudy, Mark, Roberto pitch timid and unsure.


    K. Greene… it me or does Greene look like a little girl. Darn!!!

    Posted by: | September 14, 2007 10:12 PM

    Nope. He looks like Jeff Spiccolli from ‘Fast Times at Ridgemomt High’ to me. lol


    Think I’ll take an 80% Nomar over 100% Nomar……..Maybe a 50% Nomar will be even better…..2 HRs and 2 2B.


    Blondecaboy — Is that because Nomar is on so Broxtona nd Saito have to be off?

    I like what I’m seeing here…..trying to score runs while you are up.


    E_T_H_I_E_R NICE GOING looks like he’s swinging more level again and not trying to kill the ball. I sure liked that addional run.


    I lost Scully for awhile on my computer. The D-Back broadcast is on extra-innings. I’m glad I got back to Vinny


    What I don’t like here is Saito must pitch in the 8th, then {sit down} before coming back for the 9th


    This will be only the fourth time all season Saito will pitch more than an inning. So, this is far better than what Tracy did with Gagne at times.


    Hey, just for fun, in honor of Jackie Robinson, let’s have Pierre steal home on the first pitch from a new reliever.


    Pierre looked like a dead duck that time going into 2nd, but he avoided the tag and it will be memorable.


    I think everbody sees Pierre in their own way. I appreciate him proberbly because I’m from the Jackie Robinson Pee Wee Reese era.


    nice comeback win by our Dodgers…too bad SD won, but at least we gained ground on the d-backs. Let’s go get another win tommorow, then another win, then another win, and roll into the playoff’s rolling!

    btw..great game by Nomar..nice to see him come up with a huge performance, especially after the usual pre-game bashing he gets.


    Nice to see the guys bail Penny out, and hold on for the win.
    I hope they bury the Snakes tomorrow!!!!!

    Go Dodgers!!!!


    Yes KAHLI Pierre & Gonzo are armless but we are only 1 1/2 games back…….OH and only 4 1/2 back of the snakes.


    say Nomar will go 3 for 4 tonight with 2 rbi’s. Just a gut feeling, I think tonight will see a glimpse of why Nomar is a dodger. Remember I want to stay optimistic, and Andre and Kemp will have homeruns tonight.

    Posted by: | September 14, 2007 03:04 PM


    that home-run by nomar to tie up the game was as huge as it gets! Gave our team a little life, and we turned that inning into


    Fantastic, Super 7 to 4 Victory for Our Los Angeles Dodgers over the Arizona Diamondbacks!This Dodger Team really,really impressed me tonight!Grady Little had them very prepared and focused! Ned Colletti has done a good job with the mix of youth and seasoned veterans!Super Takashi Saito was fantastic with the extra effort!It was fitting Superman Jeff Kent got the last out!We,my friends,are the Team Of Destiny for 2007.Ain’t no stopping us now!


    This game was fantastic, wonderful and great for Nomar. But, he sits on my bench tomorrow. 1 for 14 lifetime against Livan Hernandez. But, he had horrible numbers against Davis too so Nomar will probably start anyway. Tomorrow, Grady is going to have a difficult decision on his hands. Gonzo, Ethier and Pierre all have hit Hernandez well. But, will he sit Kemp? Who has only faced Hernandez once but struck out. Hardly a large sample size, we’ll see.


    To give you an idea Lowe and Hernandez squared off Saturday August 4th. Hernandez gave up 2 runs (1 earned) Lowe gave up 6 runs (4 earned).

    Furcal, Pierre, Martin, Gonzo, Nomar, Loney, Martinez, Ethier was the lineup.

    My guess for tomorrow:

    Furcal, Pierre, Loney, Kent, Gonzo, Martin, Nomar, Ethier


    and for the dodgers 2 walks by Pierre a homerun by garciapparra and another good game by loney.

    -in my rick monday voice


    I don’t ask for much very often but a sweep on the snake’s would provide for some serious dramatics and a solid run for a playoff berth.


    “The managers are always going to take the fall because of the money the players are making,” Penny said. “You can’t fire 25 guys, you can’t blame 25 guys. This is my eighth year, I’ve had six different managers. And the teams that were good won, the teams that weren’t lost and it had nothing to do with who was managing.”


    In the game of baseball, like anywhere else, different people have different expectations. I take note of Grady’s comments cited in an article yesterday under the headline “Little keeps team afloat”: “We left Spring Training trying to look forward to making the postseason, and right now we’re a game and a half out of that position with 16 to go. What more can you ask?”
    Talk about a difference in expectations and lowering the bar – myself and most of the baseball experts would have expected us to be the clear winner of our division. Expecting to contend for the playoffs might be OK for the mediocre teams with maybe half of the Dodgers’ investment in payroll. I hope that Mr. McCourt would have had higher expectations as well.

    I’m not looking to pile on the management at a critical time when we are still in the hunt for that playoff spot, but I’ve said all season long that I expect this team to not only make the playoffs, but to perform better than they have in the last twenty years. If that does not happen, then Colletti and Little should both be replaced. I stand by that expectation.


    Ndescheses..ditto everything you said. I was at the game. Everyone played well. It was totally electric. Today will be the same. Go Dodgers!! Lets ease up on Grady and Colletti, just for a minute??


    TO S_W_O_O_D *****I’m not sure I’ll be back for today’s lineup so let me answer your question here: What was the best Dodger team I ever saw? That’s a hard question after all these years. I’d have to say the teams between 1952-1956. A close second were the teams between 1977-1981. It’s difficult to pick a particular year, but fortunately the turnovers were lesser then.


    To S_W_O_O_D I would just like to add in terms of winning, the teams in the early ’60’s in the Koufax & Drysdale era were simply a nerve wracking crew that miraculously won with just enough offense(which was very little). There was never teams in history like those teams.


    Sept. 13- The New York Times reports that Los Angeles Dodgers first basemen James Loney is the latest athlete’s name to be released in connection to the online pharmacy that has illegally provided Human Growth Hormones to many high profile athletes as wells as wrestlers. It is reported that Loney received a two year supply of HGH from the online pharmacy in 2005. “We are currently investigating the matter” says the commissioner of Major League Baseball Bud Selig. James Loney was unavailable for comment. Loney joins a long list of high profile athletes associated with the HGH ring including baseball stars Troy Glaus, Rick Ankiel, and Gary Matthews Jr as well as New England Patriots defensive back Rodney Harrison and Cowboys QB coach Wade Wilson. Loney is hitting .322 with 11 homeruns and 48 RBIs going into tonight’s game against the San Diego Padres. James Loney is widely considered to be the Los Angeles Dodgers’ number one prospect.



    NOT TRUE. That post should be deleted; it’s libelous.

    Look at how poorly it’s written; that should be the red-flag.


    Sure, delete it if it’s false. I was just rying to get a thumbs up or thumbs down on the rumor. By the way, poor writing is pretty common from newspaper writers.


    It’s a total crock of s**t! All the guy did was put Loney’s name where Ankiel’s was.
    He must be a jealous Met fan or something. It never ceases to amaze me how low some will go to discredit, and blast a player just because he’s on a hot streak. Ludicrous!!!


    I have been unable to independently confirm the Loney/HGH rumor, so could someone please delte the post? I’m not sure if I can do it myself…


    Yeah, I’ve been unable to confirm it. A usually reliable source of mine sent it, and I just needed to know if it were true. Delete all references to it. Thank God. Loney’s been one of the real gems this season.

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