Tagged: midweek day games

What did you think of the half-price throwback days?

When we got our 2011 schedule, there were six midweek day games on there based on travel schedules and as an organization, we decided to try something a little unique with them.

Not only did we make them half-price food and soft drink days, but we had the fans vote on which throwback uniform they wanted to see the team wear. Tens of thousands of votes came in and the “baby blue satin” uniforms from the 1940s won the vote.

So, did you make it out for these games? If so, what did you think? Did you like the uniforms? Did you like the half price concept for midweek day games? Did you hate both? Any other cool ideas for a group of day games that fall during the middle of the week? Let us know, as we’re starting to look into 2012 promotions and we are always mindful of the feedback.

We should be releasing the 2012 schedule within the next couple weeks.