Blogs away…

Judging by the number of comments on the last post, people are taking to the new blog format quite nicely. I’m working on getting you all some pointers (that I’ll be learning myself) but in the meantime, it seems like people are much happier with the speed of posts. If you haven’t yet become part of the Inside the Dodgers community and are reading this on Facebook, come join the chatter…we want to hear from you.

With three wins in four games against the Giants, the team is in first place and we’ve got “first place ice cream” in about half an hour in the front offices. This tradition dates back many, many years and always makes the employees happy. We also brought back the tradition of “sold-out cookies” so whenever you guys pack the stadium, the front office gets freshly-baked cookies, so thank you!

Other than that, there’s finally a chance for everyone at the Stadium to catch their breath while the team travels to Colorado (the bus just left the stadium en route to LAX). I won’t be making this trip, so I’ll be posting observations from LA while we will likely have lots of tweets coming from @dodgers as always.


  1. selltheteam

    No offense to you, Josh, but I’m hoping you don’t get anymore fresh-baked cookies this year. Note to Frank: Sell the Team!

  2. northstateblues

    Loving the new WordPress toys we get to play with here. A little bit of creativity can go a long way.
    Enjoy the breather while the team is away.

  3. Collie

    Josh — Love the new blog format. It’s great — thanks for hearing us out!
    Now that’s taken care of let’s move onto the other 2 issues — #1 Thuggery…

  4. nellyjune

    This is what happens when people outside the classroom try to design a test. Our district’s writing prompt our 5th graders, who are 10/11 years old have to address…..
    Write a persuasive essay on professional athletes and the amount of money they make. Provide examples of pros and cons to the argument. Not only is this a hard topic for anybody to write about (much less a 10 year old), you just eliminated every student who’s parents don’t follow sports. They won’t even know where to start.
    Since this is a sports blog, I thought I’d share because my colleagues are dumbfounded by this topic. They usuallt get topics that relate to their 10 year old lives…. They came and ask me my thoughts, and I laughingly said, “The Dodgers don’t spend that kind of money anymore”

  5. nellyjune

    Josh – love the improvements!!! Also, the mobile version is just as cool as the full site version. Fun stuff!!! ……and speaking for my ITD boys, they are having fun with it as well 🙂

  6. Collie

    Josh — Are the Dodgers going to take this opportunity to make a change in the stadium issues? Not just for PR but really do something. How about honoring the family of the victim as well as the victim.
    When is this organization going to say enough?
    I think that’s a question I’ve asked a few times more than a few years ago now…

  7. Collie

    I would but I don’t want to take the focus off of #2 at this time. The time is now for the Dodgers to do something that should of been done years ago. I haven’t been to a game since the last time because Wifey is too scared to go.
    That’s a tough sentence to write.

    • nellyjune

      Collie – after what happened, I certainly wouldn’t want Michael and Bill going to Dodger Stadium until things change. Bill is pretty quiet about his gnat colors, but Michael sure isn’t, nor should he have to be.

  8. enchantedTheBeav

    Is Frank so financially broke and morally bankrupt that he can’t even put up a decent reward for information to apprehend the two thugs AND pay for all of the poor victims medical expenses, preferring instead to hide behind Josh and his lawyer approved statements? Skip a haircut or two Frank and man-up. Its one thing to embarrass the franchise and its fans with the crap you put out on the field and the airing of all your sorted laundry that exposed your lifestyle and financial trickery, but its another to openly thumb your nose at baseball fans everywhere and Mr. Stow in particular with your “I just work here” attitude and “let’s not spoil this lovely day” speech.

  9. Collie

    It’s a shame they can’t Nelly. They also fight with fellow Dodger fans. There are things that Frank can do that would fix the problems and make this a great place to go — the place it should be. That would be a start.
    It is also distressing to me the statements he makes or has made. Be a leader Frank — not a coward.

    • nellyjune

      Collie – We can just hang out at the phone booth instead!! They are still Dodgers wherever they play :). My girlfriend and I are probably going to the series in Minnesota when they play the Twins at the end of June. She’s an A’s fan but loves Joe Mauer so we are certainly looking into it.

  10. Collie

    That would be cool – in June one of my x employees is moving there for college. He loves it there. I think it would be a fun place to go.

    • nellyjune

      Dodge16 used to live there, and he loved it too!!! We are still in the considering phase for now because we are just trying to get thru our school year for now – lol!!!

  11. crzblue

    My GF and I are planning on being in Minnesota too. Dodgers are playin on my birthday so It will be my birthday present from to me.
    A few weeks before Opening Day after it was announced the day and time change, I mentioned to a couple of Dodger personnel that havinng Opening Day later, it was not going to stop the people from celebrating as early as they are used to celebrate having Opening Day at 1.p.m. The parks surrounding Dodger Stadium get full pretty early on O.D. as you can see from the video I posted in my blog a few days ago. That day when I was driving around it was about 9. This O.D. I drove around about 11:30 and no parking all around at the time. I mentioned to those people “you are going to need extra security on that day”
    My avatar is still not working. It is a Duke Snider pic from the net. Don’t know what I am doing wrong. oh well. is OK.

  12. crzblue

    It was probably something wrong with the other Duke Snider pic I was using so I just selected a different one.
    Dodger Booster club is also planning a trip to Minnesota.

  13. dodgereric

    This one’s for you, mccourt
    Suspicious Minds
    You’re caught in a trap
    You can’t walk out
    Because we’ve had too much of you Frankie
    You make us all cuss
    With what you’re doing to us
    When you don’t hear a word we’re sayin’
    We can’t go on together
    With suspicious minds
    And we can’t rebuild our team
    With what you’ve got in mind
    So, if Bud Selig will show
    And change the status quo
    We’d all have tears of joy in our eyes
    Now here we go again
    Phoning next-of-kin
    You won’t or can’t see that we’re cryin’
    We’re crying
    We can’t go on together
    With suspicious minds
    And we can’t find dignity
    With you so disinclined
    Oh let the Blue survive
    And dry the tears from our eyes
    Please don’t let a good team die
    ‘Cause Frankie, you know
    You’ve only lied to us
    Mmm yeah, yeah

    You make us all cuss
    With what you’re doing to us
    When you don’t hear a word we’re sayin’
    We can’t go on together
    With suspicious minds
    And we can’t rebuild our team
    With what you’ve got in mind

    • northstateblues

      There will be litigation.
      Oh yes, there will always be litigation
      Baseball’s supposed to be able to police themselves under their unique anti-trust protection. Now, I think there’s a mole amongst the owner’s table who could very easily set out to threaten the abolishment of said protection for his own benefit, essentially holding a team hostage from the Commissioner, Major League Baseball, even his team’s own fans.
      This’ll get a lot uglier before it gets any better.

  14. nellyjune

    Dodgereric – simply amazing!!! 🙂
    Northstateblues – It certainly has the looks of getting uglier 😦

  15. dodgereric

    No applause, thank you. Just throw money. 🙂 It was a labor of love.
    Regarding the link above, there’s a quote:
    “When Frank McCourt bought the Dodgers, he signed an agreement not to sue the commissioner, an agreement required of every incoming owner.”
    That would seem to keep him from suing Selig, but there’s also a rule that a prospective owner can’t borrow more than a certain amount of money that he’s using to purchase a team. Selig certainly didn’t obey that particular rule, did he? That man needs to make amends.

  16. Nellyjune

    I was listening to KNBR this morning (gnat radio), and even they are trying to raise money for the fund to find the scumbags who hospitalized Stow. They are letting the gnat fans know places they can drop off donations. The one good thing is they are continuing the discussion that the person/people that did this are not Dodger fans, they are just scumbags. So, at least we, the real Dodger fans, aren’t being tied into all of this.

  17. koufax1963

    It appears to me that the “ITD” blog is hidden, not as obvious as it once was. I have to go to “Fan”, then “connect with the dodgers”, before I get to this specific Blog.
    Perhaps I am doing something odd, not surprising. If not, perhaps this is intentional so that our very vocally negative followers about the Mc Courst ownership will be made less visible?

    • Nellyjune

      Koufax – we aren’t even close to how they talk on facebook when Josh’s posts are commented on over there. They don’t have restrictions on language that we do………well had anyway.
      Has anyone checked to see if our normal sayings get asterisked?

  18. koufax1963

    Hey I love we took 3 of 4 from the Gnats.Even though the gnats gift wrapped those games for us. That might be the highlight of the season.
    Not sure this bullpen can carry through come August/ september, but willing to be surprised. Still evaluating the rest of the positions, but right now 3 yrs on Lilly and Yawn Uribe seems like money better spent on a year with a quality starter or a proven big stick in Left. MHO

  19. koufax1963

    well Nelly what forum could compete with facebook, maybe I should go there for the scathing comments that make me smile.

  20. Dodger4life

    Good day, ya’ll…
    Baseball in the Rockies today. It looks like it will be a fairly sunny afternoon @ Coors Field. Tomorrow should be a little chilly, even for a day game.
    Let’s keep these good vibs…rolling… right along!
    Go Get Em Boy’s!
    We Love L.A.!!


  21. trublu4ever

    This is going to be a good day…I get to watch the Giants lose to the Padres before our Dodgers beat the Rockies 🙂

  22. Nellyjune

    In talking to my girlfriend about their 5th grade writing prompt today……. This is one of her student’s responses to the writing prompt about professional athletes getting paid too much. ” I don’t think professional athletes should get paid the amount they do because they don’t risk their lives everyday like Spiderman and Superman do.” You can’t make this stuff up…… LOL!!!!

    • dodgereric

      Thank you, son! It’s always nice to be appreciated by the Youth of America!
      One more thing about that link – I commented on it, and my spiffy voodoo avatar went in there too! Pretty cool!

  23. swood

    We just can not buy a run our offense is awful right now. As soon as someone gets in scoring position nobody looks like they wanna be up at the plate. I feel bad for Kersh.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      Good to see the “real” swood back!
      Our offense isn’t going to be good all year, not just now. Once you get past Dre and Kemp in the line-up, you’re home free. Another Ned hatchet job in “building” a team.

  24. Dodger4life

    a href=”” Nelly Say’s
    Let’s Go Dodgers, Lets Go!!!

  25. swood

    By the way I thought Uribe was a poor pickup. I mean he’s never hit for a great average and he has a terrible career obp and we gave him a 3 year deal? Im hoping when casey blake comes back our offense will have a little more pop cuz this is just ridiculous other then kemp ethier and furcal

  26. enchantedTheBeav

    Unless the other team gives these guys some gift runs, they can’t score. If this score continues, that’ll already be 2X shutout in 5 games. I fully expect this team to get shutout at least 20 times.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      It took the combined effort of the Dodgers AND the Giants for them to beat the Gnats 3 times.

    • Dodger4life

      E I switched to Tequila, so I am expecting some runs soon!!
      I’ll get to work on a chart for you

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Thanks D4!!! Are we talking a shutout chart or the 87 losses chart? Do I get frowny faces on mine? 🙂

  27. swood

    Enchanted I agree the Gnats, specifically huff gave us half those runs. And I know Blake is on the decline but atleast its a guy who can threaten the pitcher with the extra base hit

  28. enchantedTheBeav

    I said it last year and I’ll say it again this year…
    This team couldn’t score in a women’s prison holding a fistful of pardons.

  29. ThinkingBlue

    I’m just wondering how is it that Russell Martin has a better batting average then Kemp. Are they tweaking numbers over at Yankees Yard?

  30. kpookiemon

    After five games…pretty apparent this team will pitch, but not hit. Raffy, Ethier, Kemp…then pray for hemp.

  31. nellyjune

    I am in the mood to be bold!!! I didn’t watch the game (highschool game instead), but I can see by your comments it didn’t go so well – lol!!!!

  32. Dodger4life

    Hey, Ya’ll it’s my fault…..should of played the The Uribe Song Tonight
    Have a Good Night and God Bless us All…
    Lets all help, apprehend the individuals that, made that terribly horific choice.
    Like I said ” God Bless Us All “

  33. enchantedTheBeav

    Ned is like a Slinky – not really good for anything, but you can’t help but smile when you see another one of his efforts tumble down the stairs.

  34. Disgusting

    Death penalty for Dodger scum who beat Stowe nearly to death. The pigs who did it have no redeemable qualities as ‘human beings.’ They are animals.

  35. nellyjune

    It is being reported that Stow texted a friend saying he was afraid inside the stadium, and as he was trying to hail a taxi is when he was beaten. He is 42 years old, a father of two, and a paramedic. Just so sad 😦

  36. swood

    The story about Stow was shocking and disturbing, my prayers are with him and his family. As for the on the field there are a couple things some of you could hopefully help me wrap my head around. First, it is beyond me why someone would sign Uribe, a 32 year old career utility infielder, with a career OBP of .300 to a 3 year 21 million dollar contract. I understand he’s a good guy in the clubhouse and had a nice postseason for the Giants last year but does that really merit that kind of money and a multi-year deal? The next thing is what was Colletti expecting out of our offense coming into the season. Did he think that a lineup featuring gwynn uribe caroll barajas and miles off the bench would be an offensive juggernaut? Is he surprised that we have one home run in 5 games and are next to last in the league in runs per game? It just doesn’t make sense to me…

  37. dodgereric

    On one hand, it would appear a simple thing for me to don some gnat gear and attend a Dodger/Giant game in the cheap seats at Dodger Stadium, wave a gnat flag around and get beat up by the local neanderthals. Then I can sue mccourt for everything he’s got, bankrupt him, force him to sell and be a hero.
    On the other hand, there’s a couple of thousand people around SoCal who know damned good and well that I would rather eat broken glass than root for that team. Even mccourt’s lawyers aren’t stupid enough to miss that.
    God Bless Mr Stow and help him to a speedy and full recovery.

    • nellyjune

      There are quite a few people in Nor-Cal that know that too, Boy, that broken glass comment sounded just like a comment I read recently from Matt. One of his friends dared him, as an April Fool’s Joke,to dress up like a gnat fan, and his response was, “I rather eat a bowl of dog ****than do that!” Good job Dad!!
      However, in all seriousness, it just might take that kind of drastic measure for Frank to finally get it!

  38. Collie

    Well Frank? Josh? Any updates on how you will be taking a change of approach and getting these people out of the stadium so the real fans can enjoy the games?

  39. Dodger4life

    Ther’s only one # in baseball 42 , that is retired throughout. Jackie purservered on the field, not only for himself, but for all of us.
    Please let’s all respect the game, and let it stand for what it truly is….America at it’s most beloved!

  40. dodgereric

    An old friend from last year…..
    Dodger shutout records:
    We’re ahead of last year’s pace. We didn’t get shut out until the 11th game in ’10 and got our 2nd in the 18th.
    Sell the team, please.

  41. Collie

    From the 10-24-08 ITD Lead thread, “First of all, thanks to all of you for the feedback regarding the environment at the stadium, especially dcollins for kicking off the thread. I can assure you that we take all of these comments very seriously and that much like all areas of the Dodger experience, we’ll be reviewing this particular topic closely and working to drastically improve in 2009. It’s a topic that has been discussed at the highest levels of the team and all of your input has been and will continue to be used to make things better.”
    I’m sorry Josh but I think things need to be done. I noticed the comments from that thread & the previous one aren’t there. But as memory serves me I mentioned that something needs to happen before someone is seriously injured or killed. Now that this has happened will something be done?
    As I said before — feel free to contact me for any ideas. I think it was CP & her hubby that had a great idea about having plain clothes officers wearing opposing teams caps etc… Then when they get assaulted they can be hooked up for assaulting a police officer. They would think twice about doing things. Also a system of having tight security where the ushers would contact security to come and deal with these people at the 1st sign of swearing etc. Have them check their id’s and take their information – add it to a data base and if they come up clear they can stay. If they continue they are gone. If they don’t clear the data base they are gone – then if they get warned if they are found on the property again they will be arrested for trespassing and prosecuted — if it’s their 3rd time being id’d then hook em & book em. Also look to see how their tix were purchased and don’t let that card they used or their e-mail address be used to purchase tix. You couldn’t stop every riff raff from coming in but it would keep the numbers down and some would learn it wasn’t the place to go to cause problems.

    • nellyjune

      Collie – You presented all those great ideas on that thread you are talking about, and I think it is now time that the Dodgers Organization take those ideas to heart. Not that they shouldn’t have before, but like you said, now that somebody is critically wounded, it just got that serious. Reminds me of the dangerous intersections that need traffic lights, but they don’t get them until so many people have died.

  42. Dodger4life

    If Bud Selig sides with Frank ( I mean this is a no-brainer)….does the paying public, have continued faith in the owners,” Brotherhood Commisioner, To Be…?”

  43. nellyjune

    Hey Frank!!! You know this issue with the security isn’t going away any time soon when the story about the Giants fan beating hits our local news here in central California. It is definitely a sign this issue isn’t going away until these people who did this are found.

  44. messagebear

    By any legitimate accounting practice when you receive money up front from revenues to be generated later, it should be considered a loan, just like the deal Frank is trying to swing with Fox. Whatever Frank’s needs to settle his divorce and maintain ownership of the team, I would think that Bud is well within his rights to deny permission for incurring further debt for this franchise – as if the original debt load and approvals were not enough.
    So, Bud – do the right thing for once for Dodger fans and for the city and SINK THE BAST***.

    • Nellyjune

      The stadium’s concession areas did offer an alternative, of course: bottles of water priced at $4.50 and $5.75.
      One was reminded of the old joke that the reason Dodgers fans started the custom of leaving games around the seventh inning was not to beat the traffic. It was to search for water.

  45. Emma

    I heard this morning that the two rats got in a car with a woman and kid. The first thing I do when I see something suspicious is memorize a license plate (just keep repeating it in my mind till I can write it down) just in case.
    If they were parked in Lot 2, then most likely they came from the 5 driving South. Also they have those cameras for the traffic into Dodger Stadium. Where exactly are the cameras? We need more cameras and of course more security. Seems to me that we had more security last year than this year. If I remember correctly, Lot 2, was where the last tragedy happened.
    You can be sure that us as fans will keep a closer look on things around and outside the stadium. I don’t exit thru Lot 2, as I parked ouside the main entrance. Inside the stadium, we know our security people and they know us so we don’t hesitate to report anyone regarless if they are wearing Dodger or other team gear. I saw security kick a Dodger fan out (he was cursing) on Opening Day in addition to the Giant fan with a flask.
    Security in the parking lot needs to be beefed up. We as fan at the stadium will do our best to report any violence.
    Like the page!/Dodgerfansagainstviolence

    • enchantedTheBeav

      “Seems to me that we had more security last year than this year.”
      That was before Frank was even more in debt, and rent-a-cops cost what $8.50-$9.00/Hr? C’mon Emma, what are you thinking!!

  46. perumike

    Hi all, glad to see our boys take three of four from the Gnats, but am worried about our lack of offense this year. If we can get two or three guys going, we should be fine. Let’s hope Dre, Matty and James can do it, along with Raffy and Casey! Anything else would be gravy!

    And today, I’m glad to be working from home, so I can watch our boys play! Let’s go Dodgers!

  47. trublu4ever

    Come on Billz, get your stuff together! Was running some errands, come home to see we were leading 4 -2 …. now, once again, we have to try and come from behind.

    • northstateblues

      Well… Miles would need 10 more hits to be as “good” as Sweeney was in all of ’08… but he’s already matched Sweeney’s run total (2).

  48. Nellyjune

    Did we make sure we got the right ball bag this time. Everytime the Rockies start sending balls out of their park, it really makes you wonder…..

  49. JhallWally

    Well, I hope the office people enjoyed their cookies and ice cream last weekend. I don’t think they are going to be getting any more this year!!!!!!

    • Nellyjune

      GO DODGERS!!!!!!!! 🙂

      • JhallWally

        Sounds like if FOX makes a fair market offer, Bud’s hands could be tied. I guess it will come down to what Bud and the other owners consider to be a fair offer. I think they will set the bar very high(as they should)!!!! If FOX wants to come to the rescue, Selig needs to make them pay dearly. Hell, they already screwed us once when they owned the Dodgers!!!!

  50. kpookiemon

    Hopefully, Torre is on the Selig’s executive committee and he’ll black-ball Frank. “Guy didn’t get me #1 starter when we were knocking on the door, so to hell with him!”

  51. Emma

    I love my MLB at bat! I just purchased it yesterday. I don’t know what took me so long! and I can listen to it in Spanish or English and continue to work. Missed most of the game due to meetings. dirty rats, we were winning prior to me going to a meeting. Que paso!
    Divisional Rivalries have a new t-shirt. All proceeds will go to help Bryan Stow and his family. It says “Think Blue Not Violence” the back says “Dodger Fans against Stadium Violence”

  52. Emma

    Yes, is a nice t-shirt.
    There is a shirt like that. I took a pic of someone wearing it at the stadium some time ago and posted a pic. I’ll see if I can find it.
    There wereworking on the women’s design.

  53. nedsajerk

    Are Bullpen ERA would’ve been under 4 instead of starting this game with a 6.08 and if you take out over Jansen 4 ER’s against the Giants and Hawksworth 2 ER’s this game and I hate to say this but I expected more 2 innings from relievers.

  54. selltheteam

    I guess that’s the last time I open my big fat mouth during a potential ninth inning rally. Jinxed ’em!

  55. nedsajerk

    Huston Street pitching for Colorado LAD COL
    H Street relieved M Lindstrom. 5 7
    Rod Barajas R Barajas singled to left 5 7
    Jamey Carroll Strike (looking), Strike (foul), Foul, Ball, J Carroll singled to left, R Barajas to second 5 7
    Rafael Furcal Strike (foul), R Furcal flied out to left, H Gimenez hit for M Guerrier 5 7
    Hector Gimenez Ball, Strike (looking), Strike (swinging), Strike (swinging), H Gimenez struck out swinging 5 7
    Andre Ethier Strike (looking), Ball, Strike (swinging), Foul, Strike (swinging), A Ethier struck out swinging 5 7

  56. messagebear

    And the fat worthless player of the day award goes to URIBE.
    He kind of reminds me of Andruw – at least he wobbles the same, and the batting averages are not too far apart.
    Another Ned success!

    • JhallWally

      Ethier and Loney didn’t exactly get it done today!!! 9 left on base between them and each grounded into a double play!!! PATHETIC!!!

  57. kpookiemon

    OK, here’s my first official “Mattingley-is-an-idiot” moment. With the Dodgers carrying three catchers, why is Barajas even on the base paths in the 9th, down by two? He clogged up Carroll and maybe, just maybe, it’s second and third, nobody out, etc., etc. Maybe not…but when not pinch run??????????

    Long, hair-pulling season ahead, boys and girls…………….

  58. Dodger32

    Does this offense surprise anyone? I don’t even think Ned is shocked. After all it’s the same team that couldn’t score last year, only with Uribe. Is that where the runs are supposed to come from? Puleeease.

  59. Emma

    I am going to the vigil prayer at Los Angeles General hospital. Is today at 6. I will be a late since I take the train and a bus

  60. northstateblues

    Wonder how many Bryan Stows there will be if the Commissioner lets the FOX deal pass 😦
    The sad thing is that the owner has the Commissioner right where he wants him. Because, by all rights, the Commissioner should be able to throw our owner to the curb “in the best interests of baseball”, especially if the owner wants to tie one of baseball’s most storied franchises to 20 years of debt to pay off his boo-boo of a divorce. But if he does, the owner will litigate him into the 22nd century. I mean, look what he’s done to the woman who used to be the love of his life… I’d be worried if I was the Commissioner, too.
    I never understood how a baseball fan could walk away from the sport he loves, but between the beating (and snail-speed response from the Dodgers), the divorce (and the owner’s willingness to drag his team, his players and his fans through the mud for his own benefit), and the total ineptitude with anything having to do with giving the managers the tools necessary to improve the team on the field, I’m starting to see things a lot more clearly.
    By the amount of times my comments have been “under review for moderation”, maybe I’m on to something they don’t want us to know or think about (?). Maybe this one’ll be reviewed too… who knows anymore?
    It’s sad that the Dodgers and Dodger Stadium have become the shame of the sports world. And that everyone’s too chicken to do anything about it.

    • trublu4ever

      North ~ I’m so glad this very important post made it through. To me, it should be sent in the form of a letter to Frank. I think it would be a good idea if we all made a copy of your comment and mail it to Frank too. I don’t know if it would do any good but, it would sure make me feel better to tell the man just what I think about the way he has ruined our franchise.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      Maybe send your letter to the L.A. Times North?
      That said, I tried to post a comment on Dilbeck’s blog a few days ago that was rather indictive of (A) taking reponsibility for your own actions (some clown wanted to blame the perps upbringing and the government as the reason for the Stow beating), and (B) Frank, and somehow it magically disappeared in cyberspace never to be posted.

    • nellyjune

      Northstateblues – It’s one of those posts that is brilliant, but at the same time, it is sad it has to be written. I am in the camp that it should be forwarded to either the LA Times or straight to MLB.

  61. dodgereric

    Collie, that was an awesome article you posted up there! It should be required reading for every single Dodger fan. How shameful! The owner is directly responsible for the degradation of the neighborhoods around the ballpark due to the unwillingness of the “fans” who refuse to pay the exorbitant parking fees. How to fix this? Simple. No one should be allowed to walk into the parking lot. All you have to do is spend money for more security. Three point eight million fans, mccourt. Any court should be willing to make you take measures to solve this problem.
    Your ideas for adequate security are great. Unfortunately, they were great two years ago. Keep pounding. The only way they’ll be implemented is a change of ownership.
    Here’s another article. This one refers to a meeting between mccourt’s reps and Selig’s “people”. Let’s hope Selig sticks to his guns and roots this guy out of the owner’s booth.
    By dodgereric on April 6, 2011 8:46 am – Reply

  62. dodgereric

    Hmmm, experiment completed. I posted the above earlier this morning. It is still in “Your comment is awaiting moderation” status between Junie and bear posts. It’s exactly the same one, word-for-word. EXCEPT this morning I got fancy and used a couple of the HTML tools. I had collie’s link imbedded in “article” in the first sentence and the other one in “Here’s” in the final paragraph. I also made “reps” so that when you hover the cursor over it, “lying dogs” appears. Since the one above went right in, perhaps they’re investigating the fancy stuff. Or am I paranoid? I could be. I was before.
    But it’s just because everyone is after me……

  63. dodgereric

    Fun with the Dodger payroll:
    Did you know we’re paying our projected starting five (Kersh, Billz, Kuroda, Lilly & Garland) a total of $25,500,000 this season? Did you know that the ace (Kersh) gets $500,000 of that? Funny. Not funny haha. Funny odd.
    Did you know we’re paying Dioner Navarro a cool million? That got by me somehow.
    Did you know we’re still paying Manny $7.7 million this year? Probably. How about $3.5 million to Juanpy? Maybe. $3.375 million to Fat Andruw? I try not to think about it. $1.5 mil to Jason Schmidt? Geez. We’re paying $1 million to Padilla. Not for this year – LAST year. He has another contract for $2 million for 2011. Amazing. $150,000 to Ausmus? $125,000 to DOTEL! Good Lord. To repeat the oft-uttered phrase: “How in the world does Ned keep his job?”

  64. Nellyjune

    Well, the Giants fan beating and the vigil made the CBS Morning news. It put the Dodger fans back in a better light due to the vigil and all the Dodgers fans there, but when they interviewed a member of the family and was asked what has the Dodger Organization done, they said we haven’t heard much from them, but there is supposed to be a press conference forth coming. Meanwhile back in the Bay Area, they are continuing to raise funds to try and find these thugs, and they are making efforts to raise funds for medical expenses as well. Now, there are Dodger fans doing the same thing all over the network, but these efforts should be doing in support of what the Dodger Organization has already done……. but wait, it’s been a week and nothing has been done yet. As you can tell, I am still just a tad upset about this. I am not a gnat fan by any means (I feel much like Dodgereric does in his sentiments), but I happen to be married to one and have son who is a diehard fan so this is very unsettling to me.

  65. Ned Colletti

    Don’t blame me. I wanted to upgrade this team, especially left field and go after Cliff Lee but my boss Mr McCourt thought it was more important to buy another house for his suits. He didn’t want his suits slumming with his underwear at the other 6 houses he owns. We all know how classless that can be. Oh well maybe one day I’ll get t do what I’m good at and go back to the PR business.

  66. ThinkingBlue

    Well all of your voices (messages) are being heard! I hope that hiring Chief Bratton to handle security is a permanent solution and a great solution.

  67. sparkleplenty_1

    I am afraid that the hiring of Bratton to consult regarding security is another of those “closing the barn door after the horses have left”. Too little, too late.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      Let’s face it, hiring Bratton was strictly a PR move towards damage control and nothing more.

  68. Emma

    I went to the vigil/prayer. I got there a little late because of my long commute on the train & bus. Josh was there. Not sure who else was there since like I aid I got there a little late. I heard a family member say that a Dodger member was taking note of what they needed.
    I spoke with John who is Bryan’s cousin and other family members. Andrei who has an MLB blog was there and so was Alex of DivisionalRivalries (shirts). Sorry Alex, that I had forgotten your name. I am real bad with names.
    Alex, Andrei, a couple that were witnesses and the guy that had the Dodger jersey with a Giant hat and a sign were there with the family after the media had gone. Seeing the family heading to dinner make want to help more so probably going back tonight if not Friday after work.
    I also saw Robert who works outside of Vin Scully Press Box.

  69. messagebear

    The Dodger front office and organization are just a bunch of scumbags, including somebody named Rawich, who according to some references in the LA Times is a typical “know nothing, say nothing, cover Frank’s asss” kind of guy who should stick to serving the Dodger blog, which is about his level of competency. Then again, I venture to say that I could do that just as well.

  70. Elise Backus

    Bravo on the Bratton hire. But here is a thought. I am a season ticket holder who skipped opening day because the past few years I witnessed large groups of tailgaters drinking beer, smashing bottles in the parking lot, public urination, and I was catcalled by several drunks although I wear Dodger gear. I believe these people don’t hold tickets to the game. That they just come to party and aren’t true fans. This is a radical concept, but why not demand to see tickets to the game before entering the park? There could be a certain gate for will calls and walk ins. Anything is worth a try at this point!

    • Nellyjune

      Very good idea!!!! You would think they should already be monitoring tailgating since it’s not allowed at Dodger Stadium in the first place.

    • Nellyjune

      Emma – It’s funny how you keep mentioning all the people you know in the Dodgers Organization and all the things you say to them, but still nothing gets done. I mean if they aren’t listening to the best Dodger fan on the planet, then the rest of us are really screwed from anybody ever listening to our thoughts.

  71. Nellyjune

    The thing is we have been complaining about this security issue since I started reading this blog, and yet, it continues to be a problem. Last year there was a stabbing, and Collie has been bringing up the same issues year after year and nothing……………… well, I guess the stabbing last year wasn’t news worthy and Collie’s complaints didn’t get to the right place. So, just maybe a person laying in the hospital in a coma just might do the trick. Let’s hope!

  72. trublu4ever

    It’s difficult for me to believe some people on Facebook don’t think what happened to Bryan is tragic. They are saying, things happened every year (to our point, security sucks) and just because he is in a coma, we are making way too much of it. UNBELIEVABLE! They are also saying they wondered what Bryan had done to provoke those idiots……FREAKING UNBELIEVABLE! There is nothing a person could possibly say that would cause him to be beaten into a coma! This is what is wrong with the hoodlum Dodger game attendees…I won’t say fans because a true fan doesn’t commit a violent act on another person.

    • Nellyjune

      If he was doing anything to provoke behavior, the Dodger fans in the stadium would have had him removed like they always do, right? If he was being an over zealous gnat fan, then the Dodger fans would have found a way to get him kicked out of the game long before he could have hailed a taxi. There are texts to prove he was just worried sitting there. So, he must have been around a bunch of drunk over the top Dodger fans that weren’t allowing him to enjoy the game at all.

      • trublu4ever

        That’s they way I see it, Nellyjune. The people who were talking like that on FB could possibly be the type who would beat up a person.

      • Nellyjune

        I go back to the fact the my son is an over the top gnat fan, but it doesn’t give anybody the right to beat the crap out of him for cheering for his team or singing the chant BEAT LA. It may be the most boring chant in sports, but it’s their right to do it wherever they choose.

      • JhallWally

        Hi Nelly,

        I was thinking the same thing a couple of days ago. I mentioned it to someone just last night!!!!

  73. ThinkingBlue

    Welcom Elise!
    I avoid Home games vs. the Giants due to the violence that ALWAYS happens. It is sad to say so, but I’m not risking my life. And all those on FB saying that we are taking this to far….NO WE ARE NOT. The fact that the guy is in a Coma is an EYE OPENER…and it is sad that the we have to sit and wait for something BIG (coma, death…) to happen in order for Management to do something about. Things happen on all Giants game, Angel games and who know what other game. They need to do something ASAP. Hiring the chief is a start.

  74. Koufax1963

    The ownership is as appalling as the violence on Bryan Stow.McCourt really doesn’t care about security, about the dodgers, about the fans; whether home or visitor. McCourt just doesn’t get it, unlike Boston parking lots, the fans for future generations will not come. He loses future revenue with every current fan that says “I will not go and neither will my children or grandchildren”. Enough! Selig give Mccourt the heave ho for not being responsible and not responsive be it fielding a winning team or ensuring the safety of the paying public.

  75. Emma

    Judging from the two witnesses I talked to last night, no it seems like Bryan was minding his own business. He and his friends were sitting in the AYCE section. Wish they would have come out the other way instead of going the long way circling the stadium. Like the witnesses said, it all happened so quick. The car where they got away was not parked close to where the accident happened.
    I am sure the Dodgers are doing something and we just not hearing it yet Nelly. There was or there is conference today. Hiring Bratton is a step in the right direction. This year they are using hand metal detectors. The first two exhibition games it was everyone, now they are selecting people.

  76. messagebear

    Hiring the chief is just a bunch of fluff, a window dressing that shows “appropriate concern” of the ownership and management. They’re all a bunch of FRAUDS! I bet none of them walk out in the parking lot after a night game.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I agree bear – Frank may just as well have hired McGruff The Crime Dog. Afterall, he has better recognition among fans, is a lot cuter, and would have just as many crime fighting suggestions implemented.

      • enchantedTheBeav

        Next up Frank will be hiring Smokey The Bear for suggestions on fire prevention, and Woodsy Owl to study the hazards of littering.

  77. dodgereric

    As far as allowing tailgaiting at DS, I don’t think that’s happening any more. A friend of mine at work went to opening day with his adult son. They drove into the parking lot, and while sitting in their car, tried to enjoy a small libation before going into the stadium. They were approached by the police, who took my friend’s name and license down. They informed him that tailgating is not allowed, whether you stay in your car or not. Boy, if they paid as much attention to the crap that goes on in the stands, Mr Stow would be at work today, stinging only from the gnat’s defeat.
    You’re absolutely correct, bear. Here’s how the decision-making process went in mccourt’s office:
    Idiot owner: “Well now, Mr Dowecheatemandhow, I need you to tell me what I can do about this situation. It’s been a week and you told me it would be all blown over by now. It’s not. I’ve got councilmen and mayors and all kindsa people calling me night and day. What is the least thing I can do so that I can avoid a lawsuit?”
    Mr Dowecheatemandhow: “Hire a full-time staff of hardened professionals to map out a plan and carry it out. Start with manning the few entrances to the stadium with plenty of security personnel to turn back the people walking in. Give them maps to the train station where they can park for free and catch the free shuttle. Then hire more good people so you double or triple the security workforce inside the park. Instruct them to do what that Collie guy suggested on ITD or find new employment. Then have a couple dozen more temps to wear gear from the visiting team and report what they experience during the game. If nothing happens to them, have them be more demonstrative in their cheering. If still nothing happens, you’ve probably solved your problem and can get rid of the temps.”
    I: “Dammit, I thought I asked for the least I could do! That’s gonna cost almost as much as my 3rd string catcher will make!”
    Mr D: “Sorry. Well, why don’t you hire a part-time, temporary consultant? You won’t even have to appear in public. You can have a statement read.”
    I: “That’s better. Have anyone in mind?”
    Mr D: “Yeah, how about the former LA police chief Bratton?”
    I: “That’ll work for me. I know him from Boston. He was the Superintendent in Chief of the Boston Police Department from 1991 until 1993”
    Believe it or not.

  78. trublu4ever

    A liitle bit of good news for Bryan Stow….asked by the doctors if he could rspond, he moved his arm and leg. Hope this is the first step of many towards a recovery.

  79. swood

    I agree with the article JHall posted… as badly as I want him to sell I doubt it will happen in the near future and I think seligs hands could end up getting tied with the fox thing. I really hope that I’m wrong, but I see the McCourt situation and our team getting alot worse before it gets better.

  80. trublu4ever

    Just heard that Manny has retired. Apparently, he asked for some personal time, it was given, and, then says he is calling it quits.

  81. Collie

    I agree. I want Kemp in front of Dre. If Donnie is worried that Kemp might be bummed that he’s moving to the 3 spot Donnie should remind him that he wants to be a 40-40 player. Hitting behind Dre he won’t get 40 sb’s. In front of him he would. Your best batter bats 3rd for the most part but you also want the rabbits on in front of the rest.
    As far as the security issue it seems as if maybe they are waking up and smelling the coffee. Let’s hope it just isn’t tongue service & a PR move. They really need to not just step up the security but use the technology to document the people who are causing problems and not let them back in & if somehow they make it in — then hook them up for trespassing. I’ll help consult for free. Or at least give some ideas.
    Oh and Eric — love your little write up above. That was probably not far from what took place.
    I’m still really hacked that the Dodgers as an organization have taken so long in many aspects of this. Both from years in the past to do something and now in their response to the victim & his family.

    • JhallWally

      Hi’Ya Collie!!! Yep, the Dodger Stadium security issues should have been seriously addressed 5 years ago. Especially from reading the past articles coming to light in the wake of this latest tragedy!!!

      • JhallWally

        I can’t agree with you on that Trumom!! First of all, it is very obvious that his Hall Of Fame numbers were the result of PED’s and secondly, any player that basically gets disgruntled and quits on his team should never smell the Hall!!! JMO!!!!

      • trublu4ever

        If i had a vote I’d vote NO…but, until the PED issue, most of the baseball guys said that he would probably have made it.

      • JhallWally

        Yep Trumom, until he got caught, he would have made it!!! Even if his numbers were the result of PED’s!!!

      • Collie

        The bummer about the whole PED thing is it really has hurt the sport so much in the long run. I think many of the players were on stuff and so it makes you wonder about each and every one of them. When there was some discussion about retiring Fernando’s # I started thinking who else could you do that with the Dodgers in the last 20-25 years? Not many. Then I started thinking about the Hall and I think for the players that played the last 20 years there won’t be many of them.
        Players who were studs were using PED’s & players who weren’t studs numbers — are compared to those that were using so their numbers don’t look all that great.

  82. ThinkingBlue

    I can’t wait for tonights game. None of my kids have a game or practice tonight….LET’S GO DODGERS!

  83. Collie

    I’m watching the Giants Opening Day celebration and just after the moment of silence for Brian Stow everyone started chanting “Beat LA”…
    Still focused on the Dodgers even in a moment like that.
    The bummer is I can’t chant “check the flags” as a response because they have a 2010 WS Champion Banner flying next to it.
    After watching this boy do I want the Blue to get one. I hope Frank is watching this while his hair is being trimmed.

  84. JhallWally

    I like it ThinkingBlue!! The Hell Of Shame!!! I would like to add McGwire, Sosa, Palmero, and Clemons!!!

  85. Collie

    Hi there Wally — Yup the issues were there and very obvious. Not just to me but to many other people and many complained but the Dodgers didn’t deal with it as they should of. I for one haven’t been back due to my experiences there. In reading others comments through the years many have been upset and stated they weren’t coming back until it was cleaned up. Frank had a choice a few years ago of who he wanted as fans – in my eyes he chose incorrectly.

  86. nedsajerk

    lol I can’t believe Agon had a bunt single but of course it probably have something to do with the shift.

  87. selltheteam

    Manny can afford to retire. He’s getting $7.7 million of Frank’s money this year.
    SELL THE TEAM!!!!!!

    • JhallWally

      Another one of Neds’ stellar moves!!! I am happy for the Rays. Now they can move on and not be stuck with that POS!!!

    • nedsajerk

      I wish they were some smart people they would’ve give most of the money back but you know it won’t happen.

  88. JhallWally

    Just an aside, but, I am happy to see Tiger Woods playing well at the Masters!!! I really like the young guns coming up in golf but it is alot more entertaining when Tiger and Phil are in the hunt.

  89. JhallWally

    I don’t know about all you folks out there, but, I’m getting very tired and p*ssed off about continually coming out on the short end of the stick in Neds’ dealing!!!! H*ll, now we’re stuck with Uribe and Lilly!!! Those two deals will most likely continue Neds Folly!!! It is no wonder that Ned is a backroom snicker among other baseball owners and GM’s!!!!

    • trublu4ever

      I’m way past tired! I’m P.O.d!
      On a good note..Giants closer Brian “Uglyasss Beard” Wilson blew the save…and, our own Theriot put the Cards ahead!

  90. selltheteam

    Tonight’s Lineup (from Dodger Thoughts)
    Rafael Furcal, SS
    Casey Blake, 3B
    Andre Ethier, RF
    Matt Kemp, CF
    Juan Uribe, 2B
    James Loney, 1B
    Marcus Thames, LF
    Rod Barajas, C
    Ted Lilly, P

      • JhallWally

        I doubt the b*stard cheat will ever do hard time, but, I would love to see him labled a felon and wear an ankle bracelet for awhile!!! LOL!!!!

      • JhallWally

        Serves the surly a** b*stard right. If he would have been a nice person/human being, he would most likely have the court of public opinion on his side. Just goes to show, you should treat people the way you would like to be treated. A lesson from my Mom and her Mom!!! He would have been better off to just come out and admit it the way Andy Pettis and ARod did. They both have come up smelling like roses!!!!!

  91. messagebear

    Would have loved to see Manny suspended for 100 days.
    What a treat it has been to see this Drugie in a Dodger uniform. Frank and Ned did always know how to pick them.
    I’m so glad he can retire early and still collect some big bucks from ol’ Frank. SELL THE TEAM, you freaking bast**d!

    • JhallWally

      Hi’Ya Bear!!! You gotta figure that Ned was overtaken by the lubricant fumes while he was bent over for Frank!!!
      BROKE FRANK MOUNTAIN, episode 3. BeavBear Productions™

      • JhallWally

        LOL!!! I’m sure the Dodger front office is very busy right now and Josh ultimately has to sort it out and put some positive spin on it. I don’t blame him or take what he says as his personal view point. Heck, its his job. I’d take it. I would however like a new thread for each game and a lineup from him with a few insights into what is going on. This blog is entitled “Inside The Dodgers”!!! H*ll, we get more info from outside this blog!!!

      • trublu4ever

        I guess it is a full time job covering Frank’s butt. It must get difficult to deal with every year.
        I’m with you on getting a new thread every day or so.

      • JhallWally

        Hi’Ya Beav!!! Not to worry. Ole Neddy knows which side of his bun(Ha Ha) is buttered(Ha Ha)!!!

  92. swood

    I agree its about time for a new thread. I feel like a couple years ago Josh would update new threads almost daily with the lineup. And regarding Manny, I know he cheated but when he was on the Dodgers I always really enjoyed watching him play and especially hit. I wish him well in retirement

  93. Collie,r:0,s:0

  94. JhallWally

    Other than that, there’s finally a chance for everyone at the Stadium to catch their breath while the team travels to Colorado (the bus just left the stadium en route to LAX). I won’t be making this trip, so I’ll be posting observations from LA while we will likely have lots of tweets coming from @dodgers as always.

    Yeah, right!!!!

  95. JhallWally

    Well, in all fairness, with the coming lawsuit and lots more money for stadium security, it’s possible that Joshs’ duties just got tripled. No more secretary. Hey Josh, just put my mail in the box d*mmit!!!

  96. JhallWally

    With three wins in four games against the Giants, the team is in first place and we’ve got “first place ice cream” in about half an hour in the front offices. This tradition dates back many, many years and always makes the employees happy. We also brought back the tradition of “sold-out cookies” so whenever you guys pack the stadium, the front office gets freshly-baked cookies, so thank you!

    Enjoy the ice cream and cookies while a man lies in a coma!!! Pathetic!!!!

  97. JhallWally

    Well anyway, while we are in a rain delay: The last time I was at Dodger Stadium was way back in 1994!!! At that time I did not feel in any way threatened. Just drove in off the freeway from Anahiem, got tickets at the window and had fun. After the game, my girlfriend and I went to the gift shop where she bought me a nice Dodger jacket. Leaving the game, we felt OK about walking around the parking lot and taking in the experience. I guess, things have changed. By the way, that was the night that Kent Merker pitched a no-hitter against our Dodgers.

  98. JhallWally

    It’s pretty obvious where we are on the Dodger pecking order. Josh’s last update; Apr 4th. Pretty Lame!!!

  99. dodgereric

    Evenin’ all!
    Things have changed indeed, jhall. It’s not like it’s all gang-banger garbage, there are still lots of good people there. But there are most definitely enough of the criminal element who get their jollies in molesting others who are just minding their own business, wanting to enjoy a ball game.
    I’ve spent most of my adult life working in the streets of SoCal – million dollar neighborhoods, very nice neighborhoods, good neighborhoods, shaky neighborhoods and neighborhoods that we weren’t allowed to go into after dark without the police. There are some “people” who stand out as trouble just waiting to happen, and I’ve seen several at each of the few games I’ve been able to attend in the last few years. I’m sure that any decent police officer would be able to pick them out of any crowd and keep their eyes on them. You just have to have enough of them around.

  100. nellyjune

    I am trying to catch up on everything. It amazes me that the gnats are so obsessed with us even when we are not even playing them.

    • trublu4ever

      I’m kind of hoping we don’t finish this game tonight. This weather is a bad omen. The outfield will be a mess and I’d hate to see anybody get injured.

  101. dodgereric

    I just switched back to the Dodger game once the Kings/Ducks game went to the second intermission and saw the True Prince of LA, Tommy Lasorda, on the delay filler material. Love, love Tommy. But for those of you who have never heard the real Tommy, listen here: *WARNING* ….. not for young ears

  102. trublu4ever

    swood ~ right now, all they are saying is rain delay. Haven’t called it off yet. I have a feeling they will call it a postponement soon.

  103. swood

    Wow Uribe Loney Thames way to put the bat on the ball. Man on 3rd nobody out and fail to score.. unbelievable

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I tell ya Wally, I can’t see this team putting together anykind of win streak no matter how good the pitching – they just can’t hit consistantly enough to string together anymore than 2 wins.
      I can hardly wait for these guys to face Philly.

      • JhallWally

        Yep, its a joke!!! Ethier, one pitch, one weak foul out and doesn’t advance the runner. Pathetic!!!

  104. swood

    The only runs our team scores are ones given to us… although I do like the aggression on the basepaths. I am getting tired of Loney too 1B is the most productive hitter on most teams and we have loney there…

  105. enchantedTheBeav

    How many runners has Loney already left on base this year?
    Must be as many as Uribe because they’re still there after he bats too.

  106. nellyjune

    I missed it!!! How did we score the run? However, Lilly is looking like he is ready to implode so it won’t matter soon.

    • nellyjune

      Martin is looking good in pinstripes 🙂
      Juanpy is still Juanpy 🙂
      Theriot is not much of a riot 🙂

  107. nedsajerk

    I was watching the Cards/Giants game but dang Larussa is sometime a genuine walking Posey and Sandoval to force Bochy hand to PH Lopez for DeRosa but to bad the Cardinals didn’t win.

  108. swood

    LaRussa is an excellent manager. Every minute I think Lilly is about to implode but he’s tough he made some good pitches with people on base

  109. nedsajerk

    I’m shock that LaRussa hasn’t used the pitcher in that 8 spot again this year like he always does lol.

  110. selltheteam

    We manufactured one run. Now we need one more, shut them out in the bottom of the sixth, then call the game on rain. That’s about the only way for Frank’s team to win when Kersh isn’t starting.

  111. nellyjune

    I know this has been mentioned, but Yawn Uribe is not surprisingly similar to Andruw. However, one word explains it………….Ned!! Geez!!!

  112. selltheteam

    If this game gets called due to rain, we lose 2-1 after five full innings. And it’s all Uribe and Loney’s fault. Wait, make that Frank’s & Ned’s fault.

  113. nedsajerk

    No. 1 pick Zach Lee makes strong professional debut

    April 8, 2011 | 7:58 pm

    For those who like to look down the road, cross fingers and dream of better days … Zach Lee had a fairly impressive professional debut Friday in Midland, Mich.

    The Dodgers’ No.1 draft pick last June, Lee threw four shutout innings for the Great Lakes Loons, holding the Lake County Captains to two hits. He s-truck out five and walked three.

    The Loons — don’t you love minor league nicknames? — eventually fell, 2-1.

    Lee was the supposedly unsignable, 6-foot-4 right-hander who had already enrolled at Louisiana State to play quarterback. The Dodgers fairly shocked baseball by signing him to a $5.25-million bonus, easily the largest in their history.

    In another minor league note, the Dodgers have re-signed Preston Mattingly, their former No.1 pick who was released last week by the Indians.

    Mattingly, the son of Dodgers manager Don Mattingly, was assigned to the Dodgers’ Arizona camp for extended spring training.

    — Steve Dilbeck

  114. vl4eccjr

    Uribe is stinking it up so far. I’m not impressed. Just another has been brought in by Ned. I’m hoping he gets out of this funk soon. Suddenly I’m having Jason Schmidt flashbacks!!!

  115. OldBrooklynFan

    Hi Everybody
    I didn’t get to bed this morning until 5:00 PM EDT. But oddly enough I’m fresh as a daisy this morning. I guess Sinatra was right, “The older you get the less sleep you need”.

  116. messagebear

    I love the way some stories refer to Many’s retirement as a result of “issues with the MLB drug policy”. The plain fact is the F’er was caught CHEATING (AGAIN), which he had been doing for who knows how long. None of his major league performance should be credible, and his name should not even be on the ballot for the HOF. I would even like to find a way to expell him from the country, confiscate his mansions, and block his bank accounts the way we do with certain foreign dictators.
    Burn all jerseys with the #99!

  117. nellyjune

    However Messagebear, I agree with your sentiments. It also makes your wonder how many more were or are out there. As much as I like him, Prince Albert comes to mind.

  118. JhallWally

    Screw Manny!! We need Loney to find his groove soon or we’re hosed!!!! He did miss a week or so of ST so maybe his timing is just not there yet. We can’t afford to hang with him if he’s still hitting a buck fifty in another week.

  119. Emma

    Wow! No new thread yet. Have not had a chance to read all the comments and heading to San Diego soon. Just wanted to share this link from Evan. He lives in the San Francisco area. We used to post in the Dodgers forum a long time ago. I met him in person at Vero Beach a few years ago. Second time I saw him in person was at AT&T park when he spotted me at the ballpark.

  120. trublu4ever

    Good Morning ~ after watching last nights game, I’ve come to the conclusion that visiting fans will be harassed no matter what stadium they choose to attend. Padre fans are as obnoxious as anybody elses. It makes a person wonder if our society has changed that much? It’s become much more than a rivalry. Years ago, it was really bad attending a game at Candlestick Park…my girlfriend was a Giant fan and, I’d go sporting my Dodger Blue. I was constantly bothered. So much so that I didn’t know whether or not to wear my team’s colors at future games. I don’t think it’s all about the drinking. Although it may be a factor. When are people going to realize that baseball is just a game?

    • northstateblues

      Baseball makes its money on the fact that most of its fans believe it’s more than just a game.
      The day that everybody truly believes that it’s grown men paid millions to play a kid’s game is the day that the MLB folds.
      There’s nothing wrong in thinking that baseball is more than a game. But thinking that a baseball game, in which you are not an active participant on the roster, is a reason to harass or injure others, that’s the problem.
      The problem is that in this customer-is-always-right culture, to the powers that be, there is no such thing as a bad customer, because everyone is potential money. That’s why when you’ve been standing in lines at a register watching some jerk complain verbally berate people for a small mistake in such a way that those making $18 an hour shouldn’t have to put up with, let alone $8 an hour, the manager eventually comes out and showers them with free stuff. All the while, you, a loyal customer to the company, is taken for granted, and never offered free stuff because you will always give them your money because you value the service they provide more than they value you as a customer (they “need” you a lot more than they “value” you).
      Baseball’s a lot like that. And our owner is a real estate guy with a litigation fetish, he doesn’t know about running a baseball team, and he doesn’t know about customer service. To him, before the night of March 31st, morons like the two eunuchs who have pushed Kershaw’s curveball to Public Enemy #3 were potential repeat customers. They don’t want to irk people like the morons because they know they’re good for more than 2 $12.50 beers a night (though these people had theirs before the game), and when security played the catch-and-release game with belligerents that irate fans have become all too familiar with over the past 5 seasons, they were hoping since they had to take-one-for-the-team by actually trying to reason with those who are beyond it, that you’ll take one for the team by not responding when they pour beer on you and harass the wife. Otherwise, they’ll have to go with the absolute last resort, and, GASP!, turn away potential future customers/belligerents. SAY IT AIN’T SO!
      I wanted to let this breeze by, as I feel it isn’t classy to bring up things so soon… but seeing as these are repeat offenses, I’ll bring it up (and actually use the owner’s name this time)…
      Frank McCourt doesn’t care.
      He has a lot on his plate, and he doesn’t care about the average fan once the money’s switched from your pocket to his.
      Radio host Tom Leykis is offering twice what McCourt is offering for the capture of the eunuch morons. Frank doesn’t care.
      Frank didn’t care FOR DAYS after the attack, which ruined his “otherwise wonderful day” of swimming in our money before using it to pay for haircuts, another house or five, and private planes.
      And, this is the point I really didn’t want to bring up, but here goes: WHAT TOOK McCOURT SO LONG WITH THE DUKE SNIDER PATCH?!!!
      You took over a month to make any sort of announcement on memorializing him. You could’ve put a black armband on the sleeve in the interim, but no. All Spring Training, the Dodgers jerseys were pristine as ever, as if nothing ever happened. As if one of the MAJOR ICONS OF DODGER HISTORY hadn’t passed away recently.
      This guy could be in charge for the next 20 years. He claims to hold Dodger tradition in the highest regard, yet ignores the Duke’s death. He ignores the public’s pleas about the changing nature of belligerence at the stadium, ignores it until someone ends up in a coma, and now, he can’t even manage THE ONE THING he had on his resume, parking lots, without controversy.
      I don’t know how much longer I can let the kindness the O’Malley run organization extend the money I put in the pockets of those who now desecrate their office. I haven’t even bought Gameday Audio this year, instead content to listen to Rick and Charlie fight the Mariachi and Ranchero bands that share the Bakersfield station I can barely pick up.
      And if the day should come that I’ve decided that I can’t give my fandom any longer to a team run by a man who neither knows nor cares about the fact that to everyone outside of himself, the Dodgers are not a McCourt brand, I’ll have satisfaction knowing that the Los Angeles Dodgers died years before, and I’ll hold out hope that they’ll be run by someone again who will respect the people they’re taking money from.
      That day’s far off, but nowhere near as far as it used to be.

    • northstateblues

      He’s probably happy his medical problems were properly diagnosed and treated, his new team isn’t afraid to spend money to get over the edge, and that he’s a lot closer to home.
      Maybe not in that order.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I think you’d notice a similar occurance if we get rid of Loney. I think its mostly getting out of this loser organization that makes the difference. It seems to be where young guys come to die and old guys come to tank.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      Not that I cared we got rid of Martin – I didn’t BUT, I do take great joy in the fact that no matter what decisions Ned makes, they ALWAYS turn out to be the wrong ones.

    • JhallWally

      Yep Nelly, Russell is looking good!!! I hope he stays healthy. Can’t blame him for wanting out of the Dysfunctional Dodgers!!! I wouldn’t be surprised if a change of scenery also had a positive effect on Loney as well Beav!!!

      • nellyjune

        I feel the same way about Andre and Matt as well, and I think it is what was going through Andre’s head when he made those comments before the season started. Andre has played the politically correct side of things until until those comments. However, when you have your best friend (Pedroia) and your ex-teammate (Russell) playing for teams who have owners invested in winning, it has to be agonizing to be playing for an owner who is more interested in his son’s owning the team and his personal possessions.

  121. nellyjune

    Northstateblues – Wow!!!! ……and like I said before, I wish you were using your wonderful writing talent on how well the Dodgers and the organization are doing. BRAVO!!!!!

    • northstateblues

      Thanks Sparkle and Nelly.
      I fear that if I started my own blog and typed this stuff, I’d somehow find myself sued blind for libel and slander. I only have lint in my pockets, but judging from his track record, I don’t think that would matter.
      Might do it regardless, though, and be certain to cite sources and the like. Why should I spend all my precious time focusing on McSterling the owner, though…

  122. northstateblues

    How to Make a Quote like Frank McCourt
    Step 1: The Turnaround
    . . . .Example (from this article):

    McCourt, however, said at a press conference Friday he was skeptical about how great a role beer sales played in the problems. “I don’t think it’s the sale of beer that’s a problem, per se. I think it’s the abuse of that privilege,” he said.

    How to perform your own McCourt turnaround:
    “I don’t think it’s McCourt’s purchase of the Dodgers that’s a problem, per se. I think it’s the abuse of that purchase”.
    Mischief Managed.

  123. nedsajerk

    I still rather have Martin over Barajas. I seriously think the problem with Martin declining was all those games that he caught the past 3 years.

    • enchantedTheBeav

      I think you can attribute a fair amount of Martin’s start to the fact the pitchers don’t know him as well in the AL. Give him once through the league for the pitchers to make adjustments and we’ll see how he does.

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