The two sides of A.J. Ellis

Dodger fans watching today’s game saw the team enter the bottom of the ninth, down 5-0, only to score seven runs, capped off by a walk-off three-run shot by A.J. Ellis.

But it’s what happened afterward that prompted this post.

Sitting inside my office at Camelback Ranch, I have a view of Maury’s Pit, the mini field here where the players work on their bunting with Dodger legend, Maury Wills. In the afternoons, it turns into a playground for all the Dodgers’ players kids as they wait for their fathers to get done “at work.” In fact, yesterday a five-year-old Rafael Furcal Jr. was absolutely crushing baseballs using a Major League-sized bat.

Then today, right after watching the ninth inning unfold on TV, I looked outside my window and saw A.J. Ellis’ kids playing around in Maury’s Pit. As he walked up in street clothes, just a  few minutes after hitting a game-winning homer in a Major League game (albeit a Spring Training one), there were no congratulatory high fives or adulation…he simply picked up his son and immediately turned back into “Dad.”

Quite often, we forget that these players are actually people just like the rest of us but served as a fantastic reminder, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer person. A.J. is truly one of the most genuine people I’ve ever encountered in the game of baseball and his family is equally as awesome.

Congrats to all of them on their family’s game-winning hit and on having an All-Star dad.

ellis walk off.jpg 


  1. trublu4ever

    Thanks for the new thread, Josh. Love all you do for us….keep up the good work. We will do our best to keep you informed, as well 🙂

  2. nellyjune

    Fantastic post Josh!!!! I am kind of an A.J fan. I think with some consistent playing time, he just might surprise us with a good solid bat and a pretty good catcher at that 🙂

  3. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    Yeah, I know, I know. It?s been TOO LONG since the last time I started a post like that! Now that the season is almost here (YEAH!!! DODGER STADIUM HERE I COME!!!) I?ll try to keep my disappearing act to a minimum. I watch as many of the ST games as I can. Yeah, Giminez is really impressing me. As jhall said in the last thread, injuries are part of the game. I do like Casey Blake overall, but his body has been slowing down for quite some time now and it?s time for him (long overdue IMHO) to step aside and play a backup role and let a younger pup a chance. I always have liked the signing of Juan Uribe and his versatility will help us tremendously. I?m concerned that Jaime Carroll won?t be anything close to what he meant to us in 2010; only time will tell. I?ve never liked the idea of a platoon in LF, especially when our left-handed LFer isn?t doing all that well in ST. Again, only time will tell what happens there. But I?m thrilled that Giminez has been willing to play other positions aside from catcher. That?ll make him that much more valuable to us. Again, I don?t want any player to get injured, but if Navarro?s oblique problem opens a door for Giminez, then so be it.

  4. sunshine43

    I’m with you, nellyjune. I’ve been rooting for AJ to be one our two catchers all offseason. I was worried when they signed Barajas and Navarro, but I was still holding out hope that AJ will have a good spring and make the roster. I’ve met him a few times and completely agree with ItD! (I’d say Josh, but you never know who’s writing from the Front Office sometimes – never assume anything)

  5. nellyjune

    Hey CP!!! Good to see you!!! Can’t wait for the season to start so these comeback games actually count!

    sunshine – It would be a great thing to see him get some substantial playing time to see what he can really do.

  6. cpompe1

    My Nellygirl!
    Yeah, can?t wait either. Hey, guess what? I got another call this morning and I have another initial appointment on Tuesday with a plumbing company. I sent him a letter last year; this was a plumber that did some work for us. I remember when he was working at the house that he mentioned he needed QB help in his office so when I got my QB certification, I sent him a letter offering him my services. So be praying for me on Tuesday!

    I?m sorry for running out on you the other day, but I just lost track of time. I?ve got 30 minutes that I can spend on ITD tonight! Thx for telling me about yourself. I?m glad that you have a sports -minded class; yeah, it?s gotta be fun for you! I think I told you before my sister is a teacher at Arvin H.S. and I hear stuff from her. I know it?s tough what teachers have to deal with these days. I?m glad that the Academy is doing well and expanding! That is great news! I?m not in Norcal very often, but I?ve gotta make a point to come see you next time I am. I hope your hubby?s health scares haven?t been too traumatic for him, or you for that matter.

    If Michael decides to go to a 4-year school for baseball, does he have any schools he?s thinking of? You know LB State or Fullerton are great baseball schools! But I?ve gotta tell you something else. JC isn?t a death sentence anymore. One of my husband?s coworkers at the USPS has a son that pitches for the Phillies? organization. His name is Justin De Fratus. The kid was pitching a ST game a couple of weeks ago against the Yankees when he gave up a HR to Curtis Granderson. I know he?s not on their roster, but I don?t know if he?s going back to AA or if he?ll get promoted to AAA. My point is that Justin was going to Ventura College when he got drafted by the Phillies. And we all know that our Andre started at a JC and then went to ASU. So there are tons of possibilities open to him! And the love birds are still love birds? That?s great to hear! How?s school for Mariya? Well I hope.

    So you and Trumom are coming to Andre’s Bobblehead night? Maybe I can convince my mom to take me on that night and we can meet up for sure! I?d love to see you two! And I?d love it if you met my mom! Can?t remember, have you met my mom yet? At first I was saying no, you haven?t but perhaps you have and I don?t remember. Oh well, we?ll plan on something later. Love ya!

  7. cpompe1

    Jhall!!! It?s been too long my friend! So how is life in Ohio these days? Your Buckeyes are doing well in the tourney! You?ve gotta be thrilled!

  8. nellyjune

    CP – That’s great about your business…..prayers for sure!!!

    I will let you know when I am heading down the So-Cal way too. I don’t think I have met your mom. We were supposed to meet at Andre’s autograph signing at AT&T, but remember, I went back in line to have another thing signed for your mom – LOL!!! shhhhh!!! don’t tell!!!

    Michael is leaning towards two JC’s. Cabrillo College in Aptos (Santa Cruz area) and Northeastern Oklahoma A&M in Miami, Oklahoma (80 miles from Tulsa). Cabrillo College has been contacting Michael since early summer, and how NE Oklahoma came into the picture is New Mexico State. They wanted to give Michael a full scholarship, but they need him to play a year (or two) at a JC. So, NE Oklahoma is a feeder school into NM State (sound familiar?). That would also be a full scholarship. He is flying out there during his spring break to check out the school and the team. There are several players from California he is going to talk to and several players who came from NM state as well. Both teams are doing very well in their divisions so he can’t lose that way. Menlo College (a four year NAIA private school) is still in the picture, and it’s early so who knows who else will be in the picture in the next month or so. He is pitching very well right now (his ERA is about a 1.7 or less), and they just beat an undefeated team on Tuesday.

  9. jhallwally

    Hi’Ya CP!!! Going well here. Thanks!!! Yea, we’re very happy with the Basket Ball Buckeyes!!!! Still a long way to go!!! One game at a time..

  10. jhallwally

    Two sides of Barry!!! Put the Pumpkin head steroid boy in jail!!!!!!! Freakin’ lyin’ peice of crap!!!!!!

  11. nellyjune

    Jhall – I was listening to KNBR (gnat radio), and they were talking about the trial saying that Stan Conte is on the witness list for next week some time.

  12. jhallwally

    Well Nelly, lets hope Conte can do one thing right in his life. Bury the pumpkin head steroid boy!!!! He’s worthless as a trainer!!!!

  13. nellyjune

    So far, they are saying there isn’t enough clear-cut evidence to prove he knew about it (whether we, the fans, think so or not), but then you are talking the gnat fans mind is a little skewed when it comes to him.

  14. crzblue2

    Glad you are OK EnchantedB!
    We Love A.J. He was the nicest when he was one of the guest s we had for the Boton Dodger road trip.
    For those that might like to attend the SABR conference in Long Beach, the game we will be going to is the Andre Ethier BBH night. We will also be going to an Angel game and posible a game at San Bernardino (Rancho Cucamonga will be on the road). I with someone else is in charge of the goodie bags.
    My afternoon conductor on Metrolink gave me some flyers about the new Metrolink lines (Anetelope Valley, San Bernardino, Ventura County) will offer weeknight return service from Union Station at 11:p.m. so riders can use these lines to connect with the Dodger Stadium Express. details at
    If I can be of any help to our Dodger fans that live far, let me know.

  15. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!! I am testing this to see if it is working. Tru can’t seem to get on here, and I am seeing if the same happens to me. Have a great day Dodger fans!! I am very proud of Andre, James and all the players that are going to Tuscon to play baseball today.

  16. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!! I am testing this to see if it is working. Tru can’t seem to get on here, and I am seeing if the same happens to me. Have a great day Dodger fans!! I am very proud of Andre, James and all the players that are going to Tuscon to play baseball today.

  17. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi Folks
    Yes it was a great finish to a game regardless of it’s importance and it was good to see A.J. finally get a hold of one.
    It shows if he gets the right pitch, he can hit it out.
    He just has to do it more often to better his chances of making the team and the Dodgers could sure use another homegrown.

  18. crzblue2

    No posting since my last one last night? I know the website was not working earlier. i think this has to do with the email Mark sent that they are upgrading all the MLb blogs, but is working now.
    Four job openings at work. accounting, field engineer (San Jose), quality engineer and Production control. Also we will have the Summer program which is good for students with good grades and that are continuing their education.
    Six days or 146 hours till Dodgers Opening Day!

  19. oldbrooklynfan

    Hi everyone
    I tried to post here earlier but apparently I couldn’t, so I’m just trying to see If I can get this in.

  20. Dodger4life

    I just seen the pictures of the Arizona game today. I just wanted to say, that it was so nice, to see the Green Family, smiling once again. Their daughter/sister/loved one was truly an angel.
    We are all so blessed to have been touched by her.
    Christina We Love You…

  21. jhallwally

    Hello Everyone!! Well, I’m looking forward to these next few games and seeing who makes the cut and who doesn’t!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! GO DODGERS!!!

  22. jhallwally

    Hello Everyone!! Well, I’m looking forward to these next few games and seeing who makes the cut and who doesn’t!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! GO DODGERS!!!

  23. jhallwally

    Hello Everyone!! Well, I’m looking forward to these next few games and seeing who makes the cut and who doesn’t!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! GO DODGERS!!!

  24. jhallwally

    Hello Everyone!! Well, I’m looking forward to these next few games and seeing who makes the cut and who doesn’t!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! GO DODGERS!!!

  25. jhallwally

    Hello Everyone!! Well, I’m looking forward to these next few games and seeing who makes the cut and who doesn’t!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! GO DODGERS!!!

  26. jhallwally

    Hello Everyone!! Well, I’m looking forward to these next few games and seeing who makes the cut and who doesn’t!! Hope you all have a great weekend!! GO DODGERS!!!

  27. colliethec

    Where is everybody? No posts in 2 days? Did the rapture take place or something?!!! I hope not! Take care…

  28. trublu4ever

    Since Josh doesn’t seem to be around, why don’t you (Dodgereric, Enchanted or Jhall) start a new thread here?!
    We need a new and good topic of discussion.

  29. JhallWally

    Hello gang!! What’s happening? Good idea Dad!! Sounds like Bud’s got Franky by the short hairs!! Can’t wait until he is gone. The sooner the better for all concerned. I’m not buying his SoJackOff contrition and crocidile tears!!! Hope the fans continue to not show up.

    • trublu4ever

      If frank can’t make payroll, there won’t be a team to watch 🙂 I take that back….with the crap Donny put on the field yesterday, there ISN’T a team to watch!

      • JhallWally

        LOL!! They’re not worth watching now. MLB won’t let that happen. It will just give Bud more ammo to seize the team and force a sale!!! JMO!! I’m praying that we are close to the day when it is announced that MLB is selling the team and all hell breaks out here and in LA!!!! Wah-Hoo, what a party!!!

      • trublu4ever

        If, and when, that happens, we all need to meet up and toast mccrook’s ouster 🙂 That will be a great day for Dodger fans everywhere!

  30. selltheteam

    For some really lousy baseball viewing, tune in this weekend to watch our AAA Dodgers team take on the New York Mets. This weekend’s play to feature such outstanding players such as Aaron Miles, Jay Gibbons, Russell Mitchell, and James Loney. Perhaps some surprise appearances from Jamie Hoffman and John Lindblom. Who knows, maybe Ned will dig up the Ortizii and Juan Castro? Family fun for all.

    • Nellyjune

      I read that yesterday. Let’s hope it’s something these couple of days rest will cure. MLB Network was reporting he should be ready for Friday’s game against the Mets. However, we do have Conte so I am being cautiously optimistic at this point.

  31. dodgereric

    I gotta get some work done sometime today, but I thought I’d pass this along:
    I doubt the “ten best” are in any sort of order, namely because Vin is the 4th one. And you up there in gnat land are going to barf when you get to a certain twosome, but the article is well worth the reading just for the one about Bob Uecker. It has a bunch of his quotes, and they’re just friggin’ hilarious! Example:
    “People don’t know this, but I helped the Cardinals win the pennant. I came down with hepatitis. The trainer injected me with it.”

    • Nellyjune

      To use your phrase…………..”Dear Lord” or “Good Gawd”. Jon Miller I can certainly see. Even though he is the voice of the Giants, he does have some good stories to tell. As for the other two……………..blah!!!!!

    • jhallwally

      If Franky would have listened to me, we wouldn’t be stuck with No Nut Ned. He’s creepy with that cheesy mustache and cowboy boots. Plus, I could have a couple of more houses with all the money he has wasted on crummy players and contracts.

      • Nellyjune

        I guess we can eliminate you from the “Guess Who Frank and Ned is Game?” – LOL!!!!
        ………..and yes, Andre, Grady and Matt would be my starting outfield if I got to choose an outfield for Dodgereric (our on the field manager). They not only have hot bat, but they have hot everything else too – LOL!!!!

      • JhallJamie

        That’s right Nelly, they not only need a decent batting avg, they need a high bun avg to be on my team!!!

      • Nellyjune

        Ryan Braun can be back up just in case Grady isn’t available (Grady is prone to injury at times). He would make a fine catch too – LOL!!!

    • JhallJamie

      Hee, hee!! Well I’ve been quiet too long also. If that limp …. ex of mine is going to open his mouth and try to pin all his bad decisions on me, well, I’m not going to take it. Half this team is mine!!!

  32. Frank McCourt

    Hamana-hamana-hamana…….Oh baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ve made mistakes, but I want to win you back.

    • JhallJamie

      I hope Bud hurries up and forces you to sell the team while there is still some equity left. The longer you are there, the less the franchise will be worth and I want my big fat payoff you limp bastard!!!!

  33. Frank McCourt

    Well, gotta go. I’m seein’ a couple of guys who look like Ron and Bobby from Lizard Lick Towing checkin’ out my Yugo. Where’s my bat? Ned, get out here, you’re fatter than I am!

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