Kuo and his love of dogs…

Despite being around the team year-round, I still learn new things every day about our players. Just found out that Hong-Chih Kuo has four dogs here in LA and one back in Taiwan and that he recently took part in an SPCA event in Taiwan last week. The news release is below…seems like a natural fit for next year’s Bark in the Park!

And don’t forget, you can still vote for Kuo for Setup Man of the Year at MLB.com

Happy Thanksgiving to Dodger fans around the country…enjoy the time with your family and friends.

Taipei – Not only does Hong-Chih Kuo have the skills to be one of the few players that ultimately made it to the MLB, he’s one of the few that has a true compassion for animal welfare. Back in Taiwan for just a few weeks, he spent time on a campaign for the Taiwan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TW SPCA), to speak up against animal cruelty. Kuo states that before moving to the states to play for the L.A. Dodgers, he saw many media reports of acts of violence towards animals and the devastating experiences of many of Taiwan’s strays. This hits close to home as he has five dogs of his own; four in L.A. and one in his native home of Tainan. Kuo contacted the TW SPCA through his manager and voiced his desire to try and help improve animal welfare in Taiwan.

The SPCA is an international animal welfare group of independent organizations based in many countries around the world, such as: England, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Taiwan SPCA was established in July of 2009 and has already applied to the Ministry of the Interior for NGO status. Taiwan SPCA’s constitution, goals, and organizational structure are already being supported by many, including famous celebrities such as: Dee Hsu (Xiao S), Mavis & 100% Band, MC Hotdog, Machi, Wang Shao Wei, singer Alex Lee, and SBL basketball players whom have all filmed supportive messages and/or campaign messages for the Taiwan SPCA.

In Kuo’s video campaign, he is portrayed as a defender of animals and is shown helping out strays. The concept came about when Kuo started asking the TW SPCA for information on cruelty cases in Taiwan. It showed his genuine interest in the matter and his aspiration to make a difference. On the day of the video shoot, Kuo also signed an endorsement letter for the Taiwan SPCA, hoping that others will join in on the fight against animal cruelty.

The Taiwan SPCA hopes that this video campaign can be shown across all media platforms to remind the public that Taiwan’s animals still need our help. It shouldn’t be a “out of sight, out of mind” kind of situation anymore. If anyone wishes to volunteer, adopt or foster an animal, or donate to TW SPCA’s cause, please contact us at: spca@spca.org.tw


  1. cpompe1

    Josh ? Thx for the info on Kuo! THESE are the types of tidbits and things on the players I?d like to see more of. As Dodger fans, we all know about the players on the field, but rarely do we get to see even a part of a player?s personal likes/dislikes/passions outside of baseball. Things like this on Kuo just help serve to get to know the player better as a person. As a fellow dog lover, I?d like to say thanks to Kuo for his personal efforts to help the lives of our four-legged friends.

    Oh, and again, I like the Dodgers? coaching staff!!!

  2. jhallwally

    Thank You Josh and Thank You ITD Faithful for your fantastic banter and companionship about our beloved Dodgers. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! Excelsior True Blue Believers!!!!!

  3. nellyjune

    Good Morning ITD readers and writers!!!!

    Josh – thank you for all the updates, and thanks once again for allowing us this wonderful forum to share our opinions, stories and all the other things in between about the Dodgers and life itself. Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone in the Dodger Organization.

    Happy Thanksgiving to this fabulous ITD family. I hope you have a wonderful day of enjoying your family, friends and food of course. Best Wishes always.

    80 Days until pitchers and catchers report 🙂

  4. colliethec

    I just had to stop by too wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I hope you are all doing well and have an awesome day with whatever your plans are!!
    Take care…

  5. northstateblues

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    I’ve been silent lately, but hey, hey, what can I say?

    Hope everyone’s having a good one

  6. enchantedbeaver

    A belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    A very nice assessment of our fearless GM is given on MSTI. In fact, if you have the time, a nice breakdown of the entire 2010 team as well.

    Going to be interesting to see who gets tendered and who doesn’t here in a few days, then too the winter meetings. I’m almost certain though that in the end, Ned will panic and we’ll have none other than Pathednik back in left and Theriot at second. We’ll start with essentially the same team we ended with last season which ought to give us a leg-up in 2011 of catching the Snakes.

  7. dodgerzona

    Hi all…Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving….I for one like the Garland signing…Innings eater and alot better then Padilla….My opinion….Lets get ‘A’ good bat now….Not Pods….Take care all

  8. northstateblues

    Hey hey, the band’s all together.

    If only we could get the issues at the top taken care of.

    Of course, the “problem” is oblivious, so looks like we’ll have to deal with it for a while.

    The deficiency doesn’t even come from the fact that the team was bought with a parking lot. Another Boston figure, Robert Kraft (or whatever the heck his name is), bought the New England Patriots with a Parking Lot.

    He knows what it takes to win championships though.

    Our owner doesn’t care. Just content to keep the Dodgers just south of “vinegar strokes” range (a reference for those who watch FX’s “The League”). A symptom of the owner growing up liking a team that was at best almost good enough over the course of his fandom. And he wants to make our team in that image.

    Thank God Davey Lopes is here to school the youngsters on what Dodger Tradition means. That’s the kind of soldier I want as General.

  9. sparkleplenty_1

    I for one am quite excited about the Garland signing. The juices are starting to flow for next season already – LOL!

  10. kpookiemon

    Garland signing is very nice…thought he was a stud last year for the Pods. Vicente, guess that means “ta ta.” You pitched well for the Dodgers…you just couldn’t stay healthy. Does this mean the Dodgers may actually acquire a REAL left fielder down the line? Ned, please don’t undo the semi-good winter so far by throwing a menage a tois of Xavier Paul, Jamie Hoffman and Jay Gibbons at the problem. And what is it, five days until Russell Martin decision time?

  11. trublu4ever

    For what it’s woth, I’m also glad Garland is back.
    I’m also very glad to have E smiling once again 🙂

  12. enchantedbeaver

    Shad – team option for 2012 if Garland reaches 190 innings.

    I actually like this signing – Jon’s better than anything they trotted out there #5 last year and if he eats up his 190 innings, saves the bully that much more wear and tear.

    My biggest hope for Little Joey is that he allows the starters to actually go 7+ innings. We all saw what an overused pen does for you the 2nd half of a season.

  13. nellyjune

    Well, if enchanted is happy about this signing, then it must be a good thing – lol!!!

    I am glad to have Jon Garland back. I thought he really should have been part of 2009 post season, but Joe thought differently I guess. We have got a good starting rotation which is great. We added Eveland to the bullpen hopefully, which I think he will make a great middle/long relief if needed. With Jansen and hopefully a better than ever Broxton, we are back in pitching business for once.

  14. lbirken@aol.com

    Wow, E is impressed. I hope you have not lowered your standards! But I think this is a good move, especially for a back of the order spot. Ned does pull a lot of surprises.

  15. jhallwally

    Hello Gang!!! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!! I’m OK with signing Garland for our 5 spot. It’s been awhile since we have gone into a season with five established starters. Just don’t take a step back by signing Theriot to play 2nd.

  16. jhallwally

    We need a catcher. I would work Martin out at 2nd base or 3rd if we don’t non tender him(we should non tender him)!!! I would cut and run with Martin. Loney, eh, one more year and see what happens. I would trade Loney if we can get a proven power hitter at either 1st or Left Field.

  17. nellyjune

    LOL enchanted and lbirken!

    Hey Jhall!!! It’s great seeing you back in these parts :)) ……and I rather see a power left fielder than give up James, but I understand the thinking.

  18. cpompe1

    Good evening ITD boys and girls!
    I didn?t even know we were on his radar, but I am very pleased with the Garland signing! Welcome back Jonny!!! Okay, I?m going to have to change that somehow. I want to give him his own nickname; not a different spelling of someone else? nickname. I know I call the other JB a lot, but I?d still like to give Garland his own, unique nickname. Any ideas?

    Neddy, you surprise me. I really wasn?t expecting much from him this offseason, but so far so good. At least the rotation seems set. Still, it?s Black Friday and I?ll take it when I can. As it is, I can?t remember the last time we ever had our SP rotation set this early in the offseason. Let?s just keep this ball rolling and get the position players set soon too.

  19. lbirken@aol.com

    I don’t think Martin has the range for 2nd base. As I recall he did play a little third base. However, it is not his defense that has us all concerned but his offense. It will be interesting to see what happens since the Dodgers, at least at the moment, don’t seem to have a lot of good options within the organization.

  20. nedajerk

    Not talking about that I’m talking about him should’ve had a 2 years extension last year when we traded for him for Abreu but instead we let him go to the Padres.

  21. nedajerk

    Well they is always Andy LaRouche and his natural position was 2nd bases than we moved him to 3rd in the minor. Maybe Russ Mitchell can played 2nd bases.

  22. Dodger4life

    The Futures So Bright, It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid


    ITD and Dodger Lyrics
    Seen by the masses
    We have 2 fearless leader’s, gas’n labels on the glasses
    Things are going great, and the music makes it better
    Frankie’s running scared, afraid he won’t he get paid
    The futures so bright, it’s in the ITD Kool-Aid
    It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid

    We’ve got a song waitin, for any procrastination
    3 million+ every year, wanting to cheer
    Things are going great, and the music makes it better
    Frankie’s running scared, afraid he won’t get paid
    The futures so bright, it’s in the ITD Kool-Aid
    It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid

    Well were Dodger Blue obsessed, just read the lines
    E’s a free kin Bob Dylan, under the NedCo © sign
    Things are going great, and the music makes it better
    Frankie’s running scared, afraid he won’t get paid
    The Futures so bright, it’s in the ITD Kool-Aid
    It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid

    ITD and Dodger Lyrics
    Seen by the masses
    We’ve got 2 fearless leaders, gas’n labels on the glasses
    Things are going great and the music makes it better
    Frankie’s running scared, afraid he won’t get paid
    The futures so bright, it’s in the ITD Kool-Aid
    It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid
    It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid
    It’s in the ITD Kool-Aid

  23. cpompe1

    Hey Trumom!
    Like I said earlier, Neddy is surprising me. I don?t want to count my chickens before they?re hatched, but not only has Neddy been aggressive, but he hasn?t (so far) made his bone-head moves that convince no one and only serve to worsen the situation. But if signing Uribe to a 2 or 3 year deal would be a very good thing indeed. I would love to see his defensive prowess at 2B and transition to 3B for 2012. I just hope he stays healthy. The O-Dog was fun to watch defensively, but I was always holding my breath every time he dove for a ball for fear he?d jam that wrist again. This guy is a horse; I like that a lot. And I?d love NOTHING BETTER than to stick it to the gnats. I was reading some comments on Uribe and there are a lot of gnat fans that would be very sorry if Uribe would sign with another team; especially an NL West team! To me, that?s reason enough for the Dodgers to sign him!!!

  24. cpompe1

    I sure am having a lot of fun watching gnat fans wiggle and squirm at the prospect that Uribe may be wearing Dodger Blue in 2011! Well, I?ve got things to do, so I?ll catch up with y?all later?

  25. nellyjune

    Great song Dodger4life!!!!! :))

    77 days until pitchers and catchers report, and it looks like we have quite the starting pitching staff showing up so far. I am liking the Eveland signing too. I think he will be a great long relief guy in case one of our starters just doesn’t quite have his stuff that day.

  26. nellyjune

    The gnat fans I live with don’t seem to be bothered by the Uribe rumor too much…….yet. I guess Panda has been given an ultamatum that if he doesn’t come to spring training in shape, he is starting in AAA.

  27. dodgerzona

    Hello…I like the Eveland signing to Nelly…I think he was a top prospect at one time? So far i am happy with what Ned is doing….Nice starting 5 and if he get’s Uribe that would be good to….Stick it to the Gnats…Of course he could be just trying to drive up the price to…Who know’s…Hope all of you are doing well….I’m coming out there April 1st and 2nd for the Dodger-Giants games…First time at Dodger stadium….Got tickets for the Laker game on the 3rd to 🙂

  28. nellyjune

    You are sure to have a great time Dodgerzona!!! I would love to go to Opening Day or at least day 2 (since it is Saturday), but we have to wait until the highschool schedule comes out to see what’s what.

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